#noo replies
pinkelotjeart · 28 days
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Seeing this post make the rounds on Twitter, AND DO I GOT THE VIDEO ESSAY FOR YOU. Shameless self promo, I’m not THAT harsh on the fandom, but I think I give a pretty good overview
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nmakii · 6 months
— loving vox was bad for your health
— gn!reader, lazy fic im sorry, just feelings no plot at all, this is literally just all a collection of my love life, sorta yan!vox (for alastor), love triangle-ish, unrequited love, radiosilence
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oh, how you loved vox. his charisma, his smooth voice, his charming personality; he drove you crazy. but, lord, how you wished he would talk to you.
every waking hour, he spends in his security room, hunting alastor like his prey. you care for him, why couldn’t he accept your love?
“vox!! i brought in dinner from that restaurant down the street, yw join?”
no response.
why wouldn’t he respond? it drove you crazy, checking your phone every minute of every day waiting for his response, did he simply not care? was there something more important? oh, how vox drove you up the wall, worrying about someone who did not love you back, it was bad for your health.
losing sleep over him, just waiting for that one response.
“im a bit busy, sorry.”
that’s it? that was the response you’ve been waiting all week for? you’re joking…
to turn off these feelings— you would sell your soul for it. you wish you didn’t love him, but seeing him and being close with him; it made your heart beat and your face flush.
all you wish is for closure. love or leave, just pick one.
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god, alastor was mythic. his mystery, quite the appeal.
seeing him take care of the hotel, completely unaware of vox’s watching eyes. or did he know? did he mind?
would he mind if vox dated someone else? would he get jealous? angry? would alastor even care? god above, the temptation; to do all kinds of things with one unlucky sinner…
ah, he might just do it. rub it in alastor’s stupid face that he isn’t on alastor’s hook no more, that would be the sweetest vengeance to his greatest rival.
rival… he did hate alastor, right..? of course he did…
vox hated alastor, definitely. he was ugly, that haircut… absolutely abominable, who would consider even getting that haircut? and the way he refuses to use technology— is it cause of his own beliefs, or maybe it’s because of him? did he make alastor hate technology. oh, how annoying he could be…
agh, despite his irritation… he still misses alastor, how he took him in, and turned him into what he is today, what changed?
“ohh, alastor… i cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED.”
did he really mean it?
no, of course not.
how could he hate the man who made him as successful as he did today?
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crimeronan · 7 months
im.. thinking so so hard abt the posibility of belos deciding to take Little Hunter away anyway. just scooping him up, to not be seen again. still thinking luz will get over it.. but luz doesnt. luz weeps and sobs and yells and cries for months on end and then..
belos brings her hunter. and he explains, so so softly, that he ran away and hit his head and belos felt so soo bad he couldnt tell her but now hes back and hes lost his memories so hes gonna be a bit different, ok? but hes still hunter, he promises.
and i wonder how awful luz would feel when she realizes that hunter never came home.
god. the thing is... i'm SURE luz would love the new grimwalker just as much as she loves hunter in the main timeline. and i'm sure they would have a good relationship, even if his personality and values would obviously be different from main timeline hunter's since he's.... a different person, and all that.
and luz would have had well over a decade to love him by the time she found out grimwalkers were real.
so i think her response wouldn't even be for the first hunter... as much as just.
he can never find out.
i can never let him know he's a replacement.
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c0rvidbones · 7 months
hello I love your art a whole lot!! tell me more about Wit (he's hot and evil and I require more juicy details) and Ruby (his design goes so hard) please?
oh my god hi i did not expect to come back to 20 notifs. (/pos) youve given me a much needed ego boost tonight thank you. is it bad i cant remember having ever posted ruby art?? ive only ever gotten One comm of him which is a crime, my violent martyr son should rly get more love than i give him 😔 but thank you for asking! buckle up this is gonna be a long fuckin post ♡ everything under the cut including relevant character art
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behold, all art of wit i have including one i havent posted here bc i never actually finished it and the wip of him being a silly giggly boy. pls know i came up with him like MAYBE a month ago. two, tops.
