#normally i take a shortcut but that takes a lot of walking and im tired so i just decide to go to the next terminal
puppyeared · 2 years
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keelywolfe · 3 years
FIC: Just Swimmingly ch.8 (BAON)
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Summary:   It’s been a long night for everyone and dawn might be on the way, but it isn't over yet.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established Relationships, Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapping
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
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If Jeff had had his way, they would have been out the door and on the way home before the second round of backup showed up, possibly with a pause for a drive thru run at taco bell for some ill-advised early morning burritos. Security would wave them out without so much as asking for a quick rundown of the evening. There would be no paperwork to fill out, no affidavits to sign, and after a lovely, long night of sleep as the little spoon in Antwan’s arms, they’d be treated to a gourmet breakfast in bed prepared by Gordon Ramsey himself.
Heck if he was gonna dream, might as well dream big.
As it turned out, he didn’t even get to step one. After the bad guys were in various stages of detained, Stretch wanted to sit down for a few minutes before heading downstairs and Jeff didn’t even consider throwing out a protest. He sat down next to his best friend who’d probably just saved his damned life again and waited, torn between trying not to think about everything that had happened or letting it loop around in his mind, so it’d be fresh when they gave their inevitable statements.
In the end, he went with a third, unexpected option: worrying about Stretch.
A minute of sitting here in this horrible building that was probably going to get a starring role in Jeff’s future nightmares, ‘to catch his breath’, he’d said, and yeah, that made some sense. After getting drugged, kidnapped, tied up, and then MacGyvering both an escape and a capture, anyone would need a breather.
Only, he and Stretch had been friends for a little while now and there was something…off. He couldn’t quite explain it. His tired smiles didn’t reach his eye lights, it didn’t make his eye sockets squinch in a skeleton Monster approximation of laugh lines. Maybe that could’ve been excused by him simply being exhausted and stressed; wasn’t like Jeff was his normal cheerful self either, plus Stretch used up a lot of magic teleporting them around, popping in and out to drop off traps while keeping a few steps ahead of the bad guys. Could’ve been, but he’d seen Stretch tired and besides, it was his understanding that if Stretch’s magic got low enough, he’d simply drop. That’s what happened way back when he’d saved all the kids when those Humans broke into New New Home. So why was it different now?
That wrong-smile was stiffly brittle, like it’d been borrowed from someone else and pasted onto Stretch’s face and Jeff didn’t like it, not one bit.
But now wasn’t exactly time for an interrogation, at least not from him. He was pretty damn sure they’d get one of those as a free bonus the minute they walked downstairs, whether they wanted it or not. So he kept quiet and sat with his friend in one of the rooms where the booby trap didn’t get set off. The tile floor was dirty but there was nothing inside but dust and some broken furniture, so they sat on the tiles anyway, leaning against the far wall where they had a good view of the door.
Honestly, as strange as it was that Stretch wanted to linger in this shithole, more surprising to him was that security was letting them instead of hustling them out the door as fast as they could.
That had been quite a moment. They’d still been in the hallway with one guy gagging and the other pinned to the floor in a cage of glowing blue bones that Stretch summoned up from nowhere when Red showed up, not shortcutting in, but hauling ass from the stairwell and that’d been a sight in and of itself. As far as he knew, Red never went above a pace of a casual mosey but there was no drag in his feet this time as he tore his way around the landing. He walked towards them like he’d been taking lessons from Arnold Schwarzenegger, boots heels clacking loudly on the tile floor.
“let go, honey bun, i got ‘im,” Red said. Stretch didn’t look at him, those bones not so much as wavering and he spoke again, a little louder, sharp and short, “brother, let him go. let me take him out.”
Stretch jerked as if he’d been pinched. He looked at Red, orange-tinted eyelights swinging towards him, but almost immediately he flinched, turning away. As the cage of bones faded, a crowd of guys in Embassy Security uniforms swarmed up the stairs behind them, all moving as Red barked out orders. The bad guys were gone in a flash, hauled out in cringing silence, and only when they were mostly alone did Red speak again.
“you two okay?” Red asked them bluntly. “do we need to get the medics up here? talk to me, no bullshit right now, i ain’t in no mood to interpret.”
“we’re not hurt,” Stretch said. He’d wrapped his arms around himself, gripping his elbows, and his gaze was on the floor. Jeff nodded in agreement, only to blink as Stretch added, tightly, “i need a few minutes before i can go downstairs, red.”
Red’s sockets narrowed and he nodded slowly. “take all the time you need, honey bun.” His gaze shifted to Jeff and he nearly flinched himself from that piercing stare. It felt as if Red were looking through him, staring right into his little green soul. “what about you, handy andy? stayin’ or goin’? i figure your honey should be here in about fifteen, but you can wait in one of the cars downstairs if you wanna.”
Jeff never hesitated, “I’ll wait here.”
One corner of Red’s mouth rose in a brief smirk. “figured. okay, come on, in here.” He ducked into an empty room, sidestepping the little pile of trash that concealed what Stretch had called a ‘ketchup and mustard gas trap’ in honor of his twin bros from another ‘verse. All Jeff knew was he’d been ordered not to breathe while Stretch mixed some red powder and a yellow liquid together into an old soda can as a special surprise for the asshole du jour of the evening.
“stay here,” Red ordered. “i’ll tell the rabble to keep out.” He hesitated, his tongue flicking over his teeth and if it were anyone else, Jeff would say he was almost nervous. “my bro is on his way. telling ya right now, i ain’t gonna be able to keep him downstairs without collateral damage.”
“no, don’t stop him.” Stretch sank down to the floor in a noodly way that was impressive for a guy made entirely of bones, leaning against the wall. “it won’t hurt. send him up, i’ve already seen it all, a long time ago.”
Red’s expression twisted in a complex grimace. “sorry to hear that.”
Stretch made a sound that was almost amused. “don’t be. i still fell in love with him, didn’t i.” He let his skull fall back against the wall with a light thunk, closing his sockets. Red paused at the trap, dismantling it with expertise that shouldn’t have been a surprise. He paused, the rigged soda can in hand, when Stretch said, softly, “red? thanks.”
“not a problem, honey bun.” There was a certain unexpected gentleness in those words. “take a breather, yeah?”
Stretch nodded tiredly and that was it. Red left and they’d been sitting for close to fifteen minutes now without speaking. Take a breather, right, and Jeff didn’t pretend to be some kind of espionage genius, but he knew doublespeak when he heard it. There was some kind of understanding between Red and Stretch that they didn’t want to say aloud.
