#none of the companions are war criminals
gunpowdercarousel · 5 months
"Oh my god I love her so much! She's just the cutest war crimina-!"
And I stop reading.
It honestly kind of bothers me just how casually the term 'war criminal' is tossed around these days.
Just because they've killed people doesn't mean they're a war criminal.
Just because they're mean doesn't mean they're a war criminal.
Just because they've FOUGHT IN A WAR doesn't mean they're a war criminal.
I get that Tumblr is always looking for big, funny new phrases to chew on like dog toys, but maybe we should pick something other than the one that has extremely awful real-world implications.
War crimes are some of the most unspeakably evil things humans can do to each other, and using 'war criminal' as an ENDEARING term is just kind of pathetic. Stop. If you're going to use it, use it properly. Don't make 'war criminal'' become some stupid, cutesy, utterly meaningless term.
Because honestly, that's something TikTok would do.
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jmdbjk · 10 months
BTS Military enlistment thoughts...
These are my thoughts and opinions. Information is out there if you seek it yourself. Nothing has been confirmed by any of the members or the company.
News media says Korean male citizens Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook will be enlisting soon: Dec. 11 for the first two and Dec. 12 for the latter pair.
And that Jimin and Jungkook seem to have chosen the companion enlistment option. Yes, "option" because they could have chosen to go in separately.
Koreans who are familiar with how this all works, have tried to explain the process. From what I understand, the companion option allows them to serve their entire enlistment together.
They weren't forced and this wasn't their only option for enlistment. They chose this themselves for a reason, for personal reasons, that none of us can know because we aren't them.
Many speculate but NO ONE KNOWS their reasons!
According to various sources, they will be at the same training center as Jin. There are many groups doing ongoing training there. But I don't believe they will be in the same company that Jin serves as assistant trainer. Credible sources say that Jin's unit at the training center is not accepting recruits on Dec. 12 which is the supposed date that Jimin and Jungkook will enter the military but we don't know for sure. But being at the same training center would allow them to see each other when they have time.
This reunion:
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We won't know for sure until it actually happens.
Many are throwing around wild speculation regarding the fact Jimin and Jungkook are the only two with tattoos and therefore had fewer options. But they aren't. All the members have tattoos now. The Korean military needs all the manpower they can get, they aren't excluding men with tattoos, they are just limiting the situations they can serve.
The options are limited (and only slightly) for them because very visible tattoos, especially on the arms and hands, would allow them to be identified too easily. This is a consideration and criteria that is regulated in militaries and law enforcement around the world and is not isolated to Korea. Criminals are identified by their tattoos. Military personnel can also be identified by visible tattoos. In a situation where it is imperative that enlisted remain anonymous, hand tattoos would be a dead giveaway for identification. I'm sure there are other reasons for no tattoos allowed in certain assignments.
The application process began months ago and is the same process all Korean male citizens would go through to be approved for the companion program.
No one is really discussing Tae and Namjoon, everyone is going batshit crazy over Jimin and Jungkook. Let them do their service in the manner they wish. None of you have any say-so in it so shut up.
No one is capable of or even wants to step back and consider the big picture which is more telling.
Regarding Tae and Namjoon, I would venture to say that after basic training, its possible Namjoon will serve in some capacity with the Defense Ministry's Agency for KIA Recovery & Identification which he was named ambassador for earlier this year. That office is located in Seoul I believe. The fact he is well-known publicly and he can speak English would enhance his success in an assignment of this sort. This agency recovers those who lost their lives in action during the Korean War in which American soldiers also perished.
Recovering those KIA happens near or in the DMZ.
IF the hearsay about where Jimin and Jungkook might be assigned after training has any truth, they are supposedly headed to this area as they also perform minesweeping when searching for KIA remains. Again, none of this is confirmed, I am just employing critical thinking...
Tae supposedly has chosen the Special Task Force of the Army's Capital Defense Command. That seems like it implies he'll remain within Seoul during his enlistment.
It's all speculation, but I think these men carefully considered their options and the ramifications. None of this was done on a whim, from Namjoon's ambassadorship and the possibilities of it, to Jimin and Jungkook's companion enlistment and why they chose that option, NONE OF IT WAS DONE WITHOUT CAREFUL CONSIDERATION. They had to apply MONTHS ago for the options they were allowed to choose. They are not the only men in Korea enlisting this year, there are tens of thousands of others.
No one is considering, IF Namjoon is in Seoul during his enlistment, he would have something in common with Tae. And Yoongi. And Jin will be discharged in June, Hobi will be discharged in October... the implications, the connections... their target is 2025. Nothing is a coincidence. They can't be working while enlisted, however reuniting briefly with friends over dinner and drinks is allowed... what they talk about during their get togethers is none of our business.
ALL THAT BEING SAID... Hybe did a tremendous job this past summer with the 10th anniversary Festa celebration, involving various municipality governments, procuring large corporate sponsors and communicating to news media in the almost month long series of events. They elevated the general public's awareness of BTS's impact and therefore instilled value and pride for their continued success.
No military commander would want anything to happen to the members while under their watch.
P.S.: The idiots sending in emails to the Defense Ministry are hurting EVERYONE. The level of lunacy knows no bounds with certain people. They suffer from a pathological psychosis. Don't engage, don't acknowledge.
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Nobunaga her Archer and Avenger versions from FGO with an S/O who was her master in a previous grail war who she meets again at Chaldea and he's become a rare modern day heroic spirit and a strong one at that.
I had a blast writing this, not to mention it helped to scratch the itch I had for the best war criminal.
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“Heh, looks like you still have a bad habit of not expecting things to get in close to you. Then again… you are an archer, so I guess it can’t be helped.” a familiar voice muttered behind Nobu.
“It couldn’t be…” Nobu thought to herself in shock.
Then, the cuts ignited, engulfing the corrupted servant in a pillar of blood red flames.
“So… you became a heroic spirit didn’t you?” Nobu asked without even turning to face you, her fists clenched tight.
“Of course, after all, we both left quite a few things left unsaid to one another the last time we were together didn’t we?” You responded quietly, the same sword at Nobu’s side in your own hand.
“You know that's not what I meant.” Nobu muttered through gritted teeth.
“I know, but the how can be saved for later.” You told the archer servant quietly as you returned your blade to its sheath.
The atmosphere was tense as the group returned to Chaldea with Nobu glaring daggers at the newly summoned saber servant who held the same sword as her in their hands.
In an effort to break the ice, Guda decided to ask a question.
“Soooo… Saber, mind introducing yourself to the class?”
“Apologies Master, but only one person will ever get to know my true name, and she is rather greedy with it.” You responded as you walked beside the woman glaring daggers at you.
“Really? Mind if I ask who?” Mash innocently requested.
“I don’t think that's my place to say, but you probably know her, she has a wonderful larger than life personality that can get her into quite a bit of trouble which she’ll easily brush off, not to mention, she is quite attractive, and looks quite fetching in her uniform.” You responded cheerily, leaving a certain archer flabbergasted and, if one looked closely, blushing ever so slightly.
After that, You and Nobu were inseparable and yet… no one knew why.
Nobu sitting directly next to you during lunch, as she drank tea, or addressed her retainers.
You sat directly next to her… any time she was sitting down.
It got to the point that, in lieu of your true name, you had been designated as “The Saber Of The Demon King”.
And it was a name Nobu had taken quite a liking to.
She was a rather possessive person after all.
And you being known by that name? It made her all giddy inside.
Now, if only they knew just who you were to her, that would make your name even better for her.
Still, she was going to wait to drop that bombshell, after all, she doubted that it would be good to give so many people a heart attack from shock.
Not to mention, she still had to figure out just what you were to her as well.
Master, comrade, partner, companion, and even… lover.
These were all words she could use to describe you and yet… none of them truly fit what the two of you were, falling short by the distance of entire planets.
Oh well, the both of you had plenty of time to figure out just what the two of you were to one another.
After all, she was Oda Nobunaga, Demon King Of The Sixth Heaven, it can’t be helped that things tended to get a bit complicated when she was involved!
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The flames of Honnoji engulfed her enemies in pillars of flames, burning them to less than ash in an instant.
Yet, she was not the one who burned them.
That honor belonged to her counterpart, a recently summoned Ruler who could always be found standing at the Demon King's side like a loyal blade.
No one knew exactly where this servant came from, there was no record of them in the stores of Chaldea and the Ruler refused to share their name, saying that a rather fiery conqueror had already taken sole ownership of it with a look of affection on their face that had caused a certain Avenger to chuckle with a similar look on her own.
There were theories of course, most of them centering around the two of you.
Some were reasonable like you being an existence similar to that of Nobukatsu except you were the flames of her noble phantasm made manifest.
Others were… not as reasonable, like the one that claimed you and her were Master and Servant from a grail war or something else that would require a summoning or that would allow an Avenger to properly incarnate in the real world even if only through sheer luck.
Alas… neither of you would ever give a straight answer, merely deflecting every question asked.
Nonetheless, if anyone was ever looking for one of you, they simply had to find the other part of the duo and low and behold that is where the person they were looking for would be.
Simply put, the two of you were inseparable.
And something told everyone in Chaldea both of you would have it no other way.
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Raz Reads Les Mis (X)
Cosette - The Ship Orion
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So Valjean is in prison
How many escape attempts has it been now? At some point you need to start admitting that your current strategy is not working
Hugo tells us that his identification has gone from 24601 to 9430, except I don't remember him ever being mentioned as 24601 in the text
Anyway, Valjean is an evil, terrible, horrible criminal and even though he was a mayor for eight years and nothing but good happened, he has not been reformed
He tricked us! He lied to us!
Oh no now he's gone and the town suddenly isn't doing as well
(For those in the back, please read that sarcastically; me personally, I think I like Valjean)
If Valjean needs a new escape tactic, the people of France need to accept that reformation is possible
Especially when bishop Charlie has anything to do with it
We take a quick sidebar to talk about an old legend
If you see a man in the woods at night, it's the devil burying his treasure
Run up to him? Die in a week
Dig up his treasure? Die in a month
Run away? Die in a year
It's high-stakes 'curiosity killed the cat'
So this man called Boulatruelle is our little curious cat
And the man getting the story out of him is none other than foster father Thenardier
Except Boulatruelle did not see the literal devil, but a convict he had been at the galleys with
And both just ignore looking at each other. "Touching display of feeling in two old companions unexpectedly meeting!"
