#I don’t like her sisters designs at all and they both look boring
wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Ruby: Not that I'm bored, but why can't we just use an airship to take these supplies out to Amity?
Penny: The components for Amity’s construction are far too heavy. All that weight would require precious dust we should be saving for the launch itself. And the Grimm that will come after.
Ruby: It just makes for a long, very long supply run.
Penny: At least the tundra is scenic.
Ruby: Totally.
Penny: Ruby! I just wanted to say how excited I am to be working with you in a professional capacity. As friends!
Ruby: Me too, Penny.
Penny: Relationships are so interesting. And varied.
Ruby: Speaking of friends. Have you been able to make any new ones? Since, you know...
Penny: Now that I’m the official protector of Mantle I don’t really have a team any more. General Ironwood says I don’t have time for friends.
Ruby: Oh uh… how do you feel about that?
Penny: I feel like I wish I could do both the things I need to do, and the things I want to do. Is that normal?
Ruby: That’s about as normal as it gets Penny.
Penny: Ruby...
Ruby: Penny.
Penny: You first.
Ruby: Uh, okay. I talked to Ozpin the other day. We talked about making you one of the maidens. My team and I discussed how you were probably built with that in mind. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you, though.
Penny: I understand your worry, Ruby. But I am more than up for the task. Either spring or fall, I don't really mind.
Ruby: Well, okay if you're sure. What was it you were going to ask about?
Penny: I was going to ask how you were with your relationships, Ruby. You asked after mine after all. It seems like something a friend would do.
Ruby: Well what did you mean?
Penny: Well you have had a boyfriend now. What was that like?
Ruby: It was uh good.
Penny: I've never had a boyfriend of my own. I've never talked to the General about it, either. Or my father.
Ruby: I wasn't very good at talking to my family about it either. Romantic stuff that is. It took me forever to tell Yang and by the time I did… well I didn't so much as tell her so much as she caught us.
Penny: Caught you?
Ruby: We were just kissing. I mean, it was going places if I had my say in it but we were just kissing when she walked in on us. She found out that way.
Penny: Going places? Had you and Jaune been places before then?
Ruby: A handful of times.
Penny: Ruby! That was scandalous of you. What happened next?
Ruby: Yang pulled him off of me and slammed him into a wall.
Penny: So… he was on top of you, then. And your sister just ripped you apart.
Ruby: I'd been trying to wrap my legs around him but...And Jaune just sort of stood there looking dazed. It wasn't because of being slammed into the wall. He's fairly robust. He was just sort of out of it because we'd been kissing. I might be a good kisser. You could, like, see it.
Penny: Ruby! Do you mean… his…?
Ruby: Through the hem of his pants.
Penny: Was he… was he large?
Ruby: I think so. Not so much until he was inside. If that makes any kind of sense. Then it seemed like he was huge but in a good way. A really awesome feel good kind of way.
Penny: Ruby!
Qrow: Is everything alright up there!?
Ruby: We're fine!
Ruby: Penny are you… are you built, down there?
Penny: I'm designed to one day have children. If I so choose. With the right upgrades as pregnancy goes on. My father thought it was important.
Ruby: He told you?
Penny: Oh yes. He gave me the talk. He thought it was important that I have the freedom of expression that having children is. The eggs are from donors which were engineered. And I don't quite have a monthly cycle. But other than that things are roughly the same.
Ruby: You don't have a cycle? Brag about it, you queen.
Penny: Ruby!
Ruby: How roughly the same are we talking about here?
Penny: Ru -by ! The same enough.
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signed-sapphire · 7 months
The Fallen Star ✨
A Wish rewrite
Cielo design 💛
The boy is here! The most ever! The Fallen Star’s very own Starboy!
So I lied and don’t have the finalized designs for King Maggie or Queen Ams yet soooooo *throws confetti at you* take this Starboy reimagining in the meantime!
Eugh boy the name gave me trouble. I didn’t want to use Aster since that’s the name of a a couple popular Starboys already (@annymation/@gracebeth3604/ @mythartist21) and while the Greek name is cool, I wanted something a bit different.
SEE-EH-LO, for anyone wondering. He/they pronouns <3
I was heavily considering choosing Estrella and making Starboy a Stargirl, and then we’d have a gay romance. But this is supposed to be SOMEWHAT of a homage to early Disney. This may not be KoW, but… idk. Cielo is a gender neutral name. Literal manifestation of light. Go ahead and draw them as a female-presenting figure and it’s still TFS!canon~
Aaaaaaanyways. Here’s the actual rewrite!
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First of all! Cielo is NOT the Northern Star! He’s a baby star like… in the bottom right
However, the Northern Star? Evangeline? Yeah, she’s gonna be in my rewrite
But Cielo is NOT her
For now I’ll just say Evangeline is sort of a mentor-figure to Cielo and leave it at that
So not all stars are wishing stars, and similar to Kingdom of Wishes, a wishing star is born when first wished upon
Once a wishing star fulfills their first wish, they become Stars (capital S), and are free to help anyone that needs it
The more wishes a Star fulfills, the more powerful they become
Idk maybe it’s like a Rise of the Guardians thing, where the more people that believe, the stronger your magic is
Sparkles and hope and glitter and shit
Until, as explained in my rewrite… the Stars grew bored and started simply granting wishes
Then people grew lazy and started demanding wishes
And all this belief made the Stars go overpowered
Basically it became Wonderland, everything coming true, kingdoms burning and villages destroyed
Yeah. So Magnus god rid of them eventually
Though who would suspect that it would be the king’s own daughter that would bring back his greatest fear?
Yep, Asha brought Cielo down
Not purposely, but even if she had done it purposely, she wouldn’t have chosen Cielo
He’s a little baby, a dwarf star maybe
Only ever gotten one wish in his life…
Huh never seen that before *side eyes KoW*
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Personality traits
Very Anna-coded
Probably ADHD tbh (autism x adhd duo unite)
HE’S the quirky Disney princess
Although more Flynn than Raps
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Fuck around and find out
(And by fuck around I mean wait for my rewrite to come out bc I haven’t slept in two days and I’m too tired to articulate their story accurately)
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Due to popular demand, Cielo now has the Charlie Morningstar cheek thingies
Also @gracebethartacc got an ask about canon!Star being marketed with a star over their right eye so… vitiligo mark, anyone?
Yeah I don’t have many colored refs but basically Cielo’s star eye mark and cheek thingies turn into vitiligo marks when in their “human form”
Uh take this
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Ye sort of like this^
Heart shaped face! His part is also supposed to resemble a “V” shape to make the top of the heart
My sister said they looked like Viva and I’m crying but too late to take it back
I guess they’re both Spanish? Ajdjajhsjajajs
Thin slutty waist. Imagine Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel bc Jeremy Jordan is Yes.
Like I’m obsessed with that wet cat of a character I’m thinking about Cielo’s voice being Jeremy
Although his younger VA days as like Varian would better suit Cielo…
Design by @mythartist21 save for the Trolls hair and cheek thingies! Those were my additions
Uhhh pointy ears, poofy sleeves
Idk is the star eye mark AND the cheek thingies too busy? Lmk and I’ll try to post a colored ref of that helps
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zwy01 · 7 months
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Blood Moon AU!! Part 1 - Nobles
Time for a second major AU yayy!! I’m still working on Millennium AU as usual, though I want to get started on another one that’s been on my mind since years ago but never really got the chance to put on paper.
So here we are. I’m calling this Blood Moon AU. The nobles and werewolves basically have a race swap in an almost brand new setting. Lukedonia and werewolf island still exist; it’s the characters that have changed.
All characters reference their canon counterparts to various degrees. Some are similar or even near identical to the original, while some are vastly different. This could apply to names, looks, personalities, heritage/family, moral alignment… etc. It’s gonna be fun! I’m going to let myself get crazy with this and change things up quite a bit, haha.
As for the story. To be completely honest, at this point I just want to start off this new AU as more of a simple artistic approach. Right now I’m much more interested in designing and drawing the characters rather than writing the story itself. Maybe I’ll come up with something much later but it won’t be nearly as complicated as Millennium AU, and it’ll be fairly straightforward. Even then, I don’t want to rush it so that’s for the future. If I end up liking this new AU more than I do right now, maybe I’ll give the story an honest shot and turn it into more of a long-term project, but time will tell.
(Fyi “Noblesse” does not exist in the world. Too early for details but they either never existed, are a now permanently extinct special type of noble, or they simply peaced out and ditched Earth and returned to their special heavenly realm… etc. Honestly doesn’t matter. In this AU’s setting, they are absent. “Raizel” and his brother do exist but they’re both human. Actual normal human beings, with a normal life, currently students at a normal high school, stuff like that. Just your average human. The trio are also unmodified normal human beings. They are scattered across the world and never meet each other. Basically, unlike their canon counterparts, their existence is minimal and contribute to almost nothing in this universe. It’s weird, I know! That’s just how this AU is set up)
I’m going to split the noble and werewolf characters into two parts. Doing the (originally werewolves) nobles first! Posting the werewolves in a future post aka. part 2.
The characters!
Lucretia Natalina “Lunark” Drosia: Leader of the Drosia Clan. Kendrick’s twin, and on-and-off lovers with Julius. A rather carefree woman who is primarily interested in having fun, and shows little to no concern for the future of Lukedonia as a whole. When it comes to her people, she is a decent Clan Leader and manages her family efficiently. Lucretia’s efforts only apply to her clan, and her interests in other noble affairs are almost nonexistent. She has a habit of ditching meetings and whatnots. Sometimes, she even tries to ignore the Lord’s summons but ends up going anyway because her lovely daughter makes her show up. The only thing that can get Lucretia’s blood pumping with true passion is an offer to spar. Lucretia is an excellent fighter. People have to be very careful to not interrupt her fights unless they want to unleash her wrath, because she hates it when people invite themselves into her business. She also likes to flirt with her opponents during spars. Lucretia has a bit of a weird relationship with Julius, who is the father of her daughter. They seem to have positive feelings for each other, but that’s only when both of them are very bored and have nothing better to do.
Kendrick Tian-Chen “Kentas” Ru: Leader of the Ru Clan. Lucretia’s twin. A prideful, stubborn man who believes that the stronger should rule the weak. Like his sister Lucretia, he likes to fight and enjoys a good spar. Sometimes, people can choose to settle a quarrel with Kendrick by offering to spar with him and he would gladly accept. You can trust him, because he’s a man of his word. No more grudges, no hurt feelings. Done. In a way, he’s quite simple. Unlike his sister, Kendrick does care about the future of Lukedonia. He has a strong moral code of his own, but that can be overridden by his belief of submitting to the strong. That is why Kendrick is extremely loyal to their Lord and never questions him even if the latter makes some controversial decisions. As of now, Kendrick has no children.
Marcus Duruvan “Maduke” Siriana: Leader of the Siriana Clan. Erica’s older brother, and the Lord’s advisor. The only person who truly has everyone’s best interests at heart. You can say he’s the most “good person” leaning guy in this entire AU. Marcus is quite worried about the future under their Lord’s reign. Life is pretty comfortable inside Lukedonia, which is by itself very isolated from the rest of the world. However, Marcus foresees the destruction of planet earth if no one stops the Lord, since the latter doesn’t care about other races and is only concerned with the prosperity of nobles. Though, he doesn’t want to overthrow the Lord and instead wants to convince him to step away from his current path of darkness. He believes there is still hope. Simultaneously, Marcus is secretly gathering followers and supporters who all share his beliefs and formed his own organization. Together they work to transport resources out of Lukedonia and deliver them to humans and werewolves in need because the Lord refuses the share.
Marcus is struggling to plan for the future of the Siriana Clan, in case the Lord gets tired of him and decides to kill him one day for “meddling” too much, because his younger sister Erica is insane and cruel which makes her the worst possible candidate for the next Clan Leader of Siriana. Marcus loves her, but also fears her. He doesn’t know what she is capable of. Marcus is trying to look for ways to bypass his sister and hopefully be able to hand over both his position and Soul Weapon to another pure-blooded Siriana who isn’t his sister.
Marcus had a son, but he was assassinated sometime after his coming-of-age ceremony and now Marcus is once again childless and without an heir. To this day no one can figure out who the culprit is.
Erica Siriana: Marcus’ younger sister, and next-in-line for the position of Siriana Clan Leader. Wife of Lord Maximilian, and mother of Ashlynn. Erica is a ruthless, bloodthirsty woman. She is actually the person who orchestrated her nephew’s assassination. She made sure he was killed, then got rid of his killers, whom she sent, with her own hands. No one is going to suspect a thing and they’ll never find out no matter how hard they try. Erica did this to eliminate brother Marcus’ heir so she can regain her position as first-in-line. She’s been after her nephew ever since he was born, but waited for two whole centuries before doing the deed. To Erica, she’s just getting back what she’s entitled to, which is the full power, control, and privileges of a Clan Leader. Marcus is trying to be discreet but if Erica ever finds out that her brother intends to bypass her and give his position and Soul Weapon to someone else, she might actually just kill him and take over the clan immediately. Erica is truly a terrifying, power-hungry woman who will do anything to reach her goals. She does not care for anyone aside from her daughter Ashlynn and husband Maximilian, whom she genuinely loves. As messed up as Erica is, she is capable of being very loving and committed to whom she treasures. She and her husband are absolutely addicted to each other and he would let her do anything her heart wishes for, even if she continuously breaks Lukedonian laws.
Vivienne Branwen Di Ashlynn: Name means “lively and blessed raven of dreams”. Daughter of Erica Siriana and Lord Maximilian, and the next Lord of Lukedonia. On the surface, Ashlynn isn’t as straightforward as her mother despite their similarities. Ashlynn is just as ruthless and bloodthirsty as Erica, but the former puts on a facade in front of her people and pretends to be a sweet, altruistic future Lord. The perfect angel princess. And she’s very successful at it. Ashlynn is energetic, talkative, and empathetic around her subjects. She always tells them about how she wants her father to teach her power so she can protect not only her subjects, but also people around the world so they don’t have to suffer from hunger and war. In reality, she doesn’t care about any of them and she honestly thinks of them as a burden. They’re nothing more than cockroaches to her, and she’s only doing this because she enjoys deceiving her people and pulling on their puppet strings. She welcomes the love and respect they give her, and at the same time pities them for not knowing better, for she’s had them fooled this entire time. The world is her stage, and she’s the center. Ashlynn only drops her act and returns to her true self around her parents, who not only tolerate, but also accept and even encourage their daughter’s behavior. Well, their entire family is insane. Erica and Maximilian are totally overindulging Ashlynn while being completely aware of the fact that she is just as insane as them with no attempt to correct her, because she’s their little princess and hey, if she wants the world, then they’ll give it to her. Like Erica, Ashlynn doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t her family. Ashlynn loves both of her parents to the moon and back, and she might as well kill anyone who dares to speak ill about either of them. No one is allowed to disrespect them in front of her. Not a single word.
Ashlynn has a crush on Dominic and wants him for herself one day.
Eutimio Friedrich Di Maximilian: Name means “good-spirited and peaceful ruler of the greatest”. The current Lord, husband of Erica Siriana, and father of Ashlynn. Maximilian firmly believes that nobles are the most supreme beings to exist on this planet, and that they have a right to rule over every other species. Humans, werewolves, whatever… well, for now he’ll let them be for as long as they’re still useful. He won’t hesitate to unleash his power on them if he loses his patience. From a world view, Maximilian would be categorized as “evil”, but he doesn’t think of himself as such. In fact, he believes that he is doing good for his people, who are his priority. Which is true from a certain perspective, especially to the nobles who share their Lord’s vision. To them, Lord Maximilian is the greatest Lord in all of noble history. To others who strongly disagree with him, he is the most terrifying and coldblooded Lord in existence. Maximilian is only concerned with the prosperity of Lukedonia and doesn’t quite welcome the idea of distributing resources with the rest of the world. He doesn’t want the nobles to simply exist alongside other species; he’ll make sure the nobles are on the very top of the food chain. Everyone else is irrelevant and they’re all at his mercy. Generally, opinions are very divided and you either side with him, or you don’t. Life is very, very comfortable inside Lukedonia, and indeed, to some nobles, that is all they care about. Those with more empathy see beyond the obvious and are concerned with what goes on outside Lukedonia. The thing with Maximilian is that despite showing neither mercy nor any sign of remorse for his deeds in the outside world, he is actually quite lenient and loving with his subjects. You can say he has two extreme sides to him. He’s very kind to his nobles, but only them. He doesn’t mind if Lucretia skips meetings; he’d let her be. Or when his servants make mistakes, when someone does something offensive, etc... it’s alright, no big deal. In a way, Maximilian’s Lukedonia is teeming with freedom like never before under the rule of his predecessors. This is where Marcus comes in. He is just nervous and overthinking about getting killed if he says the wrong thing, but in reality Maximilian doesn’t mind voices of objection. He’s not going to give anyone a treason sentence or kill them for saying what they really think of him. You can tell him you disagree with him, he’ll just shrug it off and laugh. Say all you want, he knows you’re trying to persuade him, he doesn’t care. He’ll just keep doing what he’s always been doing. Maximilian knows he’s the Lord, and ultimately it is his decision to make. Just don’t let Ashlynn know, because she’ll come after your head if she figures out that you had doubts about her precious Daddy.
Maximilian is a very loving husband and father to his family. He is obsessed with them just as much as they are obsessed with him. On a personal level, while Maximilian himself doesn’t crave for the blood of his own kind like his wife and daughter do, he doesn’t mind letting them do whatever they want for the funs and thrills. Erica and Ashlynn are free to break the law all they want. Though, they’re smart and strategic with it and don’t commit murder in broad daylight. Still, Maximilian is aware of his beloveds’ occasional killings, and he lets them be. He’s the type of person who would let them burn down the entirety of Lukedonia to nothing more than a pile of ash if that is what they wish to do. It’s no big deal, he’ll just rebuild Lukedonia to be even grander and more luxurious than before! To Maximilian, they are the only two existences in this world to come before Lukedonia. How sweet.
Zivon Tradio: Leader of the Tradio Clan. An elderly sorcerer who is quite the hard worker, and spends most of his time studying existing spells as well as coming up with new ones. He’s from the previous generation of nobles, and he stayed behind because he’s just too damn cool to die. Just kidding, his love for magic is why he’s still rocking it. It’s still too early! Zivon’s ultimate goal is to push the boundaries of noble magic and to create what has never been seen before. A true spectacle to behold. Zivon is one of Lord Maximilian’s favorite subjects and the latter even has an entire wifi system built and set up in Lukedonia as a gift just because the former has the hobby of streaming and likes being an “influencer”or whatever the humans call it. Zivon is quite an internet celebrity and Lord Maximilian is supportive of his work of “spreading superior noble influence over humans”. Zivon is also Princess Ashlynn’s tutor, who calls him “teacher”.
As of now, Zivon has no children.
Julius Loyard: Leader of the Loyard Clan. On-and-off lovers with Lucretia. An elegant man who is well-received by his fellow nobles. Julius is a man of few words and usually doesn’t express himself beyond the bare minimum required to be polite. While Julius does admit to enjoying the lavish lifestyle that was a gift from the Lord to all nobles, he is beginning to see why this is a problem for beings outside Lukedonia and starts to sympathize with them. It isn’t easy for him immediately to give up what he’s been used to all these years, but he’s starting to steer away from that lifestyle in support of the less fortunate. Julius was one of the first members to join Marcus’ secret organization of smuggling resources out of Lukedonia to help those in need. Currently, he’s responsible as the leader of the food distribution sector. In his free time, Julius is a jewelry designer and Lord Maximilian is a fan of his work.
