#norfolk wedding makeup
thebridalstories · 11 months
Robyn 15-7-23
This week I had the pleasure of making up the gorgeous Robyn & her bridal party of 6 at Top Farm in Norfolk.
Robyn got in touch wanting an alternative vs traditional look as her day to day makeup is bold and colourful with an edge. She came to my home treatment room in advance for a couple of makeup trials where we tried out 3 different looks inspired by some images she’d saved :
Look 1 : Soft green smokey eyes with gold shimmer in the middle and a strong liquid liner
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On Robyn :
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Look 2 : Bold neon orange, blown out with shimmer in the middle and a dramatic liquid liner
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On Robyn (skin not finished yet in the photos below) :
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Look 3 : Purples and pinks with a strong liquid liner and blown out colour
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On Robyn :
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In the end Robyn went for the third look with the purple tones and strong liner.
I arrived early and set up on location at Tom Farm in the most beautiful little kitchen gazebo to the side of the static caravan which looked like a little gypsy hut (it was so adorable with little stained glass windows and the most stunning views of a gorgeous field.) The natural light outside was perfect and we had a little more space to play with alongside the outdoor kitchen table.
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I started to work on 3 bridesmaids, the mother of the bride and stepmom.
The bridesmaids had a combination of soft smokey green eyes with winged liner, fresh skin and nude lips :
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Second to last I did Robyns makeup and I have to say it was one of the coolest alternative bridal looks I've done. I really enjoyed working with Robyn on creating this bold look and I think it worked really well with her wavey hair and Jessica Rabbit inspired vintage but bold rocky vibe :
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I look forward to sharing the final professional photos from the day in a few months!
11 notes · View notes
tabloidtoc · 4 years
Closer, July 20
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pierce Brosnan’s Untold Love Story 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: The Big Picture -- Katharine Hepburn in 1933′s Christopher Strong 
Page 4: Charlize Theron happier on her own 
Page 5: Carl Reiner -- remembering a comic legend, Irene Tsu dishes on her classic co-stars in her new book like Jimmy Stewart and Elvis and Doris Day 
Page 6: Hellos & Goodbyes, Bette Midler revealed it’s unlikely she’ll ever tour again 
Page 8: Picture Perfect -- Drew and Jonathan Scott in a pool 
Page 9: Mary Steenburgen enjoys Pride with co-stars from her upcoming film Happiest Season including Dan Levy and Kristen Stewart and Victor Garber and Mary Holland and Aubrey Plaza and Clea DuVall
Page 12: Ron Howard and Bryce Dallas Howard wearing hats from her directorial debut Dads 
Page 13: Padma Lakshmi with daughter Krishna doing her makeup, Amy Schumer and son Gene 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Pierce Brosnan -- life keeps getting better with age -- as the actor writes his memoir he feels grateful for the great loves that he has known 
Page 26: Beach Beauties -- sharing the secrets of Hollywood’s best bodies then and now -- Susan Lucci, Brooke Shields, Christie Brinkley, Elizabeth Taylor 
Page 27: Raquel Welch, Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner 
Page 28: Olympia Dukakis is a survivor -- the Oscar-winning actress tells how early struggles helped make her stronger 
Page 31: Spot the Difference -- Prince William out and about in Norfolk, England 
Page 33: Horoscopes -- Cancer Jane Lynch turned 60 on July 14 
Page 34: Entertainment -- Terri Irwin on Crikey! It’s the Irwins, Dule Hill on Psych 2: Lassie Come Home, In the Spotlight -- Amanda Peet 
Page 36: Movies -- Closer staff picks 
Page 37: DVDs, Books, Music -- Chrissie Hynde of The Pretenders on Hate for Sale 
Page 38: Television 
Page 40: Great Escape -- Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson on Antiparos, Greece 
Page 42: Good Food -- recipes from Bowls of Goodness: Grains+Greens by Nina Olsson 
Page 44: How to safely visit the doctor 
Page 46: Joan Osborne relishing every moment -- on the 25th anniversary of her classic One of Us the singer opens up about her family and career 
Page 50: Ray Charles -- his son’s memories of his father -- the music icon battled demons but his oldest child still remembers him as a loving soul 
Page 52: Inside Elvis Presley’s final days -- the King’s former nurse opens up about his tragic demise and how she tried to save him 
Page 54: The Osmonds love and marriage -- Donny Osmond’s youngest son Joshua wed during an intimate family celebration 
Page 56: Shop Now -- get growing with gardening essentials -- Martha Stewart 
Page 58: My Life in 10 Pictures -- Sir Patrick Stewart 
Page 60: Flashback -- jean jackets, women in tuxedos, sex kitten hair, Princess Diana 
1 note · View note
let-it-raines · 5 years
Second in Command (Ep - Part 4)
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Summary: Life as the “spare to the heir” isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be when you’re the supposed screw-up of the family, but people don’t know what really happens behind closed doors.
Rating: Mature
A/N: Just wanted to say that you guys are continuously kind people, and I appreciate every read, like, kudos, ask, comment, and reblog on this ridiculously long story! :D
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14| 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
Epilogue Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Tag List: @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic  @ekr032-blog-blog @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @a-faekindagirl @mayquita @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @branlovesouat @dreadpirateemma @alys07 @andiirivera
Indy walks ahead of him, her leash tugging him along, while Emma walks beside him, their steps matching up as their feet move over the pavement in the gardens. The dullness of the winter plants, brown and gray trees barren of leaves, are fading away and blooming into lush greens and vibrant colors. It’s still cold outside, temperatures dipping low, so he and Emma are bundled up as they take their early morning walk, something they’ve taken up together in the past few weeks.
He finds it relaxing with the simplicity of it all, and he knows that Emma feels the same. It’s a way for them both to get some exercise on days when the gym in their home goes unused as well as a way to give Indy more space to run. She’s calmed as she’s gotten a bit older, but she’s still rambunctious and would likely need acres and acres of land to roam and be completely happy with her running space. Maybe they should travel up to Norfolk and go to their country home so she has a larger backyard and he and Emma have more privacy to go out and about outside of their home without the interference of photographers and reporters aching for a picture of Emma’s stomach.
The last two months of their lives have been, quite frankly, some of the most hectic of his life. Finding out Emma is pregnant was honestly one of the best moments of his life, even if how she phrased it was a little cheeky after such an awful scare. God, when she fell on that stage, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. He’d never been more terrified of anything in his entire life. Something was wrong with his wife, his best friend, and he didn’t know what it was. She was conscious the entire time, but she just wasn’t right. And the two hours between her fall and her telling him that they were having a child, well, he felt as if they’d never end.
Now he knows he was being a bit dramatic, but hindsight is always twenty-twenty instead of the blurry, faded vision that comes when you’re in the moment. Emma and the baby are just fine, growing like a weed really. She’s got the smallest of stomachs, something she woke him up and showed him just a few days ago. She was so excited, her eyes lighting up and practically sparkling under the bathroom’s lights, and sure enough, there was the slightest curve to her stomach, more physical proof that they’re having a child, not that he really needed anymore. But it was something special, and he was just as thrilled to get to see the changes in her stomach.  
And in her breasts, but that doesn’t seem to be a very fatherly thing to think. He thinks it, though, and he really appreciates the growth and how her libido has come back in full force in the past few days. That’s simply something he won’t be sharing with the child one day, but he hopes she (he’s absolutely convinced they’re having a little girl even if he can’t seem to come up with the reason why) can see how enamored he is with her mother. If not, he’s failed them both.
“Hey, babe?”
“Yeah?” he questions, reaching his hand out and twining their fingers together while they continue to walk together, nearing Liam and Abigail’s apartment.
“I think we should go on a babymoon.”
“What the bloody hell is a babymoon? I’m pretty sure that’s not a phase of the moon they taught us in primary school.”
She laughs before taking a step closer to release his hand and tuck her arm around the crook of his elbow while resting her head on his shoulder. He knows she’s being affectionate, but he also knows that she’s not willing to admit that her hands are cold because he suggested she wear gloves before they went out and she didn’t. She’s stubborn as hell, his love.
“I mean, it’s just, like, a vacation before the baby is born. The name is a ridiculous thing. I know it’s super trendy and all, but maybe we could get away for a week or a weekend before I’m not allowed to fly anymore. I think something different might be good for us. Something warm.”
“So before you’re heavily pregnant? When can you not fly? Six or seven months?”
“Yep, I was thinking next month or May. Maybe June if we don’t travel too far away.”
“Well next month is busy.” He runs through the plans he knows they have, trying to remember everything off the top of his head while attempting to get Indy to move away from the rose bushes. “We had to push back the Kidding a Goal two-year event already to May, and Liam’s fortieth birthday party is happening. I’ve also got the trip to Poland. Those are just the big things, I think. We’d also have to work around our engagements, but the middle of May would probably work.”
“We could do it for our anniversary. Just earlier.” “True,” he agrees, continuing to run through his calendar in his head while tugging at Indy’s leash again, the dog finally deciding to move on with her explorations. “Why don’t we work on it when we get home this afternoon?”
