#not me having to ask my brother who’s already taking me to a concert on the 26th if he could also drop me off at one on the 25th 💀
camscendants · 3 months
Me begging everyone in my life that can drive if they can take me to concerts
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bigfatbimbo · 5 months
Can you do a Alastor x married reader? (No smut please just wholesome and gore shit)
omg i didn’t know if you wanted Alastor with a reader who’s already married to somebody else or if you want reader who’s married to Alastor.
Initially i thought it was the ladder so that’s what i wrote. If you wanted the first option you can drop another ask and i’ll write that too!
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✧.* He goes absolutely crazy for your wedding anniversaries, like i’m not kidding. He would probably do really extreme borderline insane grand gestures
✧.* like say you like nirvana he would probably hunt down kurt kobain and steal his soul just so you get a free concert
✧.* that was a ridiculous example but the gestures are seriously that crazy 
✧.* His love language would probably be gift giving and acts of service. He’s the type to unexpectedly get you flowers or chocolates because he doesn’t really know how else to express his affection towards you.
✧.* On your wedding day, your first dance would probably start slow but then halfway through the song pick up the pace and have like an electro-swing type beat. 
✧.* I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t tell you about it either, just all of a sudden started spinning and dipping you. 
✧.* as you know, he is SUCH an attention whore and his jealousy gets even worse after you two get married. He wants your eyes on him at all times and throws a little tantrum anytime someone else has your attention.
✧.* Luckily you know him well enough to figure out when this happens. Maybe even call him out on it, that’ll get him going.
✧.* If you do end up saying something about his jealousy, especially if it’s in a teasing way, watch his grin tighten and his eyes widen before shaking his head slightly. Obviously trying to hide how much you just caught him off guard.
✧.* He’ll probably say something like “Oh, my dear, you know me far too well.”
✧.* Kisses aren’t as common as they are in other peoples relationships, not to say they don’t happen. Usually he’s the one to initiate it as he’s not that big of a fan of physical touch.
✧.* But he’ll wait until you two have a moment alone and lean down to kiss you.
✧.* Although if he is in a touchy mood, however rare that scenario might be, he will show you very discreetly. maybe you two are just lounging in bed and he’ll gradually scoot ever so slightly closer too you until your practically squeezed together.
✧.* Maybe you take the hint and start to hold his hand, or even rub his back. He wouldn’t say how much he liked it but maybe even let him lean on your shoulder.
✧.* Brother has mad parental issues and misses his mommy so he actually would love feeling taken care of like that.
✧.* More on his jealousy, he will ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT A DOUBT kill for you. Whether it’s someone who just had your attention for a little too long, or someone who just plain annoyed you, they’re a goner. OH, and it will not be fast. it will be drawn out and slow because this bitch is absolutely crazy.
✧.* He loves to dance so much that’s probably the most common form of physical touch between you two. 
✧.* Alastor also has a terrible habit of just talking AT you. Usually you humor him at listen even if it feels like he’s talking to himself more than you. Buddy just thinks the things he has to say or super important so you just nod your head and smile.
✧.* If you’re especially known for being Alastors wife then people will absolutely steer clear of you. Actually, a week into dating he probably already sent a message to people who even thought of messing with you. Yeah, it doesn’t happen often anymore.
✧.* He also likes it when you cook for him. It reminds him of his childhood and probably makes him happy. 
✧.* He will DEFINITELY join it and help you cook because my boy loves that quality time!
✧.* Maybe you and him happen to be disliking the same demon and decide to kill them together. Literally power couple shit right there, taking turns beating the shit out of some disrespectful bitch. 
✧.* Probably kissing whilst that’s happening too to be honest.
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a/n: OMG IM NOT VERY PROUD OF THIS TBH!! I swear usually i’m better at writing but i literally just don’t like Alastor very much? I don’t know he just doesn’t do it for… well anyways bc of that it might be a little out of character.
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seunmong-in · 3 months
🌅Sunsets in Sydney🌅
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Genre: Fluff, childhood best friend to lovers, Idol! Felix x Reader, Humor, slight cursing, she fell first but he fell harder. 
Words: 2.1k 
Summary: After being on tour for a whole year, Felix is finally back in Sydney for a well-deserved break. While he is ecstatic to be with his family again, there’s one person who he wants to see most. His childhood best friend and crush, Y/N. 
A/n: Okay, can I start this off by saying, Holy crap… Thank you to all who like or reblogged my first fanfic with Han!! ( click his name if you wanna read it ! ) I honestly thought it wasn’t that good since I wrote it in a very sleep-deprived state, lol. But y’all proved me wrong🥹❤️‍🩹 That said, I hope you guys also like this story with Felix! Like always, if you have any feedback or want to make a special request just DM me!! Here’s also my latest one with Seungmin as well 🫶🏼
P.S Does anyone else have “that’s not very nice” stuck in their head too?
365 days. 
That's how long Felix has been away from the place he calls home. And no, he doesn't mean his actual home back in Sydney. He means being away from his childhood best friend, Y/n. 
Felix and Y/n have been best friends since grade school. They have always been there for each other, from performing in talent shows to caring for each other when one falls ill. They are like two peas in a pod; wherever one goes, the other is sure to follow.
On the day Felix had to tell Y/n that he was leaving Sydney to become an idol in Korea, he broke down crying. He was worried that being thousands of miles away from his closest friend would strain their relationship. As he was about to board the plane, he turned around to see Y/n waving goodbye to him with tears streaming down her face, and he couldn't help but cry, too.
Surprisingly, Felix and Y/n's friendship didn't end after that day. Instead, their bond grew even stronger. Y/N would constantly update Felix through text or calls, sharing the details of her day and making sure he didn't miss out on anything important. While Felix enjoyed receiving these updates, what he loved most was the pictures his mom would send him of Y/n with his family on small family trips. Seeing her smile and taking selfies with his sisters always warmed his heart.
He had already surpassed the stage of simply developing feelings for Y/n. Felix adored her. He loved her. Whenever he watched a video of a couple on TikTok or Instagram, he imagined how to recreate the same videos with Y/n by his side. His heart skipped when Y/n surprised him at one of his earlier concerts with Olivia and Hannah, Chan's sister. The memory of her dancing his part of God's Menu while Hannah danced Chan's part on the big screen was something he would never forget. Since that night, Felix had been planning to confess his love to Y/n, and he decided to do it under the sunset in Sydney.
Under the hot summer sun, Felix's freckled face is lit up with a big smile as his family rushes to greet him. Olivia is the first to embrace him, screaming, "Oh my God, do you even know how I miss you, Lix?!"
Felix laughed, embracing his youngest sister and repeating, "I miss you more." He noticed that Olivia had grown a bit since the last time he saw her and that her hair was now dyed at the ends. Noticing her brother staring at her hair, Olivia mentioned that Y/N did it a few days ago at one of their usual girls' nights. His mom and dad were the next two to hug him tightly, with his mom shedding a few happy tears.
"I say this every time, but I am so happy to have my baby back home."
Felix wraps his arms around his mom, hugging her as he says, "I am happy to be back home to Mom."
Felix was sitting in the back of a car, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Y/n. He was waiting for her message, asking if he had reached home safely, but he had yet to receive any message from her. Although this was unusual, he assumed she might be busy.
Suddenly, Olivia abruptly interrupts Felix's train of thought, "So, are you finally going to ask Y/n to be your girlfriend while you're here, or are we still sticking to the whole 'she's just my best friend' excuse?" The unexpected question catches Felix off guard. His face turns red with embarrassment as his mother turns her head around from the passenger seat, waiting for a response.
Avoiding eye contact with his mother and sister, Felix clears his throat, allowing himself to find the right words.
"Um.. what makes you think I even have feelings for her?"
Olivia stares at her older brother, scolding him with his earlier response, "Felix be so fucking for real right now. It's obvious you have feelings for Y/n. You look at her as if she is your whole world, your face lights up with a smile whenever she texts you, and you always seem to find a way to talk about her when we talk on the phone. If that doesn't scream, "I am in love with my best friend," then I don't know what does. Oh, and before you go and argue with me about this, even the boys agree that you are completely strung up on her. So do us all a favor and tell her how you feel, will you?"
Felix sighs as he looks up to see his sister's gaze. He knew he had to come clean now before his plans got ruined. 
"Have I mentioned how much I dislike you sometimes, Liv?"
"Yeah, but I'm your favorite sister, so start spilling before I call Hyunjin and have him tell Y/n to you." 
During the last five minutes of their car ride, Felix confided in his family about his plan to ask Y/n out when they reached the house. He made them promise not to say anything to Y/n about his plan since he wanted to create a memorable and private moment between them.
As Felix's father pulled into the driveway, Felix noticed Y/n's car parked across the street. His heart raced as he jumped out of the car, ignoring his mother's yelling about not going inside yet. 
Felix barges through the main door and stops when he sees the handmade "Welcome Home Lixie" banner that Y/n was struggling to put up. He chuckles softly and leans by the living room doorway, watching as she gets on her tiptoes to hook the string onto the nail.
"You know, I could've helped you put up the banner, sunshine if you would've waited a little longer."
Y/n turns around to find Felix smirking. Blushing, she runs to him and hugs him. He hugs her back, lifting her up and spinning her around.
Trying not to cry on his shoulders, Y/n ever so softly whispers, "You have no idea how much I missed your hugs, Lix."
"Me too, sunshine, it's been way too long."
After returning home and having dinner early, Felix went upstairs to his room. There, he discovered a welcome-home basket in the center of his bed. The basket contained his favorite candies, face masks, a small chicken plushie, and gift cards to his preferred places. Felix smiled, realizing that it was a gift from Y/n. She was always the type to spoil others with gifts, even if it was a small occasion. Looking through the gifts in the basket, he heard a soft knock on the door, and Y/n walked in. When Felix looked up at her, they locked eyes for the second time that day. Time seemed to come to a standstill, and after a while, Y/n was the first to break the silence.
"I hope you like it; I saw it on Tiktok late last night and thought I should make you one."
"I love it a lot; thank you, sunshine." 
He gives her a soft smile and motions for her to sit with him on the bed. She walks over and sits beside him, watching him unwrap more gifts. Y/n can't help but laugh as Felix brings the chicken plushie up to his face, jokingly asking, "Do you think it looks like me?"
"As much as I want to say yes, I feel like I am going betray BbokAri, so I must lie and say no."
Felix and Y/n laugh as Felix places the plushie back on the shelf behind him. The room lights up in a golden hue, indicating the sun is about to set. Without wasting more time, Felix takes Y/n's hand and leads her out of his room and towards his car.
"Lix, what are you doing? Where are we going?"
"I was hoping we could watch the sunset together again, just like we did as kids. It's been quite some time since the last time we did, and let's face it, we're not getting any younger. Before we know it, we'll be as old as old man Chan."
""I'm going to tell him you said that," she says, laughing as she follows him to his car. They both jump in and drive to the nearby beach.
As the car pulled onto the sandy shore, Felix practically flew out of his side to open the door for Y/n. She beamed with delight as she stepped out, feeling the warm sand under her toes. Felix swiftly closed the car door and took her hand, leading her towards the beach. The sky was ablaze with a breathtaking display of pink and orange hues as the sun descended below the horizon.
"I forgot how pretty the sunset could be when you can see the reflection on the water."
"I know, but it's even prettier with you beside me," Felix responds. 
Y/n stands before Felix, unsure if he is joking or serious. He chuckles as she becomes flustered.
"You know that's not very nice."
"What isn't sunshine?"
"You saying that to me and not explaining what you mean," Y/n states as she turns away from him. 
Felix grabs Y/n by her waist and spins her, holding her close. Y/n's face flushes a deep shade of pink as she catches her breath. They've been close for years, but something feels different about this moment. There's a palpable tension in the air, a feeling of unspoken love that's hard to ignore. Felix looks deep into Y/n's eyes, examining how the sun's warm glow illuminates them. The sound of waves crashing against the shore adds to the moment's magic. Fighting the urge to kiss her immediately, Felix takes a deep breath as he stares into her eyes. 
"Do you remember why I decided to return home for a break instead of staying in the dorms with the boys?" Puzzled by his random question, Y/n nods her head, looking back into his dark brown eyes. 
"Of course I do. It was because you wanted to be with your family since you were homesick, Lix."
"You're right. But there's something important that I need to tell you, something that should've been said from the very beginning. Y/n, I like you. I'm in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts not to have you by my side most days or even to call you mine. The night before I left Sydney, I intended to confess my feelings to you, but I knew it was bad timing since I was leaving, and I didn't want to end our friendship. So, I kept it to myself for years. However, seeing you with Liv and Hannah at our concert earlier this year, dancing and singing to our songs, made me realize that what I felt for you was more than just a simple grade school crush. Y/n, I'd be lying if I said you weren't the person I want to spend the rest of my life with because I do. I want you to be mine, my only sunshine. And if you don't feel the same way, I understand..."
Felix was toward the end of his sentence when Y/n suddenly cut him off by pressing her lips against his. It was a bold move, but she had been crushing on Felix for what felt like an eternity and couldn't hold back any longer. When they finally pulled away, Felix looked at Y/n with a knowing smile, pressing his forehead on hers. In a very soft voice, Felix finally finishes his sentence. 
"I cannot imagine spending a single day without you by my side anymore. Will you do me the greatest honor of all and be mine forever?
""Until forever stops existing, my love."
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Hi, so I saw that your request for tokio hotel are open. Can I request dating headcanons with Tom? Have a nice day!
(hello! I had time and I was bored so what the hell? Here ya go! Bear with me, it's my first Tom one and I hope you like it! If anyone else does, please tell me if you would like more in the comments!)
Dating Tom Headcannons
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He would be the proudest boyfriend I feel like
On stage he's like 
"That's my babe! Over there, not you- them! Them!" 
All excited and stuff
But he is flirty
Doesn't matter where or when
Is extremely flirty
Would be the person to just sneak in a kiss before going on stage and be like "it's for good luck" so you have no choice but to give in
If you have a style similar to his, he would love it
If you don't, he would still like it
He thinks you look good either way, and he's still gonna flirt with you
Is not a possessive person, like you can do what you want and stuff but if something goes too far he'll say something or if someone makes you uncomfortable
But he's not the type to say "don't hang out with them" or stuff like that about your friends or he wouldn't feel threatened by another guy
He wouldn't feel threatened because he knows who he is, and that you're already his partner so he's locked down and ready to go
He finds it funny when someone tries flirting with you
He'll just be in bothered and go up to you and kiss you
He doesn't take offense to it
You're pretty man, why wouldn't you be flirted with?
He takes it as an accomplishment
They flirt with you but he's the one with you
Same with fans from his side, if you're okay with like kisses on the cheek from fangirl he'll be good to go
But if you're not, hell do his best to avoid them and give them hugs or smth idk
If you have a piercing or lots of piercings, he'll love them 
He loves anything about you man
Is definitely the one to pull you onto his lap anytime
If you're in the band, he'll do it in interviews or anywhere in general
Even if you're not in the band, he'll do it all the time
When he notices paparazzi taking pictures of you guys, he'll purposefully give them a picture of you guys almost full on making out
He is shameless
If you're in the band, he'll be having the time of his life on stage with you
He'd be behind you and kiss your neck just because he can
Does not give a single fucking of how many people are in the arena or the audience
He's the type to let you take his shit
Like shirts, rings, pants, hats, anything
He likes how you look in them
Kisses your knuckles or the back of your hand sometimes to substitute kisses
Or he'll be messing with your hair
Oddly likes having his head in your lap or your head in his
He'll take your stuff and act like he doesn't know where it went to keep you from leaving
"I don't know where it went, could you have dropped it when we were walking back? Looks like you'll have to stay."
He has it in his pocket.
Is proud anytime he sees you in the crowd or backstage
Or after a set or concert he'll just be asking you if you liked his performance
Please tell him he did great
He won't take anything else except that
If you aren't in the band, he would like that you got along with his brother and band mates
And especially if you got close with Bill, he'd probably fear being the target of pranks
He doesn't feel threatened no matter how close you get to his brother or Georg or Gustav
They're his closest friends and he trusts them and you so he has nothing to worry about
Has a lot of trust in your relationship if you couldn't tell
If you played a instrument or sing in shy type of way, he'd love it even more
He'd be a flirty and proud boyfriend of the century
Even if you guys did break up, not that I'm saying you will, he will forever have a specific and special place for you no matter how much time passes by
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eddiernunson · 11 months
Master List
Master List of everything I've written
I'm gonna be honest, I'm proud of Trapped, it's something I spent a year on, but I have written so much better since then, especially since I've been writing so much lately.
The higher quality written project is Really Drives Me Mad, something I'm even more proud of.
All content is 18+
Long Form Stories (All Reader x Eddie)
Trapped Master List (Completed)
Summary: Story summary: Reader has had a crush on Eddie Munson for about three years when her friends have had enough of her mooning and find a way for them to be alone together. They do get together, and smut, firsts, and shenanigans ensue. (18+ for the smut in each chapter)
Found Again (Sequel)
Summary: The year is 2005. Vecna is defeated, Steve Harrington is finding grey hairs. Eddie has already been dead for 19 years. Unfortunately, you have too. Since 1989. In a new life, new state, new friends, new school, you find yourself drawn to the new kid, and he to you. Something tells you it had to do with the dreams of a man with long hair when you were small.
