#none of the riders should be in government
westwindy1 · 8 months
Neither Hiccup nor Astrid would make a good Chief. Hiccup is an inventor and a wanderer; he's innovative but he's not particularly considerate when he's making decisions. He doesn't think about other people, he just jumps right into things and the other Vikings just have to tough it out and suffer the consequences.
Hiccup leading the Vikings away from Berk was stupid, he was displacing hundreds of Vikings and putting them at a tactical disadvantage, so was trying to befriend Drago in 2 and in HTTYD 1, he definitley was not thinking at all with the whole bola thing. It's really obviously implied that his inventing and trying to shoot down dragons caused problems before and his repeated efforts to the same end pre canon really shows a lack of thought and consideration for others.
Astrid is an amazing warrior; she's razor focused and determined and excels under whatever set of rules she's made to operate within, but being a good warrior does not mean having good leadership skills, expecially when part of being a good warrior means being good at deferring to other people. She leaves it to Hiccup to make the eccentric decisions, like in the first movie with the dragons.
When she takes initiative, things don't usually end up well, like when she was smack talking to Drago. She's not an out-of-the-box thinker; There's just not much sense to it.
Astrid also defers to Hiccup too much, even in the third movie where the decisions he makes are heavily led by her words; she never outright tells him to do something, just implies and implies and waits for him to get it, and the ends she's working towards aren't even for the best of the village; they are, in part, self motivated.
Neither of them listens to other people; Hiccup listens to himself and what he thinks is right even when it's not and Astrid listens to the lead. Everyone else just has to follow along.
Hiccup CAN'T lead.
Astrid can't, either.
A good Chief would consider the voices of the people, they wouldn't be trying to push people into working for their own personal motivations. It should be the opposite; they would instead take the improvement of the quality of life for everyone and their physical and mental health as their first priority.
A good Chief would WANT to do that, which is also why I don't think either Hiccup or Astrid would be great at it.
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The Grim Dark Archives: Transcript #002
[Transcript taken October 1st 2004 in response to a call to 911 from the phone of one of the five missing persons reported prior to the Autobots usage of holoforms. The caller was in a panic as she reported being closed in by four vehicles on the highway not far off from Texas.
Initially this call was not brought to government attention due to the commonality of false alarms usually amounting to drivers in the area seeing things. However upon looking over the details the caller gave, one of our agents brought the call to our attention and it says a great deal about the Autobots... hunting methods.
Transcript begins.]
(Talking Clock: September 25, 2004, 22:24:03) EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: 911, where is your emergency? CALLER: I-I'm driving. There is someone following me, a gang maybe? I don't know, but they are following me and have been for the past half hour. EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: Where are you Sir? CALLER: I'm on the Texas 49 road. I came out this way to get away from my family and to have some peace and quiet, but now there are people following me and there is nowhere for me to go! EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: I understand Sir. It will take us a while to get anyone out to you, but stay on the line. Can you describe where you are and what is happening? CALLER: Yeah, I can do that. T-There are two vehicles on either side of my car. One looks to be some sort or sports model, a yellow and black striped car. A-And the other is some sort of jeep, really dark green I think, but I can't see all that well in the dark. They haven't done anything, but their windows are tinted and I can't see who is driving. I've already tried getting away from them, but whenever I speed up, so do they! EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: Calm down Sir. Can you pick out their license plates? CALLER: NO! I've tried but they don't HAVE license plates! They are unregistered and I can't see any sort of stickers or anything that could identify them! I've been looking, I swear I've been looking but they won't leave-! EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: Sir, you need to stay calm. Tell me your name and exactly what is happening while we get some officers out in your direction. Can you do that? CALLER: Y-Yeah I can do that... My name is [REDACTED] from [REDACTED]. These cars seem like they are trying to lead me somewhere, I can't quite figure it out. They won't let me leave, and every time I try to swerve and get away, they speed up with me and get me back in my own lane! I don't know what they want! EMERGENCY DISTPATCHER 4: It will be alright Sir. Stay calm and stay with me. Officers are on their way. Just keep driving straight and try not to look panicked. Don't let them lead you anywhere, alright? CALLER: A-Alright, I can do this. Stay calm [REDACTED] stay calm... EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: That's right. Good job Sir. You are doing great. Officers should be there within- CALLER: No no no! There's another! Another vehicle! I-It's a motorcycle! Blue and pink I think! I-It's making strange sounds and it doesn't have a rider! ITS DRIVING ON ITS OWN-! EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: SIR! Remain calm! I need to you to describe what is going on. Stay on the line, officers are on the way. CALLER: THEY DON'T HAVE DIVERS! NONE OF THEM! I-I saw it, the yellow and black sports car, it rolled down its window and there was no one inside! They are getting closer! They are boxing me in, I can almost feel them scratching the paint on my car-! EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: It will be alright Sir! Try to speed up! See if you can get ahead of them! Officers will be there in ten minutes! CALLER: I'm trying I'm trying but they keep coming closer and speeding up-! I-I don't know what they want but they are so close! EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: Calm down, please calm down- CALLER: T-There's another! A big red semi! They are all around me and are pushing me toward this thing, I can't tell what it is! Its big and green and glows like some portal to hell-![Deafening screeches] EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: SIR! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! CALLER: I CAN'T LET THEM TAKE ME! I WON'T LET THEM! I'M GOING TO SWERVE INTO THE WOODS! THEY CAN'T GET ME THERE! [Hysterical screaming] EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: SIR NO! CALLER: [Various horns and beeps] LEAVE ME ALONE-! [Tearing metal and cracking wood] EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: HOLD ON! SIR! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! SIR! CALLER: I-I its hurts... the... the vehicles... they ... they are changing. EMERGENCY DISPATCHER 4: Sir you are likely delirious, please hold on. You need to leave your vehicle and escape the wreck so that officers can get to you- CALLER: They... they are humanoid? I'm not lying, the cars, they just changed I can't explain it... No no no NO NO DON'T NO NO I DON'T WANT TO DIE HERE!
CALLER: [Distant screams and electronic noises]
(Call ends 22:30:07)
[Transcript ends.
Officers arrived at the scene ten minutes after the call ended and discovered [Redacted03]'s vehicle wrecked on the side of the road, half crushed against the trees. Investigation proved that [Redacted03] could have easily survived the crash itself due to the airbag functioning, however her disappearance was regarded as a mystery until our agents were sent out to review the situation.
Her vehicle had its door completely torn off and there were huge almost finger like indents in the sides. Officers originally speculated that it could have been the work of perhaps a local predator, but our agents were quick to note the tracks in the ground that were quite clearly Cybertronian based off shape alone. Officers who were at the scene were paid for their silence and we gained greater insight into just how the Autobots... acquired their holoforms.
[Redacted] was not lying... I worry for how much more we are going to discover bit by bit because of these aliens.
Agent Witwicky signing off.
Recording end.]
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junotter · 1 year
I've deleted tiktok off my phone and now mainly use Instagram reels. I get a bunch of content related to Japan (makes sense I'm moving there) but omfg the comments are like the trenches. Some are purely racist to Japanese citizens and others are such Japan dick riders that it's insane.
Anyway recently got a post about a white guy complaining that TOKYO has gotten too "foreign" and that he doesn't want Japan to "lose" their culture. I've got a lot of thoughts on this but nowhere to put them so here they are:
I'm literally losing my mind at how many people think Japan is this orientalist non-westernized country when Japan has westernized itself since the 1890s. Losing my mind at foreigners in Japan complaining that there are more foreigners in Japan and acting like they've been in Japan since before it when they moved there in like 2010.
Saw someone comparing Japan to Hawai'i in how it's losing its culture (truly mindboggling considering what Japan has done to Okinawa) and another guy who's name was literally Noah saying "Americans should keep their bs out of japan no one wants your stupid westernization" like dude ur name is Noah.
Also, no part of America has "westernized" Japan since the early 20th century, and Japan's "westernization" is entirely Japan's own doing for wanting to be in proximity to whiteness. No other culture country or people gets to decide where Japan's culture gets to go, that is solely up to the Japanese people (mind you not the government but the PEOPLE)
Most people obsessed with Japanese culture have never read an actual book on Japan that goes beyond "Japan has shrines that worship the kami or spirits of the world" and "being polite is important as a tourist in Japan". If they did, then they'd know that during the pre-war era and throughout the wartime era, the Japanese government purposefully put out cultural propaganda in order to boost nationalism. They wanted Japan to seem entirely unique and therefore more special than all other Asian countries. This is not to say Japan does not have beautiful cultural traditions that extend centuries, but largely those have been transformed and marketed to Japanese and foreign tourists alike.
Shrines and shrine groups donate and mass support alt-right-wing groups in Japan. The over-politeness culture is part of the awful workplace conditions and suicide rates. Actual Japanese people have spoken to these facts but that does not mean they do not like their home culture. Globalization/modernization will not westernize Japan. Women's rights, LGBT rights, labor rights, and immigrants' rights, will not westernize Japan. They will save Japan.
These Japan-obsessed right-wingers will ignore the hundreds of years of protests and civil rights groups to create an orientalist idea of Japan. None and I mean NONE of those people care about Japan, Japanese culture, or Japanese people, they only care about living out their orientalist fantasies while actual Japanese people living their daily lives are simply background props.
We need to stop pretending Japanese people are not their own people with history, culture, and movements.
Here are just SOME links on Japanese politics not known by most people (please message me if you're interested in these topics or would like more resources):
Nippon Kaigi- Alt Right Religious Group
Japanese Work Culture
Ainu - Indigenous Group of the Lands in the Okhotsk Sea
Ryukuans (Okinawans) - Indigenous Group of the Ryukyu Islands
Scream from the Shadows- A Book on the 60s Feminist Movement in Japan
Chizuko Ueno "Forty Years of Japanese Feminism" - Prominent Japanese Feminist
Burakumin - Lowest "Caste" Group in Japan
Zainichi Koreans - Resident Koreans Who's Families Entered Japan During and After the War
LGBT Rights - LBGT+ Rights Group in Japan
Organizing the Spontaneous - 60s ANPO Movement
Sadly I cannot find the twitter page that often posts modern-day Japanese news that normally is not posted by other news organizations. But if any of you remember it please send me the page so I can add it as I believe it is an important resource. Or just reblog with it!
Look, whether you like or dislike Japan, remember it's a country with people just like anywhere else. Do not dismiss the work activists have done in Japan. Do not say Japan "needs this political movement", instead talk about how Japanese progressive groups need international support and recognition (mind you don't say this about any country, especially largely nonwhite countries!!! you are completely ignoring and rejecting the work millions have put into social change!!! instead talk about those people!!! talk about those movements!!! don't let their efforts be forgotten!!! don't let any government tell you these movements are new!!! THEY AREN'T!!!!). One of the biggest ways we can create change and push away alt-right groups and people from any place is by ruining their image of those places.
Do NOT let the alt-right in Japan convince you Japan is purely homogenous and that Japan is the best country in the world. Do not let the Japanese government erase the Ainu, the Ryukyuan, Immigrants, Zainichi Koreans, LGBTQ+ citizens, women's rights, the Burakumin, the poor, and the communists/progressives of Japan. Do not let ANY country erase that history!
