#noroi no one-piece
rinaizumo · 1 year
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Recently I took part in a fun challenge dedicated to retro-anime. x))
The task was to draw a fanart for any title released on a specific year (assigned by randomizer). I got 1992. The temptation to do Sailor Moon something was pretty bad (the TV-series apparently started airing this year), considering it was my first fandom ever and all. Still I decided that a challenge is supposed to be a challenge, so I picked a title I haven't heard of before "Uchida Shungiku no Noroi no One-piece" (Story of a cused dress). It's basically a compilation of 3 short episodes about 10 minutes each, but personally I liked the 3d one best, so the character is from thisstory. =))
P.S. It's a horror story as one may notice, so be aware if you'd like to watch. Frankly though it's unlikely to scare, I believe. I wasn't afraid, and I'm a scaredy cat XD P.P.S. I kind of referenced an etching by Katsushika Hokusai called "The Amida Falls in the Far Reaches of the Kisokaidō Road" for this one too.
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buttholes · 2 months
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roseillith · 1 year
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lurxv · 1 year
Noroi no One Piece / 呪いのワンピース (1992) Kigami Yoshiji, Kyoto Animation
source: sakugabooru
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(Noroi no One Piece, 1992)
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susandsnell · 18 days
What are your top five horror movies?
<3 thanks so much for sending this Mira! while some of my answers may appear a bit obvious in hindsight, narrowing it down to my top 5 was a lot more challenging than I thought!
Top Five Horror Movies!
Under the cut because I can be a wordy bastard!
5. Noroi: The Curse (2005), dir. Kōji Shiraishi: Ultimately, it came down to Noroi for me over Blair Witch because the mockumentary style lends it a lot more cohesion as a narrative and a very polished feel. Some cheesy effects notwithstanding, Noroi hits the platonic ideal of found footage in that it utilizes its multimedia elements and medium to craft a classic ghost story grounded and entrenched in modernity. I'm obsessed with the role of the archivist/the use of documentation in horror (as I've talked about many times, and as is the appeal of Dracula and countless other works), and that's on full display here with the pieces of the mystery coming together through reality television clips, talking head interviews, and a video-within-a-video archiving a ritual gone very wrong. The storytelling is methodical, spreading out the scares sparingly yet threading them together with such a crushing sense of dread. Like other works of Japanese horror, the thematic battle between the mythic and modernity, the consequences of modern alienation over the collective, and urbanization encroaching on the natural are at the forefront of the film, but the found footage conventions imbue it with such a subtlety you're too focused on the characters and their plight to even catch onto this on first viewing. (Should the spiritual be trifled with? Should the natural world give way to modern development? Should the outcast or the outstanding be made a spectacle of by those more integrated into society?) On that note, you grow an attachment to every single one of the characters and are right there with them trying to solve the mystery and hoping against hope they will prevail. And the atmosphere makes this one an absolute must for October watches; shades of analog horror used sparingly and delightfully, all the wanderings of Blair Witch, the supernatural desperation of Ringu/The Ring, and something that's just all its own. Some argue that found footage horror is stylistically limiting, but Noroi showcases what it can be at its best - that is, the bare-bones terror of stumbling on something horrific in broad daylight, and catching it on tape.
4. American Psycho (2000), dir. Mary Harron: The best horror comedy out there to date! This satirical send-up of yuppie culture and consumerism's lending itself to the desensitization and dehumanization of oneself and others in the quest for meaning in a society where it all comes down to capital is beloved with good reason. Genuinely hysterical kills and endlessly quotable scenes aside, the use of music in this piece is a masterstroke that many other films utilizing needle drops have only barely tried to imitate, and it remains one of the most effective presentations/deconstructions of misogyny put to film. Christian Bale is at his best here, leading a whole cast who's at the top of their game; each scare is played to perfection, and I even love the ambiguity of the controversial ending - it serves to drive home the futility and meaninglessness the whole film slowly but surely draws back the curtain on as the underbelly of the life of the hyper-successful during the era. The final conversation being about Reagan drives it all home in a way that plays as a bit on the nose today, but like with the more provocative or controversial moments, is so delightfully so you can't help but dance along to Huey Lewis. 3. The Fly (1986), dir. David Cronenberg: Cronenberg's masterpiece! A guttingly romantic Kafkaesque tale of illness horror, reflective of the time's anxieties around the AIDS crisis but also classic horror themes of scientific hubris and shades of Faust and of course, Cronenberg's preoccupation with abjection of the body, this film is truly one-of-a-kind. The fear of intimacy and fear of illness, the destruction of your lover (all contextualized with deeper tragedy by the era in which the film was made) are woven together so deftly in a film that uses classic B-movie conventions to strike upon deeper truths while also remaining hilariously funny. Cronenberg is by no means subtle, but in an age where every horror film feels the need to not only be About Something but announce it's About Something and hamfistedness is the name of the game, I really do appreciate the elegance in the commentary on gender politics, relying on symbolism and the characters' relationship dynamics to convey ideas of toxic masculinity and female autonomy and queerness and alienation. It's sexy, it's wrenchingly sad, it's the absolute best.
