#not to be chesterton or anything BUT there is such a great pleasure to lying in bed
to-the-fishies · 2 years
what is your most tried-and-true method of convincing yourself to get out of bed
when said bed is So Cozy and Pleasant? Please advise.
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three - not an act of an enemy
book: the devil is my saviour
word count: 3.1k
song: say anymore by kiiara
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"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people."
- G.K. Chesterton
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C H A P T E R  T H R E E
Waking up and having no clue where you where was not a good feeling. It's not. It's like being drunk. You have no correlation of why, when or how you got there. You just know somehow you had managed to haul yourself from destination to destination. Sometimes it's for the better you might have been in a bad situation but sometimes it's the opposite. You can never tell until you know your surroundings.
The copious weight in my head is what I feel first, before I've gained full consciousness, before I've opened my eyes, before I've even had the chance to blink; its the heaviness I feel. I groan and sit up slowly from the bed I happened to be lying on - feeling as if I had the biggest hangover.
I blink repeatedly trying to refocus my eyes from their blurry state. The walls of the room I was in were sooty black and I frown on instinct.
No room in my apartment was a dark colour like that. I flick my eyes around the room in search of anything that would explain where I was. But there was nothing. Except a black wooden table that stood at the end of the room opposite the door and a painting that hung above it. It was of a women of great beauty, coffee coloured skin - the type you would get by adding just a tiny bit of milk, dark hair and bright hazel eyes but it wasn't the women that stood out it was what she was wearing, a dress with a kaleidoscope of colours - tattered with various rips and holes. Behind her was an array of midnight black and white wolves all bowing their heads as she held what looked like the moon. The words, 'change shall occur from the hands of a broken soul' is written in calligraphy under it and I stand up from the bed to walk closer to it.
My eyes are fixated by the beauty of it - the colour, the words and I don't know how long I stay standing there until a voice breaks me out of my gaze.
"So you are alive then."
I stiffen, I knew that voice. It was such a distinctive voice, hoarse but at the same time alluring and sneaky. I turn and widen my eyes at the sight of Greyson leaning on the doorframe. Why was he here? With me? How had I not heard when he came in? Nothing good ever came out of both of us together.
"Where am I?" I ask. He looks around with that oh so irritating smirk of his.
"In my room it would seem." He shrugs nonchalantly as if it didn't mean anything. Maybe to him but to me it did. Not only was he the devil but he is Reya's boyfriend and I'm pretty sure she wouldn't appreciate the fact that I was here. Not in the slightest.
He smirks, "As much as I don't like you, Lux and I saw you sprawled out on the floor and decided to help you. Well Lux decided to help you. I didn't really care. Your pretty lucky Lux was there if not you would wake up still on the floor. Plus I didn't take you as a screamer."
He winks and I glare.
I shift on my feet, balancing my weight on each foot one by one. I bite my lip and glance his way before looking away. I could feel his gaze on me and it made me a little more than uncomfortable.
"Well - thanks anyway." I mutter.
"What did you say?" He asks and I look up sharply narrowing my eyes, of course he would milk this for all it was worth. I clench my jaw.
"I said thank you." I say a bit clearer than the last and he leans in slightly from his spot feigning that he didn't hear what I said, "Sorry what?"
I huff and cross my arms. I looked like a child. I was certainly acting like one. But I didn't care this boy knew how to get on my last nerve. I stomp out of the room, stopping to barge his shoulder on the way. Funny thing about acting like a child in a place that is unknown to you. Is that you realise you have no idea how to get out and need to grow up and ask.
Leaving the room, I am met with a hallway; the colours the same as the previous room. I frown why was his place so dark looking. The hallway wouldn't have been confusing if there had been one distinct door to show the exit but there wasn't. Instead there were different open places that had the shape of the door, leading to a different direction. I don't have the first clue on how to get out. I need to ask him. I glance at him quickly to see him already smirking, well that's encouraging. I just stood there looking helpless as I contemplated asking his smirking ass.
"You know many girls would be honoured to be in my room let alone my presence - and here you are running away." He states cockily and I smile, my lips tugging sardonically.
I do a little curtsey in front of him, my feet crossed, my left arm spiralling outwards while the other was tucked into my body and my head bowed, "Honoured."
He chuckles and I sigh returning to my standing position. I need to go, this conversation was starting to feel somewhat normal. My eyes flick through the empty door ways. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
"Looking for the door?" He asks. Shit. He knows. He's realised I have no idea where to go. I should just ask him. I want to desperately say yes. But my pride has other ideas.
"- oh really."
