#not that i dont like his newer stuff i still LOVE what he does
my partner and I have been watching different Ride The Cyclone productions. So far we've watched the off-broadway 2016 production (and just in case i'm mistaken, its the one played by Gus Halper, Alex Wyse, Tiffany Tatreau, etcetc. I will also be referring to this one as the OG even though is not cus im too lazy to type allat again), and some of t he more recent ones done in universities. I think it shocked us both to see the differences in the script. I mostly have qualms and complains around Mischa and Ocean's character. Mischa's has to do with how he's portrayed rather than the scripts, like Ocean's. In the newer ones, Ocean is portrayed as such a mean girl especially with the whole improvisation thing. They made her so superficial when in the original it really felt like she was trying her best to (as repetitive as it sounds) be her best and change the world positively even though it gave her a feeling of superiority for believing she is better than anyone else, that it came from HER being capable of changing the world. And by the end instead of reviving herself, she revives Jane and comes to terms that this is how she will affect the world, through giving someone else the chance to live again. That also means that Penny might not even remember her, and that's a whole lot development for Ocean cus she's not thinking about what her mark will be in the world and the changes SHE will make, but rather giving someone else the opportunity to live is purely selfless cus she gets absolutely NO reward, not even personal achivement or nourishment. It's just character development which kind of looses her effect when she's turned into a smart ass MEAN mean girl with airs of moral superiority that make no sense when she's bullying just because. Basically, yes she does think she can change the world but her superiority comes from moral and ethics, not just cus she's like 'im just better than anyone else cus im so slay yas girlypop'. They just pushed it too far with some of the stuff they changed/added (I will admit the improvisation bit was funny, if only it didnt ruin her character ((imo)) I feel like Mischa is being interpreted much more dumb than he actually is. They make him SUUUCH a himbo but almost fully negatively. It seems like they are putting characters in boxes. I enjoyed the OG because - much like he himself says - he gets hyped about things BUT in Halper's interpretation conserves that ''gangster'' more or less serious/chill persona and it's not just some loud ass class clown type of character. We didn't watch much of talia but even thinking of those interpretations singing Talia clashes so much because it feels so dumb'd down compared to the 'og' since he's kind of stupid and silly so it feels like Talia really is just a silly first love, he's being delusional and shit like that. Instead of the Mischa we first saw who already seemed far more realistic and less stereotypical, so it makes more believable for him to be so in love with Talia and that being the whole argument of his desire to live. GRANTED WHAT WE SAW ARE UNIVERSITY PRODUCTIONS so im not sure they were full on actors but still, it bothered me so much to see that twice, i had to get it out of my system bro. No hate to the actors tho these things happen, whateverrr anyway gus halper slayed that role, i have yet to see a Mischa that has so much ACTUAL passion and doesnt dumb down his rage thanks for listening im done yapping please dont yell at me thanks x2!!
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not-goldy · 6 months
But why Jimin is feeling some type about turning 30 🤔 He doesn't have a biological clock ticking to get pregnant, he's a man who according according society doesn't reach their 'expiry date any time soon, he got everything settled financially and family wise, he got supportive parents but he lived majority of his life away from them... now even if he wants to have them here he's perfectly capable to do so. He still looks dropdead gorgeous... actually older he becomes prettier and graceful he turns. His body is still young and beautiful, He already got a partner who is so understanding and makes him feel the best no matter how he looks or his age.
I don't see Tae, who's same age as him focusing on turning 30 much.. he's still having fun, dating best girls out there, all set to enjoy after he retun from MS too. Like he should..because 30 is still very young in my book lol
Biological clock to get pregnant....
A. He's human
B. Different backgrounds Different directions in life
Tae doesn't have chronic backpain does he??
Tae's career is not woven around his ability to dance his ass off and contour his body into impossible shapes does he? He dances sure and he's good sure but he's not Jimin 🥴
Watch BTS Island or whatever that show was I think they talked about these things- vmin I mean.
Remember he said he hated working out but then had to learn to love it because he needed to work on his form. He said he was becoming weak- he is not just a pretty face. He is not the type of idol you'd give a mic and a seat center stage to perform.
He is Beyonce. He is a spectacle
He will always be a spectacle unfortunately
Losing weight, dieting, fixing his teeth tweaking that- can't do that all his life that's just sad if he has to😢
So he is gonna reminisce and wonder if he should keep doing this or choose a different part- as he said he did before in the past when BTS was going through stuff.
He's gonna reinvent himself take stock reevaluate and shit. 30 is a milestone I suppose most idols do that before they decide to go all in for the long ride- you wouldn't want to look back at 40 and regret certain things you know?
This is where I start ranting bout the impossible beauty standards and performance expectations yall have of him- HE IS SOMEONE'S SON NOT AN OBJECT FOR YOUR ADMIRATION
And before you tell me this idol don't do that that person don't do that- THAT PERSON IS NOT JIMIN AND YOU KNOW DEAD WELL YOU HOLD JIMIN TO A MUCH HIGHER STANDARD THAN TEHM DONT LIE
And let's not forget 30 is primarily when an Idols career is assumed to have come to an end in kpop- sure there are new trends of older idols breaking the stereotypes but let's not act like age isn't a huge part of Kpop and that newer younger, much much younger idols are popping up on the scene- they may not be as seasoned or as talented but that will not stop toxic stans perpetuating ageism against BTS.
Its very normal for an idol of JMs caliber to put some thoughts into what he wants to do with his life at this point- if the company isn't going to be any helpful to his career and he doesn't have his age playing in his favor then boy or girl he very much has a right to ponder over his age. He's human.
If he's queer and wants a family then he very much has to worry about that too. And don't be fooled, men do experience low sperm count as they age and other erectile disfunction as they age too it's not just women like they try to portray.
They grow grey hairs and they go bald 🙄
Their bodies change dramatically with age too🥲
I can go on and on but he's just human doing what normal humans do.
