#not natsci
natscbi · 9 months
05.09.23 - 5/100 dop
duo greek lessons
sorted my clothes & more stuff in my room
tidied a bit around the house
doctor’s appointment
new intro for the blog✨
the productivity will increase.. slowly. and not constantly (have life things and travel).
really wish duo had more / separate guides with all the conjugations and grammar stuff as well as the lessons. i don’t mind the way they teach half the time but bro let me look at the lists if i WANT to
🎵 DOMINO - Stray Kids
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circadiancrunch · 4 months
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New project. And here's the first piece. Sebastes pinniger - Canary Rockfish (with opaleye) There's over 50 more to go. So wish me luck.
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girlhorse · 10 months
i get sad when i remember how much i love natsci bc of how awful it is for my Brain to be in a job that has high stakes. i would probably do really well in med school or vet med school and enjoy it but the life or death thing would probably make me go crazy. not to mention the absolute abhorrent state of the field in the US. beyond that i found the available jobs to be a bit intolerable... if you focus mostly on biology and ecology you end up underpaid. in phys and chemistry you're stuck working with bombs or big pharma and definitely men
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 8 months
If I switch degrees should I do carpentry or music production hm
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vhstown · 4 months
if i get into uni for natsci im buying all 552 of you drinks (even the sex bots)
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Assorted 1:30am oc (and maybe canon) headcanons/facts with absolutely no rhyme, reason, or context go!
Pequod has all of Ahab's drive, obsession, and insanity but none of the captain's revenge motives; she's just here to kill things, hog glory, and fistfight The Whale™ (Whaleship Essex) at the back of an abandoned port at 3am
If you start hearing Pequod's shouts from the other side of port, get ready to hear crunching bone and tearing flesh because Rachel is ruthless when it comes to shanking her (in her defense, if I had to deal with a walking physical disaster for extended periods of time I'd lose my shit quickly too)
Rachel keeps a blue plastic hairbrush in her hull's storage
The Otherworld-Nixies have done a book exchange
Argo II has been electrocuted to death by Nautilus once
Pequod and Rachel once stole a bag of CCS Birmingham's beads and learned the hard way that greek fire can't be put out by normal means
(Rachel claims to be the voice of reason; she is not. She's just Pequod's impulse control and is just as bad)
Whalex has ripped out Pequod's heart on one occasion and crushed her windpipe in another
Whalex has also been given strict orders by Galley to not infect Pequod, as much as she wants to do so
Occasionally, Ruby (Royal Fortune) tries to seduce Ranger; the only results she gets is an incredibly flustered Ranger and Cerise (Good Fortune) whacking her over the head with a tome
(She keeps doing it because it's funny watching Ranger short circuit)
Eighty has that gun that will literally dislocate your shoulder as a part of her rigging
Gerald is a dork. She just has no clue how to express that + she silently enjoys the cool factor
Bethie instantly turns into a pile of anxious mush once she leaves a crowd
Adele does not ask questions about customers, no matter how weird they are
Lucena will occasionally kick Cal's shins in a bout of Cain Instinct
Agincourt has an extensive collection of masks, including ones she's hand-decorated
Yorxtown has a prized gun collection and likes hunting
Hornex often needs to be dragged out by her sisters to go anywhere
Magician has a genuine magic kit in her storage unit
Scripon's hair changes from blonde to greenish-blue when not under direct sunlight
Issac is Tiphereth's de facto second in command and leads the Magical Girl Squad™ during their turn of NatSci receptions
Molly occasionally gets sick from pallidification, those days she drapes herself over/cuddles up to Whalex
Princess Andromeda looks like a Siren to anyone outside of Tempesta, makes her great for infiltration so long as she doesn't go batshit
Unlike Thanatos, Akhlys' form shifts around a lot, since misery is a more fluid concept than death
"What do you have there?" [Holding Pequod's half-dead body by the leg in one hand and a drink in the other] "A smoothie. In fact, it's a new type of juice that the humans came up with recently!"
("For the love of the gods can you please stop killing her?" "Oh zeus forbid women do anythi-" "Argo." "Okok fine geez-")
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dahlia-studies · 2 years
Diary Entry for September 13th, 2022
Hi everyone! I'm just about to Critical Summary for Sociology. Today's NatSci lecture is online, so I get to work at home.
I've been using some of the strategies in James Clear's Atomic Habits to help me stay focused on my work. Today's strategy is Implementation Intentions, which has you fill out the following prompts:
I will [behaviour] at [time] in [location]
After I [current habit], I will [new habit]
My prompts look like this:
I will write my Critical Summary at 11:30 AM at my desk
After I check Tumblr, I will begin writing
I'll let you know how Clear's strategies work out for me later today. For now, it's time to wrap things up and get started!
