#not klaine friendly
haleyrose19 · 1 year
Warbler and porcelain
"What do you want Sebastian?" Kurt asked catching the warbler out of the corner of his eye.
"You ALWAYS go to the snarky place before I ever even open my mouth," Sebastian said exaggerating the 'always'. Kurt sent an icy dagger threw Sebastian. "Fine, I just want to tell you something because you seem like too nice of a person to be stabbed in the back by someone, especially your boyfriend" He started trying to ease the pain of what he is about to say.
"Get on with Sebastian," Kurt said in a low growl.
"I saw your boyfriend at scandals last night after I slushied him making out with some boy" Sebastian confessed. At this confession, Kurt dropped his coffee cup and began crying.
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seblaineaddict · 2 years
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Seblaine Week 2022
Day 2: Amnesia/Memory Loss
A Month To Remember
Blaine was tragically thrown from a Rollercoaster at top speed, and survived with no serious injuries, but has suffered Amnesia. His Doctors aren't sure if it will be permanent or not. Kurt dumped Blaine and filed for Divorce the previous week, which is why he was on the Rollercoatser in the first place, to blow off some steam and try to forget the shitshow his life has become. However, because they are still legally married, the Doctors tell Kurt that pretending they are still together, is Blaine’s biggest chance of regaining all of his memories.
Kurt very reluctantly agrees to move back in, but when Blaine is reintroduced to him, he laughingly scoffs that he would never have married anyone as shallow, prissy and judgmental as Kurt, and refusing to believe he did, or to stay in the same apartment, he storms out, having no idea where he is, or where he's headed.
Wanting to be able to breathe and trying to stir his blank mind, Blaine finds himself walking a route that seems to be familiar to him, although he doesn't have a clue why.
He ends up at a large Penthouse in Upper Manhattan and rings the bell, somehow knowing this is where he's meant to be. When the door is opened by a very startled Sebastian Smythe, Blaine practically jumps into his arms exclaiming, "You’re Sebastian and YOU’RE my Husband - I remember! I knew I would never have married that prissy mess they keep insisting I live with!"
Sebastian, who hasn't seen Blaine for several years, and obviously has no idea that he’s been in a terrible accident, is completely floored (and secretly thrilled that Blaine believes they are married), but realises something very traumatic must have occurred for Blaine to believe they are together..
After talking to Blaine, who describes in detail their last text exchange almost 10 years ago, but can't remember what he had for breakfast, or who the current President is, it dawns on Sebastian that something is very amiss, and that Blaine appears to have lost a huge chunk of his memory. If not his entire memory.
Believing that Blaine and Kurt are still very much married, he bites the bullet, asks Blaine for his phone and scrolls to Kurt's number. When Sebastian explains what's happened, Kurt is absolutely furious that Blaine thinks he's married to Bas and tauntingly spits at Sebastian that this is the only way he could ever get Blaine to himself - when he's lost his damn mind.
Incandescent with rage, and upset because Kurt's words hurt more than he could ever know, Sebastian tells Kurt to fuck off. As he's about to hang up, Kurt callously reveals that he dumped Blaine, is divorcing him and has moved in with Adam. He then adds viciously if Sebastian wants his sloppy seconds - have at it.
After an incredulous Bas tells Kurt exactly what he thinks of him - not mincing his words in the slightest and turning the air blue in the process, as he lets fly a stream of vulgar French obscenities, Sebastian, who's been secretly in love with Blaine for almost a decade (unless you're a Warbler, in which case Sebastian’s been in love with Blaine since 8th November 2011, according to them, and that it's the world's worst kept secret!), comforts a now very confused Blaine and internally resolves to help him regain his memories in any way he can.
He scrolls through Blaine’s phone again, hoping to find a number for either of his parents or Cooper - all of whom Bas met many times back when he and Blaine were still good friends, but stops short when he notices a card sticking out of the phone case. He pulls it out and realises it's the number for the Specialist in Amnesia that attended to Blaine.
