#not one piece
kaizokuou-ni-naru · 8 months
not specific to one piece, and i know i've only been back for a little bit now, but honestly if there's anything i'd really like people to take away from my blog it's that every language and culture has the level of complexity that could lead a person to spend thousands of blog posts talking about the details of its translation.
i think english-speaking anime/manga fans can fall into the trap of attributing a unique level of complexity to japanese as a language, you know? which obviously isn't to say that there's anything wrong with thinking the japanese language is really cool or beautiful or interesting- it is all of those things! but, like, a story originally written in japanese doesn't lose more in translation than a story originally conceived in arabic or euskara or thai or navajo.
in every story you consume in translation, there are linguistic details that will be lost, that will not be neatly translatable, clever wordplay and subtle implications that translation just can't communicate.
and my point here isn't to be discouraging at all! i love reading poetry in translation! i love subtitled films! the proliferation of art is always to be encouraged! but if there's any language or any particular foreign-language work you've ever been curious about... hey, consider studying it! why not? the world is huge and beautiful and with every new word you learn you'll expand your own understanding of the range of human experience!
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hitohitonika · 2 months
I binged season 1 of our flag means deathand my brain is brr with old gay pirates like its a need
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nerdwithabirb · 5 months
this episode of mad dog is an idiot is called “simping for a doctor character despite an inherent distrust in the american medical system”
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eta: yes i know dr chase is aussie but the guy works in new jersey, thereby being part of the american medical system
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mooneln0ne · 5 months
Hi moonel!!! Do u have a ref sheet for ur sona?
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Here!! take a pick of which one you like better lol
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salteytakesonmanga · 1 year
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Oda and Takei were assistants together so that’s why they did this crossover!
Shaman King is another one of my favorite series, but it had such a different trajectory from One Piece and other series from this cohort. It ran for over 30 volumes but by the end Takei was severely burned out and unable to write the ending he wanted. He returned to the story several times with miniseries and side stories set in the same universe, but he’s never been able to bring everything together to actually complete the story.
I’ve always thought of Shaman King as an unfinished work on a 20-years-and-counting hiatus. It’s clear Takei isn’t satisfied with the ending so I hope someday he’s able to finish the story that he wants to tell.
EDIT: someone just now told me about the Kang Zeng Bang chapters which somehow I never learned about and now my mind is spinning so that's nice. In its own way lol
Even though they’re very different, Luffy and Yoh are both unconventional shonen protagonists and I have a special place in my heart for them.
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Another fun connection here is that Takei Hiroyuki's brother Hirofumi draws the Chopperman spin-off manga. Of course Oda knows them both, so he calls them Takei-san and Takei-kun. But I can't remember which one is called which...
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incorrectone-piece · 3 months
also random pretty flowers cause why not
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Fun fact Blue Hydrangeas are actually my favourite flower! But the PINK!? These look absolutely whimsical!
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crepes-suzette-373 · 2 months
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Drawing Oda-sensei's scrapped character designs in my style.
I also wrote that calligraphy myself just for fun.
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Recently there were pictures of Oda-sensei's pre-One Piece old drafts that was being shared. One of them is a prototype for Monsters called "GREAT SWORDSMEN (Samurai VS Knight)" where Ryuuma originally had a rival who is a knight named Romeo.
This was also something that was mentioned in the Monsters manga, which was interesting. I had wondered what the knight thing was all about when I read it, since there wasn't any knights in the final product, but if that was a scrapped idea/concept, now it makes sense ⬇️
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According to the notes the bickering duo idea was then used with Sanji and Zoro.
A little sketch in the character design page showed Ryuuma and Romeo bickering so hard they're ignoring the dragon they were meant to fight:
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cipher-zoo · 1 year
Ahhhhhh what a beautiful day 😊
Anyway, there are probably a lot of messages like this out there but since it has "happened" to me, I will write a little PSA
If you are a writer on Ao3 (or any other site I assume) and a commenter invites you to join their discord server, especially from a guest account, do not join that server.
No matter how much they are trying to flatter you!
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Best course of option, in my opinion, report/mark it as spam or delete it and move along with you day.
I'm gonna assume most people are aware of this already, but for those that have never encounters comments like this, please be aware!