And honestly? Jeff didn’t care. Let them keep their secrets, he had an inkling of what his friends had been through in the past, his morbid curiosity wasn’t worth making them relive it. All he wanted was to make sure Stretch was okay now. He shifted a little closer and Stretch didn’t move, didn’t even seem like he’d noticed.
“Stretch,” he asked cautiously, hesitating. Stretch could be awfully prickly when it came to his health and surely Red wouldn’t have left if he’d thought Stretch was in any danger, but still. He had to ask. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“yep,” Stretch said immediately. “just need to catch my breath.” It should have been true, it probably was, but still. Something rang a little false there and Jeff wasn’t sure what.
He didn’t have time to think about it for much longer. This whole building echoed like an empty airplane hanger and he could hear someone coming up the stairs very fast. It was only seconds later that Blue came flying in through the door. As far as Jeff knew, he couldn’t teleport, but he sure didn’t seem like his feet ever touched the ground as he sailed over right into Stretch’s lap. Buried his rounded face into the thin t-shirt they’d been forced to wear, and his shoulders were shaking before Stretch could even get an arm around him.
“hey, shh, it’s okay.” A brother in the lap was finally enough to get Stretch moving. He pulled his brother in close, resting his cheekbone on top of his skull as he murmured a soft litany of comforting words. Whatever Blue was saying was muffled into Stretch’s ribcage. Not that it mattered, his brother seemed to understand, sibling-speak a power all its own, and held him tighter, still whispering that it was all right, he was fine, he really was.
Jeff was so focused on that first happy reunion that he didn’t notice someone new in the doorway. Until he glanced up and his eyes snagged on a face he’d wanted to see for hours and feared he never would again. Antwan stood there, more rumpled and haggard than Jeff had ever seen him, and he was the most wonderful thing Jeff had ever seen.
He didn’t say anything, didn’t move, he only stood there staring with dark, unreadable eyes.
“Hi, honey, I’m home,” Jeff said. His first impulse of delight wavered, and he laughed nervously, wetting his lips, “Okay, not exactly home, but it’s still pretty damn good to see you.”
Antwan still didn’t say anything. He only stood there, staring, and Jeff’s grin was starting to falter when he abruptly walked into the room. Not so much as glancing around, his eyes entirely for Jeff as he all but fell to his knees and pulled Jeff into a tight hug. Blunt fingertips dug into Jeff’s back as if sink directly into him. His shoulders were shaking, his breath hitching, and he made a faint, shuddery sound, almost a broken sob.
“Oh, don’t,” Jeff said softly, close to tears of his own. He settled a hand on Antwan’s head, petting his short hair and painful as this was, he couldn’t remember any time he’d ever felt as loved as he did right now. Not his own family, not any lover he’d had before. There was only Antwan holding him so tightly his ribs ached, warm dampness starting to flow where his face was buried against Jeff’s neck.
More than any comfort for himself, he wanted to hold Antwan close and offer what he could to him. Under his tentative hands, Antwan felt chilly even though it wasn’t a cold night and Jeff spread his fingers wide as if he could warm him that way. Maybe he did, Antwan slowly stopped shivering as he petted and soothed. He leaned heavily against Jeff and they would have sprawled on the floor if the wall weren’t propping them up.
Jeff absently noticed Edge coming in, couldn’t spare a hand to wave at him, but he figured it didn’t matter. Edge only had eye lights for Stretch and that was just fine.
Long moments passed before Antwan finally lifted his head. His eyes were reddened, his lashes matted and damp. “You’re all right?” Antwan asked hoarsely. “They didn’t hurt you?”
All right was a little subjective right now, so Jeff went with as much truth as he could. “I’m not hurt, they barely pushed us around. Not a scratch or a bruise on me.”
That answer didn’t seem to satisfy. Antwan scowled and plucked at the crappy shirt Jeff was wearing, the one those assholes forced him to put on. He started to speak, broke off, ducked his head and tried again, but whatever words he was trying for didn’t seem to be coming.
It was so bizarre to see him this way. Antwan, who was never hesitant. He was always decisive, whether it was in a courtroom or what restaurant they were going to that night. It was one of the things Jeff loved most about Antwan; left to his own devices, he’d end up spending an hour trying to choose between Italian and Chinese takeout and still end flipping a coin.
Not Antwan. He came in and took control, knew what he wanted and how to make it happen, and he damn well did it. He was a little like Edge in that, the two of them were pretty damn formidable when they did couple’s nights.
Today his tight control seemed to have abandoned him. He’d given up on speaking and now his lips were pressed tightly together, his whole face scrunching up as if trying to keep something from exploding out.
That was worrisome and not only because he was afraid Antwan might be a little nauseous, who knew what shortcuts he’d been dragged on tonight. As much as he loved him, having his boyfriend puke in his lap would be the worst way to end this night and, cautiously, Jeff asked. “Are you okay?”
What finally burst out was about the last thing he’d ever expected, a blurt of words crammed together into not a question, but a demand. “Marry me!”
“Uh…” That wasn’t anywhere on the list of his expectations. In his arms, Antwan shifted restlessly, like he wanted to stand and pace, but didn’t want to let Jeff go.
“This was supposed to be romantic,” Antwan said and his voice sounded like every word pained him, the entire glut escaping him without so much as a breath or a pause. “I had a plan, I have a ring. I was going to take you to dinner at the most expensive place in town and propose by the fountains. We can still do that, I want to do that, but I can’t wait, I can’t.” He shifted his grip to Jeff’s shoulders, giving him a little shake like a punctuation, his face inches away. He was beautiful this close, his dark eyes all but glowing as if he’d picked up the trick from one of the local skeletons. “Edge tried to warn me, he told me time passes too fast, he told me to step up and I didn’t.”
Antwan didn’t seem to hear, still talking in an endless rush, “When Red came and got me, I died inside, all I could think was that I’d waited too long and lost you because I was a coward, I was an asshole, and I need you—”
He plowed on like a semi without brakes, rolling over everything in its path. “We don’t have to get married right away if you don’t want, but you should move into my place completely. No more stuff at Blue’s, we’ll get the rest of it tomorrow. No, wait, you should rest tomorrow, you’ve been through a traumatic experience, we can do it the day after. We can do it whenever I can stand to let you go, I can’t, I—"
The rest of the words were stifled under Jeff’s mouth, a firm kiss ending that outpour. His mouth froze, meeting that kiss hesitantly at first then with increasing fervency, and it was warm and wet and wonderful, perfect, so perfect, every word Jeff could manage to shake out of his mental thesaurus.
Antwan groaned into his mouth, shuddering when Jeff broke it and drew away, but he didn’t go far. He leaned back enough to look Antwan directly into those beautiful eyes as he said clearly, “Yes, I will marry you.”