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just1gnome · 1 year
shout out to the person who ate my last rock au post like a snake i made four more
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aheemheem lore under the cut
ranboo as a snowflake obsidian is obvious, we never had a choice fr. i like to imagine that snowflake obsidians are very rare(having incredible terrakinesis abilities in a society of rock people is not something that should come in large numbers) so when he just randomly appeared on the rebel planet it was quite a shock. he literally came out of nowhere and doesnt even remember his own origins and not even the most historically inclined of them can figure out what those red and green insignias are.
for some reason i was REARING to add sam as SOON as possible so hes a mossy agate. he was assigned to a newer colony close to the lmanburg planet(name still pending) and was in charge of overseeing the construction of important structures; he grew very fond of the building and aided his workers a little more than he was probably allowed but nobody really stopped him. he worked alongside bad(black opal), antfrost(tigers eye), and ponk(clinohumite) and we will get to them. eventually. because of his proximity to the rebels, he'd grown pretty attached to that silly little rutile and offered him protection if ever he needed it. he never fully removes himself from homeworld, he doesnt really have a reason to, but he does offer help from behind the scenes on occasion. he still builds for them, particularly the prison which is sort of like the human zoo in canon in that it is a station floating around up there as opposed to being on a planet. also sam nook is his pearl that he asks to go check on tommy and hang out with him when he cant be there in person
i am going to be so incredibly honest i dont think ive written down any quackity lore i just really wanted to draw him. i think he was just pretty chill doing stuff for homeworld but then he heard about these rebels and was like. uhm bye i wanna know whats going on over there. i feel like his lore is so well understood and hes an established canon gem type so i dont have to do a lot of work for him hes already the perfect boy
as stated before, tubbo is a nephrite who had a lot of time to hang out with tommy before they all ran off to lmanplanet. he worked one station above tommy, but he wasnt a captain. i dont have much written for tubbo either, but it is safe to say that snowchester is on the moon and the fur is completely cosmetic.
These little character bits are mostly backstory unfortunately Tubbo and Quackity's lore happens on screen so I don't have much for them
I would love to explore their arcs in this au tho but y'all gotta wait
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garlic-sauc3 · 6 months
i saw ur recent post :) i know nothing abt dc and booster gold but what sort of superhero is booster gold?? feel free to ramble hehe
ooh this is interesting. you see people tend to stereotype booster as either a time travelling hero, or a self absorbed sell out. and sure hes got elements of both, but he is way more than that
he kinda acts like a classic golden hero -- I mean he took a lot of inspiration from superman originally -- but he does sponsorships and advertisements and whatever because he was also a football player before, and athletes do that all the time, and he figured why dont superheroes do that? and that's the thing that most people dont understand -- both in canon (either intentionally, like in the original booster gold comics, or unintentionally like newer stuff or when he gets represented in shows a lot) and just in the general fanbase -- hes perceived as shallow and barely a hero, if anything just a laughingstock. but at his core, hes selfless and he wants to help people. he likes money, sure, he loves being rich, but he also grew up poor, so it doesnt take that big of an adjustment when he loses his funds. basically, booster gold is very heroic and can be very selfless, hes just kind of perceived as a glory hound
and then the time travelling element is fun, but I don't really like it as his main focus. nowadays hes just brought in because theres time travel involved, but I much prefer his original time aspect presented in booster gold 1986 and time masters 1990, in my opinion the aspect of him always meant to time travel back, as well as the methods of travel and the rules put in place. going to the 80s and saving people, as well as just being stuck there because the time sphere broke (and not being able to time travel instantaneously) and then we he did get to time travel forward he learned that 1) you can only use each time travel method once, which adds a fun barrier to time travel but still makes it fun and 2) he was always intended to go to the 80s and save the president, which also adds a build up to what happens in time masters which expands more on time travel and ties these two elements together in a way I really enjoy. him discovering that being booster gold, the hero, is his destiny is also a plotline I really enjoy. I feel by removing this element and restriction of time travel it kind of removes his important character arc with this
but also, the other thing that drives his character is his lack of secret identity. nobody knows his real name, sure, but he doesnt have a real real name anyway. he lives as booster gold, not as a "michael jon carter" (which he does not!! go by btw). his identity is tied so strongly to being a superhero he doesnt know how to live without it. when he loses his suit or even just power in his suit, he has no idea what to do. in booster gold #13 when his suit is drained of power and hes injured and sickly from the previous issue, he is so glad to get his flight ring back even if it's just a hint of his previous powers, and the entire time he is just struggling without the powers he was accustomed to because of the suit. on top of that, the issues in #25 that he has from not being a hero, where he doesn't know how to live normally but also considers going back to the 25th century because he cant live in the 20th century anymore (for multiple reasons) but that was also when he has to accept that being booster gold is his destiny, and he cant get rid of it (he doesnt know how)
anyways I dont know if this makes sense at all or actually answers your question but I just think that booster gold and like how he is perceived by the public and by himself is very interesting and I just love a hero who's secret identity is so tied up in being a hero (where they dont even have a secret identity) that they don't know how to not be a hero, especially when its tied with being a celebrity and having fame and wealth, while also caring deeply about being a hero and helping (if I had a nickel...) idk i just love that kind of hero
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frankiistein · 6 months
ok time to do my usual breadpost of the christmas chapter, even if its a bonus chapter i think it points to some rly neat stuff 🤔
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first things first. matching hairclips <333
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i rly love the lineless style used in this page (tbh it influenced my last art of sar its such a nice look and smthng i should do more often myself). also the cookie at the center is the generic demon clipart from ch4
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bonbien nation is having a christmas miracle tonite ‼️ seeing their human-ish forms is always so cool and also i love the little detail of bien wagging his tail there lol
the idea of them decorating the cookies morbidly to make use of bien breaking all the cookies is rly cute and i think its nice to see bon sort of just working around bien like that hehehe
but anyway time for the evil part of the comic
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almost missed this but this cookie resembles reception (ear muff, green eye and mouth) and we already know bien is probably gonna fight reception eventually so 🤨
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SAR MENTIONED!!!!! my evil unwilling kinnie boiii
its fascinating that he becomes more polish anselirian each update, i think his love for his culture leads some more evidence to the idea of marginals being cultural colonizers. the chapter already defines oplatek which i searched more of, the definition he gives is accurate and its a polish catholic tradition. (also its interesting that poland is mostly catholic because maldevara, which is said to be loosely based on the philippines is also a catholic country, i wonder if catholic imagery gets more significant later). besides the oplatek his outfit seems to be based on traditional polish costume (the female costume ofc)
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the format is similar to i1-p5rd but with more art, as in instead of sar speaking "in comic" his words are in prose. similar to i1-p5rd too bien doesnt speak at all (in fact i just realized even in the part with bon he also doesnt speak, which iirc its the first comic in breadavota without dialogs) we also still dont see what bien looks like, the atmosphere of sar taking control of bien feels perpetuated here again from how we know bien is there and we can assume he CAN still talk because sars dialogs show him responding to things bien said but we never get to see bien himself
Judges don't celebrate any holidays, so I haven't actually celebrated anything with anybody since my mother died.
sar mom mentioned again, almost thought this was new but remembered she was mentioned in the study paper in i1-p5rd
the drawing in i1-p5rd had the same glitchy bg effects but i thought it was stylistic for that illustration, but them being used again in this chapter implied this might have to do more with how bien perceives the world itself. like look at that chair those r a fucking minecraft chair
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interestingly, the bg in i1p5 also has a somewhat glitchy appearance albeit it still looks "drawn" (unlike in the newer drawings where they look more pixellated). the narration in i1-p5 itself does directly state that the world "sounds" weird to bien with things specifically he describes colors as "grating" and things looking "scratchy" which fits how to describe the stylistic differences in this drawings compared to most of breadavotas art.
