#embrace my little homosexuals
valleynix · 2 years
Per your tags on the post you reblogged, you have tea on people in this fandom?? 👀
yes but this is just a silly little blog for my silly little writings. i'm not about to start issues on here because tumblr people are another breed of hostile when someone has a different opinion than their own.
i get enough shit on tiktok for stating any sort of opinion that gains traction and this is my nice little calm place where i can talk about my favorite characters and scream into the void about them <3
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God I love Dustin Henderson so much man, I know Will is in love with Mike because only a deeply down bad homosexual would be able to say Mike “is the heart” when Dustin is alive and in the party. Dustin is the one constantly mediating in S1 between Mike and Lucas, he’s even insecure of his own newness to the group when he conciliates. Because even though the party are all HIS best friends he is able to rationalize why they might have a hierarchy based on seniority. Mike makes it clear that isn’t the case. It’s partly why Dustin is quicker to accept Eleven and partly why he’s so open to including Max “as the new kid” because that was him once. Dustin’s iconic “she’s our friend and she’s crazy!” Dustin and Lucas having parallel deviations from their code of honor in ST2 and Dustin being (so dramatic ik) literally ready to fall on the sword for his misdoings. Dustin basically involving Steve out of necessity but then cultivating that relationship to make Steve a good friend, Steve who had the shittiest friends in high school and attention for all the wrong reasons. Steve never had a true friend in his life and then some 12 year old basically gave him a crash course. In ST3 when Dustin earnestly challenges Steve’s socially conditioned need to be seen as cool only for Steve to become bffs with a band geek. A band geek who is also a lesbian that Steve would rather be seen as a rizzless hack of a womanizer than out her to anybody, even Dustin. All of Dustin and Steve. Dustin going from calling Steve a douchebag, to Eddie saying the kid worships him and thinks he’s a total badass. Dustin who in ST4 is once again demolishing social norms of high school vs middle school because FUCK, his friend is in middle school! His friend Erica, his comrade Lady Applejack, is a black girl in junior high and he dgaf what anyone thinks about it. ALL OF DUSTIN AND ERICA. Dustin teaching Erica to embrace her inner nerd, to Erica staunchly declaring “I’ve bled with him!” When asked if she knows Dustin. Dustin who is the FIRST person that Max goes to when shit hits the fan in ST4 because god damn dude Dustin is the heart. Dustin’s unwavering support of Eddie even when the evidence is stacked against him, Dustin always believed in Eddie Munson. Dustin is the only one who truly offers Wayne condolences. He is the friend of all friends. Dustin is constantly carrying the party through crisis and discomfort, he’s dedicated, he’s unabashedly caring, and he’s the character that is able to socially move across the board in every direction. I fuckin love this little curly haired drama king because these geeks would be LOST without him!!! If Dustin isn’t the heart; he’s the Central Nervous System, he’s the nucleus, he’s fucking vital to not only the party but every other tertiary character of importance. He’s constantly inspiring and providing direction. He’s a goofball, he’s wise beyond his years, he’s a lover and he’s a fighter, he always has a plan and he always has a bad idea, he’s the voice of reason and the resounding falsetto alarm of things gone wrong, he’s never done anything wrong ever in his life, one time something ate his cat but besides that. He’s my heart of the show damn it!
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ghostpetalss · 9 months
¡Sub! Ticci Toby x ¡Dom! Male Reader
I'm so sorry for what you're about to read HAHAHA I wrote it yesterday in a moment of insomnia and annoyance for not finding passive Creepypastas... today I read what I wrote and it was like 0-0 But I thought it was fun anyway.
¡WARNING! : Bad words, slight degradation, homosexuality, possible abuse,boy x boy,explicit content.
¡English is not my first language! So it's possible that the writing sucks.
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Thinking about how to reduce a serial killer…
To say that Toby was putty in your hands was a lie, as he was currently struggling with the grip that one of your hands had on his wrists behind his lower back, which applied downward force to keep his back arched while you attacked him from behind with your throbbing cock.
His head was buried in the pillow of the bed they were on, his sweatshirt and shirt were pulled up to his chest and his pants were down to his knees. Your remaining hand was under Toby's abdomen, tortuously caressing his already reddish penis to receive the grunts of pleasure that contradicted the insults he directed towards you.
- "¡YOU little bitchAh!-" - As soon as you heard how the sentence began, you slightly squeezed the boy's glans to take it to the maximum - "You're not in a position to talk that way, boy." - You responded without ceasing your hip movements that were going in a rhythmic swing.
- "¡Just s-stop!" - The brunette hair gasped, closing his hands into fists, digging his nails into the palms of his hands without noticing it. - "Not until you know your place here." - You grunted, releasing the head from between your fingers to wrap his length in your hand again to continue pumping him but now at a pace according to the speed of your thrusts.
Finding yourself near the edge, you let go of his hands so he could have free will, expecting him to push you away, you only saw how his hands clung to the sheets to squeeze them while he grunted and gasped against the pillow, letting you fuck his insides.
- "¡Please! ¡Please! ¡I-im cominggg!!!" - He moaned while drops of saliva leaked between his lips while he was still trying to muffle his moans into the pillow which was already ruined.
On your side, your hips followed an erratic rhythm before a grunt drowned in your throat as you painted his insides white and Toby reached his climax, releasing strings of semen on the sheets while he breathed heavily, feeling the emptiness of his interior was wet from when you came out of him and lay down on his side in the leftover space of the bed to take a tissue and proceed to clean yourself and then do the same with Toby taking advantage of his moment of trance.
The auburn, without caring much, let himself fall on the mattress, being embraced by your presence. At another time he would have annihilated you, but maybe he would let it happen this time, because he was your good boy and he would let you teach him manners <3.
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howlingday · 13 days
Whitley's ARC Problem
Whitley: No, no, architect Faunus! It's all wrong!
Whitley: The muscles on the Jaune statue biceps need to be at least three times as big! Really capture his superiority!
Worker: Sir, my name is Ted, and I honestly can't make these muscles any bigger without compromising the infrastructure of New Mantle.
Whitley: Yes, yes, Moseby, I understand that, but if it's a choice between the children having a roof over their heads or my best friend in the entire world's statue being 100% accurate, well then sacrifices must be made!
Worker: Cool. Awesome. I guess my little girl is sleeping in the cold, then.
Whitley: Excellent!
Ruby: Whitley, um, honey? Can we talk?
Whitley: Ah! Ruby! My beautiful wife and the love of my life! What can I do for you, my beloved?
Ruby: Whitley... You know how you saying stuff like that makes me feel...
Ruby: But, actually, I need to talk to you about something. Is that okay?
Whitley: Of course it is! Communication is the cornerstone to any good and healthy relationship, regardless of it being professional or romantic! No relationship can survive without a healthy amount of communication!
Whitley: Isn't that right, Rikki?
Worker: Fuck you, sir!
Whitley: Yeah, he loves me... So, what is it you wanted to talk about?
Ruby: Well, it's... It's about Jaune.
Whitley: OH! You had me at Jaune, Ruby~! Of course we can talk about him! After all, he is the brave and incredible hero that I am proud to call my best friend~! Atop his heroic deeds and selfless personality, he also has those stunning looks that make men and women swoon~! Furhtermore-
Ruby: Yeah, that. That's what I wanted to talk about. The way you talk about Jaune is really... specific.
Whitley: Specific in what regard? You mean specifically the truth because he's so handsome and amazing~?
Ruby: No, like you're specifically talking about him to people like you're... Well.... Kinda gay for him?
Whitley: Of course I'm gay for him~!
Ruby: WHAT?!
Whitley: YES~! I'm always happy when he's around, and thinking about him simply makes me want to cheer up just so I can see him smile!
Ruby: I... I didn't think you would just- Oh! No, no, no! Whitley, I don't mean the dictionary definition of gay.
Whitley: I beg your pardon? What else could you mean then?
Ruby: I mean you act really... homosexual around him.
Whitley: WHAT?! Whatever would give you THAT impression?!
Ruby: Well, there's the way you talk about his body...
