#norgami fanfiction
thedeliverygod · 6 years
Good Enough
a yatori college AU
Chapter 26/?
“Hey, is everything okay? Your text kind of got me worried.”
Hearing Yato’s voice sent a wave of relief over her for a moment before she remembered the subject of the conversation. Frowning again and heaving a sigh, she answered bluntly, “Um… No, actually.”
“What is it?” His voice got a little bit quieter and she took a breath before starting her explanation.
“I guess my mom got a call from Fujisaki-san last night. She kept quiet about it until this morning when she basically woke me up by yelling. It turns out… he followed us from the train station Christmas night and saw that I didn’t leave your apartment. So she was freaking out about my life decisions and I just basically walked out. I’m at Yama-chan’s house but I’m meeting up with my older brother soon.”
The phone was silent, so Hiyori clarified, “I’m okay, I’m just… in disbelief that she will never listen to my side of things. But I’m also angry as well as scared that he followed us—not really for myself, but… I don’t want him anywhere near you or Yukine-kun.”
She finally heard his voice, though it sounded a bit muffled as if he were holding his face in his hands, “I’m so sorry, Hiyori.”
“For what? It was my idea to stay over at your apartment, plus it’s not like we knew—” She started but was interrupted.
“I should have been paying better attention when we were walking home. I was goofing off and being stupid; you could have been hurt.” He practically sounded on the verge of tears himself, the frustration clearly overbearing.
Hiyori was quick to correct him, “Yato, don’t think like that. It’s like you told me before, all the blame falls on him, you didn’t do anything wrong. We shouldn’t have to worry about him every time we step outside; that’s not living.”
“I know you’re right, but…” She heard a harsh sigh come through the speaker, “Fuck. I wonder what it will take for this guy to actually leave you alone.” After a pause, he questioned nervously, “You don’t have to see him for any of your family things, do you? Especially since he and your mom seem to be BFFs—”
“Actually…” She interrupted quietly, pulling nervously at the bottom of her shirt, “Fujisaki-san and his parents will be at the party for hospital staff—the day before New Year’s Eve.”
“I’m going.” Yato replied before she could get out the rest of her description.
Hiyori blinked in disbelief, “What?”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this by yourself anymore. But also, he’s trying to intimidate you. He won’t be expecting me, so that’ll throw him off guard too.”
His voice was sincere and he wasn’t speaking out of anger, but she was at a loss for words. “B-but, don’t you have to work?”
“That’s the day I was supposed to be heading over to Kofuku and Daikoku’s. Look, don’t worry about it. Only thing that might be worrisome is what sort of clothes I need to scrounge up… but I can always bug Kazuma. He’s about the same size as me.” Yato continued to ramble, mostly to himself, as Hiyori still tried to gather her words.
Her throat dry, she asked quietly, “Are you sure?”
He finally paused, “Do you… not want me to?”
“It’s just that I—I appreciate the sentiment, but I’m worried for you too, you know. I don’t know what he’s going to do, and then there’s my parents—”
“I mean, you were going to let the cat out of the bag later this week anyway, right?” He questioned, adding, “Plus, uh… it’s sort of already half-way out of the bag, thanks to that asshole. But yeah.”
She finally swallowed, “I know, but me telling them as opposed to you actually having to talk to them are two different things entirely. And especially because of what Fujisaki-san told my mom… they’re probably going to be really harsh towards you and I don’t—”
Yato waved her off, “Look, Hiyori. Pretty much, no matter what, I’m honestly going to be terrified to talk to your parents, particularly your mom, so… It doesn’t really matter. It’s going to suck either way, so let’s just get it over with.”
“You’re right.” She admitted, letting out a breath of air. She placed her hand over her face, trying to ignore all the possible scenarios running through her head, “But… I still apologize in advance for anything they say.”
He gave a laugh in response, “In a way, I don’t really blame them. I probably threw some of the same insults at myself after you first asked me out to dinner and I realized you were actually interested too.”
“That doesn’t mean that any of it is true.” She chewed her bottom lip lightly out of annoyance.
“I know.” He answered softly, his tone still amused.
Hiyori smiled and stayed quiet for a moment before her phone vibrated against her ear. Pulling it back to look at it, she saw it was a text message from her brother.
“What’s up?” She heard Yato’s voice and pulled the phone back to her ear.
“My older brother is getting close. He said he stopped for gas but should be at Yama-chan’s in about fifteen minutes, so I need to start getting ready.” She dangled her legs over the side of the bed and let her feet touch the floor, “I’ll text you later and let you know how it goes with mom after trying again. Hopefully I can make it somewhat easier for you.”
He gave a half-hearted and forced laugh, “I doubt it, but thanks for trying.”  
