#not quite headcanons but i tossed a few of them forth anyway
Do you have any strong thoughts about Platoria? (One of my personal faves!)
I absolutely do, anon (they are all very scattered I’m sorry)! It is also one of my personal favs as well. they invented young love
I enjoy Platoria a couple of different ways, depending on the mood I'm in (like I am very fond of himbo!Plato and serious!Victoria, or silly!Victoria and serious!Plato - or any mixtures/variations of the two...the two of them share one brain cell between them and Victoria usually has it but not always), but because I am made of mush, I always default back to pining prince and princess vibe. The: "You walked into the room and suddenly the world fell away and all I could see was you" one. The gentle giant and the little ballerina. The: “She Doesn’t See Him/He Doesn’t See Me” one. You know what I’m talking about. I’m a big, soft mess. 
I’ve said before that I think Jemima introduced them to one another (whether or not she actively planned it that way is up to interpretation), and I like the thought that one of their bonding points was their struggle with the feeling of not being wanted (I kind of like the idea that Victoria was abandoned as a kitten like the movie put forth - she and Misto together if they’re siblings in my train of thought - and I play with the HC that Plato is Macavity’s son, complete with all the...rigmarole that went into that). 
I’m very fond of the HC that Victoria is deaf/HOH and Plato is mute and I use that one most often - particularly since their main “moment” in the spotlight is completely through dance and movement, which acts as a very intimate method of communication and I love it. 
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littlekinng · 4 years
You know the magic pocket thing Loki has, that we see him pull the casket out of in Thor? what else is in there? I like to think that there’s personal belongs or course, a whole bunch or bizarre or outdated things, possibly some from earth, and maybe even something of Thor’s, that he borrowed (stole). I would love to hear your thoughts because your Thor and Loki headcanons fit them so well.
i definitely think that Loki has a bunch of random shit he might need just chilling in this pocket dimension. like random stores of cash, a few different accessories, a rock he thought was pretty, like 15 different knives, etc. 
i love the idea of him having something of Thor’s though. 
like, maybe in a weird moment of sentimentality while ruling as Odin, Loki sneaks into Thor’s (empty) chambers long after dark has fallen, and wanders around for a bit, derisively sneering at the various dust covered surfaces and pacing--unsure what he’s doing there at all but somehow drawn to the space, all the same. 
eventually, his eyes land on one of Thor’s older cloaks, tossed carelessly into the corner. it’s tattered, and has been worn thin enough that it feels almost as if it’s going to come apart at the seams, when Loki tentatively picks it up. 
as he turns the fabric over in his (decidedly not shaking) hands, Loki can see the messy stitches at the corner of the cape, where Thor attempted to mend the torn fabric himself, and the patches where Thor had rubbed the material thin between his thumb and forefinger in a nervous habit he had assumed no one had noticed (Loki had). 
before he can stuff the memories to the back of his mind, Loki recalls Thor wrapping his cloak around Loki’s shoulders when he had fallen ill during the mid-winter festivities. remembers Thor finding him in his chambers when they were barely adolescents, weeping furiously after a lecture from the Allfather, and remembers the way Thor had moved hesitantly forward, as if Loki were a frightened creature (perhaps he had been), before taking one corner of his cloak in his hand and wiping at the mess of snot and tears on Loki’s face. 
there’s absolutely no way to determine whether or not the cloak Loki holds is the same one, but something within him flickers anyway, and he is suddenly certain that this is the case. 
before he can stop himself, Loki banishes the item to his pocket dimension. it’s folly, he knows, and dangerously sentimental. there’s no reason for him to have the item at all. and yet... 
(and yet Loki cannot find it within himself to particularly regret the decision, particularly when the days begin to blur together, and he cannot quite tell who he is or what his purpose is, anymore. when he starts jumping at shadows, or hearing things that possibly aren’t there at all. then, and only then, he allows himself to draw the cloak forth, rubs the material between his trembling fingers, buries his face in the fabric and simply inhales--
and very pointedly does not think about how quickly the dark recedes, after that). 
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thechocoboos · 5 years
Your gladnis headcanons are so good 😩 Could we get some headcanons if it was a poly relationship (gladnis+reader)?
this has been a WIP in my google docs for literal months, and I only just now dusted it off and finished it up. It… came out so much longer than anyone asked for but u know what, I ain’t mad lol. Thanks so much for your request and I hope you enjoy!!!