Whitley: You mean his perfect and god-like body you'd be a fool not to fall in love with and want to sleep next to? I fail to see how that makes me gay!
Ruby: Okay, then what about how you talk about his personality?
Whitley: Absolutely ridiculous! How does me truthfully stating that Jaune is masculine perfection incarnate from his strength to stand against threats to his positive and uplifting charisma to be kind to everyone to his adorable fascination with and love of cinema to even his sexy confidence in whatever he does come across as GAY?!
Ruby: Whitley... You're literally building a statue of Jaune, SHIRTLESS WITH YOU HUGGING HIM, in the middle of the front yard driveway! Heck, you moved your grandpa's statue away from there just to put it there!
Whitley: Well, yes, but it absolutely belongs up there! It's a commemoration of the time Jaune, removed of his armor, allowed me to embrace and take shelter within him in front of everyone!
Ruby: Stop.
Whitley: And let me tell you, we both were quite sweaty as I took hold of him, and there was so much fluids everywhere that it was almost unbearable!
Ruby: Please, STOP.
Whitley: And even though that massive one-eyed snake was a tough and sturdy beast, Jaune and I, together, pushed through its fluids and whacked away that snake into a crater! It was a long and hard thing to whack, but finally, our endless whacking offed the one-eyed snake, stopping it from squirting any further fluids all over the people of New Atlas!
Ruby: I'm convince you're doing this on purpose...
Whitley: Doing what?! I'm just describing how Jaune and I shared a good whacking together!
Ruby: Whitley! Please!
Whitley: Look, Ruby, I understand you have concerns, and maybe the way I talk about Jaune is a bit much, but it's purely out of admiration and respect for the man who married my sister, and who saved all of New Atlas from that one-eyed snake's squirting!
Ruby: Whitley...
Whitley: (Holds her hands) But trust me when I say that is all there is to it! You are the love of my life, Ruby~. You're a kind and gentle soul who cares for everyone and only wants them to be happy, and I'm honored to have you as my wife~.
Ruby: Babe... That's... That's so sweet~! Thank you for saying that! (Hugs) I'll admit, maybe I was just jealous of your bond with Jaune and, even though what you were saying before didn't help, I see it's nothing like I thought it was. And even though you have this weird habit to say innuendos, you really love me the way I love you~.
Whitley: Indeed! You have nothing to worry about, my love~!
Ruby: (Giggles) Yeah... I know better now, honey...
Whitley: Besides, we only had sex, like, 19 times!
Ruby: ...
Ruby: W H A T ?
Whitley: YES! And those are only since you and I have been married~! Oh, but don't worry; we were both wearing socks the entire time, so it wasn't gay!
Ruby: THAT'S... YOU... I...
Whitley: Because as "NotGayDongLover6969" posted, "You can have sex with the homies as much as you want and as long as you wear socks it's not gay!" Truly, a voice for the modern age to live by~!
Ruby: I want a divorce.
Whitley: WHAT?! WHY?!
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scekrex · 5 months
can we get the i bring the ribs I bring the drama 2 where we see male reader going to heaven to try and get lute adopted as their daughter
Fuck yeah you can get that!
Part 1
Call me daddy
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Sera’s office was quiet, the seraphim tried to pŕocess your very unique and special request. In the entire history of heaven no one had ever made the request to adopt a grown woman. The fact that you were the first did not really surprise her though, she had seen it coming a while ago.
The older seraphim had kept an eye on you as you had brought Adam his much desired food, she had also heard the little conversation Lute and Adam had after you had already left the fancy meeting room in hell. So you stumbling into her office with an official request to adopt Lute had just been a matter of time. To Sera’s disappointment, said time had come sooner than she had liked it. “Y/N, I am truly sorry to deny your request, but I find you and Adam unable to adopt his lieutenant,” the seraphim spoke as she looked down at you. Her hands were folded in front of her belly and she seemed in no mood to discuss this topic any further. You however, saw things differently, “Is it ��cuz we’re gay?” You raised an eyebrow at the taller angel who sighed at your utterly stupid question - the both of you were very aware that it was not because you and Adam were a homosexual couple. You and him were unable to adopt Lute because she was a grown woman and did not need adoption. “No, Y/N,” the seraphim disagreed, she stepped closer to you, one of her hands came down to rest on your shoulder, “Adam and you are able to adopt, I have told you so before.” Her eyes reflected kindness, she seemed to genuinely be sorry for the fact that adopting Lute was not possible. “Lute is a grown woman though, you can’t adopt her without consent, I-” You were quick to interrupt the seraphim, not really caring how disrespectful that act was towards her, “So what you’re saying is, if Lute agrees, we can adopt her.”
Sera dropped her hand from your shoulder and lowered her head, “Yes, this might be a solution, I assume.” The older seraphim was clearly tired of you and your odd request, she had given up telling you no, there was no point anyway. And who would be harmed by Adam and you adopting Lute? Sera thought it would not harm anyone and it would spare her the time and energy to deal with you.
The doors to the seraphim’s office were busted open by Adam, who had just arrived back in heaven after his meeting with Lilith and Lucifer. “There’s my babe,” he joyfully greeted you as he opened his arms and pulled you in a tight hug. “We’ve been looking for you fucking everywhere, babes,” the first man mumbled as he placed a quick kiss on your head. You leaned into his touch, embracing Adam’s warmth at its fullest. “That little stunt of yours was fucking stupid,” he then changed the topic and you chuckled to yourself, “I had to fucking explain the daughter bullshit to Lute in front of the motherfucking traitor.” And Adam mentioning the daughter topic suddenly reminded you about the conversation you just had with Sera. Sera, who was standing next to you and Adam, watching the both of you carefully. “Sera said we can adopt Lute,” you cheerfully told your boyfriend as you proudly tilted your head upwards, the seraphim was quick to add, “Only if your lieutenant agrees to it.” Adam shot Lute a questioning look and the white haired woman nodded with a straight face.
“Congrats, bitch,” the brunette mumbled before he softly kissed your forehead, “You’re a fucking dad now.” A wicked smile met his soft eyes as you pulled away a little to properly look at your boyfriend, “Means I get to call ya ass daddy now, right?” The first man mimicked your grin and seemingly happy about the situation and your offer he hummed, “Fuck yeah you do.” Sera’s face was scrunched up in disgust, those were details she could have lived without knowing and she had preferred to not know about the sex life of the first man and his boyfriend, what a shame that both Adam and you were quite vocal about that topic. Lute on the other hand had simply ignored the comment of yours, the white haired woman knew that something as simple as adopting her would make you happy and if you were happy so was Adam. And the lieutenant was rather dealing with the first man when he was in a good mood, grumpy Adam was something she did not like at all.
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Army fantasies
The view from the landing plane was absolutely stunning. The tropical island was swimming in the azure ocean like a precious jewel in bright sunlight. It didn't even look that big, but it was surrounded by the whitest beach Mark had ever seen.
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"Dylan, this is amazing! I can't believe that this is where we will spend our honeymoon."
Dylan grinned happily. It hadn't been easy for him to book a honeymoon on this island, mostly because the local government didn't exactly endorse gay marriage. It was not recognized here, and, although homosexuality was not illegal, most people on the island frowned upon it.
After landing and collecting their luggage, they stepped out of the airport into the bright light.
"Welcome to our tropical dream home for the next weeks, Mister Taylor!", Dylan beamed.
"Why thank you, Mister Taylor! I'm very much looking forward to it!"
Once they arrived at the hotel, they were greeted warmly by the receptionist.
"Ah, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Taylor! Welcome to our resort! I trust everything went smoothly with your superiors then?"
Dylan nodded. "Yes ma'am. Our leave request was accepted without problems."
"Excellent! We have prepared your suite already. As discussed, you will be living in the same room, sorry for the inconvenience. But we have at least arranged for separate beds."
"Thank you, ma’am, but this wouldn't have been necessary. We're used to sleep in much more cramped quarters back at the barracks.", Dylan answered.
"Haha, yes, I can imagine." the receptionist smiled warmly and handed them the keys.
