#norn tattoos on a human
guardianbeargaming · 2 years
I’m posting this really late, BUT
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They did an amazing job of drawing my main GW2 RP character; Olan Stone.
lol, I originally had no plans for making him buff when I 1st made him (wanted to keep him a scrawny Priory nerd), but he got adopted into a norn family and then started to train in an earth-magic-based martial arts in Cantha. Whoops.  Now he’s my buff wizard that RP friends like to tease with the name of “Swolan”.   XD
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storm-called · 2 years
I am once again thinking about body modification among the GW2 species
Perhaps there are asura who dock their ears, possibly for cosmetic reasons, but also maybe for combat reasons (as long ears are more likely to be damaged in battle). Asura who insert little implants under their skin that are capable of interacting with golem technology. Sylvari who perform scarification on themselves in order to create a certain pattern of glow. Charr, typically unable to get tattoos on account of all the fur, instead shave intricate designs into their fur; carving details into the ivory of their horns.
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idrawtoomuch-gw2 · 2 years
Not to complain but sometimes I am reminded of how unequal(?) the shape exaggeration of the norn models silhouettes are and just
internally scream
(i love gw2 and i love norn but aaaAAAAA)
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moth-tea-merchant · 6 months
hay so the tattoo skins are on sale and i just want everyone to know that there is a known an unfixed issue with them that causes them to z-fight aka flicker HARD depending on the LOD level of a map
while i only have a video of this happening with my norn I have tested it on M/F human, M/F sylvari, F charr and M/F asura. the only ones that didn't have z-fighting/flickering issues were asura
this is not just a client side thing, others can see this aswell.
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vampiricsheep · 5 months
(tagged by @commander-wame and @mystery-salad, thanks! <3)
Ty for the tag @herald-of-aurene !!
tagging @bird-bureau @commander-winterberry @norn-knot, @the-desert-beast and any other besties that haven't been tagged yet
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(art by @/comander-winterberry, thank you again!!)
-- B A S I C S
Name: Shadow Nicknames: "the edgehog" by a rather disparaging friend (Keith) Age: ~25 Birthday: June/july 26th (shit's happened enough that he honestly can't remember the month, just that it's one of the J's) Race: Human Gender: one of those he/its Orientation: dudes Profession: just trying to get by, man (unemployed)
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: glossy, if often greasy or dirty, black with dyed red ends Eyes: normal human black. sometimes you'll catch a glimpse of something feline and golden, though Skin: a light tan with golden undertones Tattoos/Scars: nothing of note. most scars are shallow and mostly healed to the point of having to actively look for them to see them
-- F A M I L Y
Parents: doesn't know em, orphanage baby Siblings: same as above In-laws and others: same as above Pets: none
-- S K I L L S
Abilities: more of a curse than ability honestly but when he sleeps its spirit inhabits the body of a jaguar. it's the same spirit so he maintains memory, thoughts, and control across both bodies Hobbies: carving soap with a shitty pocket knife. used to do parkour but it fumbled and hurt his shoulder pretty badly once
-- T R A I T S
Most positive trait: It's pretty versatile and rolls with the punches. Most negative trait: Easily irritated, often seems in a confused state that's frustrating for both it and anyone that's not close enough/compassionate enough to be patient. very low standards; once ate a live mouse for twenty bucks
-- L I K E S
Colors: dark black-green, overpass grey, rich red Smells: Monstera houseplant leaves (if you get your face up in them you'll know what I mean), grapefruit, tobacco Textures: glossy waxy leaves, stretchy denim, concrete Drinks: honestly? limey hard tap-water and really weak beer. He drinks Monster energy drinks but he doesn't really like the taste unless he's delirious.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: nah Drinks: had a phase but it's expensive so he really only does it if someone else is buying and doesn't seek it out anymore. preferred poison is cheap beer Drugs: nope. just made things kinda worse all around when he tried em Been arrested: a few times. mostly shoplifting or petty theft, but there was a time when he was falsely accused of passing out drugs and another really bad time where he was investigated for murder. it wasn't him though
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wikimb · 2 years
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Some little lore drop.
Michael got them probably after Season 4. Despite being a human the “tattoos” look so norn-like because he was partially raised by a norn lady - Minerva. It reflects how impactful she was on him as well.
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i-mybrunettelady · 1 year
i can't recall whether you've talked about this before, but how would the beloved sonboy fare if he was in gw2?
Hey!!! No, I haven't because I'm still figuring it out (I'm prolly not gonna make him in game, as I have one more uniquely gw2 character idea to do when I get a new slot) but I can speculate.
