#not neg !!
redstonedust · 2 years
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the power of allegely pg youtubers /silly
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tsukana · 11 months
bro its the WORST coincidence that when etoiles was trying to talk to red today and tapped htem thinking they could hear him but forgot about the VC locking - that aypierre and bbh were also there and bbh killed baghera and made it seem like they were there to both attack red again nearby their base like. the WORST bc why does is the narrative making it seem like theyre teaming unintentionally it absolutely fueled team Bolas's trust issues and us vs them mentality today
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kora-kat · 9 months
I'm not saying Jmart have parental issues, but Martin was treated bad by his mom and fell for a guy who treated him bad at first and Jon had an emotionally distant grandmother and fell for a guy who pushed him away for a whole season..
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One thing that interests me on the QSMP is the level of multiculturalism (or lack thereof) involved and how that impacts player interaction, enjoyment, and sometimes even the plot.
There are four major languages on the QSMP: English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French. Lore usually happens between the hours of 12 noon and 7 pm PST because that is when the Brazilians and Badboyhalo are on- they are the major driving force of the current "plot." Anyone who streams at other times is often "out of the loop" and thus their streams are focused almost entirely on the egg quests and being goofy/daily life on the server.
Of the French, Baghera is the one who streams the latest and is most caught up on the plot. Etoiles is a major grinder and also streams during that time so he gets caught up in plot too (sometimes a little against his will, lol). Aypierre does not prefer to stream at that time, but he will if there's major lore he's caught in.
Most of the Spanish streamers are in the wrong time zone or are disconnected from the bulk of the current lore, with maaayybe the exception of Maximus and Roier.
How does all of this impact multiculturalism?
The language.
Almost all major lore happens in English, love it or hate it. And not everyone speaks English well, nor does everyone want to stream in a language that their chat is disconnected from. You do get exceptions, such as when it's two players of another culture speaking to one another, or three people speaking their language with a fourth just following along with the subtitles and staying quiet. But the bulk of it? All English.
The reason for this is that, again- love it or hate it, English is a common lingua franca. When you have a collection of people with three different languages between them, you either need to put in the effort to learn all three, you try to make due with subtitles that may be inaccurate and slow, or you all agree to speak one thing. And the dominance of the English language through its past colonial impacts and its current hold on culture through Hollywood/media and industry make it an easy pick as a bridge.
What this means is that rather than have a server where everyone speaks their own language all the time, people will speak English if they want to be involved in major lore or stream with others (a staple of streaming, viewers love interaction) and will only speak their own language in private, with others of their culture, or with their eggs.
Multiculturalism is thusly limited in that regard.
This brings us to the eggs. The egg you are given is guaranteed to speak your language and acts as a person you can stream with for much needed interaction. A common thread for people in the wrong time zone who also don't have an egg- or even people who are disconnected from the current lore and are eggless- is that they don't know what to do with themselves.
As a streamer on the QSMP, your options are either to join in the lore and speak English, a language that may alienate your audience, or work with people who speak your language and do your own thing. Doing your own thing without an egg? Exponentially harder to make content out of.
This is why so many of the Spanish-speaking streamers aren't very active, there's no one for them to talk to.
Time zones also play a role in this. Instead of streaming at times that are reasonable, Baghera and many of the French stream at midnight, 1, 2, even 5 am their time. Not everyone can do this, or would want to, when it wouldn't be profitable. Vegeta and Luzu could theoretically stream within that 12 noon to 7 pm PST time slot for lore, but why would they when it wouldn't be in the language that their audience is guaranteed to know? Their viewership would drop and if it doesn't, it's being padded with people from other countries that speak in chat in languages that the moderators may not know and thus can't police.
In exchange for staying up late and speaking a lot of English, the French players get to be part of the most exciting stuff and aren't lost about what's happening. That's a risk vs reward that each player calculates every day and for each player, the answer Is different. For the French, this risk is lessened because Europe, by default, is a place where you travel three hours in any direction and you can find yourself in a place speaking something entirely different. Lingua Francas and code switching- the act of changing how you speak based on who you are speaking to- is more common. Their audience is also more likely to be used to it, so their numbers won't suffer beyond what streaming at 3 am does to them.
This is why you see the French online more than the Spanish speakers, even though collectively, the Spanish speakers have more eggs alive per parent.
This whole thing creates a feedback loop- multiple players want to be involved in lore so they speak English so no one is excluded from the conversation. However, not everyone wants to speak English for half a stream, so they don't get involved in lore. The time where the most lore is done, it is inconvenient for anyone not from Brazil, Mexico, or the USA, making it not worth it to stream because it's late/very early and their chat won't understand the primarily English lore. People who speak your language aren't on, so even if you have stuff to do outside of lore, it's either alone or with your egg.
And the plot is intent on killing eggs.
However, there are some mitigating forces at work here that increase the multiculturalism levels of the server and help to get people more involved. I'll be leaving that to another post though.
In the meantime, what are your thoughts on the matter? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Let's reblog this and make a discussion of it. :)
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pupstim · 1 year
Okay but really I just... Dapper's Admin <3333333 its probably just me but I just feel like it's not a coincidence that Dapper's really cooking up something and leaving all sorts of clues for Bad to pick up on and investigate.
Its just rly nice for Bad to get some lore and from how Dapper is acting they REALLy want Bad to investigate this. I know the admins are not to blame and they're just really overwhelmed with work with adding new players and everything but its just... its just really nice for Dapper to be cooking like this and try and leave trail for Bad to investigate
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 8 months
so the reset is good for players who felt behind and for players who like to grind more, but for the role players and some builders it has been DRAMATIC. I lowkey think that the admins should offer serious help to role players and builders to keep them interested and not feeling completely hopeless cause ahahaha
this kinda sucks for them!
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pixiecaps · 7 months
these streamers rlly just going up to the mic and saying shit
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comradeboyhalo · 7 months
ok im not gonna expect a death today so if there is one ill get surprised :D bad slow burns us to oblivion sometimes and i dont trust him to follow through and die today LMAO
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chapinii · 11 months
I was expecting death not PE dodgeball team selection LMAOO
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dwtdog · 4 months
punz did something to this fandom why is half the dnf tag on ao3 cucking fics rn 😭
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itsbebebrainrotting · 10 months
Badboymfinghalo istg -_- (hes kinda implying to richas that he might marry forever at some point... this mans)
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novaknows · 11 months
Bro what is this about being afk? I haven’t watched missa or bagi’s pov but missa was literally actively typing in chat when foolish killed him and bagi was walking around right before cellbit approached?
I mean correct me if I’m wrong but I’m really confused as to why y’all are saying they were afk
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disfrutalakia · 11 months
Thing is I like the event, I really do it reminds me of old school minecraft stuff I used to watch (minecraft guerra anyone?) But I guess what is getting to me a bit is the community response right now, it's hard to always be positive you know? I try on my blog to always remain positive and to not complain about stuff too much, but it has been hard to be positive those days cause the community seems so split and dunno, just gets to me sometimes you know?
I'm gonna try to enjoy what I can though <3
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dappersautismcreature · 7 months
ToT people are seriously complaining abt bad not giving up his RARE stuff he spent hours getting, and calling him rich.
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sweetie-peaches · 11 months
Ngl it’s kinda crazy to me how Tubbo can just…replace all of his streaming stuff like that like
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mincersift · 1 year
Qfoosh earned that but feeling bad for ccfoosh lmao he looked fucked up
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