#not necessarily because of any kind of bond Peter and Gwen had
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“Sibling Rivalry: Part 2,” Scarlet Spider (Vol. 2/2012), #20.
Writers: Christopher Yost and Erik Burnham; Pencilers: Pat Olliffe and In-Hyuk Lee; Inker: In-Hyuk Lee; Colorists: Lee Loughridge and In-Hyuk Lee; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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I just finished re-watching Andrews movies and oh my God I fucking love him and I honestly believe he’s the best Spiderman and I love Tom but there is something about Andrew that is better as Spiderman
Like every interaction in the movie with him and without him but especially with him it’s just so much fun to watch and it’s so good and well written and well directed and the photography is absolutely incredible
It is definitely my favorite origin story of the three it is very well explained and makes as much sense as a superhero can make sense with the experiments and science and the DNA of his dad it’s all so well put together .
I know some people say that Andrew didn’t make a good Peter Parker because he wasn’t nerdy enough but I honestly don’t agree I think that the fact that he had more coolness to him than Toby made it even better because even though he wasn’t that nerdy he still was dorky and nerdy and wasn’t exactly popular which made him more relatable in someways and even though I understand why some people say that Peter needs to be super nerdy and unpopular or whenever I think it made so much more sense for him to have some coolness to him rather than being this overly anxious nerd because Toby was this overly anxious nerd the one thing that made him ‘Spiderman’ was being Spiderman it completely changed him in more ways than one but with Andrew he was Spiderman even before he was Spiderman in a way he had the qualities and personality to be Spiderman even before the powers It didn’t make him a different person or anything like that it just highlighted parts of him.
I really liked Gwen in those movies I think she was a more interesting better love interest then Mary Jane and also MJ she had her own storylines and was interesting calculus of being with Peter I hate that she died and yes I did cry but I did love the affect she had on him but at the same time living her on life and not putting him before herself which was true for Mary Jane In my opinion even though I Think it would’ve been better if they wouldn’t have killed her and she would go to Oxford and he would’ve stayed in New York because it makes more sense for them to break up I mean I really like them together and they make a good couple but they are in college and it’s OK for them to find themselves and then either not get back together or get back together but still it would’ve been way better that way in my opinion.
I thought the first movie was really good but I did miss the best friend for Peter part in this movie i think it would have added more layers to his character they could have even maybe focus more on one of the kids he helped rather than just show him helping them as a personality trait. I really like the lizard as a villain because he has a good backstory like his reasons makes sense and generally he was just really cool as a villain and I liked him. I like that it didn’t take that much time for him and Gwen to get together and I really like the way they got together I thought it looked natural and real and Andrew and Emma have such good chemistry I absolutely love it and I really like the fact that he told her from the beginning about himself and that she was the only one who knew it was a nice touch to their bond.
I didn’t like the promise he made to her father I thought that was stupid and way too old fashion in my opinion it’s just kind of made the second movie annoying in that way and the promise In my opinion should have been keep her safe and not necessarily stay away from her in order to keep her safe.
I really like the second movie I thought that it was really real written the connection between Harry and Electro. It didn’t feel as overbearing like the third movie in tobys movie series.
Basically I think Andrew is the best Spiderman/Peter Parker I just love the energy and humor he brought to the role and I don’t think any other actor would be like that even with the same text and honestly I just think each of them brings a different thing to the role but this is my fav.
And those little jumps and skipping he dose is so cute and goofy I love it
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themattress · 5 years
Spider-Man purists are bad enough...
But MJ purists are really galling to me.
They railed against Kirsten Dunst’s portrayal in Sam Raimi’s film trilogy, they railed against Shailene Woodley’s portrayal in TASM 2 before it was cut from the movie entirely, and now they’re railing against Zendaya’s Michelle Jones in the MCU. It seems they just want Mary Jane from the 616 comics (and those spun off directly from it like MC2, SM:RYV, and the newspaper strip) directly adapted every time. But how often has that ever actually happened?
Ultimate Comics version - Pretty and popular, but also a nerdy science student, girl-next-door childhood friend to Peter and quickly becomes his secret keeper and personal confidante, basically composited with 616 Gwen Stacy and even gets a variation of the bridge scene.
Spider-Man Loves version - High-school student version based off Kirsten Dunst’s portrayal, a good-natured popular girl who is more open about all of her personal vulnerabilities. 
YA Novel version - Very similar to the above.
Exiles version - Butch lesbian who has spider powers, in a relationship with Sunfire.
Mangaverse version - Hyperactive ninja girl who has spider powers.
1602 version - “Marianne Jane Watsonne”, a Scottish actress.
Spider Gwen version - Leader of a rock band and an irritating Alpha Bitch.
Life Story version - An even more damaged divergence from her introduction in the 616 comics: basically her if she had never gotten her act together. Not at all pleasant to read.
