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Vintage Pulp - Strange Detective Mysteries (Oct1937)
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heroesunited04 · 1 year
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#MysteryMan🕷️#TheSpider🕷️-#Spider #48 (September 1937) "Machine Guns Over the White House"-The Spider, Richard Wentworth, battles fascist regime attacking #POTUS and #USA Government, led by a Senator Holme, an unwitting pawn of another corrupt politician, aided by a Siva cult/1
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craigfernandez · 2 years
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delguy · 17 days
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May 1936. They don't write them like this any more! A yellow peril novel. that could only have been written in the 1930s, an Asian baddie called the Dragon is abducting, young white American women to spirit them to the orient to live lives of white slaver combined with breeding stock. There is a TON of racism in this novel. Remembering the times it was written in however, goes a long way towards enjoying it and I did. At one point the Chinese kidnap Nita van Sloan, the Spider's main squeeze and chestnut haired najor babe. Note how Norvell Page writes around the censorship of his day and informs the astute reader that Nita was strip searched without mentioning a single garment coming off.
“Nita smiled faintly at the impossibility of such a feat. She had passed through the double fences now, men with whips beating back the dogs as she crossed, and was thrust into one of the barracks. She was searched there with a thoroughness that brought the shamed blood hot to her cheeks, then allowed to walk untended ito the dormitory”
Sometimes less is MORE!
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cooketimm · 11 months
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Hardboiled #10-25 (1990-98) cover artwork by Bruce Timm
Interview from Cool Stuff Magazine #1 (1995):
Gary Lovisi: Much of your work is characterized by raw, intense energy and action, or beautiful women in stylish, dangerous settings. Some is obviously influenced by the pulps.
Bruce Timm: I’m big pulp fan, have been since the early 70s, when I started reading Doc Savage and Avenger reprints. I can’t really say how they’ve influenced my artwork much, except when doing pulp-homage stuff like the Bob Price books. But I do sometimes wish I was born decades earlier so I could have worked for some of the old pulps, which was why it was so much fun doing the Price stuff, and the «mock 50s» paperback covers for your Gryphon Books.
The hero pulps — Doc Savage, The Spider, The Shadow, etc — did have a big impact on my approach to the Batman cartoons. It’s something I tried to inject into the show from early on, the atmosphere, danger and illicit excitement, and especially that Norvell Page-type feeling of impending doom — the «doomed city» mood. It’s also why I set the sense in a timeless, 40s-styled world of big cars, padded shoulders, gangsters, shadowy streets, etc. I only wish we’d gone farther with it.  
For instance, my original version of Batman himself was actually close to the Shadow: rarely seen close-up, speaking in short, clipped phrases, more mysterious, literally. I wanted to play him cold and remote, almost unhuman. But the network and our various story editors would have none of that!  «We need to humanize him», «He needs to have a sense of humor», «We need to more about Bruce Wayne, the person», etc! Whereas I could care less about Bruce Wayne! He’s much more fascinating if you don’t know what he’s thinking, or what drives him.
A few «Shadowy» touches did survive. Batman is rarely seen be the public, almost never on TV. Even when dealing with the police, he’s usually off in shadows conferring with Commissioner Gordon only. And when he’s in the Batcave, he’s almost always in costume. My way of saying he’s Batman, not the other guy, not Bruce Wayne. Like Lamon Cranston, his true, «legal» identity is a facade.
I’ d love to do straight-ahead pulp hero adaptation someday. Doc or The Shadow or The Spider, either in comics or animation, without the senseless updating and over-explaining «character development» like in the Alec Baldwin-Shadow-fiasco-film.  
Gary Lovisi: Your stunning covers for my Hardboiled mag are very popular with everyone who sees them. What are your feelings on hardboiled crime-related art?
Bruce Timm: It’s hard, actually, to define «crime-fiction» art. There’s pulp crime-fiction art, and digest crime-fiction art, both of which cross over with paperback crime-fiction art. Basically, I’m a fan of good illustration. Period. Regardless of subject matter. Composition, emotionally intensity, color and lighting effects are what I look for. And pretty girls, of course!   
