#not tagging zak or kristoph but they are here too
howlidae · 6 months
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something about truth & mistakes & siblings
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box-dwelling · 1 year
So I can't animate or draw well enough to do this but I do think the world needs a Krisnix No children animatic. So a breakdown/story board plan and idk maybe I'll make it as practice for some of the comic stuff I want to do.
I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us: Edgeworth and Maya desperately trying to contact Phoenix who is ignoring their calls. Maybe including Edgeworth insisting that Phoenix would never forge evidence to lead into the next line
I hope we come up with a fail safe plot to piss of the dumb few that forgave us: Phoenix forging the ace and then a reference to SL9 dagger to hammer home what that would mean to Edgeworth
I hope the fences we mended: Kristoph being the only vote in favour of him
Fall down beneath their own weight: Kristoph doing the small manipulative smile with the diary page in the background
And I hope we hang on past the last exit: Phoenix meeting Trucy
I hope it's already too late: Kristoph watching Phoenix losing the badge
I hope the junk yard a few block from here some day burns down: the courtroom burning
And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again: Phoenix going to Europe with Edgeworth
In my life: warmer colours come in as we get a little close up of Edgeworth seeing Phoenix and smiling
I hope I lie: warm colours gone Kristophs black psyche locks
And tell everyone you were a good wife: Phoenix telling Edgeworth about Kristoph while smiling. Colours are muted but still brighter than the rest
And I hope you die: back to black. them dining. Kristoph speaking
I hope we both die: same but Phoenix speaking
I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow: Kristoph killing Zak (not the best line for but idk what else to put and this works for the general narrative flow)
I hope it bleeds all day long: Phoenix in the detention center
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises: trucy, with Apollo entering in the background
We're pretty sure they're all wrong: Phoenix getting decked by Apollo
I hope it stays dark for ever: Kristoph in his cell, wanting to keep what he did in the dark
I hope the worst isn't over: Phoenix post turnabout trump working on Mason
And I hope you blink before I do: spilt screen of Kristoph reading in his cell and Phoenix working on Mason
And I hope I never get sober: Grape juice on the desk beside Phoenix's computer
And I hope when you think of me years down the line: Phoenix in his new suit with the full WAA found family.
you can't find one good thing to say: Athena finds the nail polish bottle, Phoenix scowls while Klavier gets a hug from Apollo and Trucy looks forelorn
And I'd hope that I ever found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way: Phoenix getting his badge back
I am drowning, there is no sign of land, You are coming down with me, Hand in unloveable hand, And I hope you die: Kristoph screaming this as he has his breakdown
I hope we both die: Phoenix putting away the hoodie and putting the beanie on the shelf and pouring the grape juice down the sink. Symbolically killing that version of himself
Writing this out I do really want to do it but if anyone else beats me to it, I'd love to see it because I am Bad at Art and while this could be fun practice seeing someone more skilled make this would be awesome too, though I'd appreciate being tagged so I can see it
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draceempressa · 3 years
The van Zieks are antithesis of the Gavins (MASSIVE spoiler for TGAA2, also long read this essay have 2,5k+ words)
People keep talking about how Barok is Edgeworth expy, when in fact Kazuma is the one with more Edgeworth elements, that even wrightworth parallel asouryuu in several ways, people have already done analysis about that,(so I wouldn't bother with that, as ppl already pointed that out) as well Kazuma also have elements of Godot, Mia, Blackquill , Apollo, and even few elements of Kristoph, as 2-4 come, Barok makes it clear he is Klavier's antithesis instead, which come in set that Klint is Kristoph's as well.
First, let us look look at their design. Both sets of brothers are clear examples of the sibling yin yang trope. Klavier is red-black,
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Kristoph is blue-white,
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(therefore, in terms of the red oni blue oni trope, Klavier, the younger brother, is the more sociable red oni, Kristoph is the calculating blue one), when in the case of the van Zieks, Barok is the younger, he's the one with blue-black color theme,
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the more reserved , introverted , as well even shy when younger, and Klimt is the older, yet he is the one with red-white theme,
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and he is highly implied to the himbo the extrovert to barok's introvert, as he is designed to be the yang to barok's yin. Basically, the van Zieks color theme is kinda like Apollo-Trucy too.
Then there is their physical design. Both set of brothers have blue eyes, but the Gavins have long blonde hair with tan skin, overall more down to earth design but they actually have screwed up relationship between them, as well feel less human (at least for me) that Klavier is depicted as pure cinnamon roll and Kristoph is depicted as pure evil. Meanwhile, the van Zieks have short gray hair (with purple highlight) with pale skin, their design give off ethereal/vampiric, aristocratic, out of touch,, and yet they are the ones who are more human inside, that they loved each other dearly, more actually down to earth, as well they are more human as they are more morally grey, with their own flaw as much good point-Klint is open minded and he's the one who initiates the transfer student program, but still he's a serial killer. Meanwhile, Barok didn't give in to his despair, but yes, he is racist.
Then again, the plot does punish him for being a racist but not for being a brocon because this is not drakengard. Even the way Klavier and Barok clearly have tiddies as strong point are part of their contrast, Klavier does it by tiddy window, when Barok does it with very tight jacket that even looks painted on.
This closeness (or lack of it) is even reflected in their names. At first sight, it looks like both Gavin's initials are K.G. But what similarity there is in Kristoph and Klavier? Meanwhile, for the van Zieks, Barok is named of a genre of art, baroque, when a version of Klint's name, Klimt, is based o Gustav Klimt, another big name artist, reflecting a theme in their names.
