#not to get vulnerable on main ew gross
onlyhereforangst · 1 year
seriously seriously considering starting a stickers etsy shop or something. like just random aesthetic-y drawings, quotes, stupid puns, vet/animal things, idk it just has been calling to me for YEARS and I always hesitate because I want it to be perfect before I kick something off
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lu-sn · 2 years
#kpweek2022 day 1: mvp
pete & macau, vegaspete, shooting things for fun, <1K
Pete yelps as he receives a whap to the back of the head, right before the offender circles around to perch himself on the arm of the sofa Pete is sitting on.
“That’s for not telling me you’re a crack shot,” Macau grumbles.
Pete hisses as he gingerly rubs at the back of his head. “Did you have to hit me that hard?”
“That’s on you for withholding literally the coolest thing about you,” Macau says, crossing his arms. “Hia says you grazed his shoulder. I didn’t know that was you.”
“Um.” Pete wonders if he should maybe scooch away from Macau before he gets bopped on the head again. “Yeah, yep. That was me.” He winces. “If it helps, I didn’t mean to hurt him?”
“Obviously,” Macau scoffs. “That’s why you’re so legit. Hia says you shot him as a distraction, so you shot him in the least painful place possible, and you did it from across a parking garage. With your left hand.”
“I’m a leftie,” Pete says weakly.
Macau waves a hand dismissively. “Details. You aimed for a spot inches away from his heart and you nailed it.”
Well, when Macau puts it like that. “I am a pretty good shooter,” Pete admits.
Pretty good is probably underselling it. When Pete started working for the main family, fresh out of the boxing arena and with the ever-burning desire to prove himself worthy, shooting was understandably the skill he sucked at the most. Luckily, shooting was also one of the easier skills to practice. It didn’t tire him out the way hand-to-hand training did, and to be honest he still finds it a bit meditative. So he put in way too many hours at the shooting range — and it paid off. Chan used to pull him for sniper jobs, and that was practically a badge of honor for Pete.
“You’re a sniper? Phi, why the hell are you not on my CS:GO team?”
“What’s CS:GO?” Pete asks bewilderingly.
Macau facepalms. “Okay, you know what, I’ll get to that later.” He abruptly stands up, then grabs Pete by the arm. “Right now, you’re gonna show me your stuff.”
“Holy shit,” Macau says, almost reverently, after an hour of making Pete attempt increasingly ridiculous trick shots. “You’re an absolute beast. What the hell. I’m in the presence of a god.”
Pete isn’t really used to receiving praise, so he awkwardly laughs it off. But there’s a warmth inside his chest that has been growing ever since they got to the range, and it’s making him feel a little giddy.
“What are you waiting for?” Macau shouts at the bodyguard way off in the distance, who’s been reluctantly recruited to throw stuff in the air for Pete to shoot at. “Do the playing cards next.”
Pete is confident enough in his skills to know that he’s not going to hit the guard, but he decides it’s well past time to put the poor man out of his misery. “That’s ok, we can stop here,” he tries.
“Hmm, no,” Macau says, whipping out his phone, “You need to do one more, so I can get it on video. And then you’re gonna teach me.”
“I am?” Pete says.
Macau turns to him, suddenly looking just the slightest bit vulnerable. “Well, yeah,” he says. “I wanna try. Can I?”
Pete just stands there for a moment, struck dumb, before he feels his face break out into a huge grin. He’s never had the chance to teach someone something before. He’s never had someone ask.
He puts the gun he’s holding down, before yanking Macau into a headlock and ruffling his hair, to great protest. “Of course, if my Nong asks so nicely,” he says sweetly.
“Ow, Phi, get off-”
Pete can’t help himself. He hugs Macau tightly, drops a sniff kiss on the top of Macau’s head. Is this what it feels like to have a younger sibling? Pete gets it now.
“Phi! Ew, gross.” Macau frantically manages to extract himself before attempting to knee Pete in the stomach - which Pete manages to deflect, laughing all the while.
“Yes, Macau, I’ll teach you,” Pete says happily as he watches Macau fix his hair. “But you’re going to have to practice, you know? You can’t complain later, when I have you running drills until you drop.”
“A cause worth suffering for,” Macau says magnanimously. “Now stop distracting me, I need footage.”
(Later, Vegas corners Pete in the kitchen, wraps his arms around Pete’s waist from behind. “Are you going to teach me how to shoot too?” he murmurs.
Pete snorts. “Is that a euphemism?”
“Maybe.” Vegas presses closer. “I think I deserve to see just how good you are. And don’t you want to teach me?”
“As if you’re even going to try learning anything.” Pete says, rolling his eyes. “You’ll just use it as an excuse to fuck me. And we really should stop traumatizing the staff.”
“I don’t need an excuse to fuck you,” Vegas says, clearly skipping straight over Pete’s well-earned concern for the staff’s sanity. “See?” he continues, as he begins to drag Pete backwards and out of the kitchen. “Here I am, no excuses.”)
day 1 - day 2 - day 3 - day 4 - day 5 - day 6 - day 7
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starsstuddedsky · 2 years
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Shall We?
gn reader x chan 
summary: having a crush on your best friend made everything more complicated. would you be able to tell him how you felt, or will you be stuck in this limbo forever?
 genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, university au, sports au, non idol au
warnings: none, inaccurate soccer, both main characters are dumb?
wc: 6.3k
a/n: this is the first story I’m posting!!! it was really a gift for a friend but I enjoyed it a lot so hopefully y’all do too! thank you for reading :) i wrote it in first person bc second is kinda awk for me
title: Shall We? - CHEN 
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I wasn’t the type to have crushes. I could count on one hand the number of people I’d ever admitted to having a crush on, and three of them were fictional characters. It wasn’t that I didn’t find people attractive - there were plenty of people in that category. Crushes just didn’t come easily.
That was why I couldn’t decide how to deal with the big fat crush I had on our school’s star forward, Lee Chan. I wasn’t used to having butterflies when I talked to him, losing focus in class, wondering what he was doing, dropping my phone when he posted (his second ever picture on Instagram) what could only be labeled as a thirst trap.
The worst part was that he was my best friend. I’d known him since kindergarten where I ironically swore to hate him for ruining my art project. I couldn’t escape these feelings, no matter how recently they’d come upon me. I glared at Seungkwan, who sat next to me on the sofa. It wasn’t fair that the athletes got better dorms when all they did was kick some balls around, but I stopped complaining out loud when I realized I had enough friends that lived in the athlete dorms that I could stay in their rooms (with actual bathrooms!) as much as I wanted.
“First of all, you’ve been in love with him at least since freshman year,” Seungkwan said. “That’s being generous, actually, it was probably middle school. I can’t be sure it wasn’t elementary school. Maybe it was love at first sight, actually, no, I take it back, you guys are probably soulmates.”
“Are you finished yet?”
Seungkwan laughed. “All I’m saying is that I have been saying that you have been in love with him for years.”
“But I haven’t!” I punched his arm when he scoffed. “I’m serious! These feelings are new and weird and I don’t like them, and Chan is one of my best friends- actually, he is my best friend because you’re being annoying.”
“I take offense to that.”
“Good, you were meant to,” I said. “Now shut up and let me rant. I really like him, Seungkwan, I can’t even think about him without my stomach getting butterflies. There’s no way he hasn’t noticed how weird I am around him, and just can’t imagine my life without him in it.” I buried my face into a pillow. “Why does my stupid heart ruin everything?”
Seungkwan patted me on the back. “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?”
“I have been friends with Chan my entire life,” I said, raising myself from the cushion. “I think it’s worth being dramatic over.”
“What if it were me? And we were fighting and you were worried we would never be friends again?”
“Ew, gross,” I said automatically. “No offense, but I’d be glad to be rid of you.”
“First of all, you can’t say no offense and expect it to cancel out the meanest thing you’ve ever said to me. Also, I don’t believe you at all; who else have you told about your little crush?”
“No one,” I mumbled.
“That’s what I thought.” Seungkwan sounded smug. “Now, I’m going to assume confessing is out of the question?”
“Don’t even joke about it,” I hugged the pillow against my chest.
Seungkwan whipped his phone out, snapping a picture. “Sorry, I’ve literally never seen you this vulnerable, and I’m going to need blackmail at some point.”
“You are the worst, I gave you the best blackmail in the world, do you really need a picture, too?”
“Oh, yn, I can never have enough blackmail.” Not for the first time, I was scared of Seungkwan.
“Can’t you just give me advice?” I asked. “Weren’t you known for being the love doctor or whatever in high school?”
“First of all, I was not called the love doctor, that sounds weird, please never call me that again,” Seungkwan said. “And it was a lot easier to give advice to people that weren’t both my friends. I think I have to be Switzerland on this one.”
“You’re worthless,” I said, sliding onto the floor.
“Wow, I was just about to offer you food as compensation,” Seungkwan sighed.
“Did I ever tell you that you are my best friend in the entire world?”
Having a newly realized crush on your best friend apparently doesn’t excuse you from going to all of his games, no matter how strangely nervous it made you. Normally I came early to say hi during warmups (a tradition that began during the preseason because Chan forgot something every other day, but spending so much time with two teammates meant that I got to know pretty much the entire team). The thought of trying to act like everything was fine in front of the entire team, including Seungkwan, who would undoubtedly tease me, made me sick, so I texted Chan, telling him I needed to do homework but would be there in time for the game.
It technically wasn’t a lie, but all I did was I sit in my dorm, staring at the door, watching the seconds pass by one at a time. I wondered if he would even notice if I wasn’t there.
“Don’t you have to go?” My roommate asked. “The game starts in like five minutes.”
When I didn’t answer, she said, “You’re usually at every game like half an hour early. Is everything okay?”
I shrugged. “I’m that predictable?”
She smiled. “Did you and Chan fight?”
“No, nothing like that!” I paused. “Wait, why did you ask about Chan?”
“You’re going to be late,” she said, turning back to her desk.
I was torn between questioning exactly why she thought something happened between me and Chan or going to the game. I decided going to the game would at least involve less conflict.
I had to sprint to the stadium so that I wasn’t late, for once grateful Chan made me train with him every once in a while. Luckily it was one of the regulars checking tickets, and they waved me in as soon as they saw me sprinting.
I made it to the fence line just as they finished announcing the lineup for the opposing team. I didn’t need his number to pick him out, at the far end of the field, swaying back and forth a little, tapping the toe of his left cleat to the ground and sliding his foot forward until it was flat on the turf, then doing the same with his right. I couldn’t see him clearly from this far away, but I still knew his eyes were closed, and he was taking a slow deep breath, the same routine he’d performed since he first started playing soccer.
I’d seen him in his uniform since the beginning, but in the last few days, something had changed about the way he looks, as if I was only just now noticing the toned muscles in his arms, the way the uniform was loose yet still showed off shoulders that I knew from experience were firm and perfectly fit for my head. How many times had I rested my head on those shoulders without feeling a thing? Why was everything different now?
They were halfway down the lineup when he turned to the crowd. I watched him as his head turned slightly, scanning the stands, then lowering his chin and looking along the fence line. I could see the moment his eyes passed over me, fully expecting him to continue looking at the crowd. Instead, he stopped, holding my gaze despite the fact that I could barely see him. I froze when he smiled and lifted his hand in a tiny wave, forcing myself to wave back.
I was a grinning idiot, even when he forgot to pay attention to his own name and Vernon had to push him forward when his name was announced. He hastily waved towards the crowd, though I could have sworn his eyes were still on me.
The team went into a quick huddle, whispering among each other for a few seconds, then chanting the school mascot until the entire crowd took it up and the noise was deafening. I had always been curious about what they said in those huddles and finally remembered to ask a few weeks ago.
“Usually it’s just, like, ‘let’s get this done,’ or repeating something coach said about the other team,” he said. “But every once in a while it’s something dumb.”
“Like what?”
“Like jokes and bets between us,” he said, taking a sudden interest in the forks at the restaurant. We had gone out to eat after they lost their first game of the season.
“What was it today?”
He shrugged, shoving the food on his plate around. “Nothing interesting.”
As soon as the referee blew the whistle everyone was moving. It might look like chaos, but I’d seen enough soccer to know that it was an organized dance, how, much like all sports, there were patterns that were followed. My eyes followed Chan as he jogged ahead, waiting for someone to pass him the ball. Our team had taken control of the ball first, one of the seniors, Joshua, dodging around their defense before passing the ball across the field to Jun, the left forward.
Chan was in a good spot to score, the defense mostly focused on Jun, all he had to do was get the ball to him. I could feel the tension building, not just on the field, but in the crowd, as Jun dodged them again and again, then suddenly kicked the ball straight across the field. It looked like the ball wasn’t going anywhere, sliding across the fake grass without anyone from either team to stop it. And then Chan was there. Even I had lost him while watching Jun and the ball. He seemed to have come out of nowhere, kicking the ball as hard as he could before any of the defenders could react, sending it soaring up, the goalie reaching in vain, the ball soaring just over his hands and into the top corner of the goal.
The crowd erupted into cheers, myself the loudest of them all. Chan sprinted back to the home side of the field, grinning like an idiot. He ran past where I stood on the fence line and I could have sworn he winked at me. The rest of the team half tackled him as if he’d scored the game winning goal, chanting, “Dino! Dino! Dino!”
I frowned. Where had they learned that? As far as I knew, I was the only one to ever call him that. I supposed it wasn’t a big deal that other people called him by that name, but it still felt strange. I didn’t like that something that was ours was suddenly shared.
The referee blew his whistle and they finally reorganized themselves. Scoring a goal so early on could be dangerous, encouraging them to relax and let their defenses down. As they spread out on the field, I didn’t notice any of that. Chan was focused from the second the referee blew his whistle and the game play started again. I glanced at the team, and they all seemed equally intense.
I tried to think of why they were so focused. Were they playing a rival? The other team was good and a win would count toward their conference ranking, but it wasn’t anyone I thought warranted this level of focus. Maybe they were still upset that they lost the game last week, though they’d swept the tournament they played this past weekend.
The rest of the first half was uneventful, neither team able to score. Chan and Minghao, another forward, both came close but the balls were stopped by the other team’s goalie. Jihoon, our own goalie, only had to stop one ball. Everything else was stopped by what we affectionately called the Great Wall. Mingyu and Seungcheol were the main defenders, and were famous in our region for rarely letting a ball through our defense.
After the quick break, the teams returned to the field, switching sides. Now Chan would be closer to my side, running most of the offense almost in front of me. As soon as the whistle was blown he was moving, running right past me. I was probably imagining the smell of his detergent as he passed me by.
About half an hour in, I thought they might be able to score, but Chan lost the ball to one of their defenders and it was sent halfway across the field to their midfielders. Seungcheol and Mingyu did a good job, but even they weren’t quite able to stop the other team from pushing them down the field, closer to our goal. I held my breath as their forward got a good kick on the ball.
People tended to underestimate our goalie because he was pretty short. They didn’t know how quickly Jihoon could move, how good he was at anticipating where the ball would be kicked. I wondered if he was consciously aware of what he was seeing or if it was all instinct now. He made snagging the ball out of the air look easy, hanging on to it until the outfielders were back on the other side of the field.
Chan passed by me again as Jihoon threw the ball across the field, staying just in front of the defenders. They passed the ball around, not able to get past the defense, but also not giving up possession. Five minutes passed, then ten, and still neither team scored. We were still up by one, but as the time ticked down, the other team grew more desperate.
At 4 minutes and 47 seconds, they pushed through the defense. One of their forwards swung his foot back to kick the ball but turned slightly at the last second, slamming his foot into Mingyu’s shin. The taller boy dropped to the ground, but no whistle was blown, and the forward got a shot off. Jihoon couldn’t quite get to the ball and it just barely made it in.
While Seungcheol, the captain, and the coach shouted at the referee at the blatant foul that wasn’t called, the rest of the team regrouped. Mingyu had gotten up after a couple seconds, and from where I was looking he looked fine, though clearly mad. The referee gave Seungcheol a yellow card and he finally backed down, and our coach called a time out.
The crowd began the usual chants, though there was more passion after the horrible calls. When I was in the stands, I was normally screaming along with them, sometimes even leading them. I didn’t have any energy tonight to join in.
The time out wasn’t nearly long enough to cool them down. I could tell by the way they stalked back out onto the field that most of them were still mad, and I couldn’t blame them. The second the referee blew the whistle they were on the attack, sending the ball down the field recklessly fast. Chan was moving better than I’d ever seen before, anticipating where the defense would be and dodging before they even moved into position. The ball was passed to him quickly, though he immediately shot it off to one of the midfielders.
The lower the time got, the more desperate each team was. We somehow still held control of the ball for two full minutes, still unable to get a shot off.
At 2 minutes and 13 seconds, Chan had the ball again. He was moving like everyone else was stuck in quicksand, dodging the defenders and driving a path towards the goal. I could feel that he was going to get past them, going to score, and then he found and opening, swinging his foot back and-
And he got slammed to the ground by one of their defenders. This time the referee couldn’t ignore it, blowing his whistle. I was pretty sure there was about to be a fight, but I couldn’t look away from Chan, who was still on the ground. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat as I waited for him to get up, for him to move. He was only a few feet away from me. The idiotic part of me wanted to hop the fence and jump onto the field but what would I do? Yell at him until he woke up?
His back was to me and the longer he went without moving the more scared I got. Had he hit his head? Was something broken? I desperately wanted him to do something to at least show he was still alive.
Jun and Minghao, the other forwards, got to him first, kneeling next to him until the trainer finally reached him. I was vaguely aware of Mingyu and Seungkwan holding Seungcheol back as he yelled at the other team, but I couldn’t look away from Chan. From my angle, I could only see him reach his arm out, but I felt like I could finally breathe again. He was alive, at least.
The trainer spoke to him for a minute or two, then apparently decided he could be moved. Jun and Minghao helped him up and half carried him off the field, setting him on the table the trainer had set up to treat the athletes. It was foolish, but all I wanted to do was run over there, to see with my own eyes that he was okay.
After another time out, this time by the other team, the game started again. I couldn’t pay attention to anything, only watching Chan from across the field as the trainer made him go through yet more exercises, finally gesturing for him to follow her to the athletics building. I tried to decide if that was a good thing or not. It meant that he was well enough to walk on his own, but what did she need in the building? Did he need specialized treatment?
I had given up on paying attention to the match. The second half ended with the score still tied but all I could think of was Chan, suffering alone.
“Screw it,” I muttered. I pushed off the fence, walking towards the building with long strides. I’d been there more than a few times with Chan while we were hanging out before practice, sometimes wandering the building but often while he got treatment in the trainer’s office. Sometimes it felt like I was around Chan so much that I might as well be a part of the team.
I knew exactly where the office was. A week ago I wouldn’t have been nervous making this trip. I probably wouldn’t have left the stands at such an intense match, though I might have been a little worried. Everything had changed so quickly. I could feel adrenaline coursing through my veins as if I had been the one on the field playing.
I got to the trainer’s office and froze. Normally I would walk in without a thought to it, but I was suddenly not sure of anything. What if he just wanted to be alone? Or what if he didn’t want me there?
I decided I would at least rather see that he was alive. I knocked once then opened the door.
“Yn,” the trainer said with a warm smile. She’d been so happy when I told her I was interested in athletic medicine, inviting me to come with Chan whenever I wanted. The whole summer she’d been hinting at a relationship between me and Chan, despite both of our protests.
I waved, looking for Chan. He was laying on one of the tables on his stomach shirtless, wires hooked up to something on his back covered by ice packs, his eyes closed, looking like he was asleep.
“Is he okay?” I asked softly.
“Oh he’s fine,” she answered. “And he’s not sleeping, I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling.” His eyes flicked open and he glared at her.
“Well, I need to see if anyone else decided to get hurt while you get pampered,” she said. “I’ll be back in like five minutes, so just don’t die.” Chan gave her a thumbs up and she was gone.
I pulled a chair next to his table, leaning against the side. Chan’s arm only a few inches away from mine.
“Did we win?” He asked before I had a chance to say anything.
“That’s seriously all you want to know? You’re not even going to tell me if you’re okay?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Fine,” I said, “I have no idea, it went into overtime so I came here.” He was silent. “Are you okay?“ I asked again.
He let out a dramatic sigh. “I got the wind knocked the fuck out of me. Seriously, I’ve been hit before but that hurt. You need to check my chest for shoulder marks later.”
