#not that i dont find tiktok drama entertaining
valleynix · 2 years
Per your tags on the post you reblogged, you have tea on people in this fandom?? 👀
yes but this is just a silly little blog for my silly little writings. i'm not about to start issues on here because tumblr people are another breed of hostile when someone has a different opinion than their own.
i get enough shit on tiktok for stating any sort of opinion that gains traction and this is my nice little calm place where i can talk about my favorite characters and scream into the void about them <3
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xplrvibes · 7 months
you need to be their marketing director. but we know not even colby gets a say around sam so good luck 😂
ok i dont get this whole dr brock thing. bc he wore glasses in that one photo? maybe i’m just struggling to find the goofiness in it but how does that make him a doctor? Lol
anyway, i hope they start posting again soon on their yt channel, im getting bored of the petty drama 😂 and im actually excited for the dropouts podcast. despite peoples latest sudden opinion on zach, i find him amusing. although the podcast they just released they all shat massively on the belief of ghosts so idk how well snc are gonna go if thats all they’ve got to talk abt.
still, it’ll be entertaining
- aussie anon
I would get fired immediately, cause Sam would try some shit and I'd just be like "no." 🤣
Hopefully the new video comes out in the next week or two - whenever they do a merch shoot, you know a new video isn't too far off!
I honestly don't know much about Zach, his controversies, or his podcast - I've seen clips of it on tiktok here and there, but that's about it. The snc episode is available on his patreon as of right now, but idk when it becomes available on the free platforms- hopefully soon, I'm actually more interested to see how snc and Tara interact with each other after all these years than anything else. Should be interesting!
I also hope they do more podcasts someday, but they seem to keep their appearances on podcasts few and far between so 🤷‍♀️.
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raiaue · 2 years
Welcome to tumblr! Allow me to give you a little introductory guide, it can be a bit difficult to understand the site if you're used to ones like instagram, twitter and tiktok, its very different here!
Your dashboard (feed) is Not algorithm based like it is on other sites, you will only see the reblogs from the people you follow. On tumblr, you and the people you follow Are the algorithm, you control what you see on your dash! There are some algorithm based functions on here, though none of them are self-learning-AI based. The for you tab, unlike on tiktok, is not your main feed, the Following tab is. The for you tab is mostly posts from the blogs the people you follow reblog most from, as well as stuff from your explore page. So, the for you page isn't like tiktoks fyp. They're all based purely on what the people you follow are following, reblogging and liking, it's just allowing you some insight into their dashboards more or less!
The explore page, and all the other pages, won't infinitely update with new posts each time you refresh the page. If you look at your explore page now, and check back tomorrow, most of the same posts will still be there. Basically, tumblr isn't as fast paced as other apps, and won't cater to short attention spans like other apps will, which is great! It's good to slow down! If you want more action on your dash, follow more blogs!
You can find more blogs about topics you like using the search function of course, as with any social media site. The search function isnt the best, it's more or less impossible to find specific posts, but if its keyword or tag based searches you're good to go!
Liking posts does nothing for the creator of the post, likes dont equate anything, they have no "worth". Reblogging is what makes a difference on here, and it's the only thing that will let your followers see that post, though it seems you've understood this already, good job! Likes only serve a purpose in the "based on your likes" tab, which I haven't seen in a while, maybe its not a thing anymore, who knows! Other than that, likes are typically used by users for the sake of saving posts so you can find them later!
We generally dont add our own thoughts on posts as an addition on the post, we do that in the tags, so the person reblogging from you won't have to reblog your addition to the post as well. Sometimes we do add regular text to posts, but generally it's a bit frowned upon, you'll learn when and what to comment on, and when to use the tags! Don't think of the tags only as hashtags, the tags is your personal thought space, say whatever shit you want in there! all your completely irrelevant thoughts!
You can customise your desktop blog with different themes, if you go to raiaue.tumblr.com on desktop you'll get to the customisable desktop blog, have fun!
the queue! You can queue posts instead of reblogging them instantly, it's by no means necessary, but some people like to do it to keep their blogs active 24/7, but it really doesn't serve a purpose, it won't gain you more followers, but it will allow all your followers from different time zones to see you on their dash more consistently, but again, won't serve a purpose with follower count, which is something we really dont care about on tumblr, since we can't see other peoples follower counts! we're all equals on here, no verification checkmarks, no follower counts, lovely!
Have fun on here, dont bring the twitter drama, just follow and reblog things you like, make friends, go ham!
