#not a combination i like 😔👌
worstloki · 2 years
Ooh, Crying Over Constellations for the fic ask? 👀
Well since that one has a wholesome version and a dark version and the dark one is the newer one, I'll go with that. There's a reason I have decided to leave this fic to sit for a while XD
-> Loki has no interest in sex, and Tess knows this but does expect it eventually, despite assuring Loki on the matter. He’s big on consent though so waits. In this fic Tess can sense Loki's seidr, which is like a dead giveaway to how Loki feels at any given time. If Loki's happy it's vibrant, if he's afraid it recoils, and so on. Tess keeps prodding at boundaries of what he's comfortable with and justifying that Loki is lying when he says he hates/dislikes things by coming up with his own seidr explanations for why he secretly doesn't. Loki doesn't know that there is a thing his seidr does! What it does separate to himself, as much as it's a mirror, and he can't even see it normally! So he doesn't know Tess knew every single time he did something that made him twitchy! He assumes it's a harmless accident and Tess couldn't have known better! Every single time! Tess is a friend, more than that even, and wouldn't take advantage of him or try to cause harm on purpose. That's ridiculous. Thor's words on the subject must be getting to him to make him think such a thing.
-> The Moment in this one comes when this is all revealed - with Tess accusing that if he hated it all so much/if what he claims his thoughts are were true that he'd be hurting through it. He would be hurting right now. Loki realizes what's been going on.
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 2 months
Eid Mubarak!! I'm sorry if I'm late, my community started celebrating it a little later than others >_< (shaytaan is begging the ummah to make up their mind on when eid is so he knows when he can come out lol) I really hope you have a beautiful eid with your family ❤ eat lots of biryani, nihari, gulab jamun and ras malai🤌 and please stay safe! InShaAllah may your Ramadan have been accepted and may you be rewarded with the highest of rewards ♥ 🤗
(Pffft, omg, I never thought about it that way, hahaha)
Eid Mubarak, Anon ✨✨🎉🎊🎉🎊 (I’m probably late, too, considering how long ago this was sent in, but) I hope you are having/have had a great time celebrating, and, InshaAllah, your Ramadan and deeds have also been accepted!!
I had a wonderful time yesterday ^^ Ahhh, nihari sounds soooo good rn… my family typically makes it once during Ramadan, but alas, there wasn’t any then nor at the party… InshaAllah, next year (and, well, sometime soon, too, because please).
Still a great time, though, ofc, ofc, haha (I managed to get the cards done! …At the expense of getting to the party an hour late, oops, but was worth it, haha). It’s funny, though—it was such an effort keeping awake at night this Ramadan, but the day it’s over, I get around an hour of sleep (in batches), and I didn’t feel tired in the least bit during the party/afterwards. Like, I’m usually pretty introverted even when it comes to just family get-togethers, but I wasn’t at all tired of social interaction when I left (though, we did play several rounds of an argument-based board game just before I left, and I do love me my debates, haha. Have late night discussions for a reason—energizes me right up). My arms and back did, however, end up somehow feeling pretty sore that night and this morning (which I do wonder if that’s where the lack of sleep contributed?).
But, yeah, had a good time this Eid, Alhamdulillah ^^ Hope you do/did, too <3
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damnation-if · 1 year
I just want to say, as a certified monster fucker, I'm already in love with your story hahaaa <3 I'm glad we're getting more adult stories and the themes in this one are so intriguing, can't wait for the rest ! Alsooo, I really liked the way you describe things? I do not know how to explain it haha but I could easily visualize what was happening and the general atmosphere you're going for and I thought that was neat :^)
thank you so much for your kind words!! i truly appreciate them and i'm so glad the descriptions were to your liking! i have at least some level of aphantasia, so i'm always worried that i'm not describing things enough haha... glad that doesn't seem to be the case!
i was actually talking to my friends just yesterday about how there's relatively few Creacher-y ROs around... so for whatever reason, i guess because it's on my mind, i thought i'd take a bit of time/space here to mention all of the Monsterfucker Approved (TM) ROs that i could come up with, in case anyone else might be interested. this list isn't meant to be exhaustive (in case i miss anyone) as sadly i am yet to become all-seeing and all-knowing 😔
Creacher (Alien)
Rhaxa and Imxa from Project Hadea by my beloved @nyehilismwriting. spikey, scaley, bitey, etc. 👌i also love and appreciate the attention to detail put into worldbuilding for the different ways their species communicates and thinks and so on, showing the culture gaps between them and humans. quality buggies!
