#not many of them are TRAD-trad but. 👀
neptxn3 · 6 months
Astrology Observations II
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Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other natal placements involved
doesn’t resonate ≠ untrue 
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♅ Virgos tend to represent the trad wife far more than people assume taurus does, and that’s because Virgos ability to uphold their life (at least on the outside) tend to attract men who want a wife that can keep them on track
Some Virgo women tend to also attract gay men unfortunately 😭, again I think Virgos just seem like the perfect trad Wife and it will attract closeted men like flies. This isn’t to say all your partners will be closeted but the ones who are overly aggressive on your role in the relationship might be.
♅ Gemini moon children develop QUICKLY. These are usually the kids who weird you out with their extensive knowledge and self awareness that seemingly comes out of nowhere. The mercury influence allows them to digest many topics which in turn has Gemini moon children mentally developing at a faster pace than their peers
I’ve also observed Gemini moons are those annoying kids in your class that are a lot smarter and a bit condescending to others intelligence, not because that’s just the way they are, but their mercurial moon needs constant stimulation, and with a combination of their rapid growth you’ll see them climbing academic ranks which in turn can make them dislike school if they are not progressing at a speed they like. 
♅ Scorpio moons have a tendency to see the worst in every situation/person which can be a nasty habit, but this isn’t out of judgment, rather they don’t like to give people the benefit of the doubt. They don’t like to be screwed over and their best bet is to think of the worst scenario possible. 
♅ Aquarius Venus who are flaky in relationships and constantly cheat will eventually have karma handed back to them, usually in the form of being in their mid 40’s still single.
Aquarius Venus flaky reputation does stem from the fact that it is a Saturn influenced placement, as well as being fixed. It’s not that they hate any type of restriction to their freedom but rather to what extent you restrict them to. They can and will jump quickly into relationships but if they see any glimpse of possessive or controlling attributes they will leave. Again because it’s fixed and Saturn influenced Aquarius Venus knows once it settles down that’s it, they’re not going anywhere, that’s why they’re so scattered to find the right person who fits their criteria. 
♅ Moon/Sun harshly aspecting Neptune is the embodiment of “I hate my Mom/Dad, but I love her/him too”. Neptune harshly aspecting these planets can cause a huge wall of misunderstanding between parent and child, but Neptune blurs the lines so deep that the individual sees them “through rose colored glasses” and if incapable of harboring hate. I would even say there could be nights where these people will look back and remember their past relationships (Neptune = Dreams)
♅ 10h placements can sometimes struggle maintaining relationships due to the very contradicting nature of the Midheaven and ascendant. Usually people will perceive them to be very different from who they actually are.
This is also why they struggle with their self esteem (the natural square to the ascendant). Sometimes they feel like they need to keep up an image to satisfy others and that isn’t someone who they truly are 🥲
In synastry this also points to partners trying to change who they are/make choices for them because they think it’s “for the best” or “what’s good for them”. 
♅ Every Virgo rising I’ve met always gives me a small lesson on why astrology isn’t real but follow up with a “but can you read my chart I want to see if it’s true 👀”. I truly believe it’s the 12h Leo which makes them secretly a little self centered (hence the interest for things like astrology to attempt and figure themselves out) but the mercurial ascendant will always make them skeptical 😭
♅ Saturn conjunct Jupiter natives is a dangerous fire sometimes. I’ve noticed if they haven’t learned to balance this aspect in their chart, the people around them can suffer their warm and cold attitude. It’s almost as if one second you could be hysterically laughing in class together, and the next second they immediately stop and ask you to be serious and finish your work. WHERE DID THE VIBE GOOO?? The key here is moderation in whichever sign/house this is in
♅ Whoever said Neptune in hard aspect to Venus needs to practice saying positive affirmations (especially to Venus related topics) to themselves in the mirror was SO correct. Neptune indeed does reflect lies to you and reaffirming yourself in the mirror breaks that spell. I don’t think I’ve felt so beautiful since I started doing this. 
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Saturnian Women: Bad Girls to Trad Girls? 👀😲👩‍🏫
Saturn is the planet of discipline, restriction and rules. Saturn is considered a "strict teacher" who uses discipline, difficulties, delay, duties, dealings, and denials at times to ensure that the student really imbibes their lessons.
There has been much discourse lately on Saturn mahadashas and tbh, I would say to not worry about it too much. Saturn punishes but it also rewards, so if you stay true to its teachings, i.e, keep your head down, do the work and stay firm but humble, Saturn will give you success in proportion to your efforts.
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon, finished her 19yr Saturn mahadasha in 2019 and you can clearly see the many themes of Saturn that played out in her life. She spent 5yr living overseas by herself as a child with another family (Saturn deprives you, to some extent, of your family's love and support) and after she moved back to Seoul, she began living at the YG dorm and trained for 5 years and 11 months, which is one of the longest training periods among popular idols today. She has talked about how she's never lived at home or had the experience of living with her family until she was 18-19 and she's always sounded bittersweet about it but all her hard work paid off. Today she's the face of K-pop, one of the most successful idols of all time, an icon and an it girl. She gets torrential amounts of hate over her "attitude" for the supposed partiality that YG had towards her and yes for being "lazy". This is Saturn's harsh energies coming through. Are Jennie's performances lacking from time to time? Yes but is she the only idol whose performances feel meh/"lazy"? No. Is she the only one who gets brutally called out for it? Largely, yes. Saturn does not allow you to get away with your skimping and most definitely does not let you take shortcuts.
The reason most people suffer during this mahadasha is because its human nature to want instant gratification and choose the "easier" option. But yk who does not like that? SATURN. This planet is all about being principled and doing things the "right way". You cannot do something immoral and expect to get away with it during this mahadasha but another thing about Saturn's influence is that it often makes natives deliberately "rebel" or step out of line because they internally crave punishment and want to be disciplined. Think of Saturn like the dom in a BDSM relationship and yourself as the bratty sub who's always asking to be punished. Its kinda like that. I've noticed this with many Saturnians as well as people experiencing Saturn dashas, they have no intention of being "bad" or doing the "wrong things" but they do anyway?? because they want Saturn to discipline them and put them in their place. Often times these natives choose the "harder" path subconsciously by forgoing many chances to choose from other options. They really want to prove themselves "worthy" and "deserving", sometimes to their own detriment.
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Karina from Aespa, Punarvasu Moon is also currently undergoing her Saturn mahadasha and so is Wonyoung, Purvabhadrapada Moon (they'll both finish their Saturn mahadashas at around the same ish period of 2031-2032). They're both incredibly successful so if you're experiencing this dasha, dw about Saturn depriving you of success bc its not true. You just have to work hard.