Part 1 | Part 2
Really Drives Me Mad (Completed)
Summary: You've been dating Dylan Munson for a little bit, and it's going well, or at least you feel like it is. Despite everything right with Dylan you can't help but feel uneasy...then you meet Eddie Munson, his dad... and find yourself wet at the sight of him. (reader is in her 20s, Eddie probably in his 40s or so)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Face Riding Eddie
Cockwarming with Eddie
One Shots | 18+
Take My Anger | Mean Eddie
Summary: Eddie is pissed after a session from Hellfire and you offer for him to take his anger out on you.
The Taste of You | Rockstar!Eddie
Summary: after attending a successful and rather sweaty concert from Corroded Coffin, you send the front man a rather thirsty DM on his instagram. You wake up to his response...and an offer to go backstage to follow through.
The Splash of Rain on the Roof | Best friend!Eddie
Summary: you're best friends with Eddie Munson after moving to Hawkins, the new girl who ditches the cheerleaders for the Freaks. A year later, you've fallen head over heels for him, and you're convinced there's no way he has any interest in you. It finally seems confirmed when you find out (more or less) that he's into a fucking cheerleader. Your heart breaks.
Nice to Meet You, Where You Been?
Summary: your college roommate takes you to the annual Harrington Halloween Party, where you expect to do nothing but get drunk and dance for a night. That was...until you turn around to the person dancing against you to Eddie fucking Munson.
"Do You Want One?" | Corruption Kink
Summary: your cousin shows you around Hawkins High for your first day, and is surprised to say the least when her sweet cousin hooks onto Eddie Munson. Just seeing him brings a swoop to your stomach you've never quite felt before, and become desperate for more of him
Selfish | Steddie x Reader
Summary: Reader is torn as she wants two people at once, and she figures it's impossible...in the sense that they would never want her. She is proven wrong after making an accidental audience with Eddie one night...
Waiting Room Problems
Summary: a rough landing in a fight with your brother causes you to land in a crowded waiting room. Meanwhile a rough deal also sends Eddie the same fate. Somehow, somehow you try to keep your eyes on your phone and off his tiny little waist. It proves... difficult.
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart | Best Friend!Eddie
Summary: You and Eddie have both had crap luck on dates lately, nothing that can't be fixed with a strawberry milkshake. However, he gets asked out on a date and it goes well...until it turns your life on its head and he forgets how to pick up the phone. You don't even care that he's dating someone else you just want your best friend back
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didishawn · 1 year
Then can I request a kylian fic where the reader is Jude and jobe Bellingham’s older sister and she is about 20/21 yo and she gets sm dms from different players, basketball players singer etc etc.. but then she gets a dm from kylian ( and kylian is her celeb crush) so she is over the moon then her brothers find out and become so overprotective over her.
Thank you for reading this long request bbs
Celebrity crush (Kylian Mbappe x Reader)
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Warnings: none really, just celebs flirting with you and being kind of suggestive I guess
Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5
"Hey, Jude, care to tell me what your friend is doing on my dms?"
That definitely catches your brother's attention, walking over and taking the phone from your hand, his eyes widen when he sees Haaland react to your story with heart eyes, fires and a: looking good, Bellingham
"What an asshole" your brother says, scrolling up to see more messages like that from his friend "Any other friend of mine over your dms?"
You see your brother's intention of checking out more messages, you stand up, taking the phone off his hand, making him and Jobe -sitting on the couch, previously distracted, but now with a watchful eye staring at you-surprised.
Jude raises an eyebrow "What was that about?"
You give him a nervous smile "What was what about?"
"Taking the phone off his hand" Jobe says "What are you hiding?"
"Nothing, just don't want my little brother going through my dms"
"Do you have a boyfriend that you don't want us to know about?" Jude asks, his arms crossed, imitating your father whenever he saw you with some boy.
"And where did you get that from?"
"I don't know, you have been pretty cheery recently, not as annoying, and know are hiding something on your phone"
"You really want to see who else dms me?"
"I surely want to know if you are -Jobe cover your ears- hooking up with any of my teammates"
"I know what hooking up is...."
"Seriously, Jude? Fine, here, take it, I don't think you will find any of your friends there, but who knows?"
Honestly, Jude was kind of joking when he made his drama queen act about the dms, but he is not about to miss the chance of seeing who messages his dear sister.
Pedri González: coming any time soon to Barcelona? I can show you around the city and some real fun
Jamal Musiala: looking great, makes me want to show you who the best team of the Bundesliga really is
Harry Styles: wanna come to my next concert? Then we can find something better to do
Hero Fiennes Tiffin
Jude doesn't have time to read what that one said as his eyes go to the next name, he has that look that says: bullocks.
"You can't be serious, Kylian Mbappe?" he shouts, Jobe is instantly next to him watching your screen, your cheeks red.
Your brothers are speechless as they scroll over months of conversations in between you and who they know to be your celebrity crush, unbelieving when they see it was Kylian -or, Kyky as you call him-was the first to reach out to you, reacting to some story of yours of you tanning on the beach.
The man has invited you to France and all, and even offered to be the one to come and see you, doesn't matter if you are in Germany or England, he says he wants to see you.
"I can't believe it..." Jude sighs, Jobe nods.
"And you didn't tell us!"
"Because just look how crazy you are now. Besides, it's nothing serious, we are just friends"
"Yeah, right, that's why he constantly ssays you are hot and is desperate to see you"
"We are friends"
"You still should have told us!" the younger of the two says.
Jude is still for a second, seemingly deep in thought -you refrain from commenting how your never thought him to be one capable of thinking- he opens the camera, pointing at him and Jobe, whispers something at the younger one, you are confused, but refrain from saying anything as you see him press record.
"Hello Kylian, I am Jude, this is Jobe, but you must already know that judging by how much you seem to talk to my sister. You see, this video is just a warning to be very careful on whatever match we see each other next in, because I will be going after you. What on Earth is this about flirting with a maybe-future teammate's sister. Not cool at all, right Jobe? "
"Yeah! Not cool! At all!" you can't help but snort.
"So, yeah, just sleep with an open eye, and also, forget about my sister, she is too good for you even if she is pretty annoying"
"What? I am not annoying!"
"Yes you are, now shut up, I am not done yet" Jude turns again to the camera "Or you can continue talking to her and see what happens. Anyways, now I am finished, see ya around, Kyky"
They send the video, looking pretty proud of themselves.
Kylian opens your message as soon as it arrives as he always does, Jude and Jobe expectant for his reaction.
A couple of minutes later, a video from him arrives too, your brothers opening it without delay.
"Hello, Jude, Jobe, of course I know who you are, because you are right, I spend day and night talking with your sister and I don't intend to stop. I am pretty exited for what you will supposedly be doing next time we see each other Jude, I am sure you have some tricks up your sleeve - so do I, by the way. Really hoping we do end up as predicted on the same team, to see the look on your face when y/n uses my number instead of yours. Also, tell your sister to call me later, and don't be surprised when she travels to Paris on the next couple of weeks, she will be with me, my treat. Take care care you two, and give the phone back to your sister, I have something to show her"
Your brothers are speechless, and you, can't hp but laugh, taking your phone you start walking off, but turn to them "Oh, yeah, I will be asking you later for some tips about what to wear to Paris. I want to look my best, you know?"
You laugh at their expressions, a gentle smile taking over your face when a text from the man himself arrives, this time for you.
Your brothers are pretty funny, love, but we will also have to make sure to fill up the internet with photos about us when you come to me. Just as a payback.
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redishflavor · 6 months
if you saw the other one no you didn't
someone's John dory ask got eaten and I can't find my previous draft on it 😔
A/N -> I'll be starting school soon again so I won't be able to write as many fanfics as right now, but still send it requests! I just won't be able to publish them as fast as before 😅
but anyways (this is way longer than my last one damn)
John dory x reader headcanons
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okay let's get one thing straight
this man has been in the wild for over idk how many years
he probably is secretly touch starved
and he's probably really bad at flirting
let's say this is after the events of TBT, so he's back in society again (probably)
hes bumped into you a few times and during those few times it was just some small talk here and there
but then when he bumped into you again he decided to flirt
with a terrible pick up line
after he said that he gave a look that was like "Yep, still got it"
he does not got it
you just looked at him, looked away and snorted
he thinks it's working
it might be
without him asking, you gave him your number on a peice of paper
there was a small not under the number (yall choose idk what to put) with a small heart at the end
(ur stinky but funny ❤️) (I sorry I had to😭😭)
he didn't read the note, he js put it on his wall in a frame
he was the first to text you
just a simple "Hi this is John dory"
and you know how some people type something but not send it?
he did that
"PLEASE PLEASE DATE ME 🙏🙏" then he deleted it to respond 'normally' to your text
after a few weeks of talking to each other you were the first to ask if he wanted to go on a date
he probably has never responded so fast to someone on his life
I js had to add this but he probably lost his other glove bc Rhonda ate it
anyways back on track
the first date you two went on was at a small Cafe (idk I panicked😭)
you two talked about a hunch of stuff but then settled on the topic of bands
one of your favorite band was BroZone
his eyes visibly lit up at the word BroZone
asks a bunch on questions like "who's your favorite band member" or "what's you favorite song"
takes his SWEET TIME telling you he's THE John Dory from BroZone
so many questions from both him and you
but after that date he offers to walk you home
and that's also how he got your address
a few more dates later he's the one to make the first move
a small text saying to meet him up at the Cafe they had their first date in
hes already there looking a bit flustered
after you two sit down he asks if you want to date
and that's how yall start dating (I am so sleepy rn guys)
every now and then he would send small gifts to you like flowers, candies, anything that reminds him of you at almost any store he goes to
he likes compliments, both giving and receiving them
when he's spending the day at your place he likes to cuddle with you
or hold you in any way
hug, hand holding, any touch basically
LOVES when you kiss him
like pepper him with kisses and he's melting
grab a bucket and mop he's gone
when he first introduced you to his brothers they had many questions
when Poppy met you (probably through Branch)
you two both bonded over dating a member of brozone
as you and Poppy were fangirling over them JD just looked at you lovingly
like he almost forgot his brothers were there
he loves you too much
he also gets you free tickets and backstage passes to every single one of BroZone's concerts
you've never missed a single concert
and you have way to much merch (mostly JD's merch) (and it's signed with his signature)
I think I might end it here bc I'm running out of ideas and any longer to post this would end up taking longer to post because school starts in like 2 says for me 😭😭 anyways I hope this was good for whoever asked this and again so sorry I lost your ask! I hope you have a great day/night!!
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AITA for wanting a material thing rather than an experience for my college graduation gift, and being upset I still don't have it?
I skimmed through some other AITA posts to prepare me to write this one properly, and saw someone use the term "validation bait." I bring that up because I fear this post may read like that once all is said and done, but I genuinely am worried my perspective might be skewed. I encourage you to enter "Reddit Mode" if you decide to reply after your judgement with additional context and feel the need to be blunt.
Background context: I have an older sibling who graduated before me during the beginning of COVID. While his gift was delayed as a result, we as a family (three children one father) ended up going to Disney World, NASA, and Universal Orlando in 2021 to celebrate his accomplishment. It was a great trip, aside from the horrific humidity and the hurricane that just barely missed us. Later on, I asked my sibling if that was what he actually wanted to do, and he said our father proposed some ideas because he didn't really have any and Florida sounded like a good idea to him. My asking this will make sense later, but putting it here seems the most logical.
Additionally, it may be important to know that my father goes on a lot of trips. At least, more than anyone I've personally known. I'm not gonna try to calculate the exact number, but I will say in the span of less than a year (after the family Florida trip), he went to both Canada and Mexico for a week each, on top of additional excursions to Florida and Vegas-- almost all also including bringing his girlfriend. At the same time, he claimed assistance with college tuition was out of his budget, started having me pay rent on a part time job, and told my younger sibling fixing the AC in their car would cost too much as well. Even I know something doesn't add up here, but maybe I'm taking it too personally. End background context.
Fast forward to spring of 2023, and it's my turn to graduate college. Here's the thing: my brother was asked at least a year in advance to his graduation what he would like to do. I wasn't asked; I had to bring it up myself, and I waited until my graduation was only two months out. It was also over a phone call, because my father was out of town for at least the fifth time that year already. I dropped the hint that, for my graduation present, I would really like to get a nice gaming desktop. My father's response was, "... We'll see." Later on, he elaborated through text stating, "I took everybody to florida because i think graduations should be more about memories than what material thing you can get out of your dad."
Here's the thing: it's no secret to my dad that I'm a gamer, and I like video games. Additionally, it's no secret that a gaming desktop is something I have wanted for a decade. Even since middle school I've talked about gaming desktops and how much I wanted one. Even so, I happily played games like Saints Row III on a laptop that chugged along at 12 frames per second and took every crash in stride. I also thought that this kind of gift would be a relief to my dad, as my thought process was it would be far less expensive than taking an entire family somewhere out of the state for a week. Not only that, but there wasn't really anywhere I wanted to go. I don't have the desire to travel like he does; I don't mind taking my time off at home or locally, and relaxing with the things I have rather than spending a ton on a fancy dinner or hotel or concert.
So, naturally, I was confused, dismayed, and heartbroken. While I started crafting a text response explaining why a gaming desktop would not just be for personal use, but would also be advantageous for my career (my degree was in animation and I learned surface level coding for making video games), I also wondered why it was wrong for me to want a "material thing" even if it wasn't something necessarily "useful." Because while, yes, a gaming desktop would have the power I needed for more intensive animation projects, that wasn't really why I wanted one. But I figured explaining as such would help convince my dad why it was a good idea.
My dad ended up calling me before I could finish crafting my text, so I did my best to explain my standpoint, as well as pointing out how the specs for a gaming desktop are pretty much parallel with the specs for a desktop for things like 3D rendering and animation. He stood his ground on "making memories" as well, and also hinted that I was acting entitled for asking about my graduation present. I think I pointed out to him how he asked my older brother far in advance what he wanted for his graduation, but those details of the conversation are a little faded with time. I did end up sending my text after that phone call anyway, as I felt it better explained what I was thinking and feeling than I could say in verbal conversation (I've always gotten a little flustered talking to my dad about things I want that he doesn't approve of).
Fortunately, after reading my text, my father seemed to come around, and invited me to put together a list of parts for my computer, since I wanted to build it. I got really excited and got the help of my computer-savvy friend to put together something I thought was reasonable-- it had a really good graphics card and processor, and I made compromises on some of the other parts to lower the cost. I haven't looked at the list in a while, but the total cost-- tower, two mid-range monitors, basic keyboard and mouse-- was something like 2.5k approaching 3k. Mid range (at least, it is these days) I think, but it would be enough for the things I wanted to do.
I put the list together, and emailed it to my dad. The assumption I had, was he would purchase the parts, and then we would build it together (or I would build it alone). However, later on I went to ask him if he had gotten my email, and while he said yes, he also said, "I'm not paying for the whole thing. I can't afford it, and it's not fair to spend more on you as an individual than what I spent on your brother as an individual for the Florida trip."
I find the latter point somewhat fair considering I'm the only person who benefits from this gift, but the first point, given the background context on my father's habits, I'm not sure how much I believe. But arguing with him would have been pointless. I definitely would have liked to have had that information beforehand, but it ultimately didn't change much.
This is getting long, so I'll try to summarize the rest. This was just the first instance of my father changing the goal posts for my graduation gift. First, he tried to convince me that getting a prebuilt tower would be just as good. I did the research, and a tower with the graphics card I wanted would have cost as much as building my own tower and buying a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and still not have been as good in other specs anyways. Then, he tried to tell me he was only going to give me $1000 towards the computer. I pointed out paying for my older sibling for the Florida trip would have cost at least $1500-- if I hadn't done the research, I wouldn't have known any better and just blindly agreed. Then, two days after my graduation, he stated that he wasn't going to give me the money for the computer until I had secured a full time job.
At that point, I just gave up, and agreed.
Fast forward to now. I'm still working the part time job, I barely make enough to put a couple dollars into savings, no one is hiring me full time, and my dad hinted that, instead of doing presents for Christmas this year, we all agree to go on vacation somewhere. Not only that, but his family in Canada just told him they're going to Mexico in November. Not only is my dad implying we should go too and I should pay a portion of my own way, I have a further feeling he may say that this will be our Christmas as well. I still don't have the computer, even though my dad has noticed how much I'm struggling.
If I had the computer, I wouldn't have minded the vacation-- but I feel like my wants and feelings have been completely pushed aside in favor of what my dad thinks is good and/or right, and the wind has been taken out of my sails regarding my graduation entirely. On the other hand, maybe he's right that I focus too much on a material thing and should redirect my attention to an experience and go somewhere to relax/get away from daily life.
Am I a materialistic asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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mattslolita · 1 month
lunchbox friends - n. sturniolo ( 002. )
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in which ... they meet at a melanie martinez concert and become best friends. platonic!nick & platonic!black!fem reader
warnings ; cussing, alcohol, vapes, matt lowkey liking reader
"𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓."
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗˗ˏˋ ꒰
the weekend came, which excited you so much. you couldn't wait to hang out with nick, as you both had been texting each other all the time and you even face timed the few times you could. you and nick's friendship was growing by the week, but now you guys would finally get to hang out again.
instead of going out to eat like you guys had originally planned, you decided on ordering some food instead.
you still had about an hour before you had to be at nick's place, so you freshened up your outfit , then you just sat down on your couch and scrolled through instagram mindlessly. one of your influencer friends vereena sayed posted a video of her at the melanie concert from last year, and you excited dmed her about her experience and asking where she sat because you would've loved to sit with her.
an hour ended up passing by quickly, so you called an uber to take you to nick's house — when it arrived, you greeted the driver sweetly and plugged your earphones in and you propped your hand under your chin as they drove to your destination.
you smiled at the la scenery, having loved being packed all together. it could be noisy sometimes, but you adored the city life. you also mentally remembered the route to nick's house in case something happened, but also because it was good to remember.
you soon arrived and nerves filled your body — even though you had already met nick, you still got nervous hanging around new people. and you were nervous to meet his brothers as well, although he expressed them to be nice people.
you thanked the uber driver and got out of the vehicle, nervously making your way towards the front door of the home. you did two knocks, feeling your stomach tighten slightly because of your nervousness.
nick — or so you thought it was — a man indentical to nick opened the door, his blue eyes widening slightly as he gives you a smile, to which you return.