“Sounds good to me,” she sighs, nuzzling her head into his shoulder before laughing at Indy attempting to chase a bird that’s flittering between bushes
The three of them return back to their apartment twenty minutes later, Indy’s tired legs and the cool air winning out, in order to shower and get ready to drive to Hounslow for their St. Patrick’s Day activities. Emma’s stylists work on her hair and makeup while he gets ready, dressing in his Irish Guard uniform as he did for their wedding. He catches Emma looking at him in the mirror, and he throws her a wink, smiling while bobby pins are attached to her hair to keep her hat in place over her blonde curls.
This is one of his favorite events and though it’s technically Emma’s responsibility, he always joins her for this particular engagement. It’s likely because he gets to pal around and drink a Guinness with members of the Guard afterward, but he enjoys it all around. It’s relaxed and informal, despite the military aspect of it, and those are always his favorite things to do. State dinners and other diplomatic events are not usually enjoyable, but he understands he’s there for the country and his father, not himself. He can help better Britain even if he’s really there to smile and shake hands while telling a cheeky joke that would get him in loads of trouble if his father ever caught wind of it.
(He’s still eternally thankful Brennan has no idea about the joke he once made while slightly intoxicated about the size of his father’s ego having a negative effect on other parts of his anatomy. It’s not the 1600s, he has a good relationship with his dad, and he feels like he still might get beheaded for that one.)
Thomas drives them to Hounslow, and they get out of the car to go and greet the crowds outside, shaking hands and accepting gifts. Over the years he’s grown accustomed to accepting flowers and letters, the occasional handmade jar of jam after he was once pictured as a child with raspberry jam all over his face, but lately it’s been all baby gifts all of the time. They have quite the collection of baby shoes, which he doesn’t understand because infants don’t need them, but they are damn cute. And tiny, so tiny. How can a human’s feet be so small?
He’s obviously well prepared to be a father if he can’t get past the size of infant shoes.
Sure enough, he’s handed several booties and outfits, the colors ranging as everyone tries to guess if they’re having a boy or girl and bugging him as if he’s going to share the private news with everyone. He and Emma don’t even know yet. She’s not far along enough, though he has a sneaking (see: strong) suspicion they’re having a girl. Emma thinks they’re having a boy, and he’s choosing to think that he knows better.
He very rarely does.
“Thank you,” he tells everyone, handing some of the gifts, including a miniature version of his uniform, to their aides, “this is so sweet of you all. Emma and I give you all of our love.”
He finds Emma near the end of the line, sliding his hand around her waist and pulling her closer while she fumbles with a few gifts too, stuffed bears and clothes along with a few flowers that are already causing some of her allergies to kick in.
“You ready to go inside, my love?”
“Yep,” he whispers in her ear as a camera flashes behind him, “we’ve got some Shamrock to hand out and beers to drink. Well, at least I get to do the second part.”
“Shut up,” Emma playfully whines, waving to people as they walk by, “you’re being rude reminding me of that.”
“Well, I do so enjoy pushing your buttons. Maybe I’ll let you kiss me later so you can taste the alcohol.”
“Yeah, I don’t think you should be counting yourself at getting lucky today, no matter how many four leaf clovers you find.” She kisses his jaw before pinching his cheek, and he barks out a laugh while they walk inside to get situated for the parade and the rest of their duties.
He wakes to kisses up and down his arm, soft lips and softer skin pressing into him as the haze of sleep fades away and the darkness of their bedroom comes into view. He can barely see a thing, his eyes still adjusting to the lack of light, but he can feel the heat of Emma’s body pressing into his back and sending pinpricks of pleasure throughout his body.
“W – what time is it, love?”
“A little past two.”
She kisses the back of his neck, right at his hairline, and the pressure of her breasts and her stomach pressing against him while her foot is running up and down his calves is already too much when he hasn’t been awake for more than a minute.
“Emma, love,” he grumbles when she starts inching down his back, her tongue tracing his spine, “you’ve got to give a man a moment.”
She stops then, rolling off of him and onto her back, the mattress slightly bouncing under her weight, and he groans at the lack of heat between them now. He didn’t mean for her to stop completely, but she’s obviously taken it that way. So he scoots over and kisses up her shoulder and her neck, fast flickers of his lips until he’s slanting them over hers and hovering above her.
“Hey, why’d you stop?”
“You told me to give you a moment, figured you weren’t quite ready or in the mood or something.”
She shrugs, her mused hair moving up and down as her eyes blink and her lips tick up on one side. His hand finds her face, caressing her cheek, and he smiles softly when she smiles back up at him.
“First of all,” he begins, pressing a kiss against each of her eyelids, “I am nearly always in the mood to be with my knock-out of a wife, so don’t get it in that head of yours that I’m not.” He moves to kiss behind her ear then, gently nibbling on the lobe. “Secondly, all I needed was a moment. It’s been awhile since I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night when you’ve already kept me up late.”
She laughs under her breath, the smallest, sweetest sound, before twisting her head and kissing him, slow and sweet so that he feels it in every inch of his body.
“Yeah, well, you can blame your kid for that.”
“Yes, I’ll tell her right as she’s born that she’s made mummy and daddy’s sex life slow down before she’s even born. I’m sure she’ll totally get that.”
“First of all, we still don’t know, and you are being super stubborn with the girl thing. And second of all, since we’re making points, our sex life is fine. We literally had sex three hours ago.”
“I said she’s slowing it down, not ruining it.”
“What?” She laughs, her eyes crinkling up on the sides as her smile stretches across her face. “That’s in no way romantic.”
“Oi, I think it is. Don’t you think sex is romantic?”
“I mean, obviously.” She rolls her eyes before rolling onto her side and pulling the comforter up over her. “But not in this context no. What I was doing before we got into this discussion was romantic sex.”
“That wasn’t sex.”
“It was the preface to sex, which is sometimes the best part. I was doing naughty things to you.”
“Did you just use the word naughty instead of dirty? Darling, you are officially British. Next thing you know you’re going to speaking with an accent.”
“I have an accent,” she protests, scrunching up her nose. “It’s just not the same as everyone over here, which I think makes me unique in all of the best ways.”
He rolls back over on his stomach and hooks his arm over Emma so that she can rest her chin on his forearm while he rests his on his pillow next to her head. “So do you think the babe will sound more like you or me?”
“You.” “Why?” “Because they’re going to grow up around people who sound like you. That’s what influences the accents, not necessarily just the parents. Think about it. I have an American dad and a British mom, and I have an American accent because that’s where I grew up.”
“True,” he hums, moving his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Does that bother you at all?”
“Nah, not at all. It’s like the opposite of how it was in my house growing up. It’s kind of weird when you think about how similar it is.” She tilts her head and smirks at him. “Plus, your accent is damn sexy.”
“Really now?” he purrs, inching closer to her before crawling over her and propping himself up on his forearms and knees, making sure not to press his weight down on her stomach. “You think I’m sexy?”
“I think your accent is sexy,” she corrects, her lips ticking up on one side while her hands frame his cheeks, cool fingertips inching up into her hair and tugging him down so that he can feel the heat of her breath brushing over her lips. “Would you like to get back to where I was trying to go earlier or can I cross off doing naughty things to you?”
“Whatever the first thing was, most definitely.”
He wakes later that morning while Emma slumbers on her side of the bed, hair tangled and falling down her bare back from where the comforter shifted in her sleep. He quietly gets out of bed, attempting not to wake her or Indy who must have wandered into the room while they were sleeping, and makes his way into the bathroom, turning the water in the shower on to get ready for today.
He should have woken an hour ago, but the bed was too comfortable and his body too tired, so he rushes through his morning routine, using Emma’s blow dryer to fix his hair instead of letting it dry naturally. He slips into a suit, putting on a pair of his ever-growing collection of cufflinks, before spritzing on his cologne and grabbing his already packed suitcase out of the closet, letting the wheels trail along the hardwood until he’s back in the bedroom.
Stepping over to the bed, he scratches behind Indy’s ears, the dog opening one eye to look at him before cuddling back into bed as he sits down next to Emma.
“Love,” he whispers, pushing her hair off of her forehead until her eyes flutter open, the green hazy and sleep-ridden, “I’ve got to go.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, leaning down and kissing her forehead, “my flight is in two hours, and Mum likes to travel early.”
Emma yawns before sitting up, pulling the comforter over her and looking every bit like the girl he met nearly eight years ago with her crazy hair and pillow creased face and complete lack of care if she looks put together or not. “Okay,” she sighs, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug, “but you two be safe. Call me when you land, when you come home, if anything interesting happens, if anything boring happens.”
“I know the long-distance drill, sweetheart.” He brushes his lips against hers then, feeling the softness that comes with Emma. “But it’s only two days. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Ugh, I know. Two days doesn’t give me nearly enough time to have my affair.”
“You’re a cheeky little minx, so I’m sure you could figure it out.”
