#not dissing her. i love women's wrongs.
multifandomhoodies · 1 year
blease.... the one thing i ask of s3 mando...... if we’re have to do helmetless din..... please let it make sense..... please let it be a thing of respect........... no children of the watch slander........ i beg.......... different sects of mandos can have different beliefs PLEASE let my boy stay very rigid in it!! him and grogu!! grogu is clan!
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tamara1234sky · 3 months
My SVU rant
I’ve been watching SVU for about two years now. It’s been like therapy for me❤️‍🩹. I watched the older season as well.
For Season 25 to be so legendary, it’s soooo boring. The only episode I loved was episode 4 with Chief McGrath and his daughter.
The fandom don’t know what they want. They want character development but little to no screen time for said character.
The way they got rid of the female characters was extremely uncalled for.
Bring back GRACE MUNCY
Bring back KAT TAMIN
I didn’t like Rollins until season 21 but I 100% agree with movement, Kelli deserved better. But that is not Molly’s fault. Molly is was not an executive producer of SVU.
I love Grace Muncy and she was written off way too soon. Her outfits and her sneakers are TDF. She is not perfect, but neither was the old squad but they were given time to grow into the great characters they are now. I am glad her and churlish made up at the end of 24x17. I loved the Churlish and Muncy duo investigating in 24x21.
Veluncy could have been the best ship in SVU:
- they are both single
- They don’t have any baggage in their lives (unlike Bensler- being stuck with Kathy and the Stabler kids AND Rollisi (i don’t like this ship) but Rollins dating/hooking up the wrong men, dissing Carisi for years and having 2 baby daddies before giving Carisi a chance
- They spend a lot of off-duty hours together
- get along really well and care for each other
- They have the cutest banter
- They are loyal to each other
- They obviously ride hard for each other
- Velasco telling her she is his only real friend
Tonie Churlish irritated me at first, but she had potential. I could have seen her in ADA position ( maybe 2nd chair to ADA carisi) because she was genuinely interested in the law aspect, when talking with benson and carisi, in 24x16. I think the writers should have created a scene as to why she recorded Velasco- she clearly saw corruption while working in Bronx SVU so maybe that is why her guard is up to spotting something shady with cops.
I miss Kat Tamin everyday. I love her husky voice and her personality. I adore the way she stands up for women’s rights and truly strives to seek justice for women.
Another thing- Why is sykes getting more screen time than Detective Velasco, especially when he is in the main cast? Can at least get a scene where Velasco talk about how much he misses his ‘only real friend’ AKA GRACE MUNCY
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your-enby-antihero · 2 months
Crown keepers in the house!!! Love the sudden cast shift what a fun surprise. Sending all the “I support women’s wrong” to Aimee’s girl Opal. Dariax you beautiful himbo, Fy’ra and her everything (what a woman 🥰), Morrigan congrats on being the same title as a vorb, and Dorian my sweet sweet bard boy (boy-failure (affectionate)) how I have missed you. And the main cast killing it trying to make it through grief and dissing Lillianna like fucking gods!
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redr0sewrites · 1 month
i wanted to kinda talk about my opinion on some things related to Ana Huang and the romance genre in general- sorry for the rant!!!
finished king of sloth by ana huang and urgrhrgrhrhrh i actually really really enjoyed it!!!! (i say that ab everything i read tho tbh, i've just never been the type who criticizes the media i consume so PLEASE don't ever base ur opinions off of mine :)
my post isn't about the book specifically or even the author. i lowkey have a bone to pick and its NOT with ana huang or the book but moreso the reaction i've been noticing about the book (specifically from people who have been making fun of it and/or people who read it)! this isn't meant to start discourse or anything but i am open to polite discussion about some of the points im bringing up. this is generally focused around ana huang but also a lot of majority-feminine centric media has this same problem.
anyways, i'm gonna try to express how i feel as best i can without being rude or offensive ajshsjs-
it just lowkey irks me that sm people have been hating on ana huang now that she's getting attention, and since she's a romance writer, her fans and fanbase is mostly women and/or girls, (which is totally ok)!! however, i genuinely feel like this is just another barbie movie or sarah j mass or taylor swift scenario where the second something/someone that a lot of woman like starts to get publicity, people (mostly men) start excessively hating on it.
i have genuinely seen sm people dissing not only ana huang but her writing as well. now i don't know much about her as a person and i know that a lot of people are flawed so if she's genuinely done something wrong PLEASE lmk, i don't keep up w that stuff. and hey, maybe you just didn't like the book and thats ok too!!! its totally valid to not like something, but to make fun of an author and the people who enjoy her content just seems.. ehh.
a lot and i mean a LOT of people claim that she's only popular because of her smut but i actually enjoy her books more than just for the smutty/romance aspect. maybe that's just me, but i genuinely find it interesting and a lot of other people i know also enjoy it for the plot. and if u are reading for the smut that's ok as well, this is a totally safe space, and nobody should judge u on your reasons to read a book. the books are INTENDED to be fluffy and spicy and overall are just fictional romantic stories. they're smutty, funny books, not the bible. it shocks me how much people make fun of them.
i just keep seeing this trend of people negatively nitpicking anything and everything about authors and their writing ESPECIALLY when its romance and it just rubs me the wrong way. ive seen a LOT of people upset about huang including cameo's of her other characters in her latest book, and if you don't like those other characters so much then why... are u reading it??? THAT SOUNDS SO MEAN IM SORRY but its just so strange that people are upset about her including her own characters from her own series'?
its just disappointing that whenever someone or something becomes popular, there are always people who are just trying to be negative and diss it along with the people who enjoy it. i'm NOT making this post to be rude or offensive to people who genuinely don't like the author or the series, ur absolutely entitled to ur own opinion!!! however i have just seen this link SO MANY TIMES of people suddenly disliking something/someone bc a lot of woman seem to enjoy it and it just makes me a bit sad and disappointed.
(also side note can men stop hating on the romance genre and books they haven't even read? please??? can feminine people like anything anymore??? romance exists as such a successful genre bc the majority of readers are WOMEN who have to create fictional scenarios about being loved by seemingly "unachievable" men that are literally just doing the bare minimum. women fantasize about being treated with BASIC HUMAN RESPECT as though that isn't the standard, bc honestly, it isnt.)
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prongsmydeer · 9 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
The opening credits are beautiful, I'll give them that
"I know that no one who looks like you or me has ever married one of these people, ever." Bridgerton: Now Even More Suspicious When It Comes to Depictions of Race
Even permitting for the thirteen children, Queen Charlotte seems pretty neutral about her granddaughter's [redacted] LOL
"Very brown. Thoughts?" Me walking into parties in high school
Not Lady Danbury's Crypt Keeper-ass husband removing his teeth to sleep
"Lord Danbury. Imagine." [Tensely] "I am imagining." Lady Danbury knows that a title needs an heir
"You may be too beautiful to marry me. People will talk, given that I am a troll." George is handsome to the point of distraction
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"Either way, the choice is entirely up to her." I know it's like bare minimum but I do appreciate George reinforcing Charlotte's autonomy in the matter of their marriage
Charlotte changing outfits is fun for two reasons 1) That she is showing that she will be her own woman as Queen and 2) The superstition around seeing the bride in her dress before the wedding
Honestly, honestly. Get u a man who will bequeath u an investment property and give u ur space whenever you want it.
"Do we not spend this night together? My governness said that is what happens on our wedding night." [Pregnant pause] "Fine. I shall stay." What is George's deal? Surely even the pretense of consummation is necessary?
