#norbert beaumont
sapphic-sustrai · 3 years
🍓🧸🎁 ☕️ for norbert?
Sorry for the late response, I’ve been stressed about a couple of things lately!!
🍓Their favourite fruit is either avocados or bananas.
🧸Their favourite animal is ferrets, they even have one named Scout.
🎁Something that they want is mental stability... they want their mother to be more active in their life again.
☕️Their favourite drink is tea (I don’t remember which kind they like the best whoops).
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Denise Grey.
1913 : Mademoiselle Etchiko
1914 : En famille, de Georges Monca
1914 : Madame Rigadin, modiste, de Georges Monca
1914 : Mademoiselle Etchiko, de André Hugon
1914 : Le Voyage de Corbillon, de Georges Monca
1916 : Document secret, de René Navarre
1916 : Nemrod et Cie, de Maurice Mariaud
1916 : Rigadin professeur de danse, de Georges Monca
1917 : Les Bleus de l'amour, de Henri Desfontaines
1917 : Honneur d'artiste, de Jean Kemm
1935 : Jeunes Filles à marier, de Jean Vallée
1936 : La Dame de Vittel, de Roger Goupillières
1937 : Trois artilleurs au pensionnat, de René Pujol
1938 : Trois artilleurs à l'opéra, de André Chotin
1938 : Serge Panine, de Paul Schiller y Charles Méré
1940 : Monsieur Hector, de Maurice Cammage
1941 : Boléro, de Jean Boyer
1941 : Montmartre-sur-Seine, de Georges Lacombe
1942 : Romance à trois, de Roger Richebé
1942 : Le Voile bleu, de Jean Stelli
1942 : Des jeunes filles dans la nuit, de René Le Hénaff
1942 : Retour de flamme, de Henri Fescourt
1942 : L'Honorable Catherine, de Marcel L'Herbier
1943 : Adieu Léonard, de Pierre Prévert
1943 : Vingt-cinq ans de bonheur, de René Jayet
1943 : L'aventure est au coin de la rue, de Jacques Daniel-Norman
1944 : Les Caves du Majestic, de Richard Pottier
1945 : On demande un ménage, de Maurice Cam
1945 : Madame et son flirt de Jean de Marguenat
1945 : L'Insaisissable Frédéric, de Richard Pottier
1945 : L'Extravagante Mission, de Henri Calef
1946 : Étrange Destin, de Louis Cuny
1946 : Le Couple idéal, de Bernard Roland y Raymond Rouleau
1946 : Six heures à perdre, de Alex Joffé y Jean Lévitte
1946 : Coïncidences, de Serge Debecque
1946 : Le Diable au corps, de Claude Autant-Lara
1947 : Et dix de der, de Robert Hennion
1947 : Carré de valets, de André Berthomieu
1948 : Une femme par jour, de Jean Boyer
1948 : Bonheur en location, de Jean Wall
1949 : La Ronde des heures, de Alexandre Ryder
1949 : Tête blonde, de Maurice Cam
1949 : Mon ami Sainfoin, de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon
1949 : Pas de week-end pour notre amour, de Pierre Montazel
1950 : Rome-Express, de Christian Stengel
1950 : Les Petites Cardinal, de Gilles Grangier
1950 : Demain nous divorçons, de Louis Cuny
1952 : Allô... je t'aime.
1952 : La Tournée des grands ducs, de André Pellenc
1953 : Art. 519 Codice Penale, de Leonardo Cortese
1953 : Il Seduttore, de Franco Rossi
1953 : Raspoutine, de Georges Combret
1953 : Dortoir des grandes, de Henri Decoin
1953 : Les Corsaires du bois de Boulogne, de Norbert Carbonnaux
1953 : Julietta, de Marc Allégret
1953 : Le Père de Mademoiselle, de Marcel L'Herbier
1954 : Escalier de service, de Carlo Rim, sketch Les Béchard
1954 : Le Printemps, l'automne et l'amour, de Gilles Grangier
1954 : Fantaisie d'un jour, de Pierre Cardinal
1954 : Le Mouton à cinq pattes, de Henri Verneuil
1954 : Poisson d'avril, de Gilles Grangier
1955 : La Villa Sans-Souci, de Maurice Labro
1955 : La Rue des bouches peintes, de Robert Vernay
1956 : Sylviane de mes nuits, de Marcel Blistène
1956 : L'Auberge fleurie, de Pierre Chevalier
1956 : Une nuit aux Baléares, de Paul Mesnier
1956 : Mitsou, de Jacqueline Audry
1957 : À pied, à cheval et en voiture, de Maurice Delbez
1957 : Carve Her Name with Pride, de Lewis Gilbert
1957 : La Peau de l'ours, de Claude Boissol
1957 : Le Tombeur, de René Delacroix
1957 : Police judiciaire, de Maurice de Canonge
1957 : Mimi Pinson, de Robert Darène
1957 : C'est la faute d'Adam, de Jacqueline Audry
1958 : À pied, à cheval et en spoutnik, de Jean Dréville
1959 : Bomben im Monte-Carlo, de Georg Jacoby
1959 : Le Confident de ces dames, de Jean Boyer
1960 : Le Panier à crabes, de Joseph Lisbona
1960 : La Française et l'Amour, de Christian-Jaque, sketch Le Divorce
1963 : La Bonne Soupe, de Robert Thomas
1965 : Pas de caviar pour tante Olga, de Jean Becker
1969 : La Maison de campagne, de Jean Girault
1970 : Hello-Goodbye, de Jean Negulesco
1970 : Los Aristogatos, de The Walt Disney Company
1971 : Mais qui donc m'a fait ce bébé ?, de Michel Gérard
1980 : La Boum, de Claude Pinoteau
1982 : La Boum 2, de Claude Pinoteau
1982 : N'oublie pas ton père au vestiaire..., de Richard Balducci
1982 : En cas de guerre mondiale, je file à l'étranger, de Jacques Ardouin
1983 : Le Voleur de feuilles, de Pierre Trabaud
1985 : Le Gaffeur, de Serge Pénard
1988 : Les Saisons du plaisir, de Jean-Pierre Mocky
1991 : Tchin tchin, de Gene Saks.
1960 : Rouge, de André Leroux
1962 : Chéri
1967 : Le Chevalier Tempête, de Yannick Andréi
1969 : Tout pour le mieux
1971 : Une autre vie
1972 : Les Rois maudits, de Marcel Jullian y Claude Barma
1977 y 1982 : Cinéma 16
1978 : Un ours pas comme les autres
1979 : Les Moyens du bord
1979 : Les Dames de la côte, de Nina Companeez
1980 : L'Esprit de famille
1983 : Merci Sylvestre
1985 : Les temps difficiles.
1916 : Six Hommes, une femme et un singe, de Pierre Veber y Yves Mirande, Théâtre Michel
1921 : Comédienne, de Jacques Bousquet y Paul Armont, Théâtre des Nouveautés
1922 : La Femme de mon ami, Théâtre de l'Athénée
1922 : Atout... Cœur !, de Félix Gandéra, Théâtre de l'Athénée
1924 : Si je voulais..., de Paul Géraldy y Robert Spitzer, Théâtre du Gymnase Marie-Bell
1926 : Passionnément, de Maurice Hennequin y Albert Willemetz, Théâtre de la Michodière
1936 : Europe, de Maurice Rostand, Théâtre Pigalle
1938 : Le Valet maître, de Paul Armont y Léopold Marchand, escenografía de Pierre Fresnay, Théâtre de la Michodière
1948 : Les Enfants d'Edouard, de Frederic Jackson y Roland Bottomley, adaptación de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, escenografía de Jean Wall, Théâtre Édouard VII
1949 : Les Enfants d'Edouard, de Frederic Jackson y Roland Bottomley, adaptación de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, escenografía de Jean Wall, Théâtre des Célestins
1950 : George et Margaret, de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon y Jean Wall, escenografía de Jean Wall, Théâtre Daunou
1950 : Il faut marier maman, de Marc-Cab y Serge Veber, escenografía de Pierre Dux, Théâtre de Paris
1953 : Faites-moi confiance, de Michel Duran, escenografía de Jean Meyer, Théâtre du Gymnase Marie-Bell
1955 : Les Enfants d'Edouard, de Frederic Jackson y Roland Bottomley, adaptación de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon, escenografía de Jean Wall, Théâtre des Célestins
1956 : La Femme du siècle, de Claude Schnerb, escenografía de Jacques-Henri Duval, Théâtre des Célestins, giras Georges Herbert
1959 : Bon Week-End Mr. Bennett, de Paule de Beaumont a partir de Arthur Watkyn, escenografía de Michel Vitold, Théâtre de la Gaîté-Montparnasse
1961 : Ocho mujeres, de Robert Thomas escenografía de Jean Le Poulai.
1962 : Ocho mujeres, de Robert Thomas, escenografía de Jean Le Poulain, Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens
1963 : Vénus de Milo, de Jacques Deval, escenografía de Pierre Mondy, Théâtre des Célestins
1965 : Assassins associés, de Robert Thomas, escenografía de Jean Piat, Théâtre Antoine y Théâtre du Palais-Royal
1966 : J'y suis, j'y reste, de Jean Valmy y Raymond Vincy, escenografía de Jean Valmy, Théâtre Marigny
1966 : La Fin du monde, de Sacha Guitry, escenografía de Jean-Pierre Delage, Théâtre de la Madeleine
1967 : Quarante Carats, de Pierre Barillet y Jean-Pierre Gredy, escenografía de Jacques Charon, Théâtre de la Madeleine
1971 : Le Train de l'aube, de Tennessee Williams, escenografía de Jean-Pierre Laruy, Théâtre Édouard VII
1972 : En avant... toute !, de Michel André, escenografía de Michel Roux, Théâtre Édouard VII
1972 : La Bonne Adresse, de Marc Camoletti, escenografía de Christian-Gérard, Théâtre Michel
1973 : La Royale Performance, de Marcel Mithois, escenografía de Jean-Pierre Delage, Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens
1974 : Le Tube, de Françoise Dorin, escenografía de François Périer, Théâtre Antoine
1976 : Le Jardin de craie, de Enid Bagnold, escenografía de Raymond Gérôme, Théâtre Hébertot
1977 : Bichon, de Jean de Létraz, escenografía de Jacques Valois, Théâtre de Charleville-Mézières
1978 : Crime à la clef, de Alain Bernier y Roger Maridat, escenografía de Jean-Paul Cisife, Théâtre Tristan-Bernard
1981 : La vie est trop courte, de André Roussin, escenografía de Michel Fagadau, Théâtre Daunou
1983 : La vie est trop courte, de André Roussin, escenografía de Michel Fagadau, Théâtre de la Gaîté-Montparnasse
1984-1985 : Les Temps difficiles, de Édouard Bourdet, escenografía de Pierre Dux, Théâtre des Variétés
1985 : Harold et Maude, de Colin Higgins, escenografía de Jean-Luc Tardieu, Espace 44 Nantes
1987 : Harold et Maude, de Colin Higgins, escenografía de Jean-Luc Tardieu, Théâtre Antoine
1989 : Arsénico y encaje antiguo, de Joseph Kesselring, escenografía de Jean-Luc Tardieu, gira
1991 : La sopera, de Robert Lamoureux, escenografía de François Joffo.