My cheeks flushed at the thought of being in front of him while he was shirtless, and I was happy his face was pressed into the leather cushion. I’d seen him shirtless plenty of times, but thinking about it now…
“What’s this?” I asked, brushing my fingers lightly on the wires, trying not to think about brushing them against the bare skin of his back.
“Stim,” he said. “My back was sore from getting knocked into the ground by that asshole and I just thought it would feel nice.” He turned his head at an awkward angle so that he could look at me. I could only meet his gaze for a few seconds before I looked away.
“Do you think it’s over yet?” He asked, breaking the silence that lasted for nearly a minute.
“You could have gotten seriously hurt and you’re still more worried about the game? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?”
“Hey I am concussion free!” Chan said. “She did the test and everything. I just- I want to know if we won or not! It’s important that we don’t lose to assholes that body slam people!”
He was right, but I had known Chan for too long. He was lying.
“Besides, since when have you been worried about me?” He turned so that he could see me. “When I almost broke my wrist two years ago you said you would rather die than miss the end of the game.”
“That was playoffs!”
“We were up by four goals!”
I opened my mouth to argue back, but he was right. I was different now. I just didn’t have the guts to tell him why.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I know I’m not always the best friend to you.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Chan said immediately, brushing his hand against mine. He looked so uncomfortable trying to face me while laying flat on his stomach. I slipped out of the chair, sitting on the floor in front of the table so that he could look straight at me, trying not to think about how he almost held on to my hand.
We stayed like that for a moment, Chan staring into my eyes and me staring right back. In the end I couldn’t take his gaze, looking down at the tile floor and realizing the pattern was really fascinating, even if it was clearly from 1990.
“I’m sorry,” Chan said. “I’m not upset about something from two years ago. I just… I want to tell you something but I don’t know if it’s right and they said I should do it when it’s right but I have no idea what that means, and then they said that maybe it wouldn’t ever be right, so I just… I don’t know.”
I could feel all of my courage crumbling as I looked back at him, dark eyes filled with an emotion I couldn’t decipher. I felt like he could see right through me.
“Chan…” I said. “You’re my best friend. I’ve known you for so long I don’t think I know who I am without you, and I think that’s what really scares me. You’re like this weird carrot that’s grown next to my carrot and we’ve coiled around each other and they exist on their own as separate carrots, but if they aren’t together, it just looks lonely.”
I peeked at Chan and he was frowning. Not my best metaphor. “I’m trying to say that I don’t like who I am without you. You mean everything to me.”
“You mean a lot to me, too,” he said slowly.
I groaned. “You’re not getting it! I’m trying to tell you that I like you, Chan!”
He quiet for a moment. “Yn, did you just confess to me while I’m laying on a table after being knocked out?”
“When you put it like that…” I stared at my hands. So that’s what I felt like to ruin everything.
I wondered if I could successfully vanish, maybe start a new life raising sheep in Mongolia.
“Hey,” Chan said, reaching his hand out to brush against my cheek. “You’re an idiot.”
“I feel so much better,” I said, burying my face in my hands. “Thank you for that.”
“Please look me in the eyes for this,” Chan said. As much as I wanted to dig a hole and rot away in it, I couldn’t deny him this, especially not when he was using such a gentle yet firm tone. I forced myself to meet his eyes, finding comfort in the familiarity, even if I knew everything had changed and it was my fault.
“I have been trying to tell you I like you for months and you do it in pretty much the least romantic way possible,” he said. “Seriously, there are electrical impulses being shot down my back.”
“I take it back, I feel nothing,” I said, standing up.
He laughed, that stupid, infectious laugh that never failed to make me smile, reaching out and catching my hand. “Can you give me like five seconds to at least be sitting upright?”
I nodded, still facing the door so that he couldn’t see my smile.
“I might need some help, actually,” Chan said after a moment. “This stuff is kinda stuck to my back.”
I turned to him, taking in the situation. He’d gotten the ice packs off but the pads for stim were stuck to his back. This wasn’t the first time I’d helped him with stim, in fact I’d done it for half the team (albeit usually on their knees or shoulders). Helping Chan now, my cheeks were probably bright red, fingers tingling every time they brushed against his skin. The four pads came off easily and I stuck them back onto the plastic they normally were stuck to, turning off the machine and putting everything back where it should be. When I turned around, Chan was sitting up rolling his shoulders back. If my face wasn’t already a tomato it was now. Chan laughed as I looked anywhere but at him.
“You’re not going to check for shoulder marks?” He asked. He was probably batting his eyes and pretending to be innocent.
I glanced him over, trying hard to force my eyes past his bare chest, then tossed his shirt at him. “Shoulder mark free.”
“Are you sure, because you didn’t look very hard and-”
“Oh my god, Chan, just put on the shirt!”
He laughed, pulling it over his head. “You’re so easy to tease.” He caught my hands when I tried to step away again, gently tugging on them so that I was facing him while he still sat on the table.
“Yn,” he said softly, running his thumbs over my knuckles. “I had a whole plan of how I was going to tell you how I felt. We’d go to that cafe, or sometimes I planned it for the library, and once I even planned to try to tell you on the field. None of them worked because every time I saw you I couldn’t figure out a way to get the words in my heart out so that you could hear them.” He held my gaze and I knew he wasn’t lying. I hadn’t lasted a week with these feelings. How had Chan been able to stand it?
“I really, really like you,” Chan said. “And I-”
The door was slammed open and all of a sudden the room was filled with noise. I let go of one of his hands as half the team came streaming in. With the hand he still held, Chan pulled me closer to him until I was shoulder to shoulder with him, lacing his fingers with mine.
“Chan you’re alive!” Seokmin shouted.
“Yeah I was going to go to the light but I remembered you guys are hopeless without me.”
“Hopeless?” Soonyoung laughed. “Just for that I’m not telling you who won.”
“I don’t think that matters anymore,” Jeonghan said, gesturing to me and Chan.
“Hey!” Seokmin shouted. “That’s cheating!”
“What’s going on?” I whispered in Chan’s ear.
“I’ll explain later,” he whispered back, then said to everyone, “I appreciate your concern for my love life, but seriously, did we win or not?”
Seungcheol leaned against the counter with a smug smile. “You think we’d let a team like that win?”
Chan grinned, turning to me. I hoped he couldn’t hear how loud my heart was beating when he turned his gaze on me like that. “Yn, will you go on a date with me?”
I forgot about the team who were hollering around us, forgot about the game, forgot about everything except me and Chan. “Of course.”
Chan only let go of my hand once as we walked back to the apartment, and it was only to let me put on his sweatshirt. As soon as I pulled my arms through the sleeves, his hand was back in mine. It should have felt weird to be this intimate after a lifetime of friendship. It felt like we should have been like this from the beginning.
“You’re sure you feel the same way?“ Chan asked.
“If you ask me one more time I’m going to change my mind,” I said.
“I’m sorry,” he said, squeezing my hand. “I had resigned myself to being your b-f ‘best friend,’ not b-f ‘boyfriend.’”
“First of all, Seungkwan is my best friend,” I said.
“Um, wrong, I’ve known you for longer.”
“That’s not the point but I have a feeling you’re going to win this one so I’m just going to give up now.” I turned to look him in the eyes. “But seriously, how long have you liked me? And don’t you dare say from the moment I met you or some bullshit because I know that’s not true.”
“No, I’m not that dramatic. I think the moment I realized it was at graduation.” He smiled at the memory, pausing on the sidewalk.
“Do you remember how we went straight from the ceremony to the beach and that first night we stayed up all night talking about the future and we watched the sunrise over the water?” He waited for my nod. “I remember listening to you talk about your life plans and realizing how lucky I am to know you, and then realizing that I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it.
“Do you know how magical you looked watching the sunrise? I know it’s the cheesiest line ever, but you really were prettier than the sunrise and ever since then I haven’t been able to think of anyone but you.” Chan smiled and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, then suddenly felt shy, turning and continuing to walk. Chan didn’t move until I was tugging on his hand.
“Your turn,” he said after a few moments passed and the heat in my cheeks had finally died down. “When did you realize?”
“Last week,” I said. “Right before you left for the tournament you asked for a kiss goodbye, and I thought it was just a joke but then I spent all weekend thinking about your lips and about how that’s definitely not best friend thoughts, and then I started thinking about you and then I realized that for everything in my life I go to you, and you are the only person in the world who knows how to make me smile when I am having a horrible day, and you don’t complain when I’m being mean or grumpy, and you are the only person I could ever see myself spending the rest of my life with.
“I know it’s not as romantic as watching the sunrise with you and maybe you think these five days aren’t long enough to feel anything as strong as you, but, Chan, I swear I know my heart and you are the only one in it, and the only one that will ever be in it.” It was terrifying to say these things out loud, but I turned to Chan and he had the biggest smile on his face.
He stepped closer to me until there were only a few inches between us, bringing one hand to my cheek. “Can I kiss you?” He asked so softly I almost didn’t hear it.
I nodded, closing my eyes as he leaned closer, nose brushing against mine, and it was not a gentle kiss like mine had been. His hand slid to the back of my head, the other one finally letting go and slipping to hold my waist. I wrapped my own arms around his neck, pulling him as close as I could.
Chan pulled away first, though his arms stayed wrapped around me. “Feedback?”
I laughed, burying my head in his chest. ‘Feedback’ was always for class presentations, or how I thought he did in his last game. “Only if you tell me why your team calls you Dino.”
I disentangled myself from his arms, lacing our fingers back together and beginning to walk again.
“You better not be mad about that because it’s your fault,” he said, catching up to me easily. “Seokmin and Soonyoung saw you spamming me with those dinosaur stickers while we were at an away game and I had to explain to them that you made the nickname when we were six and already a cruel monster.”
“It’s not my fault you cried unless you brought your stuffie to school with you.”
“Don’t you dare tell them that part!” He said. “They’ll never let it go, it’s bad enough I have Seungkwan holding it over me.”
I laughed. “You haven’t explained what was going on in the training room either, by the way.”
“Right.” I glanced at him and he avoided my eyes.
“What is it?”
“It’s embarrassing,” he whined.
“More embarrassing than getting dumped fifteen minutes after the relationship started?”
“You wouldn’t,” Chan said and he was right, but it still worked because he let out a dramatic sigh and kept walking. “Do you remember last week after we lost and we went out to eat and you asked me about what we say in the pregame huddles?” He waited until I nodded to continue. “Well, apparently my crush was obvious to everyone other than you and Seokmin and Soonyoung specifically were determined to ‘help’ me confess so they thought it would be funny to say ‘when we win Chan has to tell yn how he feels,’ but then we lost and someone said that maybe we just weren’t meant to be and it was a joke, but I’ve been overthinking it since then.
“Then today, Seungcheol said it, and I think it was supposed to be a joke but everyone took it really seriously and I don’t know, I really felt like if we didn’t win today then maybe we really wouldn’t ever work out.
“But then you showed up and confessed to me in the least romantic way possible and I realized how dumb I was,” Chan said, grinning.
“You’re kind of an idiot,” I said.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot,” he said, leaning into me.
“You’re ridiculous.” I tried unsuccessfully to hide my smile.
He snuck closer, pressing a kiss to my cheek, then wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. I couldn’t think of any more insults to throw at him, so I leaned into him.
“So, are you going to give me feedback on my kissing or not?”
“I’m not sure, I think I need to try again before forming an opinion.”
Chan laughed, turning to face me with a smile that could break hearts. “You better pay attention this time.” He kissed me and I was floating.
When I finally pushed back, he raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“Two out of ten, honestly, I’m disappointed, I thought you could do better than this,” I said, pushing his arms off of me before I could react and sprinting away.
“Hey!” He shouted. “I’m still handicapped! I got knocked out today!” Despite his protests, he caught up to me easily, wrapping his arms around me from behind, pressing a kiss to my cheek.
“Want to try again?”
“Hm, nope,” I said, giggling when he wrapped his arms even tighter.
“You are so lucky I love you,” he said, pressing another kiss on my cheek. I wondered if he noticed that he let the word slip. I settled my hands on his arms, holding him to me just as tightly as he was. There was a gentle breeze in the air, the streetlights warm and cozy, and I decided I would spend the rest of my life like this, me and Chan, together.
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starstuddeddsky · 2 years
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Shall We?
gn reader x chan 
summary: having a crush on your best friend made everything more complicated. would you be able to tell him how you felt, or will you be stuck in this limbo forever?
 genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, university au, sports au, non idol au
warnings: none, inaccurate soccer, both main characters are dumb?
wc: 6.3k
a/n: this is the first story I’m posting!!! it was really a gift for a friend but I enjoyed it a lot so hopefully y’all do too! thank you for reading :) i wrote it in first person bc second is kinda awk for me
title: Shall We? - CHEN 
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I wasn’t the type to have crushes. I could count on one hand the number of people I’d ever admitted to having a crush on, and three of them were fictional characters. It wasn’t that I didn’t find people attractive - there were plenty of people in that category. Crushes just didn’t come easily.
That was why I couldn’t decide how to deal with the big fat crush I had on our school’s star forward, Lee Chan. I wasn’t used to having butterflies when I talked to him, losing focus in class, wondering what he was doing, dropping my phone when he posted (his second ever picture on Instagram) what could only be labeled as a thirst trap.
The worst part was that he was my best friend. I’d known him since kindergarten where I ironically swore to hate him for ruining my art project. I couldn’t escape these feelings, no matter how recently they’d come upon me. I glared at Seungkwan, who sat next to me on the sofa. It wasn’t fair that the athletes got better dorms when all they did was kick some balls around, but I stopped complaining out loud when I realized I had enough friends that lived in the athlete dorms that I could stay in their rooms (with actual bathrooms!) as much as I wanted.
“First of all, you’ve been in love with him at least since freshman year,” Seungkwan said. “That’s being generous, actually, it was probably middle school. I can’t be sure it wasn’t elementary school. Maybe it was love at first sight, actually, no, I take it back, you guys are probably soulmates.”
“Are you finished yet?”
Seungkwan laughed. “All I’m saying is that I have been saying that you have been in love with him for years.”
“But I haven’t!” I punched his arm when he scoffed. “I’m serious! These feelings are new and weird and I don’t like them, and Chan is one of my best friends- actually, he is my best friend because you’re being annoying.”
“I take offense to that.”
“Good, you were meant to,” I said. “Now shut up and let me rant. I really like him, Seungkwan, I can’t even think about him without my stomach getting butterflies. There’s no way he hasn’t noticed how weird I am around him, and just can’t imagine my life without him in it.” I buried my face into a pillow. “Why does my stupid heart ruin everything?”
Seungkwan patted me on the back. “Don’t you think you’re being a little dramatic?”
“I have been friends with Chan my entire life,” I said, raising myself from the cushion. “I think it’s worth being dramatic over.”
“What if it were me? And we were fighting and you were worried we would never be friends again?”
“Ew, gross,” I said automatically. “No offense, but I’d be glad to be rid of you.”
“First of all, you can’t say no offense and expect it to cancel out the meanest thing you’ve ever said to me. Also, I don’t believe you at all; who else have you told about your little crush?”
“No one,” I mumbled.
“That’s what I thought.” Seungkwan sounded smug. “Now, I’m going to assume confessing is out of the question?”
“Don’t even joke about it,” I hugged the pillow against my chest.
Seungkwan whipped his phone out, snapping a picture. “Sorry, I’ve literally never seen you this vulnerable, and I’m going to need blackmail at some point.”
“You are the worst, I gave you the best blackmail in the world, do you really need a picture, too?”
“Oh, yn, I can never have enough blackmail.” Not for the first time, I was scared of Seungkwan.
“Can’t you just give me advice?” I asked. “Weren’t you known for being the love doctor or whatever in high school?”
“First of all, I was not called the love doctor, that sounds weird, please never call me that again,” Seungkwan said. “And it was a lot easier to give advice to people that weren’t both my friends. I think I have to be Switzerland on this one.”
“You’re worthless,” I said, sliding onto the floor.
“Wow, I was just about to offer you food as compensation,” Seungkwan sighed.
“Did I ever tell you that you are my best friend in the entire world?”
Having a newly realized crush on your best friend apparently doesn’t excuse you from going to all of his games, no matter how strangely nervous it made you. Normally I came early to say hi during warmups (a tradition that began during the preseason because Chan forgot something every other day, but spending so much time with two teammates meant that I got to know pretty much the entire team). The thought of trying to act like everything was fine in front of the entire team, including Seungkwan, who would undoubtedly tease me, made me sick, so I texted Chan, telling him I needed to do homework but would be there in time for the game.
It technically wasn’t a lie, but all I did was I sit in my dorm, staring at the door, watching the seconds pass by one at a time. I wondered if he would even notice if I wasn’t there.
“Don’t you have to go?” My roommate asked. “The game starts in like five minutes.”
When I didn’t answer, she said, “You’re usually at every game like half an hour early. Is everything okay?”
I shrugged. “I’m that predictable?”
She smiled. “Did you and Chan fight?”
“No, nothing like that!” I paused. “Wait, why did you ask about Chan?”
“You’re going to be late,” she said, turning back to her desk.
I was torn between questioning exactly why she thought something happened between me and Chan or going to the game. I decided going to the game would at least involve less conflict.
I had to sprint to the stadium so that I wasn’t late, for once grateful Chan made me train with him every once in a while. Luckily it was one of the regulars checking tickets, and they waved me in as soon as they saw me sprinting.
I made it to the fence line just as they finished announcing the lineup for the opposing team. I didn’t need his number to pick him out, at the far end of the field, swaying back and forth a little, tapping the toe of his left cleat to the ground and sliding his foot forward until it was flat on the turf, then doing the same with his right. I couldn’t see him clearly from this far away, but I still knew his eyes were closed, and he was taking a slow deep breath, the same routine he’d performed since he first started playing soccer.
I’d seen him in his uniform since the beginning, but in the last few days, something had changed about the way he looks, as if I was only just now noticing the toned muscles in his arms, the way the uniform was loose yet still showed off shoulders that I knew from experience were firm and perfectly fit for my head. How many times had I rested my head on those shoulders without feeling a thing? Why was everything different now?
They were halfway down the lineup when he turned to the crowd. I watched him as his head turned slightly, scanning the stands, then lowering his chin and looking along the fence line. I could see the moment his eyes passed over me, fully expecting him to continue looking at the crowd. Instead, he stopped, holding my gaze despite the fact that I could barely see him. I froze when he smiled and lifted his hand in a tiny wave, forcing myself to wave back.
I was a grinning idiot, even when he forgot to pay attention to his own name and Vernon had to push him forward when his name was announced. He hastily waved towards the crowd, though I could have sworn his eyes were still on me.
The team went into a quick huddle, whispering among each other for a few seconds, then chanting the school mascot until the entire crowd took it up and the noise was deafening. I had always been curious about what they said in those huddles and finally remembered to ask a few weeks ago.
“Usually it’s just, like, ‘let’s get this done,’ or repeating something coach said about the other team,” he said. “But every once in a while it’s something dumb.”
“Like what?”
“Like jokes and bets between us,” he said, taking a sudden interest in the forks at the restaurant. We had gone out to eat after they lost their first game of the season.
“What was it today?”
He shrugged, shoving the food on his plate around. “Nothing interesting.”
As soon as the referee blew the whistle everyone was moving. It might look like chaos, but I’d seen enough soccer to know that it was an organized dance, how, much like all sports, there were patterns that were followed. My eyes followed Chan as he jogged ahead, waiting for someone to pass him the ball. Our team had taken control of the ball first, one of the seniors, Joshua, dodging around their defense before passing the ball across the field to Jun, the left forward.
Chan was in a good spot to score, the defense mostly focused on Jun, all he had to do was get the ball to him. I could feel the tension building, not just on the field, but in the crowd, as Jun dodged them again and again, then suddenly kicked the ball straight across the field. It looked like the ball wasn’t going anywhere, sliding across the fake grass without anyone from either team to stop it. And then Chan was there. Even I had lost him while watching Jun and the ball. He seemed to have come out of nowhere, kicking the ball as hard as he could before any of the defenders could react, sending it soaring up, the goalie reaching in vain, the ball soaring just over his hands and into the top corner of the goal.
The crowd erupted into cheers, myself the loudest of them all. Chan sprinted back to the home side of the field, grinning like an idiot. He ran past where I stood on the fence line and I could have sworn he winked at me. The rest of the team half tackled him as if he’d scored the game winning goal, chanting, “Dino! Dino! Dino!”