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natscbi · 9 months
03.09.23 - 3/100 dop
lord i thought i was tired yesterday… more family time today which ig is socially productive. greek on duolingo (will the novelty wear off? probably lol) and some italian as well (i want to finish the course. i keep skipping levels by doing the test which is questionable for learning vocab but oh well)
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🎵 Abstract (Psychopomp) - Hozier
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circadiancrunch · 11 months
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This one's done, and the blue shark was funded about the time I finished it, so I guess I'll do a goblin shark next to see if the good juju continues~
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Rip to that waify girl in the haunted house show but if I experienced a sleep paralysis Demon I would simply go back to sleep
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ollies-studyblr · 4 years
Chem: Interactions b/t Atoms and Molecules
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leoreed · 4 years
Text // Leo & Elisabeth
Leo: hey, it's leo
Leo: hope you dont mind but i found your number in the natsci group chat we're both in
Leo: i just wanted to check up on you. how are you?
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rosielearnsthings · 4 years
Hello I want to apply for natural sciences at Cambridge but I know it's super competitive and idk if I'm good enough. Do you mind sharing some tips on how you got in??
I’m not an expert - so many people have different experiences, so this is just going to be a summary of the key things I think helped (+ a few that didn’t)
When you apply:
Please do actually apply if you think it’s a course you’d enjoy! They can’t make you an offer it you don’t apply
Your personal statement should be personal - why do you want to study natural sciences? Why that course in particular - what drew me was that I could keep studying lots of different sciences and specialise later. I also would advise leaving all your extracurriculars to the end. If it shows you’re keen to do science then by all means keep it in the main part, but they get so many applications and I know if they start reading about gymnastics or something they’ll know it’s the end of what they find useful. This doesn’t apply to many other unis!
Think about which college you like - ultimately the teaching is the same across the whole uni, but think about the size/architecture/location/age/anything else important to you. I personally love Selwyn and can’t rate it highly enough, but everyone genuinely loves their college. I know lots have photos on their website, or you can use streetview on google maps for a better idea of their geography
They know that people apply to other courses than natural sciences on the same personal statement (e.g. one of mine was chemistry with molecular physics) - if your personal statement doesn’t focus specifically on natural sciences that’s fine, just show an appreciation for liking a range of sciences
Check your predicted grades match their standard offer (A*A*A I think, but it can vary) and you have the right a levels (if you do a level!) for the modules you’d want to take in your first year. You can negotiate predicted grades with your teachers, but it’s important to be realistic
There’s an extra questionnaire to take into account any disruption your educational life has had which might have meant you didn’t perform your best, so please don’t let that put you off
If you get an interview:
I was super shy in my first one, which meant I didn’t talk much and that didn’t really help me come across well. They can’t know what’s going on in your head - talk through your ideas, and they’ll give you paper if you want to draw a diagram or a graph
My interviews were mostly applied maths/physics and chemistry. The physics questions were similar to Fermi problems (so I would recommend giving those a look!) where you have to estimate lots of quantities to get a rough answer. None of the content was beyond what I’d done at school, so don’t think you have to learn the intricacies of quantum mechanics!
They asked very briefly about things I’d read and my extended project from my personal statement - I think this was mostly as a nice introduction to the interview for me, but don’t put anything in you don’t want to talk about
Don’t be afraid to ask questions or only give a partial answer. As long as you can explain where you want to go next, and what you need to do it, that’s a good sign for them
The whole idea of the interview is to see how well you would suit being taught in a supervision, so really don’t expect to know all the answers! This can be a bit different to interviews in other places, where you might know everything they ask - here, they want to see how you think and if they can teach you
If you get an offer:
Well done!!!
This part is down to you rather than the luck of someone seeing your application - use past papers and the specification for your exams, make sure you balance revision with things to keep you calm and happy, and keep in mind what’s motivating you
After you’ve taken each paper, there’s nothing you can do to change what’s written on it - all you can do it move onto the next one
Hope this helped a little - good luck!
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Hi, I was wondering if I could get a college match! I got 10 A*s at GCSE and predicted A*A*A*A in A Levels - so looking for a tier 2 college, possibly tier 1? I am worried about not getting in or being pooled to a female-only college, which I wouldn't like. I want to study Bio NatSci, & would like a college with a decent cheap gym nearby/good kitchen facilities, preferably pretty close to the lecture sites. Also like pretty architecture & gardens, decent night life but also like a nice night in.
Hi, the first that comes to mind (I might be biased because I really like it) is Pembroke college. It has a prime location for BioNatsci - across the street, really nice architecture and quite a bit of greenery on-site and is right in the centre close to clubs. There is a gym on-site and the kitchen facilities are alright (their catering is also excellent). I’d say Pembroke is a mixture of outgoing and more low-key people and the proximity to lectures and other colleges make it easy to make friends.
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curiosi-tea · 5 years
oh btw ya girl got an offer for cambridge!!
i might make a better post than this later, i just haven't had time yet hahaha
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Cambridge NatSci Admissions Test 2018
Oh dear Lord I’ve never felt so inadequate.
I didn’t realise the second paper was a calculator paper and was given a really crappy 50p one by school, which slowed me down.
I lost so many marks on being genuinely dumb. I just blanked.
I didn’t get break time today so I was sat on my own in a room (with an invigilator obvs) for two hours hungry, stressed and with a massive headache.
It was so much harder than the practice papers I did.
I’m sorry for the rant - I just need to get my feelings out so I can focus on thinking positively and put it behind me.
Anybody who sat it - good luck to you, fellow soldier. I wish you all the success in the world.
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