#not YOURS
erikahenningsen · 7 months
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acourtofthought · 17 days
It doesn't bother you that Lucien is friends with the man who joked about his mate getting raped? Interesting take....
I want you to do something for me since you decided to come to my page and ask for MY opinion.
I want you to set aside your own personal agenda and really think about what I'm saying.
I get it, we all have lived different lives and are triggered by different things. In real life, SA is not a joking matter, it's not appropriate, it's not something to giggle about between friends. I never returned to a job the day after a boss corned me and inappropriately touched me and I felt too uncomfortable to speak up since he owned the company. I was inappropriately touched by a neighbor when I was around 9 years old, someone who allowed me to stop by and play with his two dogs since I loved pets so much. I consider myself lucky because neither scenario escalated to what others have dealt with but those scenarios still give me enough empathy to realize the fear of being put in a position where you feel helpless against someone bigger, stronger and who holds power over you.
But the ACOTAR series is not what happened to me or anyone else no matter how many parallels or connections some find. It's fantasy fiction and in fantasy fiction (whether you agree with it or not), things that are serious in the real world are never given the same weight as in the book. Take murder, torture, and using others as pawns for example. These things are done by the main cast of character and nobody bats an eye. In fact, the fandom applauds them for it, turns them into sex symbols for it. Azriel literally tortures people yet many are more interested in the size of his wingspan than the things he's done to people who are unarmed in his torture room. Since Jurian's comments are so offensive and unforgivable, how are you comfortable thinking torture is something it's ok for the fandom to turn a blind eye to when it's a hotly debated issue in the real world as it relates to torture of POWs? Since you're sending me this anon I have to take a guess and say you're an e/riel and that means you're fine with torture in books but not fine with SA comments in books though both exist in real life.
Onto your specific question though, how am I fine with Lucien being friends with Jurian after he made those comments.
Simply put, because I'm reading the story the author is telling. Your reading experience seems vastly different from mine because I'm choosing to read the story as it's actually being told whereas you seem to be reading the story you wish was being told based on very specific things that are personal to you.
If I was basing my reading experience on real life morals and things that personally effect me then I could have never gotten behind the Feysand relationship because Rhys did some pretty horrible things to Feyre UTM. He forced her to drink wine she didn't ask for, he put her in clothes she was was uncomfortable wearing, he forced her (while she was drunk) to dance in his lap in a way she was embarrassed to hear about and he coerced her into a bargain she clearly didn't want, going so far as to twist the bone in her arm to force her to agree.
But I'm not basing my reading experience on real world morals, I'm allowing myself to let Sarah take the reins. I'm allowing an author to lead me so I understand what they're telling me (so long as I'm losing myself in this fantasy world) , to shape my mind, to rewrite the rules. The second I step away from my book I am once again a law abiding citizen of this world who understands right and wrong but in the ACOTAR world? I'm just a spectator along for the ride. I forgave Rhys because Sarah wanted me to forgive him, because her explanations were to serve the reasons for his actions.
"Just because Sarah forgave Rhys doesn't mean we have to listen!"
If you've already decided that she's wrong, that you don't have to agree, then you're no longer reading the book as it was intended to be read. And that's fine, feel free to hate on it as much as you want, but it doesn't change the story she's telling. Your personal opinion DOES NOT CHANGE WHAT'S HAPPENING.
It's the same with Jurian. He said / did bad things, we thought he was a villain (just as we did Rhys) until Sarah told us he wasn't. Until the author said, "this is my story and this is the reason for his actions and now he's a good guy strongly connected to the plot and the other good guys in the series". You can feel free to remain stuck in the past, unable to move forward with the series but that's not why I'm here. I want to know the story Sarah is telling, not what nameless faceless person decides I should have an issue with because they have an issue with it. If the author moved forward and the characters no longer have a problem with something that happened way back when then what good is it doing me to remain stuck in past plots? The plot moved forward therefore I move forward. It's honestly as simple as that.