My main gripe is that I don't have all the design choices I need to make him. Anet seems to think freckles are not for masc models (seriously there are no male freckled humanoid faces, either on human or norn, although if I'm wrong please correct me) and long hair (the length I need, that is, which is very fem model oriented) is as well! Norn tattoos work great on him, but the bodies are not very Cass-esque. Only semblance of Cassander Inteus I was able to produce was with sylvari and here are the results, for funsies, and do forgive the weird crop:
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Anyway, to now answer your question fully - sylvari!Cass would probably be one of the two unnamed firstborn who had a big, nasty fight with the Pale Tree and left the Grove very early. Would be a shit commander, so I don't see Pacts in his future. I can see him as a mesmer, or maybe thief, or maybe an overlap between the two.
Human!Cass, if I could make it, would probably be a kid of a White Mantle noble family that nobody knows is White Mantle and his story can resume more or less as it is in the original, if we're talking general beats.
Sorry if I didn't give any concrete answer, I'm just very salty I cannot recreate him in my comfort game so I choose to let him stay in his canon world, or in Exile. Still, sylvari!Cass does look very, very neat.
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wall-legion · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons for jewelry, accessories, or bodymods the fantasy races might decorate themselves with that differ from humans? (Sending good vibes, feel better soon <3)
Asura who are seen as more "sentimental" will often tattoo their favorite invention(s) patent number(s) onto their body. But it's somewhere that they have to work to show it to you, like pushing up a sleeve or pulling away a collar, that kind of thing. Many asura who have gone to the effort of getting a "patattoo", as it's derisively called by those who think it's not worth it, say it's a mark of trust and mutual respect to show someone where it's located- let alone the inventions marked there. Sylvari are able to manifest different ornamentation based upon the season of the year or where they are in the world. A sylvari who might be in Cantha in spring could envision themselves adorned with cherry blossoms, while one in Applenook Haven at the same time of year would have more luck if they were to opt for the blooms of the nearby apple trees. It has to do with the locally available pollens. There's rumors that one can also do this by consuming honey from a different region, but that may be Canach's next hustle. Charr historically decorated themselves with something taken from an enemy kill, but since a lot of former enemies are now allies (cough cough humans) that's seen now as 1) terrifically old-fashioned and 2) very, very impolite and outright hostile to do. If charr are going to wear jewelry, they want something that's going to last and something that represents their warband. There's actually a popular jeweler in the Black Citadel whose entire livelihood comes from making jewelry for the Iron Legion. Ash prefer fiber arts (because no metal clinks means no being heard when they're sneaking up on something). Finally, Blood Legion can be reliably counted on to want items featuring rubies, garnets, or more recently bloodstone. Finally, norn have highly elaborate tattoos as is, but they also have highly involved marriage rituals involving family jewelry. In order to ask for another's hand in marriage, the two partners must both craft a piece of jewelry for a family member whom their beloved holds in great respect. (It does not have to be a parent! It could be their uncle, a cousin, a grandparent: as long as their significant other would want their blessing upon the union, the jewelry piece can be for them.) It can be made out of any material, but it must feature of blue topaz: previously this was to symbolize the norns' wish to see the defeat of Jormag, now it is commonly said to be the wish to see their ancestral homelands again. As long as both family members accept the gifted pieces (and they usually do) then the wedding may proceed! (thank you for the good vibes, I'm on two prescriptions so here's hoping I'm back to my usual speed in a few days! <3)
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khorren · 1 year
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Introducing Oratahli.
When the norn were pushed out of their homelands, Orathali’s ancestors stayed in Hoelbrak for a short spell but moved on soon after. They abandoned the idea of the Spirits of the Wild and traveled to Kryta along with several other familes. When Lion’s Arch re-built after the floods the families moved there to help with efforts and put down roots.
Orathali (Ora to her friends) is 16 years old at the start of the personal story and she works in a small clinic in the city that her parents own. She’d make occasional trips to the Durmand Priory for research.
She’s very small and scrawny for a norn and most people just mistake her for a tall human at best. She doesn’t carry a family name like the humans, nor does she carry the name of one of her parents as her own, nor any honorific or title like a norn might. She is just Orathali.
When the attack of Lion’s Arch happened she helped people evacuate to the camps outside the city and that’s when she noticed the Ulvstrom sisters. A small team of norn (Aoife, Siobhan, Roisin, and Aisling) all helping out in tandem. Occasionally shifting into their animal form to perform tasks, she’d never seen anything like it. Besotted with this norn pack using their innate abilities she wanted to know more about them and also norn in general.
Once the re-build efforts were under way and things were a little calmer she returned to the Durmand Priory, this time researching anything she could about norn culture. Her parents were supportive of the idea, but had no interest in getting involved. They believed the human gods were long gone, and they believe that the spirits of the wild may have helped the norn in the past they were since long gone and that Jormag had destroyed them all.
