#not looking forward to her skills being spammed everywhere
katfreaks-hidyhole · 10 months
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razieltwelve · 3 years
While I look forward to the match between Rin and Weiss, I have a feeling that the latter is going to be crushed in the battle. After all, at only one semester in Beacon I doubt she has the proficiency to keep a quick and determined melee specialist away long enough to gain the upper hand.
Why do we fall? So we can learn how to pick ourselves back up.
One of the disadvantages of Weiss's upbringing is that she was never 'crushed' in battle.
It's something that most of the cast have experienced. Diana and Averia got to experience it every day when despite their best efforts they could basically do nothing against their parents even when Lightning and Fang weren't really trying. It's why neither of them are arrogant about their strength. They know exactly what it's like to face someone who feels completely invincible.
Likewise, most of the others were taught similar lessons by their own parents. Pyrrha wasn't, but she did learn when she got to spar against powerful hunters (e.g., she has already faced all of the members of Team STRQ by the time she arrives at Beacon, and she's lost to each of them).
Weiss's parents (in the conventional timeline) aren't hunters, and Winter didn't want to spend the little time she and Weiss had free of other distractions on fighting since she could tell how desperately Weiss needed the social interaction.
Now, obviously, Weiss has had her ass kicked by Yang in sparring, but at this point in the timeline, she and Blake are still a bit wary of each other, and Ruby is way too nice to just start spamming super speed and scythe slashes everywhere. And Yang isn't just some random. She is one of the most skilled and powerful melee specialists in their year. This version of Yang (with a fully functional family and training from her father, mother, Raven, Qrow, not to mention her extended family as well) is far more skilled and powerful than canon Yang. Losing to her can easily be brushed off with 'It's Yang Xiao Long, so it doesn't really count'.
Her spar against Rin will be the first time there are real stakes and pride on the line against an opponent who really is out to get her and who isn't the scion of some legendary hunters.
Incidentally, it's why the match is being properly reffed by a professor (in this case Lightning) since there is a chance it might get out of hand. If Lightning calls an end to the match, it's ending. Originally, Vanille was slotted to ref matches on that day, but they realised it probably wasn't a good idea since she might make it worse and probably has money on it too.
Fun fact: Ruby isn't completely hopeless in hand-to-hand combat in Final Rose when she starts attending Beacon. Since her family is intact and she has a larger extended family, she's actually solidly average in hand-to-hand combat. She's not going to beat Yang in a fistfight, but against most opponents, she can survive long enough to either get her weapon back or for help to come. Ruby also carries a survival knife similar to the one Lightning has. It's for those close encounters, and she's very good with it.
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t0ngue-tech · 5 years
Up All Night
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“Out of all the friends Seokjin made online, you were exceptionally precious to him for many reasons. One, you carried metal straws with you everywhere. Two, you both were majoring in the medical field. Lastly, to be frank, he liked you.”
↠ fluffy nonsense huhuhu, universityAU ↞
word count: 4.9k
↠ oneshot ↞
A/N: happy new year everyone! 2019 was a ROUGH year for me for so many reasons. i hope this new year will do me good. as a gift for the new year, here’s a little seokjin fic huhu. i hope your new years eve was a fun and safe one (im still hungover a little but im alive lmao) i also hope to put out more fics for you all to love! i love you guise so much! o and there’s a few maplestory references in this fic lol.
Eatjean: I have no idea why it stopped working. I got this watch last week
Y0urnam3: i think you should just give it some TIME
y0urnam3: get it??????
Y0urnam3: cuz it’s a WATCH!!!
Seokjin slapped a hand over his mouth, but failed to stifle the broken laugh behind his hand. He ultimately released a squeaky laugh that almost had him in tears.
“SEOKJIN. I swear to--”
“Okay! Okay! I’ll log off, Yoongi. Relax.”
Besides studying for hours on end at his desk, Seokjin also spent hours playing an online game called Maplestory. He played for years and even if he was juggling his job, social life, and college, he always made time to play. Seokjin made a lot of friends all around the world through Maplestory and even a handful of his friends in college played. 
“Dude, you’ve been playing since 8:30. I have to solidify this lesson plan and I can’t concentrate with you laughing and slapping your desk every ten seconds.” Yoongi, Seokjin’s roommate, took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes.
“Sorry, but y/n has been busy with school and we haven’t played together for a while.” Seokjin explained.
Out of all the friends Seokjin made online, you were exceptionally precious to him for many reasons. One, you carried metal straws with you everywhere. Two, you both were majoring in the medical field. Lastly, to be frank, he liked you.
