#nolwi’s journal
nolwi · 2 years
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It’s been a long hiatus… but I’m back once again, continuing on my witchcraft journey, and now with the desire to update and journal here!
I think a reintroduction is in order: You may call me Nolwi 🖤 I started using this blog to research and collect spells, tips, divination techniques, and general witchy information 7 years ago when I was 19! I am now 26, and very much a changed person from when I started. Pictured is my little familiar, my cat Shōyu~
I’m excited to be back at long last - I feel like I’ve been away from a home that I desperately missed
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nolwi · 2 years
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Took the cat out on his leash to see the lunar eclipse tonight! A full moon in Scorpio no less.
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nolwi · 5 years
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These mini altars are honestly giving me so much life. Decided to make little needlepoint altar cloths to stick in the lids of the containers I’m using 🖤
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nolwi · 5 years
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Finished putting together my mini altar!
It includes:
-A candle
-mini glow-in-the-dark stars I painted to represent the elements
-A small piece of moonstone
-A quick and dirty mini guide to Norse Runes
-slips of paper for sigils
-And a teeny embroidered altar cloth!
I’ve been meaning to put this together for YEARS. I straight up bought these candies with the intention of using this tin for a mini altar in 2016. And now, in August of 2019, I’ve finished it.
So to all my fellow witches out there: don’t worry if that project you’ve been meaning to do doesn’t happen right away. Sometimes we just have to wait until we’re in the right place to be able to do the work. I know I had to move three times, end a relationship I’d been in for most of my adult life, and rediscover how to care for myself and my friends before I was in the right place. And now? It’s finished and I love it, and it’s giving me a beautiful sense of accomplishment during a chapter where I feel like I’m losing control.
There’s no reason to rush yourself, or to feel bad for not working on things right away. Take your time. The means will come to you when you’re ready 🖤
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nolwi · 8 years
I. Am. So. Excited. The apartment I live in currently only has a standing-room shower thing, despite having a huge bathroom but like… I’m moving on Friday. And the apartment I’m moving into has a full-sized tub!! I AM GOING TO MAKE SO MANY BATH BOMBS AND SALTS AND BUBBLE BATHS AND GLAMOUR SPELL BATHS AAAAHHHHHH
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nolwi · 5 years
Ahw yis we back on it
Decided that today I want to start to put together a smaller travel altar that I can move easily around the house, or take into the yard
Mostly because my altar shares a space that my partner uses to make music and play video games, as well as just hang out with friends, so I don’t always have free access to my desk
My other ongoing projects are a tarot cloth and a mini altar to keep in my purse! Let’s see how we do 🖤
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nolwi · 8 years
I'm getting a bunny!!!
Does anyone here have any tips they could give me? I’m so excited I might actually scream 😍😍😍
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nolwi · 8 years
I woke up incredibly content, snuggled into my favourite blanket, and listening to the patter of rain outside… I just wish that I didn’t have to work in a couple hours. This was shaping up to be a splendid Mabon ♡ :(
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nolwi · 9 years
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My newest crystal!! Rutile Crystal Quartz ♡
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nolwi · 9 years
A little bummed I didn’t get to work on my altar today (Had class at 8, and then work until midnight…) but at least I got some small votives for spells, and some lovely autumn-y scented candles! ♡ And I don’t have work until 17:30 tomorrow, so I should be free to get pretty far on my pentacle~
I desire to rest well this night, and awake refreshed with the morning light...
So mote it be.
Blessed be ♡
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