George from Bridgerton 🤝Derek from Swan Princes: How to Offend Women in Five Syllables or Less
Charlotte does not mince words for her Virgin and Whore Adult Children:
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"Your father and I made 15 royal babies all by ourselves. I do not see why the whole lot of you cannot make just one." Mad props for surviving 15 rounds of childbirth in Georgian England
Say what you will about Charlotte's currently loveless marriage, at least she's eating good food
HAHAHAH we finally get gay characters in this show and it's Five Steps Behind Brimsley and There's Nothing Wrong With His Bits Other Guy
Justice for Benedict and Eloise, who are bisexual and lesbian to meeee
"I do not know a single soul here except for you. I'm completely alone, and you prefer the sky to me." Even if George refuses to be a husband to Charlotte, he can at least be a friend
"What if he puts another one of his gigantic babies inside me?" Am I to take this as Lady Danbury has living children or nah
George sending Charlotte a dog is another green flag
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Thank God for Lady Danbury, no one will ever tell the Bridgerton women what sex is when they ought to
"But it can be such a pleasure." "Or it can be a painful, lifelong sentence." Danbury vs. Bridgerton: Marriage dichotomy edition
"I do not like the part where my head hits the wall over and over again. Is there a way to avoid that?" "Yes, there is a way to avoid that." George said: I want to be on bottom 🥰
George said: I am about to ruin the energy of our whole marriage in less than a minute
Is the King's tremor meant to represent his already being in the midst of his disease? :((
"Mother was going on and on to all the ladies at tea that their love means we now live in an unnatural society." Violet's mum said: The energy of this show isn't rank enough, time to be racist
Violet's dad calling her both Beauty and Brains as she asks questions 💝I love him
"So they are exactly like us. Better in some cases considering that several of them are from royal families of their own, and have much more money than we do." Violet said: I'm an ally
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HAHAHAH George and Charlotte working out their issues in classic Bridgerton style, via sex montage
"It would be difficult for you to hear about the Queen being with child long after the fact, would it not?" Lady Danbury said: I will go to ANY length to avoid spending time with my husband (fair)
"I planned some correspondence that I need to write, so the time was useful." Agatha, Master of Dissassociation
Not Mama Ledger dissing the Tween Mozart LMAO
"I told you that I enjoy science. Part of that science is agriculture. I enjoy farming." "So King George is... Farmer George?" There's the Farmer George I've heard so much about
"Why do you not understand that you hold our fates in your hands?" Something something the distance from the nobility to the class it rules something something labour from women of colour (and specifically Black women) something something Bridgerton bringing up the outward dynamics of racial inequity while refusing to interrogate the fact Nearly Every Single Black Female Character of Significance AND Simon Has Had Their Reproductive Autonomy Taken Away (Simon's mother, Marina, Lady Danbury, Queen Charlotte)
Shout-out Brimsley and NWWHB (Nothing Wrong With His Bits) for being my emotional support background couple
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"You can be a person with me." George and Charlotte uniting over their common understanding of their duty to support the nation ❤️
Lady Danbury and Lord Ledger ending racism one dance at a time
"Thank you." "You never have to thank me. We are a team." This line would've absolutely KILLED IT had it not been for the fact that Voltron already used this line in 2018, in a more emotionally substantive context (Shout-out my boy Shiro)
Not Lady Danbury and her homie Coral giggling and hugging because Lord Danbury is deceased (good for them)
Flhkfjhfkjhf Lady Danbury's 'Sorry I offended you about your dead husband, mine sucked,' tea is a social event on its own
"I was in the sky, but now I am going inside. Into Buckingham House." Charlotte immediately understanding that she needs to work within George's delusions :(
"Tell me, what would the people prefer: A royal baby, or cheap bread?" These principles do make for a good ruler, it is a shame about The Illness
"You command an entire kingdom. You can command yourself." George said: Friendship ended with early-onset neurological dysfunction, now personal affirmations are my best friend
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(I really hope someone has done fanart from this ep with George and that meme 'I am no longer mentally ill')
Tfjfjhfjfhf imagine if instead of finding me the right meds for my nerve pain, my doctor just slapped me in the face and told me to get a hold of myself. Georgian England Medicine do be rough
"Her perfection is matched only by my deformity." Fuck. I did not anticipate how deeply Farmer George's story would hit from a place of like. Self-imposed exclusion due to living in a broken body. But damn
Did it really take until four episodes in for NWWHB aka the King's Man aka Brimsley's boyfriend aka Reynolds to get a name?
I am enjoying the retrospective on all of these events from George's side of things
"And just like an animal, I will break you." I no longer enjoy the retrospective on George's side of things
It really is the Ultimate Gesture that he's getting tortured so he can get be well enough to know his wife
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If nothing else, the King has a solid homie in Reynolds
Really fair of Charlotte to be upset to be uninformed of what George was going through, but brutal that he's going back to Doctor Mon(ster)ro
"Do you suppose the Queen ever seeks...?" Omg I wouldn't expect Violet to be so saucy
Why are all the middle-aged women rising from their beds in the night is this going to be like that Glee song where everyone simultaneously discovers masturbation
"Loneliness is a battle even queens must fight for themselves." Penelope Featherington, somewhere: I gotta make fun of the Queen for having a mentally-ill husband
I'm pretty sure this captioning is incorrect, and what George is saying is, "Doctor! Doctor!" and not "Torture! Torture!" But both are accurate I suppose
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Hahahaha not to add insult to injury for Violet, but Lady Danbury made eye contact with Violet's dad at Lord Danbury's funeral like she was thinking he was beekeeping age
"It's not surprising you should mourn him, he was your husband." You don't have to like someone to feel weird that they're dead
"I was three when my parents promised me. When a deal was struck. Three years old. So, I was raised to be his wife." Agatha's parents said have you heard of grooming? We have brought it down to a science
The People of Colour in Nobility raise fair points about succession
"I am sorry to report that she remains alive and well, Your Majesty." Brimsley said treason is allowed if it's funny
"Paint her skin lighter. Pale. His Majesty wants her to glow." 70% of fanart for any given fandom LMAO (also shout-out to the real world contention around images of Queen Charlotte)
"I will see you here tomorrow. Same time. You will wear better shoes. We can ramble together." I KNEWWWW there was some eye contact going on [Agatha as Animatronic Fox voice] I'm gonna fuck your dad, Violet
"Your garden is in bloom." "It is blooming out of control." It IS going to be like that scene from Glee
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"Georgie, be a good boy and approve your brothers' marriages." "...I approve." The Princes forgot that there is one power that trumps even the monarchy: Being a mama's boy
"Your body is not your own." Welcome 2 having a uterus
At least Aldophus would be willing to intervene if his sister were in physical danger
"Rambles are there." "Rambles are there." "I am there." This would be so romantic if it were not directed at her future friend's dad LMAO
Agatha, somewhere in the present: My garden bloomed for your father once, Violet
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"The hard part is done," said Princess Augusta, as if being married to a person losing grip on themselves for the remainder of their life is not a hard part
There is something that feels like empathy about Augusta saying that Charlotte never has to see her husband again, even if it's immediately followed by the clarification they could need another heir
Brimsley reaching out to Charlotte but unable to reach her due to Georgian social graces
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I do feel for Reynolds, in his being caught and unable to do anything to help his partner or his friend/King
It is funny that we have not once seen Agatha interact with her children, given how family oriented the main plot of the show is. Historically accurate, mayhaps, but omg
"What do any of the women of the ton know of true friendship?" Agatha said: FRIENDSHIP IS FOR MEN AND THE POOR
"We are untold stories. And yesterday, you told me something of your story. And I, thank you." "You are most welcome." I love Lady Bridgerton and Lady Danbury's friendship ❤️
"It did not bloom until after he was gone." With your dad, Violet!
"I want to be gardened as much as possible." Violet said: Now that I have found my libido, I am open for business
Dominic Danbury is sooo cute I want a million more scenes of the world's tiniest noble:
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I do love how they give specific context to what royal connections the Danbury family has in Sierra Leone, rather than leaving their noble connections in ambiguity
I know Charlotte's the queen but damn imagine having someone who has just stationed their whole business in your drawing room before you got home
"Where will Your Majesty go?" "Why, I have come here." Charlotte said: Be a pal and commit treason with me, Agatha
Agatha and Charlotte deciding to start their friendship sincerely 💗I love women
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"I'm afraid." "Afraid of what?" "That I will not be able to love her." "Love is not a thing one is able or not able to do based on some magic. Some chemistry. That is for plays. Love is determination. Love is a choice one makes." Charlotte said: Love is companionship, William
"And these youthful fits shall become mere embarrassing memories." 1) Adolphus, you say this with the slightest bit of context as to why Charlotte left and 2) Not a good time to use the word 'fits,' it's a sensitive topic
"And I am not... coming inside." Finally the prophecy of dad fucking is fulfilled
Charlotte said: That's enough of this medical malpractice
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You know, I didn't really keep a good count of Agatha's kids. Are there four already or does she potentially give birth to her homie's half-sibling LMAO
Also: It is deeply weird that Papa Ledger's method of hitting on people is the birthday hat he also makes for his daughter
Violet has now found the birthday hat; to be expected but unfortunate for all involved. Does she think it was her husband or does she know it was her dad?
