#nope nvm typed it out and immediate delete sounded better in my head
onlyhereforangst · 1 year
seriously seriously considering starting a stickers etsy shop or something. like just random aesthetic-y drawings, quotes, stupid puns, vet/animal things, idk it just has been calling to me for YEARS and I always hesitate because I want it to be perfect before I kick something off
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jjkfire · 8 years
Wrapped Around; pt. 2.5
Jimin x Reader x Tae // College!AU // 3990 words
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Summary: Freshman year was a mess and sophomore year doesn’t seem to be looking too good either. You know boys like them are no good for you but maybe they’re just your kind of type
Genre: Fluff, Smut
A/N: wow I’m so bad at updating, I’m so sorry ahahah. This is a small portion bc I needed to split up what I’ve already written and I’m not sure when I’ll finish the actual part 3 bc I have mid-terms next week! I feel super bad for making y’all wait so... this is roughly (4000/11000 words i’ve written). It ain’t much but ya know don’t hate me pls haha.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
You run your hands up and down your neck in horror as you see matching dark marks on your neck. What are these? Who did this? Just what the fuck happened last night? Did fucking Jimin— Son of a bitch.
You run to your door, pulling it open hurriedly just so you can catch him but Jimin had made a quick escape.
You slam the door shut, searching instead for your phone. You call him once, twice and he doesn’t pick up… which is odd since he’s practically glued to his phone like all the time. You let out an annoyed groan and settled on texting him instead, fingers furiously tapping at the screen as you typed out your message.
[1:09] You: Jimin what the fuck happened last night?
[1:09] You: how am I even going to hide these marks?
[1:09] You: why couldn’t you just keep your nasty mouth to yourself?
[1:10] You: answer me asshole
[1:10] You: I know you’re reading these
[1:10] You: you’re on your damn phone all the time when we’re doing the quizzes
You wait 5, 10, 15 minutes and there’s still no reply. You go to the bathroom for a quick shower and run to your phone immediately after getting dressed and still no reply. You examine the marks once again and you rest your head on the wall, grumbling at yourself for having too much alcohol the night before.
Even with a scarf, you couldn’t cover the marks that ran all the way to your jawline. You apply a generous amount of foundation and concealer, hoping to hide the petals of blue and purple but you could still see a hint of colour even after slathering on what seems like almost half the bottle of foundation onto your neck. Frustrated, you simply shove the last of your belongings into your bag and make your way to the library.
The throbbing headache you had made it very difficult for you to concentrate on the books you had in front of you. Despite sleeping till 1 pm, you still felt exhausted and you promise yourself to never have that much alcohol again. You sigh, this was starting to sound like what you used to tell yourself every week last semester.
After finishing the last section of your lab report, you allow yourself to take a quick 20-minute nap because honestly you could barely keep your eyes open anyway. You check your phone again, you’re still waiting on Jimin’s reply but your lock screen still comes up blank. Placing your phone to the side, you sink down comfortably into your chair and rest your head on your arms. You will your mind to remember the events of last night but the moment you shut your eyes, you simply drift to sleep.
Your night comes back to you in the form of tiny flashes, simple snippets, each one making you regret the night more and more. The short flashbacks are not in order and it isn’t enough for you to build a coherent timeline of what was your exciting Friday night but they were truly enough to make you feel like flinging yourself across the room.
Drink, bitches!!!
You remember challenging your friend to a drinking contest, downing way too many shots of tequila. You’re surprised you hadn’t thrown up at all or perhaps you did and you didn’t remember. If that’s the case then good, at least you had one less reason to hate yourself for going overboard last night.
Fuck, Y/N I love it when you wear this dress
You remember the god awful dance contest you had with Taehyung which ended with the both of you practically dry humping each other on the dancefloor. You cringe at that memory and mentally add tequila to the list of drinks to never drink again. Your hand absentmindedly runs over the marks on your neck. So that’s who gave you these. You lightly rest your forehead on the table, the feeling of pure embarrassment running through your body. It’s alright, you hope Taehyung doesn’t remember any of this. Even if he does, the both of you will do what you guys always do, pretend it never happened.