Gladnis/Reader HC
None of you could really pinpoint when you all developed feelings for each other
You had an unfortunately strong crush on both of them, and when they started dating each other, it had crushed part of you
Ofc you had stayed close with them, you couldn’t let your feelings get in the way of such a great friendship with either of them
But one day, you weren’t feeling so great
You guys were all hanging out, your poor heart harboring feelings for both of them, getting crushed every time their lips brushed and their hands touched
At some point, you had to excuse yourself, just wanting your damn feelings to go away so you could just be friends with them–just friends, nothing more, no more aching heart or tearful eyes
But Ignis had followed you
He asked you what was wrong, and of course you could only reply with a vague answer about being tired
And of course it was a lie–a lie that he had caught onto
He merely crossed his arms and looked at you, brow furrowed and eyes concerned as he said, “I believe I know what this is about,”
Of course Iggy knew, he wasn’t an idiot, but he only took your hand and asked you to rejoin Gladio and himself–you guys had a lot to talk about
You couldn’t say no, even if your stomach was doing flips and your heart was tightening in your chest
You were so worried they had caught onto your feelings–feelings you had for both of them
One of them would be bad enough, but no, you had feelings for two men who were in a relationship–with each other
Ignis was the first one to speak–and you fears were realized, they did know. They had known for a while–and, and they had talked about it
And as it turned out, they liked you, too. They both did. And they were willing to give it a shot, as long as you were, too
It was weird to process, these two men who were in a relationship wanted you to join them–if you wanted to. And you did. 
It took some time to settle into the dynamic
Gladdy and Ignis were a quiet couple, and you knew that already, and there were so many moments where it genuinely seemed like they were lost with each other
But then, there were moments where one of them were lost with you, too, and as time went on, there would be moments where you were all lost with each other
Gladio likes to wrap his arms around you–he likes a definite touch, an arm over your shoulder (and his other arm over Ignis’), a hand on your thigh, his head in Iggy’s lap with you resting on his chest
Meanwhile, Ignis like a soft, fleeting touch
He likes to let his hand linger on your arm or your hand, a peck on your head, standing just a touch too close merely so he could bask in your presence
Your favorite moments are the ones when you all do the most minute, boring tasks together–it spices them up and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it feels like all is right in the world and that you all have each other in your own little bubble of happiness
You love going to the grocery store with Ignis, holding hands while he peruses the aisles and purchases new spices. He always rubs his thumb against your hand, handing you tomatoes with his free hand and asking what you think, smiling if you say that it’s too firm or just right, perfect for dinner in a few days or even overripe
It’s even better if Gladio comes, his presence comforting and warm, especially when he pulls you back to stand next to him while stealing a kiss from Ignis, claiming that it was his turn to hold your hand 
Sometimes there are disagreements–maybe one of you guys had been feeling left out or maybe one of you was fed up with something one of the others had been doing; and Gladio always makes it his mission to bring it forward while Ignis keeps discussions cool and level headed
Gladio’s hot temper sometimes makes it hard for those discussions, especially when stressed, and but Ignis always, always calms Gladio down and comforts you at the same time
Communication is incredibly important between the three of you, and even though it’s hard to talk about sometimes, Gladio and Ignis both do their best to make it as easy as possible, and you can’t thank them enough
You guys all like to team up for one another’s birthday
For Iggy’s, you and Gladdy work hard to give him a joint bday present as well as some smaller ones from you guys individually (it was quite funny one year when you both bought him the same pair of high quality kitchen shears); and the same went for Gladdy’s, and even your own
Teamwork is probably the best thing to come out of the relationship aside from all the love
Whenever Ignis is stressed from advisor work, you and Gladio sort of tag team him to get him to relax or go to bed on time
Gladio usually starts it with some distractions, and you always come in afterwards to convince Iggy
The same can be said for Gladdy, if he’s training too hard, you start off with the distractions and Ignis goes in for convincing
You guys worked out the system, and for the most part, it’s foolproof
You all have quiet evenings
You guys like to pile onto the couch, Gladio on one end, Ignis on the other, an arm draped over one another with you squashed right in the middle
Sometimes, when really in need of relaxing, Gladio rests his head in Ignis’ lap with you on top of him, one of his muscular arms tossed around you comfortingly and Ignis running a hand through Gladdy’s hand
It’s not uncommon for you guys to fall asleep like that
Some nights, if Ignis is up super late and Gladio is out late making sure Noct doesn’t get his ass killed, you grab a blanket and crawl beside Ignis on the couch, snuggling into his side. He always has to suppress a smile and tell you to go to bed–he’ll join you later (it’s a lie)
You shake your head and tell him you’ll stay put, right there, and go to bed right when he does
You fall asleep–every, single, time.