"you must be y/n," he says, holding one hand out towards you, "i'm chris!"
"nice to meet you, chris!" you smile back, already relaxing due to his demeanor, "and damn, nick should've told me how cute you were!"
chris turns a bright crimson color, stepping aside so that you could walk through — you allow him to guide up to their lounge area, and that's when your eyes land on nick in the kitchen. "nick!"
"y/n!" he grins, immediately running up to you to embrace you in a quick hug.
"you smell so good, what cologne is that?" y/n asks him, sniffing his shirt as they pull away from the hug.
"i told you my cologne smells better than yours!" nick grins triumphantly at chris, "i'll tell you later, i'm gatekeeping it from him."
"kid not everything's a fucking competition," chris says with an eyeroll, turning to you and shaking your head causing you to giggle.
"so, we're gonna order food and we can go to my room," nick says, and you nod eagerly with a smile.
"matt and i are going to target real quick, please don't burn the house down while we're gone," chris tells both of them with a knowing look, causing you to raise your eyebrows with a hand on your hip.
"boy, nobody is about to burn anything!" you tell him teasingly, "wait has somebody almost burned the house down before?"
chris gives another knowing look to nick, who groans loudly. "it was one time, chris! i had to make an important call!"
"brian or whatever his name is was not that important," chris tells him with a glare, and your eyes widen.
"i know you gon tell me bout this guy, right?" you grin, giving nick's arm a light tap.
"girl, c'mon!"
nick grabs your hand and both of you excitedly make your way upstairs towards nick's room. once you enter, you kind of stand there, as you're scared to sit anywhere even though he's been nothing but welcoming.
"sit on the bed, we can watch a movie!" nick says, patting the spot next to him.
you quickly flop down next to him, and he fishes for his remote on the bed which he finds at the foot of it — you prop your legs up on the bed as nick does the same, both of you guys giggling aimlessly at nothing in particular. nick opens youtube and when he hovers over the k-12 movie, you smack his arm slightly causing him to grin and click on the film.
you reached for your bag and pulled out a cart and a small bottle of tequila, and nick's eyes widened. "bitch, you came loaded!"
"period, i always got this shit on me!" you giggle, holding the cart out to nick to take a hit first. "did you order the food yet?"
"i got us some wingstop," nick told you, inhaling then passing it back to you as he blew the smoke away facing the other side.
"oh my gosh! i forgot to bring some shot glasses with me," you whine, pouting at nick, "do y'all got any?"
"they're in the kitchen, the cabinet closest to the fridge," nick instructs you, "and girl get your shoes off my bed."
you stick your tongue out at him playfully, sliding your shoes off now in your black ankle socks as you've gotten comfortable — you walk out of nick's bedroom, your cart in your hand as you bop your head to a song stuck in your head while you walk downstairs.
you took a hit from you cart as you skipped into the kitchen, slowing down as you see the fridge first. you look around and shrug your shoulders, before opening it and looking inside — whatever you took, you would make sure to replace.
"NICK, WHO THE FUCK IS IN OUR KITCHEN!" a loud voice boomed behind you, causing you to gasp and turn around.
a man identical to both nick and chris stood there with wide, defensive eyes, before his expression turned into one of confusion — his brown, messy locs lay scattered about his head, and he ran one ringed hand through his curls as his eyes stayed fixated on you.
"calm down, matt!" chris groans, giving his brother a light shoulder slap, nodding towards you as you stand there dumbfounded. matt is fine as fuck.
"that's y/n."
"hey..." you giggle nervously, taking another hit from your cart as you can barely handle the way his eyes stay on you, "sorry we had to meet like this."
"it's fine, i just wish i could've introduced myself properly," he chuckled, giving you a nod and a small smile, "it's nice to meet you, y/n."
the way your name rolls off his tongue causes a tingle to go down your spine, and you bite your lip and grin at the man in front of you. another small giggle erupted from your mouth as you whirled back around to fish for what you were searching for in the kitchen.
you found the shot glasses, then a ring from the doorbell caught your attention as you gasped and set the shot glasses down. matt watched as you skipped right past him and downstairs, opening the door to reveal the food nick had ordered for you both.
"nick! the food is here!" you giggled excitedly, the bags of food still in your hand as you went back into the kitchen, grabbing the shot glasses as well.
as you went back upstairs, matt noticed you forgot your cart on the counter — he watched you disappear around the corner, quickly going to grab it and pocket it, in hopes he'd end up having a way to talk to you again.
"SHE DID WHAT?" nick yelled, doubled over in laughter as you were both clutching your stomachs.
"this bitch had the nerve to invite me to her party knowing she fucked my man!" you told him, wiping tears from your eyes as you laughed, "so i fucked her ass up!"
"i would've beat her ass too," nick admits, both of you bursting into giggles once again.
you both were drunk, having almost finished the whole bottle of tequila — you ended up devouring all of your wings and fries, whereas nick still had his fries left, which you've quietly been eating to try and sober yourself up some.
the k-12 movie had been over, and now some songs softly played in the background whilst you guys laughed and talked with each other, talking about your lore.
you found out the guy nick was talking about earlier turned out to be a jerk, always wanting to do shit with him but keep him a secret, hidden in the dark. nick deserved way better than that, he deserved a guy who would show him off and not be scared to. you promised him if you caught him in the street, his ass would be as good as fried.
"niiiiick," you sang, moving your head side to side, "is matt the one who asked for my instagram?"
"yeah, he wouldn't stop bugging me about it," he snorted with an eyeroll, causing you to giggle, "oh my gosh, did you guys meet yet?"
"he scared the shit out of me when i was looking for the shot glasses earlier!" you explained to him, shaking your head, "he's so fine though, he could have my insta and my number!"
"please, don't start!" nick whined, slapping you on the shoulder, and you giggled.
suddenly like that by doja cat began playing, and you and nick looked at each other with wide eyes, getting up and beginning to dance with each other.
"i'm gon teach you how to throw it back!" you say to nick, as you danced over to him, "watch me!"
you put both your hands on your knees, arching your back slightly as your ass begins popping up and down, causing nick's eyes to widen as he begins smacking it, hyping you up.
"period, okay then!" nick hypes, causing you to giggle as you both continue dancing.
both of you are so caught up in dancing with each other that you don't realize the door to nick's room opened, and both chris and matt stand there in the doorway — chris looks a little shocked and also terrified to see his brother attempting to throw it back, whilst matt's eyes keep traveling towards you and the way your body moved.
"oh shit!" nick says with wide eyes, finally seeing his brothers standing there.
you turn around and you gasp as a small giggle leaves your lips, a new song now playing. you give matt a flirty wave, causing his cheeks to turn a dark crimson color, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"nick whatever that was, please refrain from doing that again," chris says, shaking his head, as he points at you next, "did you teach him how to twerk?"
"you want me to teach you next?" you say drunkenly, and he shakes his head and backs out his nick's room.
"did you need something, matt?" nick asks his brother with a laugh, as you fall back onto nick's bed, feeling around the blankets for something.
"nevermind, i'll talk to you later about it," matt waves him off, shooting you one last look before he leaves your room.
"so they just came and- y/n?" nick says, looking back to see you had dozed off, that fast.
with a chuckle, nick removes everything from the bed and pulls on the covers to cover up your sleeping figure. he yawned and climbed in the bed next to you, pulling the covers over himself as well — your sleeping figure somehow snuggles up close to nick, taking his arm and throwing over you causing him to let out one last giggle as you brings you closer, both of you falling asleep next to each other.
for my birthday twin @thenickgirl ! i love u so much angel baby, hope you turning up rn stinkaa🤭💋
@luverboychris @muwapsturniolo @prettiest-poision @mattsturniolosleftnut @mrssturnioloo @guccifrog @junnniiieee07 @astrowh0r3 @v33angel @ilovechrissturniolo1 @e1ias3 @l0akkzz @hysteria-things @eyeliketoeatpoosay @sturn777 @stasiesturn @prettypinkprincess15 @breeloveschris @summerssover @mayhem-72 @riasturns @chrissturniolossidehoe @moonk1ss3d @v33angel @h3arts4harry @stargirll567 @bitchydragonparadise @heartsforchrisandmatt @pepsienthusiasts @tillies33ssss @thenickgirl @sturnprime @summerssover @k4di333 @pinksturniolo @middlepartmatt @jnkvivi
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queen-of-deans-booty · 7 months
Ask Me Again Tomorrow
Pairing: Rockstar!Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings: angst, forgetting an anniversary, feeling like he found someone better than you, fluff at the end
Request by anon: Hey can i request a rockstar Dean where the reader is her girlfriend and he miss them anniversary for some reason and never called the reader to tell her and she go mad and stop talking to him? Happy ending
Summary: Dean is a world-famous musician/singer who is currently on tour. Your five-year anniversary is coming up on a day that he is scheduled to do a show in Japan. What happens when he forgets to call you on this most special day?
Square Filled: celebrity for @spnonewordbingo (deleted bingo)
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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The concert isn’t for another hour but there are already so many fans in the stands and on the floor. One of your favorite things about being in a relationship with a famous musician/singer is to meet their fans. Everyone knows you and Dean Winchester are in a relationship since you’re all he talks about whenever he goes for interviews. They’ve seen plenty of videos of you two together, and both your Instagrams are filled with each other. Your lives are private but you love to share him on all of your social media. You’ve gained a lot of followers since announcing your relationship but you don’t mind.
None of the fans are expecting you to show up even though they’re secretly hoping you do. Not every seat on the floor is filled but a lot of them are. Fans from all over the country grab their seats and mingle with each other, gossiping about the latest news about you and Dean. One girl from a small group sees you and visibly freaks so now everyone is looking her way. Once they see you, they get so excited to meet the elusive Y/N.
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you guys!” you grin and give hugs to those who want them.
“Can I take a picture with you?” someone asks.
You pose with as many fans as you can, making friends and complimenting everyone on their outfits.
“I love your dress! You look so cute in it!” you gush to a fan.
“Oh, my God. Thank you! You look amazing!” she grins. “Would it be too much to ask if you can sign this?”
“Me? You want my signature?”
“Of course! You’re amazing!”
“Okay,” you smile and sign whatever she has for you.
You’re not used to people asking for pictures and signatures since you’re not the famous one, but it’s nice to be recognized. You’re with Dean all the time so all of his fans know who you are. Where he’s the breadwinner, you’re the stay-at-home girlfriend who takes care of the plants and pets. You don’t like working so this is a good setup for you two. You two talked over how this was going to work and both came to the compromise that he would make the money. It’s not like he minded. He loves touring, interviews, and making music with his band. Plus, with no job to hold you down, you get to go with him to different countries and see his shows.
Once you’re done on the floor, you head backstage where your boyfriend is. He’s sitting down on the couch tuning his guitar. The opening act is just about to go on stage so he has some time before he needs to go on stage.
“I found her!”
Dean looks up when he hears his brother from across the room.
“There’s my girl,” Dean smiles and puts his guitar down. “I wonder where you went off to.”
“You have the nicest fans,” you grin and sit next to him.
“They’re all women. Of course, they’re nice.”
Dean wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you into his side.
“I don’t know, I know some women are monsters.” Dean only smiles at your comment and kisses you slowly. God, it feels so good to kiss him. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Winchester.”
“You know me. Give me ten minutes and I’m golden.” He pulls away from you with a sly grin. “Are you staying for the whole show?”
“Of course.”
You two relax on the couch as he tunes his guitar. As soon as the opening act is finished, it’s Dean’s turn to get ready for the stage. He and his band make their way under the stage so they can be lifted up onto it. You walk back onto the floor and over to the VIP section where some other celebrities have come to see his show. It’s also amazing to be friends with actual celebrities. You never thought you’d get the chance t be friends with so many of them.
As soon as Dean and his band are lifted onto the stage, the crowd goes wild. Dean is so happy on stage playing his music for people who make what he does possible. The smile on his face says it all, and you scream along with the fans. The entire concert is about two hours including the opening act which is more than enough time for Dean to get through many of his new songs including a few older hits that are played on the radio. He also plays his version of “Simple Man” as an acoustic set which the fans adore.
When the concert is over, you make your way backstage where Dean is celebrating with his brother, his band, and his manager for yet another successful show. Dean sees you enter the room and his eyes light up. He runs over to you, picks you up, and spins you around.
“I’m so proud of you, baby!”
He sets you down and kisses you quickly.
“Let’s go back to the trailer.”
“You have things to do after every show.”
“Not tonight.” He turns to Sam who only nods. He already knows what he is going to ask. “Thanks, Sammy!”
Dean whisks you back to his trailer which is empty. He has his own that he shares with Sammy while there is another one for the rest of the band. It’s a plan they all came up with since you’re usually with Dean and they really don’t want to hear you two on the road. You two stay in for the rest of the night as Dean shows you just how good it feels to be with someone who is good with his hands.
In the morning, you’re the first one up. The curtains next to his bed don’t cover the entire window so the sunlight on your eyes is what woke you up. You turn to face Dean who is still naked from last night’s activities. His cheeks are naturally rosy, his freckles dance across his face, it seems like his long lashes are touching the top of his cheekbones, and his mouth is slightly parted where soft snores come out. You could stay like this forever but you know you have to get back home.
You’re so much in your own head that you don’t see Dean open his eyes to show you his bright green irises. It’s still early so there is no one asking Dean to do things or needing him. It’s just you and Dean and that’s all you ever want. Dean raises his hand to push back the hair that has fallen in front of your eyes, and you grab his hand to run your finger over his calluses. He’s gotten a lot of them from playing guitar but you don’t mind. You like the roughness of his hands against your soft skin.
“What are you thinking about?” he asks in his morning voice.
“How much I love you. How much I wish we could stay like this.”
You lean up and kiss him, not caring that you both have morning breath.
“But?” he chuckles.
“You know me so well,” you smile. “But I can’t stay. I have to get home. Molly and Amber must be missing me so much.”
“Yeah, I know. I can’t keep you all to myself. I’ll be thinking of you, though.”
“Same here. Don’t forget, our anniversary is in a month.”
It’s marked for a day that is the same day as one of his shows in Japan but you have that weekend to do whatever you want together.
“I have it marked in my calendar. I won’t forget.”
Your small bubble of paradise has to end sometime, and when it does, you pack up your things to head back home to Austin, Texas. The flight is long but you’re kind of glad to be back home. Your big protective dogs, Amber and Molly, are happy to see you once you’ve picked them up from your best friend’s house. She is eager to hear stories from your travels so you stay at her house for a couple of hours.
“How was his concerts?” she grins and gives you some coffee.
“Really good. I’ve met so many fans and hung out with so many celebrities. It was insane! I even met Ryan Reynolds and his wife. They were so nice.”
“You bitch. Take me next time,” she jokes, and you both laugh.
“I wish I could be with him every day but I have girlfriend-household duties to take care of. For instance, these two,” you grin and pet both your dogs.
“Your anniversary is coming up, right? Any big plans?” Winona asks.
“I’m planning on flying out to Japan to surprise him the weekend after the date. He’s going to be in concert on the actual date. I’m taking him to a Japanese restaurant we’ve both been wanting to try. He doesn’t know I’m doing this.”
“That’s so exciting! Think he’s gonna do it this year?”
“I don’t know. I hope so. It’s been five years. I know he wants to do it but he might not since he’s in the middle of a tour.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. He might surprise you,” she winks.
The house is a bit lonely without Dean there but you make do for the three weeks. Amber and Molly are certainly glad to be back in their home with you, and you keep the house looking clean and better than ever. You’ll bring the dogs back to Winona when you leave for Japan next week even though you want to bring them with you.
You wake up on the day of your anniversary with a smile on your face. Today marks five years you’ve been with Dean and you’re so excited to spend another year with him. He is two hours ahead of you so when you wake up at eight, you’re shocked you don’t see a message from him. Every time you have a birthday, he’s always messaging you at midnight so he can be the first one to celebrate with you. He’s done the same thing for anniversaries but you don’t have a message this time. He probably spent last night partying with his bandmates so you’re not too concerned about it.
You get up, make breakfast, enjoy it in the sunroom, and do the dishes afterward. It’s a good day to spend outside in the garden or to relax by the pool so you change into your swimsuit and throw a light sundress over it. The day is spent in the sun and tending to the garden with beautiful vegetables growing. You might pick what you can make a hearty dinner later.
However, as the day goes on without a message or call from Dean, you grow worried. He didn’t forget, did he? You debate on calling him or not to see if he’s okay. No, if he forgot then that’s on him. The day turns to night, and you’re scrolling through TikTok for lives from his concert. He seems so happy on stage without a care in the world. Yeah, he forgot about you. Even well after the concert, he still doesn’t text or call you.
You go to bed with tears stains on your cheeks and a heavy heart.