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stuckinthewrongworld · 11 months
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Bermuda Marin
Crew Name
The Brass-Knuckle Pirates
The Straw Hat Pirates
The Heart Pirates
The Red Hair Pirates
Wave Rider
Water Baby
The North Blue
“Wave Rider” Marin
PreTime Skip: 22
Post Time Skip: 24
March 2nd
5’ 8”
Eye Color
Aqua Blue
Hair Color
Dirty Blonde
Body Type
Average, but broad
Chaotic Good
Marin is built bigger than most girls, being on the broader side, but is somewhat in shape.  Marin’s skin is always tanned from spending time out in the sun and she has freckles crossing her face and shoulders.  Her hair is curly and dirty blonde in color. Pre-time skip her hair is around her shoulder blade in length. Post time skip she cuts her hair to right under her shoulder length and pulls it half up in a messy bun. She keeps a slid cut in her left eyebrow.  Marin’s eyes are turquoise blue, just like the sea waters she is named after.  During the time skip Marin gauges her ears to a size 4.
Marin has several scars.  Pre-time skip, she has a large scar running the majority of the length of her right shin.  Marin obtained this scar when she was running away from home and she slipped on some sharp rocks.  She also has a small scar on the inside of her left middle finger, but she can’t remember what caused this scar.  Post-time skip Marin has a roundish scar on the top of her left hand from where she was punctured during a fight before she could activate her Devil Fruit Power.  She also obtains a new scar that goes the opposite way across her right shin from banging her leg into a box on the ship. 
Marin is on the quiet side, especially around new people.  Once you’re friends with her though, she will do anything for you.  Marin is usually the friend that is left hanging towards the back, but she uses this to be observant to things going on around her.  Marin tries her hardest to be nice to everyone, but once you screw her over, she’s done with you.  Marin is honest to a fault, sometimes more than she should be, but you’ll never have to guess where you stand with her.  
The Straw Hat Pirates
The Heart Pirates
The-Red Haired Pirates
The Kid Pirates
The Marines/ The Navy
The World Government
Love Interest
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Love Status
Crushing on each other, but both too nervous to make the first move.
Powers and Abilities:
Devil Fruit
The Jabu Jabu No Mi/ The Splash-Splash Fruit
Devil Fruit Type
Description of Fruit
The Jabu Jabu No Mi or Splash Splash Fruit is bright blue in color and covered in multiple swirls.  In the right light, the color seems to change like the colors of the ocean.  The stem somewhat resembles a faucet spout.  
Being a Logia Type, this allows Marin to literally become water.  Marin can also control water.  Post-time skip, she has figured out how to heal with water as well.  One of her more deadly attacks is creating water and surrounding her enemy’s head so they cannot breathe.  She doesn't like to use this maneuver, but she will as a last ditch attack.
Haki Type(s)
-Marin does not have any weapons, but she has a water pouch that she carries extra water in.
-The necklace Marin wears was made by her best friend, Kelpie (a mermaid),  The mermaids around the island where Marin grew up were able to make beautiful ocean colored stones, adorning their bodies with them.  
-Duing the 2 year time skip, Marin runs into Kelpie again and she makes her a pair of gauges to match her necklace. 
-Marin loves to swim and loves the water in general.  Before eating her Devil Fruit, Marin spent more time in water than on land.
-Pickles.  Will take anyone’s pickles that do not want them.
-Laying out on the beach.
-Early mornings/ waking up.
-Fish/ Seafood.
Marin grew up on a small island in the North Blue that was famous for their agriculture.  Marin’s family owned a prominent farm that her father and younger brother were heavily involved in.  Marin had more interest in swimming and spending time in the gorgeous waters that surrounded the area.  Marin became an excellent swimmer, rivaling even some of the mermaids that lived in the surrounding waters. When she was young, Marin made friends with a mermaid named Kelpie and they would play together all the time.  Marin’s parents were not happy about this, being lowkey racist towards any race that was not human.  People on this particular island were not fans of spending time on the water, as their livelihood came from the land.  Once her parents found out that Marin’s best friend was a mermaid, they did whatever they could to keep Marin away from the waters and away from Kelpie.  Marin would sneak out to swim and play with Kelpie.  Marin’s parents found her sneaking out one day and threw her in a locked room with no windows.  Marin would only be let out to use the restroom.
Rumors began to spread that Marin had to be half-Fishman or half-mermaid for as much as she loved the water.  This pissed Marin’s mother off, causing her father to accuse her of cheating, even though that was not the case.  Marin’s mother and father fought constantly and ended up taking it out on Marin, especially after these rumors came out.  Marin’s parents heard about Devil Fruits one day and how people who consumed them could not be in the water.  Marin’s mother and father sought out a Devil Fruit and were able to find a vendor who was trying to get rid of one.  Once they found this Devil Fruit, they stopped feeding Marin and only put the Devil Fruit in the room with her.  Her parents jested at her that she could only come out once she ate the Devil Fruit.  Marin had heard about how Devil Fruit users could no longer swim, so she held out for as long as she could before finally caving and eating the Splash Splash Fruit.  Marin was so hungry, she did not care how awful it tasted and ate the whole fruit.  Marin’s mother and father laughed the entire time they were letting her out of the room.
As soon as she was released, Marin ran to the sea to find Kelpie.  Marin cried as she told Kelpie what had happened to her and how she could no longer swim.  Marin was so depressed knowing that she could never swim she tried to throw herself into the water.  Kepie stopped her and said that she would always save her, no matter how many times Marin tried to get into the water.  Kelpie made Marin one of her clan’s famed necklaces that looked like the sea, that way she would always have a piece of the ocean with her, even though she could no longer swim like she wanted.  
The next few years were torture.  Marin’s parents and brother would taunt her about no longer being able to swim.  Marin eventually figured out what her Devil Fruit power was and was happy that it still connected her to water.  In secret, Marin would practice honing her skills down at a hidden spot on the beach with Kelpie.  Marin eventually learned how to manipulate water to be able to walk on and surf on it.  Marin’s parents never figured out what her Devil Fruit abilities were until the night she ran away, not being able to take their torment anymore.  Her mother and father tried to hold Marin back but she was able to slip through their fingers by turning into water.  Cussing her, her father pulled a gun.  Scared, Marin manipulated water to surround both her mother and father’s heads, submerging them and keeping them from breathing.  Panic coated their faces, especially her mother, as her mother hated even getting her head wet while bathing.  Marin said she would let them live if they let her leave and never looked for her.  Her parents finally agreed, so Marin dropped the water and ran.  Marin ran to the beach and surfed over the water and away from the island.  Kelpie accompanied Marin until she ran into the Baratie, where she passed out from exhaustion.  
Zeff found Marin and Kelpie explained to him what had happened.  When Marin came to, Sanji offered Marin food to help her get her energy back.  Marin thanked Sanji and he tried to flirt with both her and Kelpie, moreso Kelpie.  Zeff told Marin that Kelpie explained her story and asked what her plan was.  Marin explained that she had nowhere to go and no money.  Zeff offered Marin a job on the Baratie and she happily accepted, doing odd jobs around the restaurant. 
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caliburn · 2 years
Everything was burning.
She'd heard about Chaldea's first mission — situated in a Japanese town engulfed in disaster, the battleground for the Holy Grail War. Though she'd never witnessed the setting herself, only tales of Saber summoned there, the Saber Alter who governed the War in a city where mages and civilians alike no longer walked. A terrifying Singularity where human life had been extinguished and Servants battled among the ruins.
Why she had been brought here was a mystery — the choking fog sweeping in twisted reality; she understood they to open formless doorways to memories, but this was not what she had experienced. nobody else was around — none of the Servants from the Singularity resided in Spirale, so how...?
The rattle of chains brought end to all questioning; she was no more alone. In her search for the origin tucked within darkness and rubble, a sight always welcome and heartful stopped the Servant dead in her tracks. "—Hunter?" His name flowed a breathless release; this was not a scene he should be subject to, a territory engulfed in carnage where only he truly were alive.
Which made him the perfect target for any Servant seeking to eliminate any potential Masters and remnant of humanity. Merging with the grim environment, the shadow began her charge, seeming to have sighted the life and claimed it as target. The window to catch her was mere seconds, and though Lily's advantage were speed, the chain-wielding Servant herself was renowned as swift. "Hunter! Run!"
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Against her left palm, Caliburn materialised in preparation to strike — she should just about make it, but it would still be an interception happening right above him. "Stay away from him, Rider!"
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Ok I am dying to know more about Starscream's parents please OP I need to know! Gimme the goods (つ✧ω✧)つ
Ahhhh. My beloved Ruling Trine :')
First and foremost, the one you've heard the most about. Winglord Hurricane. Firstborn child of the previous Winglord, he's everything a monarch should be: proper and well mannered, incredibly smart and tactful, loved by the people for his fair governance and kindness in treating his subjects. His family line long ago outlawed homelessness in Vos: any found to be without a home clearly meant there was an issue with the governance, so they worked to fix it. Anyone without an aerie or shelter was to be given one, immediately. Vos was more or less a utopia under their rule: none of the flyers ever went hungry, none lived squandering in poverty, everyone got an education and medical care. Hurricane fully intended to carry the torch of prosperity forward like those before him, and he did so in spectacular fashion
As a person, Hurricane reminds me kf a kind old uncle. Soft husky voice, gentle rolling chuckles, always has time to give someone a pat on the shoulder or a hug, no matter who they are. To his people he was a sire, a brother, and a friend. Never a high and mighty monarch that looked down on those under his rule. He's a great, warm guy that loves his trine mates and his children more than life itself
First Wing Skysoar, Starscream and his brothers' carrier. An exceptionally expressive philanthropist, he's devoted himself to charity work on the surface of Cybertron despite it not being "their problem". He was an exuberant, bright person; he smiled through every day and always has something nice to say about everyone. Not in a manipulative way, no, he genuinely cares for every person he comes across. He's a graceful, determined guy that will 100% use his wealth and privilege for the betterment of anyone in need. He's an incredibly devoted mate, and counts his lucky stars every day for the blessed existence he lives.
Second Wing Storm Rider (previously named Mistdance in first drafts) is probably the quietest of the three. He's kind of awkward, and doesn't do too well in social situations. He usually falls back on his royal persona in public: back straight, disinterested expression, slightly cold aura to keep everyone at an arms length. He's not a bad guy, he's just severely introverted and Bad™ at communication. Being around people exhausts him, and he's only ever really himself when he's alone with his trine. He loves Vos and their people just as much as his mates, but he hates having to go to state dinners and public appearances. Please just leave him alone in the back while the other two answer questions, people are exhausting. Secretly very, very proud of his trine, and brags about them constantly if he's feeling comfortable enough to make small talk. If he's comfortable with you he sings their praises 24/7, and when they become parents, he's the dad that has an entire scrapbook dedicated to each kid before they're even a month old. A+ papa
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Who Will Judge The World And When?
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The Apostle Paul frowned on the thought of a believer taking another believer to court. He went on to explain that one day believers will judge the world. Don’t you realize that someday we believers will judge the world? And since you are going to judge the world, can’t you decide even these little things among yourselves? 1 Corinthians 6:2 The apostle adamantly came against taking disputes between believers before a secular judge. A dispute occurs when two people have a disagreement requiring a third person to intervene. When one of you has a dispute with another believer, how dare you file a lawsuit and ask a secular court to decide the matter instead of taking it to other believers! 1 Corinthians 6:1 Paul continued his case by expanding on who Christians will judge. Believers will judge more than just those on the earth. Look who else he said they will judge. Don’t you realize that we will judge angels? So you should surely be able to resolve ordinary disputes in this life. 1 Corinthians 6:3 He said that in their disputes they should stay away from bringing a lawsuit against a fellow believer. He said it’s better to just accept the injustice and leave it at that.