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croco-baby · 5 days
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I swear if laundry day happens to be the ONE DAY it rains I’m going to eat the furniture
Bonus picture of Griffin napping in the window
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namisweatheria · 8 months
I can't believe someone actually wrote Sakura hate on my Nami defending post. Anyone who knows me would shriek in horror. I'm so enraged I've tried and failed to begin this post about a million times now.
While I find it a massive failure of a person's quality of intelligence and character to hate on misogynistically-written characters using the exact same language as the larger misogynistic fanbase who also hates them, despite thinking of themselves as somehow different, in general... when it comes to Haruno Sakura at this point if you're out here on the internet in 2024 saying negative things about her in random comment sections I genuinely think you're a clueless idiot and I hate your stupid guts. lol
The online mania of Sakura hatred left it's fucking mark on people who grew up as girls watching Naruto. I honestly wasn't a very online kid, so I only know about that from my friends' experiences, but how the show itself treated her left it's mark on me all on it's own. And I can see the legacy of that mania online now! Anything that so much as mentions female characters, or sexism, or annoying characters, in anime, will get mean comments about her. It's still here and it's infuriating!
Everyone should be able to separate the bigoted writing that can make a character unpleasant, and the character itself. Otherwise one just ends up contributing to the wave of hatred from bigoted fans. That always ends up hurting real people!
The widespread out-sized fervent hatred of Sakura is particularly something there is no excuse to continue to add to. At this point she represents so much more than a specific character. She symbolizes the continuation of a fucked up online culture that directs their ire at female shounen characters instead of the men who wrote them into horrible little boxes.
So, I don't even have to defend her actual character. It's not really about that. I'm going to anyways though. Because I love her to pieces and so much said about her is just slander.
Sakura fucking rules and is a compelling sympathetic character with a good arc, she was just written by a man who hates women and takes every single opportunity to put his female characters in their place. (The fucking background, kitchen, or grave.) Sometimes all three in that order!
Sakura's worst crime is being a 12 year old Girl. She's insensitive, as 12 year olds can be. She's hyper-conforming to hetero-feminine roles, as her society expects her to be, and she's over-the-top and embarrassing about it, because she's 12.
In the beginning she's often weak and scared in the background, because that's the box she was put into as The Girl. If she had gotten to have equal capability with her teammates early on then Kishimoto wouldn't have been able to focus totally on the male characters he actually cared about. To blame her for that instead of sympathizing with the angst it caused her is so heartless and backwards.
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All the writing involving Sasuke fucking sucked, and Sakura's the biggest victim of that. The whole "charm" of their "romance" is that she'll stand by him and love him no matter how terribly he treats her. Does that not sound fucking familiar. It is some of the most basic misogyny there is. That is an age-old evil expectation put on countless women, not a cute story. Hating their "romance", but expressing it by blaming her for being put into that role by Kishimoto is so fucking stupid.
(Also, it's so, so, easy to interpret her hyper performative heterosexuality as closeted lesbianism. She's so unintentionally gay-coded, especially her relationship with Ino.)
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It very much happens silently in the background, because I think Kishimoto will spontaneously start choking on his own blood if he tries to focus on a female character instead of his male faves for more than a single minute, but Sakura does have a good arc! Remember Inner-Sakura? She was treated as just a gag, but if you take her seriously for a second you'll realize it was actually deeply disturbing.
Sakura was repressing her anger and goofiness, because she was trying so hard to be this want-able, feminine girl. It wasn't just her unspoken thoughts, she had a whole alternate personality tucked away because of the trauma of being a girl in a sexist society.
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Ino describes it here as "A whole other psyche" and is so disturbed by it she asks her, "What are you?"
The most interesting, satisfying thing about Inner-Sakura is: She goes away. She goes away after Sakura trains under a strong, successful, funny, angry, loud woman. Tsunade helps Sakura express her anger instead of repressing it, just by being near her, she shows her the kind of woman she can be. She encourages her and teaches her to be strong and shows her it's okay to be mad. Now when Sakura is angry she can yell and punch a mountain into dust about it.
It's very much in the background, but it happens. And it's everything. How could you not care about it, once you notice it? How can you not care about her?
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One of the most annoying things people say about Sakura is that she became strong out of nowhere. I think those people just weren't paying fucking attention to her lol.
