#not to mention get the old unit cleaned up and ready to return the keys
needsmoreexplosions · 5 months
life is so unfair I have to delay my 420 activity to the 21st, maybe even 22nd. Uncool
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scuttling · 3 years
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Latina OFC Sophie Cortes Word Count: 2,648 Tags: SFW, Pre-relationship, Drinking, Pre-relationship minor Morgan/Garcia Summary: The team goes out for Sophie's 30th birthday. Collection: Sophie Cortes timeline, 7-12 Months at the BAU (See Masterlist for reading order) Link to AO3 or read below! “Time for another shot?” Prentiss asks, dropping two handfuls of glasses onto the table in front of them, and Sophie laughs, shaking her head indulgently.
“No more shots, Em. I’m already feeling the last two.” Her cheeks are slightly flushed, corroborating her comment, but she’s still standing steadily, so she can’t be too far gone.
“Come on, it’s your birthday!” The rest of the team joins in with a chorus of similar comments, but Hotch just smiles at their happiness and lets them battle it out amongst themselves.
“You only turn 30 once, you know,” Morgan reminds her, a hand casually thrown over her shoulder, and Reid frowns.
“You only turn every age once; what’s the significance of 30?”
“All he’s saying, Reid,” Garcia chimes in, taking a sip of her pink, fruity drink, “is that every year older is a chance to celebrate. Especially in this line of work.” Sophie sighs, clearly giving in to her friends’ methods, and she walks two fingers forward, to a full shot glass.
“Fine, fine: I will drink one more shot…” she begins, pausing as is for dramatic effect, “if someone gets me cheese fries.”
“I’ll buy the birthday girl some cheese fries,” Reid offers, and she pulls him down by the arm and gives him a kiss on the cheek, which earns howls from the team and a blush from Reid, and then she takes the shot.
“I’m hungry too, Spence, I’ll come with you,” JJ adds. “Anyone want anything?” Morgan, Garcia, and Prentiss rattle off orders, and Hotch takes a sip of his beer, doesn't notice that Sophie has made her way toward him until he gets a whiff of her perfume.
“Not hungry?” she asks, leaning against the table and facing him. She looks very beautiful in a short, silky orange dress, leather jacket thrown over her shoulders, and he lets his gaze linger for a moment.
“No, I think I’m going to call it a night.” He has reports that need to be reviewed, documents that need to be signed, and though he’s enjoying watching his team on a rare night out, he can’t help but feel old and out of place—especially as she celebrates her 30th birthday, for god’s sake. He can’t even remember his 30th birthday.
“Oh Hotch, you can’t.” She sets a hand on his arm, gently, looks up into his eyes with a clear gaze. “I know I don’t like to make a big deal of my birthday, but I’ll happily play that card with you if it will get you to stay.” Her eyes are sweet, and they look wide, almost pleading—it’s a puppy dog look by anyone’s standards, and it turns out he’s helpless against it.
“Okay, I’ll stay a little longer if it means that much to you,” he agrees, teasing a little, but her reply seems serious.
“It really does.” She smiles softly, then removes her hand from his arm, almost like she forgot that she put it there. “I’ll even share my cheese fries with you.”
She makes good on the promise, thanking Reid profusely for the gift and then running a knife through them so they make for smaller bites. She lifts her fork, takes two or three bites, and sets it down, handle pointing in his direction; he’s really not that hungry, but the way she shares with him is so effortless that it feels like an offering he shouldn’t refuse.
Later, Morgan and Garcia are dancing, Prentiss is talking to a woman she knows from the office, and Reid is making conversation with someone at table over, when Sophie takes her last bite of fries.
“They’re still not together, right?” she asks, pointing her fork at Morgan and Garcia, and Hotch shakes his head.
“As far as I know, no.”
“Same here,” JJ pipes up from across the table, nursing her drink. “And you know I’d know; I know everything.” Sophie laughs, sips her beer. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. It’s just a shame, I guess; two people who are so drawn together shouldn’t fight so hard to stay apart.” JJ gives Hotch a quick glance, which he can’t interpret, then looks back down at her half-eaten plate of fried pickles, picking at the crumbs.
“I don’t get it either. If the FBI doesn’t care, why do they?” Sophie sighs, looking back at the laughing, dancing couple, props her chin up with her hand.
“They don’t think they deserve it.” When he and JJ both look toward her—the sound of her voice is almost sad, unusual for a night like tonight—she straightens, downs the last of her drink. “I assume that’s why, I mean.” JJ gives him another brief look, and he doesn’t know what to say. It’s almost 2 AM when the party breaks up, much later than he intended to stay out, but he’s happy he did. Sophie isn’t drunk, he doesn’t think, but she’s much tipsier than she was hours ago, before the cheese fries—and she’s really adorable.
“I love you guys so much,” she tells them all as they put on their coats. “I love you, Spencer, for buying me cheese fries, thank you buddy.” She wraps her arms around him, almost dangling from his neck, and he laughs, squeezes her tight.
“I love you too, buddy, you’re welcome.” She moves to Garcia next, hugs her tight around the waist.
“I love you, Pen. I love my card and your smile and I love coming into your cave for candy when Morgan gets on my nerves.” They laugh and Morgan acts affronted, which only makes them laugh more.
“I love you too, birthday babe.”
“I love you Morgan,” she begins, pulling him into a one-armed embrace, “even though you annoy me sometimes, ‘cause we’re Chicago twins and we both like the Cubs and we both know the best pizza is from Tony’s on 4th Avenue.”
“You know it, girl. I love you too.”
“JJ,” Sophie calls, drawing out the last letter, and they hug each other equally tight. “I love you ‘cause you’re the coolest one of us; I don’t make the rules,” she tacks on when the rest of the group scoffs. “She’s super cool and you guys know it.”
“I love you, especially when you’re drunk,” JJ tells her with a laugh. “Should have made you eat more than half a plate of cheese fries.”
“It’s not your fault, I blame Emily Prentiss,” she says, accusatorily, turning to the woman in question and giving her a hug, which Prentiss returns with a pat. “I love you even though you kept handing me drinks all night. You’re a bad influence.”
“Then I guess I succeeded,” she says with an affectionate smile. “I love you, birthday girl. I’m glad you had a good time.” They separate, and when Sophie turns to Hotch, the last in line, her face changes. Her expression isn’t one of awkwardness or irritation, but… almost like resignation, and he can’t exactly tell what that means.
She smiles softly, quirking her lip as if asking if it’s okay to proceed, and he opens his arms, tries not to smile when she sags against him as if, of all the hugs she’s received tonight, this is the one she wanted most.
“I love you, Hotch,” she says so quietly he has to strain to hear, and he moves his hand carefully over her back.
“I love you too.” They stay like that for a good twenty seconds, and when she pulls back, she smiles sheepishly.
“Okay, you guys have stayed out long enough because of me. I’ve gotta order my Uber.” Morgan and Prentiss both insist they can drop her off, talking over each other, and he decides to spare them both, speaks in his unit chief voice for the only time that night.
“You guys focus on getting each other home; I’ll get her home.” Everyone agrees easily, Sophie included, and they are walking out to the parking lot before she speaks again—not exactly slurred, but a bit slower than normal.
“How are you still so... Hotch-y? You had as much to drink as I did.”
“I’ve probably got 75 pounds on you, so I metabolized it faster, I guess,” he answers with a chuckle, steering her to his SUV, and something about that makes her groan.
“Oh, I know... all about that.” He comes around to the passenger side to open the door for her, and for a moment she just looks up at him, slowly wets her lips. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” She slips into the car, buckles up, and he closes the door with a sigh.
In a perfect world, this would be him taking her home from a date, maybe kissing her goodnight on her doorstep… But the world is as imperfect as she isn’t, and his little crush is both inappropriate and foolish, so he resigns himself to his role and vows to get her home safely, and nothing more.
They arrive outside of her apartment building after about fifteen minutes of softly murmured directions, and he puts the car into park, turns to look at her.
“Do you want me to come up with you?” he asks, and she smiles softly, tiredly.
“Yes, but no. I’ll be okay.” The look on her face is sweet, almost tender, and he keeps himself from reading too much into it. That way lies madness, he knows.
“It’s no trouble. It would make me feel better, to know you made it safely.” Her smile gets brighter, and she sits up, unbuckling her seatbelt.
“Okay, sure. Thanks. I could make you a cup of coffee for the road, if you’d like.” He nods, and they both climb out of the car, heading toward the front door of her apartment. He keeps his hands near her, ready to catch her if she wobbles, but she is steady on her feet even in the skinny heels she wears.
She unlocks the front door, then takes him up a couple of flights of stairs, stopping outside apartment number 12. Her keys turn easily in the locks, the door swinging open to display a very clean, very white apartment. “Thanks for coming up with me. You didn’t have to do that, but I appreciate it,” she tells him, hanging up her jacket on the hook behind the door.
“I wanted to,” he tells her, honestly, a little distracted by her bare shoulders, the slim straps that rest on them. She looks back, and if he’s caught staring, she doesn’t mention it. She leans her butt against the wall, reaching down to unclasp the buckle on her shoe, and for the first time, her balance isn’t perfect; she wobbles a little, and his hands catch her waist to steady her.
“Do you need help getting your shoes off?” he asks, looking down into her eyes, and hers are warm, liquid as she stares back. Her tongue sweeps over her bottom lip, and if it were any other woman, he would take that as an invitation to lean in and kiss her. Instead, he drops to one knee and unbuckles her shoe, slides it off carefully, repeats that with the other foot. He sets the shoes on the shoe rack by the door, stands back up to full height, touches her arm gently.
“Thanks, Hotch.” Her voice is soft, cautious, and it looks like she wants to say more, but the silence goes on too long, and she eventually clears her throat. “Do you want that cup of coffee?”
“Sure. Please.” She pads into the kitchen, which is, like the rest of the apartment, sparkling clean and gleaming white, switches on the coffee maker, and pulls a travel mug down from the cupboard overhead. “I like your apartment. It’s very… clean.” She turns, back against the counter, and smiles.
“I don’t like to leave a mess, since we never know where we’re going to be.”
“It’s a little bare,” he says gently, trying not to profile too much, and she looks down like she’s self-conscious.
“You know I’m private. I like to keep my photos and stuff in the bedroom.” She walks past him, down the hallway, looks over her shoulder and signals for him to follow.
Her bedroom is still very white—white comforter, white sheets, white pillows—but her dresser, headboard, and end tables are made of wood, and the dresser is littered with silver picture frames.
One is of Sophie and a young man who resembles her so much, it must be her brother. One is of the two of them with a pair of adults, their parents, probably. One is of Sophie with a young man and woman who look like they could be twins, another of Sophie and the man he knows is her previous partner back in Chicago.
There’s one of her SWAT squad, Sophie in the middle with a big smile and an even bigger gun. Then there’s one of the BAU team, from a get-together Garcia hosted; he remembers her apartment looking like a craft store threw up there, every bright color and pattern you could imagine, and he remembers Sophie’s face when she saw it, called it gorgeous and fitting and very Penelope.
Would he consider this apartment very Sophie? This room, maybe, but that’s about it.
“I love these. Especially this one,” he says, holding up the photo of the SWAT team. “We need to take you to an outdoor range one day, so you can blow Morgan’s mind.” She laughs, light and airy, moves closer so she’s looking at the photo with him.
“That’s a great idea. He’s seen my special tactics, now for my special weapons.” She touches the photo of her with her brother, picks it up to show him. “This is my brother, Leo—before he became a constantly high competitive surfer in San Diego.”
“Do you see him often?” Her face falls, and she sets the photo back down with a sigh.
“I haven’t seen him in about a year. He doesn’t agree with my lifestyle, calls me a government pawn.”
“He doesn’t agree with your lifestyle?” he asks, a little surprised, considering his habits, but she just nods.
“Yeah, he’s very ‘go with the flow’, finds me morally rigid. Thinks I’m not doing work that needs to be done, as if our job is less important than surfing.” He laughs, and she laughs with him, bumps playfully against his arm. “You should feel special, you know. No one else has seen my photos.”
“No one at all?” That can’t be right, she’s had people in her bedroom, certainly…
“Nope. I don’t date often, you know. And I one-night-stand even less than I date, so. No one has had the chance.” It makes him sad, generally, that she keeps her photos so guarded, that she doesn’t share them—he’s happy, though, to know she doesn’t have men in and out of her bedroom, as if that matters when he knows nothing will ever happen between them.
“You have to give someone the chance,” he says, pulling her in for an easy, one-armed hug and pressing his lips to the top of her head. He’s not sure why he does it, but it feels so right he doesn’t really question it.
“I know,” she says quietly, wrapping her arm around his waist, too, and leaning against his shoulder. “I just want it to be the right someone.” She looks up at him, so soft and beautiful in just her slip of a dress, feet bare, that his chest aches with the urge to kiss her.
He doesn’t, of course, and never will, and the moment eventually passes, their eye contact breaks. “I should make that coffee,” she murmurs, pulling away, and tries not to feel too bad about the loss.
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handmaid - 27
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, mention of weapons 
A/N:  more musical references ... who would’ve thought? but now i’m also adding disney references bc referencing is my passion (unless it’s for essays, then screw referencing). also i’m very sorry for being late with this chapter something happened last night and i couldn’t finish it. i hope you enjoy this chapter x
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    - Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six ...  - a choir of two voices echoed through the reading room in the Forrest household with one being significantly deeper while the other much higher and almost baby like. However if asked, Y/N would solely deny that being.5 made her a baby and she would constantly put five fingers up in pride of her young age. Accompanying the two voices, there was the soft sound of the very old piano which had been with the Forrest family for more than a century - sept, huit, neuf.
   - Fantastic. Play the last three notes for me by yourself this time. - Daniel smiled at the much younger Y/N dressed in a hand-me down white ruffled dress with her hair pushed out of the way by a velvet white string. Y/N giggled, her babyish laughter echoing through the room before she could concentrate on the keys of the piano, her fingers pressing the same combination as just before. 
   - Sept, huit, neuf ... Sept, huit, neuf. - her fingers played through the keys as her still very badly spoken French came through but that was the life of a lady who was to grow up to stand next to an heiress; educated in the arts and languages, polite and classic, a picture and reflection of true perfection. Fake it until you make it, it’s what her governess told her constantly. - Sept, huit, neuf. 
  - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. - Daniel joined in with a lower key, quickly playing through the keys and ending at the nine making Y/N smile in relief. Whenever he changed to English it normally meant the lesson was over and while Y/N loved music, she didn’t enjoy it for three hours straight in the early morning. - You know birdie, whenever you don’t wanna be somewhere try to pretend you do.
  - It’s too early. - she whined, head leaned against the keys of the very expensive shiny black instrument. 
  - Alright, birdie, go on a do whatever it is you do in your free time.
Before he could even shut down the piano’s hood, Y/N was already on her feet, the small sounds of new tiny shoes becoming further and further as she exited the reading room and bolted towards the attic. At 5 years old, the young handmaid had mastered a way to get the high door open by using two tennis rackets tied together with one of her hair strings. After doing this, the stairs came collapsing down allowing her to climb them into the attic. 
Looking around like a squirrel afraid of being caught, she returned to the pile of boxes she had found when she was rummaging through whatever had been left there. She wasn’t entirely sure who it belonged to or what it was but she was convinced that it was filled with something that looked pretty enough to belong to a princess. Opening the first box she came face to face with a gold coloured head piece. Curiously, she grabbed it from the box rushing over to a pretty old mirror with already dark spots and a bit of browning. Curiously, she lifted up the headpiece, placing it on her head. Her eyes seemed to wander around her reflection before the headpiece started to slide down, a bit too big of her. Before it could reach the floor, however, Y/N grabbed it, noticing a few letters on the in the piece. 
 - Y/N, the French tutor is here. 
 - I’m going. 
Y/N watched as Sebastian in awe as he cooked her cheese toastie. Sure, a cheese toastie wasn’t a culinary masterpiece and it was the furthest thing from being a hard task, still she was just entranced by the sight imagining what things could be. Dreaming is a dangerous two edged swords allowing you to envision everything your heart desires yet having the power to keep it as further yet close enough to reach but never have. She could almost see it, she could almost see and hear the future that would never be. With eyes wandering to the piano in the living room, she could see and hear being sat at the piano teaching her child how to play while Sebastian made his cheese toasties in the kitchen. Yet again dreams aren’t reality, reality is much more bitter and unforgiven. 
    - Look at that, unburned. - Sebastian slide a perfectly white porcelain plate towards her containing the delicious snack. 
    - I’m rather scared that burning is your only evaluating tool for cooking. - she tried to hold in a little child-like smile but her muscles had more strength. - Thank you.
    - Well, angel, unless you can cook better than me I believe you have no right in criticising. - he took a seat very close to her, choosing to instead stare at her rather than eat along with her. At that comment Y/N scoffed, giving him a look that made him question his statement and wonder if she was some sort of hidden stellar cook. 
   - I would say I can, at least, cook better than you. 
   - What can’t you do? You’re like this untouchable Edwardian woman. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who is so effortlessly ready to be in high society.
   - I don’t belong in high society. - she seemed to stare blankly at the wall of the kitchen and how perfectly straight the back splash had been placed. Every single square perfectly placed yet not noticeable by its own, unless bringing perfection to the whole piece itself. - You just have to pretend you do. No one in this business is gonna give their daughter up to be standing next to someone who’s bound to inherit an empire ... you said yourself, if they shoot at an heiress they’ll shoot at you too. It’s more like picking someone off the street and dressing them up just good enough that you believe they’re untouchable. 
   - You don’t give yourself enough credit. 
   - I think you just see me through rose coloured glasses. - she took a bite off the sandwich. - You know what? That’s pretty good. 
   - Thanks, angel. - he kissed the top of her head. - Hey, how about we do something you really like tonight? 
   - No. - she held his hand. - Let’s do something you like to do. We never do something you like to do, why don’t you pick?
   - Angel, I don’t think you’d enjoy it. 
  - It can’t be that bad. - she put what was left from the sandwich in the plate, wiping her hands clean from the grease. -  You do what I want all the time. 
  - I like making you happy, angel. - he leaned towards her, placing a soft and quick kiss on top of her nose. - Besides, you haven’t made me do anything particularly torturous. 
  - No. - she crossed her arms at him, jumping from her high seat. - We are doing something you like doing tonight. 
  - Okay, angel. Let’s go then. 
There was no denying her, or at least he hadn’t built a backbone to deny her yet. Nevertheless, he took her back to the garage yet instead of walking into the unit they had just been in, both of them kept walking and walking passing various units with various numbers, probably belonging to other tenants. He finally stopped in front of an abnormally large unit which had a pin code pad. Quickly and almost mechanically he put the code in which made the door unlock allowing him the open it up. Stepping inside, this unit was way more organised than the last one with what looked like a small version of a shooting range. A mob boss liking to shoot ... original. 
  - Do the neighbours not complain about the noise? - she wondered out loud. 
  - Soundproof walls. - he gave her his regular pearly white smile, taking a pair of noise cancelling headphones and googles from the wall. - Besides, it’s my building. 
  - I’m sure someone probably has complained. - she teased as he put a pair of googles on her face. - Have you ever shot a gun, angel?
  - I did archery in school. - she shrugged. Gwen and Dan usually went for the shooting range back when they were younger but Y/N was always one to take that time to herself and stay home either practicing for her lessons or reading. Besides, she was entirely sure she didn’t even know how a gun worked. - Didn’t have a good aim.
 - Well, this it’s not entirely like archery. - he opened a black panel, grabbing a matte black revolver before handing it to her. Y/N, however, stared at it untrusting of the object. - You’ve grown up with the mob, don’t tell you’ve never touched a gun. 
 - They told me not to and I enjoy following rules. - Y/N crossed her arms, defensive of her statement which made Sebastian smirk. - Besides, what if I touched it and it accidentally shot me? 
 - It’s locked, angel. - he placed the revolver in front of the circle target so he could put the noise cancelled headphones on her, leaving it just spaced enough so he could still talk to her. - Besides, maybe you should know how to defend yourself.
 - Okay. - still a bit guarded, she picked up the weapon, placing herself in line with the target while Sebastian was by her side. 
 - It’s a quick-lock system. - he helped her unlock the gun. - Now, regularly most of the ones in the mob have a quick-lock system so if you’re eve ...
 - I don’t wanna think about it. - the memory of the gunshot from earlier had her not in the mood to think about danger. Maybe there was imminent danger to avoiding the probability of her being hurt but half her mind wanted to believe that people wouldn’t shot at her. Sebastian tightened his lips, changing his narrative. - What if it shoot you by accident?
 - Angel, that is pointing nowhere near me. - he tapped her elbow. - Eyes on the target and pull the trigger. 
Y/N swallowed in dry, looking up from the gun to the bullseye before pulling the trigger. The sound didn’t hit her as hard due to the headphones but she still took a step back out of surprised followed by an upset moan due to the fact the bullet had hit the furthest place from the target. 
  - Right... - Sebastian placed himself behind her, arms coming up to her, almost mirroring her position so he could move her arms and overall aim in the right position. - Take a deep breathe, pick your target, concentrate and shoot. 
  - Okay. - she took a deep breath, feeling his skin too close to her in a way which almost made her too weak on the knees to concentrate on the target. Nevertheless, she focused on the bullseye, pressing the trigger which caused a back/forward motion and the bullet when straight into the target making her eyes and smile widen as her ego swelled up with pride. She turned around, pulling Sebastian into a hug. - I did it!
Sebastian locked the revolver, placing it back on the table before returning to a very enthusiastic Y/N yet not very excited to do it again. Nevertheless, Sebastian was happy she at least knew how to use a weapon, just in case. As he opened his mouth to say something, his phone started to ring. God, just fantastic. Sighing in defeat, he put his phone on to his hear, a fairly familiar yet annoying voice coming through. Y/N watched in confusion, not entirely sure who was at the phone but from what she could manage from his words it seemed like he was getting an invite which he was very against. After what felt like a good 5 or 10 minutes of speaking on the phone, begrudgingly he turned his phone off, looking at Y/N with a look which was very indescribable.  
  - Are you okay? - she took a few steps forward, wrapping her arms around his neck, one of her hands coming to brush his hair soothingly. - Who was it?
  - Gwen. She’s spending New Years at the Ritz and she wants you to go. 
  - The Ritz? I thought she was going to Monaco. 
 - Seems like she decided to stay in New York and wants you and me there for good measure. 
 - I know for a fact she does not enjoy your company? Why the sudden change of heart?