"I see them. Do you not?" Brimsley is ride or die for Charlotte 4ever
"I love you. From the mo... from the moment I saw you trying to go over the garden wall, I have loved you desperately. I cannot breathe when you are not near. I love you Charlotte. My heart calls your name. I wanted to tell you. I wanted you to know." COMMUNICATION
I love the double meaning in the last two lines, because it bridges right into him telling her about his condition so it's both "I wanted to tell you (that I love you)," and "I wanted to tell you (that I have been bearing this)."
"Perhaps one day [Violet] will have an unimpeachable reputation. Just like yours." I think this is how Papa Ledger has chosen to break up with Agatha
"I do not remember names. I am female." Me when I lie
"You do not know us. Any of us. You do not learn about us. You do not care for what we care for." Generational trauma: Royal edition
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"They will be together, have a marriage, grow old as one. We would serve them together." "A lifetime." Gay marriage: Royal aide edition
"Losing a husband is... inconvenient." Augusta said: Sorrows, sorrows, prayers
"I will not engage with the princess. I've promised the Queen friendship." Agatha said: Loyal homies before royal homies
"Brimsley. Have you any family? Did you never marry?" Incredible that after approximately 30 years, Charlotte has not once asked Brimsley about his personal life. Oh, rich people
Lady Danbury is too honourable to ask Charlotte for help, even though she needs help with title succession :(
"I have loved and been loved. And that is all I shall say." Lady Danbury said: I will never admit to sleeping with your dad, Violet
"There is womanly work afoot." HAHAHA me when I want a man to leave
Were I Charlotte, I would not take kindly to the horse comparison, no matter how helpful it was
"And over the years, I learned I need not be content to surrender myself to the uselessness of female pursuits. Instead, I secured my son as King." Augusta said: Crying is for women, we are politicians
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You know, all this talk of Parliament has suddenly reminded me how anachronistic George's haircut is. I wonder if he will finally put on a wig
"You have been an admirable adversary thus far. Our battles bring me satisfaction. So this, will not do. You are not allowed to come here and sob. You may not quit. Cover your bruises and endure. Do not lose control of your fate, Agatha." HAHAHAHA I can't believe Augusta is giving Agatha a pep talk and a shot of alcohol mid-title negotiation. That's mentorship
"I am sorry." Is George hiding under the bed? LMAO
Update from ten seconds later: He is
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Sometimes, love is not about who will pull you out from beneath the bed, but who will get under the bed with you
"Not a full me. Not a full marriage. Only half. Half a man. Half a king. half a life." "If what we have is half, then we shall make it the very best half." 💘Oh Charlotte
I know Agatha doesn't NEED to marry a Prince, but I think it'd be fun if she did
"I will not say words with hearts and flowers, because I know you are not a hearts and flowers woman. But there is something here. Between us. I believe we could be happy together." Yet another marriage of companionship about to be tossed over for passion. Why does no one on this show what to marry someone who simply wants to provide them a life of kindness!!! (I know in Agatha's case, Lord Ledger is also kind, but not kind enough not to cheat on his wife and introduce his daughter to his mistress. Soooooo)
Why do they cut to the back-and-forth between invitation and sex like it is necessary preparation for the ball hahahhaa
George is representing a very real mental health experience of when you spend a long time in your house and then you experience like mild agoraphobia when you have to be outside again
Literally no one at this ball has hair like George LMAO. But why am I seeking anything historical in the Shonda Rhimes Cinematic Universe:
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"I cannot marry you, but only because I cannot marry anyone." I respect this position if it's coming from a point of independence rather than for a different man. I love her regaining agency over the direction of her life!
"You make him happy. Thank you, your Majesty." This is the closest thing to a compliment Charlotte will ever receive from her mother-in-law
This show is pretty bittersweet, given all that we know becomes of the Queen and King in the future
Shout-out to Brimsley and Reynold's relationship for being the saving grace of this show
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Hahahaha Charlotte finally gets her one (1) legitimate grandchild after 50 ones that she does not care to know about
"I only did not wish to place my burdens on top of your own." Agatha 💞
"I suggest your shift your fear into faith and come to us with your concerns directly. To do otherwise would suggest we are incapable of addressing them." Charlotte is such a good Queen
Charlotte said: Your mum WAS right about my child-bearing hips!
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"I believe you should leave the hats where they are. They are lovely. As you say, cheerful." This is as close as Lady Danbury will come to acknowledging the dad-fucking
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"Your line will live on." "Our line." "Our line." Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
The splicing between the young version of George and Charlotte and their younger selves. This is really getting to my heart.
"You did not go over the wall." "No George, I did not go over the wall." I'M GOING TO CRY, THIS IS MY FAVOURITE OF THE BRIDGERTON SEASONS 😭😭😭 ROMANCE!!
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melis-writes · 9 months
Why you don’t like Apollonia? (I get this vibe from u, but correct me if I’m wrong)
You're 100% correct about the vibes. 🤣🤣 I don't like Apollonia at all, whatsoever and it's because the Godfather fandom completely ruined her character for me. 🥰
It's not just the new Godfather enjoyers, like gen z or millennials but also the boomers. Apollonia is sadly a vessel for misogyny in the Godfather from Apollonia stans alone. I can't look past it even if I tried; I get Apollonia stans commenting nasty shit on my gifsets of Kay (that's how annoying + bothered they are) and trying to start discourse over any post that highlights a miniscule positive thing about Kay Adams.
It's disgusting to see how Apollonia is glorified for being the quiet, submissive and obedient housewife. She's what Michael "needs" and is the "perfect wife" and the ones that put Apollonia on a pedestal like this are misogynists, vehemently sprout the nastiest shit about Kay and women like Kay that you'll ever hear, talk about how Apollonia could have "changed" and "fixed" Michael (dude is beyond redemption and is almost a sociopath) and could have birthed him "lots of babies". Literally, that's all Apollonia is "known" for and loved for, it's pathetically sad. The bar really is in hell.
So while Apollonia is praised for all of these hypothetical scenarios, Kay and women like Kay are shit on, ridiculed and picked apart to pieces. It's disgusting and whether it's a boomer enjoyer or someone my age, they'll be saying the exact same shit like it's scripted or clockwork or something about Apollonia every single time.
Apollonia's young age is also glorified even though she's a minor/child, and don't even get me started on the scene of her undressing in front of Michael--I know it's a little off topic and more about Simonetta as an actress but the fact that there's grown ass men fawning over a minor's breasts makes me want to actually vomit.
Putting aside the misogynistic culture some Godfather fans have placed upon Apollonia here, I don't like the character itself. To me, it's obvious she was a filler, empty character Mario Puzo wrote and used to develop Michael's character development because she's literally never mentioned again unless you want to count Michael confessing to Kay he "slept with someone" in the book while he was abroad.
Apollonia was never in love with Michael and Michael wasn't in love with her. Apollonia's father got giddy at the idea of his daughter's beauty bringing in a rich, powerful and influential man who was the son of a Vito Corleone. Nobody cared what else Michael had to offer the Vitelli family besides reputation, wealth and physical protection. Nothing even mentions if anyone cared how Michael would treat Apollonia but oh boy, Michael showed it well. He literally refused to let her leave home for a week and all he did was have sex with her over and over again. And every single time, Apollonia would just get up, shower, fuck off and do something and Michael would just lay there. She would just do whatever he wanted and yet somehow, the Godfather fandom is screaming "true love" and "soulmate" when it's literally just Michael being horny. I need y'all to understand this man was thinking with his dick only.
I don't care who likes/stans Apollonia, all I want is for people to be respectful about the whole Apollonia and Kay thing. If Apollonia's as amazing as some people claim, then I'd sure hope she can brought up without the mention of Michael being in a relationship with her and without dissing Kay in the same sentence (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE EDITION).