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ignore shitty yt quality but sar himself looks the same as the background but without the blur, and in the narration bien says sar is the clearest thing in the room. its notable that after the unseen Spinal Cord Surgery sar became rendered in the usual cleaner art style of the bread illustrations but the background became even "scratchier" with more "grating" colors. makes u think
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the oplatek shows probably mary and jesus which is a usual picture printed on oplateks. idk if on purpose but i think its intersting that sar specifically splits between the mother and the son here
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on top of that, sar also specifically eats the piece with the son and gives the piece with the mother to bien. eating already is a minor but consistent theme in breadavota, like for bread consuming the "breadlings" and getting the power to use their body parts, or with marginals learning how to reconstruct what they "consume" eating in breadavota fits some traditional beliefs in cannibalism where its said that its a way to "absorb" attributes of the person ur eating. on top of that for the marginals at least eating is also treated as an act of obsessive love, w/ anthony repeatedly shown to take after media/marginals as a whole most likely from living around them since he was a kid he would definitely be aware of this and it fits his yandere like vibes alot tbh
the symbolism of bien eating the mother (or in his case probably symbolizing bon) is very curious. thinking emoji times one millions
Say "ah!"
literally two words but love this line for two reasons: one is it continues the tradition of sar telling bien to say __ in a funny way but also it implies sar didnt even give the wafer for bien to eat but he FED it to him. hes so normal
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roboyomo · 5 months
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okay this will turn into a quick rant about them so uh the first guy is Amor (real name Bao), who has an absurd hair length (perfectly laying on the floor) and he wields a human sized axe and he was originally the lead scientist and the founder of the laboratory of the clan in the lore (this will make zero sense but ill explain it all later at some point i swear) in attempt to change his negative attitude towards meeting new people, and help them with the discoveries, the research and the inventions at the lab only to trust one wrong person (its kenix his uncle) and literally have everything he built be crumbled into small pieces and now he is so shaken from the incident about how people dont trust him at all now that he almost changes as a person from this 21 yr old guy who loves science and tries to be more open to people to a guy who will be a killing machine once he will be blinded by his hysterical moments of anger, hating his body so much, thinking it is no longer his but a "monster's" to the point of upon seeing his own reflection in the mirror, he breaks it with his bare hands (he still tries to keep a facade of a great leader to try and regain the trust from society of the afterlife but the rumors about how 'dangerous' he is have already done great damage). amor can be immature with his jokes and stuff but he can be a totally caring and loyal person when treated right but no one except few people know what a real person he is, just an enthusiastic curious scientist at heart who wants to lead others into the bright future with him and the bright smile on his face but the anger and the grudges, and the hidden emotions and feelings keep holding him back from being able to finally heal
second guy is apollo who is a more opposite to amor. he is a calm and kind person (so kind that his kindness gets taken advantage off by the people he thinks he can trust but theyre pretty much using him for their own gain, except for amor and the other clan members, not lab coworkers)
even tho hes different compared to amors more high energy personality, he is amors best friend since childhood (since they were 10!!) and are pretty much canonically married (both are 21 yrs old physically). apollo and amor both founded the lab together promising that they would help others. After Amor's incident which is just the entirety of "Inspiration"s Peak Insanity story chapter, Apollo was pretty much the only one actually working at the lab but then he also got fucked over by the narrative (got cursed and while cursed and not even being in charge of his own body, killed the souls of his already previously dead parents and little sister, listen this is complicated but theyre all these afterlife human(?) beings that if killed, are gone into absolute nothing) and he was already sad enough about them, this only made matters worse as he started to think that he deserves to be dead just like them and how "he should be punished eternally for this sin". he makes a new routine for himself to distract him from his despair only to start overworking himself until he does not know about the concept of "free time". he also has this feeling that he has neglected this whole time but it is his wish to be loved and valued for who he is and not the sweet facade he is putting on but deep down he knows that this facade is who he truly is, he is just so lost in himself that apollo is not able to recognize who he actually is
despite their problems amor and apollo both have their own perspective "you saved me and you helped me so much i wouldnt be the same without you" view on each other since childhood and everytime they are able make me sad
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 5-6
Jays showing Cliff Gs home to the ninja?? Isnt he afraid theyll think he made a wish to gain all this unexpected new stuff?
Okay but why is Jay LYING
I mean it’s understandable if hes not ready to tell them he’s adopted yet
But saying you saved up for a place like that while just not getting paid for doing your main job, which is being a ninja, is a bit unbelievable
I guess saying your Cliff Gordon the actor of Fritz donnegans biological son is kinda unbelievable too.
Nya: We need to look at that lantern. Jay, Hit the lights!
Jay: Lights! Right! Yes. Light. Uhhhhh lights lights lights… Where are the lights….
Cole: You saved up for this place? Baloney. Every time you get money you waste it on junk food and video games.
They’re best friends your honor
Also they definitely wanted Cole to say Bullshit.
Jay: and it turns out! My dads cliff gordon!
Cole: Who?
GOD jay and cole are literally acting how me and my best friend act when the other drops some gossip or a secret
Theyre that tiktok sound that goes like:
Jay: I wont tell a soul. 🫡
Wait wait
Its CANON that theyre best friends? I thought that was a fanon thing but Jay JUST said Coles his best friend
I love them sm :)
Please tell me Zane still has his falcon in newer seasons
Clancy my beloved
Hes doing his best
The ninja are going to the island for the venom to defeat nadakhan
Ok but how does Jay explain Cliff Gordons boat.
Nadakhan: Take it apart.. until it talks.
Zane: why do I need a canteen?
Lloyd: there may be no fresh water on the island.
Zane: but… Im a nindroid… I repeat, why do i need a canteen? 🤨
Jay. Why are you reading Cliff Gordons wooing woman book OUT LOUD.
Jay, reading: tell woman what they want to hear…
Nya: watcha reading?
Jay: AAAAH. UM! Im reading, uh, discovering the power of your feminine side 😃
Jays acting as their lightning rod on the ship lol
Also its canon he can get electrocuted by storm lightning multiple times and still be fine
Jay really doesnt want anyone else to be taken by djinn :(
Holy shit Zanes smart.
He quite literally predicted that Nadakhan would come for him from Jays reluctance. AND ONLY FROM THAT DOES HE KNOW JAYS SPOKEN TO NADAKHAN BEFORE AND COMPLETED TWO WISHES
I wish they showed this analytical side of Zane more
Hes still as self sacrificial as ever.
