#nothing from when he first teases betty with the crown
redrobin-detective · 10 months
I keep turning over a sad little thought in which if all of Simon's memories from the time he put on the crown were stored in it. So when he is magically separated from the crown in CAWM, he retains no memory of any of the events while he was controlled by it. One minute he was teasing Betty in the 20th century and the next he's surrounded by candy people, vampires and talking dogs. How absolutely devastating would that be to everyone involved?
Simon is in a state of shock and it probably takes him months if not years for his brain to mentally catch up with the fact that his civilization died and a new magical one sprang up in what was to him the blink of an eye. Not to mention he knows he lived and experienced in that thousand year interval but when he pokes that spot, it's all a blank. People keep talking to him like he's familiar, bringing up stories and it's like they're talking about a different person. And they ARE in a way, Simon Petrikov PhD student was a very different person after the War and the force of the crown's madness.
Can you imagine Marcy's devastation, that she gets her father figure back and he once again can't remember her? He's normal and sane but he looks at her like she's a stranger. They're back at the same point when he was Ice King. They both work at the relationship and Simon cares for her, but this man didn't raise her, didn't give up his sanity to keep her safe and keep coming back to her even when his mind was gone. They make it work but it's different than what it had been. Marcy looks at him and sees a friend and a mentor but not a father.
Finn too had slowly, despite himself, become fond of Ice King. Especially when he learned of his tragic story. They had developed a relationship and Finn was eager to meet the human behind the magic. Much of his life is defined by loss and here he experiences another one. A man he had beat up, then pitied then against all odds befriended looks at him like a lost kid. This Simon doesn't understand Ooo and Finn's status. He's a man in his 30's to 40's, it will be hard for him to see a teenager as an equal without having developed the relationship over time. He would probably try to fill in the mentor/father role like he did Marcy but Finn would feel cheated. This man was, but also wasn't, the friend Finn knew.
Just a Simon who has to crash course adjust to the literal entire forces of the world changing under his feet with no prior knowledge. He has to cope with the joy and the grief of people who loved him (this other him) dealing with his existence. He has to learn about Betty's sacrifice all over again and not really comprehend just what she went through for him to return. Simon will lie awake at night and try his hardest to remember being scared and starving in the apocalypse, losing himself to madness and becoming a joke, a pointless nuisance, for the people of this world for centuries.
He suffered under the crown but he would give anything to have those bad memories back if it meant he could actually feel connected to the new world he was trapped in.
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dayenurose · 2 years
Writer’s Month Prompts (written for @writersmonth )
Day 23 - Lodge (Bughead)
(Note: This story is a (surprise) follow up to Day 19′s story - Bubbles and Single Parent(s). Enjoy.)
“Here you are, Juggie.” Betty joined Jughead on the balcony porch. He appeared deep in thought as he gazed out into the tamed wilderness behind the lodge. She couldn’t help but wonder if the notebook abandoned on the chair had anything to do with his contemplative expression.
Despite the crisp autumnal chill, he looked cozy with a plaid blanket wrapped around his shoulders and a mug of steaming coffee cupped in his hands. Back home, as the weather had cooled, he’d taken to wearing a knitted crown beanie. Apparently, he used to wear the hat all the time before they had met. She found the addition charming.
“Good morning.” Jughead kissed her lightly on lips before turning his attention back to the view. Through a gap in the towering pines, they spied a glimpse of the lake. The sun glinted like diamonds off the gently lapping waves. “How’d you sleep?”
“Gloriously.” Betty carefully balanced her coffee mug along the railing, then reached up, stretching long and lean. The stretch raised the hem of the oversized sweatshirt she’d stolen from Jughead ages ago, revealing a strip of bare skin. His mug-warmed fingers traced chastely along her lower back. Still, she squirmed as the light touch tickled.
“Don’t stop,” she pleaded as his touch drifted away and the sweatshirt once again covered her skin.
A smirk tugged at his lips as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Later, when the kids aren’t twenty feet away in the living room.”
“Tease.” She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. Unfortunately, he was right. Jellybean was partaking in her tradition of Saturday morning cartoons. The twins were excited to join in this treat. Betty generally tried to limit the about of screen time the twins had access to, but she couldn’t deny it was nice being able to have a proper lie in while Jellybean and the twins amused themselves for a bit.
Jughead hummed a noncommittal response. “I still can’t believe Veronica just let us borrow this place for the week. It’s like a mansion plopped in the middle of the backwoods. Still feels like it must be a dream or something.”
“As I said last night, welcome to Lodge Lodge. Veronica is generous with her friends. She's offered to let me come up here before, but I've never taken her up on it before now.” Betty sipped her coffee, trying to remember the last time she was here. It definitely wasn't this peaceful. “V used to bring the whole gang up here all the time during high school. We’d have these unsupervised parties and do a bunch of stupid stuff. Nothing too dangerous, I suppose, but you wouldn’t believe the number of headaches and fights which followed us back home after a weekend away.”
