#not saying you can't like Iron Widow or books like it. people can enjoy a power fantasy. but that doesn't make the writing good
pa-pa-plasma · 8 months
okay i might actually lose followers for this, but. uh. why is Iron Widow rated so high
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mermaidsirennikita · 28 days
ARC REVIEW: A Jingle Bell Mingle by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone
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4.75/5. Releases 9/24/24.
The Vibes: roommates with benefits, widower angst, porn star/boy bander, tons of banging; tons of emotional constipation
Heat Index: 8/10
The Basics:
Five years, former boy bander (and People's Sexiest Man Alive) Isaac Kelly suddenly lost his wife Brooklyn—and he'll never love again. Two years ago, Isaac had the first sexual experience since his wife died (I mean, his only sexual experience with anyone OTHER than his wife) in the form of a threesome with porn stars Jack and Sunny. NOW, he's back in Christmas Notch, moping in a mansion as he tries to write a Christmas album. Sunny's in town too, NOT moping as she tries to write a Christmas movie script. It's all too convenient for them to become temporary roommates... and maybe roommates with benefits. But all Isaac can offer Sunny is sex—and while that seems like a good idea to a woman who can't say "I love you", once she starts feeling feelings... It might not be enough.
The Review:
I knew this would be good. But it was better than good. It was the perfect culmination of the Christmas Notch series—the rare series that really just kept getting better. The three main books are all great, but each one was superior to the last for me (the novellas are fab too, but I need to rethink and rank them separately).
They're Christmas-y (but not so Christmas-y that I at all regretted reading this in July... I'll just reread it closer to the date). They're SUPER hot (more on that below). They're body-positive, sex worker positive (Sunny is no longer active in the industry once this story really begins, but she has no bad feelings about it) and deal with actual issues while maintaining a fun, heartwarming tone. Oh, and they're fucking hilarious. It's surprisingly hard to find romcom books that are actually funny, but—here you go!
What makes this book so special is that, while you have the framing of Sunny trying to find Isaac his muse while Isaac tries to help her write her script (almost like... a muse...), this is really a character piece. So much time is spent building up Isaac and Sunny's relationship. While I kind of refuse to call this "friends to lovers" because the reality is that these two are super into each other from the jump—albeit moreso physically than emotionally in the beginning—you do truly believe in their bond. Their emotional connection is just as intense as their sexual connection, which is, um, pretty intense.
And dude. If you read the previous books first—not strictly necessary but HIGHLY recommended—you'll see that Isaac is just... so depressed. Like, not leaving his house depressed. Ironically, his threesome with Jack and Sunny kind of jolted him back to life? And that's all it's supposed to be. So he's not in complete "wallowing in grief" mode here, but he is still very sad, and really only half-enjoying life. But Sunny is by no means a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. She has her own responsibilities. She has her own goals. And she has her own problems—if this book has any weakness (and it's minor) it's that Sunny's problems aren't quite as dramatic or compelling as Isaac's. But they're still valid, and they're integral to her growth. Point is: Sunny has her own deal, and Isaac helps her with her deal just as much as she helps him with his, and they also both have a lot of growing to do.
But anyway, what Isaac's deal gets us is a lot of sweet, SWEET angst. Not the level of angst you'll find in some of Sierra Simone's darker works. Just enough angst to have me feeling the fucking emotions, though. There's a moment late in this book that is the conflict I was SO hoping would come up. A conflict that is honestly quite real, but still a gut punch. And soooo satisfying to see resolved. We may have a "snowmobile for your love" moment. Can neither confirm or deny.
Finally, it's a great time to see everyone in Christmas Notch together again. Bee and Nolan! Winnie and Kallum! The North Pole dancers! Luca and Angel! Krysta and Addison! And we get some really good Teddy Ray and Steph content. I love Teddy Ray. Such a unique character. Rarely do you get a "wholesome porn peddler" stepfather figure in a contemporary romance series, and seeing him get his HEA with Steph was incredibly sweet.
The Sex:
RIDICULOUSLY hot. All of these books are hot, but there was something about Sunny and Isaac falling in love, each encounter becoming more intimate, while remaining in such deep denial about their feelings...