 - We are getting married in two weeks, angel. I would call it PR but then again, what hasn’t been PR with the two of us?
 - Oh ... right ... the wedding. - sometimes Y/N forgot that she was very much involved with a man stuck in his engagement. It wasn’t like he could break it, that was a death sentence and probably the biggest mistake he could make. However, she still didn’t know how she was gonna handle it. Maybe Mr. Forrest was right, maybe she should go to Paris after all of this was over, maybe she should just start to distance herself but how could she distance herself from someone who is just so magnetic without even trying? How do you ignore a magnetic pull? - Well, I guess we should pack ... again. 
tag list: @lilya-petrichor​ @xoxohannahlee​ @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater​ @nikkipea​ @madisonpillstrom​ @cevans98​ @thelostallycat​ @sideeffectsofyou​ @anxiousdreamersworld​ @captainchrisstan​ @lookiamtrying​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @stuffforreferences​ @thebadassbitchqueen @sebastianstansqueen​ @nsfwsebbie @strangerliaa @emzd34 @everything-is-awesomesauce @dreams-in-blxck 
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rjhpandapaws · 4 years
A Hand in the Matter
Ch7: Adventures in Interior Decorating
Tina eyed Gavin suspiciously as she leaned on the bar. Normally they would be doing this on a Friday rather than a Wednesday, but for once Gavin had plans for the weekend. So it was either move the "gays night out" as Tina called it up a bit, or not have one this week. Tina was not exactly pleased with the change of plans since she was working early the next day. Setting her beer glass down she spoke.
"So let me get this straight," she started and leaned into Gavin, not even laughing at what would normally be a joke between them. "You moved our night out up two fucking nights into the work week because you're going to spend the weekend with some guy named Richard. Helping him remodel his apartment or whatever, but you're not sleeping with him."
"Tina, my answer isn't going to have changed from the last three fucking times you asked me," Gavin replied with an exasperated sigh. "We aren't sleeping together. He's just a friend."
"So was Allen. Until he wasnt," she said sitting back like she had made some kind of point.
Gavin rolled his eyes, "Richard is different, its not like that with him. I see him a bit like I see you."
"That's a lie. You've never adjusted your schedule to help me remodel."
"Tina, you haven't remodeled anything." Gavin pointed out, "I think you've had enough for the night, let's settle the tab and call it."
Tina seemed like she was going to argue for a moment before she nodded. She stood, needing a moment to regain her footing before walking to the end of the bar to pay. Gavin followed suit.
When they were outside the bar waiting on their respective rides. Tina for her girlfriend and Gavin for his Uber.
Tina took a deep steadying breath before speaking, "just... be careful okay? I know I don't know him, but I just don't want to risk seeing you back in a place like you were after Allen."
"I know T." Gavin said straightening up off the wall, "you're just looking out for me. I respect that."
She nodded as a familiar car pulled up to the curb and she lifted a hand to wave at him, "Good night Gav."
"Yeah, you too." He returned the wave and watched her go.
She had always been that way, looking out for him and at least trying to protect him. He understood the warning. The no feelings involved arrangement with Allen had collapsed in on itself when Gavin went ahead and caught feelings, and Allen hadn't. The fight that happened after ended their friendship and left Gavin in a bad way for quite a while. Tina had been left to pick up the pieces and be damage control. Her suspicion of Richard, although misplaced in Gavin's opinion, came from a well meaning place.
The weekend crept up on Gavin, and it was Friday afternoon before he knew it. He was running around his apartment like a madman, packing all of the things he might need for a weekend at Richard's place. It would be his first time there since Richard's panic attack as well as his first time there as an invited guest. Tina would come by twice a day to check on Frankie. The cat in mention was watching him from her cat tower. He reached up to pet the mildly overweight black feline.
"I'll be back in a couple days," he said in a voice one might use for children, "be good for your aunt Tina okay?"
She leaned into his hand before he pulled away and picked up the duffle bag. He made sure he had his keys and his phone before heading down to the parking lot. This weekend was kind of a big deal for Richard as well. He'd never had anyone stay over at his apartment before, and on top of that they would be remodeling it. Trying to make it into a place that Richard could feel at home in rather than trapped. When Gavin arrived at his bike he sent Richard a text.
Gavin: Getting ready to head your way. Need me to pick anything up on my way over?
Tall Phcker from Psych: No. Not that I can think of.
Gavin: Alright, see you soon.
He strapped his bag to his bike, with it situated safely he put his helmet on and got on the bike himself. He left the complex and made his way to Richard's. He was looking forward to the weekend, hanging out with Richard was always a good time. Something that was as important to Richard as this was bound to be the same. Gavin parked as close to the building as he could. He still had to go up the stairs to get to Nines's apartment, he was not packing his bag across a fucking parking lot on top of all that.
Gavin got off the bike, took his helmet off and unclipped the duffle bag. He slung it over his shoulder and headed for the stairs. He sent another text before heading up.
Gavin: on my way up to you
Tall Phcker from Psych: ok. The door is unlocked.
Gavin tucked his phone away and began his treck up the stairs. It probably would have been smarter to use the elevator, but Gavin only knew how to find the apartment from the stairs. It was the fifth unit from the end on the left from this direction, and he didn't know how many from the elevator it was. Like last time, Gavin was fighting for his breath when he got to the top.
Gavin opened the door and took his shoes off, putting them on the bottom shelf of the slate grey shoe rack Richard had bought online. It was the first personal touch he'd added to the place, and the thing that had started all of this. Straightening up he smiled at Richard.
"Where do you want this?" He asked gesturing to the bag on his shoulder.
Richard looked up from where he was getting something out of the fridge and pointed to the couch. Gavin made his way to the couch and set the bag down, he stretched before squatting down and digging through it. He made a sound of victory when he came away what he was looking for, he smiled and hid the small box behind his back as he walked back toward the kitchen. On the counter were two glass bottles of old fashioned soda, the same kind that Gavin usually had at his place.
"Thanks." Gavin said accepting the bottle that was slid across the island toward him, "I got you something, a bit of a housewarming gift."
Gavin set the hastily wrapped gift on the island and slid it toward Richard. He grabbed the bottle and popped the cap off with practiced ease. Richard was careful as he unwrapped his gift, looking like he was trying to avoid tearing the wrapping paper. He got to the nondescript box and looked at it for a long moment before opening it just as carefully. He took out the white porcelain mug, turning it over in his hands until he got to the text. 'Silence is Golden' was printed in light blue cursive script. He set the mug down carefully, looking at him with one of the biggest smiles Gavin had ever seen on him.
'Thank You.' He signed, 'I Love It.'
"I'm glad," Gavin took a drink from the cool soda, finding refreshing after his trip up the stairs. "I saw it in the campus bookstore and thought you might like it."
Richard took a drink from his own bottle while Gavin picked up the trash from the counter trying to minimize the clutter. He left the mug alone, Richard could decided what he wanted to do with it.
"What's the plan for tonight?" Gavin asked heading for the livingroom figuring Richard would follow him to the couch, "online shopping, actual shopping, relaxing, or getting started on changing around the place?"
Richard sat beside him on the couch in his usual proper posture, stiff and rigid in comparison to Gavin who looked like he'd been poured onto it. Richard tapped his fingers along the bottle in his hands as he thought about it. This whole thing was a big decision for him. Gavin would give him as much time as he needed for his choice.
Eventually Richard set his bottle down and began signing, stopping then restarting several times before letting out an annoyed sigh. He picked up his phone choosing to type out his thoughts instead. Gavin's signing was slowly getting better, but he wasn't fluent and his understanding was hit and miss still.
Tall Phcker from Psych: could we stay in tonight? Relax and maybe look at things online?
Tall Phcker from Psych: I don't think I'm ready to do much else yet.
"That's perfectly fine." He turned on the TV switching it over to something they didn't have to invest much attention in, "we'll only do what you're comfortable with."
That was how they spent the afternoon, scrolling through online furniture stores. Richard made a list of what he wanted to get and colors he hoped to find them in. It was hours later when they were pulled from the moment by Gavin's empty stomach growling out its discontent.
'Food?' Richard signed with an amused shine to his eyes.
"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea." Gavin said with a chuckle of his own, one hand pressed firmly over his abdomen to muffle any further noises, "you in the mood to cook or is it a take out kind of night?"
Richard answered by pulling up a deliver app on his phone. He picked an Italian place, put in his order before handing the phone off to Gavin. He looked over the menu ordering food for himself and passing the phone back to Richard so he could add something else if he wanted before placing the order.
They took a break when the food arrived, setting it up on the coffee table. It was nice and comfortable, like the evenings they sometimes spent at Gavin's place. This was a nice feeling. They stayed like that well into the night. Passing notes like little kids until it was late enough in the that Gavin felt like he was going to collapse into the coffee table from his place on the floor. He yawned so widely that his jaw cracked and spoke aloud for the first time in hours.
"So how are we doing this Nines?" He rubbed at his face to try and wake up more, considering as conversations tended to require more brain power than he currently possessed.
'You Take Couch. I Take Bed.' Came the reply before Richard began cleaning up the coffee table. Right, they still had to move that.
Gavin helped as well, throwing out the garbage while Richard packed up and put away the left over food. Despite it being Richard's livingroom rather than Gavin's, they still moved as a unit to clear the living room for the pull out bed. When that was done, Richard stepped back observing the room, this was another change for him, but from what Gavin could see he was taking it well.
They took turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed. When Gavin finally got to bed he pulled put his phone to check his messages. He had a few from Tina.
Pocket Police: we could be out drinking now but you have other friends apparently
Pocket Police: don't do anything we wouldn't do
Pocket Police: Frankie misses you
Gavin: we'll have the normal schedule back soon. You know I still love you
Gavin: we won't. I miss Frankie too
Gavin: good night T
Pocket Police: night Gav
He set his phone on the armrest and rolled onto his side. The excitement of the day had drained him and sleep was quick to pull him under. Gavin slept soundly and well into the morning. Waking only when he heard movement from the kitchen. Whoever was there was trying to keep quiet.
It took Gavin's slowly waking brain a long moment to recognize he wasn't in his own apartment. He sat up and stretched, after rubbing the sleep from his eyes he made his way into the kitchen. Slowly being coaxed to life by the smell of coffee. A good way to start a busy weekend, or, any weekend really.
"Good morning Richard," Gavin mumbled around a yawn. "How did you sleep?"
'Good Morning,' he signed back. 'I Slept Fine.'
They were pleasantly quiet after that. Gavin wasn't exactly much of a talker or much of a functioning human before his first cup of coffee. He wasn't grumpy, he just wasn't talkative because it was too much effort. Last night they had come up with a plan of attack for the weekend. Today was a shopping day, and tomorrow they would get things set up.
When the coffee finished brewing Richard reached up into the cabinet grabbing a mug for Gavin, and took the one Gavin had brought him yesterday for himself. Gavin was happy to see him use it. Richard poured Gavin's first, sliding it to him and then pointing to the fridge. Gavin nodded his thanks and stepped that way, setting his mig down on the counter beside it. He opened the door doing a bit of digging around before he came away with what he was looking for: Carmel flavored coffee creamer. He was being silently judged by Richard as he added what his counterpart referred to as a criminal amount of cream to his coffee before returning the bottle to the fridge. He took a long drink as he turned to face Richard.
"That's some good coffee," Gavin joked, grinning when he saw Richard wrinkle his nose in disgust.
'You Monster,' was signed back at him, though there was no heat to it.
The easy silence settled over them again as they drank their coffee. Richard was looking out the livingroom window, and Gavin was looking over what he could see of the apartment from his place by the fridge. Having the pull out bed open helped the place look more lived in. It felt more alive, the way a home should.
When they were ready to go they met in the entry way, grabbing what they would need before heading out. They would be taking Richard's car because heavy shopping and motorcycles didn't mix well. Gavin in all honesty was pretty excited. He'd never gotten to see Richard in an environment that one if not both of them had some control over. This would be a learning experience for the both of them.
Richard's car was a light grey Toyota model that Gavin didn't recognize. The inside, as he expected, was spotless. Richard played music from his phone as they drive toward the shopping district. Richard had a system in place, specific stores he wanted to look at. Gavin was coming along to translate as needed and for moral support. Even though he was more or less just along for the ride, he was still looking forward to it. They arrived at the first store on the list and Richard found a place to park turning off the car.
'Ready?' Richard signed at him.
"Yeah," Gavin unbuckled and got out of the car, "are you?"
Richard nodded and got out as well. They walked into the store, it had a relatively open floor plan. One half was furniture and the other half was trinkets and decorations meant for livening up they came to call home. Richard wandered through the store to satisfy his curiosity. He picked things out as he went, some from the list, some not. Gavin grabbed a few things as well, for his place and Richard's. Every stop they made went in similar fashion, Richard roaming for curiosities sake and picking things up as he went. There was one more place they wanted to stop at, to see if it had the specific set of shelves that had been alluding them all day. Richard had picked out two similar ones for the office, but wanted this specific one for his room. They had it bookmarked online in case they couldn't find it while they were out.
The building was massive. Gavin would be surprised if they didn't have what Richard was after. They wandered around, not quite aimlessly, but it didn't seem like they would find what they were after here either unfortunately. Gavin was about to voice as much and suggest they call it a day, when someone spoke up from the other side of Richard. It scared them both, though Gavin was the only one to jump.
"Can I help you and your..." the sales clerk paused, searching for her words as she looked between Gavin and Richard, "partner find anything specific?"
Richard froze for a long while, seeming like he was trying to compose himself. Genuinely confused. He picked his hands up to sign, restarting a number of times before giving up altogether and shooting Gavin a desperate pleading look.
"Oh, uh. No. We're alright thanks." Gavin stumbled over his words in his flustered rush to get them out. It seemed to do the trick though since the sales clerk retreated and they were once again left on their own.
They just stared at each other for a long while. Gavin cracked first, smiling and then breaking into laughter when the awkwardness passed leaving only amused embarrassment in its wake. Richard was smiling, amusement shining in his eyes. What a fucking day.
"Let's head back." Gavin suggested when he had enough control over his air intake to talk again, "we can pick up some food on the way back. Then order the shelves when we get back to your place."
Despite the laugh they'd had about it earlier, Gavin found himself paying more attention to his proximity to Richard the rest of the day. They had a good laugh about it again over dinner, Richard delighting in it now that the initial awkwardness had passed. Gavin did as well, it was funny looking back. That was how the evening went. The two of them talking and having a good time until they were too tired to keep up right.
'Okay,' Richard signed as he stood. 'Bed Time.'
They had been smart enough to clean uo their dinner mess beforehand this time. After Gavin finished his nightly routine he laid down and pulled out his phone to check in with Tina.
Gavin: you'll never guess what happened today!
Pocket Police: something funny i take it
Gavin: Richard and I got mistaken for a couple today
Pocket Police: how did that go
Gavin: we've been having a good laugh about it
Gavin: just thought I'd let you know
Gavin: night T
Pocket Police: sleep well
Once again Gavin woke up to Richard in the kitchen and roused with less confusion than the day before. He stretched and made his way to the kitchen, following the smell off coffee. The same mugs as yesterday were out on the counter, clean and ready to be used.
"Morning." Gavin mumbled, just this side of coherent as he leaned against the counter, "today's the day. Are you excited?"
'Morning,' Richard parroted with a smile. Ever the fucking morning person. He nodded in answer to Gavin's question knowing that this would be the extent of the conversation until he got coffee into his system.
They didn't have as solid of a plan of attack for today, no lists to follow, just the general goal of getting the place into a state Richard was comfortable living in. Gavin's first order of business after he'd gotten coffee into his system was to clean up the livingroom since it had been his home the past couple of days. After that he would go wherever Richard needed him.
The coffee finished and like yesterday Richard poured both mugs then slid Gavin's toward him. Gavin added cream to it and then took a drink letting out a content hum. Richard let out an amused sound and rolled his eyes lifting his mug in a mock toast.
"Look. One of us can't function before eleven in the morning." Gavin complained between drinks of coffee, "its not my fault you can't wake up at a normal time."
'Waking Up Afternoon Not Normal.' Richard signed, and then had the nerve to fucking wink. God damn morning person.
"Richard. Its the weekend." Gavin remarked, gesturing with his free hand, "its practically against the law to wake up early on the weekend."
'Yet Here You Are,' he signed like he was making a point. 'Awake Early Sunday Morning.'
"Okay, no need to be so damn smug," Gavin said with a tired laugh, "you've made your point."
'Have I?' He signed with a faint smile along with a raised eyebrow.
Gavin flipped him off for lack of a better argument. Richard rolled his eyes again, but they were alight with amusement, and Gavin had a smile of his own to match. After he finished his coffee he cleaned his cup out and set it on the dish mat to dry.
"Alright, I'm going to start by cleaning up my shit from the livingroom," Gavin gestured in the direction of the couch. "Then where do you want me?"
'My Room.' Richard responded, finishing his own coffee and going through the same motions as Gavin.
Gavin made his way to the livingroom, packing up his mess and putting his things back into his duffle bag. Next he took the sheets and blanket off the pull out and stepped into the bathroom with the bundle of fabric. He set it down and opened the washing machine, he untangled the mass of blankets and loaded them into the machine. With that done he went back out to the livingroom and set about putting away the pull out bed. Doing it by himself wasn't a pleasant experience, but Richard was busy and Gavin didn't want to bother him. With the bed finally tucked away and the couch cushions back in place, the last thing that needed to be replaced was the coffee table which he handled with ease.
Having finished in the livingroom he turned and headed down the hall, stopping in the bathroom to check the laundry he had set to run. Making his way to Richard's he knocked on the doorframe before stepping inside.
"What," Gavin started from a few feet into the room, "are you doing?"
Gavin felt that it was an appropriate question since he'd come in to find one of Richard's closet doors halfway disconnected from the frame with said man sitting on the floor presumably trying to finish the job. Richard looked over his shoulder at Gavin and seemed quite proud of himself. He freed a hand from whatever he was doing to the bottom of the door and gestured to the whole of it like that somehow explained everything.
"Okay," Gavin continued, acting as though he understood this impromptu round of charades, "and you're taking the door off its hinges because why exactly?"
Richard let out a sigh that was just this side of annoyed. He moved so that he was facing Gavin, 'I Do Not Like Noise They Make. Help Me.' He emphasized the last bit by pointing at Gavin and then to the remaining door.
"You have a plan of what you're gonna do once they're off?" Gavin asked moving to the other door, he leaned against it and looked at his companion.
'No,' he paused to consider something, 'Do Not Want Them Here.'
"We'll figure it out I guess," he straightened up, "you got anything to make this easier or are we just gonna brute force it."
Richard reached back behind himself and came away with a screwdriver that he held out to Gavin. He took it with a nod of thanks, and turned to get to get to work assuming Richard was doing the same. He'd figured they'd get to this eventually, but if he had known they'd be doing this today he would have asked Tina if he could borrow her truck instead of bringing his bike over. But it was what it was, he could always ask her later.
The doors took a bit of time to get off the frame, and with no way to remove them from the apartment they settled for putting them away in the bathroom closet for the time being. While he was in there Gavin switched the laundry over. The shelves they had ordered wouldn't arrive for another week or so but they got everything else for Richard's room set up.
The room came away with a color palette of bright light blue and a dark matte grey. Gavin liked how it came out, it suited Nines pretty well in his opinion. They moved on to the office next, adding the shelf sets that Richard had picked out. One became designated for books and paperwork, and the other for office supplies and a couple of decorative trinkets. One of those being a porcelain statue of Lucky Cat that Gavin had picked out.
He let Richard do the bathroom himself. The livingroom came next and was by far the most fun. They'd bought some decorative pillows for the couch but apparently decided that a pillow fight would make better use of them. Which was how Gavin found himself backed against the wall with Richard throwing pillows at him with a surprising amount of strength.
"Okay! Okay!" Gavin called in surrender between bouts of laughter, "I'm sorry for smacking you with that pillow, even if you deserved it."
Richard finally relented, accepting Gavin's albeit shitty apology. Gavin began picking up the pillows on the floor around him placing them on the couch. Adding the one he had bought that had "fuck off" stitched into it in cursive purple thread to a spot where it could easily be seen as a finishing touch.
"There, its perfect." Gavin said looking over at Richard with a satisfied smile, "home sweet home."
Richard was wearing his equivalent of Gavin's smile, just smaller but no less genuine, 'Home Sweet Home.'
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keywestlou · 4 years
Ho Ho Yogi Bear
DAY 11…..Greece the First Time
Posted on June 7, 2012 by Key West Lou
Ho ho Yogi Bear! I am having a terrific time!
Donkeys have become a part of my life all of a sudden. First in Navaro when I discovered horse meat and donkey meat were sold in butcher shops for human consumption. Donkey was viewed to horse meat as veal is to cattle meat. Now donkeys in Santorini.
Before I made the trip, many told me to be sure to ride the donkeys up and down the hill. The hill that in reality is a mountain of lava.
I saw the donkeys yesterday for the first time. I was taking a walk along the other road. The road that runs between the cave hotel apartments and lesser accommodations. Actually the other side of the road is where the working people of Santorini live. Much like Stock Island is to Key West.
All of a sudden, I came upon eight donkeys on the side of the road. All saddled up and ready to go. What beautiful animals! I am a horse lover of sorts. The horses that race at Saratoga. Especially up close. Magnificent beasts. So too were these donkeys. Beautiful shiny coats. Ears standing straight up. Big bright eyes. Muscular legs. Very muscular.
These donkeys carry people up and down the side of a nearby lava mountain. On a path running along the side. Along a five foot wide path has been constructed 2,000 feet plus long. It consists of 500 plus steps. The steps of varying widths. A short 3 foot wall on the ocean side.
The ride did not appeal to me. I did not wish to be an ass on an ass. I was fearful of either the donkey or me or both of us falling over the wall. I raised that issue with the man in charge of the donkeys. I think I insulted him. He told me very firmly that no donkey or person had ever even fallen off the path into the ocean.
The path was made of dirt and rocks.
I had Nikos give me a ride in his car down the mountain.
The volcano sitting out in the water is like a magnet. It draws me to it. I have decided to visit the volcano in the next few days. I want to look into the opening and its depths. I want to view the smoke and sulfur and whatever else my eyes can see.
The volcano is not too high. Most of it sunk into the sea. So I should be able to walk to the top.
There is an added attraction. There are springs periodically spraying water and smoke. Baths from the emissions are available on site. I want to bathe in these waters. Supposedly healthful, I will be doing it merely for the experience.