Apollonia and the whole Sicily arc is so far gone and damaged to me that I just skip that scene when watching the movie and pretend it didn't happen because of all the bullshit that went out in the fandom and is still ongoing today. 😐
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only-by-the-stars · 2 months
for the Choose Violence ask game:
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
*deep breath*
like. please. please. everyone is so quick to dismiss Mipha as "her story is only about Link", but what is Revali's story about? that's right, a ton of his focus is his rivalry with Link. even in AOC we don't meet any of his friends or family, anyone with a personal tie to him in his own era. and when he's not focused on dissing Link, he spends most of the rest of his dialogue spouting arrogance and that "I need to be the BEST!!!" stuff you can see in countless animes. he's not as unique as people think, and there's little to suggest any of the vulnerability his fans ascribe to him. even in his diary, where you'd think he'd open up more, he acts arrogant and makes a snide remark referring to Zelda as "talentless".
but. you know. he's a guy. so of course he has more potential than the Champion who has family and friends and a whole community that we meet, who gets Zora Monuments and diary entries talking about stuff to do with things other than Link (like her reactions to Vah Ruta, her birth, the moment when Dorephan agreed to let her pilot Ruta, her ghost speaking to her loved ones after her death), who was both a healer and a warrior and thus has that duality in her, who wants to see her father one last time as she stands atop Ruta after being freed, who got some really nice scenes with her family in AOC, because you know. she's a girl, and she fell in love with her childhood friend, and she's kind to people. so boring!
I actually would argue that she is the best-written Champion, because of all that. they're all underwritten, but Mipha gets more depth to her than the others, I think, because of the reasons mentioned above. we don't get any direct connections for any of the others. but because she's a girl and she had romantic feelings for Link, she's dismissed, and the snide arrogant guy gets touted as the one with the most potential. fucking typical of fandom, to fawn over the underwritten man and lavish fanon on him while dismissing the woman as not worthy of the same. I know I'm swinging a bat at a hornet's nest with this, but I'm just so tired of this happening across fandoms and so tired of it happening to my beloved Mipha, specifically. fandoms PLEASE care about fictional women. this is not a request.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
see above: Revali. I came out of his portion of SoaC with more of an interest in him because I enjoyed doing my own interpretation, but it's still a fucking Struggle when I see his more obnoxious fans being Like That.
ditto BOTW/TOTK Zelda. like. there are legit criticisms to be made about her writing, such as how her arc in BOTW would've greatly benefited from a deeper exploration of certain beats, a linear storyline, and please I hate how her interest in science is treated as just a silly quirk that serves no purpose and Rhoam Might've Been Right About It, but either way amounts to nothing as she just needed to fall in love and BAM! powers! and I hate how a lot of the people who dislike her will accept all this uncritically and criticize this interest of hers and hold her solely accountable for the Calamity, and I really hate how TotK not only flattens her into the Perfect Princess who does everything well and everyone is disturbingly blindly loyal to, but again doesn't let her do anything but sacrifice herself, with her interest in science again being relegated to a minor quirk.
(AOC I love you for making her love of science actually matter to the plot. I am kissing you on the mouth for this and so much else, you don't deserve all the hate that's directed your way just because people wanted a grimdark rehash of BOTW's backstory.)
but. also. her fans are so weird and annoying about her??? and they try to have it both ways??? like according to them she's THE MOST NUANCED CHARACTER EVER for being awful to Link, but also she did nothing wrong and she only yelled at him ONE TIME, YOU GUYS, there was nothing shitty about the rest of her behavior and couldn't have made him that miserable or put him in danger of royal reprisal if one of her attempts at ditching him went badly (like it very nearly DID in the Yiga cutscene). and also you're a misogynist if you don't think she's the bestest ever and ship her with Link, but it's okay if they make hateful comments about Mipha, or other female characters in the series that people DARE to ship with various Links. only z*link allowed!!!
... as you can see, it is a Struggle for me with her too. I don't hate her, I see her (sadly wasted) potential and hate how she was treated in TotK, I enjoyed her a lot in AOC and have had fun writing her in certain AUs of mine, but also. the fans. eugh.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
this... soulmates/fated lovers thing that z*link shippers live for? a hard no from me, buds. hard no. it basically robs the characters involved of their agency and turns each version of them into puppets who will inevitably fall in love with the same person in every lifetime (and this doesn't even make sense because Zelda's not a reincarnation??? she's a DESCENDANT of the other Zeldas and Hylia???), and that... is horrifying to me. that's a curse IMO, and not romantic at all. The Good Place remains the only take on the soulmates concept I'll accept:
"If soulmates do exist, they're not found, they're made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship."
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cyarskj52 · 3 months
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A Reminder for Drake and Others: Tory Lanez Is Not a Martyr
It’s disappointing, but not surprising, to see Drake advocate for Tory Lanez after being convicted of shooting Megan Thee Stallion
By Andre GeeFebruary 27, 2024
It’s disappointing, but not surprising, to see Drake advocate for Tory Lanez after being convicted of shooting Megan Thee Stallion
Drake compels the masses like a seasoned advertising director. He knows sharing something as simple as a new hairdo will strangle social media for days on end. So when he called for Tory Lanez’s freedom on his Instagram story, he knew it would garner similar visibility as activists screaming “Free Meek Mill” from the streets of Philadelphia. On Monday, Drake posted a picture of Tory and “3 You,” a version of “Free You” where the three were set to represent open handcuffs. 
“Free [Insert Person”] is standard cultural parlance in communities of color. “Free Meek” was a stand against the Philly rapper’s prolonged probation. “Free Mumia [Abu-Jamal]” is about amplifying a freedom fighter who people believe was unjustly convicted. Other times, like with “Free Bobby Shmurda,” it can be a complicated admission that even if we know someone did wrong, we understand that systemic inequality can encourage bad choices from good people, essentially creating a long-looping form of entrapment. 
You may scream “free” someone as an advocate, loved one, or an empathizer. But screaming “Free Tory Lanez,” is an asshole move. 
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Last August, Tory was sentenced to 10 years in California State Prison for shooting Megan Thee Stallion in 2020. In December 2022, he was convicted of assault with a semi-automatic firearm, carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle, and discharging a firearm with gross negligence. 
He’s on a recorded call apologizing to Megan’s former friend Kelsey for an unknown grievance that many deduce to be Megan’s shooting. During testimony, Kelsey called the notion that she shot Megan “ridiculous.” A witness in the trial testified that he saw a “shorter man,” alleged to be Tory, firing “four to five” shots and then beating Megan as she lay bleeding in a fetal position. But despite the mountain of evidence suggesting his guilt, Drake, Chris Brown, Meek Mill, and others have since expressed solidarity with Tory. Are they saying they don’t believe Megan, or that they don’t care what happened to her?
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Since that night, people treated the shooting like a soap opera or binary of fandom instead of a traumatic incident that someone should atone for. On “Cobra,” Megan rapped about dealing with depression, alcohol dependency, and suicidal ideation since being shot. Her account of that night was scrutinized by armchair sleuths, and she was relentlessly lampooned by entertainers and consumers. Tory even took part in the circus, chopping a horse leg in his “CAP” video. As I noted before about Tina and Ike Turner, hip-hop has a penchant for playing too much, perhaps because many of its progenitors are so predisposed to toxic behavior and violence that we don’t know how to take domestic violence seriously. But that dynamic almost always turns into disrespecting women survivors, and it’s no excuse for how Megan is being treated.
Drake’s had several weird dustups with women in recent years. During a recent stop on his Big As The What tour, he made a point to play “Work” with Rihanna, then tell the crowd that he doesn’t perform the song anymore. That comes after dissing her and A$AP Rocky on For All The Dogs’ “Fear of Heights.” And, more alarmingly, he’s shouted out rapper and friend Baka Not Nice, who in 2015 pled guilty to assaulting a 22-year-old woman who he was charged with forcing into sex trafficking. The woman didn’t testify in the case, so he wasn’t tried on the latter charge. While Baka was incarcerated, Drake rhymed, “I might declare it a holiday as soon as Baka get back on the road,” on 2015’s “Know Yourself.” Would women be invited to that celebration? Perhaps Drake should head to his room full of bras and reflect on whether he genuinely cares about the humanity of any of the former owners. 