Calling him, he's horrified to discover that Blaine could have been killed and that the situation is very delicate. Sebastian explains the current status quo, and is informed by the surprised Dr. Wilson that he is now very definitely Blaine’s greatest chance of a full recovery. He's told that he needs to pretend they are married and do everything he can within the period of one full month to try to trigger Blaine’s memories, otherwise he may never regain them.
Sebastian readily agrees to help Blaine in any way he can, and thinks to himself hey, if Blaine ends up falling in love with him for real, who's to say they can't make their arrangement permanent? Sebastian would adore that, in fact.
After he hangs up, he then compiles a whole list of Blaine’s favourite pastimes, people and activities, and also adds several elements that only Blaine and Sebastian had done together, to try to jog his memory in any way he can. He cooks Dinner and tries to formulate a plan that will give Blaine the greatest chance at a complete recovery.
When Blaine curls up in his lap and falls asleep after they've eaten, just as naturally as if he's been doing it for years, Sebastian not for the first time, wonders just why Blaine’s broken mind is telling him they're together. Could Blaine have some feelings for him, after all? He doesn’t dwell on it though, as he knows getting Blaine's Total Recall back is the main priority for now.
However, after the shock of discovering that Kurt's divorcing Blaine has worn off a bit, Sebastian resolves to have a very frank talk with Blaine about his feelings for him, once (if?) his memory returns.
The very next day he calls his Dad (who's his Boss), and after hearing his son out, Didier Smythe not only insists that Sebastian take the next full month off as paid vacation time, but also puts him in touch with one of the top Specialists in Memory Loss/Amnesia in Paris. His Dad's always loved Blaine, so none of this surprises Sebastian at all.
He and Blaine then embark on a journey where they methodically work through Sebastian’s list of Blaine’s favourite things, and almost inevitably, they fall head over heels in love - or well Blaine does, Sebastian’s felt that way for years, after all.
Despite the fact they're deliriously happy together, and Blaine is enjoying their 'vacation time', nothing Sebastian does, seems to be jogging Blaine’s memory in any way whatsoever, so he decides to introduce some other elements that might help, and heads back to Ohio, to see if visiting any of their old haunts will help Blaine.
First stop - Dalton. When they reach the Senior Commons, Sebastian feels a bit apprehensive and wonders if this might not have been his best move after all, because perhaps it will trigger Slushie-Gate or 'I Want You Back' memories, both of which would be horrendous. However, as soon as they're in the room, Blaine lights up and says to an absolutely shell-shocked Bas, "Awwww.. you brought me back to where our love story started." Sebastian who has been told by Dr. Wilson that he must go along with anything Blaine 'remembers' no matter how inaccurate it is, simply smiles and pulls Blaine into his arms, kissing his forehead and wondering just when this perfect bubble he's existing in is going to burst.
Sadly, he doesn't have to wait too long.
That night, Sebastian decides that maybe Breadsticks (and its Godawful food) might help to trip the trapdoor that's for some reason keeping Blaine’s memories under lock and key, so he books them a table and they head there.
Blaine’s just about to order, when a furious looking Rachel Berry appears at their table, filling Sebastian with trepidation. Nothing good has ever come of a confrontation between Bas and this woman, so why on earth should this time be any different?
She demands to know why Blaine’s having Dinner with 'the enemy',' asking him how he can so casually be seen out with the guy who almost blinded him, and where the hell his Husband is.
Sebastian feels sick to his stomach at the memories Rachel's invoking in him but knows he needs to stay strong for Blaine, who's looking completely distraught. Blaine tells Rachel he has no idea who she is and that THIS is his Husband, Sebastian. Rachel looks at Blaine like he’s completely lost his mind (well...), and mockingly informs him that Sebastian, is nothing more than a rich, manipulative bully who tried to steal him from Kurt.