The sarcasm does not mean you're forgiven, Hugo
But this convict has buried something in the fashion of the devil in the story, and nobody can find it
The final part of this is about another Valjean escape attempt, but first it gets very poetic about conflict
That any war that France is in after 1792 is an insult to the French Revolution
That the strength of armies is built on the weakness (willingness to obey authority) of its soldiers
That the building of a ship is beautiful, that she has a soul, that she has indescribable strength
That some guy trying to sort out the topsail got himself over balanced by his head and has fallen over into the ropes
And who happens to be one of the prisoners helping unmoor the ship but Jean 'failed escape attempts are my love language' Valjean
He far too easily breaks the chain attached to his ankle - with prior permission - and shimmies up the ship to rescue the sailor
Gasp, shock, horror! The convict has fallen into the ocean!
Oh no the search party can't find him!
RIP bro, drowned and body unrecovered
Valjean, if you get caught again, you have nobody to blame but yourself. But at the same time, the fact that France refuses to forgive him infuriates me. He's obviously not a danger to society, and hasn't been for nearly a decade, what is the goal for having him in prison? Is he guilty for his crimes? Yes. Was it extended years in the penal system that made a change to anything? No. So what's the point?
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urwendii · 1 month
Day 3: War + Day 4: Mercy of @eonweweek
Pairing: Eönwë x Mairon
Wordcount: 1.8k
Warning: War of Wrath shenanigans. Dubious moral. Dubious consensual blowjob (?)
Available on ao3
The rain has been pouring without respite for the past days as  the Host settled into an uneasy victory. Too many have they lost to fully celebrate, the damp chilling bones and morales as the Elves build a makeshift camp that sprawls like a lazy snake over the broken hill. Tension still rides high as names are called, provisions numbered. Eönwë has been in council all morning, King Arafinwë and their generals debating the logistics of the following weeks. 
Beleriand is a ruin, cracks where foul fumes and liquid fires belch, streams muddy and wild forcing new paths amongst gentle slopes and collapsed cliffs. The Beleriand Elves are weary of centuries of war and colonialism and do not welcome the Amanyar as heroes. Angband needs to be cleansed and many of Morgoth's forces are still roaming the ruined landscape. 
Eönwë shivers as he tracks back to his own tent, nodding at a few soldiers. His boots sink deep in the mud and his wings hang heavy on his back, but the turmoil in his guts is the worst. He doesn't even let his surprise show when upon opening the flaps of what stands as modest, fast put up together, private quarters for the High Commander of the army of the West and finds Mairon sitting on a chair looking at him with cold resigned eyes. 
Both say nothing. 
Eönwë has been dreading meeting him on the battlefield yet the Lieutenant had been noticeably absent from all battles, leaving only a trail of sorcery in the shadows of his absence.
Four days ago, Eönwë had dragged Morgoth himself out of the fortress, repugnant and weakened as the Vala had then been, a pitiful mockery of what he should have been, Morgoth had wasted his last words hurling insults and taunting Eönwë. 
Four days was all it took for Mairon to ressurface. 
Eönwë sighs. Sharp and tired. 
"It has been a long time." 
What does one say to one who has caused so much suffering, one you used to count as your closest companion. Mairon looks at him then nods once. His hair is long and hangs past his waist, blond, almost ashen. His eyes are dark. His features, sharp and pale. If it is not for the fire burning within him, Eönwë would have thought him a different being. 
"What do you want Mairon?" He asks when silence has stretched beyond what is acceptable. 
The other Maia looks down at his hands then, demurely folded over his lap. This way Mairon looks anything but the picture of a war criminal and murderer. The truth still sits uneasy in Eönwë’s heart. The Mairon he knows– knew, is a precious memory he has forced himself to keep alive in the secrecy of his mind. 
"I am here for your mercy." Demanding and a tad haughty. His voice is higher than it used to be. 
"Why should I give it?" It's a rhetorical question. Eönwë is a war commander, has killed thousands in the last four decades, is still trying to deal with this reality and Morgoth's taunts have not helped. Of course he will give Mairon, the mercy of another chance. 
But this, this is Eönwë the Maia, the former friend and companion's wish. His Lord has sent him on a mission and that is to free the Elves of Middle Earth of evil and the Maia sitting quietly, wearing a muted dark blue robe in a pretense of repentance, counts as such evil. 
Enhanced by Morgoth's immense native power, Mairon has gifts none of their order in Aman owns. Mairon gives him a placid smile. Fake and strained. 
"I will not dignify this with an answer. But you and I know you will not discard me." 
Eönwë takes the slight with a flinch. Hurt, he strides to the other side of the tent, keeping the Maia on the periphery of his vision, then lets out a sharp sigh. Mairon if anything is the one who discarded them, him.
"You left on your own accord."
"I did." 
Eönwë shakes his head. 
"And now your master is no more and you shall have me thinking your coming back to me is genuine?" 
He is surprised at the steel in his words. Perhaps war has taken more than a toll on his ëala. Perhaps it also has turned Eönwë into a new creature. Mairon remains quiet for a few moments, head tilted as he seems to ponder his next words. At last he says, 
"Where should I hope to go then, if not where it all began?" This place is no more, Eönwë thinks angrily, suddenly and his shoves the thought, loud and pained, embroidered with the vivid images of the dying Trees, toward Mairon's mind, walled up as it is. The corner of the Úmaia's eyes tighten, the only physical evidence that he is well aware of Eönwë's despair. 
"I am sorry for the Trees." 
This more than anything is what angers Eönwë.
"You have lost the right to feel sorry for destruction, Sauron." 
This brings a flare of life upon Mairon's pale skin, an ugly shade of red, splotched on his cheeks as he bares his teeth. 
"Do not call me that." 
Silence, frigid and icy, falls between them. Eönwë's sword hangs heavy from his waist and he wants to remove his boots. He feels exhaustion pressing behind eyelids, pressure building at the base of his skull. At times, wearing a fana is a burden. 
He is about to ask what Mairon intends to do but the other Maia is rising to his feet. Despite the charisma he still exudes in this form, Eönwë remains taller than him, a good head above. Mairon's body is slim, waist narrow and deceitful in his perceived weakness, but tension has coiled around his shoulders as he takes one step toward Eönwë, stares at him with dull eyes then does something that makes all the air leaving Eönwë's lungs. 
Kneeling in front of him, head hunched to the floor, Mairon asks forgiveness. Or tries to. His words are carefully picked to not put the blame on his shoulders and he avoids mentioning his regrets of joining Morgoth in the first place. Eönwë isn't sure he wants to hear this anyway for he knows it to be a lie. Mairon is cunning, and ambitious and unapologetic. 
He will never regret his choice of allegiance. Still, the vision he gifts Eönwë, in this moment sends tingles to the tips of wings. 
"You and I used to be friends." He adds quietly. It's an euphemism. They used to be closer. 
"I have lost the war, and I am not delusional on what it means for my future." 
Eönwë blinks then. A flicker of understanding, for speaking with Mairon has always been like solving riddles and jumping ahead of conversations. 
"I will not harm you, nor chain you." He carefully announces and intently stares as Mairon relaxes by a barely perceived degree. 
"Will you forgive me then?" 
Eönwë shuffles, uncomfortable. 
"I will offer you a chance to seek atonement." He replies instead. 
Mairon seems clearly displeased but he nods demurely, and gracefully stands up. They are closer now than they've been in long centuries, there are pale freckles splattered on Mairon's nose and his eyelashes are a tone darker than his hair. 
Eönwë can see the flames burning behind the listless eyes, the fire that Mairon has never been able to tame down. The lips are the same. As soon as the thought has entered his mind, he feels disgusted with himself. Eönwë commands his legs to move, to put some distance with Mairon, and yet he remains there, counting every breath and exhales between them until he is sure that he has committed to memory that new face, strange yet oddly familiar in the way of Ainur. 
"I'm sorry." Mairon whispers and Eönwë bites his own tongue. 
He wants to believe it, he wants so many things. And none of them are worthy of his duties. He knows Mairon is possibly manipulating him when the other male reaches for him and applies cold lips against his own. 
He doesn't want that kiss. 
He should not be kissing him, but Mairon's grasp is strong and unrelenting as he slides a sinful tongue between lips and all but devours Eönwë's hopes and tiny breathy moans. 
Stop it, he urges himself. Stop it, he repeats over and over again as Mairon presses his lithe body against his own, grinding hips that make bright sparks burst behind his closed eyelids. 
Eönwë doesn't even remember closing his eyes and he tries to remain still, unresponsive, hoping against hope that Mairon will cease before he does something he will regret. One hand has snaked between their bodies and Eönwë gasps out loud when it palms his erection, hardening against his will. 
From there it is a whirlwind of motions and Mairon is back on his knees, freeing Eönwë from the tightness of his breeches, erection hard and flushed against his stomach. What is happening, he thinks dazed as he watches with glazed over eyes as Mairon makes a show of licking his lips before running his tongue over the flushed head of his cock. 
Eönwë whimpers, in pain and helplessness against base desire, against long buried feelings, against everything he stands for because it has been so, so long since he last has been touched this way. Stop it. He thinks again, weakly, shivering. Mairon has taken him whole in his mouth, swirling his tongue in a way that makes Eönwë's knees in danger of giving up. 
It is a sudden nose outside of the tent that breaks the spell and calls him back to reality. Suddenly he pushes Mairon away, taking a second to mourn the absence of his mouth before awkwardly lacing back his breeches. 
"Don't." He chokes, angry at both of them. Hurt and heartbroken. 
Mairon's face is unreadable until a sly smile stretches his lips. 
"Are you sure?" 
Eönwë closes his eyes, shoves every ounce of improper feelings back in the far corner of his mind and squares his shoulders. 
"I have given you my assent for atonement. Mairon. I am not Morgoth that I will demand to abase yourself to prove yourself." 
Fury blooms on Mairon's face, followed by what looks to be hurt and Eönwë does not have time to ponder the reason when Mairon goes back on his feet and dust his robes. 
"You know nothing." He hisses. 
Eönwë doesn't like the sliver of satisfaction he feels at Mairon's pain. 
"Maybe not, but I will not allow this behaviour. Go back with us to Valinor and ask Lord Manwë’s forgiveness, for I cannot grant you his blessing."
