#Severa is finally out of alt hell
katfreaks-hidyhole · 10 months
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kimium · 10 months
My thoughts on FEH channel:
I just want one... ONE free male book OC... I don't think I'm asking too much here. But clearly, I am.
So glad to see Kozaki back as lead character designer for this book... thank goodness...
I'm so excited to see Severa and Inigo out of Alt hell. A little torn about another Lucina Alt, but I suppose it was inevitable. I'll definitely pull on this banner.
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childofaura · 2 years
Well... Banner thoughts
1. Black Knight/Zelgius is absolutely perfect. I laughed at his “accosted by children” line and also just love that he’s CHRISTMAS-themed.
2. Dorothea...
Ok look... I very very very VERY rarely use this word because it’s either misused as all hell, or people are making an exaggeration over it.
But... I genuinely think IS is being sexist with Dorothea. In a way that’s so hurtfully ironic to her character. I hate using the word “sexist” because she’s NOT REAL, I get that, but like I honestly don’t know how else to go about it. Dorothea hasn’t even been included as a base alt in this game; She’s so far had the most alts out of any character without actually being in the game. And that’s not a BAD thing. But... Look at all her alts: Summer swimsuit alt, Plegian alt with skimpy clothing, and now her Christmas alt with a SUPER low-cut top and fishnet stockings. Like wasn’t the whole point of Dorothea’s character that she was seen as a low-class nobody who only gained value for her voice and her body? And all IS keeps doing is giving her more sexy alts BEFORE EVEN GIVING HER A BASE UNIT IN THE GAME?
And ok, let me absolutely clarify: These are just lines at the end of the day. It’s just a drawing. In the long run, I don’t give a shit and it doesn’t affect me. But in the short run... Fuck, I wish they’d be a little more balanced and less blatant with who their fan-service is for. Oh, also STOP MAKING THE THREE HOUSES UNITS MANDATORY ADDITIONS TO THE CHRISTMAS BANNER.
3. Annette. Sweetie, darling, love of my life, honey, I love you. I really do. You are precious to me.
... But you are also a Three Houses character and the fact that both you AND Dorothea are on this banner means that you’re killing the banner diversity.
(I still love you though, puddin’ ;w; )
4. Cordelia and Selena.
HRGHHHHHH.... Really mixed on this one.
On the one hand, it’s... really weird that they’re going “Haha look, it’s a Harmonic Hero” when no. It’s not. Shuddup. Also hell, could they not have made Selena the main unit? This is her “first” alt in the game (but really no it isn’t, the Easter alt is), and they decided to make Cordelia ANOTHER alt primarily. Also right on the heels of her Fates alt being added? Really? So now we have Regular Cordelia, Bridal Cordelia, Summer Cordelia, Resplendent Cordelia, Caeldori, and finally this Christmas one. Yaaaay.
But on the other hand, it’s sweet that Cordelia and Severa are finally in a Duo Heroes together. So I’ll let it slide.
5. Bruno.
Augh... I haven’t seen the art yet but Bruno is slowly stepping into Dorothea’s territory, just in the male version of it. IS, please just give us Bruno as a Legendary Hero for the next banner. Please don’t make him like Dorothea where all we’re getting is man-tiddy. Like... Do as much fan-service as you want AFTER their base unit gets added, but consider adding him first. Also maybe do the cool thing you did with Conrad where his mask is off when you check his profile.
Actually, I kind of hope he has his mask off for this banner.
All in all, I honestly hate to say it but this Christmas banner is a pass for me. I might try to free Summon for Black Knight but that’s it.
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zorua-adorable · 3 years
So, I’ve been doing some perusing of tumblr and checking out others’ reactions to the new FEH banner (here’s my reaction from last night). And I saw this reblog from @emblemxeno that got me thinking about 2 specific Awakening in FEH moments and thought I’d share my thoughts on them : :
1) This year’s spring banner
This banner finally got Severa into the game and Inigo got another alt; while back then I was happy, now I’m thinking they should’ve been alts of Laslow and Selena. Here me out.
Laslow and Selena already have their OGs in the game, so they can get alts without having to worry about the chance of getting out of alt hell like Severa and Inigo (double) have to. (Owain is the only of the Awakening trio in Fates to have non-alts of both his identities.)
Plus this banner gave us spring!Minerva, completing the pattern of all the Whitewings getting spring alts. This ties into my next point: Xander and Camilla already have spring alts, so making these alts be of Laslow and Selena make it seem like they’re there to celebrate and/or protect their liege.
I feel like some may disagree, since that makes Nah the only Awakening unit on the banner, decreasing representation in the game (which is true) and she’s not even playable, just a harmonized tag-along. However, spring has consistently given us more Fates alts than Awakening, so I think this would make sense to switch which version of themselves they were supposed to be.