I mean, photo booth sex... creative usage of gingerbread lotion (a big thing in this series)... butt stuff with the HERO as the recipient, something we don't see enough of in m/f romance... And Isaac is a bit bossy! Which we love to see!
You really feel like these two can be honest with their feelings in the bedroom, without words. Which I am SUCH trash for.
Also, loved how casual the book was about Isaac and Sunny both being bi, their threesome with Jack, Isaac being pushed onto dates (by Sunny) with men and women. It's just the norm, which is in fact standard for pretty much all Sierra Simone books. Love.
Anyway, this is great, a perfect finale for a series I've loved and can't recommend enough. Read it during the holiday season. Read it now. Read it next summer. I mean, read it ASAP because you'll love it. But I might do an entire series reread around Christmas, to be real. These are CLASSICS.
Thanks to NetGalley and Avon for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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kimium · 4 months
What are some books you wish more people read? Doesn't have to be your top recommendations or your favourites, it can be some you think are cool and wish got more attention or even newer books that haven't been out very long yet. I'm curious 💜 (please feel free to answer about as many books as you like!)
Hi friend! I love this ask! Thanks for sending it to me! There are so many books I enjoy but aren't my favourites. It's nice to have a moment to talk about them.
As said in the ask, this isn't about my favourites. Which, is an entirely different list. Regardless, all of these are books I've read and have enjoyed.
My Top Books I Wish More People Read
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
We start this list off with a book that I don't think is obscure. It was on many recommended lists in bookstores when it first came out. Yet, I still added it to this list because I am certain there is still a large audience who hasn't read this story.
What I enjoyed the most about it was how it's a story largely focuses on character journey. It's languid and slow, with mostly introspective elements on philosophy, religion, and questioning the meaning of life. It's the kind of book to reread twice: once blindly and once knowing where the journey will end up.
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
This is another book I don't know if I need to say much about. Yet, I want to recommend it because I'm excited for the next book.
In case you haven't heard of this story, the novel is set in a sort-of futuristic, dystopian China. There are giant robots similar to any giant Mecha anime. The main character is hellbent on revenge and actually Does Something About It no guilt present. She's also in a threesome polycule. It's great and honestly I don't want to spoil too much. All I can say is: I enjoyed it and want others to read it!
Wendy Darling and Hooked by A.C Wise
These two books are together because they're a series. On the surface, Wendy Darling follows the trend of retelling a classic story (Peter Pan, though it has some elements of Disney's Peter Pan 2 mixed in) with a slightly darker twist. When I first read Wendy Darling I thought it was fun and satisfying.
However, the reason why these books are on the list is because of the sequel, Hooked. In it, we follow Captain Hook and that's where I think the story truly stretches its creative wings. I am utterly fascinated by how the author has imagined their version of Captain Hook. I think it's unique and captivating. I highly recommend these two books, even if it's mostly due to the sequel.
Wild Geese by Martha Ostenso
(I had to sneak one Canadian author onto this list!)
Okay. Listen. On the surface this story is one I would have NEVER picked up based on summary. However, it was a novel I read in a University class. While I could have Not Read and Faked It, I ended up reading the novel... and surprisingly enjoying it??
To sum this book up envision this, if you will. The book is set in 1920s rural small town Manitoba (not sure where in Manitoba, sorry). There are two different stories going on: a story of a teacher and a farmhand finding love and a story of a family suffering with abusive husband and father.
Present within the novel are some old-timey ways of thinking sprinkled in the novel (it was published in 1925 after all). Nothing too aggravating, just "Can't Divorce because Catholic" and "Getting Pregnant Out of Wedlock?? You're shunned by the community" sprinkled in the background of the novel.
Anyways, the characters were interesting (mostly the eldest daughter, Judith) and there is a satisfying conclusion.
Is this a novel I'll read often? No, but sometimes I find myself itching to reread it, hence why I added it to this list. Also, this can give you that "Literature(TM) Credit".
The King of Infinite Space by Lyndsay Faye
I already talked about this novel in a Top Favourite Books list, but I'll recommend it again. Look, it's a modern retelling of Hamlet. Horatio is 100% gay and had a relationship with Hamlet (named Ben in the novel). Ophelia actually does things too! All in all, it's an amazing novel and I cannot recommend it enough.
Phantom Tales of the Night by Matsuri (manga)
(I had to slip one manga series into this list!)