Something shutters behind Mairon's eyes and Eönwë has a bad omen. The Maia bows once more, wipes his still glistening lips and coldly tells Eönwë he will think about it. 
Eönwë doesn't allow himself to weep when days later, Mairon has once more vanished into the wilds. 
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novastarlyght · 1 month
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The most loyal friend and (2nd?) worst war criminal in the multiverse, meet @pinesquest2d ‘s main antagonist, Nemm Lustre!
Nemm is, obviously, based on me and my mascot/persona/avatar, to the point where they were actually originally just named Nova. However I wanted to give them more of their own identity, especially since while they are a character based on me, it’s similar to say, how Dipper is based on Alex Hirsch.
This hexagram is a fun-loving free spirit who loves to create, with a particular fondness for making riddles, puzzles and games. Having despised their rigid noble upbringing, it’s no wonder they found a kindred spirit in a commoner triangle who spoke of liberation through chaos…
Bill and Nemm have a lot in common, which contributed to them being such close companions, but Nemm balances Bill out in a way that he desperately needs by way of being the one to reassure him it’s alright to be flawed. While they both made mistakes and paid for them in the blood of their home world, Nemm understands the only way to move now is forward, as difficult and daunting as that can be. That’s why they don’t want to do it alone, and don’t want Bill to have to either.
Unfortunately for the Pines family and friends, none of this means they see “simpler lifeforms” like humans as anything but useful pawns at best or irritating pests at worst. Why not uproot them from their dimension and place them as pieces on what is, to Nemm, a far more important chessboard?
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fonmythenmetz · 2 months
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The reason skykestis hit me that hard is, I think, the whole “hope” motif. A Cal & skykestis essay ahead. Jedi fallen order & survivor spoilers, look out.
Cal’s a Jedi Padawan who barely survived the purge because of his master’s sacrifice; he’s been hiding on Bracca scrapping ships until found by Inquisitors and escaping with the help of a former Jedi Master Cere and her pilot Greez. Together they embarked on a mission to find the Jedi holocron containing locations of force-sensitive children in hopes to restart the Order - quietly, in shadows. Ever since, Cal’s been fueled by hope. It guided him, it was the source of his power: he reclaimed his old abilities and was rapidly gaining new strength. By the end of the Fallen Order he’d dealt with two Inquisitors and beat a former Jedi Master Taron Malicos, who, unlike Cere, did not sever his connection to the Force, but fell to the Dark side and was actively conquering Dathomir. (I bet Maul was on a business summit on Nar Shaddaa at the time, otherwise he wouldn’t have tolerated Malicos). Anyway, upon finding the holocron and realising the danger that its existence was for the force-sensitive children, Cal decided to destroy it. However, this victory only encouraged his devotion and love for the Order, which he never stopped missing.
In the years to come his self-imposed mission was to stop the Empire. I see little mention of it, but we know for a fact that by 10 BBY he’s become the most wanted man in the Empire. The bounty for his head was so large that he could never stay in one place, actively hunted by the imperials, mercenaries, and criminal syndicates alike. He worked with Saw Gerrera and became Saw’s “sword” (or rather “lightsaber”), making the resistance a force to be reckoned with. His team split up - Greez retired and opened a cantina on a remote world of Koboh, while Cere deceived Cal, saying that she’s retiring as well but instead she went to develop a secret network to help force-sensitives and those who sympathised with resistance - the “Hidden Path”. She used Cal rampaging around the galaxy as a distraction and a shield to help her quietly establish the Hidden Path. Cal knew nothing of it, though. He believed that he was the only one of them left fighting. But he could not quit - it would be a betrayal of his love for the Order and his hope of one day restoring it.
Throughout all these years and the second game he was actively discouraged to fight by his companions, who’d been telling him to stop, take a break, lay low, but it was something he could not do:
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(Credit for the screenshots to the wonderful theRawTRex on YouTube).
I know Jedi Survivor for some reason wants to make it look like Cal’s just fighting to avenge his lost people, but, knowing the original Star Wars universe, I see it as not him being misguided and desperate, but rather guided by hope - so strong that he still finds strength in it after years on the very front line. And, of course, by the Force.
Again, none of what he did was futile, despite the Empire’s optimistic reports. I understand that it was him, together with Saw Gerrera’s military prowess, that made Rebellion a possibility, and he was the reason why by the start of the Force Unleashed in 17-18 BBY Vader and Emperor both were so concerned about the rebels that they even sent Galen Marek, aka Starkiller, to lure them all into a trap. They hoped to finally kill Cal, but by then he’d taken permanent residence on the hidden world of Tanalorr to hide a force-sensitive child, Kata, so no one could reach them. Cal and Saw’s reputation drew imperial forces and the Emperor’s attention, letting other Jedi like Eno Cordova, Rahm Kota, Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and also rebels like Cere Junda, Merrin, Lothal cell with growing Ezra Bridger, survive. Unfortunately, it also made the Empire angrier and angrier, tightening the grip on the Senate, which is extensively addressed in A New Hope. But it was Cal and Saw’s doing that started the Rebellion. Galen Marek later completed it, gathering the Alliance leaders together, Ezra Bridger supported it, sacrificing himself to kill Grand Admiral Thrawn, all laying foundation for Luke and the others’ victory.
The end of Jedi Survivor is controversial. Throughout the game Cal’s strong in his belief and conviction. He’s a Jedi, despite being completely alone in doing so. But everyone he knows keeps telling him to accept the end of the Order as he knew it and start a new life. Everyone - except Bode, a new crew member. Cal instantly warms up to him. Of course, Bode ends up slowly talking back to him, too:
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“Abandon your way, embrace a new, easier one.” Sound familiar? Yeah, Bode ends up being an imperial spy and a Dark Jedi, who kills Cal’s friends and sets Darth Vader after them all. This breaks Cal - in a way, and he surrenders. He goes to hide on Tanalorr with Merrin and the others. And he starts struggling with the Dark Side. He’s losing his way. He’s losing the Order - and himself - from his vision. In his heart he still longs for it sincerely, desperately, but what can he do when he lost so much and so many, and the remaining want him to surrender? He’s giving up the galaxy to the evil, betraying his very nature as a Jedi. The conflict tears him open. He becomes unbalanced. The hope in him dims. But it’s still there. His hope is the root of his conflict, but it is also the root of his strength, it is his very heart. Will he destroy it, passively living out his remaining days, waiting to die? Will it destroy him, twisting him to the Dark Side, making him destroy what’s left?
Or will he listen to it, as he did - always? Will he, a conflicted Jedi Master, try to teach force-sensitive Kata, and find his way through his teaching, hear again the will of the Force?
What if one day he dreams of a man in a black cape, holding a strange black-and white saber over a small green creature; of legions of imperial troops marching through peaceful towns; of twelve bacta tanks crammed in one room, with identical shapes inside, so heavy in the Dark Side, filled to the brim with the will to tear kill maim burn, and a programming typed on their screens: destroy Luke Skywalker!). What if, troubled by horrible anticipation, he returns - and where were burnt worlds exhausted by tyranny, finds a newborn republic…
And there, on a remote planet - a young man, struggling to build a temple with a tiny green apprentice?
For Cal Luke is not just “hope”, but hope realised, the embodiment of something you’d been fighting tooth and nail for - come to life. He is the proof that Cal’s way was right and righteous; he is the proof that every battle was worth it. He is a hope for an even brighter future. He is the purpose and the meaning. Post-ROTJ Luke is the Order, despite being just one scarred young man. He is balance and peace. He is home Cal’s been fighting so long for.
On the other hand there’s Luke, who’d recently completed fighting a war. He’d mourned his aunt and uncle who raised him, his Master Obi-Wan, his Master Yoda, his father; he’d been travelling around the galaxy first to stay alive, then to find traces of others who stayed alive - only to learn that he truly is the last of his kind. His whole world is now his temple (which he’s slowly building. It’s not like he’s got much money. Or experience building temples) - and Grogu (who’s still learning to talk but is always very eager to help, which is why Luke is doing twice the work to plan, build and simultaneously keep his little apprentice away from the rather dangerous construction site). They cannot take more students: it is too dangerous now. He feels loneliness - the same kind he saw killing Yoda - overtaking him. His only guests are mercenaries sent by Moff Gideon, or notorious Boba Fett making attempts at his life, who’s sent by Moff Gideon, or old imperial TIE fighters sent by Moff Gi- well, you get the idea. It is expected. But it also makes him feel, despite the welcoming, sincere whisper of the Force, that the huge galaxy wants him gone. It has forgotten the Jedi. He will persevere no matter what - for his Master, for his lineage, for Grogu, for the Order he’d never seen but loves so much, but it takes a toll on him. Leia, who finally visits him, notices with concern how he stopped smiling. She also tells him what he’s been noticing in the Force for a while: the situation in the galaxy is changing; imperials gather troops massively, they’re organised now, as if something encourages them, as if they think they have a chance against the young republic. They’re preparing to strike. That means - Luke will be going to war soon, again; leaving the small temple he’s built for Moff Gideon to rampage through, again; sending away his Grogu, again, - the boy’s father, who’s very busy with bounty hunting work, will not be happy, but Luke would rather let his whole planet burn than endanger Grogu even for a second and bring him to a battlefield. The future seems like a burden; he prays that they’ll not be crashed by it. Grogu is eavesdropping on his conversation with Leia. Luke lets him. When he exits, the boy attaches himself to Luke’s shirt and does not let go until falling asleep in the evening. As if to mock Luke, the Force, despite all terrible prospects, despite all the facts, seems light and merry.
The next morning at dawn Luke is outside. He’s already finished with his own training and meditation, and is doing some light yoga while waiting. It’s time for Boba Fett’s routine assault. Boba Fett is probably not aware that his assaults are addressed as “routine”, but the Force warns Luke well in advance so that he’s able to make his schedule work. He wonders what it will be this time - lasers, smoke bombs, or some aggressive creature? Strangely, Boba’s eleven minutes late. It’s not good: they should start on time to finish before Grogu’s morning meditation. Luke stretches his senses. Slave One is in the orbit; it bounces from side to side, as if playing tag with someone, then slips away. Instead, there’s another ship. There is something about it that makes Luke stand up, throw his robe on; it tingles the back of his neck, and there’s a knot in his throat that he cannot swallow; disoriented for a moment, he grabs his lightsaber, searching the sky until his eyes hurt. He commands C3PO not to share their coordinates with the approaching ship, then withdraws the command; then repeats it. But the ship does not need coordinates. Soon it emerges from the shining clouds, a sleek form, and starts towards the temple in a perfectly straight line.