It’s unclear when he and Megan, who were pictured together in 2019, first fell out. In 2022, he rapped “this bitch lie ’bout getting shots, but she still a stallion” on Her Loss’ “Circo Loco.” Last summer, he made it a point to snidely clarify “not that Meg,” while shouting out photographer MegYup during his It’s All A Blurtour. And now, after Megan may have dissed him on “Hiss” (she intentionally refrained from naming names so hit dogs could holler) he’s advocated for her attacker. 
Drake isn’t the first person to speak up for Tory post-sentencing, either. Chris Brown, who assaulted Rihanna and has been accused of over 20 instances of violence (many against women), called to “Free Tory” on streamer Adin Ross’ live stream, calling Tory “a solid dude.” His morally questionable comments are unsurprising. 
Last July, Meek Mill screamed “Free Tory” while performing at Rolling Loud Portugal. He later doubled down, tweeting, “I say free young thug … free lucci … free melly I don’t even know why y’all start dealing with us if yall gone try to smear us.’ Of course, there is a layer of nuance. Anti-prison abolitionists believe that the justice system is inherently racist and should be uprooted. But even those progressives didn’t feel much sorrow when Tory was convicted because of his conduct and arrogance throughout the leadup to the trial. Restorative justice advocates believe there can be a world where people who commit violence can take accountability, and apologize to the person they hurt, and everyone can heal without the need for incarceration. 
There is a belief that the modern justice system, which essentially requires a suspect to deny their guilt, doesn’t help a survivor heal, and the dehumanizing conditions of prison certainly aren’t a rehabilitative environment for violators. Some abolitionists may believe that Tory shouldn’t be incarcerated because prisons shouldn’t exist in the first place. That is a complicated discussion. But it’s also not likely that Drake, Brown, or Meek were saying “Free Tory” from an abolitionist lens — they were just trying to support the boys club. 
Despite Tory’s conviction, the bowels of the gossip blogosphere, run by misogynistic podcasters and streamers, still cling to rumors of suppressed videos and secret witnesses and anything else that may appear out of fairy dust to legally absolve the Toronto artist and affirm their twisted belief that women are never to be trusted. It’s sad to think that so many of music’s biggest names enabling that cohort. 
Despite their increasingly blatant misogynoir, artists like Drake still boast devoted fanbases who will propel him to record-breaking streaming numbers and refer to him as their figurative “husband.” It’s more proof that advocacy for a convicted violator of a Black woman isn’t a cardinal sin. If anything, it’s the norm. How long will we let that be the case?
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Translation: if you love your man so much, schedule for sex in prison Aubrey Graham.
or better yet just go to hell and take your bald head biiich with you.
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Gwen: Inconsistently Characterized?
Submissions propaganda will be here. Feel free to reblog or reply to this post with additional inconsistency in characterization, or to refute it!
See #Gwen TD Propaganda as a tag.
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I could put almost any td character here but I think Gwen has the worst development of all. She went from cool goth girl who didn't really want to be there to a very whiny fuck up who is obsessed with seeming nice (and a boyfriend kisser!! I thought she was my friend but now it's time to diss her!) Don't get me wrong, I love a whiny fuck up but not with Gwen and the way they did it. I mean what messed her up first tho was the forced love triangle and how all the early seasons needed to have all the women hate eachother. If she and Courtney were allowed to kiss, it would fix everything.
Btw I love td and I love Gwen if that wasn't clear. (the boyfriend kisser part is from a song Courtney sings because Gwen kissed Courtney's boyfriend who Gwen had no chemistry with)
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marciabrady · 1 year
I completely agree on Belle, I actually don't dislike her as much as I used to but my gosh her stans used to be the worst. Always going after the previous 4 princesses esp Snow White who is a literal angel. But I was wondering do you see Mulan being treated a similar way as Belle by fans? No doubt Mulan is 100x more accomplished but Disney and her fandom both treat the other heroines like garbage to lift her up in the same way I've noticed people do for Belle. which I don't get because Mulan herself doesn't have a problem with other women!!
Totally agree! The Disney Princess franchise has weathered so many attacks against people who hate anything inherently feminine and I think the brand heads are still trying to reel from the damage control they tried to do in the 2000s and 2010s, which was essentially prop up the masculine and combative princesses and diss the classics the company was built upon.
The Mulan topic is interesting because I like Mulan fine, and her fans aren't as bad as Belle fans...but I think she and Tiana are misunderstood. They're well rounded characters with an arc and visible flaws that make them human, but possess so many redeeming qualities, and they're actual people with shortcomings and also things about them that are great, etc, but their fans glorify them and make them into these Mary Sues that have no issues and idk I just feel like it takes away from who they are and fans always end up focusing on the wrong aspect of said princess. Like, Mulan wasn't obsessed with combat from day 1 and this badass girl that did whatever she wanted. She was someone who was willing to enter an arranged marriage to appease her family, someone who was clumsy and didn't know her place in the world, someone who didn't have tact in her interpersonal relationships- but her love for her father and her wit in the strategic way she approached battle and her determination is what should be applauded. We shouldn't be rewarding her because she was naturally the best fighter on the field- but because she overcame her natural shortcomings (when compared to the men she was up against that were physically more competent than her in the beginning) and, through sheer grit, she managed to rise above it all. Also, because she's a fascinating blend of masculinity and femininity. Tiana's another good example- fans prop her up for being a "girl boss" and embodying grind culture, when that's who she was before her arc. Her story became complete once she realized hard work would only take her half the way and she needed to remember the love she had in her heart for her father and the people around her and to keep the hope alive that her father instilled in her as a child, with things like wishing upon the evening star.
I think in the case of these two princesses, though,they largely are misunderstood because the shift in Princess marketing in the past couple of years is to put certain princesses in front of us more than others- Moana, Belle, Mulan, Tiana, and Merida are given priority imo- and I think they try to group them together in the pre-arc versions of themselves and tell the masses that they're whatever values we deem as more important in our current vernacular of what it means to be a "strong" woman but it generally is removed from how the characters were in their films and the princesses are just kinda used as mascots for whatever traits are popular at any given time.
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scoobydoozies · 1 year
the racism was uncomforable in the headless horror my other problem with it was how the guy just took his wife putting him in the hositpal as no big dea.... it just felt so unbelievable..
relationships in this show are very..strange to me... we got velma abusing shaggy/ velma the smart one being jealous of scooby/ fred showing zero interest in daphne until the plot demands it/ daphne/velma alone come off too pushy that it gets uncomfortable/ and thats just season 1
season 2 i wont spoil much cause im not sure how far ya are. im only about 5-6 eps in but i ididnt want to see a jealous fred act like a crazed ex but they decided woo its comedy to kidnap your ex girlfriend/ and again we have a women being weird to shaggy but an old women so its 100 times worse and just played off as a joke.. this show is just mean to shaggy
so how this show was recommended after velma is beyond me.. at best the background animation is good and we got the voice of kronk/ and frank welker is having fun i think tis amazing he can still do him so well at 70 / but they can only do so much to make it bearable with all the romance drama/ plot twists it reminds me of a cw show but animated
yeah like that's what i mean when i say this show really just isn't written well. there are some really cool concepts, but rarely are they executed to their fullest potential. characters make choices not based on their own personality and goals, but for the convenience of the plot and creation of conflict, which often leads to some really unfortunate side effects when you actually think about what's happening. as an example i wanna break down the fred and daphne thing, but this kind of writing is present throughout the whole first season (which is all i've seen so far, though i've heard a decent amount of things about season 2, but i'll try to stick to what i've personally watched for the most part)
like, at first fred shows no interest in daphne beyond friendship, but is a pretty good friend to her, while daphne is head over heels for fred to the point that she has basically no personality outside of that. yet, there isn't anything about fred that she actually likes. in the first episode she says that he's like one of those geniuses that's isn't appreciated in their time, but it's clear from later episodes that her and the rest of the gang think that he's stupid. beyond that, everything he says is annoying or boring to her unless it's him showing her romantic affection, and even then, only in certain ways.
later in season 1, fred suddenly switches from having no romantic interest in daphne to being in love with her, for no discernible reason. we know he didn't just secretly have a crush on her before, because we know that when he shows interest in someone he becomes incredibly jealous and possessive, and in episode 3 (before he liked her) he was totally supportive of her going on the date with rung. she ends gets so upset about him not reciprocating her feelings in the way she wants (as if she's owed that or something) and for having the audacity to like things that aren't her, that she writes a diss track about him and rejects him when he actually DOES reciprocate her feelings.
