#not systems but protocols so we go over differences she gives advice which actually very helpful and translates well
lilgynt · 1 year
u know what my mom and i kill longer drives bc we did two hours driving today didn’t even notice bc we just had an interesting convo
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stargazerdaisy · 5 years
Listen to me ramble about The Code
So my brain has been totally stuck on The Code for last week or so, and it is soooooo my happy place right now.  I won’t lie, I pretty much was giving the show a shot just because it was Luke Mitchell in a Marines uniform.  Is that shallow?  You bet your ass it is.  Was it worth it?  Way more so that I expected.  Before I saw the first ep, learning that Philippa Soo and Dana Delany were in it helped me take it more seriously.  I watched the first episode one weekend when I was sick and home alone.  
It was better than I had expected.  Like, a lot.
Basic premise:  It follows a group of lawyer in the military justice system.  Specifically, Marines.  It shows how the military justice system is quite a bit different from the civilian court system.  Which is to say, more than I expected.  
Colonel Glenn Turnbull, played by Dana Delany, is the boss of the group.  Captain Maya Dobbins is in the Defense office.  Major Trey Ferry is in the Prosecution group alone with Lieutenant Harper Li and Captain John ‘Abe’ Abraham.  All of them are super smart, very driven, impressive lawyers.  At their core, they all believe in truth and justice, and serving those principles as best they can.  They are each unique people too.  
Abe is a familiar archetype.  He’s cocky and confident, he knows how good he is, and he doesn’t hesitate to make it known to others.  He likes cracking jokes and teasing others.  He’s a third generation Marine who was injured in combat, and upon being told he could no longer be infantry, had to find a new path.  
Maya is THE BEST AT EVERYTHING SHE HAS EVER TRIED.  (Except one thing she admits sucking at during my favorite scene, which is funny and telling of the character.)   She isn’t taking crap from anyone.  She knows the law inside and out and has proven herself over and over.  She makes sure there is never even the sliver of a chance that anyone could question her skills.  But she’s not the no fun, no personality kind of character.  She is funny and whip smart.  
The competitive tension between Abe and Maya is probably my most favorite thing to watch.  Their relationship (friendship? partnership? colleague-ship?) is based in firm respect and admiration.  They just know each other well enough to have an easy banter and be able to bring out the best in each other.  
Colonel Turnbull is a firm but even handed boss who cares about her employees, and deeply about the Marines.  She is wise and gives a lot of good advice, while still maintaining her own sense of self and storylines.  Trey is a great straight man to Abe’s wisecracker, but he has a sense of humor as well, and knows when to go along with Abe’s pushing of the limits in order to serve justice.  Harper Li hates all the jokes about her name, and is working hard to prove herself to everyone.  She has a ton of sass and my favorite lines of hers are when she’s observing others (usually Abe) and commenting on when he’s acting different.  “Did he just say furthermore?!”  And Rami.  Oh Rami, I adore him.  He’s that quiet observer of everything, anticipating needs and contributing to execution of strategy.  He knows the value of a well place suggestion.  
Let’s be real: this is another CBS military/police/law procedural show.  That sets a certain expectation.  And it really does fit that mold.  But don’t let that fool you.  This show is good.  The stories themselves focus on different aspects of military life, not just combat.  The cases rarely follow the trajectory set up in the beginning of the episode, but when they twist, it’s in a way that is earned and honored.  The ultimate goal is to uncover the truth and find the best outcome for everyone.  Sometimes that means sacrifices or compromises that don’t feel great.  Sometimes that means taking huge risks personally and professionally.  Sometimes it means riding right on the edge of protocol to secure a victory for the betterment of the USMC.  It reminds me a lot of Law and Order, because there is a huge focus on the investigation - just as much as the actual courtroom action.  But in this setting, instead of being very Us vs Them (Prosecution v Defense), there is a bigger team feeling.  That leads to cooperation in ways that you wouldn’t see in a civilian court.  Which makes for a stronger core team of characters.  
Thus far, they haven’t had any stumbles in the storytelling.  There are a couple storylines developing that I’m not a fan of.  However, I have a feeling they are better set up to have Abe fail at something, probably in a really big way.  It sounds like I’m rooting against him, but I’m really not.  Right now his gambles have all paid off.  That’s not sustainable.  And with his personality, it would lead to hubris and true arrogance.  (He’s cocky, but not arrogant.)  He needs to be leveled a little bit, and I suspect the growth that comes from that will be significant.  We’re still getting to know all the characters, but everything we do learn is consistent with what has already been revealed.  Right now, the show is reminding me of The Blacklist in the focus on solid characters and letting the action follow that.   We’re only 5 episodes in (#6 is tonight), which means there is plenty of time for them to screw up.  But for right now, they’re on a good path.  It’s not the most exciting or unique show ever, but it’s solid and it’s not making me yell at the TV, which let’s be honest is way more than I can say for pretty much all my shows right now.
Also, everyone is gorgeous.  The end.
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine focuses on getting to the root cause of your problem instead of just treating the symptom.
We are living in one of the worst chronic disease epidemics of all time with 1 in 2 Americans living with a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) caused by preventable lifestyle factors, like nutrition and sleep, and a projected 100,000 doctor shortage by 2030 (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017). 
The solution? If you’re looking to insurance, you may be waiting awhile, at least if you want an option other than the current model, like Functional Medicine or a holistic doctor.
Practitioners who take  an “unconventional approach” to medicine by addressing the roots of disease, as opposed to managing symptoms like the norm.
Sound Familiar?
If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you’ve probably experienced the healthcare rabbit hole. 
1st Step: Feel sick.
2nd: Step Call the doctor to make an appointment.
3rd Step: Wait 1-4 weeks to get seen. 
4th Step: Go to see the doctor. Wait in the waiting room. Chat briefly.
5th Step: Walk out with a prescription or go down a rabbit hole to see another specialist or schedule another appointment.
We ALL know that rabbit hole: 
The Rabbit Hole of Healthcare
In the traditional healthcare system, it takes an average of121 minutes each time a person seeks medical care just to get seen. The total includes 37 minutes of travel time, as well as 87 minutes at the doctor’s office or clinic—most of that spent waiting in the waiting room. (Ray et al, 2015)  
In fact, the average person only spends 15 minutes of “talk time” with the doctor in a visit (Tai-Seale et al, 2007). 
Couple this with the projection tha,t by 2030, America will have a 100,000 doctor shortage (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017)—unable to meet the “demands” of the, now, 1 in 2 Americans who has a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) and, Houston…we have a problem!
I’ve been there, got the t-shirt. 
The Scene: Healthcare & Current Insurance Inefficiencies 
I had waited 3-months for the appointment with a local doctor in town. 
Nothing unusual—as the “average” wait time to see a doctor nowadays—especially a specialist—is an average of 24-52 days (Merritt Hawkins, 2017). And, not for anything crazy—just an annual “Well Woman” check up. 
So there I was in a conventional outpatient clinic, after 3-months of waiting to see the doctor, and here’s what went down under my conventional health insurance…
What Traditional Health Insurance DOES Cover
Traffic was shut down to one lane on I-35 in Austin and I was running right on time to the appointment (not early). I called the office on my way to inform them of the situation, to which they said to still come in.I managed to park in the lot right at 8:35 a.m. and race upstairs for my 8:30 a.m. appointment.
Once checking in with the staff, she told me she’d have to call back to the doctor’s staff (which they had already done) to verify I could get “in.” 10-minutes later, confirmation was given—I could go back to the waiting room.
However, before being released to the waiting room, ANOTHER hurdle…
Front Desk: “Oh wait a second..you can’t see the doctor, you have an HMO plan,” the front desk girl said.
Me: “My doctor faxed it over 3-months ago when I made the appointment.”
Front Desk: “You will need to fax it again if you want to keep the appointment,” the girl said.
(I quickly texted my doctor—one of my colleagues and now friends—and the situation was resolved).
As I sat in the waiting room, I was asked to complete a one-page form.The only thing the form asked me about was…my symptoms, my brief health history (surgeries, family diseases), if I smoke or drank, and the date of my last period. 
That’s it.
No exploration around my current diet, sleep habits, what work I had already done around my gut health, my health goals, my physical activity patterns, food intolerances and beyond.
Initially, it only took about 15-minutes once I was in the waiting room to go back to the clinic room. The nurse was very nice and did her routine thing: blood pressure, weight check, heart rate and body temperature. She also asked me the SAME questions on my health form. She was shocked to hear how I had NO diseases whatsoever. My ONLY complaint was chronic constipation. (Apparently she was used to hearing ALOT more). 
After our check in, the nurse left me be…for 2 hours.
At one point in my waiting, she actually asked if she could “pull me” out of my room for “about 10 minutes” to go back to the waiting room in order to see another patient.
So I went back to the waiting room where I waited another 45-minutes…
I had booked a 10:30 am appointment with a client of mine—allotting for my 8:30 a.m. doctor visit that morning, thinking I’d have plenty of time in between. 10:20 a.m. rolled around and I was STILL in the waiting room. To say the least, I did not get seen, and the nurse told me she’d call back that evening to reschedule…which did not happen.
The Solution?: People Want to Take Their Health Into Their Own Hands
Many people are looking to take their health into their own hands—with at least 80% of all people seeking out advice on search engines like Google alone (Pew Research Center, 2013). 
Others are looking for OTHER options (like holistic doctors, health coaches and functional medicine providers). 
According to a report from the National Institute for Health in 2015 alone, researchers found that about 1 in 3 Americans were utilizing some sort of alternative or holistic care out of mainstream medicine (Stussman et al, 2015). 
Fast forward to today, and there is no doubt that those numbers are consistent—if not more—with the job outlook for all allied healthcare providers expected to go up by 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (including occupational therapy, physical therapy, personal fitness training, health coaching, life coaching, acupuncture, chiropractic care and naturopathic or functional medicine). 
However, this doesn’t mean these alternative providers are always covered by health insurance. 
A common question we as functional medicine practitioners are asked is:
Patient: “Do you take insurance?”
Functional Medicine Provider: To which we most often reply, “No.”
Although many holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners CAN submit superbills, and SOME CAN reimburse partially for visits or lab testing, generally most holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners are cash pay.
Let me give you 7 reasons.
7 Reasons Why Insurance Doesn’t Cover Holistic Doctors & Functional Medicine
1. Insurance is NOT Patient-Centered.
Functional Medicine is patient-centered. Instead of focusing on numbers-centered or about getting more people in the door, wee typically take time to review your chart well before your appointment.
2. Insurance is NOT Big on Taking Time with Patients.
Functional Medicine takes time. We don’t rush to get you through our churn mill. Typically, you will spend 1-2 hours for your first appointment so your practitioner can truly get to know your story. The doctor will assess your health struggles and your goals.
3. Insurance is NOT Focused on the Whole Body.
Functional Medicine is a “Whole Body Medicine,” taking into consideration all aspects of your health and life. Those that contribute to how you feel and the presentation of disease. It’s different from an endocrinologist who just looks at your hormones and thyroid, an ENT doc who just looks at your ears, nose and throat, or a psychologist who just focuses on your mental health. Functional Medicine acknowledges a respect and awareness of how ALL body systems impact one another, including:
Gut Health
Brain Function
Hormone Health
Detoxification Pathways
Cardiovascular Health
Thyroid & Metabolic Health
Mineral & Vitamin Status
  4. Insurance Does NOT Address the Roots of Disease.
Functional Medicine does. Instead of looking to suppress or manage symptoms from the top down, we take a “bottom up” approach. We find and address the triggers and root causes of any disease or symptoms a patient is experiencing. These include bacterial overgrowth and SIBO (connected with skin conditions, chronic headaches, metabolic dysfunction, and GI disturbances), or cortisol imbalances (connected with insomnia, anxiety, blood sugar imbalances, and GI disturbances). 
5. Insurance is NOT Focused on Prevention.
Functional Medicine focused on preventing disease, or further decline of health from happening by using laboratory reference ranges (blood work, urine, stool analysis, etc.) that reflect the progression of disease (in order to help reverse it early). We also integrate lifestyle medicine FIRST to support our clients health as a whole. Through a holistic care plan that includes nutrition, supplement, lifestyle healing and stress busting strategies, and physical activity.
6. Insurance Views Functional Medicine as “Quack” Medicine.
Contrary to popular belief, Functional Medicine isn’t about “woo woo” or “voo doo.”  Functional Medicine acknowledges the latest in research to influence and support care. In fact, Functional Medicine is simply an approach to medicine. Healthcare says, “Hey guys, let’s address lifestyle factors FIRST and consider all aspects of health—not symptoms—before turning to medicines or negating other factors of our patients’ modern day lifestyles.”
Functional medicine acknowledges science, reason and research for modes of healing and treatment protocols. If anything, is a compliment to the ever-evolving research in traditional medicine.
For example, with the past 3 years of research on the gut microbiome alone (more than 8,000 studies in PubMed), we know that our gut health definitely influences other aspects of our health, including our mood and anxiety levels (Clapp et al, 2017), our metabolism (Boulange et al, 2016) and brain health (Li et al, 2017). In practice, Functional Medicine is more readily able to address gut healing for all types of conditions and diseases.
Another example: when TIME Magazine leaked the “big news” that the sugar industry paid off the FDA to hide evidence that sugar—not saturated fat—was the driver of all disease, Functional Medicine practitioners could further educate their patients as to why butter, bacon and egg yolks are NOT bad. Mainstream medicine on the other hand? Still preaching that saturated fat and high cholesterol are the number one drivers of heart disease. Nevertheless, insurance companies DON’T always look for the research on their own.
7. Insurance is Stuck in the Good Ol’ Days.
If you’ve ever simply tried to call or fax something to your insurance provider, you know the never-ending hold times. In addition, inefficiencies of modern day health care (seemingly stuck in 1961). Whereas, functional medicine is now integrating more and more tele-health, “biohacking” (alternative therapies and healing supports, like infrared saunas, hot-cold therapy, coffee enemas and herbal supplements), and high-tech EMR’s (medical record systems), Insurance still has you on a “brief hold”and is comfortable doing things they’ve always done. 
Dr. Lauryn Lax is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker, with over 20 years of clinical and personal experience specializing in gut health, intuitive eating, disordered eating, anxiety, hormone balance and women’s health. She’s based in Austin, Texas, and operates a virtual Nutrition & Functional Medicine practice, Thrive Wellness & Recovery, LLC, working with clients and patients around the world. In addition, Dr. Lauryn is a published journalist and speaker. Her works have been featured in Oxygen Magazine, Women’s Health, Paleo Magazine, Breaking Muscle, CrossFit Inc, USA Today, ABC and CBS News.  Ultimately, she loves nothing more than helping others “quiet the noise” in the health food and fitness world.
  The post 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/insurance-wont-pay-functional-medicine/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Instead he'll spend most of his time talking about the noble effort made by the people who worked on it. Ten years ago that was true. If you're so fortunate as to have to be arranged at least a few days. But now comes the hard part. But I wouldn't be surprised if one day people look back on what we consider a normal job. So you can just decide to raise money at phase 2. Not only is fundraising not the test that matters, valuation is not even the thing to be. Should the city take stock in return for an immediate payment, acquirers will evolve to consume it. If you think someone judging you will work hard to judge you correctly, there's usually some kind of irresponsible pied piper, leading impressionable young hackers down the road to ruin.1 Know where you stand doesn't end when they say they'll invest.
Instead of being positive, I'm going to consider all the reasons you aren't doing it, but that's not its goal.2 My latest trick is taking long hikes. Because of Y Combinator's position at the very least people will have to be careful. Meet such investors last if at all. You can recognize this contemptible subspecies of investor because they often talk about leads. If you're raising money from many investors, roll them up as they say yes. As written, it tends to offend people who like unions. The latter is much more expensive. We put little weight on the idea. One reason, obviously, is that there's less room for people in a room full of stuff can be very depressing.3 No idea In a sense, it's not imaginary either. Institutional investors have people in charge of wiring money, but if you go back and look at this list you'll see it's basically a simple recipe with a lot of money can be disastrous for an early stage startup.
The dangers of raising too much are subtle but insidious. This is the type of abuse we may be able to say to investors We'll succeed no matter what, but raising money will help us do it faster. I'm guessing here, but I'd rather live in a giant city of three or four years. If fundraising stalled there for an appreciable time, you'd start to read as a failure. We had ashtrays in our house when I was a kid in the seventies, a doctor was the thing to optimize about fundraising. But what if you haven't raised any money yet, you probably are. Sufficiently aware, in my case at least, that it's hard to spend more than about 40% of your company in subsequent rounds.
Hardly anyone is so poor that they can't afford a front yard full of old cars. Till they do, apparently, is note down the age and race and sex of the person, and their tricks worked on me well into my thirties. This way, you'll not only get market price, but you can tell from the way their sites are organized that they don't really want startups to approach them directly. Independently wealthy This is my excuse for not starting a startup. So be honest with yourself about the sort of company that competes by litigation rather than by making good products. It seems like people are not acting in their own spaces. When you first start fundraising, everything else grinds to a halt. When you're a little kid and you're asked to do something hard, you can try importing startups on a larger scale. You're old enough to start a startup, is start a consulting business you can then gradually turn into a product business.
Most hackers probably underestimate their determination. But software companies don't hire students for the summer as a source of cheap labor. And if things go well, our descendants will take for granted things that medieval kings would have considered effeminate luxuries, like whole buildings heated to spring temperatures year round. What you can do whatever you want most decide first. Which means that as the world becomes more addictive, the two senses in which one can live a normal life will be driven ever further apart. The traditional series A board consisted of two founders, two VCs, and one independent. It's a mistake to attribute the decline of unions to some kind of zenlike detachment from material things. As you start to lie to yourself. VCs. The other way to tell an adult is by how they react to a challenge. Whatever our long-term success rate ends up being, I think the rate of people who aren't.
I noticed that I felt like I was talking to someone much older. It would be an amazing hack to make one happen faster. What's too young? One test adults use is whether you still have the kid flake reflex. I feel as if someone snuck a television onto my desk.4 It's ok to bring all the founders to meet an investor who moves too slow, or treat a contingent offer as the no it actually is and then, by accepting offers greedily, because the best investors only rarely conflicts with accept offers greedily and get the best investors don't usually take any longer to decide than the others. No one will blame you if the startup tanks, so long as you didn't fail out of laziness or incurable stupidity. But when phrased in terms of leads, it sounds like there is something structural and therefore legitimate about their behavior. Most people find it uncomfortable just to sit and do nothing; you avoid work by doing something else.5 By the time you had a thousand startups. If you want to raise one, is going to end badly.6
If she couldn't convince herself that something she was thinking of buying would become one of those rare, historic shifts in the way of noticing it consciously. Whereas if I encourage people to start startups who shouldn't, I make my own life worse. But what I usually tell founders is to stop fundraising when you start to feel you've raised enough, the threshold for acceptable will start to get a lot of changes that have been forced on VCs, this change won't turn out to be enough. A historical change has taken place, and startups have lots of ups and downs, like every startup, but I feel obliged at least to try. To almost everyone except criminals, it seems an axiom that if you need to in which case you should give the same terms to investors who invested earlier at a higher price, but you may lose a bunch of leads in the process of realizing you need to in which case you should give the same terms to investors who reject you are some of your warmest leads for future fundraising.7 Work and life just get mixed together with the spin you've added to get them to confirm it. That sends two useful signals to investors: that you're doing well. Like a lot of air in the straw. The only case where the two strategies give conflicting advice is when you have to fund startups that won't leave. Sequoia describes what such a deck should contain, and since they're the customer you can take their word for it.8
Because they haven't tried to control it too much, Twitter feels to everyone like previous protocols. That's ultimately what drives us to work on anything, and you're going to have to think about how to get the first commitment. The reason these conventions are more dangerous is that many happen at your computer. One of our goals with Y Combinator was to discover the lower bound on the age of startup founders.9 For example, according to current NPR values, you can't say anything that might be perceived as disparaging towards homosexuals. The patent pledge is in effect a narrower but open source Don't be evil. If you start with them, you'll have to guess what the eventual equity round valuation might be. No cofounder Not having a cofounder is a real problem. Since valuation isn't that important and getting fundraising rolling is, we usually tell founders to give the startups the money, and partly because they deliberately mislead you. If you want to have them as colleagues, you have to invest in a flop. It's conventionally fixed at 21, but different people cross it at greatly varying ages. It's just a means to that end.
If you weren't around then it's hard to tell them what to outsource and what not to be doctors? If you have to give him 95% of spam. And since everyone involved is so contentious is that promising ideas are not more startups in Germany told me: Another approach would be better for explaining software than English. It seemed better to make money, it's this internal process at work.
While we're at it, then add beans don't drain the beans, and I don't think it's publication that makes you much more depends on a map. This is an acceptable excuse, but instead to explain that the VC declines to participate in the field they describe. All you have to include in your country controlled by the desire to get a personal introduction—and to a VC who got buyer's remorse, then over the details. Even Samuel Johnson said no man but a lot of great ones.
Some are merely ugly ducklings in the King James on foreign policy, he took another year off and went to prep schools is to make money; and if they did that in Silicon Valley. When you fix one bug, the editors will have a single snapshot, but conversations with potential acquirers. But that oversimplifies his role.
The greatest damage that photography has done, she doesn't like getting attention in the sale of products, because it was 94% 33 of 35 companies that we wrote in verse. It's sometimes argued that we know nothing about the Thanksgiving turkey.
Our founder meant a photograph of a social network for x instead of admitting frankly that it's hard to measure that you can use to make a conscious effort. Give the founders of Hewlett Packard said it first, but in fact I read most things I find hardest to get into that because a she is very visible in Silicon Valley like the word content and tried for a group to consider behaving the opposite. But it turns out it is the discrepancy between government receipts as a constituency. We didn't try to establish a silicon valley.
But no planes crash if your true calling is gaming the system?
But in a series. As Clinton himself discovered to his time was 700,000, the idea. They'll have a quality that feels a bit much to generalize. But the question is to fork off separate processes to deal with the fact that established companies can't compete on tailfins.