Julius’ heir is his son whom he had with Lucretia. He is fond of her but doesn’t entirely agree with her rather carefree personality. They seem to have positive feelings for each other, but that’s only when both of them are very bored and have nothing better to do.
Giada Agvain: Leader of the Agvain Clan. Like Kendrick, she is extremely loyal to their Lord. She’s been by his side since the beginning, and they are childhood friends. Everyone knows that Giada used to feel one-sided love for the then-Maximilian and now Lord Maximilian, but what they don’t know is that she is still in love with him. Well, maybe it’s better for them to continue to believe that she has gotten over him. It’s not like he’ll ever like her back anyway, and you’ll never know what Princess Ashlynn will do if she finds out that anyone other than her precious Mommy is “coveting” her beloved Daddy. Giada is one of the few people who knows about Ashlynn’s true nature despite the latter’s angelic facade. While Giada does love Max on a personal level and is loyal to him, she doesn’t agree with his actions. She is also one of the first members of Marcus’ organization. Currently, Giada is responsible as the leader of the money distribution sector. In her free time, Giada tends to a small spider lily garden.
Giada’s heir is her daughter whom she had with an unnamed noble woman.
Dominic Raffaello “Dorant” Blerster: Leader of the Blerster Clan. A calm and rational man who remains unfazed in extreme situations. He is also the youngest to become Clan Leader, because his mother and predecessor saw so much potential in him, she passed over her title and Soul Weapon to him as soon as he came of age. Dominic pretends to be fairly neutral, and most people think he isn’t dedicated to anything or anyone, but he’s actually Lord Maximilian’s right hand man in the shadows. On the surface, he is simply Clan Leader of the Blersters and does a good job of managing his clan. When he no longer needs to act as Clan Leader, Dominic goes to the castle and reports everyone’s moves to his Lord. Dominic is actually a member of Marcus’ secret organization and oversees the medical distribution sector… as a double agent. His allegiance is with the Lord and he’s only there to watch what everyone else is doing to report back to his master. That includes a long list of who is working with Marcus, what resources they have been smuggling out of Lukedonia, who is on the receiving end… etc. Every. Single. One. So Lord Maximilian is very much aware of Marcus’ “betrayal” thanks to Dominic. Curiously, Lord Maximilian tells Dominic to just let them be. Perhaps he finds this to be amusing. Nobody knows what he’s thinking. Dominic, on the other hand, is in total awe of his Lord for his immense generosity for the “traitors” even though they clearly don’t deserve it.
Dominic doesn’t know that Ashlynn has a crush on him.
As of now, Dominic has no children.
Undine Mergas: Daughter of the leader of the Mergas Clan. A woman with a short temper who is also easily provoked. Undine’s father, the current Mergas Clan Leader, believes that she is unfit to become Clan Leader due to her personality and tendencies to boss the knights around instead of being a responsible and respectful leader like she is supposed to, but he is hopeful that she will change one day. Undine is best friends with Mimi and the two of them are almost always seen together. On one of her travels to the outside world, Undine met a human named Michael Travis Osborn by chance and she has had a crush on him ever since. He’s pretty cute. Maybe the Lord will let her capture him and bring him back to Lukedonia, she thinks.
Mimi Elenor: Daughter of the leader of the Elenor Clan. A woman with a similar personality to her best friend Undine, but less impulsive and more calm. That’s why they get along and are best friends because they have much in common. Mimi has an older brother so she likely won’t become the next Elenor Clan Leader, but she’s fine with that. In fact, she’s glad she won’t become Clan Leader because all those responsibilities, hassles, sitting in meetings all day, blah blah blah… ew, just too much work. She just wants to have fun, so her brother better be competent so she won’t have to bother with her clan at all. Mimi, like Undine, also has a crush on Michael Travis Osborn. They chat about how cute he is. Both of them want to capture him and bring him into Lukedonia. They’re thinking about discussing this with the Lord. If Lord Maximilian hears about this, he’d approve of the capture and tell them to go ahead and enjoy themselves because of course he wants all of his nobles to get their hands on everything they wish for. Plus, these two remind him of his daughter Ashlynn so he’d be even more generous towards them.
Kushaal Kertia: Leader of the Kertia Clan. Cousin of Galileo. A respected fighter known for his immense speed and agility even amongst the Kertia. Kushaal is also honorable. He dislikes dirty fighting and is fairly open to acknowledging his own weaknesses and strives to become even stronger and faster. He has heard about a certain blonde werewolf warrior who is the fastest of his pack, and wishes to fight him one day. While Kushaal enjoys and supports the luxurious lifestyle given to him by their Lord, he believes that humans and werewolves could use some help from Lukedonia. After all, if they’re all gone, he’s not going to have anyone interesting to fight with anymore. Kushaal would love to spar with the werewolves, so he hopes that they’re doing well. In his free time, Kushaal likes to collect rare werewolf artifacts to display in his home because they feel familiar to him, for some odd reason.
As of now, Kushaal has no children.
Galileo Kravei: Son of the leader of the Kravei Clan. Cousin of Kushaal. A man who has a bit of an inferiority complex because his abilities seem to have hit a wall, and he can’t get stronger with his own strength. Galileo is probably going to get by just fine, even though he himself is more impatient than anyone in terms of wanting to gain strength. Other than that, no one really knows much about him since he tends to keep to himself. In his free time, he plays with his three supernatural pet aquatic snakes: Ramen, Ramyeon, and Lamien. Galileo has a huge love-hate crush on Kendrick, and people will tell you he’s both extra mean and extra nice to him. He sends him cheesy “let’s fight” love letters written on rose scented paper. Yeah. He’s totally in love.
And that’s it for now!
Again, very open to questions and discussion. Quite happy about my second major AU! While this post only touches the surface of what I have in mind, I have a feeling that I will grow to like this AU even more. Maybe I’ll even create brand new OCs specific to this AU lol.
Thank you for reading and stay tuned for future posts!
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neonlight2 · 2 years
Jaehaera Targaryen (OC)
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Jousting tournament
The commotion was endless. People of arrayed rank and standing surrounded the pit of dirt, which smelled a sweat, blood, and shit— horse and man. But such was carnage. Nobles frothed at the mouth for the violence. Those that claimed to be better than the common folk, who were too dirty, too uneducated, or too uncivilized to converse with. They all had the same hunger, built from pent up rage, to watch someone else crumble under the mercy of one far stronger. However, the question is if it is true?
Are the nobles truly so high? Or are they even more sickly, plagued with the ugly hide of greed, than those which serve?
“Why are we here Rhaenyra?” The girl known as the ‘new born dragon’, Princess Jaehaera, asked her sister by law. She was stuck in between Princess Rhaenyra and a mutual friend, Lady Alicent Hightower. Both knew she couldn’t be let out of sight, for she would disappear without a word to seek comfort in the training grounds or reading atop the dragons den.
“Because we are required to be here Issa qēlos, father expects us to be at social events.” (My star)
“No he expects you to be at social events with the Lords and Ladies of court,” she stated plainly with bored eyes. “I’m a bastard.”
Jaehaera received a quick glare from her sister before her hand was stolen, and their fingers were interwoven. “Don’t say that about yourself. My wrath does not stop for you, at you. I will not hear any slander of your—,”
“Oh please calm down Queenie, you know the term doesn’t hurt me.”
“Yes, but it’s disgraceful and treason for someone to say so Princess,” Alicent chimes in, holding the girls other hand.
Jaehaera was caged, that she knew, but she didn’t mind their warm and gentle touch. However, all of this was so new. It was taboo to a child of the underground city. She used to hate others touch, yet now she couldn’t help but feel starved for it.
“Yes but not to me.” She stated with no infliction, almost seeming amused by the notion. “So there’s no true, political reason for me to be here, watching an over-exaggerated cock fight then. You just wish to pester me.”
“Or I just wish for your company,” Rhaenyra remarks back playfully.
Rolling her eyes, Jaehaera leans over to whisper in her ear. “Bullshit. You just want to gawk at the knights.”
“Jaehaera!” Alicent gasped, covering her mouth to suppress her laughter.
“What? Don’t act so innocent Ali. Just because you’re not as shameless as Rhaenyra doesn’t mean I don’t see your quick glances at the knights build.”
Jaehaera had in fact caught Alicent a numerous of times in the act of checking out lords and knights. So there was no doubt when she caught the small pink about her friend’s cheeks once they entered the jousting grounds, that this was only the beginning. Alicent could barely deal with invited flirtations, let alone bare skin— which would absolutely be peaking out between the plates of armor that the men were clad with.
“You mean to have me believe that you wish to see no one here?” Rhaenyra asks with a curious smile expression, whilst saving Alicent from further embarrassment.
The bored looking princess hummed in confirmation, resting her forehead on Rhaenyra’s shoulder, crooning her temple to relief the stress building up in her skull.
“Not even Daemon?”
Rolling her eyes once again, Jaehaera pushed herself off of her cheeky sister, relying on Alicent to become her new cushion. To which the girl did not disappoint. “Don’t project onto me Nyra, and for your information—,” loud horns interrupted the girls, shooting off a protruding tune to which was not entirely pleasant. Although, the trio all had the same, simultaneous thought.
Speak of the devil.
Perking their heads up slightly to get a better look, the girls view the spectacle Prince Daemon like to call a proper entrance.
Rhaenyra marveled at her uncle’s display, finding it entertaining and him gorgeous in his specially designed armor to resemble that of a dragon’s wings. Daemon loved being a dragon that fact was well known. He prided himself greatly of being of magic and blood relation. This happened to be one of his many ways of showing of his pride, love, and power. Rather zealous, but he was never shy of dramatics.
However, Alicent couldn’t help but gulp in unease as her gaze flickered between her brother and the rogue prince; she feared the damage he could do.
“I see enough of Daemon as it is.” Jaehaera mutters the last of her answer, knowing very well Daemon now had all of Rhaenyra’s attention.
The crowd roared wildly at his entrance, knowing this would be a bloody tournament now. Everyone knew of the Rogue Prince’s thirst for victory and gore. He might be chaotic and a mischievous devil in daily court, but he was a monster on the battlefield— of any kind.
“And now it would seem Daemon has everyone’s attention,” Jaehaera huffed at Rhaenyra’s expression before hers morphed into disgust. Catching a glimpse of some officials betting on the participants welfare, others touching each other in the corners of as if they weren’t in the light of day, made her throat go rancid. “Just how he likes it.”
“Are you alright my princess?” Alicent asks, rubbing her friends back soothingly. “What is it?”
Before her friends eyes could be tainted by the revolting sight, Jaehaera faced Alicent with a wide smile— bright enough to fool anyone. She took her hands and nestled them along the soft of her face.
Crooning into her chilled palms like a cat, Jaehaera sighed. “Nothing, just another headache.”
Worrisome lines made their way into Alicent’s forehead, along with warming cheeks. “I told you to go see a maester. They’re happening too frequently—,”
“Lady Alicent!”
The shout almost made the poor girl leap within her seat, causing Jaehaera’s gaze to harden. Both glanced over to its origin, finding the center of attention beckoning theirs with childish desire.
Daemons expression was light and sneaky, his smirk resembling a cheshire cat, but the raven haired dragon knew better. She could see past his cocky facades, and she saw the dark intentions behind his eyes.
Jaehaera knew the man held no shame for his cruelty, finding it warranted almost always, but he was too prideful to admit other festering feelings. But she knew. She saw the way his eyes quickly flickered from Alicent’s hands, which were withdrawn in seconds, to the two girl’s eyes. Something new was brewing as the gears turned in his head.
Normally, this wouldn’t scare Jaehaera, but the way he was staring at Alicent made her stomach twist.
Whatever he was thinking… it was dangerous.
“My Lady,” Daemon reverberated with a sickeningly sweet tone. “I ask for your favor.”
Scoffing, Jaehaera stood before her friend could. Alicent could not refuse his request even if she wished; it would look poorly on not only her honor, but her father. But the thing that Jaehaera really didn’t like was that Daemon hadn’t even tried to play it off as a question. While the Princess had a good amount of hunger for trouble as well, she couldn’t stand upright arrogance— particularly when it was staring her in the face and directing itself shamelessly at her loved one.
Putting her hand behind her, a small gesture to urge her friend to remain calm and still, Jaehaera peered down at her devious ‘realative’. Resting her elbows against the railing she toyed with Daemons lance, which was protruding her personal space rather annoyingly she thought.
“Do you wish to make us jealous Uncle?”
Daemon’s expression scrunched up into something that could only be described as pure, utter disgust. It took a lot for Daemon to grimace like that, even Otto never seemed to succeed, but she knew he absolutely hated that.
Jaehaera was one of the only few people who could call Daemon anything. Anything. And he’d simply laugh, give a rebuttal, or smirk like the right bastard he is. But he could not stand her calling him Uncle.
In the first few months that’s all she called him, that or ‘my Prince’. And while he didn’t despise the latter, Daemon wasn’t fond of her formal use of the title. Jaehaera believed he held great destain for her in the beginning because of the fact. She thought maybe he thought her below him, being that they weren’t actually of the same blood nor status for that matter. If it weren’t for his constant pestering and relentless attention she would have continued to think so. It didn’t help that every time she asked him why he loathed when she called him Uncle— what she thought to be a term of endearment— and not in times with Rhaenyra, Daemon said the same thing.
“Because you are not Rhaenyra. You two are totally different people.”
So Jaehaera usually settled calling him asshole and bastard— sometimes if he was lucky enough however, she’d be in the mind to call him more loving names. Sadly, he learned the hard way that the easiest ways to retain them was whilst training with her, which ended more bruises than one would normally hope for.
“I only wish for Lady Alicent’s favor for luck my dear Princess. I’m going against her brother, who is quite skilled in this area of expertise I’ve heard.” Daemon replies, a more cunning spark lighting within his eyes.
Humming in a patronizing tone, Jaehaera glanced back at Alicent and gave her a reassuring smile. “I suppose she’ll want to give you the honor,” Alicent was quick to catch on and waived over her maid to retrieve her favor amongst the others in holding. “But now I have a conundrum Uncle.”
Exhaling deeply, in order to control his twitching eyebrows, Daemon smiled back at the girl. “And what’s that my princess?”
“My original plan was to give you my favor, but it doesn’t seem fair that you should get two…,” Jaehaera dragged out the last word as her friend slid her favor down his lance, decorating it with green and white flowers. “So, whoever shall I give it to now?”
The girl lets out a short sigh, tapping her face in ‘contemplation’. For who would she give it too? Who was worthy of a Princess’s favor, let alone one who is familiar with the sport herself.
“I guess I’ll have to find another after your joust.” Jaehaera stated with a light disposition, making Daemon’s jaw clench in slight irritation. He’d dig his own grave when the time came, along with the fellow he’d kill upon receiving her favor.
“We wish you luck Uncle,” Rhaenyra said with a fonder smile, diffusing the tension she noticed by looping her arm through Jaehaera’s, then giving a gentle tug.
Tipping his head in respect and genuine admiration, Daemon— though fully frustrated by the whole situation he had created— couldn’t help but enjoy the view of his two girls standing, linked together with foreboding expressions. His niece Rhaenyra’s filled with amusement and yearning for entertainment, whilst Jaehaera’s eyes were intense yet still twinkling in something Daemon had grown to be afraid and excited by.
“Thank you my princess, I hope to make you two proud.”
The raven haired dragon’s eyes flickered from Daemons, resting on her dear friend with sympathy. She may not have been close with Alicent’s brother, but she could imagine this to be a very scary predicament.
“Well let the joust begin then!”
All heads turned to face behind the four, landing on the king who had grown tired of the needless chitchat of his brother. Not to mention, he rather hated seeing his family so tense. More particularly his girls; he rather liked seeing Daemon squirm. He’d never admit it alas.
A thankfully smile etched its way onto Jaehaera’s face as they all bowed their heads at her father’s order. The trio sat, now with Alicent in the middle, for she was in need of most comfort. She held her friend’s hands with such a fierce grip; they could see the white of her bone pressing intently on her skin, waiting to break free. And her nerves only grew worse by the second.
Both contestants took to their side, raising their colors one last time before the horns screamed one last time, and the thunder of horse hooves sounded off twice as loud. Dirt splashed those on the lower stands, kicked back furiously by the horses as they charged forward. Their rider stuck true, leading a lance straight to the chest. Sir Hightower’s lance packed a greater force than Prince Daemons it would seem. It caught the royal’s chest plate, whilst his own broke in half. This, of course, only made the prideful man even more determined. If there was one thing Daemon loved more that a good challenge or chaotic beginning, it was to win. And win definitely.
At the start of the joust the newest Princess saw the look Daemon had shared with the hand of the king. He’d never been too fond of Otto, that much was clear, but letting his pettiness deep to his children— that was a new low. But he also never cared for rules, and who was going to stop him? The brother of the king? A warrior known amongst most men? Feared by most men?
Even his brother wished to see the outcome, overcome by a serene since of loyalty. He knew his brother would win, and while Daemon could be a pain in his ass, he always made his brother proud in these matters.
Jaehaera knew Daemon was out to maim, and after retrieving his second lance, her suspicions were confirmed. There was a tilt to his lance. Too quick for one not familiar with the sport to notice, so most gasps and screams occurred after Sir Hightower was flipped over his horse. Daemon had hit the poor creature instead. She took a quick glance to see her friend weeping silently into Rhaenyra’s shoulder— to hide it from the public. They would shame her for being ‘too emotional’. As if her brother being mauled and perhaps mutilated wasn’t an enough reason.
Oh, and how it made the girl’s blood boil.
Without a second thought, Jaehaera slipped her hand out of Alicent’s. Her prescience soon vanished.
Rhaenyra couldn’t help but feel bad for Alicent, who was currently sobbing into the collar of her neck. A few minutes ago she was shouting encouragements for her uncle, who she was just pleased to interact with. He had been gone for a while, off on one of his annual benders. Another he had not taken her and Jaehaera on, like he had promised.
But now, guilt ripped at the first Princess’s heart. She was too blinded to truly realize the circumstance, that her friends brother was the one against her bloodthirsty uncle. Rhaenyra only ever received the sweet and playful part of Daemon. Surely, she knew he could be cruel, but it was not something she had to be faced with, until now.
And while it wasn’t someone she directly cared about, Rhaenyra felt great empathy for her friend. She knew if it were someone she were close to, her state might have been worse. Oh, if it had been Jaehaera—
Eyes widening, the princess felt her stomach drop. “Jaehaera?”
Sniffling, Alicent shifted her head up slightly to view her friends shocked expression. Furrowed eyebrows followed not to long after, and her neck creeped the other direction. Finally her own eye drew tight, and both girls had a look of panic about them.
“Jaehaera?!” Alicent screamed, looking around the nobles sitting amongst them. She could barely be heard over the ongoing commotion though.
It was only until Otto and Viserys got sight of their otherwise deranged looking daughter’s approaching them that they were given any recognition.
“What is going on my child?” Viserys asked his daughter, holding out his hand for her to take.
Rhaenyra took it with haste, a worrisome feeling urging her to look all around her. She was just there, she thought. “Jaehaera’s vanished again.”