You wake up the next morning and remember why you feel so shitty. Dean never called or texted. He forgot about you. You’re not upset that he forgot to tell you “Happy Anniversary”. It’s the fact that he could forget you. He’s out in different countries with his bandmates and brother, meeting girls in bars and fans on the floor while you’re back at home taking care of the dogs. You’re not with him while he’s out living this fabulous life. You’re pissed that there is a possibility he found someone better than you. You’re pissed at the possibility that he doesn’t love you anymore.
Your last relationship ended horribly and stuck with you even years into your relationship with Dean. He knows your fear of abandonment and he still didn’t call you.
You decide to head over to Winona’s house and hang with her instead of letting the silence sink into your skin. She is more than happy to have you over, and there is already a pot of coffee going when you arrive. She has a bottle of Baileys on the counter that she’ll add to make the coffees more spicy.
You sit at her kitchen island and put your phone on the tabletop. Just as you let go, Dean’s name pops on the screen. You quickly deny the call because you don’t want to hear his voice right now. Winona sees you deny the call and decides to add a bit of extra Bailey’s to your cup.
“Wanna talk about it?” she asks.
“He forgot our anniversary. He didn’t call or text me. I don’t even want to go to Japan anymore.”
“Are you sure that’s all that’s bothering you?”
“I don’t care that he forgot. I’ve forgotten some pretty important dates. I’m scared he’s gonna leave me for someone else. He’s out there partying with girls from all over the world.”
“Y/N, that man loves you. So he forgot. Big deal.”
She won’t get it. She doesn’t know the details of your three-year relationship with your ex-boyfriend.
Dean calls you again and this time, you turn your phone off without answering him. Winona is a good friend and she helps you through a lot, but this is something you have to deal with on your own. She won’t understand how you’re feeling because she’s never had her heart broken. She never stays with someone long enough to get her heart broken, and she’s the one who breaks it off. She has flings, which is completely fine, but it doesn’t warrant advice about something she doesn’t know.
You keep your phone off for the rest of the day until you’re about to go to bed. You turn it on to see there are fifty missed calls, over a hundred missed texts, and twenty voicemails. All from Dean. You don’t check the messages or the voicemails but instead, call Sam. He picks up on the first ring and explodes in a panic.
“What the fuck, Y/N! Why haven’t you been answering the phone?”
“Is that Y/N? Let me talk to her,” you hear Dean in the background.
“Don’t put him on. I don’t want to talk to him.”
“Listen, Dean is freaking the fuck out. He’s threatening not to do the show until you call him back.”
“Well, that’s not gonna happen. Look, something came up and I won’t be able to make it to Japan.”
“What the hell happened between you two? He has no clue what’s going on.”
That breaks your heart a bit. If he doesn't know then you’re not going to be the one to tell him.
“Nothing. Tell Dean he’s being a fucking idiot and to do the damm show.”
You hang up on Sam and turn your phone off again. You won’t want to hear from either of them, not for a couple of days at least. Dean can party with his friends and fuck all the women he wants to over there. The next couple of days are like this. You only have your phone on when you wake up and go to sleep because you know Dean will try non-stop to call you. You’d rather get cut off from the rest of the world than take Dean’s calls.
Those few days are spent with Winona since being in that big house by yourself isn’t ideal. Everything reminds you of Dean and the memories of being happy. She allowed you to sleep in her guestroom even though you two stayed in her bedroom like you were kids again having a sleepover.
Eventually, you had to get home so you begrudgingly walk up the front porch steps. You unlock the door and step inside. There on the floor are dozens of rose petals all leading to the back bedroom you share with Dean. On both sides of the petals is a line of fake candles to show the path you need to take.
You walk carefully to the bedroom to see a dozen more fake candles and much more rose petals. Standing in the middle of the room wearing his best suit is Dean. He turns to face you with a single rose in his hands.
“What are you doing here?” you gasp and step inside the bedroom. “You’re supposed to be in Japan. You’re supposed to be in concert right now.”
“I am so sorry for forgetting our anniversary.” You look at the ground as the feelings you have come rushing to the surface. “I love you so much. There is no excuse I can give you as to why I didn’t call you that night.”
Before you can say anything, Dean kneels to the ground on one knee. He reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out a small velvet box big enough to fit a ring. He opens his mouth to say something but you hold your hands out to stop him.
“Wait, Dean, are you proposing because you’re sorry or because you want to?” He doesn’t say anything to that which tells you it’s the former. You chuckle and kneel down in front of him so you’re the same height. “Baby, the reason why I was so upset wasn’t because you forgot. We all forget. I was scared you found someone else while you were off being a famous rockstar. I was here and you were there and I thought you forgot because you didn’t love me anymore. I was pissed at you for that.”
Dean sets the rose and ring down to grab your hands.
“Sweetheart, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wouldn’t be me without you. No one can ever replace you.”
“Are you sure?” you whisper.
“I wouldn’t cancel a show for just anyone,” Dean laughs.
“You canceled a show for me? What about your fans?”
“My fans wouldn’t be my fans without you by my side. You’re the one who pushed me into playing. I owe everything to you.” You lean in and kiss him on his full lips, enjoying that you can do this after so long of being apart. He pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “So, that’s a no on the proposal?”
“Ask me again tomorrow,” you whisper and kiss him again.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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sturnsbabie · 19 days
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: lil skies x sls!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: in which sls gets questioned about who she was with.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing,mentions of sex,angst.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:700
not the best chap but im slowly trying to get to the good parts and not rush this story😖
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i had just got back in the car with nate and mikayla and they both started instantly asking me questions.
“girl where the fuck you been?”mikayla asked me.
“what do you mean? i told you i was going to the bathroom.” i said.
“girl it doesnt take a hour to use the bathroom.we been out here waiting” she said as she pulled out of the venue.
“well sorry i got distracted.”i said.
i couldnt tell them that i was with skies because it was a secret between me and him. it stayed between us and nobody would know.
“why you have hickeys all over ya neck?” nate asked as his jaw started clenching.
“because i made out with a random guy and it was a heat of the moment type thing.” i said as i was playing with the sleeve of skies hoodie.
“and the fuck ya do that for!”nate asked.
“because im my own person and i can do whatever the fuck i want to.” i said rolling my eyes.
“uh incase ya didnt forget me and you yeah we have only been exclusively fuckin eachother.”he said.
“nate its her birthday for fucks sake give the girl a break” mikayla said as she was driving.
“yeah exactly that and also incase you forgot im not your fucking girl so dont treat me like i am.”i said as i was scrolling thru the pictures skies and i took on my phone.
“also us fuckin yeah thats over with.”i added.
“oh so ya meet a random guy fuck he puts you in his clothes and now you decide your done with me?”nate asked with a hint of hurt in his voice.
“yeah sorry.”i said as i turned the radio on playing skies to drown out nates arguments.
i felt bad for being mean to him about it but like at the sametime he already knew we wouldnt work out even if we tried and yet he still caught feelings when i didnt.
the rest of the ride back to my house was silent except for skies voice playing thru the radio.
the whole way home all i could think about was him and the way he had me earlier. i was hooked and i needed more.
after 15 minutes mikayla dropped me off at my house and i went inside to be met with my brothers all sitting on the couch.
“woah what the fuck is on your neck and whos clothes are those”chris questioned me.
“random guy at the skies concert”i shrugged.
“you literally just turned eighteen today and youre already out sleeping with random guys?” chris said.
“you act like you werent doing worse when you were seventeen chris.”i said as i sat beside nick.
“chris dont fucking start on her its her birthday and as long as shes being careful then it shouldn’t fucking matter!” nick said.
matt was quiet and chris was over there fuming. i didnt know why everyone was sooo mad that i got fucked on my birthday. if only they knew it was skies.
“well i wasnt flaunting hickeys and shit all over my neck when i was your age” chris said.
i rolled my eyes. “i didnt have time to cover them chris i was literally in the car and have i once made it obvious theres hickeys on my neck?no!” i said looking at my lockscreen. it was a picture skies and i took on the tourbus.
“chris just stop running your mouth your clearly just mad she got to go see skies” matt said.
chris rolled his eyes. “matt im not jealous im just concerned about out sisters safety.”he said.
i rolled my eyes and got up walking to my room.
once i got in my room i felt my phone go off and i looked at the notification.
[YN.STURNIOLO]: lilskies started following you.
[YN.STURNIOLO]: lilskies: that was the best pussy i ever had.
[YN.STURNIOLO]: lilskies:cant stop thinkin about how your ass was bouncing on my dick.
[YN.STURNIOLO]:lilskies: let me pick you up tomorrow and come to this party with me in boston baby.
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TAGLIST: @sturniololoves , @delaneysturniolo , @a-m-b-e-r-r , @milesfordays11 , @sturniol0s , @riowritesitall , @kriissy4gov , @m0r94n , @laylataylor0910 , @delusional-4-fake-people
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bellaturner · 9 months
I Wanna Be Yours - pt 2
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Contains smut (and some fluff ig?)
Summary: You and Alex reconcile with your brother, Matt, after he accidentally walked in on the two of you kissing.
Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it irl).
3,1k words
Part 1 ✧ Masterlist
"What the fuck is going on here?" Matt's voice was filled with disbelief.
Alex's hands were still entwined in your hair, his warm breath dancing across your lips.
Heat surged to your cheeks as you wished for this surreal dream turned into a nightmare to end. Shutting your eyes tight, you hoped for a sudden awakening, yet reality persisted when you opened them, locking gazes with Matt.
"Big bear, let me explain," you approached him, your words barely audible. The pain etched on his face cut deep, knowing you were the cause.
"Don't bother. Bringing you along was a damn mistake." He turned to go, frustration thick in his voice. "I get it, you're in your 'rockstar phase,' but seriously? My fucking sister? Can't believe it." The door slammed shut behind him.
"Shit," you muttered under your breath, rushing towards the door, but Alex's grip halted you.
"Don't," he said firmly, his touch easing from your arm.
"We fucked up, Alex," you admitted, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"It'll be alright, sweetheart," he murmured, his arms enveloping you, his nose nestled atop your head. "I'll talk to him. We'll sort this out," his promise accompanied a tender kiss on your forehead.
The room felt heavy with regret and tension, and you couldn't shake off the guilt that had settled in your chest.
"He's right, Alex," you murmured, your voice trembling. "I should have thought about the consequences before we let things escalate."
Alex's fingers gently brushed against your hair as he held you, his touch a reassuring anchor in the storm of emotions. "We both made a mistake," he admitted softly. "But we'll find a way to make things right."
Tears continued to flow down your cheeks as you clung to him, your heart aching for the pain you had caused your brother and the mess you found yourself in. "I never wanted to hurt him like this," you whispered, your voice laced with remorse.
"I know, babygirl," Alex whispered back, caressing your hair.
With a heavy sigh, you leaned back slightly, looking up at him with teary eyes. "Do you think he'll ever forgive us?"
Alex's gaze softened as he cupped your face, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "I'll talk to him."
You nodded, taking a deep breath to steady your emotions. "I'll apologize too, Alex. I need him to know how truly sorry I am."
The road trip to the next concert location was somewhat awkward. Nick and Jamie could sense that something was wrong, and it was clear to anyone on the tour bus. Alex spent the whole time pretending to compose something, avoiding eye contact with you and Matt. Your brother had his annoyed poker face on, and your eyes were swollen and red from all the crying.
"So," Jamie started, trying to test the waters, "Do you guys have any plans for tonight?" he asked, his gaze alternating between Alex and Matt.
There was silence, and it seemed like no one wanted to address the elephant in the room.
"I guess we could all go out for a drink," Alex finally murmured, raising his eyes to look at Matt for the first time since the incident.
Matt considered the suggestion for a moment, his expression still tense. "Fine," he replied, his voice tinged with irritation.
The tension in the air was palpable, and it was clear that this was going to be one of those nights where the group dynamic was strained.
After what felt like forever but had only been about four hours, the tour bus finally pulled up at the hotel where you'd be staying for the next couple of days. Matt, who usually helped you get off the bus, left before everyone else.
"Bear," you called after him, but he was already gone.
You sighed and got up, heading down the few steps to leave the bus. Alex reached out to help, but you declined, not wanting to call unnecessary attention to yourselves.
You grabbed your luggage from under the bus and went to the hotel reception to check in. A single tear welled up in your eye; though you could do it yourself, Matt always handled this task. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found.
With your room key in hand, you headed absentmindedly to the elevator, with Alex and the band members close behind. You'd all be staying on the same floor.
"YN, is everything alright with Matt?" Nick asked, concerned. Lost in thought, you didn't respond; your mind was elsewhere, and you hadn't even heard his question.
Alex discreetly touched the small of your back, snapping you back to reality. You realized that all eyes were on you.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I wasn't paying attention," you stammered, feeling your face flush. Nick repeated his question, but fortunately, the elevator stopped just before you had to answer. You simply shrugged and nodded in response, exiting without saying your goodbyes to the band. You figured you'd catch up with them in a few hours, anyway.
Once inside the room, you tossed your stuff around, searching for your favorite jumper – the one that always comforted you when you felt down. Deciding a shower would help you unwind and give Matt some space, you made a silent promise to talk to him later.
As soon as you steppes out of the bathroom, you heard a faint knock. Quickly put on a robe you opened the door cautiously, revealing Alex standing in the corridor, concern etched across his face.
"Hey," he said softly, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"Hey," you replied, your voice tinged with exhaustion.
He stepped inside your room, and you closed the door behind him. He glanced around, running a hand through his hair and taking in the scattered luggage and the aftermath of the emotional storm that had just passed.
"Is everything okay?" he asked, his concern deepening. He knew that you scatter your things around when changing, but the state of your room was like nothing Alex had ever seen before.
You let out a heavy sigh and sank onto the edge of the bed, mimicking him by running a hand through your disheveled hair. "Honestly, Alex, I don't even know anymore. Everything just got so messed up, and I don't want to hurt Matt, but..."
"May I?" Alex asked as he moved closer, pointing toward the spot beside you on the bed.
You nodded, and he took a seat beside you. You rested your head on his shoulder, silence filled the room.
"This is weird, you know," you said faintly, lifting your head to look Alex in the eyes "I've had a crush on you for as long as I can remember."
Al's lips curled into a gentle smile, his accent adding a touch of charm to his words. "Oh darling, you have no clue how many times I've fantasized about you."
His eyes held a mix of desire and affection as he cupped your face, his lips meeting yours in a soft, lingering kiss. The connection between you two was undeniable.
Breaking the kiss, you leaned your forehead against his, your breaths mingling as you tried to make sense of the chaos around you. "Alex, what are we going to do about Matt?"
He let out a sigh, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on your back. "We'll talk to him together. I'll make him understand how much you mean to me."
"Do I mean something to you?" you asked, your voice quivering as you closed your eyes tightly, anxious about his response.
His hands lightly touched your chin, prompting you to raise your head and open your eyes. Alex's gaze held yours, his tone gentle and sincere. "More than you know, YN. You're not just a hook-up. You're someone I care deeply about. I always did, in my own fucked up way."
Tears welled up in your eyes as his words sank in. "I care about you too, Alex. But I don't want to lose my brother over this."
"We won't," he reassured you, his thumb brushing away a tear. He then cast an appreciative gaze over your body, a mischievous smile forming on his lips. "Now, as much as I want to be the one to take that robe off," he said, studying your attire, "You should go get dressed so we can go talk to Matt, and figure this out together."
A faint smile crossed your lips as you let out a soft laugh. You made your way to the bathroom, and a couple of minutes later, you emerged fully dressed.
"You look-" Alex started, but you didn't let him finish.
"Oh, don't even, Al." you exclaimed "I'm upset and I dressed comfortably, not stylishly."
"I know that hoodie," he said with a sad smile on his face "Are you that upset?" he inquired, approaching you with his arms open, hugging you.
You nodded against his chest. You stayed like this for a couple minutes, just listening to Alex's heartbeat and taking deep breaths, his hands holding you tightly.
"Let's go talk to Matt" you said, taking a deep breath.
The short walk to your brother's room felt like an eternity as your heart raced with anticipation and anxiety.
Alex knocked softly on Matt's door, and you both waited in tense silence. After what seemed like an eternity, the door creaked open, revealing Matt standing there, his expression a mix of anger, hurt, and confusion.
"What do you two want?" Matt's voice was sharp, his eyes narrowing as he looked at you and then at Alex.
You took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation pressing on your chest. "Matt, we need to talk," you began, your voice steady despite the nervousness that gnawed at you.
Alex chimed in, his accent carrying a soothing tone. "Yeah, mate, we messed up, and we want to make things right."
Matt's gaze shifted between the two of you, his arms folded defensively across his chest. "Make things right? You slept with my sister, Alex. How the hell are you going to make that right?"
"Woah, hold up, Big Bear," you said, raising your hands defensively. "We didn't sleep together," you clarified, making sure to emphasize that point. "Can we come in, Matt, please?" you added, your gaze locked onto his.
Matt stepped aside, allowing you and Alex to enter his room. You both took seats on the sofa near the entrance, ready to continue the conversation.
You glanced at Alex, who gave you an encouraging nod. Taking a deep breath, you began, "Matt, I need you to listen to us, okay? I know what you saw back there was... well, it looked bad, but it's not what you think."
"YN, love, you don't know Alex," Matt began with concern in his voice. "I've been his friend since we were six, okay? And I've been touring with him from the beginning. Only God knows how many hearts he's broken by now."
"Thanks, mate," Alex muttered, earning a side-eye from you that conveyed a clear 'shut up' message.
You spoke up, meeting Matt's gaze. "I've known Alex for just as long as you have, Matt."
Your brother sighed deeply, his brow furrowing in thought. After a moment, he said, "YN, can I have a moment alone with Alex?"