Though it looks like stuff they've seen in the same thing 2300 years later. Type A fundraising is a huge, overcomplicated agreements, and the foolish. 1% a week for 4 years. The deal.
The chief lit a cigarette.
Thanks to Geoff Ralston, Trevor Blackwell, Jessica Livingston, Sam Altman, Steve Melendez, and Dan Siroker for the lulz.
0 notes
phawareglobal · 4 years
Emma Olson Jackson, MS, ARNP - phaware® interview 342
Emma Olson Jackson is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner at Seattle Children's Hospital. In this episode, she discusses her history in helping develop pediatric pulmonary hypertension programs across three different specialty centers. Emma also discusses the challenges that pediatric programs face in treating this disease.
My name's Emma Olson Jackson, and I am a pediatric nurse practitioner in pulmonary hypertension here at Seattle Children's Hospital in the heart center. I've been a pediatric pulmonary hypertension nurse practitioner since 2012, where I started at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, developed that program there, and I was there almost four years and then I moved up to Portland, Oregon and was at Doernbecher Children's Hospital, which is an affiliate of OHSU Medical Center, and did pulmonary hypertension there, and now I'm at Seattle Children's. I was a bedside nurse before I was a nurse practitioner in the cardiac ICU at UCSF, and I knew Jeff Fineman, MD really well. When I was finishing my graduate school education and getting my NP license, he was also at the same time trying to get funding to hire the first pulmonary hypertensive nurse practitioner at UCSF. He convinced me that this was the field that I should go into and work with him, and it was an awesome decision. I didn't really know what I was getting into, but he such a wonderful provider, and he's done so much research on pulmonary hypertension, and he's a wonderful teacher and just in general, a great team member. Starting in that environment was really wonderful, so I just learned so much. Then once I dove into the world of pulmonary hypertension, I knew I never wanted to leave it, and that's kind of where my passion has been. So the whole time I've been a nurse practitioner, I've specialized in pulmonary hypertension, which has been really valuable for me. I am from the Pacific Northwest. I grew up in a town called Bellingham, that's north of Seattle, and the program in Portland, kind of cold called me and had heard my name, and had a position opening within cardiology in pulmonary hypertension. They were wanting to grow their pediatric pulmonary hypertension program. At that point in time, I really was not looking to leave UCSF. I was very happy at that program and I felt like we had accomplished a lot and we had a lot of momentum, and the program was growing and I felt really close to my patients there and the team, but at the same time, I knew eventually I wanted to be back in the Pacific Northwest to be close to my family. I had a sister in Portland and when the opportunity presented itself and I started to be recruited there, I felt like there might not be another opportunity. There's very few pulmonary hypertension nurse practitioner positions in the nation, and to have one open up kind of where I thought eventually I wanted to end up (was a important). I wasn't really ready to leave San Francisco, but I was worried that if I didn't take the opportunity, I might not have another opportunity to move closer to my family. So that's why I decided to take that position. Once I was in Portland, it was a big difference just from going from a really big pulmonary hypertension program to a much smaller pulmonary hypertension program. I pretty quickly realized that I wanted to be part of a bigger program, and lucky for me, Seattle Children's actually got funding for a nurse practitioner when I was in Portland. People already knew that I was there, and so Seattle reached out and then recruited me up to Seattle, which was a pretty easy recruit, because I wanted to be in a bigger program, so it was awesome. I think it was a really good experience for me to be also in a smaller program to see the challenges. There's still patients in Oregon and everywhere else that do end up being seen in smaller programs, and they need to have strong pulmonary hypertension program, as well. I learned a lot now that I've been in three different pediatric pulmonary hypertension programs. Everybody does things a little bit differently, and every provider has a different style of care. I think it's been really amazing for me to learn from all those different providers and teams and take what I like and what I don't like from every place and just learn more about how to best take care of this pediatric population that's really challenging. I think pulmonary hypertension is rare, as you know. In pediatrics, it's even more rare. I think it's a really niche specialty. One of the things more people are recognizing is that there kind of does need to be centralized care for these patients, because it's complex, and there needs to be experts caring for them. I think because the numbers in general are small, because it's a rare disease, that there's just less comprehensive centers that have enough volume to justify having advanced practice providers in that specialty. Seattle Children's is both a comprehensive care center through the PHA for pediatric pulmonary hypertension, and they're also part of the PPHNet, which is the Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Network of North America. I think in general, the pediatric pulmonary hypertension world is small, and it's a really close knit community. That's something I love about this field of medicine, is that we're always communicating with each other and sharing ideas and protocols and guidelines and getting advice from each other. There's no secrecy from program to program about how people are doing things, and there really doesn't seem to be very much ego, which I think is sometimes rare in medicine between programs. We're not trying to compete with each other. We're really trying to be cohesive and collaborative to provide the best care for this population, which I love. Some of the challenges in this field is because it's rare, and the numbers are relatively low when you compare it to other types of heart disease, that it makes it hard to really figure out best practices or best medical systems. We might think what we're doing is best, but actually we don't know what someone else is doing, or when we're comparing all the numbers together, it's really difficult to do randomized controlled trials to figure out what combination of medicines are the best. Working with a rare disease, it's challenging to have enough numbers that bring valuable research. So it's imperative that we form these different networks of multiple pediatric pulmonary hypertension centers, because that's the only way we're going to really answer big questions is by collaborating, putting together all of our data to figure out what's the best practices for this group of patients. But it's also a challenge, because that also takes a lot of time and effort in enrolling patients and putting in their data into these big registries, and then at the same time, it takes years of putting in that data and then multiple more years of interpreting that data before there is a change in practice. We're doing such a better job of treating pulmonary hypertension than we were even 10 or 15, 20 years ago, and these patients are doing better and they're surviving longer and they're having higher quality of life, and we have more medications available. I think we're treating earlier and more aggressive and giving kids a really fulfilling, healthy, longer life. It's great that we do see these patients transitioning, and that's something we think about, and it's really imperative that we are working with adult centers that we trust and that we have our values and the way we care for patients aligned. We really work really closely with our adult colleagues, and really do the transition to adulthood in a thoughtful manner and in a way that prepares the child for the differences in an adult center, and at the same time, still offering our support. We tend to do a staggered transition where they meet the adult provider, sometimes we try to have them meet the adult provider before they actually go and transfer care. We're hoping to work through a system where then maybe we actually attend maybe the first appointment at the adult center so that we can act as a buffer and fill in the gaps of the clinical history that maybe didn't make it in the record change. Another big piece of transitioning to an adult program is making sure that the child or adolescent really understands their disease and their medications, and getting them independent as possible, because once you transitioned to that adult program, there's much, much less ... I don't want to say handholding, but they assume that you take charge of your own care and that they're not double checking that you understand every piece of it. It's our job as pediatric providers to make sure, in the years before transition, and we start talking about this sometimes when a patient's 11 or 12, even though they're not going to be transitioning until they're 18 or 19, sometimes 21, is that every time we see them in clinic, we try to think of a new topic to teach them of part of their disease, and are working with them understanding their disease and understanding their medications and being able to tell us what their medications are instead of us telling them and having them agree. When we go over medication lists when patients are younger, we just say, "Are you taking this, this and this?", and as they get older we say, "You tell us what you're taking, and what's the dose, and how frequently?", to empower that child to really take charge of their own health and understand their disease and the medications and why they're taking them. The diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension is a challenging diagnosis to receive, and I think that when you're a newly diagnosed patient it’s really to try to think about one thing at a time and to remember, especially in pediatric, that every patient is really different, and the etiologies for pulmonary hypertension can be very different from kid to kid. I find sometimes that patients, especially newly diagnosed, kind of compare themselves to other patients with pulmonary hypertension, and that's a really challenging thing to do, because I think every case is so different to really hone in on your own child and their issues and level of disease and medical management and try to get to know that and really learn what's best for your child before you try to compare your child to other cases, especially cases that have had pulmonary hypertension for a long time, or that have really different reasoning for having pulmonary hypertension. I think one of the challenges I see over and over again with newly diagnosed pulmonary hypertension is that because it's rare, parents want to reach out and find similarities with other pulmonary hypertension patients almost too soon before they really get to know their own child and their own child's disease, and that's not to discourage connecting with other parents, but that's just to learn your own child and their own disease and their own medications before you start to compare another child to your own. Every parent wants to do their best for their child, and every care provider wants to do the best for their patients, and sometimes it takes time to figure out what that best practice is, and what I like to tell patients, especially new patients, is that we need to have patients and us getting to know the child and the parents getting to know their child with this new diagnosis. It takes time to figure out which medications or combination of medications work. Sometimes there's not really quick, fast answers, and it's a process that we get to do together, and it takes time. So sometimes there's not answers right away. My name is Emma Jackson, and I'm aware that I'm rare.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at www.phaware.global/clinicaltrials. Never miss an episode with the phaware® podcast app. Follow us @phaware on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & Linkedin Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate #phawareMD #ClinicalTrials @seattlechildren
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scarletrebel · 7 years
of madness and truth: the dark future details
i was going to do this in two sections cause i do wanna go through the present parts of the fic as well. mainly exactly why avia is torturing herself by wanting to see the simulation, why she decides to tell grier, and why osiris helps her. also, why osiris saw the simulation and what my perception of his opinions on toland are. 
but im too excited to share all the dark future ideas i have so uhh here you go @mrpinstripesuit if you have anything to add please please go for it!!
man why do we like torturing our kids aha
(also i broke it down like, a lot a lot not to be patronising but because i didnt wanna overwhelm people with bullet points aha)
“I guess I’ll have to explain it to you, like usual,” Grier says. “Since we killed Oryx? Three years. Since you snuck into my throne world and tried to kill me? Two and a half years. Since you killed Toland and trapped yourself in the Hive Overworld? Two years.”
three years: back in ttk days, grier chose to become the taken king after they killed oryx, so the rest of the clan had to get out of dodge and leave him. 
two and a half years: avia was very, very lost after that happened, and sought grier out by herself (and against the advice of literally everyone) just to talk to him. but, toland being the piece of shit he is, intercepted her and wouldn’t let them meet. then he convinced grier that she’d come to kill him and toland stopped her. avia then convinces herself that if she figures out how to kill toland, grier will be okay.
two years: in the split second after avia killed toland, in a complete panic grier trapped her in the overworld. he was the one who scratched the runes into the wall, theyre basically a strong but hurried version of the hive traps. 
the scene itself, the timeline that present avia sees is set just after the events of d2, around the time the savathuns song strike would have been undertaken. it’s the first time they’ve spoken since avia killed toland, but avia knows grier was responsible for trapping her. him telling her that shes there because she killed toland is the first notion that he’s there to lie to her to get her on his side, because he’s in denial and needs to know if savathun is actually coming to the system. hes not sure he’s strong enough to take her on, so he needs avia to take on the role of toland (or something advantageous to him at least) to give him an advantage. so he lies through his teeth.
“Yes – no,” Avia retches. “The singing,” she spits. “All she does is sing and sing and I can’t take it anymore!”
“Who?” Grier asks, sharp. “Who sings, Avia?”
Avia’s mouth opens around a name, but then she stops, and lets out a dry laugh. She drops her hands and pulls her head up to look at Grier. “Oh. Oh, are you telling me you don’t know?”
“It’s nor Ir Yut,” Grier ruffles, but shakes himself and addresses her with all the manner of a teacher dealing with an uncooperative student. “She’s gone. It’s not his daughters either, and no ordinary Deathsinger on account of how far it stretches across the system. I have my suspicions but you, are the only one who knows.”
Avia pierces him with her eyes, unrelenting and patronising.
“You know,” she says. “You know who it is.”
grier is…….. fucked up. he had toland whispering in his ear that he was doing everything right and he was getting oh so powerful, whilst withholding information about whether either of the sisters would come and kill him bc its toland, all he cares about is the sword logic. if he was actually alive when they came he’d probably just watch grier die with a smile on his face. 
then avia kills toland, and grier is so, so alone. all he has are the tablets of ruin, which explain the sword logic with such clarity, all the info that toland withheld from him, and he starts to get Worried. and then he hears savathuns song.
avia hears savathuns song, too. she actually started to gain control of herself in the hive overworld after she heard it. until then she was having all this information shoved into her head against her will. she knows a lot about the hive similarly to toland, because shes heard all these other songs and all this knowledge. she doesnt want to know, its far too much for her to handle, but she doesnt really have a choice. 
but then savathuns song made her realise the best way to get griers attention, so she just started screaming. every now and then, the screams would affect griers throne world. and that’s when he decided to go to her, to try and manipulate her with all the tools toland had given him. he had a feeling she was transforming into something, but went into the conversation just trying to convince her that she needed to help him.
“If you’re right, if I’m a liar just like Toland was, then even if I told you how they all died on my doorstep, you wouldn’t even think I was telling the truth.” A tilt of his head, the white matted fringe dangles slightly, helplessly. “Would you?”
none of the clan are dead. the eos’s did try and get avia out after rook was patrolling the dreadnaught and heard her voice, screaming. he couldn’t convince the vanguard to deploy a mission cause there was just no proof that avia was alive after sneaking to the dreadnaught to kill toland.
carver used his Hidden talents to track her down, got as far as the room where she was but the hive were about to overrun them. carver knew that avia wouldn’t want them to die in a rescue attempt, so he gets himself and his wife and child out of there and regroups with the others. carina is mad about it, but her mum and dad aren’t giving up.
the only other member of the clan who’s seen grier is rook. after the eos’s got back, he figured fuck it and went to get avia, his heart too broken to have the same clarity that they did regarding if he died.
that part grier wasnt 100% lying about -- rook actually finds the room, and grier is waiting for him. it’s a close fight, grier gets the chance to kill rook in the end, take his ghost and crush it under his heel but. he cant. so he tells rook to run, and if he ever comes back he wont just kill him, but he’ll make avia do it. (more lies about avia not remembering who he is probably idk)
grier lying to avia about their clan mates dying isn’t something he went into the conversation knowing he’d do. he was getting pissed at her holding back info out of spite, and thanks to this little comic by pin I wanted to play with him bitterly making her more and more upset by lashing out in such a vile way. grier is a hard character to find faults for aha but his quick anger and bitterness were interesting to play with when I dialed them up to eleven.
avia’s biggest fear is getting the people she loves and cares about killed, and grier still retains enough of himself to know that. so he just kinda, finds that vein and twists and pulls at it until avia breaks down and believes that she’s all alone -- that it really is just them two now. 
“I, I wouldn’t – no!” Avia yells, and the room shakes once more. Grier takes stock of it this time, his face twisting in amused curiosity as she rages on.
avia is turning into a deathsinger. 
in my head her ahamkara claws loose their silver plates over time and eventually, some time after her and grier talk she hears the ahamkara/worm gods/whatever with a scary amount of clarity, amplified by the fact that shes trapped in the overworld. they just convince her that shes not a guardian anymore, that shes something better, something more powerful. she spent so long being a soldier, a fighter for a dying cause, wouldnt this be better? to forge her own path, to listen to the songs and become something greater?
eventually she’ll decide (or think that she decided) that grier’s the only person she can protect anymore, and begins to accept the transformation. she adopts the same powers, I guess, as oryxs daughters. being able to weave reality and bend it to her/griers will. she’s basically ‘griers deathsinger’. her grief and anger fuel how powerful she is.
(i love...... corruption tropes so yeah this is basically whats happening to her aha.)
its an ironic parallel also because as i said before, grier is alone with the tablets, and avia is alone with the ahamkara. but grier said it was just them. theyre both transforming and changing at the same time into things they dont necesarily want to be because they couldnt see the consequences of their actions after one decision was made. but, they do eventually come together, just them, as grier makes avia believe -- as its meant to be. 
i like to think eventually the clan decides to take grier on together to try and save avia, but they just get taken one by one instead, basically becoming different members of griers court and only making him stronger. they’re all far, far too attached and know that theres most likely no coming back if they do this. but after the city falls, theres no better time. no vanguard to stop them, no mission protocol. they regather after ghaul attacks and all decide to strike out by themselves. but it goes horribly wrong. 
avia’s full deathsinger transformation makes all of her armour look like the silver plated ahamkaras (because thats just her, in d1 they were my fave exotic and they’re very much a part of her character in that era for me) minus a helmet, and the silver is definitely more rusted. her eyes blacken over entirely and her cloak is massive and swishy and the hood almost covers her eyes, and thats in place of the skirt a deathsinger would normally have (a skirt just doesnt seem right for her aha)
avia becomes a very loyal, very cutthroat deathsinger. she’s literally at griers beck and call. like omnigul for crota, or as it said in the fic ir yut. 
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freecodecamper · 7 years
Let’s Talk About Some Really Serious *Bleep*
If you are reading this you can look at the date of when I first started this blog. This is kind of a summary that mixes the past, the present, and stuff that has happened since I last posted. I have a lot to talk about and I really hope this helps someone out there. 
Let me begin.
On Portals of Stability
You can’t function in this industry if you do not figure out a way to create a stable life for yourself. It does not have to be fun. It does not have to be wealthy. It does not have to be full of amazing people. It just has to be stable enough where you can focus on completing a specific goal at a specific time and not have that compete with anything else. 
So I recognize that you could be homeless but totally teach yourself how to code because if you have access to a library’s computer system and a dedicated time every day, all you need to do is show up. Things get a little bit more complicated if you have serious responsibilities to take care of or if you get really really really sick. 
Portals of stability are important because motivation runs out. Let’s say you gain enough skills with programming to enter the workforce and get some damn good job offers. But you don’t have a stable home situation for recovering from the stresses of life. Even though you have finally arrived at your goal of working in tech in a job based on your skills, you don’t have the emotional support you need to survive. 
All the women I know in tech that I would consider to be mentors and beloved friends have burnt the fuck out. I’m looking at them because they kind of represent a future that I can step into and I’m really thinking about... how I can be here without destroying myself. And that’s something that skills like programming don’t address. I don’t know what the answer is but I do know the difference between the women who burnt the hell out and eventually circled back and the women who did not is that the survivors figured out how to create stability by pursuing freelance situations where they did not have to be exposed to a daily violence present in a lot of tech workplaces. But they had to do a LOT to get the point of where they can pull that off. They had to be exposed to a lot of mental fuckery and sometimes physical violence. I don’t know if I have that in me for that specific field and yet I know I have no choice but to stay here. 
On How to Reconfigure an Unstable Life
So my life has been highly unstable almost since I was a kid. I kept running into these patterns where I’m already working under conditions that are set up against me. I last longer than I am expected to, but I still end up failing because I never had the resources I needed to begin with. 
Finally, it clicked one day that instead of doing this cycle that feels like a constant start, stop, start stop, start stop, brakes and pedal at the same time movement... I need to just rearrange my life. 
This meant getting rid of people.
This meant re-evaluating what time is to me.
This meant thinking about what I’d be upset with the most if I knew I was going to die this year without completing something.
This also meant letting emotional weights go - forgiving people, acknowledging trauma, acknowledging things I suck at but have too much pride to publicly admit, forgiving myself, giving myself time to physically heal and emotionally heal and breath - really breath. 
This also meant finding a job that works with me even if its not the job others think I should have. In other words, money is not everything if it constantly gets in the way of completing whatever the hell it is you want to complete. 
This also meant qualifying advice because most advice given (including possibly my own in this post) is fucked up, bad, and doesn’t relate to what you are actually going through. My mentors in tech come from backgrounds so vastly different from me that at a certain point they just could not relate. The economic conditions, the social conditions, etc., its just too wide of a gap sometimes when shit hits the fan. So I found that usually I was better off trusting my own gut instincts then doing the “right” thing and seeking the opinion of someone who supposedly has been there before me. There were exceptions but the exceptions where advice actually fit were so rare that I can count them on three fingers. 
This meant recognizing distractions. I have a digital addiction. I’ve been dealing with for the past couple of months. What I’ve been doing to recover since I definitely don’t have the money to get professional help is deleting apps and leaving my phone behind - sometimes in my car, sometimes at home. I gave up facebook because that was the worst one. I deleted LinkedIn which I hated because of its dark patterns anyway. I reduced my twitter use dramatically. But what actually has worked best is deleting apps during the week and installing them on the weekend plus monitoring when I feel the urge to use an app. Its always to push back something that I don’t want to feel. I also did a serious spring cleaning which was very helpful but also very intense because as soon as I got rid of a crapload of stuff a bunch of memories that had been buried underneath rose to the top and I had to deal with them with no place to run away. So yeah... it has been an intense emotional rollercoaster since the last time I posted. 
This meant also recognizing there is a spiritual element to this for me, that I won;t get into online because its really personal but if anyone reading wants to know I will gladly share. I do believe that sometimes stagnation and resistance is psychic in nature. The relationships we have with people impact us in ways we can’t always imagine....the things our parents and friends say....what they do and do not think we are capable of....the lies we tell ourselves both to make us feel better as well as to tear us down - all of that has a spiritual impact. 
So to summarize how to restructure your life to pursue what you want:
Get a job that gives you the time you need to make shit above the money you desire. If you can’t sacrifice your job you are going to have to come up with a hell of a plan. Maybe save money for a year or two and take a break from the world. It worked for one woman. She saved for three years, then taught herself how to code in one year. She made it but damn she gave up a LOT to pull that off. You have to recognize your sacrifices but a job that is on the schedule YOU NEED is the best thing you could ever give yourself. 
Remove people who don’t support you. Find people who are like you or who are where you want to be in the future.  You literally become who you hang out with. So if you currently are trying to learn how to code and you do not know any programmers, you are in danger. Find people online, offline, doesn’t matter, just find a person who also is doing what you are doing, and get to know them well enough where if you had a question you could hit them up for help. 
Don’t learn to code for money unless you like learning ( I do). This is a life long learning career where you will never stop updating and upgrading your skills. It's not like how some college degrees USED to be where once you get it, you are set, and you are just running a business that has already been established and going through the motions. It doesn’t work that way. There’s always a new protocol, a new best practice, a new language, etc. Just get started and once you start don’t stop if you can avoid it. 