When Ignis notices you asleep, he can’t help but gaze at you softly for a moment before kissing your forehead, making sure your blanket is wrapped around you nice and snug, then wrap an arm around you and do the rest of his work with one hand
Gladio always comes home, late and tired, to see Ignis half asleep with you practically laying on him
Ignis will yawn, mumbling to Gladio to pick you up and take you to bed
Gladio always abides, not before pecking Iggy on the lips and telling him, “I’ll be back for you in a sec,”
He gathers you up in his arms, shushing you gently if you stir and ask if Iggy’s gone to bed yet, “He’ll be in bed soon, babe,”
Ignis always joins you two not a second later, beating Gladio to the punch (as much as he loves Gladio’s strength, he finds that he’d rather carry himself to bed)
You guys always wake up in a mess of tangled limbs and half cuddles, and every time they try to get up for work, you manage to pull them back to bed for another twenty minutes
Gladio’s kisses are warm and passionate, while Ignis’ are soft and slow. 
There were times where one would pull you away from the other’s kisses and place one of their own on your lips, before turning around and kissing the other
There are lots of kisses btw
Sometimes, in more passionate moments, there are kissing competitions
Gladdy is competitive, but when it comes to kissing and being the best, Ignis really, really goes for it
He gently caresses your face and cradles your head; but when it gets heated? Ohhhh lordy, his hand becomes tangled in your hair, the other hand holding you so close that you feel as though you two are one and the same
He leaves you breathless and warm, wanting to drag him right back down and resume where you left off–but then Gladdy takes his turn
In those moments where Ignis is intense and needy with his competitive kisses, it’s Gladio who becomes soft and loving
He chuckles as he pulls you away from Ignis, telling Iggy that he might have left you a bit breathless
His kisses are just as loving, and surprisingly, after Ignis’ intensity, his are soft and gentle
He holds you close and his hand is entangled in your hair as well, but rather than tugging on your hair in a moment of lust, his hand is gentle and soft. 
It’s a slow kind of kiss, but it leaves you just as breathless and wanting as Ignis’
Whenever it’s Iggy and Gladdy who are locked in heated kisses, you get lightheaded just watching them–they can be a bit intense sometimes
And sometimes, they’re both intense with you
Whenever that happens, they’re both holding you, one placing kisses to your neck and shoulders as the other locks lips in a kiss so passionate that you wouldn’t be able to stand
They go back and forth, and every time, you’re left light headed and dizzy but always wanting more (these competitions always lead to a lil bit more than kissing if u get my drift)
Anyways, the best part of having two bfs and there are twice as many clothes to steal from!!!
Gladdy openly likes it when you wear his clothes, and prior to moving in together, whenever you stay the night, he ALWAYS has you change into some of his clothes (it makes him so happy and he doesn’t even know why)
Of course he also makes Ignis change into his own clothes, too, despite already having actual clothes at Gladdy’s place
Ignis pretends to be annoyed whenever you steal his clothes, but deep down? He fucking loves it. Gladdy could never fit into his clothes (muscle man too swole), so seeing you wearing his own satisfies an itch he didn’t know he had until you came into the relationship
Whenever you ask a question, 9/10 Iggy knows the answer and Gladdy has to google it (and if Iggy asks a question for once, I promise you and Gladdy both scramble to see who can google it faster. Whoever wins gets the winning kiss from Ignis while the loser has to wait for their kiss)
Whenever you guys go on trips, Gladio always INSISTS on never needing directions (I mean, he has great direction sense but it’s infuriating when he doesn’t really know where y’all are going) but Ignis is always insistent on stopping at the nearest outpost and asking for directions
Meanwhile, you hate doing either of those, so you fumble with your gps while screaming at Ignis that if he stops in that outpost, you’ll steal all of his cufflinks and tie them to your shoelaces (it’s a lie of course, but you know he values his cufflinks very much)
But your GPS is terrible. So you guys have ended up down some very weird and/or shady roads on your vacations, and every time, Gladio tugs you just a bit close to his chest 
On roadtrips, Ignis lets you sip his Ebony sometimes and Gladio sits in the back of the car with you, one arm thrown around your shoulders, and the two of you nibble on snacks together 
Gladio likes to read his book during these road trips when you fall asleep on him–he tugs you closer to his chest and sometimes hums
He also likes to feed you little snacks sometimes, and more often than not, you two end up sharing a sandwich that Iggy made
Ignis likes to pack picnics for dates to the park
He brings everyone’s favorites and after goofing around and tossing grapes at each other, you guys end up lounging on the picnic blanket in a soft silence with your legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other
Gladio is usually known to goof around the most on dates like that, but Ignis isn’t above tossing grapes at one of you when you’re not looking and blaming someone else
Usually you and Gladio can tell it’s him by how he tries to hide his smile after a minute or two
Dates are always fun with them
