#not just in Africa it’s everywhere
I feel like in the U.S. we should be holding protests against U.S. military trainings in Africa or something. Not that it would convince the U.S. government to stop doing something they’re so heavily invested in financially but it would be a good central message to direct some of the current energy towards and would make more people aware of one of the ways that neocolonialism operates and would hopefully be carried forward into future movements
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sudaca-swag · 8 months
gringos with their american exceptionalism talk about their "regional differences" as if they lived in a country where every state has 500 native languages, 7890 native ethnic groups and 13959592010 different "american" traditions, sir you only speak english and your "regional difference" is saying carmel instead of caramel and an unhealthy obsession with monstertrucks
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leroibobo · 6 months
oh if you ever are curious about non-maghrebi/egyptian african synagogues i highly recommend this website. they're unfortunately not as recorded in pictures as the other sorts of synagogues i post, but there is comprehensive information on them.
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aplpaca · 4 months
Also fun fact robin species from eurasia and africa, robin species from oceania, and ribin species from north and south america aren't actually all very related. The oceanic and american robin species are just called robins bc members of their families have distinctive red-orange like European Robins do (European Robin is a specific species name).
Robins from the americas are more closely related to Common Blackbirds (a european species) than they are to European Robins, and robins from oceania are more closely related to rockfowl (a pair of African species that are very much not shaped like any kind of robin) than they are to European Robins.
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How come there are no fics where ASOIAF and ATLA happen in the same universe around the same time only they are two different continents. Clearly and obviously ATLA universe being fantasy Asia and Westeros fantasy Europe/Middle East/North Africa.
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avatardoggo · 2 years
i'm not a soccer girlie in any way shape or form but this world cup has made me Feel Things esp this game with morocco and portugal. like we just witnessed history. history. morocco being the 1st (FIRST!!!) african team to make it to the quaterfinals and then b e a t portugal to be the first african team in world cup history to go to the freaking semifinals!! like this is history HISTORY and yayaya ik for some ppl iTs JuSt SoCcEr but it's sm more than that. it's about teamwork, about pushing past the limits, ignoring what the rest of the world thinks about you, sweating with your brothers on a field in front of the whole world, it's about representing your country but also your continent which has the stereotype of being nothing but a primitive, third world place with little to offer the rest of the world. sports have sm feeling in them and this world cup i swear i've been moved so close to tears you can feel the dedication and commitment they have not only to each other but to the people of the nation they love.
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23sanguinity · 1 month
I may be sick in bed, but at least I will heal. at least I know I’ll live to see tomorrow. Free Palestine
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butchniqabi · 1 year
im offline for a few hours and when i come back the ummah is in shambles
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gender-euphowrya · 5 months
thinking about how maths class mainly teaches you the theorems named after greeks
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threnodians · 2 years
sumeru is so ridiculously beautiful and fun and exciting and not to be annoying but in all seriousness WHY IS EVERYONE WHITE?!?
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themthistles · 1 year
i understand that people generally don't mean for it to come off this way but it always peeves me when ameribrits and co talk about the state of lgbtqa+ rights in other counties as if homophobia and transphobia present there are a virus or some boogeyman that is going to breach containment and come for them. like oh what's this??? here comes christianity with a steel chair!! guess what our bigotry is your bigotry buddy. it always has been
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ladymazzy · 2 years
Belgium to return Patrice Lumumba’s gold tooth in bid to atone for colonial crimes
From the article:
'Western officials worried that Lumumba would favour the Soviet Union as a protector and allow Moscow access to strategically critical resources such as uranium.
After a military coup, Lumumba was overthrown, jailed, tortured and shot dead by a hastily assembled firing squad. Forty years later, Belgium acknowledged that it bore “moral responsibility” for his death. The CIA had also laid plans to kill the 35-year-old politician.
But it took decades for the truth about the circumstances of Lumumba’s murder to emerge.
In 2000 the Belgian police commissioner Gerard Soete confessed that he had dismembered Lumumba’s body and dissolved the remains in acid. In a documentary screened on German TV, Soete showed two teeth which he said had belonged to Lumumba.