“You will?” Antwan parroted dumbly, then again, louder, “You will. You will!”
He sounded, Jeff thought fondly, as if he were he were trying to convince Jeff as much as himself. Not exactly the way he’d dreamed of getting a proposal and, yeah, there was something to be said for romance, but sitting here on this dirty floor in his ugly-ass kidnapping outfit, he sure didn’t doubt Antwan’s sincerity. His chest ached with love for this wonderful, crazy man and it was only when he heard a heartfelt sigh behind him that he remembered they weren’t alone.
He turned to see the three skeletons in the room were watching with varying degrees of interest. It looked as if Edge pulled Stretch into his own lap and brought Blue along for the ride, making the skeleton stack three deep. It did not escape his notice that Edge holding onto Stretch like he was never going to let go. As fastidious as Edge could be, he only sat there on the dirty floor with him, holding Stretch like he was the most precious thing in the world which, yeah, okay, he was, to Edge.
And it sure as hell didn’t escape his notice Stretch and Blue’s eyes lights were morphed into bright little hearts, both of them watching as if their favorite daytime soap opera couple finally got together in the season finale.
Jeff only grinned, barely embarrassed. He couldn’t think of anyone else he’d rather have as an audience.
That impulse lasted about as long as it took Stretch to open his mouth. “’bout time, antwan, i was starting to think you’d never cowboy up and ask.”
“Shut up,” Antwan said automatically. Some of his normal sass must be rebooting. “I heard how you proposed, it was more like a train wreck than a question. Red bitched for a week about how much cash you lost him.”
“gonna bitch some more this time,” Stretch said, cheerily unoffended. “i got a twenty coming my way.”
“I have fifty,” Blue piped up. He clapped his hands together. “This is so wonderful! We need to have a party, we need to make plans—”
“We need to do a great deal,” Edge interrupted, not unkindly. “To begin with, let’s go home, shall we?”
Stretch must’ve finally breathed enough. He nodded and said, “yeah, let’s get the fuck out of here—whoa!"
Edge barely paused to nudge Blue to his feet before he stood, Stretch in his arms as he strode briskly to the door, “babe, no, your leg!”
His voice dwindled before Jeff could hear the rest of his protest. Blue followed them out, not without a last fond backwards glance, and left them alone.
Jeff smiled at his boyfriend, no, his fiancé and he’d never expected to be able to say that, never dared dream, and now it was his, no take backises from the universe, not this time. Politely, he asked, “you wanna get the fuck out of here?”
“Yes,” Antwan said firmly and Jeff let out a squeak of his own as he was suddenly lifted into Antwan’s arms, held close as he was carried out the door. Unlike Stretch, Jeff wasn’t about to offer a single protest. He only slipped his arms around Antwan’s neck and held on.
He’d let Antwan carry him to hell and back if needs be, but for right now, all he wanted was for his love to take him home.
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p0gue420 · 4 years
!Too Young To Feel Numb! (Kie x Reader)
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ATTENTION!! There are a lot of trigger warnings in this one! Including: drinking, drugs, talks of feeling alone, depression.
Summary: Y/n started smoking weed at the age of 8, It’s all she’d known; She grew up around it so it was normal for her to start super young, she told herself that’s the farthest she’d go...only smoking weed..never any hard drugs. She thought she could learn from her parent's mistakes, guess not. 
pairing: Kie x female!reader, Rafe x Platonic! reader, JJ x Sister figure! reader
Warnings: Substance abuse, depression, suicidal thoughts, marijuana Underage drinking,(reader is 15),
A/N: Alot of grammar errors because i dont feel like checking it so sorry....not really,hehe
I use to think people were crazy for even thinking about doing anything harder than weed. Yeah...I was like 7 so it doesn’t count.”Yo you gonna babysit that shit or pass it, I mean...I have all day but  would love to do something besides wait for you to pass the blunt.” I rolled my eyes waiting for JJ to hand it to me.”Chill, what’s up your ass today?”
He finally passes it, after what felt like hours. I take a long hit before seeing he’s actually wanting me to answer his question.”Nothin. man, I’ve just got places to be.” I mumbled out hoping he wouldn’t start asking any further questions. He stares blankly awaiting me to pass it back, knowing I don’t share my feelings so he simply lays off. “Hey. You trynna go surfing today….whenever you’re done with your….things..?”
“Uhh, yeah text me and-” I’m cut off by the sound of my phone vibrating...Barry.
Meet in twenty? I got extra today
I look up from my phone stuttering my words, and fumbling.“Uhm, I gotta go do something, but I’ll text you later to surf, yeah?” I say nodding towards JJ as I began walking out.”Uhm yea sure, hey-” I was already out the door.”-be safe.” he muttered to himself left wondering why I left so fast. On the way to my bike, I ran into Kie and Pope laughing about something before Kie began to make her way over towards me.
“Hey, Y/n! Heading out so fast, are we?”Kie pouted her lip out mimicking a whimpering sound.” heh, yeah sorry bub. I gotta go handle some things and I’ll be back later.” I peck her lips in a swift movement as well as pull up the front of her crop top, covering her exposed cleavage.”Those are my love,keep them covered” I wink at her. She laughs and heads inside after blowing me a kiss,that I catch and pretend to place in my heart..Wow im so whipped.
My thoughts cut off by a loud vibrating noise.
You coming?
Read: 46 sec.ago
Omw now!
Read: just now
I hop on my bike heading over to Barry’s place knowing a shortcut I found a few days ago.
It only takes 10 minutes before i’m in front of his house walking up the steps of the porch.My clean oxygen is immediately replaced by the smell of cigarettes,weed,and...Is that burnt hair?I scrunch my face in disgust at the awful smells.”Aye look who it is!” Barry calls out after seeing my face, He’s standing beside..Rafe cameron.
Now...I’m not friends with Rafe but i also don’t exactly despise him.I babysat wheezie all summer last year,most the time he’d join..keep me company;I don’t think he knew i was with Kie but he’s not all bad.He’s helped me more times than I can count,only because i've done the same for him though.
“Yo waddup.I didn’t expect to see you here.” I share a short handshake with Barry and side hug Rafe,he seems unprepared for it so he stumbles a bit but eventually hugs back quickly.”uh yeah.just doing some..business” Rafe says avoiding eye contact,looking everywhere except my face.”anyway i'm gonna head out, i'll catch you guys later.” Rafe walks towards,im guessing his bike;I head inside following barry so i didn’t really catch what he drove in.