2. Hereditary (2018), dir. Ari Aster: Aster's nearly-instant popularity has lent all his films greater scrutiny, but this film blew me away the first time I saw it. Toni Colette gives a tour de force (and frankly, Oscar-snubbed) lead performance as a disturbed grieving mother seemingly unable to escape the patterns of fear and abuse that make the 'family curse' that is the subject of this film take on dimensions all its own. The portrayal of grief as horror is something that speaks to me very personally, and this gorgeously shot work presents this concept at its most poignant. Everyone and their mother (please imagine Toni Colette barking the word with pure venom) has talked about the end of the first act 'twist', but the execution rocked me to my core upon first viewing. I will never forget the way the pit of my stomach dropped out watching the lingering shot of Peter's empty, frozen face drag out for over a full minute. Gore and jumpscares abound as is an Ari Aster mainstay, but they're used effectively here; what takes centre stage is the characters and their relationships, performed to pitch perfection by every single actor. Alex Wolff deserves a particular shout-out, balancing teenage ne'er-do-well impassiveness with the warmth of a genuinely caring big brother until the great tragedy and the slow, encroaching terrors of its aftermath slowly but surely push him into a regressive, childlike state of terror. It's about grief, it's about the family curse and family secrets, it's about becoming your parent, your grandparent, your sibling, it's about mental illness (and how it's not taken seriously in women), but mostly it's about the joys of a nice family dinner.
1. Carrie (1976), dir. Brian de Palma: You all knew this one was coming, but I can never run out of good things to say about it. While there are perhaps films that boast greater spectacles, feats of special effects, tighter editing, more profound themes or more abstract/debatable symbolism, Brian de Palma's Carrie is the horror film I will always rank as my favourite. Stephen King's inverted Cinderella storyof the hellscape that is adolescence is granted operatic tragedy grandeur by a perfect cast, an unforgettable score, mind-blowing setpieces and imagery that I am happy to say will stay burned in my brain forever. The use of tension and buildup through the entire Prom sequence needs to be taught in schools, particularly with how it leaves you laughing one moment, moved to tears the next, then gripping the edge of your seat. Each scene is given either a dreamy or nightmarish tone that makes it instantly iconic. The sensuality of blossoming sexual awakening contrasted with the gutting mundane horrors of bullying and abuse played relentlessly set up perfectly for the tonal shifts later in the story between the romantic haze of prom and the hellscape made by Carrie's act of vengeance. The camp moments of the film heighten the jarring scares of the final act, and the forays into 70s teen comedy (yes, even with the goofy split-screens and fast-forwards) ground it in a relatability that makes it the horror classic. Every adaptational change from the book is either for the better for storytelling flow, or is at least impossible to imagine the film without. (As sad as I am that we don't get the book ending with this Carrie and Sue having their moment of connection, there's something so shatteringly tragic of Carrie in her final moments sheltering in the prayer closet that was her prison, clinging to the body of the mother who tormented her for comfort, and the cutting to the angry painted eyes of Saint Sebastian is an instantly unforgettable horror image). The denomination/sect of Christianity followed by the White family is unclear from the book, but the choice of de Palma to make them offshoot Catholics allows for so much integration of art history and its frightening images -- the use of the Last Supper behind Carrie and Margaret's dinner scene! don't know if it's the absolute first horror film to employ the Final Jumpscare, but certainly, it's one of the earliest and most memorable examples. Sissy Spacek in the titular role is an absolute revelation and maybe my favourite performance in all of horror media. Much has been said about her study of Catholic martyr art to end every scene in the pose of a person being stoned to death, but she runs the full gamut of emotion, of teenage suffering, of victimhood and villainy, and you are with her for the entire ride. The Catholic martyr art is apt, because her expressions evoke Falconetti as Joan of Arc, and Carrie is nothing if not a subverted Joan. Many say she's far too conventionally beautiful to play Carrie, and while it's true Hollywood is going to Hollywood, no actress has so successfully embodied the aching sweetness, the haunting disturbance, the yearning for love and the burning divine retribution that make her at once one of horror's most memorable monsters and one of its tragic heroines. Piper Laurie is terrifying and campy and hilarious as Margaret White, our villain for the evening, Nancy Allen is delightfully loathsome as Chris, Betty Buckley gives Ms. Collins some real good-natured toughness (questionable methods of handling teens notwithstanding), and Amy Irving lends Sue the exact groundedness and good intent you get from her book counterpart. Carrie has been the refuge for many a queer and/or outcast teenager, and it will likely remain that way for years to come. Thanks so much for this!!