Seokjin met you online through the Monster Carnival Party Quest around four months ago. Being in the last room of the party quest meant having a larger party with characters that had buffs and skills that could be beneficial to the entire team. Seokjin’s party was in need of a healer and happened to choose you, a cleric, to join the party.
For five rounds, Seokjin’s party dominated the party quest and when everyone came to the mutual decision to call it quits, everyone sent each other a buddy request and it all started off from there.
For the next few days, Seokjin found himself logging on around the same time you were online and the two of you spent time farming for mesos, helping each other out with quests, or doing rooms three and four in CPQ because the rooms only required a two-person party. This allowed you two to chat for hours, getting to know each other little by little. Of course, you both took precautions because it was the online world, anyone could be behind their screens and pretend to be someone they weren’t.
After almost a month of chatting as much as possible, you eventually began to trust Seokjin with more personal details of your life. You opened up by venting to him about how your ex-best friend decided to hook up with your newly broken up with ex-boyfriend. Seokjin easily related with you with the same story however, his story happened in high school and he found out himself because he found one of his ex-girlfriend’s blouses in his ex-best friend’s room. Seokjin understood your pain and became an emotional sounding board for you.
Even if Seokjin was your listening ear, the only other information that was shared was each other’s names and major. Honestly, Seokjin was curious about what you looked like, what your voice sounded like, but those things were privileged information that couldn’t be shared that easily. Looking each other up online probably wouldn’t be much help either because there could be a lot of people who had the same names and there would be no way to figure out for sure who was really you and vise versa.
No matter how curious he was, Seokjin respected your privacy and didn’t want to ruin the friendship he had with you.
“You make like you haven’t spoken to her in years.” Yoongi quipped as he typed away at his laptop.
“Just do your lesson plan, Mr. Teacher’s Assistant.” Seokjin laughed and launched a paper ball towards Yoongi’s direction. “I’m packing it in anyways. Y/n has an early class tomorrow.”
There were multiple places you could’ve been and your 8 am class was definitely not your first choice.
Your professor for medical terminology had an optional 8 am course which you stupidly decided to attend. It wasn’t because you were failing, your future wouldn’t allow for that. Focusing and studying hasn’t been in your mind for a few days and you needed a refresher.
“Y/n, tell me, why am I even here right now?” Irene dropped her folder on top of the desk next to you and groaned. “I swear my bed was caressing me and begging me to stay.”
You yawned and tapped her desk. “Trust me. I also almost pressed snooze on my alarm but you promised you’d go with me and a promise is a promise.”
“Yeah, yeah, and you promised you were going to treat me to breakfast after this soooo…”
Fifteen minutes felt like four days. Your professor stood at the front of the class rambling on, clicking through his slides while everyone stared back at him with hollow eyes.
You glanced over at Irene who had half-lidded eyes and lazily swung her pen in between her fingers. She was probably daydreaming about the french toast and hot coffee from the diner across campus.
You found yourself doodling in the corner of your notebook with rough sketches of orange mushrooms, slimes, and a family of snails. The corner of your paper was starting to look like a miniature version of Henesys hunting grounds.
Forty-five minutes dragged on by and your professor finally let the class go. You and Irene both had a 10 am class which was why you promised her breakfast; to pass time and to have girl time.
“Are you sure I can order the french toast and waffles? We’re both broke ass college students, you know.” Irene handed her menu to the waitress and smiled.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s fine. We haven’t hung out in a while, so it’s okay.” You assured her.
“That’s because you’re always playing Maplestory.”
Irene wasn’t wrong.
You didn’t mean to spend the majority of your free time cooped up at your desk with your eyes glued to the colorful images on your laptop screen. Some days your logged on to bust ass and level up, but other days you actually waited to see if Seokjin was going to log on as well.
“So, anything new with that Seokjin guy?” Irene sipped her coffee. “Did you ask for each other’s social media yet?”
The answer will always be no.
“I told you, Irene. There’s something about the ‘not-knowing’. Plus, it’s a mutual agreement between us.” You explained for the thousandth time.
“Yeah, but what if he’s a creepy dude trying to hit on you!”
Of course you thought of that, which was also a hidden reason as to you why you didn’t expose too much personal information about yourself. Seokjin only knew your first name, your major in college, and you were sure to change the names of any personal stories that your shared with him.
You made sure to be careful. Always.
“Seokjin has been catfished before on Maplestory and he said it was so embarrassing and painful that he never wishes anything like that one anyone.” This was a story that Seokjin hesitated to tell because of how embarrassing it was, but he knew he had to tell you because he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about him. This was his way of showing you that he trusted you.