Disputes are Different than Wrong Doings
These lawsuits between Christians do not include criminal behavior. When a person commits a crime, even if it involves another Christian they have sinned against the laws of society. Everyone must submit to governing authorities. . . . For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Romans 13:1,3 Even those who do wrong and don’t get caught haven’t gotten away with anything. Paul went on to help us see that. - Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. - Those who indulge in ... - sexual sin, or who worship idols, or - commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or - practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or - greedy people, or drunkards, or - are abusive, or cheat people - none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
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When Will Believers Judge the World?
Let’s get back to those who will judge the world and talk about when it will happen. The end-time events begin with the rapture of the church. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever.  1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Soon after the church joins Jesus, the earth and its inhabitants will experience seven years of tribulation. At the close of those seven years, Jesus will return to avenge the nation of Israel. Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. Revelation 19:11 At the marriage supper of the Lamb, the bride of Christ, the church will receive the finest of pure white linen to wear. Those same people will accompany the rider of the white horse. The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him on white horses. Revelation 19:14 Jesus will defeat God’s enemies including the antichrist and Satan. God will imprison Satan for 1,000 years. And Jesus will set up His kingdom on the earth during the same time.
Who Will Rule the World with the Lord?
Who will rule the world with the Lord? The Bible tells us they will consist of two groups of people who share in the first resurrection. Then I saw thrones, and the people sitting on them had been given the authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony about Jesus and for proclaiming the word of God. Revelation 20:4
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The raptured church and those who died for Christ during the tribulation will judge the world with Him. One might wonder why we will need to judge the world after the capture of Satan. The answer to that question lies in this fact. Even after the tribulation and the Battle of Armageddon, many people will still inhabit the earth. And sin will still be their nature. The Bible reveals to us evidence of their sinful nature. At the end of the 1,000-year millennium, the Lord will lose Satan for a season. Then look at what happens. When the thousand years come to an end, Satan will be let out of his prison. He will go out to deceive the nations—called Gog and Magog—in every corner of the earth. He will gather them together for battle—a mighty army, as numberless as sand along the seashore. Revelation 20:7-8
When We will no Longer Need to Judge the World
Fire from heaven though, will consume the attacking armies. Then God will banish Satan and all his followers, both human and heavenly beings to eternal torment. John then saw a new heaven and a new earth because the old heaven and the old earth disappeared. Then the Bible says that God will live among His people. And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!”  Revelation 21:5 Just before Jesus breathed His last breath on the cross, He said, “It is finished. He had become God’s acceptable sacrifice for sin. At the end of time when man’s sinful nature is completely gone, He will utter those words once again. They will never need to be said again and we will never need to judge the world again. And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.  Revelation 21:6 Lord, keep us from confusion as we look ahead toward the end times. I am looking forward to the end of time because, for us, it becomes a new beginning. Thank you for your promises. Check out some other posts on God's Judgment. - The Judgment Of God Is Real - How To Survive The Judgment Of The Eternal Fire - God's Judgment And Its Consequences - The Destruction Of The Earth - Punishment from God Because of Sin  Read the full article
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Kamen Riders, Our Heroes
By: Sawa Takigawa
In light of the appreciative dance number the street dancers of Zawame have released a few days ago, many groups have taken to thanking these masked heroes in their own little way. Some have taken to SNS to express their appreciation while others have done it creatively.
Sougo Tokiwa was the dance instructor who choreographed a dance number that had gone viral on ByTube that showed more appreciation for the masked heroes.
“They’re our heroes; they saved us all a bunch of times. I think we really should thank them for saving everyone, even the ungrateful ones.” Tokiwa stated as he opened the doors to his dance school.
Fashion Designer Hina Izumi collaborated with a few models and designed outfits inspired by the suits that the Kamen Riders wore whenever they fight monsters.
"Zawame's Beat Riders were right. These Kamen Riders fought for us and yet they barely get the recognition they deserve. To correct that mistake, I have taken to design clothes inspired by the suits they wear whenever they fight." Izumi stated as she gestured towards the sketchbook.
Miu Kazashiro, a famous model, has also collaborated with fashion designer Hina Izumi to show their appreciation towards the Kamen Riders.
“Thanking the Kamen Riders is personal to me, I was personally saved by two of these masked heroes and it makes me happy that they’re getting the appreciation they deserve.” Miu nodded before she went back to work.
Mii-tan, a famous online idol, was instrumental in starting the movement to thank the Kamen Riders. A few days after Zawame’s Beat Riders paid for their video to be shown all over Japan, Mii-tan seconded their efforts and thanked the Kamen Riders for all the things they have done.
“They’re heroes, nothing more, nothing less. Just as I thank my fans for all their contribution during my streams, and I feel appreciated each time they thank me for something that helped them, these Kamen Riders are probably people, like us, who’d want at least an appreciation for their efforts.” Mii-tan said as she prepared for her next stream.
Akari Tsukimura, one of Japan’s leading scientists, has also expressed her gratitude for these heroes.
“I’ll admit that a lot of the technologies that these Kamen Riders use perplex me and the rest of the scientific community, but it can’t be denied that they have used their technology into saving all of us. Our technological advances wouldn’t have been possible without these Kamen Riders, for if they were not around, none of us would have experienced the joys of using phones for everything.” Tsukimura-sensei smiled as she left the research institute.
Some showed their appreciation in a roundabout way, like how Detective Kaoru Ichijo responded.
“I am always thankful for these Kamen Riders, a lot of good men and women in the force lost their lives in battling these monsters and by merely existing, casualties in the force have decreased significantly. It would have been preferred if all of them cooperated with the government, but having that sentiment does not mean I am less thankful for what they have done. Detective Ichijo stated before he left for an assignment.
Kamen Riders have existed since the 1970s and they have been instrumental in saving the lives of the Japanese people, and the world, every time something has gone awry.  The surge of content that shows appreciation toward the masked heroes was kickstarted by the street dancers of Zawame City.
Sawa-san T-T
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weirdestarrow · 3 years
Sorry this took so long, but I barely had anything worked out for Kentucky and had to research the state to create headcanons. Hope you enjoy!
Kentucky (KY)
Human Name: Daniel Abraham Washington
Born June 1, 1792
Calls West Virginia Kanawha. This is because she is his favorite sister
Very outdoorsy person
Owns a horse, and is a very good rider
Fucking loves horses
Obsessed with horse racing. Nevada and Illinois tried to get him into gambling with horse races, but he didn't because he just really loves horses
Kentucky tried to ban gambling, as he didn't like it
Fought in Canada during the War of 1812
Prefers to fight with cavalry units
Kentucky was very big on compromises and preferred that to violence or picking a side a majority of the time
Was slightly divided on slavery, but generally tended to support it, although he would sometimes hesitate on supporting it
Supported the Mexican-American War
Tried to stop rioters during Bloody Monday and ended up getting stabbed in the arm
Kentucky believed that he should be the mediator between the Southern and the Northern states, and tried to get the slave states to agree to a solution that wouldn't involve succession
He tried multiple times, and was so disappointed and upset with himself that none of them worked. He will sometimes blame himself for the Civil War, because he thinks if he had been successful he would have been able to stop succession from happening
Kentucky desperately wanted peace during the Civil War, and tried to stay neutral for as long as he could. He didn't want to support either side, he just wanted peace
After his neutrality was violated when he was invaded in September 1861, Kentucky decided to stop being neutral and swore to bring the South back into the Union
Kentucky was furious when Southern sympathizers tried to set up an alternate government for his state and was even more furious when said government ended up getting a personification and joining the Confederate States of America
Kentucky despised Confederate government of Kentucky (Aka Confederate Kentucky) with every bone in his body and would always target him whenever he saw him
Confederate Kentucky mainly traveled with the Army of Tennessee,which permanently ruined Kentucky's and Tennessee's pre-civil war relationship.
When the Confederate Army briefly controlled Frankfort, Kentucky had been captured and was forced to watch the attempted inauguration ceremony of Confederate Army of Kentucky, and was very thankful when it was interrupted by Union troops. As a result he became closer to Ohio, who rescued him.
Kentucky was overjoyed when Confederate Kentucky died
Confederate Kentucky's existence made Kentucky lose his connection to all Confederate sympathizers in his state, and made him understand very well what America was going through after losing his states. Kentucky and America bonded over this shared experience
Kentucky opposed the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, but reluctantly implemented them, as he believed he would be placed under military occupation like the South if he didn't
Kentucky hated that violence started up in his state with the KKK, as the Civil War had only reinforced his mindset of compromise over violence
Kentucky resolved himself personally to stay out of affairs involving white violence towards African Americans, as he was very conflicted by it, but would normally side with the White Americans when pressed for a response, as that was the side he had been on for ages. When the Civil Rights movement began he became more bold in siding with African Americans, and apologized a lot for not doing something sooner
Kentucky worked a lot to try and defuse the feuds that had appeared in the 19th century and gave him international attention.
The Gilded Age women's suffrage movements were sort of supported by Kentucky, although he only voiced that to Wyoming
Was against the Prohibitionist movement
January 19, 1900, Kentucky's capital was attacked due to supporters of the Republican Governor who had been elected (William Taylor), realizing that the (Democratic) Kentucky General Assembly would overturn the election, which horrified and hurt Kentucky, as he was sliding towards civil war. Marital law was declared, and Kentucky joined his militia in ensuring a Civil War didn't happen. America was with Kentucky for most of this, as he could relate to him, support that Kentucky was grateful for. Kentucky was horrified when the Democrat Governor, William Goebel,  the General Assembly decided won the election was assassinated, and begged his father for help on determining the legality of the Goebel. Talyor was indicted in the assination Taylor fled to Indiana and Kentucky was pissed when Indiana wouldn't extradite him
Prohibition harmed Kentucky's economy so he got involved in making illegal moonshine because of that. This resulted in moonshine becoming one of Kentucky's favorite drinks 
The New Deal was very popular in Kentucky, as it benefited him a lot. Kentucky as a result was a pretty big supporter of it
Kentucky got caught up in the 1937 flood and developed a huge fear of drowning and water, and didn't go swimming again until 1950
Kentucky fought in the European theater during WW2, but didn't participate in D-Day due to his fear of water and America's overprotectiveness
Kentucky was one of the few Southern states to desegregate schools after Brown v Board of Education, as he was becoming better at changing his former mindset involving African Americans
Kentucky became very involved in supporting the Civil Rights movement, even passing "the most comprehensive civil rights act ever passed by any state south of the Ohio River in the history of this nation.", which began to widen the rift even more between Kentucky and the South, causing Kentucky to seek some comfort from his fellow border states
The 1968 Louisville riots angered Kentucky, as the city police had escalated the protest to violence, causing Kentucky to end up berating the police officers for their conduct afterwards.
