#not tagging big mom bc she was a REALLY shitty mom for ive seen through spoilers
ange1977 · 4 months
Happy mothers day to the One Piece mom's!! especially the forgotten ones!
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volgotha · 5 years
Holy shit I just read your text post I'm so sorry! How are people so easily sold on bullshit??? What happened that lead up to all that?
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Okay, strap yourself in. I’m only typing this mess up once more and then I’m never mentioning it again as long as I live. I’m not going to tag it with anything relevant either so once its posted, i’m letting it get lost in the sea of reblogs. Here we go, warning; this is gon be long.
In 2006 I went to college. From 2006 to 2009 I hung out with 5 friends and my bf at the time, Andre. It was in 2007 that we started to poke our heads into the 2C11 room (the clubspace room). Matt and his best friend Jogn Carlo started coming with us to Rocky Horror, a thing only myself and two of my 5 friends would do together, along with ppl they knew from their old highschool. By 2009, we had formed a big gang of friends from the clubspace, and we all started going to movies and sushi together. One of my friends organize panels for Otakuthon, where we’d all meet up.      
But in 2009, two of the 5 ppl I hung out with had a falling out. They stopped being friends. One went to university, the other was around for one more year then she went to university in 2010. That’s when the old group began to change from a family to a clique: In 2010 new members joined the club, and became new staples in the old group–most importantly, a guy named Tin.
It used to feel like a big family, but when the new semester started in September 2010 and new members flooded the club, everything changed. Tin instantly gave me a strange feeling in my gut, like there was something off abt him I couldn’t articulate. Shannon was dating Alex, the then club president, who stepped down in disgrace after I and one of those 5 friends went to the student union to complain abt him being the Harvey Weinstein of the club,. He wanted to permanently ban her from the club bc that summer when he was making a shitty youtube movie, he asked her out and she said no. The only reason he stepped down is bc I helped her take it to the student union and took him down. So when 2010 came along, Tin swooped in and became Alex 2.0, and when I warned ppl abt him they didn’t listen.
Fast forward a year to 2011, and the shitstorm happens; My mom had bvee battling with cancer since 2009. She had a hysterectomy but it didn’t work, and the cancer came back with a vengance.
January 15th 2011: My mom comes into my room and tells me her doctor doesn’t give her 1 year left to live. A few minutes after she leaves my room, Tin talks to me on Steam. He starts trolling me, I exploded on him. I felt bad about it so I tried to apologise to him, and I wrote on my facebook wall a message: “Just found out my mom has a year left to live, not in my right head, plz stay away from me for a while” so i wouldn’t explode on anyone else. I said I tried to apologise to Tin on steam, because him being an abujsive sociopath, instead of just accepting the apology or not like a normal person, instead he starts demanding that i admit to being a shitdisturber. I ignore him at that point, tell him im sorry, wish him good night and then sign off steam, and go to bed.
The following day, Shannon heads me off as I’m in the 2C11 hallway heading to the clubspace room; she warns me that Kelly is having a shit fit and screaming about how much of a horrible person I am, that apparently Kelly thinks my facebook post is me using my mom as an excuse to get away with being a bitch. I run to confront her, because excuse me, no it fucking wasn’t yknow? and whatever trauma she hasn;’t resolved yet doesn’t give her the right to twist my meanings and paint me as a monster. Thats when she goes into the Oliver’s caf so I follow her, and she screams at me calls me pathetic and heads back into the clubspace, and everyone followed her and left me in the caf crying with Shannon and Alex. :/
The situation was made ten times worse later that night by a certain person named Mathew, remember him? He was supposed to be my friend. Instead, he took the opportunity to write a huge post on fb tearing me down, on which everyone else joined in taking a public jab at me. Matt was seen as the community leader at the time. He could have used his power to calm the situation down, instead he made things worse. To this day, I suspect that troll Tin is the one who twisted my words to trigger Kelly and cause all of this, and that he also had Matt in the palm of his hand, but i digress; Matt’s post convinced most of them to ditch me. That devastated me in an already overwhelmed state, and I attempted suicide a few nights later.