...Belgium has recently begun to address the legacy of its exploitation of Congo’s rubber, ivory and timber. As many as 10 million people died from starvation and disease during the first 23 years of Belgium’s rule from 1885, when King Leopold II ruled the Congo Free State as a personal fiefdom. Others were murdered, or deliberately maimed to encourage others to work harder to fulfil impossible quota of lucrative resources.'
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ian-galagher · 1 year
WIPs I hope to finish one day 😭
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When Ian lands himself an internship with famous wildlife photographer Mickey Milkovich he can't believe his luck. Spending one month traveling through South Africa with his big hero is a dream come true. The two are off on a wild adventure but there's something mysterious about Mickey who seems to be holding more to his chest than just the tricks of the trade Ian had hoped to learn from him.
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Stolen Goods
From the outside Ian and Mickey seem like two ordinary guys. Ian works at an animal shelter while Mickey runs a garage. At least, that's what they tell anyone who asks. Ian's shelter doubles as a front for his side business, selling the priceless artifacts of the museums he robs blind to the highest bidder or the country they came from.
Meanwhile Mickey fixes up cars that have clearly been stolen, no questions asked. Below the counter he deals in green card marriages and weapons. Both men lead dangerous lives. To blow off steam they meet every Sunday night at Roxy's for a casual hook up, only to find that their lives are far more intertwined than they possibly could've imagined.
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You Can't Let Your Guard Down
Ian broke up with Ned weeks ago but to his annoyance he keeps showing up at his doorstep, begging for Ian to give him another chance. Fed up, Ian finds himself a bodyguard in the shape of Mickey Milkovich, hired around the clock to protect him. Neither of them realizes how their lives are forever changed by that one decision.
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The Devon Creature
It storms when Ian boards the ship that is supposed to sail him out and away from his hometown in Devon, England in 1852. As the ship sinks to the depths of the ocean, and the crew drowns around him, the Merfolk come out to scavenge for the goods they carried on board. It's then Ian looks into cold blue eyes and pleads for his life.
I might never finish these but boy do I love them! I started writing them a year ago, December 2021, and have rough drafts of all four but actually perfecting and finishing them?! Impossible! If I could just get a few years off from literally every other task ever, I'd be perfectly happy spending every waking hour working on them!
I'm hoping to start posting Africa in May though! 😁🤞 MY BETA SAID NOW SO IM GONNA POST IT SOON 😭
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
I think so much about the food people ate pre-Columbian exchange. Huge parts of cuisine extremely important on both sides of the pond just didn't exist.
You've probably heard a little about what was brought over from the New World, corn, potatoes, cocoa, cassava, peanuts, chili peppers, avocadoes, cranberries, pumpkins, and the like. Imagine cooking without chili! Without potatoes! Modern Indian cuisine contains enormous amounts of potatoes and we just didn't have those for the vast majority of history. The best of the nightshades all on one contiguous hunk of land. Hell, tomatoes! Almost forgot about those.
But we don't often look at what the Old World had. Wheat! Barley! Rice! A profusion of incredible grains, really, the finest poaceae has to offer. Carrots! Tons of rosaceous plants like apples and cherries and pears and peaches and apricots! Grapes! Soy and Bamboo! Okra and watermelon! All these things were simply never found in the Americas. The grains one is the wildest for me, the variety of grains available across Eurasia and Africa was truly astounding.
You know what binds together the food of all cultures across the world? Onions. Onions are fucking everywhere. There's probably onions growing near you right now. Allium Gang Unite.
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van-eazy · 10 days
Just because pride is a corporate mandated event where you live, doesn’t mean it’s that way everywhere.
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There are no pride marches in Russia, China, Africa, the Middle East, and the list goes on.
The fight for equal rights for gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals is still alive throughout most of the world.
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prolibytherium · 1 year
me when im a sardine in a large spawning shoal and we all found this awesome new cold water current filled with nutritious plankton heading up the coast of south africa but suddenly we run into warm tropical currents (ick) and try to turn around but then we see like, 10000 dolphins coming up behind us and now theres gannets divebombing us everywhere and we go into a tight ball as a defensive maneuver but it's just making it easier for the birds to pick us off and now theres sharks too and everyones getting eaten and we try to swim into deeper water but the dolphins keep coming and now theres a fucking whale
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