#note 2: im also just like not a big shipper in general lmao
elliebell77 · 5 months
For the ask thing with ships, i need to know your honest opinion on dreamxcross and then crossxnightmare
Also im curious where you'd place errorx dream
dreamxcross: makes sense, compels me
ok tbh im not like a huge cream fan. its not that i have anything against it i just am not super interested in it personally. EXCEPT in the context of character development. For example i personally headcanon that dream has a VERY black and white worldview (bad things can only be done by bad people for bad reasons and bad people can never be anything other than that) so i think having him fall in love with someone who would be considered “bad” would make for a really juicy character arc
crossxnightmare: makes sense, doesnt compel me
ive only really ever been interested in crossmare when it comes to bad sans polycule. But taken out of that context i just kinda find it meh? like no hate ofc its just for me personally i have a hard time seeing their relationship as anything other than boss/subordinate. Also thinking about cross’s undying loyalty to nm and maybe even views him with some reverence? oh god theres so much angst potential here. maybe it does compel me after all
errorxdream: doesn’t make sense, doesnt compel me
i just havent really seen enough of this ship for it to compel me. i think it COULD be interesting but id have to let it marinade in my brainrot juices for longer before i take any real interest. Plus I just dont really see the connection between them in terms of narrative? like dream and error just don’t really interact at all at least from the media ive seen
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robertisbisexual · 5 years
I see all these will sonny Paul stuff on your blog and have no idea what happened. What’s the story there? Who’s who? Who forgot about who? I’m sorry this is just me being so confused! X
Welcome to a crash course in gays of our lives anon [because days doesnt know what a bisexual is or a wlw tbh]
also NEVER APOLOGIZE i love talking about Paul and Will and sometimes Sonny.
Will is the blond man, Paul is the Asian man, and Sonny is obviously the remaining man.
Will and Sonny were the big ship back in the day and represented a lot of firsts in terms of queer rep in daytime soaps.  And for the most part they had a pretty good relationship [theres the whole Will not coming out right away and managing to knock up Gabi thing but ultimately their trio parenting is very cute and I like their family so \ o/ ]
Now Chandler [the blond man in all the gifs i reblogged] decided to leave and they recasted the character. It was... a choice that some liked and some didnt. I didnt really have strong feelings on it because I barely watched at that time and I never really cared about Wilson all that much.
But you see days is a soap that LIVES on love triangles [if you dont have some sort of relationship drama youre probably only gonna be on screen one day a week tbh] and so eventually they brought in Paul.
I am very Paul biased and I aint sorry about it.
Paul was introduced as a closeted major league baseball player in Salem for a fancy surgery and we eventually found out he was [in a retcon i believe] Sonnys first love but they broke up cuz he wouldnt come out etc etc. It caused some drama llama because days is gonna days.
Eventually Will banged Paul for the scoop story on him being a gay man and cheated on Sonny to do so and then when Sonny and Will were i think broken up and definitely not in a good place period the show decided “lets murder will and let the viewers see it from his POV”
It did not go over well. Like not even with just fandom it went over bad everywhere because Will was a legacy character people watched grow up and is a child of two of the most important families in Days history and it was... the worst. just a dumb dumb thing [side note he was kinda murdered by Ben, current days heartthrob fgdsdsgdf]
So in the wake of that Paulson rose from dead Wilson ashes. And people loved it! Like ok sure not all wilson fans loved it because shippers and monoshipping but the general audience loved the the sl and Paul.
It lasted ... years. like the build to them getting married was LONG.
And then we found out Chandler was coming back because the only thing days loves more than love triangles is bringing someone back from the dead. So surprise Ben didnt actually kill will because a magic days potion thing saved him? just made him seem dead? idk its confusing.
Ben crashed a wedding and yelled about Will being alive and even tho Wilson weren't even together when Will died and we’d spent years now watching Sonny fall big time loe in love with Paul the SECOND he heard Will was alive it was like Paul whomst?
A buncha angst happened, paul looked sad alot, and they found Will alive only Will thought he was EJ [his step dad, its a long story] and had no memories of anyone. People convinced him to move back to Salem and to try and remember and in a big ass disservice to Sonnys character the writers made him a lil turd bucket who dumps Paul and then just sorta assumed him and Will will be together.
