#not baton pass he’s not that much of a douche
tf2heritageposts · 1 year
the mercs and which pokémon generation would be their favorite:
scout: strikes me as either the douche who actually liked sword and shield or someone who’s new to the series and only has played pokémon go or scarlet and violet
pyro: gen 2, specifically crystal. likes the sprite work the best and tries to shiny hunt for pokémon they think look the coolest or the cutest
soldier: barely understands how video games work, but his favorite is gen 5 because it’s based off america, specifically pokémon white/black 2. he blasts through the story by overlevling his starter and braveriary he named uncle sam in all caps because he didn’t realize there was a lowercase option, then uses shock and awe as he sweeps the place with no regard for super effective moves or strategies. sun tzu would be ashamed
demoman: while there was a dlc for sword and shield for an isle based off scotland, there’s no way in sweet hell he’d actually like those games, let alone ones based in britain. he’d probably like gen 3 or 4, ruby and platinum respectively. he plays competitive very casually, and only really plays the lower tiers because he finds them more fun than the higher tiers. also they have his favorite pokémon in them
engineer: honestly, he’d probably like any of the games, but i think he’d love gen 1 specifically for it’s interesting glitches. god knows he’s the type of guy to look for ways to fuck up a game like pikasprey. he’d probably like yellow the best
heavy: uhhhhh my brain says he’d be a genwunner, but considering he has a lit degree, he’d probably like gen 5 since it has one of the best and most mature stories in the series. would choose black/white 2 but prefer white 2
medic: he’s a genwunner i’m sorry i love him but he only has the gameboy games and nothing else, on original carts too. he doesn’t have a real play style, he mostly just plays the games over and over every time he’s bored. may try speedrunning it sometimes. he has all three but he prefers blue
sniper: probably either gen 3 or gen 7, though he specifically plays the games to collect critters and not really to actually engage with the story or do competitive or whatnot. he has the national dex completed on every save file he does. plays emerald, fire red, and honestly he’d probably play sun or moon
spy: gen 6, it’s based off france come on. he plays competitive and will bully everyone else for their “bad competitive teams” because everyone else tends to just use their favorites. he also plays only OU and UBERS because he’s lame like that. he also has both games because he’s fucking rich and has two ds’ he trades to himself with
merasmus: gen 4, but he likes the gen 2 remakes the best. when soldier isn’t pissing him off he does shiny hunts and uses magic to manipulate the odds because he’s an impatient motherfucker. plays heart gold
pauling: probably wouldn’t care about pokémon honestly, but she strikes me as the kind who’d actually like the spin-offs the best, specifically any of the mystery dungeon games, but specifically gen 4
saxton: realistically he’d probably break a game console and call it for kids, but if he did manage to like a game, he’d like the pokken games or scarlet and violet, and doesn’t care which one it is
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aerltarg · 3 years
Maybe this is a stupid question, buuuuut:
I just can't imagine a world that Rhaegar comes back from the Trident, wins the war and becomes king. No, I'm not a anti Rhaegar, matter of fact I like him very much, I'm just can imagine how would Lya, little Jon, this whole affair, would settle in the capital. The norm that fics (at least those I read) tend to follow is to make Rhaegar:
1. A douche, paranoid and destiny-obessed king.
2. Completely incompetent, aloof monarch, that deep down has a heart of gold, but can't really be understood.
I mean, isn't he supposed to be a scholar since he was a kid? What's are your thoughts about it?
oh, yeah, i can totally understand this! it's is the whole point in canon actually, "the wrong man came back from the trident". you would expect a hero win against his antagonist and have a happy ending w his lady love but it doesn't happen. instead the subversion happens to them with rhaegar being killed by robert who becomes obviously a shitty king and lyanna dying after him. they were never supposed to have happy ending, they were created as tragic and doomed and dead from the beginning for the whole plot to start, jon to have his parentage mystery and dany to take the passed baton as the last dragon, prophesied savoir and the heir who has to carry entire house on her back now.
as for the realistic rhaegar wins aus that's the difficult question. tbh we just don't know enough abt their situation, plans and wishes. you see, e.g. in agot we can be right in ned's head and see his motivations, what he was thinking abt, what he was planning, what he was hoping to do. but if his story was told the way rhaegar's was i bet he would have his own crowd of haters and ~intellectuals~ jumping out every two seconds w their "hot takes" how actually all hints abt what rlly happened (ned being a good man w his own sense of honour, justice and experiences affecting him and the deal w cersei's children) doesn't matter and he was an ambitious prick, planned to grasp the power by being joffrey's regent and make his daughter sansa queen. (you can actually insert there any bullshit and still don't reach the level of stupidity of such "hot takes" this fandom loves so much lmao). also he would be blamed to the hell and beyond for being too stupid and not foreseeing the future and actions of other ppl bc ofc after everything happened it's so easy to say what was so obvious to notice. also they would say that the deaths of his men and horrible fates of his kids are 100% his fault and even straight up say he killed them lmao. i can rant abt it for hours so yeah. this is a situation w too many unknown variables bc it depends too much on actions of too many characters we don't know enough abt. the only thing it's possible to tell for sure is the fact that there couldn't be any perfect solutions since things got too complicated at this point.
such fics as you've mentioned tho are just a part of this dumb fanon where rhaegar is "too prophecy obsessed"/"incapable of love"/shrodinger's rhaegar both smart and stupid at the same time/whatever/all of this combined lmfao. the man was notably intelligent from the early age as you've absolutely rightly mentioned, his guesses abt himself being tptwp have nothing to do w egocentrism as some parts of the fandom would want us all to believe unless he wouldn't be so reasonable abt it and later on, after so many years, wouldn't have changed his mind and thought his son could be tptwp.
and literally fuck all antis that think you shouldn't consider prophecies that hold real power in this fantasy world lol. you know, aegon the conqueror was said to be motivated (or at least partly) to unify westeros by the prophecy and still got the treatment of perfect/maximum close to perfect figure of a leader everyone should look up to from the narrative and grrm. prophecy obsessed much, huh? i don't even talk abt all these parallels between him and rhaegar grrm put there not for bitches to ignore them completely! and i will never get tired of reminding that dismissing prophecies is UNWISE for targaryens of all people. the house whose story is built on the dream of young daenys and her father aenar that listened to her despite common sense (or what local "anti magic"/"anti prophecies" clowns consider to be common sense). targs would be as dead as the rest of dragonlords if not for daenys the dreamer. who else in the world has as many reasons to take prophecies seriously as them?