I frowned. Where had they learned that? As far as I knew, I was the only one to ever call him that. I supposed it wasn’t a big deal that other people called him by that name, but it still felt strange. I didn’t like that something that was ours was suddenly shared.
The referee blew his whistle and they finally reorganized themselves. Scoring a goal so early on could be dangerous, encouraging them to relax and let their defenses down. As they spread out on the field, I didn’t notice any of that. Chan was focused from the second the referee blew his whistle and the game play started again. I glanced at the team, and they all seemed equally intense.
I tried to think of why they were so focused. Were they playing a rival? The other team was good and a win would count toward their conference ranking, but it wasn’t anyone I thought warranted this level of focus. Maybe they were still upset that they lost the game last week, though they’d swept the tournament they played this past weekend.
The rest of the first half was uneventful, neither team able to score. Chan and Minghao, another forward, both came close but the balls were stopped by the other team’s goalie. Jihoon, our own goalie, only had to stop one ball. Everything else was stopped by what we affectionately called the Great Wall. Mingyu and Seungcheol were the main defenders, and were famous in our region for rarely letting a ball through our defense.
After the quick break, the teams returned to the field, switching sides. Now Chan would be closer to my side, running most of the offense almost in front of me. As soon as the whistle was blown he was moving, running right past me. I was probably imagining the smell of his detergent as he passed me by.
About half an hour in, I thought they might be able to score, but Chan lost the ball to one of their defenders and it was sent halfway across the field to their midfielders. Seungcheol and Mingyu did a good job, but even they weren’t quite able to stop the other team from pushing them down the field, closer to our goal. I held my breath as their forward got a good kick on the ball.
People tended to underestimate our goalie because he was pretty short. They didn’t know how quickly Jihoon could move, how good he was at anticipating where the ball would be kicked. I wondered if he was consciously aware of what he was seeing or if it was all instinct now. He made snagging the ball out of the air look easy, hanging on to it until the outfielders were back on the other side of the field.
Chan passed by me again as Jihoon threw the ball across the field, staying just in front of the defenders. They passed the ball around, not able to get past the defense, but also not giving up possession. Five minutes passed, then ten, and still neither team scored. We were still up by one, but as the time ticked down, the other team grew more desperate.
At 4 minutes and 47 seconds, they pushed through the defense. One of their forwards swung his foot back to kick the ball but turned slightly at the last second, slamming his foot into Mingyu’s shin. The taller boy dropped to the ground, but no whistle was blown, and the forward got a shot off. Jihoon couldn’t quite get to the ball and it just barely made it in.
While Seungcheol, the captain, and the coach shouted at the referee at the blatant foul that wasn’t called, the rest of the team regrouped. Mingyu had gotten up after a couple seconds, and from where I was looking he looked fine, though clearly mad. The referee gave Seungcheol a yellow card and he finally backed down, and our coach called a time out.
The crowd began the usual chants, though there was more passion after the horrible calls. When I was in the stands, I was normally screaming along with them, sometimes even leading them. I didn’t have any energy tonight to join in.
The time out wasn’t nearly long enough to cool them down. I could tell by the way they stalked back out onto the field that most of them were still mad, and I couldn’t blame them. The second the referee blew the whistle they were on the attack, sending the ball down the field recklessly fast. Chan was moving better than I’d ever seen before, anticipating where the defense would be and dodging before they even moved into position. The ball was passed to him quickly, though he immediately shot it off to one of the midfielders.
The lower the time got, the more desperate each team was. We somehow still held control of the ball for two full minutes, still unable to get a shot off.
At 2 minutes and 13 seconds, Chan had the ball again. He was moving like everyone else was stuck in quicksand, dodging the defenders and driving a path towards the goal. I could feel that he was going to get past them, going to score, and then he found and opening, swinging his foot back and-
And he got slammed to the ground by one of their defenders. This time the referee couldn’t ignore it, blowing his whistle. I was pretty sure there was about to be a fight, but I couldn’t look away from Chan, who was still on the ground. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat as I waited for him to get up, for him to move. He was only a few feet away from me. The idiotic part of me wanted to hop the fence and jump onto the field but what would I do? Yell at him until he woke up?
His back was to me and the longer he went without moving the more scared I got. Had he hit his head? Was something broken? I desperately wanted him to do something to at least show he was still alive.
Jun and Minghao, the other forwards, got to him first, kneeling next to him until the trainer finally reached him. I was vaguely aware of Mingyu and Seungkwan holding Seungcheol back as he yelled at the other team, but I couldn’t look away from Chan. From my angle, I could only see him reach his arm out, but I felt like I could finally breathe again. He was alive, at least.
The trainer spoke to him for a minute or two, then apparently decided he could be moved. Jun and Minghao helped him up and half carried him off the field, setting him on the table the trainer had set up to treat the athletes. It was foolish, but all I wanted to do was run over there, to see with my own eyes that he was okay.
After another time out, this time by the other team, the game started again. I couldn’t pay attention to anything, only watching Chan from across the field as the trainer made him go through yet more exercises, finally gesturing for him to follow her to the athletics building. I tried to decide if that was a good thing or not. It meant that he was well enough to walk on his own, but what did she need in the building? Did he need specialized treatment?
I had given up on paying attention to the match. The second half ended with the score still tied but all I could think of was Chan, suffering alone.
“Screw it,” I muttered. I pushed off the fence, walking towards the building with long strides. I’d been there more than a few times with Chan while we were hanging out before practice, sometimes wandering the building but often while he got treatment in the trainer’s office. Sometimes it felt like I was around Chan so much that I might as well be a part of the team.
I knew exactly where the office was. A week ago I wouldn’t have been nervous making this trip. I probably wouldn’t have left the stands at such an intense match, though I might have been a little worried. Everything had changed so quickly. I could feel adrenaline coursing through my veins as if I had been the one on the field playing.
I got to the trainer’s office and froze. Normally I would walk in without a thought to it, but I was suddenly not sure of anything. What if he just wanted to be alone? Or what if he didn’t want me there?
I decided I would at least rather see that he was alive. I knocked once then opened the door.
“Yn,” the trainer said with a warm smile. She’d been so happy when I told her I was interested in athletic medicine, inviting me to come with Chan whenever I wanted. The whole summer she’d been hinting at a relationship between me and Chan, despite both of our protests.
I waved, looking for Chan. He was laying on one of the tables on his stomach shirtless, wires hooked up to something on his back covered by ice packs, his eyes closed, looking like he was asleep.
“Is he okay?” I asked softly.
“Oh he’s fine,” she answered. “And he’s not sleeping, I don’t know who he thinks he’s fooling.” His eyes flicked open and he glared at her.
“Well, I need to see if anyone else decided to get hurt while you get pampered,” she said. “I’ll be back in like five minutes, so just don’t die.” Chan gave her a thumbs up and she was gone.
I pulled a chair next to his table, leaning against the side. Chan’s arm only a few inches away from mine.
“Did we win?” He asked before I had a chance to say anything.
“That’s seriously all you want to know? You’re not even going to tell me if you’re okay?”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Fine,” I said, “I have no idea, it went into overtime so I came here.” He was silent. “Are you okay?“ I asked again.
He let out a dramatic sigh. “I got the wind knocked the fuck out of me. Seriously, I’ve been hit before but that hurt. You need to check my chest for shoulder marks later.”
My cheeks flushed at the thought of being in front of him while he was shirtless, and I was happy his face was pressed into the leather cushion. I’d seen him shirtless plenty of times, but thinking about it now…
“What’s this?” I asked, brushing my fingers lightly on the wires, trying not to think about brushing them against the bare skin of his back.
“Stim,” he said. “My back was sore from getting knocked into the ground by that asshole and I just thought it would feel nice.” He turned his head at an awkward angle so that he could look at me. I could only meet his gaze for a few seconds before I looked away.
“Do you think it’s over yet?” He asked, breaking the silence that lasted for nearly a minute.
“You could have gotten seriously hurt and you’re still more worried about the game? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?”
“Hey I am concussion free!” Chan said. “She did the test and everything. I just- I want to know if we won or not! It’s important that we don’t lose to assholes that body slam people!”
He was right, but I had known Chan for too long. He was lying.
“Besides, since when have you been worried about me?” He turned so that he could see me. “When I almost broke my wrist two years ago you said you would rather die than miss the end of the game.”
“That was playoffs!”
“We were up by four goals!”
I opened my mouth to argue back, but he was right. I was different now. I just didn’t have the guts to tell him why.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I know I’m not always the best friend to you.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Chan said immediately, brushing his hand against mine. He looked so uncomfortable trying to face me while laying flat on his stomach. I slipped out of the chair, sitting on the floor in front of the table so that he could look straight at me, trying not to think about how he almost held on to my hand.
We stayed like that for a moment, Chan staring into my eyes and me staring right back. In the end I couldn’t take his gaze, looking down at the tile floor and realizing the pattern was really fascinating, even if it was clearly from 1990.
“I’m sorry,” Chan said. “I’m not upset about something from two years ago. I just… I want to tell you something but I don’t know if it’s right and they said I should do it when it’s right but I have no idea what that means, and then they said that maybe it wouldn’t ever be right, so I just… I don’t know.”
I could feel all of my courage crumbling as I looked back at him, dark eyes filled with an emotion I couldn’t decipher. I felt like he could see right through me.
“Chan…” I said. “You’re my best friend. I’ve known you for so long I don’t think I know who I am without you, and I think that’s what really scares me. You’re like this weird carrot that’s grown next to my carrot and we’ve coiled around each other and they exist on their own as separate carrots, but if they aren’t together, it just looks lonely.”
I peeked at Chan and he was frowning. Not my best metaphor. “I’m trying to say that I don’t like who I am without you. You mean everything to me.”
“You mean a lot to me, too,” he said slowly.
I groaned. “You’re not getting it! I’m trying to tell you that I like you, Chan!”
He quiet for a moment. “Yn, did you just confess to me while I’m laying on a table after being knocked out?”
“When you put it like that…” I stared at my hands. So that’s what I felt like to ruin everything.
I wondered if I could successfully vanish, maybe start a new life raising sheep in Mongolia.
“Hey,” Chan said, reaching his hand out to brush against my cheek. “You’re an idiot.”
“I feel so much better,” I said, burying my face in my hands. “Thank you for that.”
“Please look me in the eyes for this,” Chan said. As much as I wanted to dig a hole and rot away in it, I couldn’t deny him this, especially not when he was using such a gentle yet firm tone. I forced myself to meet his eyes, finding comfort in the familiarity, even if I knew everything had changed and it was my fault.
“I have been trying to tell you I like you for months and you do it in pretty much the least romantic way possible,” he said. “Seriously, there are electrical impulses being shot down my back.”
“I take it back, I feel nothing,” I said, standing up.
He laughed, that stupid, infectious laugh that never failed to make me smile, reaching out and catching my hand. “Can you give me like five seconds to at least be sitting upright?”
I nodded, still facing the door so that he couldn’t see my smile.
“I might need some help, actually,” Chan said after a moment. “This stuff is kinda stuck to my back.”
I turned to him, taking in the situation. He’d gotten the ice packs off but the pads for stim were stuck to his back. This wasn’t the first time I’d helped him with stim, in fact I’d done it for half the team (albeit usually on their knees or shoulders). Helping Chan now, my cheeks were probably bright red, fingers tingling every time they brushed against his skin. The four pads came off easily and I stuck them back onto the plastic they normally were stuck to, turning off the machine and putting everything back where it should be. When I turned around, Chan was sitting up rolling his shoulders back. If my face wasn’t already a tomato it was now. Chan laughed as I looked anywhere but at him.
“You’re not going to check for shoulder marks?” He asked. He was probably batting his eyes and pretending to be innocent.
I glanced him over, trying hard to force my eyes past his bare chest, then tossed his shirt at him. “Shoulder mark free.”
“Are you sure, because you didn’t look very hard and-”
“Oh my god, Chan, just put on the shirt!”
He laughed, pulling it over his head. “You’re so easy to tease.” He caught my hands when I tried to step away again, gently tugging on them so that I was facing him while he still sat on the table.
“Yn,” he said softly, running his thumbs over my knuckles. “I had a whole plan of how I was going to tell you how I felt. We’d go to that cafe, or sometimes I planned it for the library, and once I even planned to try to tell you on the field. None of them worked because every time I saw you I couldn't figure out a way to get the words in my heart out so that you could hear them.” He held my gaze and I knew he wasn’t lying. I hadn’t lasted a week with these feelings. How had Chan been able to stand it?
“I really, really like you,” Chan said. “And I-”
The door was slammed open and all of a sudden the room was filled with noise. I let go of one of his hands as half the team came streaming in. With the hand he still held, Chan pulled me closer to him until I was shoulder to shoulder with him, lacing his fingers with mine.
“Chan you’re alive!” Seokmin shouted.
“Yeah I was going to go to the light but I remembered you guys are hopeless without me.”
“Hopeless?” Soonyoung laughed. “Just for that I’m not telling you who won.”
“I don’t think that matters anymore,” Jeonghan said, gesturing to me and Chan.
“Hey!” Seokmin shouted. “That’s cheating!”
“What’s going on?” I whispered in Chan’s ear.
“I’ll explain later,” he whispered back, then said to everyone, “I appreciate your concern for my love life, but seriously, did we win or not?”
Seungcheol leaned against the counter with a smug smile. “You think we’d let a team like that win?”
Chan grinned, turning to me. I hoped he couldn’t hear how loud my heart was beating when he turned his gaze on me like that. “Yn, will you go on a date with me?”
I forgot about the team who were hollering around us, forgot about the game, forgot about everything except me and Chan. “Of course.”
Chan only let go of my hand once as we walked back to the apartment, and it was only to let me put on his sweatshirt. As soon as I pulled my arms through the sleeves, his hand was back in mine. It should have felt weird to be this intimate after a lifetime of friendship. It felt like we should have been like this from the beginning.
“You’re sure you feel the same way?“ Chan asked.
“If you ask me one more time I’m going to change my mind,” I said.
“I’m sorry,” he said, squeezing my hand. “I had resigned myself to being your b-f ‘best friend,’ not b-f ‘boyfriend.’”
“First of all, Seungkwan is my best friend,” I said.
“Um, wrong, I’ve known you for longer.”
“That’s not the point but I have a feeling you’re going to win this one so I’m just going to give up now.” I turned to look him in the eyes. “But seriously, how long have you liked me? And don’t you dare say from the moment I met you or some bullshit because I know that’s not true.”
“No, I’m not that dramatic. I think the moment I realized it was at graduation.” He smiled at the memory, pausing on the sidewalk.
“Do you remember how we went straight from the ceremony to the beach and that first night we stayed up all night talking about the future and we watched the sunrise over the water?” He waited for my nod. “I remember listening to you talk about your life plans and realizing how lucky I am to know you, and then realizing that I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it.
“Do you know how magical you looked watching the sunrise? I know it’s the cheesiest line ever, but you really were prettier than the sunrise and ever since then I haven’t been able to think of anyone but you.” Chan smiled and my heart felt like it was going to explode. I leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, then suddenly felt shy, turning and continuing to walk. Chan didn’t move until I was tugging on his hand.
“Your turn,” he said after a few moments passed and the heat in my cheeks had finally died down. “When did you realize?”
“Last week,” I said. “Right before you left for the tournament you asked for a kiss goodbye, and I thought it was just a joke but then I spent all weekend thinking about your lips and about how that’s definitely not best friend thoughts, and then I started thinking about you and then I realized that for everything in my life I go to you, and you are the only person in the world who knows how to make me smile when I am having a horrible day, and you don’t complain when I’m being mean or grumpy, and you are the only person I could ever see myself spending the rest of my life with.
“I know it’s not as romantic as watching the sunrise with you and maybe you think these five days aren’t long enough to feel anything as strong as you, but, Chan, I swear I know my heart and you are the only one in it, and the only one that will ever be in it.” It was terrifying to say these things out loud, but I turned to Chan and he had the biggest smile on his face.
He stepped closer to me until there were only a few inches between us, bringing one hand to my cheek. “Can I kiss you?” He asked so softly I almost didn’t hear it.
I nodded, closing my eyes as he leaned closer, nose brushing against mine, and it was not a gentle kiss like mine had been. His hand slid to the back of my head, the other one finally letting go and slipping to hold my waist. I wrapped my own arms around his neck, pulling him as close as I could.
Chan pulled away first, though his arms stayed wrapped around me. “Feedback?”
I laughed, burying my head in his chest. ‘Feedback’ was always for class presentations, or how I thought he did in his last game. “Only if you tell me why your team calls you Dino.”
I disentangled myself from his arms, lacing our fingers back together and beginning to walk again.
“You better not be mad about that because it’s your fault,” he said, catching up to me easily. “Seokmin and Soonyoung saw you spamming me with those dinosaur stickers while we were at an away game and I had to explain to them that you made the nickname when we were six and already a cruel monster.”
“It’s not my fault you cried unless you brought your stuffie to school with you.”
“Don’t you dare tell them that part!” He said. “They’ll never let it go, it’s bad enough I have Seungkwan holding it over me.”
I laughed. “You haven’t explained what was going on in the training room either, by the way.”
“Right.” I glanced at him and he avoided my eyes.
“What is it?”
“It’s embarrassing,” he whined.
“More embarrassing than getting dumped fifteen minutes after the relationship started?”
“You wouldn’t,” Chan said and he was right, but it still worked because he let out a dramatic sigh and kept walking. “Do you remember last week after we lost and we went out to eat and you asked me about what we say in the pregame huddles?” He waited until I nodded to continue. “Well, apparently my crush was obvious to everyone other than you and Seokmin and Soonyoung specifically were determined to ‘help’ me confess so they thought it would be funny to say ‘when we win Chan has to tell yn how he feels,’ but then we lost and someone said that maybe we just weren’t meant to be and it was a joke, but I’ve been overthinking it since then.
“Then today, Seungcheol said it, and I think it was supposed to be a joke but everyone took it really seriously and I don’t know, I really felt like if we didn’t win today then maybe we really wouldn’t ever work out.
“But then you showed up and confessed to me in the least romantic way possible and I realized how dumb I was,” Chan said, grinning.
“You’re kind of an idiot,” I said.
“Yeah, but I’m your idiot,” he said, leaning into me.
“You’re ridiculous.” I tried unsuccessfully to hide my smile.
He snuck closer, pressing a kiss to my cheek, then wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer to him. I couldn’t think of any more insults to throw at him, so I leaned into him.
“So, are you going to give me feedback on my kissing or not?”
“I’m not sure, I think I need to try again before forming an opinion.”
Chan laughed, turning to face me with a smile that could break hearts. “You better pay attention this time.” He kissed me and I was floating.
When I finally pushed back, he raised his eyebrows expectantly.
“Two out of ten, honestly, I’m disappointed, I thought you could do better than this,” I said, pushing his arms off of me before I could react and sprinting away.
“Hey!” He shouted. “I’m still handicapped! I got knocked out today!” Despite his protests, he caught up to me easily, wrapping his arms around me from behind, pressing a kiss to my cheek.
“Want to try again?”
“Hm, nope,” I said, giggling when he wrapped his arms even tighter.
“You are so lucky I love you,” he said, pressing another kiss on my cheek. I wondered if he noticed that he let the word slip. I settled my hands on his arms, holding him to me just as tightly as he was. There was a gentle breeze in the air, the streetlights warm and cozy, and I decided I would spend the rest of my life like this, me and Chan, together.