1919 : Nelly, de Marcel Lattès, con Félix Oudart (Théâtre de la Gaîté)​
1950 : Il faut marier maman, de Guy Lafarge, Théâtre de Paris, con Roland Armontel.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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broadwayworld · 7 years
Lincoln Center Theater (under the direction of Andr Bishop) has announced that Allan Corduner will play Colonel Pickering, Jordan Donica will play Freddy Eynsford-Hill, and Linda Mugleston will play Mrs. Pearce, in its upcoming production of Lerner & Loewe's MY FAIR LADY, directed by Bartlett Sher. They join Lauren Ambrose (as Eliza Doolittle), Harry Hadden-Paton (as Henry Higgins), Norbert Leo Butz (as Alfred P. Doolittle), and Diana Rigg (as Mrs. Higgins) to head the cast of 37 in this new production of the most beloved musical of all time, beginning performances Thursday, March 15 and opening on Thursday, April 19 at the Vivian Beaumont Theater (150 West 65 Street). Additional casting will be announced at a later date.
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kartiavelino · 6 years
Laura Benanti to replace Lauren Ambrose in ‘My Fair Lady’ on Broadway
Tony Award winner Laura Benanti will take over as Eliza Doolittle in Broadway’s “My Fair Woman,” changing the departing Lauren Ambrose. As reported solely by Deadline on Wednesday, Ambrose has been solid in Apple’s upcoming psychological thriller sequence from M. Evening Shyamalan and British TV author Tony Basgallop. Ambrose’s closing “My Fair Woman” efficiency shall be Sunday, Oct. 21. Benanti, who received the 2008 finest featured actress Tony for her position reverse Patti LuPone in “Gypsy,” will start “My Fair Woman” on Tuesday, Oct. 23. Benanti’s restricted engagement in “My Fair Woman,” directed by Bartlett Sher, is scheduled by Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019, on the Vivian Beaumont Theater. “Eliza Doolittle has been my dream position for so long as I can keep in mind,” Benanti stated, “so I couldn’t be extra excited to be part of this good firm. Working with Bart and getting to be a part of this present is a dream come true.” Benanti joins a solid of 37 headed by Harry Hadden-Paton, Norbert Leo Butz, Rosemary Harris, Allan Corduner, Jordan Donica, Linda Mugleston and Clarke Thorell. Kerstin Anderson will play the position of Eliza Doolittle in any respect Tuesday night performances starting Oct. 30. Lincoln Middle Theater is producing Lerner & Loewe’s “My Fair Woman” in affiliation with Nederlander Shows. Share this: https://pagesix.com/2018/08/23/laura-benanti-to-replace-lauren-ambrose-in-my-fair-lady-on-broadway/ The post Laura Benanti to replace Lauren Ambrose in ‘My Fair Lady’ on Broadway appeared first on My style by Kartia. https://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/08/laura-benanti-to-replace-lauren-ambrose-in-my-fair-lady-on-broadway.html
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broadwaydena · 6 years
My Fair Lady
July 14, 2018
After my final workshop I took a nice walk up 10th Avenue. Passed the LaGuardia School for the Arts & Performing Arts (the school Fame is based on). I passed a street named for famed dancer and choreographer Alvin Ailey. I then arrived at Lincoln Center which is across the street from Juilliard. It is a beautiful modern building. I found my way into the Vivianne Beaumont Theatre to see the revival of My Fair Lady.
Great theatre. Truly not a bad seat in the house. Curtain wasn’t really a curtain but a sliding wall beautifully painted with a cityscape of London as if you were looking out at London from a tall building.
The set is magnificent. Henry Higgins house is this enormous two story piece that is pushed out by a robotic arm named Monty. It then sits on a turntable that uses every available angle to tell different parts of the story and moves as the actor leave one part and emerge to the next part of the set piece. At other times the house is tucked back and the streets of London appear and the pub Eliza’s father frequents. It all transitions so smoothly.
The costumes are perfection. Lovely and dreamy. Rich fabrics, artistically designed. They add another layer.
I’ve been telling people it’s like someone took a beautiful piece of painted art and brought it to life.
Performers were all perfect. It would be easy to praise the leads but seriously there was not a performer up there who was not perfect for the roles they played. And I finally got to see Norbert Leo Butz in a show. He is awesome.
I won’t say a lot about the story. They added some parts from the play Pygmalion. And the ending is very interesting. But I don’t want to spoil anything.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars
Out of 5
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Spectacle supersedes Shaw in Lincoln Center’s overscaled revival of Lerner & Lowe’s MY FAIR LADY.  Still, Loewe’s marvelous score and Learner’s ageless lyrics prevail.   With the beloved musical based on George Bernard Shaw’s well-known PYGMALION  tale of the common, Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle and the elitist, phonetics professor Henry Higgins,  director Bartlett Sher seeks again at Lincoln Center to create both an expansive production of a musical theater classic and a contemporarily insightful  version untried before.  This approach worked marvelously with SOUTH PACIFIC (2008) then less successfully with THE KING AND I (2015).  This MY FAIR LADY places a distant third. 
Sher’s previous musical revivals at the Vivian Beaumont, set on sweeping Pacific beaches or in grand Asian palaces, fit the stage, the largest on Broadway (Radio City and the Met being the only two in Manhattan larger).  But aside from the famous ensemble scenes in MY FAIR LADY - Covent Garden, the Ascot race, and Eliza’s debut ball -the story largely occurs in private chambers, mostly Higgins' library.  Set designer Michael Yeargan constructs a huge, two-story library on rotating stage that gets hauled from upstage to down and back again repeatedly.  The behemoth’s to and fro is distracting, and its scale inappropriate for the intimate battle of wills that eventually builds between Eliza and Higgins. This isn’t to suggest MY FAIR LADY is a chamber musical, but it’s a narrative that transacts in chambers.  At the Vivian Beaumont, much of it floats in space.
Decorative elements of Higgins’ domain are peculiar.  The library is anchored at one end by a huge, double-story Palladian-style window, more appropriate to a Hamptons macmansion than to a proper Victorian household.  Another oddity is Higgins’ library walls are adorned with abstract paintings, awkwardly mid-century Abstract Expressionism, perhaps a hint that Higgins is a “modern man” cut from Shaw cloth.
But in Sher’s version, Henry Higgins isn’t particularly complicated.  (Jonathan Pryce in 2002 in the West End ingeniously played Higgins as a Freudian neurotic.)  Shaw’s Higgins can be downright mean, sexist and crass.  Instead, with the open-faced, boyishly handsome West End favorite Harry Hadden-Paton (best known to American audiences for “Downton Abbey”) this Higgins is part Mama’s boy,  part “I’ll never grow up” Peter Pan.  This Higgins lacks acid:  when his sidekick Colonel Pickering wonders what will happen to Eliza if Higgins’ efforts to transform her fail, Hadden-Paton’s delivers Higgins retort that he throw her back “to the gutter” like a throwaway line.      
Lauren Ambrose is fine as Eliza. Her singing voice, rather small for the Beaumont, is versatile and effectively navigates the change in Liza’s diction and emotions from a wistful naïf in “Wouldn’t  It Be Loverly?” in Cockney in the opening scene in Covent Garden to an angry sophisticate in “Without You” in the Queen’s English near the play’s end.  In dialogue her Cockney accent sounded so accurate, some of her lines were incompressible, and sadly her timing was off in delivery of the Eliza’s famous “move your bloomin’ arse” line at the Ascot race
Norbert Leo Butz as Eliza’s father Alfred P. Doolittle hams it up with “A Little Bit of Luck” then steals the show with the Act 2 showstopper “Get Me To The Church On Time”   The dance is fine elsewhere  -including “The Rain in Spain “ with just Eliza, Higgins and Pickering - but Gattelli pulls out all the stops in “Church on Time”, with all of Doolittle’s tavern buddies,  floozies, even some in drag,  in a rousing, glorious, bawdy  ensemble.   When Gattelli choreographs the ensemble  - almost three dozen performers in a single dancing queue midstage right diagonal to downstage left led by Butz - for the crescendo notes of “Church", MY FAIR LADY achieves for one giddy, heady moment, the transportive magic that musical theatre is all about.  
In other supporting parts, Allen Corduner plays Colonel Pickering unremarkably: wanting is a kindred affection Pickering has for Eliza.  Veteran Diana Rigg plays Higgins‘ mother pretty much as Diana Rigg.  Jordan Donica, as Freddy, the aristocrat who proposes marriage to Eliza, executes the famous “On the Street Where You Live” with an obliging tenor.
Catherine Zuber’s costumes are richly detailed, especially for the upper-crust attire for the Ascot scene where they curiously resemble, beyond homage,  Cecil Beaton’s smashing wardrobe in  the 1963 film version.  She costumes Abrams boldly in a nude-colored gown that is unexpectedly Art-Deco in style for Eliza’s formal social debut at the embassy ball.
Besides “Church on Time”, Sheer’s other spectacular production number is “The Embassy Waltz” which opens Act 2 with the full orchestra playing on stage.  Kudos to sound designer Marc Salzberg who oversaw an extra system, apart from the pit, but Yeager’s set is head-scratching.  Although the story occurs in 1913, the orchestra is arranged stage left in three tiers, with solid-faced music stands in front of each musician, creating an impression of a night club with a dance band in an Astaire and Rogers 1930s musical rather than a Victoria ballroom.
Indeed, Lincoln Center’s MY FAIR LADY seldom fails to impress, even if its parts seem non-integrated.  Under the musical direction of Ted Sperling the Loewe melodies can’t help but satisfy, recalling sweet memories of an original cast LP vinyl album many American households wore out on stereo consoles in the late 1950s and 60s.
But, at its core, this MY FAIR LADY fails to elicit any empathy for either Higgins or Eliza. These are the could-have-been lovers of musical theatre, the odd couple, a pair of eccentrics from opposite ends of the social spectrum perhaps destined to wage an endless war-of-the-sexes , but there’s not much authentic conflict here to care about.  At the play’s famous ending, when Higgins demands of Eliza “where the devil are my slippers”  Sher’s Eliza rips a page from Ibsen’s playbook for Nora.  This Eliza has evolved into a person with an emotional sophistication that this Higgins hasn’t realized:  Eliza is more of a woman, than Higgins a man.  Sher’s MY FAIR LADY takes a big, modern step forward by dramatizing “why can’t a woman be more like a man” by upending what Higgins meant, layering the classic with a twist laden with contemporary value.  
That’s fine and good, but the rapturous swell of the final chords of “I Could Have Danced All Night” at curtain seems a bit incongruous.  It’s bittersweet, surely, but Shaw’s ambiguity is more romantic.    
0 notes
newyorktheater · 6 years
Lincoln Center’s sumptuous fourth Broadway revival of “My Fair Lady,” the supremely tuneful and witty 1956 Lerner and Lowe musical adapted from George Bernard Shaw’s pointed 1913 play “Pygmalion,” features a revelation and a looming question for those who know the musical. The revelation is Lauren Ambrose as Eliza Doolittle, and the question is: Does the story still work if we see no romantic feelings develop between Eliza and Henry Higgins, her bullying speech teacher?