You all like to take turns planning dates
Sometimes you go to fancy dinners (the stares other people gave you started putting the three of you off, so now Ignis makes fancy dinners at home, instead)
Other times you go out to carnivals and amusement parks or zoos or aquariums
At carnivals and amusement parks, you and Gladio usually go on the rollercoasters together (As it turns out, Ignis isn’t a fan of them, “I prefer to stay where I belong: on the ground,”)
Of course, you and Gladio do manage to take him on the tame ones, and you take turns sitting next to him (sometimes you do rock, paper, scissors to decide)
After all the fun rides, you all go around trying the carnival food and games
Gladio once made it a competition to see who could win the most prizes for each other (Ignis won, and I promise you, there was a lot of cheating going on)
Gladio would try to distract both of you with kisses, tickling, and things like blowing on the back of your necks and waving a hand in front of your faces
Ignis liked to cheat in a more subtle way–he would distract you with lingering touches (brushing a hand through your hair, on your shoulder, your lower back) and sweet words, smirking but always giving you two kisses after you missed
At one point, Ignis distracted Gladdy so much that Gladio put his things down and pulled Ignis in for a rather scandalous make out session (you had to remind them with a flushed face that there were kids around)
Gladio likes to tickle you a lot by the way, meanwhile, Ignis just likes to brush his fingers down your neck and watch your cute lil face as it scrunches up
At home, you all like to share a big bed together
At first, you figured a normal king sized blanket would be fine but
It wasn’t
Gladio has the tendency to hog the damn blanket all night long (although sometimes you do it, too), turns out it’s because he likes to cuddle in his sleep
So you usually wound up attaching yourself to either Gladdy or Ignis (usually Gladdy, he was more receptive to wrapping an arm around you in his sleep than Ignis, who usually slept like a plank of wood and didn’t move until he woke the next morning) or squishing yourself in the middle of them for warmth
However, you did learn somewhere along the line that if you lay on top of Gladio, then the problem is solved (although it makes Ignis a lil jealous so sometimes you just let Gladio steal the blankets while you just cuddle Iggy)
Ignis ended up buying a couple of extra blankets for you guys–he figured it would be easier than fighting for the big comforter every night, as much as he loved waking up to you clutching him for warmth in the morning
It’s well known that Gladio likes to go camping and work out a lot, but sometimes, he doesn’t give a fuck about the state of his skin
Anytime Ignis notices Gladio’s skin is dry or rough, you bet your ass that Ignis is whipping out lotion from god knows where and lathers it on with a tutting of his tongue (after the first time he did it to you, you learned to know better than to let your skin get rough around Iggy)
Gladio is surprisingly picky about toilet paper brands, and Ignis is picky about cleaning supplies and paper towel brands
It just so happens that you’re also very. Very. picky.
You decided long ago to let them get the brands they liked, lest WWIII start in your home–BUT. You buy your own toilet paper. No one can touch it–it’s high quality stuff 
Around Christmas time, the three of you get both very excited and very secretive
It’s the one time of year where you keep the presents very, very secret
And as it turns out, you’re the worst at wrapping presents
Ignis’ precision is H I G H  Q U A L I T Y so no one can beat that, but Gladio’s practice with present wrapping (all because of Iris) makes him genuinely better than you
After the first Christmas with them (and the first time seeing your clumsily wrapped things among the pile of prestinely wrapped presents) you elected to shoving all your presents for them in gift bags and tossing some paper on top
Pretty and easy!!! Although Gladio did admit he liked seeing your presents badly wrapped, he thought it was cute (so you started leaving a couple badly wrapped just for him)
You and Ignis sometimes argue about how to clean things–you swear using newspaper is more effective for cleaning mirrors, but he says that’s “inefficient and wasteful”
Gladio had to intervene on that one; it was a messy argument
Speaking of arguments again
There are times when you three (or maybe two of you) get into genuine, serious arguments and don’t talk to each other for a few days
Someone always breaks down, and every time, you end up making up and basking each other with presents and hugs and kisses to make up for it
Although, if it’s only two of you who get into an argument, it often takes the third person to get the two disagreeing to make up
Ignis makes the best coffee–it goes without saying
However, regardless of how poor anyone else’s skills are, he adores it when you or Gladio make some for him in the morning–it makes him feel all fuzzy and warm inside
Gladio usually makes breakfast for you three; he gets up the earliest and didn’t want Ignis to be doing ALL of the cooking ALL of the time
And it just so happens, Gladdy is actually a really decent cook (he makes the best bacon and eggs–though no one can beat Ignis’ french toast)
The mornings where Ignis does cook, either you or Gladdy (or both) make dinner
Sometimes, whenever you get sad or depressed, Ignis and Gladio will team up to try and help you