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exilethegame · 2 years
I'm sorry if this has been asked before! But is it possible to play an aggressive/violent Commander that is ultimately on the side of "good" or are most of those dialogue options/choices more "evil/villain" leaning? I've really enjoyed the story thus far, thank you for creating such a rich, lore-filled world!
It sort of depends. Aggression isn't correlated to morality in any way, nor does MC having an abrasive personality negatively affect their relationships with the other characters. So long as MC isn't straight up insulting people and hitting them where it hurts, it'll be fine. MC being quick to anger doesn't make them a bad person.
How violent The Commander is, on the other hand, does play into morality. If you're just killing people because they said something you don't like before you can get the full story, you may end up killing people who actually weren't as bad as you initially thought. If you do that too many times, then it's going to have a negative affect on how the characters in-game view you, as well as impact how the story goes.
However, if you mean violence in less of the "actual murder" way and more in the "I'm not afraid to throw a few punches and threats around to get what I want..." way, then no-- it doesn't immediately affect morality. If someone's being squirrely or evasive and MC has to "scare" them into behaving, none of the companions are going to hold that against MC.
The way I would phrase it is, MC's a military commander. Any behavior they have that is fitting for that role, the characters will understand, and you won't be punished for behaving in-line with that way of thinking. However, if you decide to go full war-criminal and murder-hobo, then yes, problems will arise.
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merryfortune · 1 month
Milestones & Upbringings
August 17th: Firsts | Trail/Camping | Forbidden
Title: Milestones & Upbringings
Ship: not applicable | Reiji/Shun/Tsukikage
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,230
Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Family Feels, Fluff
   Tsukikage had never realised that he had taken his upbringing for granted until his private life became entangled with those of Reiji and Shun's. He did not envy the distant upbringings that they were the product of.
   Tsukikage was well aware that his situation was abnormal. Ninja in the modern age gave away many hints of antiquity after all. However, he had never truly appreciated the undercurrent of normalcy it possessed until shown either. The parenting and mentorship expressed by his guardians were well measured and appropriate. The adults in his and his brother's lives were present and wise. The techniques and values were well honed over ventures but remained in touch with modern times.
   Until presented the products otherwise, Tsukikage never realised how truly good he had it until he became the third side of a triangular operation of being a teenage father.
   It was a strange revelation but a pleasant one. 
   To find some purpose in a world which did not require the Lancers anymore now that the future had settled safely. Now, all there was was this peculiar domesticity. Himself, a body guard, unto Reiji and a peer to Shun. The three of them, eventuating towards a halfway nuclear ideal of family, if one squinted, and then Reira. All of them under one roof. It was nice when none of them were being moody about it.
   Akaba Reiji was a decisive youth. He carried himself like an adult and like an adult, he determined his own future, promptly coming to the conclusion that the adults in his life were useless. His Father was a trans-dimensional war criminal. His Mother was little more than a baubled figurehead to both his and his Father’s activities. He wanted neither to have any involvement with the now infant Akaba Reira, his precious baby sister and so, chose a path for them both: one of emancipation.
   Though such self determination was easier said than done.
   And also, Kurosaki Shun was here, too.
   With his sister and his best friend rendered moot by the unification of the “Bracelet Girls” and “Dragon Boys” into one body, he was adrift in a world not made for him. The construction efforts beckoned but he had already fought his good fight and so, required rest. With that in mind, as he was a restless soul, Shun elected to stay at Reiji’s heel in much the same way as Tsukikage, he reflected. He needed a cause to protect and there was one quite nearby in the form of Reira.
   So, it was settled. Reiji would keep Tsukikage and Shun around much like a lord required retainers. Though, having the additional hands to help around the house - or, more accurately, apartment - was good too when one was a CEO running on fumes, coffee, and involuntary reactions to a screaming of a baby.
   The apartment that Reiji had was small. For someone used to even greater freedoms, opulence, and luxury. Shun and Tsukikage both agreed that it was egregiously rich people but it was theirs, Reiji made such clear from the moment he signed the lease. Wanting them both close by, his most trusted companions and partners, he gave them keys straight away and a place to call their own away from the others if need be. 
   Receiving that key to the front door, and a room to call his own, it was quite luxurious for Tsukikage but he appreciated the kindness. Shun, whose only own he could call was now rubble, put up a stiff upper lip receiving the same silver slice of metalwork. It meant a lot to him, too, clearly.
   But their little hideaways weren’t full hideaways since Reira could be hurt from the nursery from everywhere and anywhere. For such a little thing, she was loud. Though, given her strange history, she deserved it, after a lifetime of being frightened into being quiet, no one could blame her and instead, rejoiced in it.
   Even if tending to her every need, waiting on her hand and foot so she would never grow up to doubt for a second that she was unloved, was a lot of hard work.
   That meant a lot to Reiji, especially. The way that he had two helpers so near and dear to him for the experiment in being a trio of teenage parents, it warmed a deep and dark part of his heart. He self-described as a former child who had never received enough hugs growing up and as for Shun, he had a doting streak a mile wide. Despite how he tried to keep his softer side concealed, Shun saw glimpses of Ruri in Reira’s face every so often and so, he was willing to put in the hard work to help keep Reira content. Tsukikage pitched in where he could.
   They took turns. Had shifts. Kept scores and grudges meticulously. No one slept a wink when Reira was hungry or tired or lonely or or soiled or otherwise malcontent. If it was not one thing with her, it was another.
   The past six months of adjusting to changes had left them on wits’ end. To her being a baby, to themselves being akin to parents to her and to themselves, like lovers. The night before had been especially hellish. No one slept a wink through the night and it was expected to be a similar uphill battle.
   But exhaustion had taken its toll. It didn’t seem worth it to be anywhere except on rolled out futons on the floor of the nursery. The day had been so long, they had all been zombies and so, they collapsed in the middle of it in one big old pile. Something quite unusual for the three of them - and in of itself, may have been a first.
   Not one to relish as none of them were openly or outwardly affectionate. Despite how they entangled through the night, sheets askew over their bodies, barely covering them, as they slept with a vague yet feverish anticipation of something that never happened. They had been in such a nervous wait for it, for when Reira would inevitably scream her little head off and need something but… It never happened. It never came.
   For the first and only time in the past six months, Reira slept through the night. Morning came quickly and without disturbance. None of them could believe it, the fact that they weren’t even well rested didn’t help either and yet, as they awoke, one by one, with the morning sunshine on their faces, a peculiar happiness budded.
   “Good girl, Reira.” Reiji breathed aloud as he placed his glasses on his face, speaking only now that his two partners were both awake.
   “She is.” Shun agreed.
   Tsukikage nodded and smiled to himself. He glanced along the vertices of his legs underneath white sheets, the way Shun’s foot scraped against his ankle and how with a glance, it would seem that Shun and Reiji had been sharing a pillow as Reiji’s had been pushed far from his own rectangle of a futon. How disgustingly domestic it was. Especially washed in the soft yellow of a Sunday morning.
   “I’ll make breakfast, you get Reira ready.” Tsukikage suggested.
   “Thank you, Tsukikage.” Reiji replied.
   The day ensued as normal and the next night wouldn’t prove quite so peaceful but it was now established, Reira was capable of sleeping through for long enough to let her caretakers rest and that filled them with hope. Soon enough, over the span of another six months, she would prove again that she could consistently sleep through the night to the point it wasn’t such an out of the ordinary occurrence.
   It seemed now that the months were flying now. She changed and grew every day. Clothes that fit her last week no longer fit today, it felt. Anything futureproofed was futureproofed for all a couple days. It was amazing and sure enough, as she passed the crown of one year old - and that was important, too - other more glamorous milestones would arise, too. The ones that made for cute pages in her keepsake diary that someone - Yuzu, and by extension, Ruri - insisted on getting her.
   Like her first words, for example.
   With Reiji as her older brother, of course Reira would have certain expectations on her. He wanted to see her grow up well, to see her develop all the same as any other child - or maybe even better, with the makings of a genius. He tried his best not to but he was full of worries on how being reverted to an infant would have on her mind so he did his best with his heart in the right place.
   Of course, as far as he was concerned, Reira could do no wrong. Everything she did was cute or adorable but please do note: her babbling was quite articulate. She had great hearing and was doing well to mimic the building blocks of speech as copied from her three guardians.
   Still, even he couldn’t have predicted what Reira’s first words would be or how appropriate they would be in the greater context of her strange life.
   It was an ordinary Tuesday night. Reiji had a conference tomorrow which meant that Tsukikage would accompany him in an official manner. Shun was going to stay home with Reira and look after her until they returned. With that in mind, as there was only going to be Shun home tomorrow, Tsukikage was making a dinner for them which would yield minimal leftovers.
   He was an okay cook. Better than Reiji by a long shot but relatively on par with Shun. He was making air fryer mackerel, rice, and serving it up with various sides he had made in advance like pickled radish and tempura-covered delicacies like okra and eggplant. It was quite humble but it wouldn’t get any complaints.
   Reira gurgled and babbled. She slapped her hands on her plastic highchair and watched Tsukikage intently, in only the way a toddler could, with more precision and judgement than a professional food critic. It made Shun laugh.
   “I think Reira’s hungry.” Shun pointed out.
   “I want her to learn to eat with all of us but, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to warm up her dinner…” Reiji said.
   “I’ve got mashed sweet potatoes and eggplant for her in the fridge. She liked it at lunch so fingers crossed she still does.” Tsukikage replied.   
   “Food!” Reira agreed.
   She banged her pudgy fists on her tray again but it wasn’t the meaty echo of her hands which stunned but rather her word. It was perfect! Fully formed and articulated. 
   Reiji’s ears burned pink as he smiled like a fool. His heart stopped then started again, only to race at a million miles an hour as he shared a look with Shun. Tsukikage turned around and held a spoon up. He pointed it at in gesture to Reira. She did it again.
