#noom success
my-fit-station · 2 years
Noom Success Stories
Noom is a lot of things to a lot of people. But for a lot of people, it's the most reliable app for losing weight and achieving their desired fitness goals.
It has been downloaded over one million times and is used by millions of people all over the world. This article will look at the Noom success stories of people who have achieved their fitness goals through Noom. We'll also take a look at some of the mistakes that have been made in the past, so that you can avoid them in the future.
How Noom helped me lose weight and get into better shape
Noom is a fitness app that helps users lose weight and achieve their desired fitness goals. When users first sign up for Noom, they are given a set of goals to aim for. These goals can be anything from lost weight to getting in better shape. 
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Noom then helps users track their progress and track the foods and workouts they are doing to help them lose weight and achieve their desired fitness goal. Noom also has a built-in nutrition calculator to help users make better food choices. Noom also has a social media presence to help users connect with other users who are also looking to lose weight and achieve their desired fitness goal.
How Noom has helped me achieve my fitness goals
Noom is a fitness app that has helped many people achieve their desired fitness goals. In fact, Noom has been used by millions of people all over the world. 
There are many different Noom success stories, but this article focuses on one in particular. This user, named Jane, has lost weight and improved her fitness goals using Noom. 
Jane’s story begins with her trying to lose weight for her wedding. She was successful at first, but after a few months, she started to gain weight. She was not happy with her new weight and wanted to lose the weight quickly. She found Noom and started using it to lose weight. She was able to lose the weight and improve her fitness goals without any bad results. She is a testament to the power of Noom.
Noom has been a life-saver for me
If you're looking for an app that can help you lose weight and achieve your fitness goals, Noom is a good option. 
The app is easy to use and provides a variety of tools to help you lose weight and achieve your desired fitness goals. Noom has been a life-saver for me. I've been using it to lose weight for years and it has always worked. 
Noom has given me the ability to change my diet and exercise habits on the fly, and it has been a great help in getting me to my fitness goals.
What Noom can do for you
This app is known for its ability to help people lose weight and achieve their desired fitness goals. Noom has a number of different features that are useful for people looking to lose weight and achieve their desired fitness goals. 
Some of the features of Noom that are used most often are the Noom Tracker, which track your fitness progress, and the Noom Diet, which help you lose weight by eating healthy foods.
Noom is a great tool to help you achieve your fitness goals and lose weight. The Noom Success Stories blog post provides real life examples of how Noom can help people achieve their goals. We hope you enjoyed this blog post and that it was helpful for you. Let us know if you have any questions or comments by visiting MyFitStation. Thanks for reading!
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djuvlipen · 2 months
07/04/2024, Chief Saidou Kabore ousts child marriage from his community
In Burkina Faso, in 6 years, child marriage rate fell from 51.3% to 38.2% among women married before the age of 18, and from 8.9% to 7.8% among women married before the age of 15.
“If we had three or four young women from the village in the civil service, our village would be more developed. Women would care about our well-being more than men. This is my vision of girls’ empowerment,” says Saidou Noom Kaboré, community leader in Bagma, some 20 kilometers south the Burkina Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou.
The 65-year-old man has always worked to ensure that girls from his village go as far as possible in school. For several years, he has been resolutely committed to end child marriage, a scourge that could prevent his community from thriving.
Chief Kaboré is on crusade against child marriage
Whenever he has the opportunity, the charismatic community leader brings men, women, boys and girls together under the palaver tree in the middle of the village to discuss girls’ education, which he easily contrasts with child marriage.
“My wish is that our girls succeed because the success of a girl, of a woman, benefits her entire community. That’s why nowadays no girl at school age stays at home. We support them as best we can after they enroll in school,” says Kaboré, standing in the middle of the circle.
At the audience in awe Chief Kaboré explains how to protect girls up to the age of 18 and even beyond, for them to have a happy marriage.
“A girl should not be given into marriage early, much less by force. Even if she is old enough to get married, she should not be given into marriage against her will. Girls are sometimes forced to marry old men. We must let the young girl choose her husband. Thus, her marriage will be filled with love and happiness,” he explains. 
In Burkina Faso, the efforts of the government, civil society, communities and community leaders like Kabore have yielded good results. From 2015 to 2021, the proportion of women aged 20 to 24 married before turning 18 fell from 51.3% to 38.2% and that of women aged 20 to 24 who married before the age of 15, fell from 8.9% to 7.8%.
Chief Kaboré works with the NGO Voix Des Femmes [in English, Women’s Voices], thanks to funds from the UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage. The programme was launched in 2016 in 12 of the most high-prevalence or high-burden countries, including Burkina Faso. It promotes the rights of adolescent girls to avert marriage and pregnancy and enables them to achieve their aspirations through education and alternative pathways.
In Chief Kaboré’s village, everyone, girls and boys alike, understand the risks of child marriage and the consequences that result from it. Veronique Nikiema, a 14-year-old girl, is keen on her studies and believes that getting married before majority means jeopardizing your future.
“In my opinion, early marriage has many negative consequences. You can't do long studies. At this age, you are not able to carry a pregnancy, nor take good care of yourself, or a baby. You will no longer be able to obtain a degree that will allow you to have a good job,” she explains. 
Chief Kaboré’s success is recognized outside Burkina Faso
Saidou Noom Kaboré has saved many girls from child marriage, and his success is known beyond the borders of Burkina Faso. In 2019, Nafissa Ouedraogo fled neighboring Cote d’Ivoire to Bagma to escape child marriage, knowing that Chef Kaboré, who is also her uncle, would protect her.
“I was 14 when I was introduced to a 42-year-old man who already had two wives. I refused his advances. My parents therefore decided to forcefully marry me to this man they had chosen,” says Nafissa, now 19 years old.
When Nafissa's parents went to the village of Bagma to bring her back to Cote d’Ivoire, Kaboré made made them aware of the dangers of child marriage. Later, the man who tried to marry Nafissa was prosecuted for child enticement and sent to jail.