You’re too drunk, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into
You remember straddling Jimin, nipping harshly at his neck as your hands ran down the expanse of his body. You remember trying to unbuckle his belt and him stopping you. Oh God. You shake your head furiously, trying to forget the rest of it and now you wished you hadn’t tried to remember what had happened last night at all.
You check your phone, going through your camera roll to delete at least 50 blurry pictures (most of which are just pictures of your feet or the floor to be honest) of last night, wanting absolutely no reminders of the train wreck that you were. You stop scrolling midway when you remember the texts you sent Jimin just a few hours ago and you repeatedly hit your head on the table in frustration after reading what you had sent him.
Jimin is never going to let you live this one down, you know he isn’t… so, you send him a few more texts hoping that he would turn a blind eye to the events of last night. Basically, you were hoping for a miracle.
[3:27] You: nvm I think I rmb what happened last night
[3:27] You: im… sorry
[3:27] You: let’s just pretend last night didn’t happen
[3:27] You: yeah?
[3:27] You: yeah
[3:28] You: thanks
[3:28] You: u da best
You put away your phone partly because you needed to get back to studying but mostly because this time you’re dreading to see his reply. Systematically, you work down your to-do list, slowly ticking things off as you completed each assignment. 
When you tick of the final task, you look up to see that the sun was already setting. You gather your belongings, pushing them into your bag as you mentally pat yourself on the back for getting all that work done despite the killer hangover you were experiencing at the moment.
Walking back to your residence hall, you pull out your phone and your heart drops when Jimin’s name graces your lock screen. You tap on the message notification hesitantly, not really wanting to know what his reply was because knowing him, it’s probably some smart ass comment.
[3:42] Jimin: apology not accepted asshole
[3:42] Jimin: what am I going to do about the marks on my neck hmm?
[3:42] Jimin: and no, I want to discuss last night
[3:42] Jimin: because man
[3:42] Jimin: didn’t know you were that into me nerd
You practically snort aloud when you read his reply. Ugh, this cocky son of a bitch.
[6:30] You: wow
[6:30] You: im not into you doucheface
[6:31] You: I was drunk
You type the rest of your message with one hand as you pull open the door to your residence hall, pausing in the lobby to fully type out a message to defend yourself.
“You know, they say drunk actions are sober thoughts.”
You jump in shock upon hearing Jimin’s voice and he laughs as he skips down the last few steps of the stairs. What kind of luck was this? To get back at exactly the same time he was leaving? It was like the universe just wanted to watch you die from embarrassment. You clear your throat and push your phone into your pocket, trying to appear indifferent… as if seeing him in front of you didn’t make you feel like hiding in a hole.
“Who said that?” You snort. “I call bullshit… so yeah no, not into you.”
“That’s funny,” He laughs, standing in front of you with his arms crossed, staring down at you. “You tried unbuckling my pants… twice… I would say that meant you pretty much wanted me.”
Your cheeks heat up upon hearing the sentence. You’re very aware of what had happened last night but hearing him say it out loud just made it worse.
“I was drunk,” You sigh. “You know drunk? As in was not thinking straight? Anyway, I’m not me when I’ve had tequila okay?”
“Excuses, excuses,” He says dismissively. “You don’t have to—“
“Look can we just stop talking about this, please?” You ask, gaze fixed on the floor because you don’t think you can look him in the face right now.
“No,” He smiles.
You groan in annoyance, gaze still fixed downwards as you choose to walk past him and through the set of doors that led to the rooms on the first floor of your dorm. Jimin follows closely behind you, clearly enjoying how uncomfortable this situation was for you.
“Aw nerd,” He giggles. “Are you feeling down? Because I can feel you up,” He smirks.
“Gross,” You say as you roll your eyes at him. “Do girls actually respond to that?”
“Yes they do, thank you very much,” He answers snobbishly. “Don’t worry nerd, I’ve got one that’s more your style.”
“And what exactly is my style?”