My favorite pulp crime artist is H. J. Ward, hands down. Gorgeous gals in twisty curvy poses, painted in luscious, creamy, wet-on-wet oil technique. My favorite paperback artists include Robert McGinnis, Robert Maguire, and Mitchell Hooks, the usual suspects.
My approach to the Hardboiled covers is different from my earlier «homage» work. When the covers were black and white, I used to experiment with different b&w textures, coquille board, zip-a-tone, xeroxed newsprint, whatever worked. Now that I’m doing them in color, I’m trying to make them as exciting and eye-catching as possible, with loud color, sexy gals, exaggerated action, and simple, graphic, almost cartoony styling.
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goldenagenonsense · 1 year
Action Comics No. 2 [July 1938]
And we're back for the second exciting installment of Ant-Man - (furious whispering from the backstage) - wait, I mean Superman. Sorry, got confused after all the insect comparisons last time. Abet I could have fun with calling him a 'young grasshopper' and being pseudo-accurate; I mean, if the authors themselves compared him to one, why can't I?
No cover sharing this week, since I don't think it's related to the Superman story. Interesting image though, gives me kind of a Jame Bond feel, you know?
Flipping to the first page of the story, I am immediately slapped in the face with the art change. Or maybe it's an issue of scan quality? (double checks) okay, I think it's scan quality. Ah well, it's still readable, and that's what matters.
We return where we left off: Superman psychologically tormenting a man into spilling his secrets. As one does. 👍
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Honestly, the fact that Greer has neither passed out nor ruined his pants yet is incredibly impressive, I know I would have done both, especially with my mild fear of heights. Still, like, what the FUCK, I knew JJ Jameson was onto something when he warned us about the dangers of vigilantes.
When they hit the ground at last, both the pavement and Greer break. When Superman suggests they do it all again, Greer gives up the information Supes wants - the man behind the war is Emil Norvell, a munitions magistrate. He’s got an estate in Lexington Park. With that information in hand, Superman leaves Greer behind, hopping to the top of the Washington Monument to get his bearings before taking off to Norvell’s estate.
Meanwhile, a still disheveled Greer calls Norvell to warn him of the danger approaching, calling Superman ‘the most dangerous man alive.’ Norvell mostly dismisses the danger, stating that there’s no need to worry, he’ll just take some precautions to make sure Superman doesn’t remain alive for long.
I imagine after this, Greer got himself absolutely plastered and refused to leave his house for weeks, just in case. No one believes his drunk rambling, since Superman’s still so new and relatively unknown, but one day he’ll have the last laugh. One day…
After five minutes, Superman lets himself in through the window into Norvell’s study. He tells Norvell he’s coming with him; Norvell refuses, and discretely pushes a button hidden behind him on his desk. Superman notices too late to stop him, but still demands it be handed over. Norvell instead tells his guards to let him have it.
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Guards used Machine Guns! It had no effect! Superman used Quick Attack! It was super effective!
It takes no time at all for Supes to toss all dozen guards out the window, their own machine guns wrapped around their necks. He then proceeds to threaten Norvell by bending an iron bar in front of him, explaining how that could just as easily be his neck if he doesn’t agree to come with him. Norvell, valuing his life, agrees quickly.
A few minutes later, Superman and Norvell are at the port. Superman points out a large steamer ship - the Baronta - that is due to leave for San Monte the next day. If he doesn’t find Norvell aboard it when it leaves, he swears he’ll track the man down to whatever hole he hides in and tear out his heart with his bare hands. Norvell, valuing his life, agrees.
Holy death threats, Superman! I know you aren’t the same as your modern counterpart, but hearing you threaten the lives of people three times within one page is just. I would be pissing myself. What the FUCK. This just really highlights the difference in culture and overall heroics eighty years ago. A Superman like this today would be a major anti-hero.
We hop to the next day, where an odd variety of passengers are boarding the Baronta: Clark Kent and Lois Lane, the latter having been assigned to accompany him to the war zone and send back dispatches with her distinctive feminine touch; a group of toughs who possibly intend to enlist as paid mercenaries; Lola Cortez, woman of mystery, an exotic beauty who fairly radiates danger and intrigue; and Emil Norvell, who immediately confines himself to his cabin once aboard.