She doesn’t feel very norn-y at all, but having met the Ulvstroms she’s become a little besotted with them and thinks it might be time to learn about her people.
Orathali began adding bits of norn culture in her life. The idea of the intricate tattoo designs fascinated her. She wasn’t quite ready to tattoo her face but she did mark up her face so that others would see her as norn, not as some runt of Lion’s Arch.
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daekie-gw2 · 2 years
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having the craving to make a new toon once again......... thinking one of these. asura is a new guy. i dont know anything abt them besides ‘cheery and upbeat but has something distinctly wrong with them’. vrize? reisk? ppprobably light armor. or a specter. i love light armor but my options on what im missing here are weaver (No.), mirage (theyre too green for it), & harbinger (commander picked up a gun & made a support harb build for fun last week so its basically already in use). for reference i try not to double up on elite specs, helps me vary things up
the norn is... porrima? peony? one of those names. port of another oc. peony crystalheart. probably heavy armor, probably a willbender . girl who fell in the mists like 20 years ago in another universe and came out Different. shes got amnesia and also shes got rocks in her (those are not tattoos. shes got rocks in her). immensely powerful magic
realistically i could also make her as a human but norns are the closest gw2 gets to a fat option so.
i could also do azriel spireshine (charr) but i still dont know what the closest analogy to melee blood hunter is in gw2. 
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brax-was-here · 2 years
Anet...it’s 2023...
How about porting the Norn tattoo options to humans?
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gglitchshit · 3 years
me at myself: how many diavolo inspired characters do you wanna make
me: yes
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leucoratia · 3 years
A FLUFFY headcanon for Loki X Reader?
Colour in-between the lines
Pairing: GN!Loki x GN!Tattooed!Reader
-Summary: Loki gets curious about your tattoos. You aquire markers and give them a new look.
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A/N: Ohohohohoo yes my friend yes. My field of expertise is angst but I might make an exception just for you! I started writing a headcanon but it ended up being a drabble. Oh well, more for you I guess.
If you want to be added to the loki taglist let me know!
You're laying in bed with your partner by your side. Loki's calloused fingers are tracing your curves, softly caressing you with a star-struck look in their eyes. Their gaze and touch sometimes stop over your many tattoos, marveling in the drawings embedded in your skin.
"Like what you see?, you said with the hint of a smile in your voice
-Norns yes.", they murmured in admiration
You both remained like this for awhile, the God's head buried buried the crook of your neck while you delicately stroked his raven curls.
Loki didn't really grasp the modern concept of tattoos. Sure, when they visited Midgard in earlier times, tattoos where mainly used to signify belonging to a clan, or a particular skill one possessed. But now? The mortals seemed to like getting them for no apparent reason. You had many yourself, and whenever they asked about one the answer they got only left them more confused.
The prince had never seen all of them though. So when you laid there on the pristine covers, bare for their eyes to wander on, they allowed themselves to get lost in the sight of you. They traced every curve, every scar, every spot and every line. They asked about every single one of these little drawings that made you so unique. You answered them gingerly, your wild stories going from the deep meaning of some to the funny stories of when you and your friends got unbelievably drunk and were entrusted with a tattoo machine.
You explained to them why humans loved those seemingly silly little pictures. Why your sailor friend got an anchor on their ankle, why another has a semicolon, and why another simply has...an egg.
"They don't need to mean something. Most of us have a deeply personal tattoo, it's usually your first one", you explained pointing your very first one. " The madness only goes on from here."
Loki nodded. It was a beautiful concept, decorating yourself in such ways.
"Then these images only make you more of a work of art" they said with a smile in their voice,
-"You flirt!", you giggled, nudging them with your nose, getting a soft chuckle from the god.
Loki eventually confessed that long ago, during one of their long visits on Midgard, they had accomplished such an incredible feat that the tribe they saved tried giving them their markings. They would have been honored...if their skin wasn't so thick that it broke all of their tools, and that they had been subsequentially driven out of the village, being accused of being an avatar of evil.
You chuckled at their misfortune, earning a glare from the God of Mischief.
"Do you want me to give you tattoos?
-What? How? I just told you how it went last time" they said with a frown.
"Let me show you!"
In a spur, you were out of bed and neck deep in your drawer, foraging for an unknown object. Although their curiosity was pushing Loki to take a peek in the drawer, the sight of your naked body kept them glued to the bed...and their eyes to you. 
Not a moment later you let yourself flop back onto bed, holding...pens?
"Can I draw on you?"
The trickster looked at you with a baffled look. It was...not necessarily a bad idea. And it might just find itself fun.
And it was fun. You weren't incredibly terrible at drawing, and it seemed that your mind was about to burst from your many ideas.