He clears his throat, a devious smirk on his face and you already know you’re not going to enjoy this at all.
“Can I be your enzyme? Because my active site is dying for a chemical reaction.”
“Christ, that was horrible,” You scoff, shaking your head in distaste.
“Maybe you’d like something more specific?”
“Nope, please just don’t,” You say putting your index finger to his lips to make him stop.
“I wish I was the enzyme helicase so I can unzip your genes.”
You purse your lips, trying not to let your smile show but Jimin knows better. He wags his eyebrows at you and you bring your hand up to your mouth, adding an awkward cough because you didn’t want him to think this was actually working.
“Oh my god, I’m going to barf,” You say, feigning disgust. “I’m just— yeah no,” You say with finality as you begin to walk away from him.
“I’m not done yet! Come back here!” You hear him shout, his heavy footsteps echoing down the hallway as he tries to catch up and you pick up speed, hoping to reach your door soon.
He chases after you, holding you in a light headlock when he reaches you and you giggle as you try to get him to release you.
“Jimin, stop!” You say between laughs as you claw at his arms. “I don’t want to hear another one.”
“But I saved the best one for last!” He laughs in return and you cover your ears with your hands, hoping to spare yourself from another one of his cringe-worthy lines.
He giggles, using his free hand, he pulls your hand away from your ear so he could whisper his final line.
“If I was an endoplasmic reticulum? How would you want me? Rough or smooth?”
You bite down on your bottom lip, trying to stifle a laugh but you can’t help it this time. He stares at your face and you look away, biting down on your lip harder in an effort to hold in your laughs as best as you can.
Your stifled laughs comes out in the form of cute snorts instead and you burst out in laughter soon after along with Jimin. He releases you in favour of wiping his own tears of laughter away and the two of you stand there, cracking up again each time the laughter starts to die out.
“Okay, not gonna lie but that one was pretty smart,” You say, laughing through your nose. “Is this what you do with your intro bio knowledge? Make greasy ass pick-up lines?”
He nods proudly, smiling down at you suggestively and you scowl at him.
“Anyway, I hope to God you don’t actually use those lines because they were atrocious.”
“Don’t lie nerd… You liked them and you know it,” He winks.
“Did not.”
“Did too!”
At this point, you’ve had enough so you only roll your eyes at him. You were simply too lazy to argue with him so you wave your hand at him dismissively as you begin to walk away. He smiles to himself, taking large steps to catch up to you.
“So…” He begins. “Smooth or rough? You didn’t answer,” He says with a smug look on his face.
You stop in your tracks and Jimin bumps into you lightly. He wags his eyebrows at you again when you turn to face him, amused that his tactics were working on you. You smile innocently before you step closer towards him, inching forward at an achingly slow pace. Two can play this game. Why should he have all the fun?
You hum and furrow your eyebrows slightly, pretending that you were actually thinking about the answer to his question. Jimin’s smirk widens, he didn’t think you’d actually tell him but if you were going to, he sure didn’t mind. You rest your body on his slightly, resting one hand on his shoulder while letting your index finger trail suggestively down the middle of his chest. You look up to see that smug smile of his suddenly disappear and you let the edges of your lips curl up into a smirk.
His eyes were now wide and lips pulled taut as he watched your every move with interest. You laugh internally at the sight. Who knew he’d be this easy to mess with? You move closer and you see Jimin still completely, his hands twitching nervously at his side.
He watches as you tilted your head to the side, your cheek barely touching his. He opens his mouth to say something, to ask you what you were doing but he felt his mind go completely blank when your fingers curled around the side of his neck softly.
You felt him shiver as your lips ghost the shell of his ear and you smirked, knowing full well that you had rendered him speechless. You hover above his ear, watching him grow increasingly impatient and confused.
Just when Jimin finally got his brain to build a coherent sentence, he feels your hot breath against his ear as you whisper your answer.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You ask before you pull away to wink at him.