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Gotta love how her whole description is literally just 'look at this mysterious woman, she's so ~very mysterious~ hoo hoo hoo.' Truly she's ready to star in some shipboard murder mystery event.
Soon enough, the ship heads out to sea, destined for a strange voyage. Which you would think would be the build-up to a murder mystery or something, like for serious, I swear I’ve seen this exact set-up for like a dozen of them.
That night, Norvell paces his cabin. A knock comes at the door, and when he answers it… Superman is there! He makes another lowkey threat by ‘complementing’ Norvell showing up, then leaves. Not long after, Norvell sics the nameless toughs on him, promising fabulous rewards if Superman dies. The tough promises it’ll happen.
I love how, after directly witnessing Superman tank machine gun bullets, turn machine guns and bar iron into pretzels, and then literally run them across the city in a few minutes, he still goes ‘oh yeah I can totally sic these random dudes on this caped man and make him dead!’ Villain logic! Truly a timeless classic of comic books.
Superman has decided that, instead of returning to his cabin as Clark Kent and lying low, he’ll just stand at the rail admiring the moon. He whirls at the sound of footsteps, but it’s too late - he’s surrounded by toughs. When he braces himself against the rail, his strength causes it to break, sending him flailing into the ocean below.
The thugs report back, demanding their payment. Norvell dismisses them rudely, stating that they’re too trusting, and that they should feel lucky he didn’t turn them over to the police. Again, what the fuck has to be going through this guy’s mind when he pisses off the people who just dealt with the guy who, again, bent iron into pretzels in front of you. Villain logic.
Meanwhile, Superman’s fine! He’s just casually swimming fast enough to catch up to the steamer - and then blows right past it, swimming off into the distance and leaving the ship behind. He even gives the ship a jaunty wave, not that anyone can see it.
Man, really makes you wonder how he explained himself to Lois when she couldn’t find him on the ship the next day. Then again, considering that she’s likely still giving him the cold shoulder, she probably is just relieved to have a day without him hovering around and bothering her.
Anyway. We have a time skip to the next evening, when the ship has just pulled into port. Norvell is, shockingly, ambushed by all the thugs he stiffed, almost like they’re holding a grudge for a rich guy using them to do their dirty work and then refusing to pay them. Weird, that. Fortunately for him, Superman shows up once again, this time to beat the snot out of the thugs who pushed him overboard.
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Gotta love that magical disappearing bowler hat. I know it's a coloring error, but the idea of it disappearing back to a different dimension rather than facing Superman is wildly hilarious to me.
The thugs flee into the night, and Norvell asks him why he saved him. Turns out, Superman’s not being benevolent - being beaten up and/or killed by those thugs is a pleasant fate compared to what Supes has in store for him. Norvell doesn’t like the sound of that, but Superman assures nothing will happen to him - so long as he joins the San Monte army.
Norvell later paces his hotel room, desperate to think of a way out of this mess caused by ‘that inhuman creature.’ He eventually gets a brain blast - join the army, then run at the first opportunity! Sadly, this plan is ruined when he enlists and Superman happens to be there as well, wearing a uniform. He declares he just couldn’t bare to be parted with Norvell.
Supes. My dude. My main man. You have got to stop psychologically tormenting these people. Supes. Dude. Why this. I don’t even have the words.
The new recruits get sent to the front. Norvell wonders whether Superman is trying to get them both killed; Superman plays coy and doesn’t give anything away. He then states he doesn’t understand why Norvell makes weapons when it means that thousands will die. Norvell’s reply? Men are cheap, munitions are expensive!
A shell flies overhead and explodes. All the soldiers drop flat to avoid the fragments. Norvell, sweating, states that this is no sane place for a man, and that he’ll die! Superman, in full sass mode, notes how when it’s his own life at stake, his viewpoint changes.
Honestly, I’m coming around to Superman’s idea here. Why don’t we just make all the people making money off of weapons go to the front lines? Senators and other people of power included! I, for one, definitely think that it would go a long way towards maybe cutting back on our stupidly large military budget, which could be put into more valuable things like, uh, pretty much anything besides the military.