“Damn right.” She kisses him again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He reaches down and touches her stomach, her skin warm beneath his touch. “And you, little love.” Indy barks then, walking up the bed until she’s breathing in his face. “And you, Indy girl, even if you’re not supposed to be in this bed.”
He and his mother fly to Poland that morning for a dinner the British ambassador is hosting in honor of Liam and his birthday in a few weeks time. They were given short notice on the event, and since Liam couldn’t attend, Killian and Allison agreed to attend, knowing it would be no trouble for them. The morning flies by as all of these official visits do, in a flurry of handshakes and small talk, everyone attempting to fill his head with as much information as they can. It’s been awhile since he’s done an event with his mum, something he used to do when he was younger, but they fall into a natural rhythm. His mum is an expert at things like this, using her quick wit and kind smile to make everyone comfortable, and if there’s ever been anyone he’s tried to emulate, it would be her.
“Oh, this is gorgeous,” Allison compliments as they walk into the dining hall, her hand wrapped around his elbow. “We should decorate one of the rooms at home more like this. It’s more modern.”
“Well then we’d have to get rid of the ancient furniture that no one is allowed to sit on.”
She chuckles next to him as he pulls her chair out for her and waits for her to sit down before taking his own seat next to her. “You and your brother get cheekier the older you get, I swear. I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be the other way around.”
“Well, you can’t take away our video game privileges now, mum.”
The dinner is indeed wonderful and full of Polish dishes and traditions celebrating Liam. He takes a video to send to his brother, making sure to capture the cake he knows Liam would be stuffing into his face and flipping the camera around to show the smirk on his face that he got to eat it.
Should have shown up to his own pre-birthday event.
Later that night he and his mum are driven back to their hotel, and while they have separate suites, she joins him for a cup of tea, settling down into the living room with the television playing the local news. His phone buzzes just as a segment on their visit begins, and he’s thankful for the excuse to mute the sound.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greets Emma, his lips stretching into a smile as he props his feet up on the coffee table, his socks practically falling off next to his glass, “did you miss me today?”
“Obviously. However could I survive twelve hours without you?”
Her voice is dripping with disdain, and he chuckles to himself as he imagines the roll of her eyes and the absolute disinterest she has when he’s being cocky. “You could at least act a little sad.”
“I can cry if you want me to, if that would make you feel better and boost your already inflated ego.”
“So you’re just as cheeky as you were this morning then. What’d you do today, love?”
“Absolutely nothing,” she sighs, the happiness seeping through the phone speaker. “I got dressed in pajamas, took Indy out, and then we settled down in the darkness of the bedroom and watched Gilmore Girls just to relive all of that nostalgia.”
“Ah, yes, I’m sure Indy has a lot of nostalgia about Stars Hollow.”
“Of course she does,” Emma laughs, and he can hear the theme song playing in the background. “Ruby came over for a few hours with food from the restaurant. I may save some leftovers for you.”
“Yeah, I already know that won’t be happening.”
“Hey, I don’t eat that much! I haven’t even gained any more than regular pregnancy weight.”
“Love, you and the Gilmore Girls all have amazing metabolisms. I’ve gained more pregnancy weight than you simply because our walks aren’t quite the same as our runs.”
“I can still run, you know? Dr. Hudson said so as long as it’s just a jog and not too much.”
“I know. We’ll have to do that when I get home. Mum and I ate a lot of cake tonight.”
Emma hums, sighing into the phone. “I’m jealous. Tell Allison I said hi when you see her in the morning.” “She’s sitting with me in the room right now actually, so if you were going to talk bad about her, now probably wouldn’t be the time.”
“Damn. That’s obviously what I was about to do.”
He and Emma chat for a few more minutes, but he knows he has to let her go so as not to be rude to his mother. She’s been fiddling with her phone and watching the muted television, so he’s sure she’s regretting coming over only to be usurped by a phone call.
“Hey, darling, I’ve got to let you go, okay?”
“Okay, is everything alright?”
“Everything is perfect. I’ve just been boring Mum making her listen to our conversation. I love you. I hope you, Indy, and little love have a good time binging the rest of Gilmore Girls and eating all of my food.” “We will,” she promises. “I love you, too. Bye, babe.”
He hangs up the phone, smiling at the picture of he and Emma that pops up afterward, before shutting it down and placing it on the arm of his chair. He looks up at his mother then who is softly smiling at him as if she really was listening to his conversation.
“What?” he laughs, feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable.
“Nothing,” she smiles, pulling her legs up underneath her and curling into the chair, “I was just thinking about how happy you are.”
His lips twitch, and he swallows the small lump of emotion in his throat. “Well, I am happy, Mum. I’m nearly always happy.”
“I know, I know,” she waves him away, tucking her long hair behind her ears, “but you’ve just been through so much and sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got so lucky that you’re my baby. And now you’re having a baby, and I’m emotional about it all of the time.”
“Mum,” he softly laughs, getting up from his seat to cross the room and crouch down in front of her, taking her hands in his, “what’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m simply a crazy old woman.”
“Well, we all know that’s not true,” he promises, guessing that it’s not the time to be making jokes. “You’re bloody brilliant and completely and totally young.”
“Thank you, Killian. It was just that I was watching how natural you are with Emma, how good you’ll both be as parents. And I guess sometimes I feel so much regret over not getting to see you both together for all of those years. You were so cheated.”
“Hey,” he soothes, running his thumb over her knuckles and ignoring the ache in his thighs from the squat, “it’s all okay. I know that a lot of it was bloody awful, but if I’m honest, I liked having those years with Emma. We got to fall in love in peace, and as wonderful as it would be for you to have gotten to know her sooner, we can’t change that. So let’s be happy, yeah?”
“I know, darling. I’m sorry, but being a mum and a grandmother, all you want is for your kids to be happy. And you feel a bit accomplished when you realize they are. You’ll understand that soon enough.”
“Well, once we get over the terror and get used to having a person’s entire life depend on us, yeah, sure, I’ll focus on the happiness.”
His mum releases his hand to stroke his forehead, pushing the hair back. “You two are going to be wonderful, and your baby is going to be the most beautiful little thing.” “Can you say that again for me to send to Liam and Abigail? I’d like to have it on record for bragging rights for the rest of eternity.”
His mother winks at him, smiling before leaning back in her chair and asking him what movie he wants to watch. It’s been a long time since he simply spent time with his mum with no one else, so he savors it, laughing with her and talking about anything she wants until she decides to go to bed in her room next door.
The following day is full of engagements, but the two of them manage to slip away to dinner and sightseeing that evening, covering themselves in the cool early April weather and hiding away from anyone who may recognize them so they can have a normal night. Overseas visits, even with all of their setbacks and frustrations, are some of his favorite things to do if only because he can sometimes slip away and be himself in a place where fewer people know him.
Of course, he managed to slip around London for a few years as well, but he’s decided that was some kind of bloody miracle.
Early Wednesday morning they board their flight and make their way home, the four-hour plane ride seemingly stretching on for double the time until they touch down on land again and he and his mother separate into their different vehicles to make their ways back to Kensington and Buckingham, respectively.
Walking in the front door, he knows Emma won’t be home as she’s at the opening of a youth theater, so he takes the opportunity to let Indy in from their garden, indulging her in her excitement over him being home, her tail wagging so furiously she could create a windstorm. After she’s calmed, he settles down into the living room and pulls up his laptop, answering emails and organizing his schedule all while watching the shows he missed.
Multi-tasking in the best way possible, really.
It’s hours later when he hears the front door open before closing and clicking into place as heels click on their hardwood floor, the sounds getting louder the nearer she gets.
“Hi,” Emma sighs when she walks into the living room, immediately walking toward him and straddling his lap, her knees on either side of his thighs, while she presses a lingering kiss to his jaw and scrapes her fingers through his hair, “I’m so, so, so glad you’re home.”
“Hmm, me too,” he smiles before slanting his lips over hers once, twice, three times. “As much fun as I had with my mother honoring my brother, I quite prefer your company. And I was promised leftovers.”
Emma laughs against his lips as the heat of her breath washes over him and he settles into contentment. “Babe, I hate to break it to you, but those did not last.”
“Well, I guess you’ll have to figure out a different way to welcome me home.”
She smirks before burying her face in his neck, her words spoken against his skin. “A foot rub would be fantastic, thanks. Those heels are a killer.”
Without his permission, not that it has ever been that way before, the first few weeks of April pass in the blink of an eye. He wants his life to slow down, for moments to pass like waves crashing into the shore, continuous and only quickly during a storm, but that’s simply not how things work.
Of course, there are times when he’d like life to speed up the slightest bit, and right now is one of those times.
He’s been sitting on the bed thumbing through his phone for twenty-seven minutes now, half of it spent reading an article about hair loss genes being passed down simply because that’s what was at the top of the page, but he’s gotten a bit bored. There’s also the fact that they’re going to be late for Emma’s doctor’s appointment if she doesn’t hurry up. She always takes longer than him to get ready, but it’s never like this, especially when they’re just hopping over to the doctor’s office and then coming back home to get ready for Liam’s birthday party tonight.