“If you end up not being able to come, that’s alright too.” She added quietly. She was excited at the thought of seeing him sooner than anticipated, but she knew the weight of the visit was definitely a heavy one.
“Short of something serious going on with Yukine, I’ll be there.” He answered confidently.
Hiyori closed her eyes and let out a breath, “Thank you. Bye for now.”
“See ya.”
Shortly after she put the phone down on Yama’s bed, she heard a knock on the door. “You can come in.” As the door slowly swung open and Yama peeked in, she added, “You really didn’t have to leave the room in the first place.”
Yama shrugged, “Eh, your relationship is getting serious so I figured I’d give your space.” Pausing, she tilted her head and asked, “But I did overhear something since you kinda raised your voice a bit. Is Yato coming here?”
“For the New Year’s party, yeah.” She nodded and twisted her hands in her lap, “I’m somewhat glad and relieved but… I know it’s going to be really hard for him, too.”
She took a seat next to Hiyori on the bed, humming, “I think it’ll be a good thing. I didn’t really want you going to that party by yourself. I mean, I know your brother would definitely keep a close eye on you since he knows what’s going on, but since other people at the party know him well I guess there’s more of a chance for him to get pulled away momentarily. Since you and Yato are a couple, anyone talking to you would probably talk to both of you at the same time; in theory.”
“Um, yeah, possibly.” She gave an unsure nod, “I went to a few family business dinners and such with Fujisaki-san when we were dating, but everyone knew him, so that was a bit different as well.”
“Well, my family dinners are a lot more casual, but anytime I brought a boyfriend along, we were almost always addressed together. Especially if they were just meeting them for the first time, if that helps at all.” Yama finished with a small grin.
“It does, thank you.” Hiyori slid the rest of the way off of the bed and stood up, “My older brother is almost here so I’m going to get changed. Thanks again for the clothes, Yama-chan.”
She waved her hand, “Not a problem! Anything for you, Hiyori.”
Giving another smile, she grabbed the shirt and jeans next to her and moved into the bathroom. It was a bit cramped compared to the one she had at home, as was much of Yama’s house, but she had always found it a lot more homey than her own. Her house was almost sterile at times; which made sense, considering she grew up in a family of doctors.
Yama was the tiniest bit taller than her, but they were relatively the same size, so her borrow clothes fit with ease. Looking in the mirror, Hiyori ran a hand through her slightly tangled hair and let out a small sigh. Exiting the bathroom and going back into Yama’s room, she held her dirty clothes in her arms awkwardly.
Yama blinked and waved to her hamper, “Just throw those in there. I’ll get them washed and put them in my suitcase for when we head back to the university.”
She gripped them uncertainly, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, of course. Just send me a text to remind me to pack them, if you could.” She gave a sheepish laugh before she pointed at Hiyori, “Oh, and if you could do the same for me, please.”
“Oh, right.” Hiyori lightly pulled on the hem of the borrowed shirt, “Definitely.” Feeling her phone begin to vibrate in her pocket, she pulled it out and saw that it was her brother. Accepting the call, the held the phone up to her ear, “Hi, are you here?”
“Yep, I’m right out front.” He answered simply, “See you in a minute.”
After he had hung up, she slipped her phone back into her pocket and reached to grab her coat, “My big brother is outside waiting.”
“I’ll walk you out.” Yama reached for her coat as well as Hiyori grabbed the last of her things.
As they came out the front door, Masaomi stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk, waving, “Hey.” They both waved back as they approached him, and he added, “Thanks for looking out for Hiyori, Yama-chan.”
“Of course!” She replied enthusiastically and grabbed her shoulders, “She’s always welcome here.”
“Thanks.” Hiyori murmured sheepishly.
Masaomi waved towards the car, “Well, you ready to go?”
She nodded and unlatched herself from Yama’s grasp, “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Good luck.” Her friend’s face faltered into a more serious expression before she flashed another quick smile and turned around.
Hiyori pulled the car door open and lowered herself into the seat. After she had closed the door and pulled the seat belt across her, her brother asked, “Do you have any specific requests for where you want to eat?”
She shook her head, “Not really. I guess somewhere more laid back like a diner.”
“Sounds good to both me and my wallet.” He answered with a small laugh as he started the car.
“More expensive doesn’t always mean better.” She answered automatically before making a sour face, “On top of that, the fancier of a place we go to, the more likely we run into someone who knows us and mom and overhears something.”
Masaomi clicked his tongue in agreement, “…Very true. A diner it is, then. And let’s stay on this side of town as an added measure of security.”
“Sounds like a plan to me.” She rested her hands in her lap and let out a little breath.
He glanced over to her, “Are you feeling any better than you were this morning?”
