#not a full ass ref sheet for each one
didderd · 8 months
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Hey guess what!
I finally did it. I finally finished Tou's ref sheet. :'>
So! As said with Tic and Tac:
1! Ofc you can draw him, but please do research on Tourette's before attempting to represent his Tourette's!
This is in order to avoid stereotypes and misconceptions.
2! Please don't ship him with other Sanses!
Sorry, this is just a personal comfort thing. You can ship that stuff in your head or in private spaces, just not in public please, and don't let me know about it. ^^;
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goldenwilliamson · 7 months
player of the match | leah williamson
a/n: let's pretend leah isn't out with injury shall we x
pairing: leah williamson x reader
summary: reader and leah both play for arsenal. reader gets potm and a little post-match interview with alex scott fuels the rumours about her and leah's relationship
word count: 987
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As the ref blew the final whistle the girls in red embraced each other, overjoyed to get a win against a tough opponent that would move them up the table.
You were Arsenal's newest addition in defence, and at the end of the game after working your ass off for the full 90 minutes, you were awarded player of the match. All your team mates were happy to see this, and proud to have you at the club. None are more excited than Leah Williamson, who you had gotten to know very well since arriving at the Arsenal.
You already knew Leah from times you'd played against England and against Arsenal, and you'd always admired her. Not only is she a centre back, like yourself, and a good one at that. But she has truly got a heart of gold.
You two had been developing a tight friendship since your arrival a few months ago, and one night Leah confidently took your friendship to the next level.
"You're driving me crazy," she murmured in your ear one night when some of the girls had gotten together for drinks.
"Is that right?," you smiled at her, taking in the passionate look in her eyes.
"It is. I really want to kiss you," Leah said, quickly following up with, "Maybe I shouldn't have said that."
"Do it," you urged her, letting your arms settle around her shoulders as her hands found your waist.
She kissed you, and the rest is history. Obviously the girls on the team were aware of your relationship, and your families, but you two decided to keep it out of the public eye. After being in a public relationship in the past, you thought it might be nice to keep this part of your life private for a change. With Leah, things just felt so special, so different, and you wanted to hold onto it as tight as possible, without anyone else putting in their two cents about your relationship.
After the match you had to do your post-match interview with Alex Scott for the BBC. You greeted Alex warmly, obviously having met through Leah on multiple occasions already, where you two got along like a house on fire.
Now Alex beams at you as your interview begins, “I'm joined here with player of the match, Y/N Y/L/N. Now it’s only your fifth game for Arsenal, but you played the full 90 on fire, making some unreal clearances to keep that sheet clean. How are you feeling about the game you’ve just played?”
“Obviously I’m really proud to earn my place in this team. I’m a Gooner through and through, so it’s an honour to be able to play for the club and help the team out, especially when we really needed the points.”
As you finish speaking a pair of strong arms snake around your hips and someone plants a kiss on your cheek from behind you. 
“Safe hands!” The now familiar English accent confirms your suspicions. Leah pats your shoulders with both hands and gives them a little squeeze before leaving as quickly as she appeared, leaving you and Alex to laugh, exchanging some knowing looks.
“Obviously strong chemistry there between you and Leah Williamson. As seen tonight you’ve slotted right in to a lovely centre back duo with her, was this pairing as seamless as it appears?”
You look at Alex with a glimmer in your eyes, both aware that you’re dancing around the fact that you and Leah are together. 
“It’s felt pretty natural for me. You know Leah, she’s very warm and welcoming, but she’s also got that fiery drive to win which has definitely made me want to do my best stepping into that centre back role alongside her.”
“We’ll it’s safe to say you’ve definitely met the Williamson standards after assisting in the win tonight. And as a fan, we're all very happy to have you playing for the club. Congratulations Y/N.”
“Cheers, Alex.” You gently squeeze Alex’s shoulder before you walk off, smiling at her playful remark about meeting Leah’s standards. Just a couple of nights ago Alex had told you it seems to her that Leah has really fallen for you, and she doesn’t fall for people easily with her high standards.
“You tick all her boxes,” Alex had assured you.
“She ticks all mine," you'd responded instantly.
As you walked away from the cameras you saw Leah and you came up next to her, giving her a playful push on the shoulder.
"Subtle display of affection there Lee," you said.
She pulled you into to her side, still waving out the to fans, prompting you to do the same while you threw your arm around her shoulders.
"I couldn't help myself," she says playfully into your ear, making you smile with ease.
"Alex slipped in some subtle comments about our seamless chemistry on the pitch too," you said.
"Cheeky girl, that one," Leah shakes her head.
"It's true but, I feel so comfortable playing on the pitch with you," you say honestly.
"So do I. Honestly, you coming here has been the best thing that could've happened. For me, and for the team," Leah says.
"Leah," you sigh, feeling your cheeks warming at her compliment.
"I'm serious, you're amazing darling, never seen a player quite like you," she smooths your hair down and plants a kiss to your forehead.
You two start to make your way off the pitch together, arms still wrapped around each other, trying to ignore the fact that many young fans are recording every interaction between the two of you.
"Can't wait to see this on tiktok tonight," you joke to Leah.
The two of you laid in bed one night looking through the countless videos and edits of the two of you, giggling to no end.
"Yeah we're not very discreet are we?" Leah laughs.
"No. But that's alright, gives them something to talk about."
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diardri · 5 days
Dia's FFXIV Art Reference Notes, A possibly long post
Hello! I made this as a thread on my twitter but I might as well post a version of it here. For the record this will be a thread linking to the resources I use when drawing commissions or fanart, I have not made Any of these and whenever I can I will note the creators and link directly to their resources.
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GPose Reference First and foremost, if you're drawing a WOL or ordering a commission of your WOL the most important thing is to take a proper reference GPOSE. I use the method in this post, to make sure I got all the angles. Clean refs are super important when drawing armor/intricate outfits so take care to take simple standing poses like the one in the tweet above. Cool dynamic poses might be fun but they're not really useful for referencing.
Gear/Weapon Reference
If you need good references for a weapon/outfit that you don't have a GPOSE for, I recommend using the attire website
This is a japanese website maintained by @/chiyo_asa on twitter and if you've ever looked up a piece of gear in the lodestone you've almost definitely come across their pictures.
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This is a super rough translation in english of the menu of the website. While it is in Japanese it's very easy to navigate and all the pictures in the site are super high quality and very useful for referencing.
This is my number one source for gear references I haven't taken myself
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The "mirapuri" button afaik is for glams they made themselves that they want to showcase.
An important note about this site specifically is that I believe it's currently undergoing an overhaul so Some weapons/gearsets might not be completely transferred in yet.
That being said, the majority of sets from dungeons/crafting/alliance raids/job gear sets etc are sorted like so, which makes it super easy to look for.
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There IS also a search function but I'm pretty sure it works only for japanese input.
NPC reference sheets
@xivrefsheets Offers really detailed resources of npc models. They also occasionally accept requests on their ko-fi (closed at the time of writing this)
These are super useful and really high quality, especially for some of the boss refs they've done. As someone who doesn't use anamnesis I go back to their refs very often
Convocation of the Fourteen refs
Maintained by @/Igeyorhm on twitter this site has a nice list of Ascian refs per character in addition to some lore bits for each of them. Also some very useful closeups of the Ascian clothes.
Even more NPC and Boss Refs
I believe maintained by @/MlNRATHOUS on twitter, this site has a really nice array of major NPC and boss references in various angles and with colourpicks for skintone and hair which is super useful. I use them a Lot
Lalafell centric refs
Norirow Note is a super cute blog that showcases glam items/ weapons/ chocobo barding and more.
It is NOT meant to be an art reference, however if you play a lala like me, I find their showcases useful when drawing gear on lalas.
Even if you don't use it as an art ref it's a super cute blog that's just fun to go through AND fully translated in english so I recommend just having a fun time reading through it anyway.
Bonus- Au Ra Scales.
I literally found out about this today but @/saficchi on twitter has made a super detailed angled ref sheet for both male and female au ra scales and I love them for it
Bonus 2 electric boogaloo- TextTools
I use this to import 3d models of specific weapons into CSP if I'm drawing them.
I don't know how useful this is for other art software but it's saved my ass from freehanding titania weapons so in the thread it goes
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That's the full list of refs I personally use, if there's more that people want to add please feel free to do so in the comments. I hope it helps people out in their creative endeavors!
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rexroar44 · 11 months
Mha oc!!
I’m planning on doing a full on sheet for this guy BUT I wanted to share my funky little cat dude here! Don’t mind the Iida ref off to the side of his design sheet btw, in my little pea brain ive been shipping him and Suma so tee hee
name: Suma Isozo
hero name: (is still pending 💀)
quirk: When Suma activates his quirk, everyone in a certain radius will lose the use of their quirk. This effect will last for a few minutes. Each time he uses his quirk the radius of effect will keep getting smaller and smaller untill he would have to be standing right next to someone for it to have an effect. After this last use of his quirk he will need to sleep for atleast 18 hours intermittently to be able to use his quirk to its fullest again. His quirk may also have side effects on children with still developing quirks (ie. loss of use for extended period of time outside a few minutes, stunted growth of physical quirks that are still developing, or loss of a quirk entirely.)
Since his quirk can’t do all that much damage, and he can’t be in a big group with other heroes in case of also disabling their quirks mid battle, he’s typically very solitary and has to use other means to actually inflict damage.
extra facts and such:
Erasurehead and mirko fanboy 100%
Gets a bit feisty (like a cat that’s totally chill and will switch up on a dime if you touch them when they don’t say you can or one that’s hate one person but is so sweet to another)
Does parkour and sword fighting
Bit of a rule breaker, nothing crazy but his philosophy is that “rules are meant to be bent alittle.”
even if iida gets on his case a lot, he still really really enjoys the class reps presence
Foreign exchange student! (He is originally from Japan but moved to England when he was younger)
even though he grew up in an English speaking country his main language would still be Japanese
he would arrive about two weeks after school started at UA due to complications with passports and such
kicked someone’s ass cause they tried to pet him his first day.
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toyhousedramas · 11 months
i neeeeed somewhere to rant abt this where people arent gonna flame me personally so. hi
i hate hate HATE popular designer culture. its so shitass what do you MEAN you'd rather spend 80-100 usd on a minimally-designed generic furry character with zero personality instead of. idk food? games? bills? groceries? gifts for friends? charity donations? like i 100% understand wanting to support an artist and etc (or needing to pay bills and pricing your stuff high) but. 100 real ass dollars???? unless ofc youre one of the people who buys only to shove the character in a "comfort" folder for a month to seem realistic before putting them ufo for twice the buying price
and the thing is, if the design was intricately rendered or a 3-fulls 2-halves ref sheet or even just had a kickass written-out backstory i'd understand. but a blank, cookie-cutter generic design with zero personality or love just isn't worth it
just today i saw little chibi cat doodle adopts that couldnt have taken more than 5 minutes each, with very loose/sketchy lines and very simple patterns/colors/themes/etc- going for 35 usd each. and they had 3 tiers of ABs, going up to 75 fucking dollars. for something that literally means "automatic buy", aka "pay this and automatically get the thing", it doesnt seem very automatic. there werent even any perks to paying the extra money!!! just the ability to auto-buy over somebody else's auto-buy!! bullshit
anyways. enough rambling. its been on my mind for literally years at this point, even in the days when i used amino to do everything (lol). hopefully this blog isnt dead
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rainbowdelicartz · 1 year
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I have now finally updated the ref sheet to the well renowned owner of Lime Ricky's Pizzeria and Soda Float Shop: Lime Ricky! (full name Richard Limerick)
I loved playing around with his color palette, so this was tons of fun!