yet antis out there act as if rhaegar is one dimensional weirdo whose every character trait is abt mf ~prophecy obsession~. like how can they miss one of the main points so badly?? the game of thrones distracts ppl from the real danger beyond the wall, yk, the one rhaegar was aware of and meant to deal with. there wouldn't be such a problem if he became king and had as many years of head start before ice zombies apocalypse as ignorant bobby b did. rhaegar had to die just for westeros to sink in shit and our main heroes to save everyone to make this story more epic LMAO
so yeah, too many ppl portray rhaegar as this one dimensional robotic creature without any knowledge of what feelings are idk even for what reason. it seems these ppl can't read for real bc rhaegar was not only intelligent af as well as dutiful ("it seems i must be a warrior" but "he loved his harp more than his lance") but also. ugh emotional?? my boy had constant emo sessions w brooding at ruins of summerhall, sleeping out there beneath the stars all alone and writing songs that made all women cry. does it sound as someone who "isn't capable of love" lol? folks act as if he was completely heartless from the day he was born (bc he didnt play w other kids ig??) but in reality their emotional range is less than the one of a spoon in comparison to rhaegar's lol. i'm not even gonna address the horrible attitude of demonizing him for his implied depression, vile clowns never listen to themselves when they talk abt targaryens and their "madness".
tldr; these fics are mostly lame af and suck at characterization if they're making rhaegar like that lol. anyway his character isn't abt being a good or a bad king, it's abt being a would-be-king for characters in books and readers in reality to sigh over his tragic aura and pretty aesthetic abt how it could've been. however, grrm clearly doesn't write rhaegar as evil or incapable as some parts of the fandom would want to try to persuade others. realistically speaking in the scenario where he wins there couldn't be any perfect decisions but it's a territory of speculations on thin air and lit nothing more since canon doesn't provide us with enough information to rlly theorize anything instead of building biased headcanons some ppl call "analysis".
but remember what barristan said about rhaegar while practically watching him all his life, from a literal baby to the man grown:
“I know little of Rhaegar. Only the tales Viserys told, and he was a little boy when our brother died. What was he truly like?”
The old man considered a moment. “Able. That above all. Determined, deliberate, dutiful, single-minded.” (ASOS, Daenerys I)
“Prince Rhaegar’s prowess was unquestioned, but he seldom entered the lists. He never loved the song of swords the way that Robert did, or Jaime Lannister. It was something he had to do, a task the world had set him. He did it well, for he did everything well. That was his nature. But he took no joy in it. Men said that he loved his harp much better than his lance.” (ASOS, Daenerys IV)
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years
Chat x Luka, “kick his ass for me”
Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy!
Chat Noir crouched in the shadows behind a chimney stack high above the street and away from passing glares. He narrowed his eyes as he watched his target and mumbled a few colorful words in the process.  
“Who is he?” He mumbled, his heartbeat skipping a beat at the sight. He couldn’t make out his face, but he could make out the silhouettes of him and the girl beside him.
He couldn’t believe his eyes. There she was, the gorgeous beauty that he had known and fell in love with over the last two years, and there she was standing in front of this dude as he leaned against the building. She looked outright shy, but he couldn’t distinguish whether it was her being her, or if she was shy because something was wrong and she didn’t want to push him away rudely.
Better reason for him to keep an eye on the situation, he thought.
He jumped down and nestled into a branch in the tree beside the building. He leaned towards them; his head tilted in hopes that his enhanced hearing could make out their conversation. But he couldn’t and it bothered him more than he thought it would.
Why did Marinette meet this guy in the first place? She had vaguely explained to their group that she was meeting this boy outside the city library and Alya had questioned if it was wise decision. She didn’t explain why she was meeting him, but she stated they were meeting in public because she had only met him a few times. But his look, the way he perceived himself... it reeked egotistical jerk with tons of red flags.  
Adrien hated it.
This guy had this posture to him that screamed gigantic douche bag. His arms were crossed, his head tilted as a smirk crested his lips. Marinette held the books in her hand tightly against her chest, a tactic he had learned about her that meant she was nervous.
Then he saw it. The guy took his hand and touched the loose strand of hair that had fallen out of her bun and dangled beside her temple. He twisted the strand around his finger, and he could see Marinette coiling away from him, albeit slowly, but yet he was not taking her actions as a reason to stop.
Chat could feel himself getting hot, his veins boiling with anger as his friend was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with every second she was with him. He removed his baton from its holder and brought himself down to street level, not noticing another protector watching from behind the belly of the tree.
“You witnessed that entire thing, didn’t you?” Luka asked, his arms crossed. He never removed his eyes off of Marinette and this guy.
“So, what if I did?” Chat rebutted, defensively.
“I don’t like this guy. Something about him seems wrong. I’ve been watching them the entire time, too.”
Chat placed his baton back to its position and continued to watch the two. Marinette took a step back and the guy took one step closer, placing his hand on her cheek and caressing her face.
She swatted his hand away and tried to take a defensive stance, but he grabbed her wrist and brought her closer to him.
Chat let out a growl of agitation and Luka placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He faced the musician to question him, but Luka smirked.
“Kick his ass for me, would you?”
Chat chuckled. “My pleasure.”
Chat removed his baton again and hoisted himself off the ground, allowing him to drop down in front of the two.
“Hey, Marinette. Are you ready for our date?” Chat wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her into the safety of his chest. Marinette visibly relaxed at his untimely arrival, and smiled back as she placed her hand on his chest.
“Date?” The man stated a bit angrily towards the superhero.
“Yes. Date. Is there a problem with me taking my girlfriend out?”
“Girlfriend? Marinette, you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend.”
“I didn’t have a need to tell you much about myself, Charles. We were supposed to be here to talk about the class representative duties. Not for you to hit on me.”
“Princess, was this guy hitting on you?” Chat asked as if he didn’t see the whole affair.
“Somewhat. He apparently doesn’t know what ‘no’ means.”
Chat looked over to Charles with an irate eye and carefully pushed Marinette behind him. “Are we going to have a problem in the future, or am I going to have to step in and take care of this situation myself?”
Charles took a step back, his hands held up in surrender. “Chill, man. I heard you. I’ll leave the girl alone.”
With one twisted snarl of his lips, Charles turned and walked away. Chat watched as he turned the corner away from view, then turned to see Marinette hugging her books against her chest.  
“Thanks, Chat. I appreciate you coming to save me.” She said, gratefully.
“I’ll never let anything happen to you. You got that?”
Marinette nodded her head shyly and smiled. Chat wrapped her up in his arms and hugged her until she felt safe. From the corner of his eye, he could see Luka standing beside the tree, smiling with a silent nod of thanks before walking towards the Seine.  