Hiyori nodded, still looking down at her lap, “I am. It’s just… a lot. But I definitely feel better after talking with both Yama-chan and Yato.”
“So you did get the chance to talk to him already.” He acknowledged and she caught that he had raised his eyebrow in interest.
“Yeah. He, um… He actually wants to come to the New Year’s party. Since Fujisaki-san will be there.” She began to fiddle with her fingers and he hummed in response.
“How do you feel about that?”
Hiyori took a breath, admitting, “I would feel more comfortable having him there, but… I know that the people there, especially our parents, are probably going to give him a hard time. So because of that, I kind of don’t want him to come because I don’t want him to go through that. But he said he’s going to be nervous and have a hard time no matter what so it’s better to just get it over with.” Looking out the window, she added, “I told him it was fine if he ended up not being able to come. He did originally have plans to be with his own family, after all. But he seems pretty intent on coming.”
Her brother let out a small, nervous laugh, “I’ll do my best to help, but you definitely know that crowd just as well as I do. Anyway, did he need clothes or anything? I mean, I don’t know what size he is compared to me, but I’ll do what I can.”
“He’s already going to ask his friend Kazuma-san since they’re about the same size. But if that falls through, I’ll let you know.” She nodded appreciatively, “Thank you.”
“Well, even if it’s a bit unexpected as well as complicated, I’m glad I’ll get the chance to meet him. Or get re-acquainted with him, I guess I should say, since the last time I saw him he was barely up to my knees.” He flashed a grin before looking back at the road, “Hard to believe it’s even the same person as back then.”
She gave a laugh, “Believe me, I know… It was very surreal when I just saw him on campus for the first time.”
“Imagine how it felt to get a phone call from your sister saying she’s dating him now.” He joked back and she flushed a bit.
“Yeah, I get it. It’s weird.” Hiyori mumbled in response, turning her head to hide her face.
He gave another laugh before they fell into a comfortable silence. After another turn, he pulled into a parking spot and announced, “Guess it’s time to come up with our game plan to handle Mom.”
“Right.” She agreed, but her hands were already starting to shake.
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Regalia and the God
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know ! I’m happy to do it for anyone.
(Yato X Reader)
Summary: The delivery god Yato has never been that popular with the public, but when it comes to fighting phantoms he’s one of the ones you want by your side. Every god needs a trusty Regalia by his side... that’s where Y/N and Yukine come in.
AO3 Link
Part One:
Word Count: 1,346
As little work as the delivery god Yato got the phantoms were always on our list. Yato stood atop a tower overlooking a school building. I stood next to him, the wind around us blowing our raven hair with it, Tomone, Yato’s other regalia, stood behind us, slowly waiting to be called forth. Of the two of us Nora was the more useful. Nora was a dagger, I was more of a guiding piece. I helped Yato and Tomone perfectly time their attacks, seeing more than their eyes would let them. When in regalia form I was a stainless steel ring that he wore on his middle finger of his left hand. 
We each had different names when he called forth his regalia. Tomone was known as Hanki and I was Norikki when called. 
Yato held a five yen piece in his hand, flipping it in the air. “Payment received. You have made a wish and it has been heard loud and clear.”
Tomone looked down at the giant phantom before us. It held the body of a snake and its tail stretched all over the building. “Does this phantom seem especially large to you?”
I looked behind us at Tomone. “It’s exam season, there’s a lot of stressed out kids.”
Yato looked behind us as well and smiled. “Everyone’s on edge, but with you guys I can take this thing down easily. Ready to go you two?”
Tomone and I spoke together. “I’m ready when you are.”
Yato jumped off the edge of the tower and flew down toward the phantom. He called out names. “Hanki, Norikki, come forth.” Yato hit the top of the phantom and stomped him some before jumping back into the air for his regalia. Yato caught Tomone as a dagger with one hand and grabbed me in his other hand, putting me on his finger. 
My guidance kicked in. “Yato, aim to slice his tail with Hanki, fly down at him straight and don’t make any type of moves until you hit the tail, that will get you the path with the least likely hood of him hitting you.”
“I hear you. Great job Norikki.” He grabbed onto Hanki tighter and positioned himself, soaring down toward the phantom again, reciting the rend to deliver the fatal blow on him. “This is the land of the rising sun. Your desecration shall not be allowed. I now lay thee waste with the Hanki and expel thy vast defilement! Rend!” Yato stayed the course that I had laid out for him. Slice after slice we made our way back to the ground. Yato landed with grace and looked back at the phantom that was disappearing. “Bye now.”
The phantom turned into black smoke and evaporated. Yato was clearly happy with himself. “Is that all it had? I didn’t even break a sweat.”