(more info will be down below)
Lime Ricky is the owner, founder, and cook of Bright Light City's most popular pizzeria and soda float shop Lime Ricky's Pizza & Soda Floats, an adolescent/adult friendly version of Chuck-E-Cheese where the pizzeria (and arcade it comes with) is the main spot for the older kids and teens (and hungover adults coming from the many bars nearby) come to eat the greasy but addicting junk food and the soda float shop being for the number one hang out spot for teens and adults that want to stay away from the bar scene in Bright Light City and would rather have a nice soda float instead
Lime Ricky is very much well known for his laidback, easygoing, and overzealous with a really good snarky sense of humor but also a sleazy and shady business owner who only seems to show care for the creating of his greasy junk food concoctions, mixing up his world famous specialty soda floats, and/or when he's counting his money. He doesn't seem to care all that much about the upkeep or sanitation of the pizzeria like he does for his soda float shop nor does he give a shit about the supervision of the children who come there "as long as they asses get in the door an' their parents pay the cash" (as Ricky would put it himself)
As a result, kids are often seen unsupervised running amuck and causing chaos in the pizzeria, a lot of it also oddly caused by Lime Ricky's most favorite customer: Wispy Brighton!
Lime Ricky also comes from a long line of restaurant owners, chefs, and entertainers alike where he has learned about the three topics from his father (the owner and cook of a popular diner) and his grandfather (a business man and stand up comedian) and has put them into Lime Ricky's Pizza & Soda Floats
Another thing that Lime Ricky is (unfortunately) known for is having extremely greasy fur and hair and smelling of fried food and old cooking oil due to how long and frequent he works on the kitchen making pizza and other greased up foods alike, so many are hesitant when it comes to making physical contact with the rat!
Wispy and Lime Ricky (and Dave) met each other at a house party that Wispy was throwing at his apartment one night and Lime Ricky just so happened to be one of the guests that night, once they met each other and realized they had similar interests (partying, weed, and junk food), they had hit it off right away and have been friends since
The reason why Wispy is Lime Ricky's most favorite customer and let's him eat for free is due to one: free weed from Wispy and two: Wispy's chaotic antics he causes at the pizzeria and going to the soda float shop to cool off afterwards was oddly bringing in more customers and money for him, so he's let him eat for free since
His favorite kind of pizza is half meat lover's pizza and half five-cheese pizza
His favorite kind of soda float is a Cherry Lime Ricky with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a cherry and whipped cream on top
On Friday and Saturday nights, he does a stand up comedy routine on the stage of the pizzeria (which usually houses an animatronic band) to entertain the customers, which is pretty much just Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog mixed with Gilbert Gottfried
His favorite fruits are limes and cherries
Woo!! I hope that you guys enjoy him, he was a lot of fun!
Please enjoy!!
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highladyof-erilea · 3 years
Rowaelin Month, Day Two
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A/N: Day two of #rowaelinmonth is officially here! I hope you enjoy and keep reading! See you tommorow!
follow my writing blog @highladyof-erileawrites
TW: Minor language
Word Count: 999
Prompt: College/University AU
Throwing the blanket over her shoulder, Aelin huddled under the bleachers with Lysandra and the other cheerleaders while they waited for all the players to come out. They showed up before the football players were ready to start warmups, causing everybody to to have to huddle together from the winds. It wasn’t necessarily a bad day for a game, but it also wasn’t one of those days where the weather was just right and it felt perfect. There were a few clouds in the sky, but it wasn’t enough to make the officials cancel the game or worry about precautions.
Today Doranelle State played Wendlyn in the annual “battle of the bloods” football game. (Battle of the bloods referred to the two founders having a feud with each other) It was a big deal all throughout both schools and Aelin had been waiting for her chance to cheer at it ever since she was a little girl. Today was even more important than normal though. Not only was this her first year cheering as captain of the squad, but because her boyfriend, The Rowan Whitethorn, was finally the starting quarterback. She was proud of him, how hard he had worked to get there, working his was up from a walk-on his freshman year to a full scholarship and the end of last year. Aelin was also proud of herself too, as she had been there to support him every step of the way, never faltering when things seemed to be too hard. And today was no different.
Seeing that people were making their way into the stands and the players were gravitating toward the field to warm up, Aelin got the attention of all the girls. “All right ladies, it’s showtime! Remember what I told you! You will be dancing non stop for the next four hours so I hope you went to the bathroom and had some food. Don’t forget your poms, lineup, and let's go support our Wolves!!”
Aelin made her way up to the front of the lineup and took a deep breath, preparing her biggest smile and ran out to the sidelines cheering all the way.
The entire stadium held their breath in anticipation as the ref blew their whistle. After cheering on the team for so long, Aelin was ready to go relax but this was the moment everybody had been waiting for the whole game.
Doranelle was down by four with only 10 seconds left on the clock and needed as much luck as they could get. Not daring to break her concentration, Aelin kept her focus on Rowan and he was about to do. Although, maybe they didn’t need luck. They had Rowan Whitethorn.
Receiving the ball, Rowan drew his arm back preparing for a throw. As soon as he saw Lorcan running, he gave no hesitation when he let go of the ball, throwing it with everything left in him. They were thirty yards away from the goal line and couldn’t waste any time with hesitation. The game depended on it. When Lorcan caught the ball and ended behind the goal line, the crowd erupted in cheers and elation as the buzzer went off like the final call was already made. The Doranelle Wolves had won.
Before he could process what had just happened Rowan was lifted above a pile of sweaty bodies and he couldn’t contain his laughter. Looking around the stadium, Rowan took in the never ending cheers and chants with the biggest grin on his face.
He finally stopped when he was met with the most beautiful face he had ever seen with a matching form that may have been even bigger than his. Climbing down of his teammates' backs, Rowan made his way towards Aelin. He scooped her off the ground and spun her around as he crushed his lips to hers.
Rowan tried to break away from her but before he even got the chance to put her down and pull away from her, Aelin was bringing her lips right back onto his. They were almost like magnets that couldn’t be pulled apart.
Finally breaking apart, Aelin smiled against his lips. “You looked amazing out there Buzzard.”
Rowan couldn’t help himself. “Not as much as you did from the sidelines.” Rowan wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her into his side.
Aelin tilted her head upwards replying, “I think our luck has run out.”
Rowan didn’t get a chance to understand what she meant before sheets of rain began pouring down on everyone. Their were shouts of surprise and dismay from players and patrons alike, but all he could focus on was how Aelin looked with her wer hair plastered to her body. Rowan kissed her again. “I think my luck just got even better. No practice tomorrow,” he said smiling against her lips. “We have all weekend to ourselves.”
Rowan heard a grunt behind him before Coach started yelling at him. “Whitethorn! If you don’t get your ass over here in the next ten seconds, everybody will be coming in tomorrow to run sprints.” There were groans around him audible enough to hear through the rain. His teammates started yelling at him to get over there too. Rowan scowled to Aelin. Coach could be a real asshole sometimes. He tried to grab Aelin harder around her waist, but instead she put her hands on his chest and pushed him away.
“You better get going otherwise it would seem that you got some karma instead,” Aelin smirked. “I’ll be waiting at home.” Aelin turned away from him, strutting off the field. Before she could get to far from him, Rowan slapped her ass causing a surprise , and cute, squeak to come from her. Her cheeks were bright red when she turned around to give him a death glare. It drew an even bigger smile on his face. Jogging back to the locker room, Rowan couldn’t help but imagine what was waiting for him at home.
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fleshdyke · 3 years
fuck it, i was gonna wait until i finished the ref sheets to post my headcanons, but since my pencil is broken and i can’t draw right now, i’m just gonna make a text post
(please reblog i worked really hard on this)
wings of fire tribe headcanons!
large, curved horns. males have larger ones
very big ears
big ol nose. kinda like a dog’s
large, durable teeth that stick out their mouth (top and bottom)
short wings, not great for long flights
two rows of back spines, right next to each other. they split partway down the back and the middle area widens until they’re almost at the sides of the tail
wide, strong tail, sometimes used as a shovel
tail can make a loud drum-like noise when slapped against the ground, and this is often used as a display of aggression and dominance
saliva contains a very mild venom that can paralyze prey if it enters an open wound. can only affect a dragon in very high doses
sleep pretty much anywhere, but often nap buried in mud
bury their eggs in mud and build mounds around them for extra protection + warmth
egg/hatchling mortality rate is very low
eat a diet of mostly meat and swamp birds, but some fish. plants are consumed almost exclusively for medicinal purposes
known for being exceptional chefs
mudwings are particularly fond of spicy food
farms aren’t super common, but many mudwings are ranchers
large ears and eyes
very sharp hearing, smell, and sight
small faces, good for digging in sand
very wide wingspan, can fly very long distances without stopping/sustenance
second-best fliers of all tribes, next to skywings
very long, flexible tails
tail barbs make a rattling noise, and can be vibrated in a way that other tribes can’t to make that loud rattle
venom is never used for hunting, because the toxins can transfer to whoever consumes it via the meat and blood
each back talon has a large, sharp sickle claw
sleep most often indoors or buried in sand (they also do this to cool off)
eat mostly meat, but also enjoy plants such as coconut, cactus, and aloe
no “middle class”, most sandwings are either very rich or very poor
trade skills are extremely valuable to most dragons
smallest pyrrhian tribe
dull teeth, use bony protrusions from upper jaw to catch fish
no external ears
cannot hear anything while underwater, because a fin covers the ear to prevent water from getting in
bodies covered in feelers that can release venom on command
small and narrow wings
short but powerful tail
claws are virtually useless in battle, as they use their pseudoteeth to catch fish, but can deliver venom
fat and blubbery
very smooth and small scales, almost skin-like
sleep either in small coral caves or drifting in the open ocean with half their brains awake
eat a diet of mostly fish and marine animals, but some tropical and aquatic plants
venom is mostly used for hunting, but high doses can seriously injure and kill a dragon
high beauty standards
coral is beloved to seawings, and to harm it is one of the highest offences
hard, sharp “beak” on the end of their snout (both upper and lower jaw)
branched horns, grow more points with age
pointy ears
long, narrow bodies
very wide wingspan
feathered wings
feathers on the end of the tail, act as a rudder
the more fire, the darker the skywing’s scales
firescales are black and have phoenix-like feathers
sleep like birds, with their head between their wings, but sometimes catch high air currents and sleep while flying
can go for weeks without touching land
eat a diet of fresh meat and occasionally bone shards and marrow. birds of prey are *never* hunted
one of the only farming and ranching tribes
birds of prey are common pets and hunting companions, raptors can form strong bonds with their skywing owners
hold a yearly olympics-style athletic competition, mostly sports, but sometimes gladiator activities are a part of the ceremony
very fond of sparkly things, especially gold
small snouts
large eyes, have impressive night vision to help them see in the darkness of the rainforest
small, flexible wings, not good for long-distance flight
long limbs
large claws
long barbed tongue, to reach hard-to-get food
always brightly coloured, often with hypnotic patterns, to ward away bugs
skin is slightly toxic
long midsections
underscales are hard, mostly to protect their tails and stomachs as they swing from rough tree branches
sleep either in treehouses or in the branches
eat lots of fruit, flower nectar, and tree sap. they also eat lots of bugs, and occasionally a fish
talented gardeners, high-class rainwings and royalty often hire florists to decorate their homes with colourful plants
many rainwings care for a wide variety of pets, including parrots, tropical fish, toxic frogs, snakes, lizards, and ocelots
impressive sense of smell and sight
pointed ears, furry flaps over the ear canal to keep too much cold air from entering
large tusks that jut out from the upper lip
large, furry talons to keep the snow and ice from freezing their sensitive palms
long, sharp claws
large wings with spiky scales on the “hand”, often are used to aid in walking
wings have fur down the edges of the outermost “finger”, and have thick membranes, meaning they are very good insulators
furred mane down the back, which the sharp spines stick out of
breathing in makes the neck spikes clatter together, making a light, tinking, xylophone-like sound
tail has a large tuft of fur to help keep warm while curled up
sleep indoors when possible, but their large talons and claws are good for digging burrows in the snow when needed
eat a diet of entirely meat and fish, as no plants survive in the tundra
icewings are one of the most progressive tribes, despite them being so isolated from the rest of the continent
generally have good relations with skywings and seawings
royals are considered “stars”, and icewing celebrities are often very glamorous and are constantly followed by paparazzi and tabloids
many icewings dye their manes different colours
are much more aquatic than in canon, can hold their breath longer than a mudwing and there is a part of their palace that is underwater
icewings get furballs from cleaning their fur, like cats. it’s kinda gross
biggest of all tribes
large ears, which are pointed upwards in a resting position
have a fleshy nose thing, like most bats
have a very sharp sense of smell
small, straight horns
pointy wings
wing membrane connects to legs, which then connects to the tail
long, flexible back legs
sleep upside-down, hanging from rocky ceilings
nightwings are scavengers, and will eat almost anything
very academically-focused
most nightwings are strong believers in the paranormal, and enjoy ghost stories
one of the most scientifically advanced tribes, and despite popular belief, will happily teach other tribes how to build some of their machines, had they ever asked
all tribes
amount of fire/frostbreath varies from dragon to dragon, and it’s just something a dragon is born with. it can’t be changed and dragons have seriously injured themselves while trying to
order of average flight skill, best to worst: skywings, sandwings, icewings, nightwings, mudwings, seawings, rainwings
order of average size, largest to smallest: icewings, mudwings, skywings, seawings, nightwings, rainwings, sandwings
chairs are small platforms or branch-like perches. how common the type of chair is depends on the tribe, as perches are more common in the sky kingdom, and platforms are more common in the sand kingdom. the graphic novel chairs can eat ass
all dragons shed their scales once a year, like how birds molt their feathers. this is an uncomfortable and hormonal time and tempers run high during molting
all dragonets have one large molt around the time they turn five, similar to how children lose their baby teeth. i think either this or regular molting was eluded to in dragonslayer, but yeah
females are slightly larger than males
and we’re done! i don’t have quite enough on the pantala tribes yet to make a full list, but i will update this when i do.