Wonyoung started training at 12yrs of age when she was a few years into her Saturn MD and Karina also started training during her Saturn MD (she was 16 tho). They both spent yearsss training and became massively popular upon their debut (Saturn rewarding hard work) but often got unwarranted hate for absolutely nothing because Saturn "punishes" you to keep you humble in the face of massive success. With Wonyoung, I feel like her Magha Sun (leo rashi) works in her detriment in this dasha because she can be very self indulgent, come across as pompous or bratty or arrogant and Saturn does not like those things 😬with Karina, she received hate initially but things were cleared up and it was understood that those rumours of her being a highschool bully were fabricated along with those fake screenshots and some of her old classmates spoke up about her virtuous character and how kind and sweet she actually was. This is again, Saturn's karma coming thru. Good karma will help you out of tough places in life. Karina has kept her head down and worked hard, people criticized her initially for being a bad dancer but now she's known for her stage presence and x factor.
She's now known for her kind, humble and goofy personality because that is who she really is. Saturn rewards those who remain down to earth and humble and all the love Karina receives now (she is the most followed 4th gen female kpop idol surpassing Wonyoung in less than a year) is part of Saturn's rewards. However, she still faces challenges, like with her dating scandal or with her Chinese boycott last year but again, its her willingness to stay focused and power through that has helped her navigate those situations with grace. She hasn't been dragged the way Jennie or Wonyoung has been. I also think her having Mercury & Venus in UBP (a Saturn ruled nak) has helped her embrace Saturnian principles easier than the other two but she also does have a debilitated Saturn so ://
I think Jennie has had it especially tough because she's Uttarashada Sun and Sun & Saturn are enemies so she's struggled to be as grounded and docile as Saturn wants its natives to be.
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If you think about it, there is a reason why all the Kpop it girls have Jupiter ruled Moon and experience Saturn mahadasha at the height of their fame. For starters, the Korean music industry is very "restrictive" in nature and idols are very tightly monitored and controlled (all Saturnian themes) and those who thrive the most in this system are Jupitereans who are undergoing their Saturn MD. They learn to channel the expansiveness of Jupiter through the restrictions of Saturn. Think about how Jennie, Wonyoung and Karina have all been deprived of creative freedom, how their labels pick and choose their endorsements and limit their interactions and in general, despite being young, rich and famous, they live like blue collar workers in some ways?? This is all Saturn's effects. It makes you work hard, rewards you for it but does not let you indulge too much in it.
There is a reason why Jupiter moon is soooo common among popstars. Performing in front of packed stadiums with 50,000 fans is an experience only few get to have in this world and to get that, you have to toil day and night through punishing schedules and constant travel where you dont enjoy yourself materially. This is a very blatant manifestation of Saturn restricting pleasure and enjoyment. (Jupiter ruled Moon natives experience Jupiter dashas first and then its followed by Saturn mahadasha, so usually at their peak, they're undergoing their Saturn MD)
Now, I want to mention something Claire Nakti mentioned in her Saturn men video, she said that Saturnian men are often extremely rebellious when they're younger and deliberately "act out" because they crave the punishment and discipline that Saturn imposes on them. They subconsciously want to be put in their place. This sounds hella masochistic but I think its helpful to think of it in terms of BDSM dynamics (dont laugh lmao). To an average person, its confusing as to why someone would want to be spanked or tied up or hurt or be in "pain" or be submissive but some people genuinely derive pleasure from being in that position, that's what's fun for them. They "ask for punishment" bc they enjoy being "punished". I dont want to say Saturnian individuals are kinky masochists who deliberately do things that will lead to terrible consequences and harsh punishment but tbh, there is no other explanation for their behaviour. I suggest watching Claire's video where she cites manyyy examples of Saturnian men "acting out".
In Claire Nakti's video about Saturnian women, she mentions how these women are more at ease with following traditions and submitting to them than others because they find it 'freeing' to obey.
But tbh, although women internalise their qualities more in general, I think Saturnian women are just as likely to have an "unruly/rebellious phase" before they embrace the rule abiding nature of Saturn because the truth is limitations are what gives us true freedom. Saturn teaches us that if you have "too much", you can feel confused and lost. it's more important to have "enough".
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Hwasa, Pushya Sun
Hwasa is a great example of Saturnian natives and their need to both rebel and conform. Hwasa belongs to the group Mamamoo and although they're all talented, they weren't as successful as other Kpop groups in the mid to late 2010s, esp since they also came from a smaller company. In 2018 at the MAMA awards, she performed in this red latex bodysuit and went instantly viral and her performance became vvv controversial since its practically unheard of for a kpop idol to reveal this much skin or put on a performance that is very sexually provocative. she received a LOT of flak for it, people bodyshamed her, slut shamed her etc but this also brought a lot of attention to her and her group and people started taking more notice of them.
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Hwasa was on the cover of Cosmopolitan later that year (you have to be a pretty big deal to land mag covers in Korea esp when you have sooo much competition from sooo many idols/actors etc, Hwasa was up until then just an idol from a smaller company whom others often criticized for not being "pretty enough").
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Hwasa continued to "rebel" by posing semi nude, appearing on the cover in what Koreans considered "immodest" clothing etc. But some of the criticism subsided bc as more and more people discovered her music, her talent as a singer and performer stood out so they started praising her for her talent & hard work (Saturn rewarding hard work).
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she continued to receive a lot of flak for her outfit choices and Hwasa it seemed was almost hell bent on pissing Koreans off by doing exactly those things that they shunned. She was criticized for this look as her bra is visible through a sheer top and what did she do next?
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she went to the airport in a white top and no bra 😂😂needless to say K-netizens were PISSED OFF. but at the same time she started making appearances on variety shows where she gained praise for her humility and lack of pretence. (Saturn punishes but rewards)
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this is an excerpt from her 2020 interview with Cosmo (the Cosmo cover above is from her 2019 cover), here we can see Hwasa admitting that "one year ago I was more daring because I felt like I had to be that way no matter what" which reflects on how many Saturnians are rebels without a cause. She then says that "As I go on, I feel like I'm being more strict with myself" showing the progression from the rebellious, unruly phase to one that embraces strictness and discipline. This does not mean becoming a doormat, it means you become more gentle and patient. Its through suffering (which Saturn def brings about) that we learn grace.
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I think Hwasa has described it well.
Saturn is considered the most aggressive and cruel in Indian astrology. It symbolizes karma and rewards or punishes based on one's deeds.
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Selena Gomez, Pushya Stellium (including Sun & Rising)
When her Revival album came out in 2015, Selena was 23 and trying her best to shed her Disney girl image. So she did what most child star turned popstars do, she posed nude. This was very out of character for a girl who wore a purity ring until she was 18 years old and was generally perceived as the "sweet innocent" one among all Disney stars.
During a roundtable interview in 2022, she said
"I actually did an album cover and I was really ashamed after I did it," Gomez said. "I had to work through those feelings because I realized it was attached to something deeper that was going on. And it was a choice that I wasn't necessarily happy that I made, but I think that I've done my best, at least I try to be myself. And I'm not an overly sexual person, sometimes I like to feel sexy, but that doesn't mean it's for somebody else. It can be for me. Now I understand that there are certain boundaries that I need to set for myself, and I respect and adore so many people, but I’ve got to do what’s best for me."