As Yato sat on the ground, happy with himself Tomone and I were growing impatient. It wasn’t necessarily fun to be in regalia form when there was no action going on. She spoke before I did. “Hey Yato, are you forgetting something?”
He snapped into the realization. “Oh, crap. Revert Tomone. Revert Y/N.” 
We both reverted to our human forms again and stood before Yato. Tomone sniffed her clothes and looked back at Yato. “Didn’t break a sweat, huh?”
Yato grabbed his chest and hung forward in embarassment. “Show some respect, huh?” He turned to her. “I’m your master.”
“Actually, we need to talk about that.” Yato looked up at her with a confused glance and she continued. “I’m quitting. I won’t be your Regalia anymore.”
My jaw dropped. “You’re kidding right? It’s only been like three months since you joined us.”
“It’s felt like three years! I can’t take it anymore! Living like a vagrant with a minor god who doesn’t even have his own shrine! I can’t do it!” Tomone started sobbing. 
Yato looked at her. “Hey, shouldn’t I be the one who’s crying here?”
She looked over at me. “I don’t know how you can even do this. You’re probably only able to do it because you’re dating him. I can’t see how anyone who could do it otherwise.”
Yato began flailing his arm. “Find. Stop wailing already. I can take a hint.” He began to draw Tomone’s name. “It’s over. I hereby release you.” Her symbol on her hand floated and the disappeared, letting her free. 
She giggled. “That’s so much better.”
Yato was beginning to get annoyed. “Just so you know the usual practice is to give at least a full month’s notice before you quit. It’s common courtesy.”
“As if you deserve any courtesy.” She began to walk away. “Later, loser!”
I began to walk forward, ready to go after Tomone, when Yato grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me backwards. 
She was still taunting as she walked away. “You’re just an aimless drifter in a tracksuit who likes to play at being a god.”
I fought against him. “Come back here and say that to our faces you coward!”
Yato freed one of his hands and threw it in the air. “Damn you!” He was mad now. “Don’t you dare come crawling back once I hit it big! Just you wait and see!” He let me going, knowing I was calmed down enough. I wrapped my arm around his back as he spoke. “Soon enough I’ll have one hundred and twenty million worshippers and all the other gods will envy me!”
I raised a fist. “You ungrateful wretch!”
When she was out of our line of side I turned my head to look up at Yato who now had his arm wrapped around my waist. “Don’t listen to her Yato, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s insane. You’re going to be the world’s biggest god some day, I just know it.” I smiled at he smiled back.��
He put his hand on the side of my cheek and slowly ran it down my face. “How did I get so lucky?” He put his lips to mine before letting go and taking a spray can out of his pocket. “Let’s get tagging! We need to find some new jobs.”
* * * * * *
Any surface we could find that was big enough we were tagging. His name and phone number littered most walls in the city already. As we tagged, Yato was still steaming. “Stupid wretch. I can’t believe a regalia actually quit on me.” He walked over to the bench and patted the place next to him when he sat. He reached into his track suit and pulled a bottle filled with five yen coins. “Pretty meager savings for us.” He put his arm behind me and leaned his head back. “I’ll never have a shrine, will I?”
“We’ll make it through Yato, we always do. Just give it time. Like I said earlier, you’re going to be an amazing god, just give it time.”
He sighed. “Right now, finding a new regalia comes first. As much as I love you, I need some type of weapon. You’re an amazing regalia, but not for dealing the fatal blow.” He kissed the side of my head. “God or not, without a regalia I’m unarmed.” He paused. “No, worse than that. I’m essentially naked! I can’t go out on any jobs like this.”
He jumped up, nearly knocking me off the bench. He was starting to doubt himself again. I tried to reassure him. “Yato, don’t bea-”
He cut me off. “Of course, it’s not like I’ve got a ton of work anyway.” His cellphone rang and I had never seen him take it out of his pocket so quickly. “Hello there and thank you for calling! Fast and affordable, delivery god Yato at your service!” I couldn’t believe the faces he was making. “Milord’s gone missing, that’s awful. We’ll be right there to gather more information and then be on the move.”
Yato turned to me and I smiled. “Do we have a job?”
His smile spread across his face. “We have a job.”
*Author’s Note: This is one of the smallest first parts that I’ve done, but I’m going to get deeper into the other stuff in the next part. I promise part two will be longer! I didn’t want to introduce too much at once! Hope you like it! 🥰*
Taglist 💕 @izzythefanfreak​
Part Two
Updated: 5/13/2020
198 notes · View notes
calamitynight · 6 years
Yatori week 2018 - Faith {Day 4}
Words: 3888
Notes: Hope this came out well...It’s the new year, time for the traditional shrine visits! Asked by her friends to go to their usual shrine visit, Hiyori declines as she has another shrine in mind. Enjoy!