if anyone has any of their own headcanons they’d like to share, please do! and tell me if you’d like me to/you’re okay with me adding them to my list, because i’d love to grow this a little more!
i will post the reference sheets for these as soon as i finish them :>
feel free to use these!! i would absolutely LOVE if anyone did 😭
(mudwing, icewing, and sandwing sounds belong to @skleetheirken, tysm for letting me add em!)
pantala addition
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17-poprocks · 4 years
OH! Commissions are Open!
Helloo everyone! My birthday's coming up so I'm trying to save up for a whole ass iPad and the Pencil so! I've decided to open up my commissions!
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First up, as always, my Icon Commissions are open! These are $15.00 each!
Size is 500x in case you’re wondering!
10/10 Slots Open!
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Next up I've got some Full Shading with Simple Backgrounds, open at $30.00 each!
I'll put together a speedpaint of the process for an extra $10.00!
2/2 Slots Open!
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A complex background like this one will be about 45$
1/1 Slot Open!
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Ref Sheets! I do 3 different kinds!
Type 1 - 20$
3/3 Slots Open
This is a Single view ref with their name, age, pronouns, species, and color pallet!
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Type 2 - 30$
2/2 Slots Open
Type 1 + a bust view and Eye detail!
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Type 3 - 45$
1/1 Slots Open
Type 2+ an extra full view and cheeb
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✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
That said, I also have a ferret adopt thats open! He comes with a free icon as well!
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Payment is through paypal only! If you’re interested please send me a dm! Payment is through paypal only!  Thank you for reading! ^w^
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dikiyvter · 3 years
Headcanon post regarding: Giacomo’s body
i.e: A full run down on every aspect of his body that I currently have a headcanon for, prone to being updated in the future
Because Duke made a post, and I am but a simple sheep who wants to emulate his friends. Giacomo’s full body ref sheet can be found HERE. It’s.. become a little outdated in some regards, admittedly.
A brief rundown:
Giacomo is roughly 5′4″ ( 162.56 cm according to Google ) ( Mostly ) Straight blond hair | Very pale blue eyes Lithe build | Nice arm/back muscles from using his bow In this house we love his weird lil cheek swirls and ability to blush over the simplest things
Giacomo’s skin is a very, very pale shade. He blushes very easily, and it’s very apparently when he does. His skin is also rather soft in most places.
Sunburns and tans are not an issue for Gio-- what is an issue, however, would be heat stroke, especially given the thick layers this boy wears day-to-day.
His general feminine looks tend to get him confused for a young woman. This is in no way helped by the equally soft spoken and somewhat higher pitched voice Giacomo has. 
Aforementioned voice does have a slight accept to it. He’s spent a long time slowly working it out of his voice, knowing that, given the strain between Snezhnaya and the other countries, it would only cause problems for a nomad like himself. That, and sticking out when you’re being hunted is generally a bad idea. 
The accent does, however, start to slip in again when he gets a bit agitated or otherwise riled up.  ( As a fun side note, he and Riga almost exclusively speak to each other in their native language, so if you’re ever caught between the two of them in a battle........... have fun trying to figure out what’s going on )
His singing voice is truly beautiful. Unfortunately, past experiences have led Giacomo to retiring his voice, no longer singing for anyone. Rarely will he sing for himself- and if you catch him in such a moment, he will fall into dead silence and request to be alone for a while. 
Giacomo does bleed. His body runs with artificial blood, the primary purpose of which is to identify wounds in his artificial skin that will have to be fixed at a later point. 
Balance is something Gio is ridiculously skilled in. One almost never has to worry about him falling down... almost.
He also happens to have very good reaction time. Damn near freakish, really. 
Given the fact that Giacomo spends a great amount of his Mora on expensive perfumes from Fontaine... is fair to say that he smells very, very nice. The best I could describe it is wintery.
He shivers & shakes a lot. The exact reason why is often unknown, he just sort of.. does.
Weighs very, very little. Have fun throwing him over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes.  
Hair grows very slowly. Doesn’t need to cut his hair often as a result. The longest it has ever gotten has been upper back length. 
Face & Hair
Pale blue eyes. Nothing too special about them, but...
There’s a certain disconnect in them. He can smile, but it doesn’t always really reach his eyes. Every expression is tinted with a sort of chill in his gaze. 
He cries very, very easily. At the drop of a hat, really-- But perhaps that’s because he can do it on command. He should really invest in some sort of waterproof makeup but, well... he hasn’t so far. It’s led to quite a few messes.
Most of his expressions are soft in nature- He smiles gently, his grin is careful. Anger, disappointment, it’s all measured. Rare is the sight of Giacomo truly emoting with his face, as most of it is done in his hands and his body language. 
His default expression is mildly tired and bored. 
His lashes are very, very thick and long. He doesn’t need it, but Gio DOES wear mascara, adding to the effect. His eyes are also lined with eyeliner, though it typically winds up being a degree smudged. 
Blemishes? There are none. Not a single scar, not a single freckle. The only markings on Giacomo’s face are the odd swirls on his cheeks. He looks almost doll-like from certain angles. 
Button nose. Nice lips. Small mouth. 
His hair is a light shade of blond. Giacomo spends much of his money on products to keep his hair nice-- As such it’s very soft and silky. It is kept shoulder length, with a portion of it pulled back into a sort of pony tail held together by a silver clasp inlaid with a bright bluish-green gem.
There is an intense cowlick at the top of his head. He hates it. Nothing he does will get it to lay flat for any longer than 5 seconds. 
His ears are not pierced.
Upper Body
Experienced in using his bow, his shoulder, back, and arm muscles are rather nice. 
Much like his face, his skin here is mostly clean of blemishes.. aside from the very large surgical scars that span his chest and stomach. It’s here where Dottore has taken him apart several times over to repair the circuits fried from Rigatello’s relentless lightening. 
Inside his chest lays a modified sort of chaos core-- The true means of it’s function are unknown, but it is what keeps his body functioning. Were one to remove it, it would be akin to removing a humans beating heart. The core puts off a soft pulsating hum as it sends energy through his circuits and artificial bones.
He has no hair whatsoever on his chest-- actually, aside from the hair on his head, really, he doesn’t seem to have much hair anywhere else. 
There are a few spots that have clearly been repaired hastily-- some areas, upon inspection, look as though they were sewn together recently.
His fingers are long-- they would be good for playing piano, if he ever had the opportunity to stop and learn. They are, however, greatly calloused from years of using his bow. He does use lotion, if only for vain purposes. 
His hands are also very agile- Sleight of hand is something Gio is skilled at as a result. 
Gio does take the time to paint his nails, typically in a light blue or white color. They are cleanly filed, and in general taken very good care of, much like the rest of his body.
Chest... sensitive.
He is Average, and that is all I will say on that topic.
Small hips & waist.
So much time spent running across Teyvat has given him rather nice legs. They aren’t particularly muscular, though- he’s built more for speed and agility than anything else. 
He’s got.. a fairly nice ass? Please excuse the fact Cala is deeply asexual and doesn’t really know what constitutes “a nice ass”.
I don’t have much else to say, sorry--
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also here’s chiyoko’s full ref sheet lol lore under the cut but tbh i’m still relatively new to fate so this is me pulling shit out of my ass and still trying to keep chiyoko’s old original lore from her Old Days(tm)
Chiyoko Hagiwara was born into a family of three. She was the middle child, with an older brother named Masahiro, and a younger sister named Tsukasa. Chiyoko’s father, Ryosuke, was the Oyabun of a powerful syndicate in the Yakuza. His wife, Akira (nee Kiyabu), was the daughter of an equally powerful syndicate, the two married in order to combine the forces of Akira's syndicate into Ryosuke's. Many believe that's all the two were. Powerful leaders of the criminal underworld. However there were many things that many didn't know about the Hagiwara family. In truth, aside from the criminal background, they had dabbled in magic. Ryosuke wouldn't say he was a Mage per say, but he was quite well aware of their existence. If anything, Akira was the one who acted as a Mage. The two were a power couple in more ways than one, seeing eye to eye in terms of magecraft and crime. Chiyoko lived her life as the heir to their craft, being taught by Akira personally everything she needed to know to be a Mage, while her brother was being groomed to succeed his father as the heir to their father's empire. While at first Chiyoko was fine with these events, she soon grew jealous of her brother. While her mother was quite proud of Chiyoko and the fact that she was such a gifted learner- her father was more focused on her brother and his acts as a criminal heir. Why was it that Masahiro got to be heir and only she was taught magic? Why couldn't she have both?
It was only a matter of time before Ryosuke and Akira were found out, perhaps by a rivaling clan or Mage family, but Chiyoko ended up waking up to gunfire and shouting. Their home was being attacked. Before Masahiro could do anything, he was taken by whatever assailants there, leaving Chiyoko alone with her little sister and a young girl named Ai who was supposed to act as Masahiro's subordinate once he ascended his father. The three were left alone at a very young age, no older than twelve. In fear of being found out, Chiyoko made the call to run away and hide. It was hard for three young girls to survive on the street. But Ai was specifically trained by Ryosuke and Chiyoko was a fast learner. By the time Chiyoko was fifteen, she decided she was going to be the one to succeed her father. She found the remnants of what was acting as the Hagiwara clan and confronted the acting oyabun, demanding that she take position. Of course they laughed at her, who thought of a woman, no less a child, was going to run such a crime organization? 
This infuriated Chiyoko that they would look down on her like that, so she challenged the grown man to a fight, which she won almost seamlessly. Begrudgingly, the man let her take position and quickly Chiyoko started rebuilding what was once her father’s empire. At first the men mocked her, not taking her seriously at all. However they quickly found out she wasn’t fucking around as she effortlessly took out rivaling clans, conducted trades, manned heists, and overall shot the Hagiwara clan back to it’s infamy. In fact they were even climbing higher than before with Chiyoko becoming well known as their Oyabun. Kinue became Chiyoko’s right hand gal under the name of Ai Suzumiya and was Chiyoko’s personal assassin. Hiroshi became Chiyoko’s main interrogator, and Tsukasa was just considered the Oyabun’s little sister. Chiyoko was very famous for her cruel demeanor and heartless act when it came to her job. She was feared, anyone who heard her name cowered. She was truly a force to be reckoned with. However she stood at 4′11″ and the moment someone finds that out they immediately laugh at her.