"Yes, sure," you replied, getting out of your seat and walking towards the room. Closing the door behind you, you sat at the edge of your brother's bed, your heart pounding in your chest. The muffled sounds of Alex and Matt's voices arguing made your stomach churn. The fear that Matt might never forgive you invaded your thoughts.
Just when you were about to reach your breaking point, Matt opened the door and asked you to join them.
You entered the room and found Matt and Alex both sitting on the sofa, their expressions tense. It was clear that they had exchanged some heated words during their private conversation. You took a deep breath, ready to face whatever was coming.
Matt glanced at you, his frustration still evident, but he seemed somewhat calmer now. "Look, YN," he began, his tone more composed, "I've had some time to talk with Alex, and we've had a… frank discussion."
Alex nodded in agreement, his usual confidence replaced by a more serious demeanor. "We've hashed things out," he added, giving you a reassuring nod.
You nodded back, relieved that they had talked things through, but still anxious about the outcome. "So, where do we go from here?" you asked, your voice trembling slightly.
"I'm your brother, not your boss or anything, so I can't forbid you from living your life," Matt said with a genuine smile. "And Alex promised me that he'd take good care of you."
Feeling grateful and emotional, you jumped out of your seat and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Matt," you replied, your voice filled with sincerity. "I promise we'll always be honest with you, and I really appreciate your trust in us."
"You're my little sister, YN. I just want you to be happy," Matt said as he held you. "So," he continued, letting go and getting up with a playful grin, "shall we go out? Jamie and Nick must be waiting."
Matt and Alex exchanged a friendly smile and a hug. "I promise not to hurt her, Matt," Alex reassured him.
"You better," Matt replied, his tone light but firm, "or I'll kill you."
The three of you joined Jamie and Nick, who were sitting in the hotel's lounge area. Their expressions shifted from curiosity to relief as they saw you approach, seemingly in good spirits.
"Everything alright?" Jamie asked cautiously, glancing at each of you.
Matt put his arm around your shoulders and squeezed gently. "Yeah, everything's fine," he assured them with a reassuring smile.
Nick raised an eyebrow, clearly wanting more details but deciding not to press further. "Great. I heard there's a good bar around the corner" he suggested.
"Yeah, that sounds good!" you exclaimed, hugging Alex.
He hugged you back, and you dared to share a quick kiss, which left Jamie and Nick momentarily stunned, unsure of how to react.
When you opened your eyes, you saw Nick passing Jamie a $10 bill.
"Did you dickheads bet on my sister?" Matt exclaimed, a mix of surprise and irritation in his voice.
"Pfff," Alex mocked. "Only 10 bucks?" he joked, earning a playful slap on his arm.
The evening at the bar continued, filled with shared stories, laughter, and even a bit of dancing. You couldn't help but notice how Alex's eyes never left you for long, and every touch and smile exchanged between you felt a dream.
As the hours passed, the atmosphere became more relaxed, and it seemed that the initial tension had completely dissipated. You found yourself enjoying the night, basking in the happiness of the moment.
Eventually, as the clock neared closing time, you all decided it was time to head back to the hotel. The group walked back together, arm in arm. Once you reached the hotel, you exchanged goodnight wishes with everyone and headed to your room. The day had taken an emotional toll on you, and you eagerly anticipated some much-needed rest.
Just as you were about so lay down, you heard a knock. A broad smile graced Alex's face as you opened it. "Tonight turned out better than I could have hoped," he said, enfolding you in a warm embrace.
You snuggled against him, closing the door and finding comfort and contentment in his arms. "Yes, it did," you replied, gazing up at him with a gentle smile. "Thank you for being here, Alex."
He leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a lingering kiss. "Always, princess," he whispered gently against your mouth, "I'll always be here for you." His kiss intensified, evoking a moan from you that left both of you breathless. "I'm going to use your body now, pumpkin," he murmured with desire, his voice filled with lust. He grasped a handful of your hair, revealing your neck, and covered it with passionate, open-mouthed kisses.
"Fuck, Alex," you let out a soft whimper as he trailed kisses down to your breasts, guiding you both towards the bed.
"Do you want me to stop, darling?" he asked, gently pushing you onto the mattress.
"I don't." you replied.
"Good, then shut up and let me please you," he whispered against your skin, his hot breath sending shivers all the way down to your core.
He sucked one of your nipples while playing with the other, making you moan loudly. "Shhh, baby, it's okay," he soothed you, but it only made you want him even more.
It was ridiculous how quickly Alex could build you up. He had barely touched you and you were already pooling in your panties for him. "Alex, I need you to fuck me, please," you begged him.
He promptly got up and removed his clothes, while you took your pants off. The sight of him naked was enough to bring you to the edge, and you definitely felt like jumping.
He stroked himself lightly, making you exhale in anticipation. "Alex, can i suck you, please?" you asked shyly, feeling your face turn red.
"Oh, babydoll, as much as I want it, I'm about to explode and I want to do so inside you little cunt," he said in a voice so erotic it melted you. He placed himself on top of you and without a warning he completely filled you up, eliciting a loud moan.
"Oh fuck, Al," your voice was light and breathy, and your vision was filled with stars. He picked up his pace, reaching of G-spot over and over again. "Shit, Alex, slow down, I'm don't want to come just yet," You could feel the sweet release of an orgasm approaching, but you wanted to savor the moment a little more.
"I'm right there with you, pup," he muttered. "Come for me, baby," he asked and you have no choice but to give him what he wanted. His lips crashed against yours as you enjoyed the high, his following shortly after.
Alex sprawled out on top of you, both of you breathing heavily and working to catch your breath after the intense moment you'd just shared.
"I can't believe we've never done that before," Alex whispered between breaths, and a soft chuckle escaped your lips in response.
The last thing you recall is Alex's fingers tracing soothing patterns on your back, and his steady heartbeat beneath your ear offering a comforting rhythm. Shortly after, you both drifted into peaceful sleep, and you couldn't remember the last time you felt so happy.
I promise you I'm trying my bestto write fics, but it's med school admission test season and I'm just so stressed with it 😩
BUT, iwby part 2 is finally here and I wanted to thank @malina-33 for the amazing suggestions, I hope you enjoy it, Mal 💕
Oh, this is not proof read (and I'm pretty drunk right now) so please excuse any grammar mistakes and typos (I'm the queen of typos even when I'm sober fml).
Anyways, thanks for reading💕💕
~ Bella
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I absolutely love the hype Bill’s getting and I’m here to contribute ꨄ︎ My request of today is; Remember the celeb crush thing I requested a while ago for Tom? Well my love for Bill is taking over and I’d love to see how you’d adapt it for him! To make it more interesting, I thought maybe the reader is already a fan and confidently goes out to talk to them even though the language barrier is present. Couple days later she goes and surprises them at a concert and makes this a little tradition til she and Bill realize they’ve developed feelings for each other but of course, work and distance is a huge obstacle
(Hello, lovely! Sorry this took so long and I didn't know if u wanted a oneshot but I was pretty lazy so here ya go! Enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz x Celeb-Crush Reader
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He actually was pretty calm when he first noticed you
He had been one of your fans for a bit, seeing you in tabloids and online and had even gone to one of your concerts when him and the band weren't really well known
You were actually an example of his dream of being young but making it big
And as he grew up in fame, you never really left his mind because you also grew with your fandom and fame
Your style may not have been the same, your music either, but Bill still loved watching you on stage and on videos
He was almost starstruck when he actually saw you in the flesh when they were performing
YOU were at THEIR concert?!
By choice?!
He almost freaked out on stage but surprisingly hid it well
He just smiled, flashed a wink at you and somehow kept making eye contact
And you didn't look away and you fed into it from the crowd!
He tried so hard not to faint
When it was all over and he went backstage he was ranting to Tom, Gustav and Georg the whole time
"She looked at me! She looked at me- huh?! Who?! (Name)!"
Bill almost knocked Georg out right then and there
They then clicked in their mind he was actually talking about the one star he could rave about for-literally-ever
Bill was still a mega-fan, and the boys were dragged into it or ranted too
But what really almost killed Bill was after the concert and they were meeting with fans and signing stuff
He had just finished up taking a photo and signing a T-shirt and looked up to see you!
He took a moment and was just staring, mouth open and looking to Tom to see if he was hallucinationing
Tom laughed at his brother as Georg and Gustav watched as Bill almost dug his grave
You had to snap him out of it as you asked for a autograph
You almost out him in cardiac arrest because he rushed to find a marker
He snatched Tom's marker in the moment but he didn't give a shit
He was so giddy you asked him for his signature and was so happy
He tried to strike up a conversation but failed
Not to worry, you were absolutely glad to talk to him
Bill was so happy, and he and you had much in common and actually flirted surprisingly
Once he got over his shock, of course
You guys actually clicked
Turns out, you were a fan too, which shocked Bill
There was a language barrier, but Bill spoke a bit of English so he could at least speak to you
You knew a bit of German due to playing there either solo or in a band and you guys figured out a way to understand each other
As time went on, even after you guys parted ways, you somehow kept in touch
You would go to their concerts and he would be glad to go to yours
You guys were spotted by photographers leaving hotels, walking in the city on "dates" as they called it and many more
Fans went crazy and so did paparazzi, chasing you guys down almost all the time
You and Bill didn't mind, even enjoying it in photos and you guys got a few photoshoots together
You guys were a pretty popular celebrity ship but would never admit it, even with the looks and smiles you two would give over time
Bill always thought he was in a fever dream
Because no way his celebrity crush would actually like and be a fan of his, much less spend time with him
You and Bill developed a tradition of traveling to see each other
You mainly did yours in surprise, but sometimes it was difficult
You were on tour and so was he, so spending time and being together for a bit scarce
You did your best hut Tom and you spent less and less time together and it was actually quite sad
Until you surprise him by showing up backstage, which he was shocked and ecstatic to see you
It was a tradition, either of you would sneak off and find one another no matter where
But it got a bit complicated as fans doubled down on this ship and your friends always compared your "relationship" and labeled it more than a friendship
Maybe there were feelings, maybe there wasn't
But the red dust and smile on Bills face would choose the latter option
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yuna542 · 10 months
Random one shot idea? Secret boyfriend lix 👀
Reader and Felix are having a steamy make out session on the sofa and they end up getting caught by everyone after they came home from their schedules. This causes Reader and Felix to rush into Felix’s bedroom and they end up fucking due to the fact that they both got turned on by getting caught?
- had this stuck in my head all week 😩🫣
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Pairing: Felix x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Brothers Best Friend
Warnings: 18+, Smut, under 18 DNI!, pet names, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Overstimulation, | explicit smut, confessions, fluff, cum play, riding
Word Count: 6.3k
Note: Really liked that idea and wrote it late at night. Hope you like it!
That you were annoyed was an understatement.
On a Saturday night that you were supposed to be spending with friends, completely wasted in a club and making out wildly with some guy in a corner, you were now on your way to your brother's dorm to bring him his stupid headphones, since he didn't seem to be able to survive without them. Then why he had left them at your house was a good question.
Since he and his band were already flying to Japan tomorrow night for a concert, he had begged you to bring the headphones over since he was busy with his schedule all day and being the good sister that you were, you had of course agreed and drove the three hours to see him. Plus, he had promised to buy you the special edition of your favorite video game that just had been released.
So now you were standing outside the front door, headphones in your bag and with a queasy feeling towards the sky that seemed to be getting darker by the second. It was noon, in the middle of the day, and yet with the inky black clouds, a doomsday mood was gathering that made you gulp.
"Hello?" you heard a very familiar and recognizable voice through the speakerphone.
"Hey Felix. It's me. Y/N. I'm dropping something off for Ji."
"Oh. Yea. I'll open right up."
He sounded tired. His voice raspy and you immediately got goosebumps. Felix had always been the one of your brother's friends who made you blush the most. He was so kind, loving and charming. It was easy to get lost in his eyes or imagine how his plush lips would feel on your skin. Everyone thought about that, right? Just as the door opened, the first drop of rain hit you. You ran up the stairs and there the sunshine on two legs was already waiting for you. He was casually leaning on the door frame, smiling his charming smile and you were left breathless for a moment.
Even though it seemed like he had just gotten up, his dark hair a mess, his face still slightly puffy and him dressed only in sweatpants and a hoodie, he looked stunningly beautiful.
"Hey princess. Out so early?" he asked with amusement, spreading his arms to hug you in greeting. He had given you that nickname on the second day you had met. Jisung had taken the audacity of showing him and Hyunjin really old pictures of you dressed up as a princess, running around the playground. It was embarrassing and you had punched Jisung hard in the side, but since then Felix kept calling you that.
"Hey Lix... It's already noon you sleepyhead."
You hugged him briefly, taking in his engaging scent. He smelled of ripe strawberries and fresh mint. It was impossible for a man to be so perfect.
You looked over his shoulder into the apartment, but you couldn't hear the usual noises. Normally it was loud and chaotic in the dorm, but right now it was quiet. That was kind of strange.
"Come in!" he said and let you go ahead. That's when you noticed that there was actually no one here.
"Where is Jisung? He begged me to bring him his things."
Felix led you into the living room and ran his hand through his hair.
"Oh. I didn't know that. Everyone else isn't here either. I'm by myself. Chan, Changbin, and Ji should be at the studio. The rest have gone shopping."
"Oh..." you muttered curtly, glancing around the living room. It was relatively tidy, compared to the last few times you'd been here. Except for the piles of clothes laying everywhere.
When your eyes met Felix again, he quickly averted his gaze and cleared his throat.
Had he been staring?
"Can I offer you something? Do you want some tea or coffee? Something to eat?" he asked, his words coming faster than usual. Puzzled, you looked down at yourself. Was there something on your face? Did he think the white dress was strange? You actually liked it, as it showed off your cleavage a bit and sat tight on your hips.
"Tea would be great," you said, smiling a little in wonder. It struck you then that you'd never been alone with Felix before. He was never so insecure in front of the other guys. He usually flirted with you for fun, was outgoing and laughed a lot. But now he seemed to be restless. He nodded quickly and pointed to the sofa where a controller was lying. There was a video game paused on the TV.
"Sit down. I'll bring it to you."
Then he walked to the kitchen, but paused again and just as you were about to sit down, he said:
"You look stunning, by the way! That dress suits you very well."
Before you could react he had disappeared into the kitchen. Embarrassed, you tried to push back the blush that spread across your cheeks.
Shortly after, he returned with two steaming cups of tea and handed you one before sitting down next to you.
"When will Ji be back?" you asked, setting the tea down so it could cool.
"I don't know... They wanted to take care of something, record demos, before we take the flight tomorrow."
His knee brushed yours as he leaned forward to set his cup down as well.
"You can wait here... I wouldn't let you drive back home in this weather anyway."
His words snapped you out of your thoughts, which were only centered around the touch of your legs. Then you noticed that the rain was beating mercilessly against the windows and a thunderstorm was raging outside. Lightning lit up the sky and shortly after, thunder growled like an angry dragon.
"You're probably right," you replied, pulling your legs up on the sofa. It was comfortable and pleasant to be alone with Felix. In fact it was always amazing being around him. But there was this nerve-wracking pounding in your chest that wouldn't go away and it got worse every time he looked at you.
"Sooo what were you playing?" you finally asked, pointing at the TV.
"Nothing special. Trying to play Genshin Impact again."
Curious, you nodded and spotted the second controller lying on the table.
"Cool. What's your AR?"
Puzzled, his eyes grew wide and he leaned forward a bit.
"Currently at 56... You know about that? Do you play too?"
Amused, you nodded. In fact, you had never talked about it before. You knew that Felix was a passionate gamer, but that you shared his passion had never been a topic.
"I'm still at AR54 at the moment. But I haven't been playing that long either."
He grinned so wide your stomach did flips.
"Wow. I didn't know that! What else do you play?"
You began chatting excitedly about your passion, sharing games, and oddly enough, you shared the exact same habits, favorites, and experiences. It was nice to share with someone the hobby that so many people demonized. After some time, Felix pointed to the second controller.
"Do you want to play something?"
With rosy cheeks you nodded and shortly thereafter you did one race after the next on Mario Kart. Quickly you were in your element, became competitive and tried to outdo the other. In the beginning Felix won all the time, eventually it became more and more even. You cheered, yelled at each other, and laughed out loud when you beat the other one or someone drifted off the track.
You didn't know how much time had passed, but it must have been hours and your stomach was already hurting from laughing. That's when you tried to take away his view of the screen by getting in front of him to finish ahead of him after all.
"Hey that's not fair!" he shouted.
"This is Mario Kart! There's nothing fair about it!" you retorted.
Before you realized it, he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you off your feet. With a squeak, you fell onto his lap before you could stop it. He wrapped his arms around your waist and continued to play with you on his lap as if nothing had happened. Your heart was pounding as your legs were pressed against his and his chest against your back. You smelled his intoxicating scent and felt his skin directly on yours. For a moment you forgot to play and were only sucked back into reality when he laughed triumphantly as he passed you.
Quickly you continued to play, but you could hardly concentrate. He made no effort to let you off his lap, pinching your sides in between to distract you and even pulling you closer to his chest in between. When he was about to win, you grabbed his controller and ripped it out of his hand to hold it above your head.
"You really play unfair!" he laughed, trying to get the controller, but you just held it higher. A dangerous glint entered his eyes and you felt his hand on your thigh, holding you tight to reach the controller. You tried to dodge, but lost your balance. Panicked, you rowed your arms, but Felix had already caught you by the waist and within a blink, you were on your back, Felix above you, trying to reach your hand.