   Shun was sent scrambling for his picture book diary of Reira’s accomplishments and Reiji reached out. He placed his hand on the raised edge of Reira’s table, held onto it and Reira looked at him. She smiled big and wide. 
   “Food.” Reira said and she pointed at her mouth.
   “Yes, food. We are having dinner and… and eating food.” Reiji stammered in heartfelt disbelief.
   He began to laugh a sardonic laugh. He couldn’t help but be reminded of something from their now bygone days as a Lancer, literally a different lifetime for Reira. He couldn’t help but be amazed.
   Little Reira who had been at the epicentre of a strange argument in the Synchro Dimension: food or smiles. Now here she was, gleefully wanting both. Reiji could have shed a tear.
   Shun opened the diary to the appropriate page and jotted down that miraculous word: food.
   “Oh, um, dinner is basically ready, by the way.” Tsukikage awkwardly piped up. “I’ll heat up Reira’s food.”
   He finished his duties in the kitchen and allowed Reira to be fawned over by the other two. Tsukikage knew deep down they needed to relish such a moment more so than him. Though he was privileged to be a part of it, he did consider himself their bodyguard first and foremost. Though, a beloved one.
   Tsukikage served up meals for himself, Reiji, Shun, and then Reira. He joined them at the table and they said their courtesy quickly. Shun ate ravenously and Reiji supervised Reira. She wielded a large and plastic spoon perhaps too eagerly. It made Tsukikage laugh.
   Though, once they were settled, Tsukikage posed an innocuous question, “So, what were everyone here’s first words?”
   “Don’t know.” Shun shrugged. “Ruri’s were ‘bracelet’ though.”
   “Do you know what your first words were?” Reiji asked and Shun peered on, owlishly and just as curious.
   “Yes,” Tsukikage said, disarmed that none of their guardians would cherish such a thing, “I’m told it was ‘kunai’.”
   “That’s a lie. You are lying to us right now.” Shun somewhat jokingly argued.
   “Does it help that I was referring to a western fork?” Tsukikage said.
   “Okay, fine, that’s more believable but barely.” Shun replied.
   Reiji hummed and adjusted his glasses.
   “You don’t have to reach back out to your Mother to ask, it's not necessary.” Tsukikage said. “I didn’t mean to cause such waves.”
   “No, if anything,” Reiji irately huffed, “it reaffirms that this was the correct decision for mine and Reira’s wellbeing.”
   There was a depressed pause.
   Shun yawned and stretched, “That’s one way to put it.”
   And put it to rest, too. There was no point in any of their minds in tarnishing the moment of Reira’s first words with bittersweetness from their own parental issues. They resumed dinner and all the mess that came with it.
   Though, afterwards, Reiji put Reira to bed and read her favourite book to her. He recruited Shun and Tsukikage to do funny voices for characters whilst he read the narrator’s voice with the utmost seriousness. It was a small moment around her bed but proof that Reiji was going to be overbearing like his parents before him. He was locking in and he was going to do his utmost to help Reira’s literacy and speech along, or so help him.
   With such undivided attention to support her, Reira continued to hit goals and milestones. She was making three word sentences in no time and was able to call her three guardians all by pet names in due time. She was growing up into a well and giggly girl, with bright smiles and the occasional tantrum.
   It warmed Tsukikage’s heart to see her bond with her brother, and even with himself and Shun. It was sappy but true. They really were a family at this point as they began to approach the eighteen months mark of their current circumstances. 
   During the next months, Reira had a huge boost in energy. One that couldn’t even be matched by three teenage boys all on the cusp or post of eighteen. Her locomotive skills were improving day by day. She could string words along and crawl from one end of a room to the other in the seeming blink of an eye. It was chaos. All three of them needed to keep an eagle eye on her or heaven forbid.
   With such watchful and attentive guardians, it was no wonder that Reira had her first steps hand in hand with Reiji with Shun and Tsukikage flanking her in support. Unlike with her first words or even her first full night of sleep, her first steps were much more expected.
   “That’s right, just one foot at a time.” Reiji coaxed Reira.
   “One step.” Reira echoed him with the utmost intensity.
   Her determination was flowing off her. The carpet of the apartment’s living room floor suddenly seemed a whole lot more dangerous to her upright versus on her belly.
   “You can do it,” Tsukikage egged her on, “we’ll turn you into a kunoichi just yet.”
   Shun rolled his eyes. Good naturedly, of course. Tsukikage couldn’t help himself.
   “You can be whatever you want when you grow up and I’ll be proud.” Reiji assured her.
   “I want to be…” Reira murmured. “Everythink.”
   Reiji smiled, “Sounds good.” 
   Reira smiled as she wiggled and she wobbled. Reiji held her steady whilst Shun and Tsukikage held their breath. She took her first steps. Her movements were sluggish and uncertain at first and then got excited by the idea of walking on her own two legs. It was clear that Reira was ready, even if that was nerve wracking for Reiji and the others. She let go of Reiji’s hands and took three, giddy steps forward before collapsing against him for a hug.
   He held her in his lap and snuggled against her, “I love you, Reira.” Reiji told her, holding her dearly.
   Shun and Tsukikage drew in closer. Shun put his hand on Reiji’s shoulder and Tsukikage patted his head. They had come far. All four of them.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
This is what happens when you travel alone for too long
It's A Town Called Mercy, also known as "the one people say is super duper good in season 7" or "oh it's V for Vendetta but a Western"
and... yeah it's pretty good. I feel like it's one I cannot help comparing to other stories like it, and I'm not sure if it manages as much as they do, but I'm going to sit with it for a bit, and in the meantime! Ranking!
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored): 3/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 8/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 5/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 4/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 7/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 5/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 10/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 4/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 3/10
FULL RATING: 59/100 (if I can count….)
it's the politics that got this one. that and... the Ponds are still just kinda there this season. and other stuff. ah well, it's not terrible, on the whole
OBJECTIFICATION: Listen, there is none. not an off-colour joke, not an ogle, not a strange costume choice
there's not a lot of women in this story generally, Amy is kind of the only one who matters, and this one little girl who's in two scenes and doesn't have any lines, but I think that's something we'll get to later on when discussing this
PLOT-POINT: Eh, Amy doesn't really matter so much in this, apart from the scenes where she calls out the Doctor, which isn't really her, so much as him. it's not even a complaint as such, but I do still wonder... if this is a sign that maybe her story should have ended in The God Complex, since we're three episodes into s7 and she's not got much to do for her own story
COMPLEXITY: it's a good setup, town in the Wild West, beset by a gunslinger from space, because they're harbouring an alien war criminal who has since been repenting by healing their sick and bettering their lives generally
it's there to open the doors to discussions on morality
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: ah soooo, there's stuff here about the Doctor, subtextually, and I appreciate that it didn't do what God Complex did and spell it out so much (even though God Complex is still The episode of all time for this era)
the alien the Doctor has to choose to protect or throw to the gunslinger killed a lot of people in order to stop a war -- okay wait, before I go more into that as "see, like the Doctor," I have a question. has the show added the lore that it's the Doctor that killed the Timelords yet? because I don't think that comes up until later
we have last of the Timelords, we have the stuff at End Of Time where he sends Rassilon/Gallifrey back, but I think... that the Doctor pressed a big button and they all died is the 50th anniversary, no?
point being, one can begin to have a little wonder if this works for oneself or not, in terms of lore. 2005 nu!who established all the Timelords are dead, so far so good, End Of Time the Doctor sends the Timelords back to die, because allowing the Time War out would kill everyone, okay, the Doctor killed everyone... is an interesting thing I haven't thought much about until this moment. and then later on ofc (Chibnall era) we're getting the Doctor is in fact the most special Time Lord, the OG who through experiments gave the others time travel and was then force regenerated and had their memory wiped
it's an interesting thing, all this lore... it adds a lot of baggage to a story about a loser alien who's just out to experience the Universe (and who in the nu!who era is a war survivor with PTSD). in the classic!who series the Doctor is already an outsider, because the other Timelords think they're a fucking weirdo (simplification), and while I think -- biased because my era -- that nu!who made a good choice to have the Time War, so that it could strip away some lore and gradually re-introduce it to a new audience, perhaps we're getting... a teensy bit unwieldy here, in terms of who the Doctor is
that is more of a question to myself than an assertion. in any case, in this episode, war criminal, doing penance, nothing is too heavy-handed in playing into the Doctor that one cannot take it as one wants to, arguably the more obvious thing is the Doctor saying "today I honour the victims first, his, the Master's, the Daleks," which is fun, considering the last time we met the Master, the Doctor was desperately trying to get him to stay, because well... last of their species + the Master and the Doctor are Some Kinda Way about each other, so it's considering the fact that when the Doctor tries to hold an "everyone's lives have equal importance" morality constantly, this has had adverse effects on... victims of violence (especially with regards to the Master), and being the judge on this is no good, but also who is the Doctor to judge who deserves to die, etc.
there's also a question about the Doctor travelling alone (Amy says this) becoming more ruthless in exacting things like punishment
COMPANIONS MATTER: well sort oooof, Amy is mostly there to give another point of view to the Doctor's, especially with relation to "can i say that some people need to die," but I'm not convinced that couldn't have been done with someone else in the story, perhaps by refocusing the importance of the child, since there's that whole VO that's talking about her great-grandmother who was there... idk, they're not... really doing much in the story beyond that, especially Rory (who seems kind of fine with them sending this guy out for execution, and that is never explored)
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: nah, I think this episode did relatively well on having this be quite a Doctor-focused episode, without making the Doctor solve everything (or indeed... anything)
there's this bit that Jex the war criminal say: Looking at you Doctor is like looking into a mirror. There’s rage there like me, guilt like me, solitude, everything but the nerve to do what needs to be done. Thank the gods my people weren’t relying on you to save them
and I can see that's meant to be a bit of an Anti-Doctor moment -- the Doctor is not the great saviour that so many previous episodes have set them up to be in this era, the Doctor is a hypocrite, a coward, etcetc.