Zanes trying to outsmart nadakhan and trap the djinn away. But I know he wont be able to no matter how intelligent he is :(
It would have made so much sense for Zane to be the savior of this season. He made some really good wishes. Its also incredibly out of character for him to “wish for it all to go away” after Nadakhan deleted Pixal. Zane could have simply said for Nadakhan to bring Pixal back and he’d have used up his wishes. He wouldnt have captured nadakhan but Zane would at least be alive.
Aaand they crashed the ship.
Cole cmon man at least give Jay a chance to explain himself.
His anger is valid since Zanes capture could have been prevented if Jay said something
Jay didnt wish for the boat and mansion he wished to not be born in a junkyard and to be able to give Nya anything she wanted
Dude just say your adopted.
Me looking at Nadakhans sky village: I want to go there.
Jay. let go of the lady wooing book. You dont need it. IT GOT YOU INTO THIS MESS.
Please Jay stop complaining 🙃 even though I feel sympathy for you, pleaaase just read the room.
Jays pissing me off rn 💀
Just APOLOGIZE and EXPLAIN Yourself.
theyre all so done with his shit 😭
Cole: 😶
Nadakhan: Delara was filled with fire too...
Nya: Not fire. I'm a tall glass of water.
Cole landed a hit on Nadakhan!!!
Good for him honestly
Love how the ninja just phase through Cole sometimes it's so funny
They didn't even know how big the spider was and then Jay comes running out with a creature bigger than a bear on his trail
Jay: (about to get eaten alive by a spider)
Nadakhan floating with a teacup on his hand: Now would be a perfect moment for that second wiiiish...
Honestly with how many times the spiders grabbed Jay with it's fangs, it's hard to believe he hadn't touched the venom
Ohhhh so THIS is when he kidnaps Jay.
When did they get duck-tape 💀
Damsel in distress trope but it's the girl as the knight and the boy as the damsel
Imagine how Jay must feel though. His friends hate him. he (thinks he) lost the venom. And now he’s kidnapped.
Nadakhan: I can see why she once like ld you… You’re stronger than you appear. But I know it’s all an act.
Nadakhan: Deep down, you’re scared… You know your weak. You make jokes to mask that your afraid…
Usually stuff like that is hinted at but to outright say it is something
Jay: (hanging off the bottom side of the ship like a spider with a ball chain on his leg)
Nadakhan: your not afraid, are you funny man?
Jay (somehow repositioning himself and cleaning the bottom of the ship) I LOVE IT. 😤
Hes such a little shit I love him
Cole (giggling after learning that they cant get off the island with their energy dragons)
Nya: Whats so funny! 😒
Cole: Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say…
Cole: haha… Gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out.
Hes literally in love with him
(Platonically, for ppl who dont ship bruise)
Nya, girl, honestly you had every right to be mad at him. Dont feel guilty. Jay didn’t even apologize!!!! He also dialed up his little shittiness to 100 after that!!!! Hes fine 🙄
Its sweet that Lloyd trusts Jay to be strong
Cole and Lloyd: We can build a raft! Whats gonna stop us!
Nya: That was uh, my Jay impression…
Clancy is so nice
Ive never heard Jay ever be this silent on frame
Its surreal.
Jays actually so clever
How is he moving and jumping around like that with a whole ass bowling ball attached to his leg 😭
GO JAY GO!!!!!
Now I remember why he's my favorite character :)
He got the note in the bottle to the ocean!!!!!
Man skybound was actually so cool I hate that it was erased from the timeline
Nadakhan: Eat! Have dinner with me. It's no trick!
Jay: ...
Nadakhan: 😃
Jay: (starts devouring every consumable thing in front of him)
Jay: Sorry man, I don't know who this lost love of yours is. But she's not Nya! Nyas too good for the both of us. She makes up her own mind.
Well at least Jays got her character down
Nadakhan: Everything that is mine... I've had to work for. This food, this ship, this crew.
Jay: That accent :)
Okaaay. So if Nadakhan marries someone, he can have infinite wishes?
That makes no sense.
Lloyd: she'll be ready to sail soon.
Nya: Why are all boats she's?
Cole: uhhh idk! Maybe because it's takes a bucket of paint to make then look good?
Coles in his misogynistic arc
Cole (after Lloyd leaves): you know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women is because we name them after the most important people in our lives. Mother, wives, sisters.
Ok he's forgiven
It's sweet that Coles standing up for Jay to Nya.
He called himself Jays best friend 🥺
Cole (trying to avoid the sand monsters): don't move... I think they're attracted to noise...
Nya used airjitzu for the first time!!!
I genuinely like nadakhans crew
Clancy: I can keep swabbing the deck if I like it! 😤 It relaxes me and I get to choose how it I wanna spend my free time!
Jaaaaay. You were manipulating so well!!! You just HAD to come off strongly.
Is it manipulation if it's the truth though? I mean Nadakhan ISNT telling his crewmembers everything.
Geez. This is kind of depressing to watch. Jay getting pummeled in a fighting ring by Nadakhans crew.
Nadakhan: You could… wish it all away?
Jay (on the floor absolutely totaled): bring it on.
Jays surprisingly stubborn and resilient
Clancy: you should eat food. you-you fought really well out there… held your own like a real pirate. Heres an eyepatch, so you can look like one!
Clancy so sweet :)
I understand that lego ninjago cant show blood or bruises but the way Jays voice actor is slurring his words gives a really good impression that Jay was beat up real bad :(
Flintlocke: you always talk to yourself?
Jay: Only when I think im by myself 😒
Ronin and the Chief got Nya Cole and Lloyd off the island!!!
I still dont forgive them though.
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sakuhai · 1 year
What has Hyde done in the past decade that makes you upset with him? I'm not asking to defend him, I'm simply curious. I'm still a newer fan. I dont much care for his solo work simply because I'm not usually a screamo fan but I've yet to dig into his older solo stuff.
Im not upset with Hyde I just like to be dramatic when I talk about him.It's nothing to be taken seriously.
However Hyde does come off kinda annoying in his appearances lately.In interviews,on his channel.Kinda arrogant.
Some people like his childish demeanor they see it as cute.Some like his cynical and arrogant ways of putting things.They find it funny.But to me he can be a bit off putting.
He is becoming like the current music he does Im afraid.Shallow,uninspired,loud without context...He seems to only love the adrenaline of being on stage "performing".