Santorini is the largest of the several islands which were born 3,500 years ago when the volcano had its major eruption. It is big. How large, I am not sure. Larger than Key West I do know.
The whole island has a mere 13,000 permanent residents. Compared to Key West which has 19,000.
Santorini is the name of the whole island. There are several villages and towns located on the island. I am staying in Oia, one of those towns. People are nice here. Just as in Key West.
Sociable, helpful.
I spoke of beauty parlor proprietor Catherine Risvani yesterday. Catherine owns the only beauty shop in Oia. One to a town, I guess. Called Hair & Soul. It is a beautifully done small place. Two chairs, two sinks, a manicure station and a counter. Two lovely ladies working for her.  Catherine gave me a manicure this week.
Catherine is lovely in appearance. A typical Grecian beauty. Tall, thin and blond. Hair swept up and somehow tied in back. Interestingly, I have yet to find a Grecian woman who wears her hair down. Catherine also has high cheek bones. Another trait of Grecian women.
The bill for the manicure was 20 euros. About $28 american money. I was out of euros. I asked Catherine if she took credit cards. No. So I took out one of my $100 bills and told her to hold it while I went to the ATM machine for euros. She would not take the $100. Strangers though we were, she trusted me. In a tourist town. Typical of the Greeks here.
Which brings me to Nikos and Maria. Proprietors of my cave accommodation. Nikos and Maria are around 60. Own the Filotera Cave Houses aka Filotera Villas. A superior accommodation. Consistent with historical Santorini.
They and their son Adonis work their asses off. They have staff, but work along with staff from very early morning to late at night.
When I first arrived and met Maria, she was in a dress and apron. Smiling always. She does not speak English. I no Greek. Yet we have had several conversations. Each of us has spoken our native tongue. We understood each other!
I figured after first meeting Maria that she was the typical Mama Mia. A dress and apron. Always cooking and cleaning. Always watching the grandchildren.
Was I wrong!
The next time I saw Maria she was in peddle pushers and a tee shirt. Directing the employees.
Nice people these two.
It was Maria’s birthday the day I arrived. She sent a piece of birthday cake to my rooms. Nikos picked me up at the airport. Nikos drives me where ever I have to go. And picks me up. Their caves are lovely and clean. Very clean. Take a look at them. www.filoteravillas.gr, www.filoteravillas.com and www.santorini.com/hotels/filoteravillas. These sites will give you a flavor of cave living. They will surprise you!
The second day here, their son Adonis showed up with a bottle of wine. He said it was from his father’s vineyards. A special brew. Please enjoy it. I did, the next day. A cross between a white and red. A distinctive special taste.
Yes, Nikos and Maria besides owning the cave villas also own a vineyard and wine producing facility on Santorini. They ship world wide.
Nikos and Maria live across that street I mentioned earlier. In a small apartment less accommodating than the caves. In November, it gets cold on Santorini. They move to their home on the other side of the island. When it gets colder, they move to their home in Athens. During the winter months, they generally take a one to two month trip to the Caribbean or South Pacific.
It gets better.
Santorini and the Greek isles are not the United States. Many amenities we are accustomed to do not exist or are not provided. Like my clothes getting washed and ironed.
I was warned before I embarked on this odyssey that such would be the case. I came prepared. Purchased shirts and shorts at Orvis. That special material that is light, easy to wash and dry. Generally requiring little or no ironing.
I wash my own clothes. For real. Easy. In the bathroom sink. Drop some dish washing fluid on the clothes. A bit of water. Wash with my hands. Then shake dry.
The clothes still need hanging. Dryers are not common place on the island. Could not hang the clothes in front of my cave accommodation. It would not look right nor would it be proper.
There are clothes lines across the street at the cheaper accommodation. I hung my first washing there to dry. When I returned that evening, Maria came out to greet me. She insisted on ironing my clothes. My savior in disguise!
If you ever plan to come to Santorini, stay with Nikos and Maria. You cannot do better. Their telephone number is 003022860 71110. Fax number 003022860 71555. E-mail [email protected].
Enough for today.
There is much still to share.
This afternoon I am going to a beach somewhere on this island. Where I am guaranteed seeing bare breasted women. And, if I am lucky, some bare assed ones.
Enjoy your day!
As I have said in the past, vaccine distribution to Monroe County and Key West is not good. We seem to be forgotten. It appears political pull helps in getting enough vaccine to take care of an area.
Monroe County and Key West seem to be lacking in that regard.
I am happy for the person in Pensacola who was reported to have had excellent service. Not the case here. And none of us are doing anything wrong!
This morning’s Citizens’ Voice had two interesting comments re vaccine distribution/availability.
“Citizens of Monroe County should be outraged that the Medical Center at Ocean Reef, a private club, was allowed to administer 4,000 vaccines that were not available to the public, only to club members. This represents over 85 percent of the vaccine provided  Monroe County.”
“Now I know why after five tries I am unable to get an appointment for the vaccine: politics trumps health.”
Eugene Robinson is one one of the Washington Post’s finest columnists. He also has a touch of Key West in him. Every year, he and his wife spend one month in Key West. Normally January. They were not here in January. Probably the virus.
Robinson’s Washington Post column this morning is titled “To Rebuild the Grand Old Party, First Tear It Down.”
A passage from the column: “Before a sane, responsible political party can rise like a phoenix from the ashes of today’s dangerously unhinged GOP, there must be ashes to rise from. The nation is going to have to destroy the Republican Party to save it.”
Biden has been impressive so far. As he will continue to be. I have faith in the man.
He is moving fast. The  stimulus package, foreign matters, vaccine, etc.
It is very true that you cannot please all of the people all of the time.
Biden spoke before the National Prayer Breakfast. Called out white supremacy and domestic terrorism. And a multitude of other things.
Brian Burch is the President of CatholicVote. After the Breakfast, Burch slammed him for backing abortion and transgenderism. I do not know if Biden mentioned either during his talk. I suspect not.
One old, the other relatively new. Burch forgets that Biden, as with any President, represents all the people and not just one segment.
John Kennedy had a similar problem. Directed primarily at his Catholic faith. His response simple and understandable: “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.”
Christopher Plummer died. An outstanding actor. His age at death 91. Did not pass away under normal circumstances. He fell and struck his head. The blow to his head resulted in his death.
One of Plummer’s most famous roles was that he performed in The Sound of Music.
His movies many. However, Plummer most enjoyed his Shakespearean performances. He considered himself a Shakespearean actor rather than a movie one. His famous Shakespearean parts were his performances in Hamlet, Macbeth, Richard III, and as Mark Anthony.
He won his first and only Oscar at age 82. He also was rewarded with 2 Tony and 2 Emmy Awards.
John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men was published this day in 1937.
Steinbeck had a marked influence on my young life. My parents had purchased several volumes of Steinbeck’s works. For their enjoyment, not mine.
I was about 10. The books attracted me.
I would sit in a huge easy chair in the living room. A thick red dictionary at my side.
The first work I read was Of Mice and Men. Obviously I did not understand everything. One thing the book did however was to increase my vocabulary and expose me to a world I did not know. Some of which I was happy not to have experienced.
Over a period of time, I also read The Grapes of Wrath and several other Steinbeck works whose names at the moment I cannot recall.
Looking back, the reading I did probably was not uncommon. There were no television or cell phones in those days. Yes, there was radio. However radio did not particularly turn me on except for baseball.
Enjoy you day!
  Ho Ho Yogi Bear was originally published on Key West Lou
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wordywarriorwrites · 5 years
Chapter 6: Set
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Masterlist: The Boss of Brooklyn A03 Link Author: @wordywarriorwrites Summary: When it comes to being The Boss, James Buchanan “JB” Barnes rules with an iron fist. For him, there’s no room for sentiment, and certainly no time for distraction, even if it is in the form of an old flame. Steve Rogers had bowed out of the life a long time ago, but a twist of fate brings him right back into the fold, and face-to-face with a man he once loved. When a game of cat and mouse turns into a matter of life and death, both will be forced to decide whether they’ll be loyal to the business, or faithful to each other. A/N: Bucky Barnes Mob Boss AU. Stucky. For: Star’s Multi-Fandom Follower Celebration & Sherry’s Fall Into You Challenge. Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, alcohol, smoking, explicit sexual content, illegal activities. 
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Life was all about choices and consequences. Every action or inaction inevitably resulted in an outcome that could be either favorable or disastrous, yet, even with ample preparation, mistakes could be made, and unforeseen pitfalls and blind spots were often the undoing of many well-planned things.
The Families usually got what they wanted because they tended to be prepared for every eventuality, but nobody, least of all Steve, could’ve foreseen how easily something as commonplace as violence and heartbreak could unravel it all. Bucky had been the hazard right outside his peripheral, but by the time it had been acknowledged, it had been too little, too late.
Even though Bucky had made himself perfectly clear – said he didn’t care, wouldn’t leave, and didn’t want him -- Steve had been unwilling to accept it. He tried again because he’d thought if anyone on the whole fucking planet was worth the risk, it was Bucky. Steve had gone to his apartment; climbed twelve flights of stairs; used the key he’d been always been welcome to utilize before.
The grunts and moans should’ve been enough of a warning.
There had been no commitment between them, and yet, seeing Bucky with another man hadn’t just hurt him – it had decimated and eviscerated him. It had been an incomparable, unbearable agony, and at that moment, Steve lost both the will to fight for the man he loved, and the patience to deal with the Family and business he’d been embroiled and embedded in for his entire life.
He’d left the United States. Traded concrete and smog for tropical islands resorts and hot sand. For about a year, he bounced around between Seychelles, Maldives, Ko Lipe, Bali, Fiji, and Tahiti. In the depths of the ocean, in the bottoms of bottles, and in the beds of other men – that was how he’d nursed his broken heart and it had been liberating.
Even when the money ran out, Steve still considered himself rather fortunate, because he’d wound up in Bermuda – home to banks, tax-avoiding businesses, and the obscenely rich. The islands were the ultimate luxury destination for the affluent, and they were always coming and going without caution or care. Amongst the pink beaches, coral reefs, and pastel-colored mansions was where he sharpened his skills and discovered being a thief was very lucrative. From St. George Town in the east to Somerset Village in the west, along the the coastline, and on secluded beaches – he survived and thrived on the absent-mindedness and vices of others, but as with all good things, that, too, eventually came to an end.
Steve had always gotten away clean with trinkets and cash, but his luck ran out when a man named Nick Fury, who he would later learn was the head of his own crime syndicate in the West Indies, had caught him red-handed. Death seemed a likely outcome given what Steve had taken and who he’d taken it from, but Fury had surprised him. The man somehow knew exactly who he was, and instead of being gutted on the spot, Nick asked if he wanted to stop being a petty pickpocket and earn some real money.
Fury was an infamous man and his stock and trade was the exchange, purchase, and sale of information. He had the power to ruin lives for generations, which was why people simultaneously respected him and were terrified of him. On the off chance someone stepped out of line or tried to cross him, they weren’t given a second chance – they were made to disappear and never mentioned again.
The world of espionage hadn’t been wholly unfamiliar to him, but with Fury’s crew, it hadn’t taken Steve long to realize he wasn’t as well-versed in the art as he’d originally thought. They were superiorly cultured, uncompromisingly loyal, and possessed a combination of qualities and skills that allowed them to easily maneuver their way in and out of damn near everything. While Steve was no slouch and nobody could ever accuse the Families of being ill-educated or under-funded, the circles they ran in, the jobs they did, the information they got their hands on, the amount of money they played around with…
It made the Families look like a bunch of amateurs.
Trade secrets, favors, bribes, real estate, yachts, money, jewels, art, stocks – white-collar payments for white-collar crime. For four years, Steve earned both his way and his keep, and had gotten a taste of an entirely different way of living. They were bad people who did bad things, and he enjoyed it because it was familiar, and for once, the playing field was even. Equal contribution meant an equal split of the take -- there was no cause for anyone to feel slighted and nobody got greedy.
Steve hadn’t left everything he’d ever known with the intention of falling into a different life of crime, but he had, and it was probably the best thing that had ever happened to him. Fury taught him what it meant to be a true tactician, politician, enforcer, and diplomat. He learned just how powerful of a weapon his mind could be; had been whipped into the best shape of his life, both mentally and physically; was pushed to be who he was, not what anyone thought he should be; and though he’d been a stranger, Fury and his crew had taken him in, dusted him off, and shook the cobwebs out of his head. In a strange, fucked up way, they’d made him stronger and more confident.
When the job in Brooklyn had been presented to him, Steve had been more than a little taken aback. Fury had quietly expanded into the United States, but the senator he had on the hook was also in bed with the Families, which meant the man was serving and benefitting from two masters, and that couldn’t be tolerated.
Both the senator and his wife were to attend an important fundraising event, where all the city’s heaviest hitters would be gathered in one room, and the plan was to use that connection to get intel. Everything hinged on the couple being in attendance, which would allow for one of their team to easily get inside and put them down afterward, but the senator’s untimely death and the wife’s subsequent blabbing to the police had brought everything to a grinding halt.
Everyone knew about Steve’s past connections, which should have been more than enough reason not to put him in, but they were confident he could see it the rest of the way through. Steve had cautioned them; told them they’d have a fight on their hands; that the Families were not easily deterred or distracted. He’d warned them it would be bloody and messy, but in the end, they’d voted to move forward.
He’d never planned to return to Brooklyn, and every decision he’d made since the day he left was designed to take him farther and farther away from it. Yet, somehow, Steve had been brought right back to the start, and the only thing he could focus on was the finish line. The job needed to get done – no matter the cost. They were in the home stretch and the details had been finalized. The hired hands had been paid and all loose ends had been tied up.
Before readying himself for the final stage, Steve retrieved his cellphone, and made a call.
“How are things progressing?” Nick answered.
“As well as can be expected.”
“And the other matter?”
“Taken care of,” Steve replied succinctly. “She wasn’t useful.”
“Don’t get yourself into a situation you can’t walk away from,” Fury insisted. “Get the job done and get your ass back here where you belong – understood?”  
After agreeing to get in touch after he cleared customs, Fury signed off, and Steve headed to the hotel spa. The barber properly shortened his hair and trimmed his beard, but the man in the mirror reminded him too much of who he used to be, and while he didn’t much care for it, it was all part of the game.
Back up in his room, he showered, and continued to get ready. The evening’s battle dress consisted of a Burberry suit, highly-polished shoes, a vest, Glocks, a karambit, and a Ka-Bar. A notification from his phone indicated the car service he’d arranged was five minutes away, and once Steve ensured he had everything he needed for a quick getaway, he headed out.
The drive to Manhattan was a pain in the ass, not only because of traffic, but also because of the fundraiser. When Steve finally arrived at Tribeca 360, he was more than fashionably late, but still had time to get things done before his flight. The guard he’d paid off beforehand met him at the back entrance, which allowed him to bypass the metal detectors.
Glass of champagne in hand, he smoothed down his tie, and casually strolled along the outskirts of the carefully arranged tables. With a 360-degree view of the room, he was able to see downtown, historic Tribeca, and the Hudson River. Steve surveyed the auction display, where the master of ceremonies described the items up for bid, and observed most in attendance had their faces buried in their smartphones. While the bidding was being driven up, he maneuvered his way closer to the employee entrance on the north side. Another payoff, another easy entry, and he was in.
With the building’s floorplans memorized, Steve easily navigated his way through the maze of hallways until he reached the server room, and the tech who manned the area was absent as pre-arranged. After he double-checked the schematics on his phone, it was a small matter of a microchip and an activation code, and within seconds, security camera footage was erased and information was being siphoned.
Most people’s lives revolved around their phones, and now, every, single person connected to the network was feeding their personal data directly to Fury’s servers. When Steve received confirmation that the data was being transmitted, the countdown was on; the emergency exit door should’ve been propped open and the alarm deactivated, but when he reached it, it was shut, and the alarm was active. The microchip only allotted for five minutes of downtime on the cameras before they would automatically be turned back on, and he needed to get the hell out, or else risk being seen by security.
There were four other emergency exits, but he didn’t have time to check them, and that meant Steve was faced with two options: either go forward or retrace his steps. Both choices were less than desirable, but he knew if he triggered the alarm, the police would be called, and the surrounding area would most likely be shut down. Unwilling to risk being caught or hauled in for questioning, Steve made his way back, and managed to get out just before the timer on his phone indicated the cameras had gone live again.
Nearly everyone was on their feet, either drinking, dancing, or talking, which made it easier to blend in. Steve kept his head down and pretended to be focused on his phone as he weaved his way to the back entrance. Along the way, he pilfered a security badge, and used it to get through the side exit. He’d gotten a few steps away from the building and was headed toward his pick up vehicle when Bucky suddenly stepped out of an alleyway and right into his path.
Steve hesitated to reach for a weapon and was made to regret it.
A crackle and a buzz, followed by a paralyzing electric current that drove him to his knees. A sharp pinch, and then, the sting and side effects of a sedative as it was injected into his neck. He was dragged some distance before he was tossed into the trunk of an SUV, and the last thing Steve heard before he blacked out was a command that chilled him to the bone.
“Do what you want, but keep him alive,” Bucky instructed. “I want to take care of him myself.”
Chapter 7: Match
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Everything: @jennmurawski13​ @nerdy-bookworm-1998​
Steve Rogers: @patzammit @hearttoearth​ The Boss of Brooklyn: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @captain-rogers-beard​ @lilliannaansalla
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shadowsof-thenight · 5 years
Flashlight: Chapter thirteen
Story summary: This is an AU Two years ago, the love of your life walked out the door, breaking your heart into a million pieces. He had been unable to deal with his ptsd and you hadn’t been able to help him.Now that your best friend is marrying his friend, he’s coming back to town and you try to brace yourself for the reunion. Will you finally get closure?
Ship: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Warnings: mentions of ptsd, descriptions of ptsd, angst, heartbreak, reader wants to help but doesn’t understand ptsd.
Words: 2996
A/N: So, this had been a bad week for my health, but I still managed to get you a new chapter! So a win overall, I guess. I hope you’ll like it
As always the wonderful @beanstalk007 helped me with this (and all) chapters, and I am so grateful.
Feedback is greatly appreciated! And if you want to get tagged, let me know.
Masterlist                                              Story Masterlist
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Nerves were coursing through your body as you knocked on the door before you. Clenching and unclenching your fists, you tried to keep them from shaking too much. The nervousness surprised you and made you take a deep breath in order to calm yourself. You wondered why this was so difficult, there was nothing to it really. All you were doing was returning something he had lost. He’d be happy with that, wouldn’t he? After all it was a family heirloom. He’d be missing it.
It had been three days since you all came together to watch the wedding video. Three days since you had been trying to come up with a reason to visit Bucky. And finally, Natasha had come to the rescue, offering up a wonderful chance. During the clean up the day after, she had come across Bucky’s watch, the one his grandfather had gifted him at his high school graduation. And she had not been able to bring it by yet. Hopefully, he would be too happy with the return of his watch, that he wouldn’t wonder how you came in possession of it. Then again, there really wasn’t anything strange about Natasha asking you. It just felt weird because you had been searching for a reason.
And yet, as soon as he opened the door, you began to babble. Non-stop.
Soon after your initial knock, the door had opened to reveal a slightly dishevelled Bucky. Immediately you worried that perhaps he had not been alone and you were interrupting. Which had set in motion the mind less rambling, fuelled by the worry that he had in fact moved on from you. Quick to apologise, you turned to walk away again, the watch completely forgotten on the bottom of your bag.
“You’re not interrupting anything,” his voice halted your hasty retreat, his words pulling you back from the whirlwind of thoughts and emotions you had so easily fallen into. Turning back, you realised Bucky had taken a few steps into the hallway, as if to follow you. He seemed utterly confused by your reaction and you could feel your cheeks colouring with the rush of blood. You offered a pointed look and waved at his messy appearance and he chuckled as he looked down to his half buttoned shirt. Running a hand through his locks he looked back at you with a shrug.
“Right,” he said with a smile on his face, “I’ve been packing and I was looking for something,” he explained and waved his arm in the direction of his room, now visible through the open door. Compared to the state of his room, Bucky looked rather put together.
“Shit,” you exclaimed and began rummaging through your bag, “That’s why I’m here.” You pulled out the watch and held it out to him, mentally slapping yourself for almost forgetting the entire reason you had come by.
“Are you leaving?” You asked, nervously gnawing on your bottom lip, as he happily took the timepiece from your outstretched hand. He shook his head and invited you inside for some tea.
Putting on the kettle, Bucky explained that he had received a call the day before from Wanda’s brother, Pietro. Through Wanda, Pietro had heard that Bucky was looking for a more permanent place to stay, just as his roommate got engaged and was moving out. Sipping your tea, you listened intently, finally able to relax again and silence the worry in your head.
“Need a hand with the moving?” You finally asked as he finished his explanation.
“Thanks, but I’m sure I can manage the two cases I own,” he chuckled and you smiled, realising that he obviously thought you had thrown all his stuff out after he left. It was probably time to inform him that you hadn’t. Wondering just how that slipped your mind before.
“True, but maybe it would be good to have help with everything that’s in storage,” you countered, smiling again when he regarded you with confusion written all over his face.
“I kept hoping you’d come back,” You confessed with a blush, “Though, truth be told, I am not responsible for all that’s in it.” You explained, while rummaging through your bag once more and getting a key out. Handing it to him, you gave him the address to the storage unit.
“Who else is responsible?” He wondered and you explained that when his parents had sold their house, his mother had added boxes to it. You could only imagine the wonderful things that had still been at their home by that point. His childhood bed, his old posters and who knew what else. Winnifred Barnes wasn’t one to throw things out and you hadn’t had the heart to do it for her.
“So I might finally get my action man back,” Bucky joked.
“I think that might not have been in your house to begin with,” his joke had prompted your confession and he barked out a laugh that you could only match. So many fights had been fought over that doll when the two of you had been kids. Many threats that neither one would play with the other ever again had been spoken, only to be forgotten the following day.
“So you did steal it!” Bucky accused, laughter still clear in his voice.
“Barbie needed a man,” you defended your six year old self with a bright smile.
“You had Ken!” Bucky exclaimed, trying to keep a serious face and failing miserably.
“Ken wasn’t as cool” you shrugged simply and Bucky just shook his head as he placed his now empty mug back on the desk next to him. He sat down next to you on the bed and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he whispered and kissed your temple. Words evaded you right then and all you could do was lean in to him and hum in agreement. It felt so good to have him back in your life. After all he had been your friend years before he was ever your boyfriend.