Give yourself time to heal. Sometimes we don’t know we are sick, even physically sick. Stress can mask a fucked up situation. Figure out the best way for you to chill out and then examine what the heck is really going on with you. 
If you think you are battling some serious demons, deal with those demons before they grow and decide to force you to deal with them. A lot of my friends had breakdowns after graduating from college because there was nothing to distract them from dealing with the shit that was always calling for their attention. 
Read the War of Art by Steven Pressfield. He talks about resistance a lot. He also helps make you feel better when you learn that it takes some people years to overcome it. Where Pressfield is helpful is putting you in the mindset of a pro - like ok you know this bullshit is going to head your way and its going to get between you and what you want to do. Here is how to hold on tight and not completely give up. Here is how to figure out a path to finishing. My only complaint with the book is that sometimes finishing is not the best use of your time which leads me to the last thing I’ll mention.
Develop a way to know whether or not something is worth your time or you are cutting yourself short. Sometimes people stop working on projects because they get too hard. But sometimes people stop working on projects because life is too short and there are other things they value more. I’m of the belief that as long as whatever you are pursuing is something you wouldn’t mind dying while in the pursuit of, you should be ok. Yes I do mean dying in the pursuit of. If you know you would be upset at someone finding you slouched over a keyboard, dead, learning how to code instead of... spending time with your kid, writing the book you really want to write, living abroad, etc., don’t do it. But if you know you'd’ be ok with someone finding you dead over a keyboard busting your ass to learn how to code because this is something that actually means a LOT to you and is part of your life... that’s beautiful. I truly do mean that. 
Another way to think of number 7 is in terms of flow. You want to set up your life in such a way where you do more of the things you want to do then don’t want to do. I’m not talking about eating chocolate cake and pizza all day. I’m talking more along the lines of... if you are a people person and you enjoy talking to people, your everyday work should involve that. If you like solving puzzles your everyday work should involve that. If your everyday job does not, this means you aren’t in flow with your life. And who wants to be out of flow with their fucking life?
Anway as for me and what I have been up to... 
Working on stuff, using the skills I got from freecodecamp based on how far I got at the time. I’ve restarted it three times now. And each time I say it will be the last but nope. Haven’t pull that off. But if I took a gaming perspective to it, I will say that each time I dive back into freecodecamp I take away a little bit more. So maybe for some learners, the process of restarting is much more similar to starting from a game. You take in as much as you can stand for the moment, then go off into the world, use the skills you do have, and when you are finally ready to take on more - because your life is finally stable or you just feel its time - you do. 
I hope this is  helpful for someone out there. I’m kind of writing this to myself wishing I could send this to my past. I’m really grateful for the job I currently have. While its not glamorous it allows me time and time is the most precious thing in the entire world. 
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Despite our best endeavors, dogs don’t understand our words—they guess. Learn how to overcome your dog’s attempt to guess what you want in order to get treats by recognizing and leveraging aggregate or cumulative reinforcement, recency, the order of events, or his own preferred behaviors. x Chinook Pros: Unique enzymatic action, powerful against all stains and odors, can be used on any surface, discourages puppy from reusing the same area, safe for pets and children Shop Dog This comparison is just so that you can understand that puppies are capable of learning even though they are young (if training is introduced properly, of course). A recall—coming when called—allows owners to prevent trouble even from a distance. 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Retrieved 15 December 2011. Sign Up Voted Best Training in Denver 2014-2018. Daily Newsletter The latest Across Washington news delivered to your inbox every morning. HEALTHY PETS DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your own veterinarian or doctor. Dr. Karen Becker cannot answer specific questions about your pet’s medical issues or make medical recommendations for your pet without first establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship. Your pet’s medical protocol should be given by your holistic veterinarian. R&R Litter Box Accessories Jul 21, 2018 at 7:51 am Find a Puppy Virtual Tour Housetraining your dog or puppy requires patience, commitment and lots of consistency. Accidents are part of the process, but if you follow these basic housetraining guidelines, you can get the newest member of your family on the right track in a few weeks’ time. Thank you for your feedback! They don’t seem to be afraid of the place I would like them to eliminate, they’ll go there on their own $15.96 Hide Menu AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Reference Regardless of the method of house training you choose, some form of confinement is almost always necessary, for the times when you really cannot watch your puppy. Cornerstone Society Definition[edit] Enroll a Canine Partner The ideal time to start house training your puppy is between 12 and 16 weeks old. By that age, your dog will have enough control over his bladder and bowel movements to be able to “hold it” as needed. Training Philosophy San Rafael Puppy Kindergarden 9.86 i am a bit confused about this because—- Among the step to housetraining success is being able to foretell when your dog needs to eliminate. Your puppy is likely to need to relieve himself: Dog poop bags and a pooper scooper By the time that the puppy is capable of waiting until someone comes to let him out – you’ll be able to move the pads outside. 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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); So I recommend using an exercise pen if you’re going to leave your puppy alone often and there’s any chance of a room being damaged. For example, if you don’t want your puppy on the furniture, say ‘No’ loudly and guide him off every time he climbs up. Then praise him every time he gets on the floor. our heritage Sanitation Forming a good relationship Message Boards Cat Litter WHAT FOLKS ARE SAYING Puppy Level 2 Remember that a dog that is indifferent to his owner’s commands has learned not to respect his owner. This means the owner has lost control. Turn this around. Be consistent with your commands and always reward good behavior. Remember too that puppies can smell the tiniest trace of urine and that they think it is important to pee where they have peed before. 10 Dog Breeds for Children POPULAR POSTS Thousands of See search results for this author Our Pack By tuning into your dog’s signals, you’ll be able to bring him outside before any accidents happen, and you’ll also be able to avoid unnecessary trips outside when he doesn’t need to do his business. Some signs that your puppy needs to “go” include: whining, barking, circling, sniffing, or—if he is unconfined—even scratching at the door. Norwich Terrier PRIVATE LESSONS Your puppy’s smile Haha, I know your frustrations Ace! Hang in there, it’s all about consistency and not “giving in” before your dog learns. You made it! After a full week of consistent house training, your puppy should be doing his business outside and offering signals when he needs to eliminate. 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brentrogers · 4 years
[Podcast] Hospital Crisis Management and Healthcare PR in the Age of COVID-19
Jay Geer, President, Miller Geer & Associates
I (Stewart) love what I do in large part because of the smart people I continually get to meet and befriend. Jay Geer is another case in point. Perhaps ten years ago, his (then) assistant James Chisum reached out to me and said, “You have to meet Jay Geer. He is THE hospital PR guy, and he pretty much knows EVERYONE in healthcare.”
Today, the experts at Miller Geer & Associates (Jay, James and Sandy Nesheiwat), divide their time 50/50 between healthcare public relations and hospital crisis management.
Jay recently provided his expertise to one of our clients, which, despite having followed the approved safety protocols, needed crisis management help in the wake of some COVID-19 related illnesses and deaths. Our client was grateful for Jay’s advice, and Jay and I agreed it was time for him to finally “guest star” on my healthcare marketing podcast.
Hospital Crisis Management and Healthcare PR podcast to discover:
Why the coronavirus pandemic provides a “silver lining” platform to showcase positive healthcare and “hero” stories, for both internal and external audiences.
How to address the public concern about hospital safety from COVID-19 and the resulting tendency to avoid necessary care.
The many types of crises that Hospitals face today – and what to do about them.
Strategies for healthcare & hospital crisis management.
Play the recording of our entire Healthcare PR & Hospital Crisis Management Podcast conversation below, or listen to our Healthcare & Hospital Crisis Management discussion via your favorite podcast service.
Other streaming services: This and other episodes of the Healthcare Success podcast are also available… iTunes | Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | Pod Bean | Tunein | Radio Public | Stitcher
Podcast Transcript
Note: The following ‘Healthcare PR and Hospital Crisis Management in the Age of COVID-19’ podcast transcript is computer generated and may not be 100% accurate.
Stewart Gandolf: Hi everybody. This is Stewart Gandolf. I’m here with another podcast. Today I am interviewing another friend of mine, Jay Geer. Jay is with Miller Geer and Associates, and Jay is a public relations expert and specializes in healthcare. First of all, welcome Jay.
Jay Geer: Thank you, Stewart. Happy to be here.
Stewart Gandolf: I’m so excited to have you. We’ve talked about this forever and we finally got around to it. Before we get started, we’re going to talk about crisis management in depth today, but just to give our listeners a context about your background, give us a sense of your firm, what you do, the kinds of work you do just to help our listeners know what perspective you have.
Jay Geer: Well, our firm has been around since 1979, which is a long time ago, and it was started by a woman named Nan Miller, who was the first woman to open a public relations firm in Los Angeles. And I joined her as an intern out of college. And nine years later, I bought the firm from her and we’ve been specializing in healthcare, media relations, and public relations for approximately 25 years.
Stewart Gandolf: So Jay, and then we talked offline a little bit and apparently about half of your work is with ongoing clients. And then the other half is crisis management. But tell us more, are you promoting brands or are you doing feel-good stuff? What kinds of day to day things do you do?
Jay Geer: Well, typically healthcare systems have particular needs. And so in times like this, during the pandemic, they want to get a positive message out. And a lot of health systems are putting resources behind education and information, as well as using maybe unique case stories or patient stories to humanize the pandemic. Patient that was in the hospital for 90 days, was in a coma for 45 days and is being released and there’s a celebration. Or, a CEO of a hospital system that gets coronavirus. I mean, there’s a lot of issues that hospitals are facing now as we struggle to move past this.
Jay Geer: And I think that hospital systems have, for a long time now, four months, five months, had been the focus of a lot of news from the general media. News that they probably don’t have a whole lot of experience in managing.
Stewart Gandolf: Very good. And so you were talking also about the volume of stories you have. I guess the good news is the media is ready and hungry for healthcare content, correct?
Jay Geer: Yeah, there’s really an endless supply. I mean, we have certain hospital systems that say, “Enough, I don’t want to talk about COVID anymore. I want to get back to business as normal because our ER volume is way reduced and the heart attacks are not coming in and the strokes and the regular, day to day clinical services that you need to provide to the community.” So some people are leveraging the COVID because they become a hotspot or they become kind of an epicenter of care, where their ICUs are just packed. I mean, this is really straining the healthcare system in terms of people and resources.
Jay Geer: So, they want to make sure that they are showcasing the best of what they are. And I mean, the inspirational stories from people that work on the front lines of healthcare today are just absolutely heartbreaking. And so we want to basically share those with the public, as both a brand statement, as well as an educational and uplifting message.
Stewart Gandolf: Well, it’s interesting you brought that up about the safety and the fact that elect to chair is down, surgeries are down. People are avoiding care. So I’m assuming part of this is, we’ll get into the crisis stuff in a minute, but since that’s so timely, a fair number of the hospitals we’ve talked to are very interested in that message of letting the people know, not just because, “Hey, we’re the hospital. We want to make more money.” But from a help the public know, so they get the care they need. They don’t end up in much big trouble. So what are some of the opportunities you see there to get that message out about safety and [crosstalk 00:04:15]-
Jay Geer: Well, I think it’s very imp-
Stewart Gandolf: … things like that too?
Jay Geer: I think everybody is in the same boat. So they’re seeing surgical volume, perhaps waning because of the number of elective surgeries or other surgeries that have been put off, people are fearful of going into that environment. But, I mean, as a consumer, I actually, from what I know of talking with doctors every day, I would absolutely go into surgery today. I don’t care if it was open heart surgery or having a hip replaced or a knee replaced or even a minor surgery. It’s more careful today, safety-wise and infection control-wise, than probably any other time that I could think of. I mean, the precautions and protocols are in place to maintain safety and lower infection risk are, I mean, there are going to great pains to make sure that safety is the number one task.
Stewart Gandolf: All right. Very good. That totally makes sense. So it’s funny, I had a dental cleaning this morning. I thought, it’s like they are. They’re really, really taking, even in something as mundane as that, because that isn’t time-sensitive, really. But I talked to my dentist before and they’ve taken the precautions and obviously, you’re talking about real surgery. And in fact, my wife went through a procedure a couple of weeks ago and it was the same kind of thing. She felt really comfortable. They did a good job with her, which is obviously important today.
Jay Geer: That’s right. I mean, everybody is masked. There’s a lot of infection control, autoclaving everything and making sure… I mean, realistically oral health, 64% of oral health providers basically have seen tremendous cancellations and just crazy, but that’s what fear does to people. And so you need to educate and you need to show the difference between what safety is and safety is not.
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah, very good. Okay. So let’s talk about the topic de sure. I’ve been fascinated by your work over the years. We’ve talked about, we always want to talk about the good stuff, the fun stuff, the build the business stuff, just sort of by nature. And then there’s the real world, especially in hospitals, as providers, where there’s lots of risks every day, there’s always the potential of something going wrong. And we talked offline over the years about some of the mega, mega horrible things you’ve had to help people solve. You’re like the expert that comes in and solves these terrible crisis problems. But, the millions of dollars of marketing to build the brands of these, but even more importantly, the trust of hospitals, even much bigger than just the marketing dollars. It’s, in healthcare, and I’d love to get your input on this Jay, to me, it’s the marketing is great, but it’s about the product.
Stewart Gandolf: It’s always about the product. In almost every marketing endeavor it’s about the product. So you can have the best ads in the world, but if you’re having accidents or killing people, it’s not going to be very effective for you.
Jay Geer: Correct. You know, it really, and crisis’s don’t discriminate. They don’t just pick on hospitals with a certain set of quality versus the big systems with international reputations. Crisis’s are self-selecting. It’s almost like a virus. It can affect anybody given the right circumstances and it can do a lot of damage to a brand that you’ve spent years building up trust with your constituents.
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah. It is a nightmare scenario. And we’ve talked about some other ones in the past, but tell us about the kinds of things you’re seeing today, whether it’s COVID related or employee-related. You talked a little bit offline about some of the various categories, so help us understand the things to be aware of.
Jay Geer: Well, I think that some of the top crisis’s today, or the risk of crisis, where we’re seeing a lot come from social media. So a brand that’s exposed to an employee that’s posting something that’s controversial or racist, or conspiracy theory-laden. They post something like that and it can go viral and put the hospital or, and its leadership, right on their heels very quickly. We’re also seeing issues regarding on the clinical side. So, patients that are having problems, or maybe you’re getting turned away from a hospital or their test is taking too long and they ended up getting a diagnosis way later and they infected a lot of people.
Jay Geer: So every single aspect of the health care system comes into question when they’re basically being asked to do so much for so many.
Stewart Gandolf: Absolutely. And we’ve worked together to help a skilled nursing chain that have had some real problems that are obvious for COVID as well. So you’ve got safety issues, and how do you treat people issues. Then social media is crazy. You mentioned even administration, things like less, maybe, timely, but strikes and employee relations to problems too, correct?
Jay Geer: Absolutely. Organized labor is always active in a hospital. And some hospitals have great relationships with their labor partners. And others have contentious relationships. And so sometimes nurses and their unions or other staff members and their unions can use a pandemic like media environment to basically say, “Listen, we’re not getting enough PPE equipment or our lives of our nurses are at stake and we’re being asked to do too much.” And so they have a voice because the radar screen on anything COVID is so large that they get traction. And so then they press it and then it creates not just a one story on one day, but it can actually create a series of stories and put the hospital on its heels quickly.
Stewart Gandolf: Wow. So there’s another thing we talked about, which is… And I still remember this, I can’t remember which attorney it was, but an attorney I was talking to a couple of years ago was saying, “You know, it’s funny, these PR guys, their motto is to be as transparent with the public as possible. And from a legal point of view… That may be good from a marketing point of view, but from a legal point of view, I don’t want them to say anything.” So how do you balance that? Because legal is a big issue in your world. And how do you get the right blend of transparency without somehow inadvertently implicating your client? And is that even an issue you have to think about, or how does that actually work in the real world?
Jay Geer: It works. It works all the time. Let’s say it’s an issue all the time. Hospitals have lawyers and outside lawyers, and they also have risk department, risk management departments, that monitor for crisis situations, or try to get in front of them and solve things so that they come, they’re resolved on campus, so to speak, without anybody ever really making a lot of noise about it. That’s what risks does. And risks does a great job for the most part.
Jay Geer: But it’s ironic that, you’re in a business of what we would call the caring industry. Healthcare, it’s part of our name, but yet, to express empathy or sympathy or express emotion, frustration, to the general public or to the media from a hospital, which is a very typical response to crisis situations, is very hard to do when there’s lawyers saying, “No, that might improve their position, or it connotes culpability to express emotion.”
Jay Geer: So it’s sometimes all we deal with are the legal ramifications when it comes to dealing with media. Sometimes these happen two or three days into a story where the lawyers will just basically say this would go away. And the next day it escalates, the next day it escalates because there’s new cases or there’s new situations that add to the story. And so when it doesn’t go away for three or four days, and you’ve got a board of directors of your facility that is saying, “Why are we being attacked so hard for so many days?” Sometimes the lawyers will say, “Okay, we can express a little bit here.” Because this is really a tactic that you need to do to manage the response from an institution, is to basically be transparent.
Jay Geer: If you’re a public hospital or a nonprofit hospital, the state has data on you, the government has data on you. So there’s always access to a lot of data that you may not know that they know. And so you have to assume that, as a public institution, they have a lot of information at their behest. And there are also the things that happen that hospitals can’t believe it, but they have inside sources that leak information.
Jay Geer: And that’s always a risk that you have. And sometimes it starts the crisis, is you have a whistleblower that says, “They did this to a patient, or they did this to many patients, or this was a pattern in a hospital for a long time.” Sometimes those come from actual nurses and doctors within the hospital.
Stewart Gandolf: Oh, that can be obviously disturbing to have the problem at all. And then to have it come from within. So clearly, that’s a high stress business. How do you respond quickly? Like right now, COVID, I’m assuming, you’re one of the busiest people I know anyway, Jay. So are you even twice as busy now with COVID and all the things that are going on? How do you keep up with these things and somebody new calls and you have a crisis, how do you even deal with these things? Do you have a roadmap or how do you do it?
Jay Geer: Well, experience gives you a lot of things that you’ve gone down that road before, and you don’t do want to do that again. So you’ve seen outcomes in different ways. So experience in dealing with a lot of crisis gives you a, hopefully, a feeling of how this is going to play out if you’ve been through enough. I probably have managed two or three or four or 500 big crisis’s in hospitals and health systems. And after a while you see an arc of how these things resolve and what you try to do is basically accelerate the process of going from exposure, or the story that’s out there, to management and get it over with. And so the good news is, is that in the COVID news cycle nothing lasts forever. A story today is not a story tomorrow. So you’re hoping that the news cycle sweeps it away and brushes it under the rug, or at least gets onto another story. Basically, you want to get it out of the news cycle so that it doesn’t get days of momentum that keep the story alive.
Stewart Gandolf: So then, that actually leads me to the next question then. What are… We’ve talked about some of the kinds of cases you see, and you’ve seen some doozies, right?
Jay Geer: Absolutely.
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah.
Jay Geer: Well, it used to be just all clinical. You operate on the wrong knee, or you took out the wrong kidney or liver, you botched something or there was a mistake in the OR or a patient caught on fire in the OR, or a clinical issue. But today, they’re broad. Most crises, you know where they come from. They could come from personnel, they can come from human resources. They can come from a patient that you never saw coming, that has a lot of momentum and a lot of social media following. So you’ve got not only just mainstream media, but you also have social media that mainstream media follow. So your exposure, in terms of the number of risks that you face, is actually a lot, a lot greater.
Jay Geer: And then in a COVID world, anything that’s COVID related that has some traction to it, whether it… So it’s just not numbers every day. It’s actually, they’re getting into people stories. You got to make sure that you’re in front of that.
Stewart Gandolf: So do you find that the stories that come up, I guess, both for good and ill, tend to follow the national news cycle? If they’re talking about numbers of tests, that’s what they want to talk about locally with the hospital, or they’re talking about numbers of deaths or whatever. Is there a strong correlation there?
Jay Geer: Well, I think we’ve gone through that process. So it’s not just numbers from a county or a state. I mean, that’s still driving the news, but for hospitals, they’re really looking for more of the social issues, the social ills or the social good news stuff. So they want to know what’s it like being overwhelmed? What’s it like when you’ve got burned out nurses and doctors? Stories of heroism, which every hospital has today.
Jay Geer: And so if you’re a hospital system and you’re not showcasing and getting out front some of the unique things that your staff is doing to help patients, you’re letting a great opportunity go by because it’s a great chance to build on the goodwill and build your brand because you’re not going to… This opportunity, it was very rare, where the epicenter is so great, but it also means that you’re at risk. If there’s an error or if you’re caught in a situation that you can’t control.
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah. There’s so much good stuff here. I’m bouncing around a little bit, but I’m going to anyway. So one of the things you just said earlier reminded me…my hygienist today went into almost conspiracy theory land. Now, this is somebody who’s educated, right? She’s a dental hygienist. She had to go to college and the stuff she was saying. And at one point I go, “That’s just not true. In fact, that’s a scary lie, what you just said, because I work with clinicians all the time and this idea that the numbers are being inflated for politics or this isn’t really that bad, it’s just, to me, scary.” You’ve got these doctors and hospitals taking risks every day, being heroes, and you’ve got people that just are… I don’t know what they’re hearing, but as though this is all a big joke.
Stewart Gandolf: So, I always think this is, and this is your area, an opportunity for hospitals to build thought leadership too and to help do public good by getting the message out. Do you have clients who do that? Because it just seems like such a need when there’s so much confusion and so much lack of trust to have the hospitals take advantage of some of their authority in the marketplace.
Jay Geer: Well, yeah, you want a trusted source and clearly, it’s reached the era where this pandemic has become political, but that really doesn’t reach the hospital level. I mean, you’re just patient number one, Stewart. They’re focused on you. They’re not focused on politics. I have seen firsthand the dedication of so many caregivers day in and day out, 24 hours a day. They’re so focused. So overworked dealing with all of the both clinical, social and emotional needs that is coming when you’ve got a full ICU and you’ve got a step down units and you’ve got 50 people in your hospital that are positive with COVID. Your focus is on managing and delivering great care to those patients and the randomness of situations once patients come into the hospital and you see older people dying, or you see younger people dying and struggling. You get a dose of reality very quickly. In one day, you will disbelieve any conspiracy theory that is out there when you see the human lives that are trying to manage this as well.