He closed his eyes to relish in her returned embrace. No one would ever get a hold of his princess, not when he was around to protect her, even if it was the last thing he ever did.
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notcaring99 · 6 years
Not Good Enough Part 2/3 (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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Part 1 ; Part 3
Warnings: Extreme Sadness, Swearing
Ft: No one new?
Summary: You have always been in love with the man Steve Rogers. But Steve has feelings for someone else along with you. Steve is confused about how he feels, but will he choose you?
A/N: Since you all liked the first part, I decided to write a part 2. I don’t know if it is gonna be the ending you want, but I feel like it is the ending that spoke to me the most. Requests are still open for all fandoms on my page, and I am currently working on a K-Pop one since many wanted one as well. Let me know what you think of Not Good Enough, pls. I love hearing from your guys. <3
“She is waking up.” You hear someone speak with dread. You open your eyes to see a bright light above your head. You instantly close your eyes and swear under your breath.
“Get Tony!” You hear a different voice state in a hurried matter. You open your eyes as memories came flooding in. You look around to see you are in a laboratory kind of room. No one is present in the room. You try to bring your hands to your face when you feel resistance and a sound of metal on metal. 
“Y/N?” You turn to look at the door. You see Tony there looking relieved and worried at the same time.
“Tony? How did I-” He cuts you off from your train of thought. There was no way you should be alive after a fall like that. Even your super healing can’t fix that.
“Sam caught you just in time. He saved you.” Tony states as he looks you over. You sigh, as you lean your head back against the headboard of the hospital bed.
“Everyone was arrested right?” You ask Tony, who sighs. You feel a dip in your bed, and you look over to see him nod his head.
“Yes. Steve and Bucky are criminals still. Natasha is too.” Tony tells you and you sigh as the handcuffs make sense.
“You gave me the serum to turn off my powers, didn’t you?” You ask Tony and he nods his head.
“Yeah. Now we have to move you to the cells with everyone else. I am not allowed down there.” Tony explains to you as men come in. You nod your head, not fighting back. “I am really glad you are okay.” Tony confesses as the men handcuff your hands behind your back. The position you are in feels so unfamiliar to you.
“I am glad you are too.” You tell him sincerely before a collar is placed around your neck that will shock you if you try anything. Tony gives you a wary smile as the guards guide you out.
When you get to the other cells, you see Scott, Barton, Wanda, and Sam as you pass. “You are alright?” Clint asks you and you nod your head. The guards push you forward making you stumble. “Hey!” Barton yells hitting the wall of his cell. You give him a look, as you find your footing, to stop. He backs off and goes to sit on his bed.
“Keep moving.” The guard tells you and you oblige. You pass by Sam’s cell and smile at him. He nods his head at you as you are pushed to go forward. Your cell is right next to Wanda’s cell. She looked miserable in her cell, looking as if the life is drained out of her. She is in a straight jacket along with a collar much like yours. You just wanted to save her from this miserable fate, but you just manage a smile at her. She smiles back at you sadly.
“How many times do we have to tell you to move?” The other guard states pushing you roughly into the cell. You stumble and then trip on the lift that is at the entrance of your cell. You fall face forward, unable to catch yourself due to the handcuffs.
“HEY!” You hear Sam, Scott and Clint’s voices yell as they bang on the glass. The guard pulls you up by the handcuffs, as you were just laid on the floor due to your weakness from the recovery of your injuries to your chest. 
“Better tell your friends to be quiet if you don’t want them to be hurt.” The first guard tells you. You glare at the guards before opening your mouth to speak.
“It’s okay guys.” You yell before looking at the guards. “They aren’t worth it. They are just douche bags.” You state spitting a little as you insulted them. They hiss in disgust before jabbing you in the ribs with their baton. You cry out in pain as the other guard releases you from your handcuffs. 
“Unnatural crazy bitch.” The guard scoffs pushing you into your cell making you fall again. The doors close before you can do anything. The guards press a button, and you freeze as the shock is delivered through your collar. You cry out in pain as the guards laugh walking away. 
You sigh as the pain is over with. You sit on your bed, and lean your head against the wall that Wanda is on the other side of. You think that you might as well have died if you are stuck here for the rest of your life. Suffering. Not ever being able to see the light of day.
It’s been 2 days now, and you were starting to go crazy. You felt as if you had no control. You are laying in your bed when a blast is heard from across the prison cell area. You get up and look out your cell. You smile as you see Steve standing there, but your smile quickly disappears as you see Sharon. “Ready to be free?” Steve asks looking from one cell to the other.
“Ready as ever.” Sam states before Sharon presses a button on her tablet. The cell doors open, and instantly Steve is by your side.
“You are okay?” Steve asks looking you over.
“I will be a bit better if these collars are off.” You state gesturing to the collars.
“Right. Sharon?” Steve asks Sharon. Sharon nods her head and presses another button. The collar falls to the ground and you feel as if you can breath again. “You can’t believe how worried I’ve been.” Steve pulls you into a hug, and you see Sharon glare at you.
“I am okay. I am sorry for scaring you.” You apologize as you pull away from the hug. You smile at Steve who gives you a sad smile. “I see you took my advice about the love thing.” You gesture to Sharon, and he smiles at you. He opens his mouth to say something, but Sharon interrupts you both.
“We need to go now!” Sharon states coming up to you guys. You nod your head at Sharon before walking towards the opening. You are about to jump onto the plane, but you look behind you as you hear no one. You see Sharon give Steve a passionate kiss, and your heartbreaks to a million pieces.
“Y/N! We have to go!” Sam yells at you. You turn around to see Sam with his hand outstretched. You take his hand and he pulls you up with ease. You see that Natasha is piloting the ship by herself, so you get to the co pilot’s seat.
“Need some help?” You ask her taking the controls for the guns. She smiles over at you and nods her head.
“Good to see you alive.” Natasha goes back to the controls.
“Would’ve been as miserable as death.” You state before you hear Steve yell for you to go. You turn around to see everyone on the plane before pressing the button to close the hanger. Natasha takes off, using the stealth mode on the plane when you all have lost the planes following you guys.
You guys landed at a safe house, you left everyone to go shower. You didn’t want to see Sharon and Steve be all lovey dovey as it made your heart weak. Natasha had told you that Bucky had to go under in Wakanda because of the episodes. T’Challa thinks they can help with solving the episodes with the tech they have.