Shaking her head, Betty struggled to push aside the melancholy she associated with growing up too fast, which surfaced anytime she reflected too long on her carefree past. “This is the first time I’ve been back here since I got custody of the twins. Suddenly getting drunk and fighting about who stole whose boyfriend felt lest important, you know…”
“Betts, stop.” He press a kiss to the crown of her head. “It’s okay to mourn what you loss. It’s also okay to want things for yourself.”
“I know, I know.” She really did, but sometimes it felt selfish. Selfish to still want that life when she wouldn’t trade being ‘mom’ to the twins for the world. “Do you ever miss what your life could have been?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean I’ve been doing this since I was sixteen, so I didn’t exactly have a normal high school experience. Even if I wasn’t taking care of Jelly, I wasn’t exactly Mr. Popular. No one was going to invite me to the high school dance or weekend parties in the woods.”
Despite herself, Betty laughed. “Not to be all gender norms and stuff, but I think guys are still more likely to ask the girls to the dance.”
“Betts,” he voice dropped to that deep rumble that made her shiver. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her flush against his body. She could feel the thrum of his heartbeat. “You’re the first girl I ever wanted to invite to a dance and I didn’t meet you until recently. So, no, even if I had the opportunity, I wouldn’t have invited another girl to the dance.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you had….” Betty never knew how to respond when he said things like that. He made her feel special, and cherished, and loved by him, but it was also so far from her experiences.
Jughead rested his cheek on top of her head. “I know. Don’t worry about it. I don’t regret any of my decisions. I wouldn’t exchange taking care of Jelly for the world of normal opportunities. Besides, it led me to you. I can’t think of anything better.”
She melted into his embrace. They’d been dating for six months—almost as long as they’d known each other and their lives had almost seamlessly melded together. Suddenly, there was another person in their lives they could depend on. Betty lost track of the times he volunteered to watch the twins while she went to a doctor’s appointment or stayed late for a study session. Likewise, she returned the favor, letting Jellybean stay with her when Jug picked up an extra shift or visited his dad in prison. While they scheduled semi-regular date nights, more often than not, their mutual free evenings were spent together at his or her apartment with all the kids and doing normal family things. Making supper, doing homework, watching moves—that sort of thing.
The twins had quickly taken to Jughead. Following Betty’s example, they called him Juggie. When he was there at bedtime, they begged him to be part of their bedtime routine—reading stories and tucking them in—and were disappointed when he wasn’t there in the morning. Last spring, not long after they started dating, Juni’s pre-school class was having a ‘Daddy-Daughter’ event. Jug hadn’t even blinked when Juni had asked him to come.
On the other hand, Betty wasn’t certain what Jellybean thought of her. While she got along great with the twins—patiently playing with them, reading to them, teaching them new things— Jelly was wary around Betty. Jug’s sister was unfailingly polite and whenever Betty babysat her, the girl seemed to enjoy herself. But, when Jug was around, Jellybean would never talk directly to Betty. She’d always ask Jug first if she wanted something from Betty. He refused to play go-between so Jelly would need to decide between not getting what she wanted or talking to Betty.
“Whatchya thinking about?” Jug broke into her silent reverie.
“Us. Our families. Jelly.” She threaded her fingers between his.
Jughead tensed. She could feel the tension travel through his jaw and down into his arms. “I’m sorry about how she acts. I don’t know what’s gotten into her…”
“It’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine-fine. But, it’s normal. I’m the new woman in your life. She’s protective of her big brother who’s always so protective of her.” Betty worried at her lower lip for a moment as she decided whether or not to broach the subject. “Juggie, I think she might be worried that if we…well, you know, move forward with our relationship. Get more serious…”
“Betts, I am absolutely serious about you.”
“And I’m serious about you too…” She swatted at his arm. “Now, stop distracting me.”
“Yes ma’am.” He wrapped her arms around her waist and picked her up. She squealed, but didn’t fight as he carried her over to one of the deck chairs and settled her on his lap. “Go on.”
She cuddled up against him and teased at the bit of hair which snuck out from under his beanie. “I was saying, I think Jelly might be afraid that if you get serious about me, you’ll leave her too. Like your mom and dad. So, she’s making certain you know she needs you.”
Jug swore under his breath. “I thought… I was trying…I wanted her to never feel that way. I was hoping she knew that no matter what happens in our lives, I’ll always be there for her.”
“Shh, it’ll be okay Juggie.” Betty pressed her forehead against his. “Deep down she knows. She’s been your world for so long now that she’s needing to learn how to share you. Remember, while you’ve always been there for her, when big life things happen, your parents weren’t. As much as that hurts you, it also hurt her. She needs time to get used to me and to see that things won’t change between you and her.”
“I’ve got a smart girlfriend.” Jug lifted his face and nibbled at her jawline.
Betty laughed as she stretched her neck to give him better access. “Why thank you. And, just so you know, I have an absolutely amazing and caring boyfriend.”