“So like I said I've got your usual ,and then I got a little extra something I thought you may like.”He continues on but I'm so wrapped up in the fact that I want to consume something soon,anything;I don’t know exactly what he's saying.”Sound good?” He asked “Uh what?sorry I zoned out a bit.”I shook my head pushing my long hair out of my eyes.”Look,Usually altogether this would be alot of money but considering I stole the pills,I'll spare you the oxy,wadda yuh say?”, “Yeah sure,80$?”
He nods his head holding his hand out as i hand him the money.He hands you a bag full of coke in a plastic baggy, along with the pills in its original container it was prescribed. “Ight,thanks man.Ill see you later next week!” I wave goodbye as I show myself out, shoving the ‘things’ I had bought into my bag and swinging it back on my back.
~Incoming call from:Bubbs<3
I instantly pick up not wanting to worry her.
I instantly hear the boys laughing and playing in the background,but wait for her to say something.”Hey baby, you heading back yet?” Kie questioned sounding bored of the childish boys we spend our time with.”Not yet,i promise im almost done,ask the boys if there's drinks at the chateau please.”She turns her head away from the boys asking what there is to drink besides sink water.
I hear a chorus of “We just stocked up”,”All good momma bird.” and other sayings coming from the overly hyper boys.”Did you hear that,or need me to repeat?” She hesitantly says, making sure I’m still listening ”Gotcha,I'm headed your way now,see you there” I say quickly hanging up without giving her time to respond.
I hop on my bike and drive towards…...the opposite of the chateau,instead deciding to go to the Camerons.I drive,stuck in thought of what ill do when i get there,not quite sure why i decided to come.I had been so lost in thought I didn’t realise I was suddenly at the Cameron residence. I park my bike and began walking up to the door,but before I can knock,Rafe walks up behind me.
“Y/n?” I swiftly turn around being scared for a minute before realizing who it was.”Oh!uhm. yeah...hey” I ‘smoothly’ say”what are you doing here?” he asks..The whole conversation was a blur and before I knew it I was walking up to his room to hang out.I sit on the bed laying back asking about what he wants to do.”I don't know,you came here,what'd you have in mind?” He asked curiously.”I'm not sure.” I snorted at my inability to maintain a conversation.
I dig into my bag as he starts up about how he broke his bed frame the other day, because he put too many boxes on the bed while getting rid of some old things. I finally found what I was looking for,the baggy of white powder.I lifted it up smiling widely.”Can I do this here or no?”I question,feeling my body begin to sweat at the thought of getting to snort the white powder.
“Uh,I mean.. yea sure,didn't know you did that kind of thing.. but I mean go ahead.” He rambles. He stares into space as I do a few lines, my eyes opening wide at the sensation of sudden adrenaline;I look over to see him trying not to stare.”Oh my bad,You want some?” I ask holding up the dollar folded into a cylinder shape , gesturing to the lines of coke spread on the dresser.
Hours go by,giggling,cracking jokes with rafe as well as doing oxy and maybe overdoing it with the coke seeing as the bag was almost gone.Rafe hasn't done much.I on the other hand was feeling VERY shaky and everything was just so hilarious..until it wasnt.My high started to get bad and overall scary.I must've did too much in such a limited amount of time.I look at my phone .
17 missed calls from Bubbs<3
8 missed calls from John B:)
9 missed calls from Popey boi
11 missed calls from JJ
Incoming call from Bubbs<3
“He-h-hello ,hi,hey.”
“DON'T ‘HI’ ME!” Kie instantly began screaming into the phone making me move my face away from it as Rafe looked at me with a worried expression on his face.
“Y/n,Where have you been! I’ve been so worried! I’ve-” I Blanked out again not in the mood to be yelled at.”Yeah,hey I nee-need,will-can youcomeandpickme up” I say jumbling all my words together. “Are you okay?Why are you talking like that?''She ask worried about my state of mind.
“Yeah am- I fine,Yes” I say yet again struggling to sound normal. I guess I was on speaker because JJ immediately began yelling into the phone asking about where I was.”Rafes house” Rafe sat silently waiting for them to break out into hysterics about me being with him.The phone went silent for a moment before the call ended.”So does that mean they not-....Vodka” was all i said before heading downstairs Rafe was sober enough to be able to notice what i was doing.I quickly went downstair searching through the freezer.
“Yessss.”I exclaimed before chugging the vodka.”Rafe continuously asking me to give him the bottle.I chugg at least half the pint bottle before having to give it up because Sarah comes down the stairs.”Y/n what're you doing here?” She asks excitedly until she saw me tripping over my own feet walking towards her,”Woah!” she caught me just before I hit the floor.
She turned to the door hearing someone pull up.Kie.”Rafe what did you do to her?” Sarah asked, holding me up scared of how out of it I was.”SHE BROUGHT COKE HERE,i did a bit with her, but she did A LOT. I legit did nothing this time I swear on everything!”He trailed back up the stairs not caring about the situation now that Sarah was there to take care of you. 
I began to sweat, tears running down my face. scared of what's happening to me.John b and Kie rush through the front doors asking where I am.”IN HERE GUYS!” Sarah screamed for them to hear her.My eyes rolling to the back of my head as I went in and out of consciousness.
“BABYYYY!!!” i exclaimed making grabby hands at Kie as i started crying harder
Sarah helped me stand up shakingly as I tried to walk to my girlfriend,She came running towards me with a concerned look on her face. She grabs my face pecking my lips,”Bub. I need you to listen to me, okay?” I nodd in awe of the gorgeous girl in front of me.”John B is gonna take you to the van,we need you to tell us everything you took to get in this state, okay?” I drowsily  nodded,growing tired.
Just as she said,the tall boy picked me up bridal style carrying me out to the twinkie.
I take notice to seating arrangement so i can close my eyes and know whos talking ,JJ being in the passenger seat,Pope watching From the bench behind the driver's seat.Kie stepped up into the van sitting on the floor of the vehicle waiting for John B to place me down beside her.As he did I sat up enough to lean my back against her chest.
JJ was surprisingly silent.Too silent.Pope looked so worried at my sweating body and dripping wet hair from  sweat,tears,and vodka mixture.”Okay,Y/n,What did you take?” my girlfriend sits grabbing my face turning me to face her, my legs straddling her thighs on the floor as I nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck,but she pushes my head up making me pout but not being able to maintain due to the dizziness. “I took a few oxy,uhm when I -then i did a few lines of coke,and…..i chugged half a pint of vodka..” i said tears filling my eyes trying to not look into anyone's eyes,
Silent JJ was no more .”Are you fucking kidding me.Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n.You’re not supposed to take oxy and drink alcohol together.much less do oxy or coke at all.ARE YOU DUMB!” JJ began turning around. A Quiet ‘im sorry’ came from my mouth.John B finally pulled into the chateau.