“Well, alright y/n. You’re a smart girl, don’t forget that.”
Classes seemed to fly by after breakfast and after a draining study group, you were eager to have some quality time with yourself.
When you fully logged into your Maplestory account, Seokjin was quick to greet you in the text box.
Eatjean: Y/n!!!!
Eatjean: How was class?
You smiled stupidly at your laptop screen.
Y0urnam3: seokjinnnnnn! classes were just as annoying as yesterday
Yournam3: my energy is at 5% right now
Eatjean: I think it’s bedtime for you
A pout formed.
Y0urnam3: nooooo i waited all day to talk to you
Your feelings for Seokjin wasn’t exactly subtle. You weren’t shy to type out things like “I love talking with you” and “I missed you, sorry I couldn’t play yesterday”. It took a lot of courage for you to do so, but you were sure the courage came from not knowing Seokjin face-to-face. If you were to see him in person after saying all of those things, there was no doubt you would shrivel up into an embarrassed raisin.
Seokjin took a little longer to reply than usual. Instead of seeing his screen name, a spam of a character selling a level 200 weapon for warriors filled the chat box instead. Maybe this was a sign that you needed to stop being so forward with him.
“Awww, okay then stay uwu.”
Seokjin scrambled around a blocked his screen with his hands. He whipped his head to the side and found Yoongi peering over his shoulder.
“Y-Yoongi, when did you get back?” Seokjin stammered.
“Just now. Aren’t you going to press enter?” Yoongi stepped away from Seokjin’s breathing space and took a seat on his own bed. “And what the hell is an uwu?”
“It’s a way to express, uh, extreme ador--no, just google it!” He learned the phrase from you a few weeks ago and at first, he was just as confused as Yoongi was.
Seokjin took another quick glance at Yoongi who was struggling to kick his converse off his feet and hit the “enter” key on his laptop. 
Within minutes, you replied.
Y0urnam3: btw can you help me farm for some mesos? I still can’t believe i got scammed yesterday
Seokjin didn’t do anything to hide the smile on his face. Why was the word “uwu” so amusing to him? It was probably because it made you seem a lot cuter than what he originally thought.
In the next hour, Seokjin met up with you help you gain back the mesos you lost. After everything, the two of you circled back to Henesys and stood at a random spot in an empty channel.
Eatjean: Brb ya boi needs a snack lol
He stood up from his chair and retreated to a small table in the room that he and Yoongi dubbed as the snack corner.
“Still playing?” Yoongi asked from behind his laptop screen.
“Yeah. We’re waiting for a few friends so we can LPQ.” Seokjin ripped open a bag of sweet corn balls, sending a few flying to the floor. Just as he bent down to pick up the pieces, he caught Yoongi’s eyes staring at him. “What?”
“I have literally no idea what you just said, but go off I guess.” Yoongi went back to typing away on his laptop. “Oh yeah, before I forget, you’re coming this weekend right?”
Seokjin took a quick second to think about what plans he possibly had this weekend, but nothing came to mind.
“What’s happening this weekend?”
“Dude, Jimin’s party? Penthouse in the city?”
It finally clicked in his brain that Jimin’s uncle lent Jimin his penthouse for the weekend as an early birthday present. Seokjin was invited last week along with Yoongi and they were given strict instructions by Jimin to clear their schedule for Saturday night.
Was it selfish for Seokjin to want to stay back at his dorm and talk to you all night? There was no doubt that Yoongi would agree to go because he has been complaining the entire week about “needing a fucking drink because fuck this lesson plan”. With Yoongi gone for that evening, that meant Seokjin could laugh to his heart’s content all by himself.
“I--” Seokjin dragged on. “I don’t know. I might just stay here and relax.”
“Relax my ass.” Yoongi said in a joking tone. “Seokjin, you’re going. It’s just one night out. Y/n is not going to disappear all of a sudden.”
Of course Yoongi was right. It was just one night off campus and having a drink with his friends was a plan that was long overdue. But Seokjin liked you too much, so it was normal to want to talk to you as much as possible.
Seokjin sighed quietly. An unnecessary battle between the two choices flooded his mind. Going to the party was obviously the answer that settled at the tip of his tongue.
But y/n… ugh but Jimin...
“Fine, okay. I’ll go, I’ll go.” Seokjin lifted his hands in the air in defeat. 
There was no point in telling you about the party because just as Yoongi mentioned, you weren’t going to disappear into thin air. Plus, Seokjin wasn’t your boyfriend. He had no business in telling you every single thing that he was going to be doing.