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ipsen · 1 year
This might sound confusing but am i the only one who gets the feeling the deeper eto's and ken's connection get the more likely is Eto to reject him?
au contraire, anon, it makes perfect sense. eto is the type who is stuck in the dichotomy of wanting to be loved but hating the idea of vulnerability, as vulnerability has repeatedly cost her multiple times over her life. putting this under the cut
one example is noroi, her foster father. her loss of him was the catalyst for her mass cannibalization and her path to later attack the ccg and then form aogiri (with some arima complication tied into there). the idea is that she believes if she had been stronger, she would not have lost him. this is further supplemented by what she says to hinami, who is one of her parallels/foils:
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eto is one of many characters who project onto other, "weaker" characters, and the appearance of shironeki and ryouko in this panel, characters who disappeared from hinami's life when she was very young, helps emphasize that she is essentially talking down to her younger self through hinami. she does this again with kanae:
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just so we have a pattern going on here. now, to build on what she says to kanae, hirako says this about arima:
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putting these two pieces of dialogue side by side is rather interesting, don't you think? it implies a lot about the true nature of the relationship between eto and arima, which itself is not very clear. such is the nature of subtext. but i'm getting off track here; you can read more about that here. this person puts it into a much better context than i ever could.
point being, eto equates "vulnerability" with "weakness", and is constantly fighting against showing it in order to not be hurt anymore. however, she also contends with the emptiness of constantly being left behind by others-- namely noroi and shiono-- and wanting to fill it. this issue is pretty obvious when you realize noro is just her zombified foster dad, probably the first person in the world who showed her any affection.
in short, the people she who love her are always leaving her. so in being loved, people get hurt and die. for her. if that's the case, it's better not to be loved at all, right?
but one quick thing: how do we know eto values life? how do we know she cares?
one need only look at the first thing she says in tokyo ghoul:
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(tg 78)
thanks for the ask! this was fun :]
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millenianthemums · 4 months
on the subject of horror movies. one reason i thing found footage movies can be so uniquely scary is that they can achieve a very specific vibe that other filmmaking styles usually can’t. even when you know it’s not real, there’s a certain vibe when you’re watching something really horrible caught on a security camera or a hand-held piece of garbage. it’s like “i shouldn’t be seeing this. i’m seeing something nobody was ever supposed to see.”
like, Noroi: The Curse feels so much like those early youtube ghost videos i used to watch late at night when i was little. not just aesthetically, with the circles on the screen and the grainy ghosts in the background early on. it feels unauthorized. watching it for the first time, i felt like literally anything could happen next. like nobody had actually checked to make sure this was safe or legal to watch. even though it’s not That gruesome or extreme, it nails that uncomfortable vibe.
and Butterfly Kisses feels straight up voyeuristic. it makes you feel like an accessory to this obsession with this entity that destroyed the filmmakers making the movie you’re watching. like, “they died making this so i could watch it. do i get to say it was worth it?” the ending shot still gives me a stomachache, honestly. the grainy, static frame from a hidden cell camera. this shell of a person and whatever’s attached to her.
and i haven’t seen The Poughkeepsie Tapes, i think it’d be too unpleasant for me, but i feel like it’s the same from what i know about it. a sick, evil murderer filming his crimes because he knows people will be fascinated by them. he KNOWS what we want to see and he’s giving it to us, and we call him a monster but we’re eating it up, aren’t we? i mean, i’m not. i haven’t watched it. but you get what i’m saying. as much as i think the sentiment can be annoyingly preachy, i think found footage can potentially be great at capturing the “are you happy now?” angle of shaming the audience for watching these things happening.