IIIII am not sure if.... oof, this is subjective. the idea of this as a continuity of exploring the Doctor's inability to save everyone, and need to be in control of situations, and "honouring the victims" there's just something about this episode that doesn't quite emotionally land for me, and I will continue to try and figure out what. the point being, it's meant to be a strong character piece, but I'm not sure it manages it
I'm also highly dubious in an episode that's exploring the Doctor's morality and what he's all about, about why the Doctor never asks the victim's name or background or... just anything really. but we'll get to that in politics
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: here's some of the "crux" of why I'm not sure it manages it, and it's more to do with "previous Doctor Who episodes of this era," than classic!who
in the sense of continuity of emotional journey. I think it's that seasons 1-specials had one long clear arc, one can pinpoint on the whole why the Doctor goes from s1ep1 to The End Of Time. and I'm not convinced that this episode works in this era, because I don't see that same arc in this era
maybe Twelve's era, from what I've heard of it, which deals with a lot of repercussions of having gone too far with things and not knowing if they're actually doing good on the whole, etc.
the main "big" arcs of this era have been 1. the relationship between the Doctor and Amy, a woman whose life he changed forever due to meeting her as a child and breaking a promise to her, which affected her entire upbringing and bent her towards the Doctor in an unhealthy way 2. the relationship between the Doctor and River Song, who is Amy's child and was kidnapped after being born and "brainwashed" into wanting to kill him, only to fall in love, but also if one takes this idea to its actual natural conclusion in conjunction with point the first, the Doctor's continued influence on Amy Pond continuing to be disruptive to the point that her child's entire life is even more (in fact solely one might say) in orbit around the Doctor, and never has the chance to break free from that destructive influence 3. some shit about a prophecy and a question and blabla, that has about zero emotional weight
there haven't really been stories about the Doctor's morality, so much as the Doctor's far more personal relationships, again The God Complex did this soooo well by introducing Rita as a possible companion and her rejecting the Doctor's whole schtick
so while technically this episode is fine as concept, I don't think it's grounded in an emotional continuity, which is a shame. give it to Twelve! watch Capaldi have these emotions!
“SEXINESS”: can you believe, a whole episode without a single sexy joke? wow, a rarity.
INTERNAL WORLD: so it's a Western town, it doesn't neeeed to be that fleshed out I guess, but I do feel like I wish the townsfolk were a bit more than just quaint set-dressing
we hear about Jex the war criminal's influence on this town, but we don't really see it
the Doctor even says to the gunslinger "this is their home, not the backdrop for your revenge," but it doesn't feel like anything but a stereotypical Western township, which is a shame
POLITICS: HA okay the other point where I am not 100% sure about this episode. it has good intentions, is my first point, it's not like it sets out to make conservative points or needlessly sexually harass Queen Nefertiti (sighs at prev episode)
buuuuuuut I just rewatched V for Vendetta a couple of weeks ago, as is the ritual on Guy Fawkes Night, and it's a very similar story, although ofc in V for Vendetta they're experimented on for far more nefarious purposes than "winning a war"... or are they. because that is my point, and maybe it's a pedantic one that a single 45min episode couldn't possibly have the time for, which is that a society/government that allows this sort of violence is "ends justify the means" and these types of governments are always at war in their heads
the idea of a neat divide between peace-time politics which are free to be nice, and war-time politics which necessitate the hard choices is simply not reality, and so the conceit that there was simply nothing else he could do but experiment on people and turn them into killing machines, it's... on shaky grounds
and it's kind of dependent on those grounds to work, because not only is this guy now repenting by doing good, the ends justified the means. they ended the war! millions were saved! (now where have I heard that before about an atom bomb?)
on top of that, the gunslinger isn't really as well-developed. who was he before he was experimented on? what did being forced to kill do to him? did he have friends on the experimenting tables die in front of him? who is he?
it's all well and good to say "but we don't do this Doctor, every life matters, including the war criminals" but why is the war criminal so well-developed, and the gunslinger -- the victim -- not at all?
those grounds are getting shakier by the Minute
why is this story not about the victim? why does the Doctor not go to hear the victim, not in terms of figuring out whether he should give over the war criminal, but just to be kind?
there is one scene in it where the gunslinger enters a church, sees a child and leaves again, because there's a neat thing in this that the gunslinger Will Not Kill Civilians, but that's such an interesting thing that's under-explored too. what if the gunslinger had to change his programming, because the original maybe didn't make a distinction between "enemy" and "civilian" (after all in these kinds of "wars" every person is an enemy, including the children)
what if the programming fights back when he's really upset and Jex the war criminal realises that this is his fault? what if a child died in this episode... that's getting a bit messed up, but let's entertain it for a second? or a parent died protecting their child and the gunslinger has to run from the town to stop the programming -- the programming that's been forced on him through mutilation and experimentation and that violence can never be undone? what if this story was about the victim, and not about a repenting war criminal?
gunslinger, after Jex self-destructs: "He behaved with honour at the end. Maybe more than me"
DID HE???? He just felt bad really, you're the most trauma-inflicted character we've had on this show in some fucking time
so yeah, it's grounds are. shaaaaky. shaky shaky shaky the more you think about it
another minor thing is that none of the main driving characters had to be men, but there's five extra characters in this episode with lines and big-to-small arcs (marshall, jex, gunslinger, young boy, mayor-type) and everyone else is backdrop, which is just kind of... in your cool scifi Western all the women were silent? why did the little girl not get to speak?
FULL RATING: 59/100 (if I can count….)
It's a good concept, executed at the wrong time in the story, and executed very clumsily
the good parts relate to the concept itself, and not spending valuable time being massively sexist
the problem is that it's just not smart enough to explore what it's trying to explore, and it's such a heavy topic, it better know what it's doing or it'll fall flat on its face. I wish it had come at another time with better writing, because I really wish it was better
I also wish that people were more adventurous about writing women. two historical Moments this season and neither have been kind to women for different reasons
is it time for the Ponds to leave? we'll find out next episode (I say, like I don't know their arcs)
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stardusted-bookworm · 2 years
Amber and Pearls
It was a quiet wedding. Not just because of preference, but out of necessity. After all, it was hard to have a large wedding when one of the grooms was a war criminal and the other liked to commit "treasonous acts" in the name of dismantling a corrupt system.
So they had to turn down their blue tiefling friend's ideas for a lavish wedding on Rumblecusp. Had to gently decline the many opinions for over the top venues and decorations.
They had considered the offer their captain friend had provided. Of using his ship in the middle of the ocean where none could reach them easily. But the threat of Uk'otoa remained, leaving the ocean more unsafe than the land.
They had decided on the Blooming Grove, but the halfling complained. "You can't have a wedding in a graveyard," she said. "It's too dreary."
The amber haired groom only smiled, not telling her that graves and dreariness were companions the grooms knew well.
Then, the groom with stars for hair and amethysts for eyes said, "What of the Tower?"
There was a moment of silence before squeals of delight and cheers of approval pierced the night air. The amber haired groom smiled as warmly as his favored element and kissed his starlight fiance under the diamond-covered heavens.
It didn't take long after for the wedding to be planned. When the venue was the product of two imaginative minds… no, it didn't take long to plan at all.
The long anticipated night had finally come and the Tower looked resplendent. Amber and diamonds and amethysts covered the walls, glittering as the dancing lights illuminated them.
The starlight groom made well on his description as he entered the Tower from a door created especially for him.
A dress of delicate lace hugged his form and left his shoulders exposed. A gorgeous train of the same material but more sheer trailed behind him as he walked. The sleeves were long and came to rest in loops around his middle fingers. Amber jewels hung from his ears, matching the ring that would soon adorn his finger. Elegant white heels adorned his feet as he walked, yes walked, up the stairs to the dais. He fidgeted with his bouquet of yellow tulips and baby's breath and waited anxiously.
Finally, finally, his groom of amber and fire walked up the stairs on the opposite side: Fjord, Beauregard, and Veth following close behind him.
Essek's breath caught in his throat. Caleb was in a suit of deep, deep red and his hair was pulled back into a braided half-bun. Caleb's hands were covered in black gloves as they flexed nervously by his side. Essek couldn't help but chuckle at how clean his soon-to-be husband looked even as his heart fluttered restlessly in his chest.
A large hand came to gently rest on Essek's shoulder. Yasha smiled reassuringly as Jester linked elbows with him. He took a steadying breath and handed his bouquet to Yasha before allowing Jester to lead him to where Caduceus stood.
Veth was doing the same for Caleb and once they reached the center of the dais, Jester and Veth joined Essek's and Caleb's hands.
"Take care of my boy, Essek Thelyss." Veth's voice wavered, and it was all Essek could do to not wrap his arms around her.
Essek bowed his head. "You have my solemn vow, Mrs. Brenatto." His voice was thick with tears.
Caleb squeezed his hand, the warmth of his fingers felt even through the gloves. Essek squeezed back with a watery smile.
They approached Caduceus together.
The firbolg gazed down at them with a peaceful smile. "Well this is really nice."
Chuckles were heard around the room at that.
"Dearly beloved," Caduceus began, "We are gathered here today to honor the union between these two beautiful souls under the ceremony of marriage. May we have the rings please?"
A beautiful Bengal cat walked up to Caduceus, a black velvet pillow balancing on its tail.
"Oh, thank you, Mr. Frumpkin." Caduceus bent down and picked the two rings off of the pillow.
Frumpkin nuzzled Caleb and Essek before going to stand next to Beauregard.
Caduceus handed the amber ring to Caleb and the pearl ring to Essek.
"Do you, Caleb Widogast, promise to love this drow for as long as you may live, through sickness and in health and in unspeakable dangers?"
Caleb chuckled, his eyes glittering as they met Essek's. "I do."
The wizard of amber and fire gently took his groom's hand and slid the glittering amber ring onto his finger.
"And do you, Essek Thelyss, promise to love this man for as long as the stars glitter in the skies and until the Luxon itself blinks out of existence?"
Caleb looked at him with wide eyes.
Essek smiled. He had specifically requested these words be said because he knew that only the truth would ring from his mouth as he said, "I do."
He slid the pearl ring onto Caleb's finger. Elation filled Essek's chest as he reverently lifted his partner's hands to his lips.
"Aww that was sweet." Caduceus grinned gently and spread his arms wide. "By the power of the Wildmother, I now pronounce you married. You may kiss the groom."
Essek threw his arms around Caleb's neck and kissed him soundly, grinning as Caleb dipped him slightly.
The Nein cheered loudly and proudly around them. Essek's heart was filled to the brim; he couldn't be happier.
As he kissed his husband—his husband—Essek felt his feet lift off the ground and the two wizards spiraled upward through the magic of the Tower.