“Do you now?” he mumbled around the kisses he lavished down her neck. Tugging lightly at the neckline of the sweatshirt, he revealed the edge of her collarbone. He pressed a kissed to the spot, sucking slightly in order to leave his mark on her skin.
Everything came to a sudden and hasty stop as the balcony door opened.
“Jug?” Jellybean called.
Betty was thankful that her back was to the door. Between that and her hair, the kids wouldn’t have been able to see what the adults were getting up to. Suddenly, Betty felt a bit like a teenager again, getting caught in a compromising position. She adjusted the neckline of the sweatshirt so everything was covered.
“Breathe,” Jug whispered as he brushed her hair behind her ear. His lingering caress was light and intimate.
Glancing around his girlfriend, Jug waved his sister over. “All done with your cartons?”
“Yeah.” She stayed beside the door, swinging it back and forth. “Um, I’m hungry.”
“Okay, I’ll get you some cereal.” Jughead started to scoot to the edge of the chair. Betty slipped off his lap and started to gather their abandoned coffee mugs.
“Actually, I was wondering,”—Jellybean studied her fingers and picked at a hangnail—“Betty, will you make pancakes?”
“Of course,” Betty couldn’t stop the thousand watt smile breaking out across her face. “I’d love to. Would you like to help?”
Jelly nodded.
“All right, why don’t you head in and wash your hands. I’ll join you in the kitchen in a moment.”
Jughead squeezed her hand, silently sharing the joy of the moment.
“Okay.” Jellybean dashed inside to follow Betty’s instructions.
Following Jelly inside, Jughead and Betty paused in the living room to check on the twins. Though no one was paying attention to the television, the cartoon continued to play. DJ colored while Juni built with Duplos.
“Go on.” Jug turned off the tv. “I’ll keep an eye on the twins.”
“Can you read us a story?” Juni asked. She looked up at him with large hopeful eyes.
“Of course.” Jug settled on the couch and the twins were soon cuddled against his sides, each with a stack of books.
I love you, Betty mouthed silently as Jug settled in the center of the couch. The twins cuddled up at his sides, each with a stack of books.
Jug winked, and returned the sentiments in an equally silent, I love you.
Knowing her kids were in good hands, Betty proceeded to the kitchen on the ground floor. Jellybean had already started to lay out mixing bowls, measuring cups, and a pancake flipper.
“Thanks, that’s very helpful.” Betty set the coffee mugs in the sink as she washed her hands.
Jelly's cheeks colored at the praise. She hesitated a moment before asking shyly, “Can we have blueberry pancakes?”
Neither the twins nor Jughead were fond of blueberry pancakes, so Betty didn’t make them often.
“Certainly. And, I’ll let you in on a secret,” Betty whispered conspiratorially, “they’re my favorite too,”
In Jellybean’s answering grin, Betty saw a trace of Jughead’s mischievous glint. She also noted the acknowledgment in Jelly’s eyes that the girl recognized Betty as ally and an adult she could trust.
Betty’s heart soared. She couldn’t help but think that they were one step closer to becoming a family for keeps.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 38)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:4262
Warnings: Language,shirtless Loki, self deprecation, teasing, Smut!!!! just kidding but there is some implied
song for this part:Better- Betty Who, Graveyard- Halsey
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Shannon had got you situated in her old room on her old floor with Lucky laying on the bed with you, keeping you company. You assured Shannon you were okay for the thirtieth time before she finally left. You tapped into her speaker system and played some good heartbreak songs while crying all night. Would things ever be right with you and Loki? Were things over between you two? Did he no longer trust you? Were you really turning into someone who could say what you said to him? 
You didn’t know, you didn’t have the answers. All you knew was you had heart wrenching songs, a sweet canine companion, and a pillow to cry into, and for now, that’s all you needed. 
The following morning, you woke up with puffy eyes but you wanted to try and see what Loki was up to. Did he care that you weren’t there? Did he even notice your absence? 
You ordered JARVIS to pull up the security feed to the cell and you watched it for thirty minutes. Loki hadn’t woken yet, which was a bit unusual, but you remained watching. Finally, he began stirring. It was odd, even though you were still upset, seeing him shirtless still sent a pool of heat to your core as he lied in black satin sheets.
When he came all the way to, he looked over and noticed you weren’t in the bed. He felt your spot on the bed and must’ve felt that it was cold. He glanced at the open bathroom door then and noticed you weren’t in there either. Quickly, he raced out to the common living area, clad in nothing but pajama bottoms. He checked the kitchen counter and stainless steel fridge for a note, when he failed to find one, he checked the glass coffee table, not finding one there either. Next, he ran into your office -- nothing. 
He stepped into back into the main area, the realization hitting him that you didn’t stay in the cell. With a slight flicker of his hand, a clone of himself appeared. 
“She’s left, that’s not shocking,” the clone mocked. 
“Shut up,” he ordered. 
“If you didn’t want me to talk, why did you conjure me?” the clone demanded. 
“Why isn’t she here?” he asked, ignoring the snarky replica.