As the newlywed couple entered the elevator, Mark smiled at Dylan.
"What was that about? And what's with all the ma'am?"
Dylan laughed. "Well, they wouldn't let a gay couple rent their rooms, so I just told them we were soldiers on leave."
"Really? And they bought that? What's with the last name?"
Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "I told them it's a coincidence. To be honest, until the whole thing with the beds, I thought they understood, and it was just a 'don't talk about it' thing. But apparently, they really believe we're soldiers on leave."
Mark snorted. "That's ridiculous! You don't look anything like a soldier."
Dylan chuckled. "Yeah, well, I guess people really see what they want to see."
They got out of the elevator and walked through the hallway towards their new room.
"I hope we get a good view from our window." Mark said.
"Me too. This place looks great."
The room was wonderful: Spacious and clean, with a large bed in front of the windows. A balcony opened up onto the outside world, offering magnificent views over the ocean.
"This is perfect." Mark sighed happily.
"No... We are perfect", said Dylan with a smug grin. "What do you want to do first?"
"Well..." Mark hesitated for a moment, before he pulled Dylan close and kissed him passionately. He could feel how horny his husband was and knew that he would need to take care of that soon.
"I think we should start by getting undressed."
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The evening was wonderful for both of them and neither of the two happy husbands left their room that day. They had pushed their single beds together and woke up in a tight and tender embrace the next morning.
Mark kissed his husband on the lips the next morning. For some reason, even though they had made love for half of the night already.
Dylan woke up smiling. "Good morning Mr. Taylor". Then, as he looked lower, his smile turned into a grin.
"Someone is eager this morning. What are you thinking about?"
"Well... Would you perhaps up for a little role play?" Mark asked, shily.
"Sure, what's on your mind my love?" Dylan gasped a little as Mark had grabbed his cock through the sheets.
"You know how you told everyone we're soldiers? I can't stop thinking about that. How hot would that be?"
Dylan grinned and nodded, quickly joining in.
"Yeah, I can see that. We're just two army boys, bunking together in the barracks."
Dylan softly took Mark's hand from his cock and guided it to Mark's own.
"Of course, we're straight... At least on paper..."
"No, you're right!" Mark was just so horny, that fantasy really worked incredibly well. "We're straight, really straight. Boobs and all that."
Mark massaged his cock through his pants. Why was he wearing pants? It didn't matter.
"Right. Straight as an arrow. But you know, there are no girls in the barracks, so when we get horny..." Dylan continued while also kneading his hardening cock through his camo pants.
"... Which happens a lot, we're real men after all!" Mark chimed in as his hair became a short buzz cut.
" I hear you, bro!" Dylan quickly got rid of his camo vest, revealing his muscular upper body below it. All the drills had left him a perfect specimen of man, and he knew it.
"There's nothing wrong with jerking off together, right?"
Mark had already gotten rid of his shirt as well and had fished out his own ample dick from his pants. He grunted as he started stroking it and continued:
"Yeah, we're bros after all. Sometimes I even let you suck me off when I need it a lot."
Dylan pumped away at his cock full force now. The room had changed in accordance to their fantasy. No longer were they in a luxurious hotel suite, but more and more, the cheap and practical furniture of a room in the barracks materialized around them.
"Of course, I only suck you off if I can pound your ass afterwards. A hole is a hole, after all, no homo!"
"No homo!" Mark agreed, as he continued to rub one out with his bunk mate. God, it had really been too long since he had some decent pussy. The smell of sex and the slapping noise of his fellow soldier close next to him was good, but he needed the real thing once in a while
"What do you say, strip club on our next leave?"
"You bet!" grunted Dylan, already close to release.
Mark grunted heavily as well, before he came all over his chest, with Dylan following right after.
Mark used a shirt of his to clean himself up before throwing it to his mate, who caught it and used it for the same purpose.
"You know", wondered Mark, "sometimes I think those fags have it all figured out. They can have all the sex they want and don't have to deal with chicks."
"Yeah..." answered Dylan slowly. Somewhere deep inside, he wanted Mark to be more than his bunk mate and occasional fuck body, and he was pretty sure Mark was feeling the same way. But they were in the army, and they were real men, not some civilian faggots, so, as always, Dylan swallowed everything else he would have wanted to say and stayed silent, like a good soldier should.
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slexenskee · 1 year
At Tea Time
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Inspired by this lovely little drawing of Fuyumi and Satoru by @lwx-xx
Oneshot  [Here]
He keeps reaching up to stop it from tugging at his hair, but never seems to manage much else but more tangles. He doesn’t hate having hair this long, but it sure as hell is tiresome. He has no idea how girls can stand it. It’s not even that long, just enough to graze his shoulders and irritate him every time he turns his head. No matter how much it annoys him though, he refuses to cut it. The look of rage and disgust whenever his father sees him is enough to have him put up with it. 
Gojo hides a smirk of amusement. There’s no way that guy doesn’t have decades of smothered homosexual urges, with the way he gets so personally offended whenever his eldest son so much as puts a dress on. 
Really, Gojo’s just doing this for his benefit. If Endeavor could just embrace his own gayness and stop with this quirk genomics scheme, they’d all be better off. He snickers into his hand. The thought of Endeavor in a dress was so hideous he almost wanted to make it into reality. 
“Nii-chan,” Fuyumi whines, pulling him out of his thoughts. “What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing, Yumi,” he replies easily, picking up his little plastic teacup. “Aren’t you supposed to pour me more tea?”
She gasps in horror at the thought of being a poor fantasy hostess, and hastily leans over to splash more juice into his cup. Gojo didn’t really mind playing tea party whenever Fuyumi asked, including dressing up in whatever outfit Fuyum insisted on for him and procuring various sweets for their game, but he drew the line at using actual tea. A four year-old was more likely to scald them both than pour tea into a cup. 
Truth be told, Gojo has no idea what you’re even supposed to do during a game like this. Fuyumi seems to have a plan in mind, so he’s just winging it. Maybe it’s just his adult mentality, but it just seems awfully boring. Fuyumi just pretends to be some old-fashioned Victorian lady asking about the weather and playing at being an adult. Why would anyone want to be an adult? Gojo honestly can’t fathom it. 
It’s about as weird as having a sister in general— especially now that she can talk and play games and follow him around ceaselessly. The only reason he’s even here indulging her at all is because she’d cry if he left to fuck around with the neighborhood kids. 
“Do you— do you like the tea?” She stutters out, trying and failing so terribly to affect a refined, lady-like voice that he almost falls into laughter again. 
“Yeah, it’s great.” He takes a sip and plays along. “Not as good as the cake though.” 
He’d gone all the way to the bakery in the next neighborhood over for it. The obaa-san behind the counter had gushed over how cute it was, for a little girl to be running errands for her mother. Gojo hadn’t bothered to correct her. 
Fuyumi wrinkles her little nose at him.
Gojo sighs, and affects a very snobbish voice; “Yes, ojou-sama, the cake is really quite delicious. My compliments to the chef.”
Fuyumi bursts into delighted giggles. At four years-old, she has little to no grasp on formal speech, so she instead subjects Gojo to using it at her behest. It occasionally reminds Gojo of his unfortunate true childhood as the young master of an estate, where everyone demurred to him in such a manner, but he can ignore it easily enough when he’s trussed up as a girl playing tea party to appease his little sister. 
He sighs again. “May we please cut the cake now? I’m feeling rather famished.” 
“Yes, of course!” Fuyumi nods eagerly. Then she stares at the cake with a perplexed expression. Gojo quickly reaches over before his four year-old sister can attempt wielding a knife. 
He stops playing tea parties, and all of Fuyumi’s other favorite childish activities deemed too effeminate by his father the year after, when the man decides he’s old enough for ‘real’ training. Fuyumi’s despondent about it for weeks, but there’s really nothing Gojo can do about it. Fighting with his father over it would just cause more tension in their already untenable household, and by then Fuyumi has a willing victim in little Natsuo, who’s finally toddling around on his own. 
He’s not sure why he’s remembering it all so fondly now, when at the time he’d found it all quite the chore. 