Your breath caught as he landed between your legs, his chest firmly on yours, his face just a finger's width from yours.
By now you didn't care about the controller and Felix also froze in motion when he noticed the position you landed in. He stared into your eyes, his mouth slightly open, his cheeks reddened under the cute freckles.
He supported himself next to your head so that he wouldn't crush you with his weight, and yet you felt his body heat so intensely that your whole body tingled.
It seemed like he wanted to say something, but his throat was tight. His eyes traveled down your face, to your lips, then down your body.
One strap of had slipped off your shoulders, the hem of your dress had also ridden up so that he could see a glimpse of your white panties and felt your soft thighs against his hips.
Immediately he imagined what it would be like to feel your body even closer. All the pent-up tension between you seemed to be stretched to breaking point and as soon as his gaze wandered back up and met yours, you wanted to ask what you were doing. You didn't get the chance to do that, because his lips were already crushing against yours. With a clatter, the controller slipped out of your hand and fell to the floor. But you both didn't hear that anymore.
Your head shut off, the tension exploded, and your hands were buried in his hair before you could close your eyes to return the kiss.
His hands traveled down your sides, resting firmly on your hips, pulling you closer to him until your legs were wrapped tightly around his hips. He tasted like cotton candy and peach tea. It was overwhelming. Again and again your lips met hard. Your fingers played with his soft hair, running over his neck until he growled into your mouth and the heat shot into each of your limbs as he bit your lower lip, his hands finding their way under your dress and pushing it further up until he could grab your ass and feel your soft skin between his fingers. Gasping, you rolled your hips against his, feeling what you had done to him in that short time.
Whimpering loudly as your middle met his hard length directly, he slid his tongue into your mouth. It was hot, sensual and it left you hooked for more. He licked hungrily into your mouth, your tongues met and his hands on your bare skin drove you crazy. When he briefly broke away from you after what seemed like an eternity and pressed his forehead against yours, breathing heavily, you both grinned.
"Fuck... I've wanted to do that for ages," he whispered in such a low voice that the heat between your legs became unbearable. You slid your hands under his hoodie, feeling his warm skin under your fingertips, enjoying the way his hard abs rose and fell with his breath.
"Really?" you asked breathlessly, pushing the hoodie up a little until he pulled it over his head and you finally saw his trained torso. You nearly drooled at the sight as he ran his hands through his hair and leaned over you again to press a kiss to your jawline.
"Oh yeah. Do you know how hard I've been since you started wiggling in that short dress on my lap the last hour?"
You exhaled audibly as you felt his length through the fabric of his pants clearly against the wet stain in your panties.
"Then do something about it," you replied challengingly, smiling slightly as he gasped as your fingers trailed down his belly to the waistband of his pants.
"Jisung is going to kill me," he murmured, kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear. His lips brushed over your heated skin, spreading wet kisses down your neck until you could barely form a sentence.
"I want you, Lixi," you gasped, fingers tangled in his hair as he sucked on your neck, one hand cupping your breast and squeezing it. Briefly he paused, gazing at you piercingly.
"Are you sure, sweetheart?"
Quickly, you nodded.
"Yes. Yes! Please Lixi!"
When you called him that, he could hardly resist. Overwhelmed, he kissed you again stormily, kneading your breast and rubbing his length through his pants on your now soaked cunt until you moaned into each other's mouths.
Slowly he kissed down your neck, spreading kisses all over your chest and moving agonizingly further down until his head hovered between your thighs. The sight alone would have been enough to make you come. His pupils were dilated, his hair fell into his eyes and he hungrily pushed your legs further apart to finally get a glimpse of the wet spot on your panties.
"Oh god... So gorgeous..."
He pushed your dress up until it sat above your hips and kissed your inner thighs. He didn't neglect either side as he did so. His soft lips so close to the spot that was desperately throbbing made you bite your lip so hard you saw stars.
Then he pressed a kiss right on your cunt, eliciting a naughty moan from you. Quickly you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back up to you, where he looked into your eyes in confusion. Breathing heavily, you tried to calm your pulse.
"Are you all right?" he asked worriedly, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face.
"Yes... Yes really. It's just. You're making me crazy and it's so just a lot right now," you said in a brittle voice. You didn't want him to think that you didn't want this. You have never wanted anything more in your life, only right now everything in you was vibrating. You were afraid that the moment would be over too quickly and you wouldn't be able to enjoy it enough. The corners of his mouth lifted again in relief and he cupped your face with both hands to press his lips to yours again. This time harder, but slower. You instantly felt dizzy.
Against your lips he whispered:
"I know what you mean. We can take our time."
Scarcely nodding, you guided his hands to your breasts as an invitation that you belonged only to him right now. It was a promise. A promise that made you feel safe and comfortable. You wanted his touch everywhere and you couldn't get enough. With a throaty sound, he sucked on your neck and pushed down your dress in parallel to free your tits.
"No bra huh? Were you planning on driving me crazy today?" he growled against your ear, eliciting a whimper as he twirled your nipple between his fingers.
You could only moan his name as he was already taking your nipple into his mouth and sinking his teeth into your soft flesh, his hand kneading a handful of your ass. You groped each other all over, falling over each other like ravenous animals, until a startled cry interrupted your makeout session.
"HOLY SHIT! No way… He didn't... Han… Jisung!"
Before you could react or even realize that Lee Know had come into the room, the snitch had already alerted your brother. Everything happened so fast that Felix was just able to remove his mouth from your skin when Han was already standing in the room, eyes wide open and stunned by the situation he had just burst into. With his mouth open and a deep crease on his forehead, he was obviously trying to find words. While you were adjusting your dress, Felix climbed down from you and both of you were in complete shock. Your cheeks glowed and your stomach turned as your brother's other roommates gradually came into the room as well. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't have lied. It was obvious what the two of you, half naked, had done or almost done on top of each other. Rattling your breath, you ran your hand through your hair and just wanted to disappear into the ground.
Felix stood up carefully, picked up his hoodie from the floor, and then looked at Han. Always on guard, as if he might jump on him at any moment.
"Are you kidding me right now?" it finally burst out of Jisung, his eyes flickering with anger. The rest of the guys remained silent and seemed to observe for now.
"Han, listen, that's not...", Felix tried, as gentle as ever, but Han rumbled directly:
"That's my sister man! Are you serious?"
They stared at each other in silence and no one really knew what to do. Seungmin was the first to smirk, and then Hyunjin snorted.
Warningly, Han looked at the others and then at you. Hyunjin and I.N both had to turn away as they exchanged a look to keep from laughing aloud.
"Relax, Ji! Nothing happened!"
You tried to soothe him and by now you had to stifle your laughter as well. The situation was just too surreal.
"Not yet..." muttered Felix and everyone stared at him, stunned. By now, even he couldn't hide his grin and that gave Han the rest.
"You little rat! I swear to god, if I catch you…!" he threatened and before he could chase him, Felix grabbed your hand and pulled you off the couch and into the hallway. Han jumped over the couch behind you and followed. But you were faster. You giggled like crazy as Felix pulled his bedroom door shut behind you and locked it.
With a rattling breath you stopped by the bed and heard your brother raging behind the door.
"Felix I swear if you don't open that door right now, I‘ll kill you!“
"Sorry bro!" he exclaimed, glaring at you with amusement.
"Y/N!" you heard Han shout, but his resistance subsided.
"Fuck off, Ji!" you shouted, and that's when he just grumbled.
"Come on, Han. Let's leave her alone. She's old enough," you heard Chan calming him.
"Let the two of them have their fun,"Changbin agreed with him, and they seemed to pull him away from the door.
Felix dropped onto his bed and looked up at you with a wide grin. Even though it was weird and the adrenaline was rushing in your ears, the tension between you was only more intense.
"Sorry," he said, pulling you closer by the thighs until you were standing between his legs.
You stroked his soft hair and tilted your head a little thoughtfully.
"We can forget about the whole thing if you want," you murmured.
He stroked the back of your thighs until he took the curve of your butt in his hands.
"What, no way. Now that I've finally made it? I've had a crush on you for ages. Actually since the first day you walked into our trainee room.“
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Surprised, you looked at him. You had been in love with him forever, but you thought he only saw you as his friend's sister, at best a random friend. But how he looked at you now. Full of desire and affection made thousands of butterflies flutter in your stomach. Dreamily you stroked a few strands of hair out of his eyes and the smile wouldn't disappear from your lips.
"Are you serious?" you asked for good measure. Even if you weren't. You were so addicted to him that he could do anything with you. He nodded and his eyes were honest, his features soft and beautiful.
"Do you want me to prove it to you, sweetheart?" He purred and pulled you closer. Breathlessly you nodded and there he began to take off your dress. You helped him and threw it aside, until you stood only in your panties between his legs. Attentively, almost carefully, he took off your panties and let his gaze wander up and down your naked body, as if he had never seen a more beautiful work of art.
"You're even more beautiful than I imagined," he murmured, more to himself, and his hands touched your thighs, your hips, your belly, as if you might break if he didn't appreciate your body enough. He took in every detail and you felt special and desired under his gaze.
Then he brushed his lips over your belly, your thighs, kissing every patch of skin he could reach. Only the heat between your legs where you needed him so badly, he left out. Overwhelmed, you watched him and when he pushed your legs a little apart, your body tensed with longing. You could hardly stand it any longer. You had to feel his body, otherwise you would go crazy. He closed his hands tightly around your thighs and looked up at you, caught in the trance of passion.
"May I?" he asked gently, and you nodded. But he let his thumbs circle over your skin and smiled.
"I need words, angel."
"Yes! Yes please!" it burst out of you in a trembling voice and there he finally touched the wet heat throbbing between your legs with his lips. First he carefully closed his lips around your clit, finally he sucked on it, which almost swept you off your feet. With a loud moan, you tangled your fingers in his hair and as he licked a wide strip across your pussy, your knees went soft as butter. He licked, sucked and worked your cunt for what felt like an eternity. Growled softly over and over again:
"Beautiful... So good..." and you feared collapsing at any moment as he buried his face deeper inside you, which is why you finally pulled his head back by the hair. He looked up at you with sparkling eyes, his lips and chin shiny from your juices and he seemed addicted to the next dose. But you wouldn't be able to take it anymore. Not with the sight of his perfect body, the angelic face that was full of lust just looking at you.
"Fuck... I can't... Lix I need you. Now!" it escaped you and the throaty laughter of him, gave you the rest.
"Are you that crazy about me, kitten?" he teased and oh he knew what he was doing to you. Shaking your head, you pushed him back onto the bed.
"Take off your pants!" you ordered impatiently and he threw them aside as fast as he could. A liberated sigh escaped him as his cock sprang free. His tip looked painfully red and you had to force yourself not to stare. It was huge and would break you apart, but it was exactly as beautiful as the rest of him. You could hardly wait.
Quickly you climbed over him, supported yourself on his shoulders and as you lined up with him, your eyes met. Slowly you sank down onto him. As his tip entered you, your whole body tingled. A sigh escaped you as he stretched you already, but the burn was pleasant, almost intoxicating.
His hands were firmly on your hips while he continued to look you in the eyes. Wanting to witness every second he urged into you.
"Oh God," you whimpered, digging your fingers into his shoulders as he disappeared halfway inside you.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asked, sounding out of breath as well. Quickly you nodded and that's when he grabbed hold of your hips, gently but firmly pushing you further onto his cock when you could barely do it anymore by yourself.
"So good for me... Taking me all in. You feel amazing, babe," he praised you as you drifted further and further away. Finally, he was all the way inside you and you felt dizzy as he bit and sucked on your bottom lip, waiting for you to get used to his size. Slowly, sensually, you returned the kiss, sighing into his mouth until your hips began to move of their own accord. You needed more, more and more, and Felix grumbled deeply as you rolled your hips fluidly against his. The little noises, sighs and growls spurred you on so that you took him deeper and deeper until you were riding him at a steady pace. Overwhelmed, his fingers dug into your hips and he moved his hips against yours until you were both moaning into each other's mouths. You made out wildly, messy and chaotic, while the sound of him thrusting into your wet pussy filled the room.
"Fuck so warm... so good," he moaned over and over like a mantra and you felt the knot in your stomach tighten more with each deep thrust.
"You're so big, Lix.... Fuck," you moaned, unable to get enough of the feeling of him filling you completely.
He began to trail his lips down your neck, biting into the soft skin by your breasts and licking over your nipples until you could barely get a word past your lips. Just before the knot in your stomach threatened to burst, you put a hand around his neck and pushed him back onto the mattress. He watched wide-eyed as you rode him, and a desperate whimper escaped him, which only made you go faster. You leaned against his chest and finally took what you had dreamed of for so long. His cock pulsed deep inside you and you fucked yourself on top of him without mercy. The sight of you bouncing on him, Lips open, face cockdrunken and your naked body just for him to look at made Felix come almost immediately and he forced himself to hold on. Your walls squeezed him just right and he watched hungrily as your breasts bounced with each roll of your hips. Han would kill him, but he didn't care right now.
"Fuck... Lix I'm not gonna last long," you moaned and Felix helped you guide your hips further as your movements began to stutter.
"Come on my cock. You look so sexy riding me.... Been wanting to see that for ages."
Your moans rose higher and you clawed your fingernails into his chest as he additionally snapped his hips into yours. Whimpering, the knot in your belly tore apart and you came all over his cock, making the naughtiest sounds Felix had ever heard. You let out a loud moan of his name, nails dragging down along his shoulders as you messily grind through the pleasure. He is groaning at the sight. Just as fucking beautiful as he imagined.
You collapsed onto his chest and he rolled his hips, savoring your high to the last second. "Good fucking girl, let it all go for me." He growled into your ear, accent husky, and the words zip straight to where you needed it. You grinded your hips lazily against his while you were caught in the flood of pleasure and desire.
When you caught your breath, you looked at him and saw that he was already looking at you, with a soft smile on his lips that made you melt.
He kissed you, his soft lips were like heaven and let his tongue slowly slide into your mouth. Still dizzy from the orgasm you gasped softly as his still rock hard dick continued to thrust into you. Carefully he turned you around until he was between your legs, his body weight comfortably on yours and he continued to thrust deep inside you. Even though your overstimulated pussy was throbbing painfully, your body was betraying you and demanding more. You wrapped your legs around his hips to pull him closer again and he buried his face against your neck as your walls spasmed around him.
"Oh God... Keep doing that, angel. Fuck don't stop squeezing me like that..." he gasped, pressing his open mouth against your neck as he slammed harder into you. By now his bed was squeaking so loud you could still hear it in the next building and his members would pick up on it too, if they hadn't already heard your moans through the walls. But you didn't care. You wanted nothing more than Felix on top of you, pounding into your sore pussy like that forever.
The next orgasm came unexpectedly, suddenly, as Felix thrusted so deep and fast that the loud slapping of your skin against each other almost drowned out the creaking of the bed. By now you were moaning his name between incoherent sounds and whimpers. His hands grabbed your hips and as your eyes rolled back and you came uncontrollably around his cock again, all you saw was glistening light.
Felix couldn't stop. As if caught in a trance he continued to slam into you, your pussy only sucked him deeper and he knew he had never had better sex.
"Mrgh fuck... So tight..." he moaned and it felt like you were floating. When he saw your fucked out expression, he growled loudly.
"Too much... fuck... too... too much," you managed to squeeze out between stifled whimpers and moans. He pressed his lips soothingly to yours, not slowing down in speed.
"Just a little more. You're doing so well. Taking me like a good little slut..." he gasped, on the verge of cumming.
"My good little slut... Letting me use your pussy.... god you're too good to be true, angel."
His words turned your head and as you came a third time, moaning his name in the most beautiful melody he had ever heard and your walls clinging to him, he came looking so beautiful that you stopped and just looked at him. You felt his warm cum inside you until he pulled his cock out of you and emptied his load onto your belly with a few more strokes. His puffy lips were parted, sweat was shining on his forehead and his eyes were rolling back.
The next time he looked down at you and saw his cum running out of your pussy, down your thighs and all over your belly, he wanted to take a picture.
"You are a goddess," he murmured as you gradually regained your sanity. Then he leaned down to you, kissing you, innocent and full of affection. The kiss was sugary sweet and you breathed an overwhelmed sigh of relief as he broke away from you to get a towel. As he helped you clean yourself up, you said with amusement:
"What have you done to me? My legs won't stop shaking..."
Felix handed you your panties, which you slipped back into, and one of his hoodies, which you gratefully put on. Then smiled at the sight of your legs and let his hands slide over your thighs.
"So I did good?" he asked with a grin, massaging your tense muscles. You sighed in relief and watched him. Meanwhile, you snuggled into his hoodie.
"So good that my brother and all your roommates heard us," you said then, your cheeks immediately flushing as you gradually realized how loud you had been. Felix wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your stomach to look at you.
"Do you regret it?" he asked gently and you brushed a few strands of hair from his face. His eyes shone like a puppy's and you could hardly resist showering his entire face with kisses.
"No way."
"Well... Me neither."
He pulled you closer and wrapped his arms tightly around your body.
Later, when hunger drove you out of the room, you slipped into Felix's shorts and you went into the living room together. Minho and Jeongin were cooking.
Han was sitting on the couch with Chan and Changbin. The three of them were apparently still working on something, but when you walked in, the conversations fell silent and Han looked at you tensed.
"Are you guys finally done?" he asked, annoyed, and Chan stared at his phone to hide his grin.
Felix disappeared into the kitchen to help the others cook and escape the strange mood. You dropped down on the sofa next to Han and looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"Are you mad?" you asked, poking him in the side with your index finger. He rolled his eyes and sighed loudly.