How the older raised the younger. Both sets of brothers have wide age gap, Kristoph is older by 8 years when Klimt is older by 10 years, and it's implied the older raised the younger. However, the manga makes it clear Kristoph abused Klavier, both physical and emotonal, gaslighting him, when TGAA imply that Barok is coddled by Klint. Albert refer to Barok as "little darling of the van Zieks family" as well the image of Klint teaching Barok the Legjection. This of course affect how the younger brother becomes, in the ironic way. Klavier becomes nice to everyone because he desperately wanted to have someone else in his life that is not Kristoph, hiding his pain. When Barok is sour because he is busy mourning Klint (Nuri confirmed he tried to draw Barok to look like someone who have loads of pain inside) , openly showing his pain , desperately cling to the idea that Klint never left him. Klavier, despite his smile, never shown actual sign of getting better , when Barok slowly is getting better, from accepting Klimts flaw as well accepting more ppl to his life. You know those fanworks where Klavier did try to distinguish himself further from Kristoph, sometimes by cutting his hair off, haunted by shadows of Kristoph? Barok canonically emulate Klint, and accepted the rumor of Klint haunted him to console himself that yes, Klint never left him. What is nightmare for Klavier, is the sweetest dream for Barok.
The more Kristoph abused Klavier to control him, the more Klavier slips from his hand. The more Klimt coddle Barok to show the world is still full of hope and kindness, to widen his horizon , the more Barok wanted to retreat back to his bubble. Basically both older brothers screwed up and not getting what they want for their younger ones. This also result in the character growth of the younger brothers. Klavier starts out scared shitless on Kristoph, later grow to be able to stand against him and ditch him. Barok was later revealed to put Klint on pedestal, and later accept that Klint has his own flaw, a lesson Kazuma and Maria also learn in the same game , but still loved him, still cling to him and goes around with his badge, even if he changes from be like "please don't leave me" to "please watch me from afar"about Klint, accepting he is dead, but not cutting him off his life.
Furthermore, Klavier didn't only ditch Kristoph but also Daryan, when Barok didn't only still loved Klimt but also still have Albert and stay keep in touch with him. Daryan have long been by Klavier's side, part of the law enforcement as well, but turns out to be actual criminal, the one trying to frame another (Machi). When Albert's relationship with Barok is long -distanced, but it lasts, as well he is innocent and the one who is framed (by Enoch) . This also applies to the meta level contrast that, there are loads of fanworks depicting Klavier has PTSD when Apollo reminded him of Kristoph in DD. Meawhile, in TGAA canon, Barok says it to Ryuunosuke's face that he regains hope and interested in him because Ryuunosuke reminded him of Klint.
Both older brothers are taller than the younger,foreshadowing how they overshadow the younger. However, while Klavier wants to escape it, Barok is proud of it. That's why Klavier is a prosecutor, he didn't completely follow Kristoph's footsteps as defense, but he didn't completely take different path that he is still part of law world much like Kristoph is either . Meanwhile, Barok has that gigantic painting in his office, interior design that pretty much forces you to look at it the moment you entered his office, clearly deliberate.
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Ryuunosuke even note how "this painting's presence dominate the room" , as well Barok is a prosecutor just like Klint is, hell, his badge was even Klint's and he can even empathize with Ryuunosuke with how Ryuunosuke wanted to be a lawyer for Kazuma and carry the armband as momento.
Klavier legit didn't know it was Kristoph, not until he met Vera. When Barok does get all the clue Klint is the Professor, he did think about it ONCE, but shrugs it off because of his bias that "no way Lord Brother did anything wrong" . Again, Ryuunosuke note that "no way prosecutor as brilliant as Lord van Zieks didn't notice it" . Smaller details, but Klavier is a rockstar, therefore, audio art, and he actually did make some money from it. when Barok makes miniature, visual art, and his tendency to make miniatures is not monetized but it's part of the investigation. in JP version, Klavier used the most slang honorific for older brother (aniki) to refer to Kristoph, when Barok used the most formal as well archaic one (aniue) to refer to Klint. Klavier is simped adored for being a rockstar, Barok is loathed for being the Reaper of Old Bailey. Their physical similarity to their older brothers are also noted in universe, both by a young girl, but while Vera is understandably traumatized by Klavier's similarity to Kristoph, as he is her extorter, Iris is , even if sarcastically, in awe with how good looking Klint and Barok are, mistaking the gigantic painting as Barok. And then turns out they are her biological father and uncle respectively.
Kristoph's animal motif is so subtle- it's dragon, his japan family name means "dragon fang" , and he is meant to be that kind of JRPG final boss dragon, and neither did he share it with Klavier. Meanwhile, the animal motif of the van Zieks are so on the face, helps that both brothers own pet of their spirit animal, as well sharing the motif- Barok also have the dog element that he still is loyal to Klint as well justice itself, while Klint's bat element is that he is like a mother bat trying to nudge her pup to fly on its own (the pup in question is Barok, who is the one with most bat motif)
This animal motif further show the contrast of the elder brothers. Kristoph is a dragon, animal that often depicted as top of the food chain, even above lions or even humans, supreme being that surpasses many other in many fiction in so many ways , that many other served them instead, and he is the mastermind , the one controlling another. When Klint is a dog, and a dog is often used as metaphor for low status or someone that serve another, Kazuma even explicitly say that Klint is Mael's attack dog. (cue those fanarts of Klint wearing the Baskerville collar. Even saying he is pet play fetish bait is spoiler. Man. ) Related to this, dragon and wolf are, in the many cultures of this world, are animals believed to have cause eclipse by devouring the sun, symbolizing how both single-handedly caused a dark era, the Dark Age of Law by Kristoph and the Professor Killings by Klint. Kristoph not only is overarching villain, he is also still alive by the end of AA4, when Klint is long dead and he is the one getting extorted by another, as well only mentioned at final case (Twisted Karma and the Last Bow and Resolve of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou are pretty much the same case)
Speaking about dogs, both elder brothers have dogs. but while Vongole speak for tiny shred of humanity Kristoph still arguably have, Balmung speaks for Klint's utter monstrosity. The names of the dogs too, Vongole literally means "clam" in Italian.Yes, it sounds silly, and maybe I was thinking it too far, but what if it's reference of Katekyo Hitman Reborn , where the MC's mafia FAMILY's name is "vongola" ? Meanwhile, Balmung is other name to the sword Gramr, which Gramr means "wrath" in old norse, when Klint used Balmung to kill the corrupt nobles out of his wrath and exasperation. Speaking about monstrosity, Kristoph embraced his monstrosity, Klint asked Genshin to take him down like he's rabid dog (heh) before he complete monster.