Kentucky was shocked to learn about the Cornbread Mafia members being mainly from his state, but didn't pay much attention to the whole thing, knowing it was going to be a media circus
Kentucky has been trying to encourage his state to elect more women to office, but unsuccessfully. Wyoming is happy that he at least tried
Kentucky was the only Southern state to implement Obamacare, and expand Medicaid, putting him even more at odds with some of the Southern states
Even since the end of the Civil War, Kentucky has felt more and more like an outcast in the South, and has bonded with Delaware over their experiences with the Southern states
No one know if Kentucky is being serious when he says he wants to fuck his current Governor
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andipxndy-writes · 3 years
pineapple belongs on pizza
fandom: alex rider warnings: none requested by: anon word count: 3.0k
cross-posted to ao3
summary: “Pineapple belongs on pizza.” The words were sudden, of course, so Alex didn’t expect them at all. Either way, it was enough to make his eyes snap open from where they’d been contentedly shut — mostly because Freddy had shifted to look at whoever had spoken. Which had been Sofia. (Alex wasn't really sure he wanted to get involved with this one.)
pineapple belongs on pizza
Alex’s world was… strange. He knew it, Jack knew it, Tom knew it. It wasn’t an opinion at this point — it was a plain fact, something indisputable in his mind.
It was strange in that he was definitely sure no other teenager had lived a life like his, and yet he was constantly trying to live the life of anyone but himself — because in his eyes, his life wasn’t the life that he wanted. It had never been the sort of life that he wanted. And it wasn’t the sort of life he would wish on anyone else either.
Still, it was his “strange” life that had led to things that he would consider fortunate, or lucky. It led to him having the best friend he could ever ask for constantly checking in on him and making sure he was okay. It was this “strange” life that meant he was educated, he’d travelled, he’d seen so many places that most people had never had the chance to visit or explore, because his uncle had made sure he’d received the best experience of the world that he could.
It was because of this “strange” life that he’d realised that there were other kids out there, living the same life as himself — or a similar life, at least, forced to put themselves in danger and do things that even an adult wouldn’t dream of doing.
He wouldn’t wish this life on anyone, and yet he felt a sort of kindred to the kids who’d been taken, kidnapped, from their parents and raised as part of Nightshade; sure, it was more that his parents had been taken from him, that he had had his chance of a normal life stolen from him, and he hadn’t been raised and trained to kill by his upbringing really… but the kindred was still there. It had still led to him being trained to kill, it had still led to him knowing the feel of a gun in his hand, how it should be used, how to dismantle and load a magazine into one with ease. It had still led to him almost killing one of the few people who both fought to protect him in this world and used him like he was disposable. It had still led to him killing a reflection of himself, a bitter representation of what he could have become.
It still led to part of him dying and never coming back.
That was the main reason why he’d decided that he had to get to know them more after they’d been saved. He couldn’t just leave them to the mercy of the hidden sector of the British government and their long-lost parents, considering they didn’t really know their parents at all. For all these kids knew, their parents were killers, people that abandoned them or sold them on to an organisation at a young age because they were unwanted, when it was incredibly unlikely that this was the case. To these kids, he was the best face that they knew. He was familiar.
And that was the main reason why he kept in contact with everyone they managed to save. He’d started off with Freddy, of course, because he was the first one he’d met, and he was the most open to communication. It was mostly one-sided, but it was still communication. He allowed him to at least sit in the same room as him, to speak even when he knew that he wouldn’t get a response. He didn’t lunge for him, or spit at him. When he offered him food (which had obviously been checked through thoroughly by security, before being allowed to bring it in to his friend), he did not throw it in the bin, or back at his face. He allowed it to sit there whilst he remained in the room, and from what he heard from the nurses, he even ate it when he was gone, as though it were some sort of delicacy, or treat.
The others gradually followed. Many of their original names, he hadn’t known. They were names that he’d had to learn, but many of them didn’t even respond. Maybe there was a flash of familiarity there, as though they knew that they were meant to know those names, but then that flash disappeared and their walls came up, and they demanded to speak to their Teachers. Teachers that would never answer them, ever again. It would take time for them to come around. Alex knew this. That was why he was patient, and let them turn of their own accord.
And that was how he ended up squished on a couch in William’s hospital room with Sofia and Freddy. It had, strangely enough, not taken Sofia as long as he’d thought she would to turn around and realise that her past, what the Teachers had taught her, was a lie. The moment she’d realised that Alex was an ally, and that he wanted to help her and, weirdly enough, befriend her, her walls had begun to come down quickly. They certainly hadn’t come down so quickly for Mrs. Jones, and Alex knew this, but that woman was more persistent than he was. He knew that Sofia would come around to her at some point. William would always be a tough one, though — he had always seen Alex as an antagonist, as an enemy, and in a way he had been right. Alex hadn’t ended up within Nightshade to become an ally originally — he had come to take them down. It didn’t seem to matter in his mind that Alex was now trying to build him up; he didn’t want to talk to him, he didn’t want to see him. The only times he accepted seeing Alex’s face were when one of the others was around — usually Sofia, or Freddy. The other two were so comforted by Alex’s presence that it gradually leeched onto the younger boy, and one day he smiled at Alex. Actually smiled.
Alex wanted to cringe at how awkward it looked.
Still, it had led to the four of them becoming a sort of comfort for each other. Sure, they were awkward teenagers, and Alex couldn’t go to visit them every day — he still had schoolwork, coursework and homework to complete; he still did rowing some weekends; still played football, both for his school and for fun on the park with the few school mates he had left. He was still a busy guy, and he still liked to play video games with Tom or go for lunches and dinners with Jack. (There was still that girl at school he was working up the courage to ask out, even though he knew she considered him weird enough to turn down, but it was worth a shot… eventually.)
But that comfort had, again, led to Alex ending up squished on a couch in William’s room with William, Sofia and Freddy. William was on the other side of his sister, curled up onto her side whilst Sofia and Freddy were squished up on either side of Alex, the former leaning on Alex whilst he leaned on the latter. At first it had been a little uncomfortable, what with knees and elbows digging everywhere, because it wasn’t as if they were small teenagers. They were all tall, athletic, and “lanky” (in Jack’s eyes, at least) — they were pretty much all bones, it was expected that there would be some level of discomfort with them all being tucked in so close together. But the warmth that came with them all being so close to each other was more than worth it, if Alex was being completely honest. With Freddy’s arms wrapped around Alex’s shoulders and pulling him in close, bringing his head down onto the softer side of his fairly bony shoulder to rest there (where he knew his hair could easily tickle Freddy’s nose if he shifted even the slightest bit), Sofia was tucked in against Alex’s side, his arm wrapping around her shoulders just as Freddy had his arm wrapped around his. Her head was buried under his arm as she rested her head on the side of his chest, her hair nowhere near tickling his nose but her arms wrapped around his waist as though he were a body pillow. The way her head rested not far from his heart made it beat contentedly in his chest, he was sure of it. It was honestly the most comfortable he’d been around friends since he and Tom stopped having sleepovers with other friends, something that he didn’t want to lose ever. Sure, he and Tom were platonically affectionate with each other when they were in the mood, but being this comfortable with three other people was a fair bit better than being this comfortable with one.
That was, until they started bickering.
“Pineapple belongs on pizza.”
The words were sudden, of course, so Alex didn’t expect them at all. He didn’t even know what had brought up the subject — maybe something that had been mentioned before he’d turned up (he’d been late because he’d had homework that he needed to get done, and he’d agreed to work on it with Tom until he’d needed to leave to come and visit these guys and Tom left to go on a date). Either way, it was enough to make his eyes snap open from where they’d been contentedly shut — mostly because Freddy had shifted to look at whoever had spoken.
Which had been Sofia.
Before Alex could even put in his two cents (because he, too, believed that pineapple belonged on pizza, but he wasn’t stupid enough to say it out loud in front of people who were likely to be pineapple-on-pizza-haters), William lifted his head and spoke up, a frown on his face.
“No, it doesn’t.”
Alex glanced between the two, his head not moving much but his eyes darting from person to person. As much as they were siblings, when William and Sofia bickered it was the strangest thing. They didn’t behave like siblings, not all of the time, because they hadn’t been raised that way. They hadn’t even known they were related to each other back when they were in Nightshade. Instead, they’d been raised in a place where they’d all been considered one huge family of sorts, all the children “serving” the teachers and doing whatever was asked of them, whatever they were told they were supposed to do, no matter how evil it seemed. Their identities were erased, all they knew was to refer to each other as numbers. So they had a weird relationship that they couldn’t really… well, was “change” really the word for it?
Either way, it was quirky. At least, it was in Alex’s opinion. He didn’t really have any siblings to compare their relationship to, and it wasn’t as if Tom and his brother were particularly close.
Freddy, of course, had stayed quiet as the bickering had started, and he wisely remained so. Alex decided to follow his example, mostly because he was the closest to the two of them and he knew how they could get when they were angry at other people, let alone with each other.
“It most certainly does,” Sofia insisted, and Alex could tell from her tone that she was ready to fight for this one. This was a hill she was willing to die on. And whenever there was a hill she was willing to die on, there were going to be other people she crucified on that hill too.
And Alex was the closest.
His problem truly came to light when both sets of dark eyes turned on him, pinning him to where he half-lay on Freddy. Part of him wished he’d taken Freddy’s original offer of laying on the end, so that he could have Sofia laying on him and he didn’t have to be as close to William. He’d turned it down because he didn’t want to seem like he was still awkward around William, still trying to keep a distance from him because they weren’t on the friendliest of terms. Now he dearly wished he’d taken Freddy’s offer to be on the other side, even if it meant that he felt a bit like a third wheel being next to the ridiculously cuddly couple. Sure, Sofia was affectionate with him, and he very much enjoyed the way she snuggled up against him, tucking her head against his neck underneath his chin. The way she always squeezed a little bit when she was wrapping her arms around him — she’d once teased and said that she felt like a boa constrictor, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing as much as she liked. Alex had been more than a little freaked by this (even though he knew that was what her sense of humour was like).
But did Alex want to give his opinion? Really, he valued his life. So the answer was going to be no. Then again… he’d never really listened to the voice of common sense in his brain — he had so much evidence from previous missions to prove it.
“It… tastes good on pizza…?”
The way Sofia grinned and William scowled reminded Alex of when he’d been a child, when he and Ian had used to debate over menial things — the few times that he and Ian had spent time together like a normal family, not him training Alex for what would inevitably be his future — and they’d got Jack to mediate for them. Those few occasions, where Alex had felt and probably seemed like a normal child in retrospect, were some of the best memories he had. He would, in all honesty, do anything to go back to them and have no idea about the future that had been set up for him.
But it was too late to think about that now, now that Ian was dead and he and Jack had been through so much that she was less of a guardian and more of a housemate, especially since she was basically going back to university and not really focusing on taking care of him. Now his mind was focused on himself, on getting through education, and on ignoring MI6 and Mrs. Jones as much as he possibly could… as well as making new friends that he could relate to, of course.
He felt Sofia’s grip tighten around his waist, and her face nuzzle into his side.
“A wise one, you are.”
Suddenly, Alex heard Freddy scoff from where he sat, and he looked up to see the other rolling his eyes. Which, if Alex was being honest, looked pretty funny on the other guy. He knew that Freddy wasn’t the biggest fan of pineapple on pizza (he’d told him this before), and he was so used to seeing him looking serious or blank whilst focused on his thoughts that simply seeing him rolling his eyes was pretty uncharacteristic of him. In fact, it was enough to make Alex snort.
