#not actually an hd remake just colored very badly
nuclearnerves · 3 months
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I want you to know I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this panel. I love his little :]
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You mean the world to me. HD remake for you
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smalltragedy · 3 years
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* brigette lundy-paine, nonbinary + they/them | you know kirby wormwood, right? they’re twenty five, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, two weeks? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to ring ring by mika like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole balancing acts at perilous heights destined to entertain, jack of all trades master of none, refusal to accept the mortal world as it is thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is december 1st, so they’re a sagittarius, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( james, 21, est, they/them )
hllo welcome 2 my third character i love them a lot theyre a. remake of an older oc of mine so this is fun <3 sdfhk anyways once again i am asking u. pleathe like if u wld like to plot.
mini playlist.
wizard ;; lucas lex / ring ring ;; mika / crows ;; clues / sunrise sunset ;; bright eyes / la llorona ;; beirut / no children ;; the mountain goats / might be love ;; the pesky snakes / sax in the city ;; let’s eat grandma.
full name: kirby wormwood (currently).
nickname(s): magpie.
birthday: december 1st, 1995.
zodiac: sagittarius sun, aries moon, libra ascending.
mbti & temperament: estp & improvisor / sanguine.
label: the hellion.
hometown: abilene, texas.
sexuality: bisexual.
alright lets get right into it. kirby ws switched at birth. they cld’ve hd a very like. picket fence trampoline in the backyard. 4 columns cos its texas n it feels right. bt instead they were chosen <3 somewhat unintentionally <3 by dorothea n fawley wormwood, two traveling circus workers who emergency stopped in abilene.
n u know what. growing up in st. pierre’s traveling circus ws kinda fkn awesome? like ok. besides the fact tht they were homeschooled fr like evr n there were a sparing amt of children 2 socialize with? it ws p cool idk.
it ws kinda like everybody ws their parent n also not at all bc they were all very casual. bt they grew up learning hw 2 maintain the circus (n also like. normal school thingz bt i dnt think kirby hs ever cared abt school like ever) n whenever they hd a show kirby wld facepaint or handle tickets until they were old enough 2 start learning like. the Real fun things. 
fawley hd a lot of his own weird odd little like superstitions n beliefs n practically raised kirby on them like n they dnt rly <3 make a lot of sense. lots of made up philosophy. very much like. nothing defines u. u cn b anything or anyone. n kirby ws like ok cool. n then developed a god complex.
names didnt rly stick 2 kirby when they were a kid like. nothing satisfied them or felt worthy fr them or simply they just. got tired of a name. this isnt related 2 them being nonbinary BUT it did help ease some of the. pressure of exploring gender identity. theyve only hd one name tht stuck genuinely n tht ws magpie n. thts bc everybody hd their own bird name n it felt very. like community. like a role. usually the names they used during performances bt. anyways KFHDSGLKKHL
theyre Kirby bt answers 2 most. neutral nouns.
honestly. they were also a rascal as a youth. ws like. oh. i learned sleight of hand? cool. time 2 pick pockets. wld throw popcorn into the hair of other kids n b like. omggg what was that ... became a mime fr a year. it ws a rigorous training.
now a master of charades. bt anyways. they traveled pretty much weekly, maybe bimonthly n sometimes just pure monthly. there wsn’t an off season fr them, when the colder months came they’d travel south and when summer rolled in they’d go right back up again. it ws easy to switch personas almost daily n just. never reveal ur true self. totally not saying tht’s what kirby did bt thts what they did. it nvr made them lose sight of themselves it ws more like. acting. tricking ppl fr fun. 
anyways all good things come 2 an end and when kirby ws like. 18. they were like hey ur old enough that we cn trust u with fire. we think. n they started 2 learn fire-throwing n like. they were ok at it bt lessons were painfully slow n kirby ws like. i wld b so good at this if i cld do it all the time. n it ws like. hey kirby, chill. u already know a lot of things.
arson tw // u see where this is going. tents are kind of flammable. kirby ws unsupervised. bad decisions all around. circus is aflame. all the animals n all the circus workers got out fine bt like. st. pierre’s ws efficiently out of business. arson end of tw //
n kirby fkn booked it they just. ran. pure fear. nvr looked back which is like super traitorous of them 2 do bt. sometimes they meet up in secret like. sunglasses n all at a coffee shop. not all of them just like. fawley or someone else. theyre like. ur family u cld burn down a thousand circuses n we’d still love u. n kirby is like yeah i know bt i’ve rly committed to the bit now. n they dnt reunite.
anyways. since then kirby hs just been. a traveler. nvr rly staying anywhere fr super long n driving around in their shitty little van tht’d been used as housing back at st. pierre’s.
they’re in irving n theyve been there fr almost. suspiciously long. compared 2 their average stays. when asked abt what they do or why theyre there theyll just. give a vague answer or spin a long tale tht usually involves a burning circus.