However they are also quickly dead.
With the money Chiyoko was raking in quickly, she bought a huge mansion for her, her sister, and her two closest subordinates to live in, with an extra room to spare. However below the mansion is where the true magic happens. There was a large hatch that opened to a descending staircase that led to a large empty cellar with a metal chair in the middle that screwed to the floor and a dim light hanging above it. In the corner there’s a tarp and on the other side there’s loads of duffle bags. Next to the chair there’s a metal bench with medical tools lining it. This was Chiyoko’s interrogation room which she fondly regarded as ‘The Cellar’. At the very back of the cellar there’s a door that opens to a hallway that is lined with cells that Chiyoko keeps her ‘prisoners’, or people she plans to interrogate or keep for ransom. At the other end there's a door that leads to a large meeting area, with a large table. At one end there’s a large black throne that only Chiyoko sits in. Anyone who dares sits in it will be punished accordingly. There’s a large whiteboard on the left side and a projector screwed to the ceiling. At the back of the room on the right side there’s a large vault door that opens to Chiyoko’s gun vault. Which has every single gun that can be acquired legally or illegally. As well as various ammo, clips, throwables, combustible, anything that can be used as a weapon, anything created as a weapon, Chiyoko has it. The only exception is she doesn’t have a nuke (but she sure wished she did). On the other side from the vault door there’s a thin door that blends into the back, when opened it shows a small computer desk and chair with six monitors, 2 for each well, left, right and center. As well as pictures and newspaper clippings of possible rival yakuza activity. Each monitor is hacked into a street camera that Chiyoko can use to spy on people. On the right side wall there’s a large portrait of Chiyoko that is actually the cover to Chiyoko’s money vault. When opened and accessed, Chiyoko has millions of dollars just sitting there. Only she knows the code
Chiyoko, despite acting as the head of the Hagiwara family, didn't sit back and watch her subordinates work like most. She preferred to work in the field. Aside from her men who would do the dirty work, she herself would sometimes dabble in it. Bank Heists, Arms deals, hell, even the occasional spy job. She had to learn to conceal her identity, because as high profile as she was she'd be instantly recognized by anyone who'd consider her a rival.
By the time Chiyoko hit this high in her infamy she’s around twenty-one years old. She may at first seem like a total professional, but she proves to be anything but that. Of course she’s professional when required but when she doesn’t need to be, she believes herself to be top of the food chain. And in a way, she is. Her wealth and infamy strikes fear in even the toughest of criminals. She is constantly drinking the finest booze and occasionally smoking unnecessarily expensive cigarettes imported from Egypt. She has the biggest ego and is very hard to break down. Nothing phases her, whenever someone tries to intimidate her, she just smirks and totally blasts the other person out of the water. Nothing gets past her. Chiyoko is also a grade A sleaze. She’s very confident in her body and knows that she’s eye candy, so she uses it to her advantage most of the time. 
One day Ai gave Chiyoko a gift, a ring that she once wore all the time. Chiyoko always questioned what it was and what the symbols on it meant, but a gift was a gift and it being from Ai was enough for Chiyoko. Chiyoko for most of her life focused more on the syndicate than she did Magecraft, however that didn't mean Chiyoko didn't at least keep up with her studies just a bit- she found old books and lessons from her mother. Some things were still out of her reach but one that really caught her eye was something about a thing called the 'Holy Grail War' or summoning a Heroic Spirit, things like that.
On a whim one day in the spare room of her home, she attempted a summoning circle. She didn't expect it to work, but the ring on her finger began to glow, accidentally opening and a piece of old golden armor out onto the circle, and before she even knew it a man glad in Gold appeared. Chiyoko's eyes widened as she stepped back, enamored by the sight. What--- Is... This a Servant? Looking at her left hand a red symbol began manifesting on the back of her hand. One in the shape of a crown. Panicking, she reached for a glove in her pocket and shoved her hand in it. This was crazy, what was happening. Her eyes met with the red irises of the other man.
His voice was filled with the pride of a king, a gaze that looked down on all as if they were nothing but ants.
"Who dares summon me, mongrel."
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hiyadarlingirl · 5 years
Slowburn love story about Roger Taylor. 
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click here for masterlist and full story
Hello my beautiful, beautiful people! 
Thank you for staying with me, loads of kisses to each. and. every. one. of. you. I appreciate you and I see you and you are wonderful! 
Without further ado, here is part 16! 3,6k of fluff and smut! This is mostly fluff though, as requested, more smutt will follow 
All my love, 
Click here for masterlist 
‘Morning honey.’ Roger bent over you to kiss the bridge of your nose.
‘Wwah?’ You blinked, still gaining consciousness. You faintly noticed arms sliding under your back and got pulled into his chest tightly. He nuzzled his face into your hair pressing his lips to the warm skin of your neck and mumbled something you couldn’t understand.
‘Hmm?’ You asked sleepily.
‘I’m going for a shower.’ He clarified.  
You yawned. ‘No, stay.’
The light in the room was warm and bright, trying to pull you into the new day but you refused to do so. You felt still rosy and warm from the sleep so you slowly closed your eyes again, enjoying the feeling of his bare skin against your cheek.
‘I feel dirty.’ He smiled against your skin.
‘I don’t care.’ You replied, crawling deeper into his arms to emphasize your words.
‘You should take a shower too love.’ He murmured.
You groaned softly. ‘Why.’
‘Let’s just say.’ He started, nuzzling his nose in the crook of your neck. ‘That by certain events of last night that flowery smell of yours has long since fleeted.’
‘Are you saying I smell bad Taylor?’ You replied, lifting your head to frown at him.
‘I certainly do not.’ He laughed and pulled the fabric of your baggy shirt down your shoulder to brush his nose against the exposed skin. ‘Actually, I like this better.’ He breathed, voice still raspy from the sleep. His breath felt hot against your skin and you sighed.
‘Okay, go take your shower then Rog.’ You gave in and let him go.
He got up, sheets gliding off, exposing his naked body and stretched out one hand. ‘Join me?’ He pleaded, eyes hopeful.
You looked at him. ‘But the bed is so so comfortable.’ You whined, burying your face into the pillow.
Roger kneeled next to the bed and grabbed your waist, pulling you to him. You had your eyes closed but could feel him pushing up your T-shirt and suddenly felt his lips pressed against the soft skin of your stomach, warm and open-mouthed. You turned your face to see what he was doing.
‘Come join me, love?’ His voice sounded needy which woke up your senses.
‘Please?’ He asked. ‘We could save water and I’m also very, very poor.’
You grinned. ‘Well, you are indeed very poor.’ You agreed. ‘So I reckon I have no choice in the matter then.’
He nodded an agitated yes.
‘Alrighty.’ You pushed yourself up and got rid of the T-shirt. You tossed it on the floor and got into the shower first.
‘Where is your roommate by the way Rog.’ You asked, turning on the water and waited for it to turn warm. The thought had occurred to you before last night but you had forgotten to ask.
‘Helping his dad with his house.’ Roger replied getting into the shower with you. You opened your mouth wide to let your cheeks fill with water and made room for him.
‘Holy fuck.’ He cried out when the water hit his body.
You sprayed the water you had gathered in your cheeks right in his face.  ‘What, you think it’s too hot?’
‘Are you bloody insane? It feels like I’m in the fiery debts of hell!’
‘Hmm.’ You frowned while pushing him gently to the center of the stream. Then in one swift motion you reached behind him for the shower handle and turned it to cold, jumping away yourself. Before he could realize what was happening he got the icy-cold water all over.
‘Y/N!’ He shrieked and stepped back. ‘You are so going to get that back.’ The look in his eyes made you shiver though you hadn’t even touched the water yet. He grabbed you by your waist and tried pushing you under the cold stream. You fought back but he was stronger and you screamed when you felt the icy water running over your naked body.
‘Roger!’ You squealed. ‘Let me go! Please!’
‘Fair is fair.’ He muttered in your ear in his low sleeping voice.
‘Rog, please.’ You laughed and tried to catch your breath. Fuck it was cold.
‘Okay.’ He gave in, and for a second you thought he would really let you go but then he pushed you against the wall. For a short moment you just looked at each other, anticipating what either of you would do next. He tore his eyes away from yours and let them rest on your lips. You could see his chest rise and fall and bit your lip. With that, he grabbed your ass and pulled your lower back away from the wall. Your back arched and he pressed his hips against yours. He bent forward to kiss you but stopped just before your lips touched, making you whine in frustration. You stretched your neck trying to reach for him but he wouldn’t let you.
‘What do you want?’ He asked teasingly.
‘To touch you.’
‘Do you.’
‘For fucks sakes Rog!’ You groaned. ‘You got me enough already.’
‘That’s true.’ He breathed and then pressed his lips to yours, biting your bottom lip and tugging at it softly. You sighed into the kiss, your hands running up his back to pull his wet hair gently.
‘Wait.’ He muttered and reached out of the shower cabin to reach for something on the sink. It took you a second to realize what it was before he opened it, slid it over his length and lifted your left leg in one swift motion. Then he pushed into you. You breathed in sharply at the sensation. His head dropped to your neck, lips gliding over your wet skin. You should really start using the pill, you thought.
‘You okay?’ He mumbled against your shoulder.
‘Uh-uh.’ You replied, simultaneously liking the feeling of him inside you and disliking it as it still felt slightly uncomfortable.
‘Sure?’ He wasn’t convinced.
‘Yes.’ You nodded. ‘Just try not to be too rough, for now, yeah?’
‘Of course love.’ He replied, lifting his head to examine your face and slowed his pace. ‘Does this feel okay?’ He asked, trying to read your facial expression.
You looked at him and smiled. ‘Yes. It does.’ You replied and let him pull up your knee a little higher so he could sink into you a bit deeper.
He kept his slow pace and you let your head drop back against the shower wall, hands still in his hair. You liked listening to his heavy breathing, having nothing between your naked bodies but droplets of water. You let him kiss your breasts and neck and closed your eyes enjoying the softness of his lips. You let your hands travel down to his lower back and pressed him impossibly closer against you.  Then you let them wander lower, gliding over his soft skin and grabbing his ass. He groaned softly against your skin, giving off a vibrating feeling and you chuckled softly.
When you felt he was getting close you wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him open-mouthed, tongue slipping between his lips. He came softly, almost inaudibly. You smiled. He looked so soft with his wet hair. Adorable, you thought to yourself, not saying out loud as he wouldn’t want to hear it.
He lifted his head to look at you. ‘You feel really good.’ He mumbled and pressed a light kiss to your cheekbone.
‘Thank you.’ You replied, resting your forehead against his for a moment. ‘So do you Rog.’
He shot you a lazy smile. ‘Can I pull out?’ He asked. You nodded. It felt alright. Much better than yesterday anyway. He did so and then he laughed. ‘We’re still not clean, now are we.’
‘Depends on how you look at it.’ You smiled.
Roger pulled away from you and turned on the shower to a medium warmth. ‘Come here you dirty girl.’ He said and pulled you under the water. He took the shampoo bottle and started rubbing it into your hair. You closed your eyes at the feeling of his fingers on your head, letting your shoulders drop in relaxation. He rinsed the foam thoroughly under the warm stream once he was done. Then he took the shower-gel that smelled like cucumber and began running his hands all over your body. You leaned back against his torso while he lathered your ribs, stomach, hips and then your legs, squatting down next to you.
‘Your turn.’ You uttered lazily when you were all clean. You switched places and got behind him, just like he did with you and started with his hair, massaging the soap in and rinsing it out under the water. Then you took the shower gel, making foam between your hands and started dividing it on his chest and back and shoulders, traveling lower. His body felt heavy and warm against yours and you pressed your lips to his shoulder.