SO wit is actually a what-if au of another oc of mine, his name is doodle. doodle (seen below) is a very robin-hood-esque oc, honorable thief and kindhearted, swashbuckler rogue that dual wields rapiers bc hes insane. but hes insane in like a normal way. he was a horrible child but he did grow out of it and its rare to see him w his hair down so pardon me making him look absurdly pretty in that one.
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as you can see there are some (but not MANY) differences between the two. kid wit does have the starry hands/peets im just forgetful dont @ me about it djdjdj
ANYWAYS so the what-if of the au that wit is, essentially, little singular things didn't happen to people in that au world. it goes like so;
wit: never met his childhood best friend when he was a freshly injured orphan. was alone from the (elf) ages of 0-16. ended up studying magic (illusion wizard) since he didn't have someone to lean on for that sort of thing.
laika (wit's mom): never truly broke out of an archfey's madness curse. stuck with a very twisted version of the spell Tasha's Hideous Laughter burned into her mind. everything is funny and if it's scary? even funnier. she died briefly. shes back now, but still madnessed.
perseverance (wit's dad): never saved his mother from a death blow in the be-all end-all fight to save his home. was held back by someone who he thought was a friend, killed that person and then ultimately spiralled so hard that he became a lich. may or may not have accidentally killed laika.
something something one decision can change your whole life, me and my friend loved playing with that concept.
okay now that you know a lil lore/history i can dive into what wit is like.
as a kid (drawn with the short megafloofy hair) he's very mischievous and bastardly, almost always smiling or grinning but it's more to lean into the uncanny valley effect his eyes cause than out of any actual joy or anything. he doesn't Blink and he knows it unnerves people because he also has a freakishly high insight (i think its like a +9 or smth??? at level 9??). he loves to come up with fucked up spells, like. for example i saw a silly post on here the other day that was very jokingly having a wizard cast a spell of "10000 bricks until you die" but then i was immediately aware wit would (1) come up with that spell, make it functional, and have it unfortunately obliterate everyone that gets hit with it, and (2) he would call it Wit's Bricks which i think is fuckin funny. he would also come up with spells of like. cause heatstroke. boil all fluid in your body. FREEZE all fluid in your body. he's a little freak with extremely low empathy for those he isn't connected to with blood ties. that said, he's kind to his family (albeit very blunt and will call them out if theyre being stupid) and inquisitive. he DID look his dad in the eye when he met him for the first time and went "are you dead?" which. again, hilarious, but BRUTALLY blunt. he then called his dad cool because yes his dad is now a lich and therefore undead. he's a little freak but he's still a kid and that is ultimately his saving grace, what small child isn't a little freak.
as an adult (long ponytail) i get a feel of him being aro and using romance as a way to manipulate people. he's definitely still not a good person and far more stoic than he was as a child. also he most definitely maintains a constant illusion to make it seem like his eyes are always closed, which lends an air of mystery to the strange elf that seems to always be standing right behind every throne in every kingdom of faerun. i say this because i like to think he would become what's called a King's Wit, which is like a combo of royal advisor, court mage, and "guy the regent has insult other nobility since insults are beneath the reigning royal". he uses all of that to his advantage, gaining the ear and trust of every single person of noble blood that is part of any royal or ruling court, and he will bend and twist their choices so subtly that they won't realise he led them to ruin until it's already too late. which is his ultimate plan. he's STILL somewhat a robin hood style of character, but he takes it a bit further and with far less kindness to the nobility. he guts their coffers completely and every hoarded coin down to the last copper inevitably will land its way conveniently into the lap of the common folk. he does take a healthy chunk for himself - did you know being a wizard was EXPENSIVE in dnd btw? i didnt until i made wit - but most of it is for the local citizens. he does this everywhere he goes if he sees that it needs to happen. fucker topples kingdoms For Fun, because he never gets caught or credited with the ruin he leaves behind himself. he's awful. he probably still comes up with fucked up spells and he manipulates his way into wherever he wants to be. i love him.