Kaboré's message is heard and assimilated by members of the community and relayed by the young people. For Thomas Kaboré, a young man of 30, thanks to awareness raising, no one will agree to give their daughter into early or forced marriage.
“Some of our aunts and older sisters fled forced marriage. They no longer speak with their families and have never come back to the village. Their children won’t know their maternal families,” he complains.
With UNICEF’s support, Nafissa Ouedraogo followed training sessions and strated her own business, a very popular one with young girls in the village.
“The NGO Voix Des Femmes helped me get started with saponification. I produced and sold liquid soap. I wasn't making huge profits. So, I gave it up and learned how to do henna tattooing,” she says.
Building on his succes, Saidou Kaboré will continue his fight against child marriage. He wants the girls of Bagma to complete their higher education, have university degrees and contribute to building the Burkina Faso of tomorrow.
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princess-of-the-corner · 11 months
I have been thinking about your fic Chaos Children a lot and idk if you take suggestions but I would love to see Denki, Noom, and Griffin talk about doing a charity live stream for a charity that is a mental health hotline and resource center for quirkless youth and Katsuki overhears this and asks if she can play with them despite never having played Minecraft so it becomes a “Join us as we stream for the quirkless mental health hotline and teach my friend how to play Minecraft” and even better if Katsuki is just god awful at Minecraft that would be so funny. It ends up being a very successful charity stream and Katsuki is glad she helped out despite feeling embarrassed at her lack of gaming skills. For a sprinkle of angst you could have shigaraki crash the party and Katsuki almost freaks out which prompts Denki to explain to her the covert mission he’s doing.
So Katsuki being in a good enough headspace to do that would be a while off yet(which will be after Shigaraki gets booted from the server lmao)
But honestly it's sweet and I am filing this away for later!
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freifraufischer · 11 months
So a little inside baseball ... but let's assume you are excited about starting a female empowerment narrative pro sports league for a niche sport that's never been done before where athletes get to tell their own story and make cash so they can continue their sport after college.
Narrator: It's not the first time, it's only new in concept in that it's structure is more ambitious and less obviously feasible.
So you are wanting to start a pro league for, let's say for the sake of argument, oh I don't know, women's gymnastics. You have all this attractive market research data available based on the popularity of NCAA gymnastics. But one of the very basic things when you launch a new product is you see if someone has launched a similar product before or if there is a similar product else where in the world.
Narrator: Yeah that step? These people don't appear to have done that.
So talking to some people who have heard the pitches for this league both to sponsors and athletes here is the first major mistake they made (aside from you know, not doing research). Imagine that you are some well meaning gymnastics coaches and a marketing executive that has tried to start several (apparently folded) sports leagues in the past. You've lived through the dumpster fire of the USAG sexual abuse scandal. You think... oh I'm going to tell all these potential sponsors that we have nothing to do with USA Gymnastics. That will give them confidence.
And maybe at the height of the dumpster fire in 2018 in the wake of the victim impact statements that might have been the call. But it's a terrible reading of the room now. And really it was a terrible reading of the room a year ago when they apparently started pitching this to sponsors. Corporate sponsors have been returning to USAG. Whatever you think of Li Li, this was her job, to right the ship and her job experience (unlike the women running this enterprise) is dealing with major sponsors. So what the pro league people thought was going to be reassuring to sponsors in fact was a red flag to them.
See, no one loves a sports national governing body (or an international one), but what they have is institutional knowledge, access to equipment manufacturers, to athletes, to venues, they know how to run meets and in general they provide a certain amount of safety net on basic organizational issues. Every sports league founded in the last few decades that is successful has some support from the governing body even when there is tension between the players and that organization. The national women's soccer league has ties to USA Soccer because you need those ties to function as a league and I promise you there is no more love between women's soccer player/fans and USA Soccer than there ever was between USAG and women's gymnastic fans.
This stance probably seemed even more out of touch in 2023 than it was in 2022 as USAG emerged from the sponsorship wilderness and started seeing much bigger names having confidence in putting their names next to them.
Who in this group decided that "we have nothing to do with USAG" was a good move I don't know.
They also apparently spent a lot of time being concerned that the potential sponsors fit their leagues ethos. Which is not inherently bad, you don't want a case like US Figure Skating being sponsored by the It's not a Diet It's an Eating Disorder App - Noom. But that becomes less something I trust them with when one of the big name founders has previously shilled a weight loss MLM.
But anyway apparently the sponsors also looked at the reaction among the fandom to the launch of the website in June and were put off by the fact that there was less enthusiasm and more skepticism than the league founders had expected.
I know I was active in those few discussions and if I was a sponsor I'd probably be concerned about one of the things that @darthmelyanna raised: the nature of gymnastics means injuries will happen and the league didn't seem to be providing insurance meaning that we were likely to see a lot of medical expense Go Fund Me's n the future.
But all of these missteps with sponsors also has a side issue. Apparently they finally did realize they need to get insurance for their league (I can't imagine a venue was willing to host one of their events without it and I would hope that athletes wouldn't be signing up to this without it). Supposedly they then went to USAG... the organization who they were badmouthing to sponsors (who themselves were trying to recover sponsors so was very much aware of that)... and they inquired about getting USAG to add them to their insurance pool for gyms.
I'll just let you think about what the answer might be to that. Because that would be a profoundly bad financial stewardship decision for USAG to do for their overall membership/insurance pool. Even if they wanted to help these people.
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lizinthelabyrinth · 2 years
I Live! I’m trying again...
It’s been forever since I’ve posted anything. My last attempt at changing habits went absolutely nowhere. 😓
However I’m not giving up!
A few things changed in my life that have allowed me some behavioral changes as well. The most impactful is that I am no longer on the night shift!! I now work 7am to 6pm (yes 11 hours). My off days now align with the normal world so I can spend more time with my family. 
At the start of this year I signed up for Noom. (which yes I know there is a fair amount of hate for and I think that the general premise is good). It’s definitely got me eating better. I’ve cut out most processed foods and am eating so many fruits and vegetables a day. 