Except amnesia Will had only one goal in his newly discovered new/oldlife: to get smashed into next year by beautiful Paul.
This man literally divorced [idk how you need to get divorced when youve been declared legally dead and Sonny was literally about to get married a few weeks prior but whatever days you do you] sonny for a CHANCE at that sweet sweet paul action.
Paul was VERY hesitent about Will because he still loved Sonny and even if Sonny didnt want to be with him he didnt want to hurt Sonny. IMO the writing for Sonny here is awful tbh and they made him both way to aggressive in his attempts to be with Will and cold in his treatment of Paul. It was like a light switch got flipped from “loves paul” to “loves will” and there was no inbetween [this is an issue they duplicated with Will months later and it was imo just as poorly done]
What came next was Paul and Will growing closer and fallin in love and I WOULD LITERALLY DIE FOR THEM but like even the most diehard horita shipper knew that eventually will x sonny would happen.
And not too long after Will and Paul shared the i love yous and basically moved in together etc etc Will started his journey of recovering his memories and Paul was CLEARLY nervous about it but supportive and helpful because hes just a soft good human tbh and Will repeatedly told him nothing would change [but we knew rip]
Except as soon as Will got his full memories back he had that light switch flip himself and literally seconds after having memories back was like “time to dump paul“
except dumbass paul with a heart of gold literally tackled someone out a window of a mansion to save Wills mom from being hurt and ended up paralyzed because apparently days only knows how to write men of color out by paralyzing them [ because they LITERALLY just did this exact exit with another character not even a year before this but i digress] so Will felt guilty and stayed with Paul, though not too guilty because he kept making out with Sonny in public places and getting reamed for it by Pauls brother Brady.
Then Paul ... figured it out? Or Will finally fessed up I cant really remember tbh I sorta blocked it out because it was ...not well written. Anyways they broke up and literally a day later Paul was like ok bye dad and brother im moving back to san fran for fancy medical treatment see ya whenever and just left lmao without even saying goodbye to anyone else.
and now we’re at the point where days clearly has no idea what to do with only 2 gay men and no triangle because all they've done since Paul left is that Sonny was blackmailed into marrying guest character Leo, also a gay man, who they thought they’d killed months before [and paul helped them cover up I believe because he's perfect] but surprise you didnt and now you gotta be married and stay apart because... reasons.
And then Leo finally left and they were free of that only now Will has a brain tumor as a side effect form the magic serum stuff that gave him his memories back but they’re only ever on like one day a week and I gotta be honest its so boring anon.
I miss Paul and also Will's personality and I wish they’d both come back.
and that’s what you missed on glee.
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thegeminisage · 7 years
im putting it behind a cut, but if cuts aren’t working for u and you see a fuckton of text, SCROLL PAST IT. those are spoilers!!!!!!
the good (lots of this):
every single scene with carrie fisher in it
that they didn't KILL leia god i'm so relieved
her little fakeout death w/ the recovery at the end i ugly cried that's how relieved i was
i’ll note that for that one second i really thought she had drowned in moonlight
seeing her fly back to cheat death was so fucking good for a moment it was like carrie gave death the finger and was with us again
here’s a nice review about how this was accidentally the kindest and most loving goodbye to carrie and leia i agree with all of it
also rose is amazing i love her so much from her starry-eyed hero worship of finn converting to straight up stunning him a second later down to her saving him at the last second
like she's in a lot of pain but she does what needs doing - even giving away her pendant (tho i'm relieved she got it back) - even crashing into finn when he's being an idiot!