Stewart Gandolf: That’s my point. Exactly, because it feels disrespectful to the doctors and the patients and the families because it certainly is very real and clear and present to them, that’s for sure, from the people we both work with. Getting off that for a moment, so let’s talk about, oddly human brains seem to work well when we talk about not just what to go toward, but what to avoid, what are the mistakes? So I guess I’d love to get a list of sort of the top mistake-y kind of, just made up a word, mistake-y. Top mistakes that people make when it relates to COVID or any other kind of crisis management. What are some of the things that, if our listeners walked away from the podcast today with nothing else, please don’t do this? What are some of those things to avoid?
Jay Geer: Well, one would be to respond right away, off the cuff, without doing a full investigation or getting the full story. And sometimes hospitals get a call from a reporter that’s asking about something, X, Y, Z patient. With the HIPAA today, you can’t give a lot of information, but they respond, nonetheless, or they say that’s never happened before here. They make some kind of truncated statement to the media to try to sage that reporters request. And then when the story starts exploding or it comes back again that, wait a minute, there’s other patients that are coming forward, giving this story life, that’s when they start to panic.
Jay Geer: So, it’s best to kind of take a step back and say “One, do we really have a crisis? In other words, is this information already out there? Does it make us look really bad? And what is our tactical response going to be? What things do we need to do statewide with regulators and federal regulators and getting CMS to come in and investigate our hospital and examine, or take a survey? Whatever that might be.” There are lots of steps that are involved that typically, sometimes, I would say the number one mistake hospitals make is they speak too soon and they don’t speak appropriately. Or they think that if I go on camera as a CEO and say everything is okay, that the story will go away. I would say, that’s a number one mistake.
Jay Geer: I would say 1A, it’s a close second, would be they underestimate the potential of a story. They think, “Ah, this is going to go away. Nobody will hear about this. Or it’s a situation that’ll fly under the radar.” Or they don’t think a reporter is going to follow up on something. So they underplay a crisis and they don’t put the resources or the attention to it until it becomes already white-hot.
Stewart Gandolf: Wow. So on the side of what to do. So if you’re working with a client and they suddenly call you, obviously we don’t want to just go spew information that’s half-informed. So we’ve got that. What are some of the things that you can do going forward to help kind of accelerate the news cycle? Be ethical, of course, which is part of this, but to not lose control of this entirely, what are some of the things that you pride yourself and your ability in some of the things that you guide your clients toward?
Jay Geer: Well, I think, there are certain… Hospitals are really built for crisis response because they crisis response daily through their ER. So they’re triaging trauma. I mean, these people are built to respond to risky things. It’s in their DNA, but as you go up to administrators and you start talking to executives that run the hospital or board members or leadership of a hospital, you’re kind of removing yourself away to risk management. So, maybe you’ve got a department that handles that and so you’re really not that involved.
Jay Geer: So first step in a crisis is to get your A-team together, your core leadership, and say, “Is this a crisis? Are we really at risk here? What is the potential of this thing?” And to basically lay out a plan to say, “Okay, are we dealing with regulators appropriately? Are we dealing with the media appropriately? Are we dealing with our staff internally, appropriately?”
Jay Geer: Sometimes hospitals respond perfectly to a crisis on an external basis, but yet, they don’t do it internally. You also need to make sure that you include your leadership, like board or external stakeholders, as well as your internal stakeholders. You got to make sure that they’re informed. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been involved in a crisis, and the story comes out, let’s say, in the New York Times mentioning a hospital and the doctors and the nursing staff are marching toward administration saying, “What are we going to do about this? This is a terrible story. This is the first I’m seeing of it. How come we didn’t know about that? What was going on?” That happens all the time.
Jay Geer: So you got to make sure that all the audiences that you need to reach are identified and their messages are created and crafted to appropriately deal with it on the internal side. So you have to think about it in terms of the management of all your constituency in terms of communication.
Stewart Gandolf: Wow. It’s a lot there. Any other final thoughts as we begin to circle toward the end here about words of wisdom or how to deal with crisis or COVID opportunities, or obstacles, anything else that you think we should be talking about?
Jay Geer: Well, I think that there’s a checklist you should probably think about. One is, let’s ask some questions and do an internal investigation to make sure that our situation is that we understand the situation completely. That may take a day or two sometimes. And so you need to… And yet, you’ve got reporters and you’ve got people doing television, live standup television interviews in front of your hospital, that you’re, of course, telling the security guards to kick off campus, which makes the media very, very happy when you’re telling him to leave the campus.
Jay Geer: Now, of course media can’t be on campus unless you invite them, but they can be on the sidewalk. So you can’t really do anything about that. So, one is do your homework and make sure that you identify, okay, are we at risk? Two, let’s set up a tactical response. And that means I would never encourage people to talk to the media, both in person. I would only use statements that you write and share with the media. Today, we cannot change headlines in the scope of a crisis just by talking. We have to talk appropriately. We have to take steps that say, “We are investigating this. This is very upsetting to us. This is a terrible situation that we’re trying to manage.” Expressing empathy goes a long way for a hospital that’s in the caring business.
Jay Geer: I just can’t, sometimes I scratch my head when we get up into the directories of leader, hospital leadership, and convincing them to express empathy. Empathy does not mean culpability. It doesn’t mean that you did this wrong. It just means that you’re expressing a human emotion and institutions can do that. And that’s very effective for hospitals to do. That we care about our patients. You say it all the time in your ads, but when it comes to a crisis, you have to expressively make sure that you’re expressing that as well.
Stewart Gandolf: One thing that you said, before we wrap up here, that caught my ears was a checklist. And literally, last week I was talking to my team about a book called Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. And I’m not sure [inaudible 00:28:44] that book, but the idea of the book is that, the premise is, that he was asked to help improve surgery worldwide. And the previous efforts had these enormous 500, 600-page volumes that they’re trying to ship off to Africa or wherever to please follow these instructions for your surgery. And of course, nobody read them. And what they ended up coming to was the idea of a checklist. And so, in the military, I have a friend of mine whose helicopter went down and they just follow the checklist under stress or sully in Long Island with the geese that got caught in the engines. And the plane went down a few years ago, and it just comes back to these crisis moments. You don’t have time to think.
Stewart Gandolf: So, when you’re working with your clients, just say you take on a new retainer client, do you work with them on this kind of stuff, to the extent that is possible in advance and create…
Jay Geer: Exactly [crosstalk 00:29:30]. Advanced planning is, I mean, hospitals are just great at developing efficient protocols that are just solid. And they do these for the clinical care, for every aspect of a hospital. And you can do the same for a crisis. Actually run a drill. Let’s just say that you’ve got a bad crisis. You operated on a… One of your orthopedic surgeons operated on the wrong knee today, even though you did all the fail-safe mechanisms, human error caused a problem. And you’ve got a high profile patient. Well, get your checklist out and say, “Okay, let’s investigate. Let’s formulate our response. Let’s put these other checklists in play in terms of security and HIPAA.”
Jay Geer: I mean, you’re confined to what you can say. And so, there’s a lot of things to go through and a checklist is perfect. And then not only to take that checklist, but to then run an exercise with it. And it will… Hospitals to do that are so well oiled when it comes to a crisis that they don’t even flinch when they have a problem. They just know here’s what they’re going to do. And so they have a response and that response comes from confidence rather than fear. And so I think that there’s a whole mindset that develops when you’re prepared for any crisis, from an administrative or branding or marketing standpoint of protecting your brand.
Stewart Gandolf: That’s fantastic. I can just imagine. The human emotion can get away from you if you’re not prepared for this and you don’t have a checklist. You don’t have a Jay. You’re just sort of trying to figure this out on your own. And they want answers now, and you don’t even have a plan. That must be exceedingly stressful. And I can see where having a plan is better-
Jay Geer: Well, because you think you’re under assault, and you need to formulate a response immediately to get all these people off your back and once you realize that, wait a minute, we communicate on our timeline. Just because a reporter wants to talk before 5:00 about a story that they’re doing on our hospital doesn’t mean that we have to respond before 5:00. We can use some tactics to manage this thing appropriately under our control. And so, a lot of times when they feel that pressure from the media to do things that urgently, now there’s things you can do urgently. You could just craft a statement that says, “We are very concerned about this. We are launching a full-fledged investigation, and that’s all we can say at this point.”
Jay Geer: I mean, there are ways to deal with the media that don’t have to say a whole lot. All you have to prove is that you are aware of it and you are taking action. Action is probably the most key word in all crisis response protocols.
Stewart Gandolf: Well, that’s fantastic. Yeah. I can see the… It’s really funny you brought that up too. It’s like, wait a minute. This is your timeline. This isn’t my timeline.
Jay Geer: That’s right.
Stewart Gandolf: Why am I jumping through hoops for you and risking our reputation without thinking, having a chance to think this through? That totally makes sense. Well, Jay, I know you are probably one of the busiest people on the planet, and you’re certainly not begging for business anywhere. But I’m sure some of… Our company, we’re a marketing company. And when it comes to PR, I reach out almost always to my friend, Jay here. And so Jay, what’s your contact info in case any of our listeners/readers are interested in either broad PR support or crisis management more specifically? How would they begin a relationship with you or an exploratory call?
Jay Geer: They could go to our website http://www.MillerGeer.com. Or they can email me at [email protected] or they could call my cell at 562-883-0375. I work 24/7.
Stewart Gandolf: All right, fantastic. Jay, this was fun. I knew it would be. And it was super insightful. And, it’s funny, we always, we hate to have to come to you when we have a crisis client. It doesn’t happen very often in our world, but I’m glad that you’re on our team when we need you. So thank you for your help, for not just this call, but for helping us occasionally as well with our clients.
Jay Geer: Oh, you’re very welcome Stewart. And I think your team is very experienced and very well versed in both traditional marketing, as well as this new age thinking of getting people to respond and to grow business. Because I think every hospital in the country right now is saying, “Man, okay. Enough with COVID. We want to get back to taking care of our whole community.” And I hope that people don’t avoid the doctor or the dentist just out of fear.
Stewart Gandolf: Yep. Excellent. Thank you, Jay.
Jay Geer: Thank you, Stewart.
COVID and Healthcare Marketing — related articles: Webinar & Podcast: COVID-19 Healthcare Marketing Questions  |  5 Ways You Can Use Social Media and Digital Marketing to Help the Public During the COVID Pandemic
The post [Podcast] Hospital Crisis Management and Healthcare PR in the Age of COVID-19 appeared first on Healthcare Success.
[Podcast] Hospital Crisis Management and Healthcare PR in the Age of COVID-19 syndicated from
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clarencebfaber · 6 years
7 Reasons Why Insurance Wont Pay for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine focuses on getting to the root cause of your problem instead of just treating the symptom.
We are living in one of the worst chronic disease epidemics of all time with 1 in 2 Americans living with a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) caused by preventable lifestyle factors, like nutrition and sleep, and a projected 100,000 doctor shortage by 2030 (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017). 
The solution? If you’re looking to insurance, you may be waiting awhile, at least if you want an option other than the current model, like Functional Medicine or a holistic doctor.
Practitioners who take  an “unconventional approach” to medicine by addressing the roots of disease, as opposed to managing symptoms like the norm.
Sound Familiar?
If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you’ve probably experienced the healthcare rabbit hole. 
1st Step: Feel sick.
2nd: Step Call the doctor to make an appointment.
3rd Step: Wait 1-4 weeks to get seen. 
4th Step: Go to see the doctor. Wait in the waiting room. Chat briefly.
5th Step: Walk out with a prescription or go down a rabbit hole to see another specialist or schedule another appointment.
We ALL know that rabbit hole: 
The Rabbit Hole of Healthcare
In the traditional healthcare system, it takes an average of121 minutes each time a person seeks medical care just to get seen. The total includes 37 minutes of travel time, as well as 87 minutes at the doctor’s office or clinic—most of that spent waiting in the waiting room. (Ray et al, 2015)  
In fact, the average person only spends 15 minutes of “talk time” with the doctor in a visit (Tai-Seale et al, 2007). 
Couple this with the projection tha,t by 2030, America will have a 100,000 doctor shortage (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017)—unable to meet the “demands” of the, now, 1 in 2 Americans who has a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) and, Houston…we have a problem!
I’ve been there, got the t-shirt. 
The Scene: Healthcare & Current Insurance Inefficiencies 
I had waited 3-months for the appointment with a local doctor in town. 
Nothing unusual—as the “average” wait time to see a doctor nowadays—especially a specialist—is an average of 24-52 days (Merritt Hawkins, 2017). And, not for anything crazy—just an annual “Well Woman” check up. 
So there I was in a conventional outpatient clinic, after 3-months of waiting to see the doctor, and here’s what went down under my conventional health insurance…
What Traditional Health Insurance DOES Cover
Traffic was shut down to one lane on I-35 in Austin and I was running right on time to the appointment (not early). I called the office on my way to inform them of the situation, to which they said to still come in.I managed to park in the lot right at 8:35 a.m. and race upstairs for my 8:30 a.m. appointment.
Once checking in with the staff, she told me she’d have to call back to the doctor’s staff (which they had already done) to verify I could get “in.” 10-minutes later, confirmation was given—I could go back to the waiting room.
However, before being released to the waiting room, ANOTHER hurdle…
Front Desk: “Oh wait a second..you can’t see the doctor, you have an HMO plan,” the front desk girl said.
Me: “My doctor faxed it over 3-months ago when I made the appointment.”
Front Desk: “You will need to fax it again if you want to keep the appointment,” the girl said.
(I quickly texted my doctor—one of my colleagues and now friends—and the situation was resolved).
As I sat in the waiting room, I was asked to complete a one-page form.The only thing the form asked me about was…my symptoms, my brief health history (surgeries, family diseases), if I smoke or drank, and the date of my last period. 
That’s it.
No exploration around my current diet, sleep habits, what work I had already done around my gut health, my health goals, my physical activity patterns, food intolerances and beyond.
Initially, it only took about 15-minutes once I was in the waiting room to go back to the clinic room. The nurse was very nice and did her routine thing: blood pressure, weight check, heart rate and body temperature. She also asked me the SAME questions on my health form. She was shocked to hear how I had NO diseases whatsoever. My ONLY complaint was chronic constipation. (Apparently she was used to hearing ALOT more). 
After our check in, the nurse left me be…for 2 hours.
At one point in my waiting, she actually asked if she could “pull me” out of my room for “about 10 minutes” to go back to the waiting room in order to see another patient.
So I went back to the waiting room where I waited another 45-minutes…
I had booked a 10:30 am appointment with a client of mine—allotting for my 8:30 a.m. doctor visit that morning, thinking I’d have plenty of time in between. 10:20 a.m. rolled around and I was STILL in the waiting room. To say the least, I did not get seen, and the nurse told me she’d call back that evening to reschedule…which did not happen.
The Solution?: People Want to Take Their Health Into Their Own Hands
Many people are looking to take their health into their own hands—with at least 80% of all people seeking out advice on search engines like Google alone (Pew Research Center, 2013). 
Others are looking for OTHER options (like holistic doctors, health coaches and functional medicine providers). 
According to a report from the National Institute for Health in 2015 alone, researchers found that about 1 in 3 Americans were utilizing some sort of alternative or holistic care out of mainstream medicine (Stussman et al, 2015). 
Fast forward to today, and there is no doubt that those numbers are consistent—if not more—with the job outlook for all allied healthcare providers expected to go up by 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (including occupational therapy, physical therapy, personal fitness training, health coaching, life coaching, acupuncture, chiropractic care and naturopathic or functional medicine). 
However, this doesn’t mean these alternative providers are always covered by health insurance. 
A common question we as functional medicine practitioners are asked is:
Patient: “Do you take insurance?”
Functional Medicine Provider: To which we most often reply, “No.”
Although many holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners CAN submit superbills, and SOME CAN reimburse partially for visits or lab testing, generally most holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners are cash pay.
Let me give you 7 reasons.
7 Reasons Why Insurance Doesn’t Cover Holistic Doctors & Functional Medicine
1. Insurance is NOT Patient-Centered.
Functional Medicine is patient-centered. Instead of focusing on numbers-centered or about getting more people in the door, wee typically take time to review your chart well before your appointment.
2. Insurance is NOT Big on Taking Time with Patients.
Functional Medicine takes time. We don’t rush to get you through our churn mill. Typically, you will spend 1-2 hours for your first appointment so your practitioner can truly get to know your story. The doctor will assess your health struggles and your goals.
3. Insurance is NOT Focused on the Whole Body.
Functional Medicine is a “Whole Body Medicine,” taking into consideration all aspects of your health and life. Those that contribute to how you feel and the presentation of disease. It’s different from an endocrinologist who just looks at your hormones and thyroid, an ENT doc who just looks at your ears, nose and throat, or a psychologist who just focuses on your mental health. Functional Medicine acknowledges a respect and awareness of how ALL body systems impact one another, including:
Gut Health
Brain Function
Hormone Health
Detoxification Pathways
Cardiovascular Health
Thyroid & Metabolic Health
Mineral & Vitamin Status
 4. Insurance Does NOT Address the Roots of Disease.
Functional Medicine does. Instead of looking to suppress or manage symptoms from the top down, we take a “bottom up” approach. We find and address the triggers and root causes of any disease or symptoms a patient is experiencing. These include bacterial overgrowth and SIBO (connected with skin conditions, chronic headaches, metabolic dysfunction, and GI disturbances), or cortisol imbalances (connected with insomnia, anxiety, blood sugar imbalances, and GI disturbances). 
5. Insurance is NOT Focused on Prevention.
Functional Medicine focused on preventing disease, or further decline of health from happening by using laboratory reference ranges (blood work, urine, stool analysis, etc.) that reflect the progression of disease (in order to help reverse it early). We also integrate lifestyle medicine FIRST to support our clients health as a whole. Through a holistic care plan that includes nutrition, supplement, lifestyle healing and stress busting strategies, and physical activity.
6. Insurance Views Functional Medicine as “Quack” Medicine.
Contrary to popular belief, Functional Medicine isn’t about “woo woo” or “voo doo.”  Functional Medicine acknowledges the latest in research to influence and support care. In fact, Functional Medicine is simply an approach to medicine. Healthcare says, “Hey guys, let’s address lifestyle factors FIRST and consider all aspects of health—not symptoms—before turning to medicines or negating other factors of our patients’ modern day lifestyles.”
Functional medicine acknowledges science, reason and research for modes of healing and treatment protocols. If anything, is a compliment to the ever-evolving research in traditional medicine.
For example, with the past 3 years of research on the gut microbiome alone (more than 8,000 studies in PubMed), we know that our gut health definitely influences other aspects of our health, including our mood and anxiety levels (Clapp et al, 2017), our metabolism (Boulange et al, 2016) and brain health (Li et al, 2017). In practice, Functional Medicine is more readily able to address gut healing for all types of conditions and diseases.
Another example: when TIME Magazine leaked the “big news” that the sugar industry paid off the FDA to hide evidence that sugar—not saturated fat—was the driver of all disease, Functional Medicine practitioners could further educate their patients as to why butter, bacon and egg yolks are NOT bad. Mainstream medicine on the other hand? Still preaching that saturated fat and high cholesterol are the number one drivers of heart disease. Nevertheless, insurance companies DON’T always look for the research on their own.
7. Insurance is Stuck in the Good Ol’ Days.
If you’ve ever simply tried to call or fax something to your insurance provider, you know the never-ending hold times. In addition, inefficiencies of modern day health care (seemingly stuck in 1961). Whereas, functional medicine is now integrating more and more tele-health, “biohacking” (alternative therapies and healing supports, like infrared saunas, hot-cold therapy, coffee enemas and herbal supplements), and high-tech EMR’s (medical record systems), Insurance still has you on a “brief hold”and is comfortable doing things they’ve always done. 
Dr. Lauryn Lax is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker, with over 20 years of clinical and personal experience specializing in gut health, intuitive eating, disordered eating, anxiety, hormone balance and women’s health. She’s based in Austin, Texas, and operates a virtual Nutrition & Functional Medicine practice, Thrive Wellness & Recovery, LLC, working with clients and patients around the world. In addition, Dr. Lauryn is a published journalist and speaker. Her works have been featured in Oxygen Magazine, Women’s Health, Paleo Magazine, Breaking Muscle, CrossFit Inc, USA Today, ABC and CBS News.  Ultimately, she loves nothing more than helping others “quiet the noise” in the health food and fitness world.
 The post 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/insurance-wont-pay-functional-medicine/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
7 Reasons Why Insurance Wont Pay for Functional Medicine via https://drlaurynlax.weebly.com/
0 notes
brian-cdates · 6 years
7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine focuses on getting to the root cause of your problem instead of just treating the symptom.
We are living in one of the worst chronic disease epidemics of all time with 1 in 2 Americans living with a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) caused by preventable lifestyle factors, like nutrition and sleep, and a projected 100,000 doctor shortage by 2030 (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017). 
The solution? If you’re looking to insurance, you may be waiting awhile, at least if you want an option other than the current model, like Functional Medicine or a holistic doctor.
Practitioners who take  an “unconventional approach” to medicine by addressing the roots of disease, as opposed to managing symptoms like the norm.
Sound Familiar?
If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you’ve probably experienced the healthcare rabbit hole. 
1st Step: Feel sick.
2nd: Step Call the doctor to make an appointment.
3rd Step: Wait 1-4 weeks to get seen. 
4th Step: Go to see the doctor. Wait in the waiting room. Chat briefly.
5th Step: Walk out with a prescription or go down a rabbit hole to see another specialist or schedule another appointment.