Soon enough, the troops are making camp and settling in for the night. The sentries are puzzled by a dark shadow, but ultimately dismiss it as a bird. Turns out, it was Superman, out of his uniform disguise, speeding off towards the enemy camp!
The enemy officers are discussing how impenetrable their lines are, just for Superman to peek his head in with a camera in hand, asking them to smile for the shot. He then disappears again, leaving the officers to rally the guards to fruitlessly search for him.
Not too much later, Clark Kent is in the local post office, sending a package off to… the Evening News in Cleveland, Ohio? Not the Daily Star? I suppose if he didn’t want Superman tied to Clark Kent, then he’d be careful to not have the image he took as Superman tied to the place where Clark works… but then how does he explain where he got the pic? Did he just send it anonymously? Then again, this is well before social media made information sharing easy and instantaneous, so like, it’s not like the enemies would be able to tell anyone that it was a weirdo in spandex and not a generally shy, wimpy reporter who somehow snuck his way in, got the shot, and got out.
Man, I wonder how Lois would feel if she saw that snapshot and thought Clark got it. We know she thinks he’s an absolute wet rag of a man and can’t imagine him taking a risk a day in his life, but that shot? That’s the kind of shot she would get. Or at least, later incarnations of her, wherein she’s willing to throw herself off of buildings in order to get her scoop.
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Speaking of Lois! We shift our scene over to the hotel where both Lois and Lola are staying. Lois is trying to chat with Lola, but Lola is being carefully uninformative. And can I say here that I love how their color schemes are completely inverted to one another? I mean, I know old comic books had limited color palettes to print in, but still, there’s definitely enough color that the choice made here was deliberate.
Army officers enter the hotel, the owner quickly meeting them. He asks what’s wrong; they state ‘official business.’ At that moment, Lola, suddenly panicky, slips into an elevator, and hides a document in Lois’ room. Which, like, either means that door security isn’t a thing in San Monte, or Lola slipped the door key from Lois (and then returned it??), or she could have lockpicked her way in, I guess.
I know, trying to logic out a comic book bit, I’m a dumbass. You all should have known this already, I’m willing reading and liveblogging golden age comics.
The officers explain that an important document has been stolen, and that they need to search the rooms. The owner gives them permission, and soon enough, all the rooms are being methodically gone through. Lola makes sure to come off as annoyed and unaffected while talking to the officer in her room.
As to be expected, the document is found in Lois’ room. The officers place her under military arrest, despite her protests of knowing nothing about this. In what seems like no time at all, she’s put before a judge and found guilty, with the punishment for espionage being an execution at dawn.
Clark overhears the news while in disguise at the military camp, nearly at the same time Lois is being brought out for the execution. Lois, even facing death, is protesting the whole thing and proclaiming her innocence.
Superman rushes across the miles, almost faster than the eye can see. The officer in charge raises his hand to order the troops to shoot-
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And once again, in the nick of time, Superman saves Lois Lane from the machinations of others. When the guards stop shooting, Superman lifts Lois into a bridal carry and leaps over the wall. The troops, baffled, tell him to stop, and that this is impossible. Superman snarks his thanks for letting him know.
Lois, meanwhile, is in shock - she’s once again been saved by Superman! Superman jokes with her about his still playing the role of gallant rescuer. She asks him what manner of being he is, and he tells her to stop asking.
Like, dude, my man. This is Lois Lane. I know that this is very, very early Lois, and that this is the 30s, but like. You have to realize that you just gave this woman a rawhide bone to chew on named ‘Superman’s mysteries,’ and by hell or high waters, she WILL get to the bottom of this.
Anyway, Superman briefly stops in order to handle a torturer mid-inquisition. How he handles it? By bodily picking up the man, hoisting him overhead, and throwing him like a javelin into the distance. The man's protests are shut down with Superman telling him to go to hell, calling him a devil; as he’s tossed, all he can do is wail piteously as he disappears into the distance.