Fuyumi liked all the things little girls liked; playing dress-up as princesses, playing house, making fake tea parties and playing with her assortment of dolls. Gojo had mainly been bemused and distantly fascinated by it all, having never had a little sister before, but still found indulging her to be tedious. He’d done it anyway, mainly out of pity. She’d been such a lonely kid.
“What is this?” Eri asks him curiously, holding up a very familiar teapot. 
Earlier, Fuyumi had dropped off the rest of her old clothes and toys that had been squirreled up in the attic, looking rather nostalgic as she’d handed over the plastic bin to him. She’d stayed for dinner and doted endlessly on Eri, who seems to be slowly but surely warming up to her, but with work tomorrow she’d left soon after, before Gojo could even start going through the bin. 
“That’s a teapot, Eri-chan. It’s for tea parties.” He crouches down next to her, rummaging through the unsorted mess of toys and clothes. “Have you ever played tea party?”
She blinks at him, brow furrowed. She slowly shakes her head. 
He laughs, as he unearths one of the matching teacups from the set. “Is that so? Well, why don’t we play before bed then?”
He uses real, lukewarm chamomile tea in a half-hearted attempt to have Eri in bed at a reasonable time. This promptly proves to be a lost cause, as Eri gets terribly excited over the whole affair as he sets up a fake tea table with flowers and cake and all of Fuyumi’s fake plastic servingware, and dresses them both up in something appropriately frilly. Somehow, wearing an entire fake wig of hair is a lot less uncomfortable than a little bow. They even get the cat involved, dragging him into her room and outfitting him with a generously sized bow he immediately hates. He still has no idea what the hell you’re supposed to talk about during these little fake tea parties, so he instead just teaches her how to sing Anti-Hero. Eri loves singing along with him, even if she has no idea what she’s saying. On the downside, this means she knows far too many curse words and unknowingly sings an awful lot about sex, but on the bright side her English pronunciation is improving by leaps and bounds.
“—at tea time, everybody agrees—” 
Gojo glances up as he hears the door open, smirking widely as Hawks catches sight of him and almost face plants into the carpet. It’s been a while since he’s put on his ‘Toru-chan’ look, hasn’t it? 
“I stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror,” 
Hawks fumbles with the door, but eventually makes it into the room with a dazed expression. He’d told the blonde he didn’t have to ring the doorbell every time he came over and could just let himself inside, yet still Hawks looks a little hesitant about whether or not he’s allowed to intrude. 
Gojo winks at him and beckons him over as he finishes up his little sing along. “It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero~”
Eri’s voice trails off in an offkey warble as she looks up and sees Hawks. She’s still shy about singing in front of others.
“Hi,” he says with a smile, holding out a teacup to the winged hero. “Want some tea?” 
Hawks looks a little mystified, settling down on the floor with them. “Uh— sure? What are we doing here?”
“Playing tea party, of course!” Gojo answers, cheerfully. 
“Right,” Hawks agrees, taking the cup so Gojo can pour him some tepid and terribly oversteeped tea. “And… what is that, exactly?”
“Eri didn’t know either,” Gojo laments, chuckling. “Let’s just say you learn a lot of interesting things when you have a little sister.” 
“Oh. Is this a game you used to play with Fuyumi-san?” Hawks trails an appraising eye down his outfit; the blatant approval in the hero’s gaze almost has him blushing a bit. “I think I like it.” He purrs. 
Gojo rolls his eyes, glad the wig is covering his reddening ears. “We’re princesses. You can either join us as a princess or— or you can be the butler, I guess.”
Hawks raises a brow. “No prince charming to come and rescue you from the evil dragon?” He jerks a thumb up at Meow in the corner, the dragon in question, who looks miserable in his bowtie. 
Gojo turns his nose up. “We don’t need one of those. We can save ourselves.” 
Hawks laughs. “That’s how it is, huh? A butler is fine, then. Devoting my life to making sure you’re always left satisfied… I’m on board with that.”
Gojo coughs weakly into his cup. He definitely doesn’t remember his tea parties with Fuyumi leaving him this flustered. 
“Just drink your goddamn tea,” he hisses at the other man, shoving a slice of cake in his direction. 
Hawks snickers under his breath, but gamely complies. 
lol not a Swiftie and no hate for her at all but I usually don't like her songs at all, but I recently discovered Swiftie rock/punk covers...
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fragcc · 2 years
I need Kon to go through a crisis thinking he’s homophobic because why else would he want to throw up at the sight of Tim and his boyfriend kissing. It goes on so for long until Martha Kent has to sit Kon down and talk it out with him. Then Kon goes through a brand new crisis of being in love with his best friend who has a boyfriend
OMG ANON YES YES YESSSS!!! I want kon to be SO jealous that everyone (including himself) thinks he's homophobic just for him to find out that he's just timberphobic, actually. Okay, hold on, hear me out:
Everyone gradually growing annoyed and offended by Kon's poorly hidden disgust/annoyance whenever he sees Tim with Bernard to the point they take him to a corner and straight up accuse him of being an homophobe and he just p a n i c s
And we all know Kon has only like, two braincells, so he'll be so desperate because it really looks like he's an homophobe deep down but he doesn't want to be because he never would wish harm to Tim or be disgusted by him but whenever he thinks about Tim kissing his boyfriend he feels sick and so damn frustrated
Anyways, Ma Kent will eventually sit down with him to try and understand why he's so repulsed by the idea of homosexuality and he'll also try his best in the conversation because he also wants to know if he can just grow out of it. So Martha will slowly coax the nature of his feelings out of him, asking him if he would be bothered if Tim married Bernard, to which he replies with a hard "no." but his face is clearly contorted in a repulsed scowl by the idea
It all starts making sense when Ma makes a different approach to the subject, asking instead how Kon would feel if Tim was interested in him. What if Tim wanted to share a milkshake with him? What if he wanted to cuddle for movies with him? What if he was in love with Kon-El? Would that also be a problem for him? And then Kon is staring at her with wide eyes and a gaping mouth, heart thundering and cheeks flushing as he replays over and over again the images of Tim and Bernard cuddling and being cute with each other, but replacing Bernard with himself. And suddenly–
Suddenly he finds everything so much more bearable and enjoyable. It's like the whole cosmos aligns itself when he thinks about Tim kissing him instead of Bernard, about him being the one who gets to wrap his arms around Tim's middle and lay kisses on his neck to hear him squeak so adorably. He feels euphoric with the thought, like his heart is about to explode at this new discovery. He looks back at Ma with wilde eyes, like a deer caught in headlights, only to find her looking at him with a small, proud smile full of understanding.
"I think– I–" He gulps down the throat that forms on his throat, feeling his fingers shake with the sudden rush of adrenaline. He looks down at his boots, thinking one last time about the prospect of Tim smiling lovingly at him before he breathes out the rest of his confession. "I think I would be okay with that."
The silence that follows his whispered confession is a welcoming one and he can feel Ma's approving eyes on his skin. And it all feels a little bit crazy, because Kon just realized he isn't really an homophobe. No, he just happens to hate the guy Tim is dating because he wished it was him instead and–
Oh no.
"Shit." He curses, face paling once again. Ma frowns at him, reaching out to touch his hand in reassurance but it does nothing to placate Kon's crumbling heart. "Shit, Ma."
"What is it, Kon?" She asks ever so caringly.
"I might be in love with him, Ma" Kon whispers to her, so ashamed of saying the words out loud. It hurts the elder woman to spot clear tears slowly filling those usually bright, blue eyes. "I might be in love with my best friend who's already taken. I think I ruined everything."
And before his thoughts spiral out of control, Martha has already wrapped him in a warm and placaring embrace, murmuring to him that it's okay. But Kon knows it isn't. Things will never be okay if he can't get his shit together and start feeling happy for Tim's happiness.
Oh boy. You really can't have everything, huh?
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zsakuva · 5 months
Hey Saku!
So I saw this one person ask about the possibility of Andrew's listener being male, and I wanted to know if you could go into a bit more detail about that?
