#non illuminated Mirror Cabinet
bathroomforless · 9 days
Discover our selection of high-quality non-illuminated mirror cabinets, featuring top brands like Nuie alongside our exclusive collection at Bathroom4less. These stylish and functional cabinets provide ample storage while adding a sleek, modern touch to your bathroom. Crafted with precision and designed for durability, our mirror cabinets offer a perfect blend of practicality and elegance. Enhance your bathroom with our premium range and find the ideal cabinet to suit your space.
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Here at bathroom shop UK, we stock the full range of HiB Illuminated and Non Illuminated Mirrors, Illuminated and Non Illuminated Mirror Cabinets, lights, and more. Choose from Square, round, oval, large mirrors or small, there really is a mirror to suit every bathroom.
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aylacavebear · 2 months
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 5
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 5285
Warnings: Angst, Past Trauma, some Fluff, Confrontation, Dean being a sweetheart & protective.
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 5
You were holding your breath as the wall seemed to click open, just slightly in that dark corner. At first, you attempted to pull it open, but it didn’t budge, so you gently pushed it, and it gave way. It didn’t push open far, though, only enough to squeeze through. Dean barely fit as he followed you down the thin steps.
The hidden passage was a masterpiece of concealment, meticulously designed to blend in with its surroundings. It was a secret within a secret, so well-hidden that even a knock on the wall would have betrayed nothing. Dean, ensuring the secrecy remained intact, closed the door behind him and descended the steps, adding to the suspense of the exploration. 
You used the flashlight on your phone as the two of you descended the steep staircase, wondering how your dad had managed to build this without anyone finding out. Dean stayed quiet, but his eyes were on you. It felt like you had gone down a few flights of stairs before it finally opened up into a very small landing, another door to your right, which would have led you underneath the house. Using the skeleton key again, you put it in the keyhole, turning it. Dean raised an eyebrow when it clicked and popped open, like the prior hidden door.
Your hand instinctively went to the inside of the door, to your right, finding a light switch, illuminating the most fantastic thing you’d ever seen. You missed Dean’s shocked expression from behind you. It was like an underground house, almost a mirror image of the one above it. There was a living room, though no fireplace, a kitchen, a hallway, and a bedroom. It was also completely furnished. In the back of the kitchen was a laundry room. There was also a pantry, but it was far larger than the one in the house above, and it was fully stocked with canned and bucketed-up food. The sight was nothing short of astonishing.
Dean silently followed you as you looked in each of the areas. You still hadn’t come across the information that your parents had spoken of in the letters, so you kept moving down the hallway and into the bedroom. It was larger, like a master bedroom, and it was set up slightly differently than the one above. The closet in this one was on the opposite wall. It was a decent-sized walk-in closet. Clothes hung on all three sides with some folded on the shelf above with some extra blankets. You smiled softly, realizing your parents had done a fair bit of planning for this. Most of the clothes there would fit you.
At the back of the closet, you moved the clothes out of your way, but there was nothing along the wall anywhere. Slightly frustrated, you checked the wall to your left, but again, nothing. Dean just watched in awe and curiosity as you went to the opposite wall, finding yet another keyhole near the entrance.
Using the skeleton key, you popped the door open, and the small room came to life. The main light turned on, as did four different monitors on a desk that stretched the length of the far wall. On the other wall across from those were filing cabinets and a shelf with books on it. Then there were the computers the monitors were attached to. In the center of the room, though, was a rectangular table. Near the edge, closest to the door, was a lock box, and you could have sworn your heart stopped.
You gingerly walked over to it, pulled the smaller key out of your pocket, and slipped it into the keyhole, turning it slowly. Holding your breath, you opened it. The lock box was full of paperwork, all neatly kept. On top of that was another letter. Pulling the letter out, you then pulled yourself up onto the table next to the lockbox while Dean began looking through the paperwork.
We’re both so proud of you. This place will keep you safe if you need to hide for a while. We’re both sorry that we couldn’t do an underground garage, but it was too risky. There is enough food stocked in the pantry to get you through at least six months. Since it’s all stayed in optimal conditions, it will still be fine no matter when you find this place.
This room is where your security system is. The entire house is wired with cameras, both inside and out. They only record when movement is detected, but that will automatically change three months before your twenty-fifth birthday. At that time, they will record everything, with a file that will have the videos where movement was detected.
All the paperwork we’ve spoken of is in this lockbox. Talk to Jodi. She’ll know who to get it to so you can get out of the contract that Mark had drawn up for Nick. This is important: Never give anyone the originals. There are several copies located in the filing cabinets. Use those when involving anyone. And only involve those you trust, implicitly, like Bobby and Ellen. If John is around, you can trust him, too, as well as Mary. These papers will also help your soulmate when you find him, even if you won’t know it’s him.
We love you so much. We have faith that you’ll get through this and that you’ll find your soulmate. Move whatever you need into this sanctuary. Don’t talk about it over the phone, just in case the other person’s phone is tapped. Be safe, our little angel.
Love, Your Parents
You were in tears again, although they weren’t as hard as before. Dean came over and wrapped his arms around you, just holding you close and trying to comfort you. Neither of you had spoken for a little while now. Your entire world had literally turned upside down.
Dean took a deep breath before he spoke, still holding you close, “I’d ask how you’re doing, but that’s sort of obvious. I can stay if you don’t want to be alone.”
“Thanks,” you replied quietly as he finally pulled away, and then sat in the chair next to you.
“My brother, he can help you with this,” Dean began, but you sighed.
“I heard John, Bobby, and Jodi earlier at the garage. With what my parents said in those letters, I know what monster they were talking about, Nick. The original document they need is somewhere in that lockbox. And, somehow, you’re involved, but I don’t know how. I just feel so… empty right now, and numb. It’s really overwhelming,” you told him quietly, staring more at the floor.
Dean set his hand on your knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. When you looked over at him, he had a soft, almost compassionate smile that felt comforting in a way. “Why don’t we take tonight, sleep on it all, and we’ll deal with everything in the morning? You look exhausted.”
You chuckled a little, knowing he had a good point, “Alright. Let’s head back upstairs, then.”
After placing all the letters inside the lockbox, you locked it back up. Dean followed you back out, through the bunker, then up the steep staircase, before you both made it back into the garage, clicking the hidden door back into place.
You were still astonished at all that you had discovered in just over four hours. Your mind was so full of thoughts, questions, and worries that you felt like you were in a daze, moving on almost autopilot. Dean helped you grab some blankets and spare pillows for him to sleep on the couch before you headed to your room and changed into some comfy pajamas. They were simple sleep pants with a tank top.
“Want a beer or whiskey? I still feel bad for forgetting about Harvelle’s tonight,” you asked, watching him sit down on the couch.
“Sure. We can have a drink together,” he answered with that soft smile of his, “I’ll have a beer.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crept across your lips before going to the kitchen and retrieving two beers. Popping the tops, you handed one to Dean, took a sip of your own, then sat adjacent to him on the coffee table. 
“I’m sorry you got dragged into this,” you sighed, fidgeting with your beer bottle, staring off at nothing in particular.
You missed the pain in Dean’s eyes, the yearning of wanting to hold you close, and how he stopped himself from pulling you into his arms again. “It’s okay. I’m just glad you don’t have to go through it alone. I know you don’t share much with Bobby, Jodi, or even Ellen. Now, why don’t we focus on something else, like what an amazingly badass mechanic you are,” he told you, smiling proudly when you finally did look up at him.
There was no stopping that light blush that found its way into your cheeks. Compliments weren’t something you were used to, at least not from anyone who wasn’t family. “Thanks,” you replied shyly, ducking your head down a bit, then took a sip of your beer.
“Oh, so she can blush,” he teased you playfully, only making the blush deeper.
“You’re not helping,” you grumbled, but for some reason, there was a slight smile on your lips that you couldn’t stop either.
“Helped the blush,” he chuckled, “Where’d you learn to be a mechanic?”
“Bobby taught me after I pestered him about it. I fell in love with cars after watching The Dukes of Hazard growing up. But, I’ve been playing around in Bobby’s garage since I was like four,” you chuckled, feeling like you were slowly relaxing.
He couldn’t help the laughter that rumbled from his chest, “Good show.”
The two of you talked a bit longer, at least until you two finished your beers. The conversation had relaxed you from the evening's events that had put you on edge. When you went to bid Dean goodnight, though, he got up and hugged you again. For the first time, you felt a sense of safety and contentment being held like that. 
You texted Ellen, letting her know that you needed to talk to her, Bobby, and Jodi the following day, preferably at the garage. You weren’t yet sure about involving John, even though your parents said you could trust him, and Mary, whom you hadn’t met yet. You had decided you would start with those you trusted, and if they deemed it necessary, John could be involved.
He was the first person, not family, that you had let get close to you. There were things you’d told Dean that not even your family knew about, not including tonight's discoveries. As you climbed into bed, under the covers, you smiled to yourself.
I’m still not gonna hope. Having a friend is enough. No. He’s my best friend. I hope he finds his soulmate. He’s an amazing man with a heart of gold.
The scent of coffee, eggs, and bacon pulled you from your slumber, and it smelled amazing. You were smiling before your eyes were even open. Inhaling deeply, you stretched out your rested body, sighing happily as you glanced over at the clock. 
A chuckle slipped out when you saw it read just after nine. You hadn’t slept that late in a while. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you wandered down the stairs and then into the kitchen, finding Dean standing at the stove, cooking breakfast.
“Mornin’ sleepy head. Hope you’re hungry,” he told you, only glancing at you for a moment before he focused back on his task.
“I am now,” you replied, getting out your coffee cup, filling it, and then sitting at the table, letting the warmth seep into your hands. “You didn’t have to cook me anything. Did you sleep okay?”
“I was hungry, and I wasn’t about to cook just for me in your house,” he chuckled, fairly amused, “Your couch is probably one of the most comfortable I’ve slept on in a while.”
What you didn’t know was that he had stayed up most of the night, watching over you, worried. He’d only gotten about four hours of sleep when his body forced him to doze off out of exhaustion. “My parents picked it out before I was born. I hope my snoring didn’t bother you,” you replied, glancing over at him.
Dean began plating up breakfast, “You don’t snore.”
He had that playful smirk on again, which brought a soft smile to you. Dean set a plate down in front of you, then sat across from you with his own, along with a cup of coffee. His answer surprised you a bit, as it had been something Jo had complained about when you lived with Ellen. 
You moved your hair so that it was behind you and not over your shoulders so you could eat. It truly did smell amazing. You missed how Dean froze for a moment, practically choking on the bite he’d taken when he looked over at you, then went back to his breakfast.
“I have to go to the garage in an hour. I asked Ellen if she’d meet me there. I need to talk to them and let them know what I found,” you explained, focusing more on your breakfast than Dean.
“Is it cool if my Dad is there too?” he asked, glancing over at you briefly.
“If you say I can trust him, then I don’t mind. And breakfast really is amazing. Thanks. No one’s cooked for me like this in a long time,” you replied with that soft smile.
“Thanks, Sweetheart. Learned from my mom,” he replied, barely keeping his emotions in check at the moment. “I’ll text him after breakfast. You get ready, and I’ll clean up.”
You wanted to argue with him, but the look in his eyes caught you off guard, making your heart skip a beat. 
He has a soulmate, you reminded yourself, shoving that hope back into the emptiness where you felt it belonged. 