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behold! @polterpumpkin drew my (not very) little guy for me! this is part of a greater set but this is the fully coloured one and arguably my fave bc it captures the absolute batshit energy ruby brings to the table.
ruby is a tiefling that was born in a lab. voluntarily, his parents participated in a sort of study that wanted to eval why it is tieflings could be born to non-tiefling parents. (both his parents are half-orcs, interestingly!) he participated in it up to a certain point, before he got sick of being poked and prodded and Watched. that's when he demanded to be released and, when he wasn't, both his parents helped him escape, unfortunately leaving his other two tiefling-born siblings behind in the process. both parents Died helping him escape, and he was embittered as is by the whole study bs, and then to have his parents die Saving him? it left him with this sort of hole he didn't know how to feel.
so he fills that hole with every vice he finds agreeable. he drinks, he fights, and he drinks again. he's a drunken monk, and one full of unbridled rage and a death wish. he isn't my happiest oc but he isn't my worst off (that would be talisman bloodhunter). he's constantly seeking a grand and worthy cause to die for, literally. he's a wannabe martyr, because he doesn't think he has anything to live for. no lovers, no friends, no allies, MAYBE a coworker or two on the occasion he's needed (he is so not needed most of the time, because it isn't often any job needs an angry monk tief to glare around the place). he has just those two sides to himself - party animal and underground drunk brawler - because he doesn't want to think about the pain underneath them both. he's tragic in a very human way, hilariously enough, but he's not a bad person. even if he's being dragged by the tail to do a job, he's ultimately going to be helpful and he ALWAYS keeps his team alive. he'll grumble about it but he'll do it, and if you thank him he brushes it off, muttering something or other about how it's just his job, don't Thank him for that. i think having a friend would Fix him but fuck if i know what would get past his thick skin 😔
i dont get to play or write ruby really, not for any specific reason other than the dnd games im in have been going for So long, and that i havent really been super inspired to write him. but i love him! literally my car is named after him! i have so many feelings for him and i hope one day i get to play/write him so he can be more fleshed out.
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redzania · 24 days
.....STOP SMILING!! YOU FREAK .. Dwait a minute it's august 29th
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juregim · 3 months
my favourite silly thing is watching native americans discovering central asians because the reaction is always “…huh?…..are we cousins or what….”
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Malik pins Bakura to the wall with...push pins! Which were conveniently on sale for back to school. :) Apparently, he is triggered seeing all this Bakura and Atem stuff, lol
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Bakura had walked in only to be pushed into the wall and pinned with..push pins? his clothes easily staying put, already knowing who to blame his eyes met Malik's and his words died on his lips. Gulping nervously and not daring to move he finally asked..
"What..? Why the pins.."
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Biting chewing maiming your fucking art ITS SO CHEWTOY I LOVE IT
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you with my art rn
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didhewinkback · 10 months
breakup with me romantically im good im fine im chilling break up a friendship with me and i turn into the most pathetic person in the world
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mubbsy · 10 months
i LOVE reblogging people’s art sm cause then i get stuff like this omg i love you bigsilly and i appreciate the food
now come back before i spear you
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choiyeonjuns · 2 years
obvious question but top 5 txt songs? 👀 if you've answered that dalkhjkfhsf top 5 non-txt songs!! (or artists)
from @tixti 🧡
hi skye ! Man this so so hard only choosing 5 hejwjws but here we go
1) opening sequence
2) dear sputnik
3) frost
4) can’t we just leave the monster alive?
5) moas diary
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theuwuafterhours · 1 year
hiiii!! we used to be mutuals before i deleted my old account abt a year ago but i’m so glad i found ur page again! hope ur doing well <3
omgg how did i miss thiss??!??? hiii, i am doing well and i hope you are tooo ;w; <333
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NO ..................
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yuzurins · 1 year
third-year satoru! it’s so cool because i often forget that he can almost do anything, and when i read that he could play basketball? that was a pretty fun read for me. and ooh! et me know if you do catch up with the anime, yumi! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧
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i’m rlly sorry idk who this fanart is from bc i saved it 2 years ago but
YESSS i know right !! i had to snag the physical copies of the manga just because i liked it sm ;__; and he is really cool! gege portrays him as a playboy so i usually do not admit the fact that i like him but he is lowkey (VERY MUCH) my type 😞
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archivedcoach · 1 year
like I swear I’m not purposefully ignoring anyone it’s just !!!!! Grr!!!
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lakemichigans · 2 years
opening the replies of an innocuous tumblr post is my version of dead dove do not eat
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