#not the peroni please
barbieaemond · 7 months
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I’m sorry I’m laughing too much at the Peroni, it’s like the cheapest beer we drink in Italy lmao
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emjayewrites · 2 months
All For Us (Lewis Hamilton SMAU)
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SUMMARY: Lewis Hamilton secretly dates an older woman with a daughter and the public slowly starts connecting the dots. [smau w/narrative]
PAIRINGS: Sir Lewis Hamilton x influencer!OC Bree King (faceclaim is Sasha Exeter)
WARNINGS: verbal/emotional abuse from an ex, drama, age gap romance (Bree is 2 years older than Lewis), formula one b.s., pre-established relationship, step-daddy Lewis. PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS!!
TAGLIST: @cocobutterqwueen @httpsserene @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @pausmoon @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @lewisroscoelove @hxneyclouds @questionable-behaviour @lovebittenbyevans @tian-monique @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @planetmimi @woderfulkawaii @d3kstar @liamundi @trinitoldyouso @scorpiobleue @certifiedlesbianbaddie @blveeeeeee @sugardontbesweet @omgsuperstarg @bluesole16 @serpenttines-library @peyiswriting @royallyprincesslilly @jasmindaughteroftheworld @motheroffae @hrlzy @xoscar03
A/N: Read the warnings!! This oneshot may be triggering!! Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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Lewis grinned as Bree's face appeared on his FaceTime screen. "There she is! My favorite lady."
"I should hope that's still the case," Bree teased with a wink before turning her head. "Sloane, baby, come say hi to Lewis!"
A moment later, Bree's eight-year-old daughter popped into view, her face lighting up with excitement. "Lewis! Hi!!"
"Hey there, Sloane!" Lewis' smile widened. "Having fun at camp?"
The little girl nodded vigorously. "It's so cool! We went canoeing yesterday and I caught the biggest frog ever!"
"No way, that's amazing!" Lewis played along. "You'll have to show me next time I see you. Which is actually why I FaceTimed..." He glanced at Bree, who gave him an encouraging nod before he proceeded. "I was wondering if you and your mom are still planning to come to my race in Montreal next week?" he asked Sloane. "It'll be my last chance to see you before you go back to school."
"YES!!" Sloane pumped her fist in the air emphatically. "We're definitely coming! I can't wait!"
Bree chuckled fondly and ruffled her daughter's hair. As her eyes met Lewis again over the video call, her expression was full of meaning.
Though keeping their relationship under wraps wasn't easy, moments like this made it worth it to Lewis. Having this slice of domestic bliss, however ephemeral, grounded him in a way he never could have imagined before meeting Bree and her daughter. It was a small price to pay for the unexpected joy of finally finding someone who knew the real him - flaws and all.
Their relationship was still so new, barely six months old, but he felt more at peace with Bree than he could have imagined. Bree understood the punishing demands his career brought in a way no one else could. With her own entrepreneurial spirit and drive, she never asked him to compromise his ambition. If anything, she helped stoke it.
Yes, the secrecy could be tedious at times. But Lewis didn't mind. After a lifetime in the spotlight, he relished having this one thing that was just for him and Bree. At least for now.
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Race day arrived and Bree made her way through the hustle and bustle of the Montreal Grand Prix paddock. Despite Sloane's excitement in the lead-up, her father had pulled one of his typical selfish moves at the last minute by insisting on taking her to the zoo that day instead.
Bree felt that familiar pang of disappointment mixed with resignation. Her ex had been more of a sperm donor than an actual parent to their daughter from the day Sloane was born. He only seemed to appear when it was convenient for him, not Sloane.
Pushing those negative thoughts aside, Bree focused on the thrill of being here to support Lewis. As an influencer, she had initially been given paddock access through her partnership with Peroni, but over the last few months, as her relationship with Lewis intensified, racing had become personal.
"You must be Bree!" She spun around at the greeting to see a tall, stocky man striding towards her, hand outstretched. Spinz stood around six-foot-three and was built like a linebacker, with a lightly tanned skin tone. His smile was kind and friendly as he enthusiastically shook her hand. "I'm Daniel, but you can call me Spinz."
"It's so great to finally meet you! Lewis has told me loads about you," Bree mentioned happily.
"Likewise," Spinz replied genuinely. "I've heard so many stories, it's nice to finally put a face to the name."
Lewis and she had been intentionally slow about intermingling friends and family. They didn't want to rush things before they were both exclusive and comfortable, yet now that Sloane had grown so fond of Lewis, it felt right to begin that integration.
"Can't believe my man is finally bringing his girlfriend around the paddock!" Spinz continued, laughing delightedly. "Bout time, if you ask me." This emitted a chuckle from Bree. "Well, since you're finally here, allow me to give you the grand tour," Spinz offered, gesturing for her to follow him. "Lewis is still doing his pre-race routine, but I can show you around until he's free."
Bree nodded eagerly, falling into step beside the towering Spinz as he led them through the controlled chaos of the paddock. He pointed out the various team garages, the hospitality suites, and regaled her with funny behind-the-scenes stories from past races.
Despite the unfamiliar environment, Bree instantly felt at ease with Spinz's warm presence and easy banter. She could understand why he and Lewis had been mates for so long. There was an affable authenticity to him that put her instantly at ease.
"And this...is the sacred ground," Spinz proclaimed dramatically as they walked inside the Mercedes garage. "Though I suppose for you, it's more like hallowed ground at this point, eh?" He elbowed her teasingly.
Bree laughed, shoving him back playfully. "That's one way to put it, I suppose. I have to admit, seeing this side of his life up close is still taking some getting used to."
Before Spinz could respond, a familiar voice spoke out. "Hi, baby."
Bree shifted her gaze to see Lewis walking over to them, clad in his racing suit. His eyes crinkled behind his sunglasses as he pulled her into an embrace. She melted into his arms, inhaling his familiar warm scent.
"Sorry to keep you waiting, gorgeous. Pre-race craziness, you know how it is," Lewis murmured, lowering his voice. "But I'm all yours now."
He leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips. Even with the smile on his face, Bree could sense that something seemed a bit off with him.
"How are you?" Bree asked gently.
Lewis let out an exasperated sigh. "Comme ci, comme ça." He made a wavering 'so-so' gesture with his hand to emphasize his point.
Bree's expression was knowing. "Ah, I see." With a slow blink, she decided not to pry further for now.
"Let's not worry about that now, okay?" Lewis gave her a lopsided grin, clearly wanting to change the subject. "Everything good with you? How was the tour with Spinz?"
"Great, Spinz was awesome. Thank you again for the tour," Bree replied, smiling at Lewis' friend.
Spinz waved it off. "No problem at all. I'll leave you two to it. Lew, I'll catch up with you later?"
"Of course, man." Lewis pulled Spinz in for one of their signature dap-up handshake hugs before his friend departed.
"Now that that's out of the way..." Lewis trailed off, snaking his arms around Bree's waist and pulling her close. "I can finally kiss you like I've been wanting to."
"Oh, so it's like that, Sir Hamilton?" Bree teased, removing his sunglasses to gaze into his warm brown eyes. "There, that's better. I can actually see those pretty eyes of yours now."
Lewis batted his lashes exaggeratedly. "You like what you see, huh? I could get used to all this flattery."
With that, he leaned in and captured her lips in a lingering, tender kiss, the troubles of the earlier melting away as he lost himself in her being.
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Bree paced near the gate, phone pressed to her ear as she listened to her ex-husband's latest tirade.
"You're really going to let some race car driver try to one-up me as a father figure for Sloane? Come on, Bree. This guy is just a fling - he'll get bored of playing house eventually and leave you high and dry."
She bristled at his condescending tone, upset rising in her chest. Before she could snap back, her gaze landed on Sloane sitting nearby. The little girl was utterly engrossed, flipping through a "Formula One for Kids" book in preparation for their time at Silverstone.
The sight of her daughter's pure, unbridled excitement instantly calmed Bree's anger. She took a steadying breath before responding.