Since I’ve been using the logging program in the Noom app, I’ve also been logging my water intake. With that and a large red Nalgene I’ve cut my soda intake to one 16.9 oz bottle a day (previously it was four or more). On average I’m drinking at least 32oz a day. 
I’ve been using a habit tracking planner I bought off of Amazon to track other habits I’ve been neglecting due to depression and general executive disfunction. I can’t claim as great a success with this method but I’m only a month in. 
So far I’m down a little over 15 pounds. I’m feeling so much better and I am seeing health benefits. 
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windudemon · 2 years
best thing about socionics: ethics instead of "feelings"
feelings are feelings and they are not cognitive functions. what is a cognitive function? a brain using technique. some kind of specialization that occurs in the brain via complex neural pathways.
just like those ai videos on yt where toy cars learns a race track, our braincells learns the reality. when a decision goes well, producer-pattern of that decision given another go around the race track by the reward/punishment system in our brain. this happens a gazillion times and you start to prefer ethics to logics or sensing to intuition. of course not in a black and white way, it's always a spectrum.
best example: you get angry or frustrated or depending on the situtaion even sad when your ti or te or ni fail too. feelings are always the final effect. though of course when you feel sad or angry that affects your cognitive functions, make them less accurate, less patient etc.
with ethics we try to maintain good feelings. fe is active and pragmatic ethics. you know making people laugh is objectively good so you tell a joke. people start laughing then you yourself also laugh and feel good despite the fact you made that joke before. what happened here? you took initiative, you actively tried to change the mood and then bam! you were successful and then YOU yourself also feel good now. serving cookies is the same thing. oh nom noom nommm! give me some more cookies plox! omegoosh these are so good! you make bunch of kids happy and you are happy yourself now too.
fi is just like ti so it deconstructs too. objective ethics is nice and all but fi wants to go deeper. tell me your deepest darkest secrets! just like ti wants to understand things on a more fundamental level, fi wants to find what do you like or hate specifically so it can figure out how to deal with YOU in a much more specialized, customized way. then of course, fi wants to share own likes and hates too.
visit my main blog @ demonwindu.wordpress.com
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Breaking Down the Cost to Develop a Weight Loss App Like Noom
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Learn the key factors involved in developing an app like Noom. This breakdown covers development costs, including features like user engagement, personalized plans, in-app coaching, and tracking tools. Discover how design, platform choice, and advanced functionalities impact the overall budget for building a successful weight loss app.
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puraviveofficial1 · 2 months
Discover the Best Weight Loss Program for You: A Comprehensive Guide
Choosing the best weight loss program can be a daunting task given the myriad of options available. However, finding the right program tailored to your individual needs and lifestyle can significantly enhance your chances of success. This article delves into some of the top weight loss programs, their benefits, and tips to help you select the one that will work best for you.
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Understanding Weight Loss Programs
Weight loss programs provide structured plans that typically include diet, exercise, behavior modification, and sometimes medical supervision. The goal is to help individuals lose weight in a healthy, sustainable manner. Here, we review some of the best weight loss programs, highlighting their unique approaches and advantages.
Top Weight Loss Programs
1. Weight Watchers (WW)
Overview: Weight Watchers uses a points system to encourage healthier eating habits. Foods are assigned point values based on their nutritional content, and members have a daily points budget.
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Flexibility in food choices.
Strong community support through meetings and online tools.
Focus on long-term lifestyle changes.
2. Nutrisystem
Overview: Nutrisystem delivers pre-packaged, portion-controlled meals directly to your doorstep. The program focuses on balanced nutrition and controlled portions.
Convenience with ready-to-eat meals.
Easy portion control.
Personalized plans based on individual dietary needs.
3. Jenny Craig
Overview: Jenny Craig offers pre-packaged meals combined with one-on-one coaching. The program includes a structured meal plan and weekly consultations with a personal coach.
Personalized support from a coach.
Structured and convenient meal plans.
Focus on education and lifestyle changes.
4. Noom
Overview: Noom is an app-based program that leverages psychology to promote healthy habits and weight loss. It provides personalized meal plans, daily articles, and support from coaches and a community.
Focus on behavioral change.
Extensive educational resources.
Flexible and adaptable to various lifestyles.
5. Medifast
Overview: Medifast offers meal replacement products, including shakes, bars, and soups. The program is medically supervised and includes support from healthcare professionals.
Rapid weight loss with meal replacements.
Medical supervision ensures safety.
Easy-to-follow structure.
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6. Atkins
Overview: The Atkins Diet emphasizes low carbohydrate intake while increasing protein and fat consumption. It involves several phases, starting with very low carb intake and gradually increasing as you approach your goal weight.
Effective for rapid weight loss.
Clear guidelines and structure.
Focus on whole, unprocessed foods.
Choosing the Best Weight Loss Program for You
1. Assess Your Goals
Determine your specific weight loss goals and timeline. Are you aiming for rapid weight loss or a slower, more sustainable approach? Consider how much weight you want to lose and any specific health concerns you may have.
2. Consider Your Lifestyle
Choose a program that fits seamlessly into your daily routine. If you prefer structured meal plans, programs like Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig might be ideal. For more flexibility, consider Weight Watchers or Noom.
3. Evaluate Support Systems
Support is crucial for successful weight loss. Look for programs that offer coaching, community support, or access to healthcare professionals. A strong support system can keep you motivated and help you overcome challenges.
4. Review Costs
Weight loss programs vary significantly in cost. Consider your budget and what you're willing to invest in your health. Some programs may offer free resources, while others require a monthly subscription or upfront payment.
5. Check for Evidence-Based Practices
Select programs that are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. Look for programs that promote balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, and sustainable lifestyle changes.
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Tips for Success in Any Weight Loss Program
1. Set Realistic Goals
Establish achievable and realistic weight loss goals. Break down your overall goal into smaller milestones and celebrate your progress along the way.
2. Stay Consistent
Consistency is key to successful weight loss. Adhere to your program’s guidelines and make necessary adjustments as needed. Remember, setbacks are normal, and it's important to stay committed.