Their surnames are both puns, that are status of the elder brothers thinks they are. The Gavin is actually pun of "gewinner" that means winner in German, that Kristoph thought he already won when Phoenix is disbarred, when "van Zieks" is pun from "banjikkusu" that means "it's all over" in Japanese, that Klint thought he already far gone and lost to Mael. However, both status turns out to be temporary, and by the end of their respective games, Kristoph lost everything even beyond bars, Klavier and Apollo slips from his hand, his status, his wealth, as well Phoenix' name got cleared, when even beyond grave, Klint got everything he wanted, Iris is raised full of love, Barok become an excellent prosecutor , as well Mael's fall.
Both elder brothers are depicted as having influence (with Kristoph being part of Lawyer Association, when Klint is the Chief of Prosecution) as well initially depicted as more trustworthy, with lighter color themes, but later turns out to be serial killers. Kristoph is depicted as pure evil, that he is indeed petty bitch who deserved everything coming to him with petty motivation, and to symbolize this, he has black waistcoat hidden by his blue blazer, hiding how rotten he actually is , that he evil to the core. Meanwhile, Klint is depicted as tragic fallen hero, that he could have accomplish his noble goal with better methods, and to symbolize this, his red coat have black cuff with gold buttons , that he admits he is a monster and wished another to NOT follow after his METHOD but while trying for that noble goal, wishing the better for another. Also, Kristoph himself fabricated evidence, when Klint is (or rather, his dead body) used to fabricate evidence. In contrast, both younger brothers are depicted as sus, with darker color themes, but later gets close with their lawyers of their game.
Both older brothers are cause why a girl become fatherless, but while Kristoph, well, is the one who killed Zak , as well Trucy is still old enough to remember Zak, when Klint is Iris' very own biological father that chose suicide, and Iris knows nothing about her real heritage.Note that other than Klint's red-white theme contrast Kristoph's blue-white, it also paralells Zak's red-white. (Barok do know at the end tho. Yea, this parallel how Thalassa know Apollo is her other kid but Apollo himself doesn't know it, bonus Barok have blue-black theme just like Thalassa. Klint's color theme parallels Zak and Apollo, Barok 's color theme parallels Thalassa and Trucy, see a pattern here? Yes, AA4 parallel TGAA a lot have you seen how much Apollo in Ryuunosuke,should I make another essay on how AA4 parallell DGS? ... anyway-)
Kristoph isn't exactly friends with Phoenix, they are more like two people playing 4D chess against each other with loads of passive aggressive remarks. Meanwhile, Klint and Genshin are truly partners , even in crime, they are very literally partner in crime in international scandal why does TGAA throw the word partner like candy, Kazuma and Ryuunosuke are partners, Sherlock is also partners with Yuujin is there anymore partners I have to know
Klavier didn't assign himself to go against Phoenix, he doesn't even know Phoenix before his first trial. Meanwhile, Barok signed up to prosecute Genshin as he's out for blood to avenge Klint, and it's also implied he already know Genshin for years, way before the Professor incident.
Kristoph rejects change, and is taken down by jury system. Klint initiates change , and truth about him comes out in trial without jury.
Both set of brothers are based on a major arcana tarot card. The Gavins are based on Kristoph's moniker the Devil, when the van Zieks are Death, as represented by Barok's title "Reaper of the Old Bailey."
The Devil design depict a pair of naked human couple chained to the baphomet. Klavier wears plenty of chain accessories .
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The Death is depicted as Death wearing an armor while riding a horse, giving knightly feel, and the van Zieks brothers looks more like they are part of the military than the law world (bonus that Nuri did design them based on guards as well they go around with sword) .
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Quoting labyrinthos./co , the upright meanings for the devil are oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness, limitations , when the reverse meaning are independence, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power, reclaiming control. According to A.E. Waite's book, the meaning of the Devil is .—Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality; that which is predestined but is not for this reason evil. Reversed: Evil fatality, weakness, pettiness, blindness. The card represents: Being seduced by the material world and physical pleasures; lust for and an obsession with money and power. Also: Living in fear, domination and bondage; being caged by an overabundance of luxury; discretion should be used in personal and business matters.
Kristoph unarguably oppress not only Klavier, but also Vera, as well having obsession with Phoenix. He also quite the hedonist, indulging himself in luxury even in prison. Other than luxury, he certainly has a thing to be in power/for someone else to depend on him. He is not above going physical when abusing Klavier either. He also have petty motive behind his actions. When Klavier, he initially is scared shitless of Kristoph, later got the revelation he really is a serial killer, and finally reclaiming control over himself. To add to the devil motif ,the previously mentioned dragon motif match, as dragon are often depicted as demonic in western mythology with the horn and all. Perhaps the hair drill is indeed, supposedly a devil/dragon horn?
As for the death, also quoting labyrinthos./co, the upright meanings for death is transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release , when the reverse is fear of change, repeating negative patterns, resisting change, stagnancy, decay . According to A.E Waite, the meaning of Death is, End, mortality, destruction, corruption; also, for a man, the loss of a benefactor; for a woman, many contrarieties; for a maid, failure of marriage projects. Reversed: Inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrifaction, somnambulism; hope destroyed.
Klint, being the other half of the reaper, is the one who initiates the student transfer program to broaden British Empire's horizon. On the other hand, he got corrupted by is despair and starts committing murder, His death meaning loss of Barok's benefactor/mentor/guardian, as well of Barok's own hope, ergo, death of his innocent self and birth of the cynical one. Barok being racist meaning he is resisting the change Klint himself tried to bring, something Barok himself is aware, and by prosecuting Genshin, Kazuma come after, him, repeating the cycle of revenge. At the end of Resolve, only then Barok finally letting go of Klint, finally accepting he is dead even if still wished he stlll watch him from afar.