As Sebastian feels his entire world imploding, he notices that Blaine’s gone into some sort of catatonic state, and fears the worst. Sure enough, after Sebastian tells Rachel in no uncertain terms to leave them alone and she huffily stalks off, Blaine, who seems to have regained some kind of presence again, nudges Sebastian’s shoulder and says, "'Bastian. We need to get back to Dalton before curfew. Come on, you can choose the music this time!"
With his heart sinking, Sebastian asks Blaine what age he is, only to be informed, "16, duh!"
Sebastian simply says with a deep sigh, "Okay, Killer, let's get you back to Dalton," then cursing Rachel Berry under his breath, he drives to Smythe Manor, hoping his Dad and Maman will have some idea of what to do next. It also occurs to him that perhaps roping in the Warblers to help might be a good idea - especially given they all hate Kurt, too..
Sebastian still has a fortnight left of the month, and he's determined that even if it means he loses Blaine forever, he's going to get his beautiful Killer B(ee) all of his memories back - no matter what it costs him.
**The above is going to be turned into a proper fic at some point, as I love the concept, so look out for it in the future. Once my life is a wee bit less hectic, I'll be able to write again.**
Hope you're all enjoying Seblaine Week 2022! 💜
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Hi! I was wondering if you had a fic recommendation of Klaine not ending up together in the end?
Klaine not being endgame isn't something that we read, anon. I did a quick AO3 search for fics that are not Klaine friendly. Readers - if you have some suggestions, please leave them in the replies. Thank you. ~Lynne
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daisyishedwig · 3 months
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Oh, just a Six Sentence Sunday on a Monday, you know how it goes. No one tagged me, but @bitbybitwrites did extend a general tag, so I'm accepting that call and sharing a snippet from like it hasn't been forever
Blaine closed the laptop and sunk back into his pillows, throwing his forearm across his face. Sebastian sat stunned, watching the tension in Blaine’s body slowly bleed away as he no longer had to act like everything was okay for Kurt. And Sebastian knew it wasn’t his place to push, he knew it wouldn’t help, it wouldn’t do anyone any good. But he couldn’t stop himself. “What the fuck was that?” he said. Blaine sighed and removed his arm from his face. He pushed himself up and looked at Sebastian, resigned. “That was a skype call with my boyfriend,” he said unhelpfully. “Is that how they always go? Kurt talking about himself for half an hour like you’re his fucking diary.” Blaine shrugged. “New York is a lot more interesting than here, there’s not much for me to tell.” Sebastian scoffed. “That’s bullshit and you know it.” Blaine closed his eyes, his shoulders slumped, and massaged his fingers into his forehead. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Sebastian.” “I want you to be angry,” Sebastian said, “I want you to stand up for yourself. To tell Kurt it’s ridiculous how often he cancels on you, how little he cares about anything that’s happening to you.” “I don’t want to fight with him,” Blaine said, exasperated. “Well you should!” Blaine sighed. “It wouldn’t help anything. I told him before he left how much it hurt to hear him only talk about New York, about how excited he was to leave, even if it meant leaving me behind. And yet this is where we’re at, he’s almost forgotten I exist and there’s nothing I can even do–” “You could break up with him,” Sebastian said. Blaine’s head snapped up to look at Sebastian.  “You could,” Sebastian pressed, “and you should. If he’s going to treat you like you mean nothing, then he clearly doesn’t deserve you. You can do better, Blaine.” “He’s my soulmate, Seb,” Blaine pleaded, “he’s my whole world, without him… what even am I?” “My best friend, for starters,” Sebastian said. Blaine laughed, dark and humorless. “You don’t mean that,” he said, his jaw tight. “What? Of course I do–” “No, you don’t,” Blaine insisted. “I’m not your best friend, I’m the guy who you’ve been trying to fuck. I know that, okay?” “Blaine, I–” “And I’m okay with that. I’m okay with that being the only reason you’re here. Because you’re here. And I’m not… I can pretend for a little bit that someone actually cares. Even if I know it’s just a fantasy.”