(and if you want a glimpse into tumblr history, follow @heritageposts, this site has a wild history, might be entertaining to see!)
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bye-bye-firefly · 1 year
I’ve heard of Colleen Hoover books. I like listening to book reviews on youtube while doing other stuff (I’ll listen to reviews for books I haven’t read along with books I have read, sometimes I’ll find something that sounds good enough that I’d want to read it and then I’ll add it to my list. Though, most of the time the reviews are just entertaining) and I’ve heard reviews for Colleen Hoover books soooooo often. They’ve all sounded like such fever dreams. Like very huh?????? Vibes. Haven’t actually read any of them though.
Books are indeed very expensive. I’m very happy things like libraries and second hand bookstores exist. They are a wonderful magic. I would like to bake them all a cake and give them a cup of hot cocoa
I haven’t heard of Jungi Ito before or Meg Mason or Mark Danielewski. I shall google them after I’m done writing this! I have heard of Steven King, which probably isn’t surprising considering how popular some of his stuff is. In like 4th or 5th grade it was like I could not walk into a room at school without seeing It on someone’s desk. That book was everywhere.
Do you have a favorite genre to look for stuff in or a favorite method of finding books? Also, thoughts on flowery writing?
NEVER HEARD OF JUNJI ITO........You will learn
my favourite genre of all time ever since i was like really little has been horror. like when i was little i would read goosebumps and then when my dad heard that i could actually read well above my grade, she was like Oh fuck yes I am indoctrinating you so now i have read a lot of stephen king and i read stephen king books when she tells me to. there are things that i dont like about stephen king but for the most part? a lot of his books are worth reading. but yeah i always look in horror sometimes i pick up slice of life shit but only if its batshit okay like if i engage with ANYTHING slice of life it has to be the most batshit flavour and that means i am going to go for nichijous of the world OR drama. if its dramatic i always consider it. i dont like things to be boring or dragging on for too long it has to be a wild ride.
other than genres, finding books themselves...i mostly wander around bookstores or libraries and pick up whatever interests me OR i wait for someone online to talk about some obscure book and then i go Oh that sounds sick as fuck and then i go and read it and sometimes i like it sometimes i dont. i REFUSE to go to tiktok for books. i dont really use tiktok or like tiktok but those girlies are going fucking crazy over there for REAL!!! theyre the girlies who are making book tropes a thing that you can use in advertising and i hate it ive never seen so many new books lack a description in my whole fucking life THIS IS NOT A SUMMARY I DONT KNOW WHAT IM MEANT TO DERIVE FROM THIS LIST OF WORDS!!! like the whole point of tags on ao3 is yes to search but also to warn others of what is INSIDE the book and if you dont have a good summary or an interesting summary no one is going to read that fucking fic. like. look at nameless right. my summary is GREAT on there. THATS THE STORY. people who READ the fic know like THAT is the story. AND you get a taste of my writing. now, another fic i wrote, o green world. THAT'S NOTHING. THAT'S NOT A SUMMARY. i was OBSESSED with one to two-sentence summaries back when i was first starting out and it SHOWS you do not get SHIT from my summaries. no WONDER that hit count is so low god damn
and flowery writing..........i. i dont really like it that much. but most of the time it doesnt bother me until it gets to a point where im like this is a BREAKFAST TABLE. okay. i take flowery writing as a hint that i should be paying attention to everything the position of everything the colours i should be deriving some kind of meaning and i WILL take note of it because i am the kind of motherfucker that i will take notes on a book either in a journal or in the margins (BOOOOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO im so sorry i only do it with books i own) but like a lot of the books ive read where theres flowery writing used for specific scenes or in bursts like theres no REASON for them to be flowery in that moment theyre just BEING FLOWERY and i suppose theyre trying to make it more impactful but if you want an impactful moment i personally always stick with making impactful moments feel kind of FAST. like we dont dwell on it too long we have to keep moving i dont want to prove that it is impactful by being like And with a caress like a flower petal on the wind, Kokichi placed his warm hand against Shuichi's cold skin, breaking the frost and turning ice to water, water to vapour WE DONT NEED ALL THAT so sometimes yes it does annoy me but its like . there are times for it. you know? and a lot of old books use flowery language because that is the time that is the style there is probably a purpose for it. dorian gray has a lot of flowery language in it and it serves a PURPOSE. dorian gray is just a giant gay horror book like there is NO heterosexual explanation for the things that are said in that book for the things that are done like. the flowery language plays a huge part in a lot of it because a lot of the time oscar wilde is using it to put emphasis on something in a scene or describing a POWERFUL emotion. there are places for it but i have read a lot of books (AND fics) where its just. unnecessary. use your tools properly forever
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hopeididntscareyou · 2 years
Even though Liz would talk shit about me, I dont agree with everything she says. I'm not going to let other people get in the way of my relationships anymore. Listening to other peoples opinions just making me feel hateful and also making me a terrible person for being always on defensive mode. Deep down, i'm a very loyal and genuine person. I believe in true love even in this day and age where people are either manipulators and too traumatized to trust others. I am someone who would go lengths to show how i care about someone without losing myself. I dont care about all these labels and games that people play. As long as I stay healthy mentally, emotionally and physically, then nothing can destroy me. I only follow my own philosophy.