After you washed the filth from the past couple days, you get dressed gingerly. You are still sore from the airport fight, and from the prison. Looking in the full length mirror in the room, you observe where you were shot. You ran your fingers along the still tender skin slowly. “I wanted to comeback that day.” You look through the mirror to see Steve leaning on the door frame. You pull your shirt down before running your fingers through your Y/H/C Y/H/T.
“I am glad you didn’t.” You state before looking at yourself and avoiding Steve’s eyesight.
“I thought you died, and I grieved like you did.” Steve confesses as he takes a few steps into the room. “I was ordering for Bucky to turn around, but he refused. We never got to see Sam catch you.” Steve states and you sigh turning around angrily.
“Why are you here, Steve? Shouldn’t you be with Sharon?” You ask with anger, though your heart was just broken. Not angry, but just sadness.
“Y/N, I did have feelings for you. I understand if you hate me now, but-” You groan running your hands through your hair.
“I can’t hate you! Don’t you get that?” You yell out as frustrated tears escape. You wipe them away before taking a few steps towards Steve. “I get it. I wasn’t good enough.” He is about to speak, but you cut him off with a glare. “I just need you to say it to my face.”
“Y/N I can’t-” You cut him off with a finger resting on his lips. You remove your finger before locking eyes with him.
“If you ever cared for me, you will do this. I will be able to move on if you do this. I can be happy, and maybe we can be friends.” You had a hard time saying that last part, but you went on.  “Now say it. Look me in the eyes and tell me that I wasn’t good enough.”
Steve takes a shaky breath as he locks eyes with you. The eyes you once fell in love with. They use to be filled with so much hope, confidence and happiness. One look from him would just make you feel at home. Make you feel safe in world where love and safety were never in the same sentence.
“Y/N,” He takes a breath as you brace yourself for your home to be crumbled to pieces. For that safety to be gone forever. His eyes that meant so much to you, went cold. No emotion on his face. “You weren’t good enough for me.” You wince at the words, but nod your head. With that he leaves the room, and closes the door behind him.
Your chest hurt. It burned, physically burned in your chest. It felt as if the flames that were apart of you were eating you up from inside. You just stood there staring at the door where the person-no-where your home, left you. Now those eyes that you fell in love with, would remind you, forever, that you will not be good enough.
@alexfayer @lovely-geek @deaniebean @owhatshername1 @littlet-holmes @jackie-houston @roxytheimmortal @savemesteeb @princess-of-skaia @tbetz0341 @astrid345 @lisssays @mdgrdians @grungebeachbum @importanttimemachinenerd @thegothicdancer @vogueworthy-barnes @koizorahana @nerdgirljen @theazm10 @marvelswinchester @katykyll @loricwizardbluetoastedcake @kaliforniacoastalteens @wantonmeep @the-x-button @abigaildiangelo @janepetersonxxx @notunlimited @star-arm-and-shield
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theostry · 6 years
TW Script liveblog - Season 1 Episode 1: Wolf Moon
Or, as it is otherwise known:
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Teen Wolf Scripts!
Check it out, Wolfiends. This is a loooooong post consisting of screenshots of the Teen Wolf script alongside my own rambling commentary. I'm not here to review the show; finer minds than myself have got that covered. Nor is it a photo-recap; that has been done by crazier bastards than myself. What I am here for is scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard I'm eating splinters, give me that Teenage Lupine content, give me ALL OF THE CONTENT--
Excerpts have been selected based on the following criteria: 1) It did not make the final cut; 2) It substantially altered; 3) It offers extra detail not apparent from the show, such as description and direction; and 4) I felt like including it. 
Fun times (and, obviously, a hell of a lot of spoilers) below the cut.
(What the heckie do these colours mean? We may never know)
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So let's get started.
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Answering the real questions here: Scott's shirtlessness was script mandated, not just a case of Posey being slightly allergic to clothes. Let's all take a moment to think about Scott's lithe frame and then go to jail reminisce over how it felt when we had no idea what he would come to mean to us. Sigh.
Aaaaand paydirt! Here is a lovely little scene we never saw on screen.
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Doesn't really tell us anything we didn't learn soon enough, but any McCall family time is time well spent. And I'm not sorry they deleted the casual clumsiness from Scott's intro, so I can keep my headcanon that he had mad lacrosse skills from all his practising but just couldn't play due to asthma.
A wild Stiles appears!
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And it is the perfect intro to his character, easy to see why they didn't change a thing. DOB nailed it. 
Before long, we are introduced to--
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-- Wait, hold up, who? Looks like Stiles's dad got a promotion sometime between "Double Buff" and filming. Congrats, John  Michael  Noah!
Seriously, though, consider the extra layer of politics and secrecy that would have been going on if he was just a deputy rather than Sheriff.  What a different show it would have been, especially in later seasons. 
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But now it's time for--
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--and that means
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Back to school time!
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Setting the scene. Californians, is this a fair representation of your high school experience? Asking for research purposes.
Also, petition for girls and girls also to be able to hold hands. Down with the patriarchy.
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It's everyone's favourite juice enthusiast! Looks like the Sheriff wasn't the only one who moved up in the world over the course of the script revision process - Jackson only had a BMW here instead of his Porsche.
As with Stiles's intro, we achieve Peak Jackson in his very first scene:
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And while we're doing intros--
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But wait, this is a game changer -- you think you know how it does, right? Breezing past Stiles as if he wasn't even there, completely ignoring him? Well THINK AGAIN!
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Yeah I lied.
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So this is new - Scott's hearing was going to be much stronger here, perceiving the caller's voice as well from that distance! What secrets shall be revealed from the other half of this conversation?
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Huh. Yeah, that contributed nothing, and would have had absurd implications for werewolf hearing. Also would have been a totally banal first glimpse of Victoria Argent, which is just unacceptable. 
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Did this happen? I don't recall it. Would have been a cool shot. 
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*Curiosity is piqued*
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I confuse. Is this an editing fail? Two versions of the scene that got smooshed together? Or does Lydia swoop twice (possible Banshee prefiguring)?
 I like the book-spilling version. It establishes Allison as kind.
But this bit --
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-- I do not like. It seems to suggest that there was always something about Allison that helped Scott control his shift, or even suppressed it? Rather than it being his feelings for her that reminded him of his humanity and strengthened his will. Nopity nope.
Now for another intro:
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It's Harley! 
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Yeah, I didn’t know either. I guess she got shafted for some reason…which is a pity, because the girl has got snark.
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Meanwhile…is Harley into Scott? Were we going to have a triangle of luuurve? Not sorry we didn't, triangles are an overrated romantical shape (unless they're equilateral ones, but for some reason teen shows are all about the isosceles and I am over it), but Harley could have been an actual character. RIP, girl I could have liked.