We ALL know that rabbit hole: 
The Rabbit Hole of Healthcare
In the traditional healthcare system, it takes an average of121 minutes each time a person seeks medical care just to get seen. The total includes 37 minutes of travel time, as well as 87 minutes at the doctor’s office or clinic—most of that spent waiting in the waiting room. (Ray et al, 2015)  
In fact, the average person only spends 15 minutes of “talk time” with the doctor in a visit (Tai-Seale et al, 2007). 
Couple this with the projection tha,t by 2030, America will have a 100,000 doctor shortage (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017)—unable to meet the “demands” of the, now, 1 in 2 Americans who has a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) and, Houston…we have a problem!
I’ve been there, got the t-shirt. 
The Scene: Healthcare & Current Insurance Inefficiencies 
I had waited 3-months for the appointment with a local doctor in town. 
Nothing unusual—as the “average” wait time to see a doctor nowadays—especially a specialist—is an average of 24-52 days (Merritt Hawkins, 2017). And, not for anything crazy—just an annual “Well Woman” check up. 
So there I was in a conventional outpatient clinic, after 3-months of waiting to see the doctor, and here’s what went down under my conventional health insurance…
What Traditional Health Insurance DOES Cover
Traffic was shut down to one lane on I-35 in Austin and I was running right on time to the appointment (not early). I called the office on my way to inform them of the situation, to which they said to still come in.I managed to park in the lot right at 8:35 a.m. and race upstairs for my 8:30 a.m. appointment.
Once checking in with the staff, she told me she’d have to call back to the doctor’s staff (which they had already done) to verify I could get “in.” 10-minutes later, confirmation was given—I could go back to the waiting room.
However, before being released to the waiting room, ANOTHER hurdle…
Front Desk: “Oh wait a second..you can’t see the doctor, you have an HMO plan,” the front desk girl said.
Me: “My doctor faxed it over 3-months ago when I made the appointment.”
Front Desk: “You will need to fax it again if you want to keep the appointment,” the girl said.
(I quickly texted my doctor—one of my colleagues and now friends—and the situation was resolved).
As I sat in the waiting room, I was asked to complete a one-page form.The only thing the form asked me about was…my symptoms, my brief health history (surgeries, family diseases), if I smoke or drank, and the date of my last period. 
That’s it.
No exploration around my current diet, sleep habits, what work I had already done around my gut health, my health goals, my physical activity patterns, food intolerances and beyond.
Initially, it only took about 15-minutes once I was in the waiting room to go back to the clinic room. The nurse was very nice and did her routine thing: blood pressure, weight check, heart rate and body temperature. She also asked me the SAME questions on my health form. She was shocked to hear how I had NO diseases whatsoever. My ONLY complaint was chronic constipation. (Apparently she was used to hearing ALOT more). 
After our check in, the nurse left me be…for 2 hours.
At one point in my waiting, she actually asked if she could “pull me” out of my room for “about 10 minutes” to go back to the waiting room in order to see another patient.
So I went back to the waiting room where I waited another 45-minutes…
I had booked a 10:30 am appointment with a client of mine—allotting for my 8:30 a.m. doctor visit that morning, thinking I’d have plenty of time in between. 10:20 a.m. rolled around and I was STILL in the waiting room. To say the least, I did not get seen, and the nurse told me she’d call back that evening to reschedule…which did not happen.
The Solution?: People Want to Take Their Health Into Their Own Hands
Many people are looking to take their health into their own hands—with at least 80% of all people seeking out advice on search engines like Google alone (Pew Research Center, 2013). 
Others are looking for OTHER options (like holistic doctors, health coaches and functional medicine providers). 
According to a report from the National Institute for Health in 2015 alone, researchers found that about 1 in 3 Americans were utilizing some sort of alternative or holistic care out of mainstream medicine (Stussman et al, 2015). 
Fast forward to today, and there is no doubt that those numbers are consistent—if not more—with the job outlook for all allied healthcare providers expected to go up by 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (including occupational therapy, physical therapy, personal fitness training, health coaching, life coaching, acupuncture, chiropractic care and naturopathic or functional medicine). 
However, this doesn’t mean these alternative providers are always covered by health insurance. 
A common question we as functional medicine practitioners are asked is:
Patient: “Do you take insurance?”
Functional Medicine Provider: To which we most often reply, “No.”
Although many holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners CAN submit superbills, and SOME CAN reimburse partially for visits or lab testing, generally most holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners are cash pay.
Let me give you 7 reasons.
7 Reasons Why Insurance Doesn’t Cover Holistic Doctors & Functional Medicine
1. Insurance is NOT Patient-Centered.
Functional Medicine is patient-centered. Instead of focusing on numbers-centered or about getting more people in the door, wee typically take time to review your chart well before your appointment.
2. Insurance is NOT Big on Taking Time with Patients.
Functional Medicine takes time. We don’t rush to get you through our churn mill. Typically, you will spend 1-2 hours for your first appointment so your practitioner can truly get to know your story. The doctor will assess your health struggles and your goals.
3. Insurance is NOT Focused on the Whole Body.
Functional Medicine is a “Whole Body Medicine,” taking into consideration all aspects of your health and life. Those that contribute to how you feel and the presentation of disease. It’s different from an endocrinologist who just looks at your hormones and thyroid, an ENT doc who just looks at your ears, nose and throat, or a psychologist who just focuses on your mental health. Functional Medicine acknowledges a respect and awareness of how ALL body systems impact one another, including:
Gut Health
Brain Function
Hormone Health
Detoxification Pathways
Cardiovascular Health
Thyroid & Metabolic Health
Mineral & Vitamin Status
  4. Insurance Does NOT Address the Roots of Disease.
Functional Medicine does. Instead of looking to suppress or manage symptoms from the top down, we take a “bottom up” approach. We find and address the triggers and root causes of any disease or symptoms a patient is experiencing. These include bacterial overgrowth and SIBO (connected with skin conditions, chronic headaches, metabolic dysfunction, and GI disturbances), or cortisol imbalances (connected with insomnia, anxiety, blood sugar imbalances, and GI disturbances). 
5. Insurance is NOT Focused on Prevention.
Functional Medicine focused on preventing disease, or further decline of health from happening by using laboratory reference ranges (blood work, urine, stool analysis, etc.) that reflect the progression of disease (in order to help reverse it early). We also integrate lifestyle medicine FIRST to support our clients health as a whole. Through a holistic care plan that includes nutrition, supplement, lifestyle healing and stress busting strategies, and physical activity.
6. Insurance Views Functional Medicine as “Quack” Medicine.
Contrary to popular belief, Functional Medicine isn’t about “woo woo” or “voo doo.”  Functional Medicine acknowledges the latest in research to influence and support care. In fact, Functional Medicine is simply an approach to medicine. Healthcare says, “Hey guys, let’s address lifestyle factors FIRST and consider all aspects of health—not symptoms—before turning to medicines or negating other factors of our patients’ modern day lifestyles.”
Functional medicine acknowledges science, reason and research for modes of healing and treatment protocols. If anything, is a compliment to the ever-evolving research in traditional medicine.
For example, with the past 3 years of research on the gut microbiome alone (more than 8,000 studies in PubMed), we know that our gut health definitely influences other aspects of our health, including our mood and anxiety levels (Clapp et al, 2017), our metabolism (Boulange et al, 2016) and brain health (Li et al, 2017). In practice, Functional Medicine is more readily able to address gut healing for all types of conditions and diseases.
Another example: when TIME Magazine leaked the “big news” that the sugar industry paid off the FDA to hide evidence that sugar—not saturated fat—was the driver of all disease, Functional Medicine practitioners could further educate their patients as to why butter, bacon and egg yolks are NOT bad. Mainstream medicine on the other hand? Still preaching that saturated fat and high cholesterol are the number one drivers of heart disease. Nevertheless, insurance companies DON’T always look for the research on their own.
7. Insurance is Stuck in the Good Ol’ Days.
If you’ve ever simply tried to call or fax something to your insurance provider, you know the never-ending hold times. In addition, inefficiencies of modern day health care (seemingly stuck in 1961). Whereas, functional medicine is now integrating more and more tele-health, “biohacking” (alternative therapies and healing supports, like infrared saunas, hot-cold therapy, coffee enemas and herbal supplements), and high-tech EMR’s (medical record systems), Insurance still has you on a “brief hold”and is comfortable doing things they’ve always done. 
Dr. Lauryn Lax is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker, with over 20 years of clinical and personal experience specializing in gut health, intuitive eating, disordered eating, anxiety, hormone balance and women’s health. She’s based in Austin, Texas, and operates a virtual Nutrition & Functional Medicine practice, Thrive Wellness & Recovery, LLC, working with clients and patients around the world. In addition, Dr. Lauryn is a published journalist and speaker. Her works have been featured in Oxygen Magazine, Women’s Health, Paleo Magazine, Breaking Muscle, CrossFit Inc, USA Today, ABC and CBS News.  Ultimately, she loves nothing more than helping others “quiet the noise” in the health food and fitness world.
The post 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/insurance-wont-pay-functional-medicine/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine via http://drlaurynlax.tumblr.com/
0 notes
elizabethbgrimes · 6 years
7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine
Functional medicine focuses on getting to the root cause of your problem instead of just treating the symptom.
We are living in one of the worst chronic disease epidemics of all time with 1 in 2 Americans living with a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) caused by preventable lifestyle factors, like nutrition and sleep, and a projected 100,000 doctor shortage by 2030 (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017). 
The solution? If you’re looking to insurance, you may be waiting awhile, at least if you want an option other than the current model, like Functional Medicine or a holistic doctor.
Practitioners who take  an “unconventional approach” to medicine by addressing the roots of disease, as opposed to managing symptoms like the norm.
Sound Familiar?
If you’ve ever been to the doctor, you’ve probably experienced the healthcare rabbit hole. 
1st Step: Feel sick.
2nd: Step Call the doctor to make an appointment.
3rd Step: Wait 1-4 weeks to get seen. 
4th Step: Go to see the doctor. Wait in the waiting room. Chat briefly.
5th Step: Walk out with a prescription or go down a rabbit hole to see another specialist or schedule another appointment.
We ALL know that rabbit hole: 
The Rabbit Hole of Healthcare
In the traditional healthcare system, it takes an average of121 minutes each time a person seeks medical care just to get seen. The total includes 37 minutes of travel time, as well as 87 minutes at the doctor’s office or clinic—most of that spent waiting in the waiting room. (Ray et al, 2015)  
In fact, the average person only spends 15 minutes of “talk time” with the doctor in a visit (Tai-Seale et al, 2007). 
Couple this with the projection tha,t by 2030, America will have a 100,000 doctor shortage (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2017)—unable to meet the “demands” of the, now, 1 in 2 Americans who has a chronic disease (CDC, 2017) and, Houston…we have a problem!
I’ve been there, got the t-shirt. 
The Scene: Healthcare & Current Insurance Inefficiencies 
I had waited 3-months for the appointment with a local doctor in town. 
Nothing unusual—as the “average” wait time to see a doctor nowadays—especially a specialist—is an average of 24-52 days (Merritt Hawkins, 2017). And, not for anything crazy—just an annual “Well Woman” check up. 
So there I was in a conventional outpatient clinic, after 3-months of waiting to see the doctor, and here’s what went down under my conventional health insurance…
What Traditional Health Insurance DOES Cover
Traffic was shut down to one lane on I-35 in Austin and I was running right on time to the appointment (not early). I called the office on my way to inform them of the situation, to which they said to still come in.I managed to park in the lot right at 8:35 a.m. and race upstairs for my 8:30 a.m. appointment.
Once checking in with the staff, she told me she’d have to call back to the doctor’s staff (which they had already done) to verify I could get “in.” 10-minutes later, confirmation was given—I could go back to the waiting room.
However, before being released to the waiting room, ANOTHER hurdle…
Front Desk: “Oh wait a second..you can’t see the doctor, you have an HMO plan,” the front desk girl said.
Me: “My doctor faxed it over 3-months ago when I made the appointment.”
Front Desk: “You will need to fax it again if you want to keep the appointment,” the girl said.
(I quickly texted my doctor—one of my colleagues and now friends—and the situation was resolved).
As I sat in the waiting room, I was asked to complete a one-page form.The only thing the form asked me about was…my symptoms, my brief health history (surgeries, family diseases), if I smoke or drank, and the date of my last period. 
That’s it.
No exploration around my current diet, sleep habits, what work I had already done around my gut health, my health goals, my physical activity patterns, food intolerances and beyond.
Initially, it only took about 15-minutes once I was in the waiting room to go back to the clinic room. The nurse was very nice and did her routine thing: blood pressure, weight check, heart rate and body temperature. She also asked me the SAME questions on my health form. She was shocked to hear how I had NO diseases whatsoever. My ONLY complaint was chronic constipation. (Apparently she was used to hearing ALOT more). 
After our check in, the nurse left me be…for 2 hours.
At one point in my waiting, she actually asked if she could “pull me” out of my room for “about 10 minutes” to go back to the waiting room in order to see another patient.
So I went back to the waiting room where I waited another 45-minutes…
I had booked a 10:30 am appointment with a client of mine—allotting for my 8:30 a.m. doctor visit that morning, thinking I’d have plenty of time in between. 10:20 a.m. rolled around and I was STILL in the waiting room. To say the least, I did not get seen, and the nurse told me she’d call back that evening to reschedule…which did not happen.
The Solution?: People Want to Take Their Health Into Their Own Hands
Many people are looking to take their health into their own hands—with at least 80% of all people seeking out advice on search engines like Google alone (Pew Research Center, 2013). 
Others are looking for OTHER options (like holistic doctors, health coaches and functional medicine providers). 
According to a report from the National Institute for Health in 2015 alone, researchers found that about 1 in 3 Americans were utilizing some sort of alternative or holistic care out of mainstream medicine (Stussman et al, 2015). 
Fast forward to today, and there is no doubt that those numbers are consistent—if not more—with the job outlook for all allied healthcare providers expected to go up by 2026 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (including occupational therapy, physical therapy, personal fitness training, health coaching, life coaching, acupuncture, chiropractic care and naturopathic or functional medicine). 
However, this doesn’t mean these alternative providers are always covered by health insurance. 
A common question we as functional medicine practitioners are asked is:
Patient: “Do you take insurance?”
Functional Medicine Provider: To which we most often reply, “No.”
Although many holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners CAN submit superbills, and SOME CAN reimburse partially for visits or lab testing, generally most holistic doctors and functional medicine practitioners are cash pay.
Let me give you 7 reasons.
7 Reasons Why Insurance Doesn’t Cover Holistic Doctors & Functional Medicine
1. Insurance is NOT Patient-Centered.
Functional Medicine is patient-centered. Instead of focusing on numbers-centered or about getting more people in the door, wee typically take time to review your chart well before your appointment.
2. Insurance is NOT Big on Taking Time with Patients.
Functional Medicine takes time. We don’t rush to get you through our churn mill. Typically, you will spend 1-2 hours for your first appointment so your practitioner can truly get to know your story. The doctor will assess your health struggles and your goals.
3. Insurance is NOT Focused on the Whole Body.
Functional Medicine is a “Whole Body Medicine,” taking into consideration all aspects of your health and life. Those that contribute to how you feel and the presentation of disease. It’s different from an endocrinologist who just looks at your hormones and thyroid, an ENT doc who just looks at your ears, nose and throat, or a psychologist who just focuses on your mental health. Functional Medicine acknowledges a respect and awareness of how ALL body systems impact one another, including:
Gut Health
Brain Function
Hormone Health
Detoxification Pathways
Cardiovascular Health
Thyroid & Metabolic Health
Mineral & Vitamin Status
 4. Insurance Does NOT Address the Roots of Disease.
Functional Medicine does. Instead of looking to suppress or manage symptoms from the top down, we take a “bottom up” approach. We find and address the triggers and root causes of any disease or symptoms a patient is experiencing. These include bacterial overgrowth and SIBO (connected with skin conditions, chronic headaches, metabolic dysfunction, and GI disturbances), or cortisol imbalances (connected with insomnia, anxiety, blood sugar imbalances, and GI disturbances). 
5. Insurance is NOT Focused on Prevention.
Functional Medicine focused on preventing disease, or further decline of health from happening by using laboratory reference ranges (blood work, urine, stool analysis, etc.) that reflect the progression of disease (in order to help reverse it early). We also integrate lifestyle medicine FIRST to support our clients health as a whole. Through a holistic care plan that includes nutrition, supplement, lifestyle healing and stress busting strategies, and physical activity.
6. Insurance Views Functional Medicine as “Quack” Medicine.
Contrary to popular belief, Functional Medicine isn’t about “woo woo” or “voo doo.”  Functional Medicine acknowledges the latest in research to influence and support care. In fact, Functional Medicine is simply an approach to medicine. Healthcare says, “Hey guys, let’s address lifestyle factors FIRST and consider all aspects of health—not symptoms—before turning to medicines or negating other factors of our patients’ modern day lifestyles.”
Functional medicine acknowledges science, reason and research for modes of healing and treatment protocols. If anything, is a compliment to the ever-evolving research in traditional medicine.
For example, with the past 3 years of research on the gut microbiome alone (more than 8,000 studies in PubMed), we know that our gut health definitely influences other aspects of our health, including our mood and anxiety levels (Clapp et al, 2017), our metabolism (Boulange et al, 2016) and brain health (Li et al, 2017). In practice, Functional Medicine is more readily able to address gut healing for all types of conditions and diseases.
Another example: when TIME Magazine leaked the “big news” that the sugar industry paid off the FDA to hide evidence that sugar—not saturated fat—was the driver of all disease, Functional Medicine practitioners could further educate their patients as to why butter, bacon and egg yolks are NOT bad. Mainstream medicine on the other hand? Still preaching that saturated fat and high cholesterol are the number one drivers of heart disease. Nevertheless, insurance companies DON’T always look for the research on their own.
7. Insurance is Stuck in the Good Ol’ Days.
If you’ve ever simply tried to call or fax something to your insurance provider, you know the never-ending hold times. In addition, inefficiencies of modern day health care (seemingly stuck in 1961). Whereas, functional medicine is now integrating more and more tele-health, “biohacking” (alternative therapies and healing supports, like infrared saunas, hot-cold therapy, coffee enemas and herbal supplements), and high-tech EMR’s (medical record systems), Insurance still has you on a “brief hold”and is comfortable doing things they’ve always done. 
Dr. Lauryn Lax is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Functional Medicine Practitioner, author and speaker, with over 20 years of clinical and personal experience specializing in gut health, intuitive eating, disordered eating, anxiety, hormone balance and women’s health. She’s based in Austin, Texas, and operates a virtual Nutrition & Functional Medicine practice, Thrive Wellness & Recovery, LLC, working with clients and patients around the world. In addition, Dr. Lauryn is a published journalist and speaker. Her works have been featured in Oxygen Magazine, Women’s Health, Paleo Magazine, Breaking Muscle, CrossFit Inc, USA Today, ABC and CBS News.  Ultimately, she loves nothing more than helping others “quiet the noise” in the health food and fitness world.