Obviously the need to "rebel" against her Disney sweetheart image was imbedded in her by the people who work with her, like her management team but Saturn's most powerful tool is regret. You do things without much thought or act out or act rebelliously and through regret or after suffering its consequences, you learn to draw boundaries and impose limitations upon yourself. Just because you can do certain things does not mean you should do them. Saturn teaches us this by limiting freedom.
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Miley Cyrus, Anuradha Sun & Mercury
We cannot talk about Disney stars gone wild without mentioning Miley lol
She was the biggest Disney girl of her time and worked vvv hard, doing world tours starting from her early teens and then filming the show, girlie basically never had a minute to spare. Once the show was up, she was in a hurry to shed her Disney image and lets just say... she embodied Saturnian rebelliousness to its extreme.
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Miley lost her virginity to Liam when she was 16 and by the time she was 19, she was engaged to get married to the only guy she ever seriously dated. She definitely was embracing "tradition" etc so her "rebel" era was a sharp left turn. She went from being a teen bride to twerking in nude latex on stage. For the next couple of years, Miley smoked weed, embraced a hip-hop sound, wore little clothing and "rebelled". Her rebel era marked the end of her relationship with Liam and interestingly enough, the end of her rebel era was marked by her renewed relationship with Liam.
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She entered her soft girl era and started to shed her "rebellious image" and found balance
“I carried some guilt and shame around myself for years because of how much controversy and upset I really caused,” she says. “Now that I’m an adult, I realise how harshly I was judged. I was harshly judged as a child by adults and now, as an adult, I realise that I would never harshly judge a child.”- Miley said in her British Vogue interview
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Miranda Kerr, Pushya Rising
If you watch her interviews from the late 2000s and early 2010s, she's super flirty and now she's more mature and ladylike which is kind of a superficial evolution of Saturnian influence.
Miranda is rumoured to have been the world's most expensive yacht girl at one point in time. She accepted $8.1 million worth of jewellery from fraud Malaysian billionaire Jho Low. All these gifts were seized by the government later on bc Saturn does not let you keep things you obtained illegally or in unprincipled ways.
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In 2014 during an interview for British GQ (these pics are from the shoot) Miranda said:
"The older I get, the more confident I am about asking for things I enjoy," she said. "One thing I've noticed is now that I'm having less sex my body isn't as toned. The more sex I have, the more defined my arms and stomach get. Orlando and I always had great chemistry. One-night stands aren't my thing. I made Orlando wait for six months until I even kissed him… I always ask for a critique on my performance. I always want to better myself in every way."
She also said,
"Let's put it this way, I've had an orgasm in the air before. Alone. And together." 😲😲
This is sooo remarkably TMI for a woman who now presents herself as so poised and ladylike??
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After she started dating her now husband Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat, they remained celibate for the 2years they dated prior to marriage and Miranda said they're "very traditional".
Interviews of Miranda now make her sound like one of those femininity coaches on YouTube.
"My grandma taught me that men are visual and you need to make a little effort," the model said in an interview with The Edit. "So when [Evan] comes home, I make sure to have a nice dress on and the candles lit. We make time to have a nice dinner together. At work, I'm like, 'We need to do this!' and, 'This needs to happen!' But at home, I slip into my feminine and empower Evan to be in his masculine."
In another interview, she said:
"Don't feel like you have to do and be everything. Let the man do some things for you, because if he cares for you, he will want to. When I get home, I'm not the boss like I am at work — I slip into a more feminine role. I take everything off and put on my Stella McCartney silk robe. I'll put on a red lip or red nails, and it lifts my mood. Sexy underwear also gives you a spark. I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits ... they're like souvenirs."
And in yet another interview, she said:
"He would rather me hug him than give him foot massages. He's like, 'Can you just come and cuddle up? Can we just snuggle? I don't need a foot massage.' I'm like, 'Come on, it's good for you!' … He's very loving like that. I'm a very lucky girl."
She went from being a "rebel" to living like a trad wife.
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Eva Mendes, Pushya Moon
She's yet another Saturnian who had a rebellious early career ("rebellious" for a woman basically means capitalizing on your sex appeal) and then embraced a more "traditional" life.
In 2020, she said:
"You can’t do sweatpants,” she said on Extra while promoting her makeup line, Circa. “Ladies, number one cause of divorce in America, sweatpants, no!” 
This is again an example of a "femininity" minded person who thinks women have to "ladylike" (Saturn embracing traditional gender roles).
She took a 10yr break from acting to focus on being a mother and said that if she returns to acting she wont do "violence" or "sexuality" which she did do prior to her marriage and motherhood. She also got married later in life and had this to say:
“When I was 40, it was a big deal for people when I was pregnant, and it wasn’t for me,” Mendes said. “And then I was 42 and I was pregnant with my second one and people were like, ‘Oh my God, you’re going to be so tired. That’s why people have kids in their 20s.’ I was like, that’s the most sorry, asinine thing I’ve ever heard.”
She continued, explaining of parenting, “It takes more patience. In my 20s, I shouldn’t have even been around a child. I was just foul-mouthed and smoking. I could not have raised kids in any other era of my life but now, for sure.”
She's indirectly referring to a more "rebellious" phase of her life and how now she has the patience to be a mom. one thing Saturn teaches you is patience, thats for sureee.
Saturn influence also causes delayed marriage.
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Madhuri Dixit, Pushya Moon was 32 years old when she got married (in 90s India this was ancient and not as "normal" as it is now).
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Salma Hayek, UBP Moon
there isn't enough dirt on Salma to show that she had some "bad girl" past to move beyond but she struggled for many many years. her life really exemplifies the delayed success of Saturn bc saturn truly rewards patience
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Rani Mukerji, UBP Moon
She got married when she was 36yrs old and is married to one of the biggest film producers in India.
The themes of Saturn delaying marriage but ultimately pointing to marrying into wealth has been true in the lives of many of these women, including Salma who is married to a billionaire.
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Ellen Pompeo- Anuradha Moon
She was 38 when she got married. Another thing I've noticed with many Saturnian women is how they struggle to conceive or have issues with their fertility (usually caused by the delay in marriage as they're older when they become mothers).
Salma has talked about how she struggled with gestational diabetes when she was pregnant and how she wishes she could have had more children. Rani Mukerji has spoken about her struggles with fertility and how she lost her second baby to a miscarriage, 2/3 of Ellen Pompeo's kids were carried by a surrogate.
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Monica Bellucci, Pushya Moon
She was 35 when she married Vincent Cassel and had her daughters in her 40s.
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Hillary Swank, Pushya Sun
She was 44 when she married her current husband. (She did get married at 23 and was married for 10yrs , which means they separated after her Saturn return)
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Jennifer Lopez, Pushya stellium
She married Ben Affleck when she was 53
She was 35 when she married Marc Anthony with whom she has 2 kids and was married to for a decade. All her other marriages were brief and short lived, pointing to how Saturn makes you get rid of anything that isn't "right" for you
Usually whenever Saturnians get married young, they end up getting a divorce. This is a massive generalization and obvs wont apply to every Saturnian but I've seen this with many people, even Miranda Kerr who married Orlando Bloom in her 20s ended up getting divorced after her Saturn return.