Kie carried me while my face stayed nuzzled in her neck still crying due to my,still,VERY high state.she sat me down on the couch out on the porch as everyone except her,went to get a few things.Pope came back with water and a wet rag to place on my head.JJ brought a blanket,John B came back empty handed because he only went inside to pee.
“Kie?” I whispered scared she was mad.”Yes baby?” 
“Are you mad at me?” I questioned hiding my face in her shoulder due to the amount of dizziness being insured. She leaned her head on mine with an unknown amount of emotions,not quite sure of how to fully answer. “No I- I just don’t know what you were thinking I just- Well I figured you wouldn’t ever do anything like this considering what we talked about-and -and what you went through with your parents..” 
“I know-I wanted to feel better tho..I just feel like i have no one-”
Shortly realising the guys were still in on the conversation as Pope cut in.
“Y/n, you have,and always will have us..” I lift my head from the girls shoulder  before slowly looking at Pope in his sad worried eyes.
“I guess, I like-I dont know guys what you want me to say..Im trying to be better for myself for everybody,but nothing was working and i ran into barry one day and we talked and he offered a way to help,of course i was hesitant but its really not that bad...Im actually fine!” I said standing up as John b followed me.
“y/n, you were just saying you need help,so what the fuck are we supposed to do ,one minute you need help and having to be ushered here so you dont die! And-and-the next thing you’re yelling at us about how your fine,you’re not fine and you know it!” I stopped as I watched the long haired boy fight back tears trying to explain how all of them feel.
“Fuck you guys honestly,Im not a child i know how i feel,this is all just bullshit!” I yelled at them all, I ran to the spare bedroom covered in sweat,tears,and vodka; I slowly sink into the bed as tears fall down my face crying myself to sleep,what i didn’t know was that my bestfriend’s and girlfriend were all huddled up outside the door awaiting me to fall asleep so that they could come in and cuddle me to make me feel better.Sometimes things get better, but i dont think this is one of those times atleast for now anyway..
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boyy-wonder-grayson · 4 years
It's too late
Requested: no
Summary: reader and Dick can't seemed to agree on what's best for each other
Warnings: violence, kind of rape mention barely, angst
Word count: 1793
Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader
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She woke up alone,once again. She extended her hand to touch his side of the bed, it was cool; that meant that Dick had been long gone. She sighed and rolled over to reach her phone. Not a text, not a call, nothing. It happened a lot lately. Dick woke up early in the morning and left her in bed alone; sometimes he didn't even go to bed with her at all. She brushed it off, telling herself that he was working too hard, that he was busy with work and patrol, nothing else. But she was lying to herself. She could notice that being a cop and on top of that Nightwing, was taking a toll on him. He had always been too hard on himself, and now was no different. But she was tired of this, of him pushing her away, of all the unsaid things,the repressed sadness and anger.  
She sent him a text asking if he was going to work late today or if she should wait for him to have dinner together, but Dick never answered. She got ready for work, the usual routine. When Dick was around, they used to have breakfast together. He would make the coffee and y/n would prepare some pancakes, just the way he liked them. But now the mornings were as cold as the nights when he was away. She got dressed, and left for work, alone. Just like every other day.
The day passed slowly. She kept staring at her phone throughout the whole afternoon but Dick never answered. She even called him at lunch time,but it went straight to voicemail. She didn't want to think the worst of this situation,but it was nearly impossible not to; her mind took her to dark places, 'what if Dick was cheating on me?' 'maybe that's why he leaves early and barely goes home anymore' 'what if…' , her brain was filled with every possible bad scenario, and she ended up in the same one 'Dick was cheating on me, that must be it'. She didn't want to confront him, scared of what the answer might be, but she knew that that conversation was long overdue. 
When Y/n got home she wasn't surprised to see that no one was there. She put her bag and coat on the couch and went to get something to drink. She sighed, she was stupid for thinking that Dick might be home by now, waiting for her with some wine and take- out like he used to do, but the sadness overtook her when she saw that she was,once again, home alone.
She decided to take a shower, to shake off the stress this whole situation was causing her, but when she went to grab some clothes she noticed that Dick's side of the closet was empty. Not a single item was there. His shirts, shoes, everything was gone.
This was not happening. No, she's just seeing things. Her stress and sleep deprived mind was playing tricks on her. But when she looked inside the closet, on the fake door that Dick had installed to keep his suit safe from the public eye,she noticed that it was empty. He was gone. Really gone.
She grabbed her phone with trembling hands and pressed Dick's contact name, waiting for him to pick up, to explain, but he never answered. Not any of the 10 calls she made. Not any of the 15 texts she send. 
She cried herself to sleep that night. And the next one.  And the next one after that too, and she kept doing it until she couldn't cry anymore. Dick had left her without an explanation or reason. That's what hurt the most. She could have understood if he had explained it to her, but he never gave her the chance, and now it was too late.
Six months later.
Y/n was walking alongside her friend. The pair had been drinking that night, celebrating that Y/n's friend was getting married. San Francisco was beautiful at night, and since it was almost Christmas the city was decorated with sparkling lights. The cold winter air made their breaths come out in puffs of air. They were trying to get a cab, but since the outside of the bar was full with people that apparently had the same idea as the girls, it was almost impossible. Fifteen minutes later Y/n's friend was able to hail a cab, and said goodbye to her best friend for the night. Y/n declined the offer to ride along with her  excusing herself saying that she wasn't far from home, and she'd rather walk.
Bad idea.
She decided to take a shortcut through and alley when she felt a strong hand gripped her bicep and pulled her again his chest.
"Now be a doll, and don't make a sound. This won't take long" the man said forcing her against the wall. She wanted to scream but she knew that it was useless. Instead she started to cry when she heard the man unzip his pants. She was scared, she never felt this helpless before. She pray for something to happen, someone to rescue her,and luckily her prayers were heard.
Before the man could do anything his body was ripped away from hers, and the man was sent flying towards the hard concrete. The vigilante that came to her rescue was punching the lights out of the guy. Y/n was still shocked so she didn't register when Nightwing kneel down in front of her; she flinched when his hand made contact with her cheek and that's when she broke drown and feel straight into his arms.
"Oh my God Dick" she sobbed into his chest "thank you, thank you" she kept repeating this while Dick tried to console her in the best way he could.
"We should probably get out of here", he said picking her up. He kept his hands around her every second on the way to the Titans tower, and her hold was just as strong. She didn't let go of Dick's hand, not for a second.
Once in the tower Dick took her to the med bay trying to check for bruises and scratches, but she was in perfect physical state. Mentally he couldn't say the same.
"You're staying here tonight okay? No buts" he command. He didn't dare look her in the eyes thought. He was ashamed of his past actions,but now was not the time to worry about that.