finn is still very much himself, by which i mean he's fully 1000% "bye y'all lmao" when shit gets hairy
the comedy!!! god it was SO FUNNY poe’s call with hux the little porg bird thingies luke trolling rey like 11/10 on humor it never felt too badly timed and honestly in such a serious movie and in such serious times i think we all needed that? like, there's never a wrong time to try and lighten your load, yk
all the space stuff was done well in general actually - like the alien race on the island, the icy fox creatures, they were nice star wars-y lil details and really added a LOT to the feel of the movie
the music as always was 10/10
it really sort of kind of is the last of the jedi?! (more on this later but at least the temple burned)
speaking of poe, his mother/son relationship with leia :')
luke skywalker high key Did That he really did face down the whole first order with nothing but a light saber
luke getting to see leia and his droids one last time ;_;
also, R2 hitting below the belt by playing the Original recording of leia that was one of the 3 times i cried (the other two being when leia survived the space thing and when luke showed up to meet the rebels & leia)
bb8 was honestly so wonderful & when poe was like HEY happy u guys are alive wheres my droid! it honestly gave me life
YODA!!!!! i was so happy to see him :')
rip snoke u dumb bitch lmao
kylo ren didn't get redeemed!!!! suck it r*ylo shippers
the bad (barely any of this):
kylo ren came THIS CLOSE to getting redemption and rey was full on suckered into this fuckboy's drama-angst and i think she'd be smarter than that like they did her dirty and actually i'm sure the r*ylo shippers are delighted, which: disgusting. he only tortured her! no big deal!!!
i Do Not Like the subtle implication of a rose/finn/rey love triangle. like, mostly because i hate, hate, HATE love triangles, ESPECIALLY ones that pit two women against each other, but also, people will get very ugly over this if we go this direction. please lets dont, can’t everything just be gen, Please Lets Dont 
the nitpicky (by which i mean, not too bad exactly, but could have been way better):
that codebreaker guy flip-flopped alliances too many times. first we liked him, then hated him, then liked him, then hated him—one or two misdirections is plenty, past that you're just overdoing it
they did phasma dirty she deserved more Depth rather than to be some throaway villain i expected finn to empathize with and spare her at the last second, But No
not thrilled poe spent most of the film kinda sitting around and not interacting with finn or rey or bb8 ecept thru comms—mixed feelings on his plotline in general, it was good he learned some stuff but bad that he sort of had to carry the idiot ball to do it, and it's emotional whiplash to spend the whole movie thinking he's right and when he suceeds he'll show them all! and then have him very much not do that and present it as character development - there should have been some sort of audience awareness that he was making bad choices, but instead they just made purple haired lady look like a bitch until the last second
also not thrilled rey didn’t get to interact with anybody but luke and kyle ron like :/ cmon i miss her and finn!! i wanted to see her finally INTERACT with poe!!!!! not just meet him!!
rey's parentage technically thematically makes sense but it was executed so weirdly and without confirmation that it was the absolute truth that i don't know if it's For Real and it didn't gut punch me like it was intended to, i think
i was expecting them to go "the force belongs to all of us, no more jedi!!" until the very last second when they kinda chickened out and it was okay i guess but also :/ mixed message!!! i suspect they can't do that bc marketing lol
there were a lot of fakeout deaths and it really stressed me out they might have gone too hard there
the side trip to the city felt a Teensy bit unnecessary like im all for rose's development i LOVE ROSE but if they could have found themselves there rather than gone out of their way to go i would have bought it a little more
i don’t like rose mortally wounding herself/risking her life for finn with the immediate romantic implication after like...let her do that OR smooch on finn or like even do both at different times in the movie but Don't do both at the same time like No Man Is Worth Your Life, not even finn, the Only good man!!! 
there was one tiny moment of queerbait for finn and poe which........dont
like i almost wonder if the lil smooch was to try and discourage the finnpoe shippers like for some reason when writers hear about fandom shipping two dudes their reactiosn are always 1. give one of them a gf 2. separate them like why bother with romance plotlines at all it always gets ugly i hate it
i was slightly confused when luke died i didn't realize it was happening til it was over like overall im at peace w/ how he went out especially considering theres definite room for force ghost stuff later but was he like looking at himself near the end? maybe i missed something but i like thought he saw something in the sun and i was like oh shit the first order came to blow him up! and then the suns were covered with clouds and i was like ??? and then he was looking at himself and there were two suns and then he vanished! and like i got that he died and why he died but was was the thing in the sun did they shoot the planet destroying canon did he hallucinate the other sun it was all just very ???????
4/5 for the above mentioned reasons. i would have given it a 5 if not for that kylo ren bullshit like they’re doing rey so wrong with that it’s my main beef with the movie
my favorite from the first was finn but this time it’s rose (sorry finn)
my least favorite as always is kylo ren
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