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Not to mention, if Naruto and Sasuke can each get super-powered Sannin to train them personally, why can't Sakura? What's wrong with that? She wanted desperately to keep up with them, to be strong enough to protect them, and she knew exactly who to go to. Why wouldn't you root for her?
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So what if there's nothing that makes her special, to those who only care about genetic abilities and tailed beasts. She works hard. She fights tooth and nail. There's a reason she gets along so well with Rock Lee. In Kakashi's words, "Like Naruto, Sakura possesses a heart that cannot bear to be beaten." In Sakura's:
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God, just. How can you not be obsessed with her? It's not her fault the sexist mangaka couldn't let her keep developing on-screen for more than one chapter per 30 volumes without actually grappling with the fact that there's a third person in his stupid two person narrative. She's so fucking great she's crazy she's rude she's funny she's audacious she has guts!!!!!!!!!!! You absolutely cannot come into my space with a negative word on her name. Love and respect Haruno Sakura or simply die.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 months
Hi, I have an unusual question about the word nakama. In the fandom concerning another anime, a discussion heated up because one of the characters, while talking about her traveling companion, just called him nakama. They say that he can't be her love interest because just the word nakama removes that possibility. I wonder if indeed in manga,anime and video games nakama is more directed towards brotherly love and romantic love is excluded. What are your thoughts on this?
仲間/nakama just means comrade, teammate, partner, or companion. it's a word like any other. if he is her traveling companion, then nakama is an accurate way to describe him. it does not, to the best of my knowledge, have any specific implications regarding romantic relationships one way or another.
like, i think series like one piece might give the impression that nakama refers to like, a special and specific and untranslatable type of relationship, but that's not really the case. it's just a word.
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baicaozhe · 2 years
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nerdwithabirb · 7 months
In Praise of Bluey
I haven’t been on Tumblr in a hot minute because life marches on and I forget about some of my socials for a while.
Anyway, today I’m doing something a little different in the form of a longass rambling post so if you read to the end, you’re great and I hope all of the dogs you meet want you to pet them. (If you’re not a fan of dogs, insert whatever your favourite animal is.)
I’m not a parent. I will most likely never be a parent. I got my tubes removed almost two years ago now, by choice, because of medical issues that would impact a pregnancy, and sociopolitical issues I don’t want to bring a kid into. If I decide I want children, I will adopt them. But for now, my nephew is enough to get my fix of hanging out with kids.
With that said, I adore Bluey. It’s a masterpiece of animation, especially as far as modern kids’ shows are concerned.
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Conflict Resolution and Realistic Characters
I find that many modern children’s shows are, for lack of a better word, sterilized. They don’t seem to like to show any sort of conflict. Bluey shows conflict. The Heeler sisters get frustrated with each other, with their friends, with their other family members. Bluey herself can be bossy and vindictive at times, occasionally bullying her sister Bingo, her cousins Muffin and Socks, and her classmates. Bingo is shy and sensitive and has a love of nature, but she runs into problems standing up for herself. 3 (later 4)-year-old Muffin behaves like an average toddler: absolute chaos, but not trying to be bad on purpose. Chilli and Bandit aren’t perfect parents - they get frustrated and sometimes hurt their girls’ feelings as a result. But they all learn from their mistakes, and they’re not afraid to admit when they’ve done something wrong — even the adults.
I grew up with an emotionally abusive father who was always too afraid (or too many beers deep) to form a meaningful connection with me. He’d belittle me for being interested in the arts and actively bullied me when I passed my driving test instead of congratulating me at all. He’s never apologised for any of it. Bandit is the dad I never got to have: he’s entirely devoted to his wife and daughters, even when it humiliates him. He’s not afraid to own up to his mistakes and learn from them.
Chilli reminds me of my own mother in a lot of ways: witty and sarcastic on the outside, completely losing her marbles on the inside because she’s afraid she’s not a good enough mom. Like my own mom, Chilli has a passion for drawing and encourages her daughters to keep practicing. She’s warm and welcoming and gives great hugs. She’s got both jokes and sage advice. And she sets out to right all the wrongs - my mom apologises to me all the time for stuff that happened years ago. (I love you, Mom!)