“Because you keep pushing her away. Before, when she was imprisoned in here, because of you, I might add, she couldn’t get away. You pissed her off and she was forced to sleep here, to stay here. Now, she can leave whenever you decide to hurt her.”
“Hurt her? She’s working with that maniac that nearly killed me,” he argued with himself. 
“You mean the world renowned physicist that you set off? The one that was doing his job? He’s no different than Shannon, Stark, or the soldier… The only difference is, Banner has the power to beat you.” 
“She should’ve known this would hurt me… She did it on purpose.”
“Yes, because the first thing prisoners do when their released is ask for more security while they’re in the outside world,” the clone remarked with an eyeroll. “Face the facts. You’ve hurt her by acting like a fool, so she left.”
“I didn’t mean to react that way. I just… She’s going to forget about me. She’s going to go back to doing what she loves, she’ll be surrounded by all those heroes and one day, she’s going to wake up, look at me, and regret the moment she ever said yes to me…” 
“And you’re going to decide all of that for her? You’re just going to assume that she’s going to do that? After everything she’s done for you, and with you? You think spending some time with the heroes will suddenly make her hate you?” 
“Well no, but--”
“But what? If you’re so scared of losing her, you need to start acting like you want to keep her, rather than finding ways to figure out how she might leave you. But that didn’t occur to you, did it? Because you’re used to running, to trickery, to betrayal… You can’t fathom the thought that she could possibly love you unconditionally, for you.”
“How could she? She said it herself. I’m a monster,” Loki suddenly responded, a sad smile on his face as he played with the palm of his hand. His nervous habit. 
“Did she? Or was she simply pointing out your flawed prejudice against Dr. Banner? Seems to me you’re finding all these excuses not to realize it’s your fault she’s left. But that’s familiar, isn’t it? It’s Odin’s fault you had a melt down. It’s Thor’s fault you didn’t earn the crown. It’s Thanos’ fault your mother died alone. But who is really at the center of all of these problems?”
“I’ve accepted the fact that I’m the problem when it comes to my family,” Loki nearly growled at himself.
“Then you need to accept the fact that you’re the problem when it comes to you and Y/N, as well. Last I checked, she came back to you, back to a cell that marked her wrongful imprisonment, just to spend the night with you, just to show you that you weren’t alone, as she’s done time and time again…”
“Well what do I do? I can’t exactly call her,” he muttered. 
“You hope she decides to give you another chance,” the clone informed. “But then again, maybe if you lose her, you’ll finally realize you need to take responsibility for the pain you cause people…” 
With another flicker, the clone was gone and the door to your room was being opened as Shannon entered with a tray full of delicious smelling food.
“Good morning,” she greeted sweetly, putting the tray on the desk, glancing to the monitors. “Whatcha up to?” 
You went to look at her, but realized you were crying, so you wiped your face quickly with your sleeve. “Uh, just watching Loki…” you informed. 
She sat in the spare office chair and looked at you for a moment. “Another fight, hmm?” 
You didn’t tell her last night why you weren’t staying down there, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out why you weren’t sleeping with your boyfriend. 
Nodding, you ran the security footage back to when you got to the cell, letting her watch the scene in its entirety. 
“Oh, Y/N, I didn’t think he would take it like that. If you want, I can have it so that you work with me more than with him?” She walked over to you sitting down by your feet. “Is there anything you want to talk about, we haven’t had much of a girls talk in well forever.” She reached for your hand hoping to be of some sort of consolation. 
You shook your head. “No, no. I’m excited to work with Bruce. If Loki’s gonna get mad every time I go work with someone that he pissed off… well he’s going to be in for a rude awakening,” you said with a laugh. “We pissed of a lot of people here in New York. I want to do this. I want to work with Bruce. He’s just going to have to be okay with that.”
“Well yeah but if it’s uncomfortable I’d rather you tell me right away.” She moved to sit cross legged in front of you munching on mango. “Anyways let everything out Y/N/N, I’m sure there’s a lot you’d like to get out.” She patted your leg.
“Working with Bruce is fine. No offense, but he’s better at physics than you,” you teased with a wink. “I think I’ll like it. But… just… Loki and his temper. It’s awful. I mean, he gets so mad at the smallest things and twists my words. It’s infuriating. And I don’t know if it’s just being in prison, or if it’s the brainwashing. I barely knew him before we dove off that bridge, so I have nothing to compare it to. Thor told me that he never got mad, he got even. But it just seems like no matter what I do, it isn’t right. If I stay, he’s accusing me of deceiving him and lying to him about wanting to stay. If I leave, he sees it as a threat of me leaving and never coming back. There’s no winning…” You took a deep breath and looked at her. “Do you ever have problems like that with Tony? Where the problem just seems to go around and around and you can never fix it?” you asked as you grabbed an orange and started to peel it. 