You almost laugh at the expression on his face and you wonder if this is what you had looked like earlier in the day when he had said the same thing to you. You walk away from him, fully expecting him to run up to you to reply with a witty comment but when you turn back, you see him standing there, completely stunned and you laugh once again. Looks like the resident playboy wasn’t as suave as everyone made him out to be.
“I’ll see you around,” You say, waving him goodbye and you see him wave his middle finger at you with a sarcastic smile on his face. You smile, returning the gesture towards him before you disappear into your room. 
In the comfort of your room, you pat yourself on your back, a large smile on your face. Rendering Jimin speechless was truly a feat considering how he’d never stop talking once the sleazy part of him decides to appear. You smiled to yourself, it felt good to finally put him in his place, to give him a taste of his own medicine. Maybe he’d think twice before he tried anything on you again.
Physics, physics, physics. The bane of your existence. Your mind drifts in and out of lecture and you focus just in time to catch your lecturer writing down a new formula on the board. You’re not sure why you choose to sit in the first few rows if you never really pay attention to the lecture anyway. Actually, you’re not sure why you even choose to attend this lecture in the first place if you gained nothing out of it in general. Perhaps it made you feel better, like attending a boring lecture in itself was already an accomplishment.
When the bell rings and the professor rushes through his closing remarks, you finally snap back to reality. The sound of collective rustling urges you to begin packing your belongings too and so you do, dropping things into your bag at a snail like pace. As you put away your stationary slowly, you see Jimin making his way down the row to where you were sitting out of the corner of your eye.
“Nerd, can I see your notes later I—“
“Oh hey guys!” Jinyoung, one of the guys in your discussion section greets. His smile quickly fades and he narrows his eyes before pointing at the both of you. “Wait, hold up…” He says as he scrutinizes the marks on your neck and you tug your turtleneck higher, trying to hide them. “Ayy, looks like the both of you finally did it,” He laughs and you look over to see that Jimin hadn’t even bothered to wear a scarf to shield his neck from prying eyes.
“Oh my god, no,” You laugh as you wave your hands about in disagreement. “It’s really not what you think.”
“She’s right,” Jimin says, nodding and you exhale a sigh of relief, glad that he hadn’t decided to say anything stupid this time. “Whatever you think happened… think the same but 10x kinkier,” He smirks.
Son of a bitch
“Wait, what??”
“Nice!” Jinyoung exclaims as he nods approvingly. You watch as Jinyoung fist bumps Jimin and holds out his hand to high five you. You smack it away immediately.
“No! what the hell Jimin? Stop telling lies!”
“Lies?” He asks. “So are you saying this isn’t your handiwork?” He questions while pointing to the marks on his neck.
“I-I… ok fine yes that was me but this wasn’t you and—“
“No way,” Jinyoung interrupts, eyes wide and mouth agape, completely amazed. “So it was a threesome?”
Jimin merely winks and the boy high fives him. You put your hand in the way, attempting to stop them and Jimin is practically snorting at how flustered you looked at this moment.
“No, that’s not—“ You begin, trying hard to deny his statement but you stop mid-sentence, deciding instead to just sink into your seat because it wasn’t worth your time to try and disprove Jimin’s statement. You lick your lips in frustration and scoff at the situation, choosing only to continue packing your bag before walking out of the lecture hall. Jimin calls you by his endearing nickname for you but you ignore him, adjusting the straps on your backpack before turning around to leave.
Jimin chases after you, tugging you backwards by your bag just before you reach the exit of the lecture hall.
“Look, I’m sorry nerd,” He frowns. “It was just a joke, Jinyoung knows that.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You say dismissively.
He turns you around to peer at your face and you simply frown at him.
“I mean it though, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I know,” You sigh. “I’m not upset… it’s just been a long day and I’m just being moody, sorry.”
“No, I mean I—“
“Listen, I have to go right now,” You interrupt as you glance at your phone to look at the time. “I’ll see you around yeah?” You say as you begin walking away from him. He hears you shout another quick sorry and he’s left standing there, feeling bad about how he had probably made your day worse.