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Sophie Turner, UBP Moon
Sophie started dating Joe when she was 19 and married him when she was 21 and he was 28. According to rumours she felt really trapped in the marriage and felt like she hadn't experienced much life. She went from being on a TV show for 10yrs and missing out on normal teen experiences to being a wife and a mom. Many have accused Joe of grooming her as well. They've ended up getting a bitter divorce as well.
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Mariah Carey, UBP Sun
She was 23 when she married the CEO of her label who was 20yrs older than her. He had known her since she was a teenager 🤮🤢🤢Mariah has, like Sophie described feeling "trapped" in her marriage and how she had "no freedom". Tommy is famously controlling and kept her under lock and key pretty much. He is now married to Mexican pop star Thalia who was once a huge name in Latin music and is now virtually absent from public life. So his tendency to keep his wives locked up wasn't limited to Mariah, I guess.
Mariah divorced Tommy when she was 29 during her Saturn return as well and he made her life hell for the next few years (do not marry and divorce your CEO kids)
All throughout this post I made mentions of how Saturnians "rebel" and then "embrace tradition" but what is "traditional" isn't always "right". These two things aren't synonymous. Hwasa went against tradition by dressing sexy. Would that be considered scandalous in say, America? No. She went against the tradition of her culture. But it did not make her actions "wrong".
But sometimes this tendency to obey traditions can manifest in more extreme ways and make someone have very right wing esque or conservative views, even.
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JK Rowling, Pushya Sun, Saturn in 1h (in Purva bhadrapada)
Rowling was once a beloved author who was known for her highly inspirational rags to riches journey. She became the first writer to become a billionaire. But now, she's known as a transphobe and many of her former friends and allies have distanced themselves from her. Its crazy bc she almost exclusively tweets about trans people and has made it her life's mission to talk about who is a "real" woman and who isn't (Saturn's desire to conform to traditional gender roles) but her transphobic era seems to be her rebellious Saturn phase where she is seeking punishment. It literally makes no sense as to why out of the blue one day she started to tweet and say these things and why she's sooo insistent on her views but its like she's digging her own grave.
Saturnians often do bizarre things that seem like obviously bad ideas to others and suffer terrible consequences for it because they crave Saturn's harshness. She could've never written another book after Harry Potter, fucked off into oblivion with all her money and farmed strawberries for the rest of her life with her legacy intact but Saturn has stripped her of it. I wont be surprised if in another 10yrs or something, she comes forward to talk about how embarrassed and ashamed she is of whatever she's doing now as this is also a pattern among Saturnians to feel guilt and remorse for their past and apologize for it.
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Oprah Winfrey- Anuradha Moon
Oprah hasn't been fully exposed and cancelled yet but I hope she gets what Ellen got because she's such a vile, toxic hateful person.
Oprah has a long history of platforming some incredibly toxic people, leading to a lot of pain and suffering. The relevant one right now is Dr. Oz who used his Oprah-given influence to sell scam miracle cures and other supplements.
Worse (in my opinion) is Dr. Phil, who has used his Oprah-provided stage to send children to “reform schools” in exchange for kickbacks. Many (included the infamous catch me outside girl) have claimed that these institutions are hot beds of physical and sexual abuse. There are also allegations that Dr. Phil actively aims to make guests on his show appear less well adjusted so that he can yell at them. Famously, a winner of the show survivor who was struggling with alcoholism claimed that Dr. Phil’s staff gave him a bottle of vodka to drink before the show so that he would be drunk and look like shit to justify Dr. Phil berating him.
Oprah also dedicated two shows to a man known as John of God, heavily implying that he may actually be able to heal sickness through faith in God. He was, obviously, a grifter who would perform dangerous surgical procedures (and would cut people’s eyes with sharp objects) on people without a license. He was also a serial rapist, and several women have claimed they traveled across the world to meet John of God due to Oprah’s show only to be raped.
This example is more fitting of the traits I explored in part 1 of my Saturn dominance post where I talked about how many Saturnians seem to be scammers and liars.
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Grimes, UBP Sun
for an edgy alternative indie artist, Grimes has surprisngly trad views
In one interview, she said:
"I kind of like the patriarchy, I like the supply chain, food, Uber, roads... umm, civilization, you know there's a lot of good things that came from it. I think it's sort of oppressive and overly dominant, and if you don't include women in things they can easily become toxic, you know."
she was married to elon musk so im not too surprised that her worldviews are...weird... (she likes the patriarchy bc it gave her uber,,, gotcha...lol)
Sometimes honestly, esp in today's world where everybody has more social freedom esp in America and can do whatever they want, a lot of people "rebel" by embracing tradition. Grimes is actually deploying Saturn's need to rebel against the order by peddling her faux trad views.
The current tradfem movement (that I predicted 2 years ago😌) is a reflection of how each generation rebels differently. You give someone a lot of freedom and they do whatever they want with it but soon enough fatigue sets in and you desperately crave structure and order, so you discipline yourself and restrict yourself. in an era where dating has become so toxic and loveless, a section of society embraces a 1950s type tradwife lifestyle to go against the norm.
there will be a part 3 that expands on Saturn's manifestations further but this is it for this post<333 tysm for reading<33
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papirouge · 2 months
The message you got about conservative men being closeted gay/bisexual came right on time because I've been thinking about it lately lol.
I always suspect these trad men when they talk too much about a woman's role and constantly criticize women, on top of the homophobia like atp i know it'll be a matter of time when something related to his sexuality will come out... Remember that scrote who gave that speech saying women were wasting their time with their careers and should become housewives and have children instead? And how some gay men started exposing him saying he had a "gay past"? I believe many of these men are lowkey jealous of women and have a hatred of them bc we are "allowed" to be with men and they can't... Like the way many of these men are obssesed with feminity and think any woman not shaving or wearing pants or prioritizing work is masculine.. If there's a group of men obssesed with hyper feminity is gay men, that's why they like those hyper femenine pop stars like Lana del Rey, I just feel these conservative men wish they could be one of the lolita stay at home gf coquette girlies lol.
That's also why I think it's funny when these conservative guys make fun of leftist men for wearing nail polish or being feminist or being pro-lgbt and imply they're gay. These men are not the ones having scandals for being closeted gay lol it's always the right wingers. At least leftist men don't have issues accepting their sexuality - you'll in fact find guys trying to hide their heterosexuality to be trans inclusive like the guys who say their pansexual bc they like "cis women, trans men and afab nonbinaries." lol And many times conservative men have been found to be closeted it's rarely through something more "innocent" like holding a man's hand, it's always something like participating in a gay orgy, or being with a prostituted man (or boy 🤢) or watching trans porn (even though they denounce porn and say it makes men less manly... One has to laugh).
Controversial take, but there's nothing less revolutionary or subversive in male gayness. Homosexuality is the peak of male narcissism and this tracks back to the dawn of time. Greeks & romans were huge male homosexuality apologetic societies. And *pikachu face* they were also patriarchal and pedophiles. Funny how those are often linked.