And that snort caught Freddy’s attention very quickly.
“What’s so funny?” Freddy asked, a frown on his face as he looked down at Alex sharply. It was a frown which didn’t help to stop Alex from snorting — if anything, it made him have to bite his lower lip to hold back the laughter that threatened to spill.
He knew that wouldn’t be enough. He couldn’t think of a world, or a situation, in which that answer would have been enough. But the next thing he knew, somehow Freddy had him in a headlock — not a tight one, but a playful one. Enough to keep Alex in place and stop him from getting away from any of Freddy’s retribution, but not enough to make him feel like he was suffocating.
Which was a good thing, really — it was a good thing he trusted Freddy to not want to kill him right then. Because after all that he’d been through, it was valid of him (in his opinion) to be nervous about anyone having their hands around his neck, and it was also kind of valid for Freddy to want to hurt him after all they’d been through. They’d been through a lot. Enough for Alex to, when Freddy had finally allowed him to start touching him, give him a warm hug that had led to Freddy sobbing — something that Alex wasn’t sure he’d done before then or since.
Freddy having him in a friendly headlock whilst playfully ruffling his hair, though, only forced Alex to start squirming in his grip, any chance of him hiding his laughter disappearing as he fell into a fit of giggles. Even as he began laughing, he could hear Sofia beginning to laugh as well from where she was still laying on his side, and eventually William’s contagious giggles joined the mix as Alex squirmed in Freddy’s grip, clearly trying to get out of it. At one point, he was sure that William fell off the couch in his laughter, which made them all stop for a few moments before bursting into laughter again.
And that was how the nurse bringing around dinner found the four of them in William’s room, all four of them laughing until their stomachs hurt with Alex being hugged around the neck by Freddy, the Sofia lounged on top of him whilst William draped himself on top of his sister as much as he could from his position on the floor. As though they were old friends, laughing over some silly childhood joke that only they could understand.
And honestly, Alex was glad that it seemed that way. Because if there was anything these guys needed more than he did, it was a normal friendship.
And he was more than welcome to provide it.
(Though, thinking back on it, they never did get around to actually debating whether pineapple really did belong on pizza — even though Alex would always be of the opinion that it most definitely did, and it was a hill he was more than willing to die on.)
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I think the most important thing Eragon could do for the reformation of the Riders, to ensure that they don't collapse like before, is to demand that only adults are tested against the eggs. Like I would say at least 25 years old.
The fact that humans used to be tested at 10 is abhorrent to me. They can't consent to the responsibilities of a Rider at that age. They wouldn't understand the huge ramifications on the rest of their life at all. An inherently immature child with such little life experience would just think that being a dragon rider is the coolest thing ever, they can't critically analyze this choice. Such an enormous, deeply affecting decision that cannot be undone, should never have been made available to children.
Also it's fucking indoctrination. We know their taken from their homes (Brom leaves Kausta to go to Illirea) and there's no evidence that their families go with them. They, 10 year old children, are taken from their homes, families, and cultures to be taught by and organization that they were expected to be a part of their entire lives (which were extended indefinitely!) and, as far as we know, they had no option to leave.
Oromis says the elves were tested at age 20 which I can think of two reasons for. One: elves age slower than humans and a 20 year old elf is as mature as a 10 year old human. This is the one I imagine is true. And so, the elven Riders go through the same stuff that the humans do and truly none of the Riders have the benefit of an upbringing outside of the Riders instruction. Two: the elves were given special privilege and the Riders deliberately waited until they were older to test them. This possibility is particularly awful because of the sense of racial superiority at it's core. The human children would be tested at a more vulnerable age so that the Riders would lean very heavily in favor of the elves, in their philosophies, politics, governing, and of course, their racial bias.
And even though I think the first explanation is the actual reason, the second one is still at play. Regardless of any equivalence of their mental or physical maturity at those ages, 20 years is twice as much life experience than 10.
Eragon included all the races in the spell that bonds Riders to dragons, which is incredibly important. But if he wants to actually make good on his promise to give them an equal place in the Riders, he has to fucking do this. What's the point if they leave their home, their people, and their culture as children and get all their education from age 10 (or equivalent) from the Riders? What new perspectives and ideas would they be able to bring? What understanding of or connection to their race would they have? What would be the point? All they would be left with is a group of people to powerful for their own good that were all taught to think and act in the same way and it would fall to pieces just like it did before.
And what makes me so sad is that Eragon still went through all this. 16 is still too fucking young. I feel like the benefits he got from being a bit older and being taught for a shorter span of time were really made up for by the way he was ensnared in so many enormous responsibilities that people presented as obligations or even debts that they could use to get him to comply, specifically the elves. He didn't deserve it and I want him to have the opportunity and the critical thinking to realize all this, both for his own sake and for the sake of every single Rider that will come after him.
It enrages me that the books never acknowledged this. It's fucking criminal to me. All those children deserved better and the Riders of old deserved to be dismantled.
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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How lawmakers block progress and maintain oppressive policies
Many lawmakers, especially in the South, fought to maintain the nation’s founding principles of white supremacy.
In Alabama’s Dallas County, more than half the population was Black in 1961 but fewer than one in 100 Black citizens were registered to vote due to daunting poll taxes and other measures meant to disenfranchise Black voters. 
Across the South, registrars could selectively ask Black voters to read part of the Constitution, then decide whether the text had been read to their liking, said Carol Anderson, an African American studies professor at Emory University in Atlanta.
As such, they had enormous power to block people from voting, Anderson said.
A modest civil rights act passed in 1957 had enabled the Justice Department to sue states for voting rights violations but put the onus on people whose rights had been violated, requiring them to challenge systems designed to keep them down, Anderson said. By 1963, a federal report examining 100 counties in eight Southern states found that Blacks remained substantially underrepresented at the polls.
Selma, the seat of Dallas County, became an important battleground as tensions escalated. A local judge stifled demonstrations by declaring public gatherings of more than two people illegal, drawing a visit from Martin Luther King Jr. and thrusting Selma into the national spotlight.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Southern legislators repeatedly derailed civil rights-related proposals while chairing key committees, said David Bateman, an associate professor of government at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. 
“Their control over these committees allowed them to gate-keep the agenda,” Bateman said.
Images of officers attacking voting rights activists – including then 25-year-old activist John Lewis – on a Selma bridge with clubs and tear gas in March 1965 helped sway public support. Days after the so-called “Bloody Sunday” incident, President Lyndon Johnson pressed lawmakers to pass broad voting rights legislation. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned literacy tests and other discriminatory practices while requiring federal approval of proposed voting-eligibility standards before states could implement them.
Today, Bateman said, as increasing voting restrictions continue to disproportionately affect people of color, “there’s every reason to believe voter disenfranchisement campaigns will persist.”
The U.S. Supreme Court in 2013 reversed a key part of the landmark Voting Rights Act, allowing states to alter voting rules before obtaining federal consent. This summer, the court issued a ruling that disqualifies votes cast in the wrong precinct and only allows family members or caregivers to turn in another person’s ballot.
At least 18 states have enacted laws making voting harder this year, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University. In Montana, legislators abolished Election Day registration. Florida curtailed after-hours drop boxes.
Georgia shortened absentee ballot request periods, criminalized providing food and water to queued-up voters and made opening polls optional on Sundays, traditionally a day when the Black vote spikes as congregants vote after church. 
“We still have not dealt with anti-Blackness in this society,” said Anderson, of Emory University. “We’re really looking at the same pattern, the same rhymes.”
In September, Democrats introduced an elections and voting rights bill that would expand early voting options, identification requirements and access to mail-in ballots while allowing Election Day registration.
Police have long upheld racist laws, often with violence
As Blacks demanded equality during the civil rights movement, they faced hostility not just from fellow civilians but from those entrusted to protect and to serve.
In 1961, Freedom Rides occurred throughout the South as activists challenged Southern non-compliance with a Supreme Court decision ruling that declared segregated bus travel unconstitutional. The campaign met with often ugly resistance: In Birmingham, riders were attacked by a Ku Klux Klan mob, reportedly with baseball bats, iron pipes and bicycle chains.
Within the mob was an FBI informant who told the agency of the impending attack, but the agency did nothing, reluctant to expose its mole. Two decades later, a U.S. District Court judge excoriated the FBI for its inaction.
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“The FBI was passively complicit,” said Diane McWhorter, author of “Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama, The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution.”
The attack occurred with the blessing of Alabama public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, who told Klan leaders that police would wait 15 minutes before stepping in.
Paul Butler, a law professor at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., said he sees the links between the police violence of Birmingham and “Bloody Sunday” and the tanks, tear gas and rubber bullets employed at today’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
“We have John Lewis and others marching on that bridge protesting police brutality, and they get attacked and beat up by police,” said Butler, author of the book “Chokehold; Policing Black Men.” “And last summer, throughout the country there were marches on police brutality – and at these marches, police attacked the people protesting police brutality. The parallels are clear.”
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People of color continue to be disproportionately affected by fatal police shootings, with significantly higher death rates than whites over the previous five years, researchers at Yale University in Connecticut and the University of Pennsylvania reported last year. “So it’s unclear whether change is actually occurring,” Butler said.
Critics note the police presence and brutality faced by Black Lives Matter protesters during the unrest following Floyd’s murder – the open-source database Bellingcat found more than 1,000 incidents of police violence – in contrast with the relatively unprepared force that was unable to stop hordes of mostly white Donald Trump supporters from breaching perimeter fencing and entering the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.
“There has never been a time when policing of public speech hasn’t been racially biased,” said Justin Hansford, executive director of Howard University’s Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center in Washington, D.C. “With the civil rights-era protests, most people understood that they were standing up for core American principles as opposed to Jan. 6, where they were trying to stop people’s votes from being counted.”
A USA TODAY analysis of arrests linked to the insurrection found that 43 of 324 people arrested were either first responders or military veterans; at least four current and three former police officers now face federal charges.
Education leaders have maneuvered to keep segregation, hide racist history
Education leaders have also at times sought to stall progress.
Two years after the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 decision ruling segregated schools unconstitutional, Virginia Rep. Howard Smith took the floor to address his colleagues.
There, he introduced a document signed by 82 representatives and 19 senators, all from former Confederate states. The so-called Southern Manifesto called for resisting desegregation and blasted the Brown decision as an abuse of judicial power violating states’ rights.
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The gesture demonstrated how deep resistance to desegregation ran in the South. The next year, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus summoned the National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock’s Central High, in defiance of a federal order.
“After the ruling comes down, you have massive resistance in the South,” said Sonya Ramsey, an associate history professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “You have school boards saying they’re not going to do it. You have government officials saying they’re not going to do it. That’s a system.”
Resistance came in many forms, she said, from committees formed to study the matter in perpetuity to policies that allowed whites, but not Blacks, to transfer schools. 
Some institutional leaders did make positive strides, Ramsey noted, even if for economic reasons. While many Southern cities resisted desegregation efforts, officials in Charlotte, North Carolina, eager to promote the area as a progressive business climate, constructed a districtwide busing plan designed to have schools reflect the community with the help of Black and white families and local leaders.
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But institutional ills continue, Ramsey and others say – in charter schools now struggling with diversity, in faulty school funding formulas and in ongoing debates about what students should be taught about slavery and racism. Bills limiting how educators can teach about racism have been introduced this year in at least 28 states.