After breakfast, and another cup of coffee, you went to your room and changed into jeans and a regular shirt. Then, brushed your hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. You pulled your car into the garage, locking it behind you. Then retrieved a copy of the files to show Bobby and the others while Dean waited upstairs.
“Ready, Sweetheart?” Dean asked when you reappeared in the kitchen with several large files in hand.
“Yup,” you replied with a smile.
Making sure the house was locked up, you followed Dean to his car, where he held the door open for you. You couldn’t help the giggle as you slid into the seat and he closed the door behind you. He jogged around the car, got in the driver’s seat, and the two of you were off to the garage.
The closer you got to the garage, the worse your nerves got. Your leg was bouncing before Dean ever pulled into the driveway. He had tried to help you calm down, but this entire thing had your whole body on alter and overdrive.
Dean parked in the back and walked with you inside. The guys just watched silently as the two of you went straight to the office.
“I’ll be right here, the whole time. It’ll be okay,” Dean told you softly before opening the door for you.
Inside, Bobby, Jodi, Ellen, John, and another woman whom you assumed was Mary, all looked at the two of you. The moment the two of you were inside, Dean closed the door, Ellen hugged you, and the other woman hugged Dean.
“What’s all this about, sweetie?” Ellen asked, searching your expression like she did when she was worried.
You wanted to tell her, but the moment you attempted to speak, tears slipped from your eyes again. You just handed her the folders you’d brought before Dean pulled you against him. He filled them in on what you’d found and the letters your parents had left for you. 
The more Dean shared, the harder you held onto him, like somehow he would keep you from drowning in what was now the reality of your world. 
“I need to get Sammy on the phone,” John said, looking through some of the papers in one of the several folders you’d brought.
“Her parents made it clear not to talk about any of this over the phone. They were clearly worried about something,” Dean explained quickly.
“Fine. I’ll call him and tell him he needs to get his ass down here then,” John reluctantly agreed.
Jodi stood up, holding a piece of paper with a relieved look on her face, “I need to get to the station and get the paperwork started. I can at least keep that family away from her with this.”
That was when you glanced over at her, still half clutching to Dean’s shirt. That was when there was a knock on the door. You quickly dried your eyes and pulled away from Dean before he opened it.
“Dean, there’s a guy out here, asking for her,” Benny whispered, his accent thick and worried.
He headed out of the office to find out who it was. Normally, you wouldn’t have followed, but even through your worry, your curiosity won out. No one ever asked for you, let alone came looking for you. The others hadn’t heard Benny, so had no idea what was going on, too focused on the papers. Creeping out of the office, you looked around, then saw Dean just outside the garage. Standing across from Dean, you saw a man who looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties. He was well-built, had an athletic frame, and was only a couple of inches shorter than Dean. The two looked very similar, but this man had a softer face, not nearly as defined as Dean’s.
Slowly, you walked toward the two of them. Benny wasn’t far from Dean, and the other three weren’t far from Benny. It was like they were all ready to jump in if something happened.
“She doesn’t want to see you or your family,” Dean growled.
The man put his hands up in a mock surrender, “I’m not here to cause problems. I just wanted to meet her. That’s all.” Then, he saw you, and his entire demeanor softened. “Wow…” he said in utter awe as he looked directly into your eyes, “You’re… beautiful.”
You couldn’t stop the blush even if you wanted to, and ducked your head shyly, “Um, thanks.”
He glanced at Dean before he took a few steps closer to you, but Dean stepped between you and the man, “There, you saw her. Now leave,” Dean growled protectively, surprising you a little.
The man ignored Dean, “Y/N, I’d like to have lunch with you if you’re willing. I’ll be at the diner at noon, waiting for you. I’m Cole. I know about what my father and grandfather did, and I don’t want to be a part of it. I just wanted to meet the woman I’m supposed to marry in a couple months, since I don’t have a choice in the matter either.” 
He didn’t wait for you to respond; he just got back in his car and left. Dean then turned to you, “You don’t have to go. He’s got to be lying. That family isn’t to be trusted,” he practically pleaded with you.
Why does life keep throwing one thing after another at me? 
You took a slow, deep breath, “I know I don’t have to go. I also know that he can’t be trusted. What if he’s just being manipulated in this mess like me? You, Benny, and Cas can come keep an eye on me at the diner. Be my bodyguards?” you asked, giving him that soft, sweet smile that you’d reserved just for him, your best friend.
Dean groaned, and you knew it was because he couldn’t argue with you or tell you no when you looked at him like that. Then, he sighed, “Fine. Lemme go tell the others.”
“Cole gives me a bad feelin’, darlin’,” Benny told you, heading toward Cas.
That puzzled you a little. He’d never called you that before, nor had he shown any concern for you at all before Dean had gotten there roughly a month or so ago. When Dean came out of the office, Jodi wasn’t far behind him, and neither of them looked happy. That instantly made you feel bad for involving any of them, even if your parents had said you could trust them. 
Benny and Cas took Benny’s car, while Dean drove you in his. He looked angry and hurt, and he was gripping the steering wheel hard enough for his knuckles to turn white. For some reason, you thought perhaps he was mad at you for something but couldn’t bring yourself to ask. You just looked out the side window as he drove, the ride silent.
When Dean finally parked at the diner, you glanced over at him, then back down at your lap, “I’m sorry you got involved in any of this mess,” you apologized quietly.
“It’s not your fault. I just don’t trust that family,” he replied, a bit gruffly, and that was when you began wondering if he was mad at you or at Cole’s family. “Let’s just get this over with,” he grumbled, getting out of the car.
The other two were also there, and Cole’s car was already in the parking lot. You headed to the door, but Dean didn’t immediately follow you. He hung back to talk to Benny and Cas. Upon entering the diner, you looked around for Cole. At first, you didn’t see him, but it was not until he walked over to you with what looked like a nervous, shy smile.
“Hi, Y/N. I wasn’t sure you’d come. Want to sit and talk?” he asked, looking hopeful.
You smiled a little, although you were also nervous, “I guess I’m too curious for my own good. You said you knew things. It’s why I’m here.”
Cole motioned for you to follow him to the booth he’d been sitting in, sliding in on one side so you did the same opposite him. With where you’d sat, you couldn’t see the door, but Cole could. You figured that was how he noticed you before you noticed him.
“What do you know about what your father and grandfather did?” you asked, getting straight to the point.
“I know they had paperwork drawn up about you and me. I know that you never got your soulmate’s name, and that’s why we’re supposed to get married,” he chuckled almost shyly. “I mostly wanted to meet the woman I’m supposed to marry. Get to know you beforehand. It took a lot of digging to find you.”
So, he either doesn’t know about the other stuff, or he’s lying. If he’s lying, he’s a really good actor. He seems clueless.
You decided to play stupid. Cole was a stranger, after all, and you had plenty of information he didn’t need to know. “I didn’t even know about having to marry you until you told me. It’s… weird. I always figured I’d be alone. Most of the town treats me like the plague or something,” you lied easily.
There was something in the way he smiled after what you said that made you feel uneasy, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. “I’d never treat you like that. I got my soulmate’s name, but I haven’t found her. But then again, I never looked either. I knew about you for a long time. My dad talked about you a lot. Hell, he still does.”
“I’ve never met anyone from your family before. I’m sorry if I seem shy. I’m not used to anyone paying any attention to me,” you replied, fidgeting to sell the lie you were implementing to see just how much you could get out of him.
“I wish you wouldn’t be shy around me. I won’t hurt you. So, you work at the garage? Are you the accountant?” Cole asked you, seeming curious.
He was definitely a hard person to read, and that annoyed you, “I’ll try not to be shy. I do work there, but I’m a mechanic. I love working on cars,” you replied with a smile.
“After we’re married, you’d never have to work again. I would take care of you,” he told you softly, and it almost made your skin crawl.
“Oh?” you asked, raising an eyebrow, “What would I do then? I think I’d be bored all the time if I didn’t have something to occupy my time, like a job.”
Cole smiled again, and you forced yourself not to react visibly, “Well, there are appearances that would need to be made, so we would go to those together. I would love to see you in an elegant evening dress with your hair up and your makeup done,” he replied and bit his lip like he was envisioning just that.
You ducked your head shyly, keeping up with your act, “I have a hard time being around people after being shunned for so long. I’m afraid I’d make for a horrible date in that setting. I’m sorry you ended up getting stuck with someone like me. I don’t wear makeup or do up my hair.”
“There are people in my organization that can teach you. Or, they could do it for you, like getting pampered. Did you want to help with the wedding plans?” he asked fairly bluntly, but he acted curious.
“I don’t know anything about planning a wedding. When I was a teenager, I always pictured getting married in a pair of jeans with only a few friends, under a canopy of trees, barefoot,” you replied with a small smile. That had at least been true; it was a dream, from what felt like another life.
Cole’s face changed to distaste, but only for a split second. You didn’t miss it, though. “I don’t mind worrying about the preparations, since my family is the one that set this whole thing in motion. What else do you like to do?”
“Umm…” you paused, debating lying, but then you smiled a little, deciding to be honest. “I like listening to classic rock while I’m working on a car or driving around. I like nights inside, cuddled up on the couch, watching the fire in the fireplace. I love cooking and baking and sharing it with family. And I absolutely love a burger and fries with a cold beer to wash it down.”
You almost couldn’t keep your laughter inside, watching Cole react to everything you had just said. He was doing his best to keep an interested face, but that was quickly fading. Due to all your attention being on Cole, you didn’t see Dean, Benny, and Cas nearby, listening to the entire thing and watching Cole, closely. Dean’s eyes were on you more than anything, full of adoration.
“That’s, well, uh, you’ll get used to a different kind of life,” Cole finally stated, and you could hear the coldness in his words.
“Well, then, I’ll enjoy the next two months of my freedom. I can’t say it was nice to meet you. Goodbye,” you stated plainly before standing to leave.
Cole’s hand on your wrist, gripping fairly tightly, caught you off guard, and you looked down at him, wide-eyed, “There’s no way out of this. You will be my wife, whether you want to or not. You will do as expected of you, as my wife-” he began, but he was interrupted.
“I think the lady was leaving,” Benny told him with a smirk.
Your gaze shifted from Cole to Benny, noticing that Dean and Cas were standing right there as well. Cole let go of your arm but smirked up at the three of them.
“You can’t protect her forever. I’ll be back to collect her in two months,” Cole told them with the creepiest, skin-crawling, vomit-inducing smirk you’d seen on him yet.
Dean put his arm over your shoulders and led you out of the diner and to his car, never taking his eyes off of you. He even watched you out of the corner of his eye as he drove you back to your place.
When the two of you were back inside your house, you finally told him, “Thank you, Dean, for being there.”
“I told you, you don’t have to go through this alone. Let's get your things together and get you into that bunker. We’ll make it look like you ran. I’ll even hide your car,” he explained quickly and began moving around your house, gathering things.
You felt like you were in a daze again, your world spiraling out of control, and you were afraid there wasn’t enough time to stop what was coming. Dean, though, was focused, moving through the house with purpose. 
“Go get the clothes you want,” he told you from the kitchen, bagging up all the cold and frozen items in your fridge to take to the bunker.
His words pulled your mind back into focus, allowing you to take a deep breath as you headed to your room. You grabbed all your favorite items and packed them in a suitcase you had stashed under your bed for years that had never been used.
By the time you had that packed, Dean had taken care of everything else. Before he could climb the stairs to find you, you were walking down them. You had no clue what to say as you went to the garage, opened the secret door, descended the stairs, then opened and went through the next secret door. 