Two days later, you and Bucky made your way to the storage unit, ready to search through the boxes to figure out which he would want to bring to his new place. To the best of your recollection, there had been about 15 boxes in there, but his mother also had a key and as soon as the door opened it was clear she had made good use of that. Shocked, the two of you looked at the racks that lined the walls and were full of boxes, while the stacks on the floor completely hid the cement look that it had. With just one look, you decided this was not a two man job.
Pulling out your phone, you quickly opened the group app that Bucky had recently been added to again and sent out an sos to the rest. In it, you quickly explained the situation and added a picture of the storage unit to fill in the blanks and convince them of your plight. You already knew Wanda was out of town for a family weekend, and this last minute it would only be logical that others had plans as well. Still, you took a chance to ask.
Maria and Sam quickly replied that they too were out and unable to be back in time, though they were happy to help moving him in the following weekend. And not even thirty minutes later Steve, Natasha and Clint pulled up in the parking lot, laughing loudly at the sight before them. Bucky was lazily searching through a box filled with his childhood toys, happily rediscovering it all. While you stood next to him, slightly exasperated and wondering just how you would get through all these boxes in a timely fashion.
“Okay,” Steve began as the laughter subsided, “Three different stacks; one to bring back home, one to throw away and one stack for things you want to keep here,” true to his nature, Steve formed a clear plan for everyone to follow.
“Sure, but how do we make those decisions?” You wondered out loud, giving Bucky a pointed look. If he took as long with every single box as he had with the first one, the day would not be long enough.
“I’ll help him sort through everything,” Natasha offered and you smiled, knowing you could trust Nat to speed up the process exponentially. Natasha never had any qualms about throwing things out. She was always rather practical about it. Which was why the apartment she and Clint shared was always pristine. There was never any clutter.
“Steve and Y/n will get you the boxes, sort them by whatever is in them and I’ll help until there is a load to take to the trash,” Clint joined in and with the agreement of everyone, the three of you set out to make the first stacks. Soon the space was filled with talking, laughter and banter, teasing and reminiscing.
At some point Natasha had asked Bucky how he was paying for everything and he explained that he had been living on his savings the past few weeks, but thanks to Sam, he would soon begin a new job. The job was at the veteran centre that Sam worked at and would be mostly administrative, not something Bucky had done before but he was perfectly okay with that. Natasha even opted that perhaps at some point in the future, Bucky could help others with his experience and Bucky blushed, telling her he wasn’t ready for that just yet. They all agreed that Bucky would be a catch for the other veterans and were happy that Sam had given him a heads up about the vacancy.
Bucky went on to tell them that the interview process had been absolutely nerve-wracking. Though it had been a good experience and he didn’t need to explain his trauma, or his arm. They had only asked him about his relevant past jobs and his work for the army in broad strokes. There had been zero pressure to talk about anything he didn’t want to share. You were happy that he had such a positive experience. Seemed like life was looking up for him.
After a while, you began to notice that Steve repeatedly checked his watch and finally you asked him why. He was reluctant to speak, though the blush on his cheeks told you plenty already. After some light teasing from Clint, he finally confessed that he had a date that evening and would have to leave by 16.30 at the latest. Clint was quick to add that Steve would not just be going on any date, but a second date. Clint’s smirk told you that he had been sitting on this piece of information for a while and had been dying to share.
“So the first one was a success then, what’s her name?” You asked with a smile, genuinely happy for your friend.
“Sharon,” his hand was scratching the back of his neck and his eyes trained on his feet, the small blush on his cheeks extended to his neck now. Bucky gently smacked his shoulder with a smile and both you and Natasha gushed over his reaction.
“We’ll see where this goes,” Steve said, trying to tone down the excitement of his friends a little. His last few dates had not been very successful and you understood his hesitation. Walking past him, you squeezed his hand and grabbed a new box, ready for the conversation to be steered away from him. Finally you called everyone back to work, since Steve only had a little more than an hour to go. This seemed to work for a moment or two, until Clint suddenly started laughing softly. You knew right then and there that his favourite pastime was about to commence. Teasing.
“Remember when he was dating Lisa?” Clint’s shoulders were shaking with the contained laughter as he spoke those words.
Steve scoffed and tried to offer his friend a stern look, though the corners of his mouth were twitching. You and Natasha could not help but break out laughing as you thought back to the poor girl. Lisa had been so overwhelmed by the friendships in their group and the shared history that was between them. Instead of embracing his friends, she had become insecure. Especially Steve’s relationship with other women was a sore subject for Lisa and she had quickly gotten a little petty over it. It had been years since Lisa had left their life and everyone laughed about it now, but at the time the mere mention of her name was enough to sour the mood.
“Or his little fling with Maria?” Natasha added laughing, bringing them all the way back to their high school years, when the two friends had thought there was more to their relationship. It had not been pretty.
“I was certain they’d kill each other before the year was over,” Bucky chuckled, as he closed another box and Natasha placed it on the pile that Bucky would be taking with him to his new place.
As much as Maria and Steve loved each other, then and now, there was no room for two captains in one relationship. Something had to give. Luckily, they had been able to figure that out before their friendship had been damaged beyond repair.
“Or Sabine?” Clint added fuel to the fire, teasingly winking at Steve.
“Do we have to go through all of them?” Steve asked with a whine, causing everyone to laugh.
“No, we don’t,” Natasha said, taking pity on Steve, “We can talk about Natalia instead,” she added with a wink and Steve laughed loudly, while Clint’s face fell at the mention of his ex-girlfriend.
“Now, that girl was a trip,” Bucky jumped in, his loud laughter joining that of the others.  
Natalia had been a daredevil, ready to take everyone along on her destructive path with her. She had been impulsive and a little crazy, though there were some good memories there. At least for the group. Clint didn’t remember her quite as fondly and when he tried to break it off, she had exploded on him. Apparently, three months was enough for her to bank all her future plans on him and she did not take kindly to him walking away.
“It’s a wonder we didn’t give up on love all together,” Natasha joked, opening another box. Everyone chuckled in agreement. They sure had some wild experiences in their combined past. Although your personal dating life had always been rather consistent. Before Bucky, there had been two guys you had kissed. But other than that, it was very uneventful. Not until Bucky’s accident and the subsequent break up.
“But look where we ended up,” Clint finally said in a sickeningly sweet voice, walking closer to Natasha. She batted her eyes at him, pretending to swoon.
“Be still, my heart,” she whispered dramatically and allowed herself to fall forward into the arms of her husband. You laughed loudly at their antics and shook your head as you climbed on an old discarded chair to reach the boxes on higher shelves.
“I just hope she’s nice, Steve” Natasha added with a smile as she stood straight again and everyone jumped in to agree with her. Steve smiled thankfully and the conversation finally truly steered away from his love life. Natasha put Clint to work and he began loading the first stack of boxes that were to be thrown out, in the trunk of your car.
As you grabbed a box from the highest shelf, the chair beneath your feet wobbled and an unattractive yelp escaped you. With the box in hand, raised a little above your head, all you could do was to try and keep your balance. Naturally, if you hadn’t been so scared to fall, you would have thought of putting the box down. Unfortunately that kind of thinking was lost to you.
Luckily, before worry could fully take a hold of you, two hands were placed firmly on your waist to steady you. The sudden chill on one side told you it was Bucky even before you could look down. Your stomach flipped as you glanced passed the box and looked at his smiling face, barely hearing him as he spoke; ‘I got you’.
Reaching over Bucky’s head, Steve took the box from your hands and now free of the weight of it you place your hands on Bucky’s shoulders. Carefully, you stepped down from the still unstable chair. He didn’t let go of your waist, nor did he step back and the close proximity quickly fogged up your brain.
Caught in the moment, you stared deeply into his eyes, feeling Bucky’s arms shift and his hands landing in the small of your back. He kept staring at you with that beautiful smile playing on his lips, his eyes shifting from your eyes to your lips and back. Your breath hitched in your throat and your heart was hammering in your chest.The air between you was thick with tension as you licked your lips, his head was moving closer and you were certain he was going to kiss you.
And that was the exact moment a loud crash broke the electricity that had been building in the short time that his hands had been on you. Shocked, you whipped your head to the left, towards the origin of the sound and found Natasha holding a box that was missing its bottom and its content. The grimace of her face told you that she knew exactly what she had interrupted. With a sigh, you turned back to Bucky, who was still standing close. And though his eyes were still boring into yours, he had now removed his hands from your body. The magic had been broken, the moment had passed.
Chapter fourteen
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End Game [Chapter Four] Flip of a Coin [Levi Ackerman]
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“Honesty … that’s all I want; the truth. Each one of you lied to me, and I have the right to know why.” Camilla was fuming, barely able to keep herself still. Her leg bounced like a float on top of the water as she waited for a reply, looking between the powers that be.
A week’s time had passed since she talked with Yeager; a week it took for Erwin to return, bringing with him a handful of new recruits. Taking everything Camilla had to keep calm and not blow up at Hange – who stood in charge – she wasted her time, holed up in the castle library. Her effort had been pointless, and the more she stewed in her anger, the more furious she had become.
A week I waited, and none of them have a damn thing to say. Her finger tapped irritably on top of the table. “Don’t everyone speak at once,” she growled.
Erwin was the first to speak, clearing his throat before he did so. “I made the decision to keep certain information from you until I was sure we’d have the manpower to proceed.” His expression was calm and collected, but his icy eyes were full of irritation. “Also … I understand you are upset, but raising your voice won’t reduce the tension you are feeling. Ask your questions, but please remember that we have no obligation to answer them.”
Very well. Camilla took a deep breath, releasing it quickly a minute later. This didn’t make her feel much better, but he was right. Had she continued to argue, Erwin would have been unable to explain. She knew how difficult she could be when she was angry – Levi termed her a brat. Ask only what you need to. Taking another breath, she gave Erwin a kindly expression. “Please … why am I here?”
“To save humanity,” Erwin stated. She almost knew he’d say this. But, he surprised her by elaborating. “Hange is on to something; Eren is the key to everything we’ve been searching for. Imagine being able to finally understand what the Dolls are and how the Titan strain came to be. You out of everyone should appreciate the relevance of this.”
She did; Camilla wanted nothing more than to save the lives of everyone within the walls. Getting back onto the field was another story. She wasn’t ready. Too many people had been lost on her dream; too many sacrifices she wasn’t ready to burden. “Erwin I do, but not like this. I don’t even know what you’re getting me into. Selling me this same pitch isn’t going to change my opinion.” She didn’t want back out there, beyond the walls – plain and simple.
“Show her the papers, Erwin. Settling with her isn’t going to work,” Levi interrupted.
What papers? The curious woman tore her brief gaze away from her husband and watched as Erwin slid her a stack of hand written papers. Before she even began to read them, she took notice of the names scrawled at the bottom of the first page. The MP commander, Nile Dok was one of them – her recent senior officer. Erwin was another, and the last belonged to the man who directed the three branches, Darius Zackly. Her heart sped up a bit. This can’t be good, if he’s involved. Camilla read over the papers, aware that the others were waiting for her.
What she made out didn’t sit agreeably with her. This can’t be true. Camilla shook her head in annoyance and slumped back in her chair, trying to process everything she read.
Levi was next to speak. “I asked Erwin to reinstate you and that imbecile in the interior signed you over without so much as a fight. All he needed was a signature from Zackly and once Erwin explained the situation, he got it. Give yourself a slap on the back, you’re a scout again.”
“It was the only way,” Hange followed up. She gently smiled, but knowing Camilla, the woman was not happy.
The irritated woman bit her tongue, attempting to keep her anger in check. She stared at the papers with uninterest. “So what then? You got me back. What do you expect of me, Commander?”
“Take back your position as Captain of the Medical Team; that’s what I expect. There will be a brief period between now and the time of the next expedition, where Levi and Mike will be training the new recruits. Take that time to get to know your team – organize them into units. They will know about you before the end of the day,” Erwin explained.
Camilla bobbed in agreement. “It might do me some good to have a combat refresher, if you intend for me to return to the field.” There was nothing she could do about it. She was stuck, and instead of going out there rusty, Camilla would rather have a few sessions under her belt.
“Hange can help you settle.” With a nod from the Squad Leader, Erwin set his attention back on Camilla. “Feel free to ask questions, if you have any. This will be the last time we meet before the expedition.”
I don’t count on them to answer me, considering the fact they lied to me just recently, but I have to see. Thinking over her options, Camilla realized that she had a few issues she’d like to shine a light on. “It’s come to my attention that Eren can regenerate. The bite on his hand is nothing more than a scar now. Can you elaborate how that’s even possible?”
Hange shook her head. “We have no clue, actually. His body is almost like that of Dolls; it can heal at rapid speed. The first time we even noticed it, was after his trial. Levi knocked a tooth out of his mouth and later on a new tooth grew in it’s place – it was so cool. I assumed that he could easily do it again, but we’ve had a few set backs since then. One of them being that he can’t become a Flesh Doll again, no matter the situation.” She whined loudly, squirming in her seat. “I want to see it.”
“He … turned again. When did this happen?” Camilla was eager to hear. The report hadn’t mentioned this. She thought it was impossible, given that Eren was already immune. But maybe he isn’t. Not completely sure, Camilla felt irritated with herself. All this is too much to understand.
“It happened in Trost, before we arrived.” Erwin didn’t know much about it, apart from what Dot Pixis had told him. “Eren once again turned into a Doll – unstable at first – and helped clear out the district as Garrison soldiers patched the breach in Wall Rose. He hasn’t been able to do it since, like Hange said, but we are doing out best to figure out why.”
“The best part,” Hange added. “Is that Eren is capable of rational thought while he’s a Doll. He took orders, and once we figure out how to do it again, he can help us take back Wall Maria.”
“If the brat can do it again,” Levi grunted.
Camilla missed his comment, stuck in her own thoughts. She understood the reasoning behind the experiments, and the idea that Eren could be an asset. However, too much was riding on him. Even if he could become a Doll, there was no guarantee that he could stay one for long. I’m thinking too much into all this. I just want to find a cure, nothing more. She sighed gently, accepting her role. “Shiganshina – you’re riding on this. Yet it’s a long way from here. I saw the chart and put it together; only one base has been set up, but if you’re sure we can do this … I’m with you.”
Hange cheered loudly. “This is going to be like old times again.” She bounced happily in her seat – Camilla smiled.
A big hand on her shoulder brought her attention over to Erwin, who just until now Camilla realized was standing, beaming at her. “Trust us. I will have a uniform delivered to Levi’s room. Until then, I hope you will take this time to relax, get back into the swing of how we do things around here.”
“Yes, sir. I’m sure my training will go smoothly.” Frankly, she wasn’t sure it would. Camilla was determined to make the best out of it, however.
Erwin bobbed his head. “Good to hear.” Ending the meeting, he excused himself and left the room.
Camilla did the same, but hastily. She went to Levi’s room, needing to grab a fresh set of clothing from her travel case, but it wasn’t where she had last placed it; near the wash stand, out of his way. Searching the room for it, she came up short handed. Her obsessive husband must have recently cleaned up and put it away. Therefore she checked the wardrobe. Inside was her case, but her clothes were missing. Camilla let out a growl of annoyance. With no other option, she slumped down onto the loveseat and waited for Levi to return.
The minute he did – what felt like hours to Camilla – she crossed her arms and watched him lock the door, then move over to his desk without so much as a look. She huffed a sigh, knowing she’d have to start the conversation if she wanted to freshen up. “I can’t find my clothes. Did you put them somewhere?”
“I had a team member of mine take them to be washed,” he answered, curling his nose in disgust. “They stank like shit and was making my room dirty.”
Camilla felt her face heat up. “Levi … my underwear was in that case.”
“Petra took them; she’s a woman too. Nothing you have she hasn’t seen.” His eyes narrowed at her. Levi wasn’t dumb enough to let just anyone wash her clothing. The thought of another man touching her underclothes made him feel sick.
That girl who follows him around like a pup? Camilla rolled her eyes. Of course he’d ask her to. He could have asked Hange to do them, someone I trust. The resentment was back. It felt strange for her to feel so upset at another woman, especially one she barely knew. Yet, she couldn’t help it. The feeling was new, but natural to her. She pushed it aside for now. “I need a change of clothes, or else you’re going to be smelling a lot more of me.”
Again Levi curled his nose is disgust. “There are shirts in the wardrobe and underwear in the dresser. Put on my clothes until someone brings you a uniform.”
Silently she did as told. Camilla was in no position to argue. She put on a single colored button down and briefs that left nothing to the imagination. Her short husband was not the least bit fashionable and being an inch taller than him she found his clothing to be uncomfortable. This will have to do, regrettably. Camilla gathered her dirty clothes and shut the wardrobe doors with a loud click. “Anyplace you want me to put these?”
“Loveseat; folded neatly.” I’ll be damned if I let her turn this room into a pigsty after I cleaned it. The thought made Levi feel unwell, however once Camilla ambled over to the bottom of the bed and turned her back to him, folding her clothes, he couldn’t help but to stare; recent thought lost. Full, tan legs were exposed to him. Feeling uncomfortable and a bit embarrassed, Levi shut his eyes and squeezed the bridge of his nose hard. He was sexually frustrated, no reason to deny it.
His wife’s gentle sigh helped compose him, bringing his attention back to her. She was slumped down on the loveseat, lap covered with a throw blanket he laid out for her since she refused to take his bed – not like Levi used it himself. In truth, Camilla hadn’t been in the room much since her first night; she took up residence in the library. He found out from Hange that she had been staying there only to give him space, in addition to being upset with him. Levi understood, but it was his obligation to follow orders and as much as he wanted to tell her the truth, she was not someone who easily accepted fact over feeling. Frankly, it grated his nerves. Levi agreed that space was easier for them, but it made small talk uncomfortable after that. Mainly because he never knew what to say.
However, to his relief, Camilla was also someone who couldn’t tolerate silence for very long. She chuckled to herself and met his fixed gaze. “I was generally surprised to see how far you’d go to bring me back, trapping me like you did. But … had you just come to me in the first place … I think maybe I would have willing followed you. Guess I shouldn’t have hoped for something I knew wouldn’t happen.” Levi could visibly see the tears in her soft eyes. She’s an emotional brat. Is probably the most unwavering woman I know when it comes to her aspiration, but her moods are like the flip of a coin; always changing. Again, he didn’t know what to say and let her continue.
“Like it or not, I am mad at you; Hange and Erwin too, but I realize now why you all did it. There is no future inside these walls. Knowing what I do there would be no easy life for me, nervous and afraid. What I want to sa–”
“Don’t,” Levi interrupted. “You will come to regret it, saying it now. Focus on surviving first; save humanity, prove me wrong. I honestly don’t care either way, as long as you don’t disappoint yourself.” Later, if you should feel like thanking me, then do, but know that you will be content with the outcome.
Camilla gently smiled, wiping away the tears from the corner of her eyes. “No regrets … right?”
“Not even an iota of shit given,” Levi stated. It’s hard, but it also makes living in this hell a lot easier to bear.
By lunch the following afternoon, Camilla was set up with a clean, hot-pressed uniform and knee high boots – annoying straps included. Wearing yet another button down from Levi’s wardrobe, she went to the mess hall for some food, having nothing else to do. I am supposed to be training, but Hange can’t pull her nose out of Eren’s butt long enough to help me, she retold herself. What am I to do? Hiding in her room was beginning to bore her, and while Levi was a source of companionship, he wasn’t exactly the most enjoyable person to hold a conversation with. Get out of the room, he says. Stop being a lazy brat. Camilla rolled her eyes up. She was certain Erwin told her to relax; the level of stress that man brought her.
With a groan, she walked into the mess hall, surprised to see that it wasn’t loaded down with soldiers. A few were situated here and there, but not as she had expected. Levi wasn’t amongst them, but neither was his team; probably still out on the field. Camilla recalled him saying that he was knee deep in new recruits, having to baby sit them while Mike was busy – she didn’t ask why. Grabbing a tray, the cadet in the kitchen greeted her and filled up a bowl with freshly cooked potato soup. Camilla took it with a nod and went to sit at a bench near the door, ready to revel in the silence of the near vacant mess hall. But, the moment she took a seat, another group enclosed her.
“Captain,” a bright eyed woman spoke, balancing her tray as she went into a salute. The others imitated her, Camilla noted. “I apologize for interrupting your lunch, but we were hoping to join you. Is it alright if we sit down?”
Camilla felt her skin heat up, but nodded regardless of her sudden embarrassment. She watched as each of them sat; one at both her sides and two across the table. Spotting the insignia around their right arm – a red cross – she gathered that they were all members of her team. Better now then never, I guess. Most awkward greeting I’ve ever been given. She huffed a sigh.
“I’m Michella Henderson,” the one who sat on her right said while a smile. She was the same hazel eyed woman who greeted Camilla a moment ago. “Your second in command … it’s a long story.”
A man with spiky black hair laughed, shoving a spoon full of soup into his mouth. “We have time, unless you’re too ashamed to tell her.”
Michella visibly tensed up. “She doesn’t want to hear that, so not a word. Also, I am your senior officer, so you’d best toe the line. And … you’re being rude to our new Captain. We came over here to introduce ourselves, or have you forgotten?”
Raising a curious brow, Camilla looked between the two, opting to not raise the issue. She very well could, but seeing as it wasn’t her business she kept quiet. At any rate, she was enjoying the way Michella dealt with him. It was obvious to Camilla that her team was close; he spoke to Michella like she was someone he trusted, despite the woman’s inability to be stern. Meeting his eyes, the male blushed and dropped his shoulders.
“Please overlook my rudeness. My name is Brendon Tremaine. It’s a pleasure, ma’am.”
“No harm done,” Camilla admitted. “But lets bury the hatchet. Unless it’s relevant to this meeting, then I don’t need to know.”
Michella shook her head and smiled. “No ma’am. It’s not.”
“Very well. Carry on.” The Captain glanced at the nervous looking teen beside Brendon, who until now was staring at her bowl with uncertainty.
Once she noticed her Captain was looking, she quickly saluted again. Fresh out of the Training Corps, she was afraid that she had upset the senior officer. “Cadet Katrin Felde, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Did Keith Shadis train you?”
Katrin bobbed in agreement. “Yes, ma’am. Ludo and I graduated together.”
The male sitting to the left of Camilla raised his hand to call attention to himself. He wasn’t as timid, but a sense of alarm could be seen in his icy eyes. “I’m Ludo … Ludo Bergt.” He felt appreciated when his Captain nodded in acknowledgement.
