#nope still got a bone to pick
pretentious-blonde · 11 days
soft spot
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: after being drenched by the rain, steve just wants to take care of you whilst reminiscing over his “king steve” days
warnings: none
a/n: it was raining so here you go, also steve is a gossip you can't change my mind
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The stairs leading up to your apartment were usually a challenge, but today they felt endless. Each step you took was accompanied by the squelching sound of rainwater trapped in your shoe, only irritating you further as you climbed. Your hair was plastered to your face and you could tell how horrendous the strands looked as they stuck to your skin, drops of rain that still clung to your eyelashes blurred your vision. You started to regret your ambitious decision to walk home, Steve had insisted on picking you up but of course, it had to start pouring halfway home. Typical. 
You let out a sigh as you reached the top floor, rummaging in your bag before your hands managed to snag your keys, shivering slightly from your soaked clothes, the coldness seeping into your bones. The door let out a gentle creak as you entered, stepping inside and savouring the warmth of the flat as you allowed it to flow over you. 
“Steve?” You called out into the empty room. 
Within a few seconds, his head poked out of your shared bedroom, brown hair falling over his forehead from jumping up so quickly. His brown eyes widened as he took in your drenched state. 
“Oh, honey, what happened?” His voice was laced with concern, his question answered by the loud crash of thunder that rumbled loudly from outside. 
“You said you would call. Look at you! You’re soaked through.” His large hands flew to your coat, heavier due to the rain, peeling it off your body like it was tissue paper. 
“I was fine—“ You began to say, only to be cut off by his excessive fussing. 
“You’re clearly not,” he shook his head as he hung up your jacket, a small puddle already forming underneath that he would have to deal with later. “I can hear your shoes from here, sweetheart. And your hair—“ he brushed a wet lock out of your face and behind your ear, his concerned expression making you giggle. “You’re shaking, honey. Gonna get sick like this.” 
You just smiled at him through your waterlogged lashes, his over-the-top worrying making you laugh more are you batted his hands away. “I’m fine, Steve. Really. It’s just rain, it happens all the time.”
“Nope. No way,” he said, not letting you respond as he was already halfway to the bathroom. “You’re gonna catch a cold and I’m not gonna let that happen.”
His voice was playful but still firm, the sound of running water became audible as he returned to your side. 
“Bathtime,” he said teasingly and you knew there would be no point in arguing, not when he was in full-blown protective mode. God, he could be so stubborn sometimes. 
The brunette boy led you into the bathroom, muttering under his breath about how you should have just phoned him as you trailed behind, wet clothes dripping onto the floor. You stood patiently in the doorway as he rummaged in underneath the sink, his furrowed brows relaxing as he found what he was searching for. He straightened up with a playful grin and held two bottles, bubble bath from one of those birthday sets you got ages ago and forgot about, finally being put to good use. 
“Alright, angel, we got options here,” he said as he inspected the labels on both. “Lavender or…this one’s called ‘Sunset Bliss’. I guess they are bottling sunsets now.”
You roll your eyes before tapping your finger against the small orange bottle, trying to hold back a smile. “Sunset Bliss, obviously.”
“Good choice,” he said whilst nodding as if you passed some sort of test, opening the cap and pouring it into the tub. “Gotta get some sunshine back into today, right?” His voice was light as he leaned over the bath, holding his hand underneath the faucet to check the temperature, adjusting it just how you like it. Just shy of scalding.
He stood back up and hesitated as he looked down at you. “Do you want me to stay with you, or should I wait outside?” His tone was gentle, so as to not pressure you. Just that lovesick gaze that was laced with a hint of concern. 
You shrug your shoulders at his question, still shivering slightly as you respond. “You can stay. I still have to tell you what Robin and I got up to.”
Steve’s eyes softened as he nodded, stepping towards you with a tender smile. His fingers were gentle as they brushed against your skin, treating you with care as he helped you out of your rain-soaked clothes. He was so sweet as he worked, treating you as if you were the most precious thing to him. To which he would probably agree. 
There was nothing suggestive in his movements, no expectation—just the quiet intimacy you had come to associate him with. He adored being close to you in this way. 
Once you were free of the drenched clothes, he held onto your arm as you lowered yourself into the water, feeling a sense of pride as you sighed in relief. The water was soothing to your freezing skin, helping thaw out your numb fingers and toes. He took a seat on the bathmat next to you, resting his chin on the edge of the tub as he gazed at you expectantly. He always had a soft spot for your ramblings. 
“So,” he began as he drew out the word, an amused look on his face. “What did you and Robin get up to while I was slaving away at work? Any trouble?”
You splash a bit of water on his face at his teasing before sinking deeper beneath the bubbles, beginning to babble about your day, not leaving anything out as he loved hearing all the small details. No matter how mundane. He listened, amber eyes focused as he nodded along, occasionally throwing in a sarcastic comment and then laughing at his own joke. God, he was a dork. 
Steve reached out and traced small patterns on your arm with his fingers, his touch light. “Do you want me to wash your hair, sweetheart?” He asked you with eager eyes—he always wanted to do things for you. Things you really didn’t need help with. He was constantly coming up with excuses, helping you made him feel good. He liked to feel needed. 
You shook your head with a chuckle. “You don’t have to.”
He scoffed and you knew he would not take no for an answer, already reaching out for the shampoo bottle on the side of the tub. “I know I don’t have to. I want to.” He said with finality, popping open the cap and allowing the scent of citrus to fill the steamy air. “Besides, I’ve got hair down to a science,” he said with a wink as he moved behind you. 
You tilted your head back to look up at him and he placed a soft kiss against your lips, gently moving you to face forwards, careful not to get any water in your eyes. His fingers were firm as they massaged your scalp, blunt nails moving perfectly as you shut your eyes, leaning closer to where he knelt. 
“You do have great hair,” you tease, eyes still shut, focusing on the motion of his hands. 
“Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington was my nickname in high school,” he smirked, you don’t see how proud he looked of the title at that moment. 
“Part of your charm huh?” You poked at him. 
“Oh, absolutely,” he agreed as he carried on with his movements. “Speaking of charm,” he continued, “any updates on Robin and Vicky? Has she finally made anything resembling moves?”
You groaned as you recalled the previous conversation you had earlier that day, the hour spent listening to Robin pining. “She is still being awkward about it. I swear she panics every time she talks to her, and you know how she talks too much when she’s nervous.” 
Steve snickered, a sound so boyish you couldn’t help but join in. “Robin? No way.” His sarcasm earned him another splash to the face, making him laugh even harder. 
“Hey! I’m just stating the facts!” He said. “But seriously, she needs to just ask her out already. Vicky is clearly into her.”
“I know right? They would be adorable together,” you agreed with him, enjoying the playful sass he was giving. If there was one thing Steve secretly loved, it would be gossip. He ate it up just like he did back in school, he always knew the drama from listening to people talk in the hallways. Plus he could never keep a secret, that’s what he had you for. You pretty much knew what every citizen of Hawkins was going through based on their movie choices at Family Video, he always kept you up to date on those. 
“She better not mess it up,” Steve added, rubbing conditioner through your hair, making sure to focus extra on the ends. “Might have to step in. Play matchmaker.”
You scoffed at the statement. “Like you’d do any better?”
He shoved your head playfully. “Honey, I have excellent matchmaking skills. You’re looking at the guy who got Nancy and Jonathan together—but maybe that’s not the best example.” He paused, thinking for a second, before the both of you burst into laughter.
You felt his hands slow as he finished working product through your hair, you turned your head to find him looking at you warmly. “I’m not worried about Robin and Vicky. If they’re meant to be, they’ll figure it out. Just like we did.”
Your heart clenched at the look on his face, all soft eyes and adoring smiles. The expression that was reserved for you and you alone. 
“Yeah,” you whispered as you turned back around, allowing him to carefully rinse your hair for the final time. “Just like we did.”
He finished up and shifted to your side once more, fully facing you. “All done, angel. Feeling better?” His voice was low and sweet, like syrup. Sticky and saccharine. 
“Thank you,” you tell him honestly, as you move to get up. He rose as you did, hands outstretched to help you climb over the ledge of the bath, making sure you were steady on the bathmat before reaching for a towel. Wrapping you up with exaggerated care.
“Alright, sweetheart, wait here. No running off,” he said as he finished tucking the towel around you. 
You giggled, watching him scoop up your pile of wet clothes from the bathroom floor. “And where exactly would I go?”
He walked to the door and held a finger up, pointing at you. “Knowing you, you’d probably find some trouble to get into. Plus, I don’t want to mop up any more water from the living room, so stay put.”
He disappeared into the hallway and you could hear the familiar beep from the dryer, along with him talking to himself about what buttons to push. He always complained about how many setting the damn thing had. 
Not wanting to keep you waiting for long, he reappeared, holding a pair of your pyjama bottoms and—of course—one of his old school jumpers. 
He handed them both to you with a small smile. “Vintage Hawkins, what do you think?”
You raised an eyebrow as you inspected the item. “Didn’t think you’d want me wearing something that is so… ‘King Steve���”
Barking out a laugh as he helped you into the soft material. You had spoken a bit about his past, he openly disclosed that he may not have been the best person then. You withheld using the nickname, usually reserving it for when you wanted to rile him up. 
“I don’t mind,” he said with a shrug. “You would’ve been way too good for me back then. No way we’d be friends in high school. I was kind of a dick.”
You hummed as you wriggled into the dry clothes. “Kind of?”
Steve held a hand to his chest in mock offence. “Wow, okay! That hurts, honey. I’m nicer now aren’t I?”
He helped you tug up your pyjama bottoms, taking a step back to admire you, as if you were dolled up for a date. He loved you like this. Warm and comfy, wearing his clothes. “You are very nice. Maybe too nice.”
He flashed that beautiful, boyish grin once again. “Too nice? No such thing.” He pulled you closer to him. “I had to change my tactics to win you over. I’m whipped for you, just ask Robin.”
Leading you to the couch and pulling you down next to him, he grabbed a blanket and draped it over you both, looking over your shoulder to make sure your feet were covered too. 
“You know, I don’t think I would have liked you much back then,” you teased, poking his side and earning a surprised yelp from the boy beneath you. “Mr. ‘I’m too cool for everyone.’”
Steve ruffled your drying hair playfully before continuing. “Yeah, I was pretty insufferable,” you can hear the cringe in his voice as he looks away, cheeks heating slightly at the embarrassing memories. “But look at me now, completely reformed and with a gorgeous girl looking all pretty in my lap.”
It was your turn to blush as you hid your face in his chest, TV playing softly in the background as you let yourself melt into his embrace. He always made it easy for you to unwind around him. Completely relax. It was simple with Steve, it always was.
“I’m glad I’m not that guy anymore,” he said, his quiet voice laced with sincerity, fingers running through your hair. “Because now, I get to be here with you.”
You tilted your head upwards, eyelids beginning to droop, surrounded by his warmth. “I’m glad too,” you tell him as you feel your body getting heavier.
The white noise from the TV and Steve’s embrace lulled you into a gentle sleep. He smiled down at you, seeing you completely at peace on his chest. He placed a soft kiss on your temple, inhaling the smell of you mixed with the citrus shampoo he had used earlier. He felt content, full. 
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he whispered, not speaking too loud at the risk of waking you. His fingers drew shapes across your back as the TV droned on, but he wasn’t paying it the slightest bit of attention. Way too focused on the sweet girl in his arms, and nothing in this world could make him want to move. 
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mrdixon · 1 year
sorry, i still love you
pairing: established daryl dixon x f!reader
wc: 1.8k
summary: soft apologies and kisses, or alt; your boyfriend is quite cute in a poncho.
warnings: slight angst…?
A/N: love daryl, love poncho daryl. need him to wrap me up in his big strong arms under his poncho…….. short fic SURPRISINGLY it being under 3k words shakes my bones but its okay because not all my fics have to be astronomically long………. also 100% not proofread im sorry i literally dont have the patience to read over my own work
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It was a late night and you couldn’t sleep like usual. Sighing as you turned your head over to the window, slightly cracked open and letting a breeze through, the faint smell of wet grass from the rain filling your nostrils. The sky was dark, save for the twinkle of the stars and moon. You turned your head over to the nightstand, the clock reading 2:24 am, your gaze then travelling over to an empty picture frame that had a polaroid of you and Daryl wedged between the glass and frame. Picking it up and taking the polaroid between your fingers, it was during your stay at the Greene’s farm a few years ago.
You two didn’t know it yet but there was mutual feelings stirring up between you two, the photo capturing the moment you convinced Daryl to be in a photo with you. His grumpy expression didn’t hide the small smirk tugging at his lips as you wrapped your arms around him. You smiled fondly at the memory, still hearing his irritated grunt as you ushered him over to steal a picture. Tucking the photo back into the frame and setting it down on the nightstand you stared up at the ceiling, wondering where your boyfriend could be.
It wasn’t out of character for him to be out this late but it still worried you. It was normal for you to be unable to sleep without his warmth next to you, worrying about the worst. You tried really hard not to think about him getting bit but you couldn’t help it, he was capable of taking care of himself so why did you worry so much?
Sighing once again, you sat up, grabbing your necklace that held his initial. Biting at the small piece of metal, a thing you did when you were anxious, tasting the metallic tang. It wasn’t usually this hard for you to fall asleep without him, most nights you’d fall asleep at around 12 am. You were scared mostly.
You and Daryl had been going through a rough patch, most your time together was full of meaningless banter and arguments and you regretted it. It was hard to stay mad at him but you were stubborn, you both were. That fact alone was enough to drive you crazy because one day you’d argue and he wouldn’t return home, either because he got bitten or just got fed up with you. Nevertheless you were trying to change, you didn’t want either of you to die thinking you hated him because you didn’t. God you loved him so much, more than you thought was possible. More than those stupid pair of socks he got you on a random supply run, more than your morning cup of tea, even more than yourself.
You groaned, falling back onto the bed and closing your eyes. There was so much you wanted to say to him, to apologize for being an asshole, to tell him you really did love him. You opened your eyes slightly to look at the bedroom door, still closed… still waiting for him to walk through at any moment…. nope, still not home. You grumbled while placing your hands over your face and kicking your feet, taking a deep breath and rolling over onto your side. Okay, try to sleep… we can sleep… you’re sleeping… your eyes are closed… right?
You groaned again, almost frustrated at yourself for not being able to sleep. Finding yourself quite annoying at how dependent you are of Daryl. You sighed quietly, looking over at his side of the bed and running your hand across it. Empty and cold, the last time you saw him there was in the morning. Right after you argued about something so stupid you couldn’t even remember what it was, still seeing his bare back adorned with scars and tattoos as he got up and left to go out again. You swallowed thickly as you remembered how harsh you were earlier, now deciding to just stay up until he comes home. Wanting to apologize and just kiss him because when was the last time your lips felt his?
Suddenly you heard the door open, sitting up immediately and locking your eyes with the man who occupied your mind at all times. Daryl stood there at the door for a moment, his poncho draped over his body. A cute sight, he looked so small contrary to the fact that he was in fact, not. He stared at you skeptically as he placed his bag down on the floor next to the laundry bin.
“Wha’ are ya doin’ up?” He grumbled, slowly walking over to you and standing next to the bed where you sat. You couldn’t help but look up at him with a giddy smile, feeling relieved and happy that your boyfriend was finally here.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you replied simply as you looked him up and down, “you look so cute.” Daryl raised a brow, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in your words. He didn’t really know how to respond to compliments from you, especially after your argument this morning.
He scoffed lightly, a tiny smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Cute? Really?” he murmured, his voice laced with amusement, “ain’ tha’ somethin’.” You giggled, reaching out to take his gloved hand in yours, his fingertips exposed as you ran your nails over them.