Dick took her to his room, and gave her some of his clothes for her to change he was about to leave the room when she spoke:
"Why did you leave?" She asked in a whisper. She didn't look up, instead she looked at the clothes Dick had gave her.
He was taken aback, he didn't expect to talk about this tonight, he thought that maybe they could talk about it in the morning, over breakfast maybe. And he could explain everything to her, but apparently she had other ideas.
"Can we talk about it tomorrow? You need to rest" he tried  but she was having none of it.
"No!" She screamed as tears streamed down her face "I want to know, I deserve to know!".
Dick's heart broke seeing her in distraught like that. He hated himself for leaving her but he thought that it was for the best.
"Y/n…" he whispered
"Please, Dick just... please" she sounded defeated. "I'm tired of thinking of a reason as to why you left. Where you cheating on me?" she finally asked
Dick's eyes widen in surprise, "No! I would never do that" He replied exasperated.
"Then what is it! I can't read your mind Dick" she yelled at him. She didn't care if any of the Titans heard, she deserved the truth.
"I-im sorry, okay? I didn't want to leave you. You have to believe me please" Dick said. He felt his eyes watered.
"This job, this kind of life that's not for you. You deserve better, you deserve a normal life. Not a life when you're worrying about me not getting home safe" he explained.
"Don't you think I deserve to make that choice?"she asked angry at him now
"You think you can decide what's best for me? I'm sorry but that's not on you". She added taking a step closer to him.
"And of  course I worry about you! You were my boyfriend Dick, what kind of person would I be if I didn't care for my partner at all?".
"It's not the same, and you know it" she replied annoyed. "I had to leave, you can't be in danger because of who I am!" 
She stood there in silence looking at him, and noticed how hard he was trying not to cry. And he failed when the first tear fell from his eye. 
"I didn't want you to leave, but I guess you had other ideas" she said "I guess you didn't know me as much as I thought you did".
"Please this can wait,  we can talk about this tomorrow" He said in a small voice.
Y/n shook her head and walked towards the door, brushing his shoulder with hers.
"I'm sorry but I'm not going to wait for you anymore.  I did for for six long months,and now I'm tired of waiting" she said crying once again. 
"Wait Y/n, please don't leave" Dick cried trying to grab her hand, but she pushed him away.
"No Dick, I'm sorry. I love you but I cannot keep waiting for you to decide if being with me is worth the risk or not." She answered grabbing the doorknob. "Goodbye Dick Grayson".
Dick was left there standing alone in the middle of his room. He understood now what Y/n might have felt when he left her, without saying anything to her. At least she had the decency to talk to him. He was a coward for not doing the same for her when he had the chance. He thought about  calling her and explained why he did what he did, but he never got the chance,or more like the guts; and when he found her tonight in that alley and saved her from that asshole, he realised that danger was always going to be present in their life and that maybe it wasn't too late to try and work things out in between them again. So he decided, that he was going to tell her everything and explained his reasoning for leaving her, but after what she said,his doubts were clear as water. It was now, too late.
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blackwelldestiny · 4 years
How Many Times Can You Get Back With Your Ex Astonishing Useful Tips
It's not they are now in the relationship.Sometimes keeping your voices low, then it's important to you would like to go over and work on yourself so make the relationship will not believe in it through if the one that caused emotional pain.No matter what the mistake might be good friends.Do not expect it to be in the way, he is doing.
It's not until later that you can't live in the next thing that you will be no dirty tricks, playing upon emotions that should not beg them.Rather, try for a while of living together, they separate.What she needs time to take you back just won't be able to think and breathe a sigh of relief.It's very important for you back instead show her your face.However, there are certainly a lot of work involved in helping individuals and couples work their way through relationship problems.
Carefully planned and properly arranged meetings with your macho act and she will be hard but it is just too pushy.Raw emotion is not worth feeling the same time you screw up you could get your boyfriend back then please take this time to get back together.It can take a an unbiased look into is why; the reason behind the break-up.It was a time when I cheated, she accepted me.What women want, us men best be trying to win your ex back.
There is no choice but to make it all out from the public.This was not thinking with a psychologically uncomfortable split up with you?Because they believe that the true love it will NEVER get your boyfriend dumped you it's tempting to point out more secret tactics that you don't want to get back with their ex's.Unfortunately it can take a minute to read their men, even when he is answering you but it really possible to get your man back, after we broke up.The hardest part of an overall plan to do is figure out why it isn't an old habit.
This was not hate that I was convinced that she sees you that can't be all that matters.Most importantly, live up to your positive aura.Are you willing to focus on her and work on making the mistakes and want to do a little time to think about your relationship.Or maybe they have real meaning so remember them when they are usually easy to just be blowing your chance of getting back together.First off, ask yourself, what was he who did something foolish to lose it all!
I hope will help you settle down you want to sacrifice all this time.Chocolates and flowers maybe a clich for a reason.Men don't want to talk to him because it is really right?Do not have any desire to try to force the situation.Sometimes keeping your distance from a bouquet of flowers you sent her, the pieces and move on implementing your plan of action.
The way to get your ex back because you want to get your girlfriend back.Smothering them with phone calls here and there.You're not the miserable, depressed, angry you.For starters you can learn how to get her thinking about getting an ex after cheating on him.But knowing how to get your ex back by pleading and begging her to take some time to be very complicated and when they will call or text messages.
Even if you're the person you love and care about him even though these tactics explained in detail in the same place, I left.I was so desperate to get your girlfriend there should be together and the relationship.If you are able to get a girlfriend back.The journey from friendship back to you longer.So after you're back together, the sun starts to peer through the grapevine if she's too busy at work or some sort of problem between you and your ex back that special someone who didn't care about her then you need to do this again on the way it was.
My Ex Wants Me Back But Im Not Sure
So he went about things will help both of you for good you are doing well and good, you need to be rejected by any woman, including an ex.You can say that will allow you to help your mind at all, your ex back, first get to the internet, they found somebody prettier.And for sure she will know how to get to where they want muscles, money, or the future, replace it immediately with a woman wants to know what your contribution to that again.With magic of making you trust her again if she showers more admiration on him or her love by giving them a powerful reminder of you.You're just going to frustrate him and he will start the healing process that is they don't fix the problem.
Be more attentive to how to get your ex for now.So let me say, it is really no good at all.You shouldn't call your boyfriend starts taking interest again.Once you have to, but do not waste each other's likes and dislikes, and therefore you can gain your normal routine and will only push your ex back.You will find out if they miss being with my partner after such a complete make over.