Also RIP Harley's heart, because
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Thus far we have had character intros that were Peak Stiles, Peak Jackson and Peak Lydia ('s queen bitch façade). Now we have one that is a massive understatement:
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Oh, sweet summer children. We ain't seen nothing yet.
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Do you sometimes forget how mutually toxic Lydia and Jackson's relationship was? Ugh.
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Excellent priorities, Scott. But so far so canon.
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Who's it gonna be, ohmigosh mysterious figure--
Ohmigosh, is it--
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*ahem* sorry
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Okay I think I'm beginning to understand why we absolutely had to know about the ravishing beauty of corpse-lady:  Jeff Davis is simply incapable of giving a description of anyone without reminding us how attractive they are. HEY EVERYONE!  THIS IS A SHOW FOR HOT PEOPLE!  EYE CANDY OVER HERE!
…waitaminute, back the truck up. 
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*thinking forward to skeevy Kate plotline, Hale fire was 6 years ago, runnin' the numbers, doin' the math*
19 minus 6 equals …KATE you EFFING PEDO GET in the BIN RIGHT NOW--
--nah just kidding, they obviously decided to age him up sometime after this edit. Also, as has been observed, Jeff Davis inhabits a world blissfully innocent of such things as calendars.  
Now I hope I have sufficiently distracted my audience with squicks and figures, because I want to sneak this one through without getting crucified.
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Okay we're done here, on to--
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Really, there's nothing--
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One million hardcore Sterek shippers:  *collectively lose their shit*
One innocent liveblogger:  *hides*
All twelve Scerek shippers:  *are validated*
Someone sensible:  It's just one line of direction in a first meeting, it doesn't mean--
One desperate liveblogger:  OKAY, MOVING ON
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This is such a great scene -- the terror of all those panicking cats, Scott wanting to calm them but, realising he is the problem, freaks out himself -- and it just got even better, because there's something missing here that we saw on-screen.
While it could have come in a later revision, I choose to believe that singing "hey, kitties!" in greeting was just Tyler Posey's natural instinct upon walking into a room full of feline friends.
But now Allison is here, and Scott has passed off the panic baton to her.
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Woooo Scott is getting his wolf on! But he doesn't seem to know it yet. I wonder from whose perspective Scott's calm is supposed to be 'odd', because I wouldn't have expected him to get worked up about an injured dog given his job. And how many wolves has Jeff Davis met? I don't think their eyes typically glow, outside of tapetum lucidum reflections. But what do I know, I'm not a zoologist.
Also -- they were supposed to have an umbrella? Budget cuts are brutal.
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Do you ever forget how adorable Scallison were before things got complicated? Can I get an "Awww"?
It's also nice that they gave Allison reasons to be interested in Scott beyond 'he's cute' and 'he noticed me'. She admires him for his competence and gentleness here, she's seen him excelling at sports without being a douche about it, and their first interaction was one of generosity. This is why it's disappointing that they cut the bit where Allison helps a stranger with her books -- it's a pity they didn't show us Scott's reasons for liking Allison beyond 'she's pretty'. A sadly typical imbalance in Hollywood: boys are admirable for what they do, girls for how they look. Thank all the gods and little fishes that Allison subverts the hell out of this trope later on.
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Is this or is this not the cutest interaction? It gets better:
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Cats are one thing, Scotty, but you gotta think about your choices when dogs are judging you.   
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Now who’s being judgemental
'Litigious', Scott? And before the word-a-day calendar regime, too. Insert comment about American litigation culture here.
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Scott is definitely talking about the dog not at all about himself why would you say that--
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Okay so Scott's having his weird woodsy sleepwalking dream now, and I have to go back and check because -- white? Why are the Alpha's eyes white? Sure enough:
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Did they retcon the Alpha red eyes thing after the Pilot/Wolf Moon was shot Even in the earlier scene where Scott was bitten: 
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White eyes. What gives, Jeff?
While we're here, let's just take a second to appreciate Peter the Cartoon CGI Gorilla-Wolf. LOL.
Get back to the scripts woman, the photo recap thing has been covered, stay in your lane
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AWKWARD. Anyway that's the same as in canon, but I initially read that as 'mysterious smile' and freaked because was that pool owner person supposed to be significant??, but no, never mind, carry on.
Meanwhile, this ep is just FULL of iconic moments.
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All together now,
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*sighs happily*
Was it as good for you as it was for me?
Later, at the lacrosse scrimmage:
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I checked the episode, and…nope. No Derek stalking around on the field in this scene. That we saw.
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 Oh good, we hadn't seen a naked torso in a while, I was starting to worry
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Who can get enough of Melissa--Scott moments? Not me, that's for sure. But wait--
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Voices becoming TINNY what is happening
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Someone's  creeping
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*sings* ‘Who can it BEEE no-ow?’
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In other news, Jackson is not the only one who got a vehicular upgrade. I don’t know enough about cars to discern the mystical significance of these changes. Experts please?
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Ah, can't believe they cut this! Is he just embarrassed to have an inhaler in front of Allison, or does he realise on some level that his asthmatic days are over? 
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Oh yikes, is this another scene of which we were ROBBED? I want my absolute and agonizing awkward teen silence!
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ROBBED, I say! Robbed of canon confirmation of Scott's dorky music taste!
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I liked Scallison well enough, but if these scenes had been included I would have been 200% sold on it from ep 1.
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Confused Scydia moment! I wonder if Lydia greeted Stiles like that too, and if so how hard he flailed.
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Harley again! In the version that made it to screen she and Stiles both ask Scott if he's okay. That girl should have stayed a character. *grumpy face* 
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"Deep black eyes"? "Strangely hypnotic"? Preeeeetty sure he was just standing there with his regular (insanely pretty) ambiguously green-hazel eyes; and while that was a fair attempt at a charming smile (for Derek), "hypnotic" it wasn't.
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That would have been a cool visual.
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“Powerfully muscular”; “strangely seductive”; “He's given into it” 
I'll tell you who's into it, Jeff Davis is into it And you know what?
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So am I.
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*Curiosity intensifies*
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A nice little moment of realisation we never got to see
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This is changed up a bit -- in the show the dialogue comes before the wrestling, there's no throat-gripping (Derek holds Scott down with a hand on his chest), and we have yet to see those shiny blue eyes.
Also, demonic. *shivers* 
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That's interesting - obviously was going to be more support to the false lead of Derek being the Alpha, but they walked it back.
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A bit of added urgency here
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"Steps out of the darkness" -- from what we saw, Derek was just standing there next to Scott, no added drama. Add this to the 'hypnotic deep black eyes' we never saw -- can it be that the creeper-wolf that graced our screens was actually the less spooky version??