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nevernotnotnotting · 2 years
im rewatching doctor who with my partner (they’ve never seen it, ive watched up to s9 but haven’t finished it and haven’t watched dw in years- I was obsessed as a teen tho)
we just finished s2 and ive come to the realisation that i hate it. i do not like it. its not enjoyable to me. love and monsters?? are you kidding me?? the fuckin 50s tv one?? the cat hospital?? like there are episodes that i think are objectively good that i just don’t enjoy (impossible planet/satan pit is fascinating, and there’s a lot of interest with the parallel world stuff) but overall i just really really /really/ dislike rose and ten together. don’t like it.
theyre insufferable, they’re not nearly human enough (like dw as a whole does treat a lot of serious stuff without gravity, but this season is atrocious for it - it’s like the second he regenerated ten went ah it’s all fine now!! im over the time war it’s fine (: never mind that his entire planet and species died a year or two ago for him), and everything that they have holding them together seems to be what happened when the doctor was a completely different person (ie before he regenerated). he’s important to her not bc of who he is now but bc of what they went through and who he was before he regenerated, and she’s important to him because she’s his only family since the time war.
they remind me of a couple who’s been married for like 5 years, but they got married while like they were in school or one of them was in the military or something and now that their circumstances have changed the only thing holding them together is the fact that they’re already together. like they love each other- but why? what do they actually love about each other? their history, that’s 95% of it. ive had this opinion for years about them as a ship, but frankly I’m realising this about them as any kind of relationship, platonic or not. i dont like them together and i dont think they’re good together or for each other.
also like- rose is 19 when they meet. she dropped out of school and works in a shop and dates someone she knew growing up. she experiences a lot more and grows up a lot during her time with the doctor, but she’s still at most 21 by the end of s2- she’s still a kid. like developmentally, she’s not full grown yet. she and nine work together bc their relationship is based on understanding that huge power imbalance, which is partly bc of how much older (and less traditionally attractive) nine looks, partly because she’s newer to the tardis, and partly because of how different nine’s attitude is to so much.
idk im glad to be up to s3 for sure. i don’t understand martha hate, i adore her, and i think most of her season is really good. i wish they’d spent less time having her moon (lol) over the doctor, i think it does both of them a real disservice, but she’s a great character and person and i love her arc and the series arc as a whole (i ship ten/john simm master Heavily so this should not be surprising but i do think that it genuinely holds up).
i just, i don’t understand why so many fans love rose/roseten/s2 when to me the whole thing feels like the writers had a really strong vision for s1, finished it, and went ah. didn’t think we’d get this far, have uhhh a werewolf i guess??? and then so many fans have such a negative opinion of martha & s3, when imo that’s when they wrestled the story back into something that’s really very narratively strong. like there’s dodgy bits and bad episodes (i am Not looking forward to lazarus or the pig people lol) but they’re bits and episodes, and even the parts that are dodgy can still be really enjoyable (i love the shakespeare code!! it’s so fun!! someone please either let martha smack bill for being racist, have someone else do it on her behalf, or just don’t put the racism in, but other than that it’s a really enjoyable episode). the daleks episodes are genuinely so good, and the family of blood, and blink???? and everything with the master??? sick as fuck. i love it. im so excited to enjoy the show again lol.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Fjshfkefhkd-- albeluc brainrot--
Albedo is the only knight other than Hertha and her entire department that diluc doesnt like-- hate. And LITERALLY NOONE knows of this. Or even SUSPECTS it.
Hes like-- the chief alchemist, the captain of the investigation team-- mans REAL deep into the knights. Practically a holder of state secrets. Jean and Varka definitely wouldnt be not comfortable with giving him this position if he wasnt completely loyal to the wellbeing of the knights and mondstat! And he is! He is loyal! Despite being a bit of a strange recluse, hes shown time and time again his loyalty to Mond and the knights with his achievements in the alchhemical field and using it to further improve both the lives of the knights and the people of Mondstat! As a person whos so deeply entrenched with the knights, Diluc has to hate his guts! Right?
Lol nope-- his loyalty? Yeah sure, hes loyal but not to the knights. He'd leave them at the drop of a hat the second they stop being of use to him. But what abt his loyalty to the wellbeing of Mond? Oh yeah, he is-- but he only interferes when he knows he has to or needs to. No need to get his hands dirty when he knows Diluc or the traveler or the knights can handle it. Besides, the threats are usually just a couple of slimes and hilichurls. Nothing that really needs his hand and assistance. Might even serve as good practice for the newer knights.
What about using his alchemical achievements that hes shared with the knights and the public to benefit them? Bro, do u rlly think that he'll share his real actual research and discoveries on the nature of the universe and existence itself with the knights? Nah bro, he makes sure its safe to share with the knights and the public at least ten times over before even considering telling someone something. I dont think Teyvat is ready for quantum mechanics just yet, and im sure Albedo would agree--
So, how does diluc think of the strange alchemist up in dragonspine? Personally, id like to think that theres a strange sort of respect between them-- a sort of "i dont mess with your stuff, you dont mess with my stuff" deal. And as time goes on, and Diluc learns more of Albedo (through klee, gossip, the knights, etc.) That respect becomes a little more "real" in the sense thats like "hes cool. Never met the guy, but i think hes pretty neat". Until they finally meet, after making multiple lists and profiles on the other. Albedo, because he just genuinely likes knowing shit and Diluc, because he is a paranoid motherfucker.
I imagine their relationship would be similar to Sayaka and Kirari from Kakegurui, in the sense that they both dont understand each other and that makes the two of them endlessly fascinating and driven to try to know more of each other. Albedo, cold and so driven by bard facts and mind, would be intrigued by how Diluc, warm and driven by his love and heart, is both so similar and different to him. How he desires to learn more about this world, but not for the sake of knowing. How he can seem so cold and unfeeling and distant, when really he is just tired by the effort needed to love and be loved-- already having given much and still giving much and yet receiving nothing in return. How he is so steadfast in his goals, no matter how big or small, and driven by his heart and yet seeking to complete them in a manner befitting Albedos own sound and calculating mind.
Just-- fjshfnejfkeb my precious rarepair... albeluc...
Albedo definitely helped behind the scenes when diluc gave Hertha and her entire department a vacation. Mans made sure the knights stayed together enough to regret EVERYTHING and finally gET THEMSELVES TOGETHER OH MY GOD--
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So my working theory has always been he was just there in the right time right moment. And with a recommendation from Alice. I believe that helped a lot. I imagine Albedo came in just as Eroch was ousted. Then Alice gives them this amazing alchemist. It was a quick pick up. And I'm sure with Alice's reassurances they felt a lot more comfortable letting Albedo have the captain position.
But I don't think Albedo is particularly loyal to the knights or Mondstadt. He is more so loyal to people and his own goals. If it is better for the people he cares about to protect Mondstadt. Then he'll protect it. But If it's better for them for Mondstadt to burn, he'll get the gas and lighter.
Now for Albeluc. I love it. It's like my second favorite ship. Because, well, It's just really a relaxed ship. I do think they understand each other to an extent. But they are still fantasized with each other and find that they can never stop being interested in each other. I can't see them being anything but sweet together other. And I've mentioned this before, but they are the kind of relationships to totally fly under the radar. And that's super funny to me.