"You know what, you're right - you shouldn't be threatened because unlike you, Lewis actually shows up for Sloane," she stated evenly. "He's been more of a parent to her in six months than you have her whole life."
There was an indignant sputtering on the other end, but Bree kept talking before he could interject.
"Don't project your guilt about being an absentee dad onto my relationship. This isn't about you. It's about giving our daughter some stability and male role model who wants to be present."
The overhead speaker crackled to life, an announcement requesting they begin boarding their flight to Paris. Bree knew she needed to hang up now if they wanted to make it.
"I'm done wasting my time on this. We're boarding now. Maybe next time you can join us instead of just criticizing from the sidelines." She ended the call with a tap before he could respond.
Turning to Sloane, Bree plastered on a brilliant smile, letting the contentment of this new chapter wash over her.
"You ready for our adventure, baby girl?"
Sloane beamed up at her mother, curls bouncing as she nodded enthusiastically. "So ready! This is gonna be the best vacation ever!"
As they joined the line to board, hand-in-hand, Bree felt a swell of gratitude. Her daughter deserved all the happiness in the world - and she'd do whatever it took to provide it, with or without Sloane's father.
"No, no, you've got the lyrics all wrong!" Sloane collapsed in a fit of giggles as Lewis dramatically belted out his very off-key rendition of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" from Encanto, which was playing on the TV.
"What are you talking about? This is exactly how it goes!" Lewis protested, bopping around their hotel suite and encouraging Sloane to sing and dance along with him.
Bree watched the scene unfold with a content smile, sipping her coffee as her boyfriend and daughter's musical silliness filled the room. It had been a long but utterly joyful day exploring the magic of Paris together.
As the next song from the movie came on, Lewis grabbed Sloane's hands and started twirling her around in an impromptu dance number. Sloane squealed with laughter, trying her best to follow his goofy choreography.
Despite having to attend a couple of fashion shows, Lewis insisted on making the most of their time together. He had kicked things off with a surprise shopping trip that morning to Dior, allowing Bree and Sloane to play dress-up before walking away with an entirely new boutique-worthy wardrobe.
From there, it was on to take in the splendor of Parisian culture and sights. They strolled along the Champs-Élysées, stopping to snack on crispy crepes and macarons. Lewis delighted in teaching Sloane a few French phrases, though she quickly realized he was cheekily mispronouncing things.
As evening fell, Lewis whisked them away to a breathtaking circus show at Cirque Phénix. Sloane's eyes were saucers the entire time as she watched the daring acrobats and exotic animals perform. When it was over, she kept asking "How did they DO that?!" in awed tones.
Finally, they capped the night off with a decadent multi-course dinner at an acclaimed family-owned bistro. Even Sloane was lured into trying cuisine well beyond her usual mac-and-cheese comfort zone.
Now, lounging in their luxury hotel after baths, it was the perfect way to wind down after a memory-making day. Lewis intentionally kept the mood light and fun, perhaps sensing Bree needed a break from any lingering emotional fallout after her ex's cruel words.
Lewis and Sloane collapsed in a giggling heap on the suite's plush rug, exhausted but elated. Pressing kisses to Sloane's flushed cheeks, Lewis grinned contentedly.
"Best day ever, right team?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
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As the Silverstone Grand Prix weekend approached, Lewis became adamant that Bree and Sloane finally meet his family. They would all be in attendance on Sunday to cheer him on at his beloved home race.
"It's time," he stated firmly one night as they relaxed together in bed. "You two are the most important people in my life now. I want my family to really know you both."
Bree felt a flutter of nerves, knowing this was a big step. In all his years as a global celebrity, Lewis had only ever brought one other woman home to meet his parents and siblings - his ex-girlfriend from years ago. There hadn't been anyone serious enough since then to warrant those introductions, until Bree came along.
Saturday night arrived, and Bree smoothed her hands down the summer dress she had carefully selected. She caught a glimpse of her anxious expression in the mirror and exhaled slowly.
Get it together, she scolded herself.
So what if she was a few years older than Lewis, and a single mom at that? His family seemed warm and supportive based on what little she knew. Surely they wouldn't judge her too harshly, right?
The sudden image of them dismissing her as some gold-digging cougar flashed through Bree's mind before she could stop it. She shook her head firmly. Those were her own insecurities talking, not reality.
"You ready, gorgeous?" Lewis' voice pulled her from her reverie. He stood in the doorway, Sloane's little hand clasped securely in his own.
Bree managed a tremulous smile and nodded. "As I'll ever be. Let's do this."
They made their way to the private dining room at Dishoon's, where Lewis' family awaited. The moment they entered, multiple pairs of eyes widened almost comically at the picture before them - Lewis holding Sloane's hand while his other arm wrapped protectively around Bree's waist.
Bree felt her cheeks warm as the hushed murmurs started. Lewis simply grinned, surveying the room with an almost smug satisfaction.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet the two leading ladies in my life..." he began by way of introduction. "This is Bree and Sloane."
What followed was a cheerful commotion of hugs, back slaps and well-wishes as Lewis deftly made the rounds. To Bree's relief, his family seemed just as warm and gregarious as he had described.
If anything, they seemed impressed by her vibrant spirit and career accomplishments. Lewis' father in particular was delighted to discover Bree's Caribbean heritage, insisting they were practically "family already."
At one point, Lewis was gently pulled aside by his mother, Carmen. Concern furrowed the older woman's brow as she studied her son intently.
"So...what do you think of her, Mum?" Lewis asked almost shyly.
Carmen's expression softened as she glanced over at where Bree and Nicola were giggling together. "I think...I haven't seen you look this happy and fully yourself in a long time, sweetie."
She reached up to cup Lewis' cheek, her eyes shining with emotion. "That girl clearly adores you. And you've already taken her little one into your heart as well."
Lewis' smile was beatific as he covered his mother's hand with his own. "She's the one, Mum. I'm going to marry her someday."
Carmen arched an eyebrow, though her tone remained gentle. "Are you ready for that? To be a father to that little girl, and take on all those responsibilities?"
Lewis didn't hesitate. "More than ready," he stated with conviction. "Bree and Sloane...they're my world now. I can't imagine my life without them in it."
Pulling his mother into a firm embrace, Lewis felt his heart swell almost to bursting. For so many years, this kind of profound contentment had eluded him despite all his success. But somehow, fate had brought these two incredible ladies into his life. And he would spend every day showing them how indescribably grateful he was.
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As they prepared for their upcoming trip to Grenada, articles started appearing in The Sun and The Daily Mail hinting that Lewis was dating Bree. Twitter was going crazy, with Lewis' massive fandom mostly showing support, especially after photos and videos surfaced of him with Sloane at the Silverstone race weekend. Sloane had been put 'in charge' of caring for Lewis' beloved English bulldog, Roscoe, and both she and the dog were practically attached to Lewis' hip the entire time.
Meanwhile, Sloane's father was up in arms once more about the apparent relationship. Bree's phone rang with the sperm donor himself on the other line.
"How dare you let that race car driver get so close to my child!" he yelled. "He thinks he can just swoop in and play dad now?"
"I mean someone has to do it," Bree muttered under her breath.
"I'm going to sue for full custody if you keep letting that man around my daughter!" Sloane's father shouted over the phone. "You're just a useless whore letting any man walk all over you!"
It was at that moment that Lewis came walking into the kitchen, having just finished playing in the backyard with Sloane. He immediately sensed the tension on Bree's face.
"Give me the phone," Lewis said firmly, holding his hand out.
Bree shook her head, not wanting to subject him to her ex's vitriol. But then the man's voice came through again.
Lewis' jaw clenched and he commanded again, "The phone, Bree. Now."
Reluctantly, she passed it over, her eyes apologetic. Lewis gave her a reassuring nod before putting the phone to his ear. "Who the fuck do you think you are, speaking to her like that?" he said sternly.
"Who do YOU think you are?" the man retorted. "You have no right getting cozy with my kid!"
Lewis' expression hardened. "I care deeply about both Bree and Sloane," he stated firmly. "And I'll be damned if I let you disrespect them like this."