Creacher (Eldritch)
Roach from The Passenger... the mc is also an eldritch creacher in this one, which may add or subtract to the enjoyment for various different people lol
Sysba from Attollo; i also think this game in general is pretty monster friendly, with a bunch of monstrous side characters and so forth. the cool kind of neo-gothic vibes give it a feeling a bit akin to a cyberpunk Penny Dreadful... it's about as Monsterfucker as cyberpunk gets i think!
Beacon from Stygian: The Abyssal Lighthouse by my good friend @salty-stories. this one is probably the most Lovecraftian of the eldritch creachers i think, heavy Call of Cthulhu vibes. it's still in progress but i'm personally willing to wait haha
Creacher (Parahuman)
Lorelei and The Other from The Golden Harp; pirates and sirens and mermaids, oh my!
Danny and Isla from When It Hungers by the wonderful @roast-ifs ... the game is still on hiatus but it still lives rent-free in my head always... the monster mcs are So *chef's kiss*
Oisein from The Nameless; due to the sheevra mc there's a Lot of really cool exploration of the boundaries of humanity and stuff like that... we love a "nonhumans shouldn't be able to feel/do this" story... we love it a Normal amount for sure.
Creacher (Indefinable)
Trace from Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs; an iconique creacher... the game itself also has excellent kind of Appalachian gothic/supernatural vibes and a dark undercurrent of Lurking Monster Foreboding.
Games with Applicably Creacher-esque Vibes
Virtue's End by my beloved friend dani... the ROs might be human, but the mc most certainly is not<3 dark fantasy and sumptuous Monster vibes, what more can you ask?
anything by the extremely talented @thirtybythirty (links to their games in their pinned post). everything they write has a compelling undercurrent of... eldritch existentialism. perhaps the creacher is in fact the Narrative... or maybe the humans were the creachers all along...
the fabulous OFNA: Birds of a Feather - it has the perfect combination of things Not Quite Human and Not Quite Right to create a rich and ominous atmosphere, well-worth playing even though everyone is Technically human lmfao
anyway sorry for rambling on and i'm sure there's a bunch i have missed but. i do feel like it's worth giving praise where it's due for games and writers that we appreciate! thank you again for your kind message (and for giving me a chance to talk about this a bit lol)
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sofia-d-asb · 2 years
I just wanted to say that I just finished your game, and wow. Do you know this hollow but also fulfilled feeling after finishing a really good book?I am feeling it right now😭😭💖Your amazing writing combined with the fantastic way you write the characters is stunning, I was gasping, yelling at my screen, actually tearing up, smiling and giggling the whole time. I as well love the way you wrote the mc. The way they change and how they react to what happens to them was so real and i really felt along with them. And can i just say, the Will route was pure perfection, I loved every second, it hit all the marks and gave me the feels😔👌👌I haven't played other routes yet, but I'm very excited to do so!!
Lastly, even though the ending, at least in my playthrough, ended rather ambiguously and on an apprehensive note, I felt like it fit very well, considering everything that happened in the book and how the political relations are, as well as what mc went through. It still makes me sad to think of all the things that mc will have to go through in the future, i just want them to be happy and safe and live in peace with Will😔😭(I became so attached to mc and Will in this playthrough, it's insane) But it's that good kind of pain, if it makes sense, that you get from quality writing.
I was so excited about the release and i played through the whole game in one sitting because I was (and still am) hooked and in awe everytime i read a new scene. I'd love to ramble on about every plottwist and scenes that stood out to me but it would be such a spoiler if you posted this, so I'm trying to remain vague(i don't think it's working💀😭😭) It was so worth it to buy this game and you are absolutely amazing for doing this honestly thank you so much for sharing your work, your story is my new obsession and I will think about it for a long time. This is really one of the best interactive fiction works i have ever read, it has everything I love and is just so well done, from worldbuilding to writing to bringing the characters to life. (English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if I used words in the wrong context or it was confusing!) I will definitely leave a review recommending the game!!
I hope you have a great day, you're amazing!!<3
Thank you so much for sharing this with me.
I'm finding it hard to put into words how much your message made me smile. The fact that you've enjoyed my story and my writing; it makes it worth all the hundreds of hours of work I put into the game.