Dean made several trips, not minding in the least. You felt sluggish as your mind was blank and full simultaneously. You did manage to take the suitcase to the bedroom, though, even if all you did was set it on the floor near the bed. He even went as far as getting the food put away before he went searching for you.
“Hey, I need to go tell the others what’s going on and hide your car. You remember the knock from the movie Rodger Rabbit. I’ll use that one if it’s safe for you to let me come down here. You can use the security system and see what’s going on outside too. So, you’ll know if I’m alone or not. I’ll come back tonight, around seven,” he told you, and you could hear the worry in his words.
You looked up at him and wondered if you looked as broken and out of it as you felt. His expression confirmed that, “Okay. I’m still sorry you got dragged into my mess. But… I appreciate that you’re helping me.”
Dean pulled you into a gentle hug, kissing the top of your head as you slowly wrapped your arms around him. There was something in that moment that made you not want to let him go. You felt that safe feeling again, and your body began relaxing.
“I wish you didn’t have to leave right now,” you whispered.
“I promise, I’ll be back tonight at seven,” he whispered, attempting to reassure you. Then, he squeezed you gently before leaving you alone, closing the secret doors behind him.
How long am I gonna have to be alone here, hiding from something I can’t stop on my own? Will he really come back? Of course he will, he’s my best friend. 
----------------------------------------- Chapter 6
Story Master List Main Master List
Tag List: @deans-spinster-witch @jamerlynn @jackles010378 @bruhidkjustwannaread @onthehuntforshinies
@chriszgirl92 @angzls @xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @onlyangel-444
@nancymcl @muhahaha303 @suckitands33 @kr804573 @justrandomthougt
@suckitands33 @mxtansy @scarletqueenx @krazykelly @roseblue373
@whimsyfinny @ladysparkles78 @aaathazagoraphobiaaa @hobby27 @perpetualabsurdity
@cicibunbuns @n-o-p-e-never @vanessa-boo @foxyjwls007 @uoberpmollah
@xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @kdadss
If I missed tagging, please let me know. I had a lot of requests for tags for this one. If you'd like to be tagged, drop me a comment.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
So, there's this song that I've been listening to non-stop.
Kind of an oldie...with Robbie Williams. LoL.
I imagine a scenario in my head of Reader and Loki who were once in a relationship and had a falling out (because of whatever reason - maybe of his insecurities). But he sees that the Reader is fine after the break up (she isn't really, she just acts like it) and it bothers him that they moved on so quickly.
But he tries to get her back because he really does love her 😍. I thought this would be so cute.
Resurrected Love
Loki Laufeyson x fem!Reader
Summary: What once had been undying love between you and Loki, had seemingly turned into dust. After the breakup, the god just isn't himself anymore; barely coping with losing the love of his life. Unlike you. You seem to be just fine; having moved on quickly. Or was it just an illusion? Nevertheless, Loki decides to try to get you back. Will he be successful?
Warnings: sadness and heartbreak, thirst? angst, swear words? suggestive smut, fighting/shouting, fluuuff - tell me if I forgot something!
Word Count: 4,5k
a/n: Ahhh first of all, I'd like to apologise... Sorry @mochie85 that this took me SO long... 🥺 Thank you again for making me the incredible Baby Fever mood board! 🥰 I hope you like this little present I got in return! ☺️💝
Tagging: (In the comments!)
Masterlist °☆• Loki Masterlist
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The blaring sound of the alarm clock ripped the sleeping god out of his peaceful slumber. Groaning, Loki moved his hands from underneath his pillow and instead buried his head underneath said pillow. Bare, muscular arms pressed down on the soft, fluffy cushion; trying to drown out the noise. In vain.
A deep, husky grumble left his sore throat, before he reached out blindly to shut off the alarm. Tossing and turning in the bed, he came to lay on his back; big palms running over his face and rubbing his tired eyes. A few rays of sunshine peeked through the emerald green silk curtains; illuminating his small, cosy bedroom. Loki sighed and stretched; causing the light duvet to expose his bare torso. His gaze was directed towards the ceiling; idle and aimless. The god could still feel the tiredness and exhaustion in his bones. Not his physical, though. His mental exhaustion. It just wasn't the same since you were gone. Since you packed your bags and walked out of his apartment. Out of his life. He could sleep for hours and yet he didn't find rest. His bed was so small, but without you he was afraid to get lost in it.
Not even five minutes later, his alarm clock told him again to stand up - and he had no other choice but to give in. Shutting it off, he sat up in bed and rolled out of the comfortable confines. Sighing, he pulled the curtains to let the first rays of sunshine into his bedroom, before he slumped to the bathroom. Dressed in nothing but black briefs, Loki came to stand in front of the mirror of his cabinet, hanging above the sink. He couldn't help but to look at himself. Look at the picture of misery he had become. Dark rings were underneath his eyes. His hair was tousled and resembled more a bird's nest, than a glorious, untamed mane of a god. Fingertips grazed his cheeks and chin; feeling the black, scratchy stubble which had grown so wildly. He had let himself go since you were gone - and he knew it. But it had been pointless. Sure, eye circles, messed up hair and a wild beard was nothing a bit of seidr couldn't fix, but... It couldn't fix his broken heart, so what was the point in using it?
Nevertheless, the god was forced to regain his 'good looks'. There was a very important meeting today. A meeting he couldn't skip like the last ones. Thor would bite his head off, if he wasn't going to appear. After all, this meeting was about his future... With another deep sigh, Loki went to work. He took a shower first; cleaning his ethereal body and godly locks. After that, he shaved; getting rid of his beard. Once his skin was as smooth as it could get and clean shaven, he got dressed; slipped in one of his finest suits. Loki absolutely wasn't in the mood to leave his apartment - but he had to. And so, the god closed the door behind himself, already regretting it.
Absent-minded Loki walked through the white, plain hallways of the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters; on his way to meeting room number 204. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, and so it came how it had to come. The god ran into somebody. His hard, strong chest collided with a way smaller, softer body. "Norns," Loki cursed under his breath, "Apologies. I don't know what-" but stopped dead in his sentence, when he registered who he ran into. "Y/N..." Your name fell from his lips so easily, and yet it felt like he was committing a crime.
You were standing in front of him, like frozen to the ground. It was the first time he was seeing you since the breakup almost a month ago. Sure, he hadn't left his apartment in that time, but he had heard from his brother that you had been away a few weeks on vacation - and it seemed like it did you really good. Of course couldn't the god help himself but to ran his eyes over your body. You wore your familiar shield uniform. The one he had ripped off your body countless times. Your Y/H/C hair was loose; framed your face beautifully. Unlike Loki's face, yours looked well-rested and refreshed. No bags or dark circles underneath your eyes. All in all, you looked recovered and yes, happy. Not in the slightest hurt or broken - like him. His eyes travelled upwards. Loki knew he was on a self-destructive path, but what was he supposed to do? His heart was screaming at him; yelling from the top of his lungs to give into it. Oh how much he loved you. Still. And then it happened. His deep blue eyes collided with your Y/E/C ones - and suddenly he felt like drowning; the world burning to ashes right in front of him. It brought back everything. All the memories. Good ones and bad ones. And all the pain.
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"Lokiii!" You yelped, as he wrapped both his strong arms around your thighs and lifted you off the chair; hindering you from decorating the Christmas tree with another bauble. "Let me down!" Smiling, the god shook his head and tightened his grip a bit - only to let you know that he had you. To show you that he would let nothing happen to you. "Not until you finally speak your mind, darling." "W-What do you meeeeean?" You shrieked up, as Loki carried you away from the safety of the chair. "Tell me, if we can finally call ourselves a couple." You blinked down at the handsome god, who threw you that smouldering look which turned your knees into jelly. "I-I, uh..." He smiled again, winking. "Come on, darling." You couldn't help but giggle; shaking your head. "Lokes... We didn't even have our first kiss!" "Oh, that can be changed in a heartbeat," he purred and let you down quickly. Before you could even catch up to what was going on, his perfectly shaped lips danced with yours.
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"L-Loki, p-please, I-" You moaned helplessly; writhing on the sheets beneath him. "Shhh, my goddess," he shushed you immediately; interrupting you. "Don't speak. Just feel," Loki panted; nipping at the inside of your thighs, before hypnotising blue eyes meet yours; pupils blown wide with lust. The god wore a smouldering, yet dangerous smile. A predator looking at his prey. You were completely at his mercy - and you loved every second of it.
Your hand found its way into your lover's hair; finger winding through those long raven curls. You gently tugged; nudging him on to finally do something. "Please..." You whispered; breathless. The hairs on the back of your neck raised up, when Loki gave you another smouldering smile, before he lowered his head. Your breath hitched; a chill ran down your spine at the anticipation. You knew what was to come - but you'd be never prepared for it.
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"Darling, please." Loki's voice was unstable, pleading; on the verge of breaking - filled with pain and regret. Tears shimmered in his eyes. Tears of despair. Not hope. He felt like the ground fell out from underneath his feet. He was losing his grip; felt like falling into an abyss of darkness - blindly.
You shook your head, as you threw the last item of clothing in your suitcase. "No, Loki. No. Don't 'darling' me. Please don't make this even more difficult as it is." The god watched you helplessly; running a hand through his hair. "If it is so difficult for you, then why don't you just stay?" He sounded so sad. So... desperate. You swallowed hard; jaw clenching in order to suppress your own tears, before you turned to face your now ex-boyfriend. You looked him straight into the eyes, but with the seconds ticking by in silence, you avoided your gaze again - unable to stand the hurt, wounded look in his blue orbs. "Because I can't, Loki. I just can't. Don't you see? I cannot do this any longer." Now it was Loki who swallowed. "I-I understand that, lov- Y/N, but please... Give us another chance. Let us keep fighting for this love!" You snorted out a bitter laugh at his words; "Fighting, he says..." shaking your head. "I already fought so hard and long for this! For us! But apparently you were too blind to see." Your nerves were on edge; stressed out by the past weeks. "I tried and tried and tried to get through to you, but all you ever did was shut me out!" Loki wanted to answer something; opened his mouth to speak, but you immediately cut him off.
"Don't you dare pull the 'I don't understand you' card now! Because it isn't true! I do understand you! I always did! This was never our problem!" You were almost shouting by now; all the bottled-up emotions exploding within you. "You know what the problem is, Loki, huh?! You know what?!" His chiselled jaw flexed. You could tell that he was losing it as well. "Tell me, Y/N! Tell me!" He shouted; gesturing around wildly. "Scream it to me, if you have to!"
You took a few dangerous steps closer, before whispering: "Your damn insecurities." Loki gasped; almost stumbling backwards. This hit hard. Bore a knife straight through his heart - and yet he knew, that it was true. And the realisation of it made him even more angry. On himself. His hands clenched into fists; desperately trying to keep his cool. Unsuccessful.
An almost maniacal laugh escaped his lips. "Oh, I am the problem now?!" "Yes! Because you never managed to let your damn guard down around me! We've been together for over almost two years and you still don't trust me enough to just let me in! I know that your childhood and past was not easy and quite dramatic, but you can't just hide yourself away from the rest of the world for eternity!" You snapped; taking deep breaths and let the accusing words you just spat at Loki sink in. Loki said nothing; just stared at you. "Because if you do, it's going to eat you up inside someday..." You added in a way quieter voice; almost whispering. Then you returned to the bed, in order to zip the suitcase shut.