Lauren Ambrose
Lauren Ambrose and Harry Hadden Paton
Harry Hadden-Paton as Henry Higgins
Norbert Leo Butz as Alfred Doolittle
Jordan Donica as Freddy Eynsford-Hill
Harry Hadden-Paton, Lauren Ambrose, and Allan Corduner in “The Rain in Spain”
Lauren Ambrose as Eliza and Diana Rigg as Mrs. Higgins
Norbert Leo Butz as Alfred Doolittle in “Get Me To the Church on Time”
Ambrose, still best known as the oddball art student daughter in the HBO series Six Feet Under, turns out to have a beautiful soprano voice. She also starts off as an impressively off-putting Eliza, a lowborn feral street vendor with a grimy basket of flowers whose dense Cockney bleating and sniveling manner grate on highborn Higgins (Harry Hadden-Paton,) who happens to encounter her outside the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden. Under Higgins’ tutelage, Eliza slowly and magnificently blossoms into a graceful, intelligent and independent woman. There is no question that at first Higgins has no interest in her, as a woman or even as a human being; he actively disdains her. He simply wants to win a bet he made with fellow linguist Pickering (Allan Corduner) that, merely by teaching her proper English pronunciation, he can pass off “this draggle-tailed guttersnipe” as a duchess at the Embassy Ball in six months’ time. It’s a nice touch that during their tutoring sessions, Higgins wears a white lab coat, as if he’s the scientist and she’s his experiment. What happens in many productions of “My Fair Lady” is that Eliza grows fond of Higgins:
I’ll never know what made it so exciting; why all at once my heart took flight. I only know when he began to dance with me, I could have danced, danced, danced all night
And, although it takes longer and it’s against his nature, Higgins grows fond of Eliza:
I was serenely independent and content before we met; surely I could always be that way again— and yet I’ve grown accustomed to her looks; accustomed to her voice: accustomed to her face.
And then this usually leads to an ambiguous ending, which offers the audience hope that perhaps they will get together.
However, in this production directed by Bartlett Sher, a wordless action makes the ending unambiguous – they will not get together – and, despite the lyrics to “I Could Have Danced All Night” and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face,” the actors make clear all along that there’s no amorous spark between them.
This might baffle or irk some devotees of this Golden Age musical, but it’s important to note that Alan Jay Lerner’s book and lyrics changed Shaw’s original intent. The playwright explicitly abhorred the notion that Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle would become romantically inclined. “Eliza has no use for the foolish romantic tradition that all women love to be mastered…,” wrote Shaw, a socialist and a pioneering advocate for women’s equality, in an epilogue to the published play, explaining at great length what happens to Eliza in the years after the play ends. And Henry Higgins, the “confirmed bachelor” of Shaw’s imagination, seems too immature to be able to love anybody.
So Sher’s adjustment is not an act of revisionism but of restoration, which happens to fit the values of a 2018 New York audience more comfortably than the original adaptation from the 1950s. Shaw’s pointed comments on class and gender are now brought more to the fore. It registers when Eliza says things like: “The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she is treated.”
However one judges the director’s unfamiliar shift in the inner life of the characters, his treatment of the outer life of the musical is familiar from his previous acclaimed Lincoln Center revivals of “South Pacific” and “The King and I.” Sher’s “My Fair Lady” is an elaborate affair, featuring several stellar performances, all 15 memorable songs lavishly backed by a 28-piece orchestra, and a lush design by his usual collaborators, especially scenic designer Michael Yeargan and costume designer Catherine Zuber. Zuber is likely up for her 16th Tony nomination for outfits that are not only lovely and period-perfect; they also often clarify the moment and enhance the tone. I’ve already mentioned the white coat. When Higgins brings Eliza to Ascot to test-run her newfound upper class manner, she is saddled with a fashionable ridiculously unwieldy hat that looks in danger of toppling to the ground, and bringing her with it.
Yeargan’s sets, which effortlessly roll off and on the immense stage of the Vivian Beaumont, can take your breath away. Sometimes, though, they take up all the oxygen. Higgins’ mansion is solid, wood-lined, book-lined, two-tiered, awesome. It’s also on a turntable that rotates to reveal other rooms besides the study in Higgins mansion, which Eliza walks through as she’s singing; admittedly impressive, this didn’t especially add anything – yes, we figured the mansion had more than one room.
Similarly, Christopher Gatelli’s choreography is lively throughout, as it was in Sher’s “King and I” and in “Newsies,” which won Gatelli a Tony. But then there’s the number, “Get me to The Church on Time,” in which Eliza’s father Alfred P. Doolittle (the always reliable Norbert Leo Butz) has turned against his will from low class loafer to respectable member of the middle class, celebrates before his girlfriend is forcing him to marry her the next day. Among the high-kicking ensemble of drunken rowdy celebrants are a music hall full of can-can girls, most of them bearded men in drag. I mean…..what?
I suspect these occasional excesses are intended to bypass our cultural cerebrum to massage our theatrical limbic system, or even burrow into our Broadway brain stem.
This may help explain why, despite the director’s intellectual commitment to keep the relationship unromantic, Sher cast as Higgins an actor who on the surface seems to be more of a match for Ambrose’s Eliza than 48-year-old Rex Harrison was to 20-year-old Julie Andrews when the original production of My Fair Lady opened on Broadway. Harry Hadden-Paton is not only close in age to Lauren Ambrose; he is actually three years younger than she is.
Luckily, audience members at “My Fair Lady” have more straightforward outlets for any romantic yearnings. This includes stand-out Jordan Donica as Freddy, who we’re meant to see as a more apt match for Eliza; he is certainly swoon-worthy when he sings the outright romantic ballad “On the Street Where You Live.”
And then there’s Dame Diana Rigg as Mrs. Higgins, Henry’s mother, who is on a whole other level of swoon-worthy. She not only lands every one of her witty lines with seeming ease. Her very presence romantically evokes different memories for different generations — the impossibly mod spy Emma Peel from “The Avengers,” the scheming Lady Olenna Tyrell from “Game of Thrones,” or even, on stage in London, a certain Cockney flower girl who becomes a lady.
My Fair Lady Lincoln Center’s Vivian Beaumont Theater Book by Alan Jay Lerner; Music by Frederick Loewe; Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner; Adapted from “Pygmalion” by: George Bernard Shaw; Original musical arrangements by Robert Russell Bennett and Phil Lang; Dance arrangements by Trude Rittmann; Musical Director: Ted Sperling Directed by Bartlett Sher; Choreographed by Christopher Gattelli Scenic Design by Michael Yeargan; Costume Design by Catherine Zuber; Lighting Design by Donald Holder; Sound Design by Marc Salzberg; Hair and Wig Design by Tom Watson Cast Lauren Ambrose, Harry Hadden-Paton, Norbert Leo Butz, Diana Rigg, Allan Corduner, Jordan Donica, Linda Mugleston, Manu Narayan, Cameron Adams, Shereen Ahmed, Kerstin Anderson, Heather Botts, John Treacy Egan, Rebecca Eichenberger, SuEllen Estey, Christopher Faison, Steven Trumon Gray, Adam Grupper, Michael Halling, Joe Hart, Sasha Hutchings, Kate Marilley, Liz McCartney, Justin Lee Miller, Rommel Pierre O’Choa, Keven Quillon, JoAnna Rhinehart, Tony Roach, Lance Roberts, Blair Ross, Christine Cornish Smith, Paul Slade Smith, Samantha Sturm, Matt Wall, Michael Williams, Minami Yusui and Lee Zarret Runtime 2 hrs. and 55 min including one intermission
My Fair Lady Review: Unromantic Eliza in Lavish Revival Lincoln Center’s sumptuous fourth Broadway revival of “My Fair Lady,” the supremely tuneful and witty 1956 Lerner and Lowe musical adapted from George Bernard Shaw’s pointed 1913 play “Pygmalion,” features a revelation and a looming question for those who know the musical.
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sapphic-sustrai · 5 years
So, as I writing down my OC Norbert’s bio a while back, I’ve realized that their family has a lot of similarities with Weiss’ family... so I’m gonna point them out in this post. If there are any errors, I’ll go back and fix them later. 
They both have incredibly terrible fathers. 
They both have mothers who aren’t very present in their family’s lives. Norbert’s mother Ambre currently prioritizes work over her family, while Willow has turned to the bottle to cope with the misery that she suffers from.
They both have older siblings who care about them, albeit in different ways. However, Albert tends to coddle Norbert sometimes, to try and make up for all of their father’s cruelty towards Norbert. Meanwhile, Winter can be harsh towards Weiss and has a hard time showing affection because of the household that they grew up in. 
They both have another sibling, who is considered to be their father’s, “favourite”. 
They both have an elderly figure in their lives that loves and supports them. Norbert has their paternal grandmother Bertha and Weiss had the family’s butler Klein. 
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garynsmith · 8 years
How Will You Make Your Mark in 2017?
Credit: http://ift.tt/2iQfqZ7
Here we are at the beginning of a new year once again, and you’re probably already thinking about how to make 2017 even better than 2016. But let’s take a minute and appreciate the great work you did last year. It was definitely a big year for real estate, and we asked real estate professionals to share the moments they were most proud of in the business in 2016. The question is how will you follow it up with even bigger accomplishments in 2017? Take a look at some of your colleagues’ biggest achievements in 2016, and tell us your own story in the comments section below.
Love and Real Estate
In searching for a date, I encountered a woman with whom I shared similar interests: live concerts, movies, eating healthy, and enjoying each other’s company. As we got to know each other, we discovered that we both were in real estate; she is a rental property owner, and I specialize in residential property management. I helped her divest her inventory and replace them with higher-quality rentals, as well as get the management accounts for the properties. We now share the same household together! —Norbert Huston, GRI, Huston Associates Real Estate, Stockton, Calif.
Back to Where It All Started
This year I was blessed with a heartwarming sale. I had the opportunity to sell a generational homestead back to its original family. It had ended up as an REO with the last owners (non-family members), and my clients called up wanting to see it. I had to tell them it was already under contract, but they begged and I relented. While I was showing the home, I heard whispers among my clients: “Remember when you fell in the creek, Dad?” That’s when they told me their story and how much they wished they were able to repurchase their family home. With a wish and a prayer, I called the listing agent and asked her to please allow us first dibs if the current sale contract were to fall through. The listing agent said it was a pretty solid deal, but she’d let us know. The following Tuesday, the deal miraculously fell through, allowing my clients the opportunity to buy back their memories. It was a very touching sale and one that reminds me every day what a wonderful profession real estate can be. —Jacklyn Leber, e-PRO®, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Montana Properties, Twin Bridges, Mont.
Proving Her Professional Worth
I got a seller $30,000 more for her home than she was asking as a FSBO. —Kathleen Marie Stansfield, GRI, Exit King Realty, Venice, Fla.
Balancing Priorities
I was an NAR regional vice president and still had a record year for sales and profit. —Joe Pryor, CRS, e-PRO®, The Virtual Real Estate Team, Oklahoma City
A Win for Everyone
My proudest moment was when I worked out an occupancy between my seller and a woman in her 70s going through a divorce. He needed to have a means of income, and she needed to have a place to live right away. The transaction closed about five months later. I felt I delivered on my duties to all parties. —Don Day, SFR, Diamond Realty & Associates, Bossier City, La.