Thank you :)
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mark-the-snark · 1 year
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I'm lazy again so ✌ more colored sketches for u
Anyway lil human leoichi hc bellow:
Usagi gets cold really easily AND also gets sunburnt like a marshmallow so there's no time of the year where his nose is not red (Leo calls him bunny boy because of that and because he thought Rudolph was a low hanging fruit). Also hes got albinism 👌
Leo's not entirely bald but he's got very thin and sparse hair because he never cared for them properly and bleached them too often 😔 and I don't actually have a concrete hc for his face moons but maybe they're a combination of like hyperpigmentation and eczema or something. He's also got the lightest skintone out of all his brothers and they make fun of him because of it.
Also they're both trans. Why? Because is said so 😎
okay love you ❤💖❤ byebye
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Oooooo Miss Raven, what are your thoughts on Ortho possibly using Pinnochio as one of his bases? A puppet (robot) built by a lonely old man (introverted student) to keep him company. I think that either Idia or Ortho have a personal story that also kind of goes along with the whole "I wish I was a real boy" thing Pinocchio has going on. I think it was the gym clothes card but I'm not completely sure
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There’s definitely been a lot of theories and discussion about what Disney character Ortho is twisted from, but I think that Ortho’s really more like an amalgamation of many characters, motifs, and ideas. A lot of the other TWST boys also have a fluidity to their characters, even if their concepts are more strongly grounded in obvious inspirations.
I don’t think Ortho has ever explicitly stated that he wishes he were a “real boy”, but he has certainly mentioned that he wishes he could experience things that more readily come to organic beings than robots. Wishing you can do something or that you had something is not the same as wishing you were something, so I don’t believe wanting legs or feet is the same as Ortho saying he wishes he were human.
In Ortho’s Athletic Gear vignette, he mentions wanting legs or feet so he can run instead of fly, similar to Ariel wishing for legs so she can walk, run, and dance on land instead of swim. The Little Mermaid parallel runs even stronger when it turns out to be the Tweels (aka Flotsam and Jetsam parallels) that help Ortho get the legs he wants (by coercing Idia to build them for him). As far as I am aware, this is the only instance in which Ortho implies anything remotely close to wanting to be “human”, and even then I think it’s more like he wants the experience of running more than actually being flesh and bone.
Ortho has parallels with Hercules as well, in part due to his superhuman strength (as a robot) and in part due to his willingness to “go the distance” to save his brother. (I already rambled about this topic in this post, so I’d recommend reading it if you’re interested in my thoughts!)
I think the Wish Upon a Star/Dance of Wishes event probably provides the strongest Pinocchio references in TWST. The history of the Star Sending itself calls back to the story of Pinocchio, plus we see the whale (Monstro) as a storm cloud that Ortho blasts through to clear the skies. In terms of concept alone, he is probably closest to Pinocchio as an non-human character built by a lonely, older one. Even Rook’s nickname for Ortho (Monsieur Doll, sometimes fan translated as Monsieur Puppet) may be an allusion to this.
It’s interesting that Ortho doesn’t express a wish to be human, but instead wishes for Idia’s happiness 🤔 Combined with everything else in the lore, I think that Ortho is well aware of what he is (a magical AI built to replace a lost sibling) and what his limitations are, but I also think he doesn’t wish beyond those limitations because he knows deep down it’s impossible, or maybe he’s told himself that he’s content with this current status. This might have changed as of chapter 6, as Ortho tells Idia that his AI is now so advanced that he can act beyond his initial programming... and then Ortho goes and does uh... a bunch of things in an effort to defy the destiny that Idia has already accepted... And everything is one big hot mess 😔 which makes for some delicious angst 👌
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dawninlatin · 2 years
My reactions while reading HOSAB for those who are interested😌
OBVIOUSLY major spoilers below the cut!
-The Hind: *does literally anything*
Me: *laughs nervously* am I attracted to this?😳
-Hunt cut his hair?! I mean he’s still hot, but the mental gymnastics I have to do to change my image of a fictional character-
-I never learned the difference between Flynn and Declan, and at this point it’s too late😬👉👈
-«Remind me why you guys still need to wait for solstice to do the deed.» Because they have like three brain cells combined, June
-Alriiiiiiight Ruhn, we’re off to a good start😀
-I don’t like this Cormac dude😑
-We finally know the Autumn King’s name!!! And while it might sound exotic, it’s also hilarious, as it is the Norwegian equavilent of like Richard or something💀
-I hate this Cormac dude🤢
-SYRINX😍✨😁🤩 i missed you my boy🥰😍💛😩
-Hypaxia?! The HIND?! Tea has been spilled☕️
-Hunt and Syrinx is my favourite duo:) They remind me of a dad and the pet he absolutely didn’t want to get:):)
-Not me forgetting about Lehabah😭🤚
-Of course Danika had something to do with this😩
-While I am desperate for Bryce and Hunt to just get over it and fuck already, I love seeing them so domestic🥰
-The Hind is making me feel things. Weird things.