Behind you, Loki sunk to his knees; the harsh truth and reality finally hitting him full force. He knew. He had always known, and yet he couldn't bring himself to open up. He tried to fight his demons a million times, but he always lost the fight. He should've tried harder - better, because now... Now it was too late. He had lost you - because of his insecurities. Tears streamed down his face, as he started one last attempt to stop you from walking out of his life. "Y/N, p-please, please... I am so sorry, I am so sorry. Please... I-I can't lose you. If you leave m-me now... I-I'll drown a-and sink."
You swallowed hard; tried to fight against the desperate screams of your heart to stay. You had never seen him so... lost and vulnerable before. It tore at your heartstrings. But you had to do this now. There was no going back. "I'm sorry, Loki, but like I said... I can't. I can't keep fighting against the walls you have built up around you." With those words, you walked past him, "Goodbye, Loki." and out of his bedroom - out of his life. It broke him and his heart. He was nothing more than a wreck after that day.
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Loki swallowed hard at the vivid memories, playing out in his head. He had to fight hard to not lose it completely in front of you and to not break down and cry. As for you, you seemed to be completely fine. "Loki." You said in a regal voice, giving him a nod - as if you didn't have a whole lot of history together. As if you never had told each other all of your secrets and wishes. As if you never had shared the deepest bond possible between human beings - mentally and physically. You greeted him like you were nothing more like acquaintances. It hurt Loki; bothered him, how quickly you had moved on. So, he tried to hide his emotions and not letting show how much of a wreck he was.
"What..." His voice cracked, so he cleared his throat quickly. "What brings you here?" The god asked; gesturing blindly towards the meeting room. "I, um, I was assigned to overwatch the meeting." Loki's eyes widened at your words, so you quickly added: "Believe me, I don't like it, too, but it is how it is." Don't like it too? Loki asked himself. Norns, he could've screamed from the top of his lungs how happy he was about this. Just to be able to see you without an excuse for a longer amount of time was like heaven for him. He wanted to answer something, but was interrupted by the arrival of Nick Fury, some of the Avengers and a few other S.H.I.E.L.D agents. "Loki, Y/N," the man with the eyepatch greeted you, before he opened the white, wooden door for everyone to get inside. "Let's get over with this, Laufeyson." Loki swallowed hard, then nodded obediently and stepped inside the big, barren room.
Throughout the whole process, Loki couldn't focus. His thoughts were circulating around you. It was all he could think about. He was so absent-minded; he didn't even listen to the others talking. Only the voice of Fury caused the god to snap out of his trance like state. "Well... It seems everybody has the same opinion..." The man with the black coat started, before he turned to face Loki directly, who sat at the very top of the table. "S.H.I.E.L.D and the United States of America allowing you to stay - as long as you're going to play by the rules." Loki swallowed and nodded - still not entirely present in his mind. "You improved; did a great job as an Avenger. Keep it up, Laufeyson."
Fury's words were the last ones of the meeting. Most agents scrambled to get out of the room; having other duties to tend to. Most of the Avengers clapped Loki on the shoulder or gave him a short nod of approval - and you? You were watching him from the sidelines. Seeing him again after almost a month had caused your feelings to run wild again. They were so quiet and chilled during and after your holiday, and now? Just one look was enough to set everything on fire again; storms battling within you. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry - but most of all, you wanted to run. That's what you did. You fled from the meeting room; unable to be in his presence a second longer. When Loki settled his look on the chair you sat in, it was empty. Scanning the room for you wasn't fruitful as well. He sighed. You had left already, of course. Why shouldn't you? It had been nothing more than a job for you. Nevertheless, it was another small cut into Loki's already bruised and battered heart.
From that day, where once again his fate had been decided, he started to see you more often. Probably because he left his apartment more often as well now. He started to find hope again and decided to not just give up on you. Loki had made that mistake once - and he'd never let it happen again. He wasn't just giving up. Oh no... Now he was really going to fight for you, because one thing was certain... He still loved you with all his heart and he wanted you back. For good this time.
Over the next days and week, Loki repeatedly placed little cards, gifts or flowers in front of your office in the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. It was an easy task for him to sneak incognito inside the big building. Nobody knew and nobody recognised him. At first, you were quite confused and surprised...
You hurried to your office; messily rearranging the weapons belt around your waist on the way. You were late. Ten minutes already. Your alarm clock just decided to take a vacay today and not wake you up. "Morning, guys. Good morning." You hastily greeted everybody on your way. Once you reached your destination, you almost stumbled over the little bouquet of flowers, laying in front of the door. Y/F/F (Your favourite flowers) - your favourites. Frowning and a bit surprised, you picked the flowers up; admiring them. There was no card or such. Just the flowers. "Uh, Rob?" You asked your fellow agent, who was just passing by your office. His office was directly across yours. "Oh, hi, Y/N. Good morning." "Morning. Uh, do you know who left those flowers for me?" The man shrugged his shoulders. "Unfortunately, not, no. Sorry." "Okay..." Still frowning, you took the flowers in your office. Of course you didn't notice the craftsman, who worked on the water dispenser right beside your door. He watched you disappear inside the room with oceanic blue eyes, smiling.
That was only the start. Every day, you'd find different things on your door step. Your favourite chocolates and other sweets. Cards with little poems written on them and quotes out of books. And more flowers. Every day, you went to work with an even brighter smile, knowing that a small present was waiting for you.
You picked up the little box and opened it; finding a bottle of your favourite perfume inside. A chuckle sounded from across your office. "I think you have a secret admirer, Y/N," stated Rob, gesturing to the little present with a grin. Your cheeks reddened; nodding. "I, uh, think so too." You felt really flattered, but... Were you ready for something new? For another man after Loki? Could you imagine another man in your life who wasn't the handsome, mischievous god? You swallowed hard; staring down at the little vial in your hands. No. No you couldn't.
"Do you know who it is?" Asked Rob further, but you just shrugged your shoulders. "No, I... I have no idea. Most likely one of the other agents." Rob nodded, "Think so, too." but frowned. "You don't look really happy about it." Once more you shrugged your shoulders; sighing. "I am. I mean, it's really sweet and thoughtful, but..." "But?" Your colleague looked at you expectantly, but you didn't answer at first. And suddenly Rob had a guess. "Loki... You are still not over him, right?" Defeated, you nodded. "I never was and I think I'll never be. It seems like every decision I make, every path I choose to walk on... Everything leads me back to him. I can't forget him..." Rob looked at you compassionate. "Sounds to me like Loki is the love of your life..." You swallowed hard, in order to suppress the upcoming tears. "He is. I realise that now. Too late, perhaps..." "Do you still love him?" Rob questioned you further, "Y-Yes. I do." and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Then you should tell him." "I-I don't know, I... Excuse me." You fled into your office, closing the door behind yourself. All the suppressed feelings coming back at you; crashing down on you like warm summer rain. It was overwhelming. But could you do it? Could you go back to him?
Unbeknownst to you, Loki had heard everything. Dressed up as an electrician on his daily undercover mission. His heart beat violently against his ribcage; yearning and crying out for you. It broke him to see you so broken - but it also made him unbelievably happy, because he knew now, that you were struggling just as much as he was. That you had worn a mask all the time and just pretended to be perfectly fine. It was the sign for him to finally make his move and get you back. Back into his arms, where you belonged.
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It was Saturday evening, when Loki put the plan he made into action. He showered; then dressed up in your favourite suit of his. It was a black one. Black shoes, black trousers and black shirt. He rolled up the sleeves and left a few buttons undone - just how you liked. He applied a bit of the cologne you enjoyed to smell on him so much; and left his untamed raven curls hang loosely over his shoulders. Loki looked at himself in the full-length mirror; eyes travelling down his body. Perfect, he thought; smiling. Grabbing the bouquet of red roses on his dining table, he left his apartment and went straight to yours. To his luck, you lived in the Avengers tower as well. Benefit of being Ms. Romanoff's best friend.
Taking a deep breath, the god knocked gently on your door. The answer he received was a frustrated sigh. "Naaat, I told you I'm not in the mood tonight to go-" You had literally ripped the door open - and were now standing open-mouthed, with a bathrobe and tousled hair in front of your ex-boyfriend. You swallowed. There he stood… Your drop-dead gorgeous ex-boyfriend. "L-Loki?" You stammered out; clearly not expecting something like that to happen. The god smiled at you. "Hello, darling. Apologies for the disturbance, but... I'd like to talk to you. May I come in?" Blinking and still in some kind of shock, you nodded. Stepping aside, you let him inside. "For you," he said, once you closed the door and turned to face him. He held the flowers to you; still smiling. "U-Um, t-thank you." You hesitatingly - almost shyly took the flowers from his hands. A chill was running down your spine, when his warm, big hands grazed yours. A touch you haven't felt in weeks - months, and immediately noticed you missed a lot.
Taking a deep breath, you placed them on the little shelf beside the door. "What, um, what do you want to talk about?" The god standing opposite you swallowed hard. You could see how nervous he was - a rare thing to happen. "About us." "U-Us?" He nodded, "Yes. Us." and stepped closer; slowly taking your hands in his. Loki waited for a moment to see if you weren't comfortable with him, touching you - but you let it happen, so he continued. "First of all, I'd like to apologise. For everything. For letting you fight so hard and long without me realising. For not opening up to you like I should have, because you are right. If I don't learn to talk to the person I trust and love most in all the nine realms, then my past and all my insecurities are going to eat me up inside. I see that now." He was gazing directly into your eyes - and you could swear you were already drowning again inside those oceanic blue orbs. "I came to the realisation those past weeks, that I am not able to live without you. Without your love. I feel like I can't breathe when you're not near me. Your absence suffocates me. I love you with all my heart and soul. You are everything I ever wanted and needed. So please... Please give us another chance. I beg of you." You just looked at him, stunned; words failing you. "
"This is what my heart tells me," he continued, squeezing your hands gently. "If yours doesn't speak the same language anymore, then please, tell me - and I'll walk out of that room." Your gaze softened. You freed one hand from his gentle grasp and lifted it up to caress his defined cheek. "Loki..." You started, shaking your head. "My heart never stopped speaking your language. Never." The god gasped at your touch and words. "Does that mean you'll give us another chance?" You smiled; nodding and stepped closer to him. So close, that you were just a few inches apart. His hand left yours; coming to rest on your waist, while your palm wandered to land on his chest. "Yes, Loki..." "Really?" He breathed; overwhelmed by your sudden closeness, and, again your words. Once more you nodded; signalling him that you meant it. "Oh, darling," Loki sighed; a few tears rolling down his cheek. He leaned down, wanted to capture your lips with his - but you stopped him; placing a finger upon his lips. "I'll give us another chance - if you promise to trust me completely and finally open up to me." His eyes met yours again; blue eyes filled with love and vulnerability. "Let me help you, my love. Let me sooth all those scars your past has left on you," you whispered and pressed a soft, slow kiss on his lips. "I promise, darling, I promise - and I'll start tonight," Loki said, placing another kiss on your lips, before he took a step back and took your hands in his bigger ones again.