That summer, I saw that my former friends were all having a big party, “What Killed the Dinosaurs? The Bad Movie Night.”, and I wasn’t invited. Shannon saw how much it hurt me, so she invited to her bf’s party instead, and that’s where I met Paul.
The following school year of 2011-2012 went by without much incident. The people who had ghosted me slowly added me back, Matt even apologized for his shit, and things seemed to be on the up and up. It looked like all this drama was behind us. I was wrong.
After I graduated, I decided to go visit the club in Fall 2012. Big mistake.
I saw someone I knew, Sarah, crying on someone’s lap, and asked her what was up. She told me she was in an abusive relationship with Tin. For giving her the advice to leave him, Tin came at me on steam again, and I told him that he was an abuser, that he would not intimidate me and to go fuck himself, and I blocked him. Suddenly, Matt was trying to extort 100$ from me for 2 locks I had broken the year before, which should’ve only cost 42$. Where did that come from? Well, Tin was the club’s Treasurer that year. He was trying to get back at me for standing up to him and helping his victim escape, and he was doing it through Matt, who was going apeshit on me on MSN for refusing to pay 100$. I insisted I should only have to pay what I owe, which was 42$. He kept freaking out on me, so finally I threatened to get a lawyer involved, and that’s when he backed down. I still paid the money I owed for the locks I had broken but I blocked Matt, having had enough of his bullshit, and that’s when suddenly a bunch of ppl from the group ghosted me for good.
Why was I ghosted when Matt was clearly the one in the wrong? Because Tin. They ghosted me bc Tin told them to. Tin and Matt told them all sorts of shitty things about me and they believed them. They don’t hold Tin or Matt to any of their shitty actions though bc they don’t want the same abuse that happened to me to happen to them. They turn a blind eye to every shitty thing Tin and Matt do. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand there’s an extremely toxic abuse dynamic at play in that group.
But the story doesn’t end there. Remember that party I went to with Shannon, and that guy I met named Paul? From november 2011 to march 2015 we were together. I was isolated from whoever was left, only hung out with him and his friends. In 2014, I became close friends with a girl name d Ariel, a member of that old groiup who ghosted me. But that was probably a manufactured relationship manipulated into existance by Paul, so he could jump to her when he was done with me.
Paul was extremely abusive when no one was around. The night he left, we had a huge fight. I tried to escape the situation by running upstairs. He chased me and when I ran into my TV room and closed the door behind me, he started pounding on it and trying to push his way in. When he did manage to get through the door, I panicked, picked up a glass bottle and threw it at him, and then slammed the door again when he backed out. The bottle broke, and cut his finger very deep. He used that cut to get everyone present during the situation on his side. Nevermind all the crazy abusive stuff he had just pulled in front of them, no, I was the bad guy, and once he had them convinced, he left to my then bff’s house, who later became his new gf.
He posted a picture of the wound on facebook, and because of that and previous drama from years ago that never really went away, most of the friends I had left from Dawson believed him, and ghosted me. I couldn’t tell them that a week earlier he had raped me, and that’s why I was scared enough to throw that glass bottle at him.I filed a police report, I warned everyone who would listen to me about him, and I warned her. I did all I could.
 I was too scared to tell this story for such a long time, because if asking for understanding while my mom was dying was twisted into me using my mom as an excuse to get away with being a bitch, then asking for understanding for the outbursts I had after being raped would just be twisted into me using my rape as an excuse to get away with being a bitch. I couldn’t handle the idea of my rape being trivialized as just some excuse–and Mathew is in part responsible for it all, because of that fucking post he made publicly tearing me down. Had he not posted that, I would’ve never lost my support system, I would’ve never gone to that party with Shannon, and I would’ve never been raped.
So I spent the better parts of 2016-2018 telling those involved off for their part in my current situation and blocked them, and the rest rebuilding what I had back in 2009, with resounding success. 