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That man is dead, you fucking know it. And like, it’s not like I personally care, but then again, I’m pretty sure this is like the dozenth death threat so far, and we’re only on issue two! Superman, what the FUCK, my dude?
Superman unties the captives’ bonds, taking their profuse thanks with grace. He wishes them luck, then gets back to getting Lois to safety - which, like, she had to have witnessed all that, right? What in the world did she think in seeing all that? What would her article even look like if she published? How is she STILL wearing her heels despite the past, like, handful of hours or whatever?
All mysteries we may or may not have answers to one day soonish.
Superman eventually sets Lois down near the Baronta, advising her to return to America. She asks when she’ll see him again; he replies that he doesn’t know - perhaps tomorrow, perhaps never.
Based on what I know of comic books, Lois Lane, and Superman comics in general, I’m leaning a bit more towards ‘probably every issue from here on out.’ But, you know, that’s just my guess.
With all that side plot out of the way, we return to our main story, the tormenting of Norvell. Only, as it turns out, exciting developments have occurred while he was away! And by exciting, I mean the anti-air guns are going, due to an enemy aviator harassing the camp. Which, what, no backup? I don’t know much about aviation between WW1 and WW2, but I feel like flying solo is not the safest decision, especially with one hand holding a fucking shotgun while the other is steering. But what do I know? Comic book logic.
Also, as an aside, I am laughing because I can’t believe the issue cover is somewhat relevant after all - there is, in fact, a plane involved in these shenanigans! Truly inspiring.
Anyway, Superman leaps to the attack! For the first time in all history, a man battles an airplane single-handed!
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The plane crashes into him and, unsurprisingly, loses. The airplane falls to its doom. Meanwhile, Norvell has seen the crash and is convinced that this is what finally killed his nemesis. Which, once again, have to admire the sheer confidence this man has in the worlds’ ability to kill this inhuman fucker. Truly the model on which all future villainous delusions are based off of.
Sadly (for Norvell), Superman comes in for a landing right after, spooking the hell out of Norvell. Much like Greer before him, he’s cracked - he wants to go back to the US, he’s grown to hate war! Superman agrees - so long as Norvell stops making weapons.
Norvell presumably agrees, since he’s soon out of uniform and back on the Baronta for the return trip. He vows to himself that the most dangerous thing he’ll make from now on will be a firecracker.
Superman is pleased with his progress; only one more thing to do, and his mission in San Monte will be finished! He then proceeds to kidnap both the commander from the military he was with, and the head of the opposing army. They’re confused and scared, and demand to know what he wants from them. He tells them he’s ending the war by having them fight each other. When they try to protest, he tells them to fight - or else he’ll take care of both of them.
I think that’s another death threat, so the total count is like… an even dozen at this point. Christ, OG Superman was a feral bastard. Probably something to do with being raised in an orphanage instead of with kindly old farmers in Kansas. Man, what an Elseworlds concept to explore…
The commanders are baffled - why should they fight> They aren’t angry with each other? When Superman asks why the armies are battling, neither of them seems to have an answer, which like. I know it’s supposed to be a commentary on all war being pointless and stupid, but them not even having a flimsy excuse is another level of wild. Superman decides to give them an answer - they’ve only been fighting to promote weapons sales. So why not just shake hands and make up?
They do so (I would argue under some duress), and the war, presumably, comes to a halt. Incredible. Wonder how long that will last.
Clark Kent soon after returns to the office and reports to his editor. The editor informs him that, while he’s been gone, there’s been no Superman sightings. Maybe he’s retired? Clark disagrees, saying that he has a hunch Superman will make an appearance again - soon!
With that, the second issue ends (or at least, the Superman part of it. Anthology comics are a bit wild, but they were the norm back then, so.) What a ride. Gotta love that whole ‘fuck war and everything to do with it’ mentality that went into this story. Considering this is before WW2, I have to wonder now how things will change when that particular conflict kicks off in earnest.
As a fun little ending bit, we have an advertisement to end off the page!
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Wow, it’s like steroid ads before there were plentiful steroids! Incredible. And sadly, it’s working, less because I want the physique, but more because I want to know whether there’s actually any kind of exercise routine / recommendations, or if it’s just a tease for some kind of storyline.