One of them will try a more humourous or fun approach, and the other comes in for affection or serious time
Ignis is usually better for the serious talk, or if you’re having a genuine, serious problem–merely because he is more patient and understanding (not to say Gladio isn’t; he’s just not sure how to help)
Sometimes one of them is off on a business trip of sorts
Whenever it happened in the beginning, it was a little sad
But after a few months, you guys figured out it was just some time to spend one-on-one time with one another
Whenever Iggy is on a trip, you and Gladio like to lounge around the house laying on each other or you two go out for some dates
He once took you to meet his family while Ignis was out of town (it was okay with iggy, he had already met the rest of the Amicitias, of course, and figured it would be better if you did so with just Gladio)
Iris ended up loving you the second she saw you, and Clarus was as little… intimidating at first, although he did like you
Clarus knew that Gladio was seeing both ignis and you, but he had a hard time coming to terms with it in the beginning
However, meeting you for the first time helped somewhat, especially as he saw the way you two looked at each other and talked about Ignis (it was always lovingly)
After that dinner, he realized that the three of you really did love each other, and that was enough for him, even if he didn’t understand it completely
Whenever Gladio was gone on trips, things were always really quiet around the house
You and Ignis liked to go out together, or you would spend more time on the couch watching some things that Gladio didn’t care for, drinking your preferred beverages out of unnecessarily fancy wine glasses 
Either way, whenever one of them was gone and came back, you would take them out for a day to make up for lost time
You guys would sleep in, lounging in bed for the morning until you all finally arise, sharing bits of your breakfasts and goofing around until you go out for food and shopping and all sorts of things
You always come back with full bellies, faces that hurt from how much smiling you all do, and ideas for which movies you’ll watch that evening
Anyways–mornings, right?
Gladio is usually up first–he goes on runs and comes back to shower
Ignis starts to stir when Gladdy’s in the shower; he only gets up when Gladio exits the bathroom and places warm kisses on both you and Iggy’s foreheads, gently wishing you both a good morning
Iggy will painfully get up from the warm bed at that point while Gladio makes breakfast, and he gets ready with ease
The bed is always too cold without them, so not even a few minutes after, you’re up 
You usually head to the kitchen after freshening up just a bit, staying in your PJs and letting Iggy get ready
While Ignis is getting ready, you’ll make his coffee. In the beginning, it was terrible–but he loved it anyways. You’re much better now tho
Gladio always tries to tickle you and make you smile in the morning, pressing an endless amount of kisses to every inch of your face–you don’t mind, even if his facial hair is a little scratchy
While he makes the bacon, he wraps you up in a big hug and picks you up off the floor, laughing and smiling away. He always smells like a mix of fresh soap and mahogany (mahogany teakwood to be precise)
Ignis always smiles when he sees you two in the morning, he’ll lean against the counters and watch you over his coffee with a cute lil smile
Once you’re free of Gladdy, you bound over to Ignis with a big smile and ask him how he likes the coffee
He loves it of course, and says as much, right after greeting you both with a “Morning, darlings,” and gives you both soft, morning kisses
As Gladdy makes breakfast, Ignis will drape his arms around you and smile down at you, occasionally sipping his coffee over your shoulder as he asks how you slept
By the time breakfast is ready, the three of you are already draping yourselves over one another and peppering each other in soft kisses and lingering touches
HEy so moving on
GOd help any loser who tries to brazenly hit on you in bars despite any mentions of SOs on your part and any rejections you send the loser’s way
Some sleazeball making you uncomfortable? Hoooo boi, it’s not just one bf they have to worry about!!! And i promise, Gladio isn’t the scary one when it comes to these things
Gladio will usually slide on by, wrapping one arm around your torso and kissing your cheek with a casual, “Hey, babe,”
It’s Ignis who gives the unwanted creeps trouble
Just as Gladio is sitting next to you, Ignis will pop in and greet you with his own kiss right on your lips, giving you a loving smile and almost getting lost in your eyes before remembering the douchenozzle who kept making passes at you
Ignis always turns with cold fury in his eyes, and in the dim lighting of the bar, it’s almost as though his eyes flash
“Sorry, are you giving our partner trouble?” Ignis will ask, his eyes positively terrifying
The douchebag will usually start looking pretty green by that point, but Gladio will distract you with a question and a chuckle, leaving Ignis to share some not-so-lovely words with the dumpster-licker and they usually leave pretty quickly after
Gladio and Ignis will never let some slimy, fungus-footed doorknocker fuck with you–they’d go to war about it if they’d have to
And those times where someone tried to hit on one of them?
Unfortunately, you can’t always be as intimidating as Iggy, but you sure can kiss well enough
You always pull away with a slight smirk and direct your attention to the homewrecker, “Sorry, was I interrupting?”