It was about to be the start of the new year as the sound of joyous voices filled the hallway. Many students talked among their friends about their holiday plans and new years eve shrine visits. Hiyori was no different as she roamed the halls with her two friends Amii and Yama. Her two friends seemed so happy as they went on and on about the upcoming new year.
"We should go visit Lord Tenjins shrine on new years" Yama proposed happily.
"Sure, sounds like a plan" Amii agreed. "Are you coming too, Hiyori?"
She had been a bit spaced out, but heard the conversation clearly. She smiled at her two friends. "I can't this year, sorry"
"Why not?" Yama let out curiously, stopping in front of her. She had leaned in closer to Hiyori.
"I've already planned to visit someone else's shrine, that's all"
"Someone else? Hmmm, the only ones close to your house are Lord Tenjin and Lord Bishamon"
"Are you going to go pray to Lord Bishamon, Hiyori?" Amii contributed to the conversation.
"That makes sense. If you don't visit for good grades at Lord Tenjins, than who else to go to than to Lord Bishamon and ask for strength" Yama gasp. "Are you planning on taking over this school?"
"Where would you get a crazy idea like that?"
"It could explain your outburst on the first day of school. It must have not been enough. So you need the blessings of a mighty war god"
"It's nothing like that!"
"OH, Mrs. Iki!" Yama pulled out her phone and began to yell into it. "You're daughter is planning a scheme of mass destruction!"
"She wants to take over the school" Amii joined.
"Make everyone weak to her presence"
"No mom, don't listen to them! it's not true!" Hiyori cried out. Amii and Yama began to laugh in sync with each other. "Lady Bishamon is definitely too busy for dumb wishes like that"
"Lady Bishamon?" They both looked at her confused. Ops, she must have misspoken, Hiyori thought. "That's the first I've heard Bishamon be addressed as Lady"
"Haha, it was just a mishap with my words. I meant Lord Bishamon"
"If you're not visiting Bishamon or Tenjin, than who?" Amii asked
"It's someone new"
"A new god?"
"Um..." Hiyori tugged at the hem of her skirt nervously. "Yeah, I suppose"
"Oh, well now i'm curious, who is it?" Yama insisted on knowing. "who is it? who is it?" She repeated as she jumped up and down.
"He's just a small god of fortune"
"Is that so? What's this god's name?"
"His name is Yato" Hiyori answered nervously.
"I've never heard of him" Yama's words reminded her of the first night she met Yato. As he introduced himself and she hurt him when she admitted that she had never heard of him. "Is there something special about this god?"
There is, but they wouldn't understand. So Hiyori just smiled and nodded her head. "He's been my god of fortune for a long time now" She admitted out loud. She felt her cheeks become warm and she looked away from her friends. The image of Yato came over her and her heart pounded. "I have to go you guys" She said as she waved and ran off. "Bye!"
They both watched her run away from them. Yama's eyes glared towards her friend with suspicious. "Was it me, or did Hiyori just blush?" She wasn't certain about it, and decided to ask for confirmation.
"I believe so" Amii responded to her friend. They tried to shrug it off and headed home.
Hiyori finally made it home, she softly scolded herself the whole walk from school. As she walked up the stairs to her room, she noticed the light in her brothers room on. As she opened the door she found Yukine asleep on the bed. He was snoring gently and looked passed out, she decided to let him be. As she softly backed away and closed the door she ran into a body behind her. She turned and her body jumped from the sudden fright he gave her. Yato was wet, he had a towel wrapped around his waist and another drying his hair. It was obvious he had just gotten out of the bath.
"Hey Hiyori, welcome home" he smiled brightly at her. Hearing him speak those words caused her to blush even more. "Hmmm?" He leaned in close to her and stared. "You doing alright? You look a little red"
"Yeah, I'm fine" she slipped away from the door and Yato.
"Alright...I hope you don't mind if we stay here for a bit. We've been fighting phantoms since the morning. It definitely took a toll on Yukine, he's exhausted"
"You two sure have been busy"
"Oh yeah, especially with the holidays coming up, people are getting stressed" he put the towel around his neck as he was done drying his hair. "What are you doing this new years? Going off with your friends again to Tenjins?" He let out a sigh. "That old fart sure is lucky"
"No, I was thinking of another shrine for this year actually"
"Bishamons?" His expression changed from jealousy to sadness. "Don't waste your time going to that crazy skank"
"No, I wasn't..."
"Then who?" She blushed once again as his eyes came closer. He then landed his hand on her face, which made her blush even harder. "You're warm, you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, fine...on second thought maybe I should go lay down" she pulled away from him and grabbed a hold of her doorknob. She smiled lightly at him and went into her room.