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I guess they forgot to talk to the sun’s manager about their filming schedule.
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Well that answers my question about how Stiles knew where to find Scott. Sort of.
Also: Aaaaaaaangst.
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Aww, my heart. The bromance.
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I love how it's "instantly recognisable," but in the final cut they can’t help throwing in a flashback to all of three minutes ago just to make sure we recognise him. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Teen Wolf.
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Yes, apparently that is Chris Argent's idea of a 'friendly smile'.
Also, sworn enemy. Lol.
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Great ending to a great pilot episode! And what extra-delicious and not-at-all mouth-perforating splinters of teeny wolfy goodness does our script-reading scrape up for us?
Well, we have extra delightful domestic scenes with the McCalls; extra adorable baby flirting between our star-crossed lovers (not that they know the heavens hate them yet, shhh); a wonderful character who could have been in Harley (will she show up more in future scripts? At what point did they decide to consign her to the trash can of oblivion? Or did she just disappear because she realised she had no chance with Scott now that Allison is here?); and honestly, it ws worth it for Jackson’s favourite word alone. 
But clearly the most important thing we leaned from the Teen Wolf Pilot script (Double Buff edition) is that the
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we know and love is NOT, in fact, the creepiest, most melodramatic, most stalkerish version of himself. He could have been worse. Watching Scott at practice earlier than we knew eavesdropping on him shirtlessly discussing sex with him mum, using strangely hypontic deep black eyes on unsuspecting teenage girls, emerging theatrically from the shadows -- just imagine, if he'd been behaving like that from the get-go, no way would Scott have trusted him. Good job toning it down, Jeff Davis!
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20 notes · View notes
vagrantblvrd · 7 years
No Love In Desperation (fic title meme)
Oooh, okay, so that FAHC origin story where Ryan’s just starting to make a name for himself. Has really just arrived in Los Santos and is still figuring out how the city works when something goes wrong – and he gets nabbed by the FIB or some other government agency.
He figures it’s going to be jail, maybe the death sentence if they manage to track him back to some of the things he’s done, but no.
Because these guys – they were wearing tac vests with FIB on them, had vehicles with the FIB seal on them and all that when they got him, so he’d assumed that’s who they were, but clearly he was wrong.
“Oh, yeah, you’re a real fucking genius aren’t you, buddy?”
It’s the kid again, mess of curls and a mean curl to his lip when Ryan looks over at him. Jersey in his voice and he’s standing like he’s expecting a fight. (Given this place, Ryan’s not surprised.)
Bunch of assholes crammed into some weird little prison, guards with batons and tasers and a mean look in their eyes.
And, see.
Ryan didn’t go easy, took out a few of these guys before they finally took him down.
They’ve patched him up, but he lost a lot of time in between that dirty little motel room and now. Woke up in a tiny little cell and he’s never been in prison, but this place -
It feels wrong.
A week, two, passes and there’s some kind of commotion. Ryan’s basking in the sun on the bench he’s claimed in the exercise yard as his.
Good line of sight on most of the yard, and other things like that, but mostly it’s in a good place to soak up the sunlight. Just plan himself there when they get herded outside for walkies and feel he sun on his skin, warm himself up because it’s always cold inside.
Michael, that mouthy kid from Jersey nudges Ryan’s leg and when he opens his eyes, Michael gestures to where the hubbub is.
New guy, from the looks of it.
Ryan huffs, about to close his eyes again when he hears Michael say – very clearly -
And, fine. Michael swears all the damn time, could, if he wanted, come up with a sentence comprised of only the word ‘fuck’, but there’s something different to it this time. (Not quite fear, really. Michael doesn’t do fear, or at least not the kind that lets anyone think there’s a crack in his armor. That there’s a weak spot to be exploited.)
So Ryan takes a second look, and the people gathering around the new guy move aside enough for Ryan to get a good look at him.
Tall, on the lean side. Scruffy as fuck, and covered in ink.
“How the fuck did they get a Rooster?”
Ryan looks at Michael, and the kid looks. It’s not really starstruck (Ryan gets the feeling Michael doesn’t do that either), but there’s definitely respect, and for obvious reasons.
The Roosters are supposed to be untouchable, nothing sticks to them and so on and so on and so on, but if the assholes who grabbed them managed to snag a Rooster? Clearly that’s not the case.
Another week, and Ramsey is sprawled out on Ryan’s bench. All lazy contentment and something smug when he smiles up at Ryan, Michael tense and so very still at Ryan’s shoulder.
Ryan can feel eyes on them, knows the three of them are the center of attention, everyone waiting to see what’s going to happen -
And Ryan, he huffs. Kicks at Ramsey’s foot and the smug bastard chuckles, moving aside to let Ryan sit down next to him, and that’s it.
Because Ramsey? Pretty much an asshole cat, and Ryan’s not interested in getting into a fight with the guy. (There were a few idiots who were, though, early on. One’s still in the infirmary, the other was sent t the county morgue.)
Michael mutters something under his breath and leans against the wall behind them, and that’s the end of that.
Another week goes by, and things change.
Ryan gets hauled out of his cell in the middle of the night and shuffled to a wing of the prison he’s never seen before. Gets thrown into a conference room and there’s Michael and Ramsey and a couple of faces he doesn’t recognize.
Some asshole at the front of the table with manila folders and a weedy looking kid beside him hugging a laptop to his chest. Twitchy and nervous, eyes darting all over the place. Lingering on Ramsey for a brief moment before landing on something else, and Ryan’s getting a bad feeling.
And then that asshole starts talking and Ryan finds out the people who got him?
Not the FIB.
They’re a new branch of some other government agency, very hush hush secret. No one knows about them, and the more that asshole goes on about that, the worse Ryan’s bad feeling gets.
The asshole and his people have been watching the inmates here, on the look for potential candidates, and the people handcuffed to the conference room table are their’ best options.
Ryan, Michael, Ramsey and two others.
Some baby-faced guy with glasses and a disinterested look on his face and a kid watching everyone in the room.
The asshole keeps talking, tells them they have a choice here.
Say yes to working with  him and his people, “do some good” and they go free at the end of it. Say no, and they get buried so deep in the government penal system no one can find them.
And Ryan.
He’s been patient, all this time. Waiting and waiting and waiting for a chance to get the hell out of this place. Might have started giving some thought to getting Michael out too, if he could because he’s not bad.
Ramsey -
Well, he’s been assuming the Roosters will come for him sooner or later, but the way this guy’s talking, who knows?