First, Phantom Tales of the Night has a gorgeous traditional Japanese aesthetic going on. Next, the story heavily features Japanese myths/yokai, which is always a great time.
However, what makes me recommend this over a saturation of series with similar aesthetics is the darker elements. There is beauty in the supernatural but also danger with some fun Classic Fairy tale/ Fae myth with a cautionary underbelly accompaniment.
To make a comparison, this story has some similarities to XXXHolic by CLAMP (best known for Cardcaptor Sakura and Chobits). However, the shopkeeper is far less benevolent than Yuuko. Definitely far crueller but cruel in the same way Fae granting wishes don't always benefit the human making the wish.
And there you have it! My list of books that I wish more people read. Not a list of my favourites but still great books! I hope you enjoyed this list friend!
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sapphicpenguin · 5 months
is sticky compelling enough to watch the Marvel movies for the first time in 2024AD? apologies if this is a hammer meeting hornets nest question lol
I did not forget you I promise! I wanted to answer this after I had shown The Winter Soldier to my boyfriend (who hasn't seen early marvel movies) so I could have evidence, but then it took us a week to get to. I now have a more expert opinion, though. No hornets nests I don't think. Also this is all my opinion no one sue me.
Okay so first of all, there are like 20-something marvel movies and the majority of them are not worth watching unless you have a emotional attachment to someone involved, you're nostalgic, or are researching for fanfiction. I don't know your tastes exactly but I'm not condemning you to hours of movies unless you know for sure they're what you want lol. (No judgement though if they end up being your favorites, to be clear.) I like the Iron Man movies, the first Thor is hilarious, the first Avengers is fun, Guardians of the Galaxy is fun if you can stand watching Chris Pratt, but like. you're fine without all of it. There are better things happening in the world.
I think Steve/Bucky is an awesome ship, and I love their characterization in the early movies. The fanfiction for that ship is better than any other, hands down. One of my favorite poems was written about them. There are full metafictions analyzing fake historical books written in their universe. It's like nothing I've ever seen. Experiencing the MCU has totally been worth it for me, just for that. If you want to explore them and the fic, I would say the bare minimum would be the first two Captain Americas.
The First Avenger (#1) is a backstory for Steve and Bucky and mostly takes place during WW2. You don't have to have watched any other movies, and I think it's quite enjoyable. Steve has a straight romance in it, which did result in a lot of gay shippers sidelining/hating the main female character, which is a shame because she's awesome! Fans need to either agree to disagree but also maybe invite some polyamory into their shipping. Anyway. Awesome intro to them--not gonna win an award, but great soundtrack, great characters, solid story. There's some propaganda (although a lot of it is self-aware and the main characters comment on it?) and there's some cheesy comic book fighting, but honestly I have fun with it.
The Winter Soldier (#2) is (as you probably know) THE Stucky movie. Even saying that is kinda spoiling it, but ah well. Now there are a few movies that happen in between, but I'm gonna say read a Wikipedia summary of the first Avengers (2012) and you're good to go. You just have to know that aliens attacked New York, and that Steve's been hanging out in the future with other superheros. (If you end up wanting to read iconic 2012-13 Avengers fic where they're all a found family, maybe watch Avengers 1 so you can get the vibes. That's a good reason.) TWS is a good ass movie. Genuinely. It's got political thriller vibes and it has the best character dynamics in any Marvel movie--especially for Black Widow/Natasha. Soundtrack is good, fight choreography is at its best, everyone's snarky and tender, Sebastian Stan puts his whole pussy into making puppy dog eyes while shooting people--it's the Stucky thesis statement, and it's required reading for the fanfiction.
The only other movie that is interesting Steve/Bucky-wise is Civil War (#3)--but that one functions more as an Avengers movie, and you would need to watch the preceding movies. It hinges on the fact that Steve would do anything for Bucky, which I enjoy watching, but I can't say it's worth it if you don't care about any of the other characters. Just know that Steve would defy all governments for his boyfriend. That's the thesis.
The thing to know going forward from TWS: it goes downhill, and Steve's character is destroyed. Not right away, there are some good shenanigans, but (spoiler warning) Avengers Endgame is one of the worst things I've ever watched and Steve's ending destroys his character and removes the autonomy from one of their best female characters, as well as spitting in the face of Bucky and their relationship (even platonically it's still a betrayal). If you get into it and want to keep going, I just need you to know this. I need you to know that they're not gonna give you anything better than what you've seen. Their AO3 tag has more than enough for a lifetime. You'll be fine.