then there's that whole thing where he asks her on a date to the trap museum, and she gets really mad about it… for some reason? it's apparently because he makes everything about traps instead of her? she then gets all googly-eyed over a teacher, fred gets jealous, and then daphne says that she has the teacher's phone number and that they're planning on going on a date… at the trap museum. which either means: 1. she doesn't actually mind learning about traps and she's just annoyed that he's continuing to have an interest in the thing he's interested in for no reason, or 2. she's lying about having a date with the teacher, and is just saying that to hurt him. also, side note, the show never addresses or even implies that there's anything wrong with the teacher/student relationship aspect of all this. like, at all. the issue being presented here is that daphne's making fred jealous, because they liiiike each other~. at the end of the episode he calls her his girlfriend, and suddenly she's totally not mad at him anymore and is like "oh i would LOVE to go to the trap museum with you"… even though he was LITERALLY asking her out on a date at the beginning of the episode! which means he thinks of her as his girlfriend! nothing changed! she just changed her mind because it was time for that conflict to be over.
then fred and daphne are together and it's pretty much fine for a while, but then fred starts acting really controlling about her, almost verging on stalker territory. he starts making a list of all her habits and whereabouts, keeping track of her schedule and trying to control her and their relationship. she becomes (rightfully) uncomfortable with this, and says to velma it's giving her trust issues. she doesn't really talk about it to him directly, instead she asks a spirit board about the issue in front of him and he notices. later they actually DO talk about it, he apologizes for his behavior and it's chalked up to him being overprotective because of his issues over his absent mom. the one that scooby said was hot. that part's not relevant but i think it bears mentioning. anyway i actually felt like the way this conflict between them was handled fairly decently for this show. fred has an obsessive personality so this being a character flaw makes sense, daphne not talking to him about it right away and being a little immature about addressing it makes sense fits because she's a teenager, and they did talk about it and work it out. the problem doesn't come from this specific episode but the fact that fred… doesn't actually stop being controlling about daphne in later episodes (like i know about the kidnapping thing and doll with her real hair and the getting mad at/bullying marcie for not being daphne… ugh. don't even get me started on the way the gang treats marcie.)
then fred ends up proposing to daphne out of nowhere (they're still in high school btw), saying he wants her to solve mysteries with her forever, and she's over the moon about it. she gets really into it and starts planning right away, wanting to one-up her sisters and all that. when she tries to talk to fred about wedding stuff though, he's totally disinterested, and she continues to be disinterested in anything about him that doesn't revolve around her. great basis for a future marriage /s. they end up telling their parents who don't approve, velma and shaggy get mad at them for not telling them about the engagement, yada yada, whatever. at the end of season finale when the truth comes out about fred's past, he calls the engagement off completely because he wants to find his real parents, alone. the guy who is supposedly all about the team and wanted them to all move in together after high school and to solve mysteries together with daphne forever… wants to solve the mystery of locating his parents on his own. why??? well obviously because the writers want to separate them all for the dramatic ending, of course! and they didn't bother to set up any real justification for that beforehand that would actually make sense.
what's worse though is if you think about that ending from a totally in-universe perspective, it makes fred look REALLY bad. like, he proposed to daphne to keep her bound to him forever, but the second it felt more convenient to not have her around, he throws her in the garbage? AND continues to be obsessive and controlling about her later?
i think fred being controlling can be a good character flaw to have, in fact be cool scooby-doo did that really well in my opinion, but when you apply that character flaw to a romantic relationship, i think you have to be REALLY careful about how you portray that, and the show doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to condemning toxic behavior like that. plus, the level of control can only go up to a certain point severity and persist for a certain amount of time before it stops being an innocent mistake.
and this is just. how the show is written. in general. characters do nonsensical things for the convenience of the writers, which often paints them as being petty, fickle, and shallow. they often do mean or selfish things purely for the purpose of creating conflict and nothing else, which makes them come off as being bad people. im not opposed to shows where the characters are deeply flawed or even the villains, but it really doesn't feel like it's on purpose with the main 5. their bad behavior is often justified or left uncriticized or unpunished
when velma's hitting shaggy (and doing so hard enough to hurt him) for talking the way he talks, fred and daphne completely ignore it. the only one who cares about it is shaggy, who's later villainized for breaking up with the girl who abused him, demeaned him, and tried control him, after she gave him an ultimatum to get rid of his best friend! a member of their team! do fred or daphne ever tell her, "hey, scooby's our pal, and asking shaggy to get rid of him is really selfish of you"? nope! she continues to go on and on about how "he left her for a dog" for the whole rest of the season, and plenty of other characters throughout the show sympathize with her or mock shaggy for his (correct) choice. nobody ever stands up for him or defends him at all.
there's not even any discernible reason why any of them are interested in each other romantically. hell, there's no discernible reason why any of them are friends at all! well, besides velma and daphne bonding over their shared entitlement to the boys they're into, and similar shallow romance drama and other stereotypical ~girl things~. i wouldn't even say they all share a love for mystery solving-- shaggy and daphne don't seem like they could care less about that, and even fred and velma don't feel like they like it as much as every other iteration of those characters i've come across. fred mostly just cares about setting traps and nine times out of ten velma would rather angst over shaggy or get a pedicure with daphne than focus on the mystery. they solve mysteries together because that's what's dictated by the show they're in. that's it. they're not even very good at it! in the first half of season 1 mr. e is holding their hands, guiding them through some of the most obvious and clear-cut mysteries i've seen from this franchise. the writers try to make them look smarter by deliberately not showing key clues to the audience (who can probably figure it out anyway by ruling out the obvious red herrings and paying attention to the basic structure, even if they're given 0 clues or motives that actually incriminate the character), and this just makes the reveals feel cheap, and further highlights how ridiculous some of the explanations are.
and i could just keep going, really, but i won't because this is already getting really long.
like i said, there's some cool concepts and ideas here, and every once in a while there will be an episode or scene or line that's pretty good. the backgrounds are nice, same with the designs of a lot of the monsters. i liked the episode with the orc biker gang, i thought the frighthound was really creepy, i like there being an overarching plot and getting to see the gang's school and home lives, i like there being an old mystery incorporated, i like fred being autistic (even if the representation there is flawed), i love fred jones sr (i guess since they make all the characters selfish assholes, it turns out that when that's what they're supposed to do, they do a pretty good job), etc. if this show had different writers, ones that think things through, can write women, that don't perpetuate toxic relationship dynamics or sexualize teenagers, that know how to craft mysteries with proper pacing and intrigue, that have a grasp on humor beyond cynical mean-spiritedness (which sometimes bleeds into outright bigotry), it probably WOULD be the best scooby-doo show.
and yeah, it's really ironic that this was the show everyone was recommending as an alternative to hbo's velma, because it seems like they share a lot of the same problems, velma's just a lot less subtle about it.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
I swear what is up with male celebs dating the most problematic people. First Henry Cavill (which doesn’t surprise me because of his own comments he’s made), then Sebastian Stan (apparently he’s not dating her and is allegedly dating Annabelle Wallis now) Chris Evans, and now Dylan O’Brien. It seems like it’s a pattern for celebs to date someone who seems like a really cool person only to be exposed as either racist, homophobic, misogynistic, or fatphobic. And sometimes the person is all 4.
I honestly never had any problems with who any celeb dates and when I would see who it is, I would just be like “oh they’re so pretty” and “oh they seem pretty cool” and “I’m so happy for them” just for it come out a day later that they aren’t a decent person. Literally not being racist, homophobic, and etc.. is not that hard and is quite literally the bare minimum. It does not take that much to be a decent person. And i get those tweets are old, but everyone should know back in 2012 or 2013 or 2018 that saying a racial slur is wrong and it doesn’t matter if you were a teenager or a young adult, you should know better. And all of sudden deleting the tweets and blocking comments doesn’t necessarily mean you know better now, it just seems like you didn’t want to get caught and be held accountable. Either way, if they want to date those type of people then that’s their prerogative, but don’t expect that people will still look at you the same way. I honestly wonder what goes through their pr teams heads?