Eatjean: Okay, back
Eatjean: Sorry my roommate was just telling me about his day
Seokjin waited a few minutes before receiving your reply.
Y0urnam3: ohhhhh this is the teacher’s assistant right?
Y0urnam3: how was his day?
Y0urnam3: and how was yours too!! i forgot to ask lol
He smiled and danced his fingers along his keyboard.
Eatjean: That’s the one! And he’s in desperate need for a drink
Eatjean: My day was alright. We’re already preparing for midterms so that’s a bummer
After hitting “enter”, Seokjin pressed the F4 button on his keyboard making his character have a crying facial expression.
Talking to you was always easy. He never felt the need to force a conversation with you because you both shared the same interests and had an understanding school schedule. If there was a chance where he could meet you in person, he was so sure that it would also be just as easy.
For the next two hours, Seokjin aided you in farming for mesos until the party was full to complete a few rounds of the party quest. Even if his eyes may have gotten dry and his back was tight, he enjoyed the time he spent with you.
Y0urnam3: okay seokjin it is LATE and ya girl needs to sleep
Seokjin frowned.
Eatjean: Already T__T
Y0urnam3: i know in sory
Y0urnam3: im sorry****
Y0urnam3: ive been keeping all school related stuff on the back burner and i need to get accepted into the nursing program i told u about
“Ah..right.” Seokjin muttered to himself.
Eatjean: Pls focus on school too!! Trying to become a cardiologist isnt a walk in the park either so i understand
Eatjean: Study hard and get some rest y/n
After receiving your reply filled with words of encouragement for Seokjin to also study hard, he finally shut off his laptop and flopped onto his bed. Since school was a huge priority for you, this probably meant you were going to spend more time hitting the books and using your computer for actual research purposes.
“If only we had each other’s instagram handles or something.” Seokjin groaned and waited for a response from Yoongi.
The room stayed silent and when he turned around, Yoongi was sitting in his chair with his head tilted backwards and had a red pen tucked behind his ear. His desk was cluttered with debris of papers and his laptop was wide open with what seemed to be an answer key.
Seokjin stared at his sleeping friend for a while. “Yeah. He needs a fucking drink.”
“Okay, bitches. Clear your schedules. We are going to get crazy tomorrow..” A mutual friend of you and Irene, Seulgi, dropped her binder and textbook on top of the table where you and Irene were studying.
“Crazy?” Irene questioned. “Really?”
Seulgi dropped herself into the seat next to you and sighed. “No, I’m kidding. I just wanted to invite you guys to my dorm tomorrow to have a study session and a few glasses of wine.”
“Ugh. I’m in. I have been crazed this whole week and I need the alcohol.” You shut your textbook and rubbed your temples.
“Are you sure? You’re not going to isolate yourself and play Maplestory—and I mean that in the nicest way possible.” Irene reached over and clasped your hands with hers.
You laughed knowing there may have been notes of bitterness in her words. “Yes honey, I’m sure. Both Seokjin and I have mountains of work that we’ve been putting off so I don’t know when’s the next time we’re going to be online together.”
Seulgi raised her eyebrows and leaned closer to your shoulder. “And how is it going with Mr. Eatjean? Are you two going to get married in Amoria yet?”
You snorted and gently pushed Seulgi’s head away from your breathing space. To your surprise, Irene laughed along understanding what Seulgi was talking about; she never played the game but you talked about it so much with her that she caught on some of the terminology that was used.
Unfortunately, what you said was the truth. You haven’t been able to play Maplestory in a while and you really missed talking to Seokjin. It wasn’t easy being in the medical field, but you had to give your future career some of your attention at some point.
When Seulgi invited you two over for a study session, you imagined having a few glasses of wine while listening to jazz and getting a lot of work done. However, none of that happened.
Just when the three of you were settled in Seulgi’s room, almost ready to pull out the wine cork, Seulgi receives a very delightful phone call from a friend. Next thing you knew, you were carefully applying lip gloss in the backseat of an uber and Irene was racking her brain over whether or not she wanted to unbutton the first three buttons of her top.
“Ugh, just do it already! Jihyo is going to be there tonight that’s why!” Seulgi gently tugged on Irene’s hand who was holding onto yours. “And y/n, stop pulling the skirt down. That skirt was meant to be that short.”
“I know, but oh my God, the exposure!” You tugged at the end of the black pencil skirt Seulgi let you borrow.
“Sooyoung, should’ve let us know ahead of time about these plans.” Irene complained.
“At least this is way better than studying—hey, Sooyoung!” Seulgi called out.