“He’s a good man; very intimidating though.” Camilla had to suppress a laugh. Keith didn’t oversee her training, but for twelve years he was her Commander. She hated to admit it, but he scared her.
Clearing her throat, Camilla added respectfully, “I appreciate you all coming over to meet me; it’s a pleasure. I wasn’t going to do introductions until mass tomorrow, considering the number of members in the unit, but it would be rude of me not. My name is Camilla Ackerman and I am going to your new Captain, starting tomorrow.”
Brendon nearly choked on his soup. “Ackerman … like the SO leader?”
“I’m his wife. And no, I’m not as impolite, but I do expect your best while you’re on my squad. Friendships are important, but beyond the walls I insist that we keep focused. There are a lot of people depending on us to watch their backs.” Switching off the boss persona, Camilla laughed and picked up her spoon. “With that aside, let’s eat before our soup gets cold.” Everyone followed suit.
“I’ll second that,” Brendon stated, swallowing down the rest of the broth.
Michella rolled her eyes. “I swear. One of these days you’re going to choke. Take it easy.”
Almost like her words held some power over him, Brendon sputtered, coughing as the liquid went down the wrong pipe, burning his throat. Katrin rubbed his back while he choked, asking Ludo to grab some linens and clean up the mess. This brought a smile to Camilla, who tried not to laugh. She was fond of them, something honestly she didn’t want to feel. It was too soon; too late to change her mind. She let herself laugh along with Michella, until someone urgently shouted her name.
Moblit sprinted up the Captain’s table, not really sure what had transpired before he came barging into the mess hall, but with no time to ask, he saluted and motioned for her to get up, aware that he was being disrespectful to her. “Please … follow me. Eren is in trouble.” He wanted to quickly get back to his own Squad Leader before she did something to endanger herself. Fortunately, Camilla was quick to act. She barked orders to her team, even as she followed him, bringing with her the Vice and a cadet with blue eyes.
Following Moblit to the yard where she had met Eren the previous week, Camilla saw a small number of soldiers off to the side. Some of them were in shock; others had their weapons drawn, but all of them were focused on something further ahead. Aside from a thick fog, the curious woman couldn’t see anything.
Yet, she heard it; rattled shouting. Noises that got louder the further she progressed.
“Captain Ackerman … what do you think happened?” Ludo was staring at her with fear in his eyes.
Camilla didn’t know how to answer. She wasn’t sure herself. It seemed like a steam pipe had busted and engulfed the field with tendrils of white smoke, but she knew that couldn’t be the fact. “Stay alert. An explanation would be nice though.”
“It’s hard to say, Captain. You should probably just see for yourself.” Thinking his explanation would not ease her worry, Moblit escorted Camilla to the source. His Squad Leader was still there, trying to test the new data she collected. Moblit rolled his eyes, hoping to convince her to move aside, before she got reckless. “Squad Leader, I brought Captain Ackerman.”
Hange turned and leaped with a shout. “There you are. Look at it. Isn’t it amazing, Camilla.” She pointed at the teen behind her, but Camilla was already staring in awe at what she saw.
In some way, Eren had shifted into a Flesh Doll.
Just his right arm, in fact. Luckily the smoke had thinned out so Camilla could see. She noticed Levi in front of the teen, guarding him from the others – his team mostly. Each of the SO unit had drawn their weapons and surrounded Eren, who was on his knees, clawing at the steaming flesh of his arm. He looked frightened and in so much pain.
“Eren … darling. Are you in control?” Camilla moved forward and stood beside Levi. She cautiously bent to her knees and inched as close to Eren as the steam would allow her to. Her skin was hot and began to sweat, but she remained near him.
“Not yet,” he answered with a groan.
Camilla panted. The heat was exhausting her. She tried to usher him along. “Focus; you can do it. I heard about the incident in Trost, but I know you learned from it. You won’t go wild, because you can switch it on and off.”
Making an effort, Eren tried to recall the words that Armin said him that day. Without him, it was hazy, but he could vaguely remember the promise they made. He focused on this, and for a moment, the pain resided. But just as quickly it returned. A swift, burning throb ripped through him, making Eren cry out in pain. It was nothing like the first time it had happened.
Until now, the infection was not visible. But in a matter of seconds it had spread up the length of Eren’s arm, reaching out like tiny, dark tendrils. Camilla saw and grimaced.
“You need to give me better results, Eren. There’s no time for this.” The woman couldn’t restrain her impatience. She glanced back and noticed that Petra was closer, ready to cut the teen down if he so much as bared his teeth at them. Biting her tongue between her teeth, she felt the gravity of the situation weigh down on her. Eren was as good as dead if she couldn’t talk him through it. Camilla tried a more forward approach, reaching out to lay a hand on his cheek. “Listen to me. You’re nervous, I know. Me too … my hands are shaking, but I do trust you. Show me that you trust me too.”
Eren widened his eyes in alarm. She was indeed shaking; he could feel it. No doubt, she had faith in him. He leaned his face into her palm and shut his eyes tight. It hurts … everything hurts. But I have to try. So much is riding on me to do this. The strength in him faded and he let himself tumble over into her sweat drenched arms.
“Captain,” Michella cried. She regretted not wearing her gear. “Please move away from him.”
“It’s fine; I’m fine.” Levi has me. She glanced over Eren’s head and noticed the blade pressed against his neck. Her possessive husband was glaring at the teen as if to dare him into taking a chunk out of her. Camilla knew Eren would be dead before he could open his mouth, and curled her arm around his back to assure him that it was merely the way Levi was. She curbed her need to smile and glanced down behind Eren to were his infected arm rested, noticing that it was back to normal.
Levi noticed it too and removed his blade. “Consider yourself lucky. You get to keep your head.” He grabbed the collar of Eren’s short, beige coat and removed him from the arms of his reckless wife, tossing him onto his back.
“Not too rough, shorty. He’s still capable of shifting back into a Doll until his injuries are healed,” Hange mentioned, a bit disappointed to see his arm restore itself before she got the chance to test it.
If he doesn’t want to lose that arm he won’t. Levi rolled his eyes and put away his blade, keeping his hand on the hilt just in case.
“That was extreme. You didn’t need to knock the wind out of him,” Camilla furthered. She stood with a grunt and dusted off her white pants.
Levi grunted, “Extreme … you and I need to have a word.” He shot a look at Eren, who had been watching the exchange with tired eyes. “You’re done for the day. Head back to your room.”
“Let me send one of my own with him. I need to have someone look him over,” Camilla suggested. She grinned as Levi agreed, waving over Michella. The brown haired woman did as ordered – a relief to the Captain – and helped Eren up, staggering back to the castle. She was proud of her, even though she witnessed Eren almost turn into a Doll and attack them.
However, that feeling was short lived as Levi softly grabbed her jaw and brought her attention back to him, directing her head to the side as he looked her over. Once he was content, he shot her a look of annoyance. “Cautious is the word you meant to say. Reckless … is what you were being.”
“It worked out,” Camilla said with a sigh. “But yeah … reckless … I know.” She puckered her brow. Her feeling was simply that – a feeling. She honestly didn’t think it would calm Eren down, but somehow it did. Maybe a trigger word. I’m not sure. Again she huffed a sigh, looking away from Levi’s harsh stare. “I wasn’t using my head. Would you … have honestly done it differently?”
“I would have cut him down,” Levi responded blatantly. He pulled her gaze back to him, narrowing his eyes. “He’d be missing a head if he had changed and harmed you.”
Visibly a blush warmed her face, and before she could reply, Levi continued. His fingers gripped her jaw firmer. “But … I went with my gut and watched you risk your life on that brat. It pissed me off, so before you jeopardize the mission again, try to remember that I’m a selfish man. I will shut this shit down before I let you go.”
I love you. Camilla bobbed her head, covering her eyes with his wrist. Fresh, warm tears leaked down her face.
Levi remained silent and let her cry.
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fmlfpl · 6 years
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Lineup Lamentations - GW29 - Alon Wildcard Edition
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s for the week.
LATE AS FUCK ALON ON WILDCARD EDITION... hopefully still interesting to read even if it’s this late. What do you think of Alon’s team???
OUT: Patrício and Jiménez
IN: Heaton and Callum Wilson
Operation fuck Wolves off to hell begins a week earlier than I had anticipated. Of course Rui is dropped because why wouldn't he be dropped the gobshite. I don't have enough in the bank to get any GK except for Boruc which feels like a potential disaster waiting to happen. Bego was bad but they've been bad lately so who knows if he keeps his place over the next handful of fixtures. Not a place I want to be... I don't really care about losing Jim this weekend since they are shit and I hate him. Getting rid of guys I hate to guys I don't hate will at least make me feel happy...I think. Gambling on Howe the liar here a bit, but I'll be benching Callum this weekend anyway and will just hope that he's on the bench which would position him well to start next GW at Huddy. This effectively kills any plan to get Higz in but so be it. I think this is my best play.
Heaton (CRY)
NOT RUI!!!!! YES! Tom unfortunately goes against my team but it's still a relatively decent on paper home fixture and they have had great underlying defensive stats since he came back into the team. And I love him. Go on Tom you beauty.
Robertson (eve)
Robbo the hero is an easy start. Not much to say about the boy.
Lascelles (whu)
Jamaal has a bit of a tricky one away to Wet Spam but not really going to overthink it and roll him out while they are on song.
Wan-Bissaka (bur)
Finally, 1b is back baby and straight into my XI. Not a great fixture but fucking fuck me if you think I'm starting Bennett instead of him. Not going to happen ever again.
Salah & Mané (eve)
All my money still in mid on display this weekend. Mo and Mane remain and it's silly to expect anything other than Livp completely doing Everton on Sunday. Maybe they will score 5 and Mo won't blank. Would be novel.
Son (ARS)
Private corporal Suon is a lad I will remain patient with. Don't know what to expect in the NLD but he's still a quality player and can bang in any game. Not expecting a ton but he still feels fine.
Pogba (SOU)
Paul has a home banker and should be good for some points.
Sterling (bou)
Finally, Raz goes to his favorite place on earth, Bournemouth in what should be a bloodbath. Raz has low key started 1 game in the last 4 gameweeks so...he owes us.
Rondón (whu) & Barnes (CRY)
Running out big Sal and Smashley this weekend. Was originally planning to bench Barnes for Jim but the transfers forced my hand. Not expecting loads from these two this weekend but the fixtures aren't diabolical so who knows. Seems fine.
Bennett (CAR)
Wilson (mci)
Chambo (lol)
Sterling (bou)
Raz obv. Rested and ready to fuck. Go get 'em Razzybaby.
Heaton (CRY)
I went with Tom... Was on Alisson for a lot of tinkering, was on Ederson for a bit of tinkering, and eventually it came down to Dubravka and Boruc vs. Tom and Guaita and I went with the latter.. the fixtures in my opinion and underlying stats for Burnley (Burnley 4th in NPxGA since Heaton returned and Newc are for 15th in same period), are both a lot better then Newcastle, and Burnley 100% don’t blank in GW33 like Dubravka might do... Also I love the synergy with Guaita where A. I will bench Tom in GW30 when he goes to Anfield and Guaita is home to Brighton in their derby, and B. if Palace beat Watford in the cup then Palace will have a double in GW35 and that will be nice for me to have a doubling GK without having to make a transfer for it!
For this week Palace have been buozzin around a bit scoring some goals with Bats in and Wilf back to his old ways but I’m hoping at home Burnley can maybe do a job or at least rack up saves.
Trent & Matip (eve)
Made sure that I was at least doubling up Liverpool defense and here we are now, entertain us... I don’t think that Trent needs any sort of WC explaining at all so skipping the scouse legend and onto the very under the radar Matip... Very quietly Matip has started 6 straight in the league (more if you include other comps) and is looking good in a partnership with VVD. He’s even looking dangerous on some set plays and some runs forward (like that dribble vs. Man. United)!... As for Gomez Klopp said the earliest he would come back is after the intl. break which would be GW32 when I’m FHing anyway, and Lovren should be back to training after this GW but I do not think that Matip will just straight up get dropped for no reason to go back to Lovren with this long of a spell out for Lovern and in for Joel... If I do need to get rid of Joel in GW33 or GW34 or GW35 then I will either go to the Liverpool CB who took his place or I will go to a defender who doubles in GW35 and both of those things are very easy to do.
Love the Joel pick and can’t wait for him to score vs. Everton to really hammer home how good a pick he is. Double Liv defensively every week is fantastic and in the derby it’s no different.
Luiz (ful)
This spot (let’s be honest, every spot) was also back and forth between different guys... A little Chilwell a little bit of this a little bit of that I don’t know... Settled on Luiz who we shouted on pod as simply just a really good pick for the rest of the season. In GW34 Chelsea are at Anfield and in GW36 they are at Old Trafford and every other match (and they don’t blank) is a good cleanable fixture. Luiz is a very solid pick and I’m happy to be on board there.
This week they get to go fuck Fulham sideways... Maybe new manager bounce will Fulham dudes titting and totting at Craven Cottage but meh, if Chelsea can just pay attention for 90′ they should keep an easy clean and destroy Fulham.
Lejeune (whu)
And Lejeune one of four dudes to actually stay in my team from the pre-wildcard lineup and that’s because he does a great job and has pretty decent fixtures and might not blank in GW33, does not blank in GW31.
Not the best of fixtures this week away to Hammers but they are still pretty damn injured and they are a bit outta form, West Ham... I’m hoping Newc can keep their good defensive form up and put in another cleanie. I’m starting Lejeune over Brooks (who may not start and has City) so hopefully it pays off. Go on Newc.
Salah (eve)
Easy Mo, I think ya gotta keep him in the end even with the derby usually being scrappy and low scoring I still think Mo is just a great pick with the fixture run and will repay the faith as he always does eventually... And one other thing we didn’t mention on pod that I was talking about all day on Slack and other pods backed me up is that despite a Mo blanking on a 5 goal day for Liverpool - he was fucking brilliant. Had an absolutely terrific match in progressing the ball, buildup, taking on their shitty LB, hockey assists, he hit the post, all that shit... Just not FPL stuff. Hopefully can build on the uptick of form and take his chances this time.
Sterling (bou)
Raz back was one of the key cogs on why or why not I was gonna WC and here we are. Raz the fuck in. Rested last week should be straight back into starting 11 this week and flying as per usual against garbage ass Bourney.
Pogba (SOU)
Kept Paul as well. Mainly because of this fixture this week, phenomenal fixture. And then I’ll start figuring out how and when to deal with him and his blanks... in my plans right now it will be Paul and Kun out for Haz and Higs on GW31 but we’ll see.
Aguero (bou)
Kun in I mean. How could I not get Kun....??!??!? Yeah he might get rested this week but it’s still Bourney so 30ish minutes is still very much on for points for him and then next week on a full week rest he has home Watford and is the by far standout captain for that. The form and sex appeal are too much to ignore for me.
Barnes (CRY)
Template guy, non-blanker, extremely good numbers, mostly good fixtures. Not much thinking here.
Palace are tough and get AWB back but they’ll still be starting some fuck face next to Tomkins whether it’s Kelly or Dann to exploit. Not the same tight ship as before.
Rondón (whu)
Another big template bandwagonny guy he’s just good and also mostly has good fixtures. No blank in GW31 and maybe a blank in GW33 but NBD if he does I have plenty of guys. It’s gonna be great.
West Ham’s defense is diabolical so I’m hoping they continue to be themselves and Sal pops off. But Newc away vs. Newc home is a very different kettle of fish so we’ll have to see what’s up.
Brooks (MCI)
I like Brooksy a lot and 5.0 is an absolute joke of a price... Even though he rides the pine this week, Bournemouth have the best fixtures from GW30 through the end of the season of any team in the league. Absurd run and Brooks will hopefully keep titting in there.
McNeil (CRY)
Despite getting subbed early last week - for a cheap 5th mid spot who doesn’t blank in 31 or 33 McNeil is still by far the best from where I’m sitting... He’s been bright and should keep getting chances to make stuff happen. Good kid.
Schindler (BHA)
Piece of shit gets to stay in my team... That’s just the way the cookie crumbles........ Schindy is the cheapest nailed guy who doesn’t blank in GW31 or GW33. That’s it. Just cheap, just nailed, and otherwise a bad pick. There is literally nothing else that you need to know about Schindy and Huddy.
And backup keeper Guaita (bur)
Like I wrote in the Tom section he fits really well with Heaton so I’m very happy to combine the two there. And he’s still dirt cheap... Even though Palace defense should be slightly worse with no Mama it’s still pretty good and definitely capable of getting some cleans with the way Woy sets’em up so, yeah, ok, get in there. Back on the Guaita train...
Sterling (bou)
Easy Raz easy life. This should be a thrashing and Raz should be nailed for this week. Didn’t really consider anybody ahead of Raz.