-If evil why sexy?😩
-Hunt is such a bro i love him
-Yay sleepover💅🏻
-Omg Adidas is back👟
-The woman was too stunned to speak
-Now I understand why everyone freaked out over chapter 15:)
-Bryce, basically: He might be an alphahole, but he’s *my* alphahole🥰🌸
-Sarah, I’m giving you a big goldstar for really improving your diversity👏 Like Bryce thinking it was wrong to assume Hunt’s sexuality? Who even are you??
-Damn Bryce👀🥵
-Ithan, please, kindly FUCK OFF
-I’m calling it now, the Star-Eater is Hunt’s father
-Oh no he’s licking feet again🦶
-Hi Under-King🥰🌸
-Bye Under-King🏃‍♀️💨
-I know I should be worried that the Hind is here but SHE DOES WEIRD THINGS TO ME OKAY
-He’s Danika’s WHAT? Once more, the woman was too stunned to speak-
-That was a fucking jumpscare
-Go Sabine tho👌👈
-Bryce I love your sense of humor😭💀🍆
-Baxian just wants fwiends🥺👉👈
-Jk he’ll probably betray them…
-Celestina wtf?!😠
-THANOS?!?! What in the MCU
-Omg I feel so sad for Baxian🥺🥺🥺🥺 I can’t handle it if he ends up being evil
-Awwwwwwww they’re basically playing fifa together😍🥺 Just two bros, broing🤜🤛
-This agent Daybright….I am onto something😑 I don’t know what, but it’s definitely something…
-There’s something hot about Hunt getting all psychotic whenever Bryce is in danger🔥😩
-Ahahahahhahahahah Flynn is hilarious
-Just three boys trying not to get yelled at by their dad😌
-Is now a good moment to admit that I’m also weirdly attracted to the Viper Queen?😩
-She got him a family😭🥺
-Though I feel like this is a kinda bad idea that’s gonna end with me crying because someone just tragically died
-THE SMUT😩😩😩😩😩😩
-If I ever see the Autumn King I’m gonna 🤜🧍‍♂️🕳
-The guys basically adopting Ithan🥺😭
-Omg roomies🤜🤛
-THE HARPY?!?! She’s not even the sexy kind of evil, just evil evil😳
-Oh nevermind I just had a mild heart attack
-Wait, wait, wait, wait
-THE HIND?!?😩🥵💦
-I’m probably an idiot for thinking it’s her but Sarah always makes them hot for a reason🧐
-I am shooketh-
-Tharion, even I can tell this is a bad idea
-If Day really is The Hind-
-My girl deserves better🥺
-You deny it, Hunt, but I know you🧐
-I still think Apollion is Hunt’s father🧐
-Bryce is a #girlboss
-I knew I could trust you🥰 (I think, I still have 100 pages left)
-Him and Danika?!💔😭
-This book keeps shocking me and I👏am👏here👏for👏it👏
-I feel so bad for Bryce tho🥺
-Oh, this is a bad idea…
-Not the only Fendyr heir?!? My head is gonna explode
-I’m actually glad I got the ending spoiled, because I don’t think I could’ve handled a shock that big after this
-Pierced nipple?? Um, hello🥵
-«I want it real» 😭🤚
-Could Bryce be the seventh Asteri????
-I’m so nervous my heart is racing
-Not able to form thoughts at the moment
-But fuck the Asteri🖕🖕🖕
-Wait are they talking about illyrians now???
-After this, I’m gonna need a nap
-If I’ll ever be able to sleep again
-And are we also talking about Throne of Glass fae now?!?
-If so, Bryce, can you just please take a detour to Erilea to check in on manorian on your way back?🥺👉👈
-I don’t know why I get so surprised when everything goes to hell by the end of each book…
-Rip Cormac😔
-THE HIND👏😩😭😍🥰✨
-also….i knew it
-«His enemy was his lover.» THAT’S THE BEST KIND BABY
-Rigelus you little bitch
-I’ll read a whole book of Hunt describing Bryce’s feet if you let them live Sarah, I swear😭🦶
-Nevermind we’re in Prythian now🥰🌸
-Jk I’m in so much emotional pain😀
-Az….how kinky🥵
-The gang’s all here😌💃🏼
-Ahahahhahaha Nesta yelling at Cassian is so iconic
-Once more, the woman was too stunned to speak👁👄👁
-I’m gonna need 5-10 business days to process this
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inaflashimagine · 3 years
nooooooooo.... clearly we talked too much abt mahito, he curses everything he touches ☠️
ty!! congrats on finishing yours as well!