‘What are your plans for today Rog?’ You asked.
‘Appointment with the lads and our new manager.’ He sighed.
‘Sounds… exciting?’
‘Nah.’ He replied and turned around to face you. ‘I want to be with you Y/N.’
‘And I with you, Roger-Meddows.’ You copied his serious expression. He tilted his head to the side and smirked. ‘Meet you after?’
‘Alright.’ You poked his side making him yelp and jumped out before he could do the same.
‘What time do you have to be there?’ You asked, wrapping your body in a blue towel.
‘Well, to be exact… Now.’
You looked up and sighed. ‘Roger…’
He shrugged and got out of the shower as well. ‘Priorities love.’ He said and squeezed your ass.
 June, one month later, De Lane Lea Studios London
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You were sitting on the velvet couch in front of the recording room next to Freddie and Mary. In your lap rested a book on DNA-replication you had a test on tomorrow and you tried to imprint the information into your memory. It wasn’t too hard and you were quite confident you would do fine tomorrow so after a while you put the book away and looked up.
You were able to see the boys through the glass window and though you couldn't hear them you knew Brian, Tim and their producer Fritz Freyer were arguing furiously about something by the way they moved their hands and arms agitatedly. Roger was in the back trying out some new riff and threw you occasional glances.
You had advised him to bring his glasses but he had refused to do so which resulted in him squinting and squeezing. After a bit Fritz called him at which he walked to the front and joined the argument but kept throwing you looks. Normally he would enter an argument with devotion, screaming the loudest but he didn’t involve in it at all this time. You lifted one leg, pulling the fabric of your long floral dress over it and rested your head back against the wall. It was a warm day in June and the door to the small inner garden was open, warm breeze occasionally playing with your hair gently.
The manager was saying something at which Brian laughed and suddenly they were all looking at you. Roger shook his head at Brian and you frowned, wondering what they were talking about.
The mystery got solved quickly when the manager turned on the mic to the common room and bent forward.
'Freddie or Mary, can you distract Y/N for a bit, Roger needs to concentrate.’
Freddie and Mary both laughed and you huffed indignantly.
'But I'm not doing anything!'  You protested.
Frits just shrugged. 'You existing seems to be enough.’ He replied. ‘Sorry girlie but it ain't working with this fella like this.' He gestured to Roger who lifted his hands at you as an apology.
You laughed and got up. ' Okay, okay, I'm going alright.' You conceded.
Their producer put his thumb in the air and winked at you at which you rolled your eyes but smiled nonetheless.
You turned to Freddie and Mary.
'I'll just go into town to do some shopping then.' You announced.
'I'll join ya.'  Mary said and got up. She turned to Freddie. ‘You’ll be okay Fred? Do you want to join?’
‘No, I’m fine.’ Freddie replied. ‘I’m joining those children.’ He gestured with his chin to the boys who had turned back to arguing. ‘It’s not going anywhere like this.’ He got up to enter the recording room.
‘Yes go help them, honey.’ Mary said and kissed him on the cheek before grabbing your arm.
You spent the rest of the afternoon visiting vintage shops and returned to the studio early that evening.
'Am I welcome now?'  You asked jokingly when you entered the studio and saw the boys chilling on the couch. Brian and  Freddie were chattering about a certain melody and Tim and Fritz were disagreeing about the location of their next gig.
'Sure thing babe.'  Roger said smiling and stretched his arms out to you.  You sat down on his lap and let him slung his arms around you.
'How was the shopping love.'  He asked and pressed his lips to your bare upper arm.
'I got a summer dress, I'll show you later.’
'Looking forward to it.' He replied and you smiled at him.
'How's the recording going?'
Roger shrugged. 'Could be better.'  He sighed and then leaned in to whisper something in your ear. 'Tim keeps complaining. I'll explain later.'  He added. You nodded and looked around the room.
'Are you staying the evening?'  You asked.
Roger gave you an apologetic smile. 'Afraid so, love.'
'That's okay.'
'Tomorrow is your last exam isn’t it?’ He asked. ‘Shall I pick you up so we can go together?"
'Yes please.'  You nodded. looking forward to your summer break. Roger had still two tests left that week.
You rested your head on top of Rogers and closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun falling right on your face through the opened door.
'Brian and Fred and I were thinking about celebrating the start of summer break this Friday at the Lakeside out of town and have a little barbecue. What do you think?'  
'I love it.' You exulted.
last day of uni
 Roger picked you up that morning. Ally and Sam came with you, also having to attend an exam and together you entered the examination hall.
Just like you predicted the test went smoothly and you were confident you had passed it since you prepared for it well this time. Rogers test went okay and he was complaining that he had still one left on Friday.
‘I’ll help you.’ You promised when you were both standing in the hallway waiting for Ally and Sam.
‘I’d like that.’ He replied, resting his cheek on top of your head, arms wrapped around you. Personal space had become a foreign concept to you two and you tried to be close whenever possible.
 The rest of that week you spent together in the library. You were completely relaxed since you were already done for that year and spent your time reading Jane Austin in the windowsill between the books and making tiny braids in Rogers' hair whenever he felt like having a break. In the evenings when he had been bending forward over his books the whole day and his shoulders were tight you massaged the tension out of them, making him sigh softly in relief.
 Whenever he felt like giving up you sat down on the table in front of him and gave him pep-talks.
‘You are beyond smart Roger.’ You would say. ‘Your intellect is vaster than the bloody universe, do you hear me? You are Plato and Steven Hawking combined. You can do this.’
He knew you were exaggerating gravely but it made him laugh and that was worth enough.
That Friday he drove to the examination hall and promised to pick you up after to go to the lake with the gang.
‘How did it go?’ You asked when he arrived at your door, car parked behind him.
‘It was alright.’ He replied. ‘I think I’m safe.’ He slung his arm around your neck, pushing you down playfully and pulling you with him.
You laughed. ‘Okay, let’s celebrate!’
He let you go to open the door and you got into the car.
‘No!’ He objected out of the blue when he sat down next to you.
‘Huh?’ You asked surprised.
‘Don’t you dare put your feet up at the dashboard missy.’
You laughed. So he hadn’t given up on that after all. ‘Okay, but only if you ask nicely.’
‘Can you keep your cheeky little legs down, please.’
You pulled up an eyebrow at his choice of words but gave in anyway. ‘Alright alright.’ You replied, crossing your legs in front of you.
You were already wearing your swimwear and couldn’t wait to enter the water.
When you arrived Brian and Freddie were already there, making a fire on the stony beach at the lakeside.
‘Hello, you guys.’ You smiled and put your stuff next to theirs.
‘Hello, darling.’ Freddie came and squeezed your and Rogers shoulder. You noticed Brian was struggling with the fire severely so you decided to help him out.
‘You need to start with tiny pieces.’ You explained and squatted down next to him.
‘Hmm?’ He asked.
You showed him how to tear small pieces of bark off the wooden logs. ‘Like this.’
You could hear Freddie and Roger talk about you softly from the side. ‘She did scouting when she was younger.’ You heard Roger explain to Freddie. ‘Her father thought it to be of importance.’
You looked up and saw Roger standing with his hands on his hips, proud smirk on his face. It made you feel proud too.
Mary arrived just as the fire started burning. She dropped two huge bags of food on the ground.
‘So, I’m done for today. You can feed me.’ Freddie went to help her.
As the fire got bigger you decided it was time for a swim. You got out of your dress and your shoes and walked to the waterfront. The water felt cool on your toes but not too cold. You walked in slowly, looking out over the lake. It was a gorgeous body of water, a lot bigger than the one you had been in that spring in Cornwall but not too big to cross. Though trees partly surrounded it was still covered in sunlight and you blinked at the sparkling water.
A little to the left was another group of friends having a picknick and you enjoyed the peaceful sounds of laughter and chattering being mixed with the rippling of the water. Your hair tickled against your bare back and you closed your eyes at the warmth of the sun. Your peaceful moment of quiet got erupted abruptly when someone suddenly grabbed you by the waist and lifted you above the water. That had to be Roger.
‘Put me down.’ You ordered, at which he just dropped you right in the water.
You went under completely. ‘Asshole.’ You muttered when you came up.
‘You ask, I deliver!’ He defended himself. You jumped on his back in revenge to push him under.
‘Enough, enough!’ He squealed when he came up again.
You looked at him suspiciously, half expecting him to pull you under again but he didn’t. You looked back at the others and saw Tim and another friend of Roger had arrived as well. Ally and Sam would come too and you looked forward to having such a big group of your favorite people together.
You and Roger got out to dry up and laid down on a blanket in the sun.
‘Oi, you lazy love birds, help with roasting the corn will ya?’ Tim asked. You both laughed and got up. They had put a grill grate over the fire and were now roasting bell peppers and sausages.
You took over from Brian and Tim.
Brian took his guitar and started strumming. You hummed softly to the melody and sat down cross-legged putting corn that was still covered in leaves on the grill.
After dinner, the sun started to set and the first star appeared in the soft blue sky. You were sitting next to Roger with your legs in his lap, wearing his sweater and together you looked out over the calm water.
‘Hey Y/N?’ Roger asked after having been quiet for a while.
‘Yes, Rog.’
‘Driving around this summer. You and me. England, France, what do ya think.’
You turned your head to face him. Was he being serious?
‘The whole summer?’ You asked, excited.
‘As long as you won’t get sick of me.’
‘As long as you won’t forget to bring fuel I’m with ya.’ You grinned.
He shook his head softly. ‘I won’t forget. Cross my heart.’
You narrowed your eyes at him but then smiled. ‘Alrighty.’
‘Well, that’s settled then. Brilliant.’
You both turned back looking out over the lake.
‘I gotta learn you how to drive, though.’ He added after a bit.
‘Yeah, if I’m tired or something you can be back up.’
‘It’ll be fun love. I’ll make sure of that.’
You nodded. ‘Okay, sounds good.’
‘So you’re all in?’
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his ear. ‘All in Rog.’ You breathed.
He smiled brightly.
 What a summer that would be. 
Click here for next the part and full story 
Thank you for reading darling! If you liked it please let me know or share;) ! love you infinitely! x 
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sneezingpotatoes · 6 years
Another Cold Winter [Part 1]
Wow, hello xD I’ve returned after a long-ass break with a new fic if anyone is even interested anymore since I’ve been inactive xD But anyway, whoever reads this, I hope you enjoy it xDD
SO THIS IS ASAHI SUZUKI <3 Aka my bae, aka I love him so much! I mean I love them both but he's my bae, you know?
And this is Kaede Takahashi, Asahi’s bestest friend in the entire universe xD And probably his only friend... feels bad.