So Ryan says yeah, sure, he’ll do it. Figures he’ll get a chance somewhere if he plays along. Michael says yes. The baby-faced guy and the kid says yes, and everyone looks to Ramsey.
After a long, long moment, Ramsey smirks at the guy and says hes in. (Nothing better to do at the moment, anyway.)
And these idiots are suddenly a team with the asshole as their handler and that weedy kid with the laptop hanging around.
They get moved to rooms (cells without bars, but the guards carry guns and move with the kind of quiet confidence the regular guard didn’t) in this section of the “prison” and get to trade out their prison jumpsuits for a classy sweatshirt/cargo pants combo that may or may not be better, who can say.
Ryan and the others get trained up a bit. Go through an accelerated training course for government agents. (Cue montage covering such scenes as Ryan and the others in shooting ranges and learning basic hand-to-hand and so on and so on because that’s what you want to do with people who’ve already proven to be dangerous enough without training, but sure. Teach them how to be even more deadly, why not.)
And because their handler’s an asshole, he forces the poor kid to go through training with them. Awkward and quiet and out of his element, and Ramsey takes a shine to him surprisingly quickly.
Michael’s annoyed by him, thinks he’s dumb, but he looks out for the kid when they’re around other people, agents who look down on all of them and are bullies at heart, and they think he’s an easy target.
Jack and Jeremy seem to like him well enough, and Ryan -
The kid’s persistent though, keeps poking at him with his inane little questions and hypothetical scenarios.
He helps the kid up when he eats shit on the obstacle course one day, rain coming down hard, ropes slippery and footing unsure, and kid flashes him a grateful smile and a quiet thanks as he lines up for another go at the damn thing, and Ryan -
He stops thinking of him as “the kid” and starts calling him Gavin. (It’s a bit of a slippery slope after that, because Gavin’s oddly likable and a bit of a disaster when it comes to this training, and Ryan starts to get fond of thee little idiot.)
A month goes by and Ryan likes these idiots who are his team, for what it’s worth.
When the asshole’s convinced they’re ready, he starts sending them out on “missions”.
Simple things at first, stealing shit or killing people. (Mostly both, though.)
It’s obvious from the start what’s going on is illegal as hell, but it’s that or be disappeared and for whatever reason they all seem to think this is the better choice even though it gets them shot and stabbed and bet all to hell on a regular basis.
(Ramsey’s the one who looks them dead in the eye, some little spot in the compound where the cameras don’t quite reach, dead zone, and says, “We play this right, we get out of here. We get stupid about things, we get dead.” and they listen, God help them, they listen.)
Ramsey’s the leader, Jack’s his second in command and can drive or fly just about anything. Michael’s got a way with explosives. Jeremy’s their best when it comes to close combat techniques and  Gavin, turns out he’s a pretty decent hacker.
Ryan stops looking for a way out on his own because someone has to keep these idiots from getting themselves killed, you know? (Especially Gavin, who doesn’t go into the field with them too often, but when he does Ryan’s the one watching his back, and there are close calls where what that fondness Ryan feels for Gavin starts o get out of control, and it’s all kind of the worst.)
Jack’s doing a decent job of it, but they’re all so dumb.
Things are…not good, exactly but they’re not completely terrible for a bit – and then shit starts to go wrong.
Missions going pear-shaped as often as not, some little thing that has them scraping through by the skin of their teeth and tensions start to rise.
Their handler goes from asshole to raging douche, and they start to lose whatever “privileges” they’d earned to this point, small humiliating punishments to remind them they’re prisoners here, and this is the sentence they chose for themselves and it grates.
The missions get harder and the more demanding, and it takes a toll. Especially when things go wrong due to bad intel or faulty equipment. Tempers fray, and cracks start to form in their little team.
Ryan starts looking for a way out again, angry that he put that on the back burner for so long. All the missed opportunities when they were on these bullshit missions.
Gavin keeps getting pulled aside by the asshole after missions. Is exempt from whatever punishments Ryan and the others get. Starts acting squirrely, and it hits Ryan all over again that Gavin was never like them.
Might have gotten in over his head with his hacking to land himself in this situation, but he’s not a criminal like the rest of them.
Jeremy ends up in the infirmary after a bad mission, and Ryan’s looking for him to because Gavin disappeared on them after they got back. Finds him in the common room they’re allowed to use, but the asshole’s with him, and Ryan listens in,.
Hears the asshole offering to make Gavin an agent if he plays things right, keeps up the good work.
The asshole leaves without noticing Ryan who found a ~convenient hiding spot and Ryan goes in to see Gavin.
Asks him what that was about, and of course Gavin clams up. Looks trapped, almost, and won’t meet Ryan’s eyes. Won’t say anything but, “I’m trying to help us,” and “You don’t understand,” and “Ryan, please,” and Ryan snaps.
He snaps because he shouldn’t still be here. Should have found a way out months ago, but no.
He made the mistake of catching feelings for these assholes, for Gavin in particular and some stupid part of him thought things might work out somehow, even though he knows better.
Maybe it was the way Geoff’s never seemed concerned about their situation here, and maybe that’s because the man’s a goddamned Rooster. Once you’ve seen and done the things one of them has, there’s not much that’s going to worry you after that.
Maybe it was Jack, or Michael, or Jeremy and the way they looked out for one another. Risked their lives for each other on these bullshit missions time and again and never once thought about letting someone die to save themselves.
And then there’s Gavin, this little idiot who’s been working against them for God knows how long.
(Who’s told Ryan about how the stupid things he did to land himself here, who’s wormed himself into Ryan’s life, gotten all cozy there in ways the other haven’t.)
Ryan snaps, because he got stupid.
“I hope whatever he offered to you for fucking the rest of us over is worth it,” Ryan says, and does a dramatic exit for that added punch.
A few days later and the asshole calls them to the conference room, tells them this is it, the final mission. (They were told they’d have to do a set number of them – successfully – before they got their reward for all this, and they’re finally there.)
Gavin still won’t meet Ryan’s eyes and that bad feeling, well.
It lasts all the way until they get sent out, all the way up until shit goes wrong so damn fast.
The chopper that flew them in goes down to an RPG round, and the agents that went in with them – first time, and that’s not a good sign – start to turn on them.
Get Michael in the side before Geoff drops that asshole, and Michael takes out another one trying to get the drop on them, and it’s utter chaos.
Agents trying to kill them and the guys they were sent in to kill are trying to kill them and a minute into the whole mess ANOTHER bunch of people show up and start shooting.
Geoff starts cackling, the sound raising hairs on the back of Ryan’s neck because this isn’t his hyena laugh when one of thee others does something stupid, no.