I'll tag @imogenlefay, @kurtsascot, @lusthurts, and @annepi-blog
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cassie1022 · 10 months
This story is SO good.
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elledelajoie · 9 months
Leading Man
Looking for a Kurt-centered S6 fix-it fic?
Kurt wakes up the next morning after the double wedding with a pounding headache and a killer hangover. What if Mercedes is in his hotel room instead of Blaine?
Kurt woke up and looked around. It was dark, but there was enough faint light from the window that he could see just a little. He blinked his blurry eyes a few more times and realized that he was in a hotel room lying in a bed. He reached out and found no one else in the bed with him. His mind was foggy, but he lay still thinking. The last thing he could remember was ... What was it? After a few seconds, he remembered toasting his marriage with Mercedes. He rolled over and slipped the covers back, then headed toward the bathroom.
When he came back out, he shielded his eyes from the bright light in the room. He found Mercedes sitting on the other bed in the room.
“Mercedes? What’s going on?” Kurt made his way back to the bed. “Can we talk about it in the dark? My head is pounding.”
“Sure. Take these first.” She handed him a bottle of water and some pain relievers. After he took them, she turned off the lamp that was on the nightstand between their beds and got back in the other bed. “Drinking so much tends to give people nasty hangovers.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he deadpanned. “The last thing I remember is you and I were toasting my marriage to Blaine. Why am I in a hotel room with you and not with him?”
“Well, mainly because I wanted a chance to talk to you sober before you had a chance to do anything permanent like actually marry Blaine.”
“We already got married.”
“Not legally. Your dad may be authorized by the state of Indiana to perform weddings, but you and Blaine didn’t have a marriage license. So, all the two of you did was repeat words in a ceremony. Without the marriage license, you’re not officially married. The two of you will have to head to a courthouse Monday—tomorrow morning and get a marriage license and then get officially married again, either by someone at the courthouse or someone else officially eligible to perform the ceremony.”
“Oh, right. I mean I knew that. God, my head is killing me. I hope those pills do something soon. So, you still didn’t tell me what you want to talk to me about.”
“First off, why did you break up with Blaine after you moved to New York?”
“I got really busy with my new life and I ignored him. When he needed me, I wasn’t there for him.”
“What does that mean? That’s not a reason for you to break up with him. It’s not even a decent reason for him to break up with you. What happened?”
“He cheated on me.”
“And by ‘cheated’, you mean something more than kissing someone else and stopping?”
“I mean he had sex with someone else.”
“And that was your fault?”
“He said it was.”
“Kurt, you are not a stupid person. Why would you believe a statement like that?”
Read more on AO3.
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quinn-my-beloved · 8 months
Anyway new fic about the car scene lol
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asofterblaine · 9 months
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ranwing · 2 years
Glee Fic: The Road Less Traveled (10/?)
Title: The Road Less Traveled Pairing(s), Characters(s): Kurtbastian, Kurt/original characters, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Quinn Fabray, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Artie Isabelle Wright, minor Kadam, Adam Crawford, Original Characters Rating: PG13 Genre(s): 10/?
On AO3
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gayri-chmac · 2 years
the glee ao3 tag has been popping off lately my personal fave rn is "why the unholy trinity is kurt, taylor swift, and his emotional baggage" by wait_no
its an nd's chatfic and it's literally so fucking funny i check everyday too see if a new chapter had been posted
here's the link-> https://archiveofourown.org/works/39468471/chapters/98781882
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mdverse · 2 years
as i always say, the quality of your chapters reigns over the quantity, as your most high effort and well thought out work will always be better than chapters every week!! buuuutt in the meantime, what are someone glee/brittana fics you would recommend? - space <33!!
