For those who are unaware. Last year (under my old account NoraMutaoFrost) I was bullied because I shared an image from someone who did 'blankshipping' art. I did not know they did, because I didn't go looking for that specific tag. Someone else shared it, so it ended up on my feed.
Apparently sharing someones art who did blankshipping art was a big no no and I got my name put onto a 'block'/'blankshipping' list where my over 700 followers went from 700 to 300 overnight. I mean that literally. I donno where this list was or who made it, I was told this by one of my followers.
After this I kept getting messages/asks/DMs about how a broken person I was, or how gross I was going liking blankshipping. Regardless of how many times I told them that I didn't like blankshipping.
Now keep in mind that I am completely indifferent to the actual blankshipping. I don't look for it, I don't write it, and I have that tag blocked because I don't like seeing porn in general. So I tend to avoid it.
So after giving up all together and stopped writing everything I was writing at that time with Submas, left all the submas servers I was in, and hiding under a rug for a few months I finally decided to delete my account and start fresh. Maybe the bully's won't find me.
I'm a really shy person in general and I don't do to well with confrontation, I tend to stick to myself, and I don't have may friends on here that talk to me often enough to check up on me when I'm to quiet.
Anxiety and depression are bad.
Sorry for venting, I just wanted to get this out in the open so people know.
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crimson-cring-art · 5 months
If you want to learn more about Ming Yue, check out the story me and my friend Nora did.
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tyeler-kostlan · 4 years
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Danny and Zareth need some time to chill together.
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 years
*jumps into your ask box and hugs you* you really are awesome. I hope you know that.
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askkaiflame · 7 years
So if Misako is Empress does that mean Garmadon would be emperor? Would he have been bitten in the first place?
Yeah, Garmadon is the Emperor. And no, he wasn’t bitten. But someone else was ;3c
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sylphee · 7 years
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Time for another bunch of asks! c:
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I’m honestly just so glad that so many people love Cole and baby ;u;
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They are good!!! They are GOOD!!!!!!
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!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!! My art inspires you to write?!!?! This is such a high compliment holy moly ;u;
Well, I hope you keep writing! And thank you for being awesome ^u^
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Thank you!! I don’t care about time shenanigans changing appearances or whatever, this boy gets double scars haha
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what the heck, why are you all so cute and nice?? aaaaaaa thank you so much! I’m super happy right now :DDD
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sayijo · 5 years
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@lunaisanartist | @ceata88 | @ravenroyal21 @noramutaofrost | @helpimdrowninginfandoms | @vaonjago @itssaturjay | @justsomerandomweebo | @nightlybirdie
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I’ve been working on this for a while, but all I have right now is the character intros for Dareth and Ronin’s team. City of Secrets AU. The main fic is coming, don’t worry.
@lesbian-wooloo @sibillascribbles08 @noramutaofrost @tyeler-kostlan @sayijo @kara-is-so-ninja if y’all wanna check this out
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tyeler-kostlan · 5 years
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Unready Guardian
Created by @dannydarzuski and @grumpy-zane
Chapter 1 Fit
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 years
Three Favorite OC, favorite food?
Tendril’s (yes you’re still one of my favs stfu) fav is pumpkin pie.
Howard’s fav is quail.
Steven’s is cheesecake
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askkaiflame · 7 years
I'd like you to know that I've fallen madly in love with your Breakdance AU. I was wondering if their was a fanfiction or a comic for it. It just looks incredible and well thought out. If their isn't one you should seriously consider it.
[[ I’m flattered!! There isn’t any comic (except for the typical loose leaf 4-5 page comics i sometimes do. I think there are some fanfictions, but I’m not sure which (if you have one, reblog this post with the link
I also don’t want to do a full blown major comic for the AU, since they all aren’t my original characters. I don’t feel comfortable making a comic with something that isn’t mine. I mean I can make the comic and rename them/redesign but it isnt the same
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grumpy-zane · 6 years
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legofemme · 5 years
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featuring @tyeler-kostlan @elizabethjullien @noramutaofrost @helpimdrowninginfandoms @ceata88 and @grumpy-zane with the pokemon i associate with each oc!!
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((I have returned. It’s time for chapter two of Into The Depths. They all deserve a vacation, don’t you think?
Here you go. Into The Depths, What Lies Beneath.
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/764264769-into-the-depths-what-lies-beneath
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13347714/2/Into-The-Depths
@kara-is-so-ninja @noramutaofrost @ceata88 @tyeler-kostlan @montyrouge @jacked-anime-lloyd @vaonjago @lesbian-wooloo @sayijo @evelinaonline @grumpy-zane if y’all wanna check this out))
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ninjagoforever · 6 years
The Alphabet Game
I got tagged by @the-cosmic-latte-demigod ages ago and finally found it while going through my likes (hehe whoops)
Rules : answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 people you would like to know better.
A - age: 20
B - birthplace: Idaho (USA)
C - current time: 4:21 PM
D - drink I last had: Chocolate Milk
E - easiest person to talk to: My family 
F - favorite song: ooof. At the moment it’s the entirety of Chess in Concert, anything by Two Steps From Hell, and Awaken from League of Legends
G - grossest memory: Probably the time I helped clean out my great-uncle’s house. He was a two-pack a day smoker and it was vile in there. You could practically taste the smell.
H - horror yes or no: No. No, no, no, no thank you, and no.  
I - in love?: Yes. With books.
J - jealous of people?: People who have their lives together, a little. 
L - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: The second one. 
M - middle name : Eleanor (after my great-grandma)
O - one wish: That all of my followers are having a good day!
P - person I called last: I don’t really call people. But the last person who called me was my dad. 
Q - questions you are always asked: “Is that with an ‘h’ at the end?” --everyone who hears my name for the first time
R - reasons to smile: Snow, hot chocolate, people who water my crops with their beautiful fics and fanart, cats, pizza, etc.
S - song I last sang: “Anthem” from Chess in Concert
T - time I woke up: 7 AM. Thanks, alarm clock.
U - underwear color: Idk, I don’t pay much attention to my underwear other than making sure it’s clean.
V - vacation destination: Moab, Utah. There’s a national park there with a bunch of arches and red rock formations and it’s beautiful. It’s a family tradition to visit it every year.
W - worst habit: Procrastination. Definitely.
X - x - rays: Once, when I was really young, for reasons I don’t remember (I think it was because I had pneumonia but not 100% sure about that) and also every two or three years at the dentist.
Y - your favorite food: Homemade apple pie! Warm, delicious and healthy. (Okay, not that healthy, but still. It’s full of fruit.)
Z - zodiac sign : Scorpio. My birthday’s October 26.
I tag: @lindsey-chr-not-found, @tinylightningchild, @noramutaofrost, @connorloveselectroswing, & @hyliansheik You don’t have to do it, but I think it would be cool to get to know you guys better. 
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