Tying back the Death motif with dog animal motif, Klint is the Grim, a mythical black dog that inspires the Baskerville as well the black dog in Harry Potter, that it's believed that if you see the Grim, you will die soon. However it's not the dog that picks the death's soul, it's the reaper. So basically the Grim Reaper is combination of two different word/thing, the Grim, the scary thing that heralds the coming of death, (especially a black dog), and the reaper,who actually does the soul picking job. However, perhaps in intentional irony, it's Klint, who is the Grim, but is actually the one doing the job, when Barok , the reaper, is the one who heralds the coming of the actual soul-picker.
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eleccy · 2 years
erhem. consider. kristoph gavin with munchausen’s syndrome by proxy
klavier was routinely sickly as a child but nobody could ever figure out why. little did they know that kristoph was slipping minute amounts of household cleaning chemicals into his drinks for years - his earliest formative experiences covertly poisoning somebody.
it takes years for the amounts to accumulate enough to manifest in symptoms but luckily the lasting effects for klavier are minimal. he gets a malignant tumor excised from his stomach then goes to europe to study the next year because his parents believe the clean air over there will be good for him. klavier improves enormously but no one puts two and two together that it’s because he’s separated from kristoph for the first time. but, there is more to be discovered...
if you’re not familiar with the whole munchausen’s syndrome by proxy premise, it is a psychological disorder that causes sufferers to insist that their chosen victim is severely ill (which, they’re not). it usually also involves convincing medical personnel to perform unnecessary procedures and most times, the sufferer is the one making the victim sick.
anyways so time goes on and eventually kristoph finds a new victim in his employee, apollo. apollo is confused as to why he starts having all these weird symptoms like throwing up, feeling shaky and numb, odd fevers that come and go. but he never makes the connection to his boss.
another aspect of munchausen’s syndrome by proxy is the desire for attention and sympathy which i definitely feel like kristoph could get himself into. he starts showing up at all of apollo’s medical appointments and insisting that his assistant has to have the best of care. the staff are practically falling all over each other to meet with kristoph’s demands because after all, he’s an elite and a learned man and there must be something here worth pursuing. kristoph can be extremely convincing so i feel like he would play this part so well that even apollo is sure that something is gravely wrong with himself. over time he starts to become convinced that it may be hopeless. he starts writing out a will for himself.
kristoph just says what symptoms he fears apollo is going to develop, and it happens, which only leads everyone involved to believe in his words even more. but he’s the one poisoning him. so of course, he would know exactly what apollo is going to develop.
the only thing that can stop this is phoenix and ema coming forward with raw evidence and atroquinine tests that show beyond a doubt that kristoph has been poisoning apollo. obviously apollo is so shocked, so angry, he doesn’t believe it all at first and continues to insist that it’s something else, something that’s killing him, but eventually klavier comes to him and tells him his story and they both fully realize that they’ve been victims the whole time.
the scariest part of this though is that when klavier and apollo go to confront kristoph about this, he categorically denies the allegation and is disgusted when klavier and apollo try to contest this with evidence. and that’s when apollo finally realizes that his bracelet has not. moved. because kristoph isn’t lying, he’s just completely and totally, genuinely unaware that he’s been behind these poisonings. just like his black psychelocks blind him to the facts of his motive behind killing zak gramarye.
this is some of the scariest shit i’ve ever written and i should make this into a fic for halloween
original tags on this bc tumblr hates me
#kristoph gavin #aa4 #warnings: disturbing #warnings: abuse #my true crime ass has been going way too far down the youtube rabbit hole #but this is a disorder that typically is more correlated with women #but is something that i one hundred percent believe kristoph could have #and he may actually have it canonically just based on like #the way that he talks to klavier and talks OVER klavier in 4-4 #insisting that klavier cant make his own decisions and doesnt know what hes talking about etc #fuck. i scared myself
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hillibillibob · 3 years
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Welcome to the AU where I make Trucy suffer. Basic story info below the cut, but TW: Abuse. Though I don’t go into much detail. I also talk about how and why I’ve changed up her design for this AU under the story info :)
Basically I’ve dubbed this the Trucy Gavin AU. Zak ends up trusting Kristoph and letting him take the case which results in Trucy being adopted by him. I do not think Kristoph would be very kind do her considering his character in AJ. They do not form any sort of familial bond, Trucy tries, but Kris shits that down quickly, telling her to call him “Mr. Gavin”. He’s generally verbally abusive and constantly belittles her interests and gaslights her. He becomes physically abusive when he is agitated, either when a case doesn’t go his way and/or when he deems Trucy is in the way. 
Trucy does end up bonding with Klavier though and finds his home to be her safe haven in all of this. He babysits her a lot and Trucy warms up to him fairly quickly. She also forms a pretty strong bond with Apollo, who is working as an apprentice of Kristoph’s at the time and eventually starts dating Klav. Apollo is the first to pick up on her abuse and prompts Klavier to pay more attention. 
How her design has changed and why
Okay so I’m not a character designer, I don’t know much about character design, but I wanted to change her design up for the AU. I’ve adjusted her hairstyle only slightly, pulling her hair onto her shoulder and giving it a similar shape to Kristoph and Klavier because I thought Kris might make her wear it that way to make her look “presentable”, though I left it a bit of a looser curl as I imaging Trucy has thicker hair. I hc that her hair is naturally a bit wavy and was curlier when she was younger so they had a harder time styling it when she was little. Kristoph also does away with her magicians outfit, deeming it “embarrassing” and “inappropriate” (He also bans magic in the house and does not let vallent anywhere near her as a way of controlling and manipulating her, so an outfit change is natural.” Her wardrobe here is more reserved, but takes cues from her original outfit such as the diamond buttons on her dress. I also directly pulled colors from her og design, but rearraigned them a bit because I wanted her color scheme to be duller and darker. For example her dress used to be a very deep purpleish color, which I repurpoused in her shoes as well as her skirt in her older design, but I really wanted her main design for this AU to stay in the cool blue tones so I used her eye color for the dress. Her shirt and tights I pulled from the shading on the white parts of her og outfit and I repurposed her red scarf into a red accent ribbon. Her little diamond buttons stayed the same in position and color though because I thought they worked well on a classy business-ish outfit and because I wanted this design to call back to her og design. Other than that I just tried to make her look a bit sickly and sad. She often has bruises and her face is usually a bit red from crying. 