"Close your eyes, please." You were confused, but did what he asked you to do; closing your eyes. Suddenly, you felt how his hands got cooler; temperature dropping. "This time, I want to go into this relationship with showing you all of me. I want you to see me." You frowned, but kept your eyes closed. "And I don't mean me, being naked. You saw that quite often already." You couldn't help but giggle at his words; blushing. Loki smiled. Something you weren't able to see at the moment. "Well... If you put it that way, I am naked in front of you now nevertheless. Showing you my true self. The way I was born." You gasped; breath hitching in your throat. Now you knew what he was talking about. "Your Jotun form? You... You want to show me your Jotun form?" He never did before. It was a huge part of his insecurities. "Yes, my love. Open your eyes." "L-Lokes, you don't have to show me your Jotun form right away! I know how difficult this is for you! I know how uncomfortable it makes you sometimes!"
He took a deep breath; was on the verge of crying again. "I know, love, I know. And I appreciate this so, so much - but I really want to show you. If we begin again, we begin with honesty. No secrets; no hiding. Now open your eyes." "O-Okay." You were quite a bit nervous as well. You knew that this took him a lot of effort. Opening your eyes, you gasped; heart skipping a beat. His deep blue eyes were replaced by shimmering ruby ones. His alabaster coloured skin had turned into a soft blue. Unique ridges and patterns adorned every inch of his tall, strong body. "Are you afraid?" Loki's shaky voice cut through the silence then. You shook your head immediately. "No, gods, no! You're beautiful, Loki. Stunning, breathtakingly beautiful." His eyes widened; pure relief flooding his veins. "R-Really? You... You think so?" You nodded; cupping his cheeks. "Yes. And it's finally time for you to accept this side of you," you said, pulling Loki gently over to your bed.
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yoobuyin · 3 months
Unleashing the Magic Within
The Ultimate Guide to Bathroom Accessories
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Your bathroom is not a place, for use; it’s an opportunity to add the perfect touches that turn it into a haven of comfort and elegance. Discover our selected range of bathroom accessories. Elevate your daily routines. Whether you’re looking for essentials or indulgent luxuries our comprehensive guide will assist you in creating a personalized bathroom oasis that showcases your style and enhances your rituals.
Towel Heaven: Luxurious Towels and Beyond
The foundation of a well-appointed bathroom starts with premium towels. Our product line boasts a variety of options, from plush, Egyptian cotton bath towels to quick-dry microfiber options. Elevate your experience with matching hand towels and washcloths, creating a cohesive and sophisticated look. For an added touch of luxury, consider monogrammed or embroidered designs. Find exclusive deals on our premium towel collection at Yoobuy – your one-stop destination for luxury bathroom essentials.
Step into Comfort: Bath Mats and Rugs
Make every step a pleasure with our collection of stylish bath mats and rugs. We offer a range of options to meet your needs from memory foam choices that provide cushioning for your feet to safe non slip rugs. Discover a variety of textures, patterns and colors to match your bathrooms design and create an inviting ambiance. Upgrade your bathroom flooring with our high-quality bath accessories, available at unbeatable prices on Yoobuy.
Functional Elegance: Shower Curtains and Liners
Upgrade your shower space with our diverse range of shower curtains and liners. Choose from water-resistant fabrics, vibrant prints, or minimalist designs to add a touch of personality to your bathroom. Our shower liners offer a level of safeguard keeping your shower curtain clean and free, from mold. Explore our stylish and functional shower curtain collection on Yoobuy, where quality meets affordability.
Storage Solutions: Organize with Style
Keep clutter at bay with our stylish storage solutions. We have a range of products that can help you make the most of your bathroom space and keep your essentials organized. From floating shelves to versatile vanity organizers, we offer options to suit your needs. Discover baskets, drawer dividers, and wall-mounted units that not look good but also serve a practical purpose. Organize your bathroom in style with our storage solutions, available at Yoobuy for budget-friendly prices.
Mirror, Mirror: Vanity Mirrors and Cabinets
A well-placed mirror can enhance the illusion of space and light in your bathroom. We offer a range of products ranging from wall lights, to traditional hanging lamps. Create the perfect ambiance for relaxation or energizing morning routines with adjustable brightness and temperature settings. Transform your bathroom with our exquisite vanity mirrors and cabinets, exclusively available on Yoobuy.
Lighting Ambiance: Bathroom Lighting Fixtures
Transform your bathroom into a spa-like retreat with carefully selected lighting fixtures. Our product line includes a variety of options, from contemporary sconces to classic pendant lights. Create the perfect ambiance for relaxation or energizing morning routines with adjustable brightness and temperature settings. Illuminate your bathroom with our stunning lighting fixtures, offered at Yoobuy for incredible value and style.
Transforming your bathroom into a sanctuary of comfort and style requires consideration when choosing accessories. Our wide range of products includes towels, mats, curtains, storage solutions, mirrors and lighting fixtures that perfectly blend functionality, with aesthetics. Explore our collection to find the combination that will unleash the magic within your bathroom. Elevate your daily rituals, embrace the magic within, and make your bathroom a reflection of your unique personality, all with the convenience of Yoobuy – your trusted source for premium bathroom essentials at unbeatable prices.
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1836constructionco · 8 months
Bathroom Remodeling
Designing Serenity: Key Considerations for a Successful Bathroom Remodeling
Bathroom remodeling is an important endeavor that transcends the mere enhancement of a functional space. It is a transformative journey that holds the power to turn your bathroom into a sanctuary of serenity.
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In this guide, we'll delve into the key considerations for a successful bathroom remodeling project, aiming to create not just a space for daily rituals but a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation.
i. Defining the Vision for Serenity
The first step in crafting a serene bathroom is to define your vision. What does serenity mean to you in the context of your bathroom? Do you envision a spa-like retreat, a minimalist haven, or a burst of vibrant personality?
Clarifying your vision sets the tone for the entire remodeling process, guiding decisions on layout, color schemes, materials, and more.
ii. Optimizing Layout for Functionality and Flow
Efficiency in space utilization is crucial for a serene bathroom. Consider the layout to maximize functionality and create a seamless flow. Designate specific zones for showering, bathing, and vanity activities.
This thoughtful arrangement not only enhances practicality but also contributes to an organized and calming environment.
iii. Selecting Tranquil Color Schemes and Materials
Colors play a pivotal role in setting the mood; opt for tranquil color schemes that promote relaxation, such as soft neutrals, muted blues, or gentle greens. Complement these hues with materials that evoke a sense of serenity, such as natural stone, wood, or bamboo.
The right color palette and materials create a harmonious visual atmosphere, aligning with the peaceful ambiance you aim to achieve.
iv. Investing in Quality Lighting
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Lighting is a key element in crafting serenity. Maximize natural light if possible, incorporating windows or skylights into the design. For artificial lighting, choose fixtures that provide soft, diffused illumination.
Task lighting around mirrors ensures functionality, while ambient lighting contributes to an overall soothing atmosphere, allowing you to create a serene space regardless of the time of day.
v. Prioritizing Storage Solutions
A cluttered space can disrupt the tranquility of any bathroom. Integrate ample storage solutions to keep toiletries, towels, and personal items organized.
Consider built-in cabinets, floating shelves, or well-designed vanity units to maintain a clean and serene aesthetic. Efficient storage not only enhances visual appeal but also contributes to a stress-free environment.
vi. Investing in High-Quality Fixtures and Fittings
Selecting high-quality fixtures and fittings is a worthwhile investment in achieving a serene bathroom. Choose durable materials for faucets, showerheads, and other hardware to ensure longevity and minimal maintenance.
Opt for water-efficient fixtures that align with sustainable practices, reinforcing a sense of environmental responsibility within your serene space.
vii. Considering Universal Design Principles
Incorporating universal design principles ensures that your serene bathroom is accessible to everyone. Features like grab bars, non-slip flooring, and a curbless shower contribute to accessibility and safety.
Whether you're planning for the long term or accommodating various users, these elements enhance the functionality of the space while ensuring that serenity is inclusive.
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A successful bathroom remodeling project goes beyond aesthetics; it's about creating a haven of serenity tailored to your unique vision. By carefully considering these factors you can design a space that reflects your personality and provides a retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
If you find yourself seeking guidance or assistance during your bathroom remodeling journey or with House renovations, consider collaborating with our experienced contractors at 1836 Construction Co.
Our team is dedicated to turning your vision into reality, ensuring that every detail aligns with your aspirations for a serene and aesthetically pleasing space.
Embark on this transformative journey with the confidence that your newly remodeled bathroom will not only meet but exceed your expectations.
Contact us today to get started!
Find Us On Google Map:(1836 Construction Co. LLC.)
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shrutisingh1 · 7 months
10 Must-Have Bathroom Accessories for a Stylish and Functional Space
Creating a stylish and functional bathroom requires careful consideration of the accessories that complement your space. From practical storage solutions to elegant accents, the right bathroom accessories can elevate your daily routine and enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. This blog post'll explore ten must-have bathroom accessories that strike the perfect balance between style and functionality, all available online. Plus, we'll discuss how these accessories can seamlessly integrate with your home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look throughout your living spaces.
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1. Wall-mounted Shelves:
Maximize storage space in your bathroom with sleek wall-mounted shelves. These versatile accessories provide ample room for toiletries and towels and add a touch of modern sophistication to your decor. Consider matching them with your home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look throughout your home.
2. Towel Warmers:
Indulge in the ultimate luxury with a towel warmer. Available in various styles and finishes, these accessories keep your towels warm and cosy while adding a touch of elegance to your bathroom. Choose a model that complements your home kitchen accessories for a harmonious aesthetic.
3. Shower Caddy:
Keep your shower essentials organized and within reach with a stylish shower caddy. Opt for a rust-resistant design with multiple compartments to accommodate shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Coordinate it with your bathroom and home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look throughout your living spaces.
4. Soap Dispenser:
Say goodbye to messy countertops with a sleek soap dispenser. Choose a model with a refillable reservoir for convenience and choose a design that complements your bathroom decor. Consider matching it with coordinating soap dispensers in your kitchen for a unified aesthetic.
5. Toilet Paper Holder with Storage:
Maximize space in your bathroom with a toilet paper holder that doubles as storage. Look for models with built-in shelves or cabinets to discreetly store spare rolls and other essentials. Coordinate it with your home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look.
6. Vanity Organizer:
Keep your countertop clutter-free with a vanity organizer. Choose a design with compartments for makeup, brushes, and other essentials to streamline your morning routine. Coordinate it with your bathroom and home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look throughout your living spaces.
7. Mirror with LED Lighting:
Illuminate your bathroom with a mirror featuring LED lighting. Not only does this accessory provide optimal lighting for grooming tasks, but it also adds a touch of modern elegance to your decor. Coordinate it with your home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look.
8. Toothbrush Holder:
Keep your toothbrushes organized and hygienic with a stylish toothbrush holder. Choose a design with separate compartments for each toothbrush to prevent cross-contamination. Coordinate it with your bathroom and home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look throughout your living spaces.
9. Bathroom Rug:
Add warmth and comfort to your bathroom with a plush bathroom rug. Choose a design that complements your decor and opt for a non-slip backing for safety. Coordinate it with coordinating rugs in your kitchen for a unified aesthetic.
10. Decorative Accents:
Add personality to your bathroom with decorative accents such as candles, plants, and artwork. Choose pieces that reflect your style and complement your existing decor. Coordinate them with your home kitchen accessories for a cohesive look throughout your living spaces.
In conclusion,
 selecting the right bathroom accessories is essential for creating a stylish and functional space. From practical storage solutions to elegant accents, these accessories enhance your bathroom's aesthetic and functionality. By coordinating them with your home kitchen accessories, you can achieve a cohesive look throughout your living spaces that reflect your style and taste. Explore the wide range of bathroom accessories available online and transform your bathroom into a haven of comfort and beauty.