A 2018 Southern Poverty Law Center study of educational standards in 15 states found none addressed slavery’s justification in white-supremacist ideology nor its integral part in the economy; furthermore, the report noted, a separate survey found just 8% of high school seniors identified slavery as the Civil War’s cause.
“It’s fear of the unknown and of disruption,” said Donnor, of William & Mary. “And seeing that the status quo is no longer acceptable. One of the major parallels is in the hostility of the pushback. If you peel back the layers, you can see the similarities.”
News media shapes how Americans view race
The news media has throughout the nation’s history helped Americans understand racial issues – for better or worse. 
In 1962, after James Meredith tested federal law to become the first Black student admitted to the formerly all-white University of Mississippi, the station manager of Jackson’s WLBT decried the decision on-air, saying states should make their own admission decisions.
Station officials strongly supported segregation, rebuffing calls for opposing views, avoiding civil rights coverage and notoriously blaming technical problems for interruption of a 1955 “Today Show” interview of attorney Thurgood Marshall. Ultimately, after repeated complaints to the Federal Communications Commission and a crucial federal court decision affirming public input in FCC hearings, the station lost its license.
“These are the stories we weren’t taught in journalism school,” said Joseph Torres, co-author of “News For All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media.” “They (civil rights groups) were saying, it’s a public airwave, and it’s not being fair to the Black community.”
Black media stepped up to offer different perspectives of mainstream narratives or provide coverage that wasn’t otherwise there. When 14-year-old Emmett Till was lynched in 1955 by two men who would ultimately be acquitted by an all-white jury, Jet magazine published a photo of Till’s mutilated body that helped kickstart the civil rights movement.
While some white-owned media such as Mississippi’s Delta Democrat Times and Lexington Advertiser condemned segregation and violence, others such as Jackson’s Clarion-Ledger held to the status quo. Gannett, the parent company of USA TODAY, purchased the newspaper in 1982.
“Had the Clarion-Ledger taken a leadership position denouncing atrocities going on in front of their faces, the state would be farther along in terms of getting past some of the pain,” said Mississippi Public Broadcasting executive editor Ronnie Agnew, who served as the newspaper’s executive editor until 2011.
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In 1968, the landmark Kerner Commission, appointed to investigate the unrest that had exploded in national riots, faulted the media in addition to longstanding racism and economic inequalities. “The press has too long basked in a white world looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and white perspective," the commission’s final report read.
“They made it absolutely clear that the white press had done a terrible job of covering civil rights,” said Craig Flournoy, a journalism professor at the University of Minnesota who has critiqued the Los Angeles Times’ “incendiary” coverage of the 1965 Watts riots, for which the newspaper won a Pulitzer.
Flournoy said the Times relied heavily on white police and white elected officials for material. In one particularly egregious example, he said the newspaper, having no Black reporters on staff, sent a young Black advertising staffer into Watts to dictate dispatches by payphone, but his notes were repurposed into sensational stories that exaggerated the supposed Black threat.
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lesbiansforboromir · 4 years
Impossible LotR Quiz Answer sheet with explanations!
As an addendum, since people have been doing the quiz I’ve seen a few mistypes and awkwardnesses that are my own fault so I’ve corrected them. This means some people got a higher score than was shown, know that when I looked over your answers I saw your actually right answers and fully appreciated them! It’s good to not that the ‘fill in the blanks’ questions will not take two words in one space, so I’ve had to get creative with how I apply two named folk like Mardil Voronwe, or people who have numbers like Hurin I.
I would also like to say, to everyone talking about how they’ve never read the Silmarillion, this quiz is very purposefully almost entirely based outside of the Silmarillion. This is Appendices stuff! Indeed there is only 1 question even tangentally related to elves in here, this is by design. 
@magaramach, @brynnmclean and @apojiiislands asked to be tagged in this! Answers under the cut. 
Q2. Who was Dora Baggins in relation to Bilbo Baggins? - Second cousin on his father's side Dora Baggins is a very elderly woman who was the daughter of Bilbo’s father’s brother. She likes writing people a lot of unsolicited advice! THIS WAS WRONG AND SAID FIRST COUSIN FOR SO LONG AND I AM DEEPLY SORRY FOR IT.
Q3. How many pairs of biological twins are mentioned in the whole of Arda's timeline and what races do they belong too? - 2 for men, 1 for elves and 3 for half-elves Fastred and Folcred, Haleth and Haldar (men) Amrod and Amras (elves) Elured and Elurin, Elrond and Elros, Elladan and Elrohir (half-elves) Now, admittedly Elladan and Elrohir are never actually described as twins. However they appear completely identical and have the same birth date, so it is assumed.
Q4. Baldor is who the skeleton scratching at the door used to be. When Aragorn and co pass through the paths of the dead they find a skeleton clawing at a door to the mountain. It is finely dressed and described as mighty and was later essentially confirmed to be Baldor, the eldest son of King Brego of Rohan, also called Baldor the hapless, who foolishly wandered into the paths of the dead on, apparently, a dare. (the answer to this was originally Brego because of a foolish typo from me, many apologies!)
Q5. When was the Ondonóre Nómesseron Minaþurie written? - During Meneldil's reign. “Enquiry into the Place-names of Gondor” was a text written by settled numenoreans about their new kingdom during Meneldil’s reign, who was the first sole King of Gondor after both Anarion (his father) and Isildur had perished.   
Q6. Farmer Maggot's particular friend was Tom Bombadil  It is stated that Farmer Maggot sometimes peacefully passes through the Old Forest to go and meet Tom Bombadil, who very much enjoys his company. However! Those who answered Merry or Pippin still deserve excellent recognition, Farmer Maggot was indeed fond of Pippin and respected Merry greatly.
Q7. What was the office of the Steward originally created to do? - Keep the Tradition of Isildur When Romendacil I went to war in the east, he realised that if he died then the secret of the Tradition of Isildur would die with him. Hence he wrote it down in a sealed scoll and gave it to a trusted confidante, to be given to his heir if he should perish. This tradition was maintained by further kings and those trusted confidantes became the Stewards of Gondor. This, admittedly, is a more suggested progression than explicit, but it’s a Impossible evil quiz so :) Q8. What was the 'Tradition of Isildur'? - Remember where Elendil was buried. Elendil had been secretly entombed in Calenardhon, supposedly the midpoint between Gondor and Arnor. This was a hallowed space for only Kings at first, but in later years when the Stewards came to rule Gondor they also were permitted the secret. Cirion had the remains moved when Calenardhon was gifted to the Eotheod to eventually become a part of the Kingdom of Rohan. 
Q9. At the time of Pelargir's founding, is the world flat or round? - Flat. Pelargir was founded as a ‘Faithful Numenorean’ haven on the river Anduin. Therefore it was built before Numenor’s destruction in the Akallabeth, the reason for which being that Eru turned the world from flat to round. 
Q10. Which of these monarchs were indolent and had no interest in ruling? - King Atanatar I - King Narmacil I - Tar-Vanimelde King Atanatar I ruled during Gondor’s richest generation and seemed to believe that meant he didn’t need to put any work in. Narmacil I, his son, didn’t want to put any work in, but he at least assigned his nephew, Minalcar, as ‘Karma-Kundo’ or regent during his reign. So he at least did something to keep the country going. Tar-Vanimelde had no interest in ruling and allowed her husband to do most of the governence. This backfired when she died and he organised a coup against his son to hold power.
Q11. When looking back on the Ship-Kings of Gondor, King Tarannon Falastur began the invasion of Harad and expanded Gondor's borders, King Earnil-I finally took Umbar but died at sea shortly afterwards, King Ciryandil spent most of his reign trying to defend Umbar and died in it's seige and King Hyarmendacil defended Umbar against seiges for 35 years before making war upon all Harad and claiming Harondor as a province of Gondor, ending the line of the Ship Kings.
Q12. What happened during the reign of King Romendacil II? - I don't know! Nothing? Yes I know this is particularly evil of me but Romendacil II was originally called Minalcar, yes the same Minalcar who became REGENT of Gondor due to Narmacil’s indolent nature. Minalcar indeed did everything else listed as answers to this question, but none of them happened during his reign as king. Indeed, his reign was said to be peaceful and we have no real information on it, so technically saying we don’t know, and suggesting nothing happened, is actually the most correct answer :)
Q13. Who succeeded Tar-Telperien of Numenor? - Her nephew, Minastir Tar-Telperien was a lesbian Queen of Numenor who never married and never wanted too and did an excellent job and I love her. Her nephew built a tower to mope in about how much he wanted to be an elf. They are not the same. Absolutely terrified about what Amazon could do to her. 
Q14. Whilst his brethren, the nazgul, were attacking the Prancing Pony, The Witch-King was waiting in the Barrow Downs and probably had a really nice time. Not much to this! Witch King was chilling with the Barrow Wights. 
Q15. Which of these characters are described as 'beautiful' at least once in the Lord of the Rings? - Galadriel, Denethor, Eowyn, Frodo, Elanor, Celeborn, Boromir Yes, Arwen is never described as beautiful, but Denethor is :)
Q16. We all love Boromir II, select the similarities he and Boromir I did NOT share. - Renowned relationship with the Rohirrim. - Destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath - Feared by the Witch King - Retook Ithilien. - Had a brother. In case you’re wondering, yes, I love both Boromirs. But this question is a fun highlight of how many similarities Boromir II has with his namesake. These are the only things they didn’t both do. Although! Boromir I’s son was Cirion who allied with the Eotheod and created Rohan in the first place, the Uruk-Hai destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath in Boromir I’s lifetime, Boromir II was PROBABLY feared by the witch-king we just don’t know, Boromir II held Ithilien and Boromir I had two elder sisters like Denethor II did.
Q17. Hey, did you know that, from Boromir I's war with the Uruk-Hai of the Morgul Vale, Gondor didn't know peace until Sauron's death on the 25th of March, 3019? Hah hah! How gut wrenching is that? About how long do you think it has been since Gondor knew peace then? Hey wait does that mean Boromir I's valiant victory that came at a personal sacrifice was the beginning of Gondor's wars and then Boromir II's valiant sacrifice was the end- oh god... oh fuck - 550 years To everyone who answered the crossed out answer,,, you’re correct in my heart. You get bonus points. Also hey! What the fuck :) 
Q18. Who was Borondir? - The rider sent to find Eorl who made it to him after starving himself for two days but who then rode to the Celebrant with Eorl anyway and died in that battle. Literally couldn’t love this fellow more. Big Hirgon energy. A hero of Gondor for time immemorial. 
Q19. The Ruling Stewards, from first to last (with their numbers typed as so Turin-I Hurin-II etc), were as follows; Mardil ; Eradan ; Herion ; Belegorn ; Hurin-I ; Turin-I ; Hador ; Barahir ; Dior ; Denethor-I ; Boromir-I ; Cirion ; Hallas ; Hurin-II ; Belecthor-I ; Orodreth ; Ecthelion-I ; Egalmoth ; Beren ; Beregond ; Belecthor-II ; Thorondir ; Turin-II ; Turgon ; Ecthelion-II ; Denethor-II ; and for like two seconds ; Faramir ; Alrighty, we had a bit of a fight in my discord about this but eventually I did relent in agreement that Faramir IS... very briefly... legally considered a RULING Steward. Ruling Stewards being Stewards that ruled a Kingless Gondor. But! With Aragorn RIGHT THERE is just seemed very redundant. Still! I’ll allow the pedant to win out, ten minutes is still a Ruling Steward. ALSO! I decided that having an extra box for the ‘voronwe’ part of mardil voronwe was just mean as it set everyone’s answers off kilter, so I removed that. ALSO for all of those calling me a bastard for adding this question, @illegalstargender was the one who requested it! I wasn’t going too! 