Sighing, he rolls over on the bed until he’s standing, pulling his jeans up so that they rest on his hips, and walks into the bathroom to find it empty of Emma but with clothes strewn across the floor. He tentatively steps over them, keeping himself from picking them up and throwing them in the basket, and makes his way into the closet where Emma is stretched out on the floor with her arms over her face and her jeans on but unbuttoned and unzipped.
Bloody hell, it’s a mess in here.
“Hey,” he tentatively begins, kicking at her bare feet with the tip of his boot so that she uncovers one of her eyes, “what’s happening here?”
“My jeans don’t fit. Not a single pair of them except for the ones that have yellow paint on the ass because mom decided she wanted to have a sunny yellow living room.”
“And this is surprising to you because?”
“Because last week my jeans fit, and this week they don’t. That is some kind of fucked up thing.”
“I believe that’s called pregnancy.”
Her eyes slant and every bit of joy that was remaining on her face disappears while she stares up at him like she’s five seconds away from murdering him. “I will stab you with the first earring I find if you don’t wipe that smug smirk off your face.”
He chuckles under his breath, knowing that she’ll likely do it, before squatting down and lying on the floor next to her, emulating her position. The hardwood hurts his back, but he imagines they won’t be here for long. If they are, he’ll just have to suck it up until this all important jeans situation is resolved.
“So your jeans won’t fit, love?”
“Nope. And I don’t really think I’ve gotten that much bigger. I still just kind of look like I ate too big of a meal when I’m wearing clothes. I don’t know why this is bothering me so much. Obviously, I can just do the hairband trick until I buy new jeans, but I love wearing the damn things. They make me feel normal.”
“What? Wearing heels and a dress that perfectly matches your coat with a hat that was specifically dyed to match that coat and dress doesn’t make you feel normal? I never would have guessed.”
She snorts beside him while her hand finds his, and she wraps her fingers around his palm before pulling it up and brushing a kiss against his skin. “Surprisingly, no, that does not make me feel normal. That makes me feel like a barbie doll.”
“You’re not a barbie doll, love.”
She sighs next to him, but it’s really more of a huff. She’s frustrated, that much he knows, and a part of him is pretty sure that it’s not only because her jeans don’t fit. So he squeezes her hand, silently encouraging her to share her thoughts as he so often does with a touch or a glance.
“That’s just how I feel sometimes, you know? And I know that’s not how it is with you and me. But to the world it’s like I’m this girl who plays dress up and is a wife and an expectant mother and nothing else, which is fine if that’s what you want. And babe, I love that. I love being married to you and having a baby with you who I am so in love with it’s basically an obsession, but if I have to answer one more question about if I think you’re going to change a diaper or wake up in the middle of the night if the baby’s crying, which is literally what a parent does, while you stand next to me and answer a question about global relations, I’m going to lose my damn mind.”
“I know,” he mumbles, the weight and unfairness of her words settling into him. “I’m sorry that you’re so frustrated, and I’m sorry that some people are stuck in an old-timey world view.” He releases her hand and twists on the ground, propping his head up in his hand while looking Emma in the eye. “Why don’t you take up a patronage or two dealing with women’s rights or something similar? I know everyone was on the fence of that because they thought it was too political, but fuck that, Emma. If that’s something you want to do, you sure as hell should do it. It’s not political. It’s human, and you would be an incredible ambassador. You should do things that make you happy.”
Her eyes light up, lips twitching into a smile. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely. The fact that we don’t have any specifically for that is bullocks when we support nearly everything. You could help so many people, and I think you’d be a bloody rockstar at it.”
“I know I would.”
“That’s the spirit,” he encourages, leaning over and brushing a kiss against her lips, letting it go a little further than either of them should when they have to be somewhere soon. “But right now we’ve got to go see if I’m going to win our bet because we’ll finally see that our little love is a girl.”
“You keep thinking that. Also, there was no bet, and if there was, I never lose.”
“Oh shit, that’s cold,” Emma gasps as Dr. Hudson applies gel to her bared stomach, her bump only sticking up the slightest bit while she wears her jeans buttoned together with a hairband, the determined lass. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to that.”
“Most people never do,” Dr. Hudson assures them. “So all of your tests look good, everything in normal levels. Are we having any dizzy spells?”
“No,” Emma answers, her eyes focused on the screen that’ll show the baby in a few seconds, “I haven’t. And my diet and eating times are so regularly scheduled and planned thanks to the obsessed man next to me, so I’ve been feeling really good.”
Her hand finds his so much like earlier, and he clasps it between both of his hands before leaning down to kiss her forehead. “She’s been doing well, not a lot of symptoms.”
“Well, she’s in that wonderful sweet spot of the pregnancy. It usually only gets worse from here.”
“That’s not very encouraging.”
Dr. Hudson laughs before focusing all of her attention back on the ultrasound, the baby’s heartbeat suddenly sounding throughout the room. God, the first time he heard it, the rhythmic beat so much calmer than his own, he nearly cried. Okay, so he might have cried, a few tears slipping from his eyes. Emma didn’t even cry until later when she came home with the picture and fell apart saying she couldn’t see the baby and felt like Rachel from Friends.
But he’s grown accustomed to the sound of their child’s heartbeat now, and as the picture pops up on the screen, she’s as clear as can be.
“So we’re looking really healthy, heartbeat is good, growth is good. And you’re eighteen weeks now, so while sometimes I can’t tell, I can tell you the gender today, if that’s what you want?”
He looks down at Emma to find her already looking up at him, a smile gracing her lips as she nods in confirmation. “We want to know.”
“Alright,” Dr. Hudson smiles, looking at the monitor one last time, “you two are the lucky parents to a boy.”
A boy.
He’s going to have a son.
Holy shit, Emma’s never going to let him live this down, but he doesn’t care at this point. They’re having a boy.
“I told you so,” Emma chuckles, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “I am never letting you live this one down.”
“I know.” He dips his head down to brush his lips against hers, squeezing her hand as tightly as possible as this begins to sink in even more. “Maybe I’ll get the next one right.”
“One human coming into the world out of my vagina at a time please.”
“You have such a way with words.”
“Just being honest,” she laughs, the sound as beautiful as the heartbeat still playing on the monitor. “I love you.”
“I love you too. And the little lad.”
“Yeah, and the little lad.”
He and Emma walk across the gardens to Liam and Abigail’s apartment, Emma’s heels clicking against the cobblestone. He already knows that she’ll be wearing his shoes on the short walk home, but she’d insisted she wear the heels for the portrait they’re taking to commemorate Liam’s fortieth birthday. It’s apparently a major milestone in life, deserving of an official portrait, and as much as he loves his brother, he thinks Liam’s a tad bit over the top.
But he and Liam differ in a lot of ways, Liam’s penchant for large celebrations and dinners with several courses while in evening wear one of those things. They were both raised this way, to expect and want dinners and parties like this, and maybe once upon a time had he never met Emma, that’s how he would celebrate all of his birthdays.
His wife, God bless her, is a fan of the simple things in life. She likes eating takeout on the couch with her feet tucked under her legs which are likely clothed in leggings that have a hole on the inside of her thigh. She enjoys sitting around watching television in the darkness of their bedroom for hours on end, sometimes an entire day (or two), and if she could, she’d probably spend the rest of her time in the garden throwing a ball for Indy to chase. For his birthday, all they did was a small dinner with friends and family, and it was perfect. He couldn’t have asked for anything more.
But he doesn’t mind the party Liam and Abigail are having. Everyone can enjoy what they want, and this day isn’t about him. It’s about his brother.
He and Emma step up to their front door, the towering black wood with moss looming above them, and he’s just about to knock on the door when Emma stops him with a hand on his forearm.
“What?” he laughs, turning to face her, their height difference almost gone with her heels.
“You have to be careful with how you talk about the baby. We’re keeping the sex a secret, remember?”
“Darling, I think they know we had sex. That’s not a secret.”
Her face scrunches up, and he leans down to brush a kiss against her lips before leaving a trail of kisses across her face, making her laugh under her breath.
“You’re going to make dad jokes. I already know.”
“I’ve been preparing for it with my humor for my entire life.” He grins, kissing her again simply because he can. “But I promise I’ll be on my best behavior, and I won’t mention our joyful news. As far as anyone in there knows, we know nothing.”
“That’s right Jon Snow.”
“Hey,” he chuckles, wrapping his arm around her waist and tugging her into his side before knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell, “he lived in the series, so that’s totally not an insult.”
The door opens before Emma can say anything else, Liam appearing on the other side of the door in his suit. “Hey guys,” he greets, a bright smile on his face as he takes a step back, “why don’t you come on in?”
“So nice of you to invite us into your home when we were supposed to be here,” he snarks, knowing it’ll rile Liam.
“Well, I was going to say I’m glad to see you, but I’m apparently only glad to see Emma. Hello, love,” he smiles before leaning into kiss Emma on the cheek and wrap her in a hug. “How are you today?”