I forgot to add the colors I used to paint in the bruises to the color references, but for context I used a fairly saturated purple, a yellow-green, and a pinkish red, then blended them with her natural skin tone. I used the oil paint brush in Clip Studio Paint for all of the coloring and the mechanical pencil brush for the “line art” (it’s a sketch layer, I’m just lazy. I was tracing over my traditional sketches so it wasn’t too bad.)
Anyway, if you’re interested in more story details let me know and I’d be glad to share more. If you wanna draw or write something for this AU I just ask that you tag it with #trucygavinau so that I can see it :) but I’m sure no one will care about this just like no one cared about my steven universe k12 au a while back. That’s fine. I’ll hoard all this angst to myself :))))))
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penny-nichols · 2 years
Thinking about the Claydar Siren/Sailor AU actually.
Hmmmm.... Maybe most of the murderers are sirens? Because they lead people to their doom? And are looked down upon because of that? (Kristoph wouldn't be a siren though because he's Captain of the ship Apollo and Clay are on... I need a good name for it)
Actually, maybe more of the villains who are People in Power are human (Gant, MVK, Blaise, Redd White, etc) and are running ships or ports or regulating ships or something?
Phoenix's ship is called the Turnabout, I think... Perhaps Kristoph's ship is.... Hm.... The Ace of Spades? Something card themed maybe?
Anyway the murderers who are more charming and not necessarily in legal positions of power are Sirens... So to think of some.... Definitely Dahlia, Probably Calisto Yew, Dee Vasquez, Matt Engarde, Mimi Miney, Richard Wellington, Alita Tiala, Daryan (obviously), (literally no one from game 5 LMAOOOOO sorry you can't be good looking or charming in any way game 5 killers. Xoxo get well soon), and Probably Roger Retinz? Uhhhh other AAI because I already mentioned Calisto ... Jacques Portsman, Cammy Meele, Horace Knightly maybe? And probably Simon Keyes. I know I said "some" and then listed all the sirens but shhh, I'm typing what I'm thinking
ACTUALLY maybe its the act of killing that turns you into a siren? So that's why, say Iris isn't a siren/the rest of the Feys aren't Sirens. Yes, Sirens can PROBABLY have children but far more come from those who have killed. (I'm not going off of actual mythology here just shit that sounds cool)
MVK/Blaise/Gant haven't physically killed anyone in this (just kinda... Led them to their deaths or sentenced them or something) and I feel like I might be going into too much lore for a thing that's essentially "but what if... They kissed" but shush it's world building.
Lamiroir/thalassa is rumored to be half siren. The Gramarye boat got caught in a storm, leaving Zak and Valant alive, Magnifi dead, and Thalassa presumed dead but actually on a different shore with no memories. (Trucy wasn't allowed to go on the boat yet so she was fine) Anyway.... Hmm... I want to say that Daryan was part of a ship run by Klavier and he began smuggling on the side. Anyway, LeTouse called him out on it and without really even questioning if what he was doing was worth it, Daryan shot him. He jumped overboard immediately but everyone else on board kinda figured the situation out when they found Daryan missing and saw Letouse dead
Let's see, I feel like the people on Klavier's ship would be... Klavier, Daryan, Letouse, Lamiroir, Machi, and maybe Athena and Juniper? Something like that I guess. Maybe more people... Maybe Sebastian too?
Anyway, I think the siren transformation turns you into part fish or fish like thing (fins and a tail essentially) so Daryan is shark, Dahlia is Betta fish... Idk that much about fish. so Daryan jumps overboard and as soon as he hits the water he's got a tail and gills and stuff.
So Kristoph's got his own ship and it's got Clay, Apollo... Actually maybe The Turnabout got sunk (probably by Kristoph) so Phoenix is first mate and Trucy is there too. Zak is probably a new crew member who people don't really recognize as zak gramarye? Trying to think of other people vs people who would be on land vs people who would be on a different boat
Anyway this was all world building and no actual romance so maybe I'll make another post. Gonna start tagging this
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wildfey · 3 years
Anon from yesterday back again! About the set-up, a post on twitter explained the theory much better and I gotta look up the name. The gist is that Phoenix could've proved that he was set up. He did not have the time to have a forgery done since he got the job for defending Zak only the day before. Plus the money. Instead, there is no evidence at all he even tried. Why? Because he'd seen the courts' corruption before and decided it didn't matter anymore, plus too dangerous.
(continued) You could even point at his reply to the Judge's words and wonder if Phoenix has nothing to say because he knows it's useless to argue. Hidden powers have already decided that they will attack him and try to drag him down.
okay, okay, hello again anon, good to see you back with another excellent ask.
I always think that there are two ways to look at Phoenix's disbarment:
a) that the problem was straight-up with bringing forged evidence into court, no matter what the circumstances were.
b) that the problem was that Phoenix was assumed to have created the forged evidence and bought it into court intentionally.
Ace Attorney really flips around on which of these is true in universe (it's a plot point to some extent in 1-5, 3-3, 4-1, and 4-4) but considering that Phoenix gets his badge back almost immediately after it's proved that the second wasn't the case, I'm going to assume that presenting forged evidence accidentally is either not an issue or less of an issue. This tends to be the fanon majority stance too. (It's worth noting that Edgeworth is implied to have pulled some strings irt getting Phoenix's badge back. Ymmv and so on.)
With our framework safely in place, the question arises: If Phoenix could have avoided punishment, or at least public shaming, by revealing the set-up, why wouldn't he? As you point out, the forgery doesn't make sense once you start to look into it and we know that Phoenix did put a lot of these pieces together. Hell, he could have made these arguments when Misham testified during the Gramarye trial. But he doesn't. (Warning: this is a more headcanon-y meta than my last one, because the 7yg is... a gap and we have very little concrete info on what the fuck Phoenix was up to. He got a kid, worked on jury trials, played good poker + bad piano, and had some sort of frenemyship with Kristoph. That's pretty much all we've got).