Overcoming Complex Challenges
I completed a transaction that included an appraisal that came in $65,000 low, a lengthy temporary lease for the buyer, acreage that had to be reallocated and resurveyed, and a chicken coop full of chickens! It was an extremely complex transaction, but with the right attitude and a spirit of cooperation, the other agent and I were able to successfully close this transaction. I’m counting this as my big win for 2016. —Dana Johnson Williams, GRI, RE/MAX ONE, Beaumont, Texas
What was your biggest accomplishment in 2016? Share your achievements in the comments section below.
from Speaking of Real EstateSpeaking of Real Estate http://ift.tt/2i0rqpC via IFTTT
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sjohnson24 · 8 years
How Will You Make Your Mark in 2017?
Credit: Morguefile.com/GaborfromHungary
Here we are at the beginning of a new year once again, and you’re probably already thinking about how to make 2017 even better than 2016. But let’s take a minute and appreciate the great work you did last year. It was definitely a big year for real estate, and we asked real estate professionals to share the moments they were most proud of in the business in 2016. The question is how will you follow it up with even bigger accomplishments in 2017? Take a look at some of your colleagues’ biggest achievements in 2016, and tell us your own story in the comments section below.
Love and Real Estate
In searching for a date, I encountered a woman with whom I shared similar interests: live concerts, movies, eating healthy, and enjoying each other’s company. As we got to know each other, we discovered that we both were in real estate; she is a rental property owner, and I specialize in residential property management. I helped her divest her inventory and replace them with higher-quality rentals, as well as get the management accounts for the properties. We now share the same household together! —Norbert Huston, GRI, Huston Associates Real Estate, Stockton, Calif.
Back to Where It All Started
This year I was blessed with a heartwarming sale. I had the opportunity to sell a generational homestead back to its original family. It had ended up as an REO with the last owners (non-family members), and my clients called up wanting to see it. I had to tell them it was already under contract, but they begged and I relented. While I was showing the home, I heard whispers among my clients: “Remember when you fell in the creek, Dad?” That’s when they told me their story and how much they wished they were able to repurchase their family home. With a wish and a prayer, I called the listing agent and asked her to please allow us first dibs if the current sale contract were to fall through. The listing agent said it was a pretty solid deal, but she’d let us know. The following Tuesday, the deal miraculously fell through, allowing my clients the opportunity to buy back their memories. It was a very touching sale and one that reminds me every day what a wonderful profession real estate can be. —Jacklyn Leber, e-PRO®, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Montana Properties, Twin Bridges, Mont.
Proving Her Professional Worth
I got a seller $30,000 more for her home than she was asking as a FSBO. —Kathleen Marie Stansfield, GRI, Exit King Realty, Venice, Fla.
Balancing Priorities
I was an NAR regional vice president and still had a record year for sales and profit. —Joe Pryor, CRS, e-PRO®, The Virtual Real Estate Team, Oklahoma City
A Win for Everyone
My proudest moment was when I worked out an occupancy between my seller and a woman in her 70s going through a divorce. He needed to have a means of income, and she needed to have a place to live right away. The transaction closed about five months later. I felt I delivered on my duties to all parties. —Don Day, SFR, Diamond Realty & Associates, Bossier City, La.
Overcoming Complex Challenges
I completed a transaction that included an appraisal that came in $65,000 low, a lengthy temporary lease for the buyer, acreage that had to be reallocated and resurveyed, and a chicken coop full of chickens! It was an extremely complex transaction, but with the right attitude and a spirit of cooperation, the other agent and I were able to successfully close this transaction. I’m counting this as my big win for 2016. —Dana Johnson Williams, GRI, RE/MAX ONE, Beaumont, Texas
What was your biggest accomplishment in 2016? Share your achievements in the comments section below.
0 notes
sapphic-sustrai · 5 years
Team DMNO Bios: Norbert Beaumont.
Okay, it’s finally time to talk about the third member of Team DMNO my soft non-binary sweetheart, Norbert Beaumont! Once again if there are any errors, I will go back and fix them eventually. Since I’ve changed Norbert’s last name, I will go back to the previous two bios and make the necessary edits.
Previous DMNO Bios:
Douglas Craig.
Melanie Hertz.
I’m going to preface this bio with a warning. When talking about Norbert’s backstory, there will be mentions of abuse {nothing too in depth, but I still wanted to give a heads up}. If this makes you uncomfortable, then please don’t keep reading I will completely understand. If you’d like to keep reading, then just be aware of what will be brought up. That being said, more info will be underneath the cut!
Full Name: Norbert Félix Beaumont, née Berger. Has been using their mother’s last name ever since the divorce of their parents.
Alias: The Meek Marksman {they’ll get a new alias eventually}.
Nickname{s}: Bert {mostly used by everyone}, Norb {only used by Olwen}, Bertie {only used by Melanie}, Norbie {only used by Douglas}, Soldier {only used by their older brother Albert}, Sharp Shooter {only used by Albert}, Runt {only used by their father Herbert}, Sweetie-Pie {only used by their paternal grandmother Bertha}, Significant Otter {only used by Douglas when they start dating}.
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Non-Binary {they use both They/Them & He/Him pronouns}.
Race: Mountain Lion Faunus, they have a pair of hind paws for feet.
D.O.B/Star Sign: September 7th/Virgo.
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Homoromantic Asexual.
Handedness: Left-handed.
Complexion: Pale-white. 
Height: 5’5 {165cm}, they’ll eventually have a small growth spurt later on.
Weight: 120lbs {54kg}, they’ll put on a bit more weight later on.
Body Type: Rectangular body shape, average height, lanky, not a lot of muscle, medium length legs, small delicate hands.
Burr cut, looks almost bald {Youth}.
Crew cut {Vol. 1-3}.
Hair Colour{s}: Dark Brown.
Eye Colour: Greyish-green. 
Aura Colour: Camouflage Green.
Emblem: A five-pointed star, made up of arrows, with a cross-hair in the middle. The star outline is black, the star itself is camouflage green, the cross-hair and the point/fletching of the arrows are army green.
Weapon{s}: Compound Piercer MP7.
The Compound Piercer MP7 {Maschinenpistole 7} is a Heckler & Koch MP7 & compound crossbow mix, with the sub-machine gun as the base mode.
When using the crossbow function, the limbs will jut out from the side of the gun with the strings attached.
The primary colours of the gun are metallic grey & silver. The limbs, the trigger, the magazine & the barrel of the gun are charcoal black. The string and the grips are black.
The sub-machine gun primarily fires out armour piercing high velocity rounds consisting of alloy plated steel jacket {DM21} projectiles. They contain various different types of dust; they have different effects depending on which dust type is being used. The crossbow fires out aluminum arrows and has dust stored in the tips.
The cross-hair has a couple of different modes which include, x-ray, inferred & night vision.
It comes with a couple of accessories which includes a suppressor for more quiet shots & a tactical flashlight. Both of these accessories are silver & black.
Norbert’s emblem is etched into the right side of the gun’s body.
Types of Dust Used: Norbert uses all kinds of dust, but their three favourites to use are Rock, Plant & Gravity dust. 
Other Equipment:
Military Pouches {Both are black and there’s one on each side of their belt. The one on the left is where they keep their dust crystals. The one on the right is where they keep their handheld telescope}.
Handheld Telescope {A small telescope that is typically used by the Atlesian Military’s soldiers that fits in the palm of their hand. It was given to them by their paternal grandmother Bertie as a present for their 10th birthday. It’s silver, with a black grip and the Atlas logo etched into the side in black}.
Gun Strap {It’s black, with a charcoal black shoulder pad. It’s attached to their weapon so that it’s at their side at all times when in combat.
Quiver {Where Norbert keeps their arrows and it’s attached to their gun strap. It’s silver, with a black lid}.
Gun Case {What they use to carry around their weapon when not in use. It has a hard metal casing which is silver, with a black handle and the interior padding is dark grey. It has their logo etched in on the lid}.
Fighting Style: Norbert usually prefers a, “run and gun”, style of fighting. They’re usually on the move, so that they can help out their teammates at any given moment. Their alternative approach is to try and find a spot to camp at, so that they can snipe from a safe distance.
Semblance: Flash Grenade - A semblance that allows the user to create a small aura-based stun grenade in the palm of their hand, which they can launch at the opposition. The targets will feel disoriented and stunned for a brief period of time. At the moment, Norbert can only target up to three targets at one time. Their semblance can also affect Grimm, with the added bonus of causing them to feel searing pain {almost as if their bodies are sizzling}.
Other Skills, Talents, etc…
Known for being highly intelligent.
An excellent strategist.
Has incredible planning & organization skills
Has good computer skills.
Well versed in all areas of science, but is mostly knowledgeable in the subjects of chemistry & robotics.
Vast knowledge on the Atlesian military thanks to their grandmother.
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Mount Alsius Academy.
Place of Origin: Atlas. When living with their Father, they lived in an upper-class area near the mountains. After the divorce, their mother relocated them & their older brother Albert to the City of Atlas.
Current Occupation{s}: Student, Hunter-in-Training.
Team/Status: DMNO. Currently active, but will become inactive soon after the Fall of Beacon. Won’t be active again for quite some time.
Team Members: Douglas Craig, Melanie Hertz, themselves & Olwen Kunik.
Partner: Douglas Craig.
Team Role: Ranged flanker, support & team strategist.
Status: Alive.
Mental Health Issues: Generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, OCD {mostly with counting & arranging}, PTSD {due to the mental & emotional abuse from their father Herbert & their eldest brother Bertrand}, and panic disorder. They take medication for all of these and they also have a couple of coping mechanisms to help them when their symptoms get out of hand. 
Positive Qualities: Organized, hardworking, helpful, disciplined, modest, kind, gentle.
Neutral Qualities: Emotional, obedient, skeptical, soft, is a private person.
Negative Qualities: Anxious, indecisive, fussy, self-pitying, they are a worrier, has a hard time accepting reality {if something bad happens, they mentally shut down}, perfectionist.
Tinkering with machinery {specifically anything to do with robotics}.
Doing chemical experiments.
Crossword/Sudoku puzzles.
Cleaning/organizing their living space.
Solving their Rubik’s cube.
Early mornings.
Building model cars, planes & trains.
Playing Chess.
Peanut Butter {they’re allergic}.
Tomatoes {they hate the taste of them and the texture}.
Untidy living spaces & filth in general.
Doesn’t like it when their personal space is invaded.
Hates it when people try to spook them in any sort of way.
Sleeping in {they like to get the most out of their day}.
Horror related media.
Food: Pot roast, with mashed potatoes & mixed vegetables. They also love roast beef sandwiches on whole wheat bread.
Drink: Tea {especially earl grey, chamomile & sleepy time}.
Season/Weather: Spring/rainy days.
Colour: Army green & slate grey.
Animal: Ferrets & cats.
Movie Genre: Science fiction & historical period dramas.
Music Genre: classical, jazz & musical theatre.
Herbert Jr. Berger:
Relationship: Biological Father, distant, very bad.
Status: Alive.
Ambre Beaumont:
Relationship: Biological Mother, distant, strained.
Status: Alive.