"You think you can just insert yourself into my daughter's life?" Sloane's father sneered. "Playing father figure and getting handsy with her mother? Over my dead fuckin' body."
She opened her mouth to let loose a blistering retort, but Lewis squeezed her shoulder lightly.
"Listen here, mate," Lewis' voice was low but resonant with conviction. "I love that little girl as if she were my own flesh and blood. Sloane is everything to me, to us. And I'll be damned if you try to keep us apart with your selfishness and toxic presence."
Bree's breath caught at the fierce protectiveness in Lewis' words. She covered his hand with her own, lending him her strength.
On the other end, Sloane's father sputtered indignantly before finding his voice again. "You arrogant prick! You can't just—"
"That's enough." Lewis's words sliced through the man's tirade like a whip. "Your disrespect ends now. And if you continue speaking to Bree this way, you'll never see Sloane again."
There was a pause on the other end. "Is that a threat?" Sloane's father spat.
"No," Lewis said coldly. "It's a promise." He disconnected the call and turned his full attention to Bree, wrapping his arms around her firmly. "How long has he been talking to you like that, love?"
Bree let out a shaky breath, leaning into his embrace. "Not long...just when we started getting serious."
Lewis scoffed, rolling his eyes at her ex's audacity. The man had been absent for most of Sloane's life, and now that another man was stepping up, he wanted to play father?
"Next time he does that, record it," Lewis instructed. "Take it to your lawyers. I don't want that piece of shit thinking he can verbally abuse you however he pleases. He's going to fuck around and end up in a ditch somewhere if he keeps going down this road."
Bree searched his eyes intently. "You would...kill for me? For us?"
"Yes." Lewis met her gaze unflinchingly. "I'd do anything for you and Sloane. Anything at all."
The fierceness in his voice sent a shiver down her spine. She knew, without a doubt, that he meant every word.
Bree sighed contentedly as she gazed out at the pristine Grenadian beach. So much had happened so quickly - meeting Lewis' friends and family, being accepted into their fold almost instantly alongside Sloane, yet it all felt so natural, like the missing pieces finally clicking into place.
Her eyes shielded from the brilliant sun, she watched as Lewis chased the waves with Sloane, both of them shrieking with laughter. He looked utterly gorgeous with his toned, tattooed physique glistening with saltwater, the picture-perfect image of a doting father. The idea of giving Sloane a sibling, with Lewis as the dad, sounded unexpectedly appealing. Though she had a few eggs frozen, she wondered if pregnancy at her age would be difficult, but as scary as that thought was, she couldn't fathom being with anyone else. Their seven month relationship felt more profound than any bond she'd ever known.
Down the beach, Lewis was helping Sloane construct an elaborate sandcastle, patting the wet sand into turrets.
"Lewis?" Sloane piped up suddenly.
"Yes, princess?"
"Do you love my mom?"
He smiled warmly. "Yes, I do. Very much. And I love you too."
Sloane beamed, delighted by his answer. "Will you marry my mom then? My parents were married but then they got divorced."
Lewis' heart melted at her hopeful expression. "You want me to make an honest woman out of your mum?"
She nodded vigorously. "I just want her to be happy."
"I promise I'll do everything I can to make you both happy," he vowed. "But would it be okay with you, if I married your mum?"
"Duh!" Sloane rolled her eyes dramatically. "I already think of you as my bonus dad."
Lewis felt his throat tighten with emotion at Sloane's words. This amazing little girl and her mother had utterly stolen his heart.
Gently, he pulled Sloane into a hug, resting his chin atop her head. "You know I love you like you're my own daughter, right? You and your mum are everything to me."
Sloane nodded against his chest. "I know. That's why you should marry her." She pulled back to look up at him with those big, innocent eyes. "Will you be my dad for real then?"
"Of course, princess," Lewis murmured, brushing the sandy hair from her face. "If your mum will have me, I'd be honored to be your dad in every way that matters."
Sloane grinned, throwing her little arms around his neck excitedly. Down the beach, Bree watched the tender scene with a wistful smile. She could clearly see the love between Lewis and her daughter - it was undeniable.
As if he could sense her eyes on him, Lewis glanced over and raised a hand in a beckoning wave. Bree rose fluidly to her feet and made her way over, sandals dangling from one hand.
"Everything okay over here?" she asked lightly as she approached.
Lewis stood, pulling Bree flush against his side with his free arm. "More than okay," he replied, dropping a kiss on her salty hair. "We're building a sandcastle estate and could use the extra hands, right Sloane?" Sloane was too busy packing buckets full of wet sand into elaborate castle molds to answer and Lewis shrugged. "Alrighty then, let's get to work."
As they worked together under the warm sun, Bree couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments of simple joy with the little family she created.
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The Las Vegas Grand Prix was in full swing, and Lewis was basking in the excitement of being publicly "Instagram official" with Bree. He had Bree by his side, and he was so happy to be able to publicly show off their relationship.
It wasn't that he cared what anyone else thought - Lewis had never been one to seek approval or validation from others. But having Bree by his side made everything feel more real, more solid. She was his rock, his anchor in this wild world of racing. These last few months, although crazy at times, were the best memories to experience with Bree.
And she looked stunning as always. Her long dark hair cascaded down her back in soft waves and her fitted red dress hugged her curves in all the right places. She was by Lewis' side through all the glitzy festivities and parties surrounding the race weekend, including the launch of his Almave pop-up bar. With Sloane spending the weekend with Bree's mother, it was a kid-free getaway, and he intended to take full advantage.
He knew Bree's ex-husband would be fuming seeing pictures of them together online, but Lewis didn't give two flying fucks about him anymore. He was focused solely on Bree and the profound happiness she brought him. Bree's arm was looped through his as they made their way through the crowded VIP party for the race sponsors. He greeted familiar faces with warmth and charm, introducing her to everyone he knew.
"You're a natural at this," Lewis remarked as they headed towards the bar for some much-needed drinks.
Bree laughed and rolled her eyes playfully. "Please, I'm just winging it."
He shook his head in mock disapproval as they approached the bar. "Don't sell yourself short," he said seriously before turning to order their drinks.
After dinner one evening at their hotel's high-end restaurant, fans swarmed Lewis for autographs as they exited. "You're a lucky man," one told him, eyeing Bree appreciatively. "She's gorgeous."
Lewis' arm tightened around her waist. "I know," he said simply, pride warming his tone.
Back in their suite, they came together in a heated clash of lips and roving hands, shedding clothes as they stumbled towards the bedroom. Bree reveled in the hard planes of Lewis' body, tracing the lines of his tattoos as he worshipped her with his mouth.
He lifted her up effortlessly and carried her to bed, laying her down gently before joining on top of her, settling between her legs. Their bodies fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces as they moved together in a rhythm that felt almost too familiar now.
Every time they made love was like a brand new experience for them both. They never grew tired of exploring each other's bodies or finding new ways to pleasure one another.
In between stolen kisses and whispered declarations of love, they lost themselves completely in each other until they reached that explosive climax. Afterwards, they lay sated and tangled in the plush hotel linens. Bree traced idle patterns across Lewis' chest as he tucked her against his side.
"Have you thought about getting married again?" he asked quietly.
Bree's head whipped up in surprise. "Here? In Vegas?"
Lewis chuckled, dropping a kiss on her forehead. "No, love. No offense to others, but I could never get married here. I meant...in a year or two, maybe. With me."
Her breath caught at the meaningful weight behind his words. "I...actually think about that a lot," she admitted shyly. "I can see us having a future together."
Warmth bloomed in Lewis' eyes. "You can?"
Bree nodded, feeling herself get swept up in the thrilling certainty of what she felt for this man. "Yes. A real future - marriage, forever."
Lewis looked utterly overjoyed as he cupped her face tenderly. "Okay then...future Lady Hamilton."
A startled laugh bubbled up from Bree's lips. "Lady Hamilton? Is that what I'll be since you're Sir Lewis?"
"Precisely." His grin was terribly smug. "Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"
"It sounds like some character from Bridgerton!" she giggled, swatting his chest playfully.