Firstly: Corruption. The AA court system is ridiculously corrupt, and at the point that Phoenix is disbarred, he becomes emblematic of this - he's a man with a history of revealing injustice - notably Von Karma & Gant, but even without them he still won some high profile cases - and once he's disbarred, it's implied that the narrative is flipped, turning him into a figurehead for that which he fought against (dark age of the law, etc). The obvious conclusion is that his disbarment was a convenient way to discredit him - powerful and corrupt figures (and in AA there are many) don't need to fear Phoenix Wright if he isn't a lawyer and his reputation is ruined. The counter argument is that Phoenix... has always done some questionable things with evidence (1-5, 2-4, and 3-3 stand out to me). But no more so than anyone else in this fucked-up universe. Either way, Phoenix has always worked in a system stacked against him, and it's very possible that he suspected there to be manoevering behind the scenes (and there was! We know Kristoph existed and was purposefully working against Phoenix.) HOWEVER, I don't believe that any of this would stop him on it's own, because it's been long established that Phoenix Wright does not give a shit about bad odds.
So, what would make him accept it? Anon, you mention danger in your ask, and I do see that as partially true - Phoenix isn't concerned about danger to himself, but he has a kid to care for. I would say, however, that especially when we come to Kristoph, as much of a bastard as he is, Phoenix had no evidence that he could be violent to the point of murder until 4-1. Before that, his influence was long-distance life ruining, rather than active threat (though long-distance life ruining is pretty scary on its own when you're raising a small child with low funds). I do see that as a cause, but one of many, and this is the point where I'd like to go back to the conversation on motivation.
I am going to make the argument here, as I did in the other answer, that Phoenix, in the 7yg and possibly elsewhere, is depressed, and that one symptom of that is a loss of motivation. It's implied by the game itself, and makes more sense than most of the alternatives.
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(I won't get too personal, but the years of my life where I dressed like this... not good years lol)
My headcanon has always been that by the point that Phoenix had sorted out his guardianship of Trucy and got himself out of that initial low that came from having his life ruined, it was too late to fix his disbarment and he had to change tracks, and that's when he became interested in MASON. (Not to self-promote, but I'm realising that a lot of what I've said here is rephrased ideas from The Path Once So Clear, so if you want 15,000-ish words on the subject, it's there). Of course, when talking about Phoenix's 7yg depression, I think it's also important to mention that Phoenix in AA4 is very much implied to be putting on an act (which is pretty common in AA4 in general. Most characters in that game have both a public and private face). Being 'Beanix' - eg. the piano/poker player with no prospects who works in a shitty restaurant and takes nothing seriously - is a convenient cover while he works on the things that he doesn't want to be targeted for (and here we come back to the corruption angle).
As to how far the depression helps that act... well, that could be a whole conversation on its own. Once again, I'm very much coming into headcanon here, but I'm reminded of the phenomenon where someone with depression will deliberately exacerbate it, either as a form of self-harm or as some attempt to fit a role (artists are especially prone, due to the 'depressed artist' stereotype. I see it most in the emo scene). Beanix has always seemed to me as someone who is deliberately messing up his own life - he repeatedly provokes Apollo, essentially sabotaging their relationship, he puts himself into dangerous situations for no real reason (this is a general Phoenix trait), and despite the fact that we KNOW Maya and Edgeworth were supportive of him during this period, we never actually see them around, presumably because he's keeping them at a distance. How much of this is for the act, and how much is real?
Again, we've come very much off topic (whoops) but I see a lot of this as another aspect of Phoenix's low self worth - is there a difference between the image he projects of a man who has given up due to being disbarred, and the real Phoenix who is still actively working behind the scenes but is very obviously not doing well because he can't 'save people' - the thing which so much of his identity relies upon? I think there is, but I also think the image too often becomes the reality, and AA4 does carry this underlying theme of how wearing these masks of a public persona can affect your 'true self'.
As always, I genuinely love to see other people's takes on this, either in the tags, in reblogs, or via asks. This one is very headcanon-y, and I know there some entirely different perspectives out there, some of which I really like. (Also this one got to be heavy. Look after yourselves guys.)
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bones-sprouts · 3 years
@burnoutandbookworms-ohmy you wanted to be tagged :>
okay so the cast would be as follows
apollo - tommy
phoenix - wilbur
trucy - tubbo
klavier - ranboo (this one's ambitious but hear me out-)
kristoph - dream
ema - techno
lamiroir - kristin
zak - phil (F in chat for mr minecraft 😔)
and then all of the filler characters would be various other smp members (suggestions?)
so then the plot would go as follows (we're bullet pointing this bitch you better run)
• so tommy arrives in the courtroom with dream, and he's nervous as hell, because not only is it his first trial
• his client is wilbur fucking soot
• world renouned defense attorney, now disbarred for forging evidence
• but tommy is 110% sure wilbur is innocent
• because wilbur is his HERO
• and then dream introduces them and damn he looks like shit
• i'm talking full pogtopia era get-up, plus a ratty beanie that has wilby painted on it and a crown pin
• so wil spouts the standard cryptic bullshit you'd expect from phoenix
• and tommy does an early smpe earth 'i am so cool and not at all starstruck' type act
• and they head in
• you meet the judge, who i didn't replace bc it's the judge
• tommy does his chords of steel, but with significantly more swearing then apollo would use
• and dream seems to be just a bit off
• and he goes on this big tirade about blue cards
• the case goes smoothly, until
• tommy feels something akin to a burning from the compass he's kept as a necklace for as long as he can remember
• and he just knows that the witness is lying
• it's like he can see the tiniest of tells that tip him off
• dream doesn't quite understand it, but wilbur looks like he knows exactly what's going on
• before he calls this out, though, a recess is called
• wilbur and dream have a chat, so tommy's left to his own devices
• and this boy about his age in a green magician's outfit runs up to him
• and he looks like an older version of the picture of wilbur's kid that he showed off in court beforehand
• and he hands tommy a (bloody??) playing card and poofs away
• then the trial resumes as normal, with tommy grilling the witness and eventually accusing her
• but it just doesn't seem right
• he knows she's not lying about being innocent, her tells would have tipped him off if she was
• but dream pushes and pushes him to formally accuse her
• until wilbur fucking soot interjects with an OBJECTION!