Q20. The Stewards, despite ruling through very tumultuous and violent periods, were often known for boring things (because they simply ruled better than the Kings did, I said what I said) But what boring thing was Steward Turin I remembered for? - Being the only monarch of Gondor that married twice This skeezy bastard really did marry a second time during his OLD age just to father a son. I can only imagine what a dreadful cultural and social effect this had on this prude country. It’s so unnecessary! He had daughters, many of them! One of them certainly had a son before he did. He was just being a controlling arse, down with Turin I!!!!
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aswithasunbeam · 4 years
September 1814
“It’s an armada,” Madison fumed, pacing before his desk. “How can we not even know which direction it’s sailed?”
Silence filled the office.
Hamilton’s gaze was fixed on the view outside the ornate curved windows adorning Madison’s new office. The glittering chandelier overhead hadn’t been lit, unnecessary with the good light pouring in on all sides. The splendor was second, perhaps, only to President’s House, which lay some streets beyond, now little more than a burned husk.
His head still ached, a constant dull throbbing between his temples. The bruising on his face had faded to an ugly yellow in the intervening time since Bladensburg, though his arm was still wrapped tight and fixed in a sling. At least it hadn’t been his writing hand that had been injured.
Eliza hadn’t wanted him out of bed so soon, but after over a week of bedrest, he’d needed to feel useful again. The ride to Tayloe Mansion, where Madison had taken up residence, had been his first real glimpse of the horror and destruction wrought to their capital city. He stared out at the ruined homes beyond the window, a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“Richmond, Norfolk, Annapolis, and Charleston are all bracing for attack,” Monroe said, finally, when no one volunteered an answer.
The pause had been too long; a sure sign that the person designated to answer wasn’t present. Hamilton glanced around at the assembled statesmen, taking a count. The Secretary of War was notably absent. “Where is Armstrong?”
Madison huffed. “I suggested he might take a short leave, lest he wander down the wrong street into the waiting arms of a bloodthirsty mob.”  
“You didn’t demand his resignation?”
“We have bigger problems to worry about than Armstrong.”
“Who is the acting Secretary?”
Madison gave him a considering look.
“No,” Hamilton said firmly.
Madison nodded. “Fair enough. I need you in command anyway. You’ve become quite the rallying point for the men in last week. Colonel Monroe has offered to shoulder the burden temporarily.”
“Shouldn’t you be monitoring the progress of the peace talks in Ghent?” Hamilton asked.
“I can do both,” Monroe said.
Hamilton gave a skeptical hum. “Well, it’s not as if you can be less effective than your predecessor, I’ll grant.”  
Monroe straightened in his seat, offense plain on his face.
“Richmond, Norfolk, Annapolis, Charleston,” Madison repeated, stepping between them. “Which one do we anticipate the British striking next?”
“None of them,” Hamilton said. “They’re riding high on their victory. They’ll want the jewel.”
Madison frowned at him.
“Baltimore,” Monroe explained, nodding. “They’ll head for Baltimore.”
“Who is in command of the defenses at Fort McHenry?” Madison demanded.
“Major General George Armistead,” a clerk supplied after a short pause, papers rifling.  
“Armistead is working with Major General Samuel Smith, commanding the Baltimore Militia. Smith has refused to cede command to General Winder,” Monroe added. “Winder was in my office yesterday pitching a fit.”
“I can’t say I blame him. We don’t exactly have a sterling record.” Hamilton cocked his outside to indicate the ruin of Washington City beyond.
“Sir?” A clerk poked his head into the office timidly. “Dr. Thornton to see you.”
“Not now.” Madison waved him away.
“Sir, he’s most insistent.”
“What is it about?”
“Something about an American prisoner of war.”
“A patriot of highest caliber!” The incensed shout came from the outer chamber.
Madison rubbed a hand over his eyes. “Let him in.”
Thornton stormed into the room, his finger already wagging. “I demand something be done immediately, Mr. President. William Beanes is a fine American, a veteran, who served under our most revered and esteemed General Washington during the war for independence. He helped bandage our brave soldiers after the Battle of Brandywine.”
“What’s happened to him?” Hamilton inquired in a bid to avoid a full recounting of Beanes’ war record.
“When word reached Dr. Beanes of the British atrocities in our capital, he arrested a group of British soldiers who had yet to return to their ships. General Ross immediately sent out a detachment. Dr. Beanes was accosted in his home, ripped from his bed in the dead of night, and treated most shabbily. Now they say he’s set to be tried for treason in Halifax. He’s being held prisoner on a British warship. I say, this cannot be allowed to stand.”
Madison sighed. “I’m inclined to agree. Who was that man, the navy pursuer – Skinner? He warned us about Cockburn?”
“John Stuart Skinner,” Monroe confirmed.
“Send him out after the British ship. Authorize him to negotiate for the safe release of Dr. Beanes.”
Thornton deflated somewhat at the easy victory. “Thank you, Mr. President.”
“Good day, Dr. Thornton,” Madison replied, nodding towards the door.
When Thornton had left, Richard Rush asked, “How exactly are we supposed to send Skinner after the British fleet, if we aren’t even sure where they are?”
Madison met Hamilton’s eye. “How sure are you about Baltimore?”
“It’s where I’d be heading if I’d just won a victory such as theirs.”
“Baltimore does seem the most tempting target available,” Monroe agreed.
“We’ll tell Skinner to head in that direction, then. If he’s successful, all the more support for our theory. Now, do we send Winder to reinforce Baltimore over the militia commander’s objections?”
“Does Smith have a strategy?” Hamilton asked Monroe.
“He’s already begun reinforcing McHenry for a siege. The key to keeping the city will be to keep the British out of the inner harbor.”
“What’s their fire power?”
“Fifty mounted guns and about a thousand men.”
Hamilton considered a moment. “I say we send men to help reinforce the militia, but leave Smith in command. The last thing we need is a squabble at the top wasting valuable time.”
Madison nodded. Sizing Hamilton up, he asked, “Can you ride?”
Hamilton gestured to the sling securing his left arm to his body. “I doubt it. I’m currently down to one working limb.”
“We can take a carriage, then. I’d like you to come with me to review the men before we give the orders to march for Baltimore.”
“Of course, Mr. President,” Hamilton agreed.  
“Sir, about the budget shortfalls,” Secretary Campbell began, before pausing to cough wetly into a handkerchief.
Madison heaved a sigh. “There’s nothing we can about that at the present moment.”
Campbell cleared his throat. “If we don’t have a treaty by year end, we may not have funds enough to continue paying our standing army.”  
Hamilton gave Madison a significant look.
“I know, I know,” Madison griped at him. “The bank. The blasted bank will cure all our ills, and it never should have been allowed to expire in the first place.”
Hamilton held his right hand up, palm facing out, placating.
Madison collapsed into his chair, shoulders slumped. “I can’t even get Congress to agree to keep Washington as the capital right now, never mind agree to recharter your bank. They’re all crammed into the Patent Office arguing with each other about which of their cities is the obvious choice to be the seat of government.”  
“Bank charters. Disagreements over the location of the capital. Is it possible I hit my head so hard I ended up back in 1790?” Hamilton teased. “This all sounds frighteningly familiar.”  
Madison chuckled wearily. “If you did, you’ve brought me with you.”
“My sincere apologies.”
“Well, we managed it once before, didn’t we?”
Hamilton nodded. “We did, indeed.”
Madison gave him a fond look before casting his gaze over the assembled cabinet. “Anything else, gentlemen?”
Hamilton’s whole body tensed, alert, at the soft creak of the floorboards. No knock followed. His heart beat hard in his throat as he waited for more sounds in the dark.
“It was probably one of the children,” Eliza said wearily from beside him.
She rolled over in bed and adjusted closer to him. “One of the children,” she repeated. “You need to relax. Get some rest.”
“I can’t.”  
“Honey,” she sighed. Her fingers combed through his hair, gentle, mindful his bruising even in the dark.
“I should be there. Helping. Doing something. How can we have no word? Nothing, for hours now.”
“It takes time for riders to make their way from Baltimore,” she said, frustratingly practical. “You may not hear more until late tomorrow.”
“The bombardment had started. They must know something.”
“Torturing yourself all night isn’t helping.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Go to sleep.”
“I can’t sleep,” he repeated. He pushed himself up against the pillows with his one good arm, dislodging Eliza as moved. “Maybe if I leave now, I can be close enough to the city to hear word in the morning.”
He felt her sit up beside him. “The riders would go right past you, come here, and be obliged to turn around to go find you on the road. How would that help?”
“I’d be doing something.”
She sighed.
The mattress shifted, and he felt Eliza push the blankets aside. She lit a candle on the bedside table, and he blinked in the sudden light. Rising from the bed, she shrugged on her dressing gown.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“I’m going to run you a bath,” she said.
“A bath?”
“You need to relax. You’re wound tight as a drum. A nice hot bath will help.”
He shook his head as she padded from the room. The fate of the nation hung in the balance, his mind spun at a dizzying speed, and she wanted to fix it all with a bath. Annoyingly, he knew it would probably work, too. His darling, dearest wife.
Some minutes later, she returned, and began to situate his chair into place. Wordlessly, she wrapped her arm under him to help shift him over into the seat, a task hugely complicated by having only one working arm. Candlelight glowed in the adjourning chamber. She pushed him inside, the tub set up in the center of the room, steaming invitingly.
She gently untied the sling at his neck, her fingers warm and soft as they tickled against the sensitive skin. Next, she unbuttoned his night shirt, sliding it out from under him and slowly pulling it over his head. His left shoulder ached when he lifted it, and the shirt grazed his bruised temple, causing him to let out a soft hiss.
“Sorry,” she muttered.
He shook his head. “It wasn’t you.”
Carefully, she guided him over onto the strategically placed seat in the tub. She submerged his legs, then had him lean against her as she pulled the seat out from under him, letting him sink down into the blessedly hot water. He groaned with pleasure at the sensation, the tension in his muscles easing.
“How’s that?”
“Mm,” he hummed. “Heavenly.”
She gave him a smug smirk.
“Hush,” he cautioned.
She shifted around to sit behind him. A soft towel cradled his neck, and Eliza began to gently massage his shoulders. He melted at her touch. She leaned further over and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
“Relax,” she whispered.
He closed his eyes and obeyed.
She shifted him forward to wash his back, then had him lean back again. He drifted towards sleep under her tender ministrations, not eager to move even when the water began to turn tepid around him. The soft candlelight and her loving touch held back the visions of battlefield slaughter that had plagued him the past weeks every time he closed his eyes.
“No,” he moaned.
“Come on,” she insisted, prodding him. “Lets get you to bed. You’re half asleep already.”