3. Monitor Your Progress
Track your progress through regular weigh-ins, food diaries, or using apps that monitor your meals and activities. Monitoring your progress can help you stay accountable and make necessary adjustments.
4. Stay Active
Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Find activities you enjoy to make exercise more enjoyable and sustainable.
5. Seek Support
Don't hesitate to seek support from friends, family, or a weight loss community. A support system can provide motivation, encouragement, and accountability.
Finding the best weight loss program requires careful consideration of your personal goals, lifestyle, and preferences. Whether you choose a structured meal plan, a flexible points system, or an app-based program, the key is to select a plan that promotes healthy habits and supports your overall well-being. Stay committed to your goals, and you’ll find success on your weight loss journey. Embrace the changes, stay motivated, and enjoy the path to a healthier, fitter you.
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bavathaarani · 5 months
Weight Loss Plans For Women To Try In 2024
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What Weight Loss Plans Are Available for Women?
There is seemingly an endless amount of weight loss programs available for women, from pre-packaged meal delivery services promising quick results to bootcamp-style workout routines and diet regimens.
Some popular plans, such as the Mediterranean diet, plant-based diet or low-carb diet, provide general guidelines of which foods you should eat and avoid to support weight loss and overall health. Meanwhile, commercial programs like Weight Watchers (WW) or Noom offer a more structured approach to weight loss and provide more detailed guidelines to follow.
With so many weight loss plans to choose from, it may feel overwhelming to find a weight loss plan that fits your needs and preferences. Regardless, most nutrition and fitness experts agree that weight loss plans should pair a nutritious, balanced diet with regular physical activity to maximize results.
“Nutrition is key to seeing weight loss results,” says certified personal trainer and nutrition coach Stephanie Thomas, who’s based in Washington, D.C.. “You can do the most effective workout program out there, but if you’re not eating in a calorie deficit and fueling your body with nutritious foods, it will be really hard to see the results you want.”
However, even with a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine, weight loss can still be challenging for many women. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health, men often lose weight more quickly than women because they are usually larger and have more muscle to support, and can eat more while still losing weight. Additionally, women tend to have less muscle mass and a higher amount of body fat, which burns less calories than muscle.
For this reason, Thomas notes that finding a diet and exercise plan that you can stick with is key, as it can take time and patience to see results. She recommends working with a professional, such as a registered dietitian, personal trainer or medical weight loss specialist to help hold you accountable. Alternatively, pairing up with a workout partner or weight loss buddy with a similar set of goals is another option that can help you stay on track for long-term success.
Weight Loss Meal Plans for Women
There are several meal plans for women that can be effective for weight loss. Here are some of the top choices recommended by experts.
Balanced Plate Method
Paulina Lee, a registered dietitian in Sugar Land, Texas and founder of Savvy Stummy, a wellness program designed to support gut health, notes that the balanced plate method can be a simple way to add more variety to your diet. “Instead of counting calories or tracking macros, simply fill your 9-inch plate where half of it is vegetables, a quarter of the plate is lean protein and a quarter of the plate is starch,” she explains.
This diet pattern is sustainable, realistic and effective for long-term weight loss, according to Lee. “Not to mention, rounding out a meal with fiber, protein and healthy fats will keep you fuller for longer, which can reduce snacking between meals and other cravings,” she says.
One review of 23 studies concluded that portion control plates, which incorporate the same guidelines of the balanced plate method, could help support weight loss in people with overweight and obesity or type 2 diabetes. The review also noted that portion control plates were associated with several positive dietary behaviors, including increased fruit and vegetable intake[1].
Mediterranean Diet
Gisela Bouvier, registered dietitian and owner of Gisela Bouvier Nutrition in Punta Gorda, Florida, recommends the Mediterranean diet, noting that it can support weight loss and overall health. According to Bouvier, the Mediterranean diet “encourages intake of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, such as nuts and seeds and lean proteins.”
One study found that both menopausal and pre-menopausal women experienced significant fat loss when following a low-calorie, Mediterranean diet. In fact, women lost an average of nearly five pounds of body fat over the course of the eight-week study, even with minimal aerobic exercise[2].
Inspired by the traditional diets of Mediterranean countries like Greece, Spain and Italy, the Mediterranean diet has also been linked to a long list of health benefits beyond weight loss, including improved heart health, enhanced brain function and increased longevity. Plus, unlike other popular diet plans, it’s easy to follow and doesn’t have any strict rules, like calorie counting.
However, while no foods are technically off-limits on the diet, several should be limited, including red meat, processed foods, refined grains and added sugar. Other components of the diet often include staying active, sharing meals with family and friends and enjoying red wine in moderation.
Volumetrics Diet
The volumetrics diet is an eating plan that encourages eating foods with a low calorie density, such as fruits and vegetables, to promote feelings of fullness while also cutting calories. The diet, which is outlined in a book by nutrition scientist Barbara Rolls, categorizes foods based on their calorie density and offers guidelines of which foods a balanced meal should include.
“The thing people like most about a volume-based approach is that it makes you feel like you can eat a ton—without constantly thinking about ‘restriction, ’” says Jaclyn London, a registered dietitian based in New York.
London also notes that no foods are restricted on the volumetrics diet and it’s easy to adapt to your needs and preferences. Plus, it may even help improve your relationship with food. “By emphasizing plants, volumetrics encourages a shift in not only what you eat, but how you think about what you eat,” she says.
A study in The Journal of Nutrition found that foods with a lower energy density improved appetite control, curbed cravings and increased feelings of fullness in women with overweight or obesity, all of which could contribute to weight loss[3].
Also known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Diet, the DASH Diet was originally developed to reduce blood pressure and promote heart health. However, according to London, the diet “can be both an overall healthier style of eating and smart approach to weight loss.”
The plan recommends filling your plate with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, along with legumes, nuts, fish, poultry and low-fat dairy products. Meanwhile, foods high in added sugar or saturated fat should be limited, including red meat or full-fat dairy, and the plan recommends limiting sodium to no more than 2,300 milligrams a day. The DASH Diet also provides guidelines on how many servings of each food group you should enjoy each day.