Sooyoung met the three of you at the elevator and hastily rushed you all down the long hallway that was filled with gorgeous college students. You all entered a doorway that was also filled with students who were either already wasted or making their way towards that level. Some of the students were familiar to you and others were definite strangers; Sooyoung seemed to know most of them.
“Girl, where is your brother anyway? We have to at least greet him happy birthday first.” Irene tippy toed to get a good look of the people in the kitchen.
“He’s in here somewhere. Let’s just find him later.” Sooyoung began pouring vodka into shot cups while you poured sprite into four other cups.
“You know, I keep forgetting you have a brother.” You spoke over the mixed sounds of music and voices of people. “Why don’t you two just go to the same university?”
“Well, you know how it is. Siblings, different majors, scholarships, blah blah blah.” Sooyoung brushed passed the subject and handed out the shots and chasers. “Come on, you girls need to catch up, especially Irene because Jihyo looks hot as fuck tonight—to Jihyo!”
Sooyoung raised her shot cup and while you and Seulgi complied with the cheer, Irene begged you all to tune it down. Although she did mutter, to Jihyo, before gulping down her vodka.
You, Seulgi, and Sooyoung were huddled in one part of the living room to keep an eye on Irene who seemed to be a bit more confident in talking to her crush; all thanks to some liquid courage.
The entire floor was covered with people making it almost impossible to not bump into anyone.
“Oh! Sorry!” You yelled over music. “This place is so boujee! If I ever lived here, I would never leave.”
Seulgi laughed and nudged your shoulder. “Penthouse or not, you never leave your dorm anyway!”
“Ooh! Is it because of that game you’re playing? How is that dude-guy anyway?” Sooyoung slurred.
You scrunch your nose and helped your drunk friend sit down on a nearby chair. “How much did you drink before we arrive?”
Sooyoung gently tugged on your pencil skirt. “Answer me question. When are you and denim jeans getting married in Amoria?”
Seulgi threw a fit of laughter as she explained to Sooyoung that she said the exact same thing.
“We are not getting married in Amoria. We’re not even in a relationship.” You squished Sooyoung’s cheeks with one hand and took a sip from your mixed drink.
“But why not? It seems like you and sack-jeans are into each other. I say, date!” Sooyoung waved her red cup in the air and you and Seulgi did your best to calm her down. A drunk Sooyoung was something else.
“Honey, you need to relax. It’s only eight in the evening and for your information, his name is Seokjin and we’re just Maplestory buddies right now. We don’t even know what each other looks like.” You stroked Sooyoung’s hair and took another sip of your drink.
“Y/n, just listen to the poor girl and date him!” Seulgi let out a high pitch snicker and gave Sooyoung a high five.
Talking about Seokjin was definitely bringing your mood down. Maybe it was the alcohol messing with your emotions for than usual, but you really missed talking with him.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and you spun around, making eye contact with one of the cutest guys you ever laid your eyes on. He wore a red t-shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and had jet black hair that was styled upward. If his eyes didn't catch your attention, his lips sure did. The only thing wrong with him was that he knew your name and you didn’t recognize him at all.
“Um and you are?” You questioned, readying yourself to perform some sort of self-defense.
“It’s me.” He gestured to himself. “Seokjin.”
Seokjin weaved himself around the kitchen, trying to find a bottle of Grey Goose to refill his drink.
“Damnit, Jimin. How many people do you know?!” Seokjin grunted. “Oh, Joy! Pass me the bottle when you’re done.”
The already-drunk-sister of his friend gave him a thumbs up before filling up the last shot cup and slid the bottle down the counter. Seokjin tried to thank her, but her focus was immediately back to her friends.
“Dude, where’d you go?!” Yoongi bumped into Seokjin, almost making him spill his drink.
“Okay, I know you need this wild ass night, but please relax. This is my favorite shirt. It accents my shoulders.” Seokjin grabbed his friend’s cup to give him a refill.
“Hurry. Namjoon is freestyling in the living room and it’s fucking fire.” Yoongi nudged Seokjin’s arm to make him lead the way into the living room.
Seokjin was more than supportive of his friend’s desire to drink his stress away, but having to deal with Yoongi’s drunk ass plus a few more of his friends was making him wish he was back at his dorm, double clicking the Maplestory icon. But he had to admit, Namjoon was spitting bars.
“Oh! Sorry!”
Seokjin turned around to find one of his friends stumbling over, almost knocking down a group of girls.
“Good grief, Sandeul. Sit here, please.” Seokjin gently forced his friend to sit down on the couch in front of him.
Just a few more hours, Seokjin. Just hold out for a few more hours, then you can drag Yoongi back to the dorm.