Okay so I used a random Anime Dress up website to make what my characters look like xD Sorry about the stupid pose they're in, I couldn't change it xD
Asahi hugged his arms tighter around his torso in order to stifle his violent shivering that rattled his spine. The cold winter air was already biting straight through his thin leather jacket, and he had no intentions of standing in it any longer. Damnit! Where the hell Is Kaede?! He mentally groaned, I don’t know how much longer I’ll last out here! Just the thought of staying out in the cold for a couple minutes longer made him grunt. He sniffled, softly at first, but a little rougher the second time, as he could feel the cold air loosening up his sinuses. He quickly brought up an index finger and attempted to rub away the burn that the cold winter air left behind from his rough sniffling, but cringes as he feels the cool burn turn into a prickling sensation in the back of his nose. He gives a quick twitch into his plaid scarf, releasing a firm sneeze into the soft piece of wool. “Huh-KSHht!” How damn cold is it, anyway? He grimaces, still feeling the strong sensation linger about. A shaky fist is brought up halfway, patiently waiting for the inevitable. A mumbled curse is heard through breathy hitches as he draws his fist closer to the cloth. “Hhuuhhhnn… Ikgsht-Kshht!!” Asahi aggressively jerked into his scarf once more, being overwhelmed by the pair of toppling sneezes. Always in triples… He drew in a long, wet sniffle, not wanting to get his scarf any wetter than it already was, seeing how the tiny droplets of sick on his scarf had already gone stone cold, making him cringe and shiver when his chin and lips laid up against it. “Ektsshuhh!!” Or was it quads...? No, I could’ve sworn it was triples. He blinks a few times, dazed by the force of the unexpected sneeze, and lets out a light cough, having felt the sneeze scrape the back of his throat.  He hated sneezing, seeing how his were normally pretty messy and there was never just one. There had to be multiples. Every. Single. Time. Whether he had a quick fit or maybe a fit where the last one gets lost at the airport and has a late arrival, who the hell knows! His nose can’t make up its damn mind. Asahi and cold weather never really got along, and today wasn’t going to be any different. He mainly hated it because cold weather meant that colds were going around, and that he had to wear restricting, heavier clothing. Since coats and sweaters weren’t Asahi’s idea of fashion, he always tended to under-dress around cold seasons. And today, this was going to bite him in the ass… hard. He pulls down his scarf as another shiver creeps up his spine, making him clench his teeth and squeeze his arms even tighter. He drew in another deep, liquefied sniffle, feeling his nose start to leak heavily. Damn him! Whenever I see his face, I swear, I’ll— 
“Asahi!” Kaede yelled as he rushed down the flight of stairs from his apartment room. “Sorry I’m late!” His panting breaths escaped his mouth in puffy clouds of vapor from the cold air. He gave Asahi a sheepish smile as if he were pleading for forgiveness. He really wanted to do a number on Kaede, but his warm smile and innocent nature served as a protective shield and flushed him with guilt.
“What the hell took you so long?!” His voice was grave with irritation written all over it, but of course, Kaede appeared to be immune to the wrath of Ol’ Asahi.
“I overslept again, my bad… I’ve been cramped up in my room all week studying for the AP exam today…” Asahi gave a stifled smirk at the word study. Kaede was the smartest student on school grounds that he knew of, so why would he need to study? Kaede sighs as he trails behind his best friend, waiting for the new puff of vapor to disintegrate completely before speaking once again. “I’m sorry,” He apologized again, “Can’t imagine how cold you are with that paper-thin jacket you’re wearing. If my mother were here in the mornings, she would’ve let you in.”
“It’s not that cold…” He lied right through his teeth, biting back a much-needed sniffle. The cold winter air was truly getting underneath his skin. All he wanted to do was get the hell inside, it didn’t matter where. He jammed his hand into his jacket pocket, having to force himself to leave his nose alone, unless he wanted to walk into the school looking like Rudolf.
“Are you kidding me?” Kaede yelled in disbelief, “It’s going to snow soon! I feel like I’m going to shatter into little shards of ice if another breeze hits me!”
Asahi bites his tongue in attempt to hold back a snarky remark. You weren’t the one standing out here for an hour and a half. Breaking his own rule, he brings up a curled index finger to gently brush up against the rims of his nostrils and freezes dead in his tracks. Clear phlegm had started to leak down unto his lips, since he stubbornly neglected to sniffle in front of his friend. He probably hadn’t noticed earlier since his entire face felt numb. “You wouldn’t happen to have any tissues on you by chance, would you?” He could feel his cheeks burning into a light pink as he asked that pride shattering question. He disgustedly cupped his hand to hide the leaky mess so that at least his friend didn’t have to see it.
“Is that even a question?” Humored Kaede as he reached into his jeans pocket, revealing a pack of travel tissues. “In this weather, it’s practically mandatory to carry these around, you know.” He takes a sheet of tissue for himself and hands the rest of the pack over to Asahi, who gratefully accepts them. He distantly watches as Kaede removes his glasses and gives a gentle, damp sounding blow into the tissues. My gods, everything this man does is pure perfection. The hazel eyed teen folded up the tissue and stuffed it into his jacket pocket, regretting the decision of grabbing one tissue instead of two. He brings up a gloved palm and presses it lightly underneath his nose, feeling it gently twitch against the touch of his hand. “Hiitssch!” The itchy sneeze sends Kaede whipping forward, nearly snapping at the waist. Asahi looks at his best friend with concerned eyes through his now soiled tissues before tossing his onto the ground and returning the pack of tissues to it’s rightful owner. “T-thagk you, I’b sorrhhy! I-I juhhs— Hh-hih…! Jus’… Hh’igssch’u! Hahh…” He froze for a moment, squeezing his nostrils shut, trying to kill the tickle rallying in his nose and to save himself from the embarrassing false buildup game. Even the way he sneezes are absolutely stunning. The way he tries to speak through his hitching is just breath taking. A sigh is released from Kaede as he blows his nose for the second time and tucks the other used tissue into his pocket. “Sorry about that,” Kaede chimes with a warm smile, still rubbing underneath his nose with a gloved finger, “I hope I didn't spray you or anything! It's been so long I almost forgot what a sneeze felt like... We should pick up the pace. We’ll be late.” The brown-eyed teen nods without saying a word, and instead spends the rest of the walk giving his friend a mental body check, trying to figure out any telltale signs of if he caught a cold or not, since he was too insecure to ask him about it.
After warming up and chatting in the cafeteria awaiting the chiming of the morning bell, the resonance from the bell finally fills the school and the two teens head to their math class together. Asahi made it his mission to keep an eye on his best friend Kaede, just in case he actually did have a cold, he’d be the first to know about it. Although there was nothing he could really do, since he was never prepared for these types of situations, he’d take him to the nurses’ office if he wasn’t feeling well, or he’d wait in the restroom with him for 3 class periods like he did last year. Asahi audibly sighed as he sat down in his desk, hating how he had math of all subjects to be the first period of the day. It wasn’t so bad since Kaede was also in his class period, and they sat right next to each other. The tardy bell rang and his teacher promptly locked the classroom door, not wanting to deal with any tardy high school students on a test day.
“Wow, such amazing attendance today. We’re only missing about a third of the class today. If only I could get this amount of students to show up to my class every day.” Mr. Yamamoto stated bluntly in a monotone voice, already grabbing the stack of tests from his desk. “Alright my star pupils, as you know, today is your AP Math exam. The test should be easy, yesterday’s 8th period said it was easy-peasy and the scantron results came back with a perfect %100. So, if you fail this exam, you’re a complete nincompoop and you need serious help.”
“Really???” A petite girl in the front row questioned with pleading eyes full of hope as if her dreams had come true.
“Heck no!” He erupted, “This is AP Math. Your brains will poof to ashes due to burnt out brain cells. I’m already scheduling your funerals.” The little girl slumped deep into her chair, arms folded, with an intense scowl directed at the math instructor. “You know the drill, no talking, no phones, yada yada yada. Once I hand out the first test, your souls are mine.”
Asahi followed suit and slumped down deep into his chair as well, already feeling his head begin to pound deep inside his skull. He hadn’t studied for this exam; He never studied for any of his classes, but this was also the only AP course he was taking, and not to mention he’s already failing it with a D-. If you count playing Dragon Blazers for 9 hours straight studying, then he would be the king of studying. He only took this class so that he could at least have one class with his childhood friend. He had straight hundreds for his daily work, since he would only copy Kaede’s worksheets, but he failed every test/quiz, and today would be no different.
“Good luck, champ. You’re gonna need it.” Mr. Yamamoto whispers to Asahi after he sets down the packet. Great. Thanks. He peeks over at Asahi, whose pencil was already scribbling and jotting down equations and answers on the exam packet. He would stop writing for a moment and bite on the eraser of his pencil, only to quickly begin his writing again. The brown-eyed teen rested his head on his desk, not even knowing where to begin. He picked up the packet and flipped through the booklet glaring at each question, the next one seeming way harder than the previous questions. Derivatives? Antidifferentiations? Integrals? God himself would have to do the test for him if he were to pass that exam. Maybe if I take a nap, last week’s lessons will just come to me. He foolishly thought, knowing damn well he hardly ever paid attention in this class. If there were a test about Kaede, he would definitely pass, seeing how every day he would focus his attention only on him. He knows that Kaede prefers wooden pencils over mechanical pencils, that every Friday Kaede likes to hole punch all of his graded papers and place them neatly behind his labeled math divider that he sketches on whenever he’s bored or has free time, also that he likes to be the last student to put away his math textbook so that he can meticulously straighten up the entire shelf for the next class period, and that he—
“Suzuki, lift your head up and get to work!” The slamming of a plastic ruler against Asahi’s desk causes him to jolt upright in his seat. It slammed so close to his arm that he felt the breeze from the swift hit wiggle through his bangs.  “If you’d like to take a nap, I’m sure the principle would love to provide you with a nice warm cup of after school detention!” Muffled snickering amongst the other classmates are heard as they buried their faces into their tests, not wanting to be the next victim of Mr. Yamamoto.  Kaede gives him a brief look of concern before returning to his exam. Asahi opened his exam, trying his best to hide the flush of embarrassment from showing in his cheeks, but failed horribly. Well I guess I don’t have a choice but to start working on this stupid exam…
Every minute that passed felt like an eternity for Asahi; He could’ve sworn that he’d been staring at question number one for five days now, and to make matters worse, he had extended class periods for the exams so he had to stay in this stupid hellhole even longer. Asahi rubbed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose, starting to feel worse than when he first entered the school. He attempted to discretely take in a light sniffle, but even the slightest inhale gave him the spotlight of the classroom. His nose was filled up with so much phlegm that it made a gurgling sound if he even attempted to breathe out of his nose. The room was so quiet that it felt like you could hear a feather drop. Asahi pinched his nostrils shut, feeling a familiar undesired itching sensation return. He tried to make as little movements as possible, as to not attract the attention of other students trying to work on their exams, but mainly so that he didn’t disturb Kaede. Despite his pinched nostrils, the itching still decided to wiggle its’ way under his fingers; his left eye began to twitch awkwardly from the sensation, and a stifled hitch barely escaped his grasp. Sick tears welled up on his eyelids and blurred his vision to the point where he decided to just close his eyes completely. He brought up a trembling hand to cup his mouth in order to muffle his now soft hitches. “HhHngh… Iihhehh…? HhHIEH-! Nnngg…” A few of the students that sat in the desks around Asahi gave him dirty looks, but he couldn’t see them. He was in his own little bubble just trying to figure out whether he should just release the sneezes or just quench the itching back down to a tolerable place.
Kaede took a look at his suffering best friend, only to see his head tilted so far back that his chin was perpendicular to the white board, with his nose and mouth squeezed so tight he’s sure that if he squeezed any harder his face would tear off. The hazel-eyed teen reached into his pocket again and placed the pre-opened tissue pack onto his desk, giving three quick taps on his right shoulder before resuming his exam. The three gentle taps on his shoulder caused Asahi to jolt in his seat from the unexpected touch, making him lose his concentration on quenching the itch. The sensation erupted like a dam breaking, forcing Asahi to jerk into his partially cupped hands over his desk. “KSHHNXGT! Huh’kgxsht! Hekshhn-ktsshuhh! Hh-hhuhHHh-!” Asahi could feel his own cheeks turning a dark red as the class shifted their attention to him and irritably blessed him, waiting for him to finish what he’d started. He knew how awkward he must’ve looked and sounded while he was trying to relieve himself of this pestering itch, but he couldn’t help it. He knew this feeling. He still needed to sneeze even though he had already finished his quad. Why the hhheelll d-do I stil— “EGSHUH!! Hegshh-Eksshh-Keshhuh!” He took a moment to collect himself ignoring all of the blessings, still trying to wrap his aching head around what the hell just happened.