It surprised her as he didn't bother her after that. She had fallen asleep and woken up late that evening, they were gone when she went to check on them. She had dinner with her parents as usual and they asked her about her shrine visit. She wondered why everyone was so obsessed with asking her today. She told her parents a different story, that they haven't decided on it yet.
School went on as normal the next day. She walked down the long hallway, on her way to take care of the classroom duties that have been assigned to her. Everything was quiet and hollow, she didn't have much to think about as her mind drifted. Hiyori wondered how she would explained Yato to her friends. Could it be possible that if she did try, they could start to believe in Yato too. She stopped walking as she heard a sudden noise in the distance. Hiyori turned back to see a single figure running towards her. The short boy who was having issues catching his breath, but still smiled at her managed to catch up.
"Hey, Iki"
He looked at her with bright eyes. He smiled with great joy, she smiled back. "I just got invited to a shrine visit for new years eve"
"Oh! that's great! I'm glad you're finally making friends"
"Yeah..." His eyes averted away from hers and he stared at the ground. He began to move himself from side to side. "My friends are apparently friends with yours"
"With Amii and Yama?"
"Yeah, they were the ones who asked us. We're going in a group. Are you going with them too?"
"No, not this year"
"Oh, I was a bit excited for that..." he smiled at her nervously. "Guess you're going to be busy this new years, huh"
"Nothing too special, i'm just going to visit Yato"
"Who's Yato?"
"Don't you remember? the guy in the tracksuit that I beat up on while you were hiding in the girls bathroom"
"No idea, sorry. It doesn't ring any bells. All I remember is you, Iki"
"But he was the one that gave you that knife and the advice for the bullies"
"That was you Iki, don't you remember?" she let out a small gasp of shock. "Well anyway, I've really been wanting to tell you this..." his face became red and he began to shake. "I like...like...I-hope you have a good new years eve, bye!" he ran away with great speed. Leaving Hiyori worried and confused.
It was really that easy for people to forget about Yato. He wasn't a might god like Bishamon, or a god full of knowledge like Tenjin. He wasn't even a badly spoke god like Kofuku. She had been surrounded by all of these gods, she had began to believe that Yato stood a chance. Yet it appeared that she could finally understand the difficulty he had always faced. School had finally ended and she walked along her friends. The sound of the cars driving by somehow muted their talking. She looked over at the street light, remembering every detail of the time they first met. At the time she couldn't get him out of her head, she remembered him perfectly, so why couldn't everyone else?
"Earth to Hiyori, are you in there?" Yama waved her hand in front of Hiyori's eyes. "You've been spacing out lately, you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine"
"Are you sure? You're not going to have another one of your episodes?"
"No, I've learned to manage those better" She confessed.
"Alright...so, we're going to the shrine in a group. This is your last chance. You sure you don't want to come?"
"It sounds fun, really. But I'm sure I can't go"
"So what's so special about this god of yours? hmm, what's his name again?"
"Ah, yes that...I did some research and I couldn't find anything about him"
"He's not a very known god. He's kind of an up and comer"
"How does that work?" Amii asked taking in all of Hiyori's words.
Hiyori felt a warm feeling in her chest as she spoke of him. Even by mentioning him once, her friends managed to remember. Though they didn't remember his name, they remembered her mentioning him, and that seemed like a good start. She thought about her wording, about how to speak of him without giving anything away.
"God's are born from a wish" She repeated words that were once said to her.
"Did you make a wish?"
"Kinda, I suppose...I guess I wished for my narcolepsy to get better"
"So he's some kind of health god" Yama commented.
"No, he's a god of fortune"
"How so?"
"He helps anyone, no matter what it is. It could be the simplest thing even"
"So we can ask for anything and he'll do it?"
"It depends on what it is you want, but for the most part, yeah"
"This guy sounds interesting" Yama put her hand up in a prayer motion in front of her. She closed her eyes and started to chant. "Oh lord Yato, hear my wish" She opened on eye and looked at Hiyori. "So...is he here?"
"That's not really how-" Hiyori stopped mid sentence as she looked up at the sky in disbelief. Yato now above them fought off a giant phantom that had jumped from the buildings roof top.
"Hey Hiyori, what are you looking at?" her friend both turned to look up with her. "There's nothing up there"
Of course humans weren't suppose to be able to see gods or phantoms for that matter. What she was looking at was not in the line of sight for Amii and Yama. Hiyori watched as Yato cleansed the phantom. She could hear the sound of Yukine's cut. He was a fine sword that defeated the phantom so easily. Yato dropped from the sky and landed just across the street. Reverting Yukine back to normal, he gave him a big smile. He looked like a proud father as he congratulated him for a job well done. The cars drove by and as the street emptied Yato caught a glance at her. He waved happily and called out her name. Soon they both walked across the street to reach her.
