#grumpy Zane verse
What would Deity see in the mirror in Season 11? (aka what's her greatest fear?) How about Laria?
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“Cole...” It’s a shocked whisper that falls from her mouth as soon as she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The sharp pain of heartache radiates outward from the center of her chest, as though it’s blooming to keep her frozen in place and make her watch.
He’s holding her hand.
The puddle of blood is pooling under him, as though it were from a kill strike placed in a moment of panic.
Cole’s body looks slightly larger in this imagery shown by the mirror, almost as if he was slowly shifting back from an attack from the curse...
The realization strikes her in the heart, resonating in the darkest corners. Places that hide her greatest fear.
“No, no...this wasn’t supposed to...” Deity’s eyes water as she watches the mirror, too sucked into the scene portrayed to hear anything around her. Her fingers absentmindedly grasp at Cole’s.
The action is reflected in the mirror, even though Cole isn’t really there until front of her.
She killed him.
She killed him.
The harsh snap of the robotic voice behind her and the soft press of a freezing hand firmly into her shoulder snaps her from the trance. “Huh..?” Deity blinks, glancing around the dusty room of the Explorer’s Club they were in. “What-“
“I said,” Zane flexes his hand, sending his element receding back into his body. “What did you see? You just seemed to zone out, and I couldn’t get your attention.” He gestures to the mirror. “What do you see? It...seems to show our greatest fears. I saw mine.” He looked to the side, a grimace crossing his face. “It was not pleasant.”
“Neither was mine.” Lloyd seemed mildly disturbed, sitting on the box in the corner while Nya stared out the window.
Zane tilted his head in mild curiosity. “So, what did you see? If you do not mind me asking.”
Deity fearfully turns back to the mirror, feeling the familiar ache bloom in her chest. She can see Cole shaking on the ground still.
His fingers start to slip from her hand as his body slumps to the ground.
It’s a reflex as she jolts out her hand to try and catch his hand before it hits the ground, but she knows he’s not really there. Deity feels her eyes sting as she fights the urge to break down. “I...it’s just Cole, Zane.” A bitter laugh bubbles out of her throat as she turns away from the mirror and wipes her eyes, too stubborn to let her emotions boil over when they were trying to look for something important. “I’m just afraid of another bad argument like the one we had when you died at the hands of the Overlord.” She makes herself busy, searching through dusty artifacts on a nearby shelf.
“That’s what your greatest fear is?” Zane seems confused. “I...see.” He’s rather disbelieving of her statement, especially with the way she reacted.
Deity is shaking as she searches through the items on the shelf, her fingers barely grazing each one.
Lloyd goes to stand up, feeling Zane put his hand on his shoulder. “But Zane, she’s-“
Zane shakes his head, watching Deity slide out of sight in between two bookshelves. “It’s fine. We need to find the scroll. She’s just focused on the mission.” He lied, trying to have the others focus on different shelves so he could go check on Deity. “Stay here.”
Soon, he disappears between the same two bookcases.
((Laria wouldn’t be in s11 bc she rarely goes on land/into Ninjago city but ENJOY ANON. FEAST UPON THE SUFFERING. S11 hasn’t happened in GZ verse yet but I thought you might enjoy a snippet of what happens. :D
This lovely special ask answer is drawn by none other than @grumpy-zane themselves! It was posted with permission and gosh, isn’t it a nice, happy piece? :3 ))
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grumpy-zane · 4 years
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“Time escapes me, worries escape me. I feel as though I am losing myself. I lost count of how many days I have been here on this island, I have given up on help. No one is coming, no one knows I am gone...”
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Hellooo. It’s been a while since I worked on any writing (I swear I am, it’s just been really hectic and I’ve sick so my productivity has been slow.) However! I come to you bearing a new fic! It takes place in s8 of Grumpy-Zane Verse, and features my oc named Selene, who seems to be...haunted? Maybe? We shall see. :)
Also featuring @dannydarzuski ‘s oc Danny and @tyeler-kostlan ‘s oc Luna , as well as @grumpy-zane ‘s Zareth. Not sure how many chapters this will be, but I hope you enjoy!! Feel free to ask me anything you want about Selene!!!
Here you go. Chapter 1 of Dragon’s Brew: There’s a Glitch in my Espresso
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/837893607-dragon%27s-brew-there%27s-a-glitch-in-my-espresso
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13498676/1/Dragon-s-Brew
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22670395/chapters/54185566
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sibillascribbles08 · 5 years
What are your thoughts on Oni Cole or how that all ‘fall’ thing could have panned out for the worse?
I mean, @grumpy-zane‘s sort of had an oni cole for a while, and it’s p rad.
Guess where I stand though, at least in terms of more canon stuff, not a fan of Cole as an oni. The only reason outside of GZ verse I’m a fan of it has Lou being an oni because it’s just fun to play with.