“Good, great really. Happy birthday, old man.”
Liam barks out a laugh before releasing Emma, clapping her on the shoulder and throwing her a wink. “Has Killian been calling me older brother, emphasis on the older, all day?”
“Surprisingly not, but that’s just because he calls you an old wanker all of the time anyways.”
“No bit of that surprises me.”
Liam embraces him then, wrapping his arms around Killian’s shoulders as Killian does the same. “Happy birthday, olderbrother. What’d you buy for your midlife crisis?”
“Saving the sportscar for the fiftieth birthday. I’m not old yet, thank you very much.”
“You two are ridiculous,” Emma laughs, walking past the both of them and down the hall where he spies Alexander and Elizabeth running between the archways.
“Are we?” Liam questions, patting him in the back before following Emma. “I don’t think anyone has ever described us that way.”
“There’s a first for everything.”
The two of them find everyone in the dining room, roaming throughout the table and the bar that’s set up through the next room. Emma’s animatedly chatting with Abigail, her hands moving all over the place while Lizzie tugs at her dress until Emma picks her up and rests her on her hip. There’s several of Liam’s old military friends as well as a few of he and Abigail’s friends who he recognizes from events over the years. Their home is packed, chatter filling his ears while he goes around greeting everyone before stopping at the bar and ordering a glass of rum.
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in solidarity with your wife?”
He turns to the side and smiles down at Abigail, kissing her temple after he finishes his sip. “Hello, darling. Did Emma send you over here to tell me that?”
“No, but I remember being pregnant and my husband’s lips tasting like whiskey after a party.”
He chuckles under his breath, finding Emma talking to his parents before turning back to look at Abigail. “The only problem with that statement is that Liam drinks whiskey instead of rum. Bloody awful drink. And I’ve cut back on the coffee and tea in solidarity, thank you very much.”
“Oh well look at you Mr. Big Shot,” she jokes, squeezing his bicep. “You’re just so kind.”
“Someone is awfully sassy today, love. Is it because you’ve realized you’re married to an old man and are compensating?”
“Exactly. I’m trying to cope with his ancient age.” “That’s what I thought. I’m going to go kiss Emma so she tastes the rum since I’m just that evil.”
Abigail snorts next to him, and he leaves her with a smile before making his way to Emma and kissing her before she gets a chance to say anything. He lets his tongue flicker out so she can taste the rum, his own little private joke, but he doesn’t think she minds from the way she hums into it. His parents probably mind from the way they cough next to him, but they can wait.
“Hi,” Emma whispers when he pulls back, “did you forget we’ve got company, tiger?”
“No. I just didn’t bloody care.”
His parents laugh behind him, and he turns to greet them then, hugging his parents and asking them how they’re doing before they get called off to chat. Liam really should have held this dinner somewhere other than his home for how many people are in here, and Emma asks him to go sit in the other room, quiet surrounding them until Alex runs in and practically jumps on Emma’s stomach with all the force of his bony limbs.
“Mummy told me that you have a baby in your belly, Emmy.”
“Well, your Mummy is a smart lady because I do have a baby in my belly.”
“Wow,” Alex gasps, his eyes lighting up as he puts his hands on Emma’s stomach before looking up at her and speaking in the cutest little voice with his broken words that are constantly getting better. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“We don’t know yet,” Emma lies, and Killian chuckles next to her, rubbing up and down her back. “That’s going to be a surprise.”
Alex huffs and crosses his arms, obviously cross at them for not letting him know if his cousin is going to be a boy or a girl. It’s likely a good thing he wasn’t old enough to understand this all when Abigail was pregnant with Lizzie because he would have been up in arms about all of the surprises and secrets. “What’s its name?”
“We don’t know that either, buddy,” he answers to try to take some of Alex’s blame off of Emma. 
“I think you should name it Fish.”
Emma snickers next to him, biting her bottom lip to try to contain it. It’s then that he gets an idea, sticking out his stomach as far as he can and making himself look bloated. “What about me, buddy? Does Uncle Killian look like he’s having a baby?”
“Uncle Killian looks like a silly goose,” Abigail coos as she steps in the room, squatting down next to Alex, “and you look like someone who needs to go to sleep.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to. It’s bedtime.”
Alex’s bottom lip starts quivering while his eyes begin to water, the meltdown imminent. Within seconds Abigail has him on her hip walking out of the ballroom and meeting Liam and Elizabeth by the doorway, the two of them walking away to put their kids to bed like some kind of well-oiled machine.
“You know, Abigail isn’t even my mother, and if she told me it was time to go to bed, I’d listen.”
Emma giggles beside him, leaning back into the couch and into him before resting her head on his shoulder. He kisses her hair while he rubs her back, knowing she’s likely tired when they’ll still be here for awhile, but it’s only a short walk home if she asks for it.
“You are a very smart man because you listen to all of the women in your life.”
“Damn right. Even Lizzie. She’s two, but she’s the boss.”
“Who’s the boss?” Brennan asks them, settling down on the couch across the coffee table from them. “Because the answer better be your mother or Emma. If not, you are lying, son.”
“Lizzie,” Emma answers for him, patting his stomach before her hand rests on his thigh, squeezing a little too high as if she’s trying to rouse him. “Lizzie is the boss.”
“Damn right,” Brennan laughs, echoing Killian’s words from a moment ago even if he didn’t hear them. “I’ve never seen a kid with such spunk.”
“Oi, I had that kind of spunk, dad. Still do.”
“Yeah, but you’re old now. I don’t remember these things.”
“Your firstborn is forty! I’m still barely in my thirties! How can you call me old? You’re the oldest person at this party.”
“And the most handsome,” Allison adds in, sitting down next to Brennan and brushing a kiss against his cheek. His parents were never affectionate before, and as happy as he is with everyone’s changes, his fifteen-year-old self is cringing watching them be that way. But it’s only in the best way, his family having felt like a family for two years now, and no part of him would trade things to go back to how they were.
Eventually dinner is served and everyone sits down at the large table, silverware clicking against plates and the laughter and chatter in the home only increasing the more people drink (except for he and Emma of course because he does abstain in solidarity sometimes). There’s several stories about Liam told, some he’d never heard before, and his stomach hurts from laughter. God, his brother was such a crack up, something he never really knew, and he wishes they’d gotten along all of those years.
But they didn’t. There was too much of an age discrepancy, too much of a difference in wants out of life, and most of all, too much hostility. He loves his brother, something that took him a long time to admit, but Liam’s not perfect. He can still be a bloody git and they still argue over some things, but he’s changed. And while there are still flashes of the day he came to this very home to confront his brother, to try to work things through only to be rejected and told that Liam’s only trying to do better for his children, he’s come to terms with it. They can’t change the past. They can’t take things away or add words left unsaid, but forgiveness even when the other person doesn’t deserve it is a powerful thing.
Or so he’s been learning over the past few years.
This is infinitely better than any life he could have lived away from his parents and his brother. And he’d have given it all up for Emma. There’s no doubt about it, and he still fully believes that. She’s worth it all. But this is better.
“Hey,” Emma whispers, rubbing between his shoulder blades before her hand finds the hair at the tape of his neck, causing shivers to run down his spine, “what are you thinking about? You’ve zoned out.”
He hums, closing his eyes before leaning over and kissing her temple, the vanilla of her shampoo invading him. “I was thinking about you.”
“Cheesy.” “Absolutely. But also the truth. I just…all of these stories about Liam, they make me realize how glad I am that we went through all of that to fix it and came out better on the other side because now I have stories to tell about him like that.” “I thought you were thinking about me.”
“Well, that came after thinking about my brother.” “That’s kind of gross.”
“Yeah, well, I was thinking about how I’m glad we’re here, but I’d still give it all up for you. And for the little love, my love.” “Well,” Emma smiles, tangling their fingers together under the table, “the good thing is that you don’t have to. We’re all a big, messy, wonderful package that you get for the rest of your life whether you like it or not.”