0 notes
writerspink · 6 years
K-12 Words
dry wet shoe ten long stay yellow watch inch cup time words same six bones black child ear most page work white five arms snow main nine water head eggs rain test seven root law fall cow red doctor baby feet room rule one blue dark legs wind skin ball green two ever car body box orange gave door four europe picture wish purple ready try neck brown through sky grass air sign whether dance pink eight drive too sat gray three hit man love hand the of and a to in is you that it he was for on are as with his they I at be this have from or had by but not what all were we when your can said there use an each which she do how their if will up other about out many then them these so some her would make like him into has look more write go see number no way could people my than first been called who oil sit now find down day did get come made may part
anything syllables past describe winter even also eleven moon fruit sand apple women nose solve Math problem plus minus equals stone pants shirt starry thousand divided just train shall held short lay dictionary twelve suddenly mind race clothes learn picked probably raised finished end plaid years bill place hundred different drop came river milk beautiful square lake hole fingers flat sea type over new sound take only little work know live me back give most very after things our name good sentence man think say great where help through much before line right too means old any same tell boy follow want show around form three small
interest job because such think thirteen subject answer letter meet north length need times divide (by) times table edge soft months present energy point sound log south wide members exercise flowers set found things heart cause site brother teacher live read billion another distance written kept direction developed wall east happy million world must house turn west change well twenty felt put end does large big even here why ask went men land different home us move try kind hand picture again off dress play spell air away animal page mother study still learn should America
paragraph weather window third believe discovered simple gone paint new store form cells matter follow perhaps cannot good means around line center kind reason move forest sentence return instruments beside represent wild study back farmers sum difference product quotient remainder mother animal land region record summer general caterpillar scratch modern adjust passenger promise equal creak almost croak book dainty song high every near add food between own below country plant last school father keep tree never start city earth eyes light thought head under story saw left don’t few while along might close something seem next hard open example begin life always those both paper together got group often run
misty poor caution pest phrase life startle squirm alone centaur rise mountain above illustrator footprint temperature decorate country sweat sometimes hair smiled everything began thick compass themselves enough took although splendid crowded second act attach sly talk wonder let’s whirl someone Africa borrow beat belong blink per fasten pain begin drenched bed shell free earth tiny slippery count factors important until children side feet car mile night walk white sea grow river four carry state once book hear stop without late miss idea eat face watch far Indian real almost let girl mountains cut young soon list song being leave family it’s
drowsy bashful hatch glad copy possible wicked grin sibling shovel run verb sail polish ride young steep case Indian laughed soil appear bolts costume melody narrow behave howl example flee together lot filthy alarm spiral selfish idea conductor fight rolled middle glacier tree dizzy gather sneaky already construct every miss lively metal couldn’t gold plant mask chat nation hear either bundle section near rescue face divide sob celebrate family loosen jealous crash chimney daily own cozy ripe cut son natural serious carry care paper broken cue within body music color stand questions fish area mark horse birds problem complete room knew since ever piece told usually didn’t friends easy heard order red door sure become top ship across today during short better best however low hours black products happened whole measure remember early waves reached
being instead ache exactly hard speed buy age late artistic close affordable fraction eyes appetite complain sleep seem eat below remove rusty grow glum stormy trust enormous scale open add grab upset weed denied expensive story terrified lead jumped died basket side bear bend list tomb while batch grateful father gleaming dress light sprinkle amount exclaim result yank leave cheat whimper angle outside remain heap champion surprise dodge moment fancy squeeze pretend village shriek city thunder rapid iron striped don’t attitude bell hat tug isn’t applause children honest cross spring freezing listen wind rock space covered fast several hold himself toward five step morning passed vowel true hundred against pattern numeral table north expert slowly money map farm pulled draw voice seen cold cried plan notice south sing war ground fall king town I’ll unit figure certain field travel wood fire upon
pattern cave hope mile group travel blush killed seed bottom hide important let ticket timid pounds restart silent cranky keep real bright quite curved repeat trip without dart consonant mountains quiet apologize roar grip groan bolt food injury century exhausted cabin atmosphere floor it’s scold transportation delighted giant hill something build fog method rough left everyone obey deserve speak therefore soon french switch until pushed state knob hobby between surround collect fire I’ll arrive road happened certain top order astronomy inches club catch farm nibble color yourself received connect told gaze check wear English half ten fly gave box finally wait correct oh quickly person became shown minutes strong verb stars front feel fact street decided contain course surface produce building ocean class note nothing rest carefully scientists inside wheels stay green known island week less machine base ago stood
round award crowd slowly yet products, goods, services vowel himself strange whose draw team hold feel flood sent save stood yard notice warn enemy deep please flap coast music wrote safe blast behind island lizard figure famous garden correct whisper listen joined clear share net thus calf maybe cried piece fold seen england decided bank fell pair control clean telescope trouble glass float morning horse produce course hunting rest step statement contain shouted filled zigzag accident cents instrument fly single express visit desert seeds chew dome experiment break gravity against branch size low plane system ran boat game force brought understand warm common bring explain dry though language shape thousands yes equation government heat full hot check object am rule among noun power cannot able six dark ball material special heavy fine circle include built
mark wealthy row feeling across attention ran map students inside design art mouth ring skill hot during shelter full till log (book) blossom discard bring quickly scientists party town covered wise early cram grain harm goal pause inform heal clue fame freeze badge pimple dim missionary diet dumb rod march agree stick government bulb mall ban greed skiing poison stove image grew fact material dangerous flow gap ago stack explain didn’t strong voice true drawing surface gift corner cloud since king dawn pulled dozen friends greedy burning upon knew insect decimal nervous pay foot weak smooth aware steady serve lost nonetheless beach front atlas questions less cost slight motor banner wire area carefully separate equation local minutes fast table plan fine waves fair sing dive suppose boat thousands shape among toward gas factory birds wait understand sure ship report captain human game history reflect special brave bounce though else can’t matter square syllables perhaps bill felt suddenly test direction center farmers ready anything divided general energy subject Europe moon region return believe dance members picked simple cells paint mind love cause rain exercise eggs train blue wish drop developed window difference distance heart site sum summer wall forest probably
include cage language base red brain building feast better built demolish excess leap tower ocean plains cold claw information scholar climbed woman worry strand heavy herd common ground damp pack choose president least increase half english invent class measure dash tremble object become doubt became bare wheels continued shiver engine core couple business stars week peak numeral brought nothing touch reached uncle symbols however rumor evening inasmuch (as) force curious heat career system valley dust flock spray robber practice lonely remember luxury warm heard calm rock frighten leader difficulty best gum cheer key support universe stream bit usually fish parade balance money note cliff stand proof you’re pale machine complete cool shown street today shy easy several search unit war power caught settle itself fuel mention fresh planet plane straight period person able direct space wood seal field circle lady board besides hours passed known whole similar underline main winter wide written length reason kept interest arms brother race present beautiful store job edge past sign record finished discovered wild happy beside gone sky grass million west lay weather root instruments meet third months paragraph raised represent soft whether clothes flowers shall teacher held describe drive appreciate structure visible artificial
afraid absorb british seat fear stretched furniture sight oxygen coward rope clever yellow albeit confess passage france fan cattle spot explore rather active death effect mine create wash printed process origin rose swift woe planets doze gasp chief perform triumph value substances tone score predict property movement harsh tube settled defend reverse ancient blood sharp border fierce plunge consider terms vision intend total schedule attract average intelligent corn dead southern glide supply convince send continent brief mural symbol crew chance suffix habit insects entered nursery especially spread drift major fig diagram guess wit sugar predator science necessary moisture park ordeal nectar fortunate flutter gun forward globe misery molecules arctic won’t actually addition washington cling rare lie steel pastime soldiers chill accordingly capital prevent solution greek sensitive electric agreed thin provide indicate northern volunteer sell tied triangle action opposite shoulder imitate steer wander except match cross speak solve appear metal son either ice sleep village factors result jumped snow ride care floor hill pushed baby buy century outside everything tall already instead phrase soil bed copy free hope spring case laughed nation quite type themselves temperature bright lead everyone method section lake iron within dictionary bargain loyal resource struggle vary capture exclaim gloomy insist restless shallow shatter talent atmosphere brilliant endure glance precious unite certain clasp depart journey observe superb treasure wisdom
prepared journey trade delicate arrived track cotton hoe furnish exciting view grasp level branches privilege limit wrong enable ability various moreover spoil starve dollars digest advice sense accuse pretty wasn’t industry adopt loyal suggested blow treasure cook adjective doesn’t wings tools crops loud smell frail wisdom fit expect ahead lifted deed device weight gradual respect interesting arrange particular compound examine cable climate division individual talent fatal entire advantage opponent wouldn’t elements column custom enjoy grace theory suitable wife shoes determine allow marsh workers difficult repeated thrill position born distant revive magnificent shop sir army struggled deal plural rich rhythm rely poem company string locate church mystify elegant led actual responsible japanese huge fun meat observe swim office chart avoid factories block called experience win crumple brilliant located pole bought conditions sister details primary survey truck recall disease radio rate scatter decay signal approach launch hair age amount scale pounds although per broken moment tiny possible gold milk quiet natural lot stone act build middle speed count consonant someone sail rolled bear wonder smiled angle fraction Africa killed melody bottom trip hole poor let’s fight surprise French died beat exactly remain fingers clever coast explore imitate pierce rare symbol triumph ancient cling disturb expose perform remote timid bashful brief compete consider delightful honor reflex remark brink chill conquer fortunate fury intend pattern vibrant wit
capture remark western outcome risk current bold compare resident ambition arrest furthermore desire confuse accurate disclose considerable contribute calculate baggage literacy noble era benefit orchard shabby content precious manufacture dusk afford assist demonstrate instant concentrate sturdy severe blend vacant weary carefree host limb pointless prepare inspire shallow chamber vast ease attentive source frantic lack recent distress basic permit threat analyze distract meadow mistrust jagged prefer sole envy hail reduce arena tour annual apparent recognize captivity burrow proceed develop humble resist peculiar response communicate circular variety frequent reveal essential disaster plead mature appropriate attractive request congratulate address destructive fragile modest attempt tradition ancestor focus flexible conclude venture impact generosity routine tragic crafty furious blossom concern ascend awkward master queasy release portion plentiful alert heroic extraordinary frontier descend invisible coax entrance capable peer terror mock outstanding valiant typical competition hardship entertain eager limp survive tidy antonym duplicate abolish approach approve glory magnificent meek prompt revive watchful wreckage audible consume glide origin prevent punctuate representative scorn stout woe arch authentic clarify declare grant grave opponent valid yearn admirable automatic devotion distant dreary exhaust kindle predict separation stunt
evade debate dedicate budge available miniature petrify pasture banquet pedestrian solitary decline reassure nonchalant exhibit realistic exert abuse dictate minor monarch concept character strategy soar beverage tropical withdraw challenge kin navigate purchase reliable mischief solo combine vivid aroma spurt illuminate narrator retain excavate avalanche preserve suspend accomplish exasperate obsolete occasion myth reign sparse gorge intense revert antagonist talon aggressive alternate retire cautiously blizzard require endanger luxurious senseless portable sever compensate companion visual immense slither guardian compassion escalate detect protagonist oasis altitude assume seldom courteous absurd edible identical pardon approximate taunt achievement homonym hearty convert wilderness industrious sluggish thrifty deprive independent bland confident anxious astound numerous resemble route access jubilation saunter hazy impressive document moral crave gigantic bungle prefix summit overthrow perish visible translate comply intercept feeble exult compose negative suffocate frigid synonym appeal dominate deplete abundant economy desperate diligent commend boycott jovial onset burden fixture objective siege barrier conceive formal inquire penalize picturesque predator privilege slumber advantage ambition defiant fearsome imply merit negotiate purify revoke wretched absorb amateur channel elegant grace inspect lame tiresome tranquil boast eloquent glisten ideal infectious invest locate ripple sufficient uproar
apprehensive dialogue prejudice marvel eligible accommodate arrogant distinct knack deposit liberate cumulative consequence strive salvage chronological unique vow concise influence lure poverty priority legislation significant conserve verdict leisure erupt beacon stationary generate provoke efficient campaign paraphrase swarm adhere eerie mere mimic deteriorate literal preliminary solar soothe expanse ignite verge recount apparel terrain ample quest composure majority collide prominent duration pursue innovation omniscient resolute unruly optimist restrain agony convenient constant prosper elaborate genre retrieve exploit continuous dissolve dwell persecute abandon meager elude rural retaliate primitive remote blunder propel vital designate cultivate loathe consent drastic fuse maximum negotiate barren transform conspicuous possess allegiance beneficial former factor deluge vibrant intimidate idiom dense awe rigorous manipulate transport discretion hostile clarity arid parody boisterous capacity massive prosecute declare stifle remorse refuge predicament treacherous inevitable ingenious plummet adapt monotonous accumulate reinforce extract reluctant vacate hazardous inept diminish domestic linger context excel cancel distribute document fragile myth reject scuffle solitary temporary veteran assault convert dispute impressive justify misleading numerous productive shrewd strategy villain bluff cautious consist despise haven miniature monarch obstacle postpone straggle vivid aggressive associate deceive emigrate flexible glamour hazy luxurious mishap overwhelm span blemish blunt capable conclude detect fatigue festive hospitality nomad supreme
exclude civic compact painstaking supplement habitat leeway minute hoax contaminate likeness migration commentary extinct tangible originate urban unanimous subordinate collaborate obstacle esteem encounter futile cordial trait improvises superior exaggerate anticipate cope evolve eclipse dissent anguish subsequent sanctuary formulates makeshift controversy diversity terminate precise equivalent pamper prior potential obnoxious radiant predatory presume permanent pending simultaneously tamper supervise perceived vicious patronize trickle stodgy rant oration preview species poised perturb vista wince yearn persist shirk status tragedy trivial snare vindictive wrath recede peevish rupture unscathed random toxic void orthodox subtle resume sequel upright wary overwhelm perjury uncertainty prowess utmost throb pluck pique vengeance pelt urgent substantial robust sullen retort ponder whim saga sham reprimand vocation assimilate dub defect accord embark desist dialect chastise banter inaugurate ovation barter muse blasé stamina atrocity deter principal liberal epoch preposterous advocate audacious dispatch incense deplore institute deceptive component subside spontaneous bonanza ultimate wrangle clarify hindrance irascible plausible profound infinite accomplish apparent capacity civilian conceal duplicate keen provoke spurt undoing vast withdraw barrier calculate compose considerable deputy industrious jolt loot rejoice reliable senseless shrivel alternate demolish energetic enforce feat hearty mature observant primary resign strive verdict brisk cherish considerate displace downfall estimate humiliate identical improper poll soothe vicinity abolish appeal brittle condemn descend dictator expand famine portable prey thrifty visual
stance vie instill exceptional avail strident formidable rebuke enhance benign perspective tedious aloof encroach memoir mien desolate inventive prodigy staple stint fallacy grope vilify recur assail tirade antics recourse clad jurisdiction caption pseudonym reception humane ornate sage ungainly overt sedative amiss convey connoisseur rational enigma fortify servile fastidious contagious elite disgruntled eccentric pioneer abet luminous era sleek serene proficient rue articulate awry pungent wage deploy anarchy culminate inventory commemorate muster adept durable foreboding lucrative modify authority transition confiscate pivotal analogy avid flair ferret decree voracious imperative grapple deface augment shackle legendary trepidation discern glut cache endeavor attribute phenomenon balmy bizarre gullible loll rankle decipher sublime rubble renounce porous turbulent heritage hover pithy allot minimize agile renown fend revenue versa gaunt haven dire doctrine intricate conservative exotic facilitate bountiful cite panorama swelter foster indifferent millennium gingerly conscientious intervene mercenary citadel obviously rely supportive sympathy weakling atmosphere decay gradual impact noticeable recede stability variation approximately astronomical calculation criterion diameter evaluate orbit sphere agricultural decline disorder identify probable thrive expected widespread bulletin contribution diversity enlist intercept operation recruit survival abruptly ally collide confident conflict protective taunt adaptation dormant forage frigid hibernate insulate export glisten influence landscape native plantation restore urge blare connection errand exchange
feasible teem pang vice tycoon succumb capacious onslaught excerpt eventful forfeit crusade tract haggard susceptible exemplify ardent crucial excruciating embargo disdain apprehend surpass sporadic flustered languish conventional disposition theme plunder ignore project complaint title dramatic delivery litter experimental clinic arrogance preparation remind atomic occasional conscious deny maturity closure stressed translator animate observation physical further gently registration suppress combination amazing constructive allied poetry passion ecstasy mystery cheerful contribution spirit failed gummy commerce prove disagreement raid consume embarrass preference migrant devour encouragement quote mythology destined destination illuminating struggle accent ungrateful giggle approval confidence expose scientist operation superstitious emergency manners absolutely swallow readily mutual bound crisp orient stress sort stare comfort verbal heel challenging advertisement envious sex scar astonish basis accuracy enviable alliance specific chef embarrassed counter tolerable sympathetic gradually vanish informative amaze royal furry insist jealousy simplify quiver collaborate dedicated flexible function mimic obstacle technique archaeologist fragment historian intact preserve reconstruct remnant commence deed exaggeration heroic impress pose saunter wring astound concealed inquisitive interpret perplexed precise reconsider suspicious anticipation defy entitled neutral outspoken reserved sought equal absorb affect circulate conserve cycle necessity seep barren expression meaningful plume focused genius perspective prospect stunned superb transition assume guarantee nominate
install reticent corroborate regretfully strength murder concise cunning intention holy satire query confused progression disillusion background mundane abrupt multiple enormously introduce emulate harmful pragmatic pity rebut liberate enthusiastic elucidate camaraderie disparage nature creep profitability impression racist sobriety occupy autonomy currently amiable reiterate reproduce cripple modest offer atom provincial augment ungratefully expansion yield rashly allude immigration silence epitome exacerbate somber avid dispute vindicate collaborate manufacturer embellish superficial propaganda incompetent objective diminish statistics endure ambivalent perpetuate illuminate phenomenon exasperate originality restrict anxiety anthropology circumstances aesthetic manufacturing conventional dubious vulnerable reality precedent entity success term critical repair underscore stepmother republican hesitantly classic wary contents prediction immediate invoke notorious implicit excluding input skeptical foster element punish frank humanity profound dessert orthodox substance disappear encourage neighborhood elder superfluous naive ascertain complacent resilient deafening military tend prudent glare acceptance skillfully induce monster beam gullible conciliate vessel petty cantankerous disclose archaeology anecdote disdain electronics substantiate subjective tourism advisable joyful incredible provocative psychological ruins discipline condone indifferent misfortune judgmental industrialize tasty assume astute mission mar protective definitely escape oppress shocked virtual zealous endorse qualification hostile eccentric abstract disparate geographical scrutinize generalization tolerate activity claim dogmatic influential obsolete extol implausible subsequent resource chronic benevolent improve confidential ambiguous seriously dearth perplex hatred throughout dine contemporary evoke essentially economic flagrant obscure alleviate eloquent dreaadful clumsy sympathy victim condemn vigor condescend spontaneous quell reprehensible substantially sleeve equivocal ironic decry errand articulate progressive eradicate refreshments elicit aspiration recently exemplary bribery theoretical disingenuous partisan revere particle nostalgia self-aggrandizement debunk tyranny rhetoric hierarchy warning whimsical venerate commend assert miserable awful vibe constrain undermine explicit differentiate compliment scrupulous contempt erroneous ideal refute imply cynical rash presume insight revival vary delay renounce indignant offensive temperate circumstantial export peep logo advertise suppress distort chunk convoluted denounce overwhelming fertility rigorous acquire arrogant university antagonize profitable indulgent strategic breathing idiosyncrasy profession frugal discern accommodation adversary incredulous disturbance digress social belie roam smug continual pertinent voluntarily elite subtle blame sincerity lick horror censure involvement candid infer futile impetuous exploit bewilder sustain diligent sincere protect sealed musical empathy callous parenthetical insure acorn sarcasm seize sacrificially allege emphatic irrelevant progress diplomatic stunned improvise deride reconcile meticulous deject scientifically incontrovertible pressure justify gloomy depict supplant endurance analogous diary bolster slip contemplate pesticide glow religious advocate negligent creator lament fundamental embrace throne inherent inferior valuable thrive trivial pretense reserved capricious refresh refusal flight boost explanation coherent prevalent tenacious official royalty assassin rub poach delete
warrant circumscribed somewhat explosive optimistic mandate previously detract opinion intuitive feasible intimate persistent humble simplicity tempt deliberate painful unethical fundamentals discrepancy remorse pessimistic possibility conclusion acknowledge impregnate soberly creation paralyze suitability oblige tranquil medal arbitrate pacify illusory susceptible vibrate vengeance infection democratic stressful grave speculative sample identification stifle obligation revenge organization namely mediocre practical scream weaken consensus affectionate deficient treacherous console isolation ingenious memory melodrama despair awestruck composition regret recommendation celebrity decision devoid opaque ornamentation longevity participate dread restore interrogate aid accordingly mislead embarrassment optimism domestic apt funds virtue geography fundamentally thoroughly press despite horrible chilling rental esteemed disappointment innovative contemplation assign popularize haunt deafen serene percent estrangement suffer extravagant throng estimate comment priesthood mass dreadfully promote periphery animated saying relate clarity triple derivative succeed distortion register suicide improvement discreet inquisition probable curative incident praise convenience baffle covet dreadful genuinely weary undisturbed disgruntled humility renown nonchalant monopoly comedy vague decisive inconsequential announcement fabricated nevertheless vigilant scarce neglectful hushed attainment tedious explode snatch pslm agency sentimental tension adhere meanwhile sacred avert conformity likewise challenger accessible responsibility peril contact event roast fallible catastrophic competitor violate resolute deceive exaggeration discredit intolerable approve paste dimly novelist demeanor norm politician satisfaction obvious vehicle reservation defer involve restoration crush audible assistant backpack attain inanimate commemorate confrontation emigration parasite disperse quantitative laughter policy vulgar occasionally repay effective eulogy starvation empty therapeutic overall immortal encompass inappropriate opportune engagement illustrate turmoil observatory classification expression reminiscence comedian invention depress remedy protagonist gesture texture diplomatic election prolong conducive emotional invigorate curiosity expressive %
K-12 Words was originally published on PinkWrite
0 notes
theartofdreaming1 · 8 years
Loveable Nerds and Superheroes II - Chapter 4: Date Night
Pairing: WestAllen
Rating: T
Summary: Mason approaches Iris with a story he’s currently working on that could be quite of interest to her... also, it’s the day of Barry and Iris’s date! :) Chapter 1 can be found here, 2 here and 3 here.
The next morning, Iris was back at her desk at CCPN. She was currently contemplating what issue she should tackle for her next article (while also mentally going through a list with everything she still had to prepare for tonight's date with Barry) when all of a sudden, a plate with a Danish was shoved right in front of her face -
“Not a bad job with that story on those real estate frauds, West,” Iris's mentor, Mason Bridge, said, expectantly looking at Iris and the pastry he was offering to her.
“Um, thanks,” she replied mystified, blindly accepting the dish in front of her – Mason wasn't exactly big on giving compliments (or sharing any sort of food). In fact, just a month ago he had completely dismissed any of Iris's attempts to get some sort of advice from her assigned mentor, snidely pointing out that any idiot with a laptop could write a blog. It had taken a lot of  persistence and hard work on her side to finally be in her mentor's good graces.
Iris eyed the pastry skeptically: “So you just came by for an almost-compliment and a Danish?”
“Actually,” Mason admitted while conspiratorially leaning forward and producing a folder he had been holding onto with his other hand, “I'm currently working on something that might interest you.”
“Oh, okay,” Iris replied, pleasantly surprised that the senior journalist was willing to let her in on one of his investigations, “shoot.”
“You see,” Mason started, pulling out a photograph from the file he had brought along, “I have noticed that Simon Stagg has been AWOL for some time now...”
“So?” Iris commented, raising a quizzical eyebrow, before examining the picture she'd been given. “He's never been one to appear at many social events or otherwise... He's always been more of a recluse, right?”
“Never like this. I've been digging deeper, contacting assistants as well as board members of Stagg Industries... Nobody has seen or heard from Mr. Stagg for more than 4 months now.”
Iris's eyes widened with realization: “Oh.” She drew her chair nearer to her mentor, handing him back the photo.
“'Oh', indeed.” Mason agreed, putting the photo back into the file and pulling out another, “and all my trails lead to one person: Dr. Harrison Wells.”
“Harrison Wells?” Iris echoed hollowly, the weird feeling she'd had whenever she was around said scientist reemerging once again.
“Yeah,” Mason confirmed, “he was the last person to meet with Mr. Stagg, in addition to other quite shady implication.”
Iris had a sinking feeling in her stomach. The worst thing of all was, that as much as she wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to completely disregard Mason's suspicions.
Still, Iris came to the scientist's defense – after all, he had provided his facility and know-how to help out her nephew for the past three weeks:
“But why would Dr. Wells do that? I mean, obviously the launch of the particle accelerator was not a good choice of action, but he seems to really want to redeem himself – he and his team took good care of my boyfriend when he had suffered an injury from the explosion of the particle accelerator and for the past three weeks, they helped in any way possible when my nephew was in a coma due to a lightning strike. I have come to know the people that work there. They are good people, Mason.”
“Well, I'm not saying that anyone else at S.T.A.R. Labs is involved in Simon Stagg's disappearance. Maybe they aren't aware of their boss's wrongdoings or they are good actors.
-But it's not just Stagg. I mean, don't tell me that after all that time you apparently spent over at S.T.A.R. Labs, you didn't notice anything fishy happening there?”
Again, Iris felt queasy, though this time because she did know what was going on at the research facility. She had witnessed the workings of the crime-fighting unit stationed there first-hand.
“Fishy in what way exactly?” she asked tentatively, worried about how much Mason had already found out (after all, this man had won the Pulitzer Prize for his amazing investigative journalistic work. Twice.)
“Well, for once – what are they doing there now that they are basically without funding and most of their staff?” – Iris couldn't help but remember asking herself the same question when she had tried to find out more about Barry and S.T.A.R. Labs – “And what about these silent acts of benevolence you just told me about? Wouldn't exactly this kind of thing help them regain the public's trust again?”
“I don't know – maybe they first want to figure out how exactly they can help the public before drawing attention back to S.T.A.R. Labs? It's not like there wouldn't be plenty of people eager to pick apart every single deed done by them... But I get where you're coming from,” Iris admitted, an idea forming in her head how she could protect Team Flash's base of operations from discovery, “I could try to find out: interview the staff, find out what their specific plans for the future are – maybe even snoop around the place  if there is something off about their answers...”
Iris's answer seemed to surprise her mentor: “You would be willing to investigate your little group of friends?”
“I stand by my statement that they are good people,” Iris repeated, thinking of how devotedly Cisco and Caitlin had taken care of Wally. But thinking of Wally and her uneasy feeling whenever she was around Dr. Wells, also made it easier for Iris to commit herself to Mason's cause, “But admittedly I haven't known them for long and if there is anything unlawful” – aside from vigilantism, Iris added silently in her mind – “going on, I want to know. I need to know.”
“Alright, West,” Mason said, clearly impressed, “maybe I did underestimate your 'gumption' after all.”
Iris couldn't help but smile.  The relationship with her mentor certainly had come a long way since his dismissive demeanor at the very beginning at her stubborn determination to prove her journalistic worth.
“Maybe,” she echoed while accepting the thick folder Mason handed over to her. He gave her an approving nod, before leaving Iris to study the file.
When Iris got home from work, the young journalist was still reeling from the accumulation of incriminating leads Mason had gathered on Dr. Wells. She didn't get a chance to dwell on it today though, because she had tons of desserts to prepare for her date with Barry (and Iris knew that if she sat down at home to conduct her own investigation, she would never be able to pry herself away from her research – it probably could wait for one more day).
Iris was still in the kitchen, cutting up some fruit for a fruit salad (to assuage the guilty conscience of a whole dinner only consisting of brownies, mousse au chocolat and muffins), when her dad and Wally returned from S.T.A.R. Labs.
“Hey, you two,” Iris greeted the pair, “how was your day?”