THE KFC REFERENCE IM DEAD since they’re purebloods, i bet they’re both convinced kfc is the pinnacle of muggle cuisine aslcjfjsmdksn and poor nanami walks by at the worst possible moment bc then they try to get him to settle their debate bc he’s muggleborn so he MUST know that gojo/geto (depending on who’s speaking) is wrong 😤 meanwhile, nanami is dying as he would never set foot in a kfc and how DARE THEY
gojo: ANYWAY nanami, i was just telling suguru here that the best menu option is—
geto, who probably exclusively orders off of the secret menu bc it’s Cool: their poutine obviously
nanami: neither of those have chicken in it
gojo: lol who goes to kfc for their chicken
geto: what he said
geto: you sure you’re a foodie? i can’t believe you don’t know this
gojo: bet he’s not even muggleborn lmao
gojo: fake muggle who’s never been to kfc LOL
sources today say that that was how geto and gojo became the new slytherin and gryffindor house ghosts 😔
i honestly saw him as slytherin too! mahito being there is part of it, but i think while he could feasibly fit in the other houses just fine, i see junpei as a case of being put into slytherin bc the house has qualities he values. like, i feel like he looks up to ppl who are ambitious (cough cough mahito) bc he’s never been particularly driven and he desperately wants smth to be passionate abt (besides movies) 🤔 also, i think his desire for control over his life seems v slytherin to me 👀 but that’s just my interpretation of his character!
omg that’s so good!! mahito being like ‘ahahahaha oops i forgot my bag in the transfiguration classroom i should go back and get it silly me 🤪’ and junpei like ‘um...... you have your bag right there, mahito-san’ but dude’s not listening, he’s already skipping & humming in the direction where reader and nanami are lmao, probably going extra slow too to see what they do w the extra time jfjdjsjjs he’s just toying w them at this point 😂 BUT GOD I LOVE HOW YOU INCORPORATED THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT 🥴 the castle rly went, i gotchu fam, since your friends suck at matchmaking 👌👌 i was thinking what excuse/apology reader would make and i think they’d be a combination of relieved, elated, and flustered & YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!! time for a Ravenclaw Brain Fart
reader, blurting out the first thing in their head bc wow they are so close to each other and wtf has nanami always been this broad????: well, we don’t have spacesuits, we’d asphyxiate
reader, as it slowly sinks in that they made a lame joke in front of their crush: ob.....vi..ous....ly....
idk he’d either look in the camera the room of requirement has suddenly conjured for this moment or he’d be secretly amused
mahito as the tonks of the jjk cast, except he’s just super obnoxious abt his transformations and the stuff he turns into are only entertaining to him lmaooooo
i originally had a higher percentage but i didn’t want to curse our fellow future ravenclaws a life of Pain and Disappointment (yes, the disappointment will be yourself, sorry guys) 🤧 YES I AGREE!! 💙🤍 blue is my fav color, so i’m v happy with their color scheme! ☺️
i mean, if jjk managed to sneak one in, we can do it for the hp au too 😤 minus the tragedy ofc, but you never know, mahito might show up with a speedo ☠️ also, nanami wants to retire by the beach so yknow, we gotta Do It For Him it’s what he deserves!!!!!