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behulibride · 3 years
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SAMPLE SALE | Starting tomorrow in our #Lincolnshire studio. We are very excited to meet our new #bridestobe2022 from various parts of the country tomorrow. #norwich #norfolk #nottingham #london #scotland #humber #burmingham #newark #Yorkshire #cambridgeshireweddings It will be busy but exciting time to meet our new brides and find the perfect luxurious #sustainable #sanyuktashrestha wedding gowns for them. 💚🍃🌍 Image credits #Photography @davidcphotography Featured Dresses Entwined Love Part 2 @sanyuktashrestha Hair and makeup @georgialchabrel.hmua for @gemsutton (at Lincolnshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1LdmThKdM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bskye7 · 4 years
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Officially married! 💖 . Our socially distanced covid what in the world is going on zoom wedding was not what we planned, but was perfect all the same 😊 . Still reeling, so here is a quick shot of me getting ready yesterday morning! (spoiler alert: I ran out of time 😂😂) . . Morning Skincare Routine- Cleanse: @guymorganapothecary Dagger Rose Cleansing Powder Tone: @senjacosmetics Nordic Nectar Moisture: @inner_senses_organics Glow Facial Oil . Makeup- Eyes: @phbbeauty @rootpretty + @bohogreenmakeup eye shadow, @fitglowbeauty mascara, @benecosuk + @natoriginuk eyeliner Lips: @nudebynatureuk Face: @rmsbeauty Highlighters, @anitagrant finishing powder Perfume: Walden by @lovelulabeauty . . #weddingday #weddingmoments #wedding #marriedlife #weddinginspiration #weddingmakeup #weddingmorning #gettingready #grwm #naturalskincare #naturalliving #naturalmakeup #bridalmakeup #bridestory #gettingmarried #wifey #allnaturalskincare #allnaturalmakeup #organicbeauty #cleanbeauty #greenbeautycommunity #beautycommunity #monday #itsofficial #weddingwear #amroutine #morningroutine #ecoblogger (at Norwich, Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJ_D-Wpcae/?igshid=b8ebeiep19o4
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insatiabletc · 4 years
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Before we begin, we want to highlight an article by  Terrell Jermaine Starr at AlterNet. He took the time to sit down with Lamia’s family and provided a kind and compassionate profile of who Lamia was. We borrowed quite a bit from the article and we encourage you to read the full piece here.
 This is Lamia Beard, a 30 year old trans woman from Norfolk, Virginia. Lamia was one of five siblings. She was absolutely adored and supported by her family.
According to her obituary, she “loved to travel, loved different cultures and spoke French fluently. Other accolades about Lamia, is that she was an excellent singer, loved music and dancing, and could do make-up with perfection. Her favorite singer was Beyonce. Lamia was a kind person who would give the shirt off her back. She walked in the truth as a genuine person and was wise beyond her years. She was loved by many because of her humble and giving spirit.” [i]
According to her sister, Kiara Parker:
“People would pay Lamia to sing at funerals and weddings.” [ii]
“Lamia was very simple…She just wanted to get her life together.”
Terrell Jermain Starr, who sat down and interviewed Lamia’s sisters:
“Parker described Lamia as a very smart woman who…was an avid reader. She favored the encyclopedia.”
“What Lamia did have going for her…was a close-knit, loving family who embraced her.”
To further highlight the support of her family, Lamia’s obituary used she/her pronouns and used a picture of her with long hair and makeup, looking back at the camera with confidence.
It is obvious that Lamia was deeply loved.
Facts of the Case
On January 17th, 2015, a little before 4am, Lamia was shot at East 25th Street, in Norfolk, VA. In critical condition, Lamia was transported to a hospital and later died of her gunshot wound.
Very little is known publicly beyond those bare facts. In 2015 it was reported that there was a second shooting two blocks away from Lamia, and police were “unsure” if the shootings were related. We scoured the internet trying to see if they were related, but there was no available follow up to suggest one way or the other.
When we called the Norfolk Police Department, we were told her case is now being handled by cold case detectives.
How to Investigate a Cold Case
In our jaunt around the internet, we came across an article from 2015 that lambasted Norfolk police for not having found any clues in Lamia’s case (one notable quote: “A clue for the Norfolk police, get a clue.”[iii]) and it got us thinking – how should police departments solve cold cases, and what is available to them?
It appears there are a couple of different strategies that officers can pursue[iv]. The one that leapt out at us as the most promising was forensics. The other suggestions were no-brainers like make sure you address old investigative errors and keep at it.
Initially we were not hopeful about the existence of good forensics in this case, as Lamia was shot. However, we have not seen her autopsy report, so we cannot say for certain that there were no signs of struggle. There could be DNA or fingerprints that the public is not aware of. The fact that there are no public suspects doesn’t mean investigators are not running DNA through a database.
However, even if investigators are running DNA through a database and having it tested, there are definitely some obstacles in the way of getting good results:
·       Maybe Lamia’s killer doesn’t have DNA in a correctional database. If they have not been arrested, their DNA may not be on the radar.
·       We don’t know what the cold case department budget is, and it is difficult to get a clear answer as to how expensive it may be to run these tests. If the budget is limited, who gets prioritized?
It is true that in 2019 two cold case murders were solved by the Norfolk police using forensic testing, which on the face is heartening. It suggests an active cold case department. When looking at both of those cases in detail, though, it becomes a little less heartening as both seem to have unique circumstances that led to the killer:
Kathleen Doyle – murdered in 1980. In November, 2019, Norfolk investigators were able to find her killer. Unique Circumstances: Kathleen’s husband was in the Navy. Because of this, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS – yes, like the TV show) was involved from the beginning. Additionally, it was a multi-state effort, meaning there were more resources available.
Donna Walker – murdered 1981. In August 2019, Norfolk investigators were able to find her killer, and were given the Biometric Identification Award by the FBI. Unique Circumstances: Donna’s killer left a fingerprint behind. Investigators were able to run that fingerprint through a new FBI tool called the Next Generation Identification System (NGI) which matched the fingerprint to someone already incarcerated for a different homicide. While we don’t know for certain whether or not Lamia’s killer left behind a fingerprint, they would also need to have been incarcerated for this system to provide results. The NGI can only match fingerprints, palm prints, and irises.
Other than Kathleen Doyle and Donna Walker, it appears only one other cold case has been solved in Norfolk:
Lionel Wayne Baldwin – murdered 1975. In 2012, Norfolk investigators were able to charge his killer because two witnesses, who were present the night of the murder, came forward and named him. Unique Circumstances: witnesses stepped forward to provide crucial information. No DNA or forensic evidence used.
It really seems like forensics and witnesses are the only real way to solve cold cases if the initial investigation was thorough and complete. We wonder if the killer spoke to anyone about the crime. If so, we hope they come forward and speak to the police. We can understand why a witness may not want to step forward, if they themselves are frightened of the killer. Norfolk has a population of 244,076, which isn’t that large. Someone has to know something. If there aren’t forensics in Lamia’s case, we hope someone steps forward to give her family a bit of closure.
Data Issues
One question we had while researching Lamia’s case is whether the victim-offender relationship is different for trans and gender non-conforming individuals, and if that makes it harder to solve those homicides. If you will recall from our profile on India Clarke, data collection has been a consistent challenge. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has started the process of collecting data in 2013, but before that no data was being collected.
Honestly, we started down a confusing road looking at both the FBI[v] and HRC[vi] numbers, but we had too many questions about both data sets to feel comfortable comparing and contrasting the numbers. We’ll still show you both data sets so you can see what we’re talking about, but here are our questions about the data:
1.     We know the FBI tracks hate crimes and there is data on gender identity specific hate crimes out there, but if the homicide occurs in a state that does not have hate crime laws protecting gender identity, is the homicide counted as a hate crime by the FBI? Do they go off of federal definitions of crimes or defer to how the individual states track this data? We suspect it is based on states self-reporting as that is the biggest way the FBI receives this data.
2.     When is the relationship defined for the FBI and the HRC? Is it defined after charges are brought? Are both using consistent reporting measures?
3.     Is the FBI tracking gender identity in their data?
a.      is it broken down by the traditional sex lines? When you sort by “sex” is it just talking about biological sex, or does it also include gender identity?
b.     Who is hidden in the “male” category?
c.      Who is hidden in the “female” category?
4.     We know that criminalized sex work, workplace discrimination, and lack of hate crime laws contribute to these homicides, but is there more that could be discovered if this data was comparable?
5.     The HRC has just a category called “family friend”—is that family, friends, and family friends? The language explaining the graph in their report is confusing. This makes it harder to compare the family/friend categories in the FBI data.
6.     We are curious if sex work clients are rolled into the category of “acquaintances” or “stranger.” Since sex work is criminalized, it can be an increased risk factor for trans and gender non-conforming individuals and it would be helpful to know that victim-offender relationship, and if trans & gender non-conforming sex workers are at a higher risk than their cis[vii] counterparts.
 HRC Graph
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FBI Data
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Without the ability to parse out trans and gender non-conforming people from these categories, it is extremely difficult to see what the unique characteristics are on a macro scale. It is important that the FBI address these data issues, as the FBI data is used in both criminal justice systems as well as for criminologists in examining specific populations. The HRC data is a fantastic start, but the FBI needs to start looking at this data as well to ensure consistency. This is not to say the HRC data is not good! It has allowed us to see trends in a population that is deeply underserved and under-protected, and has given us invaluable insight into what we need to do protect trans and gender non-conforming people.
While we wait for the FBI and government agencies to start collecting the necessary data, how can agencies like the HRC get more data? We can turn our attention to media reporting.
Media Coverage
As we covered in our profile on India Clarke, media coverage is one way organizations like the HRC are able to find trans and gender non-conforming victims. However, if these victims are referred to with the wrong pronouns, it creates an opportunity for them to be missed. For example, if a trans woman is called a man in a headline, she runs the risk of not being counted among trans and gender non-conforming victims.