I am out of the loop on this one, has Henry's gf made other racist moves? If so 🤢🤢🤢 I hope he dumps her fast. Also, he's no stranger to stupid comments and failing to react in the face of racism and discrimination, sadly. It's why I'd rather avoid running into my idols, it's so much better to appreciate from a distance than find out celebs you love are racist, homophobic, mean, etc.
Celebs focus on image so, they are looking for perfect optics and tend to be quite shallow. So it's no surprise to me when their partners turn out to be shaddy. The thing is, if your partner is a racist but you want to claim you are not, I won't believe you because in supporting your racist girlfriend you are supporting racism so you are, in fact, a racist. People need to start taking responsability for their views. Did Henry date racist women? Yes. Therefore, clearly being inclusive isn't at the top of his values otherwise he could have never gone for a partner that has a racist mentality AND he has a history of this by now. So, while I admire his work and look, I question his views.
As for Dylan, his girlfriend seems extremely, how should I put this...lacking in neurons? My point is, I think, in her stupidity, she thought she was being cool by appropriating the n word. Which is beyond absurd. The lack of cultural awareness and empathy is quite sad. Ignorance should never be an excuse in these situations. It's why I hope that Cultural Sensitivity will be taught everywhere, because we all come from different backgrounds and cultures and we may have limitations imposed by our programming so it's important to learn about cultural differences and how to honor and celebrate them.
I question Jensen the same way due to Danneel, she was a bully in her early twitter years and also on the red carpet (see her maxim event interview where she disses bai ling) and she is truly questionable as a human, she tries to hide it through fake activism but high quality people won't buy that because they know those who truly value activism get involved on deep levels while she isn't even able to hold a coherent discouse about the causes she supposedly "supports". She also deleted her whitewashing of MLK when people pointed out that she shouldn't teach her children to white wash. Instead of using that opportunity to create a discourse and bring awareness to a highly important topic and give the people in the know a voice, she deleted their comments and then finally deleted the post. She then proceeded to call them "bullies" during a live she supposedly held to show she was an ally...I think that speaks volumes. Then there are the numerous lies from where she went to college, to how she got work, to pageant participation, to many, many more. Her character truly makes me question the real nature of Jensen Ackles' personality, because she contradicts everything he claims to stand for.
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papirouge · 11 months
I knew a girl almost exactly like PearlyThings. She hated other women for anything. Praised moids for doing nothing and more. Being around her was exhausting but I felt bad since she had no friends and I wanted to be nice. We met when we were both in college. When she had her birthday and got just one year older, it freaked her out because she wasnt picked. Yet other girls were, we had boyfriends and fiancés and lives. She was chronically online. The worst, I think, it got was when she said to a group of guys we were hanging out with how women were so useless to the world outside of reproduction, it would be a better system to just kill us after we had kids. Because in her view, “women are a waste of space! We can’t do anything like build societies, we’re so useless without our vaginas 😆” The look of horror on those guys faces.. They were immediately like “wtf?!” After leaving I just told her how demented she was then blocked her. Last I heard of her, she’s still single
Yeah, the thing with these NLOG women is that they're so used to their terminally online audience of incel, they don't realize that the asinine shit they spout online will never fly around regular people. And yeah, even normie men.
As annoying men can be, the average men don't think women should die, be systemically raped or whatever. Normie men have demented opinions (the other day I argued with a male colleague that a 14 years old girl dating an adult in their 30s wasn't okay and he was saying stupid shit à la 'love is love' and was sooo confused at the idea of teenager dating a grown adult being a bad idea (when I asked him if he saw his daughter dating a 34 y.o scrote when she's 16 he paused tho. But he still didn't change his mind🤡). He also said -while talking about Macron being sexed up at 14 years old by his now 'wife' Brigitte when she was 39- wasn't rape bc to have sex with her, he had to have an erection 🤪 and I— 🤦🏾‍♀️) but I feel like these NLOG women get it wrong when they diss women in front of men to make them look better.
Men don't explicitly hate women, they have instead a tendency to gloss over male & sexual predatory behavior. That's a nuance pickme redpiller fail to understand.
"Women should be raped" ❌
"She didn't say 'no' so it's not rape"✅
See the difference? 👀
One will instantly make you look like a psychopath, the other will be accepted as a reasonable take by a bunch of scrote.
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Shango's Thoughts:
Shango's Dating Choices
I have always loved Black Women. I've been raised around mostly women that served as my example of womanhood. My mother (RIP) was greatest source of a Goddess/Empress that I've ever seen, & no one since has come close. And I'm not being biased when I say this either.
Jamaican immigrant who brought her sisters (my aunts) here... Mama was a hard working nurse who took care of her communities; both in St Mary, JA, as well as in the Bronx, NYC when we moved here.
So when she returned to the Ancestors when I was young, she left me with the only blueprint I've known of the kind of woman I would desire as an adult.
The problem was, most Amerikkkan women have not been that for me. I came to Amerikkka during an era where everything was shifting; alot of toxic ideas were creeping into our communities, & it had a very adverse effect on Black relationships & love.
It got worse when I was separated from the Caribbean & African communities in NYC that I spent much of my time around.
This may be hard for some to hear, but dating in Black American circles has been extremely difficult... Alot of the customs, traditions & attitudes surrounding relationships that come natural for Island & African people simply aren't there for Black Americans. What seems natural & common sense for me, has become difficult & counterintuitive.
I tried my best to adapt, especially during my college days, which led to my bouts with depression, withdrawal, loneliness, etc that many people on social media complain about.
The Mean Girl was the prevalent experience that I encountered when trying to date. The didn't do me well, at all. Again, the women in my community(s), in my family, & especially my mother, were not that way. So I had no defense mechanism in place to handle it. Most of the time, I was feeling dissed, attacked, & humiliated.
I watched my American Brothas navigate the personalities of Sistas pretty well; but again, they were born into the cultural paradigm, so it made sense that they could.he successful with it. And I was envious of them becauae of it.
However, I learned to look past my personal feelings about it, & began to realize that these social interactions are due to alot of the pain that our people have experienced here in Amerikkka. While I was intellectually aware of this truth, that it's not our peoples fault, I was nonetheless emotionally wounded by it via my personal experiences.
As a result, I've spent most of my adult life single, because I don't wanna dishonor my mother's legacy by being with a woman that she wouldn't approve of.
Don't get me wrong; I have had relationships, & a few of them lasted awhile, as I'm a serial monogamist. And while a couple of them were intense, all.of them lingered on far longer than they should have. And the others, I've realized in hindsight that I the Ancestors (my mother included) helped me dodge a bullet for.
So now, I've spent thebpaat decade making alot of cultural, social, & financial changes in my life. This includes:
Having the kind of job that will afford the kind of relationship that I desire
(Re)Tapping into the cultural/spiritual values that are conducive to the kind of relationship that I desire
Soon relocating to an environment that is more conducive to the kind of relationship I desire.
Surrounding myself with the kind of women that I desire.
To be clear: not only do I love Black women, but I want a complete relationship that leads to love, marriage, & a family.
The woman I require needs to be spiritual, sexual, & cultural. She needs to be creative, ambitious, mentally/emotionally/physically healthy, & a nurtured.
This will allow me to be the protector & provider that I desire to be.
Until then.....
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
The anon that said Austin and Kaia just keep their names in the gossip cycle was right. And that is 100% a pr tactic. They aren’t on and off. They are a pr couple. They could totally be seeing other people while still dating (or “dating”) each other. Some pr couples only do the public stuff others do it for publicity but still have feelings for each other. So who knows but It’s crazy how pr stares y’all dead in the face every day and y’all can’t point it out but if 2 actors genuinely like each other it’s pr this pr that.
Hmm.... 🤔
Idk, like I said before, I really don't think they're "PR" . Do they use their REAL rlshp to further their careers? Idk.... maybe? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Kaia gets papped a LOT. Even without Austin... So she's always going to be a draw with the paps. Idk if it's because she's calling them, or if it's just because of who her famous parents are. My guess is the latter?
Either way, I honestly don't think they are PR. They actually seem to be in love. Not only that, but they don't seem to be trying to flaunt their rlshp to the public either. They're actually pretty low-key imo. In fact, over the past few months, it seems they've even been trying to lessen the rlshp chatter and even hide a little bit lol.