"No... Felix is my friend. If it's okay with someone than with him."
It was obvious that it had taken a lot for him to realize that. Relieved, you smiled and playfully pushed him. He pushed you back and finally laughed too.
"Where are my headphones, you pain in the ass?" he then asked and you took them out of your bag that was still next to the sofa. Relieved, he grabbed them and pressed them to his chest.
"Oh thank God! I was afraid I'd have to fly without them."
"Thank not God, thank your lovely sister."
He furrowed his eyebrows and snorted.
"Don’t push it!"
Finally, you all ate together and it was back to the way it was before. Only the intense looks between you and Felix were new. That you blushed every time he smiled at you and your stomach turned circles.
When the storm subsided, you had to make your way home and after saying goodbye to everyone, Felix walked you to the door. He leaned against the door frame with one hand above your head and looked at you intently.
"Drive carefully and text me when you get home."
The brief silence made you swallow and you looked down at yourself.
"I'll get the stuff back to you soon.... Thanks for the clothes."
He smirked, loving how his clothes were way too big on your body.
"That's alright. I thought it was really nice today..."
You smiled with rosy cheeks.
"Yeah me too."
He cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair in embarrassment before finally saying it, something he'd been wanting to say for ages:
"How about we go on a date when I get back? Like a real one?"
Surprised, you stared at him, inwardly shrieking with delight.
"Yes. I would like that."
Breathing a sigh of relief, he leaned down to you.
"I'll call you..."
You nodded, wanting to reply, but didn't get to as he was already pulling you close by the hips and placing his lips on yours. Sighing, you snuggled up to him, your hands clasped in his neck, and returned the kiss. You couldn't let go of each other. Your lips met again and again, his hands wandered under the hoodie, caressing your back while your tongues danced together, licking into each others mouths as otherwise you would be starving.
"That's enough!" you heard Jisung yell behind you, and with a smirk on his lips, you pressed your foreheads against each other.
"See you soon, angel," he murmured and you gave him one last peck on the lips before you managed to pull away from him. He waited until you disappeared down the hall before closing the door and walking back to the others with rosy cheeks.
"Since when do you have a crush on Hannie's sister?" asked then Seungmin with a grin.
"Since forever. Haven't you seen how he always adores her and flirts with her?" said Changbin and Han fixed him.
"Ji I really like your sister.... Please don't be mad that I..."
"Shut up!"
Astonished, he stared at the elder and nervousness turned to confusion. Han expelled his breath loudly and the corners of his mouth lifted a little.
"If I could wish for anyone for my sister, you'd be damn close to the perfect version of a boyfriend," he commented, and Felix's tense shoulders finally relaxed.
Overjoyed, he grinned and could hardly believe his luck. You were as infatuated with him as he was, even though it had taken you guys years to finally find out about each others feelings.
"Stop grinning so stupidly! You better not screw this up!", Han drove at him and Felix quickly pressed his lips together. Although Han wanted to look serious, he couldn't help smirking either.
After all, he had been watching you crush on each other long enough. It was annoying by now, that everybody knew except for you. So it was actually relieving that you two finally realised it.
And in the end it was his fault. Maybe he shouldn’t have forgotten his headphones…
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allocnddits · 10 months
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summary: girly, cheerleader henderson!reader loses her virginity to eddie.
warnings: virginity loss, penetrative sex, oral, drug use (weed)
wc: 2.8k
Eddie was completely obsessed with you. And who could blame him, you were always parading around in your little cheerleader outfit and the bow at the top of your ponytail, it was driving him insane. It all started after summer, when Dustin started high school and entered hellfire. Your paths had never really crossed before but ever since you came into the room where he held the campaign, already yelling at your brother for making you wait, he could not atop thinking about you.
After some time, just watching you on the hallways and teasing when you stopped by to tell dustin you were leaving, he asked you to come watch his band play.
"'ll think about it, Munson." you teased, getting in your car and driving out, leaving him standing in the middle of the parking lot.
The next day, when you purposely dropped by to talk to your brother, he demanded an answer.
"Or what?" you dared. "'m still thinking about it, okay?"
And again the next day, and the day after that and the rest of the week, and still no answer. Till it was the day of the especial concert and he drove to your place to pick you up but it was Dustin the one who opened the door. "Is your sister home, henderson?"
"What do you want with my sister, dude? I told you she doesn't like you"
"Well, we actually have a date tonight, so... Go tell her I'm here." he said pushing your brother back into the house.
As Dustin was making his way to your room you noticed the open front door.
"DUSTIN! Did you seriously just leave the front door wide open?" you yelled from the kitchen before making your way to the porch "What the hell are you doing here?"
"We have a date, remember? Why are you in your pjs?"
"Well, Edward, it's" you grabbed his wrist and turned to you, checking the time on his watch, "nine fifteen on a saturday, I planned on staying in and watching some tv"
"Why would you want to do that? Look, the show starts at nine thirty so you still have time to get ready, and," he reached into the pocket of his vest pulling out a well folded piece of fabric "I got you a shirt."
"Corroded Coffin?" you asked, looking at the shirt.
"Yeah, it's the band's name"
"Not convincing enough, sorry"
"C'mon, it's saturday and we have free weed. We can hang out and smoke something after the show."
"Fine! I'm gonna get dressed " you closed the door and made him wait outside as you changed into a jean miniskirt and the shirt he gave you. You pulled your hair up, combing the strands into your signature half pony before telling your mom you were going out. He drove you to the concert, there were about ten people at the bar , you and the workers included, but you could tell he was doing it for fun. After the thirty minute set you all got into his van and drove his friends home before parking on a random street. He invited you to the back, pulling out a blunt from his pocket and placing it between your lips to light it. after a while the van was foggy from all the smoke of the blunt you shared. Eddie started getting closer and within a couple of minutes you were on his lap, your hands on his neck and his on your hips, half blunt hanging loosely between his fingers. He put it away on the ashtray so he could take his hands up your back under your shirt. You didnt shake it off until his fingers started unhooking your bra. "Eddie, Eddie, no" you said trying to pull away from his kisses.
"Baby" he groaned in conplaint
"No, Eddie, we're high" you slid off his lap, tiding up your skirt.
"Sorry, I totally misread this"
"No, you didnt . I just dont want to lose my virginity in the back of a van, especially when we're both high." he huffed a laugh
"So cheerleaders are actually good girls, huh?"
"I wouln't say smoking weed in the back of eddie 'the freak's van is very good girl of me.
"you know what i meant" he leaned back in to kiss you but you turned away.
"I think we should go home"
"Yeah, right" he backed up, climbing onto the drivers seat and helping you to do the same.
"Are you avoiding me?" he asks stoping you from going into your classroom
"Eddie" you groaned trying again to go through the door but his tall frame stopped you.
"C'mon babe, you're more mature than this. Talk to me please"
"What do you wanna hear, Munson?"
"Well, from you, a lot of things but i dint think thats appropriated"
"Eddie" you reprehend
"Sorry. But i really missed you this week, really, and not only because i couldn't stop thinking about currupting you"
"Too far"
"Again, sorry, just talk to me, give me a reason or an explanation , please why are you avoiding me"
"Well, Edward, we almost fucked in the back of your van, thats not exactly the girl i wanna be"
"And you're not! You are something, okay? I wanna go out with you again, just please say you’ll think about it, okay?”
“Sure, Eddie, I’ll think about it” you said and got on the tip of your toes to give him a kiss on the cheek, your hand on his chest to help you balance. “Just dont skip class today, okay?” you said as you pulled away, noticing the small grin on his face. “Now go, Ill meet you after Hellfire”
“See you tomorrow” you checked the time on your watch as you walked out of the gym all the way to the other side of school to meet Eddie.
“You’re late”
“Yeah, sorry, practice took a little longer than usual tonight” you explained stepping into the almost empty room. Eddie was tiding up his stuff fron the table. “Where’s everyone”?
“They already left. Dustin said he was biking home. But i had to wait a little longer just in case you actually came”
“Well, here i am”
“I see that, and what do you wanna do?” he asked as you got closer and closer.
“Wanna kiss you, so bad”
“Do it”
His hand cupped your cheek, fingers curling at the hair on the nape of your neck. Your hands met his hair and his traveled down your sides, taking place on your hips. He walked you to his throne without separating your lips. You took place on his lap, legs layed out across his as you let his tongue into your mouth. After lazily making out for what felt like ages you couldnt take it anymore and straddled him.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing?" he groaned
"I want you," he shook his head no "Eddie, please"
"No, not here, you don't deserve this"
"Let's go somewhere else, my car, it doesn't matter"
"No, it does matter, if you didn't want it last week. C'mon, I'll drive you home, they're about to lock everything up. I promise i'll give you everything you want, just not now, okay?"
"Sure" you got off his lap and he picked up your backpack from the floor, taking your hand and walking you out all the way to your car. "What about your van?"
"I'll pick it up tomorrow, come on" You handed him the keys to your car and took your place on the passenger seat. Your ride home was quiet exept for you guiding him. As soon as you got home he handed you the keys and got out of the car.
"Do you want to come in, Mom's not home, it's okay if you do"
"Eddie, please" you approached him in front of the car, hands wrapping around his waist as you got on the tip of your toes to whisper in his ear "I've been thinking about you all week too. You dont know how many times i came around my fingers whising they were yours. "
"you're gonna be the death of me" you giggled knowing you finally got what you wanted
"Come on" you pulled him to your porch, opening the door and getting him in your room before your brother saw him.
"Cute room, sweetheart" he noted as he looked around and you locked your door.
"Shut up" you slaped his arm playfully before trying ridiculously to reach his lips for a kiss.
"No, im serious, really like the dolls, they're not creepy at all"
"Eddie!" you groaned and he looked down at you "Just kiss me, please"
He picked you up so he didn’t have to bend down to kiss you, your legs wrapped around his waist as he sat on the edge of your bed. Eddie started working kisses on your neck as his hands snaked under your cheer shirt making their way up your back and unhooking your bra. Your breath started quickening as he did so going unnoticed by him till he looked up from your neck.
“You okay?” he inspected you making sure you were comfortable and you nodded. “Do you want me to take this off? You don’t have to.”
“I want to, Eddie. Fuck, stop asking, just want you to make me feel good.”
“Okay, darling, okay” he said pulling your hair down from the pony, his hands running through the sandy strands. he lifted your shirt over your head and pulled it off your arms along with your white bra. Eddie laid you out on your bed, turning his body to hover yours. “God, you’re beautiful.”
He pressed his face to your chest, his hair tickling you as he wrapped his plump lips around your nipple. His hands made their way below your waist, one of them palming you through your underwear, feeling you get wetter and wetter as his mouth worked on your breasts.
“Please, Eddie.” you whine.
“What do you want, sweetheart?” he hummed against your skin.
“Just you, this is not enough. Please touch me”
“So whiny” he remarked before taking his skilled fingers to the back of your skirt to unzip it. You lifted your hips to help him pull it down your legs. “but so pretty” he said as his eyes met your white panties and kissed the pink bow right on the band. His fingers hooked on the side of your underwear looking up at you to make sure before pulling it down your legs. He spread your legs kneeling up between them to take off his jacket and use your hair tie to put his hair in a bun.
“Eddie, can you take off your shirt, please? Feeling a little exposed here.” you asked as you kicked off your shoes.
He laughed and took it off noticing the way your eyes fixed on his chest tattoo. “Like them?” he teased as he took off his belt, making you blush. “Im gonna eat you out now, okay? Tell me if you want me to stop.” he explained laying between your legs. You nodded, watching him kiss up your thighs and throwing them over his shoulders. Before getting to where you needed him the most he skipped his kisses, taking them to your stomach.
“Edward, touch me” you begged for what felt like the thousandth time.
“I will, baby” he said, taking off thd ring he wore on his right hand and putting it on your thumb. “Is this what you want?” the tip of his finger teased your hole. “So wet” he said before attaching his lips to your clit and sucking on it.
Your hands went straight to his hair pulling at the strands and making him groan against you. His tongue explored you as his middle finger finally penetrated you fully, he curls it up to locate himself before starting to thrust slowly into you. He eased another finger in as he came up, kissing your chest and neck.
“You’re gonna pull out all my hair if you keep going like that, sweetheart”
“Fuck, sorry, i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s okay baby, i don’t mind the pain.” he chuckled before diving back into you, his fingers now curling upwards as his lips get back to sucking on your clit. You suddenly felt empty as he switched positions, his tongue now fucking you as his thumb worked your clit with much agility.
“Kiss me, Eddie” you mumbled and he quickly came up, his plump lips meeting yours. “Fuck, gonna cum” you groaned as soon as he took his kisses to your jaw and neck. He penetrated you again, thumb still working on your sensitive nub. You bit his shoulder as you came, clenching around his fingers.
You tried to catch your breath as he worked you through the orgasm, fingers curling inside you slowly. “Fuck, Eddie”
“Felt good, baby?” he asked as he pulled his soaked fingers out of you, taking them to his mouth to clean them up.
“So good, fuck, want more.”
“In a second, baby” he knelt back up and pulled a condom from his back pocket. “You wanna touch it?” he teased after he caught you looking at the bulge formed in his jeans. You nodded and sat up, right hand reaching to undo his buttons as Eddie looked down at you, opening the package. You looked back up at him when you got to his blue boxers, not knowing what to do.
“Here, darling” he pulled his dick out of them and slid the condom down on the length before taking your hand in his and wrapping around it. You started pumping slowly with help of the lube from the condom and watched it adjust perfectly on his cock. He got up from the bed, his cock escaping your fist so he could take off his pants completely, not wasting anytime before climbing back over you.
“You okay?” he whispered against your neck, lips brushing your skin softly as you nodded. “Ready?”
“For fucks sake, Edward, just do it” you mumbled just wanting to be filled up again. Eddie lifted up his hips slightly looking down to align him self to you and finally pushed the tip in. You naturally gasped from the new sensation, making him stop, thinking he hurt you. “Eddie its fine, keep going. If i want you to stop i’ll tell you.” he nodded, pushing little by little until he bottomed out into you.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so warm.” he groaned as he waited for your green light.
“Move” you finally said and he waisted no time. His hips started grinding into yours, always checking to see if you were alright. “Eddie, I can take it, dont worry.”
And in a couple of seconds, his hips were snapping into yours. All that could come out of your mouth were embarrassing groans and whines, adding a blush to your already reddened skin. You could feel his hands grabbing your thighs, fingers still covered in his own saliva, as his lips covered your neck in kisses, almost making you up. “Did you stretch?” he asked with a smirk on his face, you just nodded knowing exactly what he was about to do with that hand he had behind your knee. He threw one of your legs over his shoulder, making you let out a sound your not proud of. It was so explicitly erotic that you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Whats so funny, huh?”
“Nothing, just” you were interrupted by his thrusting, “fuck. Eddie, shit”
He covered your lips with his when he realized you were being too loud, your left leg completely folding over your own body. His hips were mercilessly slapping against yours as he kissed you harshly, all the fear of accidentally hurting you gone out the window but you really didn’t mind. All you wanted was to feel full of him and feel him slamming into you. He was unstoppable, completely out of his mind, he couldn’t think straight, not when he was that deep into your pussy.
“Eddie, baby, so close” he groaned in response, feeling your walls clench around him.
He was so pussy drunk his fingers could barely make their way to your clit to help you with your release. But as close as you were all it took was some lazy and uncoordinated fingers to make you cum. You bit his shoulder as you did, afraid you might be too loud in your most pleasurable state.
“Fuck, baby” he moaned, all the different reactions he was giving your body being too much. the clenching around his cock, the nails on his back and the bite on his shoulder just taking him over the edge. “Shit, so good, so warm” he mumbled as he emptied into the condom.
“No, no, no, not yet.” you stopped him when he tried to pull out of you. “Fuck, Edward, that was amazing.”
“Well, you’re welcome, princess” he hugged you after watching you blush at the pet name, flipping your body over his without disconnecting you. You laid your head on his chest enjoying the warmth of his body
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tojisbbygworl · 1 year
Just For The Night - Hobie Brown x Black!Punk!Reader pt. 1
Summary: Two anarchists meet at a concert and decide that one night just isn't enough...but one night is all they have.
Characters: Mentioned - Gwen, Pavtir, Miguel. Featured - Miles, Hobie
Words: 3,694
Tags: 18+, 3rd person, Mutual Pining, Suggestive Content (Smut in part 2), Hobie is Whipped, Aged-Up Characters (Miles/Gwen is 17), Reader and Hobie are 21+, Mention of Marijuana, Canon Divergence (Doesn't follow ATSV events/Miles is not an anomaly/Hobie's universe is present day instead of 1978), Hobie and Miles are like brothers, I tried my best with the British slang
author's note: The Hobie brainrot is real. I wasn't planning on writing for ATSV at all, but some of the fanfictions just weren't scratching the itch and you have to be the change you want to see in the world and all that other shit. I don't think that Miles would listen to Rico Nasty, but I definitely think Hobie would. I had to write something putting the two together like it just makes SENSE TO ME!
You don’t have to listen to the music at all I’m not even sure if I want to keep it in there. Anyway, here's the story. More notes abt me at the end.
AO3 version part 2 epilogue
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"You tryna' go to this concert with me?"
Hobie stopped playing with his guitar pick to look Miles in the eyes. The day was over, for them at least. Miguel was satisfied with their work and they didn't have to deal with him until it was time to be called back into action. Gwen had already gone back home, something about her band, and Pav wasn't on the schedule for today. It was one of the only times where Miles and Hobie could really work as partners and they cherished it.