As a preacher of the Stucky gospel, I say watch at least two fun movies so you can be witness to one of the greatest ships of this generation. It's only like 4 hours of your life. It'll be educational at the very least.
Okay thank you for asking <3<3<3 Let me know if you end up getting into it! And feel free to ask for fic recs if you end up being interested!
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moonlightperseus · 1 year
I'm going to do my best to answer that SeaWorld question without infodumping lmao, but essentially I was talking to a friend and I said "I have always believed if I went to SeaWorld I'd get banned" and she said "now I need to know you have to go" but I was like have you considered I refuse to give them money? So she told me to break in and I said mmm but the last guy who broke in was found dead, naked and missing body parts? So really I had to do some research to find out if I would end up like Jessie in Free Willy or Craig (the name she bestowed to the dead naked guy- his real name was never disclosed). 
It's honestly pretty impressive that I was such a girly girl, given that I had three older brothers and a tomboy sister. My brother's loved superheroes, and the animated shows (at least the original Teen Titans) and I just refused.
I loved the Avengers (2012) i like made it my whole personality. I WAS younger but like embarrassingly so, and that lead me to seeing most of the Marvel movies in a certain time span. Like I haven't properly seen any of the pre-movies like iron man or the first captain america (but God did I try for Peggy) but I watched the second captain america, the thors, I think pretty Faithfully up to Endgame and now the only marvel movie I even a little bit want to see is The Marvel's. (I DID really enjoy Captain Marvel though I will say that) 
Marvel comics I read ? Black Widow, I HAVE read some captain Marvel, spider woman, and a big like Avengers AU that my teacher lent me. I don't remember what it was called but it was pretty good, part of the plot is that like, Thor claims he's a god but Loki claims he's clinically insane so they all trust Loki (and you trust Loki) until y'know he's actually the bad guy and Thor was Thor all along. It's some darker stuff but it was good.
I will just go into Dollarama and flick open justice league comics to see if they have my favorite blonde in them and if they do I'll buy it. That's like my only rule. My collection is a mess (two Batgirl beyond Burnside, and two injustice: gods among us year 4 volume 2, but one in hard cover and one in soft cover (this was accidental and NOT a sign of my absolute devotion)) I barely even have full runs for most of the comics I read, like Batwoman Rebirth (and absolute favorite of mine) I have volumes one and four. But admittedly I use Issue and Volume pretty interchangeably (though I know the difference) and have very few random issues, however, secret me lore is my older sister briefly owned a comic book store and I think I should've taken more advantage of the cheap random comic collection they had for sale. 
And that is annoying!! Especially with Bat-stories. I LOVE a good throwback (like in the gail Simone birds run when Dinah got kidnapped so it has a bunch of references to the longbow hunters comic and even Babs knowing she couldn't go through that again) but it's annoying with the bats because they're so prominent and big so it's just like "remember in issue 1045 of detective comics?" But not only is that over a thousand issues of something half of them are also impossible to find because it's so numerous that at least pirating sites really only include the most recent couple hundred and that doesn't help if you're reading older comics. 
plus there's SO much Kate Content I can't get because of the way detective comics are. 
​​​​​​I do absolutely love the BOP movie too!! It's honestly kind of annoying because I got it for Christmas- but on exclusively Blu-ray. I have a dvd player, a portable dvd player, AND a laptop with a disc drive and NONE OF THEM can play it. 
I don't have a lot of issues when people don't like something I like. I have very few opinions so I am pretty consistently just chilling to some extent. But I get what you mean, granted I think fitting or not a tractor would've been very funny and they should remake the movie just to do that. 
I don't have like real attachments, I watched one Superman movie when I was little and didn't even like superheroes yet, I've never liked the batman movies. It just really is the consistency? Like look, I don't like Marvel movies anymore, and they've got a lot of problems ethically, but one thing you can say is that they built a universe. DC just starts building one and then throws it to the ground like a toddler mid tantrum. It's SO frustrating even knowing that I probably wouldn't watch most movies anyway. 