“-getting married in Amoria?”
Seokjin chuckled. I guess there are other Maplestory players here.
He didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but he was trying to catch wind of the conversation behind him. However, the music and crowd was too loud to hear most of the conversation.
“-and for your information, his name is Seokjin and we’re just Maplestory buddies for now.”
“Y/n, just listen—”
Huh, Seokjin. That’s my name too- WAIT.
Taking the heavy risk of appearing as a creeper, Seokjin turned around and tapped the girl behind him.
Here goes.
When she turned around, Seokjin was blessed to see the cutest girl he has ever seen.
“Um and you are?”
Seokjin braced himself and pointed to his chest. “It’s me. Seokjin.”
You widen your eyes and Seokjin could tell you weren’t as convinced.
“U-uh, it’s really me. Eatjean? I just helped you farm for more mesos because you were scammed the day before.” Seokjin’s heart was thundering in his chest. The alcohol could’ve also played a role in that, but it was also because he was extremely nervous that the girl right before his eyes was actually a different person.
“Oh my God. Oh my God.” You repeated. “Oh my God, you’re really Seokjin!”
The nervousness was slowly exiting his body once he saw the smile that grew on your face. Thank heavens, it was really you.
“Y-Yeah. It’s me! Wow, I just—I’m—w-wow.” Those words were the only ones that Seokjin could muster.
You let out a snicker and tucked a few strands of hair behind your ear. “I can’t believe—”
“Seokjin?! This is denim jeans?! Date her!” Sooyoung suddenly gripped your shoulders.
“Excuse her. Sooyoung get your shit together for a second please—” Seulgi tugged at Sooyoung to leave you two alone. “Continue!”
Seokjin chuckled and looked over his shoulder to check on his friends who were still invested in freestyling. He then took you by the hand to stand in one part of the living room that had a little less people.
“You’re friends with Jimin’s sister?” Seokjin questioned.
“Yeah! We go to the same university. Why the hell hasn’t she mentioned you to me before?” You sighed sadly.
“I’m actually closer to Jimin.” He explained. “I even forget that her real name is Sooyoung. Jimin only refers to her as ‘Joy.’”
You took a sip out of your drink and nodded your head. “What a small ass world.”
Seokjin stuffed his hand in his pocket and leaned in closer to you. “You wanna get out of here?”
“I told you to not use the scroll! It only had a fifty percent success rate.” You shook Seokjin by the shoulders who was devastated by the choice he made.
At first, you were feeling hints of regret after quickly accepting Seokjin’s invitation because you didn’t know what his intentions were. But he was just as quick to assure you that he wanted to bring you to his dorm to have some pizza and help him with his character’s accessories.
Seokjin was the perfect gentleman, just as you imagined. He gave you some of his clothes to change into so you were comfortable, he even stepped out of his dorm so you could have privacy. He let you sit in his gaming chair while he took a random stool from inside the dorm. When the pizza arrived, he remembered how much you loved pizza crust so he gave you every single one from each slice he took.
If you knew this was the type of guy Seokjin was, you would’ve gave him your instagram a long time ago.
“Hey, cut me some slack. I took a huge risk here.” Seokjin spun you around in his chair. “And I remember a certain someone who spent almost nine hundred thousand mesos on a staff she ended up not needing.”
“Fine, fine. Touche.” You scoffed and jokingly threatened to leave his dorm.
You scanned Seokjin’s desk and saw nothing but textbooks, what seemed to be study guides, and a few empty coffee cups. Being under the same university major umbrella, you understood the mess all too well.
“How’s your studying going?” You asked, tidying up some of his papers.
“Ehhh. I put the dying in studying.” Seokjin joked and you playfully hit his shoulder. “I’ve been up all night for the past few days.”
“Awww, you poor baby.” You ran your fingers through his hair and his eyelids fluttered closed at your touch. “Well, I guess it’s sort of no different from when you’re playing Maplestory with me.”
“Hmmm, I beg to differ. I actually enjoy spending time with you online.” Seokjin sighed happily. “And maybe I can enjoy spending time with you in person this time around?”
You laughed and brought your hands to your face to hide the blush he caused. “Ohhhhh, very smooth, Seokjin.”
“Do you accept this quest?”
You studied Seokjin’s facial features on more time; his big eyes and pouty lips. After knowing each other through an online game, it was only right for you to finally get to know the real Seokjin. 