Anyway, that’s a wrap for that. Next time, the ongoing adventures of Superman. How many death threats will there be? Even I don’t know.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 years
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Thrilling Detective    September 1934
The Red Mask Murders by Preston Grady
Mouthpiece by L. Ron Hubbard
The Green Ghost Stalks by Johnston McCulley
Millions at Stake by Oscar Schisgall
Just Pals by Norvel Page
Murder in the Death Cell by C. K. Scanlon
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krinsbez · 12 days
Pre-Pulptober Game: The Spider
For @winterphile and @eclecticpjf
10/Iconoclastic Icons, if we go with the interpretation that he's genuinely mentally ill.
11/Feats of Courage, Despite Feats of Clay. Regardless, man definitely makes mistakes
12/Bloodstained Smirk. If he isn't putting it on, man sure loves killin' don't he?
13/Pulp Survivor. If you are familiar with the character, this is obvious.
17/The Sincerest Form of Flattery. This one is iffy. He sure started out as being something of a The Shadow expy, but he very definitely became his own thing.
20/Man of Many Talents, though he's less blatant about it than many other classic Pulp Heroes.
26/Not As We Know Them, given both how he changed between his first story and Norvell Page getting involved, and and also how he has a radically different look in the pages of the serials than the covers, and both are different form how looks in the serials?
29/Justice At Gunpoint. I don't have to say it, do I?
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popironrye · 3 months
✨Come with me, and you'll be
In a world of pure self-indulgence.✨
Hello Poppies! I'm IronRye. I make OCs/FCs, a sona here and there.
I have a large extensive list of original characters and fancharacters.
Over Sixty characters. Twenty-eight OCxCanon ships. Nine OCxOC ships. 7 self-insert Sonas at the time of posting.
I thought it'd be cool to lay out a list of sorts for my tumblr page as I'd like to continue posting other media related fandom stuff on here as my other socials are pretty quiet and the idea of running a different blog for every fandom I've ever been in and ever will be in sounds dreadful.
Starting with a visual! My collection of personas, this list is gonna be long and my sonas are the only ones that come with art, but I hope you find some enjoyment out of this.
Emma, Eva, Erin, Rye, Eden, Elaine, and Eileen.
Open to any and all questions. Can be general questions for me in general as well, not just about these characters. No ask is off the table. 😉
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🩸 The Lost Boys 🩸
Judith Alana Fairbourne: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Maxwell 'Max'
Aubrey Eliza Fairbourne:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Layla Brynn Fairbourne: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Alisha
Hailey Penelope Fairbourne:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Heidi Clara Fairbourne: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Alisha Barbero: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Layla
Barbara 'Blair' Whitman: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Lost Boys Poly Ship
Stevie Holloway: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Lost Boys Poly Ship
Maryanne 'Mavin' Briggs: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Lost Boys Poly Ship
⚰️ Hellsing/Hellsing Ultimate ⚰️
Luciana Rosa: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- The Captain. (Hans in my AU)
Ilona Szilgyi: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Alucard
Henry Hinoto Hellsing: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Integra
Eloise Rosa: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Giles
Annalise Hellsing:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Felicity 'Lady' Hellsing- OCxOC
Favorite Ship WIth- Paige
Sir Giles Hellsing- OCxOC
Favorite Ship WIth- Eloise
Thomas Hellsing- OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Salvador
Paige Farley: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Felicity
Salvador Bittercomb: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Thomas
❓ Gravity Falls ❓
Wanda Lovelace: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Stanley Pines
Frida Guevara: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Stanford Pines
William Wix: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Florence
Florence Wixx: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With-Willaim
Vega Wixx: Minor OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Wendy
Belladonna Wixx: Minor OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Dipper
Corbin Wixx: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
🪳 Renfield 🪳
Anastasia 'Stasya' Zbikoski: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Tedward 'Teddy'
Veronica Lobo: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
🌪️ X - Men 🌪️
Savannah Lane 'Panthera': OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With: Laura 'X-23'
Janet Lane: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Victor 'Sabretooth'
Amy Adams 'Gyro': OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Pietro 'Quicksilver'
🕸️ Addams Family 🕸️
Danica Juniper Verlane: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Wednesday
Ruby Weaver Addams: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Fester
Ronnie Addams:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Lillian Addams:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Vivian Addams:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