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thegoldfiles · 2 years
Does Mobox87 no like Renata Rennings? seems to make less stuff of renata and he even makes her suffer a lot and give her a bad ending and make william no love her like in the 2015 version, but i thought mobox87 made renata? why would this be so? plus not to be mean but i seriously hate when goldbox does william x vanny like what the f is this?? i dont like it, why cant he just make william x renata or at least not have bad ships like whats worse is that mobox87 is ruining hello kitty and his open minded series is fucked up and i really dont understand whats wrong with them, was mobox always like this? it makes me very angry to know that someone that inspired me heavily is not such a good person overall..
but thank you so much for being there to spread awareness, i really appreciate you and your help, have a nice day/night! 💜
(Sorry my bad english heh)
I don't know really, I think since Renata is an older OC people tend to fixate more on newer ones and newer content, and artists usually enjoy making content for their new characters if there isn't very much to add to their old ones, that's all I can really think about why he wouldn't make content about her any more, but that's not really a question I can answer since i'm not mobox. I agree with the idea that william x vanny is gross and weird, and I wish this hadn't been added. I guess he just wanted to change and add more things to the AU.
It seems that recently mobox's content has become a lot more disgusting than his past work, but some of the themes were still there and his content has hurt people even in 2015/16 in the beginning, I think it's just more noticeable now. :(
I am sorry that he is like this now, because he was an inspiration to so many young artists. I hope you are doing okay and have a nice day as well! - mod springtrap
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damistrolls · 2 years
ummm lots of emojis for magpie duh, 💤 🥞 🍧 🍁 ☀️ 🌌 🪤 ✂️ 💡 🔧 🚆 💙💚
💤 do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
oh yeah he's an easy sleeper, made even easier when he's got someone to hold onto, be it lupo, lekthi, or one of his other friends. hell, give him a pillow or stuffed animal to hug and it has the same effect. he just sleeps 10x better when hes cuddling
🥞 what is their comfort breakfast?
well, there are plenty of breakfasts he really likes, but his comfort one would have to be chocolate chip pancakes. theyre so simple but so cozy and sweet
🍧 do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
i dont think magpie has anything that's super significant to him, but he definitely does have a LOT of old stuff, mostly cause he doesnt really throw things out. hes not a hoarder, it just doesnt occur to him that he should throw things away, cause he's never really had to clean any of it. theres all types of junk in his room, from toys and notebooks to actual literal junk that his ravens brought him. i dont think he'd even notice if something went missing!
honestly i feel bad for lekthi because magpie will probably start filling the guy's home with random stuff he finds too. theyre gonna need to have a sit down about only keeping important things
🍁 what is their favourite season? why?
i think he genuinely loves every season. each of them are special for their own individual reasons. if he HAD to pick though, i think he'd pick spring, both for what it represents, and because it's a rainy season. he absolutely loves going outside when its raining and jumping around like he's never seen rain before sgdfhjdsf
☀️ are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
sort of? he likes getting up early, but he's usually very slow to actually wake up. funny enough, the first thing he does is usually look for something to eat, even though he hasn't even washed the sleep out of his eyes yet
🌌 what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
THIS song is the reason magpie is here today. it's basically his theme, and the singer, vitas, is also his voiceclaim. the music video being about a fish guy is kinda funny though because magpie originally started as a human, so its actually MORE fitting for fantroll magpie
anyways, the first thing i decided about him is that he would be unapologetically himself, no matter how much it inconvenienced or even hurt other people. it was weirdly a joint effort between me and my old therapist, cause i was extremely ashamed of and overly apologetic about essentially everything about myself, including the mere fact that i existed. magpie could go to extremes in a way that i could and would never, and it genuinely did help me be more okay with... like. existing, taking up space, and yes sometimes even inconveniencing others
not to get overly vulnerable on a silly little ask meme, but magpie helped me in a really significant way, and he means a lot to lil ol me <3
🪤 - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
i mean, magpie would happily walk straight into certain danger without prompting anyways, since he's got like... a way different metric for what's dangerous than everyone else. so honestly, giving him any sort of reason or incentive is overkill. if you point to a pit of spikes and say 'you should go there' i think he wouldn't be like 'you know that DOES sound fun'
✂️ what is the "last straw" for them to cut someone out of their life? how easily do they let go of people?
it really depends how long he's known someone, and how close they've gotten. for newer friends, magpie will quite literally cut them out of his life (like with some actual scissors snip snip) as soon as they stop being interesting or fun to have around, or as soon as the killing urge takes him over
for people who have managed to stick around long enough to become dear to him, i dont really think there's much that'll make him drop you. except like, if he wins when he's making one of his regular attempts on their life, but then he'd be extremely depressed to see them go :(
💡 is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
he plans out things like his performances very meticulously, but for basically everything else, he's spontaneous and unpredictable. it's in his nature to just go where the wind takes him
🔧 are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
id like to think he is. he's very intent on finding what the problem is and doing his best to either fix it or find a workable compromise. and even if there's no good solution, he's a very emotionally available person and will absolutely hear someone out and sympathize with their plight. in my experience, its kind of hard to stay upset with someone who is that good at communicating and genuinely just wants everyone involved to be happy
🚆 what is their answer to the trolley problem?
i think hes just happy he gets to be in the metaphorical trolley. i dont think he even realizes its an ethical puzzle, like you'd ask him what he'd do and he'd just be like 'hm... can i make it go faster?'
💙 do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
weeeeell he technically doesnt have a s/o, but we both know he treats lupo and lekthi like he's dating them so i'll answer with them in mind
i think he's pretty good at entertaining himself, but that he still doesnt really like being alone. he tends to miss lekthi and lupo, as well as everyone else important to him, in the off-chance they're not around. when he's on his own, he'll usually take the opportunity to get something done that might be harder when he's around people, like reading, writing, or practicing music. still, he's a social butterfly, and will typically find a way to at least be in the same space as someone he cares about, even if they're not actively engaging with one another
💚 what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
i think he's less comforted by specific actions, and more comforted by just... general effort put towards him. if you show him you care in your own way, no matter what way that is, he'll probably be very comforted. any and all love languages will make him so comfy cozy because to him, the intent matters more than anything else in a situation like that
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ihavenothingtodo10220 · 4 months
and i even find myself either ignoring s group if i just dont vibe with their music or almost forgetting about them for example i loved day6 when i first found them but have sort of forgot about their songs, or the members welp bc they arent as mainstream as say bts or blackpink who id say are most memorable and recognised for their talents and looks. which again is a shame. i just learnt of xrdinary heroes if thats how its spelt
day6 totally reminds me of the more vocally talented version of 5sos tho even down to their group name thats why i was quick to find them both attractive and enjoyable. but in xrdinary heroes the only oldest member seems to be 25? the rest are all like 15 or some shit. i do pity their oldest member, sometimes it feels like groups only have older members to fill in the leader position or just to add some maturity to the group
kpop is a literal rabbit hole tho like we used to fangirl about 1d back in le day, now its all foreign music which is cool but theres still not that niche area for older fans of these groups, ik newer groups wouldnt judge their older fans but it dont feel right to stan someone whos say 15-18 and thats usually the maknse so i have to avoid that member which means im not really attached to said group for example skz
SKZ's Maknae is 23, which does still seem younger than you but he's way past being a teen. But yeah, I get what you're saying. A lot of people are debuting groups younger and younger, most likely because they want people to have that feeling that they GREW with said artist, and be more emotionally attached to them. But at the same time, I feel like the target area of appeal is getting younger and younger, down to like pre-teens and thinks like that. Which is definitely sad.