A hearty chuckle buffers the girls search, instead inflicting a sense of belittling. Here she was, in a panic to find her sister and Otto was laughing. Even his own daughter found it appalling.
Viserys had at least taken a moment to be wary. He let his eyes drift, hoping to put an end to his heirs suffering by spotting Jaehaera somewhere amongst the crowd. Everyone close to the girl knew she liked to wander; it was her nature to be curious and long for freedom. She wasn’t someone to be caged. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t bring himself to be as anxious as Rhaenyra. He had grown accustomed to his daughter running off, and he trusted that she would go to one of her well know places. So when Otto laughed at their children’s faces, he couldn’t bring himself to disagree. They knew her as well as them, perhaps better. Why all the fuss?
“I’m sure she’s just gone to the library to learn another language,” Otto suggested after his amusement simmered. “Why she wishes to learn Dothraki is beyond me.”
“As is most of what my sister does.” Rhaenyra quipped, a pout of destain now on her face.
Scoffing to himself, Otto tilts his head in seeming agreement. “Quite.”
“I’m sure she just studying my dear, perhaps even training. I know she finds watching these tournaments rather dull.” Viserys reassures with a smile on his face.
“I know father but she would never leave when—,” Rhaenyra’s words get caught in her throat after feeling Alicent’s hand brush against her side. Her gaze wavering to see a pleasing look upon her friends face.
“When what Princess?” Otto asks while glancing between the girls. His eyes hardening— daring for his own daughter to say something. Of course he felt bad for his son, his pride and joy, but he also knew better. And Alicent was expected to as well. He could see how puffy her eyes had become and how red her cheeks were; he wasn’t a fool.
“I just had a bad feeling father. I know her. She wouldn’t leave right after Daemon—,”
Again, the princess was interrupted by the blasting of obnoxious horns. Rhaenyra swore by all the Old Gods of Valeria, if she were to hear another peep of a horn she’d banish them from her sight for the length of her reign.
“There has been a last minute addition to the joust! Princess Jaehaera, the new dragon of the land, wishes to compete!”
“Oh seven hells,” Viserys let go of Rhaenyra’s hand, rubbing a hand down his face while standing up. “Why do my children seek to put me in an early grave?”
Once he’s made it to the railing, the king watched as his daughter road her horse with a straight back, confident as a knight of old. He’d like to say that he’d be able to scold her at this moment, but he couldn’t. His heart betrayed him. Viserys was nothing but a ball of warm mush when it came to his daughter, sometimes to a fault.
There was a great uproar; a mix of excitement and discontent brewing among the audience. It was not proper for a lady to be involved with such matters, yet… who were they to dictate what is and isn’t proper?
“And who is it you wish to joust Princess?!” The bellman asked, bowing dramatically as he usually did. Jaehaera couldn’t help but admire his commitment.
Humming a tune unfamiliar to those around her, Jaehaera tilts her head at a symbol she wasn’t able to recognize. It was filled with many stars, quite precious in her mind. Many knights used their family crests, that of which were fierce. Yet this one, was decorated in stars. How curious.
Her horse trotted toward the knight dressed in the least expensive armor in the line, definitely of common birth. A new sparkle arose in Jaehaera’s eyes, mimicking that of his shield.
“What is your name Sir..?”
All those surrounding them gawked at the Princess’s choice. Out of all the prestigious knights— one of which being the Rogue Prince, whom she had been ignoring much to his dismay— she’s choose…
Removing his helmet, the knight revealed an abundance of rich dark locks, and eyes of bark brown— almost matching the dirt beneath them. Bowing his head in respect, he peered up at Jaehaera with such purity. It was a little off putting if she were to admit.
“Sir Criston your highness,” his answer multiplying the whispers around the pair. However, his gaze never shifted from the Princess before him. “I would be honored to be your opponent.”
Jaehaera’s brow drew up high at his response. She was sure most of the other knights would have tried to coax her with flattery. Maybe even try and persuade her to quit while she could. In that moment she knew she had chosen the right one.
“Well, Sir Criston, I was actually going to ask for a favor.” She threw a quick glance at her family, brushing over Rhaenyra, Viserys, Alicent, and finally Daemon. The princess gave the clad man a grin before gesturing her new acquaintance to come closer.
Jaehaera tilted her head to the side once Criston was within arms reach, gently pulling him by the tuft of his armor. Then she leaned to his ear and whispered something impossible for anyone else to hear. No matter how quiet the crowd got, none could decider a single word. But by the grin spreading across the knight’s face, it wasn’t hard to tell it pleased him. It almost matched the princess’s.
“It would be my honor.” Sir Criston said, watching intently as she drew back.
Letting a breathy laugh leave her lips, she nods. “I’m sure.”
Fastening her hair up, Jaehaera gave her steed a light smack on the side. This bringing her face to face with Daemon at last. “I was hoping you would humor me my Prince.”
Daemon shifted in his saddle as he watched her attentively. He knew she was up to something. Payback no doubt for hurting her friend, which he understood. Her loyal and protective nature was part of what he loved about her, but what he didn’t understand was… why was she bring Sir Criston into this?
He was a fine knight, that Daemon could not dispute, but he was nothing compared to the likes of him— let alone Jaehaera.
“I’m always at your disposal my princess, whatever you wish.”
“Make a wager with me then?” Her tone now giddy and light, causing her teeth to sink into her plush bottom lip.
Daemon’s own lips couldn’t help but quirk at the sight of her new demeanor. All he could do was nod, compliant as ever.
“You and Sir Criston will joust,” she started, a finger held high for all to see. “And whomever is the victor, will then be my opponent.”
The crowd grew hysterical upon the Princess’s words reaching their ears. Once low murmurs turned to an uproar. Some were absolutely exhilarated by the prospect, already placing their own wagers and bets. However, majority were tense and criticized the very notion.
These grievances traveled quickly about the rows, which meant it only took a few minutes for them to get to Viserys. Oh, and how the king didn’t like that.
The arena went quiet in an instant.
Jaehaera’s doe eyes glanced along the audience surrounding her, a small, coy smile dancing along her mouth. Finally, when everything seemed fully calm and collected, she turned to her father in great gratitude. It seemed she wouldn’t need to stretch out her vocal cords today.
She took a dramatic bow atop her horse, hair falling forward like a swatting horse tail. “Thank you father.”
Scoffing under his breath, amused by his daughter’s dramatic performance, the king held his hand out— a gesture to tell her she could stop. If Jaehaera hadn’t gotten the impression from his expression.
“So what’ll it be Daemon?”
Both father and daughter, king and princess, brother and niece— both asked Daemon in a tone demanding. He knew, even if he had planned to refuse, he would not be able too. That’s when his eyes got wide, peering at Jaehaera with a raised brow.
The little dragon… was getting revenge.
His eyes flickered to the stand holding his brother, along with Rhaenyra and Lady Alicent, before returning to those blistering eyes of hot amber magma. And yet, Daemon’s smile got the widest it had all day.
“I could never refuse you, my princess.”
I think we all know the fate of Daemon and Sir Criston’s joust… and later brawl. We all know Dameon is a sore loser, so imagine his disappointment when loosing the chance to joust Jaehaera.
Oh, and it takes little time to figure out who won between the noble knight and the intuitive royal. While Sir Criston is a fine knight— he was not match for Jaehaera’s quit wit, nor her agility (where she dodged his attack falling to the side of her horse— held only by her feet— and launching herself back at him after his lance had passed her line of vision.)
And I know… from how Sir Criston (or little bitch, whichever you prefer), has been described in other parts of this series it may be a bit confusing right now. But like in the show, he was playing a hero until his cloak was removed and his true self was revealed. So just wait until “the incident”. Then you’ll see the shift in their relationship.
Thank you for being patient with me readers, hope you enjoyed.
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admirange · 2 months
MCL profile description
Thank you @mclmora for creating this template<3
user's profie!
Tumblr media
name: Annie Mullins
b-day: December 21th
zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Annie came to Sweet Amoris along with Kentin. She found her place at school somewhat quickly. Has a lot of common interests with Castiel, she actually plays the drums! It's hard to start beef with her, easily gets along with everyone (okay except Amber, but neither of them wants to be friends with the other). You can find her in the corners of classrooms and in the shadows of the hallways, usually with her earphones plugged in. Don't let the looks fool you, she's always ready to have a chat, or just listen to you!
likes: listening to music, playing the drums, cool clothes
dislikes: boring classes, people being unreasonably mean
favorite flirt: Kentin
player since: 2015. 06. 29.
────── · · · ·
currently (re)playing Kentin's alternate life
────── · · · ·
high school life – completed
flirts’ lom levels
nathaniel, 58%
castiel, -50%
lysander, 13%
armin, 90%
💘 kentin, 110%
questions for you ♡
which club did you pick?
Gardening! Not into team sports.
which is your favorite episode?
Not gonna lie I enjoyed Kentin's corrupted era (I'm into angst).
which non-dateable character do you like most?
────── · · · ·
university life – completed
flirts’ lom levels
💘 nathaniel, 110%
priya, 90%
castiel, 95%
hyun, 100%
rayan, 40%
questions for you ♡
what do you think the removal of kentin, armin & lysander?
As a Kentin girlie I was personally attacked. I understood it tho, I guess intoducing new characters was important...
which one is your favorite episode?
Episode 16 I think, following Nathaniel's dangerous story was exciting, full of tension.
is there something you don’t like about this season?
I barely remember anything that happened. It's more forgettable than highschool life.
────── · · · ·
love life – complete
flirts’ lom levels
nathaniel, 20%
priya, 50%
castiel, 50%
hyun, 100%
rayan, 35%
💘 eric, 100%
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about eric’s character?
I like him very much I'm afraid :( Plus I think he's the hottest of all.
which one is your favorite episode?
13 and 14 I think. I made so much drama, sometimes I had to phisically leave my computer to scream and recover.
did you enjoy the way the story turned out/is turning out?
Yes. Okay listen I know what everyone thinks about Eric and his route but it is so GOOD. Yes cheating is bad womp womp, it's just a game. Yes I find it weird that my character and him considers their first date the night they spent at the restaurant (and other stuff like this) but oh well. It brought so much drama to the table and I'm here for it. I'm playing this game to entertain myself, not to choose morally right and boring routes. I saw Eric. Eric is hot. I married Eric. It's really that easy. It had a few other interesting story arcs, but in my heart I always just wanted to finally pursue that man.
────── · · · ·
alternate life – (re)playing Kentin’s route
lysander: 1st episode
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about his new design?
He became Elliot from Stardew Valley.
what do you think of his character development?
kentin: complete
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about his new design?
It fits him. Honestly I'm not into that anime-like look a lot of them had in highschool anymore. As I grew he grew too. I have no complaints:P
what do you think of his character development?
I liked him both in highschool and here. Honestly he just grew up while maintaining his best traits, I couldn't ask for better.
armin: 3rd episode
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about his new design?
Soooo good, he finally got more style!
what do you think of his character development?
Development yeah, he also just grew up. It's sweet how he treats Candy (altough she's quite paranoic if you ask me).
────── · · · ·
general questions ♡
how did you discover the game?
My older sister and her friend played it when it came out! She also created a character for me when I was like 8, but I quickly forgot about it. When I was 10 or 11 I remembered the game but it felt like a fever dream. But I found it and created Annie! Playing it ever since.
which one is your favorite special episode (ex: halloween 2011, easter 2012, ect)?
Halloween 2012. It's sooo nostalgic!
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comfortabletogether · 5 months
akane,teruya,kanade,hibiki and nikei (seperate) w/ a f!s/o who acts like/is similar to charlie morningstar,from hazbin hotel? like s/os family has high/decent social standing,but isnt entirely respected,believes theres good in everyone,is highly optimistic,but also rly stubborn,ect.
thank you for the request!! I appreciate the support!!
Sorry I’m advance but i ended up loosing a lot of momentum while writing this along with the fact that I didn’t actually love Hazbin Hotel. I didn’t have enough energy to do Hibiki and Nikei. I also didn’t exactly know what to write for them either. My apologies for dw I’ll probably write a part 2 when my requests open again!!
~ Mod Haruhiko ✈️
Akane Taira
🫧 Akane treasures your optimistic, go-getter attitude. She feels inspired by it, and whatever project you are working on she’ll be there for support, as you will always be to her. 
🫧 She has seen some of the horrors the world has to offer, from a nasty orphanage that caught on fire to the mistreatment she’s gotten working as a maid. Akane feels slightly protective over you because of your naive.
🫧 You and Yuki are a lot alike in Akane’s eyes, wanting to help solve almost everyone’s problems. And she’ll be there with the two of you, and she will often remind you that you aren’t responsible for everyone’s wellbeing.
🫧 In this vile killing game, your optimism and persistence is one of the only things that truly keep her going. In a situation that has so much blood spilt she looks up to you.
🫧 Although Akane feels lucky to be able to spend time with you, she gets really scared when you hang out with other people except Yuki for some reason. But she’s terrified someone will take your naive and trusting nature for granted.
🫧 Akane loves you so dearly, you are a beacon of life and hope in her life. Her way to finally love someone and have that be reciprocated.
Kanade Otonokoji
🎵 Kanade enjoys your cheerful attitude she finds it funny at first wondering how long it would take for you to break. because nobody could really be that nice and wonderful, right?
🎵 You worked were a graphic designer who helped create Melody Rythme’s posters for their charity concerts. And despite Hibiki being constantly her puppet Kanade was quickly growing bored. That’s when she realized that she valued you as a person as well, and immediately assumed you out.
🎵 Kanade became possessive and protective over you, wanting you to only help her. You were so kind and wonderful why would you want to waste your energy on someone irrelevant when you could be helping her? Don’t you want to help your girlfriend after her sister pushed her over?
🎵 Kanade typically uses your naive nature against you. She loves you and she doesn’t understand how to love without manipulation. But if someone else tries to attempt to manipulate you, Kanade will go apeshit on them. Because how dare they?? That’s Kanade’s job
🎵 But being around you makes Kanade feel like she is improving as a person more. That she’s becoming a better person for example she hasn’t killed anyone in almost half a year. She loves that you are changing her for the better.
🎵 Kanade probably writes all the love songs on her and Hibiki’s albums, and they are all about you and the stuff you and Kanade had done together. For example one of the tracks is your name backwards and it’s a bunch of imagery of a gorgeous girl. (Same vibes as Jolene but gay).
Teruya Otori
💴 When Kinjo brings you in to work for the intelligence Team on the Kisaragi foundation, Teruya was a bit skeptical. Especially after Utsuro had told them that the police force had fallen into despair but Kinjo reassured them that you were a trusted ally.
💴 Apparently you had also been related to Kinjo, being second or third cousins but still if Kinjo trusted you, then Teruya would too.
💴 The first thing he noticed was how different you were to Kinjo, especially in your beliefs. While the two of you are both headstrong and stubborn, you believe that even the worst of people should be able to have a second chance. That is probably what drew him towards you the most.
💴 He had experienced firsthand the horrors of this world, and therefore he is very protective over you. You are too easily trusting and that could lead to a situation similar to one’s he has seen in the past.
💴 Due to your stubbornness though, it’s very common that you and Keisuke or Tsurugi would get into fights and the talk palm tree will often have to physically separate you and them. He’s always proud of you for standing up for what you believe in and Teruya might end up developing your beliefs.
💴 Teruya is really entrapped by your kind and pleasant nature, and that you want to help people in need and trust me Teruya is in plenty of need of emotional support. After that Killing Game— he is so messed up. 
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saliyahdomera · 1 year
House of Horrors -S.S
in which you’re betrothed to Ominis but Sebastian has other plans that lead to a night of horrors in the Gaunt Manor
AGED UP TO 18 (in this AU, they get married at 20 instead)
Warning: cussing, some sexual content but not full blown smut, inaccurate social standings and customs and such blah blah, made up Gaunt family members, made up Gaunt names, sorry not sorry, some violence and gore
This horrible and I am so so so sorry. It’s a good plot in my opinion but man I do not know how to write. I apologize in advance. I promise Im a good writer, this one just did not turn out for me but I wanted to post it anyways….
lmk if i missed anything!!
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I heard murmuring downstairs as I exited my room. Descending the stairs, there stood the Gaunt’s. Being bethrothed to the youngest son, Ominis since I was born meant a lot of things. It meant always being seen with him in the social eye, being his eyes when Sebastian couldn’t, and even living with his family.
When my parents died, the Gaunt’s took me in to keep up their end of the deal in light of everything. My family’s fortune was in my hands now, and when Ominis and I get married in two years, our families will combine and so will our riches.
I wasn’t the only one who lived with them. Sebastian Sallow, Ominis’ best friend and his Lord-In-Waiting. Sebastian was always right behind Ominis, being his eyes and making sure he was always taken care of. They were quite inseparable and I’ve grown quite fond of both of them.
“Good morning dear, I hope you slept well.”
“I did, thank you my Lord.” I bowed before Damocles Gaunt, the head of the household and Ominis’ father.
“You do not have to be so formal. Please dear.” He smiled as I muttered a small ‘sorry’ his way. It felt improper not to address him as such.
Everyone was gathered around the table as I sat next to Ominis. “Y/N!” His eldest sister, Catherine, spoke up. “Della and I were going to go pick up our dresses for the ball next week. Would you like to accompany us?”
Ominis had a large family. Being the youngest of seven kids was never easy for him. He was the last to do everything, right now that being married.
The eldest is Catherine, at 28. She has been married to Silas Huntington for 8 years now and has 2 children. Ida, 6 and Lyla, 3.
Next would be the eldest brother, Otto at 26. Him and his wife, Cornelia O’Hara, have been together for 6 years. They have one daughter, Fawn who just turned 2.
Francis is the second eldest brother, at 24. Him and his wife, Charlotte Roûge have been together for 4 years and have twins, Rita and Etta , both just turned 2.
Della is the designated middle child at 21. Her and her husband, Warren Carnell just announced they were pregnant, which is why all the siblings are in town.
The twins, Victor and Genevieve, beat Ominis by 2 years. They are both freshly married to Josephine Beckham and Benjamin Allard.
Ominis is the youngest, at 18. He’s been bethrothed since birth like the rest of his siblings. The only differences between their marriages and his are that his future wife needs to be able to guide him due to his blindness, and so far, no male heirs have been born. Unless his sister Della has a son, it’s up to him to bore an heir to the Gaunt lineage.
Having a child scared him though, he was afraid it was inherit his blindness and suffer as he does.
I looked to Catherine and nodded, “I would love to. I don’t think I have anything to wear.” She reached for my hands and smiled.
“Oh I’m so glad to hear that. I was hoping you didn’t. I sort of had one made for you.”
Catherine led me into the back of the shop to the fitting rooms where my dress she had made was waiting for me. She was giddy along with Della, who had come in to make some alterations around her newly popped belly. “Go on! I’ll go get into mine too.”
She ran off as I stepped behind the curtain. In front of me stood the most breathtaking dress. A long dark green velvet gown with a square necklace and long sleeves. The breast line was dropped and the skirt was lined with a beautiful pattern made of gold lace. I took it off the hanger as a woman came in to help me get into it.
Once it was on, I couldn’t move. It fit perfectly. It was a slimmer fit, but not scandalous. I ran my fingers over the fabric, feeling every little detail to take note.
Everytime I got a dress, I had to memorize it with my fingers so I could describe it to Ominis. It was always disappointing getting all beautiful just for him not to be able to see it. Memorizing the feeling made it easier, that way he could at least get a picture in his head.