I find it saddening how people would believe whatever bullshit they see on tiktok/youtube rather than learning things from real life experience. People need to understand that these content creators are mainly trying to make money. They have that goal thats why they stir drama from reddit or 4chan extremists. Their ideas dont reflect the entire population IRL. They make money by grabbing your attention, brainwashing you and being their followers. Don't you see how out of touch with reality that looks like? if that doesn't sound crazy and cult-like to you, then i don't know what to tell you. I admit though, I was also a victim of this for awhile, but in my entire life I realized, the only times I have really learned about life was from my own experiences, and going outside and engaging with people who are passionate about their work that they dont even have time for the internet- usually older people from all walks of life. Thats where I got real wisdom. Its never really been from the internet. The thing is you could spend your precious time consuming self improvement material from youtube or reddit and even a book but it wouldn't actually improve your life whatsoever because you spent your time being a follower of someone else's ideas than having your own path. To be honest, all self improvement books/videos I've seen are just mostly common sense that I already knew and had been doing because I came up with these ideas on my own. It's really not that hard to give yourself a quiet time to sit and think solutions for your own problems. I believe it is more important to create more than to consume. Nowadays, internet is full of retarded and braindead people wired by quick dopamine. Its not the same as early 2000s and mid 2010s where internet stuff was obscure. Its been decades since the invention of the internet. It is not the age of the internet anymore but the age of algorithm. I stopped consuming internet as much as possible because of two things; one - the internet is full of fake news, misinformation and propagandas. Two - it is the source of distraction with its unlimited entertainment. I only use internet as an online tool for conveniency to keep up with the digital world; mainly using google maps, QR codes, storage, work or legit educational priorities.
And honestly, i can tell a lot about person based on their internet activities that its probably my main criteria now when judging a person as first impression. If you're a person who doom scrolls on short videos/reels regardless of the content, then I would assume you spend your spare time as a consumer than a creator and that alone would tell me what kind of person you are.
In an unrelated note, I'm still coming into terms about my sexuality because I can't quite figure out if i am really indeed an asexual or not. I feel extremely grossed out with the idea of sex with people I have a romantic relationship with. It just feels so wrong, like it makes me feel like i'm engaging in incest kind of wrong to me. I do however like sharing intimate moments and romance like hugging touching cuddling and kissing but sex is just repulsive and disgusting to me. I think its partly because of my trauma from watching depraved and disturbing porn for sickfucks, that definitely is a fact. But i also should admit that I have been sexually attracted before and I would consider myself as sexually active because I masturbate an average of 3x a week to 5x in just one day. The problem arise whenever I'm dating/seeing someone because i completely lose my interest in anything sexual all of a sudden and I would even stop masturbating. I don't know, its fucking weird. I cant count how many times i forced myself to be in the mood while someone is kissing me and touching me, but it just doesn't work, and I hate that when that happens because it makes me hate sex entirely and apathetic with someone. Like i don't even care if my partner would do it with other women just because he cant have sex with me. I literally don't care. Honestly, I am not really a jealous person and I can handle things well as long as I'm not bored. Sex is not a massive issue to me entirely at all. Fortunately i never had a problem about this with most guys except one time. But in general, the guys i chose to date were good natured individuals that i shared the same values with. So contrary to the popular belief, no I am not a raging feminazi who hates men. Thats incorrect and its funny how my friends would say i hate men just because i don't put up with trashy behaviors. You'd think people who are close to me would know me better, but surprise surprise. Sometimes its just not really easy to get to know someone on a deeper level. You could know someone for years without knowing anything about them. Not all people are open books, and honestly I dont care enough to change how people perceive me. You can think whatever you want about me and I'm still going to live my reality
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