• while tommy geeks the hell out, wilbur asserts that there must have been someone else in the room
• and accuses dream.
• tommy's confused, and the both of them argue back and forth for a bit, until wilbur starts explaining his theory with evidence from tommy along the way
• but it's seeming like they don't have any non circumstancial evidence
• until wilbur has tommy pull out the playing card
• (i haven't been explaining the case but it makes sense i promise)
• they win the case, with dream never faltering or showing emotion, even after being taken away
• tommy's shaken up, but happy, all things considered
• but before he can ponder on what's just happened, wilbur takes him aside to talk
• and admits the card was forged
• tommy's shocked, and he's sad, and he's angry, because how could wilbur fucking soot forge evidence??
• and he punches him in the face
• wil smiles and gives him an offer to work at his office, since tommy's boss is kind of in jail
• tommy leaves
• but he comes back a few months later, only out of desperation
• he's greeted by the boy from the trial (wil's kid?)
• who demands to know his name and his 'talent'
• tommy says he's a lawyer and introduces himself
• the kid says his name is tubbo and that the building hasn't been a law office in a long time
• tommy asks to see wilbur
• so they go to see him
• in the fucking hospital
• he managed to get hit by a car, which sent him flying 40ft back into a telephone pole
• and he sprained his ankle
• he's very lucky apparently
• so from there, cases 2 and 3 play out (i'm gonna skim though these bc if i write them out ill end up rewriting plot points and i don't have the energy)
• along the way, they meet a few interesting people
• ranboo, a prosecutor who's dream's younger brother and the guitarist for a popular band, that tubbo immediately gets along with and tommy despises
• dispite seeming cocky, he's impressively awkward outside of court
• technoblade, a detective who's fairly standoffish towards tommy and tubbo alike, but has a soft spot for wilbur (do they have a history)
• kristin, a singer with a past she can't remember (unbeknownst to tommy, his compass tends to point towards her and tubbo. odd)
also before we move on to the final case, a quick summary of the dynamics and other small shit bc seritonin
• though wil adopted tubbo, they have much more of a sibling dynamic, and cause general mayhem
• wilbur does actually warm up to tommy fairly quickly (beanix and apollo dynamic, my abbhorrent) and while tommy still doesn't 100% trust wil, they do end up getting pretty close as time goes on
• tubbo and ranboo IMMEDIATELY hit it off, much to the dismay of tommy, and the two of them act like the dummy named micheal that tubbo uses for magic tricks is their son
• tommy acts like he hates ranboo's guts, but that won't stop him from trying to sweet talk his way into getting evidence from him (it always works, ranboo has no spine.) he also, like in canon, vents to ranboo whenever he needs to, and ranboo ends up knowing more ab him then even wil and tubbo
• jack is eldoon. they all go to his noodle shop constantly and tommy always complains about them being too salty. jack hates him with a passion but adores tubbo and wil
• instead of snakooos, techno deadass just has entire bags full of raw potatoes that he eats like chips, this is terrifying to everyone except wilbur, who acts like it's completely normal
• instead of pretending to be taken hostage in case 2, tubbo deadass pretends to have a nuke and threatens to set it off unless a recess is called. after things calm down they go back in and he just,, doesn't get arrested. the law is fucked
• after case 1, dream wears a smiley mask in order to not show his face, paranoid that tommy or someone else like him will know his secrets though his tells
okay now final case here we go
• wilbur tells tommy and tubbo that he's been working on a special trial with the jury system, and that he needs them to defend
• they agree, and go to meet the client
• things generally go like any other investigation, but there's just something about it that feels game changing
• and as they power though the first part of the trial, they start to uncover that there might be someone pulling the strings from behind the scenes
• tommy clocks her tell (chewing her nails) and they start to make progress
• but before they can uncover answers from her, she passes out
• a recess is called, and so are paramedics
• it turns out she's ingested the same kind of poison as the victim, coming from her nail polish
• tommy and tubbo are shaken up, and they go to wil for help
• he decides they need to know the full truth, but he knows that some of the evidence is lost at this point
(and holy shit stay with me here i promise that as out of left field this is the original game made significantly less sense)
• he phones a friend that he knows is the only one that can help them
• karl
• he explains the situation, and karl agrees to help them
• and they fucking time travel
(again, the game makes even less sense i promise)
• they chat with the victim and defendant from seven years beforehand, right after wil was disbarred
• they watch the trial wil got disbarred over, where he defended tubbo's bio father, phil
• and they see a much smaller tubbo hand wil the forged evidence, saying that a kind man told him to give it to the man with the bright blue hamilton suit
• and they watch wil present it, only to be shot down by a much younger ranboo, who proves it's fake
• and they find out tubbo and tommy are bio siblings, which they're shocked about but decide to talk about later (fuck canon tommy and tubbo get to know)
• and they go visit dream in prison
• at this point wil is CONVINCED dream is behind everything, they just need the right evidence
• so they head to the cell, only for it to be empty
• naturally, they start snooping
• wil finds a letter, and opens it to reveal exactly what they need to win the case
• but before they can leave, dream, equipped with a smiley mask, stops them
• they exchange a few words before they leave, letterless
• luckily, wil has a trick up his sleeve, and reveals that his crown pin has a built in camera
• they examine the contents of the letter, and wil hastily makes a replica, and they head off to the trial
• since they're experimenting with the jurist system for the first time, they can't afford to wait for the defendant to heal, so they proceed
• they call dream to the stand
• they grill him for quite a while, with the help of ranboo who refuses to protect his brother, getting him to show his true colors, and then pull out the letter
• and he says that it's a fake, which the judge unfortunately agrees with
• so they don't have their evidence
• and even though they've shown pretty much everything and dream had practically admitted to bring a murderous bastard and the one who gave tubbo the fake to give to wil
• they don't have enough to convince a judge
• tommy and tubbo are crushed
• but wil is happy
• because they don't have to convince a judge
• they have to convince a jury
• and they win
• dream shatters along with his mask, going completely off the deep end
• their client is safe, and so is wil
• kristin also reveals to wil that she's tommy and tubbo's bio mom, saying that she'll tell them when she's really
• so things come to a close
• for now, anyway
so yeah, thats AJ but dsmp, to anyone who didn't play the game, i'm so sorry this makes no sense, and to anyone who did, you're cool as hell can we be moots 👉👈
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askaceattorney · 5 years
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Dear Skibot99,
Co-Mod: I’d tell you, but I’m afraid she might hear me.