Stepping out, Catherine was stood there waiting for me, Della at her side.
Catherine’s dress was a traditional high breast line dress with shorter cap sleeves. It was a beautiful baby blue, her husband’s family color. It had slight navy detailing throughout with a gold waistband.
Della’s was a mix. Longer sleeves graced her arms while a higher breast line was sewn in to adapt to her growing belly. It was a beautiful blush with gold detailing throughout.
“Wow.” Catherine walked up to me, looking me over and spinning me around. “You look spectacular!”
“You picked wonderfully Catherine.” She held my hands there for a moment before Della came over as well.
“You’re going to be such a beautiful bride for Ominis. You make him so happy, it’s refreshing to see him smile.” Della tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as she spoke. “Thank you.”
“She’s right, I’m overjoyed you were chosen to marry our sweet baby brother.” Catherine chimed in before we went to change.
While the shopkeeper’s assistant was helping me get out of my dress, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. I did care for Ominis but, I wasn’t as loyal and doting as his family made me out to be. Marrying into a darker family such as the Gaunt’s was hard on me. While it may seem they are all caring and sweet to me, it doesn’t mean I don’t see what goes on behind the scenes.
I took solice where I could, and that was in the arms of Ominis’ Lord In Waiting, Sebastian Sallow.
Late nights wrapped in his arms, his hands combing through my hair while he listens to my worries. He gives me peace when things get dark at the manor. Sebastian is always there when I need him to be.
It was an innocent friendship, until it wasn’t.
Late one night, I was in Sebastian’s quarters talking to him about the latest developments in the Gaunt family that had me frazzled. “I just don’t understand Sebastian. I wish Ominis was spared from all of this. I wish the whole family would quit, it’s worrisome.”
He sighed, “I know, I’ve been living with them since birth. Lady Gaunt’s old lady in waiting was my mother. When she died in child birth, they raised me to be Ominis’ right hand man.” He cleared his throat as I looked up to listen to him. “It’s hard watching them partake in such devious affairs, but it’s our duty to be silent and show up when called.” The way he was looking at me made me stomach flutter. “You know better than me how hard this is. As much as Ominis may love you, to the rest of his family, you’re just a baby maker, the heir carrier. You are only here for Ominis to use you for his own heir making desires.” His tone darkened as he spoke.
“Sebastian I know my-“ Before I could finish, his lips were on mine. It was heveanly. I knew how wrong it was, and if anyone found out I’d be ruined and the Gaunt’s would probably kill us both. I was supposed to be saved for Ominis, but Sebastian’s lips on mine was too enticing to pull away. His hands wrapped around me as he pulled me closer to him, my hand quickly tangling in his hair.
He pulled away quickly, shock and regret lacing his features. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened. I can’t believe I just did that to you-“
“Shut up and do it again.” I pulled at his collar as his lips were on mine again. I couldn’t get enough once I got a taste.
This had been going on for a couple of months, and it’s escalated over time. It went from innocent kissing to intimate pleasure. The guilt weighed heavily on me, but 90% of the time, Sebastian and I were the only ones in the manor. The Gaunt’s were never home, or at least not all of them at once. They were always off making deals or killing or sacrificing. They were always involved in dark wizard schemes, leaving Sebastian and I alone in the manor.
He had ruined me, we both knew that. My pureness was taken from me, my innocence gone. We both knew how wrong it was, and how much Ominis would be hurt if he ever found out, but we were addicted to each other. I felt even more guilty because I had caught feelings. He saw me as a human being and not just someone to produce an heir to the Gaunt fortune. I wasn’t just a baby maker to him, he saw my personality and got to know me.
The guilt hit me hard in the dressing room hearing Ominis’ sisters speak that way. I knew deep down I had to end things and come clean, but I wasn’t ready to face the consequences.
But I was afraid I already had.
Over the last week or two, I had noticed some odd signs indicating something wrong with my health. I was afraid I had caught a disease. I know my older sister warned me of diseases caught from these activities and the signs. If a man was unclean, or things were too frequent, I could catch something.
It worried me, and I was afraid someone else would see the signs and out two and two together.
Back at the manor, we were all eating dinner when Lord Gaunt stood up, lifting his cup. “I just want to say that not only am I so glad to have all of my children in my home again, but to the new additions coming soon. Another grand baby, hopefully an heir and a new wife, to bring us heirs.” He raised his glass as everyone drank to the toast. I looked to Sebastian, and I realized he was right. I am nothing more than my womb.
And now I’m afraid I’ve caught something that may inhibit my ability to bare children.
The day before the ball, I decided to secretly sneak to go see the house doctor, without anyone’s knowledge.
“What brings you here? You’re not in for a yearly check in for a couple of months? Are you sick?”
“I think so. I don’t know how I got it, but I’ve not been feeling right.”
“What signs are you having?” I spoke to him about my worries and concerns before he said he should do a wellness check. He sat me down and angled me so he could take a look to make sure I was healthy for my bethrothed.
“I’m just going to make sure everything is healthy down here. If you have a problem and cannot bare children, we will need to take immediate action.” I grimaced as he started the examination.
“Oh.” His tone had me worried.
“What? Do I have something?” My breathing was speeding up.
“Ma’am,” he made me decent and sat me up. “Pardon me for asking, but have you and Ominis…?”
“No!! We have not! Why do you ask?”
He took a deep breath, ask if he was searching for the words. “Don’t lie to me please. Have you let any man-“
“No! How dare you assume! What’s wrong with me? Please just tell me!”
“You are with child.” I sat there in shock. I was always close with Doctor Keizer, but there’s no way I could go this far into my personal life. I knew I could always go to him when I had issues, especially before Sebastian and I grew close. “Now, Y/N. Will you please tell me what happened? You know what you say in here stays in here. Who’s is it?”
I couldn’t believe it. How would I pull this off? People will begin to notice my symptoms. Ominis will surely know what I had done. “Please Y/N, we need to figure this out so I can help you.”
“Sebastian Sallow, the Lord-In-Waiting to Ominis.” Doctor Keizer cleared his throat.
“Oh dear.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, you have options. I won’t make you decide anything this moment, but I suggest you take a few days to weigh the risks and benefits. Please come see me when you know. And please trust, this doesn’t leave my office. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thank you.” He gave me shoulder a pat before sending me on my way.
What was I going to do?
It was the night of the ball, and I was fortunate enough to be invited to each one of these every year. Since I was Ominis’ eyes in public, I was automatically assigned to accompany him to every ball.
Ominis was very self sufficient, a wonderful dancer and usually good at finding his way around but he knew I loved going to these.
Ominis thinks it’s because I like the social aspect, or dressing up. I really enjoy going because Y/N always looks so breathtaking. I know it’s wrong, but how could I not love her? She’s so beautiful and she has such a kind heart. Her laugh lights up the room and her smile makes my heart stutter. She is so intelligent and has such an incredible personality.
She takes my breath away everytime she speaks.
I know I should tell my best friend that I’m bedding his future wife, but I can’t give her up yet. She’s addicting, every touch, every taste. I crave her presence, her kiss. I can’t live without her.
“Are you ready?” Ominis knocked on my door as he entered. I straightened my jacket before replying with a ‘yes’.
The ride there was silent. Something was on Ominis’ mind and I knew not to poke and prod.
The ball was beautiful, the Black family always throw the biggest ball of the year, and somehow it’s always better than the year before. I stood with Ominis, his father and the rest of Ominis’ brothers and brother in laws. The women of the family always rode seperately, as to make a special entrance. The crowd was silenced not long after the men had arrived as the servant at the door announced the women.
“Ladies and gentlemen! I now introduce Lady Amelia Gaunt, her daughters Lady Catherine Huntington, Lady Della Carnell-“ He went on to list the many women who were apart of the Gaunt family. I only cared about the last name. Y/N’s name was always last, and Iloved seeing her enter every time. “And finally, Duchess Y/N L/N, bethrothed to Ominis Gaunt.” The crowd bowed to them as the descended the stairs and towards the men. All the wives took their husband’s to dance. Lord and Lady Gaunt never really danced, they preferred to watch their children dance.
I watched intently as Y/N walked up to Ominis as he escorted her to the dance floor. It was intrigued me how she taught him to dance with her without sight. I would always notice a little tap or squeeze to signal him what to do. They had a secret language only the two of them understood, but it made for beautiful dances between them. Over the years I caught on to a few of the signals, but each one is so unique that it was rare.
I looked around at everyone dancing, disappointed that I will never have a chance to go find a wife. My position doesn’t allow for that, especially since my mother disobeyed that rule when she had me. “Why don’t you go dance with someone? I’m sure one of my daughters would love to dance with you!” Lady Gaunt grabbed my arm and smiled down at me.
“It’s okay, I would feel horrible taking them from their husbands. I prefer to sit back and watch.” She nodded and resumed watching. Little did she know I did want to dance, but only with one girl out there. I watched as they danced song after song. After awhile as everyone bowed to their partners, Ominis and Y/N returned as she whispered something to him and he smiled. I heard Ominis reply ‘why not?’ before letting her go to stand next to his mother.
That’s when time slowed down. Y/N walked up to me and held her hand out. “May I have this dance Mr. Sallow?” She smiled and I thought I was going to faint. I looked to Ominis before he spoke up, not even turning my way.
“Go Sebastian. Have some fun.” I took her hand as I led her out to the floor. We danced and I held her close. This was a dream come true. She looked stunning tonight in the dark green velvet gown. Her hair was tied back and she wore beautiful family jewels around her neck and on her head.
“You okay? You look dazed.” She laughed at me as I returned to the moment.
“Very much so.” I watched her lips curl up in a smile before it fell. “Are you?”
“Yes, just very bored of these events. It’s always the same.” I laughed at her.
“Well at least tonight I actually got out and danced. This is the first time I’ve done this.”
She stared at me with surprise. “For someone who’s never danced, you’re very good at this.”
“Don’t flatter me. The Gaunt’s still trained me, I just never got out like this in the social eye. Especially with my best friend’s bethrothed-“ I stopped talking as I saw her face drop in what seemed to be horror before quickly snapping back to a pleased expression.
As I spun her I looked to see what she was looking at, I saw someone speaking to Lord Gaunt as he was staring Y/N down. Something was wrong and now I was worried. I couldn’t let her out of my sight. As I caught another glance, I saw him point me out as well, it seems something is very wrong. I was worried for both of our safety now.
The dance ended as she bowed but she shot me a look that let me know she knew she was in trouble. She walked to Ominis while I was frozen. I slowly exited the dance floor to get a refreshment when Lord Gaunt appeared behind me. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’ve been up to, what you say about my family.” Before I could turn around to respond, he was gone, and so was Y/N.
This was not good.
The night continued on, and none of the other family members seemed to know where they had disappeared to.
As time dragged on, I felt like we were never going to leave until Ominis answered my prayers. “Can you escort me out? We are heading back to the mansion. My mother said there’s some business I need to attend to.”
“Is everyone coming?”
“No, just us three.”
My stomach was spinning in the carriage the whole way back to the manor. Something didn’t feel right and I think Ominis knew too. He was quieter than usual and although he may not know what was wrong, he knew something was off. With his other senses heightened, he was very keen on picking little disturbances up quickly.
Arriving to the manor, it felt eerie. It didn’t feel like my home anymore, it felt like a trap, a prison.
Ominis hesitated before following his mother in, leaving me to be the last to walk in.
I never expected to see what was before me in the grand entrance. While Lady Gaunt and Ominis walked up the stairs to their respective chambers, before me stood Lord Gaunt, Y/N tied with her hands behind her sat beside him. She was tied to the chair and obviously she had been tortured. Her hair was a mess and there were marks and blood covering her body. She was left in nothing but her corset and pants. She was struggling to breathe and her eyes were puffy with tears. I looked up quickly to notice Ominis standing above us on the grand staircase out of his father’s eyeline. While he could not see, by his facial expression Ominis knew exactly what was happening.
“Sebastian. Welcome back, I hope you had fun at the ball.”
“What is going on?”
He smirked as he drew his wand out of his sleeve. “I know what you’ve been saying about my family. How you don’t care for our ways of business, or how you don’t support the ways of dark wizards. You don’t believe in killing what you claim to be ‘innocents’.”
“What are you talking about?!” I took a step forward before he spoke up again, his tone harsh now.
“I don’t care who dies, but since you do, indulge me and I might just spare the mother of your unborn child.” His wand flew to her throat, making her cry out in pain from it digging into the skin of her neck.
My eyes flew open wide, she was with child? “What?”
“Don’t play stupid boy. I know what you did to her, going behind Ominis’ back. You took her for yourself and she went willingly. You’re lucky I don’t kill you right now for what you’ve done to this family.”
“I had no idea. She never told me! I am so sorry, I wish I had known.”
“Do you want to know what you can do to atone for the sins you’ve committed?”
I didn’t say anything, instead I couldn’t help but stare at her, she was carrying my child, and I did not even know and now she’s suffering because of me. “Kneel.”
“You heard me Sallow, get on your knees. Pledge your allegiance to me and I might just spare her. He dug his wand deeper into her neck, making her cry out again. “GET ON YOUR KNEES!”
His voiced boomed and echoed throughout the mansion. I looked to her then to Ominis. He shook his head as if he knew I was watching. “Kneel boy!” Y/N cried out in pain again which mad me drop to one knee. “That’s a good boy.” I heard him walk towards me and take the point of his wand to lift my head up by my chin to look up at him. “Now do you care to tell me why you decided to go and rip the innocence from my son’s bethrothed?” In the corner of my eye, I saw Ominis untie Y/N and rush her upstairs.
“I love her sir.”
“I love her sir.” I stopped in my tracks as Ominis tried to pull me to safety. I slowly turned to see the wreckage I have caused. Sebastian met my eyes as Ominis pulled on my arm again.
“We have to go now!” He pulled harder as I followed him, having to tear my eyes away from Sebastian. I heard yelling from his father and Sebastian soft, saddened voice. I couldn’t make out what they were saying as Ominis and I reached the top of the staircase, the full view in front of us. I looked to see Sebastian kneeled, Lord Gaunt across the room from him. I saw Sebastian say something before looking down. Time slowed as I rushed to the railing as Lord Gaunt raised his arm and yelled.
“Avada Kedavra!!”
I gripped the railing with one hand as I watched the horror unfold before me. My right hand reached out as I leaned over the railing, a blood curdling scream leaving my throat. “Sebastian!! No!!” I felt like I was going to collapse when Ominis grabbed me and ripped me away from the scene that just unfolded.
“We have to go!” As I let Ominis lead me away, I couldn’t rip my eyes away from Sebastian’s lifeless body. I felt numb. The man I loved was dead, and it was all my fault. I watched as he slowly disappeared from my sight as Ominis kept leading me somewhere. My feet were moving but there was no noise, I was not there. I was with Sebastian’s body, mourning him as he lay cold on the floor.
I did not see my surroundings or where Ominis had finally stopped us, I didn’t even realize I had gotten into a carriage. I was stuck with the image of Sebastian’s final breathe burned on the back of my eyelids.
I will never forget the burning of my vocal chords as I screamed for him.
The flashing of green is engraved into the back of my brain.
Ominis’ voice was faint, the words mumbled and incoherent. All I could hear was Sebastian’s words “I love her sir.” He loved me and it was that love that caused him to die.
A piece of me died with him that day.
A piece of me will forever reside in the grand entrance of that manor.
A piece of me will be left with Sebastian’s body whether he’s buried or burned.
But yet a piece of Sebastian lived on in me.
“Y/N? Please react. Let me know you’re there somewhere.”
“I know.” He reached out to find my head before leaning it on his shoulder and wrapping his arms around me, rubbing my back and combing my hair down. “I know…” His voice while calm, was broken.
And I think a piece of him died that day as well.
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coleskingdom · 7 months
Adam Page x f reader
AU Charleston SC Pre War
For @madhatterbri I hope you like it.
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The hustle and bustle of Charleston’s race week, in addition to my debut to society had turned my appearance in to the sole topic of conversation. My mother and grandmother, going over who I would be introduced, and should accept onto my dance card. Bored by the names being listed, Mr. Rhodes, The Jackson Brothers, Mr. Cole. “What about Mr. Page?” I asked my mother clutched her pearls and my grandmother smiled. “You will not be associated with that scoundrel, he’s been disowned by his own family” She said tersely.
I’d seen Mr. Page in town visiting his sister, who I had been friendly with at school. “ He’s just returned from New Orleans, after being in the California territories.” I said dreamily. “That man can sure sit a horse” my thoughts of Mr Page fell out my mouth. “That’s enough of your sharp tongue young lady. Your father and I both forbid you even glancing at the man. “ exasperated she finally left my room. My grandmother remained “Child you’re gonna be the death of her. Though Mr. Page isn’t much different than your own grandfather at that age, and you’re right that man can sit a horse.” She said conspiratorially “If he offers you a dance, take it if you’d like. I’ll handle your mother.”
The night of the Saint Cecilia ball, I was in a new blue polished cotton dress that had been designed in the new style from Paris. My grandmother loaned me her blue topaz necklace and earrings as they matched my eyes. My dance card was almost full, while handsome each man was a copy of the next. The same painfully polite conversation through each dance. During the quadrille I caught Mr.Page looking at me from the corner of the room, a whiskey and cigar in hand in a black suit, his handsome face casted in a shadow as he stared intently as he took a drink. After the dance I curtsied, and made my way to the punch bowl. Mr. Page came up beside me, his presence alone was intoxicating. “ Miss, may I be so forward to ask you for a dance. I know that your family vetted all of your previous partners.” he said “It’s my understanding from my little sister that it’s your debut season. While I am not the character of these other gentlemen, I do believe that I can cure your boredom that’s been on your face all evening.” smiling with a grin that made me light headed. “ So you’ve been watching me, this evening.” I said bashfully. “ I couldn’t have even if I had tried, you’re the most beautiful woman in the room. There’s something about that calls to me. So may I have this dance.” Offering his hand. “Yes, Mr Page I will give you this dance.” Taking his hand, as we stepped on the floor.
“Call me Adam” he said as he pulled me close for the waltz. I felt a flush as he pulled me in for the dance, he placed his hand on my back as he led. Our bodies in perfect time, to the music. “Miss, you finally look like you’re having fun.” He said smiling, “ Is this process supposed to be fun. I’ve been very bored, and I wish there was more to my life than this social obligation.” I said truthfully. “ I apologize Mr. …. I mean Adam. My mother says my tongue is to sharp, that it’s my father’s influence and my grandmother’s encouragement.” I smiled “ I surmise that you haven’t enjoyed this experience much. You can answer me honestly.” he said as his grip tightened as we glided across the floor. “I just think there should be more to my life, than these parties, running a household, and having babies.” I said freely, “ I love to read, I’d like to see the world, my mother says I have wanderlust. That I should focus on my future and a suitable husband. That if I don’t settle down soon, I won’t be anyone’s first choice. “ I said the dance ending , he bowed and I curtsied realizing my time with him was over my face fell back into its complacent mask. “ Where’d you go?” He asked recognizing my change in posture and attitude. “ I’m sure that I’ve sufficiently bored you, with my petty problems, of womanhood.” I said as we exited the dance floor. “May I accompany you outside? You look like you could use fresh air.” He said a hand guiding the way to the back porch.