I watched both wonderomans, I really liked the first one but haven't really been able to get through it a second time and I don't think I liked the second one that much. Everything else? Was kind of mid I think? That I watched. Like Shazam and Aquaman were all fine but nothing to write home about. Bop I also was a huge fan of. And while I wasn't excited for the Batgirl movie I probably would've watched it (which like genuinely does say something- I barely watch movies) 
I'm not the biggest fan of the Arrowverse shows, I know you are but. I LIKED Supergirl but I never finished it (I'm also had at watching TV) bit if there's one I'd try again it's that one. I also got through most of the Flash and it was enjoyable but I don't think I'd try again. I liked legends? But I didn't get very far because my streaming service short circuited and I don't think I could do it again. Then I watched the first season of Batwoman, I was PUMPED, but once ruby rose left, and Kate left, I was devastated. They were leading up to safiyah!! A KATE plot from the Comics!! I was so excited!! And then the character I was watching it for was gone so I just refused to ever watch it again.  And I have never been able to get through Arrow. I honestly can't get past Laurel or any of that. I hold the green arrow comics way too close to my heart for it to be wrong. But ofc that's just my opinion. 
I have one, and I live in like rural Canada so I feel like that's a good sign. (admittedly though it's an hour away from me and more like pokemon cards at this point. I am physically scared of the store and feel like a fraud when I'm there) it would he nice for you!! I hope you do. 
If I do I will keep that in mind thank you. It really is so exhausting and it's so funny because like? I like them?? Why is it hard?? But it is. Plus sometimes I feel bad because I'll talk to much. Like an example is the BoP run, the new one the ONE issue. I don't/ didn't really have any comic friends so I just like posted a screenshot of the cover on my close friends Instragram story and was like "I will NOT shut up about this" and then I read it and genuinely did not shut up and just kept posting stuff when originally I'd been joking and I just feel? So bad. Like logically I know none of them stopped to read it they were just flicking through but I'm still like guys im sorry you didn't want that I'm sorry I got excited 
I just bought like a very large Funko Bombshells Harley pin that sits by my comics!! Actually!! It was from the dollarstore or I wouldn't have, and honestly I'm not a big Funko fan so it was really just because I also love the bombshells design, but she's cute!! And I have a bombshells Ivy felt banner my sister bought me years ago. So I agree designs good.
And that's completely fair!! Sometimes I daydream about dressing up as like black canary for a con. But I don't think I have the confidence. I think cosplaying sounds really fun just in general. (and honestly good on you for the blonde wig I just used my 'natural' hair which was: blue)
Oh!! I LIKE year Zero, I do think it's good!! (The only injustice things I haven't read are ground zero and versus masters of the universe) HOWEVER I would say since you don't even know if you'll like it you should just start with Injustice: gods among us year one. It's up to you, that's kind of why I put out the disclaimer that I do also like year Zero. But I would personally recommend skipping it for now (or possibly even entirely, my brother never read it). (I read it last but that's because I read it as it came out). 
to restate, I think the best idea would be just start with the main plot because I think that's your best chance at liking just based on the way I know it got me into comics. I don't know about year Zero. 
No pressure to like Injustice obviously but I hope you do!! 
​​​​​​​Have a good day <3 
bestie you are literally always welcome to infodump to me !!
also re:the break in at sea world with the mysterious death, I seem to remember buzzfeed unsolved mentioning that case? though i cannot place episode wise or if i’m remembering correctly. but anyways i think you would have a much better chance of survival so long as you don’t climb into any tanks with orcas or any other similarly large aquatic animals known for being unpredictable.
also yeah i def also got into the avengers movie at least a big, though i never watched the others i think prob just didnt have access to the others? bc i watched avengers on netflix? i absolutely devoured agents of shield and then the agent carter show when that came out. tv shows are easier for me to digest tho.