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izukult · 4 years
This is such a cute idea! I’m addicted to making weirdly specific Spotify playlists so this is perfect. I have an ✨eclectic✨ music taste but my favorites are usually bedroom pop (mxmtoon, chloe moriondo, khai dreams, etc), romantic classical (think Debussy and Revel), and indie (although I like some Megan Thee Stallion, AC/DC, Nirvana, etc when I’m hyping myself up). As far as my personality goes, I’m pretty insightful and like to support people whenever I can, even if I don’t know them well. I can be a little chaotic sometimes, but I like to think it’s a chaotic good. I love tea, blankets, philosophy, deep conversations, the outdoors, and writing. I’m also an INFP and a Taurus :)
Sorry if that was too much, thank you so much! Take care of yourself and stay well
- Elle ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
( @snoozless ) you don’t understand how bad i want to be your friend. 😐😐 ok so you kind of get bonus 😀 but it rly might not be bonus because akfjakdkw. so, i gave you matsukawa!! but he’s not always like revered about so if u want a character lmk!! i am. in love w him tho. you’re so sweet you would balance him out and yall would be equally chaotic together.
he would have philosophical questions w u!! he might just be a little blunt & might accidentally cut the convo short, but he would listen to everything you said.
he’s used to a wide variety of music bc i’m convinced the seijoh playlists are absolutely fucking cracked like so loud. so he really could sit there and listen to anything. and i mean ANYTHING. like if you wanted to put on christian rock he’d awkwardly try to tap his foot on beat for you.
but, that doesn’t mean he’s gonna geek over you i feel like he’d be pretty private about the relationship. he’s not like secretive but he’s not gonna post you every two seconds yknow? he wouldnt put prom photos, but if yall went to look at the stars or go on a little hike he’d take a pic and youre wearing baggy sweats and one of his shirts and your hair isnt brushed for shit and it’s way too dark to properly make your face out and he’d put that shit on his main absolutely 😒
this man would be the kind of mf to look up his “crush’s” zodiac just for shits & giggles, so if he randomly knows a taurus fact, don’t question it<3 (he looked up your compatibility and he will take that to the grave)
issei is an infp idc. so yall got that in common.
he’s genuinely so pretty.
bc i took so long, i’m going to put descriptions for all the songs i love you thanks for requesting sorry for taking forever i’ll link the playlist and list the songs<3
1. silly girl- chloe moriondo
okay while this song is actually kinda sad, i think tHIS is pretty cute. issei comes off as this intimidating guy, and the more you get to know him the more you forget ab this idea of him you had or whatever? like the lyrics “i made him perfect, cause i wanted him to be” are really prominent in the point i’m tryna make because like even tho the lyric is obviously sad bitch shit, music is up for interpretation and this is like “hello ok he actually a real mf and shiiit maybe he cool😁✊”
2. nice boys- TEMPOREX
kinda sad. i don’t care how unemotional he might act, everyone has shit that brings them down. PLUS HES A PISCES THERES NO WAY HES NOT SAD SOMETIMES. this song just really taps into insecurities for him, and the song just gets under his skin in like a very therapeutic way. also “because he’s a pisces” some of his emotions are super intense so the “because he cares too much” line hits him fuckin hard
3. IV. sweatpants- childish gambino
this is some shit he listens to more with his team, absolutely. no doubt they blare this shit during weekly practice. but, he really really likes the song. so, when you’re hanging out and he has the aux? it’s one of the first ones he puts on. you two jam to it together. he’ll come up w dumb little dances to fit with certain lyrics (stole some of them from oikawa and hanamaki, but he won’t tell you)
4. you get me so high- the neighbourhood
okay unfortunately i must say him and hanamaki get fuckin faded in empty fields at two am all trashy like. but they make it look good idc. and if you smoke, cool, if you don’t he does not care. he always associated getting high with,,, getting high and everytime he listened to this song it just was one of his getting blazed jams, but now he’s got like a different kinda “euphoric” feel with loving you? like i said this bitch is a pisces even if he doesn’t overwhelm you with affection, he thinks ab you 24/7
5. 80’s makeout session- dacelynn
thIS SONG IS SO CUTE. but it’s p self explanatory. in love and also spare a kiss pls
6. can i call you tonight- dayglow
i feel like actually coming to terms with genuine feelings for someone would be kind of weird for issei. like no offense, but he sees it as kind of a pain in the ass. i genuinely think he would be someone to put his all into work or a task in front of him. he’s super intuitive, and constantly uses it to be better. whether it’s in volleyball or like cremating ppl i guess (HE WORKS INA FUNERAL HOME POST TIME SKIP IF U DIDNT KNOW). and it’s the same in relationships, but it’s also harder because he can’t have this complete clear head because you make his brain go kinda fuzzy. so, this song is like his little way of expressing that even tho he was like ‘internally conflicted’ this mf chose to go for it and that’s how much u mean to him
7. clair de lune, L. 32- claude debussy
i’m gonna be fucking honest with you. even though he’ll listen to anything, i really don’t think this man is looking up ‘classical romance study tunes’ playlists in his free time. he definitely enjoys the music, but that’s only if someone points it out to him. and he’s listened to you talk about it before, and watched you as you heard the piano and gauged your reactions and thought u were pretty cute he’s not gonna lie😼. so he definitely just looked up classical romance and picked the first recommended song and added it on there. he’ll dance w you a lil bit, but it wouldn’t be that quiet, intimate slow dancing in the dark you think would come w this song. itd just be a little sway as he hugs you from behind while you get water, or he twirls you once randomly with a laugh UGH I LOVE HIM
8. like real people do- hozier
ok. this one was fun for me. idc. double meaning lol. so this song is literally about two dead bodies in a bog and ,,, and he works in a funeral home PLS LMAOFJAJDJA I THINK THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY AND SO DOES HE. but also this song literally is my idea of love. this is my idea of love. and yall listen to it, with your stupid little death joke, but he looks at you and he’s just like ‘oh’. yknow? YKNOW?
9. BS- still woozy
like i said, i think he puts a lot into work. and he literally plays for a powerhouse school there’s no way he doesn’t practice a lot. so that means there’s a lot of time where he’s physically not there and definitely can’t text, because he’s trying to improve. and while he wouldn’t stop volleyball for someone else, he understands that you are like super amazing for being so Cool with him not being the most available. the song just reminds him of how compassionate you are and also he does miss u when he’s at practice YKNOW?
10. i <3 u- boy pablo
this one made me so fucking soft ew. ok. this song reminds him of you so so much. he’s totally okay being vulnerable with you? and even though he has pretty heightened emotions, he’s never felt like so strongly for smth other than like ??? volleyball and caring ab his siblings (BUT HE FEELS DIFFERENT FOR U THAN HE DOES FOR A VOLLEYBALL AND HIS SIBLINGS PLEASE😁). HE LUVVVVV YOU
11. heart-shaped box- nirvana
so many reasons. for one, simply fucking JAM. yall would scream this on a drive. if you ever got drunk together, this would be the first song you play. also, little lyrics remind you of each other. (the pisces lyric in the first and third verse, and even tho the flowers aren’t being used in a sweet sense in the song he does remember talking ab flowers w u, and now any flower is mentioned and he’s like “ah yes. my girlfriend.”)
12. pluto projector- rex orange county
FUCK. FUCK THIS SONG. GOD. NO. LIKE HE REALIZES HE’S IN LOVE WITH YOU WITH THIS SONG. HE T E L L S YOU HE’S IN LOVE WITH YOU WITH THIS SONG. the first time, he just sends you the name of it like ‘pluto projector <3’ and you listen and it’s so sweet and ur like ayo turn this shit up. and he adds it to your playlist, which definitely gets a smile from you. and then one night like two weeks later youre just laying together, and he’s running his fingers through his hair and he pulls away for a second to grab his phone and he turns the song on and you just listen to it in silence and it’s so fucking intimate. and he’s just like “i don’t think i’ve ever related to a song more” and you think he’s making a joke so you tell him to shut up (also jokingly) and he just laughs and it’s dark in his room and he’s playing with your hair again and he just goes “god, if you’re telling me to shut up over that i don’t even want to imagine how you’re gonna react when i tell you i love you” and it’s right around 3:10 in the song i’m literally so gone for him. bye you cry and try to hide it but he can tell HES PERCEPTIVE
13. i wanna be yours- arctic monkeys
okay for one, it’s a good song. it’s a song he absolutely let’s play in the background, just to cover the static lol. but also? ALSO? THE TITLE APPLIES TO YOU THE FUCK? it’s as if,,, he’s whipped,,
14. supermassive black hole- muse
hanamaki prolly showed him this song, and it’s one of his vibe songs. he will do falsetto while singing it if he’s in a really good mood and it just makes everyone laugh, including himself. it actually kind of grosses him out, because this song used to literally just be a song he would aimlessly go hard to but NOW his little bitch ass is like “you set my soul alight”? i guess i relate and “oh baby, i’m a fool for you” well, surely i’m not a fool but yea i get you muse sing it. it’s so gross. at this point he wants one thing that doesn’t make him think of you, just to prove that he’s not that gone, but he struggling
15. desperado- rhianna
i’m sorry to say it but this song makes him feel like a bad bitch LMAOOOOO. like if he’s ever getting pregame jitters or anything, he will just play this song. whether it’s on the speaker or in his headphones, he puts this shit on full volume and gets a lil too cocky LOL. this is also on the main seijoh playlist no doubt. he wants to share his bad bitch song w you, so you can aLSO feel like a bad bitch?? dUH
IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT BABES! IF YOU WANT ANY OF THE SONGS CHANGED (or even the character) LMK!! UR AMAZING ur so sweet it makes me ill
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barba à papa
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: The sky behind him is sherbert orange, melted dreamsicle, and the tang of lemon as the sun glides lazily beneath the horizon of Brooklyn. Blue moon, soft and overarching, begins to bloom in the sky as you keep kissing him on your front step.
Snapshots of your life growing up alongside Bucky Barnes in the 1930s and 40s.
Warnings: Light violence (like a fist fight), light smut towards the end, angst.
If you are under 18 you should not be reading this!
A/N: hello everyone!! this is for @cametobuyplums 2k writing challenge!! congrats!! i adore your writing!! and for this, my prompt was ​“barba à papa” which means cotton candy in French! i believe i’m put down on her post as my main blog @maria-beee but i post all my fics to this side blog! i had a lot of fun with this even though it became a little angstier than intended! please let me know what you think! thanks for reading :)
Read on Ao3
You’re five when you tear your favorite, cotton candy pink dress on your walk home from school, skidding your knees until dark blood blooms on the edges of the pink fabric like flowers opening against a rosy sky. You start crying, big, hiccuping tears because you know your mama will be real angry about the tear. Your knees hurt, too, and there are pebbles in the palms of your small hands. But it's your favorite dress and you know you probably won’t get another. 
Bucky’s there, though, the neighbor boy who's two years older than you and walks you to and from the schoolhouse with his friend, Stevie. He’s only seven, but he’s got three younger sisters so he knows exactly how to ease you back up onto your wobbling feet. “You’re okay!” He quickly starts to say, “It’s okay, it’s just a scratch!” And he tries to smooth out your dress, brush off your little palms. Small, clumsy hands push your hair away from your tear-damp cheeks, the way he sees his own mom do with his baby sisters when they take a fall. Your nose is running, making it hard to breathe.
“It’s my favorite dress,” You cry, taking shuddering breaths as your little fists latch onto the sleeves of his patched-up shirt. “My mama’s gonna be so mad,” You gasp, more worried about her than the blood that races down your shins in crimson ribbons. 
“Stevie, you got something I can wipe her knees with?” Bucky asks over his shoulder before he turns back to you and he tries to wipe your tears again, little fingers rough and stumbling but you don’t care. “I’m sure your mama can fix it. Or mine or Stevie’s could, too.” He tries to comfort you as Steve rummages through his little, blue backpack. 
He pulls out a crumpled napkin and hands it over to Bucky, who quickly, messily tries to wipe away the blood. Fix the damage done. You sniffle at him, cheeks blotchy and pink. 
“C’mon,” Bucky says, taking your little hand in his, “We’ll get you home.” 
And he takes you home, trying to cheer you up the entire way until you laugh through tears. 
You’re nine when you and Steve pick a fight with a twelve year old boy that’s been picking on some of the younger kids on the schoolyard. It ain’t right, you and Steve agree, just before following him right into trouble. But it doesn’t last long because the boy catches Steve in a hit to his jaw that sends his small, frail body to the ground in a heap. 
Your mouth pops open, worry tracing your features before anger flickers through you, bright and quick, for this bully. You watch Steve take in a few ragged, rattling breaths and you move towards him, but don’t get far. 
You get shoved by the older boy, right onto the hard cement before his greedy, chubby fingers yank the cotton candy, softly pink ribbon right from your hair just to be mean. You yelp, clawing at his hand as it’s swiped away. 
It’s Bucky that steals it back, growing a little lanky at eleven, but lighter on his feet than this bully. He scarcely dodges a sloppy punch from the other boy before taking his own shot, knuckles splitting across the bully’s mouth. 
And the bully starts crying and screaming real loud, all blubbering and wailing when he touches his fingers to his lips and they come way with blood. He runs to tell a teacher. 
“Jeeze, what the hell did you two get yourself into?” 
He’s been saying hell and damn lately to sound grown up but you got scolded by your ma when you tried it. She said it was no way for young ladies to speak. 
Bucky hoists you up, looking over you, making sure you’re okay. He pushes your hair from your face, sees no injury before crouching beside Steve. 
“You okay, pal?” Bucky asks and you drop to your knees beside him, gravel biting into the soft skin there.
“Stevie?” You ask, laying a hand on his back. 
Steve turns his face to the both of you, shows you the fat, bloody lip that’s begun to run red down his chin. He smiles all shaky and crooked, “Never been better, Buck.” 
“Oh Christ, Steve.” Bucky swears again and shifts to try and help him up. You stand, sliding one of Steve’s thin arms around your shoulders to help lift him. Bucky supports his other side; Steve looks dazed and wobbly, like a newborn lamb taking shaky steps.
You pick your head up, blowing hair from your eyes just as you see a teacher marching out to the three of you, looking sour and angry. You gulp. Oh, you’re in real trouble now. 
Which is how the three of you end up in the principal’s office, knees knocking against each other as you sit and wait. Steve’s got an ice pack to his mouth but there’s blood on his blue shirt. 
You know you’ll all at least get detentions for this. Maybe worse. Bucky will probably get the worst punishment, despite deserving it the least. Guilt gnaws at you, settles into the pit of your stomach alongside the worry you feel for when your mama finds out what you’ve done. 
But Bucky nudges you with an elbow and you glance over at him, watch as he uncurls his fist to reveal your ribbon, rumpled and delicate looking in his hand. You’d almost forgotten about it and you can’t help the soft smile that touches your lips, wobbly because you think Bucky’s a little too good after all the trouble you’ve caused him now. 
Gently, you slide it from his hand and into yours, your fingers brushing his palm. “Thank you, Bucky,” You murmur, looking at him with wide, sweet eyes. 
Bucky smiles back, boyish and crooked and young. “‘Course,” He says back, as if he’d do anything for you. 
Looking at him, you think he just might. 
You’re twelve and being forced to grow up too quickly, caught somewhere between being a young woman and clinging to girlhood. Everyone is treating you differently, looking at you differently, too. Steve doesn’t. But he’s been getting sick lately, bedridden and fragile looking, swearing to you that he’s alright. 
You know he isn’t, but you tell him of course you are, anyways. 
Bucky doesn’t treat you much differently, but there is a strange shift.
You clamber out onto his fire escape with him as the evening dips into night, the last rays of the sun falling over all of Brooklyn in gentle gold and dainty, cotton-candy pink and blue, all swirling into the lullaby violet of an oncoming night sky. The city doesn’t sleep, the world below you full of life; people shouting, distant jazz music that slides through the streets, kids playing in the alley below as they try to drink up the last of the day, and the tired, working people who drag their feet home with crooked arches in their backs. 
The wind lifts your hair from your shoulders, tickles your collar bones. 
Bucky pulls out a cigarette- all the boys his age are smoking them- lights it with a little spark and takes a slow drag. 
He’s got too much weighing on his shoulders, the small Atlas that he is. Three sisters to worry about, a single mother, trying to nurse Steve back to health, and you know it’s hard times because the adults always say it. You know he worries and fusses. But he’s just a boy still, not quite a man to you, yet. 
He likes to be quiet with you sometimes, his shoulder brushing yours as the sun falls over him, eyes alight and soft and contemplative. 
But tonight, he says, pulling the cigarette from his lips, “You know, my ma thinks we’re gonna get married. Mrs. Rogers does,too.” 
This isn’t new to you; your own parents tease you about Bucky. They have since you were small, always attached to him, clinging to the sleeves of his shirt. But for some reason, this time it makes you flush. There’s a shift in the way he looks at you, a little softer, differently. Something inside of you unfurls slow and tentatively. You can’t name it but it makes you warm and vulnerable. 
“Yeah,” You exhale, “My parents think so, too.” 
He doesn’t quite respond; there’s no more whines of ew, no way! Girls are gross! Boys have cooties! That used to cloud your childhood. Now it’s just you and him and the words that settle between you like a chaperoning third. 
When he doesn’t respond at all, you reach over and pluck the cigarette from his fingers. His eyebrow quirks upward, “What are you--”
And you try and take a drag, just the way he always does. But you’re not expecting the way it burns and unfurls down your throat. You choke, sputter, then begin coughing as if you’re trying to get rid of your own lung. 
Bucky laughs, taking the cigarette back and you try and hit his shoulder but your eyes are watering, still coughing. You have no idea how he can smoke that--
But he puts his hand, growing and soft, on your back, rubbing in gentle circles until you can settle down. He teases you about it until the candy colored sky gives way to the blue of the night, until all that’s heard on the streets is the slow, faint crooning of jazz and the occasional car petering past on the streets below. 
You’re fifteen and wide-eyed about the growing world ahead of you, curious and a little too innocent. You haven’t quite grown into yourself yet, awkward and fussing about things you never used to. 
Bucky and Steve have started to call you doll and dame and baby. They get all protective when other boys look at you now. Steve’s started fights over it, gotten black eyes and broken noses because he guards you a little too closely. Bucky’s started to bring girls around; you take to them well enough. You like to tell them embarrassing stories from when Bucky was young, they laugh and indulge you. One did your makeup once. 
You know they’re kind of his girlfriends because Stevie tells you. Or complains to you about it. 
But you still find yourself asking Bucky one night, both of you sitting too close on his old fire escape, “Have you ever kissed anyone, Bucky?” 
And he barks out a slight, surprised laugh. Your cheeks turn pink. He answers, “Yeah, sweetheart, I’ve kissed someone before.” And he cocks his head, looking a little older, nearly a man, as he studies you a moment. And then he asks, “Have you?” 
You shake your head, quick, “No!” And your cheeks warm further, burning up. You become sheepish, “Should I have?” 
Bucky bites his lip to keep from smiling at how flustered you’ve gotten, but he shrugs lightly. “If you want to, I guess.” 
“Has Stevie?” You press, tentative but too curious. 
Bucky eyes you again, but he nods, “Yeah, Stevie has, too.”
“As many as you?” 
He laughs again, full and warm and curling around you in a way that makes your heart stutters. 
“No,” He shakes his head, “Not as many as me.” 
He looks at you then, blue eyes glittering, one corner of his lips hitched up into the smile you’re so familiar with. He looks handsome, you realize, and you suddenly understand why the other girls coo and gush over him. You think about the girls he brings around, the way he holds their hands or puts his arm around their shoulders. You’re sure he kisses them and you--
You want him to treat you that way, too. 
And before you can think, you ask, “Would you kiss me?” 
His brows shoot up, lips parting slightly, “I--” He shakes his head, “No, I can’t.” He tells you and your heart drops into the pit of your stomach, your eyes suddenly swimming, heat welling up uncomfortably to prickle at your ears and neck. Why would you ask that? You mourn, fingers twisting nervously in the fabric of your blouse. 
Have you ruined everything? 
“Sorry,” You mutter, move to stand in a jerky, sharp movement. You want to leave, you want to leave and bury your face in your pillow and scream and cry and never see his face again. 
But Bucky snags your small wrist, catches you quick, “Hey,” He hushes, “Slow down.” And he tugs at you, until you give way and sink down onto your knees in front of him. You’re almost in his lap, too close, and you can feel him looking at you. But you’ve averted your eyes, turned your face from him and the delicate rays of sun. You’ve never felt so strange being so near to him until now. 
“It’s okay, I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I was being stupid--” 
“You’re too young, is all.” 
Your eyes snap back to his, brows furrowing, “I’m only two years younger than you.” You protest.  
“I know,” He says, calmer than you feel, his hand, grown so big, still wrapped around your wrist. Your pulse flutters, hummingbird wings beating beneath the rough skin of his palm. But he shakes his head again slightly, “But you’re still-- you’re little to me.” 
You swallow, look away from him again, unable to face him this near. You feel young, you realize, inexperienced and unsure with a boy two years older than you. You feel mold-able and thin, cotton-candy heart and sugar-crushed feelings that are too easy to bend and shape and melt. The eagerness to impress him is caught in your chest and it’s always been there but now it’s different. Changed. Like you, like him. Sticky sweet with a touch of desire. Longing. 