Have you checked out Hui? He's an ex triple H member who's a '93 liner and he went solo. I haven't checked out any of his solo stuff yet, but his voice is perfect honestly
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kakashihasibs · 2 years
for the four headcanon ask, sakumo! tell me your thoughts on this dog grandpa
Oh boy
1) realistic.
Perhaps a contributing factor in Sakumo's social awkwardness is that the Hatake clan was a newer addition to Konoha and there were some internal politics that made the Hatake clan's position in konoha slightly more precarious than what Sakumo was comfortable with.
It probably didn't help that Sakumo was exceptionally strong, meaning he was a possible candidate for Hokage in the minds of more progressive konoha-ians.
His more compassionate nature was probably well known as well. I could easily see his failed mission being a set up to get Sakumo out of the way.
Send him on a mission they know will cost lives to complete knowing he'll forsake it to save those lives. Then when he gets back as a failure lambast him until he's no long a threat to the established order.
Maybe they didn't mean for him to commit suicide bc he still could have been useful but thats what it ended up leading to.
(The precarious situation might have fed into him trying so hard to get kakashi to be a little politer in public as well lol)
2) hilarious. Maybe? Idk more like amusing to me than hilarious.
This poor man has social anxiety so bad. When his future wife 1st flirted with him he turned beet red. (It wasn't actually the 1st time she had flirted with him. She kept having to up the obviousness and it was just the 1st time he realized what she was doing)
Once he got used to it tho he got good at flirting back 😌 Sakumo could be pretty smooth when he lets himself be.
3) sad.
Okay listen. I dont like the headcanon that Kakashi looks like his mom and seeing Kakashi's face made Sakumo sad so Kakashi started wearing a mask. i don't think that Sakumo was that bad of a parent. Kakashi never seemed upset or overly ashamed while Sakumo was still alive.
I think Sakumo loved that Kakashi looks like his mom and loved seeing her smile reflected in Kakashi's smile. And while Sakumo thinks baby Kalashi wanting to look like a cool ninja is incredibly cute and Sakumo is certainly supportive, Sakumo does miss seeing Kakashi's smile. He doesn't let that show bc he's not gonna be weird to his son about his dead mom.
And while i think Kakashi's mom died of childbirth complications just given the time frame, i think she lived for a while and actually got to meet and hold Kakashi for a while. Like maybe she passed a few days after the birth :[
4) unrealistic.
Hmmmm. This might not be unrealistic given everything about konoha but uh if the Hatake clan is newer to konoha then i bet there are more members of the clan outside of konoha but after setting Sakumo up for failure and his suicide they probably wouldn't want them being contacted.
During the funeral while kakashi is out i can see ANBU agents going through the Hatake estate steal anything that has info on members outside of Konoha, effectively cutting Kakashi off from a possible line of support or even protection.
Kakashi was exhausted so he probably never noticed the missing stuff. Scrolls or books with with family trees and history stolen so Kakashi would be alone and cut off from them :(
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. The trial happening right now bothers me because we get to see how Thanatos and Echo reacted to this, but Demeter and Persphone don’t know and I know why they don’t know yet. However you think that would tie some more stuff up together
It was Minthe, Thanatos and Thetis who whistle blew on Persphone. Meaning Thanatos would probably be called to trial and would have to face persphone and I would hope say something to her BUT I kinda doubt that’s gonna happen.
But the other thing to this Minthe is a plant who can’t testify. Are hades and Persphone hide the fact she’s a plant and pretend she’s missing or are they gonna say “yeah I still don’t have control over my powers but I’m queen now” HOWEVER I truly believe RS is just gonna not address these two plot points until way later.
FINALLY Eros and Psyche KNOW the last person Daphne was seen with was Apollo, did they chase after her after he got shot by the arrow? We don’t know. We don’t even know what they’re doing about Psyche. Did Eros and Psyche even see the Daphne tree? Are they going to try and sneak in to tell Persphone?
I know the plots gonna focus more on HxP secret marriage at the court trial rather than the actual consequences and the fact people are turning into greenery left and right. (It’s not Persohones Faullt Daphne is the way she is but RS needs to focus on other plot points I feel)
2. like, age gaps, height differences, and power imbalances dont always have to be bad, the issue to me is that the way rachel does it is hyper-focusing on how young, small, and child-like/unexperienced persephone is compared to the old, giant, and all powerful/mature hades is like ... yeah obvs people are going to find it creepy? how would they not?
3. i honestly cant stand the "theyre immortal gods the age gap doesnt matter!!" agreement because like??? ok??? then she could easily be 300 years old then? she shouldnt be so borderline underage then?? like the immortality aspect actually makes the age gap worse, not better??
4. i realize getting nitpicky over unimportant characters in lo having american names is a bit dumb, but it does speak to just how lazy rachel is and how little care she has for greece and its mythology. there are countless english names that are also greek, yet even that's asking too much of her. percy jackson isnt a perfect series, but even the characters (who are in america) have greek influence and meanings put into their names and characterization, something rachel doesn't even attempt to do.
5. ok but thats a good point, because rachel seems to be taking physical wounds to matter more over the mental ones, when thats not how trauma works. her writing on zeus is reflective of her writing minthe, where she confirmed she has a severe untreated mental illness and that's linked to her evilness, and thus what she should be punished for. meanwhile persephone own mental issues can be bastardized as a "yass queen" thing?? somehow?? its just bad writing all around.
6. i kinda wish lo fans would listen to their own logic and give the same leeway to the other characters. theyll scream from the rooftops that hades and persephone and hera can be awful people all they want because thats ~realistic~, meanwhile minthe and zeus and everyone else are held to such extremes they can never meet and are hated and despised for nothing in compared to hxp or hera. either hold your faves accountable or let off on hating characters who do the same as them.