Lewis joined in her mirth, nodding wholeheartedly in agreement. "I can see the resemblance."
Bree's laughter slowly faded as she gazed at the man she loved with every fiber of her being.
Her future husband - it had a deliciously appealing ring to it.
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The End.....or is it?
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whosluce · 5 months
ᰔ G⃨e⃨o⃨r⃨g⃨e⃨ c⃨l⃨a⃨r⃨k⃨e⃨y⃨ h⃨e⃨a⃨d⃨c⃨a⃨n⃨n⃨o⃨n⃨s⃨ ᰔ
ᰔ D⃨a⃨t⃨i⃨n⃨g⃨ ᰔ
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Him always repeat what you say in videos in accents but will apologise straight after but you will do the same thing back and all he’s friends laugh but George just stares at you in awe.
Inviting you to the useless hotline pod cast, think you and him would talk but max and you tell funny stories about George the whole time.
You stealing his jokes in videos leaving him flabbergasted after everyone said your way of saying it is funnier.
Calling you babe because every other name to him is cringe
“Babe can you open my TikToks please”
Him tagging you in every tiktok on his for you page just for giggles
George and Arthur hill will make you do platform roulette, and Arthurtv will take Funny photos of you two drunk
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You always giving each other side eye in awkward situations
Once you finally have the courage to start your own YouTube channel you get a lot of your fame from George who shoutouts you in every video of his.
“Um guys you should go subscribe to my girlfriend y/n YouTube channel she’s pretty cool, annoying but cool”
Alex invites you to be in his videos and when on call you and George giggle and bully each other the entire time.
After a night out he will come home VERY drunk but VERY touchy
You and both the Arthur’s bullying George in any video you are in together like platform roulette.
For his birthday you buy him a full cart of peroni’s because of how much he drinks them in every video.
Plus these things
And him for your birthday getting you a Paul breach pillow and he posted a TikTok of you opening it and it got 1.5 million likes because of your reaction.
When George is invited to a Chrismd video, he always ask if you can come and Chris always says yes because the two of you together creates amazing content.
Every time George bullies one of his friends you tell them something funny about him and he just sits there one call while the boys laugh at him.
For your 1 year anniversary, you guys decided to do a challenge which you each get 500 pounds to spend on each other.
He got you a CAT even though he doesn’t like most animals but the look on your face was priceless.
You got him a trip around Europe for 3 weeks with all his friends plus you
(Arthur 1,Arthur 2, Max, Chip, Danny,Chris)
At the end of every video, he calls you just to check in and during the video talks about you ALL THE TIME.
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thedroneranger · 9 months
hey bartender! could i please order a non alcoholic peroni with a side of bob floyd? 🥰 thank you so much! <3
Seb, love, you're getting the whole meal! This order had me kicking around the idea that Bob’s love language is cooking and he loves Italian fare. His favorite way to spend time with you is whipping up some homemade pasta. Of course, he has a charcuterie board and Peroni for pre-dinner grazing. Grazie, Seb! 🍻
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Robert "Bob" Floyd | Love Language | requested by @sebsxphia
See what others are drinking!
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anthrofreshtodeath · 10 months
— hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them
Again, several people asked for this prompt, but I am placing it here! I saw each request, thank you.
“Don’t approach, I smell like sewer water,” Jane said as she walked through Maura’s door, finally, after eleven pm. She held up her hands when makeupless, robe-wearing Maura shut the refrigerator door and squealed at the sight of her. The hands stopped Maura midstride, but only because Jane appeared both serious and forlorn.
“I don’t care,” Maura replied honestly, impatient fingers drumming against her own hips. “I haven’t seen you in days.”
Jane dropped a spackle- and plumber’s putty-covered bag to the foyer floor, and trudged toward that closed fridge door. “Trust me, you’ll care when you get close,” she sighed. Maura watched her stare at the contents of the beer shelf for long seconds, more from exhaustion than from indecision. “A pipe burst and after we got the water turned off I almost killed Tommy,” said Jane. She grabbed a Peroni and dropped her shoulders with a huff. “This is the last job I help him with.”
“Is that what the stains are?” Maura asked, and when Jane turned around, lip of the bottle to her mouth, Maura arched her brow. “They look like salt.”
Jane held her arms out and looked down. “That would be a terribly unfortunate wrong guess,” she said, but the opening was all Maura needed to swoop in.
She hugged long, and firm, and deep - the way she’d intended since Jane first walked in. Hugs had become this way between them, more boundaryless, less friendly. More satisfying. And Jane was right, the smell of old standing water and all manner of waste lingered as they embraced. 
And Maura was right, too: she didn’t care. 
Her toes, bare and clean from her evening shower, the one that stripped her of the deco smell, wiggled against the thick soles of Jane’s workboots, just as spotted with gray as her toolbag. 
Jane fell forward into the hug like she always did. Right after stiffening, she melted into a puddle around Maura, arms tight, shoulders slumped, head bending like the rest of her into the crook of Maura’s neck.
Maura’s little secret for the previous few months was that she turned her head to allow Jane more space, because when she did, every time she did…
Jane grasped against the small of her back and inhaled with gusto against Maura’s thumping jugular. Maura even wore the French perfume Jane liked, that she knew Jane liked because of moments like the one they shared now. 
But this time, one tiny thing changed, and before Maura could hide her second squeal of the evening, Jane kissed Maura’s neck when she turned to get a better whiff. 
“Oh!” Maura yipped in surprise; though, when she thought about it, hadn’t she been preparing the both of them for it since they shifted into these types of hugs? Hadn’t she intended to draw Jane out?
Jane stood ramrod straight as soon as she heard it, and the color drained from her face. “Oh, my god,” she said, mouth agape. “Maura, I am so sor-”
Maura yanked Jane closer when she tried to pull away. “No!” she shouted, then quieted when Jane’s eyes blew open. “No. I don’t care.”
“You don’t-”
“Stop, that’s not right, either,” Maura revised her echo, “I care. What I mean to say is… this is a development that pleases me.”
This time, Jane’s brow arched upward. “Is that right, Sherlock?”
Maura pursed her lips in confusion at Jane and her barely-there smile. “I think out of the two of us, you’d be Sherlock, and I’d be Doctor Watson. But yes, it is right. I’m tired of you not kissing me.”
“Tired?” Jane asked, like she still could not believe Maura’s mortification didn’t match her own. “Wait. Is this… is this what the perfume is about right before bed? You’ve been doin’ it all the time.”
Maura blushed. “Did it work?”
Jane lurched forward, leaning into their embrace again, this time pulling Maura off the ground before sniffing the side of her neck with gusto. “Oh it worked, alright. I am going to scrub all this grime offa me, and then show you how much it worked.”
Maura’s third squeal fluttered through the living area as Jane carried her past the kitchen and to the bottom of the staircase.
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crybaby-tarnished · 1 year
"Laaa, laaa-da-daaa-laaa~"
A flower crown of her own, made from little blue blossoms, in her hands, Perona skips over to Fyra, a smile from ear to ear on her face.
"La-la-lalaaaa~ La-da-daaa-lalaaaa~"
Placing it atop Fyra's head, she claps a bit, pleased with her handiwork.
"... Hello, mama," She says, happily.
@eldenlordofdragons [Peronie!]
"Aww, Perona thank you." Fyra scooped her up in a hug, kissing her cheek over and over again, "I will be sure to put that mixture on it so I have it forever."
She pulled away then, smiling sweetly. "You sound so pretty when you sing. Why don't I teach you songs from my home, hmm?"
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brewyork · 2 months
Your 2024 Citi Field Beer Guide
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I went to Citi Field for a Mets game on Monday night. It’s a tradition that I do not just because I love baseball, but because I get to inform you, the readers, about the beer selection at the ballpark for the coming season. This game was a classic case of the Mets completely blowing it in the tenth inning. And speaking of blowing it, Citi Field management blew their opportunity to sell me a second beer at the game. After grabbing a quick Brooklyn Lager from near my section to watch the first few innings, I got up to scope out the beer selection, knowing that some new stuff was available for this season, like Allagash White and Threes Vliet, which happen to be two of my favorite beers.