And tbh I honestly hate how canon decided to write the oni so there’s that too.
As for the fall panning out for the worse ??? eeeh
IMO the idea of Cole dying again, temporarily dying, or what not, would have just been super crass. We already had to deal with him being a ghost, then being brought back, so just tossing him down death row again is ???? odd. Honestly if someone fell out of the boat I would have made it Kai, he’s like the only one who hasn’t experienced death before, but of course we apparently need him to forge the golden weapons cause FUCK knows where his parents are
And like ? At least for me idk I can’t speak for everyone but for me Cole’s fall had like ? zero impact. The fact the trailers spoiled it didn’t help, but it’s like the same nonsense that happened in Mulan II (yes I watched that hush) where you see Shang fall and like almost immediately after oh no he’s fine.
There’s like ? Zero tension. And I know tbf the episode ended with it more or less and we had no idea until the next one but like. Idk maybe I’m just too well practiced with writing and can see literally everything these writers are trying to pull. There wasn’t a moment I was worried Cole was gone for good. And I did consider that maybe the oni would hypnotize him and use him as a weapon, and it could have been cool, but like, not in the time span they gave this four episode season.
And it didn’t seem likely anyway since the oni were blander than unseasoned chicken.
Idk my dude, ninjago’s concepts have so much potential, and I love the characters, which is why I’m always making content, but there’s so much wasted stuff in this show and it’s a shame. They set up all this cool world building and never go into detail. The timeline is absolutely fucked.
TL;DR: Oni Cole in the context of the show is super meh, but cool in au concepts. The fall being worse and killing Cole when he already “died” once would have been super lame and frustrating.
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Oh! What are Deity and Cole’s kids name’s? And what do they look like?
And Deity, did you know about this? Have you told Cole?
(( Deity actually hasn’t travelled forwards or backwards in her own universe/ninjago’s timeline! She finds out about events through accidentally falling into rifts into other ninjagos, even if she may not exist in them. And the ones she does exist in, she typically doesn’t end up too far in the future, and she doesn’t know if she and Cole are together in those!
However! Their kid’s names are Ryan and Sorcha Brookstone. Ryan is the only biological child Deity was able to give Cole, and Sorcha is adopted...phew, Sorcha’s backstory is rough though.
Here! Here’s little Ryan and Sorcha! Ryan and Sorcha are 8 years apart in age, With Ryan being the oldest since Sorcha was saved from a burning orphanage as a baby adopted when she was a newborn. I had to use adult Sorcha bc I can’t find any kid pictures of her :( posted with permission by @grumpy-zane can you guess what part of Cole was hereditary in Ryan along with his hair and skin tone? :)
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Sorcha and Ryan are my next gen ocs tbh
I can post color pictures later if that’s cool but yeah
But Sorcha’s parents are...phew.
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She and Ryan don’t have the best sibling relationship as adults-
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But she won’t hesitate to save his dumb ass when he’s in trouble.
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Alright, you asked for it >:)))
- Has Deity had any crushes before Cole?
- Has she ever had any pets? If not, which one would she want?
- Is she ticklish?
- What does she find romantic? ( I feel like I've asked this before and I'm sorry if I have)
- What's the most romantic thing Cole has ever done for her?
- Does she remember her parents? If so, what's her favorite memory of them?
- Does she still have the Oni plush her parents gave her?
- What's her favorite memory of Mystake?
- What is the worst crime the lil cinnamon roll has committed? Or what action does she feel bad about?
- Does she know about Echo Zane? Has she ever met him?
- What does she hate?
(Have fun! - fishy anon)
(( fishy anon you wound me...doitagain
- uuu I don’t think she has, she genuinely avoided relationships because she was scared of trusting anyone before Cole.
- She has had a pet! She befriended a spider and a snake she found while hiking, though they both died before she moved in with the ninja. :(
- Unfortunately she was ticklish, but the lightning strike when she was a child damaged most of the nerves in her skin, so she can’t feel much anymore.
-What does she find romantic? There’s a lot, but her favorite is surprise picnics!
-The most romantic thing Cole has ever done for her would have to be when she was very exhausted after a night of not sleeping and when she slid into bed at 6am he stayed with her and ignored Zane’s calls for Sunrise exercises
-She...sort of remembers her parents. It’s touched upon in a few fics of the grief she feels from their loss, she even takes Cole to her old village on the Day of The Departed. Her favorite memory is always the times her mother tells the story of how she met her father
-no, unfortunately it was lost in the storm. I’m sure she’d love to have it back.
-Her favorite memory of Mystake is DEFINITELY the one from the shop when she was still blind. (This is around the time Wu uses the travelers tea in s1, episode Tick Tock so it’s a sound memory) It’s when Mystake was telling Wu that those that use the tea never return and the silly snark Mystake used!