7. i see a lot of lo fans excuse how everything drags as "thats how a slow burn works" and its like ... no? because most of that slow burn isnt even hxp, its rachel forcing in more plots we dont need, and when its hxp, you look at the timeline and how they act and its actually neck-breakingly fast? like if as much time had past in LO as irl time then yeah, four years is a slow burn, but its only been maybe a month in comic? so its not slow for them at all, but it's a drag for the readers.
8. See, the difference between Lo!Hades and Punderworld!Hades is that PW!Hades has so much personality, he and Persephone are literally bustling with life (even though one of them rules over a realm of dead XD) AND their interactions are so cute with their awkward attempts at flirting and failure at doing so. Persephone is still somewhat sweet and “pure” but she’s also a bit of a spitfire, she’s not easy to surrender, she has wants and dreams and that little differences makes her character likable!
We NEVER get to see anything like that with LO!Hades and Persephone, we don’t see them have these sweet interactions, these heart-fluttering moments, because there’s no base or foundation for those sorts of moments! It’s always these very out-of-character unrealistic scenes expected from a married couple, but they just met! It doesn’t feel natural, it feels forced and rushed and so slow at the same time.
Although Punderworld makes Demeter overbearing, i love her characterization i really do, waAAAY more than LO!Demeter, because we actually understand her reasons for her overprotective behavior and we get to see her in a more sympathetic light/manner in the newer chapters, we see her as more than “mean mom hates bf”
9. Daphne and Thanatos were adorable. Like, Daphne was a sweet, caring girl with genuine interest (and power/agency) and Thanatos was a shy, awkward guy who was just doing his best (and not pressuring her). They weren't perfect, but it was something! Why couldn't LO be about them?
10. What I find funny is that Minthe and Thetis have a more defined friendship than Persphone and other female characters.
Minthe and Thetis ARE TOXIC don’t get me wrong but both characters are aware of each other’s motives. Minthe knows not to trust Thetis fully and is straight with her on her opinion of Thetis. But the readers clearly know their relationship as well as the characters.
Persphone is in gray areas with most her female friends. The beginning of the story we are lead to believe Artemis and P are besties with the dress sharing and the way in P’s mind they’re holding hands with Hermès. But clearly now their relationship is a question mark and they’re both more detached than we thought. Artemis was just being nice to P letting her stay with her because they’re both in the TOGeM but they’re probably more like acquaintes at best.
Daphne and P we know they’re friends but P isn’t straight with her. Like Daphne is P’s only named friend, but did P think of her as the other overbearing nymphs? We don’t know because they’re all pink and some of them are dead. Despite being told they grew up together we don’t even know much about their relationship what do they like about each other? Does Daphne agree with Demeters parenting or P’s need to leave? When did Daphne get to move to Olympus? I feel like the plot just says “these two characters are friends “ but doesn’t elaborate much. Why did P let Daphne in her room at Hades mansion and not the other nymphs? P told Daphne that Apollo is dangerous, but it was a little too late. Also why didn’t P have her phone number when she got to Olympus? Wouldn’t she know to contact her on insta or something? P was like “omg I know no one except Hermès “ but that’s not true! Daphne! I could go more but I think we get the picture that Daphne’s plot point is having the readers be told Persphone has friends but she doesn’t but she does.
Were shown that P and Meg are getting along because P was nice to Meg, despite Meg being silently jealous of P, but what about Meg now? Is she ever gonna tell P that she’s jealous of P that she had a mad crush on Hades, even her journal? Or is that all gone now? Does Meg even matter any more or is she now here just to support HXP?
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The thing with dnf is at the very start it was too obvious it was all jokes and bait, like what sapnap and dream does or what quackity does etc
but now, there are geniuenly moments i struggle to tell the difference, ofc there are obvious baits still but like the current dnf moments especially last couple of streams from george/tommy feel a bit too real,, like i really can see similarities of the dynamic my crush and i had
like i know they are trying to bait, but the way they are more clingier lately?? hello there are 3 more people in that call and all those two go is “dream look” “george look”, i know you guys try to be eachothers attention all the time but come on,,
the way george calls out for dream? is it me or its getting more frequent? i swear it wasn’t this much before but idk, the way dream says “george” and uses his name more often lately, i was watching an old vid and dream used to say “dude” etc when referring to george as well, he doesn’t do that anymore,,
and i dont get how they are able to read fanfics without it affecting them at all? like i know they find it “funny” etc but believe me your brain doesn’t think that, subconsciously you tend to keep the idea of dating or loving that person more in your mind, the idea of actually dating them settles in your brain without you noticing, like they can say all they want but reading fanfics on a regular basis should definitely effect their subconscious views of themselves, without them noticing.
like in georges latest stream, dream seems more giggly, george just smiles more often,
this “dnf” thing may started as a bait and a joke for them but using it so often + reading fanfics seems like affected them subconsciously, because these last few dnf moments feel real, even the dreams “oh we know how hot you are”comment, it was an obvious joke but what made it real is georges reaction, he literally froze lmao we all can see it
and the answer to “would you ever date george” and dreams hesitant but nervous answer, tell me, would he be this giggly may/june? I reckon he would go “YES OH MY GOD ABSOLUTELY I WOULD DATE GEORGE” but now its a nervous giggle and “...yeah alright..”
the voice tones give away anything truly, i feel kinda bad assuming this sorta stuff but, i mean, just go rewatch georges latest streams and tell me those two aren’t clingier and more giggly around each other
I basically agree with everything you said and I love your big brain 💕
This may be a wild conspiracy theory, but what if the fanfics were what kinda made Dream and George more giggly, clingy, and made them act more acting like boyfriends? Dream and George have both admitted to reading fanfics of them. 
The whole argument of “how do you read a fanfic about you and your homie hugging/kissing/dating/having a happy relationship/etc and that doesn’t affect you at all, even if it’s just subconsciously” is growing on me. Because if I was affected when my friends in high school said “you two would look cute together”, then surely two friends who are shipped by a large part of the internet, have a huge following of people that make fanfics about them as a couple, would too right? It’s a very interesting theory. 
And I also agree that the way Dream used to respond to, for example, bait-y donations vs how Dream responds to them now is very different. Older Dream was running around begging George to say ‘I love you’ to him and when donations would ask ‘when are you and George going to make it official?’ older Dream would say “I don’t know” and really give into the bait. But newer Dream when a donations said, ‘Just admit you’re madly in love with George’, Dream said ‘yes’ immediately and then really stuttered, and imo, really was trying to come up with bait. Disclaimer: Of course, there are exceptions to the rules, there were real moments back then and there are bait-y moments now but the point is how different Dream responds to these types of questions. 
I’ll say it again, Dream is very good at expressing his mind and his opinions and is a very good talker. When he hesitates, stutters, or is silent, it speaks volumes. I feel uncomfortable prying too far into sexualities, especially when the people may be confused or questioning but again, it’s very *interesting*. 
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