Miles was especially glad to have Hobie all to himself, as he felt this question would be a bit more awkward around the others. He waited until they were grabbing something to eat in the food court so he was sure anyone who would overhear his question couldn't. He had always been a fan of this artist, but never really embraced it in fear of embarrassment or rejection.
"Who's playin'?" Hobie asked him, already knowing he was going to say yes no matter what Miles said. He saw him as a little brother, and he was happy that he wanted to spend time together outside of work.
"Her name is Rico Nasty." Hobie raised a brow. Either this artist is only popular in America, or he didn't have her in his own universe. He had never heard of her before.
"Oh? Who's that?" Miles lit up like a fire, excited to show Hobie something new. He hoped to whoever was listening that he would enjoy her.
To say that seeing Hobie begin to head bop with his headphones in filled Miles with joy was an understatement. As the song continued, He began making a stank face and looked at him. He was enjoying himself, clearly, and Miles knew he had him hooked.
When the song ended, Hobie took out his headphones and gave Miles his phone back. "Yeah, I'll go with you."
Miles throws a small celebration. He pumps his fist and says "Yes!" dancing for a second before stopping and clearing his throat. He turns back around to see Hobie looking at him amused.
"Am I the only one going?" He asks him, biting into a burger.
Miles sits back down across him and sighs. He looks down at the table. "Yeah," he says, dejected. Hobie gives him a worried look, which Miles is quick to dismiss. "Oh, no! It's nothing bad. I just...I don't really know anyone else who would come with me and it seemed like music you would like..." He trails off for a minute. Hobie urges him on by gesturing his hand. "And I kind of wanted an actual adult with me because I'm really nervous and kind of scared and I needed someone I could trust completely. You fit all the criteria."
Hearing that made Hobie insanely happy. He gives Miles a sideways smile. "That warms me up inside, you know that?"
Miles lets out a small, breathy, laugh. "Yeah, yeah."
"So," Hobie wipes his hands with each other and takes a sip of his drink. "What's the scene gonna be like?"
"Well...you, really. Your whole aesthetic."
Hobie raises a brow. "Oh yeah?"
As a connoisseur of moshing, in Hobie's opinion, the venue was perfect. Big enough to fit scores of people, too small to have any personal space.
It was completely painted black with a black floor as well. Purple, green, and red stage lights shone over the thickening crowd. It was already so hot, a stark contrast from the chilly Brooklyn night air.
That day, Miles had visited Hobie's apartment to get dressed. Hobie gave him loads of clothes and accessories to choose from. Miles, unfortunately, had no sense of style, and everything he chose clashed with each other. Hobie had to completely dress him from head to toe. "You look like a proper rebel without a cause," Hobie had told him, which Miles took as a good thing.
Miles took one look at the bartending stand, gave Hobie a stupid smile, and as funny as it was, he shot him down immediately. "Uh-Uh. 'low it."
It was 7:30. The concert didn't officially start for another 30 minutes, and Rico wasn't going to come out for an hour after that. Miles was taking everything in. He had a look of wonder in his eyes. Hobie found it amusing. Him and Miles have been friends for some time now, but he’s never seen him this relaxed.
“You didn’t think about bringing Gwendy here?” Hobie asked him. Gwen should see this part of her boo thing. (They still haven’t made anything official).
Miles hisses and scratches the back of his head. “Eh…nah man. I’m still nervous about showing this side of me to people. You’re the only person I’m confident enough to show it off to.”
Miles’s sweet words brought a genuine smile to Hobie’s face, and he smiled back. Hobie wrapped his arm around him and rubbed his head. They continue talking as the venue fills more and more and people gather behind him. Soon, it’s hard to move around and the two boys finally notice how packed the floor has become. Miles begins to look a little nervous, but looks up at how chill Hobie is and adjusts himself accordingly.
When he’s done trying to look cool he taps Hobie on his arm. The man looks down at him in curiosity. “Hey, so…what’s your situation?”
“What do you mean?”
Miles makes a fist and punches his palm. “I mean, do you got a girl, bro?”
Hobie scoffs and laughs at his question. “Nah, man. My Gwen Stacy is a capitalist pig. And I don’t know a Mary Jane.”
“Maybe you can have the Gwen from my universe.” Mike’s jokes. Hobie laughs and punches his arm.
“Sorry mate, but if she’s anything like others, I don’t want her." He gets a far off look in his face, and Miles's grin straightens out. "It’s like in every universe, she’s a "good" girl.” Hobie explains his thought process. Miles is greatly interested in what he has to say. Hobie looks up and speaks as if this is something he’s put a lot of thought into. “My person needs to have my ideals. I want her to be loud and obnoxiously motivated. Like me.” He says the last part with a grin. Miles shook his head.
“So you want an anarchist?”
Hobie shrugs. “If she’s not a felon she’s not for me.” They laugh with each other until the opening DJ comes out. It was 8:00 and the concert was starting. He played some popular mainstream music that Hobie wouldn’t otherwise listen to. But Miles had started rapping 21 Savage with some other teenagers around him and he couldn’t help but enjoy it.
Hobie easily towered over the crowd, so he took a moment to take it all in. In his opinion, he had the best spot on the floor. Right in the middle. He could see everything. Everyone had on some form of punk-like, gothic, or emo styling. He saw many spikes, chains, and buckles. So many creative hairstyles and outfit choices. He truthfully felt that he was in his element. It was nice.
Oh! Es-pecially the fine thing standing right in front of him.
Well, he assumed that she looked good. He was absolutely digging her hair. She had large Bantu Knots going across her head. It was was a nice Cajun Spice color. This hair definitely takes the cake for him.
His eyes trail down her body to look at her outfit. She had fishnets on her legs and torso. Over the fishnets, she had on an AC/DC crop top with jagged edges that she probably cut herself. Her bottoms were black ripped shorts. Extremely short, they wrapped around her ass so nicely, and some of the flesh hung out of them. He couldn’t see too much of her feet, but he could guess that she’s wearing Demonias. He really wanted to see the front of her choker.
She was moving to the music and shaking her hips to the beat of ‘The Boy’s a Liar.” It was a cute song in his opinion, and her dance was just as adorable. But it was dangerous how the plush of her ass moved in those shorts.
Her friend who was dancing beside her accidentally backed into him. She turned to apologize and Hobie gave her a nod and a “you’re good,” then went right back to staring at Bantu Knots. The girl peeped him, and she smiled and nudged her to get her attention. She whispers in her ear, then turns back around completely.
When Hobie makes eye contact with Bantu Knots, his heart feels like it’s slowing down. Then, immediately, it runs. She had big brown eyes and the cutest ring on her round nose. Her makeup wasn’t much, but she still looked stunning. She clearly had on foundation, concealer and some sort of powder. She had long false lashes on, sharp wings, and black glossy lips. On the flush of her cheek, there was a small black heart drawn with eyeliner. She was gorgeous.
He was mesmerized, it was like his body did the work for him when he nodded and smirked at her. She gave him a sideways smile back, looked him up and down, then turned back around. The whistle that Hobie let out was long and smooth. Miles nudges him in the arm having been witness to the whole thing. Hobie grins.
He takes another chance to enrapture her. He taps her shoulder than leans down next to her ear. He keeps his voice low, and mutters, “I love your hair.”
He guessed she really liked that compliment, because she immediately lights up and turns around fully to look at him. The girl puts her hand on his shoulder to pull his ear towards her. A shock courses through his body when her breath hits his skin.
“I love yours, too.”
Somehow, her voice was even more breathtaking than she was. Hobie shivers. He resists the urge to ask her if she wanted to use his wicks as handle bars. Then he blinks. He has no idea where that idea came from, but he liked it.
He also liked her voice. She didn’t sound like she was local. Most spidermen in the spider society were from New York or some variation of it. He had heard his fair share of Northern American accents. Hers was more southern. Not nearly as southern as Webslinger’s though. Or, a different kind of southern.
"You’re not from around here, are you?” He asks her.
“Neither are you, mate.”
Hobie chuckled at her joke. Even though she was mocking him, it was pretty good. He decided then that he likes her and he doesn’t want to stop talking to her. He looks to his side to see Miles caught up in his own conversation with his new buddies. Good, he’s occupied.
“I don’t entirely think it’s fair that you know where I’m from and I don’t know where you’re from.” He suggest.
“I’m from Atlanta,” she answers, her deep voice relaxing him. “I moved to Brooklyn not to long ago.”
That was interesting. “Oh, really?” He wondered what might have brought her all the way up here.
She nodded. “What about you?”
Hobie rubbed his chin and quickly thought of a small lie to tell you. “I’m just visiting my bro, he invited me to this concert. I’ve never heard her music before, but I like what he showed me.”
The girl gasped as if Hobie had just told her of a terrible crime. “You've never listened to Rico before?”
Hobie shook his head. “Don’t worry, love. That’s gonna change real soon. Especially when her fans look like this.” He looked her body over and smirked.
She returns his advance with a sensual smile of her own. “Like what?”
His face doesn’t fall. “Like, bare fit.”
“What that mean?”
“It’s UK for, ‘fine as hell.’”
She continued smiling at him. They stared at each other for a second, then she spoke. “My name is Y/N.”
Before she could continue talking to him, the music starts to pick up a bit more. The playlist becomes a little more raunchy. She turns back around to dance with her friends and Hobie begins rapping along with Miles. While the music played, Hobie would occasionally catch Y/N’s eyes look at him. She was dancing really cutely, which was absolutely not the vibe of the songs that were currently playing. He could tell she wanted to really move. But, she was most likely afraid of making him uncomfortable.
Hobie had to let her know that he wants it. With all the confidence and audacity he can muster, he rubs his hand on her lower back, wrapping his fingers and palm around her waist. She turns slightly to look at him, and her eyes are full of mischief. Hobie leans over to her ear once again. Her friends are watching the scene somewhat discreetly and giggling.
“You can throw it back on me, love. I don’t mind at all.”
Apparently, that was all she needed to get absolutely loose with it. She beamed at him, caught the beat, then started dancing on him while he held her waist. Hobie’s grip is firm, but he doesn’t force their hips together, no matter how much it would turn him on. This wasn’t the first time he’s been twerked on, but he hasn’t been this into it. He grabs the other side of her hips with his other hand.
She bounces herself on him a couple times, and Hobie had never been more happy that he was wearing jeans. He doesn’t know how she would react to feeling his boner on her. However, the thought excites him. How good would it feel to just start humping into her backside? Everyone is paying attention to themselves. Would anyone even notice if he slipped his finger in between her thick thighs and underneath her shorts?
As she continues to dance on him, his imagination begins to run wilder. He doesn’t even realize how much time had passed and that the opener had already came and gone. There was a new DJ who was to introduce Rico any second now, and all Hobie could do was watch her skin bounce on his pants. There’s only a slit going from the back of her shorts to the front to cover her pussy. He assumes that she has a thong on, or he would be able to see her panties. If she just bent over a little more and stuck her ass in the air, Hobie could play with her for a little bit. And if he just angled his hips down a bit, he could pull it to the side, unzip his jeans, and just…
That would be disgusting. Fucking this random girl in the middle of a mosh pit floor. It excites him. He wonders if she likes that idea too. He doesn’t even realize that she has moved his arms completely to the front of her torso. His hands were gripping her lower stomach. She was practically grinding on him. Hobie’s mouth opened only slightly. He licked his bottom lip then bit it, not noticing the way Miles’s eyebrows lifted in shock.
At one point she looked back at him without stopping with the same bright smile on her face. Just when Hobie was about to say ‘fuck it’, the DJ begins to hype everyone up. He lets go of Y/N and looks towards the stage. The lights are going crazy. So is the crowd.
Miles is shaking his arm back and forth. “That girl was going crazy!”
Hobie slapped their hands together and bumped his chest. “Hell yeah.” He takes one more look at her back. As if she feels his eyes on her, she looked back at him. They smile and she turns around. Hobie doesn’t stop.
Miles squints his eyes. “Wait a minute, big fella.” He holds his arms out. “Whatchu thinkin’?”
Hobie shrugs, but still doesn’t stop looking at her. “I’m not thinking anything, mate.”
The crowd gets louder as one of Rico’s songs finally start playing.
“You ready?” Miles yells at him.
“Ha!” Hobie laughs and grabs Miles’s arms. “Are you? Your first time moshing, big steppa,” He shouts back.
“I’m scared as hell!”
“Don’t be! I got you!”
With that, Rico finally comes out and the crowd screams. All at once, the entire venue starts jumping. Hobie’s eardrums feel like they’re about to explode. With the way he’s moving along with his height and his firm grip over Miles’s shoulders, he feels sorry for the people behind and next to him.
The crowd isn’t pushing so much as everyone is just too filled with adrenaline to stay still. Rico herself is having a lot of fun on the stage too. Jumping up and down with everyone, screaming into the mic, feeding off the crowds amazing energy. Hobie’s really feeling it too. He hadn’t been moshing for a while, it felt good to be in his element.
As the songs change, the crowd gets more and more hype, but it isn’t until STFU when they really start moving.
Hobie doesn’t let go of Miles and pushes people around, almost falling over himself. At the same time, he makes sure to push against Y/N’s back. Everyone is screaming, pushing and throwing themselves into each other. It’s wild, hot, and exciting. It’s the most fun Hobie has had for a minute.
Y/N kept up pretty well, as if she’s true to this too. The concert goes on, and Rico begins to play her more down tempo songs. Hobie and Miles are sweating , but Miles is heaving. Hobie nudges him.
“You alright, bro?” Miles doesn’t stop heaving, but gives him a thumbs up. Hobie groans and slaps his head.
“Bro, so sorry, I completely forgot to bring some water for you. Ay listen, we can go and get some, and I’ll push us back up here, that good?” He suggests.
Miles waved him off. “Nah man,” he says exasperated. “I’m chilling.”
His new group of friends hand him a hydro flask and tells him to waterfall. Hobie thinks it’s gross, but it gets the job done. Miles looks fine again. He sighs in relief and turns back to see Y/N just vibing.
He takes the liberty to tap her shoulder and lean down into her ear. “You doing okay?” She was sweating, so was he, but she was still the most gorgeous girl in the venue.
She smiled at him thankfully and nodded. Once again, placing her hand on his shoulder she talks into his ear. “Yeah, thank you. What about you? You look just as crazy as I do.”
Hobie laughs. “How bad do I look?”
She shakes her head. “I didn’t say you look bad, baby. I said you look crazy. I like it.” Hobie’s heart flutters at the pet name, her southern drawl coming out a bit. He decides then that this can’t be the only time they talk.
“How much do you like it?” Pussy Poppin’ begins to play, Y/N turns around, grabs his hands to put them around her waist and begins to dance on him again. Hobie smiles again. This time, there’s no letting of each other. His hands remain on her waist for some time. She often looks back and stares at him. He knows this girl likes him just as much as he does and if he was only back in his universe, he would have grabbed her and swung her back to his place immediately. But, he can’t leave Miles-
Where is Miles?
Hobie lets go of her and begins looking around in a panic. She becomes worried. “Are you okay?” She yells while placing her hand on his chest. Hobie is too worried to revel in her touch, but one of the boys Miles was interacting with gets his attention.
“Hey, that boy, Miles?” He starts. “He said to tell you he was feeling lightheaded so he went to his dorm.” Hobie closes his eyes and sighs in relief. But he was also upset that he had just left without a word. Then, the kid gets his attention once more. “Um, he also said good luck with your girl.”
Ah, so that’s why. That’s kind of awkward.
“Everything alright?” Y/N asks again.
Hobie’s reassuring smile relaxes her. “It’s fine. Was looking for my bro but he went home.”
That mischievous glint in her eye came back. "So you’re free?”
Hobie pauses. Was this really happening right now? Was he really this lucky? “Yeah.”
“Want to go to my place after this? I got a blunt.”
The night just keeps getting better. Hobie chased off a stupid smile and says a thankful prayer to whatever is listening. Then he realizes. It’s only gone 10:00. The concert can’t be ending for at least another hour.
“After?” Hobie debates his next move, then he grabbed her hand. Without looking away from her, he slowly brings her hand to feel his crotch. Her eyes widened. He was very turned on, he had been since she backed up on him. He rubbed her hand up and down a bit so she could feel his arousal even better. When she began squirming and rocking back and forth on her feet, Hobie's smirk grows. Her legs were clenched shut and she couldn’t take her eyes off his waist. He leans down again, his breath making her shudder. “You see what you did to me? You’re really gonna make me wait, love?”
He stares into her eyes. Hers flicker back and forth between his, and eventually to his studded lips. Hobie anticipates her answer, but from the way she began to grip his member he knows she’ll take him up on his offer.
She takes in a breath, turns to tell her friends that she’s leaving, the grabs Hobie’s arm and starts walking through the crowd.
ending a/n: That’s the end of part one to the story. How did you guys like it so far? I wanted to add a few Rico songs to get a gist of how the concert went, but I didn’t want to overload the story. I hope the suggestiveness is to y’all’s liking. I promise the nasty raunchy sex is coming next. I can’t help but to write lore for every story I write, so you, the reader, will have a little back ground story in the next part. Just a couple of heads up, it will be a little bit angsty towards the end, and involve having sex while under the influence. They’ll be smoking while they’re fucking, basically.
about the author: I do not write for this fandom, this will be my first and probably only story involving spiderverse. I write Jujutsu Kaisen fanfiction, pretty much exclusively Toji. I also don’t write on Tumblr. I will link my AO3 but please be warned that the stories I write have very dark content matter and are angst the whole way through.
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