Essek laughed in childish delight. He stared adoringly at his husband.
"I love you, Caleb Widogast."
Caleb grinned wide even as his gorgeous blue eyes filled with tears.
"I love you, Essek Thelyss."
The wizards joined together once more in a beautiful kiss, surrounded by friends and family and most importantly, love.
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escailyyy · 6 days
Sansa and Tyrion end up together multiverse part 1
So today I'm in an angsty mood because how dare my ships not end up together and where is the justice for Sansa and Tyrion because they could have had it all and they were done so dirty. Anyway in case I forget about it after I go to sleep I wanna do either a photo set or a bunch of vignettes inspired in this Quote by Gaby Dunn:
You just found me in the wrong universe. That’s all. This is, as they say, the darkest timeline. Everywhere else, nay, “everywhen” else — us in the Civil War, us in Ancient Egypt, us in the swinging ’60s — we are happy....If you’re sad, do like I do and just think of the other ‘verses. The ones where I believe in love and where I don’t hate myself and where I never feel the need to kamikaze relationships. A universe where we can have nice things. It’s helpful, right?
Because you could have loved me forever. And maybe in another universe, I let you. - Gaby Dunn
And it would just be Sansa and Tyrion in a bunch of multiverse scenarios where they do end up together so here is part 1.
-The one where Sansa and Tyrion are two strangers having a one night stand before a destination wedding in the Bahamas and then they find out they're a bridesmaid and groomsmen for Jon and Danny. It's a hilarious wedding filled with misadventures, they end up back in bed a bunch of times, until they're caught by the bride and groom making out and they have to be dragged into performing their wedding party duties. Tyrion catches the bouquet, Sansa gives a terribly cringy speech about love and romance. Once it's all over Sansa and Tyrion realize life is too short to worry about what ifs and decide to start a life of traveling the world together.
-the one where Sansa is a pro tennis player and Tyrion is a sports reporter and they just click after one too many press conferences
The one where Sansa is an assassin tasked with killing the Lannister black sheep son but ends up liking him instead, and he likes her so much he turns himself into an informant for the FBI once they offer him the chance to erase her criminal records so they can be together in witness protection. ( I like to think that in this universe Sansa and Tyrion have the pleasure of killing Tywin as a couple)
The universe in which they are broke roommates making ends meet! Because Tyrion got himself disinherited and Sansa's father is in jail for fake charges, and there's a this shoebox apartment they can afford pooling their respective funds. He watches her date and she watches him date until at one point they realize the reason none of their relationships ever work out is because the perfect companion has always been at home, waiting with open arms.
The WW2 war universe where Sansa is an army nurse and Tyrion is a assistant for his Sergeant father stationed in the camp Sansa is assigned to. They get caught up in the war and fall inlove despite the hardship but ultimately they're separated when their station is evacuated but they promise to meet again in London when the war ends. After many hardships. They're reunited after the fall of Hitler and set off to start a family together.
The universe in which Tyrion is an old school Rock Star and Sansa is a Pop Singer who writes her own music and their fans absolutely hate them together. But they take Hollywood by storm and have a torrid highly publicized romance which crashes and burns, ( but not really because they're secretly still together and have been for years. And they just want the press to stay out of their relationship)
The obligatory Christmas universe where Sansa is a top executive who gets called back to her small town of Winterfell for Christmas. And then there's Tyrion the jolly coffee shop owner who teaches her that there's more to Christmas than just consumerism and sadness. Later he reveals his tragic backstory as a burned out fortune 500 VP, who decided to follow his dream of living in a small town and opening his own coffee shop. They both skate, meet mall Santa Claus, pick out a Christmas tree and fall inlove under the magic of the mistletoe. I just know they probably bought a Christmas tree farm and are running it together.
Roaring 20's universe where Tyrion runs a speakeasy and Sansa is the flapper girlfriend of his nephew, who breaks up with Joff the first time he tries bullying her. So Tyrion gives her a special pass in his establishment and they become friends. They both like to gossip about his patrons and find ways to keep the party going during the prohibition. Eventually she moves her stuff into his room upstairs and just leaves them there, he takes it to mean they're an item and lets her do whatever she wants, which she takes to mean he's her man now. After the prohibition ends they turn his place into a bar and decide to settle down and become semi respectable members of society, Tyrion drinks, Sansa dances, and they're happy together. ( The grandkids still hear the wildest stories about their youth)
I'll add a part 2 or 3 later, I'm going to sleep now. If they're Sanrion stans still out there, shoot me a message in my inbox about which other universes Sansa and Tyrion do end up together.
( And which variants, you want to see in a an 'into the spiderverse' style drabble, in which multiple variants meet the couple of that one Benioff-Weiss universe where they DIDN'T end up together)
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almea · 6 months
If I had to pick a favourite character in Star Rail, I think it would have to be Silver Wolf.
I probably imprinted on her a little bit because she was my first limited five star (I started playing when there were like four days left on Seele's banner so I wasn't able to get her in time lmao) and she's just. Made my life so much easier. Like, I have no idea how accurate my judgment of story boss fights difficulty is because I've seen people say that the Argenti fight and the newest Echoes of War boss were both super hard and took them multiple tries and I'm just like. I beat them both in one try without any noticeable trouble and my relics aren't THAT good, so I just assume it's because of Silver Wolf's weakness implanting and defence reduction.
I also think she's SO FUNNY in the story. Like, she shows up with Kafka in the prologue to find the Stellaron and implant it in the Trailblazer, and that's fine. Perfectly normal villain/anti-hero behaviour. Then she gets all her accounts frozen in her companion mission which is hilarious (but also, my poor girl lmao). And the fact that she visits the train after her companion mission??? I don't think any of the other morally ambiguous character who have a companion mission get unlocked as a visitor (except Luocha who is until he isn't), but Silver Wolf's just like. What's up, don't mind me, I'm here to hang out and have a good time because everyone else gets to so why shouldn't I?
And then fucking Aetherium Wars. Girl has a bounty on her head and is wanted dead or alive by the IPC and Topaz is standing right there, but none of that matters, she heard there's games and she's here to play. I love the cutscene of her standing with the rest of the "Elite Four" and Topaz because she's SO TINY compared to everyone else, and it's so funny that she's even there with them. Literally no one cares that she's a criminal lmao.
And then her only non-dream appearance in Penacony so far is a message she sends that does kind of indirectly lead to the Trailblazer getting traumatized. I hope she shows up more in Penacony because I'm always delighted when I get to see her in the story, but if she does, it's a crime that she didn't appear in the White Night trailer. I don't think she was in the Interstellar Journey trailer either, so like, justice for my girl. Let her be in a major version update trailer. Although I guess it was such a fun surprise to unexpectedly see her.
I think Silver Wolf might be the reason the Stellaron Hunters have such a strong found family kind of vibe going on. At least when it comes to the more light-hearted side of things because there's clearly a lot of trust involved in Kafka and Blake's relationship with each other. But because Silver Wolf is clearly younger than the others and her personality's a little pushy, all the interactions between her and the other Stellaron Hunters give me the impression that they get along pretty well with each other in casual situations.
Her banter with Kafka during the prologue and the end of her companion mission feels like two people who are pretty familiar and comfortable with each other. The way Silver Wolf asked Kafka if she wanted to go to Pier Point with her and Kafka's response implying she might have gone along if she wasn't in the next script makes it feel like they regularly spend time together outside of missions. Kafka has a voice line about how she likes chatting with Silver Wolf.
Blade seems to just be completely baffled by Silver Wolf, but for some reason he humours her and tells her he'll play games with her once his hand is better instead of outright refusing her. The Tutorial Mission light cone is one of my favourites because I love the vibes of the story for it. Are they about to go cause some chaos and commit crimes? Probably, but until then, Silver Wolf is playing crane games and Blade is complaining to Kafka and Kafka is pleased everything's going well. My favourite of the chibi art they put out for character releases is Blade's because Kafka putting her butterfly pin in his hair and Silver Wolf drawing all over his bandages as he sleeps is soooo cute.
I just assume Sam is going to be playable and I need them to release him already so he can get in on these shenanigans. I already know he's also part of the "every Stellaron Hunter sends messages from Blade's phone except for Blade himself" antics and Silver Wolf said he helps her with her games without being asked, but I need more. I want more light cones that show the daily life of the Stellaron Hunters lmao.
I read Silver Wolf's character stories recently and I don't think they ever outright said what her wish that Elio would grant is, unlike Kafka and Blade's, and the implication from her character stories and one of her conversations on the train seems to be that it's to travel the stars. But because her character stories put so much emphasis on the fact that she was always alone on Punklorde, in my heart she had another wish and it was to not be alone and that's why I love the Stellaron Hunters as a whole so deeply.
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weonlyneedfour · 1 year
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(Background by Ele.D)
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The Grey Claw
Character created by: Francisco Armond
Home series: A Garra Cinzenta (1937-1938)
Title: Fascinora. Alter Ego: Thiago Fragas. Doctor Stone.  Nationality: Brazilian. Occupation: Crimelord. Chemist.  Group affiliation: His gang. Base of Operations: São Paulo, Brazil.  Likes: His robot companion. Jazz. Attention. Dislikes: His arch-enemy. Dying. Being unrecognized. Skill: Resurrection. Revenge. Building models replicas of haunted castles.
Powers: None on record. Access to a vast arsenal of strange weapons, devices, death traps, and henchmen. Deadly claw gauntlets able to puncture concrete and tear through flesh and bone, below-average fighter otherwise. Chemical and bioelectrical genius. Built self-sustaining automatons. Devised a chemical formula able to resurrect the deceased, albeit without memories. Failed prototypes of said formula were used to transmute living and dead humans into mutant creatures, most frequently reminiscent of chimpanzees and gorillas. Possibly immortal.
The Grey Claw was the man who lit the world on fire in the process of trying to start a match. 
The Grey Claw was among the first recorded black hats operating in Brazil, a master criminal of a sort thought to have died out after the end of World War 1. Distinguished by his grim yet flashy buccaneer grim reaper costume, his deep and nasally voice, and his appalling chuckle and sense of humor. The Grey Claw perpetrated a series of high-profile thefts, murders and bombings at his debut, quickly consolidating São Paulo’s criminal underworld and newfound industrial advancements under his grip and holding the country in a grip of terror for over a year. And this was but the start, a cheap façade over his true plans of alchemical research and global domination.