“Bless you, Asahi.” Kaede’s whisper cut through all of the embarrassment and self-pity he had to offer. Asahi couldn’t help but pry open an eye to look at the angel himself. Kaede gave him a smile so warm Asahi could’ve sworn he would’ve melted if they weren’t sitting by the cold window. “Are you feeling alright?” He mouthed the words this time, discretely, seeing how Mr. Yamamoto was already becoming restless from Asahi’s outburst. The brown-eyed teen slowly nodded, as he grabbed a handful of tissues from the pack and emptying out all of the phlegm he was storing in his nostrils, not caring about the opinions of others anymore. “Nngxt! Hh… Hngt!” He successfully stifles the double into his soaked tissues, still feeling a tickle lurking in his nostrils. He balls up the tissues and sets them at the corner of his desk and promptly grabs for the rest of the tissues that were in the travel pack, but before he can open up the tissues correctly, he violently dips forward into a cupped hand. “NNGXT’shuh!” Of course. The third. “God bless you.” The teen says, hazel eyes still locked onto his own exam. This time Kaede was the only one that blessed him; It made him feel soft inside, having a special ‘God bless you’ for all to hear. Asahi furrows a brow at his best friend. Normally he would’ve been the first one finished with his exam, but three other students had already finished ahead of him, and probably a fourth one was on the way. I wonder… Asahi blew his nose once again, still feeling a lingering tickle in the back of his sinuses.  Why the hell do I still need to goddamn sneeze for? He wondered, feeling very agitated with his ticklish nose. “10 more minutes everyone!” Announced the math instructor, “I repeat, 10 more minutes!” Asahi instantly picked up his pencil and quickly began circling random letters and filling in random bubbles all over the scantron; Anything to at least get a grade above a zero.
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tonidorsay · 7 years
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So you know I wrote a book. I am writing more of them. Not the boring ass trans shit book that none of ya want, but a fun book about magical girls and stuff.
Only, it isn’t all that fun all the time.
You see, the Girls are fighting the Agents of Oblivion. Oblivion is the personification of his name, and that means he’s the end of everything.
He even has five Riders, because he thinks Apocalypse is a candy ass and that other guy is distracted.
But before we get to them, we gotta uncover what’s going on.
So, let’s talk about villains for a moment.
Oppression. Be it misogyny or transphobia or racism or the rest, it is always an expression of a formula.
I express that formula directly: Anxiety/Aversion/Animus, singly or in any combination plus social power is how oppression works.
Now, social power stems from those things which act to limit or hinder individual Agency – social power is Structure.
What if all those things were demigods?
Lesser powers, their will bent towards service of their masters?
Anxiety, Aversion, and Animus are The Three. This cycle of effort to bring Oblivion through, they are the major leaders. They played a role previously, but they didn’t succeed because they served other forces.
They are partnered with The Five: Apathy, Avarice, Deceit, Privilege, and Stigma.
The Five are the ringleaders of the larger group known as The Structure.
All of them have lesser demigods working for them.
Anxiety, for example, has Humiliation, Disrespect, Inadequacy, Alienation, and Terror working for him.
Animus has Aggression, Frustration, Insecurity, Envy, and Hate. Those last two have been around a very long while – they were Known in Ancient Greece. You might recall a less flattering version of Strife, who has gone solo, from the Disney Hercules.
He’s still pissed about that. Which might be why there has been so much of him in the Disney back offices and leadership team over the last several years…
There are over 60 of these buggers on the sheet I am referencing that lays out all the ways they work and interconnect.
One of Stigma’s Lieutenants has jumped ship, though. Seems he both wised up to the fact that when Oblivion comes, they all go to, but moreso it seems his power is not as influential as it once was – he is disrepute.
You may get to know him as Alley.
Avarice is the de facto head at present, and one of the most Powerful. So powerful he may just have assumed a role as a person on Earth. And be influencing events more directly.
Any of this sounding vaguely familiar?
Feel like you are living in a world that is controlled and dominated by demigods who corrupt people with miasmas and humours?
These are the folks that the Contras are fighting. Sometimes they are easy. Lazy or distracted or overconfident. Sometimes they are hard.
But they are Gods, able to twist reality and warp things, and as the gals climb the ladder towards the Tower, they will fight more and more of them.
Sometimes they will be joined by The Party. The Party is the West Coast magical guy team.
Yes, you read that right. Magical guys. And they will be done straight. Gay, trans, one AceAro who has a dark sense of humor.
Sometimes they will be joined by the Rebels, who have been at this a lot longer, as they gained their powers when they were in their early teens. They are on the East Coast. Vermont, specifically.
Oh, I should note that two of this team are a couple, and the black gal is Justice and the other gal is Liberty, and yeah…
Trans gal on that team, too.
I absolutely promise that Nazis get punched (one gets a full missile launcher shot at him in the first book!), and there will be two occasions where the orange one gets what is coming to him. As well as his cronies.
I can also state that apparently, and over my objections, later in the series we will see giant robots and we will see Kaiju. I was trying very hard not to let that happen, but, well, you know how villains are,
Motherfuckers do not know when to give up. Specially these villains, who more often than not understand that monologuing is bad, and killing them is more fun if it hurts a lot.
ContraMagica is a 300 plus page Outline spanning at least 11 books.
It may take the form of a light novel and the conventions of the magical girl and magical idol genres, but it is a full on, hard core, old style fairy tale structured within the Hero’s journey that has given us Epic Fantasy works from Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter to Song of fire and ice and more.
Except, for once, all the lead characters are women, and both women of color and lgbt women are everywhere.
If you have ever read my what is series, you likely know I understand this stuff on the “academic” level. You probably know that I get these things better than pretty much 98% of our haters.
This is what happens when you take those things and put them into a really fun story. One that is inspired by Ghibli films and Ghost in the shell and Madoka and Yuki Yuna and the darker stuff but still brings out the light.
Maybe you hear me talk about girl power and you think, oh fuck no, not more of this live and peace and kindness crap.
Well, this isn’t that kind of girl power.
When you get a moment, go out and do some research. Seriously. Go out and find twenty five characteristics that define what the fuck Girl power really if. Broaden your search into the power of the feminine, too.
It will take effort. Because the vast majority of it is either Terf shit that stops at three things or religious shit that stops at five or a bled of both that says smile bitch and say thank you when he pulls out.
Sorry, that doesn’t do shit for me.
But there is value in womanhood, in the bonds of it and the aspects of it that need not be opposite of or complementary to masculinity.
And toxic masculinity is rampant, as well.
I had to figure that out. I had to dive into it and go beyond the silly shit and let me tell ya, I got 40 elements of Girl Power.
That change things in a subversive way that you know I love.
That is the power of these gals.
But wait!
Even after all of that, and I know ya’ll are like “yawn, yeah, whatevs”, there are a couple more things…
Each of these gals has five romantic aspects to them. Over the course of the novels, they will explore these, from crushes to the two separate romantic leads for each on, to the person who keeps making stuff hard, and to the friend who is there for them.
Yeah, even the Ace lead. She’s Ace, but she’s not Aro. But she has more going on, and what you might think is her basis for being Ace ain’t it.
And then, of course, these women are not whole people. The Contras don’t have the happy background of your usual Magical girl. All of them had lives that sucked, lives that hurt and broke and pushed them.
Remember, again, I am both a sociologist and a psychologist. These gals have issues. And I am just starting to explore them. For instance, there is a moment mentioned in book one where Lark, who is easily the baddest black magical girl I know, with her everyday goth look and her Victorian plus maid powered gear and her snakes and Houdon force and old brujha, is accosted by guys on Campus and is pretty much unable to respond and it falls to the Latina gal to come in and scare them off.
Why would she be that way? Why did Tally spend forty plus years waiting for mr right, and what happened that she might do it again?
These are gals with issues you will recognize.
This is ContraMagica. It isn’t going to be PreCure or Sailor Moon (neither of which I have seen more than two episodes of, btw, lol).
It is everything I have in me – all of it – poured out for you, but cleverly disguised as a kick ass magical girl superhero women’s story hidden in the YA field.
That is all of it. If you still go meh, well, I at least tried, lol.
But tell people about this. Let them know that I have five years or less locked down of my life to tell this massive story, and if I am lucky, maybe make a bit (seriously, a buck a book is what most authors make on trade paperbacks retail, so it takes like everyone to make an HP).
It isn’t great art. Not war and peace.
But i like to think it’s a going to be a great read.
You can buy it here : https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B071YM6FJY/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1493094404&sr=1-1
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lunuanaki · 7 years
Mun & Muse Fact Sheet
Repost, do not reblog.
Quick Ref Sheet || Mun and Muse Edition! Tagged By: @heliokrantor bl ess u I’m gonna steal your longer one sometime that you did for each muse Rules:  tag 10 of your followers that you want to know better! OH NO I GUESS I GOTTA BE A REBEL ASS BABY // I’VE REMOVED SOME QUESTIONS FROM THE MUN SECTION BECAUSE EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS THEM REFER TO MUSE SECTION FOR FULL LIST
Name:  Meri (picked the most active one!) Nickname: None at all, unless you count “Captain”. God, that’s sad. Zodiac Sign: Not sure - I’d have to ask hedge tbh I never bother picking them myself anymore  Gender: Female Favorite Colour: Blue Average Hours of Sleep: Two to eight, dependent on schedule and ability to Stop. Last Thing You Googled: Nonsensical single syllables, trying to find a song  with no words she has stuck in her head a lot Height: 5′7″
Name: Charlie Nickname: cna Zodiac Sign: Aquarius  Last Thing You Googled: pancakes tbh
Tagging: anyone left who hasn’t done it! I’m really behind on the Trendy Memes rn...
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junker-town · 6 years
16 stats that tell you everything about a weird NFL Week 15
This week wasn’t just about controversial rules. Aaron Rodgers couldn’t save the Packers, Teddy Bridgewater is back, and Jimmy Garoppolo remains perfect as a starting QB and as his own receiver.
The antepenultimate week of the NFL season was basically like every office holiday party you’ve ever attended. Some were so embarrassed they hope no one will remember what happened (blowout losses for the Seahawks, Texans). Some did nothing more than show up and get their wallflower on (the apathetic performances from the Bengals, Browns).
And others decided to let loose and give everyone something to talk about the next day and beyond (Patriots-Steelers, Cowboys-Raiders, the refs, dumb NFL rules).
It’s hard to sum up one of the strangest weeks in the NFL, but we’ll do our best. Let’s check out some of the most significant numbers from Week 15:
The Steelers knew it was coming. Tom Brady and the Patriots struggled mightily the previous week with Rob Gronkowski sidelined by a league suspension for an egregious cheap shot against the Bills.
Coming into the game, Gronkowski had already recorded six games with 80+ receiving yards and had most recently lit up Buffalo for 147. In five games against the Steelers in his career, Gronk had 30 catches for 496 yards and eight touchdowns.
And despite that, they were powerless to stop him.
Gronkowski’s 168 yards were a career high, but none were more important than then final 69 (nice) that shredded the Steelers secondary and turned a five-point deficit into a three-point lead with less than a minute to play. He tortured Pittsburgh with some spectacular catches:
And others that seem mundane until you consider the physics of a 265-pound man running at full speed and leaving defenders in his wake.
He even caught the two-point conversion. If there’s a rematch in the postseason, the Steelers might want to try double-teaming him.
The Cowboys’ season-saving win over the Raiders was a doozy of a way to end a doozy of a Sunday. But lost in the shuffle of a paper-measured down and the legitimacy of the touchback rule is the play of No. 38 for the Cowboys, safety/emergency kicker Jeff Heath.
On second-and 3 with about 40 seconds left, Heath saved an almost touchdown when he batted away a ball heading straight for the waiting arms of Michael Crabtree.
On the next play, he sprinted toward Derek Carr, who scrambled 7 yards and (now infamously) stretched out to reach for the goal line and fumbled out of the end zone.
“I was just trying to beat (No.) 38 to the corner,” Carr said after the game, via the Cowboys’ official team site. “I was able to beat him, but as soon as I stuck the ball out and he pushed – it just slipped out of my glove. I tried to hold onto it.”
Instead, Dallas got the ball back and was able to kneel out its 20-17 win, all thanks to two heads-up plays from Heath.