🌻 Original Characters With No Prior Fandom 🌻
Vasira 'Vex' Vanzare: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Serafeim
Serafeim Moonshire: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Vasira
Rosalina Moonshire: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Odena
Odena Snow: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With: Rosalina
'Lady' Nemra: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Tharamaul
Tharamaul 'The Mighty': OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Nemra
Elysia Day:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
(Piers) Annora Beauvais:
Favorite Ship WIth- Undiclosed
Loretta Norvell:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
📕 HelluvaVerse 📕
Georgina 'Georgie' Satin: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Loona
Morrigan Mayday:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Kimberly Rodman:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
🐍 Good Omens 🐍
Harper Buckley :OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Shiloh
Shiloh Fernsby: OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Harper
Peter Fernsby: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Miriam Buckley: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
🎮 Overwatch 🎮
Bonnie Finch 'Marigold': OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Gabriel 'Reaper' (Divorced)
Maddison Reyes Hall 'Jaybird': OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Elizabeth 'Ashe'
Jordan Hall: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Elijah Hall: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Eshima Ou Yang:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Andrea Ortega 'Chase':
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Audrey Moore 'Axel':
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Heidi King 'Groundhog': Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Jinani Alvi Golo 'Gama':
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Ira Bennet 'Livewire': OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Shawna
Shawna Bennet 'Ibis': OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Ira
💫 Other Marvel and DC Properties 💫
Evelyne Palmer 'The Wraith' (Avengers): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Loki
Erica Palmer: Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Lucy-May Lee 'Briar' (Venom): Minor
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Eleanor Murray 'Robin/Eagle Eye' (Batman):
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
🍿 Other Movie Properties 🍿
Penelope Bexley 'Penny' (A Goofy Movie): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Roxanna
Thanatos 'Thana' (Disney): OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Cassim Jr.
Cassim Jr. (Disney): OCxOC
Favorite Ship With- Thanatos 'Thana'
'Captain' Caroline Reed (Pirates of the Caribbean): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Jack
Mara Ishani (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles):
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Abigail 'Abby' Masters (Danny Phantom): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Valerie
Jacquelyn Loughran (Hotel Transylvania): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Mavis
🕹️ Other Video Game Properties 🕹️
Poppie Honeycomb (Mario): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Bowser
Spinerella Noxide (Crash Bandicoot): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Cortex
Edith Winters (Resident Evil Village): OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Karl
🐉 Dragon Ball Z 🐉
Beruta Galalang: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship With- Raditz
Tabaga Galalang: OCxCanon
Favorite Ship WIth- Trunks
Kya Galalang:
Favorite Ship With- Undisclosed
Finally, the sona drawings in this post were created used these lovely bases by Kate-FoX! <3
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thehauntedrocket · 2 years
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Vintage Pulp - Horror Stories (Mar1935) (Popular)
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
I wanted to start reading The Spider. Any recommendations? (I usually prefer comics, but I am open to other media as well).
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For comics, I'd only really recommend the Eclipse and Moonstone books. Tim Truman's Eclipse mini is easily the best one, it's an adaptation of Corpse Cargo that does an incredible job of being faithful to the original novels while also updating certain aspects for the 90s, it's a shame it was cut short. It's also easily the best take on Ram Singh there ever was. Truman also did an adaptation of Death Reign of the Vampire King that I really want to get my hands on someday.
The Moonstone books aren't as great but they do a good enough job at showing you the ropes of how the character works and they have great art and violence, and one could hardly ask for much more. I don't particularly care or remember much of what Dynamite's done with the character.
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I don't usually recommend serials in particular but The Spider's Web is a barrel of fun. It's a lot more faithful than you'd expect it to be, with nonstop violence and action but in a much less grisly manner than the pulp stories, pending more to swashbuckling action. I'd definitely recommend it if those comics and the character's novels are not to your speed. Don't bother with The Spider Returns unless you are really into serials.