What would change? What other drama would both encounter while trying to maintain the relationship? What would be Andrew's internal thoughts on falling in love with a guy again, and pursuing it?
Personally, my listener is male in Andrew's series, so I just wanted to know how many things would change along the way -^^-)
Andrew's family would always be at the forefront of his mind whenever he found himself loving Darling. For the majority of his childhood, he was told homosexuality was a sin, and he developed with that bias. Although he's an adult with an individual and open mind, that teaching and discrimination has yet to leave him. This isn't to say he discriminates himself, but Andrew likely remembers his parent's views and reactions to other people in the LGBTQIA+ community, and for some years, he thought that was the normal response.
But above it all, he distinctly remembers what happened with his brother, and how the family practically disowned him because of his sexuality. Andrew would likely feel undeserving of love from men because he never stood up for his twin.
The biggest change of the series would be an introduction with Andrew's parents. If they heard his partner was a man, they would find and confront him without a doubt. And this would lead to the argument he needs for some catharsis. There would be less public skinship, but more intimate tension because of it. He'd also likely want to explore that side of his sexuality such as going to queer spaces, and in general embracing that side of himself. And at the end of it all, Andrew would confide in Darling about his worries, and may need affirmations that he wasn't walking down a path of sin.
Of course, he knows the idea is ridiculous due to his beliefs, but that little voice in the back of his mind would be hard to silence.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
Season 1 episode 1 [In Throes of Increasing Wonder...] - part 2/2
- [Louis] "It bears repeating, I did not consider myself a homosexual man at the time" - yeah that was the repression talking. "I ended up embracing my sexuality" - oh did you? That why people still write you as an altar boy?
- [Daniel] "We're not here for me" - not yet, Danny, not yet... Your turn will come.
- [Louis] "I had never let myself to feel emotionally close to anyone, much less a man" - okay, this boy needs a thousand hugs. Who's volunteering? Never mind, outta my way, I'm volunteering.
- [Louis] "You could be a lot of things in New Orleans, but an openly gay Negro man was not one of them" - sadly I'm pretty sure the rule still applies in many parts of the world today. Oh, hey, another social commentary! Love those.
- [Louis] "I vowed never to return again. I shut that night out of my mind and turned my attentions back to life as it was before" - sure Jan. Meanwhile Lestat is premiering the yellow dressing gown of wallowing and depression.
- Aaaand it's been a month. Grace's wedding. She's so pretty. "Altar Boys Come Dancing Everyday For God" - excuse me while I go dying of laughter. But also, hey, y'all ready for Louis to lose all of his societal markers and all of his culture? That's gonna hurt. Another reason why making Louis Black is the best choice ever. There's culture here, there's community, and Louis' about to be cut off from all of that, the music, the dancing, the traditions and rituals. But also, if we consider book canon, the Creole community of NOLA and its ties with voodoo are going to come into focus later on. I don't think Rolin Jones will adapt Merrick, but still, it's there and it makes what happens in Merrick to Louis even more intense when you picture Creole Louis instead of white Louis.
- [Paul] "I think you should get married next" - what did I say about provoking the universe? One way or another everything gets manifested.
- [Paul] "'You think Levi loves her enough? You know, Grace needs a lot of love.' [Louis] 'I do.' [Paul] 'Do you think he's givin' her everything he's got inside of him?' [Louis] 'Mm-mh.'"
This. This little exchange is very, very crucial. Grace ain't the only Du Lac sibling who needs a lot of love. Grace ain't the only Du Lac sibling who needs their partner to give them everything they have. Now consider Lestat: does he love Louis? At this point he loves an idea of Louis, an ideal. Will he come to actually love the true Louis? Yes. Will it be enough? Definitely no. Why? Because he didn't give Louis everything, and that's what Louis needed. Now the other problem, because there is another problem, because the fault definitely does not lie only in Lestat, is that Louis cut himself off from loving, by his own words. Louis doesn't allow himself to love, and thus, doesn't allow himself to be loved. And Lestat, Lestat similarly does not open himself up entirely, therefore does not love truly. *big sigh* Gonna take a good century and more, but we'll get there.
- The shots of Louis and Paul on the roof at sunrise are gorgeous. Light's absolutely gorgeous. Don't know if it was shot on location or in studio, but that whole scene is bathed in warm lights, ethereal light, it's truly gorgeous.
- "'I love you Louis.' 'And I love you too, baby brother'" - exit Paul, pursued by his birdies. Others have written about it better than I (need to find that post), but that's the last thing that Paul says to his brother. Those are the last words Louis says to his most favourite person in the whole wide world. Understandably, that messes him up and he locks the words away deep deep down, buried where they can't hurt anyone else, because in Louis' grief and guilt, it's the words that pushed Paul to jump. Better not to say them and risk the ones he loves. Except you can't live your life and love people locking away the love. You need to get the words out to truly give them power. And that's Louis' downfall after all. He gave some words too much power that didn't need it, shouldn't have that power, and he took the power from some words that should never have lost it.
- [Louis] "That was the last sunrise I ever saw. Perhaps the kindest thing the dark gift has given me. I don't miss the sun, the reminders it carries." - yeah understandable. Do seek out some therapy tho.
- I appreciate how Daniel closes his laptop and follows Louis on the balcony. It shows the depths of his compassion, or even, empathy.
- Oh, hey, social commentary on the world of the 2020s, now. This show keeps on giving. [Louis] "This virus, it turned the world sideways" - yeah, well, perhaps not enough, 'cause look at us four years after/into the pandemic, not a lot has changed, has it? I think it needs a few more turns of the screw.
- [Daniel] "'I get it. I' m gonna die. They're gonna die. But not the vampire.' [Louis] 'The vampire is bored. The human was destroyed.'" - okay Louis you have got to stop hanging out only with Armand, it's not doing good for your psyche.
I love how vampirism corrects the physical aspects (within limits), repairs the broken and bleeding, but can do nothing against the mental illness. Born as a mortal with depression and anxiety? Too bad, that goes on as a vampire, and bad news everyone, now you can't even properly kill yourself! Enjoy an eternity with the parasite in your brain.
- [Mama du Lac] "You must have said something to him, Louis, to make him do that to himself." - we have a contender for Mother of the Year here, guys. Pretty sure she can compete against Gabrielle. The violence of the mother telling her oldest son he's at fault for the youngest's suicide. And now "Paul's in Hell because of you" GREAT GEE THANKS MAMA. I'm gonna go take a swim in the Mississippi.
- [Louis] "Lestat's ambush had disoriented me." - yeah, you have a stalker, baby boy. And depression. And a mother who hates you. And a dead brother. And the weight of being a Black gay man in 1910 New Orleans. That's. That's a looooooot. Oh, and your only friend Miss Lily got Lucy-ed. Babe you need a break and the story hasn't even properly started, lmao.
- "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. Grievously sinned. I'm a drunk, Lord. I'm a liar. I am a thief, Lord. I profit off the miseries of other men, and I do it easy. Drugs, liquor, women. I-I-I-I lure them in and grab what they got, Lord. I take daughters with no homes and I-I put 'em out on the street, Lord, and I lie to myself saying I-I'm giving them a roof and food and dollar bills in they pocket, but I look in the mirror, I know what I am - the big man in the big house, stuffing cotton in my ears so I can't hear their cries. And Lord, I dragged my family into this mess with me. I shame my father. I f- I failed my brother. I lost my mother and sister, and rather than fix it like a man should, Lord, I run like a coward. I run to the bottle. I run to the grift. I run to bad beds. I-I laid down with a man. I laid down with the Devil. And he has roots in me, all his spindly roots in me, and I can't think nothin' anymore but his voice and his words! Please, help me! I am weak! I wanna die!"
Sorry, I needed to put the entire tirade because jesus h christ, ALL THE AWARDS FOR JACOB. The voice quivering. The staccato of the confession, the rhythm of the repetition, "Lord". The crescendo, the way the voice quickens, the way Louis is shivering and spitting out the words as if they're razor blades hurting his throat as he speaks them. This man needs all the awards, now.