I managed to find these beers, but completely behind lock and key, next to Fiddlehead IPA and Sloop Juice Bomb IPA at an unoccupied beer stand. In fact, every single stand that sold these beers — seven stands in all, on all levels of the stadium — was closed on Monday night. And yes, I realize it’s a Monday night in April and not every concession stand would be open. But in previous years, Citi Field at least made an effort to keep one stand with certain beers open during every game. Sometimes that meant trekking across the stadium just to buy the beer you want, but you could still at least buy the beer you wanted somewhere. This year, based on my experience on Monday, I can’t guarantee that’s going to be the case. If Citi Field is going to keep all these stands closed for weeknight games, then they need move these beers to other concession areas that are open for every game.The sad, closed Boozy Buckets stand at section 131, where you can buy cans of Threes Vliet when it’s open
Anyway, if you’re lucky enough to get to a game when these stands are open, you’ll find Allagash, Fiddlehead, Sloop, and Brooklyn Summer at three generic-looking beer stands on the upper deck and the Coca-Cola Porch branded with Coors Light, Blue Moon, and Peroni, plus on the field level behind sections 114 and 129 in Coney Island and Montauk-branded booths. Threes Vliet is available in cans at two stands called “Boozy Buckets,” which are behind sections 131 and 418.
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Generally, throughout the ballpark, the bigger regional beer brands are easy to find. You’ll find Boston Beer’s Coney Island on draft at some concession stands and sister brand Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA fairly regularly available in cans. Brooklyn Brewery’s Lager and Pulp Art Hazy IPA are hard to miss, too, even showing up in the large Coors Light-branded bars behind home plate in the upper deck and in center field. Montauk Beer Co.’s Summer and Wave Chaser, along with other offerings, can be found in many of the grab-and-go beer stands.
The beer selection in the more exclusive club seating areas is significantly better, and features a long lineup of draft beers. The Clover Home Plate Club, accessible to those sitting in the seats behind home plate, has a bar offering 20 draft options like Ghost East Coast Ghost, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Montauk The Surf Beer, and EBBS Kolsch No. 2, in addition to many of the previously mentioned beers only available in cans elsewhere in the ballpark.
Non-alcoholic beer options are becoming increasingly common, and this year, you’ll find Blue Moon’s N/A, Sam Adams Just the Haze, and Montauk’s Non-Alcoholic IPA throughout the park in 12-ounce cans.
Not surprisingly, you’ll pay a pretty penny for these beers. 19.2-ounce cans, the preferred sizing in much of Citi Field, will run you $16.05 plus tax. A 20-ounce draft pour of Coney Island, Brooklyn, or Montauk will run you $14.55 plus tax. That’s still under a dollar an ounce (looking at you, Boston), but not by much.
A side note: I realize that IPAs are still generally the best selling style of craft beer, but can we get a little diversity in the beer lineup, please? How many different variations of light-bodied, pale, hoppy beers do we really need? There’s no possible way we’re going to get a stout into Citi Field (though Oracle Field in San Francisco serves Guinness), but a couple more craft lagers or anything with a little more body for the colder months of the season would be nice. That being said, I’m absolutely thrilled about Allagash White this season, and I’m legitimately impressed that was able to get cleared in a ballpark full of Blue Moon taps.
The complete beer list is below, noting which beers are only available in club seating areas:
Allagash White Brooklyn Lager Brooklyn Pilsner* Brooklyn Pulp Art Hazy IPA Brooklyn Summer Ale Coney Island Mermaid Pilsner Coney Island Merman IPA Dogfish Head Citrus Squall* Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA EBBS Kolsch No. 2* Fiddlehead IPA Founders All Day IPA Ghost East Coast Ghost NEIPA* Gutenberg IPA Lagunitas IPA Montauk Juicy IPA Montauk Summer Ale Montauk The Surf Beer* Montauk Watermelon Montauk Wave Chaser IPA New Belgium Fat Tire Ale* Samuel Adams Summer Ale* Sierra Nevada Pale Ale* Sloop Juice Bomb IPA Threes Vliet Pilsner
*Available in premium clubs
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menuandprice · 1 year
Cafe Mambo – Paia, Maui, HI
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Happy Hour at Cafe Mambo – Paia, Maui, HI
Updated 10/25/2022 by the Maui Happy Hours team
Happy Hour at Cafe Mambo Paia from 3pm-6pm Daily
Happy Hour Appetizers - Chips and Salsa $6 - Onion Rings $8 - Fries $6 - Mambo Fries (Pork & Cheese) $10 - Cheese Quesadilla $8 Happy Hour Beers $4.50 - Corona - Peroni - Bikini Blonde - Big Swell - Seasonal Happy Hour Cocktails $7.50 - Margarita - Lilikoi Margarita - Mango Margarita - Bloody Mary - Mimosa - Maui Sunrise - Mambo Gin Happy Hour Wine $5.50 - Pinot Grigio - Chardonnay - Sauvignon Blanc - Tempranillo - Champagne —————————— Address: 30 Baldwin Ave, Paia, HI 96779 Phone: (808) 579-8021 Website About: Cafe Mambo Maui has been serving locals and tourists in the eclectic surfer town of Paia since 2003 and was once voted “Best Lunch” and “Best Burger” by readers of the Maui Times. It’s a funky, vibrant restaurant serving a creative menu of locally sourced burgers, fajitas & salads. Located in the seaside village of Paia, Maui, Cafe Mambo is the perfect stop when leaving for a day on the Road to Hana. Popular items at Cafe Mambo include their Crispy Duck Burger, Loco Moco, Mambo Burger, Seared Ahi Burger, Fish Tacos, and more. Cafe Mambo strives to use as many organic and local, Maui-grown ingredients as possible. Happy hour at Cafe Mambo is from 3pm-6pm daily and features discounted appetizers, beer, wine, and tropical cocktails.
According to these Cafe Mambo patrons
“Great happy hour drinks and starters. Friendly quick service at Cafe Mambo.”Susan G., October 2022 “I’ve only visited the beautiful island of Maui twice. Once with my wife then again with her family joining. Both times we ate here. I love the fun laidback atmosphere, especially by the window seating. The crispy duck burger was one of the tastiest things I ate on the Island!”Justin G., September 2022 “First family vacation to Maui we had been on the road , just enjoying the beautiful sights on the road to Hana. We stopped in for a late dinner. The people were not only friendly , they also delivered a awesomely good meal. The seared AHI Burger exceeded my expectations, the Hawaiian burger was excellent as well. We’ll definitely be coming back to Cafe Mambo whenever we come back to Maui.”Cecy C., September 2022 “Cute little restaurant with a wide selection of options. The food was presented well and tasted great. The drink selection is very strong as well. I highly recommend this if you are looking for a great meal in a casual atmosphere. Also, please note that it’s easier to get in to Cafe Mambo than the restaurants down the hill. Well worth the short walk!”Kyle C., September 2022 “We went there mid September on a Friday night around 7pm. They closed at 8pm. The had their famed crispy duck fajita and the fresh fish fajita. Both came with an assortment of guacamole, sour cream, tomato sauce, salad etc served on a different plate, along with the fajitas and the duck and fish each on different plates. We loved both! The duck was juicy and crispy; but too oily. The fresh fish unfortunately overcooked. This is a nice , original place to hang. Easy going, great after surfing when hanging out with yiur friend. The staff was super friendly even we were the last guests before closing.Chris I., September 2022 “This restaurant is such a cute little spot to get a casual bite to eat, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner. We chose Cafe Mambo for an early dinner after doing the Road to Hana and were not disappointed.We ordered Onion Rings (with the Curry Sauce), Tofu Nachos, Roast Duck Fajitas. My favorite dish was the Roast Duck Fajitas. Our server mentioned this is what they are known for and I can see why. I loved how they served the fajitas in the unique metal dish for all the ingredients. The Roast Duck had a very nice sweetness to it.Also, take advantage of Happy Hour. We will definitely be visiting this restaurant again (maybe even for breakfast or brunch).”Keith K., February 2021
Want to make a comment or ask a question? Are you a fan of Cafe Mambo? Tell us in the comments below.