“Kinda. It mostly revolves with him and the arc reactor, he just won’t stop messing with it. He took it out a few months ago and I had to shove it back into him or else he would have gone into a coma. We got into it because I told him to leave it alone and he threw it at me saying that it’s the same when I mess with my powers. I’ve been trying to see how I can get the empath powers out of me but still nothing. I’ve been running so many tests that my arm looks like I’m a junkie.” She lifts her sleeve to show you.
You leaned forward, taking her arm in your hand, staring at it. “Jesus, Shannon. Does he know?”
“He may have caught me taking some blood samples… I was trying to see if there was any of it laced in there. My blood feels like it boils when I get hooked on someone’s anger.” She popped a piece of fruit into her mouth.
You couldn’t help but slightly laugh, no humor there. “That’s how I feel when anyone mentions Loki negatively.” Your hands sparked purple. “That was Thanos’s doing. To keep me pissed off.. What an ingenious way to do that. To take the love I have for someone, and twist it into a weapon.” You shook your head at the cruelty of it. “I remember when I used to want to have powers like you,” you remembered, somewhat fondly. “I used to pray I could be cool, and have all these mutant abilities. I mean, your powers let you get to know Xavier and all of the X-Men…”
“Well yeah but it’s not like all the mutations I have are good… in the time you were gone I went on missions with the team and I robbed the bad guys of their powers and I still have them. I’ve just chosen not to use them, even though they tend to take control of me.” She looked back at you. “Your powers are all yours because your Asgardian, mine came about because of a flaw in my experiment.” 
“You’ll figure out how to get the bad ones out,” you assured. “If anyone can do it, it’s you… and maybe Charles,” you said with a laugh. “Maybe you should give him a call and see if he and Jean could maybe put you under and… I don’t know, perhaps extract the parts of you that take on the mutations. I’m not a molecular biologist, that isn’t my field, but I imagine it’s like finding a cancerous tumor. Find the thing that’s out of order in the DNA and fix it.”
“Yeah I think I will but for now there’s other things to worry about. Like planning this wedding, making sure you're okay and situated. Keeping Tony out of trouble.” She giggled, remembering something. “I have to tell you last year I caught him making blueprints for a female Iron Man suit. It’s a lot more form fitting than his from the looks of it. I think he’s trying to make it for me because I keep taking one of his, but the thing is I don’t want my own suit. I told him he doesn’t need to make it but he still did.”
You shook your head. “Men. They have trouble listening, don’t they? Why don’t you want a suit of your own? I think it would be kinda cute if you two flew around in matching suits. I mean, I upgraded my wardrobe when Loki and I got together,” you reminded, thinking back fondly to the black and green hooded robe you used to wear. 
“I mean yeah it would be cute but then that would also means having to take the role as Iron Woman if people were to see me in the suit. It’s challenge enough being a part of the Avengers but it's a whole other thing being a figure I’m not. You two look good together in those colors.” She was remembering the cloak from the time you’d had come back.
“Thanks. Loki could look good in a burlap sack,” you remarked with a faint laugh, reaching for a piece of toast. “What if you are Iron Woman, though? I’ve seen the way the Avengers practically adore you. Tony, Bruce, and Steve are all willing to bend over backwards for you. Nat and you are practically best friends. Would it really be that far of a stretch to say you could fulfill the role of being Iron Woman? You’re intelligent, gifted, talented, sweet…”
“Aww, Y/N/N, as much as I appreciate the compliment, that’s not who I want to be. It would feel like the Red Room all over again. As much as it would be cool to fight in the suit, I’d rather be in the lab or helping the team find the bad guys and put a stop to them. To tell you the truth I’ve never had to enter a fight… well besides the one we had but that’s been about it. All my missions have been me controlling the villain while the team does everything else. And yeah I get along with them but it’s not the same. I was just a regular person before Stark Industry before the Red Room.” She looked at Lucky seeing him eye a piece of toast. She stole a piece from you to give to her.
“I get that. You don’t want your identity to be on the battlefield. In Asgard that’s nearly all there was. To be revered as amazing, you had to be battle worthy. It’s why Thor was so beloved. Other than that, there were the farmers, the medicine people, and the scientists. So when I learned that if I wanted Odin to like me, I needed to train, I was scared. I mean, you know how skilled I am with weapons -- I suck!” You laughed. “And now I suddenly had to wield a sword and a shield and powers… Thankfully, I was trained by the best of the best. If you don’t want to do that, then don’t. I bet Tony was just building it to say, if and when you’re ready, it’s there.” 
“Yeah I guess you’re right, things have been different lately. Fury has been asking that I be brought on missions more often. But aside from that, tell me what was it like spending time with Loki when you were in Asgard. I never got to hear about you two going swimming,” she asked you, wanting to hear about it.
