#not as sorry for him as for laura
mxcottonsocks · 2 years
I'm glad Marian and Walter are writing to each other and keeping up their friendship. I do otherwise feel very sorry for Walter this week though!
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a-carnie-and-a-cop · 8 months
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Travis.exe has stopped working
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danwhobrowses · 7 months
It shouldn't need to be said but I'm seeing a lot of vitriol towards Ashton about their actions and I have to say I don't agree with them.
At the clock tower Fearne brought up the shard, stated that in her opinion Ashton should take the shard because she didn't want it. Ashton decided then as a result they'd take it, but because it was an extreme risk made very aware to them all they knew the other Hells wouldn't allow them to go through with it. Ashton asked Fearne if she was okay with both of them going together alone with the plan, reiterating that they didn't want to put this on Fearne, that if they died Fearne would not be to blame, and that they have no intention of dying, and Fearne said yes.
Fearne having second thoughts at the Ziggurat was just worry, because she cares deeply for Ashton, Ashton kissing her was not manipulation either; it was letting go of fear, having no regret with the person they also care deeply for and taking the risk. And yeah, it was frightening, 10 rounds of perpetual fiery near-death situations and one actual death situation; Laura is fuming, Ashley cannot look, Liam is playing Mad World on loop in his mind, even Matt is completely on edge, but they survived. Accusations that Ashton manipulated Fearne to selfishly take the shard seem to misinterpret the shard saga as well as Fearne and Ashton's characters, they will get a very intense amount of chastising for sure, but it will be out of love, out of the fear that they were going to lose them, not because they thought Ash was manipulative.
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oh-cawsh · 7 months
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ms paint doodles of the counselors i made when i finished the quarry :)
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gynecologistmsfrizzle · 8 months
okay listen neil newbon would absolutely deserve to win best performance for astarion at the game awards and I’m going to applaud if and when he does. however. if devora wilde isn’t at least NOMINATED alongside him you can all expect me to make some angry posts about it.
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enixamyram · 9 days
I'm on a bit of an X-Men kick (aka, I'm reading my favourite comics of X-23 and Gambit again) and at one point I randomly looked up some Youtube videos of them.
Long story short: I saw there were rumors (have they been confirmed at all?) that Dafne Keen is going to come back as Laura Kinney, which I am beyond excited about if its true!!! But also that Channing Tatum will be playing Gambit... And God does that just ruin it all for me.
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Vincent Price - Laura (1944)
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dykefever · 1 year
i would like to iron him out as a patch on my denim jacket and then slowly peel him off when i’m bored in meetings and lectures and then i keep him tucked inside the pockets of my jacket when he falls off from my peeling . tenderly
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mtmrem · 1 year
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absolute queen and her pathetic meow meow of a bf
i played through all of reborn in the summer but i had no motivation to draw. i remembered it existed again recently so i figured i should at least do something
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chaotictomtom · 9 months
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i just was going to post them separately but then realized they're next to each other. and they're both haunting the narrative. they deserve a post together </333
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clueless1995 · 8 months
i think i’ve said this before but taskmaster nz s2 may be up there in the top three taskmaster seasons ever for me
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edmcmayonnaise · 2 years
Am I the only one that thinks that the reason Travis is keeping Laura and Max in the jail is because he already tried the whole talking and explaining the werewolf situation thing with the lost hikers, and they ended up dead because they didn’t listen, and so he doesn’t want another repeat? He’s literally trying to just do anything he can to keep them safe?
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mewkwota · 1 year
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Drawing this made my face hurt, but I wanted to do some more prompts based on dialogue by the folks from Wygol Village. This also let me do some much-needed retakes on a few faces.
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lausticzt · 2 months
today laura got her explanation
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AND YOU KNOW SHE FEELS AWKWARD. That tinge of guilt (always speaking before attempting any understanding / entitlement seethes in those belittling comments) will not consume her though. Tongue momentarily tied. Well ... the teacups she used wouldn't break (not a sound argument, she can't back track and doesn't really plan too - in too deep, has to make it worse by being stubborn)
the only audio that played in my head was this about the tea cup and I CAN'T STAND IT DFKJH I HAVE TO SHITPOST BECAUSE THIS GOT ME
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Carson Beckett in Every Episode - Duet (S02E04) (Part 1)
There were so many Carson caps from this episode that I couldn’t just cut them down to 10. So, for this episode, there will be at least 3 Carson posts. 
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dykefever · 1 year
sorryyyy i think to all the boys i've loved before is a fantastic film. i'm right though
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