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zo-blerone · 1 year
please.... Ultimate Pepperoni Lovers Special was my fathers name..
you can call me.. The Pup-peroni
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rjhamster · 1 year
Palma Kitchen + Tap
Palma Kitchen + Tap
If you’re having trouble viewing this email in its full color, please view it in your web browser. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS AT PALMA Come out and enjoy the following specials at Palma Kitchen + Tap at Encanterra this week, good through Sunday, January 15th: Weekly Drink Specials Prisoner Unshackled Chardonnay, California  | $10 Prisoner Unshackled Cabernet Sauvignon, California | $11 Peroni Pale…
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f1 · 2 years
F1 drivers pleased to see fewer sausage kerbs at Monza | 2022 Italian Grand Prix
Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Max Verstappen and Lando Norris say they are pleased to see sausage kerbs removed from the Monza circuit ahead of the Italian Grand Prix weekend. The FIA have removed the aggressive kerbs from some run-off areas around the high-speed circuit. The move follows a series of troubling accidents involving the kerbing at various tracks, including Monza, over the years. Formula 3 driver Alexander Peroni was injured at Monza after being launched into the air at Parabolica when he hit a sausage kerb in 2019. W Series racer Abbie Eaton suffered two fractured vertebrae after hitting a sausage kerb at the Circuit of the Americas in 2021. Earlier this year Formula 2 driver Dennis Hauger was launched over a sausage kerb in Silverstone, crashing directly into the halo of Roy Nissany’s car. In July, World Endurance Championship driver Henrique Chaves suffered a frightening accident at Monza’s Roggia chicane, hitting a sausage kerb which ripped the driver-side door off his Aston Martin and sent his car rolling. The series of accidents have prompted many calls from F1 drivers for the kerbing to be removed from grand prix circuits. In response, the FIA have removed the kerbs for this weekend. World champion Max Verstappen believes there is no need to have sausage kerbs on modern circuits as a deterrent for running wide or off circuit. “I saw the crash in WEC, that the car rolled because of it,” Verstappen said . “It’s just with these new cars, a different kind of understanding again of what you need in terms of safety.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Verstappen says that a dialogue between Formula 1 drivers and the FIA is important when it comes to matters of driver safety in the sport. “It’s a continuous process and I think as drivers as well, we talk to the FIA, what we think is best,” he said. “That’s how you try to make changes. “You know that if you cut the corner, you have to give up the time anyway. So in a way you don’t need these kind of penalties any more and you just have to slow down.” Asked by RaceFans whether the FIA’s decision to remove the kerbs gives drivers confidence that the governing body will listen to their concerns about safety, Lando Norris said: “I would say yes”. “I don’t think we’ve ever not had confidence that they’re going to do anything, especially when it’s about certain safety measures,” Norris explained. “Not just safety for us in Formula 1, but safety from Formula 4. And especially when there’s been proven things – when there’s F4 drivers breaking their vertebrae in their backs because of hitting sausage kerbs – that should just never happen. So when you bring these points forward and they see that, then they’ve made the changes which are necessary. “I think we’ve always had the confidence that when there needs to be a change, there has been a change. It’s just drivers being drivers that when we want little things here and there, we can be fussy as well. I think they normally do a good job and we continue working with them to make everything better as we can.” Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2022 Italian Grand Prix Browse all 2022 Italian Grand Prix articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net
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w2soneshots · 4 months
First kiss -W2S
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Words: 0.6k+
Warnings: alcohol consumption.
In which you and Harry take the next step in your relationship.
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I met Harry at a bar in London 2 weeks ago. He asked for my number at the end of the night. We were talking back and forth for almost a week when he asked me out, and I said yes. Today is the day of our date, he said he was taking me for dinner and that he would pick me up but to be ready by six. I chose a black corset, blue jeans and some little black heels to dress it up. I did my makeup and styled my hair half up half down. As I was finishing my final touches (perfume and lipgloss) I got a text.
I'll be at yours in 10 :)
I’ll be outside x
I grabbed my bag and left my apartment. I got in the lift and was soon in the lobby waiting for Harry to text me that he was outside. A few minutes later he did just that and I walked outside into the cold wind. I quickly spotted and jumped into his car. "Fuck me It's cold out there." I said as I did my seatbelt. he chuckled. Once we arrived and got out of the car my mouth dropped slightly at the sight of the restaurant "oh my god, this place is always fully booked how did you get a reservation?" I turned to Harry. He shrugged his shoulders "luck?"
When we got inside and were seated a waiter came up to us "what would you like to drink this evening?" I glanced at Harry and then the menu "um, could I get a vodka cranberry please?" I said. "Of course, and you sir?" He said looking to Harry. "Peroni please mate."
Our drinks came soon after and we ordered our starters and mains. "Thank you, wow this looks delicious!" I said once the waiter placed my food down in front of me. "Will that be all?" He asked. "Yes. thank you." Harry said. The waiter smiled, nodded his head and walked towards another table.
Once we finished our food we decided to get dessert at the little ice cream parlour I spotted on the way in. We walked across the road and entered the shop. "Hello, what can I get for you?" The kind looking woman behind the counter asked. "Can I get one scoop of mint choc chip, in a cone please." I said. "I'll have the same, thank you." Harry said. The woman nodded and began making our order.
She passed us our ice creams and I offered to pay but Harry insisted that he would. I thanked the woman and we left the shop. A comfortable silence fell upon us as walked so only the sounds of us eating our ice creams and the quiet London traffic filled the air. Once we finished we walked back towards Harry's car. "y/n?" He said breaking the silence. "yea?" I replied turning to him. We stood trapped in each other's eyes for a few seconds before I began glancing at his lips, and he did the same.
First kisses don't seem to mean as much as you get older as the amount of those experiences increases. But in this moment standing in front of Harry was making butterflies fly around in my stomach, my palms sweat slightly and my heart beat so fast it felt as though it would explode. "Kiss me." I said. He didn't wait a second before our lips connected. We shared a sweet kiss before he pulled away. We both stood with little smiles growing on our lips.
...And that's when I knew I'd fallen for Harry Lewis.
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anthrofreshtodeath · 2 years
20, please and thank you
Maura looks around her immaculate living space from behind her kitchen island, how clean and well-decorated and empty it is. The dining room table, with capacity for eight to ten, looms with its openness, mocking her one with its other nine seats. Her sofa, too long for just her, stands unmoving in the living room, facing the unlit fireplace. It’s why she eats a reheated plate of ziti at her counter, because the empty house would feel even more so if she chooses to sit in either space. 
This morning, very very early in the morning, it hadn’t been empty, however. Jane had stayed late the night before, fallen asleep on the guest bed despite her insistence that she really had to go home - she needed to be at Tommy’s worksite at six this morning. Maura had heard the front door open and close at about five, and then open and close again, just before the shower head burst to life across the hall from her.
Jane had insisted on returning home, but also brought an overnight bag, then. Strange. Maura had smiled and hugged her pillow closer; Jane was full of these conundrums lately. They used to bother Maura, used to buzz in her brain right up against the space where she most needs logic and order. Last night, though, Maura had accepted it because she had no choice; Jane would defy categorization, defy sense, however much and however long she wanted to. So, Maura had, instead of fighting it, burrowed further under the covers and chose simply to anticipate the affection that came her way whenever Jane left the house early. When it was starting to get cold outside and the heater kicked on in the wee hours of the morning, when Maura hid in the safety of her bed and slept, when Jane needed to be somewhere before the sun came up, she would enter the main bedroom and gather up Maura’s body by the shoulders, kissing her temple goodbye. Maura often wondered why, when it had started - because it had started happening so early on - what Jane thought when she did it. But all that wondering took a backseat to the smell of lavender perfume that surrounded her, to the warmth of Jane’s naturally hot body temperature, to the simplicity of the tenderness that touched her somewhere deeper than just the skin of her arms and chest. 