Earth X/Reign/Zombies versions - All of these versions literally just exist to be fridged. The first two literally die of the same thing (cancer), while the third is killed by a zombified Peter!
Gamerverse version - A combination of the 616, Kirsten Dunst, and Ultimate Comics MJs. There are elements of all three, but it still stands as a unique portrayal of the character.
Other video game versions - Pretty much always just an NPC supporting character that you need to help out, usually poorly voice-acted. In one famous case, she can get fridged.
1967 TV version - Accurate to the 616 version’s party girl personality at the time, but composited with Gwen Stacy in that she’s related to Captain Stacy (she’s his niece here) and has strawberry-blonde hair instead of red hair. Also, her voice-acting is laughably bad.
1994 TV version - Has the 616 version’s introduction and her personality is on point toward the start, but gradually becomes more composited with Gwen Stacy, complete with her getting the bridge scene. And not only is she badly voice-acted, but her design is an eyesore.
Unlimited version - Just a one-scene cameo in the first episode. No personality to speak of.
MTV version - Based off Kirsten Dunst’s version. Cool design, but more bad voice-acting.
Ultimate TV version - Loosely inspired by the Ultimate Comics version in that she follows a career as a journalist, but otherwise has more in common with Lois Lane or Vicki Vale.
2017 TV version - Silent cameo in a tiger (get it?) mascot suit in just one episode. That’s it.
Marvel Rising version - Based off the Spider Gwen version, but with the dumb Alpha Bitch personality removed in favor of being more good-natured like the Ultimate Comics version.
Spider-Verse version - We know nothing about her other than the fact that she’s Peter Parker’s wife. And her Peter Parker is nothing like the 616 version, so she likely is too.
So yeah, has there been any version that adapted 616 MJ precisely? Why, yes, there has:
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The MJ in The Spectacular Spider-Man is a direct, faithful adaptation of the 616 version: same build-up and introduction, same beautiful red-headed appearance, same extroverted party girl facade and refusal to commit to a relationship in order to hide from her inner pain, the only thing that’s not adapted is her cringy 60s dialogue. Cool, so what does she do?
......Pretty much nothing.
She’s introduced and looks like she’ll be a big character, but then recedes into the background and mostly hangs around Gwen, trying to get her out of her shell and being a shipper on deck for Peter/Gwen. The most she gets is a storyline about a failed relationship with Liz’s brother Mark and bonding with Liz in the process, which is mostly contained to just one episode (episode 24, the third-to-last episode in the series). Yes, I get that the show being cancelled is a major contributor here, but I still don’t think that’s the only problem. Greg Weisman and co. tried to adapt 616 MJ exactly, which included her not being that important of a character for a while in spite of all the build-up, with her only becoming Peter’s true love and a three-dimensional character later (after Gwen died, although Spectacular probably wouldn’t have waited until then since the writers were unsure they’d ever kill Gwen off). The problem is that this only worked for 616 MJ due to the comic book medium, with years of issues to allow character and relationship development. But when adapting to a vastly different medium like TV, you can’t necessarily get away with that, and that’s exactly what happened here: because they didn’t do anything meaningful with MJ before the show got cancelled, she ended up being one of its more forgettable, less impressive characters. When people think of who oughta be Peter’s true love in Spectacular, it’s either Liz or Gwen, or maybe even Black Cat if you’re into Foe Yay shipping. MJ isn’t even a blip on the radar.
And this was a TV show! Can you imagine the kind of problems a series of movies could run into when trying to adapt 616 MJ? How long would be appropriate to keep the blind date build-up going before introducing her? How long would be appropriate for her to keep the party girl facade up and remain a secondary character? Would Gwen’s death be necessary for her to mature and start a relationship with Peter, or would something else be the catalyst - but would 616 stans accept something else? How long until she and Peter are married? Will they even get married? Can you keep an actress on contract for the amount of time all this will take? Will the actress be any good? Will she have chemistry with the actor playing Peter? Will audiences just find all of this annoying since at this point in time MJ as Peter’s true love is common knowledge and they’d prefer for the movies to stop beating around the bush?
Bottom line: let other versions of MJ be other versions of MJ. Stop expecting the 616 version to be brought to screen. I get it, you’re pissed off at Marvel’s treatment of 616 MJ, but the thing to do is to keep rallying for them to fix that shit in the actual 616 comics rather than constantly try to enforce this kind of conformity on every version of MJ that comes along. 
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spideyxchelle · 7 years
Since I’m pretty sure MJ & Ned went to homecoming together (bc the flower on his lapel matched her dress + the pic from the app), imagine them going to ALL the dances as platonic dates, bc peter doesn’t realize his feelings and goes with other girls. Until senior year. He’s mustering up the courage to ask her, only MJ is already talking to Ned about coordinating their outfits for prom, and Peter looks at him like a kicked puppy, and Ned is just tired. He’s dealt with them for years. Let him rest
here is some adorable fluff for y’all. also, i love the idea of ned and mj going to homecoming together. IS THIS ACTUALLY CANON?!