"Hey Hiyori, walking home from school?"
"Yeah, I was" she smiled down at Yukine who gave her a smile back. He looked very tired. "I see that you're working hard"
"Yato's been kicking my butt with all this phantom slaying"
"They are all over the place, with people visiting families from other places. Then the ones stressed over their lives, the phantom count grows around this time of year"
"So does the hours of sleep I'm not getting" Yukine grabbed a hold of Hiyori's arm and tugged gently on it. "He's been waking me up at the crack of dawn, Hiyori"
"Hiyori, who are you talking to?" Yama and Amii asked. She turned to look at her friends who appeared to be a bit concerned.
"I wish you could see them, I really want to introduce you guys"
"See who? Hiyori, there is no one there"
"You know, I really should get going"
"You're just going to walk away again?" Amii asked.
"I should really get home. I'll see you guys tomorrow!"
Hiyori ran away once again before they could stop her. Yato and Yukine followed behind her. They made it to the park close to her house and she stopped to sit on the bench. The guys didn't know what to do, as they watched her dig her face into her palms.
"Everything alright, Hiyori?" Yato finally asked as he sat down beside her.
She gave him a warm and sad stared. "How do I get people to believe in you?" She sounded scared as she asked him this question.
"So that's the problem. I heard you want to introduce us to your friends, huh" Yato let out a sigh. "We're not from your world, Hiyori. We're from the far shore, therefore humans can't see us. You couldn't introduce us, even if you tried"
"But others have seen you. Other people like Manabu, people you've helped. But even so, Manabu can't seem to remember you either"
"They see me because they call for me. They need my help and once their wish is granted, they forget about me. It's always been that way Hiyori"
"How can you get followers then? If they can't even remember who you are" Somehow a tear began to fall down her cheek. She wanted what was best for Yato, but she didn't know how to give it to him. She felt some how useless. "You do all these things for them, I don't get it"
"They remember if they want to...I'm working really hard, I'll get there some day. For now, I'm thankful just for having you" he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into a hug.
The days seemed to going by quickly recently. It was finally the day for the shrine visit. Hiyori looked at herself in the mirror as she put on her pink flowered kimono. She walked across the hall towards her bathroom, soon being spotted by her mom. Her mother had only assumed that she and her friends finally decided on their visit. She insisted to do her hair and make up for her. She loved seeing how beautiful her daughter had turned out. It wasn't long until she was finally ready. Hiyori headed back to her room to grab her things and Yato's shrine. She had taken it home with her a couple days ago. She wanted to decorate it, and so she did just that. She put small Christmas lights on it and fake snow. It was small and very cute. She walked down the stairs and out the front door without any issues. She headed towards her fenced door, and was surprised to see her friends on the other side. They smiled at her and waved, she waved back, but definitely did not hide her confusion.
"Amii, Yama, what are you guys doing here?"
"We were walking by and just figured we would check on you. Don't you look all dressed up" Yama said happily.
"She insisted we come and see if you still didn't want to come with us" Amii corrected her wording.
Manabu stood behind them with his friends. He looked at he shyly and blushed. "You looked very pretty, Iki"
"Thank you, Manabu"
"Trying to look good for your gods first shrine visit?" Yama eyed her up and down.
"Kind of"
"Where is this shrine anyway?"
"Well..." Hiyori adverted her eyes away from them and looked down at the small shrine in her hand. The lights were shinning bright and caused a shadow on her face.
"Is that it?" her friends looked at her surprised. "Did you make it? Where are you taking it?"
"Down to the park..."
"Come on, Hiyori...how about just coming with us?"
"It's fine Yama. I know it's hard for you guys to understand, but I believe in Yato" She held the shrine tightly against her chest. "Have fun at Lord Tenjins shrine"
"Yeah, you have fun with yours too"
Hiyori waved goodbye as they walked away from her. As she opened the door and stepped out she stopped as Yato appeared right before her. His smile was giant and his eyes glowed the brightest blue.
"Happy New Years, Hiyori" He sang out happily. "Didn't you go all out, you look great"
Hiyori tucked the lose hair behind her ear and softly blushed at his compliment. "Thanks, so what's up? Why are you here?"
"It seems that we slayed most of the phantoms" He threw his arm around Yukine's shoulder and pulled him into a tight hold. "That's the work of my blessed regalia for ya"
"Stop it Yato" Yukine called out as he blushed and huffed. "It was nothing, really"
"That's great"
"Since we don't have anymore phantoms to slay, we figured we would go to the shrine visit with you. By the way, you never told us who you were going to visit. Who was it?" he looked down at her hands and looked back up at Hiyori. "Is that my shrine?"