Ignis is usually a little too smitten with you, his glasses askew, eyes just a touch wider than normal, and a light blush dusting his cheeks, to reply, but usually he doesn’t have to, the other person runs off with an embarrassed “Excuse me” or a roll of their eyes
And Gladdy will only grin with a, “Hey, babe, I missed you,” and lean right back in, the two of you getting lost in each other’s lips and touches, and by the time you pull apart, the person is gone with Ignis in their place, watching you two with a tiny smirk and a flirty gaze in his eyes
Y’all love each other, so much
Sometimes it gets a little rough or rocky, but it always gets smoothed over in the end and you guys always end up back in each other’s arms, gently exchanging soft kisses and quiet, “I love you”s well into the night
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btshogwartsfics · 6 years
BTS at Hogwarts (Pt.5- Jimin)
A/N: I had a lot of fun doing this one. I love the idea of Hogwarts BTS, but Chim is just especially fun to write for! My bias is coming at you guys next! Enjoy! <3
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House: Gryffindor
Patronus: Panther
Wand: Willow Wood, Dragon Heartstring Core, 9 ½ Inches, Supple Flexibility
Blood Status: Half-blood
Possibility of Being a Prefect: Yes
Quidditch: Absolutely
Best Class(s): Divination
Jimin is a Gryffindor. My mind is made-up and you can’t do anything about it. Yes I can agree that he does have many traits of a Hufflepuff and at first I went back and forth between the two of them for our Chim. So while many of you may disagree with me on this, and that’s absolutely fine, I am firm in my belief that he is indeed a Gryffindor. I have also seen people argue that due to his ambition, he is no doubt a Slytherin. While again, I can see this, I think the things that some may see him as a Slytherin for, I see him as a Gryffindor for. I firmly believe that it’s not just the traits you have, but the traits you value that ultimately decide which house you belong to. He wants to do good and he wants to take chances and live a full life doing what he’s passionate about, but I don’t feel he would ever do anything he thinks is unjust and unethical. I fully feel Jimin would do almost anything for those he cares about and what he believes is right. He’s kind and considerate, but he is assertive and stands behind what he believes in. He may be kind and caring, but he is definitely fierce and chivalrous and brave. Although I do think a Hufflepuff can mess you up if so provoked and a Slytherin can absolutely have a soft side, I feel that those two clashing points in his personality come together nicely to mold him into an amazing Gryffindor. Change my mind.
The symbolism for panthers are guardian energy, assertiveness, understanding, intuition, artistry, aggressiveness and power. I feel that Jimin displays all these traits very well at different times and in different situations.
“Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.”
“As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.”
I hate to say it Jiminie, but you’re a bit short. Therefore I feel your wand would match and so I made it a bit shorter. Sorry.
Again, I’ve seen people say that Jimin would be a pureblood and I’ve seen people say Jimin would be a muggle-born, but I personally feel that he would be able to equally understand and empathize with both sides. It is for this reason I made (or headcanon) Jimin a half-blood.
Some Gryffindors (not all, I’m aware of this) tend to be a bit messy, but as I said there are exceptions to every rule. Not everyone in a certain house will act exactly the same. Jimin is an exception to this rule. As we’ve heard in interviews, Jimin hates Taehyung’s messiness (like Namjoon) and we also know that Jimin is a perfectionist. Due to this (being a perfectionist, I mean), I feel Jimin would strive to be a Prefect and possibly even Head-Boy after, even if he is playing Quidditch. I think it’s just in his nature.
Jimin would absolutely be a Quidditch player. Jimin has lots of muscle (even if Kookie is the muscle-pig) and I feel he also has a lot of strength. Because of this I think Jimin would be an excellent beater. I think he’d be good at other positions, too, but beater best. As a dancer, he is obviously athletic to a certain degree and I feel that would really help him out.
If you happened to read the last part of this (Namjoon’s part), then you will know that I admitted most of the reasons why I think a certain member would be good at this or bad at that is just a hunch. The same applies here.