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angad-singh · 9 months
Advantages of using high gloss decorative laminates - Royale Touche
Advantages of using high gloss decorative laminates
In the realm of interior design, the choice of materials can significantly influence the ambiance and aesthetic appeal of a space. High gloss decorative laminates have emerged as a popular choice for those seeking a sleek and modern finish. In this blog, we delve into the myriad advantages of using high gloss laminates, exploring the transformative impact they can have on surfaces, be it furniture, cabinetry, or accent pieces.
Striking Aesthetics:
High gloss laminates are synonymous with a luxurious and polished appearance. Their reflective surface creates a stunning visual impact, instantly elevating the overall aesthetics of any space. The glossy finish adds a touch of sophistication, making it an ideal choice for contemporary and modern design themes. The availability of high gloss laminate colours ensures that there's a perfect shade to complement every design vision, from bold and vibrant to subtle and neutral.
Enhanced Light Reflection:
One of the standout features of high gloss laminates is their ability to enhance light reflection. The glossy surface acts like a mirror, bouncing natural or artificial light around the room. This not only makes the space appear brighter and more spacious but also contributes to a vibrant and lively atmosphere. For rooms with limited natural light, the use of high gloss laminates can be a strategic design choice to maximize illumination.
Illusion of Space:
The reflective nature of high gloss laminates also creates an illusion of space. In smaller rooms or areas with limited square footage, using high gloss laminate sheets on surfaces such as cabinets or countertops can visually expand the space. The play of light on the glossy surface tricks the eye into perceiving a larger and more open environment, making it an excellent choice for apartments or compact living spaces.
Easy to Clean and Maintain:
Practicality is a key consideration in interior design, and high gloss laminates deliver on this front. The smooth and non-porous surface is easy to clean, requiring only a gentle wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust or spills. This makes high gloss laminates a practical choice for high-traffic areas, kitchens, or spaces where cleanliness is paramount. The low maintenance requirements contribute to the longevity of the glossy finish.
Durability and Resistance:
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, high gloss laminate sheets are engineered for durability. They are resistant to scratches, stains, and general wear and tear, making them suitable for daily use in busy households or commercial spaces. The protective layer on the surface ensures that the glossy finish remains intact over time, maintaining the lustrous appearance without succumbing to signs of aging.
Versatility in Design:
High gloss laminates offer versatility in design, allowing for creative expression and customization. Whether you prefer a solid color high gloss sunmica sheet or a high gloss sunmica design with intricate patterns, the options are diverse. The versatility of high gloss laminates makes them adaptable to various design themes, from minimalist and modern to bold and eclectic, providing a wide canvas for design exploration.
Resistance to Fading:
Sunlight exposure can lead to fading and discoloration of certain materials, but high gloss laminates are designed to resist such effects. The protective layer helps preserve the vibrant colors and glossy finish even in spaces with ample sunlight. This resistance to fading ensures that the visual appeal of high gloss laminates remains intact for an extended period.
Modern Aesthetic Appeal:
High gloss laminates effortlessly exude a modern and contemporary aesthetic. Whether used in kitchens, living rooms, or offices, the sleek and reflective surface adds a touch of glamour. The modern appeal of high gloss laminates aligns with current design trends, making them a timeless choice that can withstand evolving styles.
In conclusion, the advantages of using high gloss decorative laminates extend beyond their visually stunning appearance. From the striking aesthetics and enhanced light reflection to the illusion of space and ease of maintenance, high gloss laminates offer a multitude of benefits for both residential and commercial spaces. Whether opting for solid color high gloss laminate sheets or exploring intricate high gloss sunmica designs, the versatility, and durability of these laminates make them a valuable asset in the world of interior design. Elevate your space with the gleaming elegance of high gloss laminates, transforming surfaces into reflections of style and sophistication.
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bathify · 1 year
Essentials to Purchase from a Bathroom Supply Store
A trip to the bathroom supply store might seem straightforward, but the sheer volume of products can be overwhelming. Whether you're updating your current bathroom or starting from scratch, there are key items you shouldn't forget. This article outlines the six essential items every bathroom needs.
High-Quality Faucets and Fixtures
Your bathroom fixtures are used daily, so investing in high-quality faucets and fixtures is a smart move. Not only do they add a touch of elegance to your bathroom, but they also ensure durability and longevity. Look for corrosion-resistant finishes and brands with good warranties. Don't forget to match the style and finish of all the fixtures for a cohesive look.
Storage Solutions
Bathroom clutter can be a real headache. Purchasing proper storage solutions is essential for maintaining order and cleanliness. Opt for under-sink cabinets, wall-mounted shelves, or over-the-toilet spacesavers. If you have a smaller bathroom, consider multi-functional furniture such as a mirrored cabinet that can both store toiletries and offer reflection.
Bath and Shower Accessories
While the bathtub or shower itself is fundamental, the accessories make all the difference for a comfortable experience. Non-slip mats, shower curtains or glass doors, and handy caddies to store your shampoos and soaps are all important. For an extra touch of luxury, consider adding a waterproof Bluetooth speaker or a spa-like showerhead al available at a bathroom supply store.
Durable and Comfortable Towels
A good towel is worth its weight in gold. Look for ones that are absorbent, durable, and soft. The material plays a big role here, with options like Egyptian cotton or bamboo being top choices. Don’t forget about hand towels and washcloths. Purchase them in matching sets to give your bathroom a coordinated appearance.
Toilet Essentials
The humble toilet often gets overlooked in the excitement of bathroom shopping, but a few essential purchases can elevate your experience. Soft-close toilet seats prevent that annoying slamming noise, while bidet features can add a touch of luxury. Additionally, invest in a good plunger and toilet brush – both items you'll want to have before you need them.
Illumination and Ambiance
Lighting in the bathroom is critical. A well-lit vanity area ensures that daily routines like shaving or makeup application go smoothly. Look for LED lights which are both energy-efficient and offer a clearer light. For ambiance, consider purchasing some scented candles or diffusers that can help transform your bathroom into a spa-like sanctuary.
Shopping for bathroom supplies doesn't have to be overwhelming, with a reliable bathroom supply store. By focusing on the essentials listed above, you can ensure that your bathroom is not only functional but also a space of comfort and relaxation. Always remember, the devil is in the details. Small touches and high-quality products can significantly elevate the overall bathroom experience. Whether it's the soft glint of a well-chosen faucet or the luxurious feel of a thick towel, the right choices make all the difference.
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shophublit · 2 years
Home Lighting Technique Tips
Lighting is one of the basic concepts that are handled in decoration. However, homeowners are not always aware of its importance. The choice of lighting is so important, or more so, than the furniture. Lighting is responsible in large part of the safety and welfare of family members. Knowing where to place the various points of light, as well as the ideal system is vital to work and rest at ease. 
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There are three different types of lighting: general lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting.   
General Lighting is used to illuminate an entire room, this can be accomplished with chandeliers, ceiling or wall mounted fixtures, recessed or track lights. You can double the amount of light if it is reflected on a mirror, a wall or white ceiling. 
  Task lighting is used to illuminate a particular area. For non-dazzling light when working, hide it with some kind of screen, always trying to focus in avoiding shadows on the work area. It can be provided by recessed and track lighting, pendant lighting and under cabinet lighting, as well as by portable floor and desk lamps.   
Accent lighting is used as part of an interior design scheme to draw the eye to houseplants, paintings, sculptures and other prized possessions. To be effective, accent lighting requires at least three times as much light on the focal point as the general lighting surrounding it. Accent lighting is usually provided by recessed and track lighting or wall-mounted picture lights. The upward vertical ones are lights which light effect is created primarily by reflecting the beam in the ceiling. This system is often used to create a soft indirect effect. For this purpose you can use wall lamps and floor lamps.   
Low voltage lamps are useful to illuminate sculptures and paintings on the wall, because they produce less heat. You can choose a track light with a dimmer switch. Must be installed by a professional.   
Never direct the bulbs directly on paintings and furniture of great value, or put a lamp under a painting, the heat of the lights could cause damage. Since virtually all experts agree that about 60 percent of the population spends more than 5 hours a day watching television, this leads us to say is the most important appliance in the house, therefore, occupies a privileged place in the living room, bedroom and, in some cases, even in the kitchen.   
This means it is essential to know what type of lighting is most appropriate for each space, but above all, what kind of light is the best to avoid eyestrain or visual fatigue in viewers. There are three basic rules to consider when illuminating a room where a TV is installed, so not end up seriously affecting vision. 
• Never watch television in a completely dark room.  • Nor should it be done with a very strong light.�� • Avoid the light, natural or artificial, is reflected in the device's screen. 
  To avoid impaired vision is recommended, when watching television, have soft lighting. This can be achieved by different ways.   
• With dimmer switches that allow you to adjust the amount of light emitted by the lighting system.  • Placing a secondary light source behind the TV, facing the wall.  • Placing points of lights just behind the viewer. 
  Another important aspect when planning the illumination of a house are the switches. Try to place them near the doors and easily to reach in order to turn on or turn off the lights in comfort. In the living room, install a switch for each lamp or group of them and dimmable lights. Know that it takes about 20 watts of light per square meter of space.   
Several table lamps or floor lamps, spread around the room, give a softer effect than a single central lamp.   
To make the room appear wider use ceiling lights directed towards the walls, taking care that the amount of light is uniform throughout the wall. This is even more effective in light-coloured walls. For a discrete illumination install lights hidden or half-hidden in the ceiling, trying not to reveal the source of the light. 
In hallways and stairs make sure this area is always well lit to prevent accidents and to create warm and welcoming. Paint the walls of the hall and stairs with a light color to reflect light better at it.    In the living room, look for light effects to highlight areas where there are paintings, sculptures or plants. A chandelier or pendant light can be ideal to illuminate the dining table, or you can also place several small hanging lights. 
  In bedrooms install a general light, put lamps on the bedside tables for reading, and lights in the closet area. In children rooms utilize dimmable wall lamps instead of floor lamps or table lamps.   
In conclusion lighting makes a big difference in how you feel about your home. Lighting helps you perform tasks more easily, and makes you feel safer and more comfortable. By using different lighting techniques, you can create a dramatic look, a soft cozy feeling, highlight artwork, or provide lighting for a work area. When planning the lighting for a room in your home, begin by considering the activities taking place and the look you are trying to achieve. 
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bathroomforless · 17 days
Discover our selection of high-quality non-illuminated mirror cabinets, featuring top brands like Nuie alongside our exclusive collection at Bathroom4less. These stylish and functional cabinets provide ample storage while adding a sleek, modern touch to your bathroom. Crafted with precision and designed for durability, our mirror cabinets offer a perfect blend of practicality and elegance. Enhance your bathroom with our premium range and find the ideal cabinet to suit your space.
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dritaclick · 2 years
Stern pinball
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Rush pinball machines will be showcased virtually to the press and public for the first time at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas from January 5 th – 8 th. “In memory of Neil Peart, we have also decided to support the Neil Peart Research Award sponsored by the Glioblastoma Foundation as it researches cures for this deadly brain cancer.” Incredible music, memorable toys, unique mechanical pinball action, and custom speech will make players feel like they are on tour with the band,” said Gary Stern, Chairman and CEO. “Partnering with Rush, we created a musical pinball experience that every fan will want to explore.