Jimin doesn’t see you for the rest of the week and the weekend too. He feels horrible and he’s worried that he’d totally blown it with that stupid joke. He sends you a few texts to apologize again for it but you reply with smileys telling him it’s totally fine and that you really were just having a bad day that day. Over text, he can’t tell if you’re lying like you always do when you say ‘I’m fine’.
[4:37] You: Hey, I can’t make it to quiz night tomorrow because I have a group project ):
[4:37] You: But I’ve done the quiz and I sent you the answers through email
[4:37] You: At least attempt it yourself before looking at the answers yeah?
[4:42] Jimin: Lame… ditch the group project
[4:42] Jimin: You know I’m more fun to hang out with
[4:42] Jimin: Jk but thanks for the answers and yeah of course I’ll attempt the quiz myself first
[4:43] Jimin: Who do you think I am?
[4:43] You: You’re Jimin which means you’d try to get away with doing the least amount of work possible
[4:43] Jimin: Rude
[4:43] Jimin: Completely untrue
[4:43] Jimin: I’m quite possibly the most studious person you know
[4:45] You: Sure, whatever you say haha
[4:45] Jimin: It’s true ok
[4:45] Jimin: But seriously thanks for the answers
Jimin’s thumbs hover over the enter button as he contemplates sending out his next few sentences. He didn’t want you to think he was too concerned about you, because he wasn’t or at least that’s what he told himself.
Sighing, he locks his screen and sets down his phone. He looks away for a second then exhales a frustrated huff before picking it back up immediately to send the messages anyway.
[4:48] Jimin: Also nerd
[4:48] Jimin: You sure you’re alright?
[4:48] Jimin: Don’t work yourself too hard yeah?
[4:49] You: Haha I’m fine doucheface, don’t worry
I’m fine
He sighs as he reads those two words.
I’m fine, you’d always say when he asked if you were alright but he knew that you weren’t. You weren’t taking care of yourself, he could see that clearly. You had shed a few pounds since the beginning of the semester and the eye bags under your eyes seemed to grow darker with every time he saw you. He often hears you shift uncomfortably in your sleep, whining to yourself under your breath and he holds you tighter hoping that somehow he could help lull you to sleep but he knows that doesn’t work. You needed to talk it out but you always brushed him away. You never wanted to talk about the state of your mental health, that you had made clear to him. You had shot down every attempt Jimin had made at asking you about how you were truly feeling so, he only nods understandingly and bites back the comments that were waiting on the tip of his tongue.
The second week comes around and before he could catch you at the end of lecture, you disappear out of the hall. Never mind, I’ll see her at discussion, he tells himself but you never showed. He shouldn’t be this worried. He really shouldn’t be concerned when you’ve told him multiple times now that you were alright but he can’t seem to shake off the feeling of uneasiness that sat uncomfortably at the bottom of his chest when he thought about you.
He takes longer naps in your room, hoping to catch you when you come back from your classes but he never finds you there. He even decided to do his homework in your room, falling asleep after watching the latest episode of that Netflix show that the both of you usually watched together. He didn’t quite enjoy the episode even though it was as exhilarating as the others. It just didn’t feel quite right… watching it without you.
In the morning, he wakes up to find that you hadn’t returned to your room and he frowns to himself because you had probably slept over at the library again. He wonders if he should search the library for you later and drag you back to your room. If you continued like this, you would probably crash and burn before the end of the semester.
For someone who was just a friend quiz partner, he definitely worried about you a bit too much. God, he hated how you occupied most of his thoughts half the time. He pushed himself hard at training that day, wanting his mind to stop worrying about you but as soon as he steps out of the boathouse, his mind drifted back to the thought of you. To put it quite frankly, he misses you and that was a problem because he really shouldn’t be. You were meant to be someone he’d use to get good grades and if all went according to plan, you were going to be a simple hump and dump but hell, he hadn’t even slept with you yet and he was already so hung up on you.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: love my bio nerd jokes pls. took a lot of brain power to incorporate them. p.s: this is like 100% unedited, forgive me. FORGIVE ME.
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