This simple question was enough to get Wally started: He told his aunt about his new training exercises, poked fun at the look on his grandpa's face when he had watched his grandson run for the very first time (Joe just stood there, shaking his head in disbelief, like he could not wrap his mind around this even now) and excitedly showed Iris the protein bars Cisco and Caitlin had given him (“Because I use up much more energy now”, the 8-year-old explained precociously, while his eyes were flitting nervously back and forth between his aunt and the baked goods before him). The young speedster went on, talking about Barry dropping by during his lunch time and the realization of Team S.T.A.R. Labs that the young speedster's biggest issue was staying still and concealing his powers, rather than working on them. Which in turn elicited a bunch of complaints about these new 'training exercises' Team Flash had come up with for the 8-year-old: building houses of cards, playing  mikado and jenga...-
“It's the wooorst,” Wally declared dramatically, snatching a piece of brownie from the box Iris just had put them into.
Despite making use of his powers, Wally still wasn't fast enough for Iris not to notice.
“Hey, those are not for you!” Iris chided the boy, who in turn gave her his best puppy dog eyes:
“Um... Did I mention that I use up much more energy now? I need fuel! ”
Iris couldn't help the chuckle escaping her lips at this clumsy excuse:
“Fine. You can lick out the empty bowls… if you promise me that you will work on your homework your Mom sent earlier.”
Wally scrunched up his nose at the mention of 'homework' but agreed to the proposed deal nonetheless. In a matter of seconds, the bowls were licked clean, so Iris barely had any work to do when washing the dirty dishes. The young woman quickly got ready for her date, double-checked if she had packed the keys to Jitters, and ruffled her nephew's hair one more time (who was now bent over his homework dutifully, brows furrowed and shoulders slumped in misery). She then said good-bye to her dad and Wally, before picking up the various boxes, carefully balancing the ridiculous amount of desserts (and fruit salad).
Iris parked right in front of Jitters so she wouldn't have to walk too far while carrying all these bowls and boxes. She was positively giddy when she unlocked the door. Maybe it was the chocolate she had snacked on while preparing the different kinds of desserts (and, unsurprisingly, most of the desserts Iris had made included chocolate in some form), maybe it was the familiar feeling of being alone in the coffee shop once again after all these crazy weeks... Maybe it was the anticipation of having another, proper date with Barry (or whatever qualified as 'proper' when you were dating a superhero). Anyway, Iris couldn't help herself but be excited. She hauled the boxes with food inside, setting them down on the counter. With a smile, she discovered a small note Tracy had left behind (under a plate with cronuts, Iris's favorite dish to order at the coffee shop). Iris's former colleague wished her a fun date (of which she hoped to hear about soon in great detail, the barista had added, complete with a winky-face). Iris rolled her eyes in fond annoyance – throughout her entire time at Jitters, Tracy had never stopped pointing out cute guys to Iris, sometimes even purposely serving other customers so Iris would have to take the orders from “the hotties”. It was only natural that Tracy would want to know everything about the guy who had finally managed to sweep Iris off her feet.
Shaking her head at the other girl's incorrigibleness, Iris pocketed the note and began arranging the food. While doing so, her gaze wandered to the special's board above, getting caught on the brand-new special. Her lips curved into a smile.
Meanwhile at the West house, Wally was still struggling to get his homework done (a process which was considerably slowed down due to the boy's inability to concentrate on it for more than five minutes instead of letting his eyes wander about the room and sighing pitifully while doing so). Suddenly the phone rang, providing a real diversion from the current math problem Wally was so desperate to ignore.
“You keep on working on your homework; don't think I don't see what you're doing there,” Joe said while heading for the phone, familiar with his grandson's penchant for distracting himself from his school work.
Begrudgingly, Wally returned his attention to his math problem. Still, the boy couldn't help but notice that his grandpa was not happy with the call he had received.
And indeed, Joe had any reason to be displeased. Captain Singh just had told him that he was desperately needed at the precinct. As it was already fairly late and Joe had no way of knowing how long he was going to stay over at the police station, he couldn't exactly bring Wally with him to work. Of course he could call Iris, who would return home immediately if she had to, but Joe knew how much his baby girl had been looking forward to her date with Barry and all the work she had put into it; he did not have the heart to ruin that evening for her. But now that Wally was having powers (a concept the detective still had to come to terms with), Joe didn't really feel comfortable leaving the boy alone nor asking their neighbor, Mrs Johnson (who had occasionally looked after his grandson before), to keep an eye on Wally.
Aimlessly looking through the contacts on the phone, Joe stumbled across the number of 'Dr. Caitlin Snow' (who had given her private number to the Wests while Wally was in his coma , assuring them that they could call her “at any time”). This wasn't a medical emergency, but Joe had noticed the genuine interest the doctor had shown in her new patient and figured he could at least give it a try.
His call was picked up immediately and after a short explanation of his problem, Caitlin was quick to assure Joe that it was no problem at all. She only asked if she could bring Cisco along (who apparently was over at the doctor's house for a movie night).
Having seen both the doctor and engineer taking good care of his grandson just this morning, Joe was more than fine with that, said his good-bye and hung up.
Twenty minutes later, the door bell rang and Joe and Wally were greeted by Caitlin and Cisco with a chipper “hi Detective West, hey Wally.”
Joe let the two scientists in, thanking them sincerely for coming over. He quickly informed them where they could find some pizza money (Wally's face brightened up considerably) and when Wally's curfew was (the boy's expression grew slightly sullen). Then, ruffling his grandson's hair and reminding the boy to “be good” and thanking the two scientists once more, the detective hurried off to the precinct.
“Soo... this is gonna be fun,” Cisco said humorously, breaking the awkward tension which had hung over the three Joe had left-behind.
Wally eyed the engineer suspiciously: “We are not gonna play any more games to train my ability to stay still, are we?”
“Nah... I've brought you something else to expand upon your education-” Cisco was interrupted by Wally groaning, still fed-up from doing weeks-worth of homework the past afternoon.
The engineer continued with a wide grin, pulling out something from his messenger bag: “Time you finally watch 'The Incredibles'.”
The young speedster's face brightened instantaneously.
About fifteen minutes after the arranged time for their date, Barry finally zipped into Jitters, hair disheveled and hands full.
“I am so sorry! I was just about to leave work when Captain Singh demanded a specific file on his desk tonight and on my way here there was some maniac-driver who almost knocked over some old lady crossing the street – why is it always some little old lady? – anyways, I'm so sorry. And I got you a flower,” the speedster added apologetically, holding out a slightly rumpled red rose.
Iris accepted the flower with a bright smile and a kiss.
“It's okay. Gave me more time to set up dinner. Because it's so nice outside, I thought we could dine up on the rooftop – it always was my favorite place at Jitters,” Iris said, while leading Barry up the stairs, carefully navigating him so he wouldn't see the board with specials, so it would be a surprise for later.
When they arrived at the rooftop they were met with a beautifully set up picnic, with tea candles and twinkle lights illuminating the scene.
“Wow,” was all Barry could say, “wow.”
Iris smiled brightly: “This is such a nice spot, right? I used to hang out here all the time after work.”
“It is really beautiful,” Barry agreed, “And you did an amazing job setting this whole thing up.”
Iris blushed, flattered, ”thanks.” She snuck an arm around Barry's waist, hugging him close: “I'm glad we finally made date night happen again. I missed that.”
“Me too,” Barry agreed, pressing a kiss on the top of Iris's head.
The journalist closed her eyes for a brief moment, relishing in the gesture. When she opened them again to look up at Barry, there was that familiar glint of mischief in them: “So, are you going to save me from my impending doom a.k.a chocolate coma?”
“Depends,” Barry said teasingly.
“On what?”
“How good that 'heavenly' coffee of yours really is.”
“So what do you think of this educational film?” Cisco asked, turning off the tv and cutting off the jazzy theme song of the DVD menu, “Cool?”
“Super cool!” Wally agreed. Despite his enthusiastic reply, the boy couldn't completely mask the yawn he was stifling.
“But now you really should get ready for bed,” Caitlin said, whose watchful eye did not miss the tiredness the young speedster tried so hard to cover up.
“Awww,” Wally bemoaned, putting on his best puppy dog pout in an attempt to change Caitlin's mind.
He did not succeed.
“Sorry,” Caitlin apologized, looking sympathetic, “but you really have to get enough sleep; your body still has to adjust to your new powers and changed metabolism. That sort of thing requires a lot of energy. Besides,” the doctor added, smiling, “I don't think your grandpa would allow us to look after you anymore if he came back from work and you were still up... And that would be a shame, wouldn't it be?”
That was enough to make the 8-year-old admit his defeat. Yawning once more, he climbed up the stairs to change into his pajamas.
“Impressive,” Cisco commented from his position on the couch, munching on some peanuts, “though I'm afraid you just spoiled our chance of earning us the honorary title of 'cool aunt' and 'uncle' respectively.”
Caitlin just rolled her eyes: “With Barry being a superhero and Iris working as an investigative reporter, trying to fulfill her nephew's every wish, I think those titles are pretty much taken, Cisco.”
“Still,” the engineer pouted, shifting slightly to make space for his friend on the couch,” you totally should have let him stay up with us – it would have increased my chance of getting to be the 'cool uncle'!”
Caitlin rolled her eyes and sat down next to Cisco, taking a handful of peanuts: “I wasn't aware that I had to look after two children.”
Barry and Iris were lying stretched out on their picnic blanket, both completely stuffed and content.
“If only we could see the stars, then this night would be perfect,” Iris sighed, her head comfortably resting on Barry's chest.
“One of the side effects of light pollution,” Barry sighed, absentmindedly playing with Iris's hair, “it's called 'Sky glow'. Light in the city that is directed or reflected upwards via surfaces then is scattered by the atmosphere and directed back to the ground, making it look like there is a glowing dome over the city. It was recently estimated that one third of the world's population could no longer see the Milky Way, among them 80% of Americans and 60% of Europeans.“
Iris chuckles “Only you could turn a simple observation about a lack of stars into a real downer – all with the power of science.”
The forensic scientist blushed: “I didn't mean to-”
Fondly shaking her head, Iris propped herself up to cut him off with a kiss. “It's okay. Cutest nerd that I know, remember?”
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Liverpool move 13 points clear plus reaction to other games
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Liverpool move 13 points clear plus reaction to other games
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By Mike Henson
All times stated are UK
José Noguera told Sky Sports News.
“We told Arsenal’s club boss Raul Sanllehi and sports director Edu – as well as the new trainer Mikel Arteta.
“Arsenal was informed about all the steps, the player and Hertha are clear. It is only about the transfer fee of the clubs.”
Arsenal signed Xhaka, who was stripped of the club captaincy after a dispute with fans at the Emirates, for £35m in May 2016.
Posted at 11:4511:45
Dyche prepared for Pogba curveball
Burnley v Manchester United (19:45 BST)
Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Burnleymanager Sean Dyche admits that he doesn’t know how Manchester United might deploy fit-again Paul Pogba at Turf Moor on Saturday.
“We haven’t seen him so much this season and with Ole being there you might look at it slightly differently,” said Dyche.
“He is a top player, obviously, but they have a lot of top players. From the outside (looking) in maybe they are looking at the consistency, not only just week in, week out, but also within a game.”
the Times, new Gunners boss Arteta hopes to convince Juve to allow the France international to leave on loan.
Posted at 11:2211:22
‘We kind of shot ourselves in the foot’
Newcastle v Everton (Sat 15:00 GMT)
Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Newcastle midfielder Matty Longstaff is determined to quickly bounce back from the loss at Manchester United and “put it right” against Everton on Saturday.
The 19-year-old coolly fired Newcastle ahead at Old Trafford only for Manchester United to come roaring back as Anthony Martial’s brace complemented efforts from Mason Greenwood and Marcus Rashford in a 4-1 win.
“Obviously we’re very disappointed,” Longstaff said.
“The first 30 minutes we were solid as a team and then obviously we’ve kind of shot ourselves in the foot there with a few mistakes.
“We’ve been on a good run obviously until today. The good thing for us is that in 48 hours we get the chance to put it right against Everton.”
Posted at 11:0611:06
Ozil incredible since my arrival – Arteta
Bournemouth 1-1 Arsenal
GettyCopyright: Getty
New Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta feels Mesut Ozil is ready to seize the opportunity of a fresh start after being impressed by the player’s “incredible” attitude.
The 31-year-old, who has often been criticised for his languid style, was also left out for Freddie Ljungberg’s final game as interim manager at Everton after reacting angrily to being substituted in the 3-0 defeat to Manchester City.
“To be fair his attitude in training since the day that I walked in the building has been incredible, and I’ve seen this,” said Arteta.
“I said I was going to give a clean slate to everybody and it was fair as well to give it to him. When we did the game preparation and we were watching the opponents, and where we could hurt them, we believed that he could be a key point. And we prepared the game like this, with him.”
Posted at 11:0111:01
Ronnie and Novak
Posted at 10:4510:45
‘They probably will mention it’
Posted at 10:3410:34
‘Easier for us than Burnley’
Burnley v Man Utd (Sat, 19:45GMT)
GettyCopyright: Getty
Manchester United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has had his say on the Christmas fixture programme.
Like most teams, United play twice in three days – although they are not one of the five sides who have less than 48 hours between kick-off times.
Solskjaer does not think it is right – although he feels United are in a slightly better position than Saturday’s opponents Burnley.
“I don’t think it is fair to be expected to perform at the best of your level, both mentally and physically, 48 hours after you have played,” he said.
“But I think we are in the best position to perform on Saturday. 1. The game against Newcastle was over after 45 minutes. 2. We are young.
“The average age of our starting line-up against Newcastle was 23. That will make it easier for us to recover than Burnley I think.”
Posted at 10:3010:30
Liverpool recall Phillips from loan spell
Trent Alexander-Arnold replicating Kylian Mbappe’s celebration in last night’s win over Leicester had some Liverpool fans wildly speculating that the Paris St-Germain striker might be Anfield-bound.
Some read the first few words of this tweet and got over-excited…
It is instead news that the 22-year-old centre-back Nat Phillips is being recalled from his loan spell at Stuttgart where he has made 11 appearances.
Posted at 10:2110:21
‘We can’t play like City’ – Solskjaer
Burnley v Man Utd (Sat, 19:45GMT)
GettyCopyright: Getty
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer says Manchester United need to make themselves hard to beat.
Yesterday was only the second time this season that United have won with a majority of possession.
Don’t expect a footballing masterclass at Turf Moor tomorrow.
“We can’t play tippy-tappy football,” he said. “We can’t, at this moment in time, play like City.”
Posted at 10:1710:17
‘I can’t remember a better pair of full-backs’
Leicester 0-4 Liverpool
Mark Lawrenson
Ex-Liverpool defender on BBC Radio 5 Live
GettyCopyright: Getty
“It’s like Trent Alexander-Arnold been playing football for 20 years and he’s only still a kid.
“He makes the odd mistake, but the quality of his passing and the way he can lift his head up and get himself out of tight situations to pick people out is absolutely amazing.
“I can’t remember a better pair of full-backs than him and Andy Robertson, especially in the modern game.”
Posted at 10:0310:03
Man Utd’s top four aim
Burnley v Man Utd (Sat, 19:45GMT)
GettyCopyright: Getty
It has been a bizarre few weeks for Manchester United but yesterday’s 4-1 win against Newcastle has got them looking forward again.
United are now four points behind fourth-placed Chelsea and manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is bullish about a return to the Champions League nexy season.
“If we get consistent it is not going to do down to the wire,” he said. “We should get into the top four without waiting for the last game against Leicester.
“I have said about next season that we might be challengers for a lot more next year, definitely, because we are young – but I still expect a lot from this team this year.”
Posted at 9:579:57
‘The Premier League can demand a certain schedule’
Tottenham 2-1 Brighton
Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Brightonboss Graham Potter says his side have no choice but to adapt to the gruelling Christmas schedule.
The Seagulls will follow up their lunchtime Boxing Day defeat to Tottenham with another 12.30 GMT clash on Saturday when they host Bournemouth.
“The Premier League give the clubs a lot of resources so they can demand a certain type of schedule over the Christmas period, so I can understand it from a commercial point of view,” he said.
“I imagine they get a lot of viewers and they can sell the games.
“On the one hand I can understand. On the other hand in terms of performances and maintaining a level it makes it difficult. Again we have to adapt to that, that’s the challenge.”
a record £53.8m signing from Lyon in July, missed the win over Brighton yesterday, but not because of any injury.
“He told me he was not feeling in condition to play,” Mourinho said.
“Feeling not ready to start the game, but I cannot say he is injured, I can say he is not in condition to start the game, which is different.
“Not based on injuries, based on fears of previous injuries that he has had since the beginning of the season.”
Dominic Calvert-Lewin scored the only goal of their meeting with Burnley.
“For me, it was a really special moment. After that, I saw a good performance and a good result,” said Ancelotti.
“We tried to build up with three defenders to put more players between the lines, and some situations were good for us and others have to improve.
Video content
Video caption: Everton 1-0 Burnley: Carlo Ancelotti pleased with ‘special’ Everton winEverton 1-0 Burnley: Carlo Ancelotti pleased with ‘special’ Everton win
Posted at 8:478:47
Pogba and United band together
Manchester United 4-1 Newcastle United
Simon Stone
BBC Sport at Old Trafford
GettyCopyright: Getty
Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba sported customised black and white band bearing the insignia ‘No To Racism. We Are All One’ before the win over Newcastle yesterday.
The band was worn by all United’s players during the warm-up.
The France midfielder intends to maintain the initiative on social and digital media.
GettyCopyright: Getty
Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Posted at 8:378:37
Ibrahimovic to return to Milan – reports
GettyCopyright: Getty
One former Manchester United forward is starting a new stint.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 36, seems set to return to former club AC Milan on a six-month deal.
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World Cup 2018: Guardian writers give their predictions for the tournament
New Post has been published on https://writingguideto.com/must-see/world-cup-2018-guardian-writers-give-their-predictions-for-the-tournament/
World Cup 2018: Guardian writers give their predictions for the tournament
Who will triumph in Russia? Which player will be top scorer? Who will be the breakthrough star? How far will England go?
Which two teams will reach the final – and who will win?
My time of selecting Spain to win every tournament is now officially over probably four years too late and Im reverting back to Germany, in a penalty shootout against France. Daniel Taylor
Brazil and Argentina, with Lionel Messi to illuminate the grandest stage, then retire from international football clutching its ultimate prize. Maybe. Dominic Fifield
Notoriously hard to call before a round of games has been played. Brazil beating Germany would be my preference. Barney Ronay
Brazil against Germany – the ultimate test of Brazils temperament and a tale of vengeance in result if not in scoreline. Amy Lawrence
Brazil to beat Germany. Brazil have got everything but, most importantly, balance and a hardier mentality under Tite. Germany remain intimidating and even greater than the sum of their parts. David Hytner
Brazil and Germany, and Brazil will ultimately be champions. Stuart James
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France and Germany would not be a massive surprise but a lot depends on which Paul Pogba shows up; the player who dictated a 100m move or the one which has struggled for consistency at Manchester United. Martha Kelner
Brazil and Spain, and Brazil will win. Tites side have been impressive in the build-up to the tournament, have solidity and have rested Neymar. Sid Lowe
The dream final would be France versus Brazil – a repeat of the final from 20 years ago, and hopefully with the same result. Marcel Desailly
Germany against Brazil, and Germany will win. Thomas Hitzlsperger
Im certain Brazil will be in the final. Who will join them is a hard choice to make but it would certainly be interesting, and make for a great match, if Argentina joined them. Marta
Neymar is well rested, in form and ready for revenge on Germany. Photograph: APA-PictureDesk GmbH/REX/Shutterstock
Who will be leading individual scorer?
Neymar is a decent shout and should be particularly fired up bearing in mind the way his last World Cup finished. DT
Neymar, whose goals will propel Tites side to the final and presumably then earn him a long mooted move to Real Madrid. DF
Romelu Lukaku. Or someone else. Ideally a surprise from a minor nation who gets four in one game then goes home. BR
Gabriel Jesus, supplied by Neymar and Roberto Firmino, could fill his golden boots. AL
Luis Surez. Uruguays draw is a dream and they will make the quarter-finals, at least, giving Surez plenty of game-time to do damage. DH
Romelu Lukaku. The Belgian has a good scoring record at international level and is the spearhead of a team that should go far. SJ
Antoine Griezmann could light up this tournament, arriving in Russia on the back of inspiring Atletico Madrid to a Europa League title. His record for France isnt bad, though, with 20 goals in 53 games. MK
Neymar.The Brazilian arrives in Russia with fresh legs and a desire to take his nation all the way. Frances Kylian Mbapp is also a decent shout. SL
Romelu Lukaku. Hes on great form, has everybody playing for him and some great passers to provide him with the ammunition he needs. MD
Gabriel Jesus. I watched him quite a lot last season and really liked his movement, not to mention his scoring rate. Hell get plenty of service playing in the same team as the likes of Neymar and Philippe Coutinho and, given Ive predicted Brazil will get to the final, he should play plenty of games, also. TH
Neymar. He was hurt, played two games and scored in both I cant wait to see him in action. M
Frances Kylian Mbapp and Antoine Griezmann are contenders for the World Cup golden boot. Photograph: Gerard Julien/AFP/Getty Images
Who will be the surprise team of the tournament?
Switzerland. The Fifa world rankings are not the best way to judge a team, perhaps, but there must be some valid reasons why they are currently sixth (ahead of France and Spain). DT
Serbia. Mladen Krstajics team are unfancied, but boast strength and quality. The key will be ensuring players perform to the same levels they invariably achieve at their clubs. DF
This question contains an internal contradiction. Colombia for the semis, maybe. BR
Uruguay, a mix of renewed confidence and wily old know-how. AL
I see Croatia going deep into the tournament maybe even the semi-finals. Any team with Luka Modric, Ivan Rakitic and Mario Mandzukic deserves respect. DH
Denmark. Theyre 15 matches unbeaten and this could be the stage for Christian Eriksen to shine. Mind you, their opening game, against Peru, wont be easy. SJ
Peru return to the World Cup after a 36 year absence but they are full of hope, galvanised in part by their captain, centre forward and all time top scorer Paolo Guerrero managing to overturn a 14-month drugs ban just weeks before the world cup. MK
Would it count as a surprise for Egypt and Uruguay to do well? The two sides from group A certainly could do so. Uruguay have their usual qualities, have Rodrigo Bentancur in midfield and a quiet, competitive confidence. SL
Belgium. Technically they are so good, they have so many talented players. I truly think they can bring a new name to the nations that have won the World Cup. MD
England. There is little expectations around the squad but I think they will get to the quarter-finals. TH
Sweden. It is a country that I have a lot of affection for and I want them to do well in this World Cup. M
Denmark are unbeaten in 15 matches and Christian Eriksen makes them tick. Photograph: Lars Ronbog/FrontzoneSport via Getty Images
Who will be breakthrough player of the tournament?