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buttholes · 2 months
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roseillith · 1 year
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lurxv · 1 year
Noroi no One Piece / 呪いのワンピース (1992) Kigami Yoshiji, Kyoto Animation
source: sakugabooru
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(Noroi no One Piece, 1992)
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ichigoyt · 2 years
Ain't nobody love me like you
Kanye West - Follow God (Freshman Adjustment Remix)
Uchida Shungicu no Noroi no One-Piece
内田春菊の呪いのワンピース, 1992
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ao3-saiki-updates · 2 years
Souichi's Diary of Disasters
Souichi's Diary of Disasters by OldeScratch
"Isn't that time of year coming up again?" "Oh, you're right..." crck-cra-crk "What a pain." Strands of straw scratched the desk as pale hands picked them up, twisting them together. "Does anyone at school know?" "Mm... no." click clck "They love me too much to ask such an invasive question... the people in Fukazawa loved me, too, but Hidari Wakibara's just nicer about it." A small piece of string was pulled off the desk, the spool it had been preemptively cut from only a few inches away. A half-finished doll of straw crackled as nimble fingers picked it up. Long bits of straw extending out from the mostly-empty armhole were grabbed, and the extra straw tucked itself in. More string was reached for.
(Or, after surviving Fuchi's attack in the swamp, Souichi and his family move to Hidari Wakibara for a fresh start. My brain thought of this and wouldn't shut up about it esp bc no one else was interested, so I made this.)
Words: 1297, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 斉木楠雄のΨ難 | Saiki Kusuo no Sai-nan | The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., 双一の勝手な呪い | Souichi no Katte na Noroi (Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Tsujii Souichi, Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi Kokomi, Kaidou Shun, Nendou Riki, Tsujii Sayuri, Tsujii Kouichi, Tsujii Michina, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Souichi Tsujii Needs a Hug, Curses, Dark Magic, Onmyoudou & Onmyouji, inaccurate Depiction of Magic, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43624893
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fkyumerica · 2 months
jo married a fucking faggot
and officer
tell him what to do
so I went on stage
looking like a fat guy
I was fred durst
and the dur
all of them
fuck them up
kill them
who cares
them again
look at a family
you're it
fuck you
no one will?
piece em together
he was
me again
bye bitch
I wanted to kill her
and his next wife
dahlia murder
but I wanna fuck her
and angela
no red lipstick
guys come over more
to fuck at me
then I saw her
alive right?
for red lipstick
do it
and you know what it was
or retarded too
he has money
and one trap
no one is your friend
so they left again
she got dumped
there too
all girls who fucked around
are it
and guys
never come back
I told em it too
and judge judy
hold your hard on
and die
we are not related
and she isnt related to jo either
yea yell at a few people
stole 58 million
for the ooh
then 18 guys fucking on her
wanting to kill her
but cant figure it out
how to smash one bitch
wont break in
do it anyways
I got a knife
and bye
and look
I got timmy and devin at once
they jumped in my yard
woo olololololo
tim tum tum tum tum timmy
she made food
his wife did
no its devin
he wanted to be skinnier to get a girl
and devin wanted muscles
well you met it
tear him apart
ripped off his face
and jo smashed all my shit in my room
couldent do it
and fucked up her mom
to gay shout at her
to get it in
at the party
wayne's birthday
to fuck him up
with the guys
in nirvana
constant dope
to live
not hurting anyone
and fucking alive
we're all alive
well look at their party
and honker outside
and what was a relationship
its all about the he said she said
bull shit
told his son
I think you better quit
taking that shit
or you be leaving with a fat lip
from her
biting you right
kids do it
jim was devin's dad with jo
and timmy
his gay dad said to him
why arent you fucking her yet
it meant it
and angela
he said it to her
so she fucked his dad
no you get him once
and leave?
cant be fucking me yet
so she went to leon again
well it looked like it
look at the crowd
nonstop having kids
over 11
7-11 leon
drive me
I gave him a place to live
and then they did gay sounds
one guy knew it
do a few push ups
and bleach and tell me
who is it?
no one knows
the next generation
just goes to fight him
hey find the guys they dont want
and fight them
then mom
she was a whore who kept having kids
all inbred family
lamborghini mercy
I made fun of all of them
and I got a bull shit coming out right now
say something ugly
and they leave
I did tell myself off
then jim told timmy
he'd be giving him a fat lip
gay raping him
I said what it was
a word I made up
and who believes it now?