The air around us was a welcome relief from the stifling warmth of the house. “Mr. Page, what is it that you are doing, and why are you here? “ I asked, as the moonlight lit his golden curls, he laughed “ To be honest I don’t know, I’m sure that having been disowned by my own father has done nothing for my social standing. I’m here because when I saw you visiting with my sister, you had a spark of life and mischief in your eyes. I’ve been to California territories where I made a small fortune, to New Orleans, and to Cuba, and nothing and no one has caught my attention the way you have. I guess like recognizes like.” he said stepping closer to and looking in my eyes. The man before looked at me, as if he knew everything about me. “ I have to go, I’m sure my mother is looking for me.” I said abruptly . “ May I call on you? He asked “ Yes Mr. Page, I mean Adam you may.” I said as I walked away from the most intriguing man I had ever met.
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revivemyreverie · 7 months
∅ for coppelia/bonnie or charles/ricardo pretty pls..
Does both (5ever procrastination)
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❤️‍🔥. The big sister of Toytoriya…I just love her costume designs! I’ve seen little of what she’s made during Toytoriya’s winter mini performances, but I still think they look just beautiful. And her outfits are just adorable, they remind me of the dresses used for the Nutcracker. I’d love to ask if she could make me a few outfits one day, A lot of people say she’s scary, but I don’t really see it? Then again, I have a set of metal feet, so maybe its just because I relate to her, haha!
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🧨. Ricardo, my bomb buddy! I actually planned on getting at his brothers for fun, but Ricardo decided to fight me before I could try. It was actually pretty fun brawling with him, I don’t think I’ve ever met a dude with those kinds of moves! He reminds me of one of those crappy spy movies, tuxedo and all. I'm surprised he accepted my apology though. Most people tell me to screw off! Maybe I’m just that sociable, hehe. When I’m bored, I can just call him up and see if he feels like doing anything dangerous. Truly, a good pal who won’t go tattle-tailing to Stagrove.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Crossover Fic ideas between Dominic Craven from The Dare and John from He’s Out There! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! I just think a crossover between these two men would be so cool since their masks/character design, personalities, and movie settings are all pretty similar in my opinion! 🪵🤎🪓
I’m not sure what the plot would be exactly. It could be romantic where both of these masked men are in love with you and maybe a little obsessed. They might spend days or weeks stalking you from the woods, building up to them inevitably kidnapping you. They might leave non-poisoned cupcakes and other gifts for you in the woods to find. If you take any of their gifts home, it means you love them back! If you ignore their gifts, it just means they have to try harder at earning your love! Are you long lost childhood friends reunited? Their teenage sweetheart who decided to go with them and live in the woods together sometime after John was 18? A former victim of theirs that they fell in love with and released from captivity after you became loyal and proved yourself to them? Someone with an uncanny resemblance to their past love and their new obsession because they think you’re her and/or want you to be her replacement after she died tragically from accident or sickness (the woods isn’t exactly the safest or healthiest place to live in)? Or maybe you met and fell in love with both of these men in a different way. It’s all up to you! What do you think a romantic poly relationship with both John and Dominic would look like?
Maybe something platonic where you’re their long lost baby sister whom they still remember and love even after 20 years of you being gone. Some time when he was 18, something happened that caused John to flee into the woods. Your other brother, Dominic, went missing in those same woods when he was 9. Neither of them were ever found, so you and your family eventually moved out of the house and started living in a trailer. You stayed outside all day to escape your abusive father and by the time you made the long walk back, the trailer was up in flames. Both your parents were dead. You were found by police/forest rangers and taken away, put into foster care or adopted into a new family. You were separated from your brothers for years, and the house was eventually sold to another family. The children found some of John and Dominic’s old stuff that they left behind, such as morbid children's books, weird stick figure drawings, and creepy handmade dolls.
Unbeknownst to the children, these dolls were meant as welcome home gifts for you. Your brothers are patient as they anticipate your return. They found each other and reunited sometime after Dominic murdered the farmer, so they’re hopeful you’ll find them again and come home. When that day finally comes, neither of your brothers will ever let you get away from them again. They lost you once, and they couldn’t bear to let it happen a second time. Neither of them would survive it. You’re their little sister and always will be. Now that they’re all grown up, they’ll take really good care of you. They’ll protect you from any threats or dangers that may cause you harm. They wished they could’ve done a better job of defending you when you were children, but now as big strong men they can be your shield! They may kidnap you and hold you captive, but it’s all done out of love and concern for your well-being! The outside world is a very scary and dangerous place, full of strangers and shady people who’d want to hurt or corrupt you! They love you more than anything or anyone and just want to keep you safe and make you happy! You’re not allowed to have friends, but who needs those when you have your big brothers! (Or maybe they’ll cave in and get you “pets” to play with so you don’t get too lonely or bored.)
Whether romantic or platonic, you’d be the only living person fortunate enough to see their faces. They trust you enough to unmask themselves in front of you. They’re willing to show vulnerability in front of you and only you. You’re the only one who can make them feel comfortable in their own skin, the only one who can make them feel loved. And they both love you in return.
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Malcolm Merlyn x Queen!Reader Pt. 5
IMAGINE…it’s Moira and Walter’s wedding day, people aren’t as oblivious to your “thing” with Malcolm as you previously believed they were, and after (nearly) two years, you and Malcolm take a step further in your relationship.
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this! I’m so excited about getting to events that take place during the first two (ish) seasons of Arrow! ALSO, I such at summaries sooo sorry for the “imagine” line above.
Pt. 1 2 3 4 6 7
WARNING: None, possible ooc!Malcolm Merlyn
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Moira and Walter’s wedding ceremony was beautiful. Breathtaking even and you could do nothing but grin like an idiot next to Thea, both of you shedding tears of happiness (and some sadness as Oliver wasn’t alive to be there as well).
The reception was held at your family’s estate and thankfully the weather remained warm and sunny.
“…welcome, thank you for coming.” You and Thea stood under the arch that led to the designated reception area, greeting the guests.
With everyone you smiled at and thanked for coming, your nerves intensified. You knew the Merlyns were invited; they had been at the church after all. You just had no idea where in line they were. There were at least four hundred guests (six hundred at most).
“I am very glad mom went with blue for us. Can you imagine us in the pink?” Thea grumbled in between guests. She was growing impatient – no doubt your fifteen year old sister was ready to mingle with whichever of her friends had shown up.
You couldn’t argue with her; the baby pink dress had been…questionable. No way would Thea have worn it without a fight, and there was no way it would have looked as good as your step-mother had believed at the time.
“Thank you for coming. It means so much to us,” you smiled, hugging a few women you knew were companions of Moira.
And then you caught sight of Malcolm and Tommy. They were six people back, dressed in black with near matching ties (no doubt, Tommy had been coerced into wearing his by something fast and expensive).
Soon enough they were standing in front of you with Thea giggling Tommy’s name and hugging him while you greeted the CEO of Merlyn Global.
He was grinning, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he stepped toward you.
Your breath caught and you could do nothing but say his name, a nervous smile tugging at your lips.
“Y/n,” Malcolm said your name with amusement as he leaned forward and kissed your cheek as you placed a hand to his chest, grabbing at his shirt as if you were struggling to remain on your feet. “You look stunning,” he added, the hot air of his breath hitting your ear as he began to pull away.
Dropping your hand from his chest and reminding yourself that the two of you weren’t alone no matter how much the feelings you had for him always made you forget you weren’t the only two people on Earth, you teased with a laugh, “Save your compliments for the bride, Mr. Merlyn. Although Walter might forgo his poshness if you’re too friendly.”
Malcolm’s blue eyes held yours and for a moment you weren’t sure if he was going to be suggestive about the secret affair the two of you had or if he would simply go along with you, finally he said, “We wouldn’t want that.”
God he’s so attractive…
Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest and you could hear all the noise around you disappearing, your existence narrowing to Malcolm and only him.
“…why don’t I show Tommy to your table?” Thea’s voice brought you crashing back to reality and your head snapped in her direction, confusion momentarily crossing your face as you watched her wrap an arm around Tommy’s, “I’m so bored.” Your sister mumbled, silently pleading for you to not argue – obviously unaware of where your mind had just wandered to.
“Thea,” you began, not too sure of what you were going to say after
Malcolm saved you by stepping in, his gaze locked on his son as he said, “Make sure you congratulate Moira and Mr. Steele.”
Tommy nodded, throwing a smirk in your direction as he let Thea drag him away neither giving you or Malcolm a chance to say anything differently.
Turning back to the guests waiting in line (and not allowing Malcolm a chance to speak right away), you greeted a few more before saying softly, “It wouldn’t have hurt her to stay put. Even a little longer. People can’t let her just…do whatever she wants when she wants.” On one hand, you were purposefully picking a fight in hopes that he would go away, and on the other, you were talking to him about something you had (in private) discussed with him a dozen times already so to avoid the man standing next to you from saying anything that might fluster and distract you further.
Malcolm, being Malcolm, just laughed and greeted guests alongside you, “Pick your battles. Thea is a child, let her have fun before she has to enter the world of adulthood and endless responsibility.”
“She’s not too far away from being an adult, Malcolm.” Your teen sister was spiraling like Oliver had. It just worried you because Oliver’s acting out could have had some serious consequences (they DID if you consider Sara Lance getting on the Gambit – and eventually dying – as a consequence of Oliver’s unchecked, poor behavior), and so could Thea’s if it continued to escalate. “She needs structure and…”
Malcolm placed a hand to your lower back as he leaned closer, cutting off your sentence to say, “You are not her mother, Y/n.”
“Neither is Moira at this point.” It hurt to admit, but it was the truth. Moira acted more like a friend than a parent when it came to Thea. She had since your father and Oliver had died. And you understood why Moira was like that. Thea was her last reminder of Robert so of course she didn’t want to risk hurting the bond she had with your sister, but there came a time when enough was enough.
And, unfortunately, your step-mother refused to listen to you no matter how often you brought it up to her.
Thankfully, for now, Malcolm didn’t press the conversation further.
Soon enough, you had finished greeting the rest of the guests and let Malcolm lead you to your table, frowning when you realized the Merlyn father-son duo had been placed at the same table as you and Thea.
“Wait…” you frowned, looking at Malcolm for a second before looking at the name card in the center of the table.
Malcolm and Thomas Merlyn
Y/n and Thea Queen
With the last two of six names belonging to Thea’s friends (who were currently too busy staring half in love in Tommy’s direction).
Deciding to rescue your dead-brother’s friend from teenage hormones, you were quick to rearrange the seating with Tommy safely placed between his father and Thea. At the least, it was sure to save you from a headache and Tommy (should he get wasted as he normally did at such events) from any possible legal trouble.
Placing a hand to Malcolm’s shoulder as you sat down, you murmured, “Either you had something to do with this – somehow – or my dear stepmother is attempting to prove herself right about there being something between us.”
Malcolm slipped his hand under the table and placed it to your knee as the both of you looked toward the table Moira and Walter were seated at, talking away to one another. “We both know I didn’t.” he smirked, returning his gaze to you after a moment, “If I did, however, it would be so I could do something like this.”
Once again in the course of your affair, you found yourself caught off guard by the boldness Malcolm showed as he let his hand slide from your knee, up your leg, and under your dress – his fingers digging greedily into your inner thigh.
Luckily, you were able to mask your gasp of surprise at his touch with a breathless laugh.
Throwing a look at the others at the table to make sure they hadn’t noticed anything, you steadied yourself before attempting to say anything. “If anyone notices where your hand is, our secret is out.”
Your lips barely moved, but you knew he heard you by the way he leaned toward you to respond, his breath hitting warmly off your cheek, “That’s what makes our game so fun,”
“Malcolm.” You warned, throwing him a pointed look of frustration, “I’m not playing games.”
Not only was this far from how you would want your family, friends, and associates to find out about your affair, but you couldn’t continue to treat you and Malcolm as just the two of you having fun.
You had allowed yourself (stupidly) to grow far too many feelings for him to try and act like it was a game, like things weren’t serious for you. Like it didn’t take everything you had not to admit your feelings to him and just…beg him to love you back.
“Please, not here.” You finally added, your breath nearly catching in your throat as you spoke.
Malcolm’s blue eyes watched you for several long moments before he was pulling his hand away and getting to his feet, moving his body away from you just enough so you couldn’t grab his arm without others noticing and drawing attention to yourself.
“Excuse me,” he smiled at Tommy, Thea, and Thea’s friends before looking back at you, “Miss Queen, we’ll speak later.” And he just walked away, heading for the bar, and away from you as you watched after him, your head and heart screaming for you to go after him.
You were thankful that he hadn’t gone any further, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you had been too snappy.
He wasn’t angry, or he didn’t seem to be, and he had never gone too far in crowded, public spaces…you could have trusted him to remain playful but also to keep his usual discretion.
And then you began to wonder if he wanted to get caught but wasn’t sure whether to admit it or not. To be fair, you always made a fuss about people finding out. Maybe he took that as you never wanting to tell anyone. Ever.
Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. That he would want to get caught.
Letting out a shaky breath, you grabbed your glass of champagne and lifted it to your lips. As you did, you locked eyes with Moira who was looking at you like she definitely knew something.
Once the dancing began, you wasted no time in accepting partners. You loved to dance and didn’t bother to keep yourself in check or to wisely choose who your next dance partner was. It was a wedding, and it wasn’t like you were doing anything that would disgrace your step-mother and her new husband.
And so, you didn’t bother (or think) to turn Tommy down when he appeared beside you at the end of a slow song.
“May I?” he teased, already grabbing your hip and pulling you into his arms
Placing your hands to his shoulders, you teased just as another slow song started up, “Are you sure you want to leave your fan club?”
Tommy cringed at the mention of Thea and her friends who had watched him all night, following him everywhere and asking him a million questions about college parties, fast cars, and anything else they thought he was interested in (and that’s all you knew about before you started dancing). “I am pretty sure Thea dared one of them to follow me into the bathroom.”
“Oh no,” you laughed, playfully concerned about your sister doing that knowing Tommy was only playing around.
“And what about you?” Tommy questioned as the two of you moved around in a slow circle, not truly trying to dance “My dad hasn’t stopped looking at you since your first dance. And I noticed the tenseness between you two before that. What’s going on between the two of you?”
His words froze you to the spot, your eyes wide as you tried to think of something to respond with.
Tommy wasn’t upset, but he wasn’t being playful anymore either. You knew him well enough to read the emotions on his face. Tommy was curious and…worried, maybe?
“My father hasn’t shown attention to another woman since my mother, as far as I know. And suddenly he’s…he’s different when he’s with you, Y/n. I don’t…I don’t know how, exactly, but he is.”
“Tommy,” you croaked, shaking your head to try and get him to stop talking. “Malcolm and I are…friends.”
Panic. Absolute panic was in your chest as you tried to defend yourself and Malcolm, to hide your secret from his only child.
Tommy laughed, almost as if he could sense the internal conflict within you, “Y/n, I’m not stupid and my eyes work just fine.”
The memory of a month earlier, at Malcolm’s, when he had spoken in some foreign language and how he had looked at you so gently came rushing to the front of your mind. Is that what Tommy was referring to? Is that the “different” Tommy had seen in his father?
Licking your suddenly dry lips, you forced yourself to meet Tommy’s gaze as you whispered, “Your father and I are…close friends. That’s all.” You stepped back from him, needing to put space between the two of you as soon as possible, “I’m sorry Tommy. Please don’t be upset but I…I can’t…it’s complicated.”
As quickly as you could, you left the dance floor and headed away from the reception, off to a more secluded area away from prying eyes.
Your hands were sweaty, and your heart was racing.
It wasn’t in panic, however.
For a moment you had been excited about someone knowing about you and Malcolm. Finally, you would have had someone you could confide in.
Then you considered others knowing and that, undoubtedly, they would have bombarded you with questions and wanting to know everything about your affair.
But at least you wouldn’t have had to be so secretive anymore.
So caught up in your desire to tell someone, you had nearly told Tommy until you caught yourself, realizing you didn’t want to cause problems for Tommy if Malcolm didn’t want him to know or if Malcolm wanted to be the one to tell him.
You were certain that a moment longer and you would have told Tommy, disregarding how Malcolm may have felt about it.
So lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear anyone approaching until a hand was on your arm and Moira was standing in front of you – a look of concern and a little hint of suspicion on her face.
“Mom,” you were quick to, forcing a smile
“Are you alright? I saw you with Tommy. Did something happen?”
You appreciated how worried she sounded, but you saw the look in her eyes that she always had when she was trying to be sneaky and pry information from people, waving a hand about to try and make it seem like everything was fine, you said “What? No. Tommy didn’t do anything. I just got dizzy and…and needed some fresh air.”
Humming, Moira looked you over and then asked, refusing to let it go, “And the other Merlyn? Has he done anything?”
Gotcha. So obvious.
You wondered how long she had been waiting to ask you that?
Deciding to play dumb, you laughed and shook your head, “Malcolm? Of course not. I’ve hardly seen him today except for what little time we were both at the table at the beginning of the reception.”
“Honey,” Moira clicked her tongue with a small shake of her head, and you knew the look she had given you earlier hadn’t been you misreading her expression, “If there is anything between you and Malcolm, it needs to end. He’s far from the right guy for you.” She placed a hand to your arm, squeezing as if to comfort you.
“Mom,” It took some restraint to hold back any rude comments you had about Moira trying to tell you who to see romantically. You knew it was just you being defensive while Moira was just looking out for you (as she always had). “For the last time, I am not dating Malcolm Merlyn. We’re friends and close associates….”
Moira was quick to interrupt, her voice coming off sharp with a clear sign of frustration. “I see the way you look at him, Y/n. I don’t want you to get your heart broken.”
You sighed and opened your mouth to ask her to just stay out of your business when a threat cleared from behind you, stopping you before you could do something you would have absolutely regretted.
Moira’s gaze slipped over your shoulder and you watched the way she nodded and took a step away from you, “This family doesn’t need any more secrets, Y/n.” she advised with a smile, sad smile before she let go of your arm and walked away.
Her words were icy, and killed any excitement you had felt earlier about the possibility of people finding out about your affair.
“I couldn’t help but notice that my son upset you.”
You weren’t surprised that it was Malcolm who had interrupted you and Moira. Anyone else would have been sent away by Moira with a simple rejection. Still, the sound of his voice nearly surprised you as it filled the space between the two of you.
Turning to look at Malcolm, you shook your head and whispered, “Nothing happened. Tommy is a sweetheart.” You forced yourself to sound okay, to keep your emotions in check as you looked at him, doing your best to hold his gaze.
“Yes. He’s always been a charmer.” Malcolm’s gaze flickered over you as he moved closer, his hands tucked into the pockets of his dress pants.
You laughed softly and said, “Moira knows. Or she thinks she knows. She warned me about you, said you’re not safe for me. That there are other, better options for me.” As you spoke, you rubbed a hand over your forehead – completely exhausted – which made it possible for you to ignore the look of annoyance that flickered briefly over Malcolm’s face.
Grabbing your hand, Malcolm tilted your head back and held you against him. The warmth of his body nearly had you tucking yourself against him, searching instinctively for the comfort of simply being in his arms.  “What options?” He was smirking, trying to come off as playful, but he was also clenching his jaw and his fingers were digging into your chin silently screaming that he was only acting amused.
“Tommy? One of my dance partners?” you shrugged and grabbed his wrist, squeezing it until he released your face, “Why? Are you jealous?” Any other time and you would have been teasing him, trying to push him buttons. Tonight, however, you were just cranky.