The LE version also includes an exclusive full color mirrored backglass inspired by Clockwork Angels, iconic custom cabinet artwork, custom high gloss and powder-coated guitar-shaped pinball armor, a custom designer-autographed bottom arch, exclusive inside art blades, upgraded audio system, anti-reflection pinball playfield glass, shaker motor, a sequentially numbered plaque, and a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Stern Chairman and CEO Gary Stern. Positioned in pockets cut into the cabinet sides to provide color themed full playfield illumination, this integrated playfield lighting system is synchronized to custom light shows specifically designed for every song and dynamically responsive to game events. With 96 intelligent RGB LEDs, the Expression Lighting System enables full color spectrum control. Limited to 1,000 LE machines globally, the highly collectible LE version includes the Expression Lighting System™. As an encore, a three-bank of musical drop targets guard a secret ball lock for players to discover an adrenalized Freewill Multiball to continue their musical pinball journey. The ‘Dead End’ vertical upkicker propels pinballs up an additional wireform ramp return for non-stop pinball action. This motorized clock illuminates, and when it strikes midnight players will be transported to a Headlong Fight Multiball frenzy.Īdditional features on the Premium and LE models include a custom subway system, locking pinballs to unleash a high energy Far Cry Multiball. The Rush Premium and LE model pinball experience includes a motorized ramp with custom lighting effects and a custom sculpted Clockwork Angels Clock, inspired from Neil Peart’s bass drum from their Time Machine Tour. Players will explore Red Barchetta, Subdivisions, and Fly By Night Multiball action. Travel back in time with Rush by shooting pinballs through a custom sculpted, electromagnetic Time Machine. Registration for Insider Connected is available at /. Insider Connected also provides an operator focused toolset to drive location play and remotely manage every aspect of the machines. Stern Insider Connected provides dynamic entertainment and player engagement features. Rush pinball machines include Stern’s new Insider Connected™ system, which enables players to interact with the game and a global network of players in a variety of ways. Songs include Headlong Fight, Far Cry, One Little Victory, Working Man, 2112, Tom Sawyer, The Spirit of Radio, Freewill, Cygnus X-1 (Book One: The Voyage and Book Two: Hemispheres), The Big Money, Subdivisions, Limelight, Fly By Night, La Villa Strangiato, Bastille Day, and Red Barchetta. This Rush pinball concert under glass features sixteen iconic songs, accentuated by sound and lighting effects. Immersed in exclusive Rush concert footage and guided by custom speech from Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee, and fellow Canadian Rock Hall of Famer, Ed Robertson of the Barenaked Ladies, players will experience Rush and their iconic music as never before. In this epic music pinball adventure, players will travel with Rush through time. Stern’s Rush pinball machines, reflect the energy, excitement, and experience of a live Rush concert. Absolutely uncompromising in every conceivable way, the band featured bassist, keyboardist, and lead vocalist Geddy Lee, guitarist Alex Lifeson, and the late drummer, percussionist, and lyricist Neil Peart. Rush’s music remains in constant rotation to this day. Their magnum opus, 2112, represents one of progressive rock’s greatest works. Rush first burst onto the scene when its song, Working Man, crossed the pirate radio airwaves from Toronto, Canada to Cleveland, Ohio and then onto the rest of North America and the world. Rush pinball machines are available in Pro, Premium, and Limited Edition (LE) models. proudly announces a new line of pinball machines celebrating the iconic Canadian progressive rock band, Rush. It was always about their music, their friendships, their band, their fans, and now: Countless other awards and recognitions.įor the three band members, however, it was never about the accolades. More than 40 years of unparalleled creativity.
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Best Bathroom Furniture Guide for Efficient Storage Solution for Your Bathroom
Are you planning for your bathroom to add usability with an elegant look? Bathroom furniture is the best way to make your bathroom perfect in terms of best style & usability. Whether it’s your personal bathroom or a family bathroom, it is a private place for everyone to get refreshed and relax.
Hence, when you design a layout for your bathroom, consider the most important bathroom furniture essential for your daily requirement. In this best bathroom furniture buying guide, we help you how to choose the most essential bathroom furniture for your dream bathroom.
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First, you should fix your budget to buy the furniture. Also, ensure that which furniture best suits your bathroom, like Modern Bathroom Furniture or Traditional Bathroom Furniture. Besides, consider some significant factors such as size, style, shape, and storage capacity in addition to your budget limit.
You have a broad range of choices to select the best quality & brand of bathroom furniture, such as Duravit bathroom furniture UK, Vitra Bathroom Furniture, Burlington bathroom furniture, and many others.
Before deciding on buying furniture, you should first design a floor plan of your bathroom that gives you a precise idea to place each piece of furniture accurately. Make a smart selection to give your bathroom a space-saving storage solution.
You have choices of bathroom furniture such as open units, furniture with doors, drawers, etc. You can choose open units for your limited budget or not enough space to open doors or drawers. Selecting the storage cabinet with doors or drawers depends on the available space to open doors or drawers. Remember, the door or drawer should not collide with other bathroom products, the main door, or windows. 
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Freestanding or Fitted bathroom furniture can decide based on available bathroom space.
For your luxurious and spacious bathroom, you can go with a freestanding choice, but Combination Bathroom Furniture looks great in your small or modern bathroom.  With fitted bathroom furniture, you can fix everything under place. You can use your dead space like corners to place your furniture.
Create a bespoke look of bathroom furniture by combining multiple wall-mounted and floor-standing units with fitted bathroom furniture. They come in different colors & sizes with the choice to select the knobs & handles of different styles.
With an accurate measurement of the height, length & breadth of your bathroom space, you should also ensure the exact locations of the power supply and mains water. Vitra Bathroom Units offers an unmatched look and luxury with the best storage solution for spacious or small bathrooms.
Bathroom cabinets are the most useful pieces of furniture to store items and keep them out of reach of children. You can fix it above your basin. The different bathroom cabinets include Freestanding Cabinets, Mirror Cabinets, HIB Mirror Cabinets, and others. Keep it in a place that becomes handy for you to get things, easily.
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To hide your messy pipework underneath your basin area, vanity units are a great option. It offers an extra storage solution with drawers & cupboards in your bathroom. You can choose a countertop or semi or fully integrated basins into your vanity unit. You can select Wall Hung Vanity unit with basin, Burlington vanity unit with basin, Vitra Voyage Vanity Unit, Tavistock Bathroom Vanities, Cloakroom bathroom vanities, Floor Standing Vanity Units, or others to enhance the look of your designer bathrooms in the UK.
Wall-hung units play a vital role in creating an organized look for your bathroom. It is as useful as your kitchen cupboard that provides a handy storage solution for towels, toiletries, etc. As it is mounted on a wall, it keeps your floor area open, which makes it easy to clean and well-maintain. Check the strength of your wall so that it can bear the weight of the wall-mounted unit.
Freestanding bathroom furniture is the best option for your spacious bathroom.  This standalone furniture can install easily and can move anywhere if you want to rearrange the position of your bathroom furniture.
Tall storage units are a great space-saving storage option for bathrooms having a limited area for furniture. Generally, it contains shelves, storage components, and drawers. You can choose a wall-mounted or freestanding tall storage unit based on your bathroom layout.
You can choose a bathroom mirror with a storage unit or a separate one. If you don’t have any wall space to fix the mirror, you can choose combination furniture in which you will get a storage mirror cabinet of your desired style, size, and design. Choose Non-Illuminated Mirrors for bathrooms having enough lights or Illuminated Mirrorsfor dark bathroom area. Thus, you can enhance the look of your contemporary or classic bathroom using mirrors.
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If you are looking for the best Bathroom Shop in the UK that offers a great deal on branded bathroom furniture such as Duravit bathroom furniture UK, Vitra Bathroom Furniture, Toilet Units(WC Units), Freestanding Cabinets, and others, write at [email protected]
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benebathroomsonline · 3 years
High quality bathroom mirrors and mirror cabinets available online at bene bathrooms online bathroom shop UK. Huge range including Illuminated with LED lights,large or small, square or round. We stock vast range of bathroom mirror cabinets too. Shop Bathrooms online UK! Here we make sure that you find your dream products for your bathroom. Buy Bathroom mirrors and bathroom mirror cabinets online.
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ecrivant · 4 years
thereafter | jean kirstein
(jean kirstein x reader)
after the climax of a one-night stand, jean wanders around your apartment in reflection.  a short story about the graceless aftermath of sex with strangers.  
word count: 1.1k
You had surrendered to sleep long ago, though he assumed you had not meant to.  He had laid beside you as you did, and when your breathing slowed and your denuded body—having from fatigue gone slack—leaned heavy against him, he had silently and carefully pulled himself from underneath you and risen from the couch and grimaced at the way the sweat on his back had seeped onto its fabric and covered your still and peaceful form with a blanket.  Flushing at the sight of your bare chest despite the wanton coalescence which had come before.  
The appeal of one-night stands was on him lost, yet there had been something about you in the lurid and flashing lights of that club he despised—looking slightly lost though not awkwardly so—that was so beguiling, and any reluctance about the whole affair, assuaged, as you had pushed him into your apartment and lasciviously pressed your lips to his and grabbed at his cock through fabric with hungry and desperate hands.
Though, mind now unclouded by lust, he reflected on the voyeuristic nature of it all.  There was something about sex that felt like an ultimate, and to pass over all rapport and instead immediately indulge in physical desire—it was at once so intimate and detached.  As if his mind observed as a third party as his body satiated its carnal wants.  Perhaps on another night—one more inebriated and less ruminative—the appeal would be elucidated.
Not to mention the unspoken etiquette of fucking strangers—was he meant to leave, now?  He moved to wake you but halted, overcome by a reticence foreign to him.  Instead he twined his hands and watched as your face—remarkably unfamiliar to him—contorted for a moment at some somnial commotion.  In mindless action his fingers scratched at a scab on his neck.  He picked up boxer shorts unceremoniously thrown to the floor and pulled them up to his hips, now somewhat robed and feeling less carnal and beastly.  The lino wood under sole—poorly installed, as it sank ever so slightly beneath his weight—felt cold and artificial, and it reminded him of perpetually-lit hotel lobbies and the foyers of office buildings and his first-year university dorm.  He blinked twice, overwhelmed by the recollective spate by such imagery invoked.  
He found the bathroom behind the second door he tried.  With door closed and impeding the hallway’s pervasive tungsten illumination, he pissed in near dark, save for the luminance offered by a weak nightlight which jutted from an outlet beside the begrimed mirror cabinet.  He eyed his reflection as he washed his hands without soap, and the visage which stared back seemed as unfamiliar as the one dormant outside of this washroom—it looked ghostly and strange, dimly lit by that small lamp which casted shadows on uncomplimentary regions of his likeness, and its eyes were sunken and weary, and the pupils overblown, and the planes of this visage were waxen and greased by sweat, and it looked like the face of some troglodyte who seldom parted from his dwellings but on this night decided to venture into mortal domain. Upon this inspection made self-conscious.  He ran water over his face and shivered as it splashed onto his unclothed chest and then enveloped his expression in a towel that at once smelled just and nothing like you.
Eyesight made regular to the low light of the bathroom, he squinted as he opened the door and was met with hallway’s brightness.  He had, before exiting, resolved to dress and leave, but was given pause by the room with door cracked which sat at the end of the hallway.  It would be such an arrant invasion of privacy to enter what he assumed to be your room, but on the assumption he was never to see you again, nor was he going to rouse you to inquire about your life’s story, which was no doubt as interesting and uneventful as the next person’s, he saw this as the next best course of action if he was to know anything about you.  A weak justification, he figured, for what was simply insatiable curiosity against which his conscience stood no chance.  