Beyond data tracking, how the media covers a victim can impact how a group is seen by the public. Look at how young black victims are reported on. Often, a mug shot is the photo used in the article or broadcast to imply that the victim was a criminal and they deserved a violent outcome. News stories will often invoke prior drug use and arrests to paint a picture of a hardened “thug” when in reality, those prior events had no bearing on the situation leading the victim’s murder.
Trans people have a similar narrative that the news media likes to spin. If they had sex work in their past, you had better believe that will be brought up in the coverage. Lamia Beard was no different. Some news outlets[viii] referred to her by her dead name and used he/him pronouns (making it more likely that advocates trying to track data may miss that Lamia was trans), and beyond that her criminal record and prior sex work was brought up without relevancy.
Setting aside data and public perception, how the media portrays these victims is important because the families of the victims are watching. These are real humans who are watching their loved one be picked apart.
“I was mortified…What Lamia did 5, 10, 15 years ago has nothing to do with this case. In fact, if it had anything to do with it, they should have put that in the article. It didn’t have anything to do with her being shot and murdered.”" – Lamia’s sister, Kiara Parker, on the news coverage immediately after her murder.[ix]
GLAAD[x] put out a guide for news media on how to report about trans victims of violent crimes. It suggests that if you do bring up past sex work, bring context to the table. Do not just toss out “she was a sex worker!” and leave it at that. Really, though, it should only be brought up when clearly connected to the crime. Unfortunately, the coverage of Lamia’s murder did not provide that context.
What we know about sex work is that it is often turned to when other options are not available. According to the HRC, “With limited access to workplaces, housing, and public accommodations that are guaranteed to be affirming and inclusive, transgender and gender non-conforming people are put at greater risk for poverty, homelessness and involvement with criminalized work.” [xi]
Kiara Parker paints a consistent picture of how Lamia began her involvement in sex work:
“Being transgender, it was very hard for Lamia and it affected her. She would get discouraged about applying for different jobs. It came to a point and time when Lamia just wanted people to accept her for who she was and to find a job so she could live on her own.”[xii]
“In the ensuing years, Lamia struggled to find work and depended on friends and family for support. No matter how hard she tried to support herself financially, people would not give her a shot. Parker would accompany Lamia around town as she applied for jobs, any kind of job, including fast food and clerical. In most cases, the look on hiring managers’ faces signaled that she wasn’t going to be considered. " – journalist Terrell Jermaine Starr interviewing Kiara Parker. [xiii]
“Lamia would stay with friends and family because she could never save enough money to rent her own place." – Terrell Jermaine Star
"Lamia was staying with Kendall the day before she was killed Saturday morning. Kendall said that Lamia wanted to travel the world eventually but that her goal for 2015 was to find a job and save enough money to move into her own place so that her nieces and nephews could visit and watch movies. " – Terrell Jermaine Starr
As you can see, a clearer image starts to form: Lamia wanted to be able to work as herself, but had a difficult time doing so due to the discrimination she faced. She wanted her own stable housing. With extremely limited opportunities, is it any wonder she may have turned to sex work? People get desperate.[xiv] And it had no bearing on her murder.
The media has a role in how society views trans and gender non-conforming people. The media reinforces the stereotypes and assumptions that lead hiring managers to reject candidates based on their gender identity.
Hate Crime Bill 179
So, what can we do from here? Well, one way the HRC[xv] suggests we can lower risk levels for trans and gender non-conforming people is to adopt gender identity-based hate crime laws, and increase non-discrimination protections.
There is a federal law against gender-identity hate crimes, but unless there is a reason for federal authorities to get involved in a murder, states retain jurisdiction. 
In Virginia specifically, there is a bill going through Congress that would create a gender-identity hate crime law. Bill 179 was introduced by Virginia senator Barbara Favola, who initially tried to pass a similar law in 2015 (it was rejected). As of February 27th, 2020[xvi] bill 179 has been voted to pass by the house. The next step is for the Governor to sign the bill into law. If Governor Ralph Northam does not sign it, it can be sent back to the house and senate for a vote that overrides Northam. If it is either signed or voted in by the house, it could become law as early as July 2020.
As exciting as this is for Virginia, the majority of US states still do not have gender identity hate crime laws. States that DO have hate crime laws that cover gender identity: Connecticut Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Tennessee, Vermont, and Washington. 
If you don’t see your state listed here, find out what is happening in your state! Are there bills in progress? If so, reach out to the organizations working on them to see what they need and how you can get involved. See where your local LGBTQIA+ resource center is – we feel confident they will be able to give you an idea of what is happening on the legislative level in your state.  
The loss of Lamia is heavy. We hope that the loss weighs upon a witness out there, and we hope they unburden themselves. We don’t know why Lamia was murdered, and that must be awful for her family. We aren’t fooling ourselves thinking that one of our readers has any knowledge of Lamia’s murder, but we hope her story sticks with you. We hope that you think about Lamia the next time you see news coverage of a murdered trans or gender non-conforming person and you think about how her family feels reading that article, or hearing that headline. We hope that if you are in a position to hire someone who looks like Lamia you can look past your biases and treat them fairly. We hope that if you are in a state without adequate hate crime laws, you will call your representatives and let them know something needs to be done.
[i]  http://memorials.metropolitanservice.com/profile.aspx?id=c6d3caae-d31f-48b6-ae9f-fddcf44bc86a 
[ii] Note: all other quotes by family members were taken from this source.  https://www.alternet.org/2015/01/murdered-trans-womans-family-celebrates-her-life/ 
[iii] https://planettransgender.com/trans-woman-lamia-beard-murder-unsolved-while-witnesses-remain-silent/
[iv]  https://www.policeone.com/police-products/investigation/dna-forensics/articles/iacp-quick-take-5-ways-to-solve-a-cold-case-v0wRJkqVmO34x9qr/ 
[v] The FBI Data came from: https://crime-data-explorer.fr.cloud.gov/explorer/national/united-states/crime
[vi] https://assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/Anti-TransViolenceReport2019.pdf
[vii] Cis is defined as “denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.”
[viii] https://www.glaad.org/blog/media-continues-disrespectful-reporting-transgender-women-color-are-murdered
[ix] See i
[x] https://www.glaad.org/publications/transgendervictimsofcrime
[xi] See vi.
[xii] See i
[xiii] See i
[xiv] We do not think sex work is inherently bad, and we are of the opinion that sex works should be legalized. Not everyone who does sex work does so out of desperation, there are many people who enjoy sex work and deserve workplace protections.
[xv] See vi
[xvi] https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+sum+SB179 this page is updated in real time so you can follow it’s progress!
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tabbycasto · 5 years
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Congratulations to the happy couple & my gorgeous chum Lauren who I had the privilege of making up for her Wedding Day this morning 🖤🤘🏻✨! This little lovely has been a true friend since way back when - she used to let me practice make up looks on her when I started out many years ago! 🤗 Fast forward to Oct 22, 2019 : This morning I felt very emotional being able to create this rocky smokey eye & nude lip look for her big day! Like myself she wanted to steer from the classic bridal look & go with something a bit more alternative 🖤🤘🏻 it was an absolute pleasure to be her makeup artist as well as her witness at the ceremony ! What a day ! Now I’m back in London and taking your #halloween #makeup requests🖤✌🏻 ! 🎃☺️❤️👰🏻🤵🏼🥳 #weddingmakeup #beauty #smokeyeye #bridalmakeup #friends #norfolk #norwich #rocknroll #alternativebride #bride #smokeyeye #marryinnorfolk (at Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B375dKEAzEQ/?igshid=lznm12zn1q8q
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thebridalstories · 5 years
Lauren’s Civil Ceremony Oct 22, 2019
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Congratulations to the happy couple & my gorgeous chum Lauren who I had the privilege of making up for her Wedding Day Tuesday morning 🖤🤘🏻✨!
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This little lovely has been a true friend since way back when - she used to let me practice make up looks on her when I started out many years ago! 🤗 Fast forward to Oct 22, 2019 : I felt very emotional being able to make her up for her big day! How time has flown!
Myself and Em (sister of the bride) on the way to the venue :
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Like myself Lauren wanted to steer from the classic bridal look & go with something a bit more alternative 🖤🤘🏻We had a trial in August to try various looks and she decided to go for a proper rock chick vibe !