damn, gojo going for the jugular 😂😂 but oh god, nanami thinking about it later, the way a curious (totally just a) friend would be, and the only guy he can think of is mahito LMFAO. normally he wouldn’t make a guess so far off like that, but he’s spending a lot of time with yuji and during their breaks, he’s always talking abt the latest manga he’s reading and how the tsundere (whatever that is) heroine should just admit that she doesn’t actually hate the male protagonist, but actually loves him and—
mahito’s the only guy reader rly talks about so... (nanami pls suspect literally anyone else—haibara, gojo, EVEN SHOKO—you’re gonna embarrass yourself my guy)
worst part is he was trying to look for nanami and reader (separately) to force them to dance together but in the end, he just ended up interrupting 😭
i thought the same! ever since you’ve been leaning toward hufflepuff!nanami, i was thinking the whole head boy + head girl situation would be a good substitute! 👍 oh and slightly off topic.... i know we have the kyoto students also in hogwarts, but todo would fit right in w durmstrang wouldn’t he 😂
oh you already know, nanami would be the guy who’d side eye snape apologists (sorry snape fans) LOL in the jjk canon, i can see him reading it growing up since the books came out during his childhood and just absolutely loathing snape 😂 he’s like 17, at jujutsu tech, haibara’s..... y’know, and he finishes the last book like ‘they expect me to excuse his mistreatment of literal children bc he died in the name of someone he loved??’ make it make sense author-san 🤨 like, i bet he was one of the first ones to realize that jkr wasn’t worth shit too 🤭
oooooo yes 👀 i love that that would open up junpei’s eyes to mahito’s true nature! by that point, he might’ve already bonded a little w yuji and feels betrayed that mahito would do that to someone so nice 🤧 maybe the triwizard tournament arc could be where junpei actually joins the jujutsu tech group, where he belongs 😭
LMFAOOOO why is nanami watching over yuji as he’s bombarded by press reminds me of that lawyer & defendant meme
like i know it should be a touching moment but
interviewer: how do you plead? (to breaking the rules and putting his name in the goblet)
yuji: [looks at nanami]
nanami: [mouths “not guilty”]
yuji: hot milky
gojo would end the tournament in less than 30 seconds 😂 my first thought on a co-champion was yuta but idec anymore, gojo ruining dumbledore’s day by winning the tournament so quickly is so funny to me
bro......... stop touching my ravenclaw heart like this 🤧 since they’re potions seatmates you already know they’d be shit talking snape together alsjdjsjajadh and it’s so sweet to include reader in the roast session even if they couldn’t physically be there 🥺 also, they’re study buddies and he’s familiar w their habits, so his little comments would be strategically placed in certain spots/topics where he knows reader would start losing focus AAAAAAAAA GET YOU A MAN LIKE NANAMI GOD IM SO SOFT FOR HIM
why are we on the same wavelength lmfaoooo i was gonna say nanami would give gojo the stale bread too 😂 and when he takes a bite and nearly loses a tooth gojos like I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER!!!1!1!1!1!! and nanami just deadpans i am the manager. but aw, haibara 🥺 it’s okay, he gets bread too! not as much as reader, but nanami’s a good friend, he wouldn’t do haibara dirty like that 😤 (reader may be book smart but sadly they don’t have v high emotional intelligence 😔)
lfjdjsjshdbsh that’s a huge honor, i would’ve screamed and returned back to it a day later bc id be so frustrated 🙈 in my case, i am staying up later than usual to reply back haha. it’s not as big of a deal as rewriting everything from scratch but while i do value my sleep a lot, this au gives me tons of serotonin as well 😌 and yes, fellow ravenclaw or ravenclaw anon works!! gotta show house pride 🤩
FELLOW RAVENCLAW💙 I'm sorry I'm late in responding, school was kinda hectic these past 2 days so it took me a while but know that this ask made me incredibly happy🥺
LMAOOO did we summon Mahito and his choatic evil energy?? Where's my patronus i know they only protect against dementors but she gotta do a better job of protecting me from Mahito he's just as bad afjdkls
(I'm gonna divide this into sections to make it easier to go through these when I start writing the drabbles hehe)
THE KFC CONVERSATION IS SENDING ME. They would think muggle cuisine doesn't get better than KFC oh gosh.
"Neither of those have chicken in it." HAHAHA I don't blame Nanami for making those two the new Slytherin + Gryffindor house ghosts😌
Just for shits and giggles: Nanami is recounting this conversation with reader and reader says, "Wait, that chocolate chip cake and poutine sounds kinda delicious." Nanami, the foodie he is, is highkey judging reader and is questioning his friendship w/reader dfjkalsf.
But when reader visits Nanami during the summer and Nanami shows reader more parts of muggle life, he takes them to KFC on reader's last day (yes, he's willing to step foot in a KFC for reader) and buys them chocolate chip cake and poutine. And he buys chicken for the two of them bc fuck it, they're at a KFC it feels wrong not to get chicken. They actually have a really good time but as soon as reader returns home and talks about the 'KFC event' with Shoko, Shoko's like, "So you finally went on a date with him?" And reader immediately enters an endless spiral wondering if their time at KFC counted as a date or not.
(Years later, if/more like when reader ends up dating Nanami and asks him about this, he would refuse to consider their first date being at KFC pls Gojo and Geto would never let him live that down. Not to mention he thinks reader deserves the best muggle food not an 8 pc family fill up)
OH NANAMI YOU CLUELESS MAN (feat. Junpei and Mahito tidbits)
Oh I almost forgot to answer to the ravenclaw part lolol. LMAO we are our own worst critics but the color scheme is fire (blue is the nicest color among the four houses, no ifs, ands, or buts).