You started with small pieces on their forearms, and as you built up confidence in your work, moved to bigger works. You had to keep your partner still sometimes, after the God of Mischief could never stay still for long, even in their sleep.
In the end, Loki ended up with two full sleeves of doodles (mostly funny and lude ones), a medium sized dagger in the crook of their hips, and an absolutely massive snake circling up and around their entire left thigh. You even got brave enough to try your hand at their neck, but alas their good will ended at where clothes could not cover.
Satisfied, you finally pulled back to admire them. It wasn't that bad, all things considered. It actually looked really good!
You prompted them up and ushered them towards the mirror. Looking at their image, their eyes met yours in the glass, and they smiled. An honest, pure smile that reached their eyes and made your heart flutter.
You put your arms around their shoulders, hugging them from behind and nuzzling their neck.
"D'you like it?
-Yes, he answered softly, thank you my love."
Later in the day, or maybe the evening, a scream tore through the night, accompanied with the sound of running water
-"Yes my prince?, you shouted back, hardly hiding your amusement.
You exploded in full-blown laughter. Well, maybe, just maybe, you had switched halfway through from pens to sharpies.
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Five minutes with Thor
You were standing in the change room of the gym after your workout, carefully washing the sweat off your new tattoo. You knew your artist would be screaming at you, had she known you were in the gym with fresh work. You could almost hear her screaming about the open wound as you gently rubbed soap over it, hissing slightly at the sting. You were lost in the routine of cleansing when a deep voice interrupted your thoughts.
“I am not sure I have ever seen my father’s words worn on someone’s skin.” The low rumble made you jump and you turned to face the intruder. He was tall, and broad, and very very blonde. You hadn’t actually believed the Avenger named Thor was actually Thor. But face to face with him, you realized it might just be true.
“To be fair, it’s good advice,” you shrugged, trying to be cool. If he was really Thor, then there was really an Odin, and this stranger wasn’t wrong, those were Odin’s words on your arm.
“Yes,” he chuckled. “He often chastised my brother and I with exactly those as children.”
You felt yourself smile, despite the nervous patter of your heart. “Yeah?” That was the brilliant response you came up with. He smiled and reached over to your arm, keeping his fingers from the fresh tattoo.
“Speak useful words, or be silent,” he read. “In this day and age, it carries a bigger meaning than it did when Loki and I were children squabbling over sweets.”
“I thought so,” you agreed, massaging the aftercare lotion into your skin. “Are you really Thor?”
His eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled down at you, watching you care for your skin. When you looked up, waiting for an answer, he nodded.
“I really am.”
“So on the news, with the hammer? Was it really Mjolnir?” You asked.
“It really was.”
“It probably comes as no surprise that I’m a huge fan. I didn’t think you were actually Thor Thor, but I’m a huge fan of you as an Avenger too.” You were babbling. You cringed, and felt your cheeks heat.
“I have heard many good things about you as well,” he smiled. Your brow furrowed. “Your work is well known, and Doctor Banner thinks very highly of you.”
“He what now?” Bruce Banner was your science hero. That he knew who you were was astonishing.
“It is by no chance that I am here. I was sent to ask you to come to the compound because Banner thinks your work with the Large Hadron Collider might be beneficial to what he is researching right now,” he explained. You tried not to swoon. World’s hottest Avenger seeking you out to work with one of the smartest humans on the planet. Your jaw dropped and you gaped.
“Initially, I was quite put out by the errand, but here I find you, marked with my father’s words. Beautiful, as well as brilliant. The Norns intended it,” he smiled. “It would delight me to escort you. And when Banner has finished his collaboration with you, perhaps I might convince you to take a meal with me.”
“I think I’d like that,” you nodded.
“Then so be it.” His smile was genuine and warm, and he offered you his elbow. You threw your gym bag over the opposite shoulder and took his arm, allowing him to escort you from the change room and out into the warm afternoon sun.
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moth-tea-merchant · 1 year
Hay friendly reminder that these skins are skill broken and you should NOT get them
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I've made a post about this before but for some reason it stop showing up in the tags, so here's a vid
I only have a vid of it on my norn but it dose happen on human, sylvari and charr. However if you're an asura you're safe. There is a chance that the tattoos will be fine on your character, but there are many other ppl on reddit/forms who are experiencing the same thing so ya maybe just don't get it for now.
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
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This is the third of the tattoo sets. The buy tab, unlike the other two, is not on the front page of the gemstore and difficult to find in the promotions tab, but clicking on the banner for it on the front page (pictured below) will take you straight to it.
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Armor previews (with default dyes) for all except sylvari and norn (who use the same skins as the human models):
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one final note on this set: it DOES show cheek, and the bare leg side makes that much more noticeable than on the other tattoo sets.
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