theyre staying at uh. abernathy creek rn bc of course they r they fit in so naturally. welcomed with wide arms. might b soul searching rn might b on the hunt fr their birth parents might b just vibing ... whose to say ..
personality & facts.
has a Big personality tht attracts others fr better or fr worse. either super likeable or the most despicable person on the earth. no in betweens. n honestly tht is a talent in itself
has no off button is constantly. spinning tales or performing a dance or getting kicked out of bars fr whatever nonsense reason. 
honestly they prob think tht nothing bad cn ever happen to them even tho like. bad has literally happened 2 them before? love the optimism here. KLFGDLKFSDHGF
acts a bit like u’ve known them fr ur entire life they r oddly warm in tht way bt they themself r so distant tht its like. oh nice ok ...
both honest n yet dishonest like. yes they will hustle u out of ur money bt they will also tell u their opinion straight up. 
probably smart bt they r just like. prime thembo? flowy pirate shirts n cropped tshirts n pants tht r never tight. dresses like they do still work n live at a circus. 
likes 2 instigate things between others n then stand back n just watch it happen while taking like zero accountability. loves a good small town drama. avid milf hunter.
does not hv any faith in the american healthcare system at all n will straight up refuse 2 go 2 a hospital if they get hurt theyre like. i cn do it myself im like practically a professional. they r not a professional. 
bt does hv like. a thing abt apples. fkn loves them. 
uuuhhh cn play instruments bt all very badly. only knows one (1) song tht isnt made up n its wonderwall by oasis. they play it at parties. they expect fr tomatoes to b thrown at them at any given time.
very nimble. agile. granted its frm. learning circus tricks frm a baby age bt they hv impeccable balance n cn sneak up behind anyone without a single noise. uses this 2 their advantage in order 2 scare ppl. chaotic neutral.
loves having the attention on them i wont fk around here. will go to drastic measures to accomplish receiving it. my other muses r capable of taking things srsly bt kirby just. is not. they do not take a single thing srsly they barely even took. st. pierre’s destruction srsly n they caused it. maybe.
likes being able to just. be unknown so the amt tht ppl know abt them is actually very. little. i dnt think they even tell others their last name. sometimes not even their first. just hs so many aliases n nicknames. i know i didnt list any bt thts simply bc Any cld.
probably acts out to compensate fr the. underlying guilt they hv bt thts okay. i mean it isnt bt.
will probably show up if u call them fr help bt they lose interest in people p quickly n r always moving onto the next shiniest person. bt when they do they give them like. all their attention. if u wrong them in this period they will just. ignore it. bt when theyre bored then its like. u werent even friends at all? very odd.
perhaps it is commitment issues bt <3 ya. thts them. they do not claim favorite colors or movies or. most interests. probably bc theyre very very disconnected frm pop culture i think they learn everything thru twitter n google.
i wld not call them a good person bt i also dnt think theyre like evil horrible nasty awful they just. think abt themself a lot more than they think abt others n also refuses to face consequences ever and also .. anyways.
wanted plots.
part of the bird’s nest ;; honorary bird honorary circus member. u hv to be very well regarded by kirby to earn a bird name bt i feel like tht doesnt feel like a lot considering theyve only been here fr like. two weeks KDGDSHKGK. the catch is tht u cn only refer 2 them as magpie frm then forward. 
hand in unlovable hand ;; theres comfort in being terrible ppl together n it may not last bt it doesnt hv to anyways. its just them n the like. vibes. n knowing tht its smth thts nvr gna b long term. cld b anything ur character just hs to be also a little evil. KHDSGFDS
one jester ... wht abt ... TWO jesters .. ;; hoo boy. ooh man. unstoppable force and immovable object combine forces n just become. the worst of the worst. ultimate jokesters. epic pranksters. absolute clowns. chaotic energy unmatched. always nonsense. 
n also ;; ppl they’ve stolen frm, ppl who hv caught them in that act, ppl who’ve maybe seen them in the circus a very long time ago, Found Family Trope, real family shenanigans, kirby just asking everybody if theyre their dad., mortal enemies if they see each other its an instant duel 2 the death, etc.
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thedeliverygod · 5 years
My Kingdom Hearts III Experience
Much like many other fans, I was extremely excited for this game; and that’s putting it lightly. I’ve followed this series since 2002, from the age of 10, and I’ve got every single game (spare the HD remakes) day 1 of release. After years of theorizing and waiting, I was on the edge of my seat for KH3. And when I finally had that box in my hands, oh boy, I couldn’t believe it.
I’ll be honest, I wasn’t a big fan of returning to Olympus. I felt the story of Hercules had been played out too much in the series and I was ready to go somewhere new. So despite the fact that the writing notably was already very different than past Kingdom Hearts titles right off the bat and in a good way, I was still wasn’t quite feeling it. But I did like the environments being effected by the scenario and that changing the game play and getting a sample of that. We also got our first taste at NPCs being more lively and actually filling worlds and having their own conversations which the series needed so badly and it was a great addition.