History is just repeating itself. Conservatives are actually consistent in trying to get back in their old way of those old times. Those maga/redpiller account with greek statue are such glaring giveaways.... lol
I think conservatism is pretty coherent with a form of patriarchal misogynist homosexuality.
I'm not surprised by those stories of closeted gays caught in 'extreme' situations, I guess that's what unchecked & unhealed sexual frustration will do to you
Yeah I remember that moid and talked about him here lol I think tiktokers dug out some statements he previously made where he said back in highschool he had a crush on one of his teammates or coach?? His Instagram is pretty zeisty too👀 There's something definitely fishy with him..his speech screamed like some major copium. Something tells me that since he struggled with his sexuality, he now wants to impose the same sexual control onto women. He's definitely not one of those people who "recovered" from homosexuality
And you know what? I think everyone would benefit having more sexual continence, but dude messed up by compelling women (and only women) to do the opposite and jumpinto marriage and childbearing. He wants to control women into motherhood which is absolutely irresponsible.
I also think the obsession of Conservatives with Epstein super weird. Sure his "suicide" was suspect but it's very suspicious to see them act like he and his list were the only pedo network in the world. Same with Balenciaga. I hate how sensational headlines made people lose focus and forgot that this isssue is more culturally pervasive How many of the ppl who clutched their pearls are the tragic Balenciaga campaigns watch #teen porn? or entertain anime lolicon/cute japanese girl fetish? shame grown women for looking old and not forever looking like prepubescent girls? Balenciaga wouldn't have done that campaign is they didn't feel like society was ready to accept it. It thankfully didn't, but it's time for everyone to acknowledge this decision didn't happen out of a vacuum. Society is being groomed into sexual & moral degeneracy, and many of the people who went off at Balenciaga are actually part of the problem.
I'll never forget how conservatives almost unanimously defended Andrew Tate because sex trafficking & rape is apparently okay as long as the victims are not children somehow🤡
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andromedaexists · 1 year
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𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝟷𝟿𝚝𝚑 || 𝙲𝚊𝚖𝚙 𝙽𝚊𝙽𝚘
y'all i am so busy rn that i forgot to keep yous updated on my progress. moving forward i am going to try and be more present here, i am going to work my way through my backlog of tag games this weekend and queue up all the writing yous tagged me in.
this month is camp nano and it has kept my mighty busy. here is a list of things that has happened this month:
finished the prologue and chapters 1-10. i got them up for betas to read (if you'd like to beta for CMI, the form is still open to apply here)
got in contact with an artist and started the process of commissioning them for a cover (they just sent me the concept sketch and im!!!!!)
set an official publication date (announcement coming soon 👀👀👀)
submitted a query! (and realized that i don't want to trad pub so i'm self pubbing instead!)
started talking to formatting editors. i'm not sure if i'll be able to afford a good formatting review before publication, but i am in talks with someone who will let me use their Vellum!
started research on how to self pub/what company i want to go through (and actually set up a channel where i can dump my research once i compile it!)
cried a lot over this whole process. a lot.
so yeah! a lot has happened! a lot of good stuff, but a lot of stressful stuff as well! that's okay though, i'm just over the moon that i have an official pub date 🥰
i'm going to push through to the end of camp nano, but i am going to try and get back into weekly wupdates and just talking about writing a lot more. i was a little hesitant about joining camp nano given how bad regular nano went for me last year, but a new server i joined has really helped me find my love of writing again (thank you doom and clanky and so many others that i met through the bird app, i love you all)
anyways, enough rambling. let's get to what you guys are really here for: snippets! i am going to add a couple here (read, a snippet for each chapter i've missed updating here) to make up for my relative silence as of late:
Chapter 5:
There are two more encounters listed below it, but before Icarus can read them over he is distracted by a flash of gold entering the shop. His eyes shoot up, latching to the new patron standing in line with their back to him. It’s normal for bright colors and movement to grab his attention, but this time something feels different. He can’t put his thumb on it, but his brain is telling him that he should recognize them. It’s screaming that he should know who they are. But for the life of him, he cannot make out who it is. Whomst? The fuck? From this distance, he can’t see anything that might tell him who they are. Their plain black clothes could be the tell of an Elysian, but that isn’t a guarantee. The only truly identifiable trait is the halo of blond curls cascading over their shoulders. Why do I feel like I know them?
Chapter 6:
Ariadne whistles, a long and appreciative sound as she sees her husband’s work. The tattoo had been a beast to heal, but the hours of torturous pain and restless nights of endless itching had been well worth it. He spent days ogling the tattoo after it had first healed, the feathers look so real that you can almost feel them when running your hands over the inked skin. It is everything he wanted and then some. A feather-light touch runs down the etched skin. There is only one person who had ever touched him with that kind of reverence, his artist must have gotten up to inspect the tattoo. He is admiring his art—as he should—when he says, “Looks like you should have used more lotion.” He lets go of one edge of the hoodie to flip him the bird. It’s impossible to hide anything from his artist, of course, and he knew that his lackluster care would be noted. There are likely small splotches where the ink had fallen out due to his poor moisturizing regiment, but it’s not like he has much of a choice in that. Icarus drops the back of his hoodie with a sigh as he turns to face the artist again. YOU KNOW? HARD REACH AREA ALONE. His eyebrows raise as he speaks, his signs becoming large and boisterous. He then mimes trying to reach the middle of his back. That gets a chortle out of his artist and Ariadne. He hadn’t thought to consider how he would need to reach every part of his back before getting the tattoo, and the fact that he doesn’t have anyone in his life to help him makes it that much worse.
Chapter 7:
“Look,” Andromeda levels at him, voice growing in intensity as they say, “I understand that you don’t quite trust me yet. I mean, we just met yesterday. Hell, I don’t even know your name yet! But-” “Icarus.” He grabs the hoodie on the left and pulls it over his head. He takes a moment to pull his hair up and fasten it in a ponytail before turning and leaning back against the closet door. “My name is Icarus.” “Okay. Icarus. Y’know, that fits.” Their voice is calmer, quieter, as if that piece of information is enough to placate them. Icarus huffs. The name really does fit him, doesn’t it? Always jumping into things without thinking of the consequences, taking risks, and keeping shit close to his chest until he gets a bit too close to hubris and starts to fall apart. Falling in love with the sun personified. Burning, falling, crashing, drowning. Yeah, the name fits him. The only difference between him and the Icarus of myth is that he died at the end of his story. Icarus has no plans of dying. No, he plans of making it out the other end of his story and living to tell the tale.
Chapter 8:
“I thought the whole ‘Oh, Hestia has a pizza shop?’ ordeal would tell you that I have no idea where to go.” Huh, yeah, that should have clicked with him. It’s not like they could search up directions, they likely don’t have a phone just the same as him. Can’t risk having a way for someone to use GPS to locate him. It’s not like he has anyone to keep in contact with, anyways. “It’s just down the street. Go out the front of the building and head down West Saint Clair, it’s just past fourth street. I’d say can’t miss it but you very much could, there’s no sign out front. It’s the only building that looks like there’s someone living in it on that block, though.” “Got it. West Saint Clair, Fourth Street, not-abandoned building.” Andromeda repeats the directions to themself as they head towards the front door. “Anything else while I’m out?”