Was strangely relieved when he got his acceptance letter
Like he grew up around magic and it was obvious he was a wizard but he was still somewhat afraid he wasn’t or like wasn’t good enough to go to Hogwarts
But of course he was
The Sorting Hat went through a bit of a hard time with this one but when it placed him in Gryffindor Jimin was honestly shocked
He didn’t think he was brave or courageous enough to be sorted into Gryffindor
Lowkey is scared that he don’t do justice to his house or represent it well enough
Not exactly bad at any class or another but he struggles to stay awake in History of Magic and ends up missing some of the notes and study material
Goes to Namjoon every time he forgets something and all he does is sigh
Can relate easily to all his friends has he basically grew up with the best of both worlds being a half-blood
Him, Tae and Jungkook get into trouble quite a lot being in the same year, but sometimes he has to admit they can get a bit too mischievous 
but most of the time he has no problem pulling a few pranks with them here or there
Most of the time Jimin will follow the rules unless he sees something he doesn’t agree with
Whether it be morally, academically or in any other way, Jimin does what he thinks is right and some teachers find it endearing and others find it frustrating
But they all love him anyway because he’s not entirely reckless (even though he very well can be) and has a least a sliver of self-control
McGonagall adores him
So so so happy that he’s a Gryffindor
Doesn’t give him special treatment but even the other students are starting to notice that she’s quite partial to Jimin
Tried out for Quidditch as soon as he could and immediately landed the beater position
Captain thinks he’s one of the best beaters Gryffindor has had in a while
When he plays against Hoseok or Jungkook nobody ever knows who is gonna win this time
It’s practically a coin toss with those three
Such a sweet teammate gosh
He always prepares snacks and makes sure every player has enough water before every game starts
Was probably offered the position of captain when their old one graduated but turned it down because he was worried he wouldn’t be able to fill his shoes and be a perfect captain and stressed about taking on that responsibility
The rest of the team was kinda bummed because they thought he’d do great but they understood and gave the position to someone else and didn’t press him about it
Chim really appreciated that
When not focused on winning the game, he’s extremely cocky on the Quidditch pitch but as soon as he’s off of it he’s back to being our little mochi
Doesn’t get many detentions because he secretly has all the teachers wrapped around his finger
But they’d never admit it
Unfortunately he doesn’t have any of the boys to hang out with in the common room so he spends most of his time either in the courtyard or the dining hall
Occasionally he’ll stop by the library to visit Namjoon and he may have gone into the forbidden forest with Tae and Jungkook once or twice… 
Loves Care of Magical Creatures class with Tae
All the little animals and even the big ones are just so cute to him
But he swears Tae might actually hurt himself one of these days
Doesn’t have any idea why but he’s really good at Divination and he loves it
Thinks it’s so cool and fun
Kookie doesn’t understand it and thinks it’s dumb, but he still manages to get good grades in the class
Not better than Jimin though and he loves to tell him
“I was good at Divination first” and “you only signed up because I did you copied me”
Trelawney always calls him out in class for it and uses him and his work as examples
He loves the praise but gets really shy and his friends love to tease him about it
Would be really great at dueling too if he tried
But he’s not really into using dueling spells and things unless it's for a good purpose or reason
like protecting his friends or anyone else in need (and self defense, but he’d rather use it to protect other people or a good cause)
A/N: I thank anyone who got to the end of this mess! I’m not the most organized person in the world, so I really appreciate it! <3 Jimin’s moodboard is about to go up and I will post Tae’s part and moodboard tomorrow! Kookie’s things will be Sunday! 
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goldenscript · 7 years
1, 3, 17, 46 ★~(◡‿◕✿)
thank you, my dearest ;-;
1. things that inspire you
I feel like I have a sporadic inspiration, because there are moments where I’ll randomly just think of a what-if scenario like thief!soonyoung or hacker!yoongi just because there’s this flash of an image that comes across my mind and it just explodes into an entire idea. I also equate my inspiration to music, photos, games, movies, books… I think photos especially because that visual really helps me create the imagine in my head and let my imagination run rampant.
3. name three favorite writers
This is so tough! The three that come to mind as of late are Haruki Murakami, Ken Liu, andddddddd Jane Austen. Oh, and because I had a strong love of the supernatural aka vampires aka fight me because eleven-year-old me thought they were awesome, Richelle Mead (I read the shit out of the Vampire Academy series alright) and L.J.Smith (Night World series, hands down, was fucking awesome – she’s the one who makes me feel like I’ll never be able to amount in any possible soulmate fic ‘cuz hers are top-tier) are honorable mentions. LOL, I haven’t read a lot of recent books but I’m always open to recommendations!
And if we’re going talking about fanfic writers then – @warmau (literally her headcanons are GOD TIER!), you aka @minghaseok (because your svt works are freaking amazing and I aspire to write as clean as you), & @jungnoir (I’m biased as hell but let me just say that the voice of her work is so hilarious – it’s so captivating that once I read the first few lines, I’m hooked).
17. favorite AU to write
Oooh, this is such a toughie! I have so many, but I think it really volleys between best friends to lovers and rivals/enemies to lovers, because the dynamics are so freakin’ fantastic. You can find a plethora of elements in both cases, whether it’s straight up angst or fluff or things of both genres. I’m also extremely partial to friends with benefits aus and fake dating aus, because I love angst and the complexities of human nature like there are moments where you know you shouldn’t do something but against your better judgement you do so anyway because feelings can be that powerful, it’s insane! Honestly, I love the inner emotional turmoil because that’s what I write best with.