Now's the time Aria. Just admit it - there's no shame in it. Just do it for the sake of getting out. But none of my mental pep talks work and I find myself nodding.
He hums, "Well Lux needs to speak to you, so unfortunately I have to keep you here anyway."
I widen my eyes suddenly feel very dizzy and my mouth feels dry. I gulp painfully.
"Can I have water please?", his eyebrows raise up, "No fight?"
I just blink at him, "Alright." He says.
He starts walking down the hall to the second last entrance, me trailing behind. He walks to the mahogany door the end of the corridor. I frown as he opens it. The kitchen was stunning, everything nicely organized and polished as if it were not touched and everything black. This apartment was nice, way too nice and way too big. This was prejudice. How could he get the nice luxurious apartment when I have a small basic one.
"What did you say you wanted again?" He asks and points his hand towards the stools.
I look at the stools almost too scared to sit on it as if somehow my bum would do anything to it.
"You can sit - you know, the chairs aren't going to bite." He says through laughter. I bite my cheek, my feet were beginning to hurt. I sit down, running my hands on the table.
"How come your apartment is so grand looking? My apartment doesn't look near as good." I ask and he turns placing a tall glass of water in front of me.
"- because its not a campus apartment; its mine."
I frown, "How far is it from campus?"
"A good 15 minutes." He shrugs and my frown deepens.
"But you said you heard me screaming." I mutter. I was sure my screams weren't that loud and even if they were he would have never been able to pinpoint it to me.
"I did. I also have a campus apartment. Which happens to be opposite yours." He states, answering my subliminal question. I raise my eyebrows - I had never seen him nor noticed. Now I think about it, that was probably why Reya always looked so dishevelled when she came to mine in the evenings. She had probably previously been at his doing god knows what.
"I never noticed."
"I'm not there often."
But all of this didn't answer the question that was now tugging on my mind.
"But why did you bring me here instead of your campus or better yet leave me where I was?"
He groans, "Enough with the fucking questions just drink your water."
I eye the water cautiously.
"If you did anything to this water. I swear to God I will haunt you." I warn and he smirks.
"Good I decided not to want to fucking kill you today. Plus you asked for it."
I nod. True.
"Need anything else?"
I sip the water as he watches, "You know if I didn't know better I would think you cared Slade." I say and he chuckles.
"Well its good you know better Angel."
I nod. "Yeah and I hate you because of that."
He shrugs leaning back on the counter, "Ditto."
I look down staring at the marble counter, I knew why I was really still here. I didn't have to wait for Lux - in fact I didn't want to. But I also didn't want to be left by myself and my thoughts.
"Water for your thoughts." He asks and I scoff.
"It's penny for your thoughts."
He nods, "I know. But by giving you water I've already done my good deed of the day."
I roll my eyes, " Always so insensitive."
He shrugs, "Well me and my insensitive self do not find your company pleasurable. So I'm going to do myself a favour and leave. You can wait here for Lux."
I widen my eyes at his statement. Not because it surprised me at all. No. It was because of the realisation that if he left I would be myself. Just me and my thoughts and I didn't want that. So I act upon it. Instead of just watching him leave I get up and grab hold of his arm stilling his movements. He turns and glares at my hand in disgust and I recoil my hand back.
I gulp and cast my eyes to the sleek marble counter, "Need to pee." I mutter and he narrows his eyes slightly, "What?"
I clear my throat quietly. "I need to pee."
He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and suddenly I feel a wave of nervousness infiltrate my system. I bite my lip which subsequently causes his eyes to focus on them. He takes a step forward and I take a step back biting my lip harder. Before I know it his face is inching closer to mine as I realise the dilemma I had put myself in. I want to move so badly. I want to take another step back. But I can't. I'm stuck - frozen in my position. His head moves impossibly closer and soon enough his face is all but a mere millimeter from mine and my eyelids are fluttering. His eyes flick across my face. His head tilts slightly to the left and his minty fresh breath fans across my face as he speaks, "Toilets that way."
I frown and step back quickly from him as if he had burned me. I watch as his lips turn to a smirk and I turn to see a grey door that would in fact lead to a toilet. I scramble away quickly locking the door behind me and breathing for what it felt like the first time since 5 minutes ago.
I didn't need to go to the toilet. I just didn't want to be by myself but here I am by myself because being in Greyson's company was dangerous and I'm sure something terrible would happen. I look around and sit down on the toilet seat. This room was a contrast to possibly all the other rooms, it was a shell white colour instead of the black and grey.
I sigh holding my head in my hands.
What was I doing?