Immediately, your cheeks blazed. You slightly pushed her, laughing. “Of course you’d ask about that, perv!” you teased, eyeing her. She began laughing heartily. “Um… Let me see… God that was so long ago. Well I remember being really fucking nervous, are you kidding me? Loki was… god the most handsome man I’d ever seen, and the most well read, and he carried himself like… well, like royalty. Everything about him was intimidating as hell. But he seemed to be warming up to me at that point. He had already spent nearly every day training me in swordsmanship. I will say it was really weird seeing Loki in his battle attire every day which covers him from the neck down, to nothing but swimming shorts. Hell, it was weird for me to go from the swathy robes and gowns to a two piece bathing suit. I felt like melting into oblivion,” you stated, remembering that night. You were extremely nervous that night you would make a fool of yourself. “I thought that night was my one and only chance to kind of win him over, you know? Impress him with my knowledge and grace. You know, basically flirt, that one thing I can’t do. I mean, you remember my track record with guys...” 
Shannon couldn’t help but giggle at seeing how red you’d gotten, thinking about how she was the same way with Tony. “That’s adorable, Y/N, but I mean look at you, you’re with him. Yeah there are some tough times but damn I see the love you have for him is greater than anything else. I can see how happy he makes you.” She smiled sincerely at you.
You nodded slowly. “Yeah, he really does. I mean, every guy I ever dated before doesn’t even compare to him. Sure, he makes me crazy but…” You laughed slightly. “What about you? How does it feel to be engaged? To Tony Stark, no less. You’re gonna be married to him! That’s so wild!” 
Now it’s her turn to blush, she never really thought much about it. “It still feels like a dream some days, you know how much I’ve always liked him and then he asked me out and things have been great. There have been a few bad moments but I still can’t believe it. I always dreamed of getting married to him but now that it’s come true I have no idea what to feel.” She twisted the ring on her finger as she smiled at you.
You watched her in in awe, grinning at her, and thinking to yourself. “That must be an amazing feeling, I’m sure. To know that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. That he thought about it for hours on end, searched for the perfect ring, waited for the perfect moment… He really does love you. I can tell… mainly because he’s constantly threatening me if I hurt you again,” you half-joked. Thoughts of marriage and wedding began dancing in your head, but you tried to push them down. 
“Well that's a thing we kind of clash on he still believes you could…well that doesn’t matter. I never would have guessed that he would want me to be in his life forever. But tell me what.. or more like why Loki? I mean out of all the Asgardians, why him? I mean yeah he’s charming and good looking what caught your eye?” She went to changing the subject trying to keep you happy. 
“Why Loki? Hmm… That’s… a good question. I guess… I saw a tortured soul. I saw someone who just wanted to be seen and loved for who he truly was. I saw myself in him, as he was adopted. I saw myself in him when I would catch him reading in the library at late hours. I watched how performing magic with his mom made him tremendously happy. He’s witty, and clever, in ways I’ve never seen in any one. And I don’t mean all the mean ways, like betrayal. For instance, a lot of people see him as a trickster, a prankster, right? Well, some might say he’s being childish, silly, or even mean. He once turned bread on a table into snakes at a royal dinner. All he did was smirk and sip his wine as a few of the women screamed and jumped back. But what I saw, was that Thor loves snakes and he took one and kept it as a pet for a few days before releasing it into the wild. Odin even smirked ever so slightly at the gag. While some people see his antics as mean, I could see they were the actions of a man who only wanted to make people around him laugh. He also used to do tricks for the local children. That’s why he resorts to humor and mockery in desperate situations. He uses the gifts he was taught. Thor had his looks, braun, and charm to go on. I could tell Loki had to work twice as hard with nearly everyone he encountered to get the same respect. So he resorted to the only ways he knew how.” You smiled for a moment, recalling all the wonderful times you had on Asgard with Loki, observing him, watching him. “His taste in poetry always left me stunned. He knew I loved art so he showed me around the art hall in Asgard and we both loved the same pieces… It was as if the fates designed it. Not to mention us almost growing up together… Can you imagine? God. What a weird life that would be.”
The entire time you spoke Shannon was so struck with how different the Loki you spoke of sounds compared to what she’d seen. Granted, it wasn’t a good part of him, but it did give light to a different side of him. “I wished I’d been there to see it all, it sounds to me like you two are a perfect match. To hear you tell me about the times on Asgard with him and how happy you sound makes it worthwhile.” At that point, Shannon had cleared the bed of breakfast and she was lying on the bed sideways. “If it's not too much to ask, can you tell me about what made you jump after him during his fight with Thor? I don’t want to overstep any boundaries.” 
You shook your head. “It’s no problem at all… I… um… Our time together on Asgard was precious. I can honestly say he and I grew almost as close in two months as you and I did in our ten years together. We spent nearly every waking moment together. If Loki wasn’t training me, we were reading, exploring the palace, he was taking me into the woods, we were riding horseback. He helped try and find all the knowledge about my birth parents he could… I mean, I’ve been in love before, you know that,” you said, gesturing at her as she nodded, recalling two men you had been pretty close with. “But Loki, the love I feel for him it completely swept me up. It’s that sort of dizzying, intoxicating love that you’d do anything for, you know? When I saw him fall into that abyss… Nothing else was on my mind but life without him, and suddenly that became unbearable, so I jumped. I didn’t think about Earth, Asgard, my parents, you, Lucky… Any of it. I knew that if Loki died, I would die with him. So I thought I might as well join him. I thought maybe somehow if I jumped with him, he wouldn’t be alone. He’d felt so alone all his life, I couldn’t imagine him dying alone too. I also somewhat hoped that he’d survive the fall, and I would be with him then too.” 