And also because this. This is the heart of Louis in the first part of his story. The grief. The powerlessness. The shame. The self-hatred. The religious turmoil. The fact that it's so easy for him to do bad things.
The parallel with Lestat, Lestat who was the pourvoyeur of food for his impoverished family back in the Auvergne, Wolfkiller Lestat who took on his shoulder the responsibility of putting food on his family's table even when his family never had a kind word or gesture for him, even when his family hurt him the most.
And finally, oooh, book spoiler, the "spindly roots" of the Devil/Lestat in him, the tentacles of Amel inside each and every vampire and how Louis was the first one to get free of this influence. Oh, the writers are clever. So clever. And this speech is so brilliantly written. And delivered.
- And finally Lestat the hunter. Lestat the killer. Lestat the monster. The monster with too many emotions.
"This primitive country has picked you clean. It has shackled you in permanent exile. Every room you enter, every hat you're forced to wear - the stern landlord, the deferential businessman, the loyal son - all these roles you conform to and none of them your true nature. What rage you must feel as you choke on your sorrow. The first time I laid eyes on you, your beautiful face, I saw that sorrow. I did not know how it got there or why it was so voluminous. I can take away that sorrow, Louis. I can give you that death you begged your feeble, blind, degenerate, nonexistent god for. But I can do it... joyfully. I can swap this life of shame, swap it out for a Dark Gift and a power you can't begin to imagine. You just have to ask me for it. You just have to nod your beautiful head... and say yes. I love you, Louis. You are loved. I send my love to you, and you send it back round to me. And this circle, this home we barely had a glimpse of... know it frightens me as much as it does you."
Oh, boy, Lords have mercy on me, a second absolutely stunning morceau de bravoure in the span of ten minutes, another epicness of writing and acting and delivering, just as many awards for Sam for heaven's sake, that was phenomenal.
And now onto the content itself. Just as with Louis, this is the heart of Lestat at that point of time, that which explains him - or could explain him, but we have to remember that those are Louis' words about Lestat's words. Louis' version of what Lestat said. But here we see, the loneliness of Lestat, his fear of being alone always. We see his one true big dream, to have a home, to belong, to be a part of something bigger than himself where he'd be seen, he'd be loved, he'd matter. The dream he achieves in the final books of the series, Prince Lestat, the dream that takes him more than two hundred years to reach. The dream he thought, felt, believed was possible alongside Louis. Except neither Lestat nor Louis were ready at this point. Because there is still so much they don't know. About themselves, about vampiric nature, about the world at large. About love and what love is, what love can be, what love should be, what love shouldn't be. Because yes, Lestat does love Louis. Fell first, as we'd say. But fell broken and twisted, didn't understand the nature of this love, didn't realize that you cannot love an ideal, an image, an icon, that you must love a real being with all their flaws and complexities and paradoxes.
And another thing is how at the start, Louis is hang up on his religious upbringing and its trauma, while Lestat rejected it all, or claims that he did. And then the steam inverses, and in the late 20th century (if we go by book canon), Louis's full on atheist and doesn't care anymore about religion (written black on white in the books), while Lestat is going through crisis of faith after crisis of faith (Akasha, the body thief, Memnoch...). They're not traveling the same Devil's road, and their roads are not joining together, not yet, not for a very long time, and all their efforts to make their separate roads one singular one will harm them more than if they hadn't done anything.
part 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
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xenonmoon · 1 year
The Contendings of Horus and Set (and homosexuality in Ancient Egypt)
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(The image is the Chester Beatty Papyrus I, written in hieratic, containing the mentioned story)
In my last post I (affectionately) called Set "the Gay Uncle of the Egyptian Pantheon" and promised to elaborate more on it in another post.
(CW: sexuality talk, bits of violence and- lettuce. No strong language)
First, a "little" foreword on homosexuality in Ancient Egypt: this is a very complicated subject as I gathered since, well- we don't know very much about it. The few accounts that survived are either disputed or offer little information on the general attitude towards same-sex relationship outside the single case.
It's also difficult to talk about heterosexuality, homosexuality and bisexuality in ancient times at all since the way we know them is a relatively modern concept (the word homosexuality is first attested in 1868 on a letter to Karl Heinrich Ulrichs by Karl-Maria Kertbeny) and before christianity became mainstream the biggest concerns were at best pointed towards the practices (mostly, Taking It™).
For everything else, relationships were just relationships.
The best known example of a same-sex couple were these guys, since it's likely the earliest recorded in history:
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They're Khnumhotep (ẖnm.w-ḥtp(.w)) and Niankhkhnum (nj-ꜥnḫ-ẖnm.w), two royal servants and confidants who had the prestigious task to be the king's head manicurists. In their mastaba tomb in Saqqara are depicted in poses traditionally reserved for couples - like holding hands, embracing and kissing.
However, both of them had wives (Khenut and Khentikawes) and 6 children each.
Ancient Egyptians were very passionate about fertility - which is understandable considering how easily people could die any day for any reason back then. The more children you had and the more the chances that at least one of them survived to adulthood and could carry on jobs and duties.
So as long as you were a (re)productive member of society, it wasn't a big deal that you enjoyed / preferred the company of an individual of your same sex.
The big deal was, as I mentioned, Taking It™ for two main reasons:
Power dynamics. Assuming an active role during the intercourse meant at the same time asserting your dominance and/or humiliating the person on the receiving end of it
Something that I understood as "guy takes up the role of a woman during the intercourse but with none of her reproductive power" which considering how massively important being fertile was to them... well. Makes it a practice as sterile as the desert
And guess who was the god of deserts? our guy Set
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(and also storm, disorder and violence to be precise)
His name was written either stš, swtḫ, swtj or stẖ depending on the time period (the Greeks just went with Seth)
He also loved eating this particular vegetable a normal amount (keep it in mind, we'll need that later):
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Set was one of the children of Geb (the god of the Earth) and Nut (goddess of the sky) along with Osiris, Isis and Nephthys - who he was married to.
Osiris was king at the time and upheld the rule of ma'at (ideal natural order, fundamental concept of AE culture) along with Isis, his wife-sister.
At some point Set murdered Osiris, tore his body into pieces and scattered them all around Egypt. Reasons for this act may have been:
Osiris kicked him
Osiris had an affair with Nephthys
Isis and Nephthys in the form of either a falcon or a kite searched for all pieces and with the help of Anubis put them all together in what is considered the first mummy in Egyptian tradition. Isis uses her wings to briefly fan new life in Osiris' body and the two conceive a child, Horus.
Osiris' resurrection was not permanent and after his time was out he became ruler of the Duat (the realm of the dead), while Isis raises Horus in secret until he was old enough to come back to challenge Set for his throne.
The dispute took the form of a series of competitions (like racing with boats or fighting each other in the form of hippopotami) and legal judgement before the assembled council of gods, the Ennead.
During one of the competitions Isis tried to help her son while he was locked in combat with Set but accidentally spears Horus - he got FURIOUS and beheaded his mother. Then tried to fix it by sticking on the body a head of a cow. No one will ever notice, amright? (This gives the mythological origin of the cow horn headdress Isis sometimes is depicted wearing)
Horus repeatedly defeats Set in the various competitions and is largely favoured by the the other gods, but the head of the Ennead was Geb and Geb liked Set so they were stuck in this limbo situation of tie for years.
and then - brace yourself. Now it comes the key moment of this story.
Set and Horus have sex.
I'm serious
The details of this obviously varied from account to account (as most of myths in Ancient Egypt, it was almost expected to have different variations of it depending on the time period and place)
According to one account, it was deliberately only to humiliate him
According to another, he genuinely wanted to bang his nephew other than the act of dominance / humiliation thing, he didn't take no as an answer and got him drunk
According to another one again it was consensual, Horus agreed on condition that Set would've given him part of his strength (my fave)
But Horus was a smart birb and he either caught Set's seed with his hands (don't ask me how) or removed it in secret, so to make Set believe the act was successful. Horus tells his mom about what happened and the morning after they plan something.
Horus wanks on some lettuce and Isis serves it to a clueless Set.