i had to google what a dollarama is and i gotta say i dont think dollar stores in the US typically have comics but it also has been quite a while since ive been in a dollar store tbh. but i did find a few places near me to potentially check out if i ever feel brave enough (and ever have actual time to go check out bc my life is very very busy rn lmao) i need to do more things branching myself out and trying new things its just very scary and i have a very small comfort zone
also, personally, i think when comics do decide to have a storyline thats gonna have multiple parts across several different comic series at the same time they should at least do something where they like, collect all those individual parts and put them all in like one like, book/volume? so you can easily read the story without having to jump to different series
(boy howdy. did i ramble again lol)
also lkajsdf i have a very complicated relationship with being a "fan" of arrowverse. (its a love hate relatioship i have lol) bc like yeah. a lot of it is. not good. and definitely not super comic accurate but its like. arrow is a dumpster fire and horrible green arrow representation however its what led me to my passion for black canary im not gonna lie and like i think honestly what led me to read actual comics (bc while i loved the animated shows i dont think i picked up comics until after i had started in the arrowverse) and like with arrowverse as a whole i think there was a lot of potential to the idea but a lot of poor execution and bad writing. the first two seasons of the flash are still very dear to me i will say but i also never finished it or... actually i dont think i fully finished any arrowverse shows, except for black lightning (did i finish black lightning???) (i dont think naomi counts as arrowverse) legends i stuck with the longest but i stopped when maisie richardson-sellers left the show (i am gay. i am gay.) i watched the last two seasons of arrow but skipped a huge chunk in the middle that i dont ever intend to go back and watch, i picked back up in s7 bc katie cassidy was a series regular again and while not my laurel i did grow very attached to the e2 version of her who i refer to as siren. (i am gay. im gay) i think i mightve picked up and dropped supergirl a few times?? i think i ended up watching up to the final season though. i never got into batwoman really bc i wasnt a fan of the casting for kate personally. (i got very attached to a fancast of monica raymund as kate kane and honestly im still attached to it) but yeah anyways sorry for rambling about arrowverse lmao i dont know how to be normal. all the parts of arrowverse that i love are my version of arrowverse that is good and exists only in my head and maybe in a few actual scenes on television. (i dont know if any of this made sense and i apologize again for rambling, i totally respect people not liking the arrowverse and completely get why... its not good. its not great. but it certainly was a huge part of my life)
literally no pressure to read the bombshells comics but can i just say you DO have a comic friend now its ME and i will happily welcome any comic book rambling in my inbox that you wish to do, encourage it even!
but i really do get that "i genuinely enjoy this thing why is it hard" like god human brains sure have a lot of design flaws i gotta say. like for me i definitely have that issue with reading in general its like i ENJOY reading I LIKE reading however the thought of starting reading? of keeping up with reading? i used to love going through books when i was a kid and now its like. have i finished 1 book over the span of a whole month? audiobooks helped me a little bit getting back into reading and comics at least, for a majority, feel a little shorter (however the longer series do feel a little more daunting)
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(here have a hastily made meme i whipped up in like <5 minutes)
i do have a small funko pop collection i will admit but its mostly women from dc and i have a few different bombshells ones (theyre in a box rn but uhh i know i have bombshells! hawkgirl and batwoman and i think i have a mini bombshells wonder woman?
also finally able to look into my comic collection and it turns out i dont have the first volume of bombshells but i have 2-6 lmao.
anyways i will skip the prequel for now of injustice but keep it in mind to go back and read if i enjoy injustice. i meant to start the first issue of injustice but ive been busy back at my parents helping them pack to move and then i had to drive home and today i had to work and just didnt have the brain space but goddammitt i will find the time to start it and soon. i probably shouldnt start it after finishing responding to this bc it is 1:30am now and i do have to be awake in like. 7 & 1/2 hours BUT i did notice that the second issue of the new bop run is out so i may end up reading that in bed before going to sleep. ooh maybe i should. draft this. go read it and then come back with some thoughts before i finally publish this response
(also, sorry again for the delay in response , like i said life has been busy 😭)
okay. 2:30 am now. BUT i read the new issue and ooooh it was good! continues to intrigue me. also i had genuinely never heard of the megalodons that guard themyscira before. that’s wild (and just like that. the conversation circles back to large marine animals) i won’t say any more bc i don’t wanna spoil it if you haven’t read it yet but if you have or if/when you do please feel free to come ramble to me about your thoughts!!