Many of the foods encouraged on the DASH Diet are low in calories yet rich in important nutrients like fiber and protein, which can be beneficial for weight loss. Furthermore, foods that are limited, including foods high in added sugar, have been linked to weight gain and obesity when consumed in excess.
“Of great emphasis on this plan (and really, any great diet) is that the diet tells you what to eat, without over-emphasizing a key nutritional component,” says London. Besides supporting weight loss, London also notes that the diet features several key nutrients to support heart health, including omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and magnesium.
Eat Smarter With Noom Powered by technology, coaches and psychology, Noom teaches you tips and tricks to develop a positive relationship with food so you can enjoy the foods you love without guilt or shame.
Weight Loss Workout Plans for Women
In addition to switching up your diet, staying active is another key component of weight loss. Here are some workouts that can help you reach your goals.
Circuit Training
“For women that want to lose weight, I recommend circuit training,” says Marshall Weber, a Boise-based personal trainer and founder of Jack City Fitness. This type of exercise involves cycling through eight to 10 exercises lasting between 30 to 60 seconds each to target different muscle groups.
The National Academy of Sports Medicine notes that circuit training can support weight loss by helping you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. This is due to the shorter rest periods between each exercise, which keep your heart rate up throughout your training session to increase the overall number of calories burned.
“Circuit training has become popular by gyms like Orange Theory Fitness,” says Weber. He also notes that it can be a good way to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously, without adding too much bulk to muscles.
Dynamic Training
If you’re unsure how to get started when it comes to working out, Jill Charton, an Atlanta-based personal trainer and founder of iFour.life, recommends dynamic training.
“You’ll often see ‘dynamic’ in front of strength or stretching exercises, but it generally refers to a specific category of workouts that focus on ranges of motion that recruit more muscle groups for you to be able to stabilize and generate power,” explains Charton. Examples include rotational lunges, kettlebell swings, walking quad stretches and goblet squats.
This type of training is particularly good for weight loss, as it activates multiple muscle groups in each exercise, allowing you to build strength and muscle mass throughout your body, according to Charton. She also notes that this type of exercise can be incorporated into a variety of schedules and routines, meaning it may be easier to stick with long-term in order to maximize results.
“I love dynamic training because it helps my clients learn more about movement within their bodies in an empowering way,” says Charton. “It also helps my clients to learn how to work out more efficiently while gaining strength, speed, agility, coordination, stability and confidence.”
Weight Training
Resistance training, also known as weight training, can increase strength and endurance using bodyweight exercises like push-ups or squats or workout equipment, such as weights. “Over the past eight years of working with women, the most exercise effective plans I’ve seen to work incorporate weight lifting three to four days a week,” says Thomas.
Building muscle may be beneficial for weight loss and metabolism because muscle burns more calories than fat. Interestingly, one review concluded that resistance training could significantly increase resting metabolic rate, or the amount of calories you burn at rest, whereas aerobic training had no effect[4].
“The simple, traditional exercises work best. Workouts don’t need to be fancy or require a lot of special equipment. Including classic weight lifting exercises will benefit women as they’ll see muscle growth, which can help reduce body fat,” says Thomas.
Pros and Cons of Following a Weight Loss Plan for Women
While following a weight loss program may offer a variety of benefits, sticking with these programs also comes with important drawbacks to keep in mind. Consider the following pros and cons of following a weight loss program:
Losing weight may have a positive impact on one’s body image and overall mental health
Even moderate weight loss (5% to 10% of your body weight) may offer cardiovascular benefits like reduced blood pressure and blood sugar as well as improved cholesterol
Losing weight can help reduce the risk of developing conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers for those with overweight or obesity
Research suggests that modest weight loss may lead to improved ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Weight loss may reduce the risk of pregnancy complications like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes for women with obesity
Maintaining weight loss and preventing weight regain requires long-term adherence to lifestyle changes like eating nutritious meals and getting enough exercise
Sticking with certain diets long-term may be difficult for some, as some diets may restrict entire food groups or have little food variety, leading to low sustainability over time
Following diets that restrict entire food groups may lead to certain nutritional deficiencies
How Long Does It Take for a Weight Loss Plan to Work?
How long it takes for a weight loss program to work depends on factors like your age, health history, genetics and environment. You’ll generally need to cut about 500 calories per day through diet or exercise to lose one pound per week.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends losing weight gradually (1 to 2 pounds per week) for sustainable weight loss. What’s more, the CDC claims that people who lose weight gradually are more likely to keep the weight off than those who lose weight rapidly.
How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Plan for You
Bouvier recommends assessing needs, goals and preferences to find a weight loss plan that works for you. She also notes that you should look for a program that is easily adaptable to your current regimen, doesn’t leave you feeling hungry or deprived and teaches you healthy habits to help maintain weight loss long-term.
When it comes to exercise, it may be most important to find something that you enjoy and can stick with. “Weight loss is a long-term game, so any exercise approach you take should be something that you can see yourself doing weeks, months and even years from now,” says Alex Parry, a strength, conditioning and weightlifting coach based in Leeds, U.K.
Lee agrees that weight loss should be a slow and steady process and cautions against weight loss programs that promise rapid results. “We gain weight over time and we aren’t going to lose it overnight,” says Lee. “Weight loss plans that promote extreme weight loss in a short period of time won’t help you maintain the weight lost.”
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influencer23 · 5 months
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(via Weight Loss Program Brisbane)
What Is The Best Weight Loss Program To Join?
In the huge scene of weight loss programs, a few champion choices take special care of different necessities and inclinations. With its comprehensive approach that combines behavioral psychology with individual coaching for long-term success, Noom emerges as a leading contender. In contrast, Simple provides a method for meal timing that is both structured and
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aeroautomotive · 9 months
Digital Therapeutics Market Global Analysis and Forecasts by Solutions, Component, and Application to 2028
The Insight Partners Announces release of latest market assessment- “Global Digital Therapeutics Market Research| 2028 Year” This Report offers an exhaustive evaluation of a range of business environment factors impacting market participants. The market information introduced inside this report is assimilated and reliant on a few strategies, for example, PESTLE, Porter's Five, SWOT examination, and the effect of COVID-19 pandemic updates on the Digital Therapeutics market.