Bertrand Berger:
Relationship: Biological Older Brother, by 10 years, distant, very bad.
Status: Alive.
Albert Beaumont:
Relationship: Biological Older Brother, by 6 years, good.
Status: Alive.
Bertha Gehring:
Relationship: Paternal Grandmother, good.
Status: Alive.
Herbert Sr. Berger:
Relationship: Paternal Grandfather, good.
Status: Deceased.
Melanie Hertz:
Relationship: Closest Friend, teammate, good.
Status: Alive.
Douglas Craig:
Relationship: Close friend, partner, crush.
Status: Alive.
Olwen Kunik:
Relationship: Close friend, teammate, good.
Status: Alive.
Team RWBY:
Relationship: Friends, good overall, gets along with Weiss the best, gets along with Ruby the least.
Status: Alive.
Team JNPR:
Relationship: Friends, good overall, gets along with Ren the best, gets along with Nora the least.
Status: Alive {Pyrrha’s alive in this AU}.
Winter Schnee:
Relationship: Friend, good, but they’re slightly scared of her.
Status: Alive.
Penny Polendina:
Relationship: Friends, good.
Status: Alive, then deceased, then rebuilt and brought back to life.
Ciel Soleil:
Relationship: Friends, good.
Status: Alive.
Early Life {Backstory}:
Norbert was born and raised in the Kingdom of Atlas.
They were raised in a prestigious & wealthy military family. For the first couple of years of their life, they lived with their father Herbert Berger, their mother Ambre Beaumont and their two older brothers Bertrand Berger & Albert Beaumont. They lived in a mansion located in a wealthy neighborhood near the mountains.
Their paternal grandmother Bertha Gehring was the previous general of the Atlesian Military, before General James Ironwood succeeded her. Her son Herbert would follow in this mother’s military footsteps and became a brigadier general. The eldest brother Bertrand is currently a captain and the 2nd oldest Albert is a member of the special operatives unit. Ambre on the other hand is a psychiatrist. She used to work at a clinic in Atlas, but she has since moved on to operating her own clinic for the last 7 years.
To the public, Norbert’s father was a stern but respected member of the military… that was known for making a few, “questionable decisions”. However, behind closed doors he was an absolute tyrant who ruled his household with an iron fist. He was downright cruel towards almost every single member of his family, except for Bertrand who he considered to be, “his favourite”. He would mistreat his wife and physically abuse/forget about his son Albert… but Norbert was the one that he targeted the most.
In Herbert’s household, he doesn’t tolerate weakness, which was why Norbert was often targeted by their father. Norbert was often emotionally & mentally abused because they were viewed to be a weakling in their father’s eyes. Everything was expected to be perfect and if Norbert couldn’t deliver, then they’d be punished. He also had no qualms with letting his eldest son Bertrand to invade Norbert’s personal space, stealing/destroying their things and even physically harm them. It’s because of their father & Bertrand that Norbert developed most of the mental health issues that they still deal with to this day.
However, there were three people who did support and love Norbert during their childhood. There was their mother, their other older brother Albert and their paternal grandmother. These three would often stick by Norbert and had to confront Herbert & Bertrand on several occasions.
Eventually Ambre had enough of her husband and how he treated her and the rest of the family. She, Norbert & Albert had to hide their Faunus heritage from the public and were never allowed to attend parties/social events… all because Herbert was ashamed of them. Finding out that he only wanted to marry her because of the perks and wealth that came with her last name was the final nail in the coffin. By the time Norbert was 10 years old, Ambre had filed for a divorce from her husband and it was one of the happiest days of Norbert’s life.
Ambre had custody over Norbert & Albert, which her now ex-husband was perfectly okay with. At this point in time Bertrand was already 20 years old and had firmly sided with his father, so Ambre gave up trying to have a relationship with her eldest son. Ambre moved herself and her children from the mountains to the city of Atlas for a new start. She was determined to start up her own psychiatric clinic, where she never had to hide who she was from anyone and do things her way. Eventually, Norbert’s grandmother Bertha came to live with the family to help out Ambre when things got busy.
Things were great for about a year after the divorce, unfortunately Ambre soon became a workaholic focusing more on her business than her family. With Albert off at combat school and soon preparing to attend Atlas Academy, Norbert only really had their grandmother Bertha around and they felt incredibly lonely.
They’ve always wanted to join the Atlesian Military ever since they were a young child. They’ve always wanted to make a difference and help the people of Remnant through their two greatest strengths support and science. They’ll mention that Albert & their grandma Bertha as two of their biggest inspirations for joining the military.
They first attended an elite combat school known as Mount Alsius Academy, named after what Atlas Academy used to be known as, Alsius. They mostly kept to themselves around this period of time because not a lot of people were interested in befriending them. They’re hoping that once they’re at Atlas, that maybe they’d finally meet some people that they could hopefully call their friends. They were both excited and nervous about attending Atlas, but they were ready for change and they were ready to make it happen.
Primary Attire {Youth}:
Button Up Shirt {white, with white buttons, long-sleeved, buttoned up all the way, except for the top button}.
Bowtie {black}.
Suit Vest {grey, with black buttons, buttoned up all the way}.
Suit Pants {grey, with black button & zipper}.
Leather Penny Loafers {black}.
Atlas Academy Uniform:
Norbert wears the standard Atlas Academy boy’s uniform.
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Wool Felt Military Beret {black, with their emblem stitched into the brim, it was a present from their grandmother Bertha}.
Tactical Shirt {light grey, with arctic camouflage arms & neck, long-sleeved, fully zipped at the neck, has a Velcro pocket on each arm}.
Puffy Vest {black, with a silver zipper, ¾’s zipped up}.
Combat Gloves {black}.
Tactical Utility Belt {black, with a black plastic buckle, includes military pouches}.
Fatigue Pants {black, with the pantlegs tucked into their boots.
Wool Socks {grey}.
Tactical Military Boots {black, with black laces}.
Other Notes About Appearance:
They’ve been told that they have a, “baby face”. Douglas thinks that it’s cute.
Has short side-burns, they’re squared.
Doesn’t have any facial hair, usually likes to be clean shaven.
Doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings right now, but they’ve been considering getting a small tattoo and ear piercings at some point in the future.
They obtain a medium-sized scar on the bridge of their nose from the Fall of Beacon.
If They Had a Voice it Would Be: Justin Briner {Current}, Lara Woodhull {Youth}.
Misc. Trivia:
Norbert has excellent hand-eye coordination skills and Albert thinks that this is why they are quite the sharp shooter. Anything that involved shooting targets, Norbert would hit every single one.
They have a pet ferret named Scout. They have Scout registered as an emotional support animal and they help Norbert whenever they’re having an anxiety & panic attacks. They also have a pet British Shorthair cat named Eleanor at home and they usually stick around their grandmother these days.
Norbert has been playing the piano since they were 3 years old and they’re quite good at it. Sometimes they’ll play alongside Melanie who’ll jam out on the guitar. Douglas wants Norbert to give him a piano lesson at some point.
Many have noticed that Norbert is the type that, “talks with their hands”. They often make elaborate hand gestures when speaking to someone.
They have atychiphobia {a fear of failure}.
They always write in cursive; it’s been like this ever since learning how to do so at the age of 9.
That’s all that I have for Norbert right now! I may have been a bit late posting this and I’m sorry about that! Any comments or critiques would be greatly appreciated and my askbox is always open! I’m going to try to get the last member of DMNO Olwen’s bio out by next weekend! 
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sapphic-sustrai · 3 years
💛💖😋🥖 + nobert?
I’d say Norbert + Weiss for sure… granted they had a pretty rocky start. For context in this AU, Winter & one of Norbert’s older brothers Albert were close friends and sometimes Weiss & Norbert would see each other when they were younger. Weiss was pretty rude to Norbert, due to her prejudice against Faunus back then. But after the two reunite when they get older, Weiss sincerely apologizes and promises to treat Norbert better/with respect. Eventually, the two become close friends and become wlw/mlm solidarity. The two of them can definitely relate to each other in quite a few ways.
💖 - Happy Headcanon
Norbert has a lovely singing voice. Douglas has told them that whenever they sing, it’s as if an angel’s singing. Norbert’s face pretty much became just as red as Ruby’s cape after hearing that.
😋 - Funny/Stupid Headcanon
Norbert loves wearing sweaters that are too big for them, partially because he loves randomly swinging the arms around.
🥖 - Food Headcanon
Norbert loves spreading orange marmalade on their toast. He prefers the citrusy taste over most kinds of jelly, also because they’re allergic to peanut butter.
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sapphic-sustrai · 3 years
Also 💖for your OCs because I don't know them but would be interested to learn!
💖 - Happy Headcanon
Currently, I have 5 RWBY OCS that I’ve talked about on this blog.
There’s my all Faunus team from Atlas Academy, Team DMNO {Douglas Craig, Melanie Hertz, Norbert Beaumont & Olwen Kunik} and there’s also Rusty, a mechanic who lives on Patch {it’s been a hot minute since I’ve mentioned him & I want to update his info}.
Starting with Douglas {sea otter Faunus, he/him}, he’s like a kid in a candy store whenever he visits an aquarium. His moms & surrogate father took him to several as a child. Marine biology is something he’s incredibly knowledgeable/passionate about, he’ll tell you a bunch of facts about the various sea creatures as you walk around.
Melanie {highland cow Faunus, she/her} is really good with kids, due to having a strong maternal instinct. She’s the best aunt to her older brother’s daughter and she’ll often brag about how cute her niece is to anyone in earshot. She definitely wants to get married and settle down/have kids at some point.
Norbert {mountain lion Faunus, they/he} loves painting his nails, but grew up in a household where their father would often scream at him for being a “sissy/wuss” for doing it. Even after his parent’s divorce & they went to live with their mom, Norbert struggled to try painting his nails again. It wasn’t until they went to Atlas Academy that they embraced it again thanks to his team’s support. Norbert discovers that they not only love to paint their own nails, but that he also loves painting others nails too. Norbert doing the team’s nails becomes a thing they do every so often. Olwen doesn’t get their claws painted, but Norbert buffs them for her.
Olwen {polar bear Faunus, she/they} loves to cook. Not only is she a demon on the battlefield, but they’re also one in the kitchen {just replace swords with knives}. She was taught how to cook by her mom Aklaq, who they quickly surpassed. One of the reasons she loves to cook is because they love how food has the power to bring people together. Olwen is responsible for cooking most of DMNO’s meals.
Finally, Rusty {human, he/him} loves going to the racetrack, obviously because of his passion for cars. He used to love going every single weekend with his father and it was something that he loved doing with his own son years later.
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sapphic-sustrai · 5 years
RWBY OC Team Building Questionnaire.
So, I came across this one post by @prismaticbrave, which had team building questions for your RWBY OC Team. So, I decided to answer the questions for Team DMNO!! You can find the post here, if you want to answer the questions yourself!! If there are any errors, I’ll go back and fix them later, more will be underneath the cut!!
1) Introduce your team!
My team is called DMNO {pronounced domino}.
They’re an all Faunus team.
During the events of Vol. 1-3, they’re a 2nd year team from Atlas Academy, who are participating in the Vytal Festival Tournament.