“I’ve never heard you talk like this, Y/N but I can understand what you mean. If it’d been me and Tony, I would have done the same, granted almost did when he’d been taken hostage and had his own weapons turned on him.” She seemed to go to a dark moment in the past, but fazed out of it. “I’m just glad to know you’re alive and you're here with me now. That’s all that matters now.” She hugged your leg to reassure herself. 
The rest of the day, the two of you spent chatting, positive things mainly, until you had to report for work and Shannon had a mountain of paperwork to get through for Tony and herself. When you were finished with your work, you decided to go see Loki, hoping he’d cooled down and thought about what he had said and done. 
The familiar whoosh of the doors alerted Loki of your presence, he watched as you walked inside the room. He wondered if you would join him in the cell. Without hesitation, you walked over to the cell doors and put your hand on the scanner, it granting you access. 
You knew that if you stood outside and talked to him, it would be this division between you two. It would symbolize how you felt like he was a prisoner and you were a civilian, free to live. Standing outside and talking to him would mean that you felt you belonged out there and he belonged in there, but you were here to show him there was no divide, there was no separation. You were his and you would follow him anywhere, be with him anywhere. 
“Loki,” you said, ready to duke out another fight but he simply stood from his place on the couch and held up a hand. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry, can you forgive me? I behaved like an idiot and I’m truly sorry.”
You stuttered nothing, incoherently for a second before you finally said, “Uh, yes, I forgive you. But wha--”
Before you could say anything else he was to you in a second, his mouth colliding with yours, his fingers tangling in your hair. “I vow to be the man you deserve,” he suddenly breathed in between kisses, barely giving you time to breathe before he suddenly picked you up and carried you to your bedroom, the fight utterly forgotten.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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Sweet Pea//Serpent King
Request: Can you do a Sweet Pea x female reader one-shot with some Varchie, Bughead, and Choni thrown in the mix? The reader is a Serpent and is transferred to Riverdale High with her boyfriend Sweet Pea and her friends Toni and Fangs. Veronica and Archie are still going strong. Toni and Cheryl hate each other at first but they eventually start dating and Cheryl gets the red jacket. Betty and Jughead get back together and Betty becomes the Serpent Queen. No smut, please.
Walking through the doors of Riverdale High you could feel every single students eyes on you. Sweet Pea gripped your hand tightly as you moved forward with the rest of the serpents. Toni and Fangs were stood beside you glaring at everyone looking at them and Jughead was of course leading you all. You and Sweet Pea looked at each other and rolled your eyes when you saw the table set out with a some enthusiastic looking students stood behind it. 
“I think we’ve just walked into the set of every stereotypical teen movie ever.” You mumbled making Sweet Pea smile. 
“Friends! On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school!” A dark haired girl smiled at you and you had to suppress a laugh. “To ease this transition, I’ve set up a registration desk, where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules and a list of sports and extracurriculars.” She continued, you looked beside her to see a red headed boy hanging off her every word and beside him a dark haired boy who Fangs was sending some serious vibes to. “We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale.” She finished and you and Sweet Pea squeezed each others hands to stop you both from laughing. 
“Stand down Eva Peron!” A red headed girl interrupted and everyone looked at her. She walked down the stairs, with a stereotypical looking footballer and a bunch of cheerleaders following her. 
“Here we go.” Sweet Pea mumbled and you rolled your eyes. You looked beside you to see Jughead and Toni staring at her angrily.
“There’s the school spirit I so fondly remember.” Jughead said sarcastically and you laughed. 
“Cheryl. No one invited fascist barbie to the party.” The dark haired girl acknowledged her but she just ignored her. 
“Wrong, Veronica. No one invited Southside Scum to our school.” She replied and the entire group tensed. “Listen up, ragamuffins.”
“Ragamuffins?” You mumbled. “What kind of insult is that?” You asked loudly gaining everyone’s attention.
She looked at you with raised eye brows and Sweet Pea squeezed your hand tightly. “I will not allow Riverdale High’s above average GPA to suffer, because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers. So please, do us all a favour and find some other school to debase with your hard-scrabble ways.” She finished with a smirk and looked you all up and down. 
“Why don’t you come over and say that to my face?” Toni asked angrily and moved towards her. You, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Jughead followed her, ready to fight. 
“Happily, Queen of the Buskers.” 
“She is just asking for a smack.” You muttered and Sweet Pea held your arm. 
“Okay, guys. Everyone. Can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?” The read headed boy asked and you could practically hear everyone roll their eyes. 
“You don’t speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass.” One of the bulldogs told him. 
“Happy to finish what he started.” Sweet Pea threatened and moved forward. You pulled him back and stood in front of him. 