As soon as I got to Toy Box, I was thrilled. It was the breath of fresh air that I needed, but Toy Story was still classic enough of a movie that I didn’t immediately feel like I was thrown from classic to modern Disney. Seeing the worlds in the KH series has always been fun but this was honestly the first time it felt like exploring. And man, was there a lot to see and do! In fact, I still haven’t done all of it. The addition of the vertical climbing has just added a whole different level of play, and that was definitely true for Arendelle. Climbing the North Mountain was an interesting, entertaining, and also terrifying experience as I was worried I was going to fall off every time I tried to battle a Heartless. The details are immaculate and there’s just so much color and life in everything. It’s absolutely gorgeous. Even in the characters! The little side chats you have with them, their reactions when you try to take their pictures. And as I mentioned for Olympus, the dialogue is just amazing in this game. The voice direction has improved a ton, in my opinion, and the comedic timing is great. 
Each new world also brought new mechanics that brought so much variety and made the game so much more fun. I was nervous about returning to the old UI from Kingdom Hearts I and II for Kingdom Hearts III after using the command deck for Birth by Sleep, Re:Coded, and Dream Drop Distance. I may be one of the few, but I loved the command deck. I felt that the reaction commands in KH2 made combat far too repetitive and too easy. Command decks brought variety and made it a lot easier for me to use magic and special attacks. Yes, you can use shortcuts. But shortcuts are limited and not as easily accessible as the command decks felt to me. Kingdom Hearts III seemed to hit a great medium with this; it used the classic interface but also created reaction commands that weren’t simply cutscenes that dealt damage and gave you options similar to a command deck. The Keyblade transformations each had their pros and cons and the ability to switch between Keyblades was SO handy especially when you were facing off between multiple enemies who had different vulnerabilities. 
Most of my issues with the game do relate to the story, but not to a level that it ruined the overall experience for me. I do wish that both Kairi and Lea would have been more involved in the overall story, and that the main story line had been more spread out throughout the game rather than sort of focused towards the latter half of it. My other gripe is that the other characters do pick on Sora too much, too often. There were a few other things, but those were the main things that came up as glaring issues for me throughout the game. 
Without going into spoilers for the main story, I will say that it was very emotional, in ways that I did and didn’t expect. Overall, Kingdom Hearts III is a piece of Disney magic that is not to be missed. 
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watermelinoe · 4 years
I love the Oracle games so much, Moosh was my fav. Never managed to get Dimitris flute :(. I think my "problem" with LA is that it was so hyped up and then I played it and it was a bit of a letdown in comparison. And I noticed very little difference between OG and HD TP, a bit of a shame. Though I'd argue the darker tones fit the general mood of the game, it is so brown. LoZ doesn't actually do remakes well, OoT and MM for the 3ds were also a bit disappointing. Always with the eyes.. - Pokenon
i love moosh!! he’s so cute. i ended up with dimitri on accident, and i like his “story” the best bc you have to rescue him and his horn is broken... poor baby...
link’s awakening isn’t a very “big” game, i can sorta see being let down. and i didn’t love that they replaced the photos with the dungeon maker, i thought that was really tedious. but the graphics and gameplay were such a boost though from the original, i could actually get the no-deaths bonus scene! i’m so bad at older games. the og loz was easy but idk how anyone beat zelda ii without save states....
i think their remakes are hit or miss tbh. wind waker hd was great, it looked fantastic and they improved on the biggest flaws of the original. i played the 3ds version of both oot and mm, and it does have a different feeling when you play something handheld. doesn’t feel quite as epic. (plus the stupid moon segment at the end of mm with the goron mask was a nightmare to control...) but i didn’t grow up with the n64, so when i tried a gamecube port of oot i struggled a lot with how it played lol. i wasn’t blown away by the 3ds graphics for sure, but for me the controls are (mostly) easier
i know a lot of people love tp and it’s in my top ten for sure, but i think they missed a big opportunity with the remake to actually update the graphics bc i just... never liked how it looked. the characters had a great style (except link with his badly rendered hair and face, rip) and the focus on architecture was really cool, castle town and hyrule castle looked great and so did the snowpeak mansion. but the other areas were just... very brown and blurry. it all felt muddy. i know graphics don’t make or break a game, but i got a little tired of the environments, and even though i’m never gonna prefer that “realistic” muted color palette i would’ve loved to see what tp would look like with today’s graphics :( bc the official art looks great and i love the gothic aesthetic
in the end though i just like my zelda to be colorful lmao. mm had a dark story but a colorful palette. and i’m excited that botw 2 is supposed to have a darker story. i wanna see some redeads
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