🥺 thank you for your never ending kindness and patience, you have no idea how much i appreciate it <3
now as for fic recs, i'll admit i haven't read many in a very long time but here are a few i have to offer:
a change in the weather by cacophonylights (and the unofficial sequel a drop in the ocean by daftydraw and JWMelmoth): as i recently found out, today is acitw day and since i just finished reading adito, i have to recommend it! it's kurtbastian centric, so there aren't many of the other glee characters aside from the hudmels, but these writers got me so invested and that's hard to do, considering i only really ship brittana. honestly i can't recommend it enough, it's really worth the read.
here i am by starkurt: also not brittana (though they are there) - kurtofsky-centric soulmate au that somewhat follows the events of s3. robin writes beautifully and i really enjoyed it, especially the furt aspect, so if you're at all interested in kurtofsky i think it's worth checking out. tw for heavy content though bc it does include karofsky's suicide attempt
running in circles (chasing our tails) by burninglights: football (soccer) au with uht + tina! gay pro athletes! sports brittana! we all know this is the kind of content i live for and can u believe i have not drawn art for it yet! to be fair it is very much unfinished and has been for a bit now bc the author is working on some non-glee (but still very fun) writing stuff that i would be happy to recommend as well if anyone is interested :) also shoutout to her for helping me with vb au fic! truly a lovely person in addition to being such a talented writer
i haven't read everything wheresmynaya has written but the fics i have read were all great! personal faves include lopez's 8 and cupcake battles but i'd be willing to bet they're all worth going through and i should definitely revisit them too at some point
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haleyrose19 · 1 year
"Kurt? Kurt!" Sebastian yelled to the crying blonde across the Lima Bean. Kurt turned to see the meerkat in a blazer 3 feet away. He quickly wiped away his tears.
"What do you want Sebastian," Kurt asked calmly trying to regain his composure.
"Are you okay? I thought you were in New York with Rachel?" Sebastian asked ignoring Kurt's question.
"I am fine and not that it concerns you, I came back to see my boyfriend. However I found him in the arms of another man," Kurt said his voice breaking like glass
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
hey you recently recced 'every vow you break' on a post about blaine staying at dalton, just wanted to let you know that thats a klaine unfriendly/seblaine fic :)
Oh okay thanks for letting us know!
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Welcome to To Daydream Believers : A Community Klaine FanWorks Blog
Hello Everyone!
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Welcome and Re-Welcome to To Daydream Believers!!
I know the blog has been around forever, but with the influx of new people I thought I'd refresh the blog and welcome everyone again! I've been wanting to give the blog a facelift for a while, and it seems now is as good a time as any to reintroduce and reinvigorate the blog.
What is TDBFic?
I originally started the blog as the fanfiction reblogging sideblog to my original Glee/Klaine rewatch, fun&games, and podcasting blog - @todaydreambelievers. TDB isn't being run any more, but I've always maintained that as long as there is interest - I'd keep the blog going.
The intention of the blog was to be a safe space where fans of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson could read works (about them individually or as a couple) without fear of running into bashing of either character. It was also meant to be a community blog where anyone could choose to participate on their own terms.
Becoming a Member -
Whether you're an author who would like a place to showcase their works or just a fan who'd like to recommend their favorite fics, anyone is allowed to be a member. All you need to do is shoot me -- @spaceorphan18 -- a message, and I'll make you a member. All I ask is that you follow (my relatively few) guidelines.
Also - even if you become a member, there's no obligation to reblog content, but the option is always open!
Guidelines -
So what are the guidelines?
All fanworks must be Kurt Hummel friendly and Blaine Anderson friendly. While that doesn't mean bad things can't happen to them - it does mean that a fan of either character can read a work and not feel like their favorite character is being intentionally bashed.
Be respectful of other users.
A couple of smaller items such as - please reblog, don't post and don't spam. Some basic common curtesy things.
That's really it. I'll have some more details on a main page when I get that up. But really, it boils down to play nice.