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So, there you have it. That’s what happened. Fuuuuuuuucking insane isn’t it. Its over now, none of them can hurt me anymore and Ive once again surrounded myself with friends I can actually trust, so everything’s good now. I still have my low days bc this was yknow, a lot, but I’m doing much, muuuuch better now. 
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lokighost · 5 years
OC Questions Tag Game (In Character)
i guess since i was tagged by farcry5 fam @dolphinitley im gonna do stevie-lynn (who was a deputy but now im thinking is just better suited as a GFH bc id actually love to write her w other deputies one day~)
[dont know who else wants to/ has already done this so like before please please tag me back if you do this ...or.... literally anything bc i wanna see]
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(hey whats with that shitty face..... what are you up to...?)
1. What is your name?
stevie-lynn salt
2. Do you know why are you named that?
my mom couldnt pick one name shes a dipsh*t i love her
3. Are you single or taken?
nobody takes me??? i take them on DATES and thats that
4. Have any abilities or powers?
yeah i make one single face at somebody and they either wanna f*ck me or fight me hehHEH
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
Narrator; Mary-Sues Are The Backbone Of Fanfiction
6. What’s your eye color?
deep/dark brown
7. How about your hair color?
8. Have any family members?
two half brothers who are giants and everybody else is divorced or dead
9. Oh? How about pets?
ive got a few stray cats i feed outside my cabin and i visit cheeseburger a ton.... i obviously..... can’t keep a bear anywhere............
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
theres a MAN in the WOODS outside my CABIN at NIGHT like an absolute fucking TERROR.......... *whips open the front door and shouts into the night* JACOB
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
me sharky and hurk hot-box my jeep outside his garage while his dad shouts for me to pull the fuck out of his driveway and release his son from my hippy mind control heh..... anyway good luck you old fart i memorized backing out of your driveway at fifty miles-per-hour yeEHAW~
its.... such a rush........ im sorry...... its so funny.......
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
i feel like..... ive abandoned my friend......??? but i couldnt go where she was going...... 
i left...... i left her with them........ i.........
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
they.... they never give me a fucking choice....... fucking peggies
14. What kind of animal are you?
big BIG bear.... in my mind im a big bear i love them so much!!!!! have you seen a bear eat a salmon? have you seen a beAR DO ANYTHI--
15. Name your worst habits?
sometimes im a bit too honest and it pushes people away..... there’s also this.... temperament issue i guess..... or thats what angela says 
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
sharky and hurk are actually clever in a pinch but goof offs otherwise... grace has a mean shot but im shit at ALL guns-- we’ll stick to knives, knuckles and baseball bats ..... oh i guess my brothers handle a MeAn fieLd O’ vEgGiEs and we love that round here hah~
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
bi as fuck baebey~
18. Do you go to school?
did a bit of community college classes on agriculture with my brothers but otherwise? nah
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
eeEeeeEEeeehhhhhhh.... this whole subject twists my stomach up lets just skip it--
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
hurk is my nUmBeR oNe fan we do........... a lot together ;^}}}
21. What are you most afraid of?
being separated entirely from my friends and brothers... like indefinitely or just for a long time thats ..... so scary.
22. What do you usually wear?
crop tops, tiny shorts, big boots. SpRiNg JaCkeTs BaYbEy...... NO bra >:( NO. keep it.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
those snack pack cakes that look like zebras.... god that’s stoner cuisine 
24. Am I annoying to you?
are you? ....am i?
25. Well, it’s still not over!
..........*shrugs* do yer worst b*tch
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
okay wow that is your worst my f*ckin god...... *sigh* i live in a thousand-square-foot little cabin in the woods left to me by some dead relatives and i help pick corn and shit on the local farms i’m basically off the grid pal .... my brothers handle my money, do i look like i can handle my mone--- meh whatever.....