Hirving Lozano of Mexico sounds good fun: talented, fiery and nicknamed Chucky because of his apparent resemblance to the Childs Play doll. Lozano scored 19 goals as a winger for PSV Eindhoven last season and is likened to Luis Suarez, though hopefully he will manage not to bite anyone. DT
Samuel Umtiti. That may sound odd given the French centre-half plays at Barcelona, but he was rushed into the team at Euro 2016, making a senior debut in the quarter-final, and is a far better player now. DF
Hes already at Barcelona and cost 90m but I think Ousmane Dembl could remind everyone exactly why. BR
Kylian Mbapp, who has achieved so much already but in his teens this will be his first major tournament. AL
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic. The 23-year-old Serbia and Lazio midfielder is tall, dynamic and has an eye for goal. Im looking forward to watching him, together with Moroccos creative midfielder, Hakim Ziyech, who plays for Ajax. DH
Polands Piotr Zielinski. The 24-year-old was a key member of the Napoli team that pushed Juventus all the way in Serie A last season. SJ
Karol Linetty. The Polish midfielders inventive play has seen him glitter for Sampdoria and catch the eye of one or two Premier League clubs. More could take interest if he has a good World Cup. MK
Marco Asensio and Kylian Mbapp. This could be the tournament when they underline just how brilliant theyre going to be. SL
Its difficult to say, but, if pushed, Kylian Mbapp. He has the potential to be a big World Cup star. But will it be at this World Cup? He is still very young. MD
Benjamin Pavard, a young defender I work with at Stuttgart and part of Frances squad. He can play right-back but, for me, is much better suited to being a centre-back. He is calm and composed, good in the air and aggressive when he needs to be. A real talent. TH
Hes still only 19 and there were ups and downs in his first season at Paris Saint-Germain but I feel Kylian Mbapp could make a really big impact for France. M
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic
How far will England get?
There is a potential quarter-final against Brazil or Germany looming. Even with the new wave of optimism, surrounding Gareth Southgates team its difficult to see them getting past that stage. DT
The quarter-finals, playing some encouragingly enterprising football along the way. DF
Respectable/brave 2-0 quarter-final loss after narrow squeak to that stage based on discipline and a couple of flukey clean sheets. BR
The usual in all probability, maybe a quarter-final this time. AL
The quarter-finals, where we will lose on penalties to Germany. DH
They will get out of the group but its hard to see them progressing any further than the last 16. SJ
Quarter-finals. This is the minimum target the FA has set and is eminently achievable for a team which seems to have had the shackles removed. MK
Quarter-finals. Am I alone in thinking that England are actually quite good? I like the look of them offensively. SL
It is hard to say as England are short of experience. I feel they will need this tournament to grow as a group of players. MD
The quarter-finals. With a bit of good fortune and good play, they could even make the semi-finals. TH
They will definitely get out of their group and possibly go beyond that. M
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Who will be Englands best/most important player?
Harry Kane. People forget how poor he was in the European Championship, booed by the England fans, but if Kane is on form the team have a striker who can trouble any defence. DT
Harry Kane, making his mark at a major finals. The one player of real pedigree in English ranks. DF
Raheem Sterling. Will bring a dash of Manchester City to things and finally score a couple of goals – hopefully with his gun foot, before suggestively unfurling his sock for the cameras. BR
Harry Kane. Has to be. AL
Kyle Walker. He has a pivotal role on the right of Gareth Southgates back three, where he brings defensive cover and, crucially, pace on the transitions. Confidence is high after his superb debut season at Manchester City. DH
Harry Kane.Englands captain, principal goalscorer and, its fair to say, best player. SJ
Harry Kane is vital to Englands success as one of our few genuine world-class players. The captain has no shortage of motivation, claiming a World Cup victory would be trump winning the Champions League with Tottenham. MK
Marcus Rashford. On the basis he is given continuity, confidence and a certain level of freedom. SL
The guy who has really confirmed his talent on the big stage is Harry Kane and if he gets good service he could be one of the top scorers in Russia. MD
Harry Kane. He needs to score goals and Im sure he will. TH
Harry Kane. He had a great season with Tottenham Hotspur and his goals will make a difference for England. M
Harry Kane
Harry Kane
What are you most looking forward to, on or off the pitch?
The final. Its a World Cup final. For a journalist, theres no better moment when it comes to covering the sport. DT
Off the pitch, seeing The Motherland Calls in Volgograd. On it, that jaw dropping contest to match the drama of Belo Horizonte in 2014. DF
Discovering that, in fact, everyday Russians arent all Putin-mad dopes or gumshield-clad football hooligans. Also vodka. BR
Exploring Ekaterinburg and watching football in an unexpected place. Japan versus Senegal in a city known as the gateway to Siberia is what its all about. AL
The best thing about the previous World Cups Ive covered has been the carnival vibe. I hope its the same this time. DH
Seeing Colombia play. I had the pleasure of watching them in Brazil and they were a joy. I also havent forgotten how a few of their fans felt sorry for me when I ordered a table for one in a Brazilian steakhouse four years later and were still in touch. SJ
Im genuinely intrigued to see what sort of World Cup-host Russia will be and if they can succeed in reversing opinions of some visitors that the country is cold and unwelcoming. MK
The same thing you always look forward to at the World Cup loads of fans from loads of places making loads of noise and discovering players and teams..Some random player being brilliant. SL
Im excited to see which teams are going to surprise us AND which teams are going to show from the very outset that they are here to win it. MD
Although I think Germany will win the World Cup this looks like a really open tournament, with quite a few genuine major contenders as well as teams would could cause a major surprise. It should be fascinating. TH
Talking about soccer, watching beautiful and clean games, with sportsmanship, fair plays and no dirty plays. Thats what I hope to see, anyway. M
The Colombia fans were already out in force to cheer on their team at Kazan airport. Photograph: Luis Acosta/AFP/Getty Images
What are you most concerned about, on or off the pitch?
This might be the worst prediction of them all, but I dont think there will be the racism or riots that people fear. We heard similar before Euro 2012 in Ukraine and Poland, plus other scare stories before the World Cups in South Africa and Brazil, but it tends to be different in the big tournaments. DT
The inevitable shambles and confusion which will be VAR. DF
The only thing any football hack ever really worries about is the wi-fi. Will it be good? Will it come and go? Will it fade at kick-off? Im worrying about it right now. BR
Having been in Marseille for England versus Russia, digging out the old Italia 90 No All Violenza T-shirt and hoping for a peaceful tournament. AL
VAR leading to confusion inside the stadiums and, potentially, killing the emotion of big moments. DH
The battery life on my new mobile phone. Any incomplete answers in here are down to the fact my phone died while trying to file. SJ
That we will spend the next five weeks talking exhaustively about decisions made by Video Assistant Referees. MK
Connection issues and late goals. Long distances. Cyrillic script. On the pitch: teams turning defensive when it gets decisive. SL
That all the talk about security and organisation will overshadow the football. As a Fifa ambassador l have visited many stadiums, met many Russians, and l am confident in the capacity of Russia to run a great tournament. MD
Vladimir Putin and Gianni Infantino appearing on our television screens more often than the actual players. TH
Ugly incidents between supporters. Sport is not a tool for spreading hatred and disagreement but rather love, passion, and unity. M
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years
Arsenal v Atletico Madrid: Finish of an period for Gunners
Arsenal v Atletico Madrid: Finish of an period for Gunners
Arsenal v Atletico Madrid: Finish of an period for Gunners
Atletico’s backline – together with Juanfran – are ageing, stars like Antoine Griezmann are wished by different golf equipment
The main focus could be firmly and pretty mounted on outgoing Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger, however Atletico Madrid are additionally approaching the top of an period as they head into Thursday’s Europa League semi-final first-leg journey to Emirates Stadium.
The Spanish facet are dealing with a summer season of change, with iconic ahead Fernando Torres positively leaving and the futures of key males, ahead Antoine Griezmann and goalkeeper Jan Oblak, in appreciable doubt.
Moreover, a variety of the gamers who’ve been elementary fixtures in Diego Simeone’s facet for the previous couple of years are approaching the top of their careers, and this Europa League marketing campaign might be the final probability for outdated favourites like skipper Gabi, 34, right-back Juanfran, 33, central defender Diego Godin, 33, and at present injured left-back Filipe Luis, 32, so as to add to their trophy haul.
Atletico’s capability to compete on a good footing with Barcelona and Actual Madrid over the previous couple of years has been admirable, and Simeone’s males are on monitor to carry off metropolis rivals Actual and declare a second-place end in La Liga this season.
However Los Rojiblancos haven’t received any silverware for the reason that Spanish Tremendous Cup in August 2014, and the ultra-competitive Simeone – whose future on the membership at present appears safe regardless of common bouts of hypothesis – is determined for his troops to finish a irritating sequence of near-misses by lifting the Europa League trophy.
So be careful Arsene… Atletico are decided to spoil your leaving social gathering.
The masters of defence
Jan Oblak has conceded 23 objectives in 43 video games this season, protecting 26 clear sheets
Arsenal’s largest problem can be discovering the again of the online, as a result of Atletico’s problem is based – because it has been all through the Simeone period, which started in 2011 – on an impressive defensive file.
After Sunday’s goalless draw with Real Betis, they’ve now saved a outstanding 11 consecutive clear sheets at dwelling, with Girona ahead Portu the final visiting participant to attain on the gleaming new Estadio Wanda Metropolitano greater than three months in the past.
That sequence consists of victories in earlier Europa League knockout ties in opposition to FC Copenhagen (1-0), Lokomotiv Moscow (3-0) and Sporting Lisbon (2-0).
Nevertheless, Atletico have not been wherever close to as watertight away from dwelling, failing to maintain a clear sheet of their final eight away video games and shedding three of the final 4. However they nonetheless boast the very best defensive file in La Liga with simply 18 objectives conceded in 34 video games.
So it is clear that Arsenal want to ascertain a strong benefit from the primary leg, nevertheless it will not be straightforward for Wenger’s males to seek out their well beyond extremely constant goalkeeper Oblak, who did nothing to ease hypothesis over his future by chatting with the media after Sunday’s draw with Betis and stating he would not know the place he’ll be enjoying subsequent season.
The Slovenia worldwide has been closely linked with a summer season transfer to Paris St-Germain, who’re supposedly not delay by his 100m euros (£87m) buyout clause, with Arsenal and Liverpool additionally reportedly concerned about making Oblak the costliest goalkeeper on the earth.
Atletico midfielder Koke has urged his membership to offer the 25-year-old shot-stopper a “clean cheque” to maintain him, however Oblak’s lack of public dedication to his future has left many followers resigned to the prospect of shedding a participant who been a pillar of energy since signing from Benfica in 2014.
In entrance of Oblak, the again 4 is marshalled by the no-nonsense ‘Row Z’-style defending of the fearless Godin, with rising star Lucas Hernandez – brother of Actual Madrid defender Theo – deputising for (and even perhaps displacing) injured Luis at left-back, whereas dynamic Croatia worldwide Sime Vrsaljko competes with Juanfran for the right-back slot.
So the names could be largely completely different from the well-known Atletico defences of latest years, however because of Simeone’s meticulous drilling they’re nonetheless extremely tough to attain in opposition to. And simply to make issues even tougher, the Argentine boss has mentioned he is contemplating utilizing an additional centre-back and using a five-man defence in opposition to Arsenal on Thursday.
Griezmann’s final shot at glory?
Antoine Griezmann has scored 161 objectives for Actual Sociedad and Atletico Madrid – however his solely trophies are the Segunda Division and Spanish Tremendous Cup
For all of the goalscoring exploits of Antoine Griezmann – undoubtedly Atletico’s largest star – over the previous couple of years, the versatile ahead has one large hole on his CV: he has by no means received a significant trophy.
The 27-year-old Frenchman was a part of Actual Sociedad’s second-tier promotion-winning staff in 2010, and Atletico received the Spanish Tremendous Cup in opposition to Actual Madrid simply after he joined in the summertime of 2014, however defeats within the Champions League remaining and European Championship remaining in 2016 left him ready for extra important silverware.
Now, it seems, Griezmann’s endurance has run out and he is determined to spice up his probabilities of taking titles by becoming a member of Barcelona, who’re very assured of securing his signature by paying his 100m euros (£87m) buyout clause in the summertime – despite the fact that Simeone has claimed he has not given up hope of persuading him to remain.
Griezmann was near becoming a member of Manchester United for the same payment final yr, however he eventually decided to stick with Atletico as an indication of respect after the membership had been prevented from recruiting a substitute by a Fifa switch ban.
Earlier within the season it appeared like he was regretting his choice to remain after making a sluggish begin, however he has regained prime kind for the reason that January arrival of Diego Costa, with the previous Chelsea man’s muscular strategy serving to to create house (and tire out opposition defenders) for Griezmann’s profit.
Nevertheless, that nearly definitely will not be the case on Thursday as a result of Costa is struggling to get better from a hamstring harm suffered within the quarter-final in opposition to Portuguese facet Sporting, though Simeone is assured the highly effective ahead can be again in time for the second leg.
Fond farewell for Torres?
Fernando Torres scored his 100th La Liga aim in opposition to Levante earlier this month, days after his summer season exit was confirmed
The anticipated absence of Costa makes it extra doubtless that Arsenal followers will see a remaining outing on English soil for ex-Liverpool and Chelsea striker Fernando Torres, who will make an emotional departure from his boyhood club on the finish of the season.
Torres is predicted to maneuver to the USA or China after Simeone opted to not renew his contract, a choice which the 34-year-old was sad with however has reluctantly accepted after receiving lowered enjoying time this season.
Atletico followers maintain an infinite quantity of affection for ‘El Nino’, who first joined the membership on the age of 11 and later turned a vastly well-liked captain earlier than embarking upon his seven-year sojourn in England.
In fact, although, Torres has typically been nicely previous his finest since he returned to Atletico following a short spell with AC Milan in January 2015, and he’s not possible to start out on Thursday.
As an alternative, Griezmann is more likely to be partnered by fellow Frenchman Kevin Gameiro, who has by no means constantly lived as much as expectations since arriving from Sevilla for 32m euros (£27m) in the summertime of 2016 however who is usually a devastating participant on the counter-attack because of his searing tempo.
An alternative choice for the beginning line-up is Angel Correa, a skilful participant and an outdoor candidate for Argentina’s World Cup squad however Atletico followers would love nothing greater than Torres having fun with a final second of glory by coming off the bench to ship his staff on their approach to a European remaining.
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webanalytics · 7 years
The Conversion Rate Conundrum: Common Mistakes and What to Do Instead
In real estate, the axiom is location, location, location. It’s first and foremost. The number one consideration.
For your digital efforts – email, web pages, eCommerce platforms – an argument could be made for a few different ones: search engine optimization (SEO), the user experience (UX), conversion rate optimization (CRO), or perhaps something else entirely.
Ask five experts and you’ll probably end up with five different answers. But what’s really the end goal? Why are you doing whatever it is you’re doing?
Conversion, conversion, conversion.
Whether that means signing up, downloading, opting in, subscribing, or purchasing, you want your target to do something. Ultimately, everything else should be assisting that one objective.
With apologies to Meghan Trainor, I’m going to suggest it’s all about that CRO. SEO is obviously necessary, but traffic alone is meaningless. And the UX? A happy and satisfied user is imperative, but try paying your rent with one.
So, at the risk of drawing the wrath of the SEO and UX camps, they both fall under the CRO umbrella (they’re all very, very important, though). But – and this is a big but – it’s a massive mistake to believe that SEO and/or UX alone will do much for your CVR.
Start with the end in mind. You need to focus on specific ways to improve your conversion rate.
CRO: An Uphill Battle
Consider this: a couple of years ago, 80% left a site without doing anything. No conversion. That figure is up to 96% in 2017. The global average CVR of online shoppers early this year was 2.48%. Those stats are a bit scary.
The good news? With numbers like that, things can only get better. It just takes time, effort, and a systematic, active approach.
But don’t fall victim to these traps, pitfalls, and mistakes.
Your Mistake: Focusing On the Wrong Things
Quick question: would you rather have something beautiful, or something functional? Would you rather be clever, or understood?
I’ll be blunt…beautiful things are nice, but functional things are essential. And that goes double for your email marketing, website, eCommerce portal, or app.
And clever? Don’t get me started. Clever headlines and subject lines don’t mean a thing if no one clicks or opens them. Consumers want to know what it’s about immediately. They don’t want to have to guess or click or open before finding out (and most won’t anyway).
Be functional. Be clear. Full stop.
Now, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good looking website. Nor should your headline be boring and the first dull thing that pops into your head. Quite the contrary. But if you’re putting beauty over function and cleverness over clarity, you’re doing it wrong.
A breathtaking site that’s confusing and awkward to navigate but bursting with clever puns, wordplay, and double entendres may win you fans, but few or no conversions. Which do you want?
Do this instead…
Put your customers first. Consider their wants and needs. Use every available data source – analytics (Kissmetrics goes much deeper than Google…just sayin’), industry studies, surveys, polls, etc. – to identify and create detailed buyer personas. Then, create a site for them.
But don’t stop there. Once you have it where you think it should be, have others take it out for a spin. Try an impartial and third-party service like UserTesting to get invaluable video of real people using your site. Where did it fail them? Take that insight and tweak.
Next, turn to the old standby: A/B testing. You’d be surprised by the big results you can get from tiny changes. Use a testing tool like Optimizely or Visual Website Optimizer to confirm your theories about colors, placement, copy, design, images, and more.
One site saw a conversion lift of 304% simply by moving the CTA button from above-the-fold to below it.
Don’t make it look pretty. Make it practical.
Having said that, a cheap, outdated design with grainy stock photos isn’t going to cut it, either. People won’t trust it – or you – and if they don’t believe you’re trustworthy, they won’t convert. Keep your design clean and modern, and use high quality images of your products and people.
Finally, always opt for clear – Get Your Free Trial – over clever – Click or I Kill This Puppy.
Your Mistake: You’re Targeting Just One Platform
Desktop. Tablet. Mobile. Which one is most important?
It’s a trick question. You’ve no doubt heard a lot about the increasing role of mobile devices when it comes to the online world. Chances are virtually everyone around you is staring at their smartphone screen.
Google announced a change to its algorithm in mid-2015 that made mobile-readiness a ranking factor. Since then, more people access the internet on a mobile device than a desktop computer.
Like any good webmaster, you’ve dutifully checked the mobile-friendly tool and made sure your pages passed the mobile test. Kudos.
But the desktop is not dead. Far from it.
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More people shop weekly online using their desktop than a mobile phone, and the same number shop daily using both.
Traditional desktop computers still boast a higher conversion rate than both tablets and mobile phones. In fact, desktops had a CVR that was more than 3x higher than smartphones for American shoppers in 2016 (3.55% vs 1.15% respectively).
Mobile at the expense of desktop? Bad idea.
So how about desktop over mobile?
We’ve already mentioned that more people head online using a mobile device than desktop computers, so you’d be waving goodbye to a huge chunk of potential.
And when it comes to your local market, you’re missing out if your platform isn’t mobile-ready. More local searches result in a purchase when made on a smartphone than those made on a desktop (78% vs 61% respectively).
Finally, 59% of smartphone users expect a website to be mobile-friendly and feel frustrated when it’s not. They’ll leave and likely never return.
No mobile? No way.
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Do this instead…
The solution should be obvious. Desktop or mobile? You need both. And tablets, too. Create a website or portal that looks and functions equally well on all three, and you’re ahead of the curve.
In big markets like the United States, Canada, China, and the United Kingdom, the vast majority are multi-platform people.
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Try a tool like Screenfly or WhatIsMyScreenResolution to see for yourself. Is everything legible? Are the buttons and links spread out and big enough to be easily tapped on a touchscreen? Do you use more scrolling than clicking?
Google recommends you use a responsive site design rather than dynamic content or a separate mobile URL. And it’s best to follow their advice. Of course, there’s a lot more to mobile optimization, but this is enough to get you started.
The key takeaway: Don’t sacrifice one for the other. Design and optimize for desktop, tablet, and mobile, and watch that CVR head north.
Your Mistake: You Don’t Care About Speed
This can’t get any simpler: speed matters. For your customers and the search engines. So be fast.
As you beef your site up with tools, HD images, videos, and more, your speed suffers. If you believe that a practical, responsive site and good products are enough, you’re wrong. Why?
Because if your page takes too long to load, they’ll leave before even experiencing any of that.
Nearly half of web users expect a page to load in under 2 seconds, and 79% won’t return to a site with performance issues like slow load times.
As much as 83% of users expect a page to load in under 3 seconds, and a 1 second improvement in your load time can produce a 7% increase in conversions. That’s right.
The godfather of eCommerce – Amazon – experiences a 1% loss in revenue for every 100ms delay…that’s just one-tenth of a second.
Do this instead…
Care about speed and load time. A lot. Actively work to make your pages faster and more streamlined.
Limit the number of plugins you use
Compress images with a service like TinyPNG or ImageOptim (Mac only)
Keep the amount of analytics and tracking codes to a minimum
Upgrade your hosting provider. HostGator and InMotion are two that consistently sit at the top of speed rankings.
Optimize for and enable browser caching
Reduce the number of redirects
Use a content delivery network (CDN)
Turn on Gzip compression
Test, tweak, and optimize frequently using PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrix
Google suggests that your site take no more than 2-3 seconds to load. At most. How do you measure up?
There are other mistakes that negatively affect your CVR: you give up too easily (solution: retargeting, cart abandonment emails, etc.), no social proof (solution: add social proof), weak call-to-action (solution: make it active, make it clear, test, and optimize), and more.
Check out some of the great tutorials by Neil Patel, Glide, Kissmetrics, and HubSpot if you want to dig deeper and go further. In the meantime, find and fix these three mistakes to shift your CRO into overdrive.
Because online, it’s conversion, conversion, conversion.
About the Author: Daniel Kohn is the CEO and co-founder of SmartMail, a company that helps E-commerce stores and online retailers increase sales, average order value, and lifetime customer value through email. Download SmartMail’s 4 highest converting email templates to help jumpstart your E-commerce email marketing program.
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