The team consists of Douglas Craig {sea otter Faunus}, Melanie Hertz {highland cow Faunus}, Norbert Beaumont {mountain lion Faunus} & Olwen Kunik {polar bear Faunus}.
2) Who’s the leader and how do they lead?
Douglas is the leader of DMNO. He views his team as his loyal crew and himself as the captain. While he may be easy-going most of the time, he knows when it’s time to get serious. He’s always open to hear any sort of advice that his team has to offer and encourages them to speak up whenever necessary. He loves and respects his team with all of his heart!
3) Does the team get along with each other overall?
Yes they do, for the most part. They just need to watch out for Douglas & Melanie because they’ll sometimes get into tiffs, due to differing personalities/their egos clashing with each other.
4) How does each member act with their partner?
Douglas @ Norbert: With a lot of patience and understanding. They always value whatever input that they share. He wants to always show them that he appreciates what they do for him and the rest of the team.
Melanie @ Olwen: Views her as a friendly rival, sparring partner and as a good friend. She has a lot of respect for Olwen as a fighter. She isn’t afraid to roughhouse with her though.
Norbert @ Douglas: They always take the time to listen to what Douglas has to say. Douglas is one of the few people that they feel like they can be themselves around. They care about him a lot and just want to be as helpful as they can be. 
Olwen @ Melanie: What was said for Melanie, could be also said for Olwen to be honest. Except, she doesn’t roughhouse, she instead feels comfortable uttering playful/snarky comments at her partner. She does have to reign Melanie in, whenever she gets a bit too, “big for her britches”, which the other girl appreciates. 
5) How does each member act with those that aren’t their partner?
Douglas @ Olwen & Melanie: Douglas & Olwen are basically as tight as family. He views her as his closest friend and someone who he can fully depend on. He views Melanie as a good friend and he does care about her. However, as mentioned above, they do often clash with each other.
Melanie @ Norbert & Douglas: She loves Norbert to bits and they’re the only member of the team that she doesn’t roughhouse/be extremely harsh towards. What was said for Douglas could be said for Melanie to be honest.
Norbert @ Melanie & Olwen: They view Melanie almost like the supportive sister that they never had. She’s probably their closest friend on the team, but they do have to remind her to use their indoor voice often. They’re honestly a bit intimidated by Olwen, but they still see them as a good friend. They want to try and talk to her more. 
Olwen @ Douglas & Norbert: What was said for Douglas could be said for Olwen, however he was her first ever friend, so she really does cherish their friendship. She considers Norbert to be a good friend, but sometimes she has a bit of trouble initiating conversations with them. She wants to try and change that.
6) What weapons does each member have?
Douglas: A two-barreled shotgun katana mix named Black Marlin and a pair of switchblade/water pistol mixes named the Dorado Daggers.
Melanie: A pair of buckaroo-style cowboy boots named Blazin’ Buckaroos.
Norbert: A Heckler & Koch MP7 & compound crossbow mix named the Compound Piercer MP7.
Olwen: She wields three swords. The first is a katana/pana {snow knife} mix named Tekkeitsertok {Tekk for short}, the other two are both falchion/pana mixes named Qailertetang {Qail for short} & Sedna.
7) What semblances do they have?
Douglas: His semblance is called Ocean Mist. It allows the user to disappear and evaporate as a misty vapour, then reappears just a few seconds later. They can either reappear in the same spot or teleport to a new spot a few feet away.
Melanie: Her semblance is called Engine Burst. It allows the user to develop engine-like protrusions made of aura that manifest around her calves. This grants the user increased speed and extra kicking power for a brief period of time.
Norbert: Their semblance is called Flash Grenade. It allows the user to create a small aura-based stun grenade in the palm of their hand, which they can launch at the opposition. The targets will feel disoriented and stunned for a brief period of time.
Olwen: Her semblance is called Temperature Control/PATE. It allows the user to orient the semblance in three different ways: passively, actively & empowerment. Passive mode allows the user to keep things {including herself} in her immediate area/within 5 meters at an ambient temperature. Active mode allows the user to heat up or cool down her surroundings/things {as well as an inherent resistance to the effect her semblance has as a result} to the degree & speed of her choosing. Finally, Empowerment mode allows the user to become stronger, a little bit faster, durable, etc… when they come into contact with thermal energy.
8) Do they have a team strategist? 
Norbert is the designated team strategist. 
9) Do they have any combat roles on their team? {ex: a party’s dps, healer, tank, etc…}.
Douglas is a ranged/melee dps.
Melanie is a melee dps.
Norbert is a ranged flanker/support/strategist mix.
Olwen is ranged/melee tank.
10) How does your fight together overall?
The team fights incredibly well together, with good communication. They just need to watch out for the following:
A) Douglas’, “unpredictability”, becomes a negative, instead of a positive.
B) Melanie getting too cocky or losing her temper.
C) Norbert’s anxiety starts to overpower their critical thinking skills.
D) Olwen closing off from the rest of the team if something is bothering her.
E) Douglas & Melanie start squabbling with each other. 
11) How does each member fight with their partner?
Douglas & Norbert make a great team! They usually have each other’s backs, like Douglas will cover Norbert if they’re trying to find a vantage point to snipe from. Usually, Douglas will be the primary attacker, while Norbert offers support. 
Melanie & Olwen make for a deadly combination. They will usually fight on their own, but they will try and stay as close by to each other as possible. Their primary strategy is to tag-team their opponents and overpower them. 
12) How do they fight with the other members?
Because of their close bond, Douglas & Olwen are often on the same wavelength, even without saying a word. Olwen usually keeps the enemy on their toes with a strong defense, while Douglas gets in as many quick hits as possible. 
Douglas & Melanie have to communicate a lot with each other, in order for their team ups to work. However, they can work well with one another, once that communication is established. They both like to go for super quick attacks that overpower/overwhelm the enemy.
Norbert with both Melanie & Olwen, is the same as they are with Douglas. They offer support, while Melanie & Olwen are the primary attackers. Norbert will team up with Melanie, more often then with Olwen. However, Norbert can work well with both of them. 
13) Any team combos/strategies {ex: checkmate, iceflower, bumbleby, etc...}
I’m still in the process of coming up with a lot of the team’s combos, however I do have one that I can share. This is a four-person maneuver, which Douglas called, “Toppling Dominoes”.  
To let the team know that it’s time to use the move, Douglas will typically shout, “Okay DMNO, time to knock em’ down!” or some other variation.
They start things off by trying to trap the target/multiple targets in a singular area, where they can’t escape.
Next, Norbert shoots out one of their gravpolines {a jelly trampoline, with gravity dust inside that bursts from a bullet} from their weapon. Then Melanie gets ready to kick Olwen off of her leg, while using her semblance to boost her kick’s power.
Douglas runs and jumps onto the gravpoline, Olwen gets launched into the air, then Melanie & Norbert provide cover on the ground. 
When Douglas & Olwen intersect, Olwen uses one of her sword attacks {sometimes she’ll use her thermal empowerment part of her semblance to boost its power} to launch Douglas forward with incredible force at high speeds towards the target{s}. 
Finally, Douglas will perform a couple of somersaults and yells, “CANNONBALL!”, as he crashes into the target{s}, toppling them over like a row of dominoes.  
14) Does your team have any plans on sticking together in the future {e.g: post Fall of Beacon, post graduation, etc…}?
I’m still planning a lot of DMNO’s future out {both post Fall of Beacon and after Salem’s defeat}, but after the F.O.B, the team does split up for a bit. After graduation, realistically the team can’t stay together because Norbert wants to join the Atlesian Military and no one else on the team has the same plans. However, they’ll still probably team up together from time to time, if it’s possible. Douglas has said that even if they’re apart, DMNO will never disband and that they’re still a team. 
15) Any other team related trivia/thoughts {e.g: shenanigans, fun memories, etc…}?
I have a couple of shenanigans/things that happened during their 1st year together in mind.
After the Atlas Academy initiation test/getting their dorm room clean, Olwen made them all an, “everything but the kitchen sink”, stew out of random ingredients from their dorm floor’s kitchen. It quickly became the team’s favourite meal whenever they eat together. They spent the rest of the night sitting on the floor, eating snacks and telling stories about each other.
A few weeks into their first year, Douglas, Melanie & Team FNKI managed to get a dance party/hoedown/conga line going in the dorms. Norbert, Olwen & Ironwood are still confused as to how they managed to pull this off in such a short amount of time. 
Norbert once snuck their pet/emotional support ferret Scout into their first combat class of the year with them because they were feeling anxious about sparring with some of the other students/their own teammates. Eventually Scout made their presence known and almost everyone in the class was freaking out. Norbert was in a hurry that morning and had forgotten Scout’s vest, so most thought that she was just some random animal.  After talking things over with the General, Norbert is now allowed to bring Scout to all of their classes... they just need to make sure that Scout was wearing her vest. 
Douglas usually wears sandals to class, instead of the standard dress shoes. Most of the student body were surprised that he didn’t have frostbitten feet/toes by the end of the school year. 
When DMNO got back from their first mission, Olwen came back with a couple of salmon that she fished up and two reindeer that she hunted. She said that she wanted to do a bit of hunting during any sort of down time that they had. The female student body see it as her being resourceful and the male student body see it as her being scary.
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sapphic-sustrai · 5 years
Team DMNO Bios: Olwen Kunik.
So after who knows how long, it’s finally time for me to talk about the final member of Team DMNO. My sword-wielding, tough but soft daughter, Olwen Kunik! As always if there are any errors, I will go back and fix them eventually. 
Previous DMNO Bios:
Douglas Craig.
Melanie Hertz.
Norbert Beaumont.
I’m going to preface this bio with a warning. When talking about Olwen’s backstory, things are going to be mentions of death and blood. If any of this makes you uncomfortable, then please don’t keep reading I will completely understand. If you’d like to keep reading, then just be aware of what will be brought up. With that being said, more will be underneath the cut.
Full Name: Olwen Nanulak Kunik.
Alias: The Subzero Slasher, The Hunter {an alias given to her because of her excellent tracking/hunting skills}, The Monster Duo {an alias that she shares with Melanie, that was given to them by the Atlas Academy student body, she doesn’t like this one very much}.
Nickname{s}: Ollie {only used by her teammates because they’re the only ones who can call her that}, Wen {only used by Douglas}, Buniq {what her mother Aklaq used to call her, it means, “Sweet Daughter”, in Inuit}, Frosty {used only by Melanie}, Wonder Dolt {only used by Emerald}, Big Lug {only used by Emerald}, Friend Olwen {only used by Penny}, Bro {only used by Douglas or Sun, at first she’s only okay with Douglas calling her that
Age: 18 {Vol. 1-3}.
Gender: Bigender {identifies as female & non-binary}.
Race: Polar Bear Faunus, her trait is that she has the paws & forearms of a polar bear. Key differences are that she can retract her claws {unlike actual polar bears} and she has posable thumbs.
D.O.B/Star Sign: February 9th/Aquarius 
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Lesbian.
Handedness: Ambidextrous, but prefers using her right paw most often. 
Complexion: Light Brown.
Height: 6’2 {188cm}.
Weight: 200lbs {91kg}.
Cup Size: B-Cup.
Body Type: Inverted triangle body shape, athletic build, muscular, wide-shouldered, thick legs, toned abs, six-pack, big feet {shoe size is a woman’s 12}.