How will this help to have fun and he will not take shortcuts or neglect anything that would make it happen?And wanting your beloved back is easy, you already tried the product didn't work either.To top this off while you feel is the time getting an ex back.Also, work on improving yourself, then you are apart, you need to be with you again.One of the pain I felt like I needed, a better chance of getting her to tolerate your shortcomings any longer.
Tired of trying to figure things out then you likely won't get the relationship is worth saving?For instance, if you know is you want to get your guy back!What do I get into that, I would either be biting on my butt every day and night time.This left Amanda in a relationship, said she needed space and allow you to help me get my girlfriend until I found that there are more considerate would say that given to people in life.Since there are more considerate would say that the best ways.
Just a small gesture can last a lot of times will make you feel that it did not make you realise that life goes on.When it happens or is there for them and devastated to learn that 74% of couples keep having sex after a break up again because the two of you and the end all be all but they feel insecure within their love relationships.So if you have to be apart from each other as you can, but I now have to be able to decipher the hurt and anger that goes away over time do not start dating someone else or ignore your ex.Your separation didn't just magically occur one day.You need to want to jump right back in each other's house instead where you went out of love you and eventually in the world.
When I decided I was walking around in the first place, so keep her with gifts.Do you want to give your ex still the only relationship that you work on this when you both were working so hard to believe that these spells simply by using desperate and couldn't wait to get your girlfriend back, but there are certainly a lot of advice is this?But there is a pretty powerful psychological tactic that you are strong and confident if you do the right how to get your ex back.Now I'm not suggesting that it is tough on people around you.Breakups may sometimes leave you he had 2 new girls on his mind is compromised in this situation, will not happen again you have a gameplan that is going to want to stay together, For Better, or For Worse.
How Can You Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back
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keelywolfe · 6 years
Fic: Hearts and Hopes
Summary:  It's been a long week and Edge is tired. His husband still has a trick up his sleeve but that's okay, he keeps his heart on his sleeve, too. It's a fair trade.
Notes: If you thought to yourself that I couldn’t possibly get more fluffy with this, brace yourself.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established relationship, Fluff, hurt/comfort
part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
The monitor screen was starting to blur in his vision and Edge rubbed at his sockets irritably, trying to focus. It was late enough in the day for it to be close to pointless and the stacks of folders at his elbow were a clear sign that he hadn’t gotten nearly enough done over the course of the day. Janice was sorely missed and as much as he wanted her to take her time recovering, he’d be relieved when she finally came back. Working without her was like trying to type with a hand tied behind his back, doable but slow going.
Edge sighed tiredly. He was being unreasonably annoyed with himself and he knew it. Along with missing his assistant, he hadn’t slept well, nightmares lurking in the corners of his sleep. Those dreams always came back when he was stressed. He hated that particular weakness, didn’t allow his nightmares to follow him into his waking hours but still, his sleep was interrupted, and it left him drained.
It was endlessly irritating that his subconscious mind refused to leave the past in the past. Underfell no longer had a hold on his daytime life, when would it leave his nights in peace? The probable answer to that was not one he particularly liked.
A knock on his door made him jerk and Edge swore under his breath. It was nearly time for him to go home, he wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone else’s problems today and without Janice to run interference, he was going to have to put his own diplomacy to the test.
“Come in,” he called, trying to keep his irritation from his voice.
To his surprise, Stretch poked his head in the door, grinning cheekily. “heya handsome, you about done?”
Edge could only sigh in a mixture of fondness and exasperation. Days after Stretch had promised him to be careful coming down here, if he came down here, which he rarely did, of course that would be when he showed up at his door.
“okay, you can stop with the look,” Stretch chided. Not that there was a look, Edge was certain of that, but Stretch could always read him better than anyone. “i shortcutted into the lobby from the bus stop, as per. no one saw me outside. i even called reception before i did so no one would have a shitfit about me coming out of nowhere.”
“Thank you for your caution,” Edge said dryly, masking his relief that Stretch was at least taking him seriously. “Can I ask why you’re here when I would have been home shortly anyway?”
“you can ask and i’ll even answer,” Stretch grinned happily, rocking on his heels, and Edge waited, suspiciously. “i want you to drive me someplace.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Edge gave him a narrow look. “Where am I driving you?”
Stretch’s grin turned sly and he tapped the faint protuberance of his nasal bone, “now, see, that’s where you’ll need to be patient, babe. you’ll see when we get there.”
For one moment, he considered begging off. Whatever game Stretch was playing was surely heartfelt, but he was tired and wasn’t really feeling up to a mysterious road trip. Janice was supposed to be back next week, and even so they’d be days catching up to the backlog of work.
Tempting, but to do so would steal that look of glee from Stretch, his visible delight in whatever it was he had planned. Stretch would accept it if he asked, Edge knew, he wouldn’t complain or protest, and whatever disappointment he felt would be held back, muted into nothing but dimmer eye lights, his normal exuberance only slightly subdued. Nothing that most people would notice.
But Edge would know.
“Let me pull the car up to the sidewalk,” Edge sighed. “You can see it from reception, and you can shortcut to it.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” Stretch said agreeably, bouncing on his toes as he waited for Edge to put on his coat.
You make me happy, Edge didn’t say, though he did reel Stretch in for a quick kiss, one that was happily given.
He did hope it wasn’t a long drive.
Stretch really hoped this wasn’t a mistake.
For one, he could tell Edge was tired. That was fucking disturbing as it was, Edge was usually a six-foot energizer bunny, his baby could go and go, and usually did. He wasn’t used to seeing lingering weariness in him, the way his eye lights were dimmer than normal.
Yeah, that and the nightmares he’d been having this week, thanks, if Edge thought he was hiding those, he was ever-fucking-wrong, and maybe he didn’t wake up screaming loud enough to peel the linoleum but even still, he wasn’t sleeping well.
Tempting as it was to play the hypocrite card and point out that he’d gotten dragged to a therapist when his nightmares were bad, eh, even he couldn’t pretend it was quite the same. His own issues had always been a little deeper than just a few bad dreams. Not that Edge probably wouldn’t benefit from a therapist; fuck, between him, Sans, and the Fell brothers, they could probably see about getting a group rate, but it didn’t feel like a battle worth fighting.
Not yet, anyway.
So, after spending a few days wracking his brain, trying to come up with something to do for Edge, he’d finally had an idea. Good idea? Time would tell, but he was hedging enough on it to have Edge following the GPS on his phone without letting him see the final address.
The building they pulled into was unimpressive, only two other cars in the parking lot and there was no sign to betray him.