Additionally, while I haven't read Will Murray's new books with the character yet, he has a solid grasp on The Spider and is quite popular as a pulp hero writer so I'd be comfortable recommending him for now.
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For the pulps, which are of course the ones you really wanna go to if you want to experience the character's batshit glory in full, you primarily want to stick to the thirty five novels between 1933 and 1936, starting with Wings of the Black Death and ending with The Devil's Death Dwarfs (not actually little people, they are just regular themed henchmen). That's the period when the absolute madman Norvell Page took over the character and single-handedly made him a pulp superstar big enough to compete directly with The Shadow, the absolute peak of The Spider. 
Page took an eight month break in 1936 and other writers took over the Grant Stockbridge pseudonym sporadically from that point onwards, and the character never really returned to that glory. There's good, even great, Spider stories written from that point onwards and I'll be recommending a couple of those, and Page eventually returned to write the character until 1943, but that spark was lost and, frankly, never could have lasted.
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For a general introduction to the character on the pulps I recommend you seek out these two collections for a start. The Spider vs The Empire State has a lot of problems and an unsatisfying wrap-up but the premise is kickass, it's got a lot of charm and it's a story that's desperately begging to be retold in modern times. Robot Titans of Gotham was my introduction to the character, it collects Satan's Murder Machines which I briefly mentioned here and is definitely one of the better post-1936 Page novels, Death Reign of the Vampire King which is quintessential reading, and Norvell Page's The Octopus, a separate story about a different character that is the most Spider story to ever exist not attached to the Spider. It's maybe the closest real life pulp equivalent to one of those eldritch tomes of fiction that breaks your brain from looking at it too hard. In terms of sheer lunacy, horror and mayhem, Page's The Octopus is to The Spider what The Spider is to other pulp heroes. Make of that what you will.
Some additional more specific recommendations more outside of those thirty five novels would include
The Spider Strikes, Wings of the Black Death, City of Flaming Shadows and Empire of Doom in sucession. Those are among the first five novels, and while The Spider Strikes is boring, it's got some redeeming qualities and you get a much better appreciation for how Norvell Page utterly transforms the character in the following stories after reading it. Don't bother with Wheel of Death.
Pirates from Hell
The Spider and the Faceless One
Council of Evil, which is more like the serials if those are more your thing
Judgment of the Damned
King of the Fleshless Legion
Machine Guns over the White House
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Vintage Pulp - Dime Mystery Magazine (May1935) (Popular Publications)
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diabolikdiabolik · 5 years
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Crime Busters - Aug. 1939
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seattlemysterybooks · 6 years
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February 1940 issue
cover art by James Lewis
Seattle Mystery Bookshop
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comparativetarot · 3 years
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Page of Pentacles. Art by Eli Norvell, from The Alleyman’s Tarot.
This deck will soon be live on Kickstarter.
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publishinggoblin · 4 years
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It’s disk time! The Suit of Disks/Pentacles from the Alleyman’s Tarot. This 133-card tarot deck is made up of cards from other tarot decks, modern and old, and some standalone cards made just for it!
You can be notified of when this single printing deck will go live on Kickstarter by following the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/713books/the-alleymans-tarot
We have a fifth suit tomorrow, then the Second Arcana to wrap up the deck the day after. Campaign goes live on April 13th.
Card credits in order:
El dios de los tres - Ace of Disks
Two of Disks from the Serravalle Sesia Tarot
Three of Pentacles from the original Rider Waite
Dark Synevyr - Four of Disks from the Neon Tarot
Rose Frye - Five of Disks from her Tiny Arcade Tarot
Danilo - Six of Pentacles from the White Fly Tarot
Emma Clinton - Seven of Pentacles
Hanna Tricoire - Eight of Pentacles from her Self Love Tarot
Nine of Disks from the Sola Busca Tarot
7DA - 10 of Disks
Eli Norvell - Page of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles from a depiction of Shangguan Wan’er
Shan Bennion - Queen of Pentacles
Nicolas Bruno - King of Coins from his Somnia Tarot
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