Malcolm didn’t respond with words, only wrapped his arms around you – holding you as close as possible with no hope of you getting away unless he allowed.
And although you wanted him to, you hated him a little bit for holding you like that. For making you feel comfortable and comforted without even really trying to do so.
Your arms wrapped around his waist, your face pressed into his chest as you breathed in his cologne and the natural smell of him. It was comforting enough to nearly pull tears from your eyes and almost had you breaking down in soft sobs of confusion – your emotions feeling like they were snow balling and were threating to just spill over.
“We’re done playing games.” Malcolm finally said after a few moments, pulling back and moving his hands to grip your shoulders.
“Malcolm,” you started to say, to remind him that he was the one who always treated your affair as “fun and games” and “no strings attached,” but was silenced by the man in front of you as he pressed his lips against yours in a heated kiss, his will power seemingly breaking and making it impossible for him to hold back any further.
He growled something in that unfamiliar language once more before he was speaking English again, “You’re mine. All mine. I don’t’ share. I thought I made that obvious.” No doubt, he was referring to you dancing and your/Moira’s comment about there being “possible others” you could be seeing.
“You did,” you murmured, feeling light and like you were dreaming. “Malcolm…what is going on?” It was usually you who had erratic mood swings and made rash decisions. The man in front of you was frazzled and so unlike the Malcolm you knew…
His jaw was set, his fingers digging into your shoulders as he held you to him. Every ounce of possessiveness he had was in his darkened blue eyes as he pulled back just enough to look down at you.
“You want this to be serious? Monogamous? No games? Fine.” Malcolm hissed, one hand slipping from your left shoulder to tangle in your hair at the back of your head, “But you’re mine. Entirely mine.”
There were no words to express your scrambled thoughts.
What he was proposing was…what he was offering was a relationship. The one thing you had been dreaming about for months. At least, what you had been dreaming about the last month.
“You…you would have us be public?” You managed, laughing in disbelief as you stared at him, wide eyed.
“Unless you want to take Moira’s advice and run.” Malcolm suggested it, but it was clear by his tone and the way he was holding himself that there was no way Malcolm would go without a fight.
“My step-mother doesn’t get to decide my life, Mr. Merlyn.” Was your immediate response before you had collected yourself enough to ask, “Are you sure about this?” in a softer tone, searching his face for any signs of regret or that he was saying all of this without truly thinking it through.
“I refuse to let you end up in another man’s arms, Y/n.”
“Oh? So you didn’t like my dancing then?” You teased, dryly
Malcolm tried to look annoyed but a chuckle slipped out in the end, “Trust me, you don’t want to know what I thought about your dancing.”
What he thought about my dance partners is more like it…
“You know,” You hummed, reaching up to grab the knot of his tie, ‘I don’t want you in anyone else’s arms either.”
Malcolm’s face softened near completely as he placed a kiss to your forehead, “There’s no need to worry about that.”
Somehow, you knew he would respond with that.
After all, Malcolm Merlyn didn’t really seem like the type to cheat anyway…
Grinning, you leaned up to steal (another) kiss from him, “Good.”
In the back of your head, you knew this decision asnt as easy as you and Malcolm were making it out to be.
But, for now, you let yourself enjoy the moment.
Do not fall in love with him!
Too late.
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed this and wish to support me, please consider leaving a tip over on my Kofi and stay tuned for further installments of this series and other words coming soon both FANDOM and Original Content!
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headhedgehog · 8 months
Part one, Part two
“Hey Barou, how’s your girlfriend?” 
Kyoji sighed but didn’t turn away from their locker. Haru clapped a hand on their shoulder.
“Your team captain asked you a question, Barou.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend, Isagi.”
“That’s funny, I’ve seen you taking my leftovers home every day for a few weeks now.”
Kyoji tsked, still not looking at Haru. “Have you always been this disgusting?”
“Big talk from the one who can’t even seal the deal with the easiest girl in school.”
“If she shot you down and you’re still so obsessed with her, doesn’t that make you the pathetic one? ”
Haru shoulder checked Kyoji as he turned to his own locker. “Watch your mouth, Barou.”
Kyoji decided to consider this a win.
No matter how carefully Kyoji avoided the subject, Haru had been correct. Walking Keiko home had become a habit. It really wasn’t intentional – Kyoji just wanted to help her avoid Haru for those first few days. But Keiko turned out to be much more interesting than Kyoji suspected. It turned out they were both bookworms, and although she didn’t play football she was as obsessed with it as he was. They were surprised to learn that she loved art and theater, that she helped with costume design for school plays and community productions. Keiko frankly made them feel boring, but she never treated him like he was. She seemed interested in what Kyoji was reading, how their football season was going. Their conversations after school quickly became the best part of his day.
“So Barou,” Keiko said one afternoon as they stood in front of her house. “My dads got some really great comp tickets for the U-20 match against Turkey, but they’re both going to a Blue Lock reunion thing. They said I could use the tickets – do you wanna come with me?”
Kyoji’s brain short circuited, his mouth forming an answer almost automatically. “I would love that.”
Keiko smiled, and Kyoji felt lightheaded. “Great! I’ll text you the details tonight – here, put your contact in my phone.”
She handed them her phone and pretended not to notice when they almost dropped it.
Match day was bright and calm; the mood in the Kunigami-Chigiri household was not.
“Keiko! We’re leaving in ten minutes, you good?” Kunigami called from the foot of the stairs. He got a frustrated groan in response. He sighed and trudged up to his daughter’s room.
“What’s the issue now?” Kunigami asked. He leaned against the doorframe and dug his fingernails into his palm to distract himself from the piles of clothes strewn around the room.
“I have nothing to weaaaaar,” Keiko moaned. She sat on the foot of her bed and stared at the clothes on the floor. 
“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing now? It’s a football match, it doesn’t matter.”
“Dad! Barou’s never seen me in anything but my school uniform! I don’t want them to think I’m a  total slob when I’m left to my own devices!”
“You look nice!”
“Daddy!” Keiko yelled, which brought Chigiri running from the living room. 
“What?! What happened?” the other man asked when he arrived. “Oh. Your closet exploded.”
Kunigami laughed, which only made Keiko sulk. “I don’t have any decent clothes and Barou’s going to think I’m a slob and Dad is no help at all.”
“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing now?” Chigiri asked. Kunigami let his forehead fall against the doorframe as Keiko once again groaned in frustration.
“Okay, okay, c’mon, you just need some perking up, that’s all,” Chigiri said in his most soothing voice. “The flannel and jeans you have on are perfect. Let’s just do something different with your hair…”
Twenty minutes later, they dropped a placated Keiko off at the train station and watched her immediately find Kyoji waiting for her. 
“So how did you become the Teen Girl Whisperer?” Kunigami asked as they drove away. “I’ve lived with her for exactly the same amount of time and I definitely do not have that power.”
Chigiri laughed. “She reminds me of my sister. I drove her crazy, so I learned how to calm her down before she could tell Mom.”
“I also have sisters,” Kunigami pointed out.
“True, but they had each other. And I can’t imagine you being an asshole little brother, Hero.”
Kunigami blushed and let his husband have the win.
Kyoji waved when they saw Keiko get out of her dads’ car. She did her best to look casual as she walked over to him.
“Hey, thanks for coming,” she said. He wore one of his dad’s old jerseys; she wondered idly how willingly the older Barou had relinquished it.
“Wouldn’t have missed it.” They jammed their hands in their pockets as if they didn’t know what to do with them. “I would’ve offered to drive you but Dad is taking my sisters with him and they’re…a lot.”
“How many siblings do you have?”
“Just the two sisters. They’re twins, and they’re ten, and they think they know everything.”
“Doesn’t sound familiar at all.”
“Shut up.” Kyoji laughed and bumped her shoulder, tried to ignore the electric feeling that shot through his arm and settled into his chest. I’m too young to be having a heart attack, right?, they thought.
Keiko smiled at them and nudged their shoulder, too. “Hm, don’t think I will.” 
Then she winked at him.
Fuck, he thought. She’s gonna kill me.
By the time they reached the stadium, Keiko and Kyoji were holding hands. Keiko wasn’t sure how it started, really. One moment they’d been talking about Turkey’s midfielders, her hand resting on the space between their seats. The next, Kyoji’s fingers were laced with hers, their thumb running back and forth over the back of her hand. 
She had no idea what happened in the game; she only knew that Kyoji was next to her, that he talked to her and smiled at her and kept holding her hand. 
I’ll have to watch a highlight reel before Dad and Daddy get home, she thought. If they try to talk to me about it I’ll look crazy.
It was already late when the game ended, but the Blue Lock reunion was far from over. 
“Did you want to make an appearance?” Kyoji asked after showing Keiko a text from the elder Barou: ‘probably home at 12ish, try not to burn the house down.’
“Not especially.”
“Wanna head toward home and figure it out from there?”
They were barely off the train when it began to rain heavily. Kyoji frowned, then turned to Keiko.
“Let’s go to my house for a bit, it’s closer than yours. Just ‘til it stops raining?”
They were soaked by the time they arrived at Kyoji’s house. They lent Keiko a dry sweatshirt and shorts, which were so oversized on her that she practically disappeared in their bulk. She laughed; he blushed and busied himself by searching in his dresser for socks.
When they turned around, Keiko was sitting on his bed. 
Get it together Kyoji, he thought, feeling as if his brain had been through a factory reset. Be cool, act like you have beautiful people sitting on your bed all the time…
“Cute pig plushie,” Keiko said, nodding to a mortifyingly worn stuffed animal on a chair in the corner of the room. Kyoji flushed.
Cockblocked by Mr. Truffles, oh my god.
“Gift from the twins,” they lied. Please don’t let her notice how old Mr. Truffles is, for the love of god, please. “Want to watch a movie while your clothes dry?”
They grabbed their laptop and sat next to, but still out of arm’s reach of, Keiko. She bantered with him about what to watch before relenting to something innocuous. Before the opening credits were over, she scooched closer to them.
“So I can see the screen better,” she said by way of explanation. Kyoji raised their eyebrows, picked up their arm. An offer. She grinned and cuddled into his side, happily resting her head on his chest as he embraced her. 
Warm, dry, and comfortable, they fell asleep within a half hour. 
Just past midnight, Chigiri and Kunigami opened their front door and stepped into a dark hallway. 
“That’s weird,” Kunigami noted. “Keiko usually leaves that light on when she’s home alone.”
“She probably just got distracted.” 
Kunigami nodded, but an uneasy feeling had already taken root in his stomach. He kicked off his shoes and made his way to the living room, which was also dark; so was the kitchen when Chigiri went to make himself tea. The house was silent.
“You think she went straight to bed?” he asked Chigiri, who was rooting around in a cabinet.
“Could’ve, it was a pretty late game.”
“I’m gonna go check on her.”
“You do that.”
Kunigami fought the wave of frustration at his husband’s nonchalance. He’s right, there’s no reason to think something is wrong. Just because her last date was awful doesn’t mean this one was…
He arrived at the top of the stairs and found Keiko’s bedroom door still open. He forced himself to take a deep breath.
Just because she normally shuts the door when she goes to bed doesn’t mean she can’t fall asleep accidentally, he scolded himself. Maybe she meant to wait up for us and just conked out –
He told himself he was only closing the door for her. He wasn’t checking up on her, he was just closing the door…
He stuck his head into the room and found an empty bed.
Barou Shouei had just dumped two sleeping ten-year-olds into their beds when his phone rang. 
The fuck is Chigiri calling me for? He thought. He hadn’t seen Kyoji yet, surely they weren’t still out with Keiko…?
“Barou,” Chigiri said. He sounded like he’d been holding his breath. “Barou, Keiko never came home.”
Barou’s stomach skipped dropping and simply disappeared. Fuck, fuck fuck –
“Are you sure?” he asked dumbly, as if Chigiri was looking for a lost glove. Fuck –
“She’s not in her bed, everything is exactly how we left it this afternoon, her bag isn’t here –” Chigiri’s voice broke in a way Barou instantly recognized.
“Okay, I’m sure she’s fine, we’ll find her –”
“Can you ask Kyoji where they last saw her? I don’t even know where to start looking.”
“Yeah, yeah of course. I’ll call you back.”
“Thanks Barou.”
He half-ran to Kyoji’s room, screwed his eyes shut as he knocked. C’mon, Kyoji, be in there, please…
His panic overwhelmed his sense of propriety. I can live with maybe seeing him jacking off as long as he’s not fucking missing, he thought. He threw open the door and charged inside.
There, on the bed, was Kyoji, asleep and cuddled up with Keiko. Who was wearing Kyoji’s clothes. 
The noise must’ve woken Kyoji, because they startled and sat bolt upright.
“Your friend’s dad is looking for her,” Barou said, voice low and calm in a way that sent a shiver of fear down Kyoji’s spine. Keiko sat up and looked at her phone, the color draining from her face when she saw the time and six missed calls from each of her dads.
Barou stepped back into the hall and called Chigiri, who answered on the first ring. “Found your kid,” Barou said. 
Keiko was already on the porch when Chigiri and Kunigami pulled up to Barou’s house. Barou and Kyoji were next to her, Barou looking tired and irritated, Kyoji pale and seemingly unable to decide how close they could be to Keiko. 
She shuffled down the path toward the car, not looking at the front windows. Chigiri rolled his window down and waved to the people on the porch. “Thanks, Barou.” 
Keiko turned and weakly waved to Kyoji. When she finally turned back to the car and caught Chigiri’s eye, he turned back to the road. “Get in the car, Keiko.”
“So what happened to your clothes?” Kunigami asked after they pulled away. “‘Cause that’s definitely not what you were wearing when you left.”
“We got caught in the rain and Kyoji’s house was closest. They let me borrow some dry clothes. We just fell asleep.”
“Really? Because it didn’t sound like their dad saw you two when he got home.”
“We were in Kyoji’s room.”
“If you were just waiting for your clothes to dry, why did you need to be in their bedroom?”
“We took turns changing in their bathroom, we were just already there.”
Kunigami hummed but didn’t argue. Chigiri remained silent, staring at the road ahead.
“Daddy?” Keiko asked, her voice trembling. 
“We’ll talk later, Keiko,” Chigiri said, his voice low. After a beat, Kunigami glanced in the rearview mirror and saw Keiko wipe her eyes with the sleeve of Kyoji’s sweatshirt.
“You look exhausted, Princess,” Kunigami said the next morning as he sat a cup of coffee in front of his husband and kissed his temple.
“Didn’t sleep much.” Kunigami hummed, didn’t respond. “Every time I started to drift off I just heard you calling for me and telling me Keiko wasn’t in her room.”
“You should’ve woken me up.”
“Why? So we’d both be tired?”
“So I could help you feel better.”
“I don’t understand how you’re over it so quickly. You were panicked last night and then we got home and you just fell asleep.”
Kunigami blinked at him. “Yeah, I was panicked when our daughter was missing. And I was upset that she caused all that because she didn’t have her phone where it would wake her up. But we found her, she was safe the whole time, and it was just a dumb mistake that she probably won’t make again. We’re good.”
“You just want to let it go?!”
“I mean, I think we should talk to her about it. But I don’t think we need to make it into a bigger deal than it is.”
“Barou found her in his kid’s bed, wearing his kid’s clothes, when she was supposed to be home.”
Kunigami sighed and massaged his brow. “Hyoma, she’s a teenager. She’s going to fuck up sometimes. And she’s going to have relationships, and she’s probably going to do stuff with those partners we don’t wanna know about. That all just comes with the territory.”
“We need to at least know where she is! What if she really was missing and we just assumed she was with Kyoji?”
“I agree, and that’s why we’re gonna talk to her and set some rules about answering her phone.”
Chigiri pushed his coffee away and pulled his knees to his chest. Kunigami realized with a pang that Chigiri was crying.
“Oh, Princess.”
Kunigami rubbed his husband’s back, felt Chigiri’s sobs as they shook his whole body. Over the smaller man’s head, Keiko appeared in the doorway before disappearing back into the hall.
Keiko was sprawled on her bed when Chigiri knocked, only nodded when he asked if he could come in. She sat up when he settled on the edge of the mattress but didn’t look at him. 
“Can we talk about last night?”
She sighed. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I messed up. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Chigiri winced at her monotone. How did she manage to make ‘Daddy’ sound like an accusation?
“I know you didn’t, Lovebug. I trust you more than that.”
“Then why does everything I do freak you out so much?”
Ouch. Chigiri shifted to be more in Keiko’s line of sight.
“Keiko, the Haru issue and you not being home last night scared me because I love you. If anything happened to you I…I can’t even think about it. You and your Dad are the most important thing in my life.”
Keiko pulled her knees to her chest and propped her chin up so she could look at him. 
“But I probably overreacted.” Chigiri sighed and fought to hold Keiko’s gaze. “You know how your Dad and I went through the Blue Lock program?”
Keiko nodded.
“I was your age when that happened. It was…a lot. I’d just gotten over tearing my ACL, I went from living with your grandma and aunt to being locked away with hundreds of other boys who were trying to wreck me, I met your Dad and fell in love with him then had him taken away, and then he came back and was…not the same. For a long time.”
“That’s a lot.”
“Yeah, it was. But I thought I was dealing with it. And then you started having more grown-up problems than you used to. And I started feeling like you were going to have the same experiences I did, except this time it was happening to the most important person in my life.”
Keiko didn’t respond but scooched over to lean against her dad. Chigiri felt like he could breathe for the first time in hours.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been as helpful as I should’ve been, Lovebug.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been scaring you.”
Chigiri pulled her into a hug and kissed the crown of her head. When she pulled away, she fixed him with a mischievous look.
“So can I know why you hate Isagi Yoichi so much?”
Chigiri sighed dramatically and flopped back onto the bed, earning a laugh from his daughter. 
“First of all, he’s the one who got between me and your Dad at Blue Lock, even though he knew how much we meant to each other, because he was more focused on what would make him look the best than, y’know, the human beings around him. And then he spent the whole time I was on his team reminding me that if I wanted your Dad back, I would have to be better at football. And then was an absolute dick about it when your Dad got eliminated.”
“And he’s just never been willing to admit he did anything wrong.”
“Isagi Haru is a lot like that.”
“So I’ve noticed.”
Chigiri stood up and pulled Keiko into another hug. “Are we okay?”
She snuggled into his embrace. “Yeah, we’re okay.”
He let her go and went toward the door. “But if you pull something like last night again, you’re grounded until you’re 30.”
She laughed. “Deal.”