FEH Springs:
Chrom, Lucina, Xander, Camilla
Alphonse, Sharena, Catria, Kagero
Veronica, Bruno, Loki, Palla, Marisa
Idunn + Fae, Bartre, Fir, Narcian, Est
Myrrh + Nah, Inigo, Severa, Saleh, Minerva
Okay, so it’s not as consistent as I thought… but, this shows two patterns in spring that we can use to fix this:
Spending time with family (Chrom + Lucina, Xander + Camilla, Alphonse + Sharena, Veronica + Bruno, Bartre + Fir, Whitewing Sisters) so to keep Awakening, we could’ve had Lissa and Owain hanging out.
Spending time with people who protect/work for you (Veronica + Loki (kind of), Myrrh + Saleh, Minerva + Whitewings) lets us go with my suggestion above to make them be Laslow and Selena alts to hang out with Xander and Camilla. (Also, does this mean we should anticipate a spring!Ryoma, given Kagero alt? No, hot spring version doesn’t count)
Also, if anyone gets upset about Nah being the only one from her game on the banner, Minerva was on this banner. No one else from her games was on the banner. A few(?) months later, we got the bridal banner with everyone on it from the same game except Catria. This isn’t a new thing.
Which leads into…
2) the Plegia Festival banner
This banner had me so confused when it first came out. I was excited, and then Tharja was the ONLY Awakening character on it. And according to my brother, she wasn’t even that good of a unit since Katerina’s tome was objectively a better weapon.
Like, what was the point of all those other characters being there? Sure some were from Archanea, but from way before Plegia was a thing! And why the 3H characters? Did Dorothea REALLY need to be deeper in alt hell? And if Raph was only there for the food, why didn’t they just save him for a Harvest Festival banner?
We could’ve had Henry! Robin and Morgan learning about their Plegian heritage! Maybe a male!Grima alt (I don’t think one of those exists)! What about an Emmeryn alt of her seeking to learn more about Plegian culture to better help her to reach peace with them? Admittedly, that month was harmonized and idk who’d I’d recommend to be the tag-along for that.
Sorry for talking so much. I just had thoughts and they ended up taking up WAY more space than I anticipated.
Note Before Posting: Add a “read more” so to not take up people’s dashes with this absolute wall of text that amounts to typical thought nonsense.
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scarletlotus182 · 6 years
Alright, I’m gonna complain about FeH and how IntSys has been handling things because I need to vent a little. This post isn’t really for discussion or debate, I just wanna get things off my chest.
So this isn’t just being brought on by the summer banner, this has been building up over the past year, the summer banner was just the last straw I guess. It really pisses me off how little faith IntSys has in its brand and can’t seem to release heroes without shoving 3ds era FE in our faces. I get that you need to try and please everyone but it’s so clear they’re playing favorites. 
Last year we got almost nothing but Fateswakening seasonals while characters from the older games were getting funneled in and I can accept that. If you had everything planned from the start it’d make sense to pander to what you know sells, but we’re past that already, you’d think we could finally just have a year of classic games getting fun seasonals and recognition but apparently not if it’s not named Blazing Sword or Binding Blade. 
We had an opportunity for a Magvel summer banner but they couldn’t even trust in Magvel characters enough to give them a standalone seasonal banner. Hell, they couldn’t even try and give it a theme by making it a “Family Summer” and putting Severa in instead of Noire. But on top of that, they’ve also thrown off the gender balance of seasonal banner (you could argue Bridal banner did it first but w/e) which tells me they’re more interested in pandering and marketing to the growing “waifu culture” in the series. I’d love for next month’s banner to prove me wrong but I don’t see it happening. I doubt we’ll ever see a male focused banner that treats them like eye candy the same way we do with female banners.
Since the start of this year I’ve only seen FeH get worse and worse, with the shrinking number of heroes per banner and the abundance of alts (I like alts, I think they’re cool, but not when they come around every single banner). After the long awaited Thracia banner, where they couldn’t even give us all new characters and to shoehorn in Reinhardt, who’s only popular for being a good PP Meme unit, without letting the Thracia cast generate its own interest, I can see it only getting worse, with banners releasing more alts of popular characters to try and carry banners with new characters like they won’t sell, like they couldn’t just rely on fans to want to pull new units with good art/skills/stats. It really feels like IntSys doesn’t want to celebrate the franchise. It feels like they just want to keep making money off the same 10 characters because it’s cheap and easy and the fans will eat up anything they put out in the hopes that their favorite character or game is coming up next (it probably won’t).
I know I’m getting bent out of shape over a game that’s designed to drain your wallet but I feel like if we’re gonna do this whole gacha song and dance then the carrot you’re dangling should at least be a shiny new carrot, not the same, slightly chewed on carrot that’s progressively getting smaller.
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