From what you already knew, he was a sweet man who enjoyed trying new food, doing word search puzzles, and taking every opportunity presented to him to make some sort of pun. He could be a bit cheesy and a bit dorky, but it was all endearing. And because of all the time you’ve spent reading his cheesy lines through your laptop screen, the next words that came out of your mouth was just as cheesy and dorky, but it fit the moment.
“Quest accepted.”
♡ rae jagi
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simplemlmsponsoring · 6 years
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Why You Must Drown Out All the Noise Online and Develop this One Critical Skill
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Are you currently learning how to grow your network marketing business online?
Well, you may have noticed that, especially on social media, it’s noisy out there.
There are distractions and “shiny objects” everywhere you turn.
And it’s often confusing too, because you don’t always know who to trust or what exactly you should be doing.
Surprisingly enough, even though I’ve grown considerably in the realm of technology, I believe that most of my success comes from my focus on personal development, mindset, and how to become an entrepreneur.
As you’ve probably experienced first hand, being a business owner is about so much more than the initial excitement and knowing all the ins-and-outs of your product.
That’s where you start, sure.
Because let’s face it, when you’re inevitably doing a meeting where no one is showing up, it’s easy to get discouraged and wind up in a negative headspace where you want to throw your hands up and quit.
That’s why your personal mindset is paramount
Let me start by sharing a mental block most of us face.
Which is a negative view regarding selling.
When I first got started, I definitely thought to myself…
“I don’t want to be perceived as a SALESPERSON! Yuck!”
But, once I accepted that I was in sales, my business flourished.
This didn’t happen overnight, of course.
Because in the beginning I was told (and also believed)…
“You’re not selling; you’re sharing.”
That’s crap.
Pardon me, but…
You are selling!
There is a way to do it authentically, though.
Here’s the secret…
You have to lead from your HEART.
And with passion.
Yup, you’ve got to FEEL it.
I see a lot of network marketers who reject this notion because they don’t want to come off as “hypey” or “salesy.”
But look, what’s truly important is HOW you’re selling and what your intentions are.
You must ask yourself, are you…
Focused more on your customer than your bank account? Offering them solutions? Honestly helping them? Listening to them? Making sure that your product is actually the right thing for them?
Be honest.
These are the questions you need to hone in on to get clear on the ethics of what you’re selling.
Now, don’t worry, I’m going to get to the ONE skillset you need to master in a second, but first I want to reassure you that…
It’s easy to get bogged down with the technical aspects of your business
Happens to the best of us, myself included.
I’ve made all sorts of mistakes…
Pounding at my keyboard trying to figure out how to write sales copy Overly-focusing on my website and spending too much time and way too much money on it Blogging daily without a real strategy Learning email sequences, sales videos, tripwire offers, etc.
It’s exhausting!
Honestly, I spent the first half of 2016 crying.
I’m not even joking.
But here’s what can happen if you truly focus on the one skillset that I’m going to share with you…
When I got started in network marketing, I honestly didn’t even know what network marketing was.
Yet I grew my business to six-figures in one year
…using the skillset I’m about to share with you
First a little bit more backstory, so you can appreciate the significance of how I arrived at this conclusion.
Just like everyone else, when I came into network marketing, I got all the “no’s,” all the “this is a pyramid scheme” taunts, and all the negativity, but I plowed forward and created a multiple six-figure business within my first 22 months.
My business was offline at the time, mind you, and three-and-a-half years later, I started getting this itch.
And that itch was wanting to learn how to brand ME.
Not my company, not my product, but me.
So the question became…
Who is Julie Burke?
Truth be told, I got lost for a little while.
I knew I wanted to bring my business online, but I had no clue how to do it.
I was taking course after course, and hired mentor after mentor, yet I still felt like I was stuck in doubt and fear for a really long time.
What I realized is this…
Instead of focusing on all the technical stuff like websites, sales funnels, and how to piece everything together, I had to focus on this ONE particular thing.
And this one thing alone.
And that one thing is…
How to show up EVERY DAY and create an emotional bond with my audience!
That’s it.
Because, think about it…
Before you can sell anything, you MUST…
…have an audience—at least one person!—there to sell to.
Makes sense, right?
But with an audience comes exposure, and that can be tough.
When I started breaking out online, I was gut-achingly nervous and worried about what my…
Upline was going to think Downline was going to think Peers were going to think Friends and family were going to think
I was anticipating the eye-rolls…
“What is she doing now?”
I moved past my fears though, and developed a fan page.
I had no idea what I was doing, but I showed up every day, and started doing Facebook Lives about four times a week.
I’m not going to lie and say I go live every day, because I don’t.
Just like I don’t blog every day.