Who eats it all.
The next time the Ennead were called to judgement, Set mentions having laid with Horus as a mean to demonstrate he has asserted his dominance over him so he had the right to claim the throne for himself. Horus disagrees. Geb verifies who of the two had the other's seed in his body and-
Set did.
Horus thus won the dispute
They eventually reconcile with each other and shared the lands to rule (which might have been fertile lands of the Nile to Horus and foreign deserts to Set, or one had the land and the other the sky, or the two traditional halves of the country). With this reconciliation, the dualities they represent are also reconciled into a united whole restoring order after the conflict.
(according to other accounts Geb played the bitch and gave sole reign to Horus, to other much later when Egypt was a bit in a bad place Set was utterly defeated, exiled and/or destroyed)
Funny thing is that Set actually got pregnant from the tainted lettuce and gave birth to either:
A golden disk on his forehead
Thot's moon disk (in versions where Thot is present during the dispute)
Well ancient Egyptian mythology sure is something huh
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Random Bi-Han Headcanons MK1
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this man has consumed my thoughts omfg i tried to fight it why am i always shocked when this happens
anyway, here's like a random selection of headcanons i have about this little bitch
warnings: none. my tomfoolery. bi-han being a gay loser.
bi-han x black biracial reader (gn)
he nearly cried when kung lao sliced him with that round blade (he did). boy was legit so upset and surprised he managed to get that blow in despite him being GRANDMASTER and kung lao being INCOMPETENT. picture that scrunch face you make when you trying not to cry and you keep blinking and your eyes burning- that's what he did (canon event)
he is the definition of Mean and Angry Bisexual™. boy is what i like to call a homophobic homosexual. he notices a hot dude or nonbinary person and immediately looks away and says via voice over "no. that is gay."
saw this on another random bi-han headcanon post and i absolutely agree: bi-han loves women of color. i think he primarily dates woc too hehe. let's say hypothetically he hates white people because of tomas. i didn't say that you did. we love tomas in this house btw. and like that same headcanon post; he has a preference for black and black biracial folks. i do not take criticism hehe. this is canon and a fact (he's dating me after all)
absolutely loves when you wear your hair naturally, in any style, he loves when you embrace your culture and family history. he'd never mention or talk about your hair to you, as it seems rude and disrespectful to him, but he thinks it. and he also thinks whenever you wear your hair in a full afro, he's never seen anyone so beautiful. each and every time it astounds him that he's still awestruck.
big cuddler. idc what anyone says, he loves to cuddle. he's literally the most clingy lil guy. after finally finding his person and being able to be vulnerable for the first time since his mother died, he just melts, and becomes inseparable from you. after a hard day, or when he's enraged (a rare occurrence), nothing calms his mind down or relaxes his tense muscles like wrapping an arm around you and pulling you flush to him, your back to him as you sleep soundly. he listens to your soft breathing (or snoring lets be real) and tries to calm himself from the day's frustrations. if you awaken from his entrance, and unsurprising cuddles, you'll touch his hand and squeeze, snuggling closer to him -as if he's not already melted into your skin- and smile as he kisses your jawline and the back of your neck. most of the time, you'll turn over to him, his arm not removing from your waist, and grab his face, kissing his face and lips. the two of you will remain as close, foreheads resting against the other, sometimes talking, sometimes enjoying the sweet silence until you both fall asleep.
like so many others have stated; he was way closer with his mother than his father. when he was a child, being around her was the only time he could actually put his guard down, and be vulnerable. she would protect him. spending time with his mother, were some of the few times he would laugh or smile, as she told him funny stories from her childhood, or tickle him to get a confession out of him, if he'd been the one to steal the last cookie. she was his everything. his closest person. his best friend besides his brothers. and her death broke him. he closed off even more than he already did, vowing never to let anyone besides his mother see his unguarded side. but if he was being honest -and not constantly pushing the thought from his mind- he broke down the night she died, sobbing uncontrollably alone in his room as he clung to the soft baby blue sweater she always wore.
I don't care what anyone says, I don't care what we see in the game or if official heights come out... bi-han is s h o r t. my headcanon is 5'9. that may seem short for him but he just radiates 5'9 energy i do not take criticism. my man is stout so it only makes sense that he a short king.
bi-han used to be inseparable from his brothers when they were kids, their father taking in tomas at such a young age, bi-han always remembers him being there. there isn't a single memory from his childhood that both his brothers aren't in. he'd never tell either kuai liang or tomas, but he cherishes those memories of when they were kids, when they'd play outside every single day, look for creepy and interesting bugs, practice combat, aka, someone ended up with a black eye and sobbing. whenever those memories pop into his head, his permanent frown softens a bit, though he tries not to let anything show on his face. part of him does wish he could be close to them like they were as kids, but he's too stubborn and full of himself to actually try and repair the relationship he's mostly stilted over the years.
just a few super random headcanons of my babygirl. may come back to some of these or write another part if i think of more. feel free to add onto these i crave bi-han headcanons!!!!!!!
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stromuprisahat · 4 months
About the post about homosexuality in the world of Shadow and Bone. So apparently homophobia doesn't exist in a world full of racism and bigotry? The Grishas are the worst at it, but not the only ones hit. I mean, the suli, the Shu, etc. The series even added racism to Alina's Shu origin. With a universe so charged with discrimination, am I supposed to believe that homosexuality is fully tolerated there? The joke. It makes more sense if it's something that doesn't matter to grishas. Moreover, according to my memories, in the books, the grishas of the little palace are supposed to support themselves regardless of their origins, it seems to me. I mean, there are grishas from Fjerda and Shu Han who come to Ravka for refuge. Logic. One of the reasons why Zoya's racist comment on Alina in episode 3 of season 1 is completely stupid. She has literally been trained since childhood by Botkin!
(The post mentioned.)
Absolutely agree on implausibility of such state of matters in general. When there's hatred towards other nations and cultures, religious bigotry, sexism, whatever you'd call the complex issue of fear and homicidal animosity towards Grisha... but sexual preferences of less than every tenth person aren't good enough reason for ostracism?
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My doylist explanation is the show creators probably didn't want to draw attention away from their amazing half-Shu MC's hardships, back in the day, when they DID play the racist card. LB might have simply forgotten there are gay people, when she was writing the first book and remembered just in time to add some into the second one to collect cash kudos from LGBTs too.
Zoya's racism is hardly OOC. She's first and foremost better than everyone.
“... The Corporalki are the highest-ranking Grisha and should lead the Second Army.” “According to you, bloodletter.” As soon as I heard that silky voice, I knew who it belonged to, but my heart still lurched when I caught sight of her raven’s wing hair. Zoya stepped through the crowd of Etherealki, her lithe form swathed in blue summer silk that made her eyes glow like gems—disgustingly long-lashed gems.
Siege and Storm- Chapter 13
Zoya swept me into an embrace. “It’s such an honor to finally meet the Sun Summoner,” she said loudly. But as she hugged me she whispered, “You stink of Keramzin.”
Shadow and Bone- Chapter 11
“I could watch him all day,” said a voice behind me. I stiffened. Zoya was standing there. Even in the heat, she never seemed to sweat. “You don’t think he stinks of Keramzin?” I asked, remembering the vicious words she had once spoken to me. “I find the lower classes have a certain rough appeal. You will let me know when you’re through with him, won’t you?”
Siege and Storm- Chapter 17
She's in no position to mock Alina's origin in book, she's in no position to use otkazat'sya slur against another Grisha... I don't think making her Suli would prevent her from insulting Alina's bright new mixed heritage.
It's such an honor to formally meet you. You stink of the orphanage, half-breed.
Shadow and Bone- 01×03: The Making at the Heart of the World
She might be Botkin's star pupil, but that doesn't mean Alina's not half-Shu trash.