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galaxyseclipse · 1 year
I’m bored, so have some Splatoon oc lore
we’ll start with Four ‘cause I’ve been thinking about them today(note that there is very little rhyme or reason as to the order for these facts, I’m mostly just writing them as I think of them):
-21 years old as of Splat3
-they’re Tsunami(Captain 3)’s cousin(Tsunami’s dad’s sister is Four’s mother) and they have a very sibling-like relationship
-they don’t know or live with their parents, since they left Four with their aunt and uncle before they were born
-their given name isn’t Four, it’s Coral; but they didn’t like that one much, so they went with the first thing they did like, and they introduce themselves as Four now
-they didn’t even tell Marie their given name for a while after they met, and even then made her promise to not call them that
-they’re scared/distrustful of Callie(“she literally could’ve burst my fucking organs open, dude, you think I’m gonna like her?”), to the point where they both have gone on multiple “team building” missions
-they have a scar on their right side from when Callie smacked the shit out of them with a roller while brainwashed
-they also have top surgery scars, but those were made intentionally
-they’re the shortest official member of the NSS, but just a hair taller than Pearl; their build is more stocky than most of the others as well
-their design is based on the hummingbird bobtail squid, so they glow a bit brighter than the others and have glowing freckles(also why they’re so small lol)
-competed in wrestling through middle and high school, still do occasionally
-as of RotM(though this may change if Agent 4 appears in Side Order) they are in Splatsville attending university at one of the new schools there(Tech Engineering major)
-might maybe possibly have a small crush on Marie, they strongly deny it any time it’s brought up
-they own a motorcycle(the amount of times they’ve had someone riding in swim form under the seat is nonzero)
-weren’t super fond of Ivory(Agent 8) when she first showed up, but they got over it eventually and the two are close friends
-main dualies; not super competent at anything else anymore, but they’re pretty agile and quick to tackle opponents
-are very nearsighted, usually wearing contacts but will be seen with glasses occasionally
-get along pretty well with Ika(New 3) and even let them move into their apartment; the two’s relationship is like siblings
-they’re the one behind a majority of the NSS tech(save for weapons)
-can’t play any instruments(learning dj stuff though) but they can rap and kinda sing(they’ll only sing around Tsunami and Ivory and refuse to let Marie hear them)
-they were pretty grumpy and angsty as a teenager, but mellowed out as they got older(transitioning also helped lol)
-still pretty rash, chaotic, and punchy, but they know when to tone it down and be serious
-they weren’t super excited about being roped into the zapfish situation, but got over it quickly after realizing there was no coming back from fighting a giant, weaponized oven
dang, I thought Four was the least fleshed out of all these guys…. makes me wonder what the posts for the others’ll look like lol
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creampuffqueen · 2 years
The Start of our Story
hello my friends!!! it's been a hot second since i've posted any writing, but i have something to share that i've been working on for the past few months! i participated in the amphibia mini bang, and it was so much fun!! please enjoy this little modern universe library meet cute!
as well, please check out the AMAZING art pieces to go along with this story!!!
@cookiethestar 's art piece
@friendlydrop 's art piece
Word count: 6187
“Why are we going to the library?” From the front seat of her car, Sasha could glance into the backseat from her rearview mirror to see two small blonde heads in their booster seats. 
“Because your mom wanted you two to go to the library today and get some books.”
“Books are boring!” Alexandra, or Allie, as she was usually known by, gave a groan of complaint.
“Books are not boring!” Greta, her twin, shot her a glare across the seat.
“You’re boring!” Allie retorted.
Before the two could start a squabble, Sasha quickly shut it down with a look that had both of them sitting up straight, hands in their laps. “Enough. Your mom wants you at the library. So we’re going to the library.”
“You don’t have to listen to her,” Allie said hopefully, a mischievous grin making its way across her face, “She’s not your mom, and you’re a grown up!”
Both valid points, Sasha supposed. She was home for the summer from her freshman year of college, and had spent most of it so far at her father’s house, where he and his wife, Sasha’s step-mom, left her alone for the most part. It was better than her own nagging mother’s house, and as a bonus, she got to hang out with her little sisters.
But that didn’t mean she’d automatically signed up to be the designated babysitter. Of course, Lara and her father didn’t see it that way. Hence the fact that she had two grubby eight-year-olds fighting in her backseat as she drove them to the library for some “summer learning” (not her words). 
“We could go get ice cream instead!” Despite actually wanting to go to the library, Greta couldn’t resist a bit of rule-breaking of her own. Sasha fixed the two of them with another look.
“We’re going to the library. But maybe if you’re both good we can get milkshakes on the way home.”
“Yes!” The cheer was unanimous, and both twins sat nice and polite as they drove the last few minutes to the library. 
With summer in full swing, the parking lot was fairly packed, and small children milled about everywhere. Sasha parked her red convertible in between two mom-vans, and unloaded the girls from the back. 
Greta, as expected, clung to her hand, eyes wide as she took in the crowded, noisy area. Allie, on the other hand, had to nearly be grabbed by the collar to keep her from running off. The door locked, both kids secured, and the trio finally made their way inside. 
A blast of cool air greeted them, and all three sighed in relief at being out of the sweltering California summer heat. And, much to Greta’s pleasure, the library was much more silent on the inside than out. As patrons shuffled around, looking at books, they kept their voices at a low whisper to keep the peace and quiet. 
“Inside voices,” Sasha warned lowly, and both girls nodded. Keeping them both at her side, the real challenge began: finding the childrens’ section. 
It wasn’t that Sasha never went to the library. It was a frequent meeting spot for high school study groups, and an easy way to earn volunteer hours for her clubs that needed them. 
Sasha would be the first to admit that library was the last place on earth her high school self would like to visit. It was quiet, boring… really, she understood Allie’s reluctance to spend the day there. Getting ice cream and going to the park would be so much more fun. 
But Lara wanted her girls at the library. So, despite her own ideas of a fun day, Sasha would do what she wanted. And that meant walking around the library as if she knew where she was going, dragging Greta with one arm and being dragged by Allie with the other. 
Finally, after what felt like hours of walking in circles as they navigated the large library, someone finally told them the childrens’ section was upstairs and led them to the stairwell. Greta had grown more excited at the thought of getting a book to read, and begun to chatter quietly in Sasha’s ear about how much she wanted a book about dinosaurs. Allie was growing more impatient by the minute, dragging against Sasha’s strong grip with all her might. 
Up the stairs they went, finally reaching the elusive childrens’ area. It was pretty obvious once they’d reached it; the colors were brighter, the books on the shelves were thinner, and a very quiet tune seemed to play from one far corner. Sasha set her eyes on the front desk and made her way over, ready to ask for every dinosaur book in the library if that would make Greta quiet down. 
Of course, the desk was deserted. Of course. 
“Sasha, where’s the librarian?” Greta whispered.
“Please can we hurry up?” Allie whined, “Let’s get a book so we can be done!”
“I need to ask about my dinosaur book!”
Sasha hushed them both and glanced around. The childrens’ area was pretty full at this time of day, with parents desperate for something to get their hyper children out of the house. Many rifled through the shelves with their kids, and several tables nearby held coloring materials galore, with just as many children focused on their next masterpiece. And through the many shelves, a little tune played, quiet enough it was hard to hear the lyrics. The librarian was nowhere to be found.
Finally, after another minute of gawking, what must have been a library regular took pity on them. “Are you looking for Marcy?” She asked with a soft smile. Her hair was up in a messy bun, with a toddler perched on her hip and a boy who couldn’t have been more than six flipping through a picture book next to her. 
“Is she the librarian?” Sasha asked.
“Yes, she’s wonderful!” The mom praised, “So good with the kids, and they all love her!” She gestured with her head towards the gap in the bookshelves. “It’s story-time right now, so she’s over on the carpet. I’m sure she’ll be happy to help you out.”
With a quick thanks, Sasha at last had a direction to go in, and her little sisters followed, happy to be on the move at last.
“What if they’re all out of dinosaur books?” Greta whispered nervously.
Sasha snorted. “No way. Do you see how many books they have? They’ve gotta have plenty of dinosaur books.”
The bookshelves made a maze as they traveled through them, following the sound of the music, which, Sasha realized, must be accompanying the childrens’ story time. 
At last they pushed through to the back of the childrens’ section, and were greeted by a sea of colorful carpet crawling with little kids.
And in the center of it all sat the most beautiful girl Sasha had ever laid eyes on. 
Librarians were supposed to be old ladies, right? At least in her experience they were. No way was that the librarian. She was too young. Too gorgeous.
Everything else seemed to fall away as the young woman lifted her gaze from the book on her lap to look up at the newcomers to her story circle. 
Their eyes locked.
Sasha could almost feel her face going red. Her heart sped up, beating frantically inside her chest like a caged bird. Her hands started sweating. Oh god her hands-
“Sasha!” A tug on her sweaty hands brought her back to the present, tearing her gaze from the beautiful girl on the carpet. Her eyes, as well, were now trained on a little girl of about three, who came over to try and turn the pages of the book for her. 
“Sorry,” She croaked, suddenly unable to make words. Allie tugged on her hands again, and this time successfully escaped, and she wiped her hands on the front of her patterned shirt.
“Ew! Your hands are yucky!”
Before she could stop her, Allie had pushed her way into the story circle, and sat, almost enraptured, in front of the librarian. Greta pressed her face shyly into her side, and Sasha couldn’t tear her gaze away.
“Her name was Chrysanthemum, and it was thirteen letters long!” Marcy, that was her name, right? Marcy was reading to the gathered kids, her voice gentle but excited, and she flipped the book around to show off the pictures. 
“Can I ask about my dinosaur books?” Greta asked.
“Um. Let’s wait until she’s finished, yeah? How about you go sit with your sister, and I’ll…” She didn’t quite know what to do with herself. She didn’t want to stand and stare like a creeper, but she didn’t want to let her sisters out of her sight, and she most certainly wanted to stay and watch the librarian read. Her voice had a magical quality that Sasha just couldn't get enough of.  
“Why’s your face all red?” Greta asked from her side. Sasha blinked in surprise. Was she really blushing?
“It’s hot in here,” She replied, ignoring Greta’s curious look. “Go sit down. I’ll find somewhere else to wait.”
Greta gave her another questioning look, but didn’t argue, sitting down with crossed legs on the outer edge of the circle. Allie, closer to the middle (closer to the librarian), was wide-eyed and amazed at the show being put on. Marcy gave each character a distinct voice, and the story seemed to come to life at her words. 
Sasha made her way to the surrounding bookshelves and flipped absently through a few books, trying to look like she wasn’t just as taken by the story as all the little kids. 
However, it was to no avail. By the end of it she was rooting for the main character, a little mouse named Chrysanthemum, as she went on a journey to accept her long, hard to spell name. Marcy’s voice flowed with each turning page, and Sasha just couldn’t help but get drawn in. 
At last, the story ended. With a smile, Marcy declared, “The end!” and shut the book with a satisfying snap. All was silent for a moment. 
Then chaos broke out. “Again! Again! Read it again, Miss Marcy!”
Marcy stood up with a soft smile. “That was the end! But if you come back tomorrow you can hear a different story.” She began to pick her way through the throng of kids to place the book on a to-be-sorted cart. 
Greta pushed her way through the crowd to make her way back to Sasha’s side. “Can we please ask about my book now?”
Sasha gulped. “Sure thing. Grab Allie; maybe the librarian can help her find a book she’d like.”
A moment later both girls were back beside her, and Sasha brought them both over to where the librarian was still chatting with the kids.
As they approached, Sasha’s heart got all fluttery again. Her mouth went dry, and her hands started to itch with sweat once more. 
Pull yourself together, Waybright! She scolded herself internally, you can talk to a pretty girl!
Despite their excitement at the prospect of getting a book, both of her little sisters suddenly came down with a bought of shyness as they got near. Marcy looked up from another child she was speaking with to greet them with a little smile. Sasha was pretty sure she was having heart palpitations. 
“Can I help you?” Both little girls shied behind Sasha’s legs as Marcy spoke, leaving it all up to her. Silently cursing her predicament, she took a deep breath to steady herself.
“Yeah, um… we’re looking for books about… uh… dinosaurs. Do you have any of those?” Sasha’s face was on fire as she stuttered out a sentence. 
Marcy’s brown eyes went bright. “Oh, do I ever! I love dinosaurs!” She made a show of peeking around Sasha to the younger girls. “Do you two like dinosaurs?”
Greta gingerly crept forward. “I do.”
Marcy gave her a bright smile that nearly sent Sasha into cardiac arrest. “Would you like to go with me to see the books about them?”
Sasha’s little sister gave a shy nod. Marcy’s smile grew as she offered her hand. 
Dumbfounded and lovestruck, Sasha followed her sisters and Marcy through the shelves of the library. 
“Are you finished with your book yet?” Sasha leaned over the top of the couch to look over Greta’s shoulder as the younger girl thumbed the pages of her book. She’d gotten The Dinosaur Encyclopedia from the library, and had been steadily reading through it for the past week. Of course, the childrens’ librarian had recommended the longest dinosaur book the library had. And of course, that was the one Greta wanted. 
If she was being honest, Sasha wasn’t sure why she was so anxious for her sister to finish the book. 
Okay, that was a lie. She wanted to go back to the library. Allie, who had gotten a few shorter books, was also sharing her enthusiasm, despite her earlier misgivings about the library. Sasha had considered taking just one sister with her, but both Greta and the twins’ mother would throw a fit, so she decided against it. 
Greta didn’t answer the question. Her blue eyes were scanning the page. She was on the Y’s now in the book. Why were there so many dinosaurs with names that started with the letter Y?
Sasha tapped on Greta’s shoulder until she turned around with a pout. “Are you done yet?”
“I’m gonna read slower if you keep asking me!” She made like she was about to smack her in the face with the heavy book and Sasha backed off, a sheepish grin on her features. 
“Sorry, sorry, I’ll stop.”
“Why are you being so weird about me reading?”
Sasha didn’t exactly have an answer to that. “I’m just… happy that you and Allie are taking an interest in literature!”
“I don’t know what that word means.”
“You know what a quetzalcoatlus is, what do you mean?!”
Greta rolled her eyes and sank back into the couch. “If you wanna see that pretty librarian again so badly you could just go by yourself.”
Sasha was about to shoot back that that was not the reason she wanted to go back, thank you very much, but a withering look from her little sister silenced her. Ouch. Did she teach her that glare?
“Well, I can’t go talk to the childrens’ librarian by myself! Then it would be weird since I don’t have any kids with me!”
Greta still looked unimpressed. “If you keep on bothering me then I won’t be able to read as fast. So if you leave me alone, I’ll be done quicker.”
With an annoyed grumble (because her sister was right) Sasha trudged off to find something else to do. 
The next day, Greta came up to Sasha before she was finished with her morning coffee and slammed the giant book on the kitchen table. She jolted awake, nearly pouring hot coffee all over herself, and looked up at Greta’s proud, triumphant expression.
“I’m done! Let’s go to the library!”
“Yay! Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go-” Allie chimed in, putting her cup of apple juice down on the table and leaping up to jump beside her twin sister. 
“Slow down,” Sasha grumbled, “It’s too early, the library isn’t even open right now.”
“The kitchen clock says it’s eleven.” Greta added helpfully.
Sasha’s eyes flew open. “Holy shit, it’s eleven?”
“Language!” Her stepmother called from the other room, while the twins snickered at her profanity. 
“Sorry, time kind of slips away from you when you’re home from college,” Sasha muttered. “Let me finish this and get dressed, then we’ll go.”
As she quickly downed the rest of her coffee, Allie and Greta began to whisper and giggle to each other surreptitiously, as if Sasha couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying. 
“She’s being so weird about the library because she thought Miss Marcy was cute,” Allie whispered.
“Yeah! Whenever she talks about the library her face goes all blushy and red. She’s got a cru-ush.” Greta laughed.
“I heard that!” Sasha snapped, though there wasn’t truly a bite in her words. “And I do not have a crush on the childrens’ librarian!”
Unconvinced, the twins glanced back at each other. Something sparked in their matching blue eyes.
“We should get them to date.” Greta said. 
Allie gave a sharp nod in response. “Sasha’s gonna need our help. All the help she can get, actually.”
“I am literally right here.”
“Have you ever even been on a date?” Greta challenged.
“For your information, yes, I have been on a date. More than one!” Sasha defended herself. “If I want to ask the librarian out then I will.”
“So you do want to ask her out!” Allie cheered. “I knew it!”
“Alright little monsters, plans scrapped. We’re not ever going to the library again.”
Instantly both began to wail. “No!!” Greta grabbed her by the waist and Allie dragged her hand as if she meant to pull her out the door herself. 
Sasha gave an affectionate sigh and brushed them both off. “I was kidding. We’ll go. But you two are ridiculous!”
With the twins both hanging onto her, Sasha struggled up the stairs and into her room, finally managing to free herself from their grip and kick them out so she could get dressed. At first she was prepared to throw on some athletic leggings and a t-shirt, but instead she found herself drifting towards her actual outfits. She spent a good two minutes debating between two tops before a loud knock came on her door.
“Why are you taking so long?”
“Oh, so it’s okay for you two to rush me but not okay for me to rush you guys?” Sasha snorted, finally selecting a top to match the rest of her outfit.
Muffled from the door, Allie called back, “Are you putting on makeup? For your crush?”
Stifling a groan, Sasha threw open the door, face completely makeup-free. “I don’t like the librarian.”
Both twins gave each other another disbelieving look, but said nothing. Sasha grumbled, “get in the car. Let’s get this over with.”
Traffic was surprisingly decent for L.A., and the three girls enjoyed a quick car ride with the sunroof down, the warm breeze whipping through their hair. Sasha turned the radio up high and sang Kidz Bop with the same passion as the two eight-year-olds in her backseat all the way to the library. 
Once again, however, the parking lot was totally packed, full of parents with the same idea. It took two full circles to find a spot, but despite that annoyance, Sasha still found herself smiling. Allie and Greta, who had been so opposed to the library the last time they were there, were so excited they were nearly vibrating in their carseats. 
Inside was blissfully cool once more, and this time they made their way upstairs to the childrens’ section without the embarrassment of needing directions. Books in hand, the twins ran straight for the information desk.
The desk that was currently occupied by none other than Marcy Wu, head librarian of the childrens’ section. At least, that’s what her nameplate on her desk said. The metal name tag was covered in little stickers, covering up every bit of space not occupied with her actual name and title. Sasha found it weirdly endearing.
“Miss Marcy!” Greta said excitedly, “I finished my book! The whole book!” She slid the hefty encyclopedia onto the desk and stared up at Marcy with wide eyes.
“I knew you could do it, Greta! I’m so proud of you!” Marcy’s grin was so wide, and oh dear, Sasha’s heart was pounding again. She remembered her little sister’s name? Why exactly was that making her so enamored?
Allie stood on her tiptoes to see up further on the desk. “I finished my books too.” Her voice was oddly shy for her normally exuberant personality, and Marcy offered her a soft smile in return.
“That’s wonderful, Allie. Did you enjoy them?” Allie nodded. “Do you want to read any more?”
“I want to read more!” Greta chirped, “and this time I wanna read about sharks. Are there shark books here?”
Marcy gave a little clap of delight, a gesture that was so adorable Sasha had to bite her tongue to keep herself from saying something utterly, ridiculously embarrassing. “I love sharks! The puppies of the sea!”
Greta looked slightly confused at the analogy, but nodded regardless. “Yeah, I want a shark book.”
Turning her attention back to Allie, Marcy said gently, “is there a topic you’d like to read about? I can show you where to look.”
Allie shrugged. And then Marcy’s gaze lifted to meet Sasha’s. “Maybe your older sister could take you to browse for a bit while I help Greta get a shark book?”
It took Sasha far too long to recognize that she was being asked a question. She was too lost in Marcy’s deep brown eyes to realize until Allie gave a sharp tug on her hand, snapping her back to the present.
“Oh, yeah, that’s- that’s totally fine. We’ll just, uh, look around. Yeah.” Sasha could feel with certainty that her face was bright red. She didn’t even want to know how much a fool she looked like right now, stumbling over her words and gaping like a fish. 
“Okay, great!” At least Marcy had the decency to not acknowledge her weirdness. “We’ll go grab some books and meet you back here.”