Ned Leeds is tired.
he is the lone audience member to the dumpster fire that ispeter and michelle’s relationship.
look, he’s known for years that mj has had a crush on peter.it was glaringly obvious to him freshman year when she starting carrying aroundthe Thrawn trilogy. peter loved those books. he talked about them all the time.to the annoyance of everyone around him. and so, michelle suddenly readingThrawn was attention grabbing.
she only confirmed his suspicions when he saw her look atpeter on the bus to DC. he caught her in a private moment gazing at his bestfriend. and he had never seen her so vulnerable.
which was part of the reason he asked her to sophomorehomecoming. she looked so sad and sweet. and he knew what it was like to wantsomeone who did not even look twice at you (see: Betty Brant).  
and, to his surprise, they had an amazing time. first, theywent shopping for homecoming together. he offhandedly told her yellow was hisfavorite color because Hufflepuff, duh. and without any more instruction sheonly looked for a yellow dress. then, the actual dance was amazing. theywaltzed to pop music and did their impressions of partner ballet during theslow songs. she made the whole night incredible.
until liz and peter strolled in and spider-man duties tookhim away from his date.
still, all-in-all, mj was the best dance date. period.
when the junior formal came around, he and mj did not even discussgoing together. they knew. it was just…a thing. and it helped that they wereeven closer junior year than sophomore year. mj finding out about spider-manand becoming a part of team webslinger helped. well, it helped him. it was hardfor him as michelle’s friend to watch her pine away after peter. who was toonose deep in gwen stacy to notice the way mj looked at him.
when they went shopping for her dress for junior formal,something silver, she had whispered to him, “is it me?” she didn’t have to clarify.ned knew. ned always knew. he put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, “you’regreat. he’s just…an idiot.” “well, yea,” she rolled her eyes, “but him being anidiot doesn’t necessarily mean its not me.” “its not you,” he had reiterated.
AND JUST LIKE THE YEAR BEFORE, michelle and ned had anincredible time at formal. peter blew off his date with gwen to be spider-man,a yearly tradition. and that year both michelle and ned got to help him overheadset fight off the back guy. in formal attire. later, ned called it veryjames bond. michelle said it was more charlie’s angels. but the pair couldagree it was very, very badass.
so, naturally, when senior prom was upon them, ned and mjbegan to plan their yearly tradition. this year, though, peter decides to throwin a wrench. and ned is so tired.
because his best friends in the last year have mutuallydecided they’re like five recklessly brave seconds away from making out witheach other at any given moment. and, like, michelle has been longing for peterfor years. he should be happy that his friends seem on the precipice ofsomething significant.
but its so exhausting watching them dance around each other.
and, frankly, he really likes going to school dances withmj. there is no pressure to be anything but himself. and they always have sucha fun time. and, and, and. well. he’s entitled to his traditions.
which is why, when peter comes at him somewhat sidewaysabout his arrangements for prom, ned snaps, “i always go to the school danceswith michelle.” peter stalls, obviously surprised by the outburst, and tries, “whatare you talking about?”
“me and michelle,” ned explains, “we’ve gone to every schooldance together since sophomore year. not that you noticed because you were sowrapped up in liz and gwen to see beyond your nose.”
peter sputters, “that’s…that’s not true.” “sure it is,” nedcounters. peter’s jaw drops and ned sighs, “look, I get that you and mj are inthat…what-are-we stage of an almost relationship. but she’s my date to thiskind of stuff. she makes it fun. and we’ve taken the same formal photo with herstanding behind me, arms wrapped around my middle for my mom the last twoyears. don’t fuck with my traditions, peter.”
peter rubs the back of his head sheepishly, “do you likeher?” ned has to stop himself from rolling his eyes because he’s afraid theywill roll right out of his head, “no. of course not. I’ve quite literally criedto you about betty. but, I dunno, dances are how michelle and I became friends.its important to me.”
in the end, peter concedes. he’s taken mj for granted fortwo years. and he tells ned that THAT means the least he can do is respect nedand mj’s traditions. and peter goes stag. but ned lets his date dopartner-ballet-free slow dance without him.
and as he watches michelle and peter slow dance, foreheadspressed together, from his seat on the side of the gym he thinks to himself……“damn, can they just make out already?”
and they do. they really do. in the middle of the dancefloor. he’s so delighted, he audibly whoops. and the entire decathlon teamjoins in, sans  Flash.
while he’s laughing, Betty Brant catches his eye and smiles.
and, AH PANIC, his laughter dies. and his throat dries. and,lastly, he steals a bit of courage from his face sucking best friends, wipeshis sweaty hands on the back of his pants, and crosses the room to ask BettyBrant to dance.
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