What about tagging?
You don't have to tag - but it is encouraged so people can find your works if they click on one of our links. I'm working on cleaning up the tagging page so that the tagging system is clear and easy to use.
What about all the old stuff?
It's not going anywhere - though please bear with me as I try to clean up the main page. You should be able to find all of the old content, as I don't plan on taking anything down.
Anything new to the blog?
Why yes! I have some ideas for ways to keep the activity up on the blog...
Author Spotlights -- Every week we would highlight a author or artist - featuring their works on the blog. I'd like to do this again! I'll get more details out soon - but anyone is welcome to participate, even if they've done it already!
Prompts & Tropes -- I'm not sure how I'd like to implement these, but I thought it'd be fun if we occasionally did prompts or trope weeks to inspire you to create new things.
Events -- We haven't been event heavy, but @snarkyhag and I are already thinking of something fun to do for this summer!
Polls -- Okay, so this isn't entirely creation focused, but back in the day, TDB did polls every Tuesday. Now that tumblr has a fun, new polling system, I thought I'd bring these back - because why not?
Questions, Comments, Concerns?
I'm really open to anything you guys might have to say! Please drop a line any time you like -- I'm always happy to hear from you!
I do encourage you to come join and be a member! The more the merrier!
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Happy Creating!
Xoxo- Spaceorphan18 :)
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little-escapist · 7 months
Heyy I would love to see 17. "Can I please hold your hand?" <3
Heyy back! Yay for a prompt! Fic under the cut, early Klaine.
Breadsticks at lunchtime is full of elderly people. Kurt is never here at this hour, he always eats at school, but Karofsky was being awful and Blaine offered, so here he is. Like he could pass up a lunch with Blaine.  
They choose a booth and sit down. Blaine gives Kurt a look that seems to say, everything will be okay. Kurt shoots back a half smile.  
“Thanks for this,” he says, playing with his menu. “I wouldn’t have been able to confront him alone.”  
“That’s what friends are for,” Blaine says easily, and wow, are they really friends already? They’ve only known each other for a few days, texted a little. Kurt’s heart soars at the thought of being this boy’s friend. Of course, he’d love to be more, but right now being friends is perfect. Blaine makes him feel so safe, like he can let his guard down for a moment and still be understood. Kurt’s never met someone like Blaine before, and he thanks his luck that he got Blaine now, during one of the worst times in his life.  
“If you need anything, I’m here, ok?” Blaine continues. “I’m just a text away.”  
Kurt nods and bites his lip. He feels a little shaken, still, after pushing Karofsky off of Blaine. Karofsky got physical with Blaine. It was awful, but luckily it didn’t escalate. Kurt steals a look over the table at Blaine, who is intently searching for a good lunch option, unaware. This boy is something so different from what Kurt is used to. So warm and welcoming and kind that it takes Kurt’s breath away. Blaine is good looking in his blazer and tie, with his long lashes and nice jawline.  
“Can I please hold your hand?” Kurt blurts out before thinking.  
Blaine’s eyes lift from the menu to look at Kurt.  
“I just, I, I, just... I think I need a friendly touch for a change,” Kurt hurries to explain.  
Blaine looks around. No one is paying attention to them. And then, to Kurt’s happy surprise, he offers his left hand over the table, easy as can be. “Of course. I can’t imagine how terrible it is for you at school.”  
Kurt grasps at the hand timidly only for Blaine to take his hand fully and squeeze. Blaine is not only letting Kurt, he’s actively participating. Kurt feels warm all over. If someone had told him two weeks ago that he’d be having lunch with a handsome gay boy and holding his hand, he would have laughed bitterly, yet here he is.  
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elledelajoie · 11 months
Kadam Week 2023
Better late than never, right? For this year's prompts (from back in May), I wrote a continuation of last year's fic. Each of this year's prompts is filled in a chapter starting with chapter 8.
Read Time to Move On on AO3.
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