This report integrates the valuation of Digital Therapeutics market size for esteem (million USD) and volume (K Units). Investigators have used top-down, bottom-up, primary, and secondary research methods to evaluate and approve the market conclusions. Key market participants have been recognized through auxiliary examination of their market shares, optional sources, and basic essential sources. Central participants contend in the global market are- Propeller Health, Canary Health, NOOM, INC., 2MORROW, INC., Teladoc Health, Welldoc, Inc., FITBIT, INC., OMADA Health, Mango Health, Pear Therapeutics, Inc., HAPPIFY Health..
According to the latest research by The Insight Partners, the global Digital Therapeutics market is estimated to create lucrative potential for Digital Therapeutics market players' expansion. Companies can gauge accurate market projections.
Key objectives of this research are:
To explore Global Digital Therapeutics Market size by respective indicators.
To scrutinize the sum and estimation of the Global Digital TherapeuticsMarket, Based on key aspects.
To offer an account of the competitive landscape and investigate their development plans.
To examine the Global Digital Therapeutics Market for growth possibilities, and strategic growth.
To review the Global Digital Therapeutics Market size (volume and worth) from the organization, key market regions, items and applications, and statistical data.
To generate competitive learnings and factors analysis, SWOT examination, and business improvement plans for the future.
To scrutinize the range of available and novel organic business growth strategies.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis
The pandemic of Covid-19 has impacted on Digital Therapeutics market with immediate disruptions on regional and global scales. Companies faced challenges in managing supply-demand equilibrium and consistent key performance indicators (KPIs). This impacted investors and overall ROIs during the pandemic period. This report covers the influences of pandemic-period policies on business operations. Furthermore, this section will also highlight post-pandemic opportunities for companies in the Digital Therapeutics market.
What all adds up to the credibility of this research?
Detailed overview of current Digital Therapeutics market situation.
Precisely estimated market revenue projections and CAGR to streamline resources.
Regional coverage to uncover new markets for business
Competition analysis intends to help companies in a competitive edge.
Facts-based crystal-clear insights for business success.
The research is customized as per business requirements.
Access to PDF, and PPT formats of this research.
We offer customized market insights as per the needs and demands of the business. Companies can get their requirements to our analysts and we will provide certain customized insights to help them cater to their goal. Companies opting for customization of this research could save thousands of dollars needed to buy large market reports which may burden them with unnecessary buying. Here we offer a
To Summarize the Key Highlights of this Report:
Market Size & Forecast by Revenue | Forecast Year
Market Dynamics – Drivers of Demand, Restraints, Opportunities, Threats
Market Segmentation – Based on Product Types, End-use, Application, Regions, and More.
Competitive Landscape – Key market players, size, share, strengths, and promotion tactics.
Business Learnings of Covid-19- Pre and Post pandemic Coverage
Strategic Recommendation
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pablice · 10 months
How I Lost 25 Pounds Using Noom and Kept It Off Permanently
Benefits of Noom Weight Loss Program Noom Weight Loss Program is an excellent way to jumpstart your journey to a healthy lifestyle. It provides tailored and effective solutions, support, and inspiration to reach your fitness goals. This program is entirely customizable and can be tailored to fit your individual needs. One huge advantage of Noom is the accountability and support provided by certified experts and nutritionists. You'll be matched with a personal coach to assist you in reaching your goals and to answer any questions or provide additional resources as needed. In addition, Noom provides daily tips and motivation to keep you on track. With Noom, you'll receive encouragement and advice to help stay motivated and make healthy choices to reach your goals. Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals Achieving a realistic weight loss goal is important for many reasons. Firstly, it helps to keep people motivated and focused on making healthy lifestyle choices. Secondly, it ensures that the changes made are sustainable, rather than being too strict right away. Lastly, setting realistic goals can help to avoid injuries or frustrations caused by trying to burn off excess calories too quickly. Creating a healthy weight loss plan is the first step towards success. It’s important to keep in mind that every person has different needs, and it may take time to reach the desired outcome. Additionally, it’s important to include a variety of healthy foods in the diet and to ensure that adequate amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients are consumed. Regular physical activity is also key for maintaining a healthy weight. Sticking to a Calorie Deficit Diet A calorie deficit diet can help you lose weight. By consuming fewer calories than you burn, you can reduce your overall calorie intake and see results more quickly. When creating your diet plan, be sure to include plenty of whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. Also incorporate healthy fats and proteins to help keep you feeling fuller, longer. Eating until you’re full and avoiding snacking between meals are also important to maintain a calorie deficit. In addition to consuming fewer calories, it can also be helpful to know how your body works and how it processes these foods. The macronutrients and micronutrients in foods help keep your body functioning optimally. Understanding how macronutrients and micro-nutrients are processed in your body can help ensure that your calorie deficit diet is providing you with the nutrients needed for a healthy lifestyle. Prioritizing Healthy Fats and Proteins Incorporating healthy fats and proteins into one's diet can be an effective way to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Fats from foods such as avocados, eggs, nuts, and olive oil are an important source of energy. They are essential for the functioning of organs, transport of vitamins throughout the body, and the repair of cells. Proteins, on the other hand, are essential for building and maintaining muscle and can be found in foods such as grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, eggs, beans, and legumes. Adding these foods to ones diet can lead to better appetite control and weight-loss. It is important to understand how much to consume and for what purpose when including fats and proteins in a meal plan. For instance, consuming healthy fats throughout the day can help increase satiety and reduce cravings. Not all fats are created equal, as some - such as trans fats - should be avoided altogether. Similarly, switching out fatty proteins for leaner ones can also help with calorie intake and lead to a healthier diet. Eating proteins with each meal can also help reduce appetite and sustain energy levels throughout the day. Consuming the right types and amounts of fats and proteins can help one achieve and maintain a healthy weight while hearing the myriad of health benefits. Understanding Macronutrients and Micro-nutrients Achieving success in your weight loss journey entails a firm understanding of macronutrients and micro-nutrients. Macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. These nutrients provide energy to fuel