“C’mere,” you whispered, holding your arms out. He hesitated for a moment before kicking his boots off and moving into your arms, the two of you falling back onto the bed. His arms wrapped around your waist and held you close, his face buried in your shoulder while your own arms wrapped around his back.
The two of you lay like this in silence, it was rare for you two to share moments like these. Often times you were too scared to touch him, afraid he’d push you away. It was never like that for him, he craved your touch as much as you craved his. You both were just too worried about what the other might think that neither of you decided to make any moves. Tonight was different though, you lay there enjoying each other’s company without saying a word.
You heard him breathe in, nuzzling his nose against your shoulder. Finally he broke the comfortable silence. “You really don’ sleep much, do ya?” he asked, his voice low and gentle.
“Nope,” you whispered, nuzzling your face into his neck. “I miss you when you’re gone.” He hummed in response, squeezing you tighter as his body relaxed in exhaustion. You giggled before moving yourself under his poncho, poking your head out from where his was, you two sharing the poncho now.
Daryl felt a sense of contentment as he watched you snuggle closer to him under the poncho, your body heat filling him with love and desire. Wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer, using his other hand to stroke your hair gently and tilt your head up slightly to look into your eyes.
“Yeah, well I guess tha’s fair. We both got used to havin’ each other around,” he admitted softly, looking down at your lips and then back at your eyes while running his fingers through your hair affectionately. “It’s kinda hard ta go back ta bein’ alone after all the time we spent together.”
You nodded, letting him pull you closer to him. Your chest pressing against his as you both stared into each others eyes, his gaze wandering over your face as he tucked strand of hair behind your ear. He sighed, feeling his breath against your face. Despite everything you’d been through together—the fights, disagreements, banter—he knew he still cared for you, he still loved you. And right this moment he couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else by his side more than he wanted you.
“’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
You both murmured at the same time, shock evident in your expressions. He nibbled his lip, rubbing your chin with his thumb, eventually grazing the pad of it over your bottom lip. “Guess we’ll jus’ have ta make sure we never lose sight of each other again,” he mumbled, voice thick with regret.
You looked up at him, meeting his eyes as you reached up to comb your fingers through his hair. His gaze immediately softened and he let out a small huff while admiring your features up close, his fingers tracing over your jaw. He seemed to melt under your touch, slouching over which caused his face to lean closer to yours. He looked so cute like that, his bottom lip jutted out into a slight pout, his expression resembled a puppy.
Your hand stilled in his hair, pulling him closer and diminishing that small gap between you two and pressing your lips against his. If even possible, he seemed to melt even more, closing his eyes and kissing you back with equal need and affection. His hands gripped your waist tight but gentle under the poncho covering both your bodies, one hand holding the back of your head. He kissed you fervently, fingers digging into your hair as he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip before reluctantly pulling away. Looking down at you, his expression one of affection and vulnerability.
“Sorry, I still love you.” You whispered, your noses rubbing together, “I love you.” You repeated, the words hanging in the air like a weighty secret, heavy with adoration. He stared at you before slowly closing his eyes and pressing his lips against yours once again, the kiss gentle but passionate. Your fingertips held his jaw, your thumbs absentmindedly caressing the stubble on his chin.
“I love ya too,” he mumbled against your lips, his voice hoarse and raw with emotion. “More than anythin’ in this world.” His eyes graced over your face, still having that slight pout as he encased your face in his hands, kissing you again. Your eyes fell closed while your fingers ran through his hair, finally pulling him flush against your body. He kissed you slow and gentle, a hand rubbing up and down your back which sent shivers down your spine, his other hand occupied at the base of your neck.
Eventually, you both had to pull away for air, but your eyes remained closed as he pressed his forehead together with yours. Exhaustion rushed through your body and he could tell, pressing a kiss to your forehead before holding onto your waist and the back of your head, flipping you both over gently so he lay on his back. Your cheek pressed between his chest and collarbone as you lay on top of him, still under his poncho. He caressed your head gently, kissing the top of your head while the smell of him invaded your senses. It was a comforting smell, tobacco and the woods, tiring you further. He let out a deep breath, wrapping your arms around your waist loosely as you lay on him, your eyes still closed as you slowly succumbed to sleep.
“Love ya so much (Y/N).” He mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper. The only thing you heard before finally, falling asleep.
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thebearer · 1 year
the milestones menu: nonna berzatto's homemade pasta
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prompt: yours and carmen's first "i love you".
contains: fluff, general fluff. some mentions to dead relatives, carmen's self doubt, but very minimal bc it's very fluffy :)
2 cups of flour- Semolina. 
4 Large Eggs 
Pinch of Salt
Put flour into a mound. Make a center, and add the eggs to the middle. Whisk slowly with a fork, gradually working it in little at a time until nice and thick. Knead the mixture for about ten minutes. Let it rest in the fridge for thirty minutes. Put it in a ball, and roll it out very thin. 
“Can’t believe you never had homemade pasta.” Carmen shook his head, blue eyes peeking out from under the mess of curls. 
“Nope.” You shook your head, grinning over the crystal wine glass, sipping your riesling slowly. “Strictly a boxed pasta girl.” 
“Fuckin’ criminal.” Carmen grinned, a playful, lopsided smirk that had you blushing.
The counter was covered in flour, stopping just where you rested, propped up on the granite while Carmen worked. Your eyes trained on his hands, hands that stirred the eggs into the flour, kneaded the dough until your thighs were clenching. 
“My Nonna is rollin’ in her grave right now, you know that?” Carmen pulled you from your gaze, rolling out the dough. 
“Noooo, don't say that.” You laughed, shaking your head. “You’re making me feel bad, Carmen. I swear I thought Olive Garden made fresh pasta.” 
Carmen laughed, a little shy but louder now- more himself. He’d blossomed with you lately, unveiling new parts of himself every single day. “‘M just kiddin’, baby.” Carmen hummed, eyes cutting to you a little skeptical. “Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to sound like an asshole. That sounded douchey, right?” 
You smiled, setting your glass behind you. “No, I was just messin’ with you, bear.” The nickname- his nickname. Hearing it more and more roll from your tongue, each time his heart skipped harder than the last. 
“Is this her recipe?” You asked, picking up the faded recipe card, looped cursive on the aged paper. “Your Nonna’s?” 
“Yeah,” Carmen nodded. “I, uh, so when I left to go to culinary school, right? She was sick, and… and I think she, like, knew that when I went to New York that would be the last time she saw me.” Carmen’s face dropped, slow and sad, it made your own heart sink. 
“So she-she gave me all these recipe books and-and cards that were hers. We used to cook together a lot. She taught me how to cook, y’know? My mom and dad were always at the restaurant and didn’t want to cook when they got home. They didn’t want me in the restaurant either so I spent a lot of time with her.” Carmen muttered. You could see the memories playing behind his eyes. 
You liked to picture that version of Carmen, a little boy with wild curls, helping his Nonna cook. Happy memories. 
“That’s sweet.” You smiled, leaning against the cabinets. “She did a really good job. You know she’s so insanely proud of you.” 
Carmen snorted, shaking his head lightly. “Yes, she is. Everyone’s proud of you, Carmen… I’m proud of you.” You hesitate, eyes scanning his features. It was true, of course, but handling Carmen sometimes was like handling a frightened animal. You were never sure what would make him scatter away in fear. 
Carmen swallowed thickly, cheeks flushed red, lips in a tight line. “T-Thanks.” Carmen muttered, wiping his hands on his apron, tossing the flour back into his clammy hands. 
“She, uh, she woulda loved you, y’know.” Carmen’s eyes met yours, intense and piercing. “I wish you coulda met her.” 
“Yeah, me too.” You nod. “I would’ve loved to hear all the baby Carmen cooking stories. I bet she had some good ones.” You smiled, bright and wide- perfect. It made Carmen’s brain numb. 
“Yeah, she would.” Carmen nodded, hands stilling, still buried in the dough. 
He felt it in his bones, his heart, consuming his thoughts. The overwhelming need he’d felt for weeks, since the first time you kissed him really, that he’d been fighting- too scared to say. What he felt every time he looked at you, when he thought about you. 
“Um, I-I wanna say something, and-and I don’t know if I should even fuckin’ say this or-or if it’s… fuck, if you-you feel the same or I just, I don’t wanna fuck this up because this is like the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and-and I’m workin’ on not ruinin’ good shit in my life and bein’ ok with it like-like my therapist says ya know, but-” Carmen rambled, words spilling out in fast, overwhelming bouts that took you by surprise. 
Carmen flustered, reaching a dough covered hand to his face, the sticky batter catching on his brows and hair. He flushed deeply, hands shaking in embarrassment, cursing under his breath. “F-Fuck, I-I’m sorry. I-I, nevermind, it’s not… I don’t know why-why I would-” His hands trembled, body shaking with anger and embarrassment. Way to fuckin’ go, Berzatto, you fuckin’ ruin it. That’s all you ever do, Carmen thought bitterly, wiping his hands off on the cloth. 
“Carm,” You said softly, your voice a beacon in the raging sea of his mind, pulling him out of his own harsh thoughts. 
Carmen turned, a fury flush of pure embarrassment that burnt all down his cheeks to his chest. Eyes soft and wary, hesitant like he was doomed, destined for the worse. 
You slide off the counter easily, grabbing the spare towel, bringing it to his eyebrows, wiping the dough off gently. The softness of your touch soothed Carmen, lulling his hammering heart- he didn’t see your own shaking hands, filled with your own adrenaline nerves. 
You stood in front of him, eyes on the other, careful and watching- unsure. “I-I love you, too.” Your breath hitched, squeezing the words out in a nervous tumble. Carmen didn’t move, body going rigid, heart stopping entirely. The ringing was back in his ears, clouding his brain so loudly he was sure he heard you wrong. 
“I’ve wanted to say it for a while, too, but didn’t…” You shook your head, heat in your own cheeks, eyes casting down to his dough covered hand. “I didn’t know if-if you felt that or if- I don’t know, I didn’t want to seem crazy or obsessive if it was too soon, and-and scare you.” 
“No,” Carmen croaked, tongue thick in his own mouth. “No, I-I mean- fuck,” Carmen shook his head, looking to the wall. He needed a second, words jumbled in his mouth, heart racing, so high off the adrenaline he felt like he could combust at any moment. 
“I-I was gonna say that too.” Carmen nodded, the quirk in your lips making his heart lurch. “That I love you. I was- yeah, I love you. I-I have for a while.” 
“Really?” You whispered, voice tiny and excited, like it was a secret just for the two of you. Maybe it was. 
“Yeah, fuck yeah.” Carmen let out a breathy, shaky laugh. “I love you, and-and I just love you so much it makes my brain hurt sometimes.” 
“Me too.” You grin, a hand pressing to his cheek. “I love you.” The phrase you’d repressed for so long, deprived yourself of saying now spilled out of you like a mantra- like that was all you could say now. 
Carmen grinned, brain bubbly and light. He let you pull him into a kiss, head tilting down, lips molding over yours so they fit perfectly. 
Later over plates of Bologonese, you grinned across the table from Carmen. “If I didn’t tell you I loved you before, I definitely would now.” You moaned, pointing at the plate. “I really was missing out.” 
Carmen beamed under your praise, gooey and love drunk off your words- off you. He knew Viola Berzatto, wherever she was, was boasting with pride. 
And he knew his Nonna would have loved you too. 
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the-kr8tor · 8 months
Carnival date with Hobie! Going on the arcades (that are definitely rigged) enjoying cotton candy together and the Ferraris wheel!
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Thank you for the lovely prompt, angel! 😘
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (Hobie is mentioned taller though), cw food mentions, Fluff
You take a giant bite of your cotton candy, the sugar bursts into your mouth like fireworks. The bright neon lights make your eyes shine, all the beeps and boops from arcade machines are reminiscent of the time when you were younger. It's cold out, an evening breeze passes by, fluttering your lashes in the wind. It's freezing but Hobie's arm around your shoulders warms you through your bones.
“Don't eat it all, give me some.” His breath fans your cheeks, it tickles you a bit. “Oi, stop gettin’ distracted. Ahhh” he opens his mouth for you, waiting for you to feed him like a baby chick.
“Get those pinchers out of my face.” You giggle, quickly feeding a dollop of the sweet treat before he chomps down on your fingers. You've learned your lesson.
“Thanks.” He says through a mouthful. You wipe the corner of his lips clean of candy. He sticks his tongue out to the side with the intention to lick your finger.
“Nope, too slow!” you quickly move your hand away to his dismay.
“I will bite your hand off, you'll see.” Hobie says with a smirk.
“Uh huh, sure. If you can catch me”
“You better start running then”
Before you could sprint through the crowd, Hobie's arms are already around your middle, lifting you a few inches off the ground effortlessly. You giggle, trying to not get a lot of attention from the public.
You blame the candy for making Hobie more hyper than he already is.
“Give me your fuckin' hand” he cranes his neck down to try and catch your it, you cross your arms on your chest, tucking your hands inside.
“Nu uh!” Hobie squeezes you, continuing to walk like he's not carrying you. “So you're just gonna manhandle me the entire night?”
“No, I'll throw you in one of those duck ponds.” He laughs loudly as you wiggle your elbow right on his abdomen. You didn't know he's ticklish there, you are definitely gonna use that information in the future.
Your eyes light up, looking at the gigantic patchwork teddy bear hanging on to one of the arcade booths. “Look at that one!”
“D’you want that? I'll get that for you, yeah?”
“No, it's fine, it's probably rigged anyway.”
He nuzzles your neck, “I'll bet you a kiss that I can win that ugly bear”
“Deal.” You kick your legs out to try to walk on your own but he doesn't let go so you let him carry you the entire way to the booth, laying your entire weight on him.
He stops in front of the milk bottle tossing booth, an old man with large glasses mans the it, he picks up fallen balls, placing them neatly inside a small bucket.
“How much, bossman?” Hobie asks, his arms still carrying you.
“Five pounds per bucket. Looks like you've won a much better prize though” he chuckles.
“Yeah, ‘m lookin' for a replacement though” he points at the bear with his chin. His comment doesn't fly over you though, you huff, kneading his stomach with your elbow. Hobie yelps, letting you go. “See that, bossman? Need that bear more than ever.”
You make a mocking face, Hobie suddenly has an intense urge to pinch your nose. But he doesn't, maybe he'll do it once you two get home.
He hands the old man the bills in exchange for the bucket.
“You've got four tries to bring the three pyramids down. You do that and you get the bear.” The old man explains.
“That easy?” Hobie says smugly.
The man chuckles, the same smug smile on his lips. “That easy. Good luck.”
Hobie turns to you as he's weighing the baseball in his hand. “Kiss for good luck?”
“I thought that was for after winning my prize?” despite you declining, you lean to press a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Good luck and don't overdo it or you might give the man a heart attack.” You whisper close to his ear.
“And here I was preparing my arm to rocket this ball out of here” he chases your face, capturing your forehead in a quick but tender kiss.
You poke his side, smiling as he takes aim. His arm extended like he's a professional, his muscles tensing through his shirt. You'd be lying if you said you weren't ogling him. Before Hobie throws the ball, he winks at you all suave, waking the butterflies in your stomach.
The first pyramid bottle falls loudly. Hobie looks at you with a mischievous smirk, wordlessly saying. ‘I've got this’
He takes another ball, preparing to launch it. As you predicted, he turns his head towards you again but you're prepared this time, winking at him sweetly before he could do it.
He almost misses the bottles.
You tamp down your laugh when he looks back at you with a ‘how dare you’ face. You look at him innocently, fluttering your lashes.
After all that though, one after the other the bottles fall easily, the old man shifts uncomfortably, scratching his head. He surrenders, handing Hobie the bear.