-The worst crime shes ever committed would be accidentally serving Cole sugar free cake. The action she feels bad about and does to this day is when she was captured and hypnotized into attacking Cole and the other ninja (in the fic What It Means to Be Human)
-Unfortunately no! She’s never met Echo Zane. In s2 when the other ninja meet him, shes still in a coma, but she’s on the mainland in the hospital being watched over by Lou! Zane decided to let her rest there, and good thing too, I’m pretty sure the ship nearly goes under from the starteeth.
-God she hates summer with a burning passion. Like, she doesn’t mind the season too much, it’s the heat. Metal prosthetics in the summer? Ouch. ))
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Ok, I'm having a difficult time navigating the AU because I'm new to tumblr lol, buT I REALLY WANNA KNOW ABOUT DEITY'S PROSTHETICS SO IF YOU WANT TO JUST SPAM INFORMATION ABOUT THAT I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT -Laria anon, Imma call myself fishy anon from now on
(( WOOO BOY ok so
(Side note I can explain her sight in another ask if you want???)
in @grumpy-zane verse their Cole was hit by a blast from the mega weapon if I remember correctly??? & it contained oni magic & so basically Cole is CURSED & they can’t fix it, that happened before any of the ninja ever met deity
So this curse basically acts like a parasite & takes over whenever the balls it wants & makes him turn into/shift into this BIG ASS oni beast (sometimes only partially shifting) & makes him cause destruction & hurt anyone nearby. He’s mentally unconscious during all this so the curse is using him like a puppet as far as I remember ??? & Cole never remembers ANY of it, except when the curse makes him have nightmares about what it made him do
However there are times where he snaps out of it like?? Halfway?? (Which so far has ONLY happened when deity screams *winkwonk* elementalhints *winkwonk*) liek with her arm & stuff
ANYWAY her arm happens off screen after? They first admit they have a crush on each other I think?? So after the “Fate is Strange” one shot/fic
She goes to visit Cole & the other ninja go out and do whatever (shopping I guess?) & they’re chilling for a bit & then the curse starts taking hold and he just like??? Stares at her with red filled eyes, slowly reaches over and the curse just, uses his body to just.... RIP her arm OFF, like clean off bro
She screams so loud it snaps him out of it (*winkwonk*) & he’s like: OH SHIT OH FUCK & tries to stop the bleeding with his ninja face covering/bandana thing
Jay and Zane spend the next 3 days crafting an arm for deity (which jay totally puts his symbol on, marking his work) & yeah so that was a whole thing
Her leg, I think I reference in another ask? So like later after the arm thing (they’re STILL IN A RELATIONSHIP AFTER HER ARM ) and Cole is like: no I haven’t seen my dad since the talent show for the fang blades, I am a MONSTER
Deity: so ur saying your dad doesn’t know about?? *vaguely gestures* beast???
Cole: no
Deity: anyway so we’re going to see ur dad
So they go and everything is fine until Cole starts feeling strange and runs outside
Deity: ...WAIT LOU HOLD ON *runs after*
>go outside
Lou: lmao son ok stop playing and come have some tea
Deity: sir,,, pls..
Lou: no that sign won’t stop me I can’t read (and like,,, I miss my wife, I’m not afraid to die)
>deity jumps in between Cole and Lou just ask Cole lunges
>gets leg torn off
>she screams, like, Sonic screams
Zane, who brought them & came for the nearby market: goodbye my audio receptors are gone
>beast Cole runs off
As for her eye, theres a comic that explains it that I’ll attach with the other pictures!! The eye happens off camera/off comic but let’s just say she gets cornered & welll,,, Cole now knows eyes feel like squishy grapes bc he snapped out of it from her scream at the wrong time :)
They’re still together
She still loves him to pieces *ba dum tss*
In order: beastie/shifted/taken over Cole (also known as corrupted Cole) drawn by @grumpy-zane, arm incident drawn by @tyeler-kostlan , memory of leg incident also by @tyeler-kostlan and the comic is also drawn by @grumpy-zane
At the bottom: bonus emotional gif drawn and created by @tyeler-kostlan thats set after the Neither Here Nor There (prequel to Crimson Snow) and Crimson snow (sequel to Neither Here Nor There) fics!!!
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Diety, do you have any big secrets?
Deity nodded, looking to the side. “Yes. There are some secrets I have that even I refuse to spill.”