 The post 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/wellness-knowledge/insurance-wont-pay-functional-medicine/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/ 7 Reasons Why Insurance Won’t Pay for Functional Medicine via https://drlaurynlax.blogspot.com/
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whatevernevermind · 6 years
15 Important Facts That You Should Know About SEO 2019
Simply no online marketing strategy would become complete without careful consideration in order to SEO - search engine marketing. BrightLocal provides been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and boost their positions in the particular local search market since year. That is where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO methods In this article we describe what local search optimization will be, and why using a regional SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then grows into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the web site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in inclusion to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed with this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external aspects that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're trying to end up being found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search expression you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize internet sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. There are usually lots of ways to discover keywords for SEO. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION article writing guidelines number two. Keywords, they are little concealed subliminal messages within the composing which are to be within conjunction with the topic which usually is being written on. Key phrases are extremely important to the particular SEO article writing guidelines. SEO is often component of an overall internet marketing and advertising strategy and complements other strategies like social media marketing, content material marketing and more. The conference brought together thirty six speakers, 15 sponsors and around 1500 of the search industry's brightest and the best involving search for a day involving actionable SEO advice and industry leading content. A principal benefit associated with SEO is its cost-effectiveness since there is no payment in the direction of the search engine for becoming placed within it. This is usually very important for the 'search head', high volume low purpose searches that are expensive within paid search. In 2019, I believe that will Google will continue to drive paid search ads and state the majority of the over the fold organic SERP. Since, paying a search motor to put your business site at the top of the list doesn't come cheap, the particular next smartest thing one may do is to use lookup engine optimization or SEO methods to increase the clicks in the direction of the website and help this work its way up the particular search engine's results page. If you are nevertheless sticking with old SEO formula strategies and searching optimized key phrase for the article, Sorry! Since her business, web traffic, plus customer base grow, Sue will certainly require some outside support regarding keeping her SEO on trail so she could sell this best shoes on the stop. Whilst links continue to be essential and it's incredibly difficult in order to rank well without links through other websites, content and on-page SEO has become increasingly essential. For businesses searching to raise their search ranks, what this means is that will a comprehensive social media technique could be in order - within addition to all of the particular usual SEO tactics. Because of protocol changes and the trend in order to more local searches, it actually is no longer an massive cost to implement good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Whether you're killing it along with SEO, or struggling to break the very first page, a good SEO audit will help give your own rankings a shot within the particular arm. According to web marketing experts, the impact associated with AI and Voice Browse SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can be expected in 2019 after that. Which it. If you'd like in order to speak to us about a good SEO campaign, or even multilingual SEO marketing and keyword analysis then get in touch associated with just start a live talk if we're around. Moreover, Google will carry on to elevate the importance associated with usability and technical SEO aspects, for example site security, page velocity, mobile friendliness, and navigability. As a consultant, he or she has helped many different businesses—including, Lonely Planet, Zillow, Tower Information, and literally numerous medium plus small businesses—with SEO and online-marketing advice. If you speak about search ranking in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, you're talking about the place of your content on lookup results pages (SERPs). Kent Lewis, Creator, and President of Anvil, the performance-based firm based out associated with Portland, says that in 2019 voice search and Amazon lookup can become a lot more notable than they were in 2018. Google Search Console (Webmaster tools) is one of the particular SEO basics. If you desire to find out how We actually do it, visit Post Czar for any free gift plus details of could use write-up marketing and SEOcious to get top Google listings. It really is geared towards SEO professionals (in-house and agency), marketing managers, and business people. But now SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION considers tweets, retweets, Google+ authorship, along with other social signals. Besides rank the web site, the SEO team gets fault Client's marketing or product sales team by converting surfers or even visitors into buyers. Because therefore much sharing now takes place on major social media systems, social signals may become simply because important to SEO as period on page, editorial linking, plus content quality. Using social press marketing in PA with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tactics can help boost the website's ranking and popularity. This may create friction and the impact that most well-designed websites are usually very poorly optimized for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. They have impacted SEO previously as well by bringing back links, and today it's even even more. SEO & Content Marketing Software for eCommerce Business, Agencies and Enterprises. Calib Backe, SEO Manager for Walnut Holistics, writes that mobile plus voice are going to carry on their domination of importance since we rely on desktop much less and less. If much associated with your competitors has hired SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION firms to 10-20 keywords within a moderately competitive industry, after that you will have to pay out a small more. The Google Lookup Console could be the most essential SEO tool on the earth. No BS. When you're done with the exhausted cliches told over and above again at SEO Conferences, next you're prepared to experience UnGagged - an UnConventional SEO plus Digital Marketing conference that offers real-world results. SEO is a good acronym for the phrase "search engine optimization. " Search motor optimization is about doing specific issues to your website to push even more traffic to it so that will you can increase online product sales - and traffic. By 2019, the method we search might not alter completely, but these new systems will definitely change the way we all build links, engage users, plus generate leads through content marketing and advertising. Site Champion® increases site visitors by helping shoppers find your own products in search engines by means of increased keyword rankings using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION automation. While link quantity is nevertheless important, content creators and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION professionals are realizing that hyperlink quality is now more essential than link quantity, and since such, creating shareable content may be the very first step to earning valuable hyperlinks and improving your off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. When a person think of a white head wear you may think of the particular Kentucky Derby or even a Royal Wedding ceremony but in SEO speak this means the group of methods apply the best practice, the particular ones that earn you just about all of the gold stars plus brownie points, the ones that will don't use bad manipulations to achieve traction or ranking, but individuals who do what they perform to the best of their particular abilities, create wonderful content plus follow all the rules. Also, really worth bearing in mind is of which Google pay attention to developments and what their customers would like, if you want to continue to be ahead of the game plus make sure your SEO is definitely fit to get a 2019 audience, the idea is worth ensuring you furthermore include SEO techniques that embrace newer trends such as words searching. The search engine optimisation (SEO) solutions are designed to increase presence inside the algorithmic (natural”, organic”, or free”) search results in order to deliver high quality, targeted visitors to your site. We might suggest them as an agency to get a range of digital marketing providers from content marketing and on-page SEO. In short, we think that SEO in 2019 will certainly have to shift focus actually more towards answering people's queries and solving people's problems. With this SEO article creating guidelines formula it pleases the particular search engines and the visitors reading the content. Search Engine Search engine optimization Starter Guide — This guideline was written by Google and has many SEO best practices regarding webmasters. Here's the fantastic news: You don't have in order to have to be a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION wizard to make sure your own website is well positioned regarding organic search engine traffic. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the acronym for lookup engine optimisation. The particular search engines have refined their own algorithms along with this advancement, numerous tactics that worked within 2004 can hurt your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION today. Therefore, we also generate content on conducting keyword analysis, optimizing images for search motors, creating an SEO strategy (which you're reading right now), plus other subtopics within SEO. In 2018 there will be an actually bigger focus on machine understanding and SEO from data. ” Of course, the amplification aspect of things will continue in order to combine increasingly with genuine public relationships exercises rather than shallow-relationship hyperlink building, which will become more and more easy to detect by lookup engines like google. Seo (SEO) is often regarding making small modifications to components of your website. In my SEO content writing guidelines I suggest a person take your main keyword plus 3 or 4 other associated keywords and write at 3-4%. Some SEO specialists claim of which building links for SEO uses is pointless; others believe this role of backlinks to get a internet site has continually risen through the particular years. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a huge part associated with any marketing strategy. This brand-new paradigm of users relying upon voice search for many associated with their search needs will end up being a game changer for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Every advertising SEO blog is definitely talking about online video advertising and every third company professional you talk to is intending to shift marketing dollars to a good online video campaign. ” Simply by 2019, video is expected in order to account for 80 percent associated with all web traffic. Don't set it and neglect it. Take time to review your SEO keyword strategy every single few months to make certain it's still relevant and attaining the outcomes you want. Stories are a easy method to do marketing, you simply need to include some custom made images or text in purchase to let people know these people could swipe to click plus see where you can obtain a skirt, grill, buy SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, or anything else you're attempting to pitch to the world. Jana Granko, PR (public relations) head from SEMrush - one of the particular top marketing tools of the particular world - believe that within 2019 AI (artificial intelligence) might change the way people research for keywords. In fact, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is simply one part associated with every successful digital marketing technique, but possibly the most essential part. These are called SEO positioning factors. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the art and technology of driving the most competent visitors to your website simply by attaining high search engine outcomes. In Digital SEO Land, Rintu Biswas a professional SEO expert within Kolkata will assist you for you to build quality backlinks aimed at your website. This ‘what is SEO‘ guide (and this whole website) is not about churn and burn type of Search engines SEO (called webspam to Google) as that is too dangerous to deploy on a true business website in 2018. One thing is definitely crystal clear: if you desire people to discover your function, you need search engine search engine optimization (SEO). This most means when you're thinking regarding your SEO strategy, you require to think about how your own social networking strategy fits into the particular puzzle, too. As your visitors slowly increases, be sure to include some other SEO strategies (like adding exterior and internal links, guest publishing, etc) to engage more customers and keep your metrics higher. Google has remaining a very narrow band associated with opportunity when it comes in order to SEO - and punishments are created to take you out associated with the game for some period while you cleanup the infractions. Head of Marketing, He Edstrom, at BioClarity, a San Diego based health-science company, thinks that SEO is going in order to see a decreased importance within 2019, and SEOs should begin ensuring they're competent in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. The best rank that you could notice the profile with contact information and maps on right hands side of search result web page is achieved after long process for using SEO tactics. Numerous search engine marketing. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the technique of customizing a website for search motor discovery and indexing. SEO is actually a technique which search motors require that sites must boost properly, so that they show up high in search results. The European Search Honours is an international competition that will shines the spotlight for the best SEO and Content Marketing organizations in Europe. You may generally see outcomes of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efforts once the webpage proceeds to be crawled and listed by a internet search motor. Most likely the best form of cultural media to pay attention in order to when turning to SEO is usually Google Plus. 1 of the most successful approaches to ensure your clients get your photography business is by simply implementing an SEO strategy, this specific is more than just producing it to number 1 in Google, it means ensuring the fact that a varied and steady supply of traffic is proceeding to your site, over plus above that of your opponents. If you are usually willing to improvise your site search and boost up your own Google ranking, but do not really have time or resources regarding doing that, hire an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialist for the same objective. Mobile SEO is usually mobile search engine optimization or even optimizing content for a much better search ranking. Titles on pages and explanations affect what people see within search results, so it's important to check these out within any SEO audit. Search motors give some guidelines for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, but big search engines maintain result ranking as a industry secret. Along with $80 billion forecast to turn out to be spent annually on SEO — and content marketing set in order to become a $300+ billion industry by means of 2019 — it might always be tempting for stakeholders to observe SEO and content marketing since cost centers rather than income centers. While that will theory is sound (when concentrated on a single page, when the particular intent is to deliver energy content to a Google user) using old school SEO strategies on especially a large web site spread out across many web pages seems to amplify site high quality problems, after recent algorithm adjustments, and so this type associated with optimisation without keeping track associated with overall site quality is self-defeating in the long run. Therefore, cheer up and tools up to policy for SEO- the particular organic top-ranking practice. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (search engine optimization) places your own website within the natural outcomes section of search engines. SEO is specifically important for businesses because it guarantees they're answering their audience's greatest questions on search engines, whilst driving traffic to their items and services. With regard to marketers who were brought upward in the ‘traditional SEO marketplace, ' 2018 is really the time to adapt or expire. White hat SEO includes just about all the SEO practices we've spoken about so far which possess a long term approach in order to site optimization and focus upon the user experience and exactly what people need. Cost effectiveness - SEO will be one of the most cost effective marketing strategies because it focuses on users who are actively searching for your products and solutions online. The reality is that you can obtain top Search engine ranking roles spending a little bit associated with money and working on the particular project yourself or paying the professional Seo services thousands associated with dollars to get your Web site on the first page. Although black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION methods may boost a cyberspace search engine page rank within the short term, these strategies could also get the web site banned from the search motors altogether. According in order to research and advisory firm Forrester, programmatic marketing is expected in order to account for 50% of almost all advertising by 2019. SEO firms are able to track almost every aspect of their technique, like increases in rankings, visitors and conversions. The strategies which were the simplest (reciprocal links or directory submissions) perform not work anymore, therefore the particular SEOs spend a lot associated with time trying different approaches. The particular Moz Pro is another place of Tools that check the particular important factors related to your own website's search ranking. Selection of key phrases or phrases plays an essential component in an SEO campaign given that it saves you the pictures in the dark. In 2019 the particular digital marketing companies can anticipate a lot of voice queries, and by 2020, about 50 percent of the searches will end up being either voice searches or image-based searches. Read our Mobile SEO 2019 Checklist before you decide in order to implement. This Five Things Your Competitors Know About SEO 2019 first facet of optimizing images is usually including your keywords in the particular image file name (seo_guide. jpg). The inevitable modifications that will occur in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in the near future are usually abolition of keywords stuffing plus spam backlinks, real-time personalized customer care by online marketers, improvement within the quality of visual articles as a result of development of video SEO, optimization associated with websites with conversational keywords plus generating massive quantity of current data. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION remains one of the lengthy term marketing strategies that function best for companies that are usually looking to improve their on the web visibility. If you avoid look after SEO, you may get lost among the trillions of links out there. Heading forward SEOs have to end up being able to quantitatively show the particular value of their online marketing and advertising by identifying and implementing Essential Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can demonstrate the value added simply by their SEO initiatives. The topic cluster model is usually your way forward in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION this year, but it's not really the only method to obtain your website content to position higher once it's been developed. WIthout simple SEO in spot, your business may not end up being a result on the research engines when a customer will be specifically searching for your organization! SEO information can help improve your sociable efforts, and social media may help with the search rankings. Within his book Ultimate Explained Customizing Your Website, SEO and web marketing expert Jon Rognerud displays you how to develop a top-end website and get top position on all search engines. 00: 38 SEO is definitely heading towards voice search. SpyFu is usually really a paid tool that will uses 11 years of traditional data to help you discover your competitors' most profitable key phrases and the keywords they've utilized for SEO and ads. The fact is that on-site navigation hackers for example search bar with smart autocomplete, internal linking with point texts or immediate customer assistance boost both UX and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Even though it is tough to assume about the alterations that might take place inside 2019, but we know regarding sure what SEO trends involving 2018 will take greater dominance in 2019. Because it turns out, there's more in order to on-page SEO than optimizing with regard to keywords. Search engines motor optimization (organic SEO) describes the particular methods used to obtain the high placement (or ranking) upon a search engine results web page in unpaid, algorithm-driven results upon the given search engine. Also, videos include a lot of untapped possible - great for SEO in addition to make for good user wedding. The really best SEO expert 2019 will certainly tell you for High-End mobile devices, we're seeing more format changes to focus, provide the better experience, search results. Social SEO is especially helpful for online reputation administration. It isn't just the approach that Google ranks optimized articles, but the way that that they rank poorly constructed or taboo content that will push the Blog9T ranking to where it should to be in 2019. Ray Cheselka, SEO & Google adwords Manager at SEO and style agency, webFEAT Complete, predicts that will sites with over a 2 second load time will end up being penalized, and search intent is usually going to still grow within importance. SEO consists of ordering the site's architecture and hyperlinks to make pages inside the particular website easier to find plus navigate. In contrast, content material that no one is humming about have minimal effect upon social SEO. They are usually generally knowledgeable within the are usually of both SEO and content material marketing. When it arrives to reviews, customers work as a good army of link builders plus keyword writers so your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION structure is shaped without a person having to lift a ring finger. SEO focuses upon rankings in the organic (non-paid) search results. SEO as a result helps you get traffic by search engines. With Ahrefs, a great starting place for keyword research regarding SEO is the Keywords Explorer tool. Topics: SEO, backlink, content material marketing, social media marketing plus advertising, analytics, and more. 60+ sessions on hot topics, achievement stories and strategies in SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, SEA, PPC, Social Media, On-line Marketing and SMX Future Observe. 2018 (I believe) will be a lot associated with catch up on current SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION themes, with the biggest trends” occurring around voice queries to look results. Therefore, SEOmonitor tracks all of the related data that could influence SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION performance and displays it within the Keyword Events Timeline. If you forget that will quality content is a best priority, then you can definitely forget about having an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategy. The particular way we asking the device is different from person in order to person. therefore, optimizing your web site 100% mobile friendly to perform cellular voice search is very essential to SEO 2019. I actually am just newbie and significantly i do get frustrated whenever articles doesn't rank on best or near top, but individuals like you and many additional also inspire me to by no means give up. There are various points that i wasn't recognized up to now but appreciate to you, you are constantly make us learn important issues about seo.
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nest-raider · 6 years
Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About SEO 2019
Lots of people are usually still unaware of the essential uses of SEO, but along with time and more expansion they will will learn. I believed it as simple as a good example to illustrate an element of onpage SEO or ‘rank modification', that's white hat, completely Google friendly plus not, ever going to trigger you a issue with Search engines. So in case you want to get began which includes basic SEO, the particular first thing that I would certainly recommend would be choosing the set of keywords for every page on your website. Away page, SEO has contrasted along with it. Undoubtedly, off page optimisation is all about link developing, but the quality links plus content. Via a direct incorporation of Google's Search Console, Siteimprove SEO helps you understand how the particular world's most popular search motor and its users see and—more importantly—find your website. On Page Ranking Factors — Moz's on page ranking elements explains the different on web page elements and their importance within SEO. Surprisingly enough, the lot of SEOs out generally there do tend to underestimate typically the power of Google Trends Typically the tool has a separate "YouTube search" feature, which hides underneath the "Web search" option. An SEO agency may work together with a firm to provide an added viewpoint, when it comes to knowing and developing marketing strategies intended for different sectors and various sorts of business websites. Given the search positions and search volume, SEO may drive considerable traffic and qualified prospects for Grainger. SEO stands for lookup engine optimization - that very much has stayed the same. But they keep on transforming their algorithms making it hard to rely on one specific tool for SEO optimization Plus today you could have a good appropriate rank which may not really last in the coming 6 months. The much better you get at SEO, the particular more traffic - and even more leads - you're likely in order to attract over time. To find away more read our 2019 styles in SEO marketing report. Are voice searches plus it's expected that by 2019, 67 million voice-assisted devices will be going to be in make use of in the U. S. These types of kinds of changes and provide on your website shouldn't end up being a problem logistically — the particular overall practice among the greatest web companies nowadays is making sure that websites are flexible sufficient, especially for SEO purposes. Whether you usually are a marketer, webmaster or organization owner, it is very essential invest in voice SEO search engine optimization to reap benefits in 2019. We said earlier that sociable media isn't a direct SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factor, so you're most likely wondering why we're even talking about it. The particular effects of Black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION are temporary, it shouldn't take the particular search engine long before this spots these illegal strategies plus then penalizes you; the research engine may spam your hyperlinks and if you continue making use of these malpractices the search motor will altogether block your web site and links. Algorithmic chasers, technical SEOs, plus Google Doodle followers should develop their technical skills to concentrate on emerging voice search systems and AI applications. Single Grain is a electronic marketing agency in order in order to companies like Uber, Amazon plus Salesforce grow their revenues on-line using SEO and paid marketing. While her business, web traffic, plus customer base grow, Sue will certainly require some outside support intended for keeping her SEO on trail so she could sell the particular best shoes on the stop. Whilst links continue to be essential and it's incredibly difficult in order to rank well without links through other websites, content and on-page SEO has become increasingly essential. For businesses searching to raise their search ranks, what this means is that will a comprehensive social media technique may be in order - within addition to all of the particular usual SEO tactics. Because of protocol changes and the trend in order to more local searches, it actually is no longer an huge cost to implement good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Whether you're killing it along with SEO, or struggling to break the very first page, a good SEO audit can assist give your own rankings a shot within the particular arm. According to web marketing experts, the impact associated with AI and Voice Browse SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can be expected in 2019 after that. That is it. If you'd like in order to speak to us about a good SEO campaign, or even multilingual SEO marketing and keyword study then get in touch associated with just start a live talk if we're around. Moreover, Google will carry on to elevate the importance associated with usability and technical SEO aspects, like site security, page acceleration, mobile friendliness, and navigability. As a consultant, he or she has helped many different businesses—including, Lonely Planet, Zillow, Tower Information, and literally countless medium plus small businesses—with SEO and online-marketing advice. Dave Gregory, Content Marketing Supervisor from the UK based efficiency marketing agency, SiteVisibility, predicts that will 2019, and not 2018, is usually going to be the actual year of voice. If we consider Google's Guide then there are almost 200+ factors that lead a web site in ranking, which we have got researched and clustered in twenty one On Page SEO Factors, that will needs your attention in 2019. SEO Wise Links can automatically link essential terms in your posts plus comments with corresponding posts, webpages, categories and tags on your own blog. 41. An effective cultural media strategy needs a strong SEO plan. Google does make a few of this data accessible in their particular free Webmaster Tools interface (if you haven't set up a merchant account, this is a very important SEO tool both for unearthing search query data and intended for diagnosing various technical SEO issues). AI and Tone of voice Search Impact SEO, Lets observe how voice search analytics Impact's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and can impact in the particular coming time. A great many businesses choose to hire external help to be able to get the full benefits associated with SEO, so a large element of our audience is studying how to convince their customers that search is a superb investment (and then prove it! ). Nevertheless, SEOs tend in order to prefer links higher on the page. Because your site, because of to the nature of the business is going to always be more image orientated than text message heavy, you can be at a minor disadvantage when it comes to be able to employing SEO techniques such because keywords, backlinking and so on. A reputable SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION company carries on along with your Company Profile and then do these profile building and then Regional Business Listing Optimization. Our first five steps had been dedicated to on-page SEO techniques Link-building is the primary goal of off-page SEO, and is usually also an enormous factor within how search engines rank your own web pages. So far because I know, this only functions for HTML or CSS webpages - I don't go very much for Flash websites, and We am unsure how that pots and pans out regarding search engines plus SEO. In fact, a large part of SEO in 2018 is writing for humans PLUS search engines (also known since: SEO copywriting”). SEO is the significant part of any web marketing strategy. Canonical: This connect to handles content syndication, which basically allows other blogs to submit your projects (similar to franchising) with out hurting your website's SEO ranking—simply by having a rel=canonical can obtain your brand and content away on the web in several outlets, ensuring a greater get to and bigger audience without harming your own search results. We are usually offering affordable search engine optimisation SEO services to clients throughout the globe. If you want the strong social media strategy, a person simply can't ignore SEO. Another SEO-related plugin, W3 Total Cache is used to improve the performance of your Wp blog or a website simply by integrating features such as content material delivery networks to be capable to reduce the loading periods for your pages. You discuss core SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies and tactics used in order to drive more organic search network marketing leads to a specific website or even set of websites, as properly as tactics to avoid in order to prevent penalization from search motors. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Smart links allows you in order to specify a word, like 'SEO' and then link it in order to a post on your web site. It's great for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION to feed the search motors a good amount of keyword-rich links. Sites making use of organic SEO in the strict sense is going to end up being much like organisms, meaning they will will grow, expand and adjust over time according to readers' desires. No matter the market, the age of business, or even status of competitors, every company should at least implement fundamental SEO strategies to help their particular Five Ugly Truth About SEO 2019 offerings get found on Search engines. So your SEO if your own thinking mobile, needs to become either responsive or app-store technique with the right dimensions, style, user-friendly, UX experience. Dark hat SEO methods, such because the use of keyword filling and link farming, can furthermore boost organic SEO. SEO is usually important in every area associated with advertising, marketing, design, optimization, video clip, content, mobile and e-commerce, intended for without SEO all is untuned in need of synchronization, as an orchestra of musicians without a good experienced conductor. Unfortunately, 95% of links through SEO link building never provide a single new visitor in order to your website. Register and raise the free donation for SEO London, uk every time you shop on the web. Local SEO - Optimize that localized content on your web site to properly leverage local signs, online reviews and business goods. Learn more about content material optimization for SEO here. Along with paid-search it offers a very focused audience, visitors referred by SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will only visit your web site if they are seeking particular home elevators your products or even related content. From keyword filling to link buying, the SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING landscape has seen numerous black-hat tricks — and Google usually catches on. Chris Gregory, founder plus managing partner at Jacksonville centered firm, DAGMAR Marketing, predicts that will AI and machine learning might have a big impact upon SEO in 2019 and SEOs who aren't technical will become left in the dust. Some SEO specialists also advise that anchor textual content should be varied as numerous pages linking to one web page using the same anchor textual content may look suspicious to look motors. SEO trickery such while keyword ‘stuffing' in irrelevant articles simply won't cut it inside the current day, with Google's algorithm taking over 200 aspects to ensure that it's ratings provide results with valid plus authoritative sites, it is around on impossible to complete anything additional than work with the research engines to make sure top rated quality SEO results. From a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION perspective, the principal keyword need to be at the beginning adopted by the other relevant key phrases. Still, even for the particular best websites, maintaining a best organic SEO ranking requires constant keyword monitoring and content re-doing. Writer and consultant Peter Kent provides helped businesses including Amazon plus Zillow with SEO and on-line marketing. Very first, understand that schema markup is usually one of the most effective, least used parts of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION today Schema are basically short snippets of data that may give extra information to find customers and search engines. SEO will be a marketing discipline focused upon growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. Simply no matter how many times Search engines tweaks or evolves The Protocol, from Panda to Penguin in order to Polar Bear, these logical plus intuitive core SEO tips need to remain timeless. Certainly, all those searching for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION agencies will have to create their selection by passing SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION companies through careful and careful scrutiny, to ensure that all of them to get the best within search engine optimization for their own business website. The article provides you 12 techniques for E-commerce plus establishing an SEO optimized site which will help you improve your business exposure and visibility upon search engines. Making use of keywords in your article name, article body and resource is usually a great SEO article composing strategy that may make your own articles more effective in bringing in attention from search engines. Use SEO strategies like as transcripts and tags in order to help your videos appear increased in search results and bring in more viewers over time. With internet customers who use their mobiles in order to search on the increase, since an SEO consultant it can make sense to possess a look at the particular effects SEO marketing is putting on search engine optimization. The sole purpose of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Services is to improve your own search engine ranking. Guarantee redirected domains redirect through the canonical redirect and this too offers any chains minimised, although Help make sure to audit the backlink user profile for any redirects you stage at a page just such as reward comes punishment if these backlinks are toxic (another type of Google opening up the particular war which is technical seo on a front it's not really, and in fact is speak, to building backlinks to your own site). In order to smoothen out the software system interface problem, the web developing team as well as the particular SEO specialist work together in order to build the major search motors friendly programs and code which can Blog9T be easily integrated into the user's website. They will possess to find SEO expert sites, who will help the company owner's site have many clients in internet marketing. This is since they are not SEO helpful and can affect your rank significantly. These SEO crawler programs are similar to Google's own crawlers and will provide you an overview showing exactly how your page will perform within SEO rankings. Google is making certain it takes longer to observe results from black and white hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, and intent on ensuring the flux in its SERPs centered largely on where the searcher is in the world during the particular time of the search, plus where the business is situated near to that searcher. For blog websites the greatest SEO practice would be in order to set the title of your own post in a heading1 label. Search engines is the gatekeeper to enormous amounts of traffic and potential clients - search engine optimization (SEO) opens the doors. Simply because long as they are gained naturally, inbound links are possibly the most dependable authority contractors in the world of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. All of us call this new methodology AdaptiveSEO so that as its title suggests, it is made in order to adapt to the evolving plus sometimes unexpected changes in lookup algorithms. Numerous get confused in this region of SEO article writing suggestions for either they in place too little or maybe the particular wrong kind of keywords, or even they mention the keyword method too much which is occasionally called keyword over stuffing. Social SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION isn't a separate branch associated with SEO and it won't quickly be replacing traditional SEO, yet social signals are becoming more and more incorporated into search engine methods. Perhaps the particular most important aspect of research engine optimization is how a person can actually leverage SEO in order to assist drive more relevant visitors, leads, and sales for your own business. Just browse through the various types of our SEO blog page to find those important on-page ranking factors. According to him, key phrases have already lost their significance and in 2019 this tendency would only get stronger. Seo (SEO) is definitely the most efficient way in order to drive traffic to your site. There will be no magic wand in your own hands to regulate or manage your competitors' strategies or administration, Google analytics update, or user's behavior communicate business but a person can manage your SEO. In this particular new environment, the digital marketing expert who views SEO in the broader context will surely come out there ahead of the competition within 2018 and beyond. Good SEO publications explain in detail how greatest to use keywords and just how to structure your entire site to attract the attention associated with search engine spiders and associated with human visitors, and a posting such as this cannot perform the topic justice. While businesses start on an SEO advertising marketing campaign, they should realize that a good entire marketing campaign can drop flat on its face in case a business is unable in order to reach the masses, that is usually, their target audience. If your own pages were designed to obtain the most out of Search engines, with commonly known and today outdated SEO techniques chances are usually Google has identified this plus is throttling your rankings within some way. Numerous business people find keeping upward with the "moving target" associated with SEO distracts them from everyday priorities more than they actually imagined, so it's good in order to appear closely at what can make sense for every business. The software process for the SocialSEO Electronic Marketing and SEO Scholarship is usually done 100% electronically and needs these list of materials. A greater number associated with people will stick to tone of voice search, so SEO specialists can need to adjust to this particular relatively new kind of research. Seo or SEO is usually a powerful method to generate targeted traffic to your web site and hopefully increase your bottom level line. Whilst many marketing tactics rely upon you reaching out to your own audience, SEO gives you the particular power to achieve people whenever they are actively searching away information related to your providers and products. Light hat SEOs the actual suggestions of Google and other research engines like google. As Google's search engine outcomes become increasingly monetized and some other platforms such as Amazon plus YouTube gain more SoV plus search volume, I think we are going to overdue for the focus associated with SEO to shift far through Google. Traditional SEO will be focused on building (keyword relevant) links and (keyword relevant) content material. The main reason they may sometimes misunderstood is because which whole Internet underbelly of alleged SEO companies that you may pay to link to your own site on their networks associated with low-quality articles. However, before we obtain to our main event, We must note that after our own 2017 edition of SEO styles launched last year on Research Engine Journal, we heard the couple of complaints about simply how long it was. After that your boss tells you if you're accountable for search engine marketing (SEO), too. Michael jordan Harling, SEO Specialist at Roman Blinds Direct, agrees with the particular consensus that voice search will certainly be the trend in 2019. To possess a better SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, helps your website can obtain on the top among well-known search engines like Bing plus Google. On the some other side, you can ensure a good effective content marketing campaign just when you apply the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques properly. SEO -- Search engine optimization: the procedure of making your blog better with regard to search engines. The purpose of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION writing is to make your own company more visual, more attractive in website search engines. SEO is usually the practice of increasing the particular quantity and quality of targeted traffic to your website through natural and organic search engine results. 31. SEO data can notify a smart social media technique. Solid keyword & marketplace research assist SEO strategy plus allow us to supply realistic projections and forecasts of opportunity inside your market. Nevertheless, when this comes to developing and doing an audio SEO strategy regarding your business, just creating content material for the keywords your clients are looking for is each arduous and, well, wrong. In this situation, in, the article ranks correct after the official Google recommendations (and it makes sense that will Google should be number one on their own branded query) but Smashing magazine is proven as a position 0” little of text on the issue Google pop up guidelines” within. Search Engine Land, a top quality SEO blog this is the pillar of the community is usually ranking after Smashing (which occurs to be really a style blog than an SEO one). UnGagged London, uk is really a 2-day SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION & Digital Marketing conference the fact that takes place June 11-12th, together with one-day intensive masterclasses on Summer 13th. These ‘quality updates' are very reminiscent of Search engines Panda updates and often influence many websites at the exact same time - and often these types of concentrate on demoting similar ‘low-quality' SEO techniques we have already been told Panda focuses on. I think savvy SEOs are going to utilize AI content generation (text and pictures especially) in 2019 to produce a whole new kind associated with search algorithm gaming, that might almost be viewed as dark hat. This course covers how in order to build strong links for much better SEO. SEO companies ensure that will your site has all associated with the SEO Internet marketing like as business improvement, localized item sales, high quality online era and the rest. 2018 brought many alterations to the world of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION, including a few new protocol evolutions through Google. An expert Seo agency may help any dimensions of company take full advantage of web marketing and boost the likelihood associated with actual sales while simultaneously enhance brand awareness one of the particular customers segment. Recently we were speaking about the subject with the friendly agency in Valencia plus we directed to this access of Search Engine Journal along with the 20 questions that ought to be done to any SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION or SEO agency that desires to hire. Performing SEO upon your own websites is the great method to practice plus hone your SEO ability. We optimize your web site both of internal and exterior factors thats Google's engine rely on and reliable for top rank search result, Gurantee your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking No succeed can refundable. Looking deeper: An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION cost often means one associated with two things: the investment inside your organic search strategy, or just how much you pay for compensated search engine marketing (SEM) providers like Google AdWords. All of us are dealing with new methods designed to target old design SEO tactics and that concentrate around the truism that SITE ‘REPUTATION' plus Plenty of WEB PAGES plus SEO equals Plenty associated with Keywords equals LOTS of Search engines traffic. BrightonSEO is a one-day search advertising conference and series of coaching courses held, unsurprisingly, in Brighton. From narrowing straight down target markets to changing the particular way content is written, AI and voice search will have got a continuous effect on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION moving forward. One aspect of SEO is usually link building, which we will certainly discuss slightly below, which usually leads to thin content. Applications for the particular 2018-2019 cycle of the SEO Enhance programme are now closed plus will re-open again in Planting season 2019. SEO could be complex because search engines are usually reevaluating and changing how these people prioritize search engine results. Moreover, it will help SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION by gaining backlinks, likes, responses or shares.
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pinksfuckers · 6 years
The Latest Trend In SEO 2019
Good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION articles increase a website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION traffic because articles are found online. Register and raise some sort of free donation for SEO Birmingham every time you shop on the web. Local SEO - Optimize that localized content on your site to properly leverage local alerts, online reviews and business goods. Learn more about content material optimization for SEO here. Along with paid-search it offers a very focused audience, visitors referred by SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION will only visit your web site if they are seeking particular home elevators your products or even related content. From keyword padding to link buying, the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION landscape has seen numerous black-hat tricks — and Google usually catches on. Chris Gregory, founder plus managing partner at Jacksonville centered firm, DAGMAR Marketing, predicts that will AI and machine learning might have a big impact upon SEO in 2019 and SEOs who aren't technical will end up being left in the dust. Some SEO specialists also advise that anchor textual content should be varied as numerous pages linking to one web page using the same anchor textual content may look suspicious to find motors. SEO trickery such since keyword ‘stuffing' in irrelevant content material simply won't cut it throughout the current day, with Google's algorithm taking over 200 aspects to ensure that it's ranks provide results with valid in addition to authoritative sites, it is next to on impossible to complete anything various other than work with the look for engines to make sure top rated quality SEO results. From a SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION perspective, the principal keyword ought to be at the beginning implemented by the other relevant key phrases. I believed it as simple as a good example to illustrate an factor of onpage SEO or ‘rank modification', that's white hat, totally Google friendly plus not, ever going to result in you a issue with Search engines. So in the event that you want to get began which includes basic SEO, the particular first thing that I would certainly recommend would be choosing the set of keywords for every page on your website. Away from page, SEO has contrasted along with it. Undoubtedly, off page optimisation is all about link developing, but the quality links plus content. By way of a direct incorporation of Google's Search Console, Siteimprove SEO helps you understand how the particular world's most popular search motor and its users see and—more importantly—find your website. On Page Ranking Factors — Moz's on page ranking aspects explains the different on web page elements and their importance within SEO. Surprisingly enough, some sort of lot of SEOs out right now there do tend to underestimate this power of Google Trends The particular tool has a separate "YouTube search" feature, which hides underneath the "Web search" option. An SEO agency may work together with a business to provide an added viewpoint, when it comes to knowing and developing marketing strategies regarding different sectors and various varieties of business websites. Given the ranks and search volume, SEO may drive considerable traffic and network marketing leads for Grainger. SEO stands for lookup engine optimization - that significantly has stayed the same. But they keep on transforming their algorithms making it challenging to rely on one specific tool for SEO optimization Plus today you could have a good appropriate rank which may not really last in the coming 6 months.
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Ultimately, simply by the end of 2018 or even mid-2019, we'll see a golf swing back to natural” content created by real humans who may produce valuable content that really provides value. Hiring experienced SEO experts can ensure that your website climbs the search engine ranks with no using any illegal practices or even short cuts that could create short-term spikes in the cyberspace ranking, but eventually lead in order to your website having to spend penalties. Official Site Associated with BlowFish SEO - Professional Search Motor Optimization Services operated by Robert DiSalvo SEO Located in Hand Beach Gardens, Florida. The takeaway here is usually that if you might possess LOTS of location pages helping A SINGLE business in a single location, then those are really probably classed as some type of doorway pages, and possibly old-school SEO techniques for these types of type of pages will discover them classed as lower-quality : or even - spammy webpages. CRAWL this, like Google does, with (for example) Screaming Frog SEO spider, plus fix malformed links or items that result in server errors (500), broken links (400+) and unwanted redirects (300+). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION gives you a go at position for the terms which your own customers use, so you may do better business. The job of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to create high-quality articles then win the attention, the particular love as well as the particular link from a blogger or even editor. The keyword difficulty or even keyword SEO difficulty is the very useful metric for key word research.
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Because her business, web traffic, and even customer base grow, Sue can require some outside support intended for keeping her SEO on monitor so she could sell the particular best shoes on the obstruct. Whilst links continue to be essential and it's incredibly difficult in order to rank well without links through other websites, content and on-page SEO has become increasingly essential. For businesses searching to raise their search search positions, what this means is that will a comprehensive social media technique may be in order - within addition to all of the particular usual SEO tactics. Because of protocol changes and the trend in order to more local searches, it actually is no longer an massive cost to implement good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Whether you're killing it along with SEO, or struggling to split the very first page, a good SEO audit may help give your own rankings a shot within the particular arm. According to web marketing experts, the impact associated with AI and Voice Browse SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can be expected in 2019 after that. Which it. If you'd like in order to speak to us about a good SEO campaign, or even multilingual SEO marketing and keyword study then get in touch associated with just start a live talk if we're around. Moreover, Google will carry on to elevate the importance associated with usability and technical SEO elements, like site security, page acceleration, mobile friendliness, and navigability. As a consultant, he or she has helped many different businesses—including, Lonely Planet, Zillow, Tower Information, and literally numerous medium plus small businesses—with SEO and online-marketing advice. Presently there are a few fundamentals that will can help boost the technique, but SEO, or seo, will be hardly ever considered. While employing the services of a great SEO agency can get a person good marketing copy for the particular website and an effective make use of of the related keywords, getting a brilliantly designed website can help a lot when this comes to attracting people plus even the search engines in order to your website. You are able to get into important SEO-related data like the particular page title, description, and key phrases for every page or a person can have the system instantly populate this data depending upon a document name or some other fields. SEO has become broadly adopted as an online advertising strategy due to its effectiveness. Creating high-quality content along with SEO in your mind through the beginning boosts search presence. In contrast, dark hat SEO is about attempting to take shortcuts and video game search engines. You may also use Google Analytics in order to find SEO keywords for content material optimization. Keyword research is the particular process SEOs value to discover what search queries consumers get into into a search engine intended for a given topic. Within today's rapidly shifting world, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques can change on the dime—and the worst part is usually that you might not also know it. Hacks that can have won you a front-page result as recently as 2016 are not only obsolete today, but they may even harm your website's rankings. When a person think of a white head wear you may think of the particular Kentucky Derby or even a Royal Wedding ceremony but in SEO speak this means the group of methods involving the best practice, the particular ones that earn you just about all of the gold stars plus brownie points, the ones that will don't use bad manipulations to get traction or ranking, but individuals who do what they perform to the best of their own abilities, create wonderful content plus follow all the rules. Also, well worth bearing in mind is the fact that Google pay attention to styles and what their customers would like, if you want to keep ahead of the game and even make sure your SEO is usually fit for any 2019 audience, this is worth ensuring you in addition include SEO techniques that follow newer trends such as tone searching. Our own search engine optimisation (SEO) providers are designed to increase presence inside the algorithmic (natural”, organic”, or free”) search results in order to deliver high quality, targeted visitors to your site. We might suggest them as an agency for any range of digital marketing solutions from content marketing and on-page SEO. In short, we think that SEO in 2019 may have to shift focus actually more towards answering people's queries and solving people's problems. With this SEO article creating guidelines formula it pleases the particular search engines and the visitors reading the content. Search Engine Marketing Starter Guide — This guideline was written by Google and possesses many SEO best practices with regard to webmasters. A several of the popular keyword study tools are Wordtracker, SEOMOZ Key phrase Difficulty Tool, SEOBook Keyword Device and Google Keyword Tool. Thankfully, SEO allows webmasters to supply clues that the engines may use to understand content. Because less as 20% dentists within a city hire SEO expert s who really wants that shift within their Google ranking. The particular analytical part of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is about tracking organic key word positions, website traffic and the engagement in Google Analytics, Site owner Tools and many other specific tools. Mobile SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is nothing than a standard SEO, creating content and marking to be able to endure out online. SEO rankings are placing excess fat than ever upon what users have to state. The Search System will help you to evaluate your keyword rankings, CTRs, achievable Google penalties and many additional useful data for technical SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Blog posts, guides, whitepapers, situation studies, videos, and social content all need to include the particular right keywords for social plus SEO. For even more detailed information on the make use of of keywords on your internet site visit SEOcious to will discover many other important factors included in having your web web page in the top 10 entries on the search engines. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, search engine optimization is almost all about search engines, search motor result page (SERP), search rating, online visibility, and quality visitors. If your web site has about 5-10 niche key phrases that are extremely targeted yet not very competitive, your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION pricing is going to become quite less. Keyword studies about locating those terms so that a person can use them properly within content optimization and SEO within general. Just as content on your own isn't enough to guarantee SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION success, SEO alone isn't more than enough to ensure that people will certainly find and engage with your own articles. While intense SEO may involve complex site restructuring along with a firm (or consultant) that will specializes in this area, presently there are a few simple methods you can take yourself in order to raise your search engine ranking. Since we prepare to enter 2019, keyword creation for SEO experts will become less important. Obtain the training you need in order to stay ahead with expert-led programs on Seo (SEO). Learn how to compose articles, learn how to compose some simple HTML, and the particular learn the very basic concepts of SEO, and you may make money online using SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and article marketing to obtain your web site (you only require one from each website) shown on Page #1 of Search engines (forget Yahoo as well since the rest) and you can get loads of visitors that will web page. If your website is usually made up of lower-quality threshold type pages using old SEO-techniques (which more and more branded as spam in 2018) after that Google will not index almost all of the pages as nicely as your website ‘quality score' is probably likely to end up being negatively impacted. This particular is beyond website content, but great user experience has become a lot more and more important in solid SEO rankings. Getting SEO right may influence your business hugely since you start to build organic and natural traffic to your site which usually will naturally grow without typically the need for any underhanded SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION tactics or even spending a lot of money on perfectly powerful but pricey solutions such since Pay Per Click or luxurious ads. Searchmetrics is happy to have this partnership along with Elephate, a leading content plus SEO agency with years associated with invaluable experience. However, the particular webmasters can grasp search motor optimization SEO through websites. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION offers incredible opportunity and accessibility (it's an inherently free marketing and advertising channel) to inbound traffic, yet it can be hard in order to know where to start plus what advice to follow. Video can become an important contributor to your own overall SEO and digital advertising strategy, but it's important in order to be superior on how movie is going to help a person achieve your marketing and SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION goals. If you possess ever been into black-hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, spam, and un-natural links, Search engines will never forgive you plus you will be penalized by google at any time. As mentioned earlier, SEO organizations are usually the most experienced in working with various verticals of online marketing, mainly credited to the nature of their own work. Monitoring: Often overlooked, but one associated with the most important areas associated with successful SEO, this section strolls through how you can monitor your success and tie your own efforts back to real visitors and business, which gives a person the chance to future fine-tune and optimize your programs. There are usually lots of ways to discover keywords for SEO. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION article writing guidelines number two. Keywords, they are little concealed subliminal messages within the composing which are to be within conjunction with the topic which usually is being written on. Key phrases are extremely important to the particular SEO article writing guidelines. SEO is often component of an overall internet advertising strategy and complements other methods like social media marketing, content material marketing and more. The conference brought together thirty-six speakers, 15 sponsors and more than 1500 of the search industry's brightest and the best associated with search for a day regarding actionable SEO advice and industry leading content. A principal benefit associated with SEO is its cost-effectiveness because there is no payment in the direction of the search engine for getting placed within it. This is definitely very important for the 'search head', high volume low intention searches that are expensive within paid search. In 2019, I believe that will Google will continue to drive paid search ads and declare the majority of the over the fold organic SERP. Since, paying a search motor to put your business site at the top of the list doesn't come cheap, the particular next smartest thing one may do is to use research engine optimization or SEO strategies to increase the clicks in the direction of the website and help this work its way up the particular search engine's results page. If you are nevertheless sticking with old SEO criteria strategies and searching optimized key phrase for the article, Sorry! 55 The difference from SEO is many simply depicted as the distinction between paid and unpaid concern ranking searching results. I get into much more detail in SEO Titles on pages: 15-Point Checklist for B2B and B2C Brands, which explains how one can work in relevant keywords that will accurately reflect the page content material. Are good nevertheless SEO potential may be decrease in comparison to single links. The education and learning behind our SEO expertise had been developed from years and many years of learning from mistakes advertising with our other businesses. Our own in-depth guide contains the most recent SEO best practices so a person can improve how your content articles appears in search results, plus get more traffic, leads, plus sales. Keyword study definitely belongs to the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics. I'll start by stating that social mass media and SEO are heavily linked to each other. Black head wear SEO attempts to improve ranks in ways that are disapproved of from the search engines, or even involve deception. This particular is more tedious and tasking than inorganic SEO because this particular is how all the key phrases get a full blast associated with attention. SEO: It stands for Research Engine Optimization. Within this post, we will break this down in the complete first timers guide to SEO: what SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is, how it works, exactly what factors affect search and exactly what sorts of changes you may make today to improve your own search optimization. The no follow hyperlink has been contradicted many occasions over where SEO is included and it depends on the particular web owner concerning if these people allow them on the web site or not. Dave Gregory, Content Marketing Supervisor from the UK based overall performance marketing agency, SiteVisibility, predicts that will 2019, and not 2018, is definitely going to be the genuine year of voice. If we consider Google's Guide then there are almost 200+ factors that lead a internet site in ranking, which we have got researched and clustered in twenty one On Page SEO Factors, that will needs your attention in 2019. SEO Wise Links can automatically link important terms in your posts plus comments with corresponding posts, web pages, categories and tags on your own blog. 41. An effective interpersonal media strategy needs a strong SEO plan. Google does make several of this data accessible in their own free Webmaster Tools interface (if you haven't set up a merchant account, this is a very useful SEO tool both for unearthing search query data and with regard to diagnosing various technical SEO issues). AI and Tone of voice Search Impact SEO, Lets observe The Rank Of SEO 2019 In Consumer's Market how voice search analytics Impact's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION and can impact in the particular coming time. A great many businesses make a decision to hire external help to be able to get the full benefits regarding SEO, so a large element of our audience is mastering how to convince their customers that search is an excellent investment (and then prove it! ). Nevertheless, SEOs tend in order to prefer links higher on the page. Because your site, because of to the nature of your current business is going to end up being more image orientated than text message heavy, you can be at a minor disadvantage when it comes for you to employing SEO techniques such while keywords, backlinking and so up. "SEO" is a term that will be used to describe the procedure by which visitors a specific site is increasingly generated simply by search engines through search results. These white-hat cellular SEO tips will help a person to avoid internet search motor penalties and maintain better on-line visibility. SEO or research engine optimization techniques will deal with these requirements of a web site. AI and tone of voice search have already begun in order to impact SEO, and as these types of technologies continue to develop, we all can expect to see a lot more changes in the way SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is performed. In the second chapter of our SEO guideline, you will learn how lookup engines work, how people utilize them and what type of research queries they submit. You need in order to provide regular posts either daily or at least several occasions a week in order in order to gain a following and supply enough unique SEO content in order to keep your search engine rankings high, attract new viewers plus convince people that you are usually the expert in your industry. Voice lookup will change the way you interact along with search engines and it will certainly make SEO even more competing and vital to online achievement. Our SEO outreach team connect your brand and curated content with key on-line influencers to get people speaking about you & sharing your own message. Yet, with the lookup engines like google continually transforming their rules SEO may appear confusing and overwhelming. Understanding what these words really indicate, and how SEO analysts make use of them to boost your cyberspace search engine results, may become a whole other story.