That doesn't seem like a "PR" rlshp to me.
No offense, but I feel like fans who claim that EVERY rlshp in Hollywood is "PR" sound like antis to me. 👀
It's okay to not really like who your fave is dating, or to not really particularly care for a certain rlshp or couple in Hollywood (for whatever reason), but we don't have to lie about it lol. 😂
I may not particularly care for them being together, but I'm not an anti. I respect the fact that they are dating each other, I'm not denying that they are an item that's actually dating each other, I don't go on blogs and make claims that they've broken up lol, I don't claim that they are "fake" or just "PR", and I don't ship Austin with other women. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Unlike antis, I respect the fact that he and Kaia are in a rlshp right now, and that's his choice. Just cuz I'm not all excited about it doesn't mean that I have to make up lies lol. I can just look at them and tell that they are in love with each other lol.
Whether it will last another year, or they will get married one day, I have no clue lol 😅
But in the meantime, as a fan, it doesn't have to be either or. Imo, you can be a fan of someone and not really care for who they're dating right now, but at the SAME time, respect their rlshp, acknowledge that it does exist (and isn't fake or "pr"), and still just hope the best for them without resorting to being a toxic anti lol. 😄
But at the same time, it doesn't make you a "bad fan" just cuz you don't really like or support your fave's current rlshp atm. You don't have to be gung ho for EVERYONE your fave dates, or ship them with whoever they attach themselves to imo lol.
I didn't like Z with JE at all 🤮, but I still respected the fact that he was who she was with at that time, and I didn't go on Jacdaya blogs dissing them or spreading lies that they were fake or whatever. I do think that she was rebounding (big time), but rebounding isn't a "fake" rlshp.
This dissertation isn't necessarily directed to you Anon, but mainly to those who are antis in certain popular fandoms (esp the Tomdaya fandom) who can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that not all rlshps that you don't like in Hollywood are "PR". 🙄 Some relationships are actually REAL, but it's okay to say that you don't really care for them being together, but still wish your fave the best. 😊
Now if I'm wrong about Austin and Kaia, then I will certainly have to eat my words lol and you all have permission to go at me haha 😅 But based on what I've observed, they seem to be real and genuinely love each other. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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noco7 · 2 years
Hi! I just read your post on Nemma and Noah's characterization in RR and, although I actually really like Nemma, I totally agree with you about how nuts the writing was. But it made me curious so I decided to ask: what are your thoughts on Emma as a character? I quite like her, but I prefer Kitty lol.
Hello! Nice to hear from you, and I'm glad n*mma worked for some people. As for Emma, I'm going to be honest - I don't know what to make of her. The first (and last) time I watched RR, I really tried to like her. I didn't want to be one of those people who hated the female love interest for getting in the way of their gay ship. And I accomplished that, I don't hate Emma. But I don't love her either. Perhaps I should love her. She's a bit like Courtney - not as extreme and so not as interesting imo, but she's still a mean girbloss. And I like evil women. Hell, I like Amy from Pakhitew and the only thing she ever did was be mean to her sister. And I enjoyed every second of it. That girl was so evil it crossed into camp. Considering all those things, Emma should have been easy favorite. But ehh, didn't happen. And I think that's more on me. The more I force myself to like something, the more attention I pay to the flaws. The more people tell me something's bad, the more I look for the good things. It's like I always want to prove someone wrong, whether thats myself or the public. But enough about me, let's talk about Emma:
IMO, Emma has three main things going for her during RR. Her relationship with her sister, her relationship with Noah, and her trust issues regarding alliances. 1) The sister plot. I have mixed feelings about how this plot began, because yeah, Emma was pretty mean. Which I should like, because I liked Amy. But I was never supposed to like Amy, so I did. But I was supposed to like Emma. Emma's a protaganist. So I didn't. 💀 That being said, even I can't deny how well this plotline resolved. Her problem had been her putting the competition ahead of her sister, but for her to accept defeat because her sister was more important? Chef's kiss. Masterful writing. Great message for the kiddies and adults alike.
So yeah, mixed feelings, but overall, I'd say it was Good. 2) Her relationship with Noah. Yeah, no. You already saw me diss this ship, which, sorry. But I will be nicer this time! Despite my dislike, It does solve the problem of her not being over her ex. That's good, that she could find love again. And tbf, I think it does make sense that she likes Noah, or at least more sense the other way around. Since she's allowed to dislike him first, it's not insta-love. And once Noah proves himself by always trying to impress her and help him out, like.. yeah of course she likes the guy who's dedicated to being her simp. I too would grow to like someone who liked me. So what's the problem? Ehh, it's her weird comments. She compares Noah's ass to apples, when the guy is flat af. Emma says Noah's funny in his least funny season, then laughs at one of Noah's jokes, before admitting she doesn't get it. Like, it feels like the writers weren't sure of how to make Noah appealing without making Emma a little insane. The family thing, the hair fish thing, the obession over him even when he's gone. I know that's her thing, that Emma is slightly obsessive. (And I'd be a hypocrite to hate Noah's SO being slightly obsessive. Like that isn't the whole plot of my Noco fic. But uhh, I use it as a way to deconstruct anxiety, neglect, and talk about the importance of consent. TD doesn't do that with Emma. It's just a funny weirdo thing she does 😜)
And perhaps that would be fine and quirky. Not everything has to deep. And that's true. Unfortunately, I'm an ex BNHA stan. For those who don't know about the manga, good, but also there's uhh some Sexist Writing in there. In this specific case, I'm talking about Deku and Ochako. Deku is the main hero guy, and Ochako is the love interest. They both start off as capable heros with their own unique motives, yet as soon as Uraraka started liking Deku, everything became about him. Every fight she thinks of him, 99% of her plot and screentime becomes about him. She stops being a character on her own and more a sattelite that revolves around Deku.
Now, TD didn't do this with Emma. She is still her own character after Noah is gone, and arguably a better one. But still, her continuing to think about Noah to the point of getting distracted rlly bothers me. It's like war flashbacks to 2018. So no, I don't think N*mma was a successful plotline for Emma, because while it did solve her problem ✅ and did kinda make sense ✅ it made her annoying to watch. ❌ And I hate Nemma, so BOOO! Negative points!!
3) But what about her thing about not being able to trust people? And I don't mean men, I mean alliances. There's this whole thing where Kitty tries to get Emma to consider alliances. The Nowen one works, sorta. (You know, if Noah was a true boyfriend, he would have continued the competition, just so he could stay and help his GF. But apparently Noah's just one of those guys who like... is lazy and annoying, meets a girl he likes, puts massive amounts of effort to woo her - then once he gets the girl, he stops. Oof. 💀) But what about the other alliance? The Adversity Twins. Uhhh. Emma kinda betrayed them. For Noah! A good cause! But it kinda weakens her trusting other people, and willingness to help her competitors, when one of her Big Moments was throwing them overboard for her bf she wasn't even dating yet. Wow. I'd be so pissed if I were the Adversity Twins, lmao. This moment isn't bad in itself, but it confuses the message. She's trying to learn how to make alliances, but she throws one alliance to save the other. Net gain 0. And if I'm remembering wrong, she also didn't trust the Surfer Dudes later on? So uhhh. Tl;dr Emma had 3 main things in RR, she aced one of them, flopped in the other, and kinda... nothinged the third. At least for me. So in the end, it all cancels out. I feel like if I watched RR again, I might like her more. And if I liked N*mma, like you do, I might have liked Emma too. Unfortunately, I have taken the path into darkness.
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If you're wondering if my fic will bash her, the answer is no. She doesn't have much of a presence in this fic for obvious reasons, and if she appears, it will be brief, and as Noah's friend. Emma the dog, however, will be making consistent appearances. I feel less bad about the overlapping names now that the new TD Season also has another Emma. Thank you TD, for assuaging my guilt. They really do care about their fans. 🤧 And if you're wondering why I named the dog Emma, when I could have just not... I took a Jane Austen class in college, thought Noah would like Austen, Emma is Austen's best book imo, thought the coincidence funny, starting thinking of how to insert his Austen like in the narrative in subtle ways, thought of his dog, and well. Yeah. That's the main reason. Should I have just named her Elizabeth or smth? Yeah. But Noah hates the monarchy :(
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