He takes your chin between his fingers with his free hand, urges you to look at him. “It’s not you.” He promises, soft and reverent. You believe him. And he gives you a slight smile now, tipping your chin up, “Just grow a little and then I’ll kiss you, if it’s still what you want.”  
And he lets you go, lets you grow up untouched and seeking. 
True to his word, Bucky kisses you on the eve of your twenty-second birthday in the soft dark of your living room once everyone has left. 
He swears you taste like pink vanilla, cotton candy girl, the sweet warmth of your lips as he lays you out on the couch beneath him. You tremble soft and cling to him, small hands latching onto his patched up shirt, and he’s delicate and undeserving. 
It doesn’t feel like a sin when he moves down the line of your body, lips gentle and warm. He parts your legs, kisses soft against the skin of your hips, his hands now large and rough cradle your thighs. He settles between your legs as if he belongs there. 
You gasp, squirm, bury your fingers in his dark hair to try and ground yourself. You open for him, timid and with fluttering lashes as the warmth of his mouth touches your center. 
You jolt at the heat and a broken cry falls from your lips, hips arching and he tightens his hold on you, hushing you soft. “Relax,” He coos, rubbing his cheek against the sensitive, soft part of your inner thigh. His eyes find yours in the darkness, lower his lips down to where you need him most and you exhale shakily.
He takes you apart slowly, as if you have eternity to lay with your body bared to him and the sweet darkness. And after you’ve fallen apart for him, reached a peak and tumbled over with a delicate cry, he’d crawled back up your body and greedily, eagerly, you’d kissed and twined around him. Tasted yourself on his lips, foreign and strange but warming you from the inside out. 
You squirm, try to push your hips up into his, desperate for something you’ve never experienced. But he tells you, low and soft against your cheek, “Slow down, sugar.” And stills your hips with a broad palm. 
He kisses you leisurely, soothes you until all he does is hold you, determined to keep you by his heart, to take his time with you. There is a lot that Bucky has rushed, but you are not one he wants to add to that list. He isn’t quite sure he’s man enough, yet, isn’t sure he deserves you but all he does know is that he feels like he's holding the world with you in his arms. As if the sun rose and fell inside of him when he holds you. 
Fearful of losing you, of losing whatever it is that glimmers and burns between you two, that night is not mentioned again.  
You continue as friends, scared to push at each other, to drastically change all that you have and know. 
Regardless, nights like those happen again, few and far between, you both regard them as sacred and secret. Keep them bottled to your chest, precious and soft in their memories even as time goes on.
Bucky is twenty-six and you are twenty-four when he receives the fateful, damning letter that requests his life for his country. 
“I’m comin’ with you.” Steve declares and your heart has dropped like a stone, down, heavy and hard into the pit of your stomach. 
“C’mon Stevie, you can’t leave me, too.” You try to joke but it comes out flat and wobbly. 
Steve swallows, looks away, some of that fury in his blue eyes dim.
Bucky looks older, you realize, like a man who's lived a life with a little too much weight on his shoulders, the Atlas that he is. He is quiet, holding the letter that wavers in his hand, paper soft and thin, like the wispy, cotton candy clouds outside his window. Morning pushes forward. Time pushes forward. The world keeps turning even if you feel yours has stopped.
He has two weeks until he gets his orders. Once you’d felt you’d have a lifetime with Bucky now becomes two weeks.
He promises you the best summer for what he has left; just like when you were kids.
On a sticky hot, hazy sort of day Bucky demands you and Steve go to Coney Island with him. There’s little you’ll deny him, and though Steve protests about it, he still tags along anyways. 
Steve throws up on the Cyclone not long into the day, though, face woozy and Bucky laughs when he shouldn’t as you both try and hold him up afterwards. You get him water and coo over him, playfully scolding Bucky who can’t get a sincere apology out without laughing like a schoolboy. 
“You’re a jerk, Buck.” Steve whines pitifully, cheeks flushed as he dry heaves into a small bag you’d found him after the ride. You rub his back, brush his blond hair from his face. 
Bucky looks at you over Steve’s shoulder, and you add, “He’s right.” But there’s a slight twist to your lips. 
“I’m sorry, pal, how was I supposed to know you’d hurl on it?” Bucky asks but he’s still smiling and Steve’s not really mad. You feel like a kid again, stuck to your two best friends, except Bucky looks at you differently now. 
After Steve has kept cool water down, you continue walking around, letting the sun fall onto your skin, warming you from the outside in. Bucky’s been dropping his arm over your shoulders, sliding his hand to the small of your back as you walk, ducking his head by your ear the way he does on the nights neither of you talk about. 
You don’t care, even if you should; Steve’s looking at you two a little strangely, perhaps wondering when your relationship shifted. And in truth, its happened so gradually and so simply that you aren’t quite sure, either. 
Bucky buys you cotton candy, the soft sugar that melts the moment it hits your tongue. It’s sticky and sweet around your lips, especially later, when Steve’s gone home and Bucky walks you home, kisses you goodnight on your doorstep. 
He cradles your cheek, tongue gliding along your bottom lip, tasting sweetness and candy. The sky behind him is sherbert orange, melted dreamsicle, and the tang of lemon as the sun glides lazily beneath the horizon of Brooklyn. Blue moon, soft and overarching, begins to bloom in the sky as you keep kissing him on your front step. You want to go fast and hard, desperate and needy but he forces you slow with his lips, the gentle demand making you syrupy and gooey beneath his palms. 
When he breaks away, he kisses your cheek, innocent and boyish before pulling away from you. You want to invite him in, but he steps away, respectful and gentlemanly. 
Some nights you wished he treated you like he treats other girls, kissing them hard, quick, messy. But not you, never you. 
“Goodnight, doll.” He says with a smile that makes your heart ache. 
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You say, a little breathless, watch as he walks away, whistling a gentle tune to himself with the last rays of light bathing him in gold. 
It sounds familiar, like the jazz that slipped through the city streets when you were young and tucked away on his fire escape. 
The last night that Bucky is in Brooklyn, he goes out with Steve, tries to wrangle him on a date for the final time. It’s bittersweet as he tries to pretend this is only one more normal day in his life. He promises to see you after, so you doze on the couch, in and out of a too-light sleep. All you can think about is seeing Bucky off tomorrow.  
You don’t hear him enter, only his hand on your shoulder, urging you awake, “Wake up, doll, it’s me.” And you blink up at him. He’s in his uniform still, hat crooked atop his head and you take him in. The man he’s become from the boy you once knew. 
You sit up, “You and Steve have fun?” You ask, rubbing at your eyes. 
“Stevie took off early. I danced a little, but I wanted to see you.” He says, brushing your hair from your face, tender and soft. 
You only have a moment to lean into his touch before he straightens up, moves to the record player in the connected kitchen. You hear him rustle around, find the right track before honey-slow jazz seeps out and fills your apartment. 
“I still want to dance. Will you dance with me, sweetheart?” He asks, taking his hat off and tossing it onto a kitchen counter. There’s little you deny him, so you find yourself stepping into his arms. 
There is no coyness tonight, you press yourself up against him, fit your body to his as he holds you tight and sways. Your apartment is dim and small, pressing you closer together, as if you could be the only two in the world left. You lay your head to his chest, commit his heartbeat to memory. 
One song dips into another, you’re still holding onto each other. Too tight, maybe, trying to keep out tomorrow and hold fiercely onto today. 
You lift your head to look up at him, to study his face but the moment you do, he leans down to press his lips to yours. It’s gentle at first but something inside him pulls taut before breaking because between one moment and the next, you’re being lifted onto the kitchen counter and his lips have become more demanding. 
You can’t help the gasp, can’t help the way you arch and squirm against him, desperate for him. How long have you been this desperate for him? Your hands disappear into his hair, tug and pull as if you could somehow get him closer. 
“Remember how everyone always said we’d get married?” He asks against your mouth, warm and voice rough. His eyes are half-lidded, almost sleepy but burning, jaded blue. 
Your heart nearly stops.
“Yeah,” You say cautiously, eyeing him, “What are you getting at, Bucky?” 
His lips drop to your neck, they seal over a tender spot below your ear, make your back arch into him. You hook a calf over his waist, pull his hips snug to yours. He almost whines against your neck, ruts into you like a teenager, half-wild and tenderly desperate. 
“Just that I wanna marry you, sweetheart.” He breathes and your heart does stop this time. You almost push him away, ask if he’s being serious, if he’s lost his mind but you can’t bring yourself to. 
“Are you proposing?” You ask, pulling away so you can look at his face. His nose runs along the plain of your cheek. 
“Not officially,” He murmurs, “But I--” He pauses, presses a kiss to your heated cheeks, “Would you wait for me, doll? If I asked you to?” 
You exhale shaky, your fingers curling into his hair, into his uniform jacket. Would you? You bite your lip, watch his eyes trace the movement with contained heat. It burns you, makes you squirm. Would you? 
“Yes,” You breathe before you can stop yourself but the answer is from somewhere deep and honest and base inside of you. It bubbles out before you can stop it. Has there ever been anyone else but him? Did you ever have any doubt? “Yes, Bucky, I’d wait for you if you asked.” You tell him softly, searching his face, eyes seeking and burning. 
“Then that’s what I’m asking, honey,” He rumbles, voice low, full of promise just before he kisses you on your open mouth. 
And there’s no preamble tonight, no soothing and slowing you, there’s nothing but the heavy reminder that tonight is your last night with him in a long, long time and the choiceless hope in what he’s just asked of you. 
He gets your blouse half undone, let’s your breast spill from the tops of your cotton candy pink brassiere, which he takes one look at and groans into the hollow of your throat, as if you ruin him, as if you’ve wrecked him. 
But then he’s gotten your skirt off, left it forgotten and misplaced on your kitchen floor. He pushes your panties to the side then, pulling you forward and easing into you as his lips move against yours. He burns and stretches sweet and perfectly--
It isn’t your first time but it feels a little like the last. 
You mewl, kitten soft and broken, clinging to his broad shoulders. He holds you as if you’re precious, rolls his hips in a way that makes your head tip back. His nose skims the line of your neck, lips sealing there, leaving red bloomed bruises to be remembered by. 
You won’t last long; as if the tether between the two of you has been made molten and warm from over the years, simmered with all your want and love of him . He fits in you perfectly. 
And he tells you so, “Babydoll, you’re everything.” He gruffs, “My perfect girl, Christ-- you feel so good.” His fingers dig lavender bruises into your hips, and you feel fragile and breakable in the best way possible. Too vulnerable and split open by him, the soft, sugar-sweet part of your heart bared to him.
“I love you,” You half gasp as he sinks deeper.
A moan is pulled from the depths of him, broken and ragged. “Say it again, baby, please,” He begs, lips wet and warm and open against your cheek.
“Fuck,” You choke, “I love you-- I love you.”  
It should take more than that, but it doesn’t, and the tension inside of you bursts outward in a flare of heat and desperation. You fall apart, body rippling, half-sobbing against Bucky’s shoulder. 
He doesn’t last much longer, pulling out and spilling onto your thighs, sticky mess in the afterglow as he nuzzles and kisses and rubs strong hands over you. He kisses your cheek, nose running gently against your jaw.
And he gives you a smile, lopsided and sweet, “I swear I’ll marry ya when I get back.” He promises and it hurts to hear him say just as much as it soothes you. 
You cup his face between your hands, pull him towards you to kiss hard and keep close. “Just come back to me, okay?” You breathe, pushing your forehead into his.
All he does is smile back boyish and crooked and young. You’re tugged back into your memories of him, growing up beside you, always looking out for you; the tender and delicate type of love that leaves you humming and open, unfurling beneath his gaze, cotton candy soft. You cannot remember when you started loving him this way, only that you can’t imagine ever not loving him now. 
He tells you “‘Of course,” As if he’d do anything for you. 
And looking at him, you think he just might. 
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Okay so I'm doing a s1 rewatch and gonna talk to you about it because why not. I kind of didn't get into the show until s2 and sort of just skimmed through s1. So rewatching it, in 1x07 is it just me or is the whole Joe electrocuting himself to turn Cameron on (?!) both absolutely ridculous and like... super gross? Joe is what like 15? years older than Cameron who is what, 20 here? Ew? A woman supposedly wrote this episode but I bet a man wrote that bit. It's so very Male Bullshit™
CON’T: In fact all of Joe in season 1 (and lets face it all seasons?) is kind of Male Bullshit. But especially in season 1. Because like, canon Cameron is clearly a fucking mess who's vulnerable to his bullshit. But also some part of me feels like Real Cameron who didn't really come into existence until season 2... would not rly have been into him :P I can't fully grasp if she's meant to rly like him or if she's just with him for lack of other options/being lonely and bored.
A long time ago a fellow gay shipper joked on here/said something to the effect of, ‘remember when he literally had to shock her with a live current because that was the only way he could turn her on?’ If I’m being honest, I still have not recovered from this!
I suppose that whole scene is a matter of taste, for which there’s no real accounting (okay briefly - my official position on it is that some things just don’t work as well onscreen as they might on paper, even with actors like Mack and Lee), but to belatedly speak to your other points: I feel like the most critically productive way to read early H&CF is to view the acknowledged Male Bullshit™ as The Point. It’s not always clear that it’s the point, and that’s because, well, the creators didn’t know how to do what they were trying to do at the beginning! Fortunately, the network set them up with experienced producers who were able to see their vision, for a series about (‘about’) an antihero that’s about more than justifying and begging sympathy for his destructive behavior, and pity for the characters that become his collateral damage. I think, largely based on that pilot spec script that’s been floating around for a while, that the producers understood that the way to do that was to spend more time on the other characters and make it a true ensemble, and to make them smarter (if not sneakier) than the antihero. J*e and his machinations still kind of have to be the engine for the first seasons’ plot, because, well, that’s how the characters are: they’re all stuck, and they need this random, aggressive, (surprisingly genuinely?) sad bastard to push them to act. 
So, yes, there’s a huge age difference between Cameron and J*e, and he definitely scams his way into her college classroom because for his plan to work he needs a 22-year old coder who’s both naïve and a little wild, and who he presumably can manipulate. He absolutely knows what he’s doing, no matter how many people on this website refuse to see his actions clearly, and he largely succeeds at that for most of the season; he’s the main antagonist, and we’re supposed to be wary of him, and put off by all of this. Because, even though a lot of people want to ignore this, too, Cameron is naïve, and also legitimately emotionally compromised (yes, even with that tough front, people contain multitudes, and they can be deceptive), and it works on her. (I’m pretty sure I’ve said this here before, but you can actually see when it starts to work on her, it’s when they’re negotiating her salary, and he says, ‘Now you’re thinking like a professional.’ That gets to her.)
Which isn’t healthy or positive, but it is real. I think ‘like’ is a strong word for how Cameron feels about him, especially in the first half of season 1, but their connection is the real deal, even if it’s largely based on them both being isolated, and having complementary emotional dysfunction based on similar childhood traumas. They’re also drawn to each other’s expertise; Cameron makes her derisive and mostly deserved comments about ‘whatever it is that a product manager does,’ but she recognizes that he can sell and publicly promote an idea in a way that’s useful, and in a way that she can’t and won’t. (She says as much at COMDEX ’90.) 
And for as critical as I’ve been of how that relationship has been handled, I think all of that is pretty clear from the text? But the show doesn’t spell this out or spoon feed it to the viewer, so there is much room for willful/sexist/heteronormative misinterpretation. I don’t think all of the misinterpretation is willful though, people misunderstand power dynamics in relationships and excuse men’s intentional harm irl all the time, because that is sadly the cisheteropatriarchy we all live in.
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safevisualnovels · 6 years
Mystic Messenger (Zen/Hyun Ryu): Unsafe
This has been a very long time coming. Mystic Messenger is not only one of my favourite otome games, it also has the honour of being the very first otome game I ever played, two years ago, and started my otome hyperfixation. So you can imagine how much I have to say about this route and everything that happens in Zen’s route.
Just before I go in and utterly decimate Cheritz for the way everything was written, let me start my saying that Zen is my favourite character in the game. Character wise, he’s exactly my type: kind, friendly, helpful, passionate about his job. There were so many ways that his route could’ve been done well and that I would’ve loved!
But dear God in Heaven, did Cheritz muck everything up! Here we go...
There are two really huge things with Zen’s route that are the biggest issues, and we’ll start with this:
One of the biggest things in Zen’s route is the whole plot with Echo Girl, a pop star who’s got a big crush on him and is a huge fan of his.
See, what happens is, when Echo Girl hits on him, Zen rejects her (because he’s caught feelings for you, the player). She gets mad and vows revenge and, by about the end of day 8, this happens:
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You read that right: the big plot here is that Zen gets falsely accused of sexual harassment/assault! I shit you not! So then the whole thing becomes about disproving it and it’s just deeply uncomfortable.
It’s like someone at Cheritz legitimate thought:  "Hm, what could be the best way to make Echo Girl look like the villain that we want her to look? I know! Have her falsely accuse Zen of raping her! That'll do it!" I mean, come on!
Here’s the thing: false rape accusations are so fucking rare and the fact that Cheritz writers immediately jumped to that is so awful and I can’t believe that someone actually thought that this was an okay plot point to stick with. Having Echo Girl falsely accuse Zen of raping her for some hackneyed attempt at vengeance is awful and deeply upsetting. It’s lazy, it’s trite, it’s misogynistic, and it’s just plain disrespectful to rape survivours. 
Honestly, there’s already a ton of misogyny in the game, but this is just disgusting and I can’t deal with the fact that this happens within the game! And, even worse, within the game’s narrative, anyone who is upset at this development is just an “anti” and a disloyal fan who doesn’t know the “real” Zen. Hey, Cheritz writers: what the absolute fuck?!
Anyone want my idea on how to do a plot like this, without being a lazy misogynist? Here it is:
We keep the plot the same, but instead of turning Echo Girl into some weird temptress who tries to ruin innocent men’s careers by false rape accusations, we just have her company falsely accuse one of Zen’s productions of plagiarizing one of her songs. She, instead of being the antagonist, is a friend and admirer of Zen, and helps him and the RFA bust her company producer/CEO/what have you for their misdeeds.
There! There’s your exciting plot! And I did it without being a lazy misogynist who thinks false accusations are a good plot point!
The other big thing that happens is woven throughout the game, and it’s Zen’s weird “beast” persona/hang up/what have you. Whenever he's alone with you/the MC, he makes a big racket about how all men are wolves and he is a beast and the MC better watch herself when she’s “vulnerable”, I guess (ew).
Here's an example of what I mean, in the form of an incoming phone call from the Christmas DLC:
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See what I mean? The implication that he’s a man and ~just can’t control himself~, so you’d better watch out or he’ll rape you? His route, both in the Christmas DLC and the main route proper, is littered with this garbage! It’s an epidemic! Even with how much I love Zen as a character, these things make me deeply uncomfortable and I hate it with every fiber of my being.
Having a man wax poetic about how he is an uncontrollable monster who will pounce on you at any given moment, for the high crime of existing in the same space as him, and implies that you are at fault for anything that happen (read: rape)? Not cute at all. This is in no way romantic, or sweet, or whatever else the writers must have thought it was when they wrote this trash; it is threatening and gross and, overall, not a good look in the slightest.
Overall, I love Zen’s character, but I would deem his route unsafe because of all of this shit that happens.
Tune in next time, when I rip Jumin Han’s route to shreds!
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theclaravoyant · 5 years
Enjoying all your trans appreciation fan works and reblogs so much! I'm not sure if you'll know this but maybe some of your followers might? I have a character in an og work that's trans, but I identify as cis. Do you know of any writing blogs or spaces that could give me advice both on writing a trans character well and also on what plot lines I should or shouldn't give them?
Hi! I am so glad you are enjoying the works! Thanks for the ask, I will do my best to answer below the cut.
The first thing to think about is that everyone has different perspectives on what should be expected when writing experiences that aren’t necessarily your own, and what counts as ‘your own’ experiences. The number one piece of advice everyone gives is “do your research, listen to trans people” which is super important but I promise you, it will get confusing and possibly nervewracking trying to do it ‘right’ the more perspectives you hear. Yay. Just do your best and somebody somewhere will appreciate it; as with any writing and representation, remember that you will never be able to please everybody and as hard as that is, it’s just reality. You’re also not pleasing anybody by not writing trans characters at all, so you already can’t win. I will start off to say, as a nonbinary (trans) person, thank you for trying and for reaching out, and I hope others appreciate that effort too.