But this morning, it never came. Maura had only heard the door open and close a third time, and then silence. She thought it strange, but reasoned that perhaps Jane had been in a hurry, had overslept and needed to shave any seconds off her morning that she could. But now, chewing on the intensely fatty carb explosion Angela had just dropped off, she realizes her folly in assuming such rationality on Jane’s part. Jane hasn’t responded to any of Maura’s texts, and usually, they text a lot. Everyday. Jane could be busy, especially since when she helps Tommy on plumbing jobs, she has to spend much of those days walking Tommy through the finer points of pipe work, guiding him as well as accomplishing her own tasks. 
So, tired of the ignoring, one of her major triggers, Maura stomps over to the refrigerator with purpose. She pulls out a six pack of Peroni and one of the tupperwares of ziti she’d just put away, leaving them on the counter while she heads to the pantry for a reusable bag big enough to fit it all. She packs it all up, along with some napkins and utensils, stops at the coat rack for her fall coat, and takes her keys from the front table. 
The home in Dorchester that Maura parks in front of is illuminated by hanging temporary lighting, and the front door is open. There are various tools at the bottom of the steps, and Maura can see that the place is gutted when she looks through the windows inside. She pulls her bag from the passenger seat and engages the lock on her vehicle before shoving the fob in the pocket of her jeans. Her ankle boots announce her presence long before she knocks on the wide open door, and it causes Jane to stand from her place in front of what will eventually be the kitchen sink. “Hi,” Maura greets, not giving the chance for Jane to look at her, and then choose to ignore her presence.
“Hey,” Jane says. “You’re far from home.” Immediately Maura picks up the hints of exhaustion, more mental than physical.Though, she must say, Jane looks very physically tired, too. There’s a drying sweat stain on the back of her Rizzoli and Sons t-shirt, turning the navy color black, and the knee pads over her worn jeans are dirty from all-day use. So are Jane’s work boots, Red Wings, a gift from Maura several years ago when they both agreed to help Tommy grow his business any way they could. Of course, Jane is the only one of the two of them qualified to help when it comes to laying pipe, installing gas line. So, Maura had provided funds and very expensive workwear. It stirs something bubbling and wet within her when she sees her gift getting good use, broken-in with work.
Maura reins herself back in, banishes her musings on Jane’s physicality, returns to the reason she came in the first place. “I brought the two of you dinner,” she tells Jane in order to at least partially explain her presence. She takes out the tupperware and realizes that in her hurry she forgot that she wouldn’t have a way to heat it. She doesn’t tell Jane because admitting it would derail the conversation she intends to have while Tommy is conveniently elsewhere - from the sounds above them, he’s shuffling around upstairs. “And beer, too, though that’s obviously not for Tommy.”
“Obviously,” Jane says with a handsome little upturn of her lips. She crosses her arms. Dares Maura to keep going.
Maura’s tired, too. So she does. “Is there a reason you’ve been ignoring me all day? Did I do something? Or is it just one of your moods?”
Jane scoffs, her eyes narrowed in offense. “Moods? I was busy, if you couldn’t tell,” she says, gesturing to the entirety of the first floor around them. And Maura has to admit, it does look a lot better than the first time she’d been here. More complete. 
“You didn’t say goodbye,” Maura steps closer. She pulls a bottle from her bag and uses the trick Jane taught her - removes the cap by busting it at just the right angle against the old countertop so that it opens. She hands it to Jane, who takes it despite Maura’s obvious displeasure. “And you’re telling me you didn’t have one minute to check your phone? That you didn’t scroll it like you always do when you took a lunch break?”
Jane blushes at having been caught. “I’m tired,” she starts. Maura knows that much, so she tries again. “I… I needed a break.”
Maura’s face softens and she lowers her defensive stance. “Well, why didn’t you just say?”
Jane sighs. She shrugs and takes a pull from her beer. “Part of a break means not talkin’,” she grumbles petulantly.
“That makes no sense,” Maura points out. “How am I supposed to know you need a break and leave you alone if you don’t tell me?”
Faced with her own irrationality Jane slams the bottle down on the counter. “Because once I start talkin’ to you for the day I don’t have the discipline to stop, ok?! If I said bye like I usually do then you’ve got me by the nose for the whole rest of the day. And I needed to fucking think.”
Maura’s usual response to being cussed at is anger. Indignance. But this time, she smiles. Because she thinks she has an idea of what Jane is - very clumsily, by the way - trying to say. But she needs to know for sure. “You need to think and you can’t if you tell me you’re leaving?”
“No,” Jane says quietly. “Because then I’ve lost all my resolve.”
Maura actually chuckles. Jane retreating into herself like a tortoise is, well, it’s cute. “Resolve for what?”
“To think about us logically! I mean why the hell am I goin’ into your room in the morning and kissin’ you goodbye, huh? Why am I stayin’ over even when I know my life would be a lot easier if I got ready for this job at my place?” Jane asks aloud, more of herself than of Maura, Maura thinks. 
“I suppose only you can answer that,” Maura says. She can’t help the humor in her tone. She gets closer, grabs Jane’s beer, hands it back. Jane looks like she needs it.
Jane does take a hearty gulp. “I know. And I can’t answer it if I’ve got a Maura-fog in my brain all day. I… shit. It just hurts me. How much I ache for you all the time.”
Maura has to consciously restrict herself from the aww that threatens to spill out of her mouth. It would send proud Jane running. So she just clicks her tongue and takes proud Jane into her arms, pressing the back of proud Jane’s head until it hits her shoulder and Jane’s resistance collapses into a returned embrace. “That’s what ache implies - hurt.”
“Ha. Ha,” Jane murmurs into Maura’s coat. She burrows deeper despite herself. “But what does it mean?”
“I think it means you’re in love with me,” Maura chances the truth, even though it is bold. “I’m sorry I didn’t see it before.”
Suddenly Jane sounds very small, but she is trusting: she drops her arms to her sides and leans her entire weight into Maura’s body, letting Maura hold her and hold her up. “Is that… is it ok?”
“More than ok. I’m actually very happy about it,” Maura says kindly. She is unused to being Jane’s stability, but she finds she quite likes it. She likes bundling up all that height and keeping it close, even if Jane is sweaty and dusty and smells like cut pipe. 
Just then, as Jane is about to respond, there are happy steps all the way down the staircase that jump to the bottom floor, entirely unaware of their conversation. “Thought I heard someone come in!” Tommy starts. He is behind them, and he recognizes their embrace just after he speaks. “Uh oh, everything ok? Someone die?” he asks, attentive in his own way.
Jane only lifts her head up and rolls her eyes. Emboldened by Maura’s approval, she stands up straight and takes her place as protector again, pulling Maura close by the hip. “Go away,” she commands her brother.
Tommy sputters. “But-”
“Go. Away.” Jane reiterates.
“A’right, a’right,” Tommy says, and Maura can picture him throwing his hands up. She laughs when she hears him retreat.
“You were very poetic just now,” Maura tells Jane, looking up when she returns the hug. 
Jane blushes again. “Don’t get used to it.”
“Something tells me I should get used to it,” Maura counters. She kisses Jane’s chin, pleased by the putty-like consistency Jane assumes against her when she does. “And you need to call your brother back in here so you can eat.”
“Nah,” Jane teases, breaking their embrace to turn towards the food. “He can wait.”
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babygirlbenji · 3 years
People Pleaser - John Stones
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A/N: my first ever football imagine oh my god!!! omg i really hope this is okay! if you have any feedback please do pass it on!
Being a kind person is something everyone aspires to be. Smile and the world smiles with you, right?
With your reputation as an incredibly kind and generous person, people were immediately drawn to you. Your heart of gold, infectious laugh, beautiful eyes and bright smile were just some of the things that made John Stones fall completely head over heels for you. 