Yesss I totally agree with your interpretation of Junpei's character! I'll definitely make him Slytherin, then!
Mahito wishes he could be as cool as Tonks ajfkldsj. He would transform into the weirdest things. Idek what but they definitely would not be entertaining LOLL
And Mahito skipping and humming while reader is panicking omg YES. What a sadist🤧 he's like, "Might as well give them a ten-second start because they're gonna get caught anyway."
LMAO that castle is the ultimate matchmaker it's absolutely sick of seeing the mutual pining, it's like that "now kith" meme.
Ravenclaw brain fart ajfdklsfjadsfl I've def had my fair share of those. I feel like Nanami would certainly be secretly amused and try to hide a tiny smile as soon as he hears the joke (he's thankful the closet is dark). But when he realizes reader is freaking out even more bc it’s been tensely silent, he tries to make a joke that's just as lame to the point that it's not even a joke and doesn't fully make sense ("We might not have spacesuits but we have magical wands"). That breaks the tension and Nanami realizes how much he likes hearing reader's laughter🥺 (I'm so soft for this man oh my)
YES you just gave me approval for a beach scene so I'm including it. Anything to erase the saddest beach scene that we read in deathly hallows (Dobby's death made me SO sad ugh). Mahito in a speedo would cause so much eye damage LOLL I must include it. (Reader staring at Mahito in disgust and Nanami thinks reader is trying to check him out NOOO Nanamin). But yes, Do It For Him it _is _what he deserves!! 
It’s summer once again (you can see how bad I want summer to come lolol), Gojo is throwing a bonfire party among friends near his family’s summer cottage (idek if this is a concept in HP but whatever jakldfs), and Nanami and reader somehow sneak out from the crowd and walk along the coast to talk about life, school, the future. Aka any excuse to just be alone and talk to one another. Nanami expresses his wish to retire by the beach and reader wishing they could immediately grant that for him. Poor mans just wants a normal life and he can't get it in jjk or hp afjkdlfjsd
hahah Gojo always goes for the jugular it's honestly a surprise reader is still alive by their 7th year. Gojo probably has a bet going on with Mei as to when reader and Nanami will start dating (so many chocolate frogs are riding on this, Satoru has to push those two to admit their feelings for one another before graduation or Mei is suddenly gonna be quite rich LOL)
LMAOOO Nanami would think reader’s crushing on Mahito pls. (Even after learning what reader smelled in Amortentia, Nanami would leap so many hurdles to make those scents connect to Mahito LOL). Probably asks Yuji if he can borrow that manga to analyze the heroine’s actions and confirm his beliefs. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if reader once tried doing that “So I have a friend who likes someone...” convo with Nanami in order to gauge his reaction/see if _he _has anyone he’s crushing on. Nanami would be smart enough to understand that the ‘friend’ = reader, but would also be oblivious enough to think reader is crushing on Mahito, so Nanami (reluctantly) gives good advice on how to confess their feelings for Mahito. And reader is like WHAT but they also don’t want to fully correct Nanami because that would mean confessing their feelings for Nanami. So reader just has another Ravenclaw brain fart and probably says they’re crushing on Geto or Gojo and poor Nanami is so confused and slightly jealous lol I live for the slow burn. Meanwhile, Gojo or Geto find out about this and are having a field day with it and intentionally flirt with reader in front of Nanami just to stoke the flames LOLLL
HAIBARA LMAOOOO. The poor guy is trying to help them but does the opposite I LOVE IT. This is why the castle/room of requirement is a better wingman😌
Todo is actually perfect for Durmstrang OMG that’s happening thank you. I also feel like Sukuna and Toji give me Durmstrang vibes as well (I believe I’m just fitting all the super buff guys into Durmstrang I’m cackling)
Yes I love this hc that Nanami read the HP books in the jjk verse and questioned so many things (especially after Haibara’s *****  🤧). LMAOOO Nanami would be the first to realize that jkr isn’t worth shit and this is one of many reasons why I am so so soft for this man.