I don't use the ACOTAR novel to teach me how to behave in real life. I use the ACOTAR novel to teach me what is happening with these characters. Therefore when said ACOTAR novel says "Jurian good" I'm going to accept that because that's the journey we're going on. I'm not sure why you take such issue with a reader simply following along with the story that's being told, isn't that the entire point of reading fictional books?
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theshinazugawaslut · 11 months
You see, Sanemi is no master or anything when it comes to eating out pussy since it's always been yours and only yours but he thinks he must be pretty damn good at it if he's got your thighs clamped around his head as his tongue flicks over the sensitive pearl of your cunt; pussy squeezing the two thick, broad fingers that he's curling inside your tight, velvety heat, making your pretty eyes roll back, kiss-swollen lips letting out strangled cries and pathetic moans as his fingers dig into the meat of your thighs, and he's pretty sure you must really like it as your fingers tangle in his snowy hair and wrench at it, making him moan against your heat.
And when you squirt all over his face, his eyes go dazed, jaw going slack as it drips from his face, and he grins at you as his fingers come to his lips, sucking on them, rolling his eyes at the taste of you.
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vidia-the-sphinx · 1 year
I'm in a mood where I redesign or just redraw my OCs. So it might be possible that you daily see my ocs xD
Here is Xenos c:
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lorelai-l0res · 11 months
Yo Cuphead take this! >:) *yeets a mouse at him*
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Someone’s mad.
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tvmblrluv · 5 months
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by : @/elleslqvr
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window-weather-art · 1 year
Have a picture. A drawing if you will
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And the og here
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I think I did it better 🤔
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erikahenningsen · 7 months
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atticollateral · 6 months
listening to Ghost again and im.
You have never stood this close, to where you want to be You have always waded in the shallows Between me and the deep blue sea You'd never want me to appear You'd never want it to be over You never wanted to reach out to the edge of time
my jaw is on the floor. we're skipping a few lines but-
While you sleep in earthly delight Still your soul will suffer this plight Like your father in hell What you've sold you can not unsell
punching my pillow. gnawing at the bars of my enclosure.
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louisplumpyass · 1 year
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he's my baby daddy
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whowantsnachos · 2 months
i love harvey and donna and their relationship, but them doing their wedding at louis’ wedding in the finale after he left with sheila when her water broke and using his whole setup and guests and dancing and everything is just rubbing me the wrong way. i get that louis and sheila weren’t there, and harvey and donna said they were gonna do another wedding for their family and stuff, but like… my man proposed to her, publicly announced their engagement at the wedding, and then made louis’ wedding their own. idk, it just… i don’t like it.
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moon9931 · 1 year
i finally got a fucking tablet
now I can use aggie.io properly
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blackrozess · 1 year
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Someone wants attention 🤭
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I think there's a problem in how mothers and people treat little girls.
For context, I'm a trans guy, so I grew up a little girl (sorry I don't know how to better phrase that)
From a young age, I knew I didn't want kids. I think I was 6 when I first said that to my mother
I remember it pretty clearly, this is how it went. We were standing in our upstairs hall, we had had a minor disagreement
Her: You'll understand when you have kids
Me: I don't want kids
Her: your husband might
Me: well I won't marry him then
Her: You're going to have to have kids.
Me: Why? I don't want kids?
Her: because your husband will want you to have kids, and your granny wants some great-grandkids and I want some grandkids
(I'd like to point out I have 14 cousins and she had at the time 3 other stepkids, and now 4 other children)
Me: *points above out*
Her: well you're going to have to have kids either way
And I grew up like that, I grew up assuming a man would force me to have his children. Knowing I never wanted kids. And do you know what? 10 years later, I still never want kids. It's just not something I'm comfortable with. And nobody seems to understand that because of a husband I haven't even met yet (or my current partner who I've now been with for about 3 years, whom I love)
My body belongs to someone, and I don't know who that is. And thats on the fact that my mum never let me forget I'd have to have kids one day, just because I can have kids
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r0mansr4dio · 6 months
Is He Following? (Apr 2, 2024)
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Process is under here!
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Hey! Thanks for scrolling down so far :3
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erikahenningsen · 7 months
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