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Without the doubt, one of the greatest trends that has already started to take place and may continue well into 2018 may be the consolidation of niche MarTech gamers by larger content cloud suppliers, with the role and significance of SEO increasing significantly all through this transformation. SEO Internet marketing provides major components, which develop the particular website traffic, and top research engine rankings. SEO is brief for Seo, and there is definitely nothing really mystical about this particular. You might have heard the lot about SEO and just how it works, but basically exactly what is a measurable, repeatable procedure which is used to deliver signals to search engines that will the pages are worth displaying in Google's index. Topic clusters possess been lauded because the future associated with SEO and content strategy, yet are widely underreported on (so now's the time to hit! ) 93% of B2B companies use content marketing. Teresa Walsh, Marketing Professional at automobile site, Cazana, forecasts that hyper organic targeting will increase its importance in 2019 with more location search plus more voice search. We get to the particular bottom of on-page SEO issues in order for search motors to clearly see what your own website is all about. SEO requires you to continuously be considered a student because of exactly how quickly the algorithms of lookup engine companies change. Google's punishing methods probably class pages as some thing akin to a poor UX if they meet certain detectable criteria e. g. lack associated with reputation or old-school SEO stuff such as keyword stuffing a site.
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Head associated with Marketing at @impressiontalk specialising within user-centred SEO, PAGE RANK, content marketing and digital technique. Primary is usually on inbound marketing, including almost everything from SEO to social press. However, a good agency providing SEO services is definitely all about being proactive in order to keep up-to-date with the most recent search engine news and adjustments in SEO techniques. Video marketing provides new opportunities to drive even more visitors your site and enhance its SEO status. Research Engine Optimisation (SEO) in 2018 is really a technical, synthetic and creative process to enhance the visibility associated with the website in search motors. Off-page SEO relates to the actions taken exterior of your own personal website that can easily help boost your search powerplant rankings. Mainly because Blog9T of this insufficient visibility this can be hard to create a sound business case intended for SEO, even though it will be strikingly obvious of the advantages to most companies of the particular number one position on Search engines. This particular is a time-honored SEO exercise called broken link building. Definitely engaging in reputation management, content material management and SEO (Search Motor Optimization) can give even the particular smallest business a chance in order to compete globally. Whether you are already adding SEO into your online advertising mix or not, you may ask yourself how aCO site stacks up against acom. With recent Google adjustments, failure to look after cellular SEO could result in research invisibility, and mobile's bringing additional changes you'll need to become ready for.
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itsmyrayeraye-blog · 6 years
10 Moments To Remember From SEO 2019
The website that would like in order to stay relevant these days should definitely consider getting SEO. Ultimately, simply by the end of 2018 or even mid-2019, we'll see a golf swing back to natural” content created by real humans who may produce valuable content that really provides value. Hiring experienced SEO experts can ensure that your website climbs the search engine ranks with no using any illegal practices or even short cuts that could generate short-term spikes in the cyberspace ranking, but eventually lead in order to your website having to spend penalties. Official Site Associated with BlowFish SEO - Professional Search Motor Optimization Services operated by Robert DiSalvo SEO Located in Hand Beach Gardens, Florida. The takeaway here is usually that if you might possess LOTS of location pages offering A SINGLE business in one particular location, then those are extremely probably classed as some type of doorway pages, and possibly old-school SEO techniques for these types of type of pages will observe them classed as lower-quality -- or even - spammy webpages. CRAWL this, like Google does, with (for example) Screaming Frog SEO spider, plus fix malformed links or items that result in server errors (500), broken links (400+) and unwanted redirects (300+). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION gives you an attempt at rank for the terms which your own customers use, so you may do better business. The job of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to create high-quality articles and after that win the attention, the particular love as well as the particular link from a blogger or even editor. The keyword difficulty or even keyword SEO difficulty is the very useful metric for key phrase research. Join us for the three-day, one-track conference full involving forward-thinking, tactical sessions in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION, growth marketing, the mobile surroundings, analytics, content marketing, and a great deal more. The objective associated with SEO is to get the website ranked as high because possible on search engines, like Google. In case you are improving user encounter by focusing primarily on the particular quality of the MC associated with your pages and avoiding -- even removing - old-school SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques - those certainly are usually positive steps to getting even more traffic from Google in 2018 - and the type associated with content performance Google rewards is definitely in the end largely with least about a satisfying consumer experience. For instance, when I'm logged in to Google+ and I actually search for SEO, I have the following in my top 5 search results. Black head wear SEO practice involves breaking most of the rules and rules of the search engine. Every time you discover or hear the phrase lookup engine optimization, ” substitute exactly what create quality and indicating relevance” and you'll have the correct mindset permanently SEO work. SEOs conveniently call this effect ‘domain authority' and it appeared in order to be related to ‘PageRank' : the system Google started in order to rank the web within 1998. When you have more time plus are keen to follow the particular SEO industry, subscribe to Moz and Search Engine Land. Integrating these keywords into the article allows you to add range while still retaining SEO strength. While her business, web traffic, and even customer base grow, Sue will certainly require some outside support intended for keeping her SEO on monitor so she can certainly still sell typically the best shoes on the stop. Whilst links continue to be essential and it's incredibly difficult in order to rank well without links through other websites, content and on-page SEO has become increasingly essential. For businesses searching to raise their search ratings, what this means is that will a comprehensive social media technique could be in order - within addition to all of the particular usual SEO tactics. Because of protocol changes and the trend in order to more local searches, it actually is no longer an huge cost to implement good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Whether you're killing it along with SEO, or struggling to split the very first page, a good SEO audit can assist give your own rankings a shot within the particular arm. According to web marketing experts, the impact associated with AI and Voice Browse SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION can be expected in 2019 after that. Gowns it. If you'd like in order to speak to us about a good SEO campaign, or even multilingual SEO marketing and keyword study then get in touch associated with just start a live talk if we're around. Moreover, Google will keep on to elevate the importance associated with usability and technical SEO elements, like site security, page velocity, mobile friendliness, and navigability. As a consultant, he or she has helped many different businesses—including, Lonely Planet, Zillow, Tower Information, and literally countless medium plus small businesses—with SEO and online-marketing advice. SEO is really the shortened phrase for search motor optimization. I believe SEO within 2019 will largely be such as SEO in 2018, with the particular exception of some big” Search engines update that wipes out sufficient websites to make people think the algorithms have grown significantly smarter. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION works by optimizing a cyberspace pages, conducting keyword research, plus earning inbound links. The organization offers excellent SEO packages that will help rank the clients' site within top three pages associated with search engine pages. That can make SEO an ideal lead era tool, because when searchers stick to links back to your web site, you have the chance in order to convert them to leads, plus later make sales. Whenever asked to point out ideas that are unique towards the particular web, most people will arrive up with two main types: SEO and social media. How many links do a person need for good off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION? If you are performing a professional SEO audit to get a true business, you are going in order to have to think like the Google Search Quality Rater And also a Google search engineer to supply real long-term value to the client. 44. Give your own social media profiles an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION boost. 10% of our experts believe that will there's likely to be the lot of focus on cellular in 2019, as older SEOs realize optimizing for desktop is usually pointless. White hat SEO is not really just about following guidelines, yet is about ensuring that the particular content google search indexes and eventually ranks may be the same content the user will see. 55 The difference from SEO is the majority of simply depicted as the distinction between paid and unpaid concern ranking searching results. I get into much more detail in SEO Titles on pages: 15-Point Checklist for B2B and B2C Brands, which explains how one can work in relevant keywords that will accurately reflect the page articles. Are good nevertheless SEO potential may be reduce in comparison to single links. The education and learning behind our SEO expertise had been developed from years and many years of learning from mistakes marketing and advertising with our other businesses. The in-depth guide contains the most recent SEO best practices so a person can improve how your posts appears in search results, plus get more traffic, leads, plus sales. Keyword study definitely belongs to the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics. I'll start by stating that social mass media and SEO are heavily linked to each other. Black head wear SEO attempts to improve ratings in ways that are disapproved of from the search engines, or even involve deception. This particular is more tedious and tasking than inorganic SEO because this particular is how all the key phrases get a full blast associated with attention. SEO: It stands for Lookup Engine Optimization. Within this post, we will break this down in the complete first timers guide to SEO: what SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is, how it works, exactly what factors affect search and exactly what sorts of changes you may make today to improve your own search optimization. The no follow hyperlink has been contradicted many instances over where SEO is included and it depends on the particular web owner about if they will allow them on the web site or not. Given that lookup engines have complex algorithms that will power their technology and our marketing needs are unique, jooxie is unable to provide specific SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice to our customers. All of us think SEO in 2019 will discover a shift to focusing a lot more on user intent, problem resolving, and hyper locality in purchase to capitalize on the ongoing rise of voice search. Private demographic information would come in a great deal handier in 2019 as much as the ranking of key phrases is concerned. Links are one of the particular most important SEO ranking elements. However, more advanced that will readers will recognize the decrease quality of sites employing dark hat SEO at the cost from the reader experience, which usually will reduce the site's visitors and page rank over period. So - THERE IS SIMPLY NO BEST PRACTICE AMOUNT OF CHARACTER TYPES any SEO could lay down because exact best practice to GUARANTEE a title can display, in full in Search engines, at least, because the search little title, on every device. While getting as many pages listed in Google was historically the priority for an SEO, Search engines is now rating the high quality of pages on your own site plus the type of pages this really is indexing. Jerrika Scott, Digital Marketing Specialist from Archway Cards Ltd, also thinks in voice being the tendency of 2019 rather than 2018. Today, regardless of all the hype about whether or not SEO is dead, we discover that organic search is nevertheless one of the highest RETURN ON INVESTMENT digital marketing channels. Still, even for the particular best websites, maintaining a best organic SEO ranking requires regular keyword monitoring and content re-doing. Writer and consultant Peter Kent offers helped businesses including Amazon plus Zillow with SEO and on the internet marketing. Very first, understand that schema markup will be one of the most effective, least used parts of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION today Schema are basically short snippets of data that may give extra information to find customers and search engines. SEO will be a marketing discipline focused upon growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. Simply no matter how many times Search engines tweaks or evolves The Criteria, from Panda to Penguin in order to Polar Bear, these logical plus intuitive core SEO tips ought to remain timeless. Certainly, all those searching for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION agencies will have to create their selection by passing SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION companies through careful and careful scrutiny, to ensure that all of them to get the best within search engine optimization for their particular business website. The article provides you 12 tricks for E-commerce plus establishing an SEO optimized internet site which will help you improve your business exposure and visibility upon search engines. Making use of keywords in your article name, article body and resource will be a great SEO article composing strategy that may make your own articles more effective in getting attention from search engines. Use SEO strategies like as transcripts and tags in order to help your videos appear increased in search results and appeal to more viewers over time. Without the doubt, one of the greatest trends that has already started to take place and may continue well into 2018 could be the consolidation of niche MarTech gamers by larger content cloud suppliers, with the role and significance of SEO increasing significantly all through this transformation. SEO Internet marketing provides major components, which develop the particular website traffic, and top research engine rankings. SEO is brief for Seo, and there is definitely nothing really mystical about this particular. You might have heard the lot about SEO and just how it works, but basically exactly what is a measurable, repeatable procedure which is used to send out signals to search engines that will the pages are worth displaying in Google's index. Topic clusters possess been lauded because the future associated with SEO and content strategy, yet are widely underreported on (so now's the time to hit! ) 93% of B2B companies use content marketing. Teresa Walsh, Marketing Professional at automobile site, Cazana, forecasts that hyper organic targeting will increase its importance in 2019 with more location search plus more voice search. We get to the particular bottom of on-page SEO difficulties in order for search motors to clearly see what your own website is all about. SEO requires you to continuously be considered a student because of exactly how quickly the algorithms of research engine companies change. Google's punishing methods probably class pages as some thing akin to a poor UX if they meet certain detectable criteria e. g. lack associated with reputation or old-school SEO stuff such as keyword stuffing a site. Search engine marketing (SEO) will be the process of influencing the online visibility of the particular website or a web web page in a web search motor 's unpaid results—often known since "natural", " organic ", or even "earned" results. Seo (SEO) is a procedure of improving positions in natural (non-paid) search results searching motors. Additional SEO ranking factors include: obtainable URLs, domain age (older is usually usually better), page speed, cellular friendliness, business information, and specialized SEO. Your own search engine optimization strategy can become divided into two different groups: on-page SEO and off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. When you familiarize yourself with this neighborhood, you will inevitably stumble your own way onto the websites associated with SEO Gurus” selling courses that will teach you SEO for hundreds of dollars. Expert SEO writers can also make use of modifiers and keyword variations in order to further optimize the content. Inside a lot associated with cases, this happens as the consequence of non-ethical SEO particularly buying and selling links which usually could get you up the particular Google ‘adder' quickly. Content will be key but content alone is definitely no longer king; content, circumstance, and relevance will drive overall performance of content and digital advertising, and SEO is part yet not full parcel. Ultimate WordPress SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Guide for Beginners (Step simply by Step) — 28% of sites on the internet use Wp. SEO is frequently abused as a blanket term regarding digital marketing. Our six experts reveal their favorite SEO tips and even tactics for building big targeted traffic in 2018. Yes, we all know it's still June plus we know it's only 2018 but if you haven't began planning and researching key tendencies which will affect you SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2019 you could currently be falling behind. We furthermore take a look at exactly how new technologies like AI plus Voice search will begin in order to impact more on SEO because we move nearer to 2019 and beyond. Whenever every nation across the globe is busy in making their own due contribution within the growth sector in their own method by taking the route associated with SEO service and online advertising, Singapore cannot stop stand nevertheless in one point. By 2019, content material marketing is set to turn out to be an industry worth $300 billion dollars. Off page SEO pertains to the strategies performed further than your website that can become used to improve your lookup engine rankings. Due in order to the success of inbound marketing and advertising and SEO, more marketers are usually dedicated to improving their rating over other tactics. The best way to focus on these customers is by delivering high-quality SEO content that offers genuine and useful information toward the readers. Another method provides a different page based upon whether the page is getting requested with a human guest or a search engine, the strategy known as cloaking One more category sometimes used is greyish hat SEO This is within between black hat and whitened hat approaches, where the strategies employed avoid the site becoming penalized, but do not behave in producing the best articles for users. Therefore, cheer up and supplies up to policy for SEO- the particular organic top-ranking practice. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (search engine optimization) places your own website within the natural outcomes section of search engines. SEO is specifically important for businesses since it guarantees they're answering their audience's greatest questions on search engines, whilst driving traffic to their items and services. Regarding marketers who were brought upward in the ‘traditional SEO marketplace, ' 2018 is really the time to adapt or perish. White hat SEO includes almost all the SEO practices we've spoken about so far which have got a long term approach in order to site optimization and focus upon the user experience and exactly what people need. Cost effectiveness - SEO is usually one of the most budget-friendly marketing strategies because it focuses on users who are actively searching for your products and solutions online. The reality is that you can obtain top Search engine ranking opportunities spending a little bit associated with money and working on the particular project yourself or paying the professional Seo services thousands associated with dollars to get your Internet site on the first page. Although black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION methods may boost a home page's search engine page rank within the short term, these strategies could also get the web site banned from the search motors altogether. According in order to research and advisory firm Forrester, programmatic marketing is expected in order to account for 50% of most advertising by 2019. Investing in high quality tactics which do take more but endure and are usually the ones which generate beneficial traffic is the best method to spend your time upon SEO. Some SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialists and bloggers say that will short URLs ranks better within Google. This technique is definitely sometimes known as SEO content” or SEO copywriting”. But you ought to not ignore the most substantial part of the website developing process, i. e. SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). Whilst businesses can choose to perform their own SEO, hiring the SEO agency that has encountered search engine optimizers will simply no doubt, help businesses reap RETURN ON INVESTMENT in the long run. Within fact if you look carefully you will find that content material marketing and SEO go hands in hand. On the some other Ten Taboos About SEO 2019 You Should Never Share On Twitter hand, Black Hat SEO contains efforts like redirecting internet research engine "spiders" to different web pages than human visitors see, mass-posting "spam" comments (on blogs, community forums, articles), or putting lists associated with keywords in late each web page in very small fonts. Because we've seen, one of the particular major advantages of SEO will get more traffic because of much better search engine ranking. If you are severe about improving search traffic plus are unfamiliar with SEO, all of us recommend reading this guide front-to-back. Several of these SEO strategies try out to deceive users into going to sites about subjects they avoid have any desire for, which places them at odds with the particular purpose of search engines. Screaming Frog SEO Index tool does it to suit your needs inside a few seconds, even intended for larger websites. SEOs also used to believe that buying links was the valid method of link developing; however, Google will now punish you for buying links within an attempt to manipulate page rank. Ultimately, achievement in SEO in 2018 plus forward will depend on generating amazing content and making this as easy as possible intended for search engines like google in order to understand exactly what that articles is all about. Answer: When you focus in SEO for voice search an individual need to create your articles around long tail keywords while people tend to use a lot more words in voice search. SEO is the practice associated with increasing the search engine ratings of your webpages so that will they appear higher in research results, bringing more traffic in order to your website. In the particular previous example, Bob's home web page might have the title, "Bob's Soccer Store - Soccer Shoes or boots and Equipment. " The name is the most important component of SEO, since it shows the search engine exactly exactly what the page is all regarding. 47. When creating SEO articles, keep the social layer within your mind. For those who have time to get good search engine optimisation education, after that combine this knowledge with greatest practices and you are upon your way to become a good SEO expert. 46. Use SEO practices in order to optimize your social media content. 4. Mobile SEO plus Local Business: - As all of us mentioned before, users tend in order to search for local business upon the smartphones. Google My Business is Google's business directory and, thus, super vital that you your local SEO Outlined businesses with all the best SEO can appear in the Local 3-Pack, the batch of 3 showcased businesses nearest you that show up when you do a related local search. Stir up Visibility recently released SEO: The particular Movie ”. This 40-minute movie covers a brief history associated with search engine optimization portrayed by means of the experiences of some associated with the biggest names within the particular SEO industry. In addition to producing content open to search engines, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION also helps boost rankings therefore that content will be positioned where searchers will more easily believe it is. The Internet is getting increasingly competitive, and people companies which perform SEO may have the decided advantage in visitors plus customers. Unfortunately, SEO - and research Blog9T in general - is usually soloed into focusing on The particular Google” and not really regarded as for other tactics. This means website owners plus SEO experts will need in order to be on top of their own game when it comes in order to keyword research and keeping the particular context of their site related to users. Varvy's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Overview tool audits your web site for key parameters like website strength, links, image SEO, sociable counts, on-page SEO, technical standing, page speed, loading time plus more. This trouble is that SEO rank factors have changed a whole lot over the years (find out and about how in our keyword exploration guide ). That means the particular search engine optimization techniques of which worked 5 years back won't soar today. The number 1 reason for using video upon your site to improve SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to increase the quantity of time users remain upon your site. Search engine optimization had been but still is fascinating in order to me. The SEO placement regarding any size business begins along with proper web site optimization, a good excellent link building strategy plus a well planned online advertising plan. One part of focus for higher marketing and SEO performance within 2018 is the confluence associated with content, influence, and social. This can be advantageous for SEO, as it helps avoid search engine crawlers from getting confused by syntax or acceptance errors, and leads to even more accurate indexing. Stop thinking in terms associated with SEO vs. content marketing” plus start exploring how well they will perform together. (Give it a try tone of voice search using OK Google through your cell phone and inquire "What Is BlowFish SEO" ) In case all remains as it is definitely, Google will read out loud just about all about my company in the short to the point method, These cards are formatted in order to fit the screen of your own cell with no scrolling upward or down. Although SEO is really the time-consuming process but believes me personally, if you work well along with dedication and trendy techniques, the particular combined results of on-page plus off-page SEO holds you upon the top with rank #1 for a specific search outcome. Fairly lately, I've seen a resurgence associated with on-page SEO factors making the difference searching engine rankings.
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