For me personally, I try to strike a balance which an author described once along the lines of “I can include [x people] in my stories, but I can’t write about being [x].” There are certain inner lives and experiences of people eg. from different cultures, different religions, different gender experiences etc than ourselves that we may never be able to fully capture, so we may be limited in the depths to which we can authentically explore their inner lives, BUT we can and should still include such characters. They may not necessarily be able to be our most main characters, due to these limitations in depth and authenticity, but we can still populate our world with them. I think this is where you should consider aiming if you aren’t already.
Finding this balance feeds into the sort of ‘stories you shouldn’t tell’ idea. The main three to avoid are all somewhat intertwined and they are:
- depression- voyeurism- guilt
Similarly to with a lot of same sex attracted characters, trans people tend to be most tired of our stories being about the Struggle, depression/suicide, abuse etc. It’s a valid consideration since it’s such a reality for many trans people, but it’s pretty much all the stories we have. (There’s also plenty of struggle for the parents coming to terms with things etc......... bit over that focus too tbh). This article calls it ‘the cis gaze’ and it dominates the current media landscape when it comes to trans stories; we’re getting more of them, but they’re all the same. Think of just about any mainstream trans story and then... try something else)
Also, a lot of trans stories still end up being kind of... voyeuristic? There’s a lot about transition, surgery, and especially body parts and sex, and it’s kinda objectifying and gross. There’s also the concept of deadname reveals - a deadname being usually the name assigned at birth, which falls out of use and can even be triggering when a person realises they are trans and/or transitions. I personally don’t mind the occasional deadname reveal and similar in stories, especially when the “trans people are inherently deceptive” trope is subverted, but seriously it is in SO MANY trans stories, usually as a Shocking Twist that doesn’t let trans people have a right to privacy of their backstories. Of course, there’s lots in any character’s backstory that is vulnerable to become a shocking twist, but with trans people it comes with added baggage of being outed against our will and being treated as inherently deceptive for trying to live our lives. There’s extra weight to shocking twists of a trans nature (whereas if the trans character’s shocking twist was, they were born in a different country or they’re actually an expert marksman or something, that’s got less baggage - you can still do twists! just be mindful of ones where transness of the character is the ‘punchline’ if you will). If you can avoid deadnaming altogether, I would recommend that, or at least or subvert it (eg, someone finds out deadname, doesn’t feel need to reveal this to the universe and/or helps keep it quiet) or discourage it (eg. only this character’s abusive parents deadname them).
The main thing with this is, don’t make the trans character feel guilty about being trans, or seem shady/deceptive or incomplete for being trans. Don’t frame it like it’s some terrible secret, or that they Must reveal that they are trans or else they’re lying to their friends/partner/etc. This is one of the reasons why deadname reveals are so problematic, whether they are done by another character (outing someone against their will... don’t make good guys do this) or by the character themselves out of a sense of obligation, fear, or shame.
DON’T, DO NOT HAVE TRANS VILLAINS PLEASE. I just don’t think we’re at a place yet where there’s enough balance for this to be equal. It tends to get at the whole “men disguise themselves as women to rape women” thing which is a big ew especially because real transphobes really exist and really think this.
Also, avoid “she used to be a dude” jokes or similar, especially when met with unimaginable horror/being a dealbreaker (sitcoms i’m looking at you)
Don’t worry though, there are a lot of things you CAN do to make good trans rep. A few things that I think are good are:
- if your character has physically or medically transitioned in some way, reference that; it doesn’t require mentions of genitals. maybe someone has to shave their face more often, take injections, wear or not wear a binder
- treat transition as an ongoing processes rather than a single cathartic moment
- maybe the character has an odd or unusual name, or goes by many names in different contexts
- maybe the character has a dark past that may include some of the above, but now they are living healthily and happily; this is more important than never having gone through the above
- the character is likely to be sensitive to misgendering (eg. if they are a man, being mistaken for a woman or described in feminine terms)
- give the character dreams and goals outside of transitioning
- explore and respect the diversity of trans experiences; it is not as straightforward as being ‘a man/woman trapped in a woman/man’s body’ (and while we’re at it, not every trans person aggressively hates or is traumatised by their body - if you want more on dysphoria I can definitely talk about that but this is getting a bit long so I’ll press on for now)
- involve the characters in loving romantic relationships; trans people, and especially trans women, tend to be really hypersexualised (even when seen as simultaneously repulsive), not as complete beings with love lives (and/or regular, healthy sex lives that aren’t inherently perverted pornographic messes). mixing this up is refreshing
- don’t only have one trans character. not saying that you have to think up a whole gaggle of trans folk in detail, make trans mainstream in your mythical society, or have 3/9 squad members be trans or something, but for example, maybe the trans character lives out of home with other trans characters, or maybe if they are feeling isolated from other trans people over the course of the story, they seek out an environment where other trans people are and all they need to mention is “I went down to [known queer hangout] the other day” or “this is my new friend, [new trans person]”. maybe a character finds out this character is trans and goes “oh yeah, like aunt such and such.” I know the struggle as a writer that comes with trying to do everything in depth and well and all, so something like this is a good way to signal that trans people aren’t alone in your world - which is something that many of us feel irl
- and above all, give them ‘normal’ character storylines that don’t revolve around them being trans, and then weave the transness through, rather than treating transness as their entire plot/point of being.
There are some more articles here and here, I have heard this is good, and there is more and more coming out lately (eg this tag) which may help you from here. I am happy to give further advice or detail if you like, but I hope this is a good starting point for you!
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derpcakes · 6 years
Time for KnK movie SEVEN, in which I WAS RIGHT
.....KIND OF
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-Well, I was thematically right. Having gotten Big Baddie Araya out of the way, what remains for the true climax is a much more personal, psychological battle (and one that’s much less action-packed and flashy, too) where Shiki must come face to face with What She Could Become. It’s not literally her other side, but it’s someone who represents that.
-I tell you what though, for a moment there when we first saw Rio’s silhouette in the alley I felt my brain start to do flips trying to work out if it was possible Shiki’s Murderboy personality somehow took physical form and wandered off. But no, it was just a cannibal in Shiki cosplay
-You’re all alone and your phone is dead, when out of the corner of your eye you spot him....
Rio: Didn’t expect to see me here did you? Well I’m totally a crazy serial killer now and I eat bodies and bite knives in half and can do cool flips just like in action movies, except that I’m more like something out of a horror movie. RARGH! Haha scared you! I’m random like that, it’s the wild animal side of me XD
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-Me too Shiki, me too
-Among all this chaos Azaka of course waltzes into the office like “Kyaa where’s my stupid brother? Is he up to shenanigans again?! Baka!” Like READ THE ROOM, AZAKA
-Touko’s leaving isn’t she. Mikiya’s going to attempt to come to work and the office will have been replaced by a bookstore and no one around will have even heard of Touko and she will already be on the other side of the Earth drinking a vodka tonic. He’s never going to get paid
-Shiki and Mikya in this movie though. I can’t believe these idiots went to their respective houses to look for each other and call up their own home on the phone knowing they will be there, just to be like “hey, asshole, why aren’t you home? I’m worried about you” despite not being at home themselves and causing the other party perfectly parallel worry
-I have no analysis of the final confrontation with Rio so I’m just going to provide an approximate stream of consciousness
-Oh, this is gross and goes on for a little too long
-Don’t do that
-How can one man produce so much saliva?
-Stop it
-Oh Mikiya is here!! Maybe he’ll---
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-Hmm so Rio is a nasty depraved unhinged villain and a man who wears a skirt and goes around slobbering over women and forcing men to kiss him, cool cool cool cool
-Honestly as much as I admit it’s successfully unsettling/upsetting I have very little time for this archetype of villain. Like, in terms of “is obsessed with the main female character and threatens her with sexual assault so the audience can be REALLY sure he’s a villain” he’s probably not quiiiiite as bad as Gilles or Gilgamesh or Shinji, but having already been exposed to this trope so many times with those guys I was just sick of it by the time Rio reared his nasty head. And just as I was thinking how nice it was that Shiki had been existing as a female protagonist in a gritty supernatural crime drama without ever being threatened with sexual assault, too. I get that it’s meant to be ~her ultimate moment of vulnerability~ but. Come on. There are other ways you can show that and there’s certainly enough other material that shows Rio is awful.
-Rio also gets killed in like 2 seconds, so hey, at least it wasn’t a gloriously gory scene of Woman Driven Mad By Wrath and Revenge (also a trope I don’t have much time for, especially when it manifests as “let’s show gratuitous footage of this character being tortured and violated so it’s ~more satisfying~ when she ~snaps~ and kills her abuser”. Not saying it’s something that can’t ever be done well but it comes with a whole lot of Yikes that I’m not often in the mindset to put up with). 
-That’s what you get for ultimately just being a symbolic villain, Rio. It was a moral dilemma more than a physical battle in the very end. Just like I predicted
-And then Mikiya manages to crawl in and they lie down with each other and instead of dramatically crying I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD or ARE YOU OKAY they jst have the most bizarrely normal domestic conversation ever and then just hold each other and it’s obvious they’re so glad to be alive and so glad that each other is alive even if they never say it out loud and I just
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-These Type-Moon boys and their monstrous girls, who they may not forgive for their monstrousness, but they sure as hell will love anyway and will help get through the situation that caused said monstrousness
-And then they walk away through the cherry blossom petals and it seems like everything is going to be alright even though everything came so close to being so messed up and even though they were both in some way irreparably damaged
-And also they
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You got me with the good ship, Type-Moon, you got me. Fucking superb you funky little mushroom man
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littlewhitetie · 6 years
Silence: Part One
An anti-Galra nanoweapon leaves Keith ill and Shiro badly injured. It's up to Lance and Allura to find them, take care of them, and get them home safe and sound.
(Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | AO3)
“Lance? Will you tell me a story?”
It’s a simple enough request, but Lance seems confused by it. He raises a thin eyebrow as he casts Allura a sidelong glance. “Uh, sure. What about?”
“Anything,” Allura says. “I just… can’t stand this silence.”
The cave is too quiet, nothing but the occasional crunch of crystals beneath their feet echoing through the tunnels. Her head is too quiet, the usual presence of the Lions muted by the strange walls. Worse than all that, though, is the dead silence over the comms. No word from Keith or Shiro; no way of tracking them down. They could be anywhere in here.
“Yeah,” Lance says. “I know what you mean. So, a story. How ‘bout this. Once upon a time, there was a really cool space princess, who had a knight. Well, she had five knights, but one of them was especially awesome. He was brave, and strong, and smart, and popular, and really, really good-looking.”
“Was her knight named Shiro?” Allura asks, with a teasing smile.
“What? No! It was Lan— …do. His name was Lando.”
“What a terrible name,” she says.
“Yeah, I regret it already, but too late now. So Lando and Princess… uh... Allana? Yeah, Princess Allana, along with two of her other, less attractive knights, were—“
“What were the others’ names?” she interrupts.
“Uh… Keef and… Shoro.”
Allura laughs aloud at that.
“Hey. It’s not their fault the person who named them had to do it on the spot,” he says, defensively. “So, yeah, Allana, Lando, Keef, and Shoro were chillin’ in their space castle out in space, while their friends were busy on some super boring tech mission in another galaxy. Suddenly, they received a distress signal from the, uh…” he pauses, scrunching up his face as he tries to think of a name. “Screw it, they’re just gonna stay the Ferexians.
“Ferexis had been hit by this really bad pandemic that had infected thousands of people in, like, a week. There was a cure, but the ingredients for the medicine were super hard to get, and the Ferexians weren’t in any shape to get it. So Allana, Lando, Keef, and Shoro went to go find the ingredients for them. Allana and Lando—who was clearly her favourite knight—went to the mountains south of the capital to gather serafi roots, while Keef and Shoro went north to find the atraxeth flowers that grew in the crystal caves.”
“How can you be certain Keef or Shoro were not her favourite?” she asks, her lips curving upward.
“Uh, ‘cause those other guys were boring, obviously,” he says. “So Allana was super happy she got to be paired up with the best knight ever, and she had an awesome time ‘cause Lando was so handsome and witty and smart. It took a while, but Allana and Lando eventually found the roots they were looking for. No problem.
“But while they were out, something bad happened. There was a terrible empire that had enslaved most of the universe, and Ferexis was the empire’s main supplier of one of the components needed for the ion cannon things on their ships.”
“What was the empire called?” she asks.
Lance groans. “Do I have to name everything?”
She nods.
“Fine. It was the Glara Empire. Happy?”
“Very,” she says.
Lance huffs. “Okay. So while our dashing heroes were off getting the ingredients, the Glara dropped by Ferexis to collect their ion cannon stuff. The Ferexians didn’t have it, but they’d prepared for this day. They unleashed a really terrible nanoweapon into the atmosphere that would infect the Glara and mess with their tech all at once.
“Allana and Lando didn’t find out about this until vargas later, when they came back to the city with the roots. When they got back, there were broken sentries all over. The sentries weren’t just shut down, they were, like, twitching, or—or fried. And there were… there were soldiers on the ground… sick, a-and convulsing, and dying…” His breath hitches.
“That is enough detail,” she says, tersely. She tries to ignore the prickling sensation behind her eyelids, wishing she could scour away the image burned into her mind. “Please move on with the story.”
“Y-yeah. Right. Um, well, Keef and Shoro could've been affected by the anti-Glara weapon, too. They hadn’t come back yet, so Allana and Lando went into the cave to find them. Allana and Lando couldn’t hear them over the comms, though that was definitely, definitely only ‘cause something in the cave was messing with their comm system. But it meant they didn’t have any idea where Keef and Shoro were. Lando and Allana walked for vargas and vargas and still didn’t see them.”
“So what happened next?” Allura asks.
“Next, Allana had to decide which way to go, ‘cause they’d reached another fork in the path,” he says.
Allura’s heart sinks as her eyes follow the path below their feet, finding the notch where it diverges. There are no signs of which way Keith and Shiro would have gone—if they’d even chosen this route in the first place. The odds of finding them along this route are already terrifyingly slim, and now the chances of finding them have been halved yet again.
The place is a maze. The winding cave is made all the more confusing by its reflective surfaces and too many light sources; crystals upon crystals in pink and blue and violet surround them, shiny and glowing. A ‘funhouse’, Lance had called it when they’d first entered, but this is hardly fun.
“She chose to go right,” she says, with a sigh. “Please tell me Lando and Allana found Keef and Shoro in time.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah, totally,” Lance says. “It didn’t take much longer, and they found them, and Keef and Shoro were a hundred percent fine. They didn’t actually need rescuing; they were completely safe. They were just, like, caught up in finding the flowers, or taking a long nap, or playing patty-cake, or something. They were happy to see Lando and Allana anyway, and they were all—” Lance raises his voice an octave, “Oh, Lando, you’re so amazing and talented! If only we could be as cool as you are!”
Her lips turn up. “Did they really sound like that?”
“Yes. So Allana, Lando, Shoro, and Keef got back to the city no problem. They got the ingredients to the Ferexians and saved everyone. The Ferexians were super grateful and threw the heroes a parade—”
“A parade? Would they not still be recovering?” 
“It was a small parade. Everyone had a good time, and then they all went back to the castle and took a nap. The end.”
She gives him a smile. “Thank you for the story. It was perhaps not particularly imaginative, but I did enjoy the ending.”
“Yeah. …Maybe I should’ve changed up the plot. It would’ve been better if Lando had just gone with Keef, like he was supposed to in the first place.”
“Well, Allana did not object to the proposed change in plans,” she says. Far from it. Allura loved Shiro and Keith dearly, but Lance… Lance knew how to make her smile.
A low, throaty roar echoes through the cave. She stiffens and grabs Lance’s wrist, yanking him backward.
He furrows his brow in confusion. “What is it?”
“Did you not hear that?”
“No, but my hideous human ears are inferior to yours,” he says.
“They are… charming," she offers. "It sounded like some sort of creature. I think it may be behind us—we must proceed with caution. I can guard the rear.”
Several tense doboshes pass, the heavy plod of footsteps and occasional growls getting progressively louder.
Finally, a large, blue creature comes into sight. It looks like a monstrous crossbreed between a crocodile and a xznly sqiwl. It’s armoured in thick, shiny scales. Its fangs are visible from the outside, too many sharp teeth hanging out of its broad mouth.
She pushes Lance out of the way, and then she rushes at it.
“What—what are you doing?” he gapes.
“Distracting it for you,” she calls, veering away from him. She has to get its attention; she can’t let it get to Lance.
The beast kicks up loose crystals on the ground with its forefoot, stomping, and then it charges at her.
For such an enormous creature, it’s surprisingly fast. She manages to leap out of the way when it comes at her, tucking into a roll. But the blasts from Lance’s gun have no effect, unable to get past its plated hide. Dodging won’t be enough on her end.
She runs forward and, getting close enough, strikes it with her whip. It doesn’t hurt it, but it does make it very, very angry. It snaps its teeth at her. She nearly gags at the rank odour emanating from its fleshy mouth.
“Get back!” Lance yells.
“No! This is your chance,” she calls. “If I remain close enough, it will keep trying to bite me. Shoot it in the mouth when its jaws are open.”
“You’re out of your mind,” he says, but he doesn’t object.
She lashes the monster with her whip again, this time aiming for its face. It rears on its hind legs before lurching forward, mouth gaping open, rows and rows of pointed teeth exposed. “Now!”
Lance takes several shots in rapid succession. He hits his mark, the blasts aimed perfectly between its sets of teeth to find the back of its vulnerable throat.
With a hideous screech, the beast collapses. The smell of burnt, putrid flesh penetrates her nostrils.
“Ew,” he says. “So. Gross.”
“It is rather disgusting,” she says, wrinkling her nose. When she’s certain it won’t get back up, she turns to Lance and gives him a grin. “Great job. I knew you could do it.”
The smile he returns isn’t the usual beam he wears when he receives praise. “Thanks. But… Keith and Shiro. Would—would they have been able to…” He trails off. It would have been difficult for the two of them to defeat it even in top form, given their close range weapons and the beast’s natural armour and teeth. As they are now…
“We have been in here for several vargas, and this is the first we’ve seen of these,” she says. “There can’t be many in here. They may not have encountered any at all.”
“Okay, but still,” he says, “we’ve seen, like, ten of those giant snake things.”
“Eight at most,” she says. “And those would not be so difficult for Keith to take care of with his sword.”
“If he can use his sword. If he can even move,” he says. “You saw those Galra soldiers.”
“Keith is only half Galra,” she says. “I am certain his symptoms are not nearly as bad.” She reaches for Lance’s arm and begins walking again, pulling him along. “Keith and Shiro are strong. They always manage to pull through. We will find them, and we will bring them home, safe and sound.”
Lance gives her a slight smile. “How do you do that? Manage to sound so confident, when things get bad. Know how to inspire hope, and stuff.”
“Surely you know the answer,” she says. “After all, you do the same for me.”
He brightens at that. “Well, I guess it’s a good thing we’ve got each other, then.”
She smiles. “Absolutely.”
As they continue walking, Lance fills the silence with commentary on their surroundings. Apparently, there are no caves like this on Earth. They’re way more boring; the rock is always drab brown or grey, and they’re really dark. Sometimes, though, there are things that glow in the caves, like mushrooms or weird worm things that hang from the ceiling—at least, according to a documentary he saw. He’s never actually seen them in person.
There are a lot of things on Earth he hasn’t seen. Most humans, it seems, haven’t explored everything their planet has to offer. Allura can barely fathom the notion, but for a race that had never even travelled outside their own solar system before, it’s not all that unexpected.
When they reach a small pool of water, Lance runs to it. He cups the water in his hands, slurping loudly.
While Lance is busy quenching his thirst, another large snake-like creature noiselessly slithers toward her. It glitters pink, shiny spikes running down its spine. Its diamond eyes flash.
As quietly as she can, Allura slaughters the creature before Lance notices. It only takes a few well-aimed strikes. Immediately, she drags its carcass out of sight, hiding it behind a wide crystal pillar. There is no need to worry Lance further.
Lance has many fears, and he’s not quiet about them. He doesn’t have quite as many as Hunk, but it’s toward that end of the spectrum. He’s often frightened, so it makes it all the more commendable that he’s able to overcome that to protect others. He really is someone she's grown to admire.