But, I found out what works for me, just like…
You need to find out what works for you
Consistency is key, so create a schedule you can stick to.
Now, a big mistake I made was getting distracted.
I started overwhelming myself with all of the backend technology stuff and what I didn’t realize is the number one thing that helped me in network marketing was focusing on developing and strengthening the relationships with my community.
That’s what I want to impress upon you:
Build a bond with your audience FIRST.
You have to build relationships.
The sale comes later.
It’s about the value you give up-front
And that’s what I truly focused on.
How did I do that?
Well, I showed up, like I said, four times a week on my fan page, developing relationships from ground zero.
Now, did I waste some time in doubt and fear, not getting anywhere?
But I saw others having success in the online space, which helped to strengthen my belief and move forward.
Plus, I realized…
It’s not about you; it’s about those you’re meant to serve
You want to think about…
Who am I looking to attract? Who do I have to show up every day for? Who do I need to BE to attract the right people to me?
A great way to do that is to take your audience on a journey, which is what I did.
Obviously, my business has developed over time, but in the beginning, all I taught was network marketing tips and strategies, because that was what I knew.
Then I was taking them on my journey, how I was learning about branding and attraction marketing—all of the stuff I was learning through Elite Marketing Pro at the time.
People ask me…
“How did you grow an online business in four months to hit six-figures?”
That’s how; by sharing my journey.
In the beginning, I was stacking value.
All I focused on was growing my audience
I eliminated all the clutter and the noise, putting everything on pause.
And I said…
“Okay, I just need to show up today and give some sort of value in any way possible.”
And that’s what I did.
Eventually…people started to comment.
People started to show up, and I encouraged them to share.
I get this question all the time:
“Julie, what do you talk about in your lives?”
The answer is whatever you want.
Everyone struggles with something
Maybe you’re in health and wellness and you’ve been on a weight loss journey.
You could share your weight loss story.
Maybe you’ve lived in debt and now you’re finally able to dig yourself out of debt.
Maybe you share the journey you’ve taken to get yourself out of debt.
I had a client recently do that, and people started asking…
“How is she getting out of debt?”
This is how she introduced them to her network marketing company.
As you can see, it’s not about spamming products and links everywhere.
It’s about taking your audience on a journey: step one, step two, step three.
Creating and fostering those relationships are so important.
Think about how your message could impact another human being
Recently, I started to do more on mindset, confidence, and building belief.
Also, I talk about fears much more than the technical stuff and the strategies around network marketing.
What’s funny is I’m starting to see that those videos getting more action and more feedback than any of my other videos.
The key is to listen to your audience and what they want.
And remember that vulnerability wins every time.
If that freaks you out, I’m going to tell you right now that you have to push through it.
To reiterate, the one thing I focused on above all was building relationships, and the way I did that was through Facebook Lives.
There’s no way I could have grown a six-figure business in four months online if I did not use Facebook Live to grow a deeper connection with those people that were showing up every day into my life.
And to be sure you’re consistently growing your audience…
Always ask for shares!
Fundamentally, making this work goes back to figuring out who you are, who you want to show up as, who you want to attract, and then show up and build that relationship.
Build that emotional bond with people!
This is so much stronger than any sales funnel, or any tripwire offer, or any beautiful website design.
Just SHOW UP every single day and deliver value.
Simple, right?
Then lead them to the next step, whether you want them to take a closer look at EMP, or your network marketing company.
This part is easy if you’ve already built the relationship and are using…
Facebook Messenger—my number one, go-to tool for active social media recruiting
Messenger enables a powerful, low-resistance, rejection-free alternative to traditional 3-way calls and has been key to my success.
So if you need any help prospecting on social media, then you might like a resource I created to help out other network marketers who want to sponsor a LOT more people.
They’re my 3-Way Facebook Messenger Recruiting Scripts, which are 100% free.
You can “copy and paste” these PROVEN scripts to quickly enroll 10-15 new team members each week.
…all without being “spammy,” without vomiting on people, and without sounding like an infomercial.
You’ll discover the exact method I used to take back my time and personally sponsor 270+ reps and grow a team of 8,300 distributors, all from the comfort of my home, in just 3 years.
In fact…
These strategies create such explosive duplication, that for every person I sponsored, my team would grow by an average of 30 people in depth each time.
Ready to learn more?
Then make sure you click here and grab your free copy today!
Be blessed, and I wish you nothing but success in your business!
Julie Burke Top producer and creator of Social Media Recruiter
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The post Why You Must Drown Out All the Noise Online and Develop this One Critical Skill appeared first on Elite Marketing Pro.
Read more: elitemarketingpro.com
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