jen didnt get it
for 7-11 noise guys
well earth mama
try and be one
then a giant came out
spirit of detroit
I can get him
it was
a rape from him
I told it
boys don't go
you heard of the men of the 50s
they meet/mate there
the word was it
all I could do is watch
to learn
how they fuck up someones life
I can tell it
so the group never goes at you
but I met them
so they come over again
then chris and her group jo sent the giant boards at the giant to get it
to slide through and smash at them
I talked about statue of liberty before
and how he came with me
I was it too
had to talk like that
or I would be hit to death and raped unconcious pregnant
the guys who got up on the board
were it
50s kids
would do that to a woman
their kids would do it with drugs, the 50s kids
they were old already
and raped women their dad would hit
their grandpa would drag one over
and their son would hit her unconsious
throw her in the house
or den
and their sons would keep raping all of them
houses surrounding this area is it
what taylor
and their retarded kids of that
would just stay
and so did the date rapists kids
and they had the most fun on drugs with the great grandpas, grandpas, and dads
doing drugs and drinking with them
loretta lynn, the supremes, brenda lee
neighbors anyways
taylor, dearborn, and lincoln park
and those guys wives before, were anyone
hey lets look
dumb too
went for alcohol
and dumbledore, went for all of them too
and looked for food
and fat women to fuck from the back (their behind)
and the whole male family fucking them?
got pregnant with three at one
then morbid obese women
gay retarded too
and this generation now, had to get the most inbreds
for all the boat fat guys
they wanted to live in houses
and be on drugs the whole time
and injected alcohol to be skinnier
and take all the jobs
only us
and lady gaga is one, amy whinehouse
the house party girls
no school constant house party
and halloween
get in there and kill all of them
raped by what one?
out of 55
less than two minutes they are all dead
and red heads are them, the whore family
and what?
I hear you
kids outside?
so much for saying you were mexican
I wont help it
and what I say to them?
bull shit?
I think you better quit
talking that shit
come and get it
I feel like shit
been treated like shit
bet you knwo I got a chainsaw
skin your ass raw
one of these days
who the fuck is spoiled right?
and go and fuck them again
make more to take up the space
so you wont get killed
by nirvana guys you fuck after
made gay men dress like moms after
to rob me
to have nothing
there isnt anything
and guys do it once
kill a married mom
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etchina-danjon · 10 months
“Well Karin you don’t look well at all.” He says softly and kindly as he places a hand on her forehead. “You must have been worse off than you thought. Wait right here while I lock up.” Not waiting for an answer Noroi hurries and locks the front door before returning to her side. Helping Karin to her feet he firmly leads the two upstairs to one of the ‘special’ guest rooms.
The innkeeper is a picture of compassion and concern as he leads her to the room. On the inside he’s already running through all the ways he’s going to be using the young redhead. And the room he’s leading her towards will help him with all of them. The bed has special harnesses built into the corners so a woman can left fully exposed. “Here we are.” He says as he helps her lay down on the bed. Quickly he straps her arms in place before moving to her legs.
She’s been left spread eagle before him and it was a sight he could get used to. “Let’s just get you out of those clothes.” No doubt she’s already suspecting she’s in trouble, but taunting her with the act makes him smile. Still he takes a knife and cuts the clothes from her body and leaves the rags on the floor. She won’t need them in her new life.
Karin could barely focus on what was happening. She truly felt drunk from lust and heat. Her body wobbled a bit, and she didn't quite catch what he said when he ran off to lock up. One minute he was gone, the next her was lifting her up, helping her walk. Which was something she wasn't doing very well. The young girl basically clung to him, as she made clumsy steps up the stairs, "W-where are we going...?" Karin muttered, blinking her eyes, trying to adjust her vision. It was easy to lead the limp, drugged up girl into his special room. She put up no fight were he dropped her onto the bed. For a moment, she truly thought he was out to help her but then she felt both of her wrists being cuffed. Each at one corner of the bed. And then each of her legs were cuffed in a similar way, keeping them widely spread open for him. Karin weakly pulled at the cuffs, "W-what is t-this...? I-i thought you w-were going to help me?" Her voice was a bit slurred as she questioned him.
It seemed her situation got so much worse as she felt a knife drag through her clothes. Ripping them off piece by piece until she was completely naked and spread open. Without her shorts and panties on, it was easy to see how dripping we she was from the drugs. Her face was flushed. Karin felt panicked, but was too drugged up to properly fight. All she could do was squirm. Letting out a whine as the cool air hit her overly hot body, "W-what did you d-do to me? I-i don't want this...!" Karin weakly objected but was in no position to tell him what she wanted. Especially when her body was clearly dying to be touched.
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