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Mod Maya: Pre-twisted Simon would be adorable! He’s handsome, has a prosecutor’s salary, and is a complete gentleman. (For DGS though, I’d choose Barok because dang he’s fine--)
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Dear Inferno,
Co-Mod: I’ll definitely do so and let you know what I think about it as soon as I find an empty spot in my already packed schedule.  It’s like I’m losing at Tetris 99 here.  (Or just plain Tetris, for that matter.)
*Fast forward a couple of weeks*
I started watching the first chapter, and I’ve gotta say, it’s already pretty intriguing.  I found it a little hard to take Franziska’s voice acting seriously, though.  I wasn’t expecting something spectacular, but she’s just not herself without a German accent, if you ask me.
Mod Kristoph: I watched that a while ago. Really good stuff. (Also, I called who the killer was from part 1.)
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(Previous Letter)
Dear sc9ven,
Co-Mod: I actually didn’t find any of your letters in the inbox, which means we either deleted them or already posted them.  Either way, sorry 'bout that!
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I haven’t read any fanfiction all the way through as far as I can remember, but I do remember reading part of one where Kay snuck into Phoenix’s office after he adopted Trucy and almost freaked out, thinking he was her biological father.  I don’t remember its title, though, so if anyone knows which one I’m talking about, please fill me in.
Mod Kristoph: I don’t remember what my first fanfic was but probably my favorite is Pick Your Poison. It’s not so much a case as it is a series of “punishments” given to other characters. It’s hilarious.
Mod Maya: I cannot reveal this
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Certainly Bobby Fulbright,
Co-Mod: That’s a good que--
AaaaAAACHOO!!!  ...Sorry.  *sniff*
That’s a good question.  My first thought is Phoenix, since he’s earned himself a little R & R after the crazy adventures he’s been on lately.  It’d be a definite challenge for him to get back into the dating scene after his encounter (and re-encounter) with the darker side of relationships, but at least he’d be better prepared for it, so who knows?  It might work.
Please notice I didn’t mention who he’d be starting a family with.  That’s up to your imagination.
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Mod Maya: Mildly afraid because I feel everyone in this series that has any relatives is just cursed--I think both Athena and Apollo are the types that would want to? Apollo’s a really caring boy, and Athena definitely loves that kind of thing too. I think they’d like to give their kids the type of life they couldn’t have.
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Dear ZaK,
Co-Mod: I love it!  Especially the double-meaning of the word “represent.”  Heaven knows if we’ll ever get to see Phoenix join the already huge Smash Bros. roster, but I’d love to see a trailer like this regardless.  Just make it into a video, and I’ll give it the Co-Mod Seal of Approval!
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Dear skibot99 again,
Co-Mod: Well, you’re right about us being busy with letters.  I still need to get on with the essay-writing part of this blog.  There are currently five or so requests for them, and I’d love to get them all done right now, but things have kept getting in the way.  I’ll be sure and get ‘em done ASAP, though.
Unfortunately, I don’t know of any blogs that are specifically about discussing Ace Attorney (and I’ll probably eat a cardboard badge before I go searching through Tumblr for them), but there are plenty of discussions going on at the Court-Records Forms, so I recommend checking it out.
The writing process for essays goes something like this: think about it, write it down, revise it, repeat.  I also take a look at gameplay videos to make sure I don’t miss any important details, but other than that, I just write whatever comes to mind when I think about the character in question, then try to reorganize it.  It think that’s called the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid.)  I hope it’s working for you all so far!
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Dear jnv11,
Co-Mod: Thanks for finding those!  The first one was the Mod’s misspelling, but the Engarde letters were mine.  I must have let my mental guard down, so to speak.
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Dear Anonymous,
Co-Mod: We’re actually using Tumblr’s Schedule option, which lets you choose a specific times for letters to be posted.  It’s a little less convenient than the Queue option, but I’ve found it to be more reliable.
And trust me, if we had the kind of time one would need to post something manually ever two hours, we’d be answering letters way faster.
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Dear Mothmouth,
Co-Mod: Sure thing.  Here it is, and here’s the Ghost Trick one.  That one was a feat of animation, let me tell you.
And thanks for the kind words!  You’re just as cool.
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Dear Fulbright,
Co-Mod: Thanks!  It was mainly thought up by Mod Kristoph and Mod Paups, and we kind of started doing it at the last minute, so I’m super thankful for their help with it all.
And yes, the letters the villains answered will be given a proper answer as soon as they reach the bottom of the inbox.  We don’t take kindly to letter thieves ‘round these parts.
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Dear Inferno again,
Co-Mod: A little late (and not even necessary, as you already know), but thanks anyway, pal.
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Dear skibot99 again (again),
Co-Mod: Thanks!  I somehow forgot to do that, but those tags have been added now.  Sheesh, what would we do without you guys?
I’ll keep your April Fools’ Day idea in mind for next year (I blocked it out so we can retain the element of surprise), but there’s a chance we might choose to do something different.  Oh yeah, and the Mod’s back!
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That was more or less my reaction when I first heard the news.  Glad to have you back, Modot!  (That’s definitely my favorite Mod nickname, by the way.)
-The Mods
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