His eyelids felt heavy, and he was pliant as a wet noodle as she began the process of extracting him from the tub. With little help from him, she dried him off, slipped his nightshirt back in place, and got him situated back in bed. He was asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
The deep, dreamless sleep had helped ease the constant headache he’d been suffering, but he still found himself entirely on edge for much of the next day.
“You have to eat something, sweetheart,” Eliza insisted as he pushed a piece of mutton around on his plate at their afternoon meal. “You need to keep up your strength. You’re still healing.”
But a nervous squirming sensation had taken root in his stomach, and he couldn’t bear the thought of eating. He needed news. Something, anything to tell him how the fight was going in Baltimore.
A sudden knock at the door had him sitting straight up in his seat. He pushed at the wheel of his chair, but made little progress with one hand. Eliza rose from her seat while he struggled.
“You stay,” she directed, running a hand over his shoulders as she passed. “Eat.”
She hadn’t gone more than a step into the hall when the door burst open, however, the visitor evidently unable to wait for an answer. The aide hurried in past Eliza, breathless, holding a piece of paper out before him. “Fresh from the front, General.”
Hamilton grabbed the page, slid his finger under the seal, and unfolded the paper so hastily it wrinkled in his hand. A single line had been scribbled across the page. His eyes flew over the information, his brain a moment delayed in understanding.
Then he smiled.
“What does it say?” Eliza asked, nervous anticipation that had been carefully masked from him before now obvious.
He held the page up for her to read.
“September 14, first light - The stars and stripes still wave over Fort McHenry.”
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bergdutt · 3 years
He had to put his shoulder to it to force it open.
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
Digging up Trouble: Ch 1. Plover and the Crocodile
"Fuck off you bastards! And don't you come back!"
Leere took the bow and fired off another arrow just for good measure. She knew Al-Daida could be dangerous, but she had hoped to avoid conflict by staying under the radar and being foreign. Heading back to the archaeological grounds, she checked on her team. At the age of 25, Leere's current passion was discovering ancient treasures across the world. Her latest search brought her to the dunes of Al-Daida, looking for the remains of princess of Hyrule that married a matriarch of Al-Daida thousands of years ago. She hoped to find the remains of the princess and return her to Hyrule. The site was discovered three days into their arrival, and her team opened up a massive underground tomb. Each layer would take days of work to uncover, which made work slow. What started the trouble was finding a trove of jewels that had been buried away. All it took was slip of the tongue from one of crew mates and word spread fast. A group of bandits tried to raid them when they were tired after a day of work.
Returning to camp, Leere was thankful no one was killed. A few injuries and the account only herself and the one Goron she brought with her could fight put a pit in her stomach. They couldn't afford to work by themselves now. After putting it to a vote with her crew, they decided to buy some protection from the local government.
The next morning, when things were calm, Leere journeyed an hour out towards the city by herself. Walking through the markets, she tried to not pry too much on the towns on goings. Adjusting her hat, she made her way up to the palace gates. "Excuse me? Is this the home of Matriarch Fayruz?"
"What business do you have here?" The guard asked Leere, not allowing her to pass into the palace just yet. Visitors were frowned upon by the matriarch unless an appointment was previously set. There were only a few exceptions, like that one defeated royal lady from a couple of years back. "The matriarch's time is very precious and she does not like to be disturbed. Do you have an appointment set with her?"
"I do not. But I seek her help. I am Doctor Dragmire, archaeologist of Hyrule. My team has recently come under attack by bandits, and I wish to strike a bargain with her for our safety." When the man only raised an eyebrow, Leere sighed. She didn't like throwing her royal title around, especially when outside of her own country, but she supposed she might get more help from a royal if she was recognized as one. "I'm also known as a Princess of Hryule."
"... I will send a messenger. Please wait." The guard had no patience for dealing with issues like this. There were plenty of princesses, princes, kings, and queens in the world, but only one matriarch. She would decide if she wanted to receive this supposed 'daughter' of Hyrule. She did not look like any Hylian he ever encountered. The servant returned with a whisper in the guard's ear. "Fine. You may pass."
"Thank you."
Leere was escorted inside the chambers of the palace. As she entered, she politely took her hat off. The Doctor had heard rumours of certain monarchs nailing hats into the heads of rude guests who refused to remove them. Looking at a pool, her red eyes grew three sizes at the sight of a massive crocodile relaxing in the sun. She then laid her gaze upon a tanned skinned woman with horns upon her head. Holding her hat, Leere politely gave a gentle bow of the head. "Matriarch Fayruz, I presume?"
"That I am, and you, my child, a supposed 'princess' of Hyrule?" Fayruz got right to the point. She had her servants attending to her every need. One was blocking the sun with a rather large elephant leaf, while another had a tray of fruit and cheese for her to enjoy. "You are... very different than any Hylian I've ever seen. Something tells me you are not exactly Hylian."
"It's true I'm no Hylian. My name is Leere Dragmire, adopted daughter of Ganondorf and Zelda."
"Ah, adopted. That makes much more sense now." Fayruz stood from her fainting couch and greeted Leere with a wave of open arms. "I am Matriarch Fayruz Ola. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, though I have to say, I am surprised." The Nara then crossed one arm over the other, while an expression of puzzlement adorned her face. "To find one of you here of all places."
"I came to your lands in search of the tomb of Queen Wannaba. She was an ancient princess of Hyrule who long ago married a Matriarch of Al-Daida, although back then I believe they might have been known as Pharaohs. I was hoping to return her body and secrets to Hyrule. Unfortunately, I hit a snag. May I sit down?"
"The majestic Pharoah Walijah, also known as Wannaba to foreigners." Fayruz chuckled with a soft smile. "I understand, some names are hard to say in various tongues." She clapped her hands and the servants provided Leere with a chair. "Though, you do know that the beliefs of our people say that lovers are to be together?"
Leere nodded. "I hope you don't think me a thief. Truth is, my kingdom, well, I merely acquire what she was buried with. They say the Queen was highly fascinated with death, studying the living dead as well as the realm of the dead. She left an artifact upon the surface with her King before dying, but she was buried with some personal pieces, as well as instructions on where one could find what she left behind. Unfortunately, she also was buried with a massive amount of treasure. And that's where my problems have arrived. The moment word of treasure spread outside my crew, bandits organized and attack my site. I was barely able to push back a small raid on my own. I've journeyed here today in hopes that I could strike a bargain with you that could grant me and my crew protection."
"There is a difference between a thief and a scholar hoping to study history, but Al-Daida likes to hold onto their dead." Fayruz listened to Leere's suggestion of a bargain. The matriarch really had no interest in this historical dig. The dead were in the afterlife, where the worries of life and the pressures of being a ruler were no more. Yet, the dead were to be respected. "What is your bargain?"
"There are sure to be many historical treasures that are native to Al-Daida alone. I originally was going to sell them to merchants and scholars across the country. However, I would like to offer these finds exclusively to you. You can also have 25% of the jewels I uncover. Does this satisfy you?"
"This does, however, I do have one condition of my own." Fayruz informed Leere. "Princess Walijah stays here. It is not proper to separate lovers in my culture who are bound by the soul."
"Agreed." Leere was thankful. It was nice to secure a bargain so quickly. Standing up, she went to shake the Matriarchs hand. "You know, you're shorter than I expected."
Fayruz actually laughed at Leere's observation while the servants looked upon the foreigner with large eyes. No one was ever so straightforward with the matriarch. At least she was amused, that was a good sign. "True, I am not as... what is the translation in Hylian?" Fayruz thought for a moment and then said, "I believe it is 'butch' as the other females here?"
"Nothing wrong with being butch or not being so. You're still taller than myself. I have to ask, is the blue around your eyes part of your skin or eyeliner? I assume the yellow must be part of your genetic makeup rather than tattoos." Leere had a truly fascinated look in her eyes. "I've never met a people that have varied so colorfully from individual to individual."
"That is kohl, dear, we Al-Daidans have a variety of skin tones." Fayruz mused at Leere's starry look. It seemed the princess was rather fascinated with the culture of her people. There were plenty of brothels the woman could visit if she wished, but the matriarch was not sure if it was appropriate. Hylian people had certain sensitivities to the talk of sex. At least, that was what the matriarch was told. "Tattoos are seen here as a piece of art. You ought to visit one of our tattoo artists for one if you'd like."
"Oh, one tattoo is enough for me, but thank you." Leere gave Fayruz a smile. "I'd like to extend the offer to check in on the dig anytime you wish."
"I appreciate the offer, but Naunet is not a big fan of the desert." Fayruz motioned to her huge crocodile who was crawling out of the pool. "She likes her patches of sunshine, but is a little too prissy to get sand under her claws. However, if you need any translations, please let me know."
“If it’s from your tongue, a translation would be marvellous.” Leere gave the Matriarch a wink as she made her way out. “I’m going to inform my crew of your generosity. Thank you once again Matriarch.”
"Don't worry, dear, my marvelous pets will ensure your camps will not be disturbed." Fayruz certainly noted the princess was a flirty one. Perhaps the 'proper' customs of Hyrule never stuck with her. Or maybe she was simply curious.
Fayruz meant exactly what she said when referring to pets. Marvelous sand rays, the size of craters, sailed through the desert. The talented riders made sure to encircle the camp to protect it, taking shifts here and there.
Leere and her team had made marvellous progress, digging down to the second level. She had spent two weeks at the site now, carefully cataloguing and studying her findings. Eventually, they came across the doorway to the third and final floor, where the ancient Queen’s remains should remain. Inside the door chamber, she found hieroglyphs giving warnings about the book of the dead, the staff of ghosts, and the crown of life. Littered on the wall were multiple priest masks, which Leere took.
After some inspection she deduced none of the masks held any curses. After some deliberation, she thought the colourful masks could make a good gift to the matriarch. Sending a request out, she wanted to know if the Matriach would host a small party for her dig team.
"Matriarch, I do not know why you entertain that desert digger and her team." Bennu scoffed as he read the letter that Leere sent, requesting a small audience and a party celebrating their discovery. "We should have chased her out. The dead are not to be disturbed."
"I know, my mate, I do not necessarily like the idea of her digging into the tombs of our ancestors, yet this one had a Hylian bride." Fayruz reminded her husband gently. "And shared blood ties have the right since she is a princess of Hyrule."
"Adopted princess, not true blood."
"While that may be, she is offering us money for her efforts and our protection."
Another Nara bowed gently to the Matriarch and Bennu. "How do we know for sure she is a princess? These tomb raiders are sly and dishonorable people. It doesn't matter how much money she throws us if she is seeking an even greater prize."
A fourth, a noble visiting, nodded. "Matriarch Fayruz, I have seen this Doctor Dragmire. Her red eyes and pale skin betray what she is. A Mortuus. I have owned a handful over the years."
"There are portraits in historical books of every royal born or adopted. Check the archives if you wish." Fayruz dismissed their worries. "Besides, if she does try to get away, the sand rays already have her in sight. They can simply eat her and we can take what she tries to steal. Do not fret, I always am one step ahead." She then arched an eyebrow. "Do you not believe in my capabilities? Perhaps you'd like to continue the discussion with Bennu? Or my beautiful Naunet instead?"
This first Nara bowed, quickly shaking his head. "No my Matriarch."
The lord shook his head, sighing. "Sand Rays would be such a waste~" ________________________________________________________________
Crossover Story with @ridersoftheapocalypse
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/643133699902390272/digging-up-trouble-ch-2-picking-out-a-book
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