Chapter 9:
How could he forget? “Καιρὸς δε, Thanatos,” he mumbles as he stretches his arms out in front of him and rests his forehead on the blissfully cool counter. “And here I was thinking you weren’t gonna remember me.” Long gone is the shrill and timid voice of a sickly kid, replaced by one of the most soothing and deep tones Icarus had ever heard. “…Fair ‘nuff.” The vibrations of a glass hitting the counter top make Icarus look up. A glass of water, just water. He groans, that is not what he wants right now. He’s craving the sweet buzz of an energy drink, but that will require him to get up and walk around the island to grab one. Andromeda chuckles, not moving an inch as they watch Icarus suffer over the glass. “Quit pouting and drink.” He drops his head, turning his face away from the glass. “Oh come on, you big baby. Deja de hacer un berrinche y bebe.” They poke his cheek as he pouts. “Mira, food’s ready. Sit up and eat.”
Chapter 10:
“Why are we running?” they ask, gasping for air after the impromptu sprint. Icarus points to the bird as it hops along the ridge of the tent. He turns to watch their reaction, this is a big deal. Their eyes widen and their jaw drops open, they are just as shocked as he is. His smile has not left, though it dulls as their face drops to sadness and grim acceptance. What? “A crow.” Before he can say anything the look is gone. They beam a bright smile at him. “I can’t believe you found a bird! That’s definitely good luck for us.” But it’s not, their reaction sits wrong with him. He squints his eyes, watches them to see if that glimpse of despair will surface again. When it doesn’t, Icarus forces a smile on his face. If they don’t want to talk about it then he isn’t going to talk about it.
Okay, i think that's enough of a writing dump for now. here's the CMI Taglist:
@flowerprose @isherwoodj @cream-and-tea @touchingmadness @lockejhaven @marinesocks @wildswrites @the-finch-address @writingpotato07-deactivated2023 @leighvalentin @inkspellangel @cljordan-imperium @outpost51 @alleahgrinnon @smol-feralgremlin
Please fill out this form to be added or ask to be removed!
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nanamis-bigtie · 3 years
Long selfship talk under the cut, Ahoy! You guys shared so many beautiful stories and dynamics with me! Unfortunately, tumblr didn't let me @ some of you, I hope you will somehow find this post 😭
@sparkly-ginger said:
Oooh boi, oh boi, I selfship with Kid, Ace and Shanks I'm sorry I can't control myself 😔🤤. But not the three of them in the same timeline, I'm a lazy ass and I just follow the timeline I mostly use in the respective story I wrote (still writing lol) for each of them. For Kid I just love starting from Sabaody, for Ace I like to concentrate on his backstory as a new man of Whitebeard, and for Shanks his past before he met Luffy. Seems like I like imagining and writing things from the gaps Oda left ��! But yeah I'm kinda obsessed with them, especially Ace who was my VERY FIRST anime crush even I didn't even know anything about selfship etc. 😏 BUT as I said I'm a lazy ass and I don't publish anything on my blog cause I can't bother trad them in english.... sorry folks. 😅
Two redheads and a freckle boy! I love how you made three separate timelines for them (though, not gonna lie, seeing this happening in one... hmm, it'd be possible, but smells angst too much 😅).
And no need to be sorry! ❤
@lazybutsmexy said:
DENJIRO!! I swear I got it bad for this man as soon as he appeared. Who gave him the right??? Tall, handsome, gentlemanly, a sprinkle of crazy and a swordman on top of all. How dare he enter my heart like that?? I do imagine being one of the courtesans in the pleasure house who gets more of his attention than others hehehe there's a bit of backstory as well, but I'm a bit too busy to write anything, so it will stay in my head 🥰 Also, Pell!! He doesn't get enough attention and it hurts my soul. He deserves more love and I'm here to give it all to him. (I hope to remedy that lack of content a little with my entry for your raffle, which I'll be posting soon hehehe)
I ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND YOU WITH DENJIRO, ALRIGHT?! He really just appeared and stole everyone's panties, ngl.
I just hope he will be as immortal as Pell cause lately... Who reads Wano, knows 😂
Waiting for that Pell piece 👀
@pirate-shrimpi said:
well... uh... the angy tulip? who would have thought haha. He got very cocky lately with all the attention he gets now.. but I am happy :D but then there is he other side that is just in love with a certain Orca and Penguin. <3
Kid fans eat well in Wano 👀 And the best is still in front of you, both in anime and manga 👀
Shachi and Penguin are so adorable 😳 They deserve this love!
@doublesohsandwich said:
As you may have guessed... I self-ship with Killer! I just love this big blonde man. I get heart-eyes when I see him lol Also, I've been following you so long and root for your self-ship so much that sometimes when Law and Zoro are onscreen I'll catch myself thinking "aww look at Bas's boyfriends, getting along!" 😅
Oh yes, I know well 👀 And can't blame you, Killer is my favorite Kid Pirate! Great husbando material, he can cook!
Haha, omg, this flatters me 😂 I hope it doesn't ruin One Piece for you ^^"
@selfshipcornchip said:
I used to selfahip with Luffy back when One Piece was on season 1 or 2. Yknow, 100 years ago.
I feel like everyone has their Luffy selfship phase at some point 😂 No wonder, he's a great character and a great inspiration!
@cherryblossom-chopper said:
I self ship with Usopp or Robin 😳😳
Oh, Usopp! So happy this boy gets some love and attention, he's so underrated 😭 What can I say about Robin, a wife material 👀
@kaizokuwritings said:
so if you don't mind... I'm shipping with Mihawk and Gaban, Mihawk because he's a charismatic and smart man, Gaban because he's funny and petty 👀💃🏼
Mihawk & Gaban is the new zosan lmao
I see, you have a taste for daddies mature with class 👀 Y'know, when I think about it now, I find them quite similar? Not in an obvious way, but there's something connecting them.
There's that truth we all do, indeed, have a type 👀
@elen87 said:
I don’t know much about self ships, I didn’t even knew they were a thing up until now?? but yeah, I’ve been in love with Ace since like 2003, I just love him so much, I was heartbroken after Marineford and after some time I just decided to kinda ignore that part I guess, in order to hurt less
Ignoring canon is a selfcare! Besides, there are always various AUs to explore, so no one would suffer ❤ Ace lives and is all healthy with you!
@theiriskriss said:
My heart and soul belongs to vista
Some things never change - and your dedication to Vista is one of them! 😊
@shirorabu said:
I’ll put my two cents in and say that Sanji is my love and my light ✨💖✨ and I’m here to give him the husband he so well deserves. My story is so so detailed it would take pages to talk about so I’ll spare the details. If anyone else from the replies wants to chat as well, my dms are always open ^^)/
I'm so, so glad Sanji receives the love from you! Was watching his Germa backstory with my sis today and we both cried so much 😭
And if you don't mind it, you can always slip into my dms as well, with no matter how many pages of details 👀
@salemzwitch said:
I selfship with Crocodile. I just like evilish bastard characters like him, something about them just makes me feel so soft
The bastards do have the charm 👀 Personally not the villain-ish type of characters fan, but I see a lot of fans of them and I can only root for you all! <3
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Thrilled to see how the tradcaths at the Catholic Club tonight are doing in spite of recent Pope Francis tradcath discourse.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
Gonna go find me a Venusian man. Only they can fix me now. Literally the perfect man for me I think would be a Venusian.