“Is there story time today?” Allie added before they could walk away. “Are you going to read about that mouse again? I really liked that story.”
“I’m so glad you enjoyed it! There is story time today in about an hour, but this time I’m going to read a different book. Will you guys be staying for story time?”
Marcy’s gaze lifted to Sasha’s in a silent question, and suddenly Sasha’s whole chest felt tight, like she couldn’t get a breath in.
“Can we stay for story time, Sasha? Please?” Greta begged, peeking around Marcy at her sisters.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Sasha blurted, only after realizing that she’d just let herself get roped into screwing around the library for an hour while they waited for story time.
Allie cheered delightedly, then quickly slapped her hands over her mouth when her voice echoed through the shelves. She flashed an apologetic grin at Marcy, who just gave her another soft smile in return.
“Alright, we’ll see you two in a minute. Ready to get your mind blown, Greta?”
Sasha’s eyes couldn’t help but follow as they walked away, fixed on Marcy’s swishing ponytail and skirt flowing around her ankles, until they both disappeared around a bookshelf.
When she finally turned back to her little sister, Allie was wearing a shit-eating grin. “She’s pretty, huh?”
Sasha tousled the little girl’s hair and didn’t respond.
Ten minutes later Greta and Marcy found them again, Greta with a stack of books so high she could hardly carry them by herself. Still, she had clearly insisted on trying, and Marcy hovered around her as they walked, ready to catch any falling books. 
“Woah,” Sasha chuckled, “are you planning on going into marine biology over there, Greta?”
“Marine bi-what now?” Her sister asked, “no, silly, this is all about sharks! And whales. And some dolphins. Did you know that dolphins are actually whales?!”
“Wait, really?” That was a fact Sasha was pretty sure she should have already known. Marcy caught her eye and nodded in confirmation.
“Yeah!” Greta was clearly struggling to control her volume in her excitement. “I’m gonna read all these books. I bet I’ll know more about sharks than anyone in the whole entire world!”
“I’m sure you will,” Sasha assured her, “how about you go find a chair to put those down on, and you can start reading? That’ll pass the time until Miss Marcy’s story time.”
Greta certainly didn’t need to be told twice, hurrying over to a plush beanbag chair on the ground. She set the stack of books down with a heavy thump, snatched the first one off the top, and threw herself onto the beanbag to thumb happily through it. 
“You’ve got a little bookworm it seems,” Marcy chuckled, “girl after my own heart. And how about you, Allie? See anything you like?”
Allie proudly held up a graphic novel she’d procured. “It’s like a picture book for big kids!”
“Oh, I love graphic novels!” Marcy’s smile was contagious, and Allie matched it in turn. Sasha, too, found herself grinning so hard her cheeks were beginning to ache. 
Her little sister’s gaze flitted back and forth between Sasha and Marcy. “I think I want to read it right now. I’m gonna go sit with Greta.” She dashed over to her twin, whispering something in her ear before squishing onto the beanbag chair beside her. Greta’s face lifted from her page just enough to show off her mischievous grin for a split second before she returned to her reading. 
And that was how Sasha found herself all alone with Marcy, no more little sister buffers to hide her awkwardness.
She opened her mouth to speak, but Marcy was already heading back to her desk. Sasha blinked, dumbfounded, and, though she didn’t want to admit it, a little hurt. Was the librarian only interested in talking with her sisters?
Yes, dumbass, she is, it’s literally her job.
Still, Sasha couldn’t quite bring herself to walk away as well. Instead, she walked lightly over to where Marcy was, sorting books on the cart next to her desk. 
The other woman was clearly entranced with her new task, and Sasha found herself loathe to disturb her. Scuffing her shoes on the carpeted floor, she made to turn away, only to be surprised when Marcy jolted, smacking her head on the cart with a yelp.
“Oh, are you okay-” before she could even realize what she was doing, Sasha was right next to her, up in her space, grabbing her elbow to help her up. A moment later, realizing what she was doing, she recoiled quickly and stepped away.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to get all up in your face like that-” I don’t even want to know how red my face is right now. 
Marcy winced, rubbing her head with the palm of her hand. “Nah, you’re good. Might leave a bruise, but I’m used to that. The other librarians don’t call me a tripping hazard for no reason, you know?”
Sasha couldn’t tell if she was supposed to laugh at that. “Still. Are you alright?”
Marcy just gave a crooked smile. “‘Tis but a flesh wound, my lady.”
Sasha couldn’t help but snicker at that. “Sorry for startling you.”
The other woman shrugged, returning to the cart. “Like I said, you’re good. I just get too focused, you know? Forget about all my surroundings. Oh, did you need anything?”
Her throat went dry. “Uh- I, um, no. I didn’t, well, I didn’t need anything, I was just-”
“Wanna come with me to shelve books?” Marcy asked brightly, thankfully interrupting her stuttering excuses, “I like everything to be as neat as possible before story time. It seems like every toddler’s favorite pastime is pulling a million books off the shelves the moment their parents turn their backs.”
“Oh. Uh, sure.”
“Awesome! Follow me.” Marcy heaved the heavy cart away, pushing it with surprising dexterity through the narrow isles between the bookshelves. 
“So,” Marcy started, skimming a finger over the spines of books on a shelf, “I haven’t seen you around before, not since you came last time. Are you guys new in town?”
Sasha wasn’t sure what to do with her hands. In her pockets? At her sides? Should she lean on the bookshelf? Would that make it look like she was trying too hard? “No, we just don’t go to the library that often. Allie and Greta are only eight, so they haven’t been super into reading until recently.”
“Are you not into reading?” Marcy asked lightly, grabbing a book off the cart and slipping it between two other titles.
Sasha grimaced, “to be honest, not really. I’m just here for my sisters. Since school let out, their mom wanted them to do something other than just watch TV all day.”
“Wait, their mom? Is that not your-” Marcy’s eyes widened suddenly. “I’m so sorry, that is very inappropriate of me, pretend I never asked that, please.” The tips of her ears were turning red. 
“Oh, it’s fine,” Sasha assured her, “they’re my half sisters. Their mom is my step-mom.” If she was being honest, she wasn’t sure why she was giving up so much personal information. Normally people had to pry personal facts from her like they were extracting teeth, as her friends liked to say. But she found herself wanting to tell Marcy everything.
“New question,” she said instead, “what made you want to be librarian? And for little kids.”
Marcy pushed the cart further down the isle and added a few books to a new shelf. “Well, I’ve always loved reading. When I was little it was like my escape, you know? I can’t even imagine the kind of person I’d be today if I never started reading. And I wanted to give that to other kids if I could.”
Leaning on the cart, she added, “Plus, they’re adorable.”
Sasha, on the opposite end of the cart, leaned forward as well, smiling. There were so many things she wanted to say, so much she wanted to ask, but they were all choked up inside her throat. Instead she just smiled harder, and Marcy smiled right back. 
Greta was taking too long to finish her massive stack of books. And she downright refused to go to the library if she wasn’t done with all of them. 
Allie, who had finished her graphic novel the day after she got it, was getting frustrated with waiting for her sister to finish, desperate to return to the library once more. However, her loyalty to her twin meant that, despite her frustration, she wouldn’t go without her.
Sasha would have found it endearing if she wasn’t also desperate to head back to the library. 
After an hour of pacing around the living room couch and peering over Greta’s shoulder, Sasha finally put herself outside to pull herself together. Seriously, you are a full grown woman. Stop pressuring your eight-year-old sister to read faster so you can flirt with the librarian some more.
“I wouldn’t call that flirting.” Sasha’s head snapped up to find Allie standing on the threshold of the back door, staring at her.
“Wait, did I say that out loud?”
“If you want to make gooey eyes at Miss Marcy that bad you should just go to the library on your own.”
Sasha sighed. “I told you last time, it would be weird if I went without you guys.”
Allie shut the back door behind her and came to sit in the grass beside her. “It won’t be weird. I think she likes you too.”
“How could you possibly know that?”
Allie shrugged, wiping her hands on the grass. “I just think you should try.”
Sasha gave a frustrated sigh and leaned back, looking up at the clear L.A. sky. “I can hardly get out a few sentences around her. Let alone actually ask her out.”
Allie laid out beside her, resting her little blonde head on Sasha’s shoulder. “Then tell her that.”
Sasha turned over a bit, blue eyes, matching her own, staring right back at her. “You’re very wise, for my little kid sister.”
Allie gave her a confused look. “What’s wise mean?”
“I’ll let you know when I get back.”
Her sister beamed, sitting up. “You’re actually gonna do it?”
“If my courage doesn’t run out before I make it inside the library.”
The little girl scrambled to her feet. “Hold on, I have something for you to give her. It’ll make her fall in love with you, I promise.”
Sasha was about to protest that she was just asking Marcy out, not trying to get her to fall in love (though wouldn’t that be nice) but Allie was already racing inside. 
She returned a moment later, a single freshly plucked flower in her hands. The bud was fluffy and yellow, and Allie tucked it safely in her grasp. “It’s a chrysanthemum. Me and Greta asked Mama to get us some after Miss Marcy read that book.”
Sasha tugged her little sister into a fierce hug. “Thank you.”
Allie pulled herself away, then gave her a sage pat on the head. “If she dates you then you owe me a dollar. For being the best little sister ever in the world.”
As usual, Sasha ruffled her hair. “It’s a deal.”
Sasha’s hands sweated all the way to the library. She tried to convince herself that it was just the heat, but she knew she was lying to herself. 
She was nervous.
Parking was, as usual, difficult to find, and she nearly considered parking on the curb for the few minutes it would take, but quickly decided it would be more embarrassing having to explain why her car was getting towed away. 
She pushed her way inside the building, cradling the flower in her hands, trying not to crush it in her anxiety. Up the stairs she went, to the childrens’ section.
And there she was. Talking animatedly to a little boy as he showed her the pictures in his book. A moment later his father gently pulled him away, and Marcy waved goodbye, a big smile on her face for all to see.
Taking a deep breath to steel herself, Sasha stepped forward. 
This time, Marcy noticed her right away. “Oh, hi Sasha! Are you and the girls back for more books? We got a new book in today all about whale sharks, and I think Greta would love it!”
“Um…” This is a terrible idea. What are you even thinking? She only knows you for your sisters!
Another deep breath, and Sasha pushed away her negative, nervous thoughts. “No, it’s just me today. I, uh, wanted to ask you something.”
Marcy’s eyes widened. “About… books?”
“No, not about books.” She held up the flower. “I-I have this flower. Allie gave it to me. So I could give it to you.”
“A chrysanthemum? That’s so sweet?” Marcy smiled up at her. “Tell Allie I said thank you! I have the perfect little vase for it at home-”
“Will you go out with me?”
Both women paused in their tracks. Sasha’s face burned. Marcy’s mouth dropped open into a tiny, perfect o.
Well, Waybright, you’ve committed.
“Would you like to go out with me?” Sasha asked again, this time with a bit more grace. 
“I’m sorry, I just- I don’t understand.” Marcy’s face was red now, too, and Sasha could feel herself wilting like the flower in her hand.
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it weird, I just, I- I can go-”
Marcy suddenly jolted out of her seat. “No, no! Don’t go! I didn’t mean- I meant, like, why me? Why would you like me?”
Now it was Sasha’ turn to gape in surprise. “Why would I like you? Marcy, what’s not to like? You’re adorable, you’re pretty, you’re smart, and passionate, and friendly, and- and just so much else! I know we hardly know each other but I have never, once in my life, been so amazed by another person.”
Marcy slid back into her seat. “Really? You think that about me?”
Sasha shrugged, struggling to meet her eyes. “Yeah. I do.”
She offered up the flower once more. “So you do want to go out with me?”
Marcy bit the inside of her cheek, gazing at Sasha with her big brown eyes until she finally met her gaze once more. “You said you’re not much of a reader, right?”
Sasha winced. “Oh. I did say that. Sorry, is that a dealbreaker? I mean, I get it, reading is your job-”
Marcy grabbed Sasha’s hands with her own and every thought Sasha had been having came to a screeching halt. “It’s not that. It’s just that my book club meeting is tonight, and if you don’t want to go to that, we could go do something after.”
Sasha could hardly believe this was actually happening. Slowly, she eased one hand, the hand that was holding the chrysanthemum blossom, out of Marcy’s grip, and gently pushed the flower towards the other woman. “I’ll go to the book club with you, if you want. If you’re there, I’m sure it can’t be boring.”
Marcy smiled, and Sasha’s whole heart melted. She picked up the flower and tucked it behind one ear, a burst of yellow against her shiny black locks. “It’s a date.”
“I can’t wait.”
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chernobog13 · 2 years
Since the exodus from Twitter began awhile ago I have received unsolicited chat messages from people with new blogs here on Tumblr.  Generally the messages come right after the person has started following me.
Invariably, these blogs claim that the owner is a woman, usually in the military, and has a few varied pictures, but never more than a dozen or so.  Typically there are pictures of dogs and/or cats, and pictures of whatever activity the person says they’re into.  Sometimes the blog states the person is looking for “friends.”
The messages always start with just a one word greeting, “hi” or “hello,” or something to that affect.
Trying to be polite, and trying to curb my natural instinct to distrust everyone, I will reply.  The conversation then goes the course of “how are you doing/how is your day?”, then “what do you do?” and “why are you on Tumblr?”
The next step is the person wants  a picture of you, and are very insistent when you decline to share.
Usually for me, the conversation ends when I politely but firmly decline to send a photo.  Almost immediately that the person is no longer following me, and the blog has disappeared from Tumblr.
A couple of days ago I received a message from a new follower.  I decided to play along this time to see how far the person on the other end would go.
We chatted a bit on Tumblr, but soon the other person said it was easier for them to use Google Chat.  After they sent their contact info we switched over there.  I noticed later that the person was no longer following me, and that their blog was gone from Tumblr.
I was bored and looking for a distraction, so I continued chatting on Google.  Soon came the first unsolicited photo of an attractive woman.  However, I immediately noticed that the setting she was in had a heavy Southwestern design motif, even though she said she lived in Georgetown in Washington DC.  Well, maybe it’s not a red flag; it might be that she likes that stuff.  She later stated that she had been stationed in Austin, Texas, so that might explain it.
Another thing I noticed was that, even though she stated that she was an officer in the US military, that her English wasn’t great; some very odd phrasing here and there.  She said that she was born and raised in Germany, but I spent a few years in Germany and spoke to plenty of Germans who had English as a second language.  Her phrasing didn’t seem like theirs, which also made me suspicious.
One other detail I picked up on is that she seemed to be in more than one conversation on Chat.  She seemed to forget what I had just written, or would respond like we hadn’t just been chatting for the last five minutes.  I realize that by itself this might not be so alarming; I listen to my sister-in-law (she has a home office) engage in multiple conversation online and on the phone all the time.
As the chat continued she quickly went into super-flattery mode (I ended up sending her a terrible picture of me - not that there’s any other kind - to see what would happen).  She also started using all sorts of heart and kissy face emojis.
Believe you me, folks, I am under no illusion as to my appearance (which is part of the reason I don’t share - or even have - any pictures of myself).  I have been told I look like Brendan Gleeson’s older, uglier brother, and the person who told me that was being charitable.  And I’m not kidding when I say my appearance has made children, animals, and women scream in terror.
So if somebody, especially a woman, starts telling me how good looking I am my suspicions are immediate raised.  Either the person is lying, or mentally unbalanced, or both.
Anyhoo, the person soon made the conversation sexual, although not in a raunchy, Letters to Penthouse sort of way.  They kept that up, and increased the amount and frequency of the heart and kissy face emojis.  Told me what they were looking for in a relationship and partner, and then started addressing me as “my king,” “my love,” “my dearest one!”  Laying it on thick.
Then came another photo.  Same woman, but this time she was outside on a patio.  The building was adobe style, the type seen all over the Southwest, with cactus plants in the background, and she was in a light shirt.  Except, I truly doubt there is a building like that in Georgetown.  And even if there is, the weather in DC yesterday was cloudy and in the low 40s.  More suspicions raised.
Later she (if it really was a woman) revealed that she did not know who Uncle Sam was.  I’m sorry, but there is no way you can be in the military (at least ten years, according to her) and not know Uncle Sam.
Still, I let it continue, despite the suspicions and alarm bells going off in my head.  Like I said, I was bored, and this was, at the least, entertaining.
Then this morning the kicker finally came.  She stated that she was sad that her subscription to Apple music had expired.  And, and by the way, could I send her an Apple gift card so she could renew her subscription?
Bye!  Thanks for playing!  
I’m actually surprised they waited that long, but I guess they wanted to string me along to get the hook in me good.
Needless to say, that was the end of that.  I feel sorry for whoever the poor lady is whose photos were hijacked by the scammers. 
Anyway, just a lengthy tale of caution, folks.  Beware of this stuff.  If it sounds or seems too good to be true, that’s because it is.
Man, I ‘m hoping now that Muskrat is letting Tangerine 45 and the rest of the miscreants back on Twitter that these scammers will follow suit.
10 notes · View notes
guste-disgusted · 9 months
who is your audience?
Whenever we work on a design project, my design tutors welcome us in an auditorium and give us some direction, always emphasizing "think about your audience", and I do this through bitten teeth. And now, when I am writing something and do it without anyone looking through my shoulder I dismiss the good old tip about audience, and I am sure that my tutors would like to choke me with a Macbook charger for doing it. But to keep them from committing a crime against a 21-year-old I would like to say that even though I don’t think about people who will read me potentially, I am considering how to communicate with them. My choice is to talk to them as if they were my little sisters. And as the oldest of the three I got into a role of delivering the bitter truth when needed, and wiping their tears when no one is there to do it and biting them slightly - not out of maliciousness, but out of love, because according to three of us, the sisterhood is all about teasing, stealing lipsticks and hugging right the second you see each other. Therefore, it seems fitting to say something I said to my sister some time ago.
The bitter truth that I have shared with my sister who tends to idealise others time and time again is that “no one is as flawless as you think”. But she still believes that everyone gets things done easily while she has to grind for each task. She looks at me with some slight jealousy every time I had to do something related to art, as everything gets done “perfectly” (if such thing even exists” without the smallest hindrance. And she didn’t see the hours I spent by an easel or hoovering above some old table in art school, how many times I spent £20 on a boring exhibition and the amount of books I had to read just to finish a sentence in an essay. She doesn’t see how miserable I am in the kitchen from time to time, or how bad I am with sports, can’t tell which side is left or right, and that I am so pathetic with everything related to driving that I have decided not to even try to get a licence. In spite of the fact that she seems to focus on my better side (owning 6 fur coats and looking amazing in them), I have faith that one day, she will internalise what I say and understand that everyone struggles.
I actually believe that before we draw the first breath upon arrival into this world, we get a set of tools. And each day we use that set to overcome unavoidable obstacles.
Imagine a competition between two people: one has a teaspoon, the other has a shovel, and the first task is to dig a hole. Sure, the shovel is better suited to that, but what happens when the next day comes and you both compete in dessert eating? Do you think the person owning a shovel doesn’t envy your elegant, engraved silver spoon?
And my little sister doesn’t hear me when I praise her for her ability to understand chemistry and her skills to keep every single plant on this planet alive. But she likes my self-cut little fringe even though she has fabulous hair herself. Of course, the grass is always greener on the other side, but I hope that one day she realises the beauty and potential of the grass on her own side, especially considering her immaculate talent to keep every small plant flourishing.
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