Why didn't I move?
God Aria you can't do this again - you promised.
I did. I promised myself this couldn't happen again. Your reading this wrong Aria. Maybe I am. Maybe he just wanted to tell me where the toilet. It wasn't as if he was going to kiss me. So why did I want him too. No you don't Aria. Your not in the right mindset. No I'm not in the right mindset. Too much has happened. It's because she's back. Everything's coming back.
"Silly silly girl." I mutter to myself.
These things can't come back again it would push me off the edge - for sure this time. Come on Aria. Your better than this. Your strong. You did it once before. You can do it again. I breathe out. I should go.
I shakily bring myself to my feet. I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear anything on the other side. But - nothing, it was silent. I slowly push the handle door being careful not to make too much noise. Just a small click and the doors open. I step out and scan the room. No one. Now I need to find my way out. I tiptoe stealthily the way I came in to be met with the hallway of doors leading to different entrances.
My eyes land on a dark blue door I hadn't noticed before. It must be the way out. What's the harm in trying? Right. I'm about to take a step but hands that wrap around my waist and close my mouth; stop me. I didn't need to scream. It was a waste of energy. I knew his touch. It was familiar and it always made me feel funny. He drags me into the room I had awoken in as I watch my freedom get further and further away.
Greyson's in front of me and I'm in front of him. He's breathing hard, looking at the closed bedroom door behind me with a faraway look and I feel awkward. I bite my lip and his eyes snap to mine.
"Stop that."
I stop. He takes a step forward and I try to take a step back but unsuccessfully so as the door blocks my movement. Greyson still had that faraway look but this time his eyes are glued to mine. He keeps stepping closer and closer to me until our toes are touching. I cast my eyes away from him.
"Look at me."
He orders and I know I have to listen. I already learnt to listen to him. I knew what would happen if I didn't. I look up to his eyes and I see the argument he was having with himself.
"Want to-"
He stops and I swallow. I pick at the bracelet on my left arm, pulling and tugging at it. His eyes avert to it and he nods slowly in recognition.
"What?" I whisper.
"Want to kiss you."
My lips felt dry and I run my tongue over them.
"-So bad." He mutters and I hum. I couldn't speak. I didn't trust myself to say the right things.
"But I can't."
I hum.
"But m' going to anyway."
I hum.
He holds my jaw in place and makes me meet his eyes. Before I know it his lips are on mine and he's kissing me with force. I stand there for a bit in shock. I didn't expect him to actually kiss me but here I am kissing back. He nips at my bottom lip and I moan lowly at the feeling.
"Fuck." He murmurs on my lips and I hum. Fuck indeed. He doesn't stop though. Instead his lips travel down my face, leaving lingering kisses in his trail. On my jaw, behind my ear, all over my neck before he stops - right at the spot on my neck that always sent my head into a frenzy. He knew it. He knew it all to well and he starts sucking and nipping at it. I could feel the blood rushing to the surface but it didn't seem to phase me that he was marking me because my thoughts were all jumbled. I couldn't think straight and I was whimpering at the feeling of his lips. He tugs me impossibly closer to him as if we weren't close enough. His hands are gripping my waist tightly and my fingers are coiled up in his hair. He pulls back and looks at the fresh mark prominent on my neck with an intensity I couldn't ignore. I can't breathe properly, still trying to recover from our heated kiss.
"Fuck." He repeats and rests his forehead on mine. The room held tension so strong and we both noticed it. I didn't know what to say. I wasn't sure if I should say something, knowing I would probably spoil this 'moment'.
He opens his mouth but closes it again.
I open my mouth but close it again, repeating his actions.
He shakes his head slightly; my head moving with his.
"I m-"
"Grey." A voice calls out, stopping his sentence and causing us to both to jump away from each other.
"Grey." The voice calls out again. Greyson turns around with a breath and runs his fingers through his now messy hair. I freeze and watch his movements.
"Greyson." I whisper and he whips around as if realising I was still here.
"You need to fucking go."
He clenches his jaw, "M' not gonna tell you again."
I nod quickly and turn to walk out the room. I slam the door and lean on it my head tilted backwards. I run my hands down my face. "Fuck." I mutter.
I heard a loud bang and the sound of something breaking and I wince.
"Aria?" The voice that interrupted us called and I tilt my my head down.
"Aria-" He steps closer to me and I rub my neck in an attempt to cover Greyson's mark. He looks at my hand briefly and I'm scared he noticed but he doesn't show any signs that he did as he looks me back in the eye. "We need to talk."
And all I can do is nod.
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