27. How many friends do you have?
sharky, hurk, jess, grace, mary-may, my brothers and i.... i uh.... my best friend angela she uh... she works for joseph now i....uhm.... .... i um........ ang--..... angela is still my friend.. i think....
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
huh!?-- oh of course, after all this sh*t you’re makin’ me say, please?
29. Favorite drink?
root beer~
30. What’s your favorite place?
on my cabin porch at night with a big beer in a rocking chair watching a f*cken weirdo shift through my woods ......f*cken.... *muttering while grabbing a baseball bat*.... werewolf-ass... motherf*cking.... ginger-bear....
*drops the bat* oh no thats actually cute..... oh no..... naw man... ugh......
31. Are you interested in anyone?
i am but you’re gonna need to really butter me up for all that gossip ;^}}}
32. That was a stupid question…
:^||| nah its not i just wanna f*ck everybody we don’t wanna scare you off just yet pal.....
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
lake of course! but i’ve seen the ocean a few times and its pretty fucking scary like people ENJOY the sand? you eNjOy ThE sAnD??? 
34. What’s your type?
steaks right? medium-rare
35. Any fetishes?
*pulls out a damn knife and starts flipping it around* okay, now i stop answering your questions.... 
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
hm? both both, we do both out here.... or at least *i* do.... any way you can its all cozy and fun right? its a good time. do both! set the tent up in the living room i’ll hot-box that too
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feminafatalis · 7 years
i wanna talk about laura cheating on shadow and what it means in terms of her morality and like what kind of person she is, but since cheating is a rough topic i’m gonna put it under a read more. please do read this if it won’t be triggering for you though because i think it’s gonna be really important to understanding my portrayal of laura! this may not be free of spoilers, but as far as i know i’ve stuck mainly to information and details we already know from the show. if i go into book stuff, i’ll put a spoiler warning
so okay, first things first: i’ve seen some stuff in laura’s and emily’s tags about laura being a bitch or a whore, etc and i’m not even gonna address that tbh but someone brought up like not condemning her for like the sexuality of it, but examining her morals. and that’s 100% valid!!! but they said like her ‘shitty morals’ or something and honestly?
laura isn’t morally shitty. she’s morally weak.
because if you think for a second laura like??? doesnt know what she’s doing is fucked up and wrong, then we are seeing two very different lauras.
and yes, she does it anyway. but that is not indicative of some like moral seed of evil. she’s lonely and sad and weak.
i don’t think robbie ever forced himself on her or really even took advantage of her because she definitely had most of her agency in the situation, but i also see so many indications that???? no part of her actually wanted to be with robbie. like as sad as it is, robbie is a complete stand-in for shadow. when she mentions being with him, she often mentions being drunk. she, as far as i can tell, drinks to ease the guilt she feels sleeping with robbie. (again, i’m not saying any of this is right, but i am saying that laura didn’t one day go ‘fuck shadow i wanna get laid’ and sleep with robbie)
robbie was a drunken mistake that made her feel special and safer and loved. i’m also going off of the fact that in book canon, shadow isn’t super expressive (which i’ll get into more later and im gonna put a spoiler warning)
i also don’t think laura’s friendship with audrey is particularly healthy. it’s 100% tenuous, probably a little high school. im certain that they don’t get along more often than they’d like to admit. of course i’m not trying to minimize what audrey’s going through (and i think the show and betty gilpin did a really good job of like portraying how much it fucks her up) but there are aspects of her personality that i could identify as seriously clashing with laura’s. i think audrey was a little more cynical, probably a bit more biting and sarcastic in her everyday life. and i think laura, before her death, was the kind of positive you only are when you’re really making an effort. laura doesn’t have a good relationship with her mom (clearly evidenced by the fact that shadow doesn’t get along with her mother. shadow meant the world to laura and if her mom was ever unkind to him i really don’t see laura tolerating that)
shadow was laura’s best friend, if not (by the time they got married) her only real friend. is that healthy? of course not. but it was definitely a reality. laura has people she’s friendly with. but her circle is audrey, robbie, and shadow. audrey is her best friend on paper, but they are old friends and definitely grew to be very different people. robbie is the person who knew shadow and was shadow’s best friend, so it makes sense that laura is more drawn to robbie for companionship than audrey because he is more like shadow
so now let’s think about laura who’s just lost her best friend in the entire world. it’s her fault. she doesn’t really shy away from the fact that she is the reason shadow went to prison. i can’t remember if they go into detail about what happened, but he did it to protect her. so: 1) the love of her life/her best friend is in prison. 2) it’s her fault. 3) her ‘best friend’ audrey is someone she connects with less and less every day. 4) robbie is there.