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reitheist · 7 months
The way I'm seeing Bucchigiri so far is that the Honki people feel coded as homosexual and as a kid Arajin was really into being like that. But he was never open with that to anyone but his one friend, who was supportive and bonded with him over it. And in trying to defend that, that friend got mercilessly attacked while Arajin just ran away. So the way that Arajin so desperately avoids even Matakara is that he feels like that lifestyle reminds him of both that danger and his own personal weakness. And so he finds it safer to overcompensate by trying to act 110% straight.
ooh this is an interesting reading! i've thought about how fighting=an act of love in this show, but honki people=homosexuality could fit quite well into ara's character arc and relationship with matakara.
given how arajin is the protagonist of a brawling show, I think it would extremely strange for arajin to completely reject his childhood desire to become a honki person by the end. they've definitely played up his refusal of the call so far, so i think we're going to see ara stepping up into his fighting anime protagonist role. if we assume that fighting, in the language of bucchigiri, is an expression of true self/feelings, i think we're definitely in for some kind of reciprocity of matakara's feelings on ara's part. i will be very surprised if we don't get an arajin x matakara fight by the end.
arajin has obviously buried his feelings about his past very deep and has tried to pivot his life in a completely opposite direction. I wouldn't be surprised if it's revealed that his obsession with dating is due in part to his trauma surrounding fighting; possibly him trying to emulate what a normal teenager does instead of 'embracing his true self' (ie. becoming honki). if this is how the story goes, there will be a definite queer reading to be had.
allegorically, the story would read as: young matakara is beaten up for being queer, arajin sees this and knows being queer is dangerous, he runs away and tries to compensate for his queerness by acting 110% hetero, matakara meets back up with him years later and tries to bond with ara over queerness, ara soundly rejects him and tries to distance out of shame, and ara (assumingly) learns by the end that being queer isn't shameful and embraces that part of himself (i.e. becomes a honki person.)
this all makes me a bit curious how mahoro's character is going to be dealt with going forward. i think there's a few things they're likely to do with her:
get over her brocon stuff and get with arajin at the end as his 'prize' for finally accepting his role as a fighter
arajin's moved on from focusing on girls by the end, mahoro gets with matakara
remain brocon to the very end
get over brocon stuff, become friends with arajin
i'm not a fan of option 1, i find it boring and a disservice to ara's and her character. i think option 2 is plausible given the romantic trope-y type scenes we've been seeing between matakara and mohoro, plus them bonding a little over their brothers. however, neither of them seem really interested in each other during those scenes beyond caring that other knows arajin. these scenes seem superficially romantic to me. i'm not really a fan of this ship so i wouldn't enjoy this outcome and i find it a boring thing to do with mahoro. option 3 sucks, but it wouldn't do damage to any other character at least? option 4 is my ideal outcome. it would allow mahoro to finally function outside of being in love with her brother and be a 'look how he's matured' moment for arajin.
there are a few appealing other options (like giving her a kickass majin) that i would personally love the show to pull off, but unfortunately i don't think bucchigiri is going to do them with their limited run of 6 eps left. i'll be super excited if it proves me wrong, though.
sorry for the rambling here, thanks for giving me something to think about anon!
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gojonanami · 6 months
It’s a bit hypocritical for someone who is reading smut to be shaming someone who writes smut.
Also it’s a bit stupid to be judging someone cause of their passion for writing not all Muslims are saints. Before judging someone look at yourself before shaming someone.
Islam promotes peace and love you may not support the themes of homosexuality but you still have to respect them as humans ??
Anyways love your writing boo don’t listen to them and I hope you continue writing xxxx
literally like how did they end up on my page and then go digging around my page to figure out I’m Muslim 🤦🏾‍♀️ that anon must have been chilling for a hot minute
Islam literally acknowledges that people aren’t perfect and I’m not perfect by any means and I know what I write won’t be accepted by a large part of my community but I still will do it because I really don’t think embracing your sexuality, without hurting anyone or yourself, is a bad thing.
also any one who hates on any group of people isn’t a real Muslim. Islam is about peace and respect for other groups, that’s what the true meaning should be — not policing other people or hating other people for simply living their lives and loving who they love.
thank you bb!! don’t worry, it didn’t bother me too much!! it was mostly a little annoying to wake up to Sehri to that anon 🙄 but you guys are so so kind 💕🥹 and truly came to my defense — that far outweighs any anon’s hate 💕
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
You ABSOLUTELY do not have to answer this if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, but what is a “side b” Christian? I tried looking it up but the results were kinda vague :/
Hey, thanks for asking! (this ask is in reference to this post btw)
Okay, so, "side B" is a term that some Christians use to describe how they fit into the wide debate of how the Church should address same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria—basically, how the church should deal with LGBTQ+ issues. The term "side B" is used alongside the terms "Side A" and "Side X", which I'll explain to the best of my knowledge in a moment.
Before I start, though, I'm not an expert on the history of these terms. Here's one source that might get you started, but I have not done extensive research on this, so take this with a grain of salt! <3
Also, note: The topic of transgender people is a little bit blurry in these frameworks, with some people agreeing mostly with one "side" on attraction but agreeing mostly with another on gender dysphoria.
"Side A" Christians (the typically more liberal side) believe that the Bible (and/or God, in cases where people don't believe the Bible is the arbiter of truth) supports LGBTQ+ people acting on same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria. So, according to this worldview, same-sex attraction is not a sin; same-sex marriage and relations are not a sin; and so the Church should speak publicly about and embrace LGBTQ+ relationships, transitions, and/or lifestyles. In my experience, Side A Christians usually point out that the Greek word translated "homosexual" in the New Testament refers to pedophiles (instead of?) (as well as?) people living in homosexual relationships. Again, though, I haven't done full research on that one. "Side X" Christians (the typically more conservative side) believe that same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria are sins, and that therefore the Church should not speak about and/or should completely denounce same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria. They may believe in what's sometimes called "Pray the Gay Away": the belief that if you have enough faith in God and/or pray hard enough, He will take away your same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria. "Side B" Christians believe that the Bible says that all people struggle with temptations to sin, including, for some, sexual attraction to the same sex and/or gender dysphoria, and so the Church should not deny that these struggles exist or act like the people who struggle with them are any worse than anyone struggling with heterosexual lust or any other sin—but that the Bible also has a clearly stated framework that Christian marriages should fit into: one man and one woman, having sex only in a marriage. Side B Christians typically believe that the Church should not ignore the fact that there are LGBT+ Christians, nor should it embrace same-sex relations. Instead, it should acknowledge the struggle of having same-sex attraction and/or gender dysphoria and provide compassion, give life direction that is toward God and not toward the world, and just... you know... not isolate and whisper about such Christians like they're any worse than anyone struggling with, like, selfishness or jealousy or gambling or addiction or any other desire of the flesh. EDIT: A Side B perspective typically does not state that attraction or dysphoria themselves are sins. Those are temptations (and/or struggles), and like the post linked here (this post) says, temptation is not the same as sin (acting on temptation). Yeah, personally, I agree most with the Side B perspective. It seems the most Biblically sound perspective to me.
"Side A" and "Side B" are usually descriptors used only by Christians who identify with LGBTQ+ attraction and/or gender identity. So, people may call themselves "Side B bi", for example, as a shorthand for saying "I'm attracted to both genders, but I believe that it is only okay to have sex under the Biblical marriage framework". But I find the terms "Side A" and "Side B" a useful framework to describe worldviews in general, even for heterosexual people who identify with their biological sex. Use your own discretion about that one. I personally sometimes call myself "Side B" out of convenience, although I don't have same-sex attraction, but I strive to be respectful and compassionate to those who use "Side B" to indicate that they personally struggle with same sex attraction, and so I don't go throwing the term around willy-nilly. By the way, I do technically fall under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella: aromantic asexual here (although I hold those terms loosely) with a history of mild gender dysphoria.
"Side A", "Side B", and "Side X" are simply convenient terms for broad views on sexual morality and Christian perspectives on LGBTQ+ issues. I use them when they're convenient, but strive to meet every individual person and converse with people, not broad "sides", learning how each person interprets the Bible and what their individual church history and personal context is in order to learn how they think about Biblical, Christian, social, and LGBTQ+ issues. I find that the individual conversations are far more productive and less divisive than arguing along "party lines".
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