As they continue onward, Lance keeps talking. It’s idle chatter, but it’s nice all the same. He tells her about a wide array of animals on Earth. It’s strange that there would be so many of the same animals as on Altea, completely different planets with galaxies between them. At the same time, though, it’s not all that surprising, considering how many uncanny similarities already exist between them. It’s not exactly random chance—the Blue Lion went to Earth for a reason.
The animals on Earth sound quite boring, generally drab in colour and not nearly as intelligent as their Altean equivalents. All the same, many people own pets. While not particularly smart, they’re supposedly nice to cuddle and play with.
Pidge is one such pet-owner. She has a dog at home that she misses. She had found great comfort in her dog when her father and brother went missing. Allura feels a pang of guilt for taking Pidge away from that, recruiting her in this war so far from home, but Lance assures her she’s not just here out of obligation; she’s chosen to stay of her own volition. She’s found a home out here, too.
Allura wishes she could have heard this from Pidge directly. She wishes they were closer. Her hopes for a sisterly bond between them had been quickly quashed, and they don’t talk all that much outside of missions. It’s not just Pidge, either; she wishes she were closer to all of the paladins. Allura had distanced herself when the paladins had first come to the Castle, too afraid to gain more loved ones to lose. The paladins found their way into her heart all the same, but by then, the paladins had grown so close to one another, she didn’t feel she could join them in activities outside of battle without intruding.
“Are you kidding?” Lance says, after she tells him—he has a way of getting her to open up in a way she never would with others. “We’d love to have you join us! We kinda always just assumed you wouldn’t want to, or would be busy hanging out with Coran, or playing with the space mice, or something. Seriously, you’re always welcome to hang out with us. We’d like that a lot.”
“…Are you certain?” she asks. 
“C’mon,” he says, with an easy smile. “If Keith’s invited, there’s no way you’re not.”
She laughs. “What even started your rivalry with Keith in the first place? He told me before that he had no idea; he didn’t even know who you were at the time.”
“That’s exactly it!” Lance says. “He didn’t seem to care about anyone other than Shiro. He wouldn’t give anyone else the time of day. I know better now, but at the time, I assumed it was ‘cause he thought he was better than everyone else. The worst part about it was he was better than everyone else, and he didn’t even have to try.”
She cocks her head to the side. “Why would that matter?”
He gives her a wry smile. “You’ve always been amazing at everything you do too, so you wouldn’t really understand.”
She’s not really sure how to respond to that. “…Tell me more about animals.”
He laughs. “Okay, maybe you don’t always win gold for subtlety. But yeah, sure. Ostriches. Did you guys have ostriches on Altea?”
Many conversations, six snakes, and two crocodile-xznly squiwl creatures later, Allura interrupts Lance’s explanation of ‘bowling’ when she hears the slightest noise from around the corner. It doesn’t sound like any of the beasts they’ve encountered. No, it sounds like… a groan.
Allura grabs Lance’s hand and breaks into a run.
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little-owly · 7 years
please imagine dark being desperate to pee but having a passionate argument with someone (probably wilford) so he puts it off, then just as the argument reaches its climax (kinky) dark just,, loses it and pees all over the floor, soaking his suit and all (and getting horribly humiliated by wilford and probably subsequently turned on) -ima be 🥂 anon
PLEASE YES GIVE ME MORE HUMILIATION WITH THE EGOS I CRAVE IT SO FUCKING B A D L YThe meeting room is filled with the egos as they continue to argue over the newest project to take over Mark's channel -- Ma//rkip//lier TV. Some saw it as an amazing and fool proof plan to help tarnish Mark's reputation and gain control. Others saw it as yet another waste of time and resources. Take a wild guess at which side Dark was on. It didn't change the fact he's had to relieve himself for nearing an hour and a half now. Not daring to leave the meeting room, the last time he did -- he had returned to an all out physical fight between Wilford and Ed Ed//gar. One that required many many many long visits to Dr. Ipl//ier to heal them both. Dark had been subtle about his pressing and desperate need. Keeping his thighs close together. Sneaking a hand in between his legs to hold himself when needed (or when Goo//glepl//ier and The Ho//st weren't looking). Dark could practically /feel/ his bladder bulging against his suit. The need growing even more as he endured the arguing. The idiots not backing down from their arguments. "Enough!" Wilford yells, hitting his fist against the oak table. Angry and frustrated -- why wouldn't Dark and half of the others see how amazing the project was? How easy it'd be, how useful it would be! "Don't be an idiot, Wil." Dark groans from the other end of the table. Why did he have to be stuck with a murderous dumbass for a leader? Why couldn't Wilford just /end the damn meeting or call a break?/"Excuse me? You got something to say, Dark?""You. Heard. Me." Dark growls. Blue and red glitching around his body. Oh. So he wants to play like /that/. Throwing another tantrum like a child because he can't get his way. Or maybe jealous he could never organize what he did. Typical Dark. "Actually, no, I didn't. Your VHS static background bullshit is louder than ever. Learn to control it and /maybe/ I can understand you for fuckin' once." Wilford retorts. A smirk on his face as he watches Dark slowly come undone. Something he knew Dark hated to do, especially in front of their fellow egos. The same egos that looked up to them. What can he say? It was fun. "Maybe you should learn to tell the difference between a good idea and a horrid idea." Dark replies, anger rising in him quickly, as it always did. "Drop the subject and move onto whatever is next on the agenda for today. "No.""Wil. Move on with whatever else is in the agenda for today--""And I said no." He smiles, "actually, lets /stay/ on this topic! Now, who signed up for what show?"No one dared to speak. Bim looking over at Dr. Ipl//ier. The Ho//st resting his head in his hands. Even Goo//glepl//ier whirled on stand by as the tension grew. And Dark still shuffled in his seat. Ever so discreetly."Nobody wants to talk about your moronic idea because we all know it's going to fail. We all know it's going to fail like the other plans you had." Dark growls again, "call a break so we can regroup and figure out a new plan by me--""Shut the fuck up, Dark." Wilford spits out, "you think you're really this great? You think you're the best out of all of us? You're not -- you're just as stuck and lost here as the rest of us--""Wil. Chose your next words carefully." "Oh, is that a warning? Did little old me strike a nerve in you? Or are you just trying to keep up the tough evil front? I know what you're really like,"Wilford steps away from the front of the meeting room. All eyes on him as he approaches Dark. Pulling him from the table -- Dark using each bit of willpower he has to not hopelessly wet himself. No, not here. And especially not in front of Wilford. "I know your fears. Your secrets. Your weaknesses. You may think you're the manipulative cunning bastard here but I'm not as dumb as I look." Wilford smiles. "Get away from me." Dark growls out again. Trying to scoot back into the table. All the egos staring him down. Waiting a response. "No. Not until you admit my idea is a good one. Not until you greenlight it and let me fuckin' work." "Never." He groans. "Never in my life would I go along with such a moronic idea. You're a murder. You're an idiot. You're some nobody who spews lies and you know it," he huffs, his bladder screaming at him to go, "hardworking? Smart? Amazing? What, are you describing everything you can't be?"Wilford lifted his hand without warning and slapped Dark. No longer caring for words. Dark's entire head moving with the slap. The echo of it surrounding the room. Some egos gasping, others looking away, some even looking at Wilford in horror."You...you fucking lunatic! You imbecile!" Dark outright screams, standing from his seat. Fists clenched and ready to pounce, "do you have any idea what I am?! I am created from the darkest arts and most ancient rituals your mere mortal brain can never under-fucking-stand! I am the evil of manipulation and greed smashed together! I am an enteral fucking flame and you, you freak, do not EVER lay your hands on me--"Dark closes his eyes tightly as it happens. The floodgates opening as he struggled to keep balance. It moved so fast, emotions getting in the way of his concentration. Anger and pain distracting him from his bladder's pleas for relief. The warm urine rushed down his legs. Soaking his grey suit a dark, nearly black, color. Obvious to the others what was happening. The hissing combined with the pitter pattering of the urine -- forming a sizable puddle under his and Wilford's feet -- made Dark nearly cry. His worst fear coming true: coming undone and becoming vulnerable. He sobs as the stream dies down. Wet warmth hugging his crotch and legs. Socks, pants, and underwear completely soaked. Some egos look away in respect. Others sit open mouth and surprised. Oh, but not Wilford. Definitely not Wilford."Did...did you just piss yourself? Oh...ha...ha ha ha ha!" Wilford doubles over laughing. Crying with laughter and pointing like a schoolboy. Cheeks and face glowing red as he laughed harder, "oh! Oh my god, he's crying!"The egos who had looked away looked back to see. Indeed, Dark sniffled and teared up. No. No way this was happening. No way this was real--"What's a matter? What happened to being edgy and evil?" Wilford laughed, moving Dark so he faced the others. Soaked pants and teary expression exposed to them. "What happened to being an eternal flame, Darkidoo? Did you piss that out--""Let m-me go." He sniffled."Nah." Wilford replied, holding Dark's arms back in a tight grip. "See what happens when you fuck with good old Warfstache? Does anyone else want to be a pathetic asshole and wet their pants like a child?"No one dared to speak."It's ironic you had a widdle accident, Darkidoo. I was just thinking about how much of a /child/ you are. How you throw tantrums and cry when you don't get your way." No. Dark shuffled as Wilford pulled his hair more. All of it mixing together -- the shame. The humiliation. The degrading remarks. Even the warmth from his own urine began to excite him. Becoming shamefully hard in his suit. "Oh. You're a pervert too, aren't you? Ew, fucking gross -- have you no shame, Dark? Getting your dick hard not only in front of everyone but in your own piss soaked pants?" Wilford scoffed, "you call me a freak yet you're worse than I ever could be.""Wil--""Shut up!" He screams. "Shut the fuck up for once and listen to me! I'll let you go and jerk off in peace or clean up. But only when you give me the okay on my project. If not, you can stay standing while I talk to the others about their roles in the shows. All while you show them your hard dick in your wet pants."Dark nods, grabbing the clipboard from Wilford's hands and signing off on the project. Sobs and whimpers rattling out of him as he was humiliated. Mercilessly. "Good! Glad you see things my way, piss baby!" Wilford laughed, "run along and don't cause another puddle. Come back here when you're done and clean up your mess, got it?"In the tiniest voice he could muster, Dark nodded, "...okay.""Good boy. Now, Bim? You said you wanted to do the gameshow? How about..."Dark didn't stick around to hear anymore. Running out of the room and into the open hallway. Panting and sobbing as he awkwardly walked towards his private office. Wondering how the egos see him now. Wondering how Wilford could be so cruel. Wondering if it's possible to even get over the humiliation he endured. And all for a stupid fucking TV channel.***"So! Piss baby, think of what you want to contribute to the channel? I think you'd fit right in with Doc's show. Maybe you can be the main focus for his episode on adult incontinence and bladder issues!" Wilford laughed in the hallway to Dark's closed door. "Go away," Dark panted. Now in new pants (actually -- sweatpants and cheap underwear, thanks to Dr. Ipl//ier running out to help him gather new clothes) around his thighs and jerking off in his office chair. "Nah. You looked so pathetic in your wet pants and puddle. Like some scared kid -- even Go//ogle and Ed agreed with me."Oh. That brought him closer to his orgasm. Jerking himself faster as he thought about the meeting room discussing him after he left. The laughter they shared. The degrading names. The obnoxious comments.A heat filled his body as he approached it. So close -- so close."Oh well, I'll leave you alone to cry or something. Enjoy dry cleaning your suit. And enjoy being known as the office piss baby for a while now. Bye bye!" Wilford called out. Just as Dark came. White cum shooting out to land in his hand and down his cock. Throbbing in time with his beating heart. And there he say after cleaning up. Ashamed. Humiliated, and more aroused than he had ever been before. A blush creeping on his face as he returned to work, ignoring the feelings.Hopefully, they'll pass in time.
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firelord-frowny · 7 years
I recently watched Sex and the City annnnd. I have a lot of Thoughts about it.
Now, obviously I’m not going to be alarmed or upset about the fact that a show called Sex and the City is largely about women having sex in a city. I think that’s cool that a show existed that candidly and openly discussed the sexual expression of women. But also, man, how disappointing that a show that was supposedly revolutionary for the portrayal of women, also managed to have all of their characters plot lines revolve entirely around men. 
Another Disappointing (but unsurprising) thing was the portrayal of people of color. Black cis women only showed up as ~sassy~, argumentative minor characters. Black men only showed up as sexual objects for the white, female protagonists to oggle over. Black transwomen only showed up as prostitutes whom the protagonists continually referred to as “men in dresses” and “tr*nnies.” Not to mention, on more than one occasion, the main characters emulated the speech and behavior of black women (cis and trans) for ~comedic effect.~ 
The only portrayals of Asian women, aside from a brief appearance of Margaret Cho, were as nail technicians without speaking roles, as employees in Asian restaurants, or as the help (though I believe there was one brief appearance of an Asian lesbian woman who was an artist, which was cool, but she was also portrayed as ~cold and emotionless~, which, I mean... I guess, but really?) 
Another issue was the fundamental misunderstanding of bisexuality; there was a whole episode about it in which Carrie somehow just COULDN’T conceptualize someone being attracted to both genders. It just seemed... very shallow and just kinda filled with ~bi erasure~ and all that. Bisexuality was kinda treated as a “trend” that “kids these days” were “getting into,” annnd... *rolls eyes.* 
The initial portrayal of Jewish men was Concerning, as well. A Jewish character, Harry, who turned out to be a perfectly nice and kind individual, was initially portrayed as being gross, obnoxious, loud, Too Bald, and unattractive for all kinds of reasons. And lo and behold, he tells Charlotte that he can’t marry her because he promised his mother he would marry a Jewish woman. That instant is kind of sold to the viewer as being a moment of, “Ugh! What a pesky Jew! Only wanting to marry a Jewish woman! How dare he!” But in any case, Charlotte loves him ~sooo much~ that she decides to convert to Judaism in order to be with him. And, to her credit, when their relationship didn’t initially work out, she didn’t just toss out her new religion; she continued to take the role of Judaism in her life very seriously. So that was cool. But anyways, eventually she and Harry reconciled and they went on to have what was probably (definitely) the healthiest, most well-balanced and respectful relationship in the entire show. So that was nice. 
Also, I was stunned by what was considered “attractive” in this TV show. Not one - NOT ONE of the men that any of the protagonists pined over as being ~soooo handsome~ were attractive in my opinion; they were all just... white. And average. 
I think my favorite characters were Samantha and Miranda. I adored Samantha’s independence, and I especially adored the fact that along with being so self-assured and independent, she was also a Human Being with vulnerabilities and insecurities like anyone else. However, I did not like her behavior toward transwomen. She was nice to their faces, but she spoke terribly about them behind their backs. Ew. 
And as for Miranda, I liked that she was so successful, and I really, really related to how cynical she was and how much she fuckin hated men lololol. I liked that when she was pregnant, she was kind of indifferent about the whole experience, and loathed that other people sort of tried to force their enthusiasm on her. I was NOT a fan of the way she treated her eastern european housekeeper, and her Asian nurse that she hired to help care for the baby. Ew. 
I felt indifferent about Charlotte. She was a bit obnoxious, but for the most part decent. I can only hate on her so much for her determination to end up with a wealthy ~prince charming~ type of husband. 
And as for Carrie... well, I suppose it’s not uncommon for a show’s Main Character to also be the least interesting and the least likeable out of everyone. Honestly it was no fuckin wonder that all Carrie’s boyfriends wound up dumping her. The men that she dated almost all seemed to be nice, decent fellas, who just couldn’t put up with all her games. She didn’t want a healthy relationship, she wanted ~passion~, which in her eyes, meant jealousy and arguing and other unhealthy shit that these men were rightly not okay with. And honestly, I almost kind of resented the fact that Carrie was portrayed as such a Bad Catch. I didn’t want to dislike her, but I didn’t really have a choice. 
So, those are some of my thoughts on the Early 2000s Phenomenon of Sex and the City. 
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mmtions · 7 years
westallen pushing daisies AU 1/?
Since the particle accelerator explosion, Iris has been able to bring things back to life, temporarily and even permanently. You can imagine that this makes her life a little complicated, especially when she has to bring her own best friend back to life (because, hey, he’s a superhero, surprise!) at the cost of never being able to touch him again. 
- - -
Iris thrums her fingers on the table, sat on the tall chair in Jitters. Waiting for Barry to get here, her pulse thrums with nervousness. She’s finally going to tell him the truth, after months of indecisiveness.  
The bell above the door jingles and she startles with it, smiling instinctively as Barry walks straight towards her. As he sits opposite her, she pushes one of the mugs towards him, even making it slop over the rim and spill a little onto the saucer in her enthusiasm. “I got you your coffee for you, but it might be a bit cold because I got here early, and you obviously got her a bit late.” Her fingers twiddle between them, “Extra shot americano, right?”
He’s giving her an odd look, and, yeah, she realises she’s being really weird. God, she’s acting more like Barry than Barry himself. She forces her hands to still by clasping them tightly together, and she tries to make her face less crazed.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“Sorry,” she says, her voice thankfully more toned down now. “This is, uh my fourth cup today.”
His eyebrows raises and he teases, “You know it’s only eleven am, right? Even for you, that’s impressive.” Then his expression clouds. “Wait, is that what you wanted to talk about? Are you stressed? At work, or-?”
He reaches out to fit his hand over hers, and she turns it so their palms slot together, familiar and comforting. His immediate concern fills her with confidence, and wipes away the fear she had about telling him, about how he’d react - he’s her Barry. He won’t be mad. He might be a little freaked out, but they can move past it, she’s confident.
She takes a deep breath. “Barry, I- I have to tell you something.”
His mouth twitches, but the micro-expression is gone too quickly for her to identify. If she had to, she might say it looked a little like hope, but that would make no sense.
She’s been planning the speech in her mind all day - for the past week, really, ever since she decided that she had to tell someone - but words seem to fail her. Regardless, she opens her mouth, begins, “I-”
But just as she speaks, Barry’s phone rings, shrill and loud in the coffee shop. He looks torn, and apologetic, but she shakes her head, smiling.
“Get it, honestly, this can wait.”
Barry’s mouth flattens into a thin line. “I wish it didn’t have to.” He quickly opens the call, says shortly, “Yeah. Uh-uh. Okay, Cisco.” He mouths another apology to her as he listens to something else Cisco says, and she waves a hand in dismissal, despite the disappointment she feels. Even before he ends the call, she could predict what he says next. “I’m so sorry, Iris, I have to go.”
“It’s okay, honestly,” she smiles. “Is it STAR labs again?”
“Some emergency with their- uh- their generator. They want my opinion on it.” His eyes avoid hers, but he’s out of his seat before she can analyse it, giving her a tight hug. She squeezes him back tight, hiding her face in his collarbone - even on the tall stools at Jitters, he towers over her. “I’ll speak to you later, okay?”
Her mouth opens before she can control it, before she can think better, with her eyes closed and the safety of his arms around her. “Barry, I-”
But he’s gone before she can finish, striding quickly out the door and back on the phone to Cisco.
“-Can bring people back to life,” she finishes, quietly, to herself.
Barry is three months into his coma the first time Iris starts thinking that maybe she might have been affected by the particle accelerator as well.
She's just leaving the hospital and blinking back tears. She has her date with Eddie later this evening, and honestly, she's really not sure she's up for it. It's getting harder and harder to believe that Barry's listening, no matter what the articles online say, and she got halfway through telling his unconscious body about the date before she wanted to start hitting things.
She walks home the long way, away from the main streets and bright lights. But as she's dipping through an alleyway, a sharp thud reverberates against the narrow brick walls and into her ears. She looks behind her to see a bird with a crooked wing landed awkwardly on the asphalt.
Maybe it's because she's feeling particularly vulnerable and melancholic in that moment, but she actually turns to walk carefully back to the bird. It's definitely dead - it has to be, though somehow there's not much gore. She crouches in front of it. She feels weird, like there's some extra energy humming through her. Her arm seems to move of its own accord, and, though she'll feel super gross about it later, she gently touches the bird's crooked wing with the pad of her finger.
One second, the bird is lifeless - in the next, it hops to its feet with a chirp. The wing is still broken, but it flaps the other one, and its eyes dart around with life.
Iris lets out a sob of a breath, somewhere between happiness and shock. She can't save her best friend, but somehow, fate has helped her to save this bird. She reaches out again - maybe she can take the bird to a vet to fix the wing, and tries to hold the bird in a cupped hand.