“Told you I'll win it for you” the bear gets squished in the middle as Hobie tries his best to embrace you with the fluffy wall in between.
“I knew you had it,” you lean up so he could claim his prize. “You have super strength, cheater.” you say against his lips, he could only get a fraction of a second of your lips before you pulled away. He blinks, shaking his head.
“Thought we had a deal?”
“Claim it in the ferris wheel?”
“You cheeky fucker”
After lining up for the ride and numerous bites of a shared funnel cake, you and Hobie hop on to the pod, the capsule shakes as he pushes in the bear to fit inside. The worker manning the ride sighs exasperatedly.
Hobie sits it across from you, scooching to make way for him, he sighs, all tired out from the labour.
The worker closes the door, the ferris wheel starts up, slowly moving your pod up.
“Your bear is on thin ice” He glares at the toy, the fluffy head tilting comedically. You laugh while Hobie casually snakes his arm around your shoulders, bringing you Impossibly closer to the already small space.
You don't mind it though, laying your head on his shoulder, reaching blindly for his hand, he half hugs you, bringing your knuckles to his lips.
“You good?” his voice muffled by your skin.
“Better than good. Happy” you inhale his cologne, relaxing your muscles. You swear you're melting on the spot. “You?”
“You already know the answer, lovie” he cranes his neck closer to you, ignoring the ache in his nape. Hobie then presses a handful of kisses on your temple, each one sweeter than the last. He holds off with his joke about pushing the bear off the ride.
The ferris wheel halts to a stop when your pod reaches the top, you cling tighter to Hobie. The view takes your breath away, the shining lights below look like stars, the skyline looms on your right, just seeing it makes you crave web swinging with Hobie. Maybe you'll ask him about it later.
The ride starts back up again with a sudden lunge, a mechanical whirring in the background. You yelp, Hobie grips your shoulder, circling his thumb over your skin comfortably.
“I've got you.” He reassures.
“I know you do” You squeeze him, moving his face downward by his chin, guiding him closer to your lips.
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licorice-tea · 2 months
The Captain Who Loved Me (1/2)
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: Angst, Reader is hurt/unconscious (briefly), reader tries to run away from their problems, ends up in a dangerous situation, themes of fear/ danger!, fluff afterwards, sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors!
Word Count: ~1.6k
A/N: Hey… Sorry it’s been so long! My life has been busy, to say the least. Borderline chaotic, but I don’t want to make it out to be a bad thing when there are so many amazing things and people in my life right now. However, there have been a few personal events that have made me less motivated/ less focused on writing. I’m sorry for making you all wait for updates/ requests, but I genuinely am just lacking a lot of interest in writing fanfic at the moment. Still, J appreciate all of your support so so much <3 It makes my day when I go on this app and see that people are still enjoying things I’ve written! So, I hope you enjoy this one too. (Part 1/2 bc i want to do a shorter ending.)
Part 3
Law hadn't thought that when you said you would “go,” you wouldn't really try to leave. And in all fairness, neither had you. You just started walking away from him, way too peeved to even look back or slow down when you heard his stuttered “wait!” And when you got back to your cabin, you picked up a backpack. Then you had filled it with only the essentials (the same way you would pack to go inland for a day or possibly longer.) And finally, with no purpose in your plan besides getting away for a little while and clearing your mind, you headed below deck to the Soldier Dock System.
Franky named this deck the Soldier Dock System because, as he had once explained to you, all of the smaller vehicles housed within the Sunny are like her soldiers. The memory makes you smile as you quietly open the door and close it behind you, then stroll along the small walkway until you spot what you came down here for in the first place: The Mini Merry 2. She bobs in shallow water and seems to call to you; “Get in! Let’s go!”
You’re too tired to make the right decision, so you quickly open channel 2 of the dock system, drop your bag into the passenger seat, and climb in after. An opening on the side of the Sunny lets in higher waters, which carry the Mini Merry out to sea…
“Have you seen y/n?”
Zoro’s head snaps up to the other swordsman. The two don’t converse much outside of what's necessary, so he's surprised to see the equally stoic man standing over him while he “naps” (keeps watch) in the crows nest. He shakes his head.
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping watch?”
“Yeah, on the ocean. Not my own crew mates.”
Law scoffs, and mutters; “Thanks for nothing.”
Zoro can tell the other captain is annoyed for some reason, and decides to throw him a bone. “Traffy!”
“Check the lower levels. They might be hanging out in someone’s workshop… or whatever.”
Law regards Zoro with a suspicious gaze, but it soon turns to one of quiet thanks. He nods and leaves through the hatch in the crows nest.
Cool sea air hits him stronger than expected as soon as he exits the confines of the crows nest. With one hand and both feet planed (somewhat) firmly on the rope ladder, Law leans back to view the weather. A storm is brewing on the horizon, which shouldn’t be any problem for a ship as massive and advanced as the Thousand Sunny. The navigator/thief had briefed everyone on board on the gloomy weather that night after dinner, and though Law had been too distracted by thoughts of you, he had managed to pay a little bit of attention for the sake of important information. You hadn’t been at the impromptu meeting regarding the sea and sky’s conditions, so he had just assumed you were probably resting in your cabin already. No reason to worry over your safety if you were already fast asleep, right?
But as Law continues to survey the waters surrounding his temporary residence, he spots an anomaly. A tiny boat, rocking on the water as the ocean seems to send more violent waves its way. With squinted eyes, Law observes the miniature ship. It’s hard to see through the oncoming rain, but he can make out the lone passenger’s bent knees. They’re apparently trying to brace themselves as they struggle with the steering mechanism at the front of the boat, and their hair is whipped every which way about their face by winds that must be much stronger that far out at sea. It’s hard to make out their features because of the rain that comes down in sheets over their mysterious figure, but when he finally catches a glimpse of their face, Law’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach.
He watches in horror as, what he now recognizes as your ship, is tossed back and forth on the tumultuous waves. You look over your shoulder and back at the Sunny, before you lose your balance. But your head seems to be struck by something at the front of the ship during your short fall, based on the way you first wobble, almost find your footing by leaning forwards, then jolt backwards. Law yells your name at the top of his lungs, but you do not move.
When you open your eyes to find yourself tucked into your bed, you think nothing of it. That is, until the throbbing pain in the center of your forehead reveals itself to you. Then the memories of a storm all come flooding back: the freedom you had felt in your first few moments in open water, alone with your thoughts. How quickly that sense of calmness had turned to panic as the weather changed in an instant, leaving you to desperately try to steer back towards the Sunny in a boat no taller than yourself. Slipping on the small deck, only for your head to hit something and… black out. And you remember Law’s voice, too; he had sounded so distant that it must have been your imagination .
The soft creak of your bedroom door draws you from the rush of memories, and you look up to find Chopper making his way into your room with a tray. He doesn’t realize your eyes are open until he’s set it down on a bedside table, and climbed up onto your bed with a stethoscope in hand.
“Y/n! You’re awake!” he gasps.
You offer a weak smile and attempt to sit up, but the reindeer gently pushes you back down. “Chopper… What happened?”
“You had an accident during the storm 3 days ago-“
“3 days ago?”
“Yes, Nami briefed the crew on it. But then Traffy found you on the Mini Merry 2, a mile from the ship!”
“I- I didn’t know there would be a storm…”
Chopper frowns while placing his stethoscope on your chest. You take 2 deep breaths in and he nods to himself before simply sitting beside you. “What were you doing out there?”
You shrug, “I just wanted to clear my head.”
He pays your arm, “I don’t know what’s going on between you and Traffy, but he cares for you a lot. He used his devil fruit to save you in the middle of the ocean, which… could have ended badly.”
This strikes a chord within you. Of course you knew Law cared for you to some degree, but knowing that he put his own safety on the line to help you in your time of need… Perhaps it was wrong of you to assume he was selfish and cold for refusing to admit what was so glaringly obvious to everyone else. What is now so clear to you, too.
He loves you.
“Oh… And is he-“
“He’s fine, but I prescribed him some much needed rest from coming in contact with sea water.”
Chopper finishes examining you and gives you some pain medication for your head, then leaves you alone to properly wake up and get yourself together. To no surprise, your alone time doesn’t last long as an influx of visitors find their way to your cabin.
First are Nami and Robin, who knew you were awake from hearing your voice through shared walls. They come with a small bouquet of flowers from Robin’s garden in a pretty little decorative vase, and each make themselves comfortable in your room. Though the door is closed, Luffy excitedly barges in soon after, followed by Usopp, then Chopper again. He scolds the two young men for disturbing your peace and possibly riling you up, but you assure the even younger doctor that it’s more than fine. Because, in your opinion, there’s nothing like your nakama’s company to raise your spirits. Zoro must have wandered in at some point and decided to take a nap on your floor, which you only realize when Sanji opens the door and hits the swordsman’s leg when he (gently) kicks it open. They resolve to only glare at each other for a moment before Sanji hands you a cup of something warm and sweet, “For someone warm and sweet.”
The 8 of you spend some time chatting and enjoying your company before you find the courage to ask, “Where is everyone else?”
“Jimbei is steering the ship-“
“Brook is keeping watch-
“And Franky is working below deck. Something about improving the Mini Merry 2… But that’s not really what you wanted to know, is it?”
You feel your face heat up as you meet Robin’s all-knowing eye and shake your head “no.” She smiles at you and giggles pass between your crew mates.
Your friends file out of your room (or are ushered out by Nami and Robin, rather, who insist that you should get some more rest.) But soon enough, there’s yet another knock at your door. Your breath hitches, as you feel you already know who’s on the other side…
“Come in.”
Taglist: @augustanna @lavanderdreamve @pinksaiyans @khaleesihavilliard @jennapancake @pinki-minki @loserbee14 @theladyofmanyfandomsfanfiction @nyxlai @mrs-monkey-d-luffy @pi-crust @bookboyfriendssaveme @dark-swedish-suitcase-blog
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soulc-hilde · 2 months
Ignorant Grandmas
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Pairing: Eminem x afab!reader
Synopsis: Based off of this request and inspired by mood yesterday in the grocery store.
Warning: Ignorant grandmothers, imaginative violence towards elders, cursing
You weren’t typically like this – agitated and just seconds from swinging on somebody. You were a bit more passive, on the contrary, more invested in smiling in the face of stupidity than allowing someone to snap you out of character all because they can’t act right. Now, it might just be the heat ‘cause Lord knows that there’s not a reason in the world for it to so damn hot or maybe, just maybe, you’re getting old. 
And you pray with Quran and the Holy Bible, that it’s the heat that’s got you ready to be locked up and going viral for stuffing someone into the asphalt. 
Now, outside of the external forces pushing your buttons, there’s a force much closer that just can’t back the fuck up with his loud ass laugh and even louder conversation on that overdue for an upgrade iPhone that he still don’t know how to use after the brand being out for damn near two decades. 
“Haha!” Marshall laughs into the phone, walking behind you as you push the buggy. “That’s what I was sayin’ man, shit’s crazy.” As you go to stop, picking up a box of penne, he smacks into your backside with a smack of the teeth. 
In front of you, an old white lady and her oxygen tank stand pointed your way. Her sad excuse for lips curl up in disgust, her body ordering for you to move out the way so she could look over the pasta. You know, in an aisle filled with several different brands and types of pasta, this dying bitch just must look at your box. Rather than back up off you, your husband wraps an arm around your waist as he continues chatting with Denaun. 
You set the penne down, going to look for some type of deal from another brand. Hey, you may be rich, but you’ll be damned if inflation’s gonna catch your ass paying damn near twelve dollars for a box of pasta. Nope, just the thought pisses you off even more. As you go to grab another box, a buggy taps against yours, causing your buggy to swerve and trap you between the shelves and the cart in a tight space. 
You look up to see that dead bitch going gone-ho over her pasta selections as if she ain’t just pop your privacy bubble. You freeze, gazing at her oxygen tank with a blank stare, barely blinking. 
“Bitch, fuck you!” You shout, pushing your buggy across the aisle. You kick her oxygen tank out of her hands and toss that bitch across the floor, making sure to donk Marshall in the head with it. 
“Baby?” A voice cuts in, “Baby, you good?” You snap out, looking up to Marshall’s scrunched eyebrows watching you with concern. “You good, mama?” You simply shake your head, standing up, “let’s just go. I ain’t in the mood to make pasta tonight.” 
Fast forward, y’all stand in line at one of the registers, waiting patiently. As you were raised, you made sure there was enough room for the person in front of you to back up and walk out of line. Unfortunately, other people weren’t raised the same way which must be the reason why homeboy damn near shoves his buggy your ass cheeks.
Your lip turns up, your skin turning hot as the bones under your skin feel as if they’re trembling. Well, damn, at this point just go on ahead and take me to dinner if you’re just gonna invade my anus. You side eye Marshall, in hopes he’d be actively scoping the scenery out to find an open register with a shorter line, but no. This old motherfucker is chilling on his phone, texting Hailie. 
So much for comradery, you scoff. 
Just as you decide to stay in the spot, you feel homie behind you breathing and huffing with impatience as the cashier then leaves their station mid-transaction only to return with another employee. Obviously, they were either new to the job or an incident out of their control took place, which is understandable.
What isn’t, however, is the smell of rotten catfish lingering around her neck because this Slim Jim with the jalapeno cheese wanna shove his way up people’s asses. You peep the newly deserted scenery of self-checkout and with a heavy sigh, you swerve out of line and make your way to the secluded section. Flabbergasted, Marshall nearly runs to keep up with you. 
As you reach the register, swiping and tossing the groceries into bags as if the world was about to end, he tries to help sort the bags for you. “Boo, you okay? Why didn’t you wanna stay in the lane, the kid was almost done with those other folks.”
You simply shake your head, “not now.” He raises an eyebrow, taken aback before nodding, helping you bag the items. 
As y’all walk out the store, searching for the car in the lot, fans and a few paps were recording and taking photos of you two. That was normal to y’all, but what was abnormal was your enraged expression. As they stuff the trunk of their SUV, she looks up just in time for a perfect picture of her scrunched face to be taken.
Has Slim Shady Upsetted the Ever-So Precious Y/N? What Could the Controversial Rapper Possibly Have Done?
Eminem and Wife, Y/N, Prepared for a Divorce? Click Here to Read More
The children send y’all one link after another to multiple articles speaking on the one day you stood outside, visibly ready to beat someone’s ass and now, in their minds, it was not only Marshall’s fault but it also must’ve meant a divorce was in the work. You shake your head, texting in the family groupchat. 
“Watch this.”
You open your camera roll, getting a perfect shot of Marshall sleeping in your lap and your wedding ring. You open Instagram, creating the post and writing a simple caption – “I’m nice and still happily married. However, I would advise y’all to keep your ignorant grandmothers the fuck inside if they can’t say a damn excuse me.” 
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Tbh y'all, I'm not really motivated to write Eminem anymore. Like, without a doubt I'll still do him here and there, but like after a while, I get bored. So, I'ma focus a bit more on my series that I'm writing as well as promoting my works on both AO3 and Wattpad.
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eyesofshinigami · 7 months
It Takes Time
Rating: G
CW: None
Tags: Established relationship, implied pre- S4 relationship, minor talk of injuries, tiny bit of angst, boys being soft
Prompt: For @shares-a-vest "Love is about healing each other's wounds"
WC: 1116
Written for @steddielovemonth Day 16
Even amongst the many horrible encounters with the Upside Down Steve has had, this last one was probably the worst. Steve had done everything he could to keep Eddie out of his mess, the one thing that he could never be honest with his boyfriend about, and yet Eddie had still gotten dragged in somehow.
And almost died for it.
Steve still can’t believe that it’s over. It’s finally over. Sure, his nightmares are even worse, having held the person he loved bleeding out in his arms, but they made it. They lived. They got Eddie to the hospital and after surgeries, a medical coma, and a laundry list of therapy appointments for both of them, they finally made it home. 