The two of you met by chance when he visited the coffee shop you worked at when his usual place was closed for refurbishment. You instantly recognised him, being an avid City fan yourself, and gave him his coffee and doughnut free of charge, followed by a shy ‘best of luck for the game this weekend’. He started coming more regularly, oddly only coming on the days you were working. Your friendship blossomed from the day you were brave enough to write your number and a simple smiley face on his cup. It had been three years since that day, and you were going strong. 
He knew he could talk to you about anything, knowing that you would be there for him to offer sage advice, a pep talk or a random fact of the day (your favourite facts centred around aviation and space, being a huge aviation nerd yourself) to cheer him up. 
However, with your incredibly kind heart and eager-to-please attitude, it was easy for people to take advantage of you and use your generosity for their selfish benefit. Whether it was people approaching you on social media to try and get a City shirt or game tickets, or buttering you up while you were on a night out and trying to score a lift back to you and John’s place. It wasn’t like you were naïve. You just liked seeing the good in everyone, because you believed that everyone has good in them somewhere. 
This is exactly what happened one night when you went out with John, Kyle, Jack and a few of the other City boys and their girlfriends after City walloped Norwich. You and Sasha were having a great time dancing on the floor, with John and Jack a few feet away minding your bags and having a few beers. They had training early the next morning, and they didn’t want to get too hammered, so you and Sasha were more than happy to let loose. 
‘I’m going to get another drink, do you want another?’ you yelled to Sasha over an ABBA hit. 
‘Go on then!’ she grinned. You nodded in acknowledgement, and made your way over to the bar and ordered another round of shots for the pair of you, a double vodka lemonade for yourself and a vodka Coke for Sasha. As you waited for your drinks, a young man who looked around your age sidled up to you and ordered a Peroni for himself. You exchanged smiles. 
‘Good night?’ the man asked. 
‘Yeah really good! Yourself?’ A tray of lurid blue shots appeared in front of you, and you thanked the bartender before he started getting your other drinks prepared. 
‘Great, thanks, nice night for it.’ You nodded, feeling slightly awkward; you got the feeling he wanted to say something else, but couldn’t quite get it out. ‘You from around here?’ 
‘Uh, I’m here with my boyfriend,’ you debated with yourself about whether to tell him the truth. Figuring his drunken state would prevent him from remembering anything come morning, you threw caution to the wind. ‘He’s a footballer with City, John Stones.’ The man’s face dropped, and he took a step towards you. He was close enough that you could smell his breath, a gross mixture of cigarettes, beer and bad breath.
‘You’re kidding?!’ You smiled. 
‘Nope, been together just over three years.’ The man cocked his head to the side, as if assessing how drunk you were.
‘Don’t suppose you could hook me up with tickets, do you?’ You had to restrain yourself from rolling your eyes. 
‘I’m afraid I can’t, I don’t have that kind of authority.’ Your drinks arrived at last, and you put them on a tray with the shots. ‘Sorry, I need to go, my friend, she’s probably waiting for her drink, nice talking to you,’ you mumbled. You could feel your heart starting to hammer beneath your top, but it only got worse when the man grabbed your arm, nearly causing you to spill the drinks. 
As if by magic, you felt an arm wrap around your shoulder, and from both the way you fit perfectly into the nook under his shoulder and from the man’s jaw dropping in shock, you instantly knew it was John. 
‘Everything alright, love?’ he asked loudly, his baritone Yorkshire accent booming to those nearby. He pressed a pointed kiss to the top of your head. You breathed a sigh of relief as he took the tray of drinks from you so you could hug him tightly, wishing you could thank him. Instead, you squeezed his hand in gratitude, and judging by the return squeeze, he got the message. It was the kind of telepathic method of communication you two had developed over the years; you could read each other like a book, and at times it was the most frustrating thing in the world, but at times like these, it was potentially life-saving. 
‘Yeah all fine! Was just heading back to Sasha with the drinks. You coming?’ He nodded and you turned around and headed away from the man, missing John shoot him the nastiest glare he could muster, saying ‘back off’ with a simple stare. 
‘He seemed like a right git, baby, you sure you’re okay?’ John placed the drinks down on the table before bundling you into his arms, giving you a bear hug and assuring you that you were safe. 
‘I’m okay, he seemed nice enough, it was just… the second I mentioned you, it was like someone flicked a switch.’ John’s gigantic chest and shoulders rumbled as he chuckled.
‘You see the good in everyone, you do.’ You frowned slightly. 
‘Is that a bad thing?’ Your innocent question prompted another chuckle from John, who stood back and gently cupped your face with his hands. Even in the darkness of the club, you could still see the love and adoration in his eyes as he gazed at you. 
‘It is when creeps like him hit on my girl in hopes of getting tickets when I wouldn’t let them get within 100 feet of the Etihad if that’s the way they want to get in. Come on, let’s have a sit down, you’ve been on your feet all night.’ John took your hand and gently guided you over to the booth he had been sitting at with Jack and Sasha, who had joined them once she had seen that you and John were on your way back from the bar, and you spent the rest of the evening drinking happily with the people you loved the most, John’s hand never leaving your thigh once, kissing your head every now and then.
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collectmytears · 2 years
                         • collectmytears •
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football sideblog: @forevergiroud
taa/lfc blog: @cornertakenquiickly
cod sideblog: @captainjohnpriice
hp: @feorgewxasley
backup: @alex-peroni
feel free to request edits etc.!
other stuff/tags:
links // resources
people’s creations I’ve reblogged: people being talented
lewis thirst traps
seb : danke seb
live-blogging tags: football ~ racing: f1 // f2 // f3
series: f1 // f2 // f3 // w series // f1 academy // feeder series
movies/shows: grey’s // hp // the 100 // animal kingdom // pb // tw // 911 // cm // s19 // top boy
talking tags: g talks // g reads (feel free to send me book recs) // g talks football
all things helmets: g talks helmets // helmets // 2022 helmets // 2021 helmets
asks: ask g
edits/creations tag: g makes things
mental health: LR // be kind to your mind
daily series (paused): daily helmet squish
*my masterlists haven’t been updated in awhile so some links might not work*
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alexalblondo · 2 years
You're not Will Buxton but i will ask you regardlessly,, tell me your 2025 line up <3
But baby, how do I beat his level of unhinged 😭 … okay, I‘ll try!
(order based on current constructors' standings, not on what I think they are like by then ;) )
Mercedes Lotus AMG Petronas F1 team:
George Russell and Esteban Ocon (ask me who is the first driver I dare you) (Sir Lewis has retired by now but don't worry he's making music and having just released a line of dog clothes and also X44 is looking into entering Formula E, sooo...)
RedBull Monster Energy Racing:
Max Verstappen and Liam Lawson (Lara, if you are reading this please forgive me <333)
Ferrari MissionNoMoreLosing F1 team:
Mick Schumacher and Carlos Sainz Jr. (just cause I love being controversial)
McLaren Gulf Stream Monaco Tax Racing:
Lando Norris and Pato O'Ward (Idk what Daniel is doing but Michael is there and their relationship is still smack center between frat bros and romantic life partners)
Alpine Renault Mountaintown F1 team:
Pierre Gasly and Oscar Piastri
Roter Stier Wagenbauer F1 team:
Yuki Tsunoda and Jüri Vips (bUt WhAt AbOuT dEnNiS hAuGeR ... he left cause Marko read my emails about his vibes being off, thanks for asking)
Aston Martin Peroni ReplayJeans F1 team:
Lance Stroll and Alex Albon (they are so painfully awkward people it's glorious) (Seb has since joined the Greta Thunberg association for climate issues as special advisor, personal hype man and bee issue representative and is also currently ignoring 15 calls from both Sir Lewis and Nando about doing Le Mans together)
Williams KitKat Racing:
Clement Novalak and Frederik Vesti
Orlen Sauber Alfa Romeo Racing:
Charles Leclerc and Theo Pourchaire (Valtteri is now a full time trophy husband and hype man)
Haas ROokit Idk I ran out Racing:
Guanyu Zhou and Irina Siderkova (the most stylish team ever, god, I am emotional just thinking about this they will be so pretty!!!)
thank you for your attention and please come back soon <333
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