Tackling Serious Subjects and Different Family Dynamics
Another thing Bluey does absolutely spot-on is addressing serious subjects tactfully and in a way kids can understand. In the episode “Copycat,” Bluey starts her morning annoying the hell out of Bandit by copying everything he does. Things take a turn for the serious when the pup finds an injured budgie and rushes to the vet with her dad. The little bird doesn’t make it, which crushes Bluey. To cope, she plays out the events of the day in a game, but budgie-Bingo doesn’t get the memo and acts all better. Bluey realises that, like the budgie dying, Bingo derailing the game is out of her hands, and she comes to accept it.
In “Dance Mode,” Bandit steals Bingo’s last French fry. She’s given three chances to activate Dance Mode on her family, but gets all of those taken from her as well. Poor little Bingo is absolutely heartbroken when Chilli asks her an important question: “Does your outside voice sometimes say yes, when your inside voice is saying no?” As an (at the time undiagnosed) autistic kid who often struggled with speaking up and asserting myself growing up, this hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Early Baby” tackles premature birth with Bluey’s classmate Indy, “The Show” nods to Chilli having had a miscarriage, “Grandad” emphasizes that aging parents still need to take care of themselves for their adult children.
“Flat Pack” is an allegory for evolution, faith, getting older, and the struggle that is putting together flat pack furniture.
“Sleepytime” and “Baby Race” show some of the more everyday aspects of growing up, like sleeping independently and learning how to walk, all set to beautiful arrangements of classical pieces (Gustav Holst’s “Jupiter” from The Planets and Bach’s “Prelude in C Major,” respectively). And I won’t lie, as a nightmare-prone kid who was super attached to my mom, both of these episodes hit me hard too. I can’t watch either of them without getting a little misty-eyed.
In a more general sense, and regarding different family structures and dynamics, secondary characters like Judo, Winton, and the Terrier brothers are all shown with single parents. Rusty’s dad is in the army and, as a result, away on deployment for long stretches of time. But none of these things are made out to be a show or a spectacle or something bizarre, just a fact of life: different kids come from different backgrounds. I can guarantee that if a same-sex couple were to be introduced, it would be in a way that feels natural, like one of Bluey’s or Bingo’s classmates saying “My mums/dads are here to pick me up!”
Humour and Art-Related Ramblings
The character designs are simple and memorable. They have extremely expressive faces and movements despite being made of basic shapes like rectangles and ovals. The animation is smooth and fluid while embracing the “cartoony-ness” of being a cartoon. Everything is colourful but not to the point where it feels like a rainbow exploded on your screen. The backgrounds are simple, but not TOO simple, and many settings are nods to actual places in and around Brisbane.
Joff Bush and anyone he collaborates with on the soundtrack can convey everything from the beauty of nature to a boring workday via music alone, whether through arrangements of classical and folk music or original pieces. Bush isn’t afraid to use a variety of instruments, from a delicate music box in “Charades” and “Mount Mumandad” to a rambling banjo in “Grandad” and everything in between.
The humour is amazing, especially for children’s media. There are a few jokes that are clearly aimed at the adults in the room, like Bandit’s Polaroid camera going off in “Bob Bilby” when Chilli arrives with her tandem bike, or his discussion with Fido about getting a vasectomy/neutered in the original cut of “Perfect.” Bingo innocently asks Bandit questions about where babies come from in “Takeaway” and “Daddy Putdown,” though he always dodges the questions. “Dad Baby” is all about the struggles of pregnancy from the perspective of Bandit carrying Bingo in an old baby harness and it’s frankly hilarious; despite not being a parent myself, I have a nephew and I’m in that magical spot in my twenties where several of my former classmates are having kids left and right. There are well-timed fart jokes (“Daddy Robot,” “Fairies”) and slapstick moments (“Dad Baby,” “Born Yesterday”).
Bluey is a show that people of all ages can watch and learn from. It has heart, humour, and lovable characters. Its natural conflict resolution teaches its audience to be better people through showing rather than telling. It’s a beautiful show and I’m unashamed to watch it as a childfree adult.
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mooneln0ne · 2 months
So you play any games?
i've been playing dandy's world with my friends for awhile now and it's super duper time consuming for me X( Heres a video of one encounter i had
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kuroananosanji · 16 days
The fact that the demure meme died because corporations started using it lol
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risenwrites · 2 months
Help the urge to write a fic for a fictional man I should hate, and who many people hate, is overwhelming my thoughts *screams*
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