The room was quaint and somewhat plain, as if modeled after the description of a personal space—a room that, perhaps under different circumstances, he would have come to know.
It smelled of cedar and fire smoke, a blend that effectively removed the space from the city in which it resided.  
A bookshelf which collected dust, and on it books with spines cracked, some so badly the titles themselves, unreadable.  Reduced to nameless amalgams of words.  
A box, tattered cardboard, labeled and relabeled with tape and marker and laden with an ill-sorted clutter—the type of mess which had but to one no meaning.  A box which in it contained several used calendars, a painting on a piece of driftwood, an empty glass jar.  And beneath this manmade detritus laid a gaudy romance novel, a high school chemistry textbook never returned, a keychain with dozens of keys, an old deck of cards, a canteen engraved with unfamiliar initials, a sketchbook of mostly blank pages, a green vase, a small jewelry box of sea glass.  And one layer deeper: a CD in two pieces, a bag of pills, trinkets from a dentist’s office, tearful, tired eyes, terrible and leaden thoughts, the remnants of a failed relationship.  
The kind of things that easily filled an apartment, if not curtailed.  
He raised his hands in surrender and stood and backed away from your things.  A line, crossed long ago; and only now did the guilt come.  It was time for him to leave.  
You did not rouse as he collected his clothing from the floor.  
Perhaps against his better judgment, he scribbled his name and phone number onto a piece of paper and with a magnet tacked it to your refrigerator.  He stepped back and stared at his note—written on paper garish neon yellow—and thought for a moment before adding the addendum, beneath his name: from the bar.  He did not want to give himself the credit of making such an impression on you as to not require some kind of clarification accompanying his name, which even to him, under the white lights of your kitchen, seemed alien.  
He returned to your sleeping form and pressed a kiss to your forehead—again, a strange act of impulse. Carried out as if he were a spouse departing.  
He turned off the lights as he exited and remarked the domestic scene before him—one so private and rarely seen—and at last closed the door and ventured into the night, which coming from the space interior was cold and uninviting.  
Somehow, though without assurance of its arrival, he already found himself waiting for your call.  
me, wondering how long i can use slice-of-life as a crutch to describe my plotless drivel: hey!  thank you for reading!  here’s a casual, slice-of-life, non-intrusive jean piece.
i really do appreciate the support of late.  feedback is always appreciated, of course!  more things coming soon!  xoxo
taglist: @flam3bird, @sakusas-whore
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fangirlyah · 4 years
✦ just an arrangement - Draco Malfoy x Reader (part 1)
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summary: the return to the school year with the dark mark is hard enough, but now they must fulfill a more intimate request or they expect a happily ever after with an old death eater.
warnings: none
word count: 1,950
a/n: i’m pretty excited about this so i hope u like it. if u wanna be part of my (still non-existent) tag list for this fic, just tell me :)
a starry night full of light illuminated the sky.  very different from the humor y/n was holding. 
she saw herself in the mirror, immersed in constant pain, both physical and emotional. her arm, freshly marked by the dark lord, felt almost on fire, stitches and burns that were almost impossible to hold. thanks to her childhood surrounded by darkness due to the alliances of her families, she herself already knew how to create her own healing potions that sootheed her wounds for at least a while.  
she was only sixteen, but had a higher weight on her back than any teenager. she was not the only one, her classmate, draco malfoy, had and was suffering a life very similar to hers.  but he wasn't very good at hiding it, his thinner body and marked dark circles revealed his stress. but y/n was always a better actress, no one had ever seen the bruises on her arms, nor had she been seen decaying. on the contrary she was known for being one of the sweetest and most positive people with every hogwarts student. thing that put his hair on end, ‘how could she be so calm with everything that was going on?’ she knew a war was coming but he always saw her smiling sweetly at every person who crossed her path. how many times had he smiled that sixth year of hogwarts? maybe not one. 
but as he noticed her big white smiles, she noticed the lack of his. she knew what he was going through, his task was very complicated and terrifying, y/n had been lucky enough to be out of the instant murder of her own headmaster, but she had to be in charge of repairing the vanishing cabinet. 
they were not friends or anything close to the word, they were acquaintanced despite the number of encounters they had during the months, due to the similar connection of their parents. both only children, completely alone on their way to giving their full life to who-must-not-be-named. y/n did not want to be alone, since she was a child, she had tried to approach the blonde and become his friend, but he did not acknowledge receipt. 
"hello, draco! my house elf made pumpkin pie, would you like a piece?" a small y/n took small leaps in her freshly ironed dark blue dress.
"I'd rather die than try something of yours," an eleven-year-old draco disgustingly expressed to the girl who was just looking for his sympathy. 
a sympathy that, despite the passage of the years, she had never found. y/n had stopped trying, had stopped fraternizing with draco in the fourth year, when she had slightly begun to develop a crush on him. and she was, and is, smart enough to know that if her hormonal heart kept hearing his wretched words, she would have an almost irreparable broken heart. but it didn't work, because even though he ignored her, she couldn't get him out of her mind. and seeing him at least twice a month at her home, dressed in his pristine suit and his fine hair combed did not help. 
"y/n since when is your roasted chicken more important than good gossip?" millicent spoke with her mouth full of crushed potatoes, spitting slightly. 
"since always, millie" y/n was not at a time in her life where an adolescent gossip filled all her senses. 
"you're very boring... so, it turns out ginevra weasley is in love with potter!" 
"I'm not at all surprised, weirdos like weirdos" pansy parkinson, despite the years that elapsed, did not seem to forget her hatred of gryffindor and everything related to it, especially the golden trio and its own close ones. 
it was a Friday night and despite the icy weather and sun falling much earlier, the great hall was full of students enjoying their dinners. at the slytherin table there were most students, but there wasn't any sign of draco malfoy... but she spoke very quickly. 
"get up" a big, cold hand, adorned with silver rings and emeralds that stood out on his pale skin, grabbed y/n by the arm and pulled her with intent to lift her out of the seat. 
"sorry?" she looked up to see the blonde with a serious countenance, staring at her. 
"hey, we're talking you can't take her that way!" spoke one of her friends but it was too late, y/n was already standing on draco’s side, who kept holding her arm tightly. 
"shut your mouth, bulstrode" and with that, draco began to walk quickly without looking back, which she thanked as he would not see her in a hurry and almost stepping on her own feet. 
arriving on the seventh floor, finally, a large door suddenly appeared on a white wall, capturing the complete attention of y/n. draco did not hesitate and submerged them both inside the unknown room which turned out to be too small for its immense door. 
'the room of requirement' thought y/n immediately, but why did it appear before them? she wondered. 
it was the first time y/n and draco had crossed word for at least five months, since the first time they both attended a death eaters meeting as official members. she still remembers how her body trembled and as his did too, but the firm hand of lucius on his back almost held him in his place. she also recalls that their seats were facing each other, and that she saw him swallow heavily when, after the meeting, he saw the girl accidentally shed a salty tear. 
"may I ask you what we are doing here?" y/n’s voice sounded shy and calm despite having draco in front of her swinging from one place to the other, regardless of the small space. he did not speak and it had been more than five minutes that they were inside the room and the idea of leaving had crossed y/n’s thoughts, but she knew what he was going through, so she decided to wait. 
"you're my girlfriend now..." draco's body stood violently in front of her, leaving a reasonable distance. he didn't look her in the eye, but she knew he was serious.
"what the-... what?" 
"we have to be together, the dark lord wants it so" 
"since when?..." the confusion took over her body, even though her heart was screaming, 'your crush is telling you to be together, shut up and accept!' but it wasn't that simple. 
"in less than six months we will both be seventeen, your parents and mine were married at that age, and they were all already death eaters..."
"it's our turn" y/n thought out loud.
"we must not marry, just... be together...as a couple or we'll be paired with other death eater who's at least fifteen years older and I think we both know that's not a reasonable choice"
"I understand..." it was something they should do sooner or later, then they could split up and submit to some other arranged marriage. but at the moment they were both the best choice of the other. "let's do it" 
the idea of pretending to be a couple began to really settle in y/n’s head a week of the event, when draco rested his hands on her shoulders unexpectedly on a sunday for breakfast time. she wanted to bewitch herself when she felt the butterflies she hated so much flowering. those butterflies provoked by him, which she had sworn to bury years ago and which she had clearly failed to achieve. 
her friends’ faces were transformed to the sudden change in the attitude of the prince of slytherin. they all noticed that they both slipped away from classes and most social situations over the weeks. but, they would never have assumed they were going away to be together, they were right. they used to escape because of the tasks indicated by who-must-not-be-named or because the terror and darkness had suddenly consumed them. 
then the weeks passed and their interactions increased, because they had to increase if they wanted to make it believable. 
the arrangement had begun in august and by that month, their only contact was some rubbing of hands in potions or small glances in the great hall, which however minuscule they were, they both knew that they should be noticed. 
"you're doing it wrong!-emm...I think you're putting more ingredients than the necessary, y/n" sometimes she wanted her fake boyfriend to be a better actor, his voice changes were notorious, but at least that day they were lucky to be sitting with crabbe and goyle so none of them noticed his weird voice changes, and if they did, they wouldn't have the braveness to ask. 
"I've made this potion multiple times, draco. to make it perfect a few drops of agrippa are never too much" the blonde’s ears were still surprised to hear his name, his actual name and not malfoy, come out of y/n’s mouth. despite his attitude towards her, which had not changed since the age of eleven, she continued to treat him delicately. 
"you've done this multiple times? this is the first time we are learning potions to close wounds" the last thing he wanted was to make the cute girl uncomfortable, it wouldn't show a good image for their relationship.
"I'm only curious when it comes to potions" but y/n answered with immediate discomfort, much to the chagrin of draco. 
by september, their hands were already united from class to class and their bodies were sitting together in the great hall for almost every meal, all of this causing a lot of whispers.
"your hand is sweaty" whispered draco in his ear, as they traversed long meadows to hagrid’s hut.
"sorry... is that everyone is looking at us and it's making me nervous" she wasn't used to being the center of attention, unlike him. 
"just... focus on me" draco gave a squeeze to her hand, making y/n think that, finally, the boy had given in to acting cordial in their false relationship. but his phrase wasn't over, "you must do well, I won't let you ruin this."
with that said, y/n focused her thoughts on draco. how he was holding her hand, how she had imagined this so many times and how he seemed unbothered by it. but he wasn't feeling like that.
it was only in october that they first had a meeting alone, only the two of them, with no audience present. 
y/n was on a sofa, very close to a large window pointing to the big forests surrounding hogwarts, in the common room. it was the early hours of the morning so the sun was orange painting the sky as if it were its own canvas, lighting everything around it, including y/n. her hard-covered book was on her lap and she moved it so gently that it seemed that her fingers floated. for draco's eyes it was something new. with semi-swollen eyes, a morning voice but perfectly clothed, he watched her from the other side of the place. he didn't think she was a morning person, so when he received the letter and decided to be the first to come down for breakfast as he couldn't fall asleep again, the last thing he thought was he was going to find her there. with her legs contracted towards her and her bright hair braided in a shedding way, was the first thing draco saw that morning. and for a moment, he thanked merlin for waking up so early. 
"it's time to go" was the only thing the blonde seemed to say, when he approached the couch where she was. y/n just turned around to see him. she knew exactly what he meant. 
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