Me lmfao 😂🤭
Manifesting a healthy evolved Venusian man for u bbg, YOU DESERVE IT 🥺✨😩🤌🏻
I know I hype Venusian men up a lot etc but I just want to take this opportunity to say that they're not immune to being flawed.
It's just that I have more patience for a Venusian man's flaws than I do for other planetary types. At the end of the day, it's about what you're willing to put up with 👀
An imbalanced and immature Venusian man will be a womanizer, they have a crazy high libido but they don't enjoy sex for its own sake because of their Venusian nature BUT they will keep chasing that high repeatedly and it WILL corrode them from within.
Sex addicted Venusian men who sleep around always look like they're rotting
Venus naks are predominant in the charts of many many notorious sex offenders 😭😭😭💀 (including Harvey Weinstein 🤡)
Venusian men take their "I wanna spoil my woman" thing a little too far sometimes. It can feel like all they want is a pretty little doll to play dress up with and look at. They'll give you everything but it can feel empty if you're not in the right headspace for it.
Venusian men are very masculine men. If you're not comfortable with a guy with a heightened sense of masculinity, they're not the ones for you. They're kind of traditional in the sense that it hurts their pride immensely if they can't be the guy who protects and provides. If you're someone who is very independent, they're NOT the ones for you.
They'll cashapp you money and ask you to go get your nails done and many women will enjoy that kind of treatment but I can also see how many others will feel like they're being talked down to or something 😖
Venusian men fall for women who are feminine, a bit trad yet still freaky (the whole lady in the streets but stripper under the sheets bit was written by a Venusian man for sure) and they expect you to be that way always. This can be exhausting for anyone who isn't naturally inclined to be like that. All they want is for you to be pretty and be submissive enough to make them feel like a man 🫣so if you just run your life by yourself and act like you don't "need" him, you'll end up hurting his feelings.
The key is to never need anything from any man but to make him feel like you do 😈
They really really enjoy showing off their partner like she were a trophy. They take pride in being with their woman. But if you feel uncomfortable being a little bit objectified then Venusian men are not for you 🚫 they very much think of their woman as a status symbol and take immense pride in bagging beautiful women so 😬😬he may speak of you like a conquest at times
If you have a low libido, stay away from Venusian men bc they have to bang all the time 😩😩
Also they can be very cheesy and cringey. Their displays of affection can be very over the top at the most unwarranted of occasions.
I know that sounds like a good thing but bbg it gets tiring after a while cause it can feel performative and it is but Venusians just are performative by nature. They LOVE putting on a show.
If you can't stand a man being lowkey deranged and highly obsessed, texting you 24/7 and remembering every random detail (can feel stalker-y or like your space/privacy is being invaded) then Venus is not the way to go. They'll drool all over you and sing praises to you 24/7 to such an extent that you'll just be like "ok give it a rest king I've had my fill" lmao
If you're insecure about being complimented then a Venus man will be hell bc all they do is compliment their lady. I know some people think others complimenting you is fake etc and are disgusted by it but yeah you'll get the ick from Venus men that way 😬😬
Honestly Venus attracting Venus makes sense bc only a Venusian women could put up with all this and not feel exhausted and even enjoy it. Obviously everyone's a mix of influences and you absolutely can find a Venus man even without being Venusian but you should have a lot of Yin to be naturally receptive to their giving energy
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Man I wish it was like this in my case me and my sister were forced to keep military haircut well to alteast we turned 11, then I rebelled but she didn't so she had to keep a super short Bob cut till she was 15. No it was not consensual we were forced to keep that haircut and I would cry everything at barber, we dressed like boys till 12. I guess it was there dire need of wanting a boy or maybe some astrological placement but I don't know my parents chart. I the problem child andblack sheep of family is saturnian and my sister the golden child is lunar. And this year I shaved my head and my parents cussed at me and now they don't like me with short hair. Make it make sense 😭😭
im so sorry to hear that 😔 i hope both you and your sister are in a better place 🥺🫶🏼 you're healing your inner child now 💛
idk why some parents are so contrarian for no reason 💀😪
Saturnian blacksheep and Lunar golden child, but both lowkey abused is soooo on brand
Saturnians know what they're going through and are fully aware of its injustice, Lunars kind of get lost in the mind games and brainwashing and kind of fully surrender to their circumstances (which is why so many Lunar women find themselves in abusive relationships)
I remember when I was a kid, I was besties with 2 sisters (who had 2 more younger sisters) and their dad was super trad and conservative and wouldn't let them get their hair cut short ?? bc he thought girls should have long hair?? and they're just like 9 and 11 with like hair past their butt and it's super knotted and tangled and they didn't care for it properly 🤧 and this guy also had a rule that they should never leave their hair open at home bc open hair = attracting the devil 🤡and one day the younger sister had her hair open and he dragged her to the bathroom and chopped all her hair off,, i remember how she came to school with a very weird looking pixie cut and when she told me what happened I was so scared bc wtf 😭 anyways that friend of mine had Anuradha & Vishaka placements 👀 so she had Saturnian influence too 🧐 I'll have to look more into why some parents are excessively authoritarian with their Saturnian children 🤔
My mom always wanted me to keep my bangs as a kid even tho I outgrew it by like 5th grade,, and yk what she did??? She cut my bangs when i slept😭😭and I remember feeling like something was off but couldn't figure out why for like weeeeks and then my uncle visited us and he was like "aww u got bangs again so cute" and then it was like everything clicked and I lost my mind 🥲😤 tbh i should've just listened to her bc her styling was always on point and she always made me look amazing but I guess I had to find my own identity 😪
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papirouge · 1 year
Weak tradfems on this site or twitter will claim that hypergamy is evil only for their male audience. Because they seek allies in their male audience that don’t follow them to be “friends” their mal audience is full of chronically online weak links that absorb tate and manosphere material to compensate for their lack of masculinity identity that can only be achieved through self reflection and meditation.
But I don’t have a male audience and never will want one so I can comfortably say that it’s based for women to only choose the top male she can so her life and her children’s are better off than if she settles. Males will gaslit many girls into believing that we all settle for our partners but this is unhealthy for long term commitment. If you want to live a good life as a good wife, the best husband for you is one you must look for hard and take your time.
PERIOD. 🍵🔥🔥🔥
That's the whole fraud of those red pill (trad) women (especially on YouTube) whose entire audience is made of incels while they pretend being Feminity coach 🤡. And those women KNOW IT but they act dumb bc they know those incels are those who keep them relevant. Beyond than "allies" : they want that male validation through viewership and engagement.