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Deity... I hope I'm not pushing too much, but what happened with Zane? If you're willing to answer of course, you don't have to! - fishy anon
Deity was quiet as she kept her gaze toward the floor. “Well...” She vaguely gestured around her. “There are sort of...tears in our universe. They lead to different versions of Ninjago.” Taking a deep breath, she sighed. “I went through one and met Danny and Zareth, and I...I guess I got confused because when Zareth, a fusion of Dareth and Zane pop apart, that Zane is made of titanium. The Zane where I’m from is...well, he’s still got his skin. Zareth told me about Zane dying. He didn’t say how. He didn’t say when. He just told me Zane was going to die.”
She brushes some hair behind her ear, fidgeting slightly to get herself to calm down. “When I got home, I found out the Zane here knew about it too. He asked me not to say anything as to not worry the team. But...when the Overlord took control again and Zane exploded, I knew. I knew that was what Zareth was talking about. And Cole found out I knew. We had a HUGE FIGHT as the team was leaving and it just-“ Her eyes began to water. “I understand why he was mad! I just...I didn’t even know he’d die like that! I didn’t know how or when and it caused Cole and I to cut all contact!” She buried her head in her hands. “I vanished though a rift and when I came back it’d been THREE YEARS HERE!”
(( deity and Cole surprisingly didn’t break up after the fight or for those 3 years she was gone lmaooo.
PS: Zareth is NOT a ship, I repeat, NOT a ship. Zane & Dareth are not a ship. Danny and Zareth aren’t either lmao. Zareth belongs to @grumpy-zane and Danny belongs to @dannydarzuski, she also writes for Zareth verse!
If you look on grumpyzane’s blog there’s an ask referencing when deity found out zane was going to die))
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Deity, what did you initially feel when you found out Zane was going to die at some point?
“I...” Deity looks to the side, a grimace forming on her face while she tries to remember. “You ever feel like you’re not in your own body? That’s what it felt like. Zareth was explaining why the Zane in their Ninjago was titanium and I just...I think I zoned out when I heard him mention Zane dying.” She shakes her head. “I don’t even remember coming back to my Ninjago that day. I don’t remember traveling to the rift to get back home. When I came to, Zane was hugging me and apologizing.”
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Deity? Do you know that Mystaké is an Oni? -fishy anon
(( season 9 hasn’t happened in GZ verse yet I don’t think but tbh deity has always had her suspicions that her adopted mom wasn’t human lololol))
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Aww, I'm sorry that happened Deity! That... does bring me to my next question though. And I hope it's not offensive, because I totally ship you and Cole XD! (You two are the cutest couple ever!) But I have to know. After Cole... hurt you, why did you stay with him? Weren't you afraid?
Deity chuckled. “I think we’re pretty cute too.” She sighs. “And...yeah. I was afraid. But I know it’s not him doing it. That’s why I stayed. When the curse loses its hold after an attack, and Cole finds out what it made him do, he’s always remorseful. He’s...had some training and hes trying to...keep himself...what’s the word?” She puts her hands on her hips. “Intune with himself? Not sure.” She sighs. “I know the curse can’t be cured. And I know it’s unpredictable. But I know it’s not him doing it.” She shook her head. “Sometimes it takes Cole a while to change back, and he can’t talk well during it, but I know we’ll make it through, no matter what. I don’t think I could ever abandon him.”
((Bonus cutes drawn by @grumpy-zane and posted with permission))
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Also if you have a basic outline for all the seasons of ninjago so far, I'd love to hear them! -fishy anon
((haha! Well like I’ve said before, this is @grumpy-zane’s au so I tend to discuss with them the outlines of each season as it relates to the au
Deity is just part of it lmao
I know in s4 we planned for deity and Cole to be pitted against each other instead of jay and Cole ??? I think???))
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Didn't Deity lose her sight when she got hit by lighting? -fishy anon
(( yeah! She did lose it when she got hit by lightning. Off camera though, Zane and the others found a heavy duty repairative tea (around the time she lost her arm) that was for eyes injuries! She’s had her sight back for a while, but tbh the attack from the cursed Cole took her right eye & partially damaged her left ))
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((I have returned. It’s time for chapter two of Into The Depths. They all deserve a vacation, don’t you think?
Here you go. Into The Depths, What Lies Beneath.
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/764264769-into-the-depths-what-lies-beneath
FFnet: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13347714/2/Into-The-Depths
@kara-is-so-ninja @noramutaofrost @ceata88 @tyeler-kostlan @montyrouge @jacked-anime-lloyd @vaonjago @lesbian-wooloo @sayijo @evelinaonline @grumpy-zane if y’all wanna check this out))
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Deity, what is something (like idk meetings, events, etc.) that started out bad for you but in the end, it was great??
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“It started out..so badly. But I can’t say it ended terrible. I can call it good, I suppose. I’m alive…and I’ll still never blame Cole for it. For any of it. It’s not his fault.”
((Art drawn by @tyeler-kostlan , thank you for being part of my blog!))
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