Junpei joining the jujutsu tech group during triwizard tournament arc is exactly what I was thinking of doing!! The boy deserves a happy ending haha Akutami who’s laughing now
The lawyer and defendant meme LMAOOOO that’s freaking perfect omg I wheezed so hard thank you. Now the idea of Yuji saying “hot milky” and Nanami’s pained expression is something I can’t stop thinking about hahaha
OOH Yuta as the champion is an idea!! Since the tournament only allowed 17+ y.o. I was considering making reader’s class the ones eligible to participate (so Yuta would be younger). But also considering how the manga is going rn I want happy Yuta + Yuji moments LOL. However, Gojo ruining the tournament and_ _Dumbledore’s day is hilarious (yet another case of Dumbledore "calmly” mentioning a student’s name/Gojo’s name haha).
YES Nanami knowing exactly where and how to write the comments is making me clutch my heart UGH HE IS TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD I CANT. I’d do anything to listen Nanami shit-talk a prof PLS. And you know how he says “Work is shit”? I need him to say “Hogwarts is shit” HE WOULD NOT HOLD BACK FDJKLSDJ (bc if we’re gonna be honest, the wizard world is so outdated. idk what time period I’m gonna set the drabbles in but if it’s in the 2000s I just know Nanami would hate using a quill instead of a pen, or the fact that he can’t use other muggle technologies at the school LOL. Initially learning how to adapt to the wizard world is a lot of effort for him rip.)
Speaking of muggle technology, this just popped into my head but when reader visits Nanami during the summer, Nanami teaches them how a cell phone works jaskflfdjl (reader learned about it during muggle studies but actually using it is a different story). Reader becomes addicted to some gaming app (not me thinking about Pokemon Go or Candy Crush lol) and Nanami literally has to pry the phone out of their hands. Idk I just find this amusing and reader prefers the front-facing camera to the wizard’s moving pictures and takes a bunch of selfies (and some pics with Nanami) on his phone and he definitely doesn’t keep them and look at them from time to time especially when he’s missing her during the summer what no what are you talking about
“I am the manager” HELL YES NANAMI ugh such a power move kick him out, too!! Oh yeah he’ll definitely give Haibara free bread and it won’t be stale either lolol. 
I love how we were on the same wavelength you make my brain wrinkle so much as I read these asks I’m forever indebted to you
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Ahh I hope you got sleep though (you know Nanami would want you to get those 8 hours)!! Thanks once again for sharing such lovely thoughts, hope you have a good day or night, fellow Ravenclaw🥺
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safehavenofmonsters · 4 years
This is kinda random, but
TKRB starter swords for each of my OCs
Miyoko: A TKRB OC already, and it’s already established that she starts with Mutsunokami, so that’s that.
Lynette: Kiyomitsu!! Red aesthetic lovers unite!! That fear of being abandoned too... stirs up a huge amount of guilt in her heart... She might end up spending a bunch of time around Kiyo to make up for her regrets, but I doubt he would mind. Actually, I think Kiyo would welcome her constant presence.
Silas: Maybe Mutsu? Silas is the type of guy who resists change, so pairing him up with the reformation loving Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki would be funny to behold. It’s also good for character development. 👍
Majid: My first impulse was to choose Hachisuka b/c 😔👌 ✨golden boys✨ amirite? They both also seem to hold very judging attitudes, differentiating b/w “real” or “fake”, between what is “truth” or “lie”. So, I feel like they would get along. Or clash. 😬 Similar personalities aren’t always the best of combinations.
But it would also be fun to watch Majid try and get along with Yamanbagiri as well!! Manba’s reclusive personality would force Majid to take the initiative for once. After hearing for the 324th time of “I’m just a duplicate”, Majid would snap, looking at him square in the face as he replied, “Would you be quiet already? Anyway, that doesn’t even matter.” “???” “Look. It doesn’t matter if you’re a duplicate. You already look like the actual Yamanbagiri, so what’s the harm in acting like it too?” “I... I thought you hated lies.”
“If living a lie will get you to stop being so annoying, then maybe, MAYBE, I wouldn’t mind. Besides, if people believe in a lie hard enough, they can make it become true. So why can’t you do the same?”
And then character development takes place from there!!! With both of them sipporting each other to be the best they can be!!!
Kodi: I’m tempted to say Mutsu again b/c ✨ocean boys✨, but no. So let’s go with Kasen then!! Maybe Kodi can learn some tips on how to be as elegant as him!!! And become a little frightened of the sword’s bloody history, but bounce back just as quickly when he learns that Kasen is a man of the arts. Watercolor buddies!
Berenice: This is kinda difficult... Maybe if she were to start off with her personality when she was alive and then gradually reveal her true self... then I would choose Manba. They can have similar character arcs, both learning to have confidence in themselves and their own beliefs.
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