"Yeah, I wanted to decorate it for the holidays"
"Wow" He took it from her hands. "You didn't have to, I love it, thanks Hiyori" he appeared like a young boy as he smiled happily. "So, where are we going?"
"I was going to visit you..." Hiyori tighten her shoulders as she spoke honestly.
"Me?" his eyes grew with shock. "Wai- wait...you're shrine visit, was to visit me?" Hiyori nodded her head in agreement. It didn't take long before Yato began to cry. He raised his arms high and threw them onto Hiyori. "HIYORI!" he cried out her name with great joy.
Yama looked back as she heard Hiyori speaking alone. In all honesty it didn't surprise her to see Hiyori really wasn't alone. There stood the man with black purple tint hair. He wore a track suit and was accompanied by a young boy with blonde hair, in a green army jacket and a beanie. She smiled as she watched them hug each other. As she stared at the man she was reminded of the terrible accident Hiyori was a part of a year ago. She remembered her calling out for the man she had pushed out of the way, no one believed her. But Yama could have sworn she had seen another person there too. She couldn't remember at the time, the image of that day was foggy. Still as she looked at the guy who hugged her best friend, she saw him clearly. That was the man from that accident. In this moment she understood her dear friends motives. Hiyori had made a wish on that day, and he had come to grant it. He had shown up when Hiyori needed him. He was her god of fortune, a god she strongly believed in.
"How about we go and party with old man Tenjin?" Yato asked happily as he hugged his shrine.
"I'm sure he's too busy for that" Yukine responded with a groan.
"Are you kidding? It's new years, there's no better time. I bet the skank is there with him too"
"Where are we going exactly?" Hiyori looked at him questionably.
"To Tagamagahara of course" He lifted up his shrine and winked at her. "You're all dressed up after all"
In a blink of an eye they have been transported to heaven. The surroundings was lighted up by bright lights. There was music playing in the air. Yato lead them into a large building, the inside was filled with so many gods and regalias. Of course, she had not never thought of it before, but it was possible gods celebrated holidays as well. In a matter of minutes she saw pink hair running towards them from a distance. Kofuku waved at them with everyone else on tow.
"Yatty! You made it" she smiled widely. "And you look super cute, Yori"
"Thank you, so what is this place?"
"Oh, just the annual new years celebration"
"I see that Yato has kidnapped you once again, were you perhaps on your way to a shrine visit?" Tenjin asked kindly. "If memory serves me correctly, you visited my shrine last year"
"Yes, I did..."
"But not this year old man!" Yato yelled out proudly. Tenjins face turned to irritation at the nickname. "She visited my shrine this year"
"And what shrine would that be?" standing tall as she walked towards them, Bishamon was graceful as always.
"Hello, Lady Bishamon"
"Welcome, Hiyori Iki"
"For your information I have a shrine. Hiyori made it for me" Yato held out his small decorated shrine.
"That little thing"
"It's not much-" Hiyori was cut off.
"But it's enough" Yato's serious tone took everyone by surprised. A moment of silence had befallen them.
"That's enough of that" Lord Tenjin spoke after clearing his throat. "How about we enjoy the party"
Everyone had immediately agreed. Yato didn't hesitate to grab Hiyori by the hand and pull her away. She watched as Yato sat his shrine in a very nice hiding spot. Soon after he lead Hiyori towards the dance floor. He twirled her around and pulled her close. When she finally got the change to look up, he was blushing. This caused her to blush and look away. They both dance for a small bit without look at each other. They were so close to one another, Hiyori could smell him so clearly. She could also feel the sweat form in his palms. He was nervous just like she was, but she wondered why.
"Thank you, Hiyori" he leaned in and whispered into her ear. He pulled her in closer into a tight embrace. "Thank you for always believing in me"
As he pulled away Hiyori looked up to smile at the sensitive God before her. "Thank you for always being there. For being a great God of fortune"
Yato blushed and pulled her back into his arms. He didn't want her to see how embarrassed he was. He was so happy he felt like he wanted to cry. This was enough, he thought. As long as one person believes, he will never disappear. He cherished Hiyori, honestly he loved her very deeply.
"Umm, Yato?"
"Let's stay like this...just for a little while, if that's okay?"
Hiyori tugged at his jacket. "Sure. Happy new year, Yato"
"Happy new year, Hiyori"
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With all this deity talk in Noragami and Kamisama Hajimemashita/ Kamisama Kiss, I’m a bit surprised that there’s no crossover fanfic on Fanfiction.net.
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