This is mean, vicious, and Ryan has no idea what sparked it, until he sees these new people take the agents down with cold efficiency. Sees them go on to the guys the team were sent there for and then it’s Ryan facing some woman in tactical gear holding an assault rifle on him and no bullets in his gun.
There’s a knife at his hip, an another half dozen hidden on him, but -
“Lindsay! Don’t shoot him!”
But there’s Ramsey, walking over with easy confidence, Michael and the others with him and the woman cocks her head, but doesn’t lower her gun.
“Tell him to back off those damn knives of his and I’ll think about it,” she says,  mulish, stubborn.
It kicks off what appears to be an old argument between Ramsey and her, and Ryan relaxes because apparently she’s one of his.
Eventually they stop arguing and Ramsey looks around where these newcomers are going over this bloody little battlefield, making sure the area’s cleared and he sighs.
Looks to Jack and Michael and says, “Gavin?”
And that’s where Ryan learns a group of agents bundled the little idiot out when things went to hell, got him out of there and presumably back to the compound, and Ryan -
That’s just fine, isn’t it.
He goes with Ramsey and the others because this is their out, and they head to Los Santos because Ramsey’s tired of the cold and he’s heard the weather there is amazing. (It’s the kind of city made for people like them, misfits and outcasts of society with chips on their shoulders and no love for the law.)
And this is another thing Ryan learns in bits and pieces as he settles down in this city, working for a former Rooster alongside these people he’s learning to trust all over again.
Learns that Jack, baby-faced Jack looks like an entirely different man when his beard grows back in. Still calm and placid as ever (unless someone pushes him too far, and then it’s a bloodbath waiting to happen) and he bears an uncanny resemblance to a wanted picture of a certain former member of the Roosters.
Learns the agents who grabbed Ryan and thee others somehow got Ramsey.
Geoff claims he allowed himself to be caught because the Roosters had heard about this little program the agents had been considering. That they’d managed to draw in some potential assets in Michael and Ryan, and when he got there decided he liked Jeremy a whole hell of a lot, and the kid’s resourceful.
Jack, the one one most likely to be telling the truth claims Geoff fucked up and got himself caught and Burnie, long-suffering Burnie, asked for volunteers to get him out and got over a dozen before he’d finished speaking.
In the end, he picked two.
Jack, and -
“Speaking of, when are we going to spring that little shit?” Geoff asks, having interrupted Jack’s account of events an even dozen times already with “corrections” and the like. “I miss his stupid face.”
And that’s where Ryan learns Gavin’s one of Geoff’s too. (Burnie’s really, but Geoff’s stolen him, corrupted him. Jack say that with a little smile on his face because apparently everyone involved knew Gavin was going to end up in Los Santos when everything was said and done.)
It’s like a punch to the gut, Ryan half-listening as Jack tells the others the plan the Roosters set in motion when Geoff got caught.
Send Jack in - “Gavin’s idea to shave the beard, said no one would recognize me,” he says, wry twist to his mouth because it worked - to scout things out and a little while later Gavin would catch the agents’ attention. Let himself get caught, bullied into joining the program and go along with whatever the head asshole demanded – appearing to turn on the team and so forth – and all the while getting information out to Burnie and the Roosters.
Plotting everyone’s escape at the right moment and so on and such and he’s still there.
Almost a month gone by and he’s still there.
“Burnie’s taking care of it,” Jack says, and that.
Geoff makes a face, complains that he wanted to deal with it himself, that he owed the assholes who put them through hell for an experiment. Seeing if it would be more efficient in the long run they used criminals to take out other criminals. Put the ones who didn’t matter at risk and keep their agents safer and so on. (Maybe pocket a bit of the contraband for themselves along the way, line their own pockets.)
A week goes by, and Burnie comes to town. Goes to the penthouse, Gavin in tow, and looks to Geoff. Says, like he’s glad to be rid of the nuisance that is Gavin, “He’s your problem now, Geoff.”
And Gavin.
He looks like hell, skinnier than the last time they saw each other,dark circles under his eyes and bruises and worse on his skin, and Ryan reins in his anger as he catalogs each hurt he can see. Reminds himself that if Gavin’s here now, it means Burnie and the Roosters made sure whoever dared touch the little shit is either dead or going to wish they were very soon.
There’s a bit of a reunion scene with Geoff and the others, some yelling at Gavin for being an idiot and so on and so forth, Ryan hanging back and just. Watching.
And then Gavin shuffles off to the room Geoff had set aside for him and sleeps like the dead for the next day and a half.
Stumbles out of his room in the middle of the night, Ryan watching some dumb infomercial and it’s like one of their nights back in that prison compound when one of them couldn’t sleep.
Gavin hesitates before he makes his way over to the couch, settles on the far end and turns his face towards the television. Starts talking, telling Ryan everything.
Geoff getting caught, Burnie and the others calling an emergency meeting to decide what was going to be done – because Geoff had gotten a message out to them.
Code, telling them that there were a few people he wanted to take with him, but that thing they were keeping an eye on. The rumors they’d heard that these agents were using criminals to do their dirty work for them and double-crossing them just as they were reaching the end of their usefulness so no one ever found out what was happening, that was definitely a thing and Geoff was caught up in it.
Ryan’s heard all of that, knows what happened,but something eases in him at the fact that Gavin’s telling him the truth.
Gavin keeps talking, and Ryan listens and Ryan thinks things might be okay for them after all. That Geoff’s dream of this crew of outcasts and misfits might make it to the top in this city after all.
Somewhere in there, Gavin ended up leaning against Ryan as he told his story, and Geoff finds the two of them asleep and drooling all over themselves and looking stupidly adorable for heartless criminals or whatever they’re supposed to be. (HE takes pictures too, so many damn pictures that he never stops blackmailing them with.)
The Fake AH Crew become a thing, and a certain shady government agency seethes over it because the Fakes have the Roosters backing them and that’s not a fight anyone’s prepared for. (Now or ever.)
The Fake Ah Crew might have come along on its own somehow, maybe not quite the same configuration, but it would have happened.
These idiots, though. Took a bunch of criminals and trained them. Taught them how to be more dangerous, and let Geoff take charge. Let him show them how to work together as a team and give a shit about the guy next to them, and that was the beginning of the end for them, wasn’t it.
And that’s the real kicker, for the agents and governments lackeys left to clean up after this shady government agency.
Knowing they have themselves to blame for this because they they made the crew what it is, and when Gavin leaks information about that program they were forced into to the public, so does everyone else, and it’s glorious.
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