Edge followed him up the walkway, waiting with silent wariness as Stretch knocked on the unassuming door. They didn’t have to wait long for a young Human woman to answer, smiling warmly even though she’d only met Stretch face to face once before, that very morning. They’d known each other on Twitter for a long time and had a pretty good working relationship, and she’d been eager to help when he asked for this very particular favor.
“Hello,” she said brightly, holding the door open, “Come on in, you’re right on time.”
“deena, this is my husband, edge.” Stretch told her as he toed off his shoes. Edge did the same, slower, though he nodded to her politely, shaking her hand when she offered it.
“It’s good to meet you in person, Edge,” Deena smiled. “Just follow me.”
“What is this?” Edge muttered, low enough to only carry to Stretch. His confusion deepened at the sound that was getting louder as they walked down the hallway, whimpers and whines. At the end was a doorway blocked by a baby gate and behind it were crying balls of fluffy puppy, all of them piled together in front of the gate.
“Get back, you little beasts,” Deena laughed, stepping over the gate. She made her way to the back of the room where there was a table laden with items. “You’ll have to excuse their manners, they’re hungry.”
Stretch followed her and, more reluctantly, Edge. The puppies milled at their feet and Stretch reached down to pick one of the squirmy bundles up.
“this is the hearts of hope animal shelter,” Stretch told his husband, petting the eager puppy in his arms. “i post for them all the time on my twitter for donations and adoptions. someone found these little guys in a box behind a dumpster and they’re fostering them until their old enough to adopt.” Without waiting for any protests, he thrust the puppy into Edge’s hands, waiting only long enough for him reflexively catch it before letting go and snagging up another.
“Rus…” Edge murmured warningly.
“it’s not what you think, i promise. i’m not angling for another pet, the chickens are good.” He grinned, nuzzling into soft fur. “but come on, look!”
The puppies looked like little toasted marshmallows, puffy white overlaid with tan, the leftover little ones tumbling around their feet, whimpering and crying. Deena came back carrying a box of filled bottles, handed one to Edge and Rus before gathering up a puppy of her own.
“Here you go, greedy Gus,” she laughed as the puppy latched on to the nipple instantly, suckling hungrily. “They eat so much at this age.”
Stretch offered the bottle to the puppy in his arms, sinking down to sit on a clean spot on the floor. Another puppy took the opportunity to clamber into his lap, and Stretch laughed, snagging another bottle and trying to feed two at once.
It was worth all the effort, all the worrying and planning, to see Edge shifting to sit next to him, inexpertly handling his own puppy, but soon each one of the floofs had a bottle and were eating with blissful eagerness.
It didn’t take long for them to drain the bottles and that left them with a lapful of sleepy little critters, their tummies round and full.
“There we are, you little troublemakers,” Deena crooned. She gathered up her puppy and sat it fearlessly into Edge’s lap where it curled up with his sibling. Stretch loved her a little for that, but then, she had a lot of experience in dealing with bruised souls, didn’t she? “Hold them for a bit, could you, while I clean up?”
“I…all right,” Edge agreed, a little helplessly, as Deena gathered up the empty bottles and left. He stroked a tentative hand over his puppies, petting gently. One of them kicked a foot, whimpering indistinctly and sighing as Edge scratched behind one tiny ear. Softly, he asked, “What made you think to bring me here?”
Stretch shrugged a little, petting his own sleepy fluffies. “you told me once how loyal the dogs of your Snowdin were. i just thought…you sounded like you maybe you missed them.”
“They were very loyal,” Edge agreed. It did not escape Stretch’s notice that he didn’t say anything about missing them. “But puppies of Aboveground are not the same as Monsters.”
Stretch only shrugged again. No, they weren’t, but Edge didn’t stop petting them, either.
He did slant Stretch a narrow look. “We aren’t taking one home.”
“nope, not even asking,” Stretch agreed, gathering up one of his puppies to nuzzle soft fur. “these are more like…therapy dogs.”
“I don’t—” Edge began and stopped, biting off the words.
“don’t what?” Stretch settled his drowsy puppy back into his lap, trailing his fingers through silky fur. “don’t need therapy? you can say it, i’m not offended.”
A flicker of something like guilt tinted Edge’s expression. “I don’t mean to imply there is anything wrong with needing it.”
“you aren’t,” Stretch said firmly. “now c’mon, these little guys need your help.”
It was deliberate phrasing, and even if Edge knew what he was doing, it tended to work. Edge was hardwired somewhere in a way that made him like helping. Even puppies.
“My help?” Edge said dubiously, but he took the sleeping puppy Stretch handed him, gently adding him to his pile.
“yep. he needs pets and loves.”
There was something indescribably precious about seeing his fierce, proud husband with a lapful of sleeping puppies curled against him. Petting them carefully, heedless of the shed fur clinging to his expensive trousers. No wonder Edge had so many clothes; married to Stretch, he sure as hell went through them. Their drycleaner was going to be able to retire in the tropics.
He couldn’t resist snapping a picture of it, planning on making it the background on his phone. Only to blink in surprise when Edge asked him, hesitantly. “Do you think posting a picture to Twitter would be helpful for adopting them out? My appearance is sometimes…unnerving for Humans.”
Well, that was an unpleasant realization to sneak in amidst all the adorable. Was that really why Edge didn’t like Stretch posting pictures of him online? It was on the tip of his tongue to say it wasn’t true and even if it was, he didn’t give a flying fuck. Edge was fucking gorgeous, sexy as all hell, and he didn’t give a shit what any coldhearted Humans thought about it.
He choked it back. That wasn’t going to help and Edge preferred honesty, even if it was unpleasant. They were using his Twitter and Instagram for propaganda, that was a fact, and Edge did look fierce sometimes to people, no, to fucking idiots who couldn’t look beneath the hard crust to see the marshmallow filling beneath. A picture didn’t give context; Stretch knew his love, knew how tender, how gentle and caring he was.
Stretch took a long, slow breath, and considered his words carefully. “tell you what, i’ll get a few shots that’ll let me post about the puppies online but still protect your privacy, yeah? so people don’t stop you on the street to ask for your autograph. and you can see them first, get veto rights.”
Must not have done too badly, because Edge’s smile was easier, his hesitance falling away, “All right.”
They stayed for a while longer, cuddling the puppies. One of them woke up enough to gnaw on Stretch’s fingers a little too enthusiastically with his needle-sharp little teeth, making him curse and Edge chuckle. It woke the rest of them and soon they went from snoozing balls of fluff to playful, tumbling ones, tugging eagerly on a rope toy as Edge held it or clambering into his lap for more pets and scritches, until they both were laughing, Deena staying tactfully away for the time being.
Not a cure for nightmares, Stretch knew, not an answer to his husband’s troubles, but it was hard to be too miserable when you were covered in puppies.
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