Aaron Rodgers was supposed to be the Packers’ white knight. We’ve seen him do it before. We’ll almost assuredly see him do it again. But in his first game back from a broken collarbone, Rodgers couldn’t save the Packers.
Rodgers had an up-and-down game against the Panthers. At times, he looked like the same guy who could methodically rip your heart out as he marched his team down the field for an inexplicable game-tying or winning drive. It almost happened Sunday, too, and maybe would have if not for a Geronimo Allison fumble.
But at other times, it was clear Rodgers wasn’t his usual self — so much so that he threw three picks, for just the fourth time in his career. The Packers are 0-4 in those games.
It was the first time Rodgers has had a three-interception game since 2009. Now the Packers will do something they haven’t done since 2009: miss the playoffs.
Bridgewater earned every decibel of a rousing ovation at US Bank Stadium Sunday when he made his first game appearance in nearly two years for the Vikings. Minnesota. The fourth-year pro had missed the team’s last 30 games thanks to a catastrophic knee injury that raised questions over whether he’d ever play again.
Deafening standing ovation for Teddy Bridgewater #Vikings http://pic.twitter.com/5kFaa3Y1cv
— David McCoy (@DavidMcCoyWCCO) December 17, 2017
His on-field performance, however, failed to live up to the fairy tale standard set by the crowd’s love. His first pass since January 2016 wound up intercepted by Cincinnati linebacker Shawn Williams.
His second was similarly unsuccessful, leaving his comeback with an 0-2, 0 yard, 1 INT line.
Neither incompletion was necessarily Bridgewater’s fault, however. His first pass to Jerick McKinnon floated high, but was still catchable before it caromed off the running back’s hands and into the Bengals’ possession. His second pass hit Michael Floyd right in the hands before falling to the turf.
More importantly, the result was never going to be more important than the sheer fact Bridgewater was able to make it back. That terrifying knee injury threatened to keep him from ever pulling on his jersey and stepping out on an NFL field. Instead, he worked his ass off to return to the game, and even in an 0-2 performance, it was perfect.
The Bills are still hanging on to the final wild card spot in the AFC, though they might need some help to fend off the Ravens, Titans, and Chargers.
But if the Bills end up breaking their playoff drought before it reaches adulthood, then the player they should most thank is LeSean McCoy.
A week after his walk-off snowdown, Shady hit a career milestone in a win over the Dolphins:
Runs for his 10,000th career yard. Goes down. Gets back up. Scores a TD. That's our guy, @CutonDime25!#MIAvsBUF #GoBills http://pic.twitter.com/Uwxc0Ly22R
— Buffalo Bills (@buffalobills) December 17, 2017
At 29 years old, McCoy is the oldest running back among the NFL’s top 10 leading rushers (his 1,057 yards on the ground puts him at No. 5 in the league right now). But he’s not done yet: 12,000 is his next goal.
5, 1,008, 2, and 1
If he keeps this pace up, Jimmy Garoppolo — acquired for the cost of a mere second-round draft pick — may wind up being one of the biggest bargains in league history. His third straight win with San Francisco was notable for several different numbers.
5: the number of starts Garoppolo has made in his NFL career, and
5: the number of wins Garoppolo has as an NFL starter
- or -
1,008: his passing yards over his first three starts as 49ers quarterback, and
0: number of San Francisco quarterbacks to throw for even 800 in his first three starts before Jimmy G
- or -
2: career receptions for Garoppolo, each on batted balls thrown by ... Jimmy Garoppolo (one came Sunday vs. Tennessee)
- or, and possibly most importantly -
1: the number of comeback wins he’s pulled off at approximately the same time as his former mentor, Tom Brady.
After a 1-10 start, Garoppolo has rallied San Francisco to three straight victories. That’s a December winning streak the Patriots, Steelers, and Eagles can’t match.
But the Jaguars can. Jacksonville’s latest win, a 45-7 mollywhopping of the Texans, gave them a matching clean sheet for December and a three-game streak of its own. Only the Cowboys can match these two in that regard.
That makes Week 16’s game between the 49ers and Jaguars and unlikely showdown between the league’s two hottest teams.
The Jaguars won’t just be putting their winning streak on the line, though. They’ll also look to keep their red zone wizardry going:
Jacksonville hasn't allowed a red zone touchdown since Week 9. The next lowest team over that span has allowed six.
— Rich Hribar (@LordReebs) December 18, 2017
On Sunday, the Texans’ only score in a 45-7 loss to Jacksonville was just outside the red zone: a DeAndre Hopkins 25-yard touchdown catch. Speaking of ...
DeAndre Hopkins is, without question, the best receiver on the Texans roster. His score against the Jaguars was his 12th touchdown catch of the season, which set a new franchise record. But Bill O’Brien thinks the case can be made for Hopkins as the best receiver in the league.
O'Brien on Hopkins: "The type of year he's had, with different quarterbacks, the catches he's made... I think he's the best receiver in the league."
— Houston Texans (@HoustonTexans) December 18, 2017
That’s a hard sell, simply because players like Antonio Brown and Julio Jones exist. But Hopkins has done enough this season to prove he deserves to be discussed in the same breath as that upper echelon of receivers, especially when he’s spent half the season catching passes from Tom Savage and T.J. Yates.
Before the season is up, Hopkins may land at the top of the list for end zone targets in one season.
Most end zone targets in a regular season since 2008: 1. 2011 Brandon Marshall - 25 2. 2010 Calvin Jonson - 24 2. 2014 Kelvin Benjamin - 24 2. 2017 DeAndre Hopkins - 24 (2 games left for the Texans)
— Mike Clay (@MikeClayNFL) December 18, 2017
Sunday’s game also put Hopkins in a class with players like Randy Moss and Jerry Rice. Hopkins is only the sixth player in NFL history to come up with 92-plus receptions for at least 1,310 yards and 12 touchdowns in a single season.
The NFC West doesn’t officially belong to the Rams yet, but their 42-7 shellacking of the Seahawks sure felt like a changing of the guard in the division.
Todd Gurley led the way for the Rams, totaling 180 yards — 152 rushing, 28 receiving — on 24 touches. He also accounted for all but one of his team’s five touchdowns and joined some pretty exclusive company in the process:
Todd Gurley is the 2nd player in @RamsNFL history to have 1,800+ scrimmage yards & 15+ TDs in the team's 1st 14 games of a season. The other is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Eric Dickerson, 1983 Todd Gurley, 2017 http://pic.twitter.com/V6RyAd3gsy
— Randall Liu (@RLiuNFL) December 18, 2017
But Gurley wasn’t the only player to go 180 on the one-time formidable Seahawks. Pharoh Cooper also put up 180 return yards.
With one more win (or another Seattle loss), the Rams can lock up the NFC West and do a different kind of 180: going from worst to first in the division in their first Jeff Fisher-free year.
Second-year receiver Michael Thomas has 94 catches for 1,085 yards so far this season, and he’s in good company:
Congratulations to @Cantguardmike, who joins @OBJ_3 as the only two players in NFL history to have 90+ recs in each of their first two seasons.#SaintsGameday | #NYJvsNO http://pic.twitter.com/yutdcomR4W
— New Orleans Saints (@Saints) December 17, 2017
Between Thomas, Mark Ingram, and Alvin Kamara, Sean Payton’s offense has a three-headed monster:
The @Saints are the only team in the NFL to have 3 players with 1,000+ scrimmage yards each this season: Mark Ingram - 1,420 Alvin Kamara - 1,336 Michael Thomas - 1,085 http://pic.twitter.com/LGdjD3UUpr
— Randall Liu (@RLiuNFL) December 18, 2017
Drew Brees might be getting up there in age, but he doesn’t have to do nearly as much when he has guys like this around him.
A lot has been said — some fake newsy, some not — about the NFL’s declining ratings. But if you give people a matchup worth watching, they will watch. Just call it the NFL’s version of the voice in Ray Kinsella’s head.
So no surprise that people tuned in to that wild one between the Steelers and Patriots, up 8 percent from last year’s game in the same timeslot:
CBS Sports National Game coverage scores highest rating of 2017 NFL Season on any network, highlighted by @Patriots win over @steelers, game earns rating share of 17.0/32, up 8% https://t.co/CxHZT4u0g7 http://pic.twitter.com/9tsb7aaluE
— CBS Sports PR (@CBSSportsGang) December 18, 2017
Aaaand, also no surprise, the last Thursday Night Football game of the season, the poopfestiest poopfest between the Colts and Broncos, was the lowest rated of the year. But hey, at least it still got more viewers than Olaf’s Frozen Adventure.
Julius Peppers is tied for 10th in the NFL with 10 sacks so far this season. And he’s eight to 10 years older than each of the five players he’s tied with at that spot.
Peppers shares that No. 10 ranking with his Panthers teammate Mario Addison, Steelers defensive end Cameron Heyward, Chargers defensive end Melvin Ingram, Saints defensive end Cameron Jordan, and Broncos outside linebacker Von Miller. But he’s doing it at age 38.
Only three players, including Peppers, have gotten 10 sacks at age 37 or older.
Julius Peppers is almost 38 years old. He's not playing like it. http://pic.twitter.com/igrnbTTQSJ
— SB Nation NFL (@SBNationNFL) December 17, 2017
And that’s not all: This is Peppers’ 10th season with 10 or more sacks. Only Peppers, Greene, Smith, and Reggie White have pulled that off.
Just three weeks ago, Blaine Gabbert got revenge against his former team with a competent performance in the Cardinals’ surprising win over the Jaguars. But it’s clear now that Gabbert was who we thought he was. Against Washington, he completed 16 of 41 passes, or just 39 percent (which was still, somehow, better than T.J. Yates’ completion percentage against the Jags this week).
To be fair, Gabbert’s been on the ground an awful lot lately:
Blaine Gabbert has somehow been sacked 20 times in his last 3 games. Next up is Wilson (11) and Keenum (10). Crazy
— Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora) December 18, 2017
Good thing for him (or perhaps, not so good) is that Drew Stanton will be the Cardinals’ starting quarterback in Week 16 since he’s fully healthy now.
We’ve come a long way from Arians thinking that Gabbert could possibly be a future starter on a permanent basis.
On Thursday, the Colts led the Broncos 10-7 at halftime. They lost, 25-13. It’s been a familiar feeling this season:
This will be the #Colts seventh blown halftime lead of the season. NFL record is eight. This year still has a chance to make history.
— George Bremer (@gmbremer) December 15, 2017
That certainly doesn’t look well when you look at their 3-11 record.
With two games left, they can break the NFL record for most blown second-half leads in a season. They play the Ravens in Baltimore Week 16 and host the Texans in the final week of the season.
If you have to place a bet, Week 17 seems like the one for them to clinch it in.
Brock Osweiler’s 99.2 Total QBR on Thursday night was a performance that no other NFL quarterbacks can say they had this season:
Brock Osweiler's 99.2 Total QBR on Thursday is the highest in the NFL for any QB in a game this season (min. 20 action plays). It's the highest Total QBR in a game for a non-starting QB in the 12 seasons for which ESPN has Total QBR data. http://pic.twitter.com/KSeABgicj7
— ESPN Stats & Info (@ESPNStatsInfo) December 15, 2017
Osweiler wasn’t even supposed to play on Thursday. Trevor Siemian went down with a shoulder injury on the team’s second drive of the game, but he filled in nicely.
Osweiler completed 12 of 17 passes for 194 yards and two touchdowns. He was sacked just once, and even had a rushing touchdown with a joyous WOO HOO HOO HOO!
The Buccaneers’ final drive on Monday Night Football managed to get them into Falcons territory and set up a game-tying field goal attempt. But they weren’t helped by an official costing Tampa Bay about three seconds by falling down.
Did it matter? Probably not.
If he just put the ball down, the Buccaneers would’ve had eight or nine seconds and maybe that would’ve meant one more play. Tampa Bay still got its shot at a field goal and of course it missed because the Buccaneers are cursed when it comes to kickers.
A ref falling face first felt like an appropriate ending to a weird week of officiating, though.
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