bodily functions and movement. They also provide essential building blocks for hormones, enzymes, and other molecules in the body.Micro-nutrients, on the other hand, refer to vitamins and minerals. They are needed in smaller amounts but are just as essential to your diet. Vitamins and minerals aid in the growth of tissues, protect against disease, and provide energy. When creating your weight loss plan, it is important to remember that balanced macros and micros are both essential for optimal health and weight management. To ensure you meet all your nutrient needs, try to incorporate a wide variety of whole foods into your diet. This includes plenty of plant-based foods such as grains, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Additionally, include a lean source of protein, such as chicken, fish, or eggs, for each meal or snack. With this balanced approach, you will have the nutrients you need to feel your best and stay on track with your weight loss goals. Planning for Long-term Maintenance When it comes to sustainably maintaining a healthy weight, long-term planning is key. Incorporating lifestyle changes into your weekly routine can take some time to get used to, but can also have a profound impact on your health. First and foremost, having a clear goal in mind is essential. Understanding the amount of weight you want to lose, as well as any desired body composition changes, can help you identify where to begin and what resources you may need to reach your goal. Additionally, it is important to stay mindful of your progress and understand the impact of minor adjustments based on your individual body type. Long-term planning is also the perfect time to consider adding in healthy non-dietary habits like increased exercise or reduced stress levels. These habits can provide additional long-term benefits to your overall health and moderate any potential disruptive dietary shifts. Making Exercise Part of Your Routine Regular physical activity is key to achieving weight loss and maintaining overall health. Developing an exercise routine can help you burn more calories and reach your goals faster. Begin by setting realistic expectations and components of your workout regimen. Start slow and incorporate a variety of activities that you enjoy. Cardio exercises such as running or walking, combined with toning movements like bodyweight exercises or weight training, can help you build muscle and help you stay energized. Consider alternate activities such as swimming, hiking, cycling, or yoga, depending on your fitness level and budget. It's important to find something you like doing that won't become a chore. Cross-training is one of the best ways to ensure a successful exercise program because it helps prevent injuries, boredom, and burnout. Additionally, consult with a qualified professional when you are just getting started on your exercise program to make sure you are taking all the necessary safety measures. Tracking Progress and Adjusting Goals When it comes to a successful weight-loss program, tracking progress and adjusting goals are essential. Evaluating progress is a great way to stay motivated and keep on track with goals. Making note of results every month or week can be a powerful way to monitor progress and measure success. Tracking progress and results can also help to adjust goals as needed. If results are not what was hoped for, adjusting goals can be beneficial. Instead of focusing solely on big-picture goals, such as losing 20 pounds, breaking the process into smaller goals can help to make progress more manageable. For example, starting with smaller lifestyle changes such as creating a habit of drinking more water and eating an extra piece of fruit each day to start building healthier habits more slowly. Making these changes gradually can help with sticking to the plan and eventually reach the bigger goals. What are the benefits of the Noom Weight Loss Program? Noom's weight loss program offers personalized health coaching, customized meal plans, and targeted activities in order to help you lose weight and keep it off for the long-term. The program also provides support along the way, including daily reminders to stay on track and reach your goals. How do I set realistic weight loss goals? The best way to set realistic and achievable weight loss goals is to break them down into manageable steps. Start by calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI), and then decide on a realistic goal weight and timeline that will work for you. Once you have a goal in mind, it's important to track your progress and adjust your goals as needed. How do I stick to a calorie deficit diet? One of the best ways to stick to a calorie deficit diet is to make sure you eat nutritious foods. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats will help you stay full while consuming fewer calories. It is also important to keep track of your calorie intake and make sure you are consuming fewer calories than you are burning each day. What are the benefits of prioritizing healthy fats and proteins? Eating a diet that is rich in healthy fats and proteins can help keep you feeling full longer and provide your body with essential nutrients. Healthy fats, such as those found in nuts, avocados, and olive oil, can help improve heart health and help manage weight. Protein, found in foods such as legumes, eggs, and lean meats, can help you build and maintain muscle mass. What should I know about macronutrients and micro-nutrients? Macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, provide the body with essential energy. Micro-nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are also essential for maintaining health and are found in foods that are high in fiber and antioxidants. A balanced diet that includes both macronutrients and micro-nutrients is necessary for optimal health. What should I do to plan for long-term maintenance? Weight loss is a journey, and it is important to plan for long-term success. Start by setting realistic goals and tracking your progress. Make healthy eating a habit by establishing a routine that works for you. Exercise regularly and include both cardio and strength-training activities. Finally, seek advice from a health professional if needed. How can I make exercise part of my routine? To make exercise part of your routine, start by finding activities that you enjoy. Whether it's running, biking, swimming, or dancing, choose activities that are both fun and effective. Also, set a regular schedule for exercising and stick to it. Finally, don't forget to reward yourself for reaching your goals. How can I track progress and adjust goals? To track progress and adjust goals, it is important to measure your progress regularly. This can include tracking your weight, body fat percentage, or other health metrics. It is also important to make sure you are setting achievable goals and adjusting them as necessary. Finally, it is important to stay motivated and celebrate your successes. Read the full article
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vertanvertan · 1 year
Some Of The Most Vital Concepts About noom diet
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Relating to slimming, there are various services plus policies that advertise results. Just how much lots of truly give the long lasting modification had to have great results? Noom is definitely a progressive application which enables you to clients breakdown internal barriers all-around foodstuffs plus confirm completely new, healthy routine. It can take a technique for losing weight that may be more than simply counting calorie intake and even food thinking about, as well as it’s precisely why Noom’s strategy has seen a lot of achieving success among folks. Those that need to know noom weight loss diet plan, they're able to go here.
