#not. you know. fighing wise but maybe flirting wise
ninjasmudge · 2 years
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sometimes u gotta do an arena fighter au, for your health
both of them are trying to pay off a contract to the arena. swks their top fighter and brings in revenue, maq does fights too, but hes more of an information broker between the fighters and merchants on the outside (and sometimes the upper authority)
theyve just both been in there so long its like, one day they hate each other the next theyre sharing drinks, if one of thems in trouble, they go to the other one, 40/60 chance theyll help or make it worse
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ofalecs · 4 years
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✈️ — ⌜vernon chwe, cismale, he/him⌟  ↝  have you heard ? it seems like the heir of the SONG was very close to Liam Yu too. they go by ALEC and they were Liam's EX BOYFRIEND. their network is of  79M and they’re only TWENTY ONE … what a burden it must be. i heard they can be very FRIENDLY and ENERGETIC but these last few months, their MOODY and BRATTY personality has been showing more. the media is sure having a filled day with them! i hope this road trip with friends will help them. did you know that BLACK SKINNY JEANS, WARM SMILES, ALWAYS KNOWING THE RIGHT THING TO SAY TO WIN AN ARGUMENT, THE SMELL OF FRESH COFFEE EARLY IN THE MORNING  really show their true persona ? maybe Liam was the only one who knew that .. 
— Alec was born and raised in New York ,but he often visited Seoul  growing up as it’s the city his dad and grandparents are from. His mother is a neurosurgeon and his father owns a famous eletronics company.  Growing up an only child, he was a bit spoiled but on the other hand, there was always the pressure to meet his parent’s expectations.
— He was born on October 23rd, 1998. His zodiac sign is Scorpio with a moon in Sagittarius. Often secretive and mysterious, there are deep undercurrents at work. Highly motivated, nothing can deter him when inspired or driven towards a goal.
—  Personality wise he’s charismatic, energetic, friendly and loyal but can also be competitive impatient, moody and stubborn. If one of his close friends loved ones he’d do anything for you, really. Has a habit of drinking coffee late at night to help finish his projects for college. A decent sleeping schedule? Alec never heard of it. The type of friend that’s up at 4 am and will pick up your calls/reply to texts every time. He’s also fluent in english, korean and french and will speak french on occasion when he’s drunk. —  Alec’s currently on his last year at NYU double majoring in cinema studies and management. Two completely different things as you can notice. His dream was to be a famous director one day but Alec’s expected to take a part in his family business so he decided to try both. His parent’s are not very supportive about that and think he’s wasting his time. 
—  He met Liam through a mutual friend - Isaac - at a party and that day they just talked and flirted a little but nothing really happened because said friend got incredibly drunk and passed out and Alec had to drive him home and leave early. They met again a few months later, at Isaac’s birthday dinner. And this time they actually exchanged numbers after talking a bit more. From that it was fast, they were texting almost everyday and soon they started going out.  —  That all happened two years ago, Alec was 19 and on his first year of NYU when he started dating Liam. At the start it was amazing, they’d go in weekend getaway trips to the beach, hang out w/ each other’s friends, go to parties together. And they were happy. But with the age difference between them and Alec’s own insecurities things started to go down. Alec knew some of Liam’s friend didn’t approve of him amd some of his own ‘friends’ were telling him not to get too attached, that Liam had a bad rep when it came to relationships and that he’d soon get bored of him and leave.  Alec shouldn’t have listened, of course. But he was young and this was only his second serious relationship, the first one not really being a good reference.  He started to think that maybe they were right.  But on his mind, Liam was too good for him. Not the other way around.
— They started fighing a lot and decided to end things before they ended up resenting each other. Aftter that, they didn’t stay in touch for a while. Alec was busier than ever, he started working as an intern at his family’s company and often had to travel to different countries to oversee important business trades and take notes. The idea was that if he was busy enough he wouldn’t miss Liam so much. Didn’t work so well. Eventually they started talking again and that was where they were at when the accident happened. Almost back at a friends status. He was heartbroken and devastated about learning of Liam’s passing.  And spent weeks numb, working on autopilot. Upon recieving Moon’s letter, Alec hesitated for a while. Not knowing if it’d really be a good idea to come or not. But in the end he decided he had to come.
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