We went for a full on black / brown smokey eye with 2 sets of lashes , contoured cheeks and a nude lip :
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I also had the pleasure of doing her and her sisters nails for the occasion ! Lauren went for an IBX Treatment to strengthen her natural nails + CND Shellac Cashmere Wrap wirh foil + floral accents to match her dress :
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Her sister Em also had an IBX Treatment and I created a manicure with similar floral & foil accents on top of CND Shellac Satin Pajamas:
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Dress Frock N Frill
Shoes Converse
Venue Norwich Castle Museum
What a day ! It was an absolute pleasure to be Lauren’s makeup artist as well as her witness at the ceremony ! My husband @carlosbournphotography was the photographer for the occasion so I will share photos as soon as they are finished and the couple have picked their favourites ! I couldn’t resist sharing this sneak peek however of myself and Lauren - it’s not every day your best friend gets married :)
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benchapmanphotos · 5 years
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Oh window light, oh window light 😘 . . . . . . #windowlight #softlight #shadow #weddingflowers #flowers #weddingmakeup #makeup #wedsinghair #hair #blackandwhite #blackandwhitewedding #wedding #weddingdress #weddingphotographer #norfolkwedding #norfolkweddingphotographer #bride #bridetobe #weddingready #kingslynnweddingphotographer (at Docking, Norfolk) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3otpKunxCC/?igshid=1dx05r1nhut4l
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sophieeverett · 6 years
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Royal Wedding Issue of @countrylifemagazine #editorial. Hair & Makeup by me. #photographer @chrisallertonphoto #model #Margot @mandpmodels #styling @katiefelstead #location @holkhamestate #director @hettychidwick #norfolk #dress @stewart_parvin #shoes @francescashoes @kikimcdonough
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eresunaperra · 6 years
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It is always a great wedding when you find a ring light for selfies! . . . . . #selfie #wedding #ringlight #couple #lighting #light #dereham #huntershall #halloween #suits #meninsuits #makeup #eyeliner #brunette #blonde #gay #gaywedding #gaymarriage #instagay #gayuk #norwich #norfolk #norwichbloggers #lifestyle #lifestyleblogger #lbloggers #influencer #instagrammers #blogger #mensfashion (at Hunters Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsmAopDU7o/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1h575aenhj472
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zanegreytours · 6 years
Real Richmond Wedding: Our Cover Couple Jennifer and Jasen
Jennifer and Jasen December 18, 2016
How They Met: Jennifer and Jasen met in September 2012 at a local bar. Jasen, who was known as DJ Cool J at the time, spotted Jennifer, the tall beautiful redhead, from across the bar and ended up asking all of her friends about. As fate would have it, the two ended up running into each other in Downtown Richmond where they exchanged phone numbers. A week later, they went on their first date at a local Pho restaurant. Jennifer explains, “I was highly impressed with Jasen’s chopstick skills and felt embarrassed using a fork.” The two ended the night with a trip to Jefferson Hill Park and ended up talking for hours, overlooking the city they both love, Richmond.
The Proposal: Jasen asked Jennifer to be his wife in the fall of 2015. “Jasen knew how important my family was to me and figured that the annual Thanksgiving walk-to-the-beach in Norfolk would be a perfect time.” Jasen told no one, so the surprise wasn’t just on Jennifer when he dropped to one knee on the beach. Jennifer, of course, said yes!
The Details: “Back in high school, I attended a wedding reception at The Mill at Fine Creek. The beauty of the mill ruins, the creek rushing by, and the homey, warm feeling of the house stuck with me through the years.” Since the two decided on the month of December, they wanted a space that had a beautiful indoor space and The Mill at Fine Creek fit the bill. They were so ahead of the planning game that they picked the venue only TWO days after getting engaged!
Jennifer and Jasen, wanted a “Winter Wedding” theme, rather than a Christmas wedding as their date would suggest. “I had a clear vision in my head, filled with white and gold and hunter green.” The two wanted their special day to exude classic elegance, but be warm and inviting at the same time. Jennifer’s bridal party fit the theme with long hunter green dresses, while Jasen and his groomsmen looked regal in their classic tuxedos. “Not only did the hunter green pop against the natural colors of The Mill, it looked really good with my red hair!
For flowers, the happy couple wanted everything green and lush. They used farmhouse tables and classic white tablecloths to make the room not only cozy but also wonderfully bright. “One of my favorite things was the name cards placed on each plate.” They used magnolia leaves with gold lettering, which tied in the perfect touch of green and gold.
For favors, Jennifer’s mom slaved away making 120 of their family’s famous sugar cookies. Jennifer’s dad used his wood-working skills to make a beautiful guestbook that their guests signed in gold. “It now hangs in my living room and the perfect reminder of my favorite day ever.”
Favorite Part of the Day: “It’s so hard to pick one favorite wedding day moment, so I’ll narrow it down to two! Our first look was such a special moment. I snuck up on Jasen, tapped him on his shoulder, and watched as he turned around to see me in my dress…You could feel the genuine excitement between us! It brought tears to my eyes to see the love of my life, who was soon to be my husband. My second was the toasts! We actually had four and they were each equally hysterical and heartfelt.”
Biggest Challenge: “I think the biggest challenge, as a bride, was making sure that my husband, family, and bridal party were all happy with the decisions I was making…I count my self blessed to have had my sister and mom by my side because, without them, there would have been so many more challenges!”
Best Piece of Advice: “Your wedding is probably one of the few times that all the people that you love are in one place, laughing and enjoying each other’s company…Take time to say hi to everyone, but also take moments to yourself and just soak in your surroundings. Also, invest in airbrush makeup if you’re a crier, like me. It is SO worth it!”
See them in our latest issue here!
The post Real Richmond Wedding: Our Cover Couple Jennifer and Jasen appeared first on Richmond Weddings.
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Had a great time in the @neonnfk for an awesome #rainyday #styledshoot . . .. . Makeup by @wendy_bernard_makeup_artist_ cakes by @tessamorgancreations brides dress by @davidsbridal bridesmaid dress by @torridfashion Marshall Arts Studio (@chicamarsh) is a Chesapeake, Va based wedding, family and lifestyle photography and videography team. . . We are available now for booking. Go to: www.marshallartsstudiophotography.com for more info. . . We are also proud of our cause of building fresh water wells in South East Asia... go to @waterlifelove or www.waterlifelove.com to see more. . . . #photoswithacause #chesapeake #greenbrier #virginiabeach #norfolk #greatbridge #hickory #deepcreek #weddingphotography #grassfield #marshallartsstudiophotography #marshallartstudio #visitnorfolk #visitchesapeake #visitvirginiabeach #visitnorfolkva #visitvirginiabeachva #hamptonroads #virginiaisforlovers
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showbride · 7 years
For the Endless Summer Bridal Expo Video Shoot 2017, thank you Cetre Pegues www.cetrepegues.com #CetrePegues for this video and to: * Holiday Inn Virginia Beach Norfolk Conference Hotel http://www.hivabeachnorfolk.com #HolidayInnGreenwich * David’s Bridal http://www.davidsbridal.com #DavidsBridal * Men’s Wearhouse http://www.menswearhouse.com #MensWearhouse * Truly Yours Bridal http://www.trulyyoursbridal.com #TrulyYoursBridal * Zack Chavis Photography http://www.zackchavis.com #ZackChavisPhotography * Brian Charles Films http://www.briancharlesfilms.com #BrianCharlesFilms * Makeup and Hair Artist Ralphann from Beyond Beauty Bridal Association http://www.beyondbeautystudio.net #BeyondBeautyBridalAssociation * Floral bouquets by Reason-a-BOWS http://www.facebook.com/reasonabows #ReasonaBOWS * Ricki Chew’s Excalibur Limo Services http://www.chewslimo.com #ChewsLimo * Models Chris Hawkins, Donnell Lattimore, Christina Wilder, Keesha Brooks * Coordinator Telica Joseph * Showbride http://www.showbride.com #Showbride Rate this: Rate This Share this: TwitterFacebook1GoogleLinkedInTumblrPinterestRedditMore Related Reason-a-BOWS bouquets for Endless Summer Photo Shoot Reason-a-BOWS bouquets for Endless Summer Photo Shoot In "weddings" Video Highlights: 8/28/16 Endless Summer Bridal Expo https://vimeo.com/showbride/doubletreebyhiltonvirginiabeach2016 Thank you Mike Pittman of P&P Video for video highlights of the Endless Summer Bridal Expo at the Doubletree by Hilton Virginia Beach on August 28, 2016. Also thanks to CPIX Aperture, Unique Total Design, Markia Nicole Artistry, The Bridal Lounge, Samantha and all participants for a wonderful Sunday afternoon… In "weddings" Photo Highlights: Endless Summer Bridal Expo Photo Highlights: Endless Summer Bridal Expo In "weddings" JUNE 28, 2017 SHOWBRIDE Post navigation ← Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * COMMENT NAME * EMAIL * WEBSITE Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. BLOG AT WORDPRESS.COM. Follow :) (at Holiday Inn Virginia Beach-Norfolk Hotel and Conference Center)
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katyamelvin · 7 years
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There are only few instances in life when most people hire a makeup artist. One is prom, second is their wedding, third is their daughters wedding, and fourth is when they win an Oscar. So why not add another amazing experience to your life by having a glamour session. Life is meant to be celebrated. . . . #portrait #vaportraitphotographer #ncportraitphotographer #destinationportraitphotographer #virginiabeachphotographer #photography #hamptonroadsphotographer #gorgeous #woman #pretty #photoshoot #bts #behindthescenes #backstage #posing #smile #experience #makeover #makeup #glamour #beauty #studio #naturallight (at Norfolk, Virginia)
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