Choppy layered shaggy/slightly fluffy bob, with a spiky back curved upwards {Youth}.
Short & spiky/slightly fluffy undercut, her bangs are facing upwards {Vol. 1-3}.
Hair Colour{s}: Polar White, with black roots.
Eye Colour{s}: She has heterochromia. Her left eye is steel grey and her right eye is icy blue.
Aura Colour: Frost White.
Emblem: A growling polar bear head, with two swords crossed and another sword in its mouth. The blades behind the head are facing downwards and the blade in her mouth is facing the right. The entire emblem is frost white, with a black outline.
Weapon{s}: Tekkeitsertok {Tekk}, Qailertetang {Qail} and Sedna.
The first of her swords Tekkeitsertok {Tekk} is a katana/pana {snow knife} mix. She’ll usually keep it in her mouth when performing three blade techniques, but it’s also the primary sword that she uses when performing one blade techniques.
The blade’s shape is a mixture of a katana and a pana, which is metallic silver with a gunome {zigzag} hamon pattern. The hamon is made from the bones of a caribou. It has a circular tsuba {guard} that’s metallic gold. The handle is also made of caribou bone and is wrapped in a frost white samegawa {wrap} that leaves a diamond-shape menuki pattern. The kashira {buttcap} is also gold. The blade’s saya {scabbard} is also frost white, with a metallic gold kojiri {scabbard tip}. This sword in particular is Olwen’s prized possession, as the blade’s metal came from Aklaq’s weapon. It was melted down and then forged into Olwen’s new sword.
The second of her swords is Qailertetang {Qail} is a falchion/pana mix. She’ll usually hold it in her left hand when performing three blade & two blade techniques.
The blade’s shape is a mixture of a falchion & a pana, with the central ridge curved inwards and is metallic black. The fuller is etched in with crimson red and is patterned like the sharp teeth of an animal. The chappe {rain-guard}, cross-guard & the pommel is metallic gold. The grip is black. The scabbard is black, with crimson red claw marks etched in. The locket & the chape of the scabbard is metallic gold.
The third and final sword in her possession is Sedna, which is also a falchion/pana mix. She’ll usually hold it in her right hand when performing three blade & two blade techniques.
The blade’s shape is a mixture of a falchion & a pana, with the central ridge left as is and is metallic white. The fuller is etched in with arctic blue and is patterned like the waves of an ocean. The cross-guard is curved upward on the left & curved downward on the right. The chappe, cross-guard & the pommel is metallic silver. The grip is black. The scabbard is arctic blue, with a frost white spiral pattern {almost like a narwhal’s horn}. The locket & the chape of the scabbard is metallic silver.
In all three of the swords, dust crystals can be inserted into the bottom of the grips/handles. However, Olwen doesn’t really use this function very much.
Types of Dust Used: Olwen primarily uses Ice Dust during combat, by injecting it into her body using a dust injector. She’ll use other types if the situation calls for it.
Other Equipment:
Dust Injector {metallic silver & black, it allows Olwen to inject dust safely into her body and utilize the elemental power of whichever dust type is being used, it’s described as a more, “streamline way”, of fusing dust with one’s body, the effects only last for about 30-40mins and has to wait for about an hour before injecting again… otherwise it will cause harmful side effects, Olwen had to special request this item from Ironwood & the Atlesian Military}.
Expandable Cable Bungee Leather Sword Belt {dark brown, with a silver Ursa skull belt buckle, the buckle can be launched and act as a grappling hook clinging onto surfaces, Olwen uses the belt to climb up walls or cliffs and as a way to pull herself forward or pull enemies closer during combat, on the right side of the belt is where her swords are attached to}.
Pouch {mahogany brown. It’s where Olwen keeps her dust crystals & her dust injector. It’s attached to the left side of her belt}.
Fighting Style: Olwen primarily fights using three blade style techniques, as well being proficient in two blade & one blade style techniques. Even while holding her blades, she’ll still incorporate punches and use them to either cause damage or to knock opponents back. With their semblance in active mode, they’ll use their swords or arms as conduits, either to add extra edge to their attacks or to stun opponents by heating/freezing their desired conduits. They also incorporate ice dust into their fighting style, due to the dust injections. She can launch icy aura-based attacks from her swords or hands, make small ice walls for defensive purposes, etc…
Semblance: Temperature Control – A semblance that allows the user to orient the semblance in three different ways: passively, actively & empowerment. Passive mode allows the user to keep things {including herself} in her immediate area/within 5 meters at an ambient temperature. Active mode allows the user to heat up or cool down her surroundings/things {as well as an inherent resistance to the effect her semblance has as a result} to the degree & speed of her choosing. Finally, Empowerment mode allows the user to become stronger, a little bit faster, durable, etc… when they come into contact of thermal energy. When she’s stored enough thermal energy, her body looks as if she is steaming and her skin turns slightly pink and shiny. She heats things up with her left hand and cools things down with her right.
Other Skills, Talents, etc…
Expert tracking skills.
Expert survival skills.
Excellent hunting skills.
Excellent sense of smell {she could smell what RWBY & JNPR all had for dinner from 3 nights ago}.
Excellent swordsmanship.
Incredible physical/jaw strength.
Excellent chef.
Current Affiliation: Atlas Academy.
Previous Affiliation: Sanctum Academy.
Place of Origin: Mistral, in a small village called Biyamamura, located around Mistral’s mountainous/forest region.
Current Occupation{s}: Student, Huntress-in-training.
Team/Status: DMNO. Currently active, but will become inactive soon after the Fall of Beacon. Won’t be active again for quite some time.
Team Members: Douglas Craig, Melanie Hertz, Norbert Beaumont & herself.
Partner: Melanie Hertz.
Team Role: Ranged/Melee Tank.
Status: Alive.
Mental Health Issues: Dysthymia {persistent depressive disorder}, also deals with anger management problem brought on by her depression. They take medication for their PDD, they also have coping strategies to help calm her down. They channel their anger most often at the gym or by training.
Positive Qualities: Independent, resourceful, adaptable, witty, observant, loyal, calm & collected {most of the time}, disciplined.
Neutral Qualities: Determined, tough, quiet {isn’t as chatty as some of her other teammates}, sarcastic, stubborn, emotional {negative feelings like sadness are usually kept in private}.
Negative Qualities: Gluttonous {in terms of food & pain}, aggressive {kept under control, but after the Fall of Beacon, she has a bit of a problem dealing with her anger again}, cold & distant {only when she’s really upset with you}, slightly irritable {more annoyed than angry}, careless {when it comes to her own well-being}.
Cooking/eating food.
Training/sparring/working out.
Fishing {both for relaxing & for sport}.
Learning about swords/sword making.
Being among the animals in the forest.
Brussels Sprouts.
Diet Cola.
Being disturbed while she’s trying to sleep/nap.
Hot weather {even with her semblance, she still doesn’t like being outside in warmer weather}.
Cigarette smoke {she finds the scent disgusting}.
People who abandon the ones that they love {she has abandonment issues, while not as bad it still lingers}.
People who cheat {she believes for working hard for your achievements, instead of taking the lazy or easy way out}.
Long shirt sleeves {her arm fur act as built in sleeves and she hates the feeling of sleeves going over her arms}.
Food: Salmon/all other types of fish & pork/all other types of meat.
Drink: Water, sports drinks & cola.
Season/Weather: Winter/cold & cloudy or cold & slightly sunny.
Colour: Arctic blue & bone white.
Animal: Timber wolves, snowy owls, orcas & seals.
Movie Genre: Horror {favourite sub-genre is slashers}/thriller.
Music Genre: Punk/heavy metal.
Nanouk Haggard:
Relationship: Grandfather Figure, she called him, “Gramps”, they have a deeper connection that Olwen doesn’t realize yet, good.
Status: Alive.
Aklaq Kunik:
Relationship: Adoptive Mother, who she considers to be her real mother, good.
Status: Deceased.
Neva Kunik:
Relationship: Adoptive Aunt, older twin sister of Aklaq, good for the most part.
Status: Alive.
Wulfnod Albero:
Relationship: Honorary Uncle, was Olwen’s caretaker after Aklaq’s passing, good.
Status: Alive.
Douglas Craig:
Relationship: Closest Friend, teammate, good.
Status: Alive.
Melanie Hertz:
Relationship: Close Friend, partner, friendly rival, good overall, but sometimes she has to reel Melanie in when she gets, “too intense”.
Status: Alive.
Norbert Beaumont:
Relationship: Close Friend, teammate, good.
Status: Alive.
Team RWBY:
Relationship: Friends, good overall, gets along with Blake the best, gets along with Weiss the least.
Status: Alive.
Team JNPR:
Relationship: Friends, except Jaune who she actively dislikes, gets along with Pyrrha the best.
Status: Alive {Pyrrha’s alive in this AU}.
Penny Polendina:
Relationship: Good Friends, good.
Status: Alive, then deceased, then rebuilt and brought back to life.
Ilia Amitola: 
Relationship: Enemies {at first}, eventually become close friends, don’t meet until Vol. 4.
Status: Alive.
Sun Wukong:
Relationship: Acquaintances at Best {at first}, doesn’t really like him that much, after some time in Menagerie they do eventually become friends.
Status: Alive.
Emerald Sustrai:
Relationship: Started out as friends, then moved into a purely physical relationship, broke things off during the Vytal Festival, their relationship became strained after the events during the Fall of Beacon, they’ll eventually reconnect & work on their relationship.
Status: Alive.
Early Life {Backstory/spoiler free because I want to reveal more at a later time}:
Olwen was born in an unknown location, in the continent of Solitas.
Some time after her birth, Olwen was adopted by a woman named Aklaq Kunik. and was renamed Olwen Nanulak Kunik. The name Olwen came from the fact that she had a birthmark resembling a white paw print on her right paw pad.
From then onward, Olwen was raised in the Kingdom of Mistral, nearby a small village in the mountainous/forest region known as Biyamamura. She lived in a small cabin that Aklaq and her old teammates from Team FAWN built together.
Olwen never really had any friends growing up, at school she was the only Faunus child in a primarily human classroom. Her classmates would often bully her and call her a, “monster”, because of her arms and to all of them she looked scary. All Olwen wanted was to make some friends… but nobody wanted her around. She mostly either spent time with Aklaq or with the animals in the nearby forest.
One day her classmates pulled a prank on her, which went horribly wrong and attracted a Beowolf to the area. Olwen was attacked and if it wasn’t for a passing Huntsman finding her, she probably would’ve bled out and died. Since the school didn’t want to take any sort of responsibility for the incident, Aklaq decided to home-school her daughter from then onward.
Aklaq taught her a lot of things, such as respecting nature, survival skills, how to hunt, how to fish and most importantly how to fight. Aklaq taught her hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship.
Eventually, Aklaq told Olwen that she was adopted and while she still considered Aklaq to be her, “real mom”, she’s always been curious about her biological parents. Whenever she’d ask Aklaq about them, she was always met with incredibly vague information. What she didn’t know was that Aklaq was going to tell Olwen the truth when she was much older because she couldn’t bare to tell the horrible truth to such a young child.