Home is now the little house on First Street. It’s not much to look at, but it’s theirs. 
Kind of like them, really.
Steve is the one that brings Eddie to the house once he’s released from the hospital. He told the kids that they could come by in a couple of days, after they’ve settled in and had a chance to collect themselves. Wayne had brought over a few things right before, and he told them he'd be back in a few days as well to check on them, just a phone call away if they needed him. It was enough to make Steve tear up.
“Come on, baby, we’re here,” he says, leaning over to kiss Eddie on the cheek. His boyfriend had fallen asleep on the drive over. Steve couldn’t blame him; he could feel tiredness settling into his own bones. He’s not 100% either, but Steve won’t be able to rest until he knows Eddie is comfortable, taken care of. 
Eddie stirs and blinks his eyes, smiling when he realizes where they are. “Home?” he asks. He hasn’t gotten to see it yet, but he’s heard Steve talk about it enough. At Steve’s nod, Eddie grabs his hand and holds it for a minute. “Ours. Fuck, I can’t believe it.”
Steve smiles back. “Yup. Let’s get inside. I can show you around after we take a shower and get settled, okay?” Eddie lets out a hum of agreement and opens the car door.
They make it inside, slowly and carefully, Eddie’s eyes wide as he takes it in. Wayne and the Hopper-Byers had pitched in to give them the bare bones to start with, like a couch and a table with chairs. The only thing Steve had been adamant about getting himself was the bed, a brand new queen that they could share. When Eddie sees it, he lets out a little choked noise. “We have a bed. Our bed. It’s ours.” 
“I made sure of it, baby.”
“Can we lay down together? I can’t wait to try it out.” Eddie reaches out and runs his hand along the comforter, a soft blue to go with the dark gray sheets Steve had picked out. “I know we’re not up for anything naughty, but… it would be good to lay down with you.”
Steve can’t help but kiss him. “After our shower. I have to change your bandages, too.”
Eddie squints at him. “And yours too.” Steve goes to protest, but Eddie shakes his head and crosses his arms. “Nope, you’re not getting out of it.” He wraps his arms around Steve and pulls him close, and Steve can’t help but notice how their scars mirror each other. “If you’re going to take care of me, I’m going to take care of you, okay? We’re in this together, isn’t that what you said?”
Steve nods. He remembers the way his heart jumped into his throat when Dustin and Max came scrambling into Family Video yelling about Eddie. He remembers how he wrapped Eddie up in his arms and kissed him softly, not caring who saw, after Eddie dropped the bottle when he realized that Steve had come for him. “We’re in this together, baby. I’ve got you,” he’d said.
“It is. You got me, Eds.”
Eddie smirks at him, giving him one more kiss before he pulls Steve into the ensuite. It’s pretty tiny, barely enough room for two nearly grown men, but they make it work. They strip down and climb into the shower. Normally, they would fool around a little bit, but they’re both so tired and worn down and still healing. There will be plenty of time for shower sex later, when they’re both not quite so broken and rundown. Instead, they take turns washing each other, careful of still healing wounds and old hurts alike. Steve handles Eddie like he’s made of glass, something precious he’s worried about breaking under his hands. In turn, Eddie takes his time and works the knots out of Steve’s back, days and weeks of worry built up in his muscles. 
It feels like the first time Steve has been able to breathe in years. 
Once they’ve dried off and both put on sweatpants, Steve pulls out the first aid kit that he’d bought right after he had started getting the house together. Eddie raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything, instead they both quietly get to work.
It shouldn’t feel like second nature, patching each other up. They take turns tending hurts and rubbing creams into healing wounds, bandaging each other up as they go. There’s something that’s macabre and intimate about it, Steve thinks. 
“I’m sorry.”
Eddie looks up from where he’s wrapping another bandage around Steve’s torso. “What for, sweetheart?”
His vision gets a little blurry, the wall of emotion hitting him. “That this happened to you. That you got hurt, that all of my…” the word bullshit clogs in his throat. “All of this made you hurt. You got hurt because of-”
“Don’t even, Steve. You didn’t do this to me.” Eddie cups Steve’s face so that Steve has to look at him, even with tears streaming down his face. “I just wish I could have helped you sooner, sweetheart. With Starcourt. With the junkyard. All those things you felt like you had to hide from me-”
“To protect you. To keep you safe.” Because you matter. Because I love you. Because you were the port in the storm of all these terrible things that kept happening to me. 
“And you did, even at the end when you dragged me into that hospital out of the jaws of death. Baby, I wouldn’t even be here without you. But I’m here. We’re here.” 
“We’re here,” Steve repeats, leaning close to press their foreheads together. 
Even scarred as they are, they will heal from this. It’ll take time, and hopefully it’s the end for real this time, but Steve’s not alone.
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s1ut4evan · 8 months
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overworked - colin zabel x fem reader
*smut* not proofread
✨ you go out to a bar and meet Colin Zabel, a stressed out detective that needs to get some tension out✨
wattpad: s1ut4evan
I collect my things and open the door to my uber, "Thank you!" I say before hopping out. The neon light of the bar sign reflect off the wet pavement. God I can't wait to have a drink. I make my way into building.
Once I got inside, I head straight for the counter. I sit down and rest my arms on the bar top. The bartender looks my way and nods as he's working on a drink. I watch him deliver it to a dark-haired pale looking guy across from me.
"Hey (y/n). The usual?" the bartender asks. I half smile and nod while rummaging through my purse to find my wallet. "Uh no need for that. The guy over there said he'd take care of it." he pointed back to the pale guy. I peak around to see him pointing with a wink at me. I then raise my eyebrow, "Oh? Okay then."
I study the stranger while I sip my drink. He seems to be well put together. He's got soft dark eyes that have been scanning me as well. We made eye contact quite a lot. I assumed he was leaving when he downed the last of his beer and stood up but then he walked my way.
A knot formed in my stomach as this man sat next to me. His cologne hit me, God he smelled good. "Hi there." he said, "I'm Colin, Colin Zabel." and stuck out his hand. I shook it, "Hey thank you for the drink." I took another sip. "No problem, I told the bartender when I got here that I'd buy the prettiest woman's drink tonight."
I laughed, "Oh yeah? You should have waited longer." Colin shook his head, "Nope. It's definitely you, you're by far the most beautiful I've seen tonight." I turn as my face flushed with heat. Colin waved at the bartender for another drink then looked back at me, "Let's talk. I'd love to get to know you."
Conversation was easy with Colin. He told me about how he was a detective called from another town to help with an ongoing investigation. I could tell he was stressed by the way he described his long hours that turned to days of work. He still managed to ask questions about me, as a way to get to know me.
I could listen and talk to him all night. His energy overtook me. The air felt thin between us, as if the universe was pulling us closer. I needed this man. I looked him in the eyes and licked my lips. He stared back, "Can we go somewhere?" he asked. I nod without hesitation.
At this point in the night, the bar was near empty. I don't know if it was the alcohol talking but I was super impatient and desperately horny. So I suggested the bathroom. Our drunken minds found nothing wrong with it.
I step in the dark ill-lighted room and Colin follows. He struggles with anticipation to lock the door. I knew I was in for the best fuck of my life when he turns around biting his tongue. I lean back against the sink counter, Colin moves slowly towards me. His large hands cup my face as I place mine on his chiseled torso.
We began kissing heavily until our tongues met. His fingers pushed my hair behind my ear before he lightly kissed my neck. I reached down to massage his hard member through his tight chinos. Colin groans against my neck and takes ahold of me by my hips. I gasp as he picks me up and places me on the counter.
My thighs caress his narrow hips. His large cock teases me through layers of cloth. Colin holds me by the small of my back with one arm and pushes down my dress strap with the other. He nibbles on me from my collar bone to my breast while he pushes down the fabric.
I moan as his lips tug at my nipple. His tongue flicks it gently. With my hands wrapped around his neck, I grind my hips into his. The tip of his cock presses roughly against my swollen clit through our still clothed bodies. Colin stops to remove his blazer and unbuckle his belt. I move my hand down to touch myself as I watch him struggle to get his pants off.
He presses his lips together in frustration. I smirk because I love the thought of him taking it out on me. My eyes follow as his pants drop onto the tile floor. I reach forward and grasp the waistband of his boxers to push them down. Colin pushed my legs apart before his hand felt up my thigh into my heat, pushing my panties to the side.
Our lips collided once again as I began to stroke his large member. His finger tips danced around my pulsating clit. My wetness allowed easy entrance for his slender fingers as he slowly pushed them into my pussy. My breaths became heavy, I had barely noticed the stickiness from his pre-cum seeping into my fingers.
Colin stops kissing me and removes his fingers from my tight walls to taste me. He looks me in the eyes as he does so, “You taste so fucking good.” I bite my lip as I watch him slurp up my juices. He places his fingers back into my heat and swirls them around my clit while I lean back onto the cold mirror.
I whimper as I feel him pull his fingers away but only to pull my hips closer. Colin places my legs into his shoulders and pushes my panties to the side once more. I feel his hard tip at my entrance, I nod to give him the ‘okay’ before glides into me. His hands hold onto my waist as he finds the pace of his thrusts. Every bit of his length makes way into me, stretching me, and hitting all the right spots.
He moves his hand to make circles on my clit, I arch my back at his touch. The sheer force of the thrusts began to shake the counter top. My hands help to keep me stable as our moans echo off the bathroom walls. I look into Colin’s eyes. They are tired and exhausted but they are also full of lust. I could tell he really needed this. He really needed me.
My legs fell from his shoulders as he leaned forward to become closer to me. He placed a secure grip on my waist while the other leaned against the mirror. I pulled his face to mine before softly kissing him. One hand held to the back of his head while the other wrapped around his toned back. It was then I realized I could see a future with this man. It’s as if we connected on another level.
My senses overcame me as I felt myself come to a climax. My legs shook as they wrapped around his hips. Every thrust felt as if it were the first. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back to relish the ongoing orgasm. I felt Colin’s cock flinch inside me as he watched me cum. He groaned out while his pace became sloppy. “Fucking cum for me baby.” I yelped. Colin’s eyes widened.
With my legs wrapped around him, Colin came in me after 3 more poorly made pumps. I smiled as his frustration flushed away. His face practically lit up. We both sighed as he pulled his sopping cock out of my cunt.
Colin helped me get cleaned up before dressing him self. “God that was…” he paused, “the best thing that’s happened to me in a while.” I ran my fingers through his messy brown hair,“I’m glad you chose me to be the one to help you get some steam off.”
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valiantphantomangel · 4 months
The mint chocolates
A/n: here is a little something that I thought of while laying in bed
"Darling I'll say this once, get back here or I swear to Odin I will tickle you to tears" Loki warned as he stalked around couch.
"Nope" you grin as you follow his movement.
Why was he after you? Great question.
You stole his mint chocolates that he always keeps hidden somewhere in the kitchen, the same ones that were now your hand.
"Give me my chocolate back you little demon spawn" He said as he continued to look at you.
"Oh you mean these?" You said with a smirk as you bit of a huge chuck of chocolate and munched on it.
"Why you little!" He growled as he suddenly leaped over the couch and tackled you onto the carpet.
You almost choke on the chocolate as he immediately drilled his thumbs into your hip bones.
"Get off of me youHAHHAHAHA" you shrieked in laughter underneath him as you wrestled against his hands which you of course lost.
Stupid god strength.
"I shall have my revenge, little thief" Loki said with his infamous smirk as he switched to your ribs, one of his hands keeping yours pinned over your head.
"Now now no need for such foul language" he tutted.
He suddenly leaned down, letting go of your hands and blew a big fat raspberry on your belly button.
You SCREAMED in laughter and trashed around harder then ever, your feet slamming against the ground.
"I think the young maiden could use some air brother" you heard Thor's amused voice behind you and Loki let up.
You laid on the ground completely boneless, soft giggles still pouring from your lips and a blush adoring your whole face.
"You look a little red Love" Loki chuckled as he got off of you and picked you up in his arms.
Your eyes widen in alarm "No more, I will literally die"
"Don't worry I'm just taking you to your room so you can get some sleep, you look practically exhausted" He smiled before looking down at you and whispering darkly "But steal my chocolate again and you won't get the same mercy"
You quickly nod.
He carried you into your room and laid you down comfortably on your bed, tucking you in and closing the curtains before wishing you goodnight and leaving the room after closing the door.
You lay there in the darkness and before sleep claimed you, you decided that you won't ever steal from the God of Mischief again.
Unless you're prepared for the consequences.
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nonnieapple · 1 year
⛈☂ Strings☂⛈
 • (Marshall Lee x reader)  • r a t i n g: t e e n & u p • 2 4 2 5  w o r d s  • p o s t e d 24.09.2023     🌧 navigation  ☔️ SEQUEL • s u m m a r y: marshall likes snooping around, and you like peace and quiet.
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The rain fell on the grasslands of Aaa and surrounding areas. The animals in the forests hid under trees, candy citizens ran into bars, and Marshall Lee floated high off the ground. 
  He floated to the empty Tree House. The willow branches dripped with cold water and glistened like rhinestones. He tapped on the glass. No one answered. Adjusting his jacket and turning invisible, he let himself in, prying the glass up with his claws. It opened with a slight screech. He flew in, shaking the raindrops off his leather jacket. 
  The water dropped to the wooden ground. He looked up and flinched, turning visible as he was met with a figure on the couch in the kitchen. 
  They held a left-handed guitar made of bone, decorated with worn stickers. They held a pick shaped like a heart as they strummed out chords of Francis Forver, strumming the e-string angrily each time they messed up, concentrating so hard it was almost intimidating. 
  Marshall floated above them as he zipped up one of his pockets.
  You jolted up, stopped playing, nearly dropped your guitar, and with wide eyes watched as some guy appeared in front of you. 
  He had mint skin, black hair wet from the rain, black and red eyes you never got used to, and an expression that confused you. Maybe fear, or worry. You screamed, and he did as well. It was Marshall Lee- kind of a friend of a friend with whom you occasionally crossed paths.   
  Kinda a person you thought was mad cool, but not someone you were close with. 
  "What are you doing here?" He asked. His voice was calm and bordering on deep. You hadn't heard him speak much, and it was startling. 
  You raised a brow.
  "I could ask you the same question!"   You jabbed. 
  He floated down, eyes staring at your instrument.
  "Nice guitar." He bent over to inspect it. You pulled away. His tone was between mocking and impressed. Personal space breached, raise the grimace shields. 
  He was acting quite calm. You were, too. Internally, though, you screamed, your heartbeat wild, hands drumming on your thighs.
  "Um... thanks? Did Fionna invite you over?" You changed your posture from a slouch to the straightest and stiffest pose known to Aaa. Even your tone was stiff. You weren't a person who was comfortable with others around, often becoming a robotic, clumsy mess, and you were even worse with people you barely knew. Cool people you barely knew? Instant death.
   Your face flashed with concern. Marshall wasn't... malicious, but he was trouble, and glob forbid he dragged you into some antics. Can't a guy practice some guitar on a rainy afternoon?
   "As LSP would say, I'm crashing." He shrugged casually.
  You strummed your guitar. It was still connected to your demonic amp. The amount of demons you had to fight to get that thing was crazy. But it was worth it. The sound was clear, the controls were precise, and it sounded otherworldly, especially with deadstortion. 
  He floated near you and nearly stood on his feet. The silence hung in the air as your eyes drifted around the kitchen. 
  "Mind if I try?" He spoke gently, far more soft compared to his usual sass. It could be something he put on in front of groups of people. Or maybe your deer-in-headlights demeanor was enough to make even him more careful. 
  Your eyes fell on him and you folded your arms, not before gesturing to the instrument swiftly.