Noom’s signup progression is actually intensive and additionally starts with the quiz which usually requests visitors their very own plans, recent consuming shapes, well being, genealogy and family tree and even way of living behaviors. The more facts which users provide, the more suitable their very own custom-made routine prepare will likely be, you will discover eventually determine how flourishing they’ll have arriving at their dreams. Consists of but not just the basic fundamentals just like age, top, gender as well as fat reduction goals but madd active prescription drugs, hypersensitivity, household plus association the historical past, when these products physical activity including their very own get to sleep schedule. This may tend over-bearing, nonetheless it’s most of forced to generate a customized arrange which will help visitors uncover continued achieving success.
Following the quiz, Noom should hand over a consistent gram calorie financial budget and commence pursuing members’ daily meals together with physical demands. Food stuff could very well be drenched i simply by wanting any databases and / or with simulating reinforced bar codes along with individuals are encouraged to report similar healthiness numbers along the lines of low blood pressure, bloodstream sugar levels and even water intake. The ones need to fully grasp noom weight loss app, they will certainly go here.
Noom categorizes certain foods into Red, Yellow and Green and supplies strategies in line with the very idea of “volumetrics.” Because of this the greater number of fiber-rich, low-calorie solidity meals happen to be recommended although high-calorie, low-fiber food products should be had occasionally. On the other hand, not any ingredients are completely against the rules once they don’t carry a great number of reddish colored or possibly grey dishes. Throughout our 2022 test, we tend to saw that typically the Noom app requests buyers to respond to concerning if they’ve encountered just about any unhealthy taking in previously together with advocates customers connect with a National Seating disorder for you Connection helpline intended for guidance if they've got. This is a great element that should guarantee that Noom affiliates are safe from goes back, which can be common with diets and additionally wellness and fitness designs.
A Noom app has an easy-to-use design along with a good sized local community for beneficial members. In addition to quality recipes, articles as well as worries, members can come in contact with virtual wellbeing coaches to obtain the actual inspiration together with help they want to become successful. At the same time Noom’s it costs costlier as opposed to a lot of calorie-counting wordpress, a software has far more concerning mental drive modules as well as services that should be well supplementary tremendous cost.
For those who are could not provide the up-front kids Noom, you'll be able to register for the month-to-month method which usually sets out in $70. This is significantly less than few months belonging to the standard tier involving Dieters, beforehand WW, it is much cheaper when compared to coach-supported solutions from them businesses. On the other hand, visitors needs to realize that the master plan is actually auto-renewing plus they have to call off using goal physician whether they prefer to steer clear of the technique.
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Leanne Manas Weight Loss!Leanne Manas Weight Loss Reviews!
Leanne Manas Weight Loss - If you aren’t disciplined in your food decisions and tracking, you won't see results. However, both WW and Noom make success more feasible by allowing for some flexibility, which is what many reviewers say is the key to what makes them work. Noomis similar, in that it is also a food-tracking platform.
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myfitnessblog0086 · 2 years
So we all know that you need to show restraint when dieting. Many diet blogs on here can show you some yummy things to eat such as whole wheat, tuna, radishes, kiwi, etc. Diet food can be flavorful. It’s one of the reasons I indulge in peanut butter and chocolate for my protein meal replacements. Why I add fruit to my oatmeal. Diet food does not have to be "tasting of cardboard", bland or flavorless. Unless you have severe gout and the smallest trigger sets it off.
I have gout but it's not exactly very severe. Since I have been dieting and exercising it's only gotten better. It was so painful that sometimes I couldn't even brush my fingers up against my foot to scratch myself, let alone walk around the house. Also I had a condition that made my legs swell up, and I have to wear compression socks. Since I started getting in shape I didn't have to be doing those things as much.
Chocolate is one of those things that you can't have with gout and I have it everyday now.
You can cure yourself of diabetes just from getting in shape. It's been done. You don't have to sit there injecting yourself with insulin shots if you just put in the work.
Be thankful for the things that you have in life. If you have two working feet, I suggest that you use them. Because I was headed down the diabetic path and I was on the verge of losing my feet.
I admit that this week I've been falling into my lazy side. But it's also difficult to say because of the fact that you can't exactly use the scale to measure progress when you're burning weight and replacing it with muscle.
There are other physical markers that you have to use. Like being able to put on a smaller shirt or your clothes or fitting looser.
Before Christmas I was 397, and after Christmas on January 3rd, I was 381. Recently I was 387. I weigh myself every week which is NOT what noom tells you to do.
What noon tries to do is they try to have you walk a certain amount of steps per day (the pedometer on Noom is most horrible) have you do your learning that they give you everyday and weigh yourself. They're trying to form those three habits.
So I had clothes from when I was working last year that fit a lot looser this year. Yes. They were from exactly one year ago. So to me that's progress.
Anyways, I want to advise you to smile. Take the time out of your day in between exercises to enjoy life while you still have it.
If you enjoy watching movies or playing video games use them as a treat to reward yourself after doing a good job. Like I allow myself to have one meal of whatever I want to after an entire week of staying on my diet.
Noom suggests that you "ignore your elephant" or cravings. That there's a time to feed your elephant and there's a time to ignore the elephant by doing something else.
The terminology is different but the science behind it is pretty much the same with any kind of diet support plan that you get. And yes with Noom you're going to get a diet support group. You have a personal person that you check in every once in awhile with any kind of concerns and then you have a group that you get shifted to so you can share your successes and that kind of stuff.
How this article got shifted heavily into Noom is beyond me. 😂
Enjoy your favorite game after workout, because you deserve it. You work your favorite game into your workout in between rounds because you deserve it. Have your favorite meal after a week of staying on your diet because you deserve it.
Just like Pac Man, all this energy bursting out of me, I overflow with love and happiness. Smile and the world smiles with you.
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cwdigimark · 2 years
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Success comes from regular routines, not once-in-a-lifetime changes.
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Entering this coupon at checkout will save you money on your first month of Noom service: https://bit.ly/3s0NLGZ
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