Notorious for his mysterious technology and bizarre resources, The Grey Claw’s highly advanced arsenal included early prototypes of television screens, recording devices across the entire city, mummified corpses rigged to spasm and perform simple tasks, rampaging mutant apes, and FLAG, a titanic murderous automaton bodyguard that rendered The Claw untouchable, and whom The Claw displayed a bizarre degree of camaraderie with. Constantly outfoxing the police and with little to no white hats to oppose him, The Grey Claw eventually achieved his world-changing breakthrough: perfecting a formula that could resurrect the dead. 
His success would be seemingly short-lived, as a police raid on his underground lair quickly buried the Claw’s discoveries. His persistent enemy, the police inspector Higgins, would find the corpses of his fellow officers, one of the Claw’s mutant apes, and the Claw himself being mauled to death by FLAG, as Higgins had his men bring down the machine and the surrounding cave with grenades, burning the laboratory and notes in the process. The Grey Claw was identified post-mortem as the famed young chemist, Doctor Thiago Fragas, said to be driven to crime by his sheer hatred of his former partner, Professor Curberry. Curberry was identified as the mutant ape corpse in the basement, and with all knowledge of The Claw's research scrubbed from public record, for many years that was assumed to be end of the sadistic crook’s reign of terror, as both Higgins and “The Dame in Black”, the Claw’s resurrected victim-turned-partner in crime, eventually took all knowledge of The Grey Claw’s research into their graves.
But The Grey Claw would return over the following years. Although Doctor Thiago Fragas remains buried, sightings began emerging locally as well as internationally during the war years, with a man wearing the original costume last seen following in the wake of The Golden Bat’s psychic meltdown and disappearance. Variants in costume and body type over the decades indicate that the Grey Claw has become a mantle, worn by criminals pursuing the original’s infamy to their ends. Fascist coalitions, anarchist gangs, doomsday cultists, black hats and white hats alike have turned The Claw’s image to their own ends, using it as a persona with an extra layer of anonymity to escape accountability, and with little interest in the original’s great scientific genius, which would be the most unforgivably offensive part of it all to him.
Some among these believe that Thiago Fragas never died at all, and that he’s merely biding his time, tinkering with the next great electric brain of his design, merged inseparably in the shadows of the city, if not outright merged with the city itself, waiting for the next perennial motivator. Waiting for the next target of his eternal hatred. That he waits for a worthy arch-nemesis, to at last take his throne as the world’s greatest villain.
Or that perhaps he waits, only because when death itself is beyond reach, there's not much else you can do.
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zl0mudry · 2 years
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Matthew Maule. A gentleman, scholar, a man of science and logic...
Well, that's who he is today or maybe he's Verden Fell, Mr. Thorn or Comte Robert de Montesquiou-Fezensac? Or Dr. Emil Corday? Hell, he might even be Dr. Alexander Sweet or Crispian Grimes! As long as he isn't D. D. Denham all should be fine.
Who he is exactly is a matter of no small amount of conjecture, but a few things are certain; he is never seen without one of his faithful feline companions, someone who claims to be him's current location is in Leavenworth, Washington, and his sense of fashion, though sharp, is a bit out of date.
Please don't use OOC information as IC information. Half the fun is the other characters not knowing. He'll tell you what he tells you.
FULL NAME: Wladislaus III Dragwlya of Wallachia
NICKNAME: The Impaler, Kaziklu Bey, Vlad Tepes
AGE: 590
ZODIAC: Capricorn
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Romanian, German (With a spot of Bavarian), French, Italian, Latin, Hungarian, Arabic, Turkish, English.
HAIR COLOR: Iron Black
EYE COLOR: Black, no pupil
BODY TYPE: Think powerlifter
ACCENT: Transatlantic accent when speaking to strangers or acquaintances. Heavy Romanian accent when speaking to close friends or family.
VOICE: Extremely deep, hitting G1
POSTURE: Straight, head held high, chin up, shoulders back. Noble and balanced
TATTOOS: (Unsure yet)
MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S): Signature facial hair, curled mustache. Facial scars, X on his forehead and round bullet wound from a small caliber handgun under his left eye. Hairy. Claws. Unusual teeth. THICK eyebrows.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Sighișoara, Mureș County, Romania
BIRTH WEIGHT: 4 pounds
BIRTH HEIGHT. 9 inches
SIBLINGS: Mircea II of Wallachia, Radu III the Fair, Vlad IV the Monk, Alexandria of Wallachia
PARENTS: Vlad II Dracul, Doamna Eupraxia of Moldavia
OCCUPATION: International Man of One Person Activities
CURRENT RESIDENCE: His remote cabin in the mountains of Washington
CLOSE FRIENDS: Bach, Dori, Wing
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: I don't think he knows even
DRIVER’S LICENSE: Afraid of cars
VICES: He is a broody chicken of a man and will adopt anything packbondable, smoking clove cigarettes, good liquor/spirits, luxury food, collecting new hobbies.
PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE: Switch, Dom leaning
LIBIDO: Insatiable once close
TURN ONS: Sense of humor, being wanted, submissiveness, trying to turn him on
TURN OFFS: Lying, disloyalty, cheating, abuse
LOVE LANGUAGE: All of them? Mostly acts of service
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: Screaming goat of a man, but a doting one
Mr. Bad Guy - Freddie Mercury
I love you, Honey Bear - Father John Misty
HOBBIES TO PASS TIME: Master of The One Person Activity
MENTAL ILLNESSES: I think they are apparent and I'm not comfortable listing them all flat out. I'll name Misophonia, PTSD, and Depression
PHYSICAL ILLNESSES: Extreme far-sightedness, prone to dizziness and fainting, severe anemia, wheezing and coughing fits
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: A little of both
FEARS: Cars, umbrellas, sudden loud noises, mirrors, being stared at, elevators, escalators
SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL: Sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't. (It comes and goes, situation dependent)
VULNERABILITIES: His temper, unable to let go, doesn't know himself, bright lights, loud noises, paranoid, can't use cars, too polite
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italianinjartist1992 · 4 months
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Name: Momo (桃 Momo) Gender: female Sexual orientation: aposexual (?) Alias: Android 9 (人造人間9号 Jinzōningen Ku-Gō) Race: android, mechanical type android Age Born: May 9th, age ??? Height: 158 cm (5'18") Weight: 60 kg (132 lb) Status: alive Affiliation: Red Ribbon Army (formerly), Dragon team, Team Universe 7 Occupation: martial artist, baby-sitter Saga Appeared: Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT Relatives: Dr. Gero (creator), Dr. Flappe (co-creator) Teachers: Dr. Gero (formerly), master Roshi Partners/Friends: Goku, Krillin, Bulma, Chichi, Lunch, master Roshi, Yamcha, Tenshinhan, Jiaozi, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Videl, Vegeta, Pan, Piccolo Rivals: C-18 Enemies: Red Ribbon Army, King Piccolo, Raditz, Frieza, Cell, C-13, C-14 , C-15, C-16, C-17, Majin Bu, Broly (non-canon) Power Level: unknown Transformations (if any): none Appearance: Momo is an android with the appearance of a tall and slender girl, between 23-24 years old, hair the same as Bulma's when she was young but blond, big light blue eyes; the clothing is almost similar to that of General Blue except that she has a beige shirt with short cuffed sleeves, the Red Ribbon logo printed on the left shoulder, no tie, a black belt with a golden buckle, a pair of trousers blue and brown boots. In her first appearance on Dragon Ball, Momo had the logo hidden by a red handkerchief to prevent people from finding out that she belongs to the Red Ribbon despite having defected, then she removes it after decides to tell the truth to Goku, Krillin and Buma when they left looking for the dragon ball which was in the pirates cave and they were chased by the army. She continued to wear the uniform for all three sagas, on Dragon Ball Z we see her with a pair of blue cuffs identical to those Goku’s as they were a gift given by him; she is monotonous in dressing as has never changed her clothes (on rare occasions she has been seen wearing pajamas or a bathing suit) and this suggests that the android doesn’t have much taste in fashion. Equipment: fake dagger – it’s a toy dagger with a pink handle whose tip is retractable and fake blood comes out. She had only used the weapon in the first saga, then she no longer used it (it is not known whether still keeps it or has thrown it away) Personality: before the narrative arc, Momo was cold and ruthless by nature, only obeying her "masters"; but later when she acquired a will of her own, understood that all this was wrong by rebelling against her superiors and later managed to escape. She is now more kind, affectionate, altruistic and thoughtful, also showing a shy and sweet side. If she is pressured, pushed hard or annoyed, Momo can become vulgar. She can sometimes be revengeful if one of her friends were accidentally injured or killed during a fight. Momo has never shown a love interest in all three Dragon Ball sagas but perhaps a slight infatuation with non-canon Broly. If she were to meet Broly from Dragon Ball Super, she would become attached to him, noticing his tender, fragile and friendly personality. Likes: preparing delicious dishes for Goku, Gohan and Goten - mostly helping out in the kitchen with Chi-Chi -, training with her companions, playing and having fun with her companions, observing the animals, singing karaoke, helping out a lot occasionally at Capsule Corporation. Dislikes: bats, snakes, criminals, gender violence, sexual harassment, people who insist incessantly, mistreatment of weak people and animals, war weapons, enemies who want to eliminate Goku. Goal: n/a Hobbies: ikebana (the art of arranging cut flowers), grow roses and collect some feminine accessories Bio (History): W.I.P. Quotes: "Guys, I absolutely have to tell you something... I... I'm an android created by the Red Ribbon army!" - Momo reveals her identity to Goku, Krillin and Bulma
"What did you say?! Red Ribbon cyborgs?! Oh no... it can't be! That damn army again?!" - Momo scared by future Trunks' revelation to Goku
"...I cannot deny my origins or erase the evil I have committed in the past, but I would like to say that I feel grateful for having 'come into the world' knowing Goku, Krillin, Bulma and all the others!" - Momo tells her story to Videl, Gohan, and Goten Powers and Abilities: Bukujutsu, Ki perception, Kamehameha, Kienzan, Kikoha, Telekinesis, Psychic eyes Trivia: Momo means "peach" in Japanese, it is also referred to the color like all the soldiers present in the Red Ribbon saga
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