also!!!! laura is ABSOLUTELY self sabotaging. she knows sleeping with robbie will damage her relationship with shadow, and whether she is conscious of it or not, she thinks shadow is better off without her.
NOW let’s talk about that dick pic shall we?
so we see her phone, her texts to robbie seem to consist mostly of plans to meet. but he texts her that dick pic and she says DOWN BOY
i know this seems like im reaching but she is pretending he is shadow
it’s literally this big sweet inside joke that shadow is her puppy. they don’t go into it on the show which is absolutely obscene because it is the sweetest thing in the world and im gonna paste it in here for anyone who hasn’t read the book.
“When they got married Laura told Shadow that she wanted a puppy, but their landlord had pointed out they weren’t allowed pets under the terms of their lease. “Hey,” Shadow had said, “I’ll be your puppy. What do you want me to do? Chew your slippers? Piss on the kitchen floor? Lick your nose? Sniff your crotch? I bet there’s nothing a puppy can do I can’t do!” And he picked her up as if she weighed nothing at all and began to lick her nose while she giggled and shrieked, and then he carried her to the bed.“
So, yeah it’s a reach but I genuinely think Laura is just pretending Robbie is Shadow. She talks to him as if he’s Shadow, she gets drunk before she sleeps with him. She’s miserable because the love of her life is gone.
I’m not saying Laura is a morally pure person. But she’s not an inherently bad person. She did a bad thing out of desperation and emotional instability and now she’s dead and she can’t apologize because she doesn’t feel all that sorry because she can’t feel anything bc she’s dead. so yeah im not seeking to absolve her of guilt, but like she was also suffering a lot without shadow and the way she coped with it totally sucked! but i also see it as a very (tragically) human thing to do.
another thing: i haven’t read this far in my reread so i don’t remember much detail but shadow is called shadow because he is a shadow of a person. that’s why i think his race is made to be a little bit ambiguous, he doesn’t talk much, and is all together pretty passive in the book. they changed these things because a) shadow as a protagonist needs to be a little bit more relatable/engaging, b) the show would be dry without dialogue, and c) like re: race you inherently have to choose a human to play the role and that person is inherently going to have a racial identity so like that’s just how that works
this is why i identified so strongly with shadow in high school, lol. he isn’t fully himself!!! he’s not fully alive, even! so obviously that factored into laura feeling so distanced from him. all she got were phone calls, potentially rare visits where he was likely suffering a lot emotionally and thus may have been even more distant? and like that’s not his fault, but again laura is a weak person. she needs a lot of love and care and reassurance which shadow can’t possibly give her in prison. it’s not his fault, it is her fault, but shadow has sympathy for her so i ask that you do too! and like you probably do bc you’re following me but ive seen a lot of hate in her tag and it just made me sad bc she’s so complex and to just write her off as a sack of shit is totally reductive bc she was definitely like wracked with guilt when she was alive. we just don’t see it now bc she’s dead and like expressing whatever guilt she had to shadow doesn’t make sense to her because its over, she already did it. and what’s the sense in making shadow feel guilty or sorry for her?
so yeah thats my spiel im sorry it turned into such a rant. but if you got this far thank you omg! ur a star and i hope you understand laura’s nightmare of an existence a little better (at least according to me) lmao love y’all! pls go easy on my dumb zombie daughter
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