But as soon as her fingers touch it again, the sparrow crumples. It falls lifeless into her palm, eyes seeing nothing. Iris flinches, and the bird's corpse falls back to the pavement.
Her head darts up to see if there's anyone else around - but still, she's alone in the alleyway. She shakes her head, and stagger backwards to her feet. She fights the urge to run from the scene, panic making her breath come quickly and her heart beat fast. She doesn't look back as she strides all the way home. 
She decides in the next few days, that it was a hallucination, or even a dream, brought on by stress. She cancels the date with Eddie, but makes sure to reschedule for next week - of course, he's perfectly understanding, and offers to bring her his grandmother's soothing tea.
But just because she dismisses the scene from her reality, it doesn't mean she stops thinking about it.
Fast forward to  month later and she’s gardening her father’s backyard - he’s been too busy between work and visiting Barry and all the new, especially weird crimes going on to tend to it, and she hates the sight of it being overrun. (Usually Barry would mow the lawn while she’d trim the shrubbery, but she pushes the thought of sunny laughter and shining, skinny arms away.) She also read some article about how raising life banishes thoughts of the dead, and, by this point, she’s a little desperate.
She feels the tickle of an insect on her neck and in panic, she slaps it away. It’s a beetle, which, ew. But she watches its legs curl in on itself and shudder into immobility, and she feels a little twinge of guilt. After all, she’s the one displacing rocks and soil and its home.
A crazy thought enters her head. Despite the obvious logic echoing in her ears, reminding her that what she thinks she saw that night in the alley was impossible, she still reaches out, and gently touches the insect.
Almost instantaneously, it sparks back to frantic life, legs and arms kicking wildly to upright itself. She lets out a breathy laugh of surprise as it scuttles away through the grass. She watches it in wonder, watches it weave across the flowerbeds bordering the pavement. As it makes its way further into the peonies, she sees it cross paths with a spider, which she flinches from, having never gotten over a childhood fear of the arachnids. Almost unintentionally, her eyes now track the spider as it follows a different path on the soil. But abruptly, it freezes at apparently nothing. In the next split-second, it furls into a crooked ball, rocking onto its back.
Iris blinks, a slow, sinking feeling creeping into her stomach. She uses a small twig to poke at the spider, but nothing. It’s dead.
She spends the afternoon experimenting with almost a fever of fear and trepidation. She obviously has some connection to death, but she has to know the limitations before she accidentally harms something - or someone - more important than a bird or insect.
She manages to narrow her findings down to three conclusive rules, through trials involving worms and other small insects.
1.       If something is dead, as long as it’s all in one piece, she can bring it back to life no matter how long it had been dead for.
2.       When she touches the revived something again, no matter when, it dies, and cannot be brought back to life.
3.       But if the revived something stays alive for longer than a minute (she estimates) something else must die to take its place.
She also manages to conclude that her touch has no effect on the living who have never died - which isn’t that surprising, considering she’s been just as tactile as she always has. The assurance is a relief nonetheless.
She has nightmares that Eddie has to wake her from, where her powers change and everything she touches dies. Where everyone she loves dies, and when she touches them, they don’t wake up. Where she touches her dad to bring him back to life, and then Barry dies to take his place.
It seems impossible. How on earth can she possibly have such control, even if it is restricted, over life and death?
But doesn’t the impossible keep on happening in Central City?
She goes to work after finishing her coffee and having them put Barry's in a takeaway cup - no sense in wasting it, after all. On the walk, she hears the faraway sound of sirens, but this is Central City, after all. Sure enough, when she gets to work, everyone is pretending to work whilst sneaking glances at the large television on the wall. The screen shows the ‘Breaking News’ that has everyone held in rapture: The Flash Fights Murmur in Main Square.
Linda elbows Iris as she sits, and whispers, “You know anything about this?”
Iris rolls her eyes. “I write about the Flash, I don’t have a telepathic connection with him.”
Murmur was a low-life villain even before his incarceration in Iron Heights - though he somehow has managed to escape, he doesn’t have any powers Iris could see defeating the famous Flash. She turns back to her laptop ; though, as Linda hinted, the Flash is her area of expertise, this is hardly a story she can give a new angle on. Anyway, she has other deadlines that seem far more important.
She’s opening up her email inbox when she feels her stomach turn abruptly, as if she’s on a rollercoaster that’s just dropped. The office has gone silent, and she slowly pivots in her chair, panic introducing a tremor to her fingers.
The Flash is down. The reporter on the scene sounds just as confused as Murmur advances. “-yes, Gavin, it is not looking good for the Flash. Murmur just shot something at him - the Flash is convulsing, badly - no, we don’t - oh!”
The Flash slowly, looking like it pains him, rolls over onto his front and raises into a crouch. Iris is leaning forward in tension, feeling sick as she bites down on her bottom lip. “Come on,” she breathes.
And then he’s gone in a streak of red lightning. The police on the scene advance on Murmur, but he holds whatever weapon he has high, and two other officers go down. Another car appears, an unmarked black SUV, and he climbs in and speeds away. Clearly, the weapon has the police scared.
Iris should already be starting to investigate what that weapon could be. But the horrible feeling won’t go away.
“Iris?” Linda asks. “He’ll be okay, it’s the Flash.”
“I- I’m just gonna-” she’s about to make an excuse about going to the bathroom so she can pull herself together, but her phone rings.
Iris can’t tell you how she knows, but she knows. It’s the same feeling she had before the doctors came out to tell them her grandmother had passed. It’s the same feeling she had right before her friend’s parents rang to tell her dad that Bella had been in a car accident.
It’s the same feeling she had right before her dad called to tell her about the lab accident.
“Iris, you don’t look well…”
Linda’s voice fades away as Iris reaches into her coat pocket and presses accept to her dad’s photo. She raises it to her ear, and clasps her hand over a sob as Joe says, voice croaky and thick, “Iris, you need to come to STAR labs, now. Baby, you need to hurry.”
Linda has to call Iris a cab because Iris’s hands won’t stop trembling. She chucks a fifty at the driver and runs into the damned building that still haunts her dreams, racing through the corridors faster than she ever thought possible. 
She comes into the main hub, and her dad’s rising to meet her but she pushes him aside to get to where she needs to be. She stifles back another hysterical sob as Cisco and Caitlin part for her to see: Barry, in the Flash suit, unnaturally still on the hospital bed. But that doesn’t seem important now, not when he’s lying on the bed so still and pale and sickly.
“The poison…” Caitlin tries, a whisper into the silence. “It was too fast. Barry’s metabolism only sped it up…”
“No,” Iris shakes her head, stumbling forward, sure that it’ll be okay, that this is just some huge prank and he’s going to pull through any second. At least in the coma, he had been seizing, had been showing some movement. “I saw him fifteen minutes ago, it’s not-”
But then she sees the way his eyes stare blank up at the ceiling, sees the discoloured foam down the side of his chin, and she claps her hands over her scream.
She falls forward onto the cot, limbs failing her. She clutches at him, but there’s no skin to feel, no comfort but the cool leather of the suit. The damned suit that got him into this mess.
 “Iris-” her father tries, and she hears the pain in his voice.
But all she can think is, “You knew.”
There’s silence.
“Maybe we should-” Cisco tries, obviously about to give them space. Iris doesn’t want space, she wants her best friend back.
“Everyone leave.” She should be crying, probably, but a numb shock encompasses her. “Just leave me with him, please.”
She hears all their footsteps recede. She can’t even cry, can’t do anything but squeeze his torso, aching deep in her soul for this all to be a crazy dream. She just- how the fuck is she supposed to process this? When fifteen minutes ago he’d been just normal Barry, safe and dorky. God, she’d been about to tell him-
She slowly raises her forehead from where it rests on his torso.
She’d been about to tell him that she had the power to bring things back from the dead.
Shaking, she leans over him more, and slowly, with a shaking hand, reaches to cup his cheek. Her palm rests along his cold cheek.
There’s a split-second where she thinks it won’t work - she’s never tried it on people before - but then she feels it, feels the life pass from her skin through his. She feels the heat, watches the colour come back to his face. She pulls away and watches as he takes his first breath back in.
He splutters and gasps in breath like - well, like he was recently dying. His eyes dart about in panic, and finally rest on her. “Iris-” he breathes, like she’s the air and he’s been drowning.
He reaches for her and she flinches away, because she remembers the cost of this particular gift like she’d been poisoned herself.
She can never, ever touch him again.
His expression twists in confusion, and then he looks down and sees he’s still in the Flash suit. He opens his mouth to explain, presumably, but then a voice comes from behind Iris.
“Well, now, isn’t this interesting?”
It’s Dr. Wells, but as she spins around, she realises: he’s standing.
Barry seems to have the same thought, and he croaks, still groggy from the whole being-brought-back-to-life thing, “Dr. Wells?”
“You can bring people back to life,, Ms. West. You must have been affected by the particle accelerator as well.” He saunters forward, hands clasped behind his back. “That will be very, very useful to me. In fact, I think this rather changes everything.” 
She’s always found him a little unnerving, but now, the real danger of his character is unveiled. He steps forward, and she senses Barry trying to get up, and his hand is vibrating, and-
And something in the back of Wells’ throat gurgles.
Iris realises a minute has passed since she revived Barry.
Wells clutches at his heart, and she watches him sink to the floor.  He’s looking up at her with fury, and disbelief, and she will have to live with this forever. Tears run down her cheeks as he collapses, and stills.
There’s a beat of silence, and Barry’s standing, and she feels him come close, and she actually runs away from him, even skirting around Wells’ body in her urgency. “I-” she stammers. “I’ll get Caitlin.”
She runs to the door and shouts for Caitlin, for her dad, letting the panic of the past few moments echo into her voice. They come running, and she can’t even explain, has to just gesture to the scene behind her. Barry: alive. Wells: dead. Surprise!
Caitlin immediately crouches down and begins CPR, but Iris doesn’t need to be a doctor to know it won’t work. This is how the rules work. One life for another.
She thinks that might make her a murderer, but she can’t bring herself to mind every time she catches sight of Barry, looking lost and confused and stressed, but alive nonetheless. He keeps looking at her, she knows. She also knows that he’ll have questions.
He reaches for her,murmurs, “Iris-”
But she flinches away, and his hand drops.
He can’t touch her, he can’t. Not even a graze of his hand against hers - it’s not worth it, no matter the confusion and hurt in his eyes. After all, she could never see those eyes feel anything again.
It’s worth it, she thinks, even as Barry tries to answer Cisco and Caitlin and Joe’s questions, all the while shooting glances at Iris. It’s worth it -it has to be.
The first question, and possibly the most urgent after Caitlin determines it was natural causes that killed Wells, a random heart attack, is why he wasn’t in his wheelchair.
“He was standing,” Barry says, sounding lost. Joe wraps a comforting arm around him - though Iris suspects the action is just as much to ground Joe himself. “And he said- Iris would be useful to him.”
Cisco frowns. “Why Iris?”
To his credit, Barry doesn’t even glance at Iris as he lies, “I don’t know.”
Cisco runs his hands through his hair, eyes watery. “I don’t understand.” He leaves, feet quick as he stalks away from the main hub.
Caitlin looks equally shaken as she says, quietly, “I’m going to take him down to the morgue.” Before she leaves, she touches Barry on the arm, just lightly, and says, “I’m glad you’re okay, Barry.”
It leaves the West trio alone. Iris is looking at her feet, and Joe clearly sense something’s going on between the two younger adults - though he obviously thinks it’s about the other elephant in the room, the gold lightning bolt on Barry’s chest, as he says, a touch awkwardly, “I’m going to go to the station, try and dig up some answers there. You sure you’re okay?” He directs this last question at Barry, who nods.
Certainly, if you were to only look at Barry now, you would never guess his heart had stopped beating just a few minutes ago. He looks healthy, and bright. Or maybe Iris is just exaggerating when the memory of his corpse is still so fresh in her mind.
Joe leaves, and then they’re alone. Iris stands with her back to one of the walls while Barry stands by the desk. She doesn’t know how to start this conversation, doesn’t know how to even begin. Luckily for her, Barry speaks first.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
That makes her chin dart up. He looks apologetic, and devastated, and - and he thinks she’s mad about the Flash secret. Sure, when she thinks back to all the conversations and arguments they had about the Streak, she’ll probably be a little pissed off later. But hasn’t she kept an enormous secret as well these past few months?
“I wanted to, so many times.” His eyes are pleading, as is his voice. She realises that even after coming back from the dead, even after watching his mentor die, his main concern is still her. He’s the best friend she could ever hope for.
“It’s okay, Bear,” she says, before he can keep apologising. She makes sure her tone is sincere as she says, “I’m not mad, I promise.”
“You’re not?” His expression is doubtful.
She spreads her arms wide and lets out a humourless laugh as she says, “I haven’t exactly been forthcoming with you either.”
He shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair, looking a little slapped over the head. “I’ve wanted to tell you so much this whole time. I- God, there’s so much to tell you. And you can tell me about all about- whatever your power is. Is it from the accelerator? You’re a meta too?” The more he talks, the more animated he becomes, obviously relieved and excited, and she can feel herself smiling with it despite the stress of the past few minutes.
But then he reaches for her instinctively, and she flinches away, almost tripping over herself to put a few more steps between them.
Barry’s face shutters down. “You are mad,” he accuses.
“No, I-” She falters. She gestures for him to sit back on the bed. “You want to talk about our powers, Bear? Because mine comes with some caveats. Mine- mine isn’t a power, Barry, it’s a curse.”
His brows crease. “What do you mean?”
She licks her lips, the statement that will change everything between her and her best friend forever failing to come out. She wrings her hands. “If I ever touch you again, you’ll die. That’s the cost of bringing you back.”
He finally takes her unspoken advice and sits back down on the cot, though it seems less of a conscious decision and more that his legs have failed him. “What?” he croaks.
“I’m sorry,” she says, and finally, the tears spill over. “But I don’t regret it - you were dead.” 
And that’s it, really, because as terrible as this, as much as she might have to move to Timbuktu to avoid touching him, it’s better than the memory of his corpse that’ll haunt her for years to come. Although from the look on his face, he certainly doesn’t seem to agree. 
hey remember i mentioned last week that I had this hanging around in my drive? Really not sure about whether to continue with this so would appreciate feedback and especially constructive criticism! also I’ve never actually watched the original tv show, going off tumblr gifsets and the premise. not sure if it’s too angsty or drags with the explanation? 
((p.s - would obviously have a happy ending eventually, come on, I’m not a monster.))
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b00bstone · 7 years
half the ask the blogger questions please u can pick which ones
so i think this is half
2. If you could have dinner with any 3 living or dead people, who would they be and why?
my moms dad. because he was apparently bi. and my mom doesnt talk about him a lot so im curious. 2. van gogh. i feel like we would get along. we are both depressed and wanna die. and like to paint. altho hes wayyyy better than i could ever hope to be. and 3. celestine. i really fucking miss her. 
3. What makes you laugh?
not a lot tbh. my sense of humour doesnt make a lot of sense but thomas sanders usually does. 
9. What do you like to do on the weekends?
sleep and cry. 
13. Tell me one surprising fact about you.
i like exercising. i dont do it because i never have energy but when i do (as long as its something fun like biking or hiking or swimming) then i really enjoy it. 
the rest is under a readmore  because this post is long af and it gets kinda depressing... (i hope i did it right)
15. What were you like as a child?
not much different than i am now. annoying and selfish. 
16. What are some things on your bucket list?
i wanna go to space (which is crazy for someone whose two main fears are heights and the dark)
i wanna kiss someone really cute and have that feeling that all those poems and songs and books and movies talk about. the magical one. 
i wanna get married. like the white dress and the reception and everything. 
i wanna go to pride parade.
i wanna go to a gay bar
i wanna be so in love with someone that it makes everyone else simultaneously jealous and hopeful. like of course someone that loves me back too. 
i wanna live somewhere like seattle. 
i wanna go see a broadway musical in person. 
i wanna go to a concert
i wanna have REALLY  great sex. 
i wanna travel the world. 
and ill end it there or it could go on for years. then this post would get REALLY long. 
23. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
its ur life. do with it whatever the fuck u want. and if people object then flip the bird at them and say fuck u i only get one of these and ill live it how i please. because maybe if younger me had heard that id be braver and actually be able to find in me the courage to leave this house behind and carve out my own little hole in this world. 
24. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
a plane fully stocked with fuel and a pilot. the pilot comes with the plane and the fuel so it all counts as one thing.
29. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
buy myself a house far away from everything and everyone and move all my fav people there and their fav people and just chill there for a while. 
30. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
the ability to get a rough idea of the future. like good or bad. u know. 
32. What actor or actress would star as you in a movie about your life?
Imelda Staunton
34. If you could trade lives with anyone else for one day, who would you trade with?
trump. one day is all id need. 
39. Are you a picky eater?
yes. i hate meat. i always have. and as a little kid i didnt even know how animals were treated. i just hate the taste. adn i hate cooked veggies. raw veggies are ok but cooked ones are gross. and spinach is gross. and there are a ton of other stuff i could list 
41. What beverage do you consume most often?
energy drinks. i had like 5 today. 
42. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?
44. How are you feeling right now?
48. Do you love yourself?
fuck no. 
49. When was the last time you cried and why?
like 5 seconds ago. because im depressed and hate myself. 
53. Have you ever flown in an airplane?
yeah. i was terrified of it as a little kid. 
55. Are your parents or guardians strict?
well the only people i know whose parents are worse than mine on the strictness scale i recently realized have abusive parents so id say yes. they are rather strict. 
57. Have you ever been in love?
yeah. requited love? nah.
58. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
the only time it is acceptable to bite ice cream is if it is in sandwich form. 
59. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life ever apologize?
no i still havent apologized to myself yet. 
60. What are some of your turn-ons?
confidence. but like humble confidence. vulnerability. being into me. 
61. What are some of your turn-offs?
cockiness. being an asshole. not being into me. 
63. What are you thinking about right now?
my turn ons and offs and how much i hate myself.
65. Do you ever illegally download entertainment such as music, movies, etc.?
… ok so if ur from the FBI i need u to look away. ok now that the FBI isnt reading this. yeah i illegally stream movies and tv shows. not so much music tho. ok FBI u can continue reading now. 
66. What is your zodiac sign?
67. Do you believe in karma or predestiny?
i dont know. i mean it makes sense. karma that is. predestiny is kinda depressing but i was raised in a very christian enviroment and the bible is confusing on that. so i dont really believe in it because then like my reason for living outside of people and my dog is almost completely gone.
68. Is there anything you want to say to anyone right now?
to my romantic soulmate: if ur out tehre come find me bitch. im lonely and want someone to kiss. 
70. What is your stance on abortion?
i think its not my decision to make for other people. i dont think i would eget one personally but if someone else wants to then thats their choice and they should be allowed to make it. 
71. Do you believe in ghosts?
yeah. it just seems plausible. 
75. What do you daydream about?
having friends. and a bf/gf. being happy and seeing my friends and boyfriend or girlfriend all the time. not living here. i also fantasize about killing myself sometimes. or just dying in general. but its mostly about having friends and a significant other.
76. Where do you want to live after retirement?
i dunno. maybe switch between hawaii and alaska. or just hawaii with occassional trips to alaska.
77. What would you change your first name to?
78. If you believe in a God or Higher Power, what one question would you want to ask Him or Her?
WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! theyd get what i mean. 
82. What do you worry about most?
being alone forever and everyone hating me as much as i hate me
83. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
last weekend. it was food. 
84. Who do you compare yourself to?
lots of people, one person specifically whose name we will not use tho is blub. im not gonna give away any info on this person. but i kinda hate them for no reason. theyre a nice person that i barely know but i hate them and theyre so much better than me. which is part of why i hate them. 
86. What five words would you use to describe your personality?
annoying. needy. selfish. weird. ew. 
89. If not now, then when?
good question. when someone wants to date me. 
90. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?
91. What activities make you lose track of time?
talking to friends. crying. sleeping. 
93. What is your biggest regret?
not dying earlier? 
95. Are you a messy person or a clean person?
messy messy messy. 
97. How tall are you?
like 5.5 o5 5.6
98. What is your guilty pleasure?
eating a ton of cheetos. and also using bathbombs and facemasks. 
99. Do you prefer sweet or salty?
lately salty more. but my fav is cheesy.
100. What is your favorite social media website?
tumblr is a hellsite but probably tumblr. 
                                                                                                                       thanks for asking my depressed ass some questions!
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