& i hope you have a good day!! 💕💕
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swordofpevensie · 4 years
Random Peter Pevensie Headcanons
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warnings: peter x you (i'm trying to say these include love), england!peter, fluff.
a/n: omg i haven't written anything for so long. i miss my baby, so there are some headcanons for you. hope you like them! gifs are mine, they are from the movie the little mermaid (2018). he looks fine. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
• Tease, tease, tease. Peter likes to tease you and watch your reaction. He doesn't do extra things to tease you though. He just reads your favorite book on purpose and makes sure that you see him reading it, or he wears the shirt you like, again making sure you see him. If you mentioned your favorite colour is green, then he'll probably wear something green and will make sure that you notice him. He likes showing that he is interested in you and thinks it is the best way to let you know he listens to you and cares everything you say.
• He is the big spoon. But sometimes, if he feels really bad, he lets you hug him. You two just lay down there and even if you don't say anything, he feels better in time. Your existence, slow heartbeats, silent breaths, fingers caressing his hair; they are enough to make him feel good again.
• He has this habit of always checking how you feel, what you do, if you are comfortable. He casually asks if you dried your hair, took your jacket, locked the door before leaving your house, or brought your book. You generally like it but sometimes when you feel overwhelmed, you tell him stop worrying because you can take care of yourself. He says he won't ask again but he can't help it. He sometimes blushes after realizing he did it again, but you can't be angry at him anymore, because he is so cute.
• His favorite date activity is taking you to drive-in theathers. He enjoys watching movies, he feels like he leaves reality. And watching movies with you in his car that he absolutely adores? It is perfect. His hand is on your shoulder most of the time. He kisses your cheek randomly. And he forgets about the movie when you react with your body language while watching. He likes watching your facial expressions changing in a second according to the incidents in the movie. He ends up looking at you, with a soft smile on his face. Sometimes you see his eyes on you, you look at him. You say “What?” while frowning. He shrugs his shoulders and says “Nothing.” If you ask again, he puts his fingers to your chin and makes you turn your head to the screen. “We are here to enjoy the movie, sweetheart.” He says, then kisses your cheek. You let it go, really. It can be hard to keep up with him.
• Because he is an energetic person. You never understand how he can be so lively and quick. He doesn't like sitting. He must do something. He keeps learning new physcial things to spend time. He works in the neighbours' gardens on his free times. Or one day you find him in the harbour, helping the sailors carry whatever they've brought. He has a widowed neighbour, and he helps her by babysitting her twins. He enjoys doing those things. He never complains. As long as he helps others somehow, he never complains. And you love him for that, very much. He is such a selfless, giving person that it sometimes makes you emotional and angry at the same time. You scold him, telling that he must take care of himself too. He smiles at you, says, “I have you, it's fine.”
• He doesn't take care of himself that much, yes, he is aware of that, because you are there to do it. You don't even realize what you are doing but Peter does. He knows and sees everything you do for him and he is beyond grateful. He likes it when you bring food to him and people in the harbour. He likes it when you knit tiny cardigans for the twins. He likes that you buy presents for his siblings from every new place you visit. When you iron his clothes, tidy his hair, fill his glass of water on his desk, bring him tea while he is studying, help him tie up, he melts. He loves how kind and caring you are.
• When you are at home at night, drinking something and sitting (he finally manages to sit down because no matter how hard he denies, in the end he is tired), he tells you stories. You don't know how he knows such stories or how he comes up with them, but they are magical and you enjoy listening. You feel like you leave this world, visit and explore a new universe. You like the way he tells the stories. He says, “I learned from a friend of mine, however I am never as skilled as her.” when you mention it.
• He is a good dancer. When you are invited somewhere, he attracts attention with his moves. But he is too busy with looking at you, talking with you and just holding you in his arms, so he doesn't really care, or even notice others. If you haven't seen each other before the invitation, he casually talks with you about his day. He asks you about yours too, and always listens carefully.
• After the party is over, you and he walk together in the streets, sometimes holding hands, sometimes running, or playing. Some people look at you with judgement and disapproval, meanwhile some people smile when they see you two are completely in love. When you arrive at home, your heels are on your hand, you both are breathing heavily but never stop laughing. Sometimes you do, yet when you look at each other, you start laughing again, for no reason at all.
• He always makes sure that he gets his goodbye kiss. It can be very hard to leave you and go back to home for him. He just wants to stay and spend the night with you. After many kisses he steals, he can finally leave. He walks home with a soft smile on his face. He feels ensorcelled and so in love.
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