I'll never understand tradfem being so icky about hypergamy bc hypergamy is extremely traditional. Dating and marrying bums without any real standards (financially) for your future husband is very modern. Men throughout history have always been comitted to provide for their entire family so it was natural for women to seek after financially secure men. But today, most "modern" men would call a woman a gold digger for simply refusing to split the bills (mind you, some of those are the same ones complaining abt feminism, when said feminism is what made women capable to make them split the bill.....🙄).
Real hypergamy channel ARE female dominated in their audience. High quality men are a scarcity, so a hypergamy channel calling women to step up their standards and pay average men dust is gonna make most of men get in their feelings and not follow/support such content 🥴
Female trad red pillers never address much criticism against men - it's mostly aimed torwards women (maybe that's why they might delusion themselves into think they're relevant for women...), so men are so comfortable following them ; because they know they'll never be held accountable on such space. And God knows that incels HATE accountability.
Chrissie (which is an actual hypergamy channel) clocks redpillers precisely on that hypocrisy. This video is mostly abt White female redpillers pandering to Black men (who for the most part are extremely colorist and will elevate women of other race over their own) but she pulls out extremely good point about how these red pill female guru are hypocritical snakes. Especially the "how can those red pill women call themselves 'Feminity Coach' when their whole audience are men?" 💀💀
btw if you're curious about the 'red pill women finesser' she's talking about, JustPearlyThings is one of them. Go check her YouTube channel because...damn girl is a piece of work 💀
Her video titles are a literal caricature of the red pill pickme it's insane :stupidly clickbaity, with cringe BUZZWORDS WORDED IN BIG LETTERS LIKE AN ANTI SJW FROM 2014....💀 So embarrassing... But this pandering (especially towards Black men) seems to work ; homegirl has 1+ million subscribers after only 3 years of existence... That White woman knows what she's doing👀
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papirouge · 1 year
I’m not sure why American evangelicals are obsessed with forcing girls out of schools and making them stay at home. I mean, have they looked at their current selection of males? Porn addicted, abusive, many just plain hate women,
Yet the same evangelical women promoting this are the same that went to college, have a career, their own money and aren’t even married with kids. This has to be a grift. In the Bible they claim to follow, women were business owners. They weren’t banned from schools or told to marry young and forget any career plans.
This whole movement feels like these women are also idolizing men, particularly mediocre men because it shows other women are happier being single. And I guess they wanna be pick mes. I know birth rates are a thing but it seems like Americans would rather kill themselves than look at socialist ideas
I can’t imagine telling girls to stop being lawyers, doctors, artists, etc. For me, I only go to female doctors. No way I’d go to a male obgyn or a male primary doctor. I don’t think the people promoting these ideas have any clear vision for the future they want. They just want to make as much money as possible until they can’t no matter how much harm it causes. Which tells me that they’re possessed by demons of greed
NLOG trad grifter on YouTube are definitely self contradictory because their whole existence on the platform is the definition of girl boss. Straight up developing production companies, LEADING coaching courses, etc.
Real tradfem aren't even online like that. My pet peeve are those "countryside tradfem" selling off their off the grid life when being off the grip is the antithesis of filming vlogs and managing a (successful) YouTube. As someone who's doing both vlogs and YouTube I can tell you it asks A LOT of logistics and all the people claiming to be removed from civilization while consistently updatingare LIARS 🥴
For example, I'm genuinely confused that some people really think Liziqi truly films everything herself and that she's really disconnected from civilization/electricity 💀 Homegirl has a 20" screen Mac in her house, and her videos are movie quality 😭 she DEFINITELY has a whole team!! (btw I need to know whether the rumors the Chinese government seized her channel is true and that's why she hasn't updated since a year 👀)
It's like those hypergamy coach screaming from the rooftop they are hypergamist and how to wife up a millionaire when the actual women who are married to millionaire aren't online and find self professed hypergamist embarrassing lol
but to come back to the subject of YouTube grifters, I find very interesting how these YouTube grifter brand themselves as feminity coach when most of their audience.....is a male💀 It should ring a bell but I guess they're too delusional for that
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papirouge · 2 years
What are your political/life views? I just found your blog, you have so many varying ( yet valid) opinions
uduekzkskejejaldkz I am not a political person (I don't even vote lol) but I beefed with so many people who got so confused by my position because it's impossible to fit me in a box. I know some people are genuinely confused at me not being conservative. Or me orbiting around radfem...while being prolife. I may be Christian, but I'll NEVER be the token Black woman/Christian Candace Owens (lol) (though homegirl can have very stupid views i.e jumping on the Tate white knight bandwagon). Some White Christians are veeeeery transparent with their (cultural, racial) bias and I don't mess with them. I am actually very pro Black (pro Black WOMEN - I am very into "corrective promotion of Black women" Black feminity, hypergamy, etc.) but some Black people might dislike me bc I loathe rap culture, call out the one drop rule and Black women obsession with wearing Asian women hair... 🤫
I think the blueprint behind my mindset is that I am a VERY logical person.. I hate double standards and hypocrisy. I can respect a standpoint totally opposed to mine as long as it's consistent.
Some of my milestones 😹
💥 I beefed with Christians hypocrites seething on homosexuals while being spiritual adulterers themselves (watching witchy shows)
💥 I beefed with Calvinist for saying Once Saved Always Saved wasn't biblical 👀 when I came out as a Christian I called out a big/popular Christian/Calvinist blogger (I didn't realize how popular she was when I called her out lmao) and she freaked out and deactivated and all of followers went off at me lmaooo even today IDK what triggered her to react this way... I think she was mentally ill :/ (?) She came back though but blocked me. If it helps her feeling safer her I'm fine with that tbh. Then a pro OSAS/Calvinist Christian YouTuber challenged me (several times) to a d-d-d-duel but I said "lmao. No." The idea of a Calvinist Christian YouTuber having a one-sided beef with me cracks me up tbh lmao #papirougeexposed 👀
💥 I beefed with Cath trad nv crusaders for making fun of colonialism & slavery à la "it just taught these savages how to behave 😈" while being shook when people look up Communism (bc their grandpa died in a gulag or whatever). So it's ok to make fun of entire countries/civilizations being genocided and enslaved from centuries...but looking up a dead regime that made your family suffer soooooo baaaad is somehow morally corrupt? just choke already - and props to Stalin for keeping your ancestors on check considering how ugly their offspring turned out to be.... ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ see how bad it sounds? now WHY do those ghouls feel comfortable doing so for non Whites/non-Europeans? I HATE these demons.
💥 I regularly beef with pro gun Christians because gun culture is from the devil and unbiblical
💥 I regularly beef with radfem because they hate that I'm pro life (but otherwise love my takes which makes them ever more mad LOL)
💥 I beefed with (Christian) libertarians because they're stupid 🤷🏾‍♀️ Also you can't hate against governments authority (or simply existing) while being Christian. Governments are from God. Their dedication to act like Romans 13 didn't exist is hysterical.
💥 I beefed with kpop stans for saying kpop guys are ugly and were sending people to hell lmao
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