“I’m so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now.” Veronica started. 
“Oh shut up.” You snapped and she looked at you offended. 
“Alright! Thats enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone get to class. Now!” Principal Weatherbee said and Jughead pushed Sweet Pea forward, the rest of you following and glaring at the Northsiders who were still staring. 
“We haven’t even got our schedules.” Fangs complained. 
“Do you wanna go back?” You asked annoyed. 
“No.” He replied and continued to glare. 
“Stupid northsiders.” Sweet Pea grumbled. 
“Its okay baby.” You kissed his cheek and he sighed. “Everything will get better.” You reassured him and he shook his head. “And if not, we’ll just kick their ass.” You added and he laughed. 
A few weeks had gone by and you, Sweet Pea, Toni and Fangs had been inseparable. Everywhere you went their were judgey stares, which of course you returned. Everyone had been in their fair share of fights and now you had been made to get rid of your serpent jackets, meaning Sweet Pea had to wear a turtleneck to cover his tattoo, much to everyone but his amusement. 
“You look great babe.” You stifled a laugh as he walked into the student lounge. Toni and Fangs turned around to see what you were talking about and almost fell over laughing. 
“Shut the fuck up.” He grumbled and made his way over to you. 
“It suits you.” You added and tried to conceal your smile. 
“Yeah. It er. It brings out the colour of your eyes.” Fangs added with a smile and Sweet Pea shoved him. 
“Its really not that bad.” You tried to reassure him but he rolled his eyes. “I’ve seen Fangs wear much worse.” 
“Hey!” Fangs replied offended and you laughed. 
“You would look good in anything. I promise.” You kissed him and he smiled. 
“Thanks but that doesn’t make me feel any better.” 
“Are you busy tonight?” Fangs asked. 
“No.” Sweet Pea shook his head. 
“Sort of.” You replied. 
“What’re you doing without us? We’re you’re only friends. Isn’t that right Toni?” Fangs looked beside him but Toni had disappeared. “Where’d she go?” 
“Cheryl.” You and Sweet Pea replied at the same time and he nodded. 
“Anyway. What you doing?” 
“Betty wants me to escort her to the Southside so she can see Jughead. I think she’s planning on making up with him if you know what I mean.” 
“And you agreed to that?” Sweet Pea asked confused. 
“He’s the future serpent king. I don’t want to be given all of the shitty jobs when FP passes the crown on.” You replied and they agreed. 
“But I shouldn’t be too long. What did you wanna do?” 
“I wanna go see Love, Simon at the Bijou tonight. I was gonna invite Toni as well but she’s too busy trying to get with Bombshell.” He rolled his eyes and you laughed. “I’ll see you guys later.” He sighed before going to his class. 
“Don’t you have the same class?” You asked Sweet Pea. 
“Oh shit. Yeah.” He remembered. “I’ll text you when we’re meeting tonight. I love you.” He kissed you before running after Fangs. 
“Soooo. Do you think you and Jughead are gonna get back together?” You asked Betty as you walked beside each other. The majority of the walk had been in silence and seeing as though you could see his trailer you thought you may as well make some sort of attempt at conversation. 
“Hopefully.” She replied and you smiled slightly. 
“Thats good.” You replied awkwardly. 
“I’m sorry for how everyone treats you. And thats not just because Jughead’s a serpent.” 
“Its okay. Its not you thats discriminating. You’re doing the opposite to be honest. You’re sleeping with one of us.” You shrugged and she laughed. “Well, here you are.” You gestured to his trailer and she nodded. 
“Thank you.” 
“No problem.” You replied and turned around. “Put in a good word with the future king.” You mumbled. 
“What?” She asked. 
“Nothing.” You shook your head and walked away. You heard the door open behind you and turned around to see them already making out, so you assumed they made up and were back together. 
You arrived at the bijou a little later than planned and saw Sweet Pea and Fangs waiting impatiently outside for you. 
“Sorry.” You apologized. 
“We’ve missed like half the movie.” Fangs complained and you rolled your eyes. 
“Shut up Fogarty. I’m five minutes late. The adverts won’t have started yet.” You argued. Sweet Pea held your hand as you walked in and found your seats. “Is that Toni?” You asked once you had all sat down. “With Cheryl?” 
“Holy shit.” Sweet Pea muttered. 
“Its cute.” You smiled. 
“We’re still going to tease her when we see her tomorrow though?” Fangs asked. 
“Of course.” You replied. 
Standing beside Sweet Pea you laughed at something stupid he’d said. Fangs was stood on the other side of him and Jughead was sat in front of you all. You looked around the park and saw Cheryl and Toni laughing with each other, making you smile to yourself. 
“Listen up now! All right, listen up!” FP shouted, gaining everyone’s attention. “Some 60 years ago, the very first Serpent meeting took place on these same riverbanks. Now, it makes sense that this is where we gather now, where I-” He paused trying to find the right words. “Where I say my goodbye. Jughead would you