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
side note: I see u~ I’ll post a few sneak peeks because I’m feeling quite generous with my 70+ wips LOL
when the ice melts | hacker!yoongi
You break your trained gaze of the upside down bucket located between the desk and the couch in hopes of meeting a pair of eyes.
What greets you instead is the back of someone’s head peeking from the top of a black leather swivel chair. The hard tap on the keyboard breaking into the space of the song, a series of one’s and zero’s etched across the screens. You have to look elsewhere because even just trying to keep up with the rapidfire is disorienting.
This goes on for longer than a minute, something you didn’t mean to time but by the sixty-first Mississippi you were a little over the whole thing. Clearing your throat, you hoped the subtle call for attention would be enough.
He doesn’t so much as pause in a single keystroke until another song begins to play. That’s when he raises his hand to beckon you forth. His dull drawl cuts into the relatively still air: “You’re Jimin’s friend, right?”
Your breath gets stuck in your throat. Although it is a devoid of the unbearable snark, you know this voice.
You barely manage to say, “Ye—“
“—Okay, c’mere so we can get this over with,” he says, craning his head only slightly from his position. You begin to walk forward. “What’s your na—Y/N?”
You halt only about a foot away, feeling a strange mixture of regret, a mild heart pang, and a small urge to walk over there and embrace him and scream at him for the hell that came in the two years without him. But you remain firmly planted where you are, watching as he turns in his spot with an undecipherable expression to the naked eye.
“What are you doing here?”
You raise a brow. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question?” 
loving you (has never been easier) | fake boyfriend!minghao
He’s staring.
You know nothing’s on your face. You definitely made sure to brush your hair too. Even your clothes are a little more than the usual leggings and stolen T-shirt from one of your mutual friends who can’t seem to stop leaving their articles of clothing at your place for reasons other than simply drunkenly tossing them aside and leaving you to 1) wash said shirt and 2) keep it for yourself as reparation for the cleaning and the torture of watching your friends strip themselves. But right as you find notice in a particular piece of lint to which you curse because goddammit this is your good shirt, the corners of his lips curl upward and his eyes soften, as if the scrutiny was only meant to screw around with you before the Big Question.
Minghao gives you a raised brow, partially probing for an answer to an unsaid question. He’s notorious for this, namely with you, sometimes guessing what you want before you even say so or simply hitting the mark to most ailments because he’s quite painfully observant. But you highly doubt this is anything within range of requests. You’d probably grovel right then and there if he somehow knew about your current predicament though for your own safety as well as his, you made no mention of this to anyone else because the rest of your friends are all blabbermouths and it’s already enough that they know you’re being set-up this Christmas by your great-aunt (bless her soul, really, but that’s the last time you’re ever answering your phone in the presence of Seungkwan or even Seungcheol).
“What’s up?” he says this carefully, one of his hands wrapped around the slightly steaming mug. The billows of fading steam comfort you, even more than the way his mahogany gaze, and that’s saying something.
“I need a favor,” you blurt out.
He huffs, “If you think I’m taking your shift during finals week, then you’re better off asking me to stick my head into the snow.”
“No—!” You shake your head, feeling the ask bubble up in your throat but still falling short to reach air nonetheless. “God, I’m not even scheduled, thankfully.”
“Well,” he says carefully. “What is it then?”
“Will you be my fake boyfriend?’’
cursed | vampire!jeno
With his hands up, he tries to talk, sounding a lot smaller than his usual grovel, “Y-Y/N, I’m sorry—”
“—Sorry?” you whisper harshly, wanting nothing more than to will those words away. It’s a weakness for you. To hear him say sorry in such a small and genuine way just makes you want to forgive him. “No, no. Don’t, Jeno.”
He bites his lip. Carefully, of course. The fake fangs he had on this morning have now molded into the real deal.
“Did Yeri give you the orange treat?”
He nods, looking guiltier.
You hate doing this. You really do. But you need to confirm your own theory, and cross your fingers that it isn’t anything like Joy or even Wendy’s snacks, because you can’t even imagine the aftereffects of what their can do to a mere mortal.
“Didn’t I tell you not to eat it?” When he nods, you ask, “Why did you?”
And okay, a huge part of you is still pretty pissed that he went ahead and ate your dessert despite you telling him not to.
“I-I know, and that’s why I’m sorry. Yeri said it was fine, so I did it without thinking!”
You exhale loudly, shooting him a brief glare before it softens once again, “Well, you need to make sure not to do anything stupid until after school. I won’t see you until then but you’re not to leave my side until that wears off, alright?”
He nods fervently, blurting out, “I’m really sorry, Y/N—!”
“—Get to class, love birds!” Your head turns to the hall monitor wandering the halls, and of fucking course, it’s Chenle.
fanfic asks! | inbox
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