  "Uh no, go ahead." You nodded and raised your shoulders, tense. 
  Marshall scooped it into his arms. It fit great. His long fingers spanned across the frets nicely. He had hands made for playing guitar, and that made you envious. Even with practice, you couldnʼt reach so far. He positioned himself, floating mid-air. 
  Your face was a mix of curiosity and surprise. 
  "No pick? Just... fingers?" You raised a brow, the words coming out faster than you thought. He laughed lightly, and you flushed. 
  "I'm good with them." You choked on air as you sat stiffly, stifling a nervous laugh. If you were flushed before, now all your blood was definitely in your awkward face. 
  He strummed and his long ears perked up at the sound. 
   "You're left-handed?" He bit the edges of his black lips, positioning his fingers. He didn't need to take so long doing all that. He was stalling. Curious.
  "Not quite. A dragon tore off one of my left fingertips, so I can't hold down the frets without gross pain," You rambled quietly as you rested against the red cushions.
  He played what was definitely, unmistakably Misirlou. You had to close your mouth at the speed of his wrist. Looking at that shit was enough to give your wrist a sprain. 
  He lifted his hands, holding the guitar loosely as he stared in your general direction expectantly. You cleared your throat. 
  "You seem good at left-handed playing. I've only seen you play right before." Marshall's expression flashed disappointment for a second before returning to a chill one. 
  "I've had a thousand years to learn, if I couldn't play either,  that would be embarrassing." He smiled. Damn, that guitar suited him... 
  "Same with money... imagine being poor after like a thousand years..." You tapped on the table, lost in thought, partially about vampires, but mostly about a vampire. 
  "I can't, I own half of Aaa and my mom is the ruler of the Nightosphere. I used to own this Tree House!" He motioned to a part of the tree, and objects lifted to reveal an M carved into it. 
  "I remember that. I wasn't there but I heard about it." You nodded. 
  "Guess you've heard a lot about me?" He lifted his brows. 
  "Quite a- oooh. I get it." 
  "Get what?" A grin tugged at his lips.
  "That wasn't an actual question, was it?" You squinted up with a smug expression. 
  "Wow. Pretty and smart. Package deal," He said with the perfect delivery- just the right amount of casualness for the line to be missed unless you were paying attention. And you indubitably were; you dearly hoped he didn't notice and you came off as cool and mysterious. Your flush and rigidity betrayed your discomfort. 
  Marshall passed you your guitar, and you leaned on it with your elbow, brushing hair away from your face as you looked around the room, searching for something interesting. 
  Dishes. Fridge. Your shaky hands. Paintings. Tree bark. A bug in the corner. Inevitably, your eyes fell back on Marshall. Your attention jumped from his clothes to his hair, to his inhuman features. 
  "Why are you staring?" You blanched and your expression fell. You met his eyes. If you looked down you'd be even more suspicious. 
  "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Your eyes are...." You trailed off. Shit. You weren't looking at his globdamn eyes, but you weren't about to say "Nice cock, bro". 
  "Horrifying? Demonic?" You swore he floated closer to you. You recoiled, pursing your lips. 
  Good save, idiot.
  His arrogant little facade faded, replaced by tired disappointment. 
  "It's also interesting how you're already tall but still float."
  He shrugged.
  "Alright, I'll bite." He stood on the ground. You finally got a good look at his frame and height, and man was that good look good. Every part of him was long and slim, from his ears to his eyes and fingers, and who else knows what. You slapped yourself internally at the thought. 
   He sat down next to you, setting his right calf onto his left thigh. He inclined his head. 
  "Not literally." He flashed the tips of his fangs. He fished a box of cigarettes out of his pocket, turning to you and slicking back his drying hair.
   "You want some?"
  You grimaced. 
   "No. and you shouldn't smoke inside. And this shit is bad for your vocal health." The rain still raged on, yet it felt like a calming ambiance when in the comfort of the Tree House. 
  "Aww, come on. Just once," He beckoned sweetly, nearing your face, feigning demonic puppy eyes. You shook your head. He set them down on the couch, as well as a red lighter. So much of his stuff was red. It was like if you had everything made outta food. 
  "It's like murder. It's a slippery slope."
  You bounced your leg, checking your phone. You scrolled through your notifications. As empty as your heart. 
  "Sometimes I check my messages and realize just how bitchless I am..." 
  "Can't relate. I have lots of friends and messages...." He spread his arms over the backboard, gesturing in the air as his eyes wandered. He had a real soulful expression, as though he was speaking of glob itself. 
  Marshall dropped his arms, sighed, and frowned. 
  "Okay, yeah, I don't have anyone close to me. Sure I hang out with people but I'm kind of a loner," He admitted quietly, reminiscent of your insecure and anxious tone. 
  "You saw me earlier. I'm not much of a loner as much as I am a loser..."
  "That's where we're different. But together we make a lone loser." He gestured to his unbeating heart, speaking like a damn motivational speaker. You smiled. 
  A silence lingered. If not for the raging storm out, you would've heard the caw of a cyclops crow. 
  The silence turned strange as you made prolonged eye contact. Your proximity sent you into a fever. He didn't have any warmth- it felt like you had stolen all of it at once. 
  You tore your gaze away, opening up a portal with your pick and putting your guitar in. Marshall's eyes widened and he jerked in surprise. 
  "Where did that go?!" His voice strained against serenity. 
 "Uhhh I put it in its case. Between the Nightosphere-" You lifted your hand. 
  "The Nightosphere?" He interrupted with worry. 
  "-And the deadworlds. Let me finish." You readjusted yourself, unamused. 
  "Oh, I'll let you finish alright. Not like that. Are you finished?" 
  Your mouth was agape. 
  "You made that a lot worse than it was. Yes, I'm done." 
  You would never forget the awkwardness that plagued you throughout that whole interaction. It would forever be embedded in your cringing bones. 
  You browsed on your phone, refreshing your conversation with Fionna. No updates. Not even a bad meme. Sad. 
  Your arms rested on the table as you set your phone face down. You contemplated making tea. 
  "Why haven't we talked much before?"
  That was a difficult question. You braced yourself as you turned your head to him just a tad. 
   "Honestly? I was... afraid of you. Not because of the demon vampire thing," You quickly defended yourself. 
  "That's surprising..." Marshall mumbled.
  "Sorry." He raised his arms defensively. 
  "But because you're... I'm gonna sound stupid." You laid face down and laughed nervously, in sync with the drops hitting the windows. 
  "I doubt that. You're not Fionna." 
  The corners of your mouth tilted up, and you shot the vampire a dirty look. 
  "Shut up!" You laughed hollowly, surprised by his little joke. 
   He gave you a tight-lipped smile. 
   "You're cool, and I thought you were better than interacting with someone like me." The words did sound stupid coming out of your mouth. The thoughts were completely irrational. 
  "Someone with mutual interests and more to talk about than hacking monsters or angry exes?" He quirked a brow. 
  "I'm not trying to rationalize it. Also, I have plenty of exes to talk about." You raised your phone. 
  Marshall's face was practically begging you to not. 
  "Please don't."
   "Fine. You're safe. For now. One was a demon." You glared at a picture of them with you. He peeked over your shoulder. 
  "That's interesting...."
  "You said not to talk about it." You leaned on your palm, feigning disinterest. 
  "I take it back, come on! Don't leave me hanging," He asked desperately, ghosting his black claws over your now upright back. You shuffled away. 
  "You'll have to beg-"
  Your phone buzzed. You hummed with displeasure, reading the message right away. 
  "Glob. You gotta go, Fionna will be here soon," You urged as you stood up, straightening out your clothes and stretching as you paced around the room. Marshall paused for a second and decided to stand up. 
  "You're right. No fun getting caught." He shoved his hands into his pockets, walking to the window. You watched his movements carefully as he opened up the window, putting his foot on the ledge, and floating, defying gravity. 
  As he left, you were hit with a lot of. A lot. Just, a lot.  
  You put the kettle on the stove, sitting on the counter, relaxing, finally. 
  You had always... wanted to hang out with him, but, damn, you didn't think it'd happen. And he wasn't as intimidating as he came off! You felt all funny inside, still absolutely high off the adrenalin of it all. When you saw him appear it was like your body got restarted. 
  The water began to boil, and you poked at dry leaves of colorful tea. 
  You were surprised as Marshall flew back in. You didn't have time to process a thing. He observed you as you lounged with owlish eyes. He picked up his lighter and cigarettes. He hadn't looked away.
  "Forgot these." He glanced from the objects to you. He headed for the window again. He hesitated. 
  "These aren't tobacco, you know." 
  You raised your brows. He flew out as the front door rattled and Fionna and Cake yelled loudly. You waved to Marshall, only to see that he was gone, and the window was open. 
  You sat like a statue with a mystified gaze. 
  The kettle whistled and Fionna waved her hand in front of your face.
  Did you fumble or did you fumble hard? Maybe if you had taken the offer, something else would be ha...
  "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Cake frowned, poking your knee. You moved the kettle and Fionna turned off the stove. 
  "No, I saw a... yep, saw a ghost. A cool ghost," You replied breathlessly and somewhat robotically as you finally managed to focus on the two. You poured hot water from the kettle into your favorite mug. It had a cat on it. Dropping tea leaves into the water, you watched as the leaves seeped a bright ruby, and swirled with darker, near-black swirls. 
  Rain still poured outside, albeit it was far calmer than previously. You hoped Marshall was fine. 
  You held up two more mugs. You smiled awkwardly. 
  "Anyone want tea?" 
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brainddeadd · 5 months
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Jimin was never one to do things conventionally.
He didn’t ask you out or to be his girlfriend normally.
“WE DID IT! WE FUCKING DID IT!” Jungkook screamed and Jimin turned to you, jumping up and down, screaming incoherently, the biggest grin on his face. He ran around the room screaming with people, some that she knew, some she didn’t and his members joined him.
He ran over to you and picked you up spinning her around, screaming, causing her to wince and shush him.
“Sorry, love.” He laughed and put you down, still bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. The boys jumping around them, screaming and music blaring in the distance and he grinned before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips. Then he was gone, being pulled away by the boys and going back to jumping around and screaming at the top of his lungs.
“You kissed me, you know?” Jimin snapped his head over, alarmed before laughing nervously and shaking his head.
“Of course I did.” He muttered and looked away. “It felt like the right thing to do in the moment, I’m sorry.”
“I’m not complaining.” You reassured him with a soft smile. “Just curious as to why.”
“It felt like the right thing to do and uh, I guess I wanted to for a while and-“ He cut himself off. “Fuck it, I like you and I want to be, uh, officially unofficially friends and officially more than that. Wait, that made no sense, uh-“
“Yes.” You cut him off before he breaks his brain and he stared at you for a minute, as if he didn’t quite understand what you just said, as if he couldn’t fathom it and then his entire face lit up like a Christmas tree as he grinned and pulled you into a bone-crushing, breath-taking hug and then pulled away to kiss your lips softly.
He didn’t ask you to move in normally.
You woke up to a weight on her stomach and frowned slightly because, it’s definitely not Jimin. Opening your eyes, you looked down and saw Bam, Jungkook's dog, and smiled, fussing the baby, who rolled over for tummy rubs.
“Hey baby, are we watching you today?” You sat up and saw something attached to his collar. “What you got, buddy?”
You removed the paper carefully, and he forced his way into your lap. Wrapping your arms around the dog, you opened up the paper to see a key taped to the inside and familiar messy handwriting scrawled across the page.
The key is yours, if you want it.
I would love it if you chose to invade my space indefinitely.
“YES!” You yelled and Jimin came running into the room a few minutes later.
“Yes?” He asked, excited, but apprehensive, as though he thought he’d misheard you.
“Yes.” You ginned and he stood there for minute before jumping around like an idiot.
He didn’t ask you to marry him normally.
You walked into the living room to see a bunch of roses on the table and an open box next to it. Walking over, you saw that the flowers were lying on something. Looking around the room to see if Jimin was there, frowning at the lack of his presence, stopping in confusion when you saw the album cover under the roses and a ring in the box.
“What?” You whispered, and looked closer at the album cover.
The cover was black with white print, with bright purple highlighter was covering one of the songs. You squinted, struggling without her glasses, and looked closer.
“If you want my answer, you’re gonna have to come face-to-face with me!” You called out and laughed a little when she heard him curse.
“Can’t you just yell it from where you are?” He called back, still hiding.
“Nope.” You laughed when he groaned and then he stepped out from around the corner of the hallway.
“This is as close as I’m coming.” He muttered.
“But how can I kiss you if you’re all the way over there?” You asked and his head snapped up to look at you.
“What?” He was whispering, but his voice still broke.
“Yes, I’ll marry you, you big, beautiful, idiot.” He all but sprinted across the room and swooped you into his arms, swinging you around and whooping at the top of his lungs.
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fawndlyvenus · 10 months
I am looking at @emberfaye @the-cookie-of-doom ,and @snickerdoodlles specifically for this one. (Look at what you three have done!… thank you.)
Kim wanted to collapse after his day. Filming for a music video three days in a row was not fun. He didn’t want to see another makeup artist for the next week. And he felt like he’d bust a camera into little bitty pieces if one appeared right now.
He stripped almost immediately after entering the apartment him and Chay shared, and scrubbed layer after layer of makeup from his skin, as well as whatever they had put in his hair to set it this time. Once he was feeling somewhat normal again, Kim pulled one of Chay’s t-shirts from the closet on over his head, and breathed deep.
The scent of Chay was magic at making him feel more relaxed – and until Chay came back from classes, this would have to do. Slipping on some old sweatpants, Kim returned back to the bathroom to scrub his mouth clean of the dry, icky feeling of the day.
As he was preparing his toothbrush, he saw it – his bare neck. His agitation and grumpy mood now doubled. Chay hadn’t left a single mark in days because of this shoot. Not a single hicky or bite mark colored his neck, and it honestly made Kim feel off.
Wearing Chay’s marks was grounding. It was something that made him feel special and wanted. To know that he was so loved and important to someone, and that they wanted him to know it every time he looked in the mirror. It made Kim feel something curl up warm and tight in his chest seeing exactly where Chay’s mouth had laid claim to him.
And now he felt cold and bare looking at his perfectly flawless neck.
Kim brushed his teeth at lightning speed, before padding back out and curling up on the sofa in the living room. Kim tried not to think about it. His leg bounced as his feelings intensified, and no amount of tv or doom scrolling on social media could stop it.
Kim was a dog with a bone. A very Chay-shaped bone, and he wasn’t going to let it go for anything. Checking his phone, Kim saw that Chay still had about an hour left before he’d be back.
Kim could do this. He could last an hour.
Kim moved into the kitchen, threw himself into cooking a meal, but his mind immediately went back to Chay.
Had Chay ate? What would he want to eat for dinner? How hungry would he be? Too hungry to mark his-
Nope! Kim left the half-cut vegetables sitting on the cutting board, and moved back to the sofa to stop his thoughts. He picked up his guitar and began to idly strum some chords. His fingers moved, but his mind stayed exactly where it had been – pacing an ever growing worn spot on his mental carpet.
Chay would think he was needy for wanting him to mark him first thing when he got home. Was he needy? No, he just liked his boyfriend’s mouth on him. That was totally normal and not needy of boyfriends, right? Wanting his skin littered with proof that Chay wanted him, as much as he wanted Chay, was absolutely normal and not needy.
Kim – lost in his thoughts – almost missed the sound of the locks on the front door disengaging and opening. Almost. Bolting up, Kim half ran to the entrance and felt his body react accordingly to seeing that familiar mop of black hair, and large doe-like eyes.