When Olwen was around 10 years old, a group of strange men showed up to Biyamamura looking for her. Aklaq rushed back home and told Olwen to run as far away as she could. She was going to protect her daughter no matter what, even if it killed her. Olwen wouldn’t find out the reason why those men were after her until she was older. 
When she came back to the house, Aklaq was found on the ground outside laying in a pool of her own blood inside. Olwen cradled her mother in her arms as Aklaq uttered her last words to her. She said, “You came into my life when I needed you the most… you’re my greatest miracle and I’ll always be proud to call you my daughter. I love you, Olwen.” Losing her mother left Olwen devastated and it left her feeling scared and alone… she couldn’t stop crying.
Unfortunately, the group of men were still around and they were banking on the fact that she would come back eventually. One of the men managed to stab Olwen in her lower right abdomen, but Olwen attacked back by kicking the man in the face, picking up the knife that he had dropped and stabbed him in the chest when he tried to attack again. Before passing out from shock and blood loss, she noticed someone coming in and attacking the rest of the group. When she came to, she realized that it was Aklaq’s old partner from Team FAWN, Wulfnod Albero.
He had heard from a town close by of what was going to take place and tried to get there as fast as he could. He is also saddened by Aklaq’s passing and decides to take Olwen in and become her caretaker. For the next few years, Olwen traveled around with Wulfnod, as he traveled around the kingdoms doing huntsman missions. After the experiences that she had went through with losing Aklaq, Olwen became much angrier and would act out often. For Wulfnod, it was a struggle, but he was willing to work with Olwen and help her deal with her trauma & anger management problems.
Ever since Olwen was young, she’s always wanted to become a Huntress and to become one of Remnant’s greatest sword wielders… but due to recent events, she became unsure if this was something that she still wanted. With some encouraging from Wulfnod, she eventually decides to not give up on her dreams and attend Sanctum Academy.
During her time at Sanctum, she met her first and closest friend Douglas Craig, she was diagnosed with dysthymia and started taking medication for it, was seeing a therapist to help her deal with her trauma and was learning to keep her anger under control, and had gotten incredibly strong through constant training and hard work. During her first break home, she broke down in Wulfnod’s arms and kept apologizing for giving him such a hard time over the years. It was from this point onward that Olwen would refer to Wulfnod as her uncle.
When it was time for Olwen to pick the academy that they’d attend for the next 4 years, she decided to attend Atlas Academy because while she wasn’t a big fan of their, “military approach”, she thought that this would be the school that could help her push past her boundaries and help her reach the next steps to becoming stronger.
Primary Attire {Youth}:
Henley Shirt {spruce blue, short sleeved, top two buttons left unbuttoned, slightly baggy}.
Leather Belt {black, with a silver belt buckle}.
Fatigue Pants {grey, pantlegs tucked into boots}.
Boots {black}.
Atlas Academy Uniform:
Olwen pretty much wears the standard Atlas Academy boys’ uniform. The only exceptions are that she has a short-sleeved shirt {because of her arms and not needing sleeves}, her jacket is left wide open and she wears her combat boots instead of dress shoes.
Primary Attire {Vol. 1-3}:
Leather Jacket {navy blue, with a gold zipper, short sleeved, unzipped all the way, cuts off at the midriff, interior lining is slate grey, symbol is located on the upper back}.}.
Tank Top {black}.
Bandana {black, tied around her left bicep, wears it on her head during fights, used to belong to Aklaq}.
Stonewashed Jeans {a bit baggy, a couple of rips, pant legs tucked into her boots}.
Combat Boots {Black, with slate grey laces}.
Other Notes About Appearance:
She has four small tattoos of all the suits in a deck of cards located above her right brow. The spade & the club are black and the heart & diamond are icy blue. The order goes spade, heart, club, and diamond. Each one represents a member of DMNO, using the diamond to represent herself.
In terms of piercings, she has quadruple stud earrings, two rings on her right helix, and a labret piercing. All of them are metallic silver.
She’s obtained plenty of scars over the years. First was three claw marks on the left side of her neck that she obtained when attacked by a Beowolf as a child. Next was a cross-shaped scar on her lower right abdomen that she obtained when attacked by the group of men who killed Aklaq.
If She Had a Voice it Would Be: Janet Varney {Current}, Cora Baker {Youth}.
Misc. Trivia:
All of Olwen’s sword techniques are named after the forest, hunting terms, and the animals that she spent so much time with in the forest as a child. She wanted to honour the animals somehow as a way to thank them for being there for her.
Olwen is pretty bad at coming up with names for things. Growing up she had a stuffed bear that Aklaq made for her and she named him… Bear/Beary. The only time that this wasn’t the case was when she came up with names for her swords, her sword techniques, and the names of her future children.
Her favourite band of all time is a punk rock/metal band called, “Absolute Zero.” She’s been to two of their concerts and she has a huge crush on the lead singer, Noelle Blanc.
Olwen is one of the most patient people that her friends know. Aklaq taught her how to fish not just for fun or for sport, but also to teach her the importance of having patience.
She has athazagoraphobia {a fear of being forgotten, ignored, or abandoned}.
A third dream of hers {aside from becoming a Huntress & wanting to become one of Remnant’s greatest sword wielders} was that she wants to open her own restaurant someday, but she doesn’t share this dream with most people out of fear of judgement. Only her teammates & Wulfnod know of this dream.
While she doesn’t tell a lot of jokes, she does love a good bear related pun. She loves either using, “unbearable”, or, “bear with her”, in sentences.
Her bandana to her is a reminder that Aklaq is still here with her, even if it’s only in spirit. She also doesn’t like it when people touch it because she doesn’t want to lose one of the only things of Aklaq’s that she has left.
That’s all that I have for Olwen at the moment. Sorry that it took so long, life got a bit busy for me! Any comments or critiques would be greatly appreciated and my askbox is always open! So now that I’m finished the updated DMNO bios, what would y’all like to see next from me OC wise? Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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sapphic-sustrai · 5 years
How Team DMNO was formed/The Atlas Academy Initiation Test.
I wanted to make a quick post talking about Team DMNO’s formation, as well as what I headcanon the Atlas Academy initiation test to be!! If there any errors, I’ll go back and fix them eventually. This is maybe going to be a bit long, so more will be underneath the cut.
So starting with the initiation test, I’ve always personally seen it to be a test of survival. What happens is that the students are dropped from Atlesian airships into a nearby forest in Solitas and are then tasked with finding a partner, assembling their teams and survive out in the wilderness for around 12 hours. The next day, each team must meet back up at the rendezvous point to be taken back to the academy.
Before the initiation begins, General Ironwood assembles the teams & picks team leaders. This is based on results that were mostly gathered from the entrance exam in order to create powerful, yet balanced teams. However, similar to Beacon Academy, the first member of your team that you lock eyes with will be your partner for the next 4 years. To make sure that you find one of your teammates, your scroll will start to beep when one of them is close by. 
Ironwood will be grading each student for the following: Combat Level, Aura Control, Tactical Ability, Adaptability, Reliability and Teamwork.
Ironwood put DMNO together for the following reasons:
Douglas & Olwen have already known each other for a few years and Sanctum’s records show that they work very well together.
All of them have at least above average athletic ability. Douglas is very flexible & agile, Melanie is faster than most people, Norbert has excellent hand-eye coordination and Olwen has unbelievable physical strength & excellent swordsmanship. Ironwood thought that this was a good mixture of athleticism.
All of them have pretty useful semblances, whether they’re combat-based or not. Douglas’ Ocean Mist allows for creative diversions/attacks & is good for getting out of sticky situations, Melanie’s Engine Burst is a good attack & speed booster, Norbert’s Flash Grenade is great for catching targets off guard & helps buy time for the rest of the team and Olwen’s Temperature Control is just all around great whether she’s in or out of a battle. 
While not book smart, Douglas is a creative thinker, coming up with out of the box solutions to problems, which is proven to be useful in the field.
Norbert is an absolute tactical genius, which is a valuable asset to any team.
Olwen being an expert hunter, tracker & survivalist, with a strong sense of smell was proven to be very useful. 
In the beginning, Ironwood thought that the match-ups would be Douglas + Olwen & Melanie + Norbert. However, he wasn’t prepared for Douglas’ unpredictability. Because of Douglas’ want for he & Olwen to pair up with new people, Douglas + Norbert & Melanie + Olwen paired up instead. This turned out to be for the better in the end.
Douglas’ calming presence would be good for someone as anxious as Norbert to be around, while Norbert can help keep Douglas focused and on task and offer assistance with forming strategies. 
With Melanie being hot-headed & brash, it’s good for her to be paired up with a calm & collected person like Olwen who can help her keep her emotions in check, while Melanie is good at getting Olwen to open up more often with her teammates and get her to communicate more. 
Douglas was chosen to be the leader because he was one of the only two options on DMNO that could lead a team decently.
Melanie is too bossy & stubborn.
Norbert is too indecisive & their fear of failure gets in the way.
Olwen was originally considered to be the team’s leader, but after reviewing Olwen’s test results, it said that she didn’t want to lead. Also at this time, she was only good at communicating with Douglas and not anyone else, which would’ve been a problem.
Douglas & Norbert are the first to meet up. Norbert has trouble reloading their weapon due to nerves and is about to be attacked by a trio of Sabyr Grimm , luckily Douglas showed up just in time to help them. Douglas took out one of them and when Norbert was finished reloading, they took out the other two together.
Olwen & Melanie thought the other was a nearby Grimm and proceeded to attack each other. The result of Melanie’s boot & Olwen’s sword clashing created an aftershock, which other students could feel from a couple of miles away. After finally hearing the beeping sounds coming from their scrolls, they immediately realized that the other was actually an ally and soon introduced themselves.
Eventually the 4 of them meet up with each other and proceeded to set up camp for the night. Douglas & Norbert made shelter, Melanie started up a fire and Olwen hunted & cooked them all food. They’d each take turns keeping watch and protecting the rest of the team from Grimm. During the night, Olwen kept the entire team warm with the passive mode of her semblance. As a team, DMNO passed the initiation with flying colours and were considered to be in the top 10 rookie teams that year.
As a bonus, here’s how each member of DMNO  did individually in the initiation:
Douglas Craig:
Combat Ability: B+
Aura Control: A-
Tactical Ability: C+
Adaptability: A
Reliability: A
Teamwork: A+
Notes: Needs to improve on overall tactical ability, also needs to pay more attention to what’s going on in their surroundings. 
Melanie Hertz:
Combat Ability: A+
Aura Control: A-
Tactical Ability: B
Adaptability: B
Reliability: B+
Teamwork: B-
Notes: Needs to stop rushing into things without a plan, also needs to improve on teamwork, especially with Mr. Craig.
Norbert Beaumont:
Combat Ability: B+
Aura Control: A
Tactical Ability: A+
Adaptability: B-
Reliability: A
Teamwork: A-
Notes: Needs to work on adaptability, also needs to try and keep their anxiety under control.
Olwen Kunik:
Combat Ability: A+
Aura Control: A+
Tactical Ability: A-
Adaptability: A+
Reliability: A-
Teamwork: B+
Notes: Needs to work on their teamwork, also needs to speak to her team more often for better communication during combat.
That’s all that I have for now. If anyone has any questions, my askbox is always open!!
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