“P’Kim! Your back-oof!” Chay’s words were cut short as Kim crowded him against the wall. Kim crashed their lips together, and felt the all-too-familiar zing of electricity shoot down his spine as he did. Kim felt the way Chay’s body vibrated under him as a series of giggles slipped past their moving lips.
Pulling away, Chay finally let out the last bit of his laughter. “I think you missed me,” Chay teased.
Only a lot. Kim’s brain supplied for him before he could shoot it down. Kim moved to resume their previous make-out session, but was stopped by Chay tugging at the back of Kim’s hair. Kim let out a small hiss – not because it hurt, but because it sent a whole new wave of pleasure through him.
Chay’s eyes had darkened, and he looked somehow sinful, yet adorable, as he cocked his head to the side to look at Kim. Tugging gently at the hair still trapped between his fingers, Chay scanned Kim’s face, looking for something.
“What is it you want, love?” Chay’s words sent another zing down his spine, but also a lick of something bitter with it. Why did he have to say it? Why couldn’t Chay just know what Kim wanted and do it? He probably did know, but Chay wanted Kim to tell him, but Kim didn’t know how.
He couldn’t just say “mark me till I know I’m yours without question,” because that was definitely needy. But he also knew Chay would like that. Chay would definitely, positively like that.
Kim felt a few more tugs on his hair, as Chay waited for him to find the words, which were proving difficult to get out. Swallowing a worrying amount, Kim finally found his voice, “Mark me. Mark me till I know I’m yours.”
“Good boy,” was the last thing Kim heard Chay say, before he felt the warm and wet suction of Chay’s mouth on his neck. Kim was in heaven as Chay sucked and bit at his neck. He didn’t care about the sounds he was making or the fact he was basically clawing the wall behind Chay.
It felt glorious to finally have the thing that he most wanted and the knowledge that after Chay was done with him, he’d have the most beautiful necklace of proof that Chay loved him, and that he was Chay’s. And that was exactly what he always wanted. Forever.
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almostloosingit · 2 years
Tokyo Revenges Drabbles
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GN reader
I don’t know where the idea of this man being a bad boyfriend came from but hey… he ranked 2nd on the “best boyfriend ranking” for a reason.
I get it he breaks peoples bones like it’s a stick and poses like an old fighting game character, BUT you can NOT tell me this man wouldn’t be the softest with his partner. I mean LOOK AT HIM! Ran is better at playing being tough and shit with his partner, but Rindou? The second you say something flirty or slightly suggestive this man is turning into a tomato. No way you would say something like that in public, right? He must be hearing things.
I mentioned before and it is literally the truth when it comes to Rin looking up to and respecting his older brother so if you’re mean and being to Ran for no reason… you are gone. If for example you got into a fight with Ran or he was being an asshole and you were just protecting yourself/baiting back, that’s fine, but being a pure bitch to him for no reason? Nope, he’s not having it. That’s why he was really happy when you and his older brother were getting along really well. (Ran would not have it either but this ain’t about him.)
I feel like the brothers do skin care routines, nothing overboard but they have some good stuff. I feel like Rindou would be embarrassed to tell you about it. He’s afraid that if you find out, you will see him as “less manly” or some dumb shit. When he told Ran, he gave his younger brother an eyebrow raise then burst out with laughter.
Either to say next time they were doing a skin care routine Ran took a mirror selfie with Rindou and sent it to you.
Ran was holding the phone with one hand and doing a peace sign with the other. He had a frog hair band while his face mask was light blue. Next to him was your cute ass boyfriend, his face was still close to the mirror as he was still applying the clay face mask that was also light blue. His hair band was just the back metal one. He looked so cute. But it didn’t go in noticed by you that there was a light blue hair band laying on the side. You asked Ran about it and he said that Rindou didn’t put it on today cuz he would look way too blue since his hair as well. You asked Ran to send you another picture when Rindou is wearing it. Guess what picture of Rindou you got the next day?
You were hanging out with your boyfriend. You were making him a drink when you heard your phone make a noise. (You and Rindou did a rock-paper-scissors and who lost had to change their notions sound because each time there was a notification both of you chased your phones p.s he won)
“Could you check who texted me babe?” You shouted from the kitchen. You don’t understand how happy it makes him that you trust him that much. It’s a low standard but still.
“Of course!” He said while picking up your phone. He was about to tell you when he saw your lock screen .
It was him making a peace sign while sitting relaxed on his couch with his blue hair band and a sheet hello kitty (cinnamon roll) face mask. To say the least my guy was shocked.
He came into the kitchen holding your phone with the screen facing you.
“When? How?” He asked, embarrassed. Shit you forgot to change your lock screen.
“Ran send it to me. He said that you were embarrassed to tell me that you have a skin care routine, so he started to send me pictures of you while you guys do your skin care.” You said, while walking in his direction, passing him his drink then taking your phone. “No need to be embarrassed, love. You are the most adorable manly man out there.” You said before placing a kiss on his cheek. “We should do some face masks together, you know? It would be a cute movie night date.”
He’s glad you get along with his older brother, after all if you didn’t, you and Rindou wouldn’t have plans for tomorrow night.
A special addition from @syunsww1 (one of my lovely beta readers.)
“I feel like he would hold the phone to your ear when you're on a phone call as you are painting his or your nails.”
He would also hold your phone as your painting your toenails. You know it’s a team effort. HES TRYING HIS BEST TO HELP. He also wants to hear the drama from your bestie.
I used spin wheel to determined who won the rock-paper- scissors.
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shadedheart138 · 2 months
Too Much Thinking Is Bad For My Health (Part One)
Warriors was currently staring at his bowl of lovingly made chili with wide eyes. Today had not been a good brain day, not at all. Another of those days where no matter how much he loved the person making the food, or how many times he was told it wasn't going to kill him, he just couldn't bring himself to eat it.
The war had been hard. Too many assassination attempts from poison. It had made him terribly paranoid, and for good reason. Finding hemlock in your dinner wasn't a nice surprise. Funny how that was one of the only things comforting him now, was poison. Both his savior and his condemner.
Warriors had gone searching, bones showing and body shaking, for a way to make his brain quiet about the poisonings. Once the war was over, he hadn't much a need for being so paranoid. But it didn't go away, no matter how much therapy he tried or how many medications he took to make everything stop. So he'd turned to older methods. Seemingly simpler methods.
Mithridatism. The act of self-poisoning yourself in small increments to build immunity. If you're immune, you can't die, simple math. No one told him that it could become his only solace, the only thing he'd turn to. Almost an addiction. How ironic.
Warriors' hands shook, as he cradled his chili bowl. He was getting weird glances at this point, and worried ones from Time and Wind. They knew. They were aware of how messed up his brain was. They weren't aware, however, of the self-poisoning. Warriors looked back down at his bowl and attempted to pick up the spoon. No, nope, no.
He put the spoon back down and reluctantly put the bowl down altogether, pale. He tried to plaster on a smile. "I just don't think I'm very hungry right now, Wild. I'll eat something later." He said to the cook, trying to ignore how his voice shook. He got up and dusted off his pants, heading to his bedroll instead of sitting down by the fire like he usually did. Before he settled down, he pulled out his pack and ran his fingers over the very small vial in the front pocket. Hemlock, the very same thing that had nearly killed him so many times. It brought him both relief and anxiety.
"I'll take second watch, after Sky." He called quietly, and laid down, eyes still open and wide awake. He ignored the whispers, ignored the "I'll just save him something, for when he takes watch.", ignored the "Time, can you make sure he at least eats something, once you swap shifts?".
Everything faded as he attempted, in vain, to doze.
A handful of hours later, Warriors was gently shaken by a sleepy Sky. " 'S your turn, Captain. There's a good handful of fruits and a sandwich wrapped on a log for you, that Wild made. He figured you'd be hungry later." Warriors got up, pulling his sword to his back.
"Thank you, Sky. Get some sleep."
"You bet I will."
Warriors sat on the log, looking at the fruit. Two apples, an orange. A pear, some durians. He ignored all of them, and unwrapped the sandwich. He had no intention of eating it, just curious as to what it was. Maybe he could toss it out into the woods for Wolfie, if he was around. Could lie and say he ate that instead.
Lying didn't sit right. It was turkey cheese. He wrapped it up again and set it aside, staring out into the dark.
Eventually, even the dark wasn't as comforting as it had been. It was too quiet. Quiet, but Warriors could hear every snap of a twig, every leaf, every rustle, it was too quiet but it was too loud but it was- He scrambled for his pack, hands trembling. He pulled out the vial. Whether he wanted it to or not, it comforted him. He'd take it around this time every night anyway. Consistency. The vial was mostly empty, nearly ready to be replaced with another month's worth. Warriors uncorked it, shuddering as he breathed in the smell of something so deadly, something so ready to kill him yet it was the only thing keeping him alive. He looked around, making sure no one was awake; double, triple checking- then lifted the vial of poison to his lips.
"Hey, you okay?" The voice startled him, and there went the next three days down his throat. Warriors jumped, put down the vial, and looked to his side. Time was standing nearby, dressed in only an undertunic and pale pants. He didn't seem to notice the vial, so Warriors tucked it into his neckline and pretended he hadn't just taken something that could definitely kill him.
"I'm f-fine." Warriors' voice broke. Fuck.
"Clearly not. What's on your mind?"
Warriors twiddled his thumbs and sort of hunched in on himself, trying to push the poison from his mind. If he focused on it he might just go insane.
"The war, as always. I promise, it's just bad memories." Not quite a lie, not quite the truth.
"Anything I can help with?" No.
"No, it's just..."
How do you explain to your little (not so little now) brother that you poisoned yourself every night? You didn't. It was something he refused to do. He wouldn't subject Time to it.
"It's just hard, remembering. I'll be okay." Warriors tried to smile warmly, it came out as more of a grimace. Time sat down next to Warriors and took a hand, watching him with that one eye full of such wisdom, such love. "You will be okay. How about we take this watch together, hm?" He let Warriors lean on his shoulder a little.
"Alright." Just to humor him. Just to show he was fine and he'd be fine.
"I love you, brother. Get some rest if you can, okay?"
"Love you too, Sprite."
The morning was hell. What the fuck. Where was the sky? Why were people talking so loud? What time was it? His throat, he couldn't breathe, it was so hard, where was the oxygen? Where...
Warriors groaned quietly, and several people jumped.
"Warriors? Are you okay, can you hear me?" Hyrule asked quietly. Warriors barely opened his eyes, then shut them again.
"Hylia, his breathing is barely there. Shit shit shit, Legend, grab a potion, a fairy, something." Hyrule said frantically. Legend was rifling through Wars' pack and pulled free a fairy.
Wind was crying. Who would do this to his brother, who was normally so kind, so sweet, who loved them all and laughed like the father Wind didn't quite remember? Who patched his wounds no matter how small, who sewed his favorite shirt together and held him tight when he couldn't stand the memories? Soothed him to sleep and kissed his hair and spun him around in the sun with a smile? Someone who was so strong and who was there for everyone, no matter how much he was falling apart?
Wind was crying.
Time was frantic. For the first time in a while, he was frantic. None of the Links could have poisoned him, everyone was so clearly upset and everyone loved each other so dearly. No one would poison Warriors, no matter how paranoid he was of it. Who would? Who would do this to the man that took care of Time when he was just tiny little Mask, who joined him in pranks and helped raise him? Who taught him how to read and write and do math and love those around him, when he'd originally hated the world? Who taught him to see the sheer beauty in living?
Time was frantic.
Wild was terrified.
Had it been his food? Was Warriors allergic to anything he'd made? Certainly he'd have said something? Was it him, who'd done this?
Four was at war with themself, a blue voice trying to place blame and a violet voice trying to list out everything and anything about the situation and a red voice sobbing and a green voice trying to quiet them-
Sky was also crying.
Legend was crying, though he'd hide it.
Hyrule was crying.
Twilight was pacing, and- you guessed it- crying.
Warriors was dead.
Then he wasn't; the fairy had brought him back. His breath was barely there, but he was there, he was alive. Hyrule shuddered softly, hands glowing with magic. Legend was still looking around in Warriors' pack, whispering expletives and wiping tears. His hand hit the hidden pocket.
Warriors turned just enough that the vial he'd forgotten about glinted from his bedroll. Hyrule frowned and picked it up.
Legend unzipped the pocket.
Hyrule lifted the vial to try and figure out what the residue was.
Legend took one of the vials out.
They locked eyes, then looked at their pale brother.
"What the FUCK." Legend snapped, taking out vial after vial of deadly poison; foxglove, hemlock, nightshade, all manners of things. "What the fuck."
"Did he poison himself?" Hyrule asked, voice shaking. Someone called out the word poison, a question, then the worried voices and cries rose.
"Looks like it. Hell, he wouldn't have gone out so slow if he'd taken a full one. Why did he take one in the first place?" Legend cradled all of the poisons in a hand and stashed them away in a small pouch. More sobbing, a thud of knees hitting the ground, gentle shushing.
Time's eyes snapped to Warriors, who was stirring. He went over to him, searching for any sign that he was still being dragged under the poison's influence. He'd be sick and sore for a while after this. Wind hiccupped and heaved for air, wailing. Reminding people he was only fourteen, was still a child, had just seen his brother die. Sky held him tighter, from their spot on the ground.
"Captain? Are you with us?" Time asked gently. Warriors opened fever-bright eyes. His hair was messy, his chest heaved weakly. His body shook and he wheezed.
"Sprite? Th' fuck happened?" He asked, voice rough.
"Poison, Warriors. You have lots of it. There was a vial in your bedroll. Did you... did you take it? You're really sick, now." The 'did you want to leave us' was unspoken, but it was there.
"Shit." Warriors whispered. He closed his eyes again, then opened them. "Yeah, I took it."
"WHY???" "WHAT THE HELL?" "SHIT." "THE FUCK, WARRIORS, ARE YOU INSANE?" "NO." "WARRIORS, WHY?" There were various shouts. Wind's crying increased, and Sky tried to calm him, making Four join them to try and help. Warriors flinched. Legend was the only one who didn't seem quite as phased. Wind fisted his hands in Sky's sailcloth and shook terribly. Sky petted his hair.
"Mithridatism." Warriors said hoarsely. He closed his eyes again. Talking was more of an effort than he'd bargained for. His head was pounding and fuzzy.
Legend filled in. "Mithridatism. It's an old war tactic, I think, that kings and nobles and such would use. Self poisoning in non-lethal amounts to try and build an immunity. Could be seen as a coping mechanism, could be seen as an addiction. Can be both." Legend's voice was quiet and somber.
Warriors kept his eyes closed, nodding mutely.
"Warriors, how long...?" Time asked. Warriors just shook his head. He was so fucking tired. He wanted a nap. Everything ached. "Wait, wait, please. We've got to talk about this. How much did you take? Was it on purpose?"" Time whispered, anxious of the answer.
"Accident. Didn't mean to take that much. Maybe three day's worth." Warriors whispered, before letting his eyes stay closed and his mind fade.
"Watch him, please." Time said to Hyrule. Hyrule only nodded, crouching down to sit near him. He then went to Wind, to take him from Sky. Sky reluctantly let go, and Wind turned to curl up against Time. "Why?" Wind asked, coughing in between sobs.
Time didn't have an answer to give him.
Guys now I have to make a part two what the fuck it really got away from me holy shit
@rrainydaydreams, @rebornofstars IT'S OUT AND ABOUT AND HOLY SHIT I HAVE TO MAKE A PART TWO RAA
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smolbonbon · 6 months
I will take care of you
Solar/Moon fanfiction
The prequel from Whether you like it or not you're stuck with me.
Compared to the Sequel this is a cozy fanfiction with shenanigans.
I hope you enjoy it <3
On the same night, Ruin was saved from the prison. Moon's steps echoed through the lobby while he was heading to parts and service. He wanted to see if he could track Eclipse's magic in a way before he called it a night. Eclipse always had a way to distract them.
Moon had to focus on so many things at the same time. Moon didn't know where to start and who to trust aside from Solar and Sun. Sure, he trusted Earth and Lunar but the last thing he wanted was to scare his smaller brother. Moon knew how easily Lunar gets locked up when it comes to Eclipse. And Earth didn't need to be more involved in their problems than she already was.
Then there is Ruin, the crescent Lunar animatronic doesn't know what to think of them. Solar and he were quite confident about the fact that they could have been behind in making Eclipse. It's weird, Solar got knocked out and the footage of it was just gone. Ruin was the only one who was near him. But then again, there is no reason he could think of why they would do this. Maybe it was when Ruin was still infected?
Moon sighed as he moved his hands to his face. "One at a time, Moon." He muttered to himself. He can't start to spiral when he has to keep track of so many things. Moon focused on his to-do list and saw Solar send him the details of coding that he needed for the bodyguard. Well, that's for later.
Solar and he parted the tasks, the dusk animatronic mostly doing the mechanic details and Moon focused on doing the coding part. Solar is capable of programming but it's not his strongest suit. Also, it feels unfair to him if Solar does all the work.
Moon opened the door to the entrance from Parts and Service and sat down to start the computer.
Even if he's more than willing to do so. This fucker is a work alcoholic and if nobody stopped him, then Solar would work himself to the bone.
The blue crescent animatronic didn't know what he would have done if it wasn't for Solar's help. He had done so much for them even if he never had to.
A soft smile appeared on his face but before other thoughts came to his mind he shook his head and sighed. No time for that, the blue animatronic thought to himself. He stretched before he got up from the weird computer.
Parts and service were not his favorite place. It was cold, the room was always bad lighted and it gave him a weird gut feeling. Speaking of the cold, it was more chilly down here than usual.
He walked over to the locker and pulled out his key. Moon kept his tools in the locker since anyone could come down here and just snatch his stuff. As he opened the locker, he took an old keyboard out of it and went back to the weird computer. There was no way he would start looking for Eclipse with the three-button keyboard.
If you could even call that a keyboard. Moon looked at the time and it was 11 p.m. Maybe he would work until 3 a.m. and then call it a night.
Moon groaned as he walked to the daycare. He found nothing! No hints, nothing the computer could pick up, how is that possible? Eclipse didn't seem like himself, he was more clumsy and confused. The crescent Lunar animatronic didn't believe Eclipse was focused enough to not make any mistakes.
Moon opened the door and watched Solar drinking his coffee.
"Hi, Solar." The crescent Lunar animatronic mumbled and Solar raised his brow as he faced Moon. "Well, you sound happy." He sarcastically vocalized "No luck?" Solar questioned while setting his mug down.
"Nope, nothing." Moon sighed and let himself fall into the chair next to his companion.
Solar was about to say something but got interrupted by squeaks from the chair. Solar saw Moon spinning in his chair.
Solar watched him amused and waited for him patiently to spin it out from his system.
"Having fun there?" The dusk animatronic asked while the chair kept squeaking until Moon stopped.
"Sorry, I'm listening now." Moon said while getting comfortable in the chair. "You're good I think you needed this." Solar rasped out and the Lunar crescent animatronic watched his mug.
"I wanted to make myself a coffee." Moon mumbled. "Well, then go make yourself coffee." Solar suggested and Moon leaned lazily back in the chair. "Nah I'm too lazy."
The dusk animatronic thought for a moment and then handed his mug to him. "You can have the rest." Solar told him and Moon took it. "Are you sure?" Solar shrugged and grinned. "I had more than enough and besides If I drink more I might run around like Lunar when he had sundrops."
Moon cringed at the memory and then drank his coffee. It certainly wasn't the first time Solar and Moon shared a mug. There were times when Moon accidentally grabbed Solar's mug instead of his own while working. But it didn't bother them.
Their bond grew strong, especially after Moon and Solar worked on the satellite together. The things they went through together in a month were unspeakable. Side quests the celestial animatronics had to do for British Monty so they worked along which resulted in Solar tackling Moon so he didn't attack the British gator.
The amount of times they end up falling asleep on each other while they took a break from working. But that never changed, Lunar and Sun could prove it with the pictures they took for blackmailing.
Moon tasted the sweetness and licked his lips, he remembered how much of a sweet tooth Solar was. Which was ironic who would have guessed a grumpy animatronic like him was actually a sweet tooth? The blue crescent animatronic also liked the sweetness but not as much as Solar did. "Thanks, Solar." Moon rasped out.
Solar shrugged again. "I don't mind." The Solar bot spoke out.
"Anyways the computer was not able to find anything, don't you think that's weird? Eclipse was completely out of it even Ruin thinks so." Moon mused as he continued. "How is he able to hide his magical signature so well?"
The Solar bot thought about it. "Maybe it's Eclipse's creator who is hiding all the evidence?"
Moon moved his hand over his face while letting out a groan of frustration. "That could be it." He mumbled. "We still have zero process of who made Eclipse."
Solar leaned his hand on his shoulder and the crescent animatronic gazed at him. "How about we focus on our other project and come back to Eclipse's creator later?" Solar suggested. "Yeah, you're right. We should make sure Lunar is safe." Moon replied.
It was around 4:30 a.m. when they finally decided to stop. Both of them could barely keep their eyes open, they didn't want to mess something up and possibly destroy their process.
Moon headed to the theater. He saw Sun was cuddled up in a pile of pillows with his cats sleeping right next to him.
Moom yawned as he pulled the donut-looking pillow to a dark spot and a blanket. If he just laid on the ground again then Earth would scold him. He cringed at the memory when Earth found him lying faceplant on the ground. She sure gave him a fifteen-minute lecture on why it's bad for your back to sleep on the ground. Let's not forget about how Sun started to continue lecturing him about how many germs there were on the ground. Sun literally forced him to watch a documentary of germs.
Moon woke up his head was buzzing, and his wires felt all twisted and messed up. His fans were on full blast like he was overheating and yet he was shivering like a leaf.
Moon groaned and pulled himself up but he had to take a second before getting up, everything was spinning.
Oh boy, he probably caught something. Moon groaned and laid back on the donut thing as he pulled the blanket over his face. His joints hurt and felt like they were locked up. The crescent Lunar animatronic knew he wouldn't be able to work if he felt like this.
His vision was blurry and for some reason, he felt very anxious. But there was no reason to be, it wasn't the first time he caught a virus or something.
"Hey, computer, what time is it?" The grumpy Lunar bot asked. "It is currently 12:40 p.m., Moon."
Moon sighed, the theater would open soon and the last thing he wanted was to interact with Karen's. Also, Solar send him a message to come to the daycare.
So he made his way slowly to the daycare, there was a ringing in his ear and the light made his eyes hurt. Solar was already glued to the computer as he opened the doors.
The room was filled with kids and they were running around and screaming, like usual. Lunar was having a tea party with the other kids while Earth was comforting a child and Sun was preparing for snack time.
Solar drank his coffee as he tipped something on the keyboard. "Hey, Moon." The Solar bot spoke.
"How are you doing?" Solar asked while watching him. Moon sat down on the chair next to him and squinted over to Solar.
"Actually I'm not feeling good. I think I caught something." Moon rasped out.
"Yeah, you really don't look good." Solar said bluntly and Moon grumbled "Thanks, Solar."
Solar grabbed another mug and handed it to him. "So does Ruin."
"Geez Solar why so rude today?" Moon replied drowsily. "Huh? Wha- no that's not what I meant. He's also sick."
Moon took the mug and looked into it and tried not to grimace. Coffee was the last thing he wanted to drink. "It's tea, it should make you feel a bit better." Solar replied as if he could read Moon's mind.
"Thanks, Solar." Moon shivered as he drank a bit. "So Ruin is also sick?" Solar nodded. "They woke me up earlier and asked if I could do a diagnostic check on them."
Moon leaned in the chair as he listened. "Don't you think it's a bit weird that you both got sick right after our rescue?" Solar asked and Moon thought about it.
It was weird, maybe there was something in that prison that made them sick? "What do you have in mind, Solar?" Moon tilted his head as he asked.
"Well since I didn't get sick, despite being right beside you. I believe the barrier which kept Ruin in there was infected with some malware." Solar stated.
"I think you're right. " Moon spoke while placing the mug down and Solar shrugged
"So you believe the barrier infected us through the electric shock?" Solar nodded.
"Where is he anyway?" Moon questioned while looking around. "They're in the room beside mine, on the couch." Solar replied.
Moon coughed as he shivered and the dusk animatronic looked at him quite concerned. "You know you kinda look worse than they do." Moon deadpanned him. "Yea, you don't say, Solar." He mumbled.
"Moon, you know I don't mean it like that." Solar spoke amused as he pulled a blanket out from the drawer.
His frown turned to a grin. "Yeah, yeah I know." Solar stood up and wrapped a blanket around his shoulder. Solar moved his hand to his forehead.
"Computer can you do a diagnostic on Moon?"
Moon coughed into his elbow as Solar stood in front of him. The computer scanned him and then stated: "His temperature rose to 39,6°C"
Solar smiled fell and started to think.
"I recommend taking off his coat and pullover, so his fans on his back can work better." Spinard continued.
"I prefer not to take off my clothes here though." Moon mumbled and Solar looked at him. "Why? You used to walk around shirtless all the time."
Before Moon could answer him they heard Sun walking towards them. The bright animatronic could tell immediately Moon didn't feel well.
"Hey Moon are you okay?" The crescent Lunar animatronic nodded. "Hi Sun, yeah I'm okay, just caught a virus." Sun took a huge step back and distanced himself from them.
"Wuss." Moon verbalised and Sun pouted. "Hey, I have to take care of kids, I can't get sick. You know how many kids we get and I can't leave Lunad and Earth alone!" He did have a point but Moon just shrugged.
"Don't worry, brother I'll get out your rays in a minute." Moon uttered as another shiver struck his body. Sun smiled softly. "If you need something I can make Lunar get it."
"Thanks, Sun." Moon replied drowsily. "I'll look after him." The dusk animatronic spoke and Sun tilted his head. "That good I honestly was worried to leave him alone."
"Sun you don't have to worry about me" Moon mumbled and Sun's smile twitched. "Sure brother. " Sun spoke and before the crescent Lunar animatronic could ask him what he meant, they watched the bright animatronic turn around as he announced to the kids. "It's snack time!" They watched the kids running to the table and sat down enthusiastically.
"I guess I'm heading to the Parts and service." Moon mumbled, he felt the same anxiety as when he woke up. The thought of being alone made him nervous. Solar tilted his head. "Parts and service? How about we go to my room?" Solar recommended. "Like I said before I'll take care of you."
"I thought you meant checking up on me. Don't you want to keep working?" Solar shrugged. "I can work later. I wanna make sure you're doing okay." He spoke softly and Moon felt his cheeks lighten up. He looked to the side and hoped Solar didn't see his red face.
Solar moved to the door Moon followed but his head was spinning and his vision blurred. There was a loud ringing in his ear again and he then realized his vision was turning black. Moon grabbed on the chair and called out for Solar.
He couldn't hear anything but the ringing. Solar turned around to Moon's call, he saw him fainting, and before he hit the ground Solar animatronic caught him.
"Moon?!" Solar spoke alarmed, Moon's body fell limp against the dusk animatronic. He started to shake Moon and slapped his face softly. Solar realized he was shutting down since his fans were going quiet "Computer! Diagnostic Moon right now."
Solar picked Moon up as the computer stated. "His temperature has risen to 40,3°C. Solar you have to cool him down immediately."
Earth jogged towards Solar since she saw Moon fainting. "Solar? What happened?"
"Moon fainted, he has a high fever and I'm bringing him to my room. Send someone with icepacks." Solar rushed explaining while opening the door after Earth nodded he sprinted out of the daycare.
"My gut feeling was right to not leave you alone." He mumbled grumpy while running to his room. As he opened the door Ruin was sitting on the couch and looked at Solar a bit startled.
"Hi Solar-" Solar climbed through the tunnel with Moon. "Not now, Ruin. Moon passed out."
Solar felt his fans blasting and tried to stay calm as he took off Moon's coat and pullover.
The panicked bot pressed the button on Moon's chest to open his chestplate, Solar grabbed cables from the Arcade machine which is a working computer and plugged them into his chest.
Soon after Lunar climbed through the tunnel and brought icepacks. "I'm here, Solar!" The smaller jester yelped. "Okay do me a favor and put them on his forehead." Lunar nodded as he climbed quickly up on Solar's bed and leaned it on Moon's forehead.
Solar pulled Moon's pants up where his ankles were. "What are you doing, Solar? Is he going to be okay?" Lunar asked concerned. "He is going to be fine if I do this right. I'm freeing all his fans so he can cool down."
"I connected him to the computer so I can see better what is going on and it alerts me right away if something changes." Solar continued explaining.
Lunar nodded as he held the ice packet on his forehead. Solar glanced over to the monitor and then looked back to Moon.
"Computer can you do another diagnostic on him?" The arcade machine made a noise as the computer scanned him. "His temperature is going down his current temperature is 39,8°C. He should shortly turn back on."
Solar sighed relieved as he sat down next to Moon. Ruin then climbed through the tunnel as well and fidgeted with their hands. "Solar? What is happening to our companion?"
"He also got infected with the same virus but for some reason, he caught it way worse than you." Solar stopped for a moment and then turned to the computer. "Hey, Spinard can you do another diagnostic on Ruin?"
"Yes, of course, Solar. Ruin is currently okay, his temperature is still at 38°C but his fans aren't overheating." Solar let another relieved sigh out and leaned back to the wall.
"Well, that's rather weird." Ruin spoke. "I honestly thought you would have it worse since your body was fixed recently," Solar said thoughtfully.
"What does it have to do with that, Solar?" Ruin questioned out confused and tilted his head. "Well your body got fixed recently and your firewall could be distracted by that." Solar tried to explain but when a quiet click was heard, Lunar kicked him in the back.
Solar flinched and turned around to him grumpy. "Lunar-" The smaller bot smiled innocently. "I can hear his fans turning on," Lunar told them.
"He is actually rebooting." Spinard affirmed and Lunar shrugged. "The same thing."
The celestial animatronics waited for him to wake up but nothing happened after a while they could hear Moon snore. Lunar sighed and slapped him. "Wake up!" Moon groaned. "What the, what happened?" Moon rasped out. "You passed out because of overheating. How do you feel?" Solar questions concerned.
Moon pulled himself up and Lunar took the ice packet from his forehead. "I still feel like shit but not as bad as before," Moon mumbled and looked down. "Why am I shirtless?"
"Your fans were suffocating." Solar vocalized and Ruin side eyes the wall. Moon trembled and rubbed his arms. "Am I really overheating if I'm freezing?" Solar grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Moon's shoulders. "Yeah, it's normal."
Lunar looked worried up at Moon. "Are you going to be okay?" He asked and Moon glanced down to his younger brother. Moon smiled softly at him. "I will be all right, thank you for your help."
Lunar shrugged "It's whatever. Please stay here you scared us." Moon leaned back on the wall. "Oh, I'll definitely. I'm not going anywhere. I prefer not to pass out again."
The computer cleared out its non-existent throat to get their attention. "Solar, I have found out why Moon overheats so quickly."
The dusk animatronic gazed to the arcade machine.
"It seems like Moon didn't clean his fans in a long while and they're not working completely anymore."
Solar turned slowly his head back to Moon and the dark crescent animatronic suddenly felt like he was in danger.
Moon let out a nervous chuckle and looked at the three animatronics staring at him. "Oh boy." Ruin spoke while dramatically covering his mouth.
"Moon.." Solar scowled and before he could say something Lunar pushed a pillow directly on his face.
Ruin fidgeted with their hands as they watched the interaction. He yelped as Lunar suffocated his older brother with the pillow. "Before you overheat I'll strangle you!" Lunar hissed.
"Lunar!" Moon muffled while he tried to pull the pillow away from his face.
Solar picked up the smaller animatronic and pulled him away from Moon. "Lunar you gonna make him faint." Solar muttered and he blew raspberries at them. "Rightfully deserved." Lunar mumbled.
Moon sighed annoyed by his younger brother's shenanigans but he had a point. There was a ping and Lunar checked his messages. "Let go of me, Solar." The dusk animatronic let the small animatronic down.
Lunar brushed his clothes straight and crossed his arms.
"Earth and Sun are worried and it's about naptime so I'll go and help them." He said unamused while looking directly at Moon. "You better sleep with an open eye if you don't clean your stupid fans."
Moon put his hand to his chest. "I promise I'll clean them." Lunar squinted at him and pointed his finger at him dramatically. "You better clean them before the others come up here." Then the small animatronic turned around and left.
Solar looked at Moon pissed and the British animatronic glanced between them amused.
"Okay, I get it! I will clean them up." Moon defensively spoke while fighting a smile. "You better."
The dark crescent animatronic moved around and remembered that his chest plate was still open. Moon cringed at the feeling.
"Do you still need the cable plugged in?" He asked while covering his chest with the blanket. The situation made him feel exposed.
Solar thought about it, he was still worried that it might backfire. The fact his body overheated and he was unconscious for a few minutes worries him. "Hey, Spinard can you alert me if his body temperature rises or if there are other problems?"
"Of course, I shall alert you if there are any concerns." The computer agreed. "Thanks."
Solar moved his hands to Moon's chest, the dark lunar animatronic felt his face heaten and then Moon glanced over to Ruin. He realized they had been watching them the whole time. Ugh, he hoped Ruin didn't notice his bright faceplate. Solar pulled out the cables and Moon sighed while closing his chest plate.
"Are you just gonna stand there or will you sit down next to us?" Solar asked while looking over to the smaller jester.
"O-Oh, no, no I'm fine. I'll rest my eyes on the couch over there." They clumsily pointed to the yellow couch in the balcony room. "Are you sure?"
"Oh, I'm sure. It was entertaining to watch but um.. you see the sickness makes me feel very woozy so I'll take a small nap!" Ruin fumbled with his words and smiled.
"Whatever suits you." Solar shrugged. "But you two have a wonderful afternoon. Ta ta." The silly jester hummed as they climbed out through the tunnel.
Moon and Solar glanced at each other.
"Entertaining to watch, huh?" Moon repeated and Solar huffed.
"Well, we deal daily with a lot of shit. I guess from an outside view it's very entertaining." Solar grumpy mumbled.
Moon groaned and leaned back as he cuddled into the blanket. Solar sat down next to him and watched him.
"Solar aren't you worried you will get sick as well?" Moon questioned, the dusk animatronic thought about it and then shrugged. "If I get sick then so be it."
"Besides I have to make sure you don't get strangled by Lunar." Solar teased, Moon rolled his eyes and smiled softly.
When Solar moved his arm back to the wall, his hand accidentally touched Moon's hand but neither moved their hand away. The dark crescent animatronic felt his faceplate brighten up, usually he didn't mind Solar's touch but for some reason it felt more.. welcoming?
Moon drew circles in his hand while looking to the side.
Moon felt like butterflies were stuck in his wires, it was not unpleasant, far from it. The dark crescent animatronic knew he had been feeling like this a while around Solar.
He remembered when Monty asked him if he was still AroAce but Moon didn't know.
Is this what romantic love feels like? Is it just a crush? Do Aromantic people experience crushes? Aside from gray and demiromantic people. Does he like him in a queerplatonic way? Maybe he's demiromantic, he the feelings didn't instantly start more after their bond grew.
Solar grabbed his hand and the dark crescent animatronic let out a strangled noise. Then both of them hear a loud whirr. Moon pulled his hat down with his other hand, how dare his body work against him?
Solar turned his head to the glowing animatronic, he immediately let go of Moon's hand and cleared his non-existent throat.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have done that." Solar spoke nervously.
"No, you're fine. Just startled that's all." Solar watched him. "I don't mind." The dark crescent animatronic mumbled and Solar smiled.
There was a moment of silence.
"But we should really clean your fans." Solar mused. "Now?" Moon asked.
The dusk animatronic shrugged. "I prefer if we do it now before your cables melt." Moon grunted embarrassed and crossed his arms. "Alright, we will do it now."
Moon felt the weight of the matress lift and he watched Solar getting his tools. He didn't realize he was staring at him until the dusk animatronic spoke. "So with which one do you want to start? We got one on your back and then on your ankles.
"I guess we can start with my ankles." Moon grumpy mumbled and Solar grinned at him. "Oh c'mon Moon, I'll be quick."
"Just let me do it myself." Moon groaned and covered his face. The dusk animatronic shook his head. "Not gonna happen I have the feeling that your vision is blurred."
Moon raised his brow. "How did you know?" Solar laid his tools on the desk and went towards the grumpy animatronic. "Moon, you're squinting a lot. It's not hard to tell."
Solar helped him to get up and walked to the desk. Moon sat down on the desk and sighed.
"Besides it's better if we do it now before Lunar comes back and strangles you." Solar teased and he rolled his eyes.
"So you wanna do this while being asleep or awake?" Solar asked and Moon thought about it. The thought of being shut down made him shiver but not because he doesn't trust Solar. Far from it, Moon trusted his friend with all his heart.
Heck, Solar could even do experiences on him and Moon would trust him completely. The blue crescent animatronic knew Solar was more than capable of taking projects in hand and making the right decision. Moon fought the urge to smile and shook his head.
"What does that mean?" Solar questioned confused. Moon perked up and realized he didn't really answer his question. "I want to stay awake."
The motives was due to his memory loss. Moon still feared to shut down only to wake up with no memories. Many accidents happen while being fixed and that gave him more anxiety.
Solar pulled the cables from the Arcade machine and cleared his throat. "So if you stay awake I'll have to connect you to the computer again."
Moon groaned and opend his chestplate. "Because you have to turn off the fan which you are working on." Moon spoke annoyed and Solar nodded.
After the dusk animatronic connected him to the computer and he tipped something until there was a beep sound. Moon felt his fans on his left ankle turn off, Solar then grabbed the screwdriver and pulled his pants up. He unscrewed the vents and gently pulled it out.
Dust instantly met Solar and he coughed. "Geez Moon when was the last time you cleaned it?" Moon didn't response his question. Solar raised his brow while glancing up to him. "Maybe a few months ago?" Moon mumbled and Solar frowned.
"No wonder you passed out." Solar scowled and Moon chuckled nervously while fidgeting with his hat. "I clean mine at least twice a month." Solar continued.
Moon let out a little: "Oh."
The dusk animatronic shook his head and started to clean out his fans. Both of them didn't say anything and the noises from the daycare of kids screaming and talking filled the silence.
"Doesn't it get annoying to work in here when the children are screaming?" Moon wondered out loud and Solar hummed. "It does but I have this function installed. Basically like noise cancelling headphones, so I can easily blend it out."
Moon glanced amazed to Solar, this animatronic has numerous smart ideas. "That's really clever, Solar." Solar shrugged and looked to the side. "Not really. I just got inspired when I saw a kid walking around with headphones."
Moon raised his brow and clung onto the blankets. "So? You still managed to build it."
Solar felt his faceplate heaten up. "I guess I did." He smiled softly while trying to focus on cleaning the vents.
After Solar cleaned the last vent on Moon's back, he got awfully quiet. The blue crescent animatronic was sitting backwards on the chair so it gave Solar easier access to his back.
Solar stopped and moved to the lunar animatronic. He noticed Moon's eyes were closed and his head was resting on the cushion from the chair.
"Hey Spinard, is Moon okay?" Solar whispered. "He is fine, Solar. Moon is currently sleeping." The Solar bot let out a relieved sigh.
"If there was a problem I would already have told you, Solar." The computer spoke out sassy.
When Solar was finally finished with cleaning he picked Moon gently up and moved towards the bed. The blue crescent animatronic clung onto Solar while he tried to lay him down.
The Solar bot let out an amused chuckle. "Moon.. let go off me." As he glanced to Moon he was looking direct at the dusk animatronic. "Join me?" Moon asked carefully and Solar raised a brow. "Are you sure?" He questioned while feeling his cheek lighten up and Moon only smiled at him with half lidded eyes. "If you don't mind?"
Solar felt flustered and let out an amused huff. "I don't mind."
The dusk animatronic moved in the bed and wrapped the blanket around them. He felt Moon arms wrapping around his back and Solar hesitantly hugged him while leaning his chin on his head.
"You're really great you know that, right?" Moon mumbled and Solar smiled fondly. "Moon, just go to sleep." He muttered light-heartedly.
The dark crescent animatronic didn't take long to nod off and Solar followed soon after.
Sun and Earth checked up on Moon.
Earth: "Aww look they're cuddling again!"
"They sure are."
Sun chuckled as he took pictures for blackmailing and Lunar followed them.
Lunar: "Ew cooties."
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smells-like-mettaton · 8 months
Happy birthday @carlyraejepsans!! Small birthday fic for you!!!
Word Count: 1 123
Rating: G
Summary: Papyrus and Mettaton enact an explosive plan to get Sans and the Queen together.
“Are you sure this will lead to an explosion of romantic feelings?” Papyrus whispered to Mettaton in their hiding spot behind a conveniently-shaped shrub. 
The convenience was artificially-created—he had been the one to trim this particular hedge in the shape of himself and Mettaton—but that was okay. Sometimes these things needed a little artificial flavor, or nothing would ever get done! 
He hoped Queen Toriel liked the artificial flavor of bombs. 
“Darling, nothing is more romantic than missile toe!” Mettaton replied, holding a long pair of binoculars to see through the hedge. “Just wait. This program hasn’t even started yet!”
Papyrus scooted closer, pressing one eyesocket to half of the binoculars. It gave him a pretty good view of his brother and the queen standing beneath one of the garden’s arches, where Sans liked to hang out and pick water sausages for his “illegal” hot dog stand. Mettaton had forged a note in Sans’s handwriting, and Papyrus had set up the missile toe—a tarsal-and-bomb combo Mettaton said was a hit on the surface—to create the most romantic atmosphere possible. Surely it would blow through Sans’s aloof exterior and compel him to confess his true feelings!
“Hey, Tori.” Sans hid a bundle of water sausages behind his back. Papyrus wasn’t sure why he bothered, since they both knew Toriel knew what he was doing with them. “Water you doing here?”
Papyrus suppressed a groan. Sans was never going to get anywhere with abysmal puns like that! It was a good thing he had such a brilliant brother looking out for him!!
Toriel laughed, though, because she was absolutely smitten by Sans’s slime-emitting charms. Somehow. 
“Oh, nothing mulch.” She smiled, her fangs poking out from under her upper lip. Papyrus had caught Sans grinning dopily at that smile more times than he could count. Not that Toriel would be able to tell, since Sans’s expressions were nearly impossible for anyone but Papyrus to read. “I hoped you might be able to tell me.”
She held out the note Mettaton had written. It had told her to meet Sans here for a special surprise. 
“Huh. Any idea who wrote that?” Sans asked, glancing around. 
Papyrus tried to keep his bones from rattling with anticipation. 
“It was not from you?” Toriel frowned. 
“Nope. It’s a pretty good forgery, though. They even got my i’s write.” He held the paper up to the sun lamps in the cavern ceiling, like he was trying to see through it. Mettaton hadn’t hidden any secret messages, though, as far as Papyrus was aware. “Hey, wait a second.”
While looking up, he’d apparently noticed the missile toe. Perfect timing!
“Hit it, darling!” Mettaton said.
Papyrus pressed the remote detonator. 
The bomb exploded with a BOOM of bones and confetti. It was loud, it was flashy, it was perfect! In fact, Toriel was throwing herself at his brother already!!
She tackled Sans to the ground, tarsals raining down on her back. Sans’s face, pinned near her shoulder, went bright blue.
“Are you alright?” Toriel asked him quickly, propping herself up on her palms. 
“Uh,” he said coherently. 
“Ugh, Sans, you’re blowing it!!” Papyrus hissed.
“Let the show go on,” Mettaton stage-whispered. “There’s still time for a grand finale.”
“Not sure about all right, but looks like I’m all left in one piece,” Sans finally said, still lying on the ground. 
“Thank goodness.” Toriel sighed shakily. “Perhaps I should not have disbanded the Royal Guard after all… I never would have expected such a cowardly attack…”
“Heh. I think you’ve got it the other way around.” Sans picked up one of the fallen tarsals. “This has the Royal Guard written all over it.”
“You mean—Papyrus did this?” Toriel’s brow furrowed.
Papyrus cursed. Ratted out by his own brother! Didn’t he have any sense of gratitude??
“Do you not think that is a little far-fetched?” Toriel asked, standing and helping him to his feet. “Perhaps he is being framed. Your brother has no reason to fight either of us. Unless our puns pushed him too far…”
“Nah, he’s not into that kind of pun-ishment.” Sans grimaced. 
“Then why…?”
“Because Sans is incapable of telling you how he feels!” Papyrus burst through the hedge, leaving a Papyrus-shaped hole in the Papyrus-shaped shrub.
“Hey, bro.” Sans sounded tired, and not at all surprised to see him.
“Papyrus?” Toriel gaped.
“And Mettaton!” Mettaton burst through his adjacent shrub.
“And Mettaton.” Sans sighed. “Nice job with the note.”
“Thank you! Having a built-in photocopier comes in handy.”
Toriel pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“What is the meaning of all this?” 
“Romance! Drama! Bloodshed! What else?” Mettaton beamed. “The producer isn’t supposed to be seen on set, but Papyrus made the executive decision to pull back the curtain, so here we are! Ready for our close-up!”
Toriel shook her head, but chuckled.
“Of course… well, that is sweet of you. But, I am afraid your script has an error in it.”
“An error?” Mettaton gasped with a hand to his mouth. 
“Yes. You see, I already know how Sans feels about me.” She smiled.
“You… what???” Papyrus’s jaw dropped.
Sans went pale. Paler than usual, anyway.
She rested a hand on Sans’s shoulder.
“I did not want to press you on the subject. I have been alive for hundreds of years. I can be patient.” She gave Papyrus a stern look, and he shivered. “As you should learn to be, as well. It is terribly impolite to force someone to confront their feelings before they are ready.”
Papyrus looked away. He’d just been trying to help! Still, there was no fighting a look like that. He could only hope she decided to spare him.
“I see… My dating handbook must be missing a few pages,” he muttered.
“There was no force involved! Only the romantic catalyst of missile toe!” Mettaton insisted, hugging Papyrus close as if to protect him from Toriel’s glare.
“Missile…?” Sans snickered. “Okay, that’s funny.”
“I knew you would understand!” Papyrus said. Sans always appreciated a good jape!
“Yeah, yeah. Just don’t try toe blow me up again. Just ‘cause ya missed this time—”
“UGH!! You are impossible!!! You are lucky the Queen puts up with you!!!”
“I think I do more than put up with him.” Toriel winked.
Sans blushed again. 
“Wonderful! That’s a wrap, darlings!” Mettaton waved with the arm that wasn’t squeezing Papyrus. “No need to thank us. Just order a jar of MTT-Brand Beauty Yogurt™ for your first date, and we’ll call it even!” 
Mettaton engaged the wheels in the heels of his boots and zoomed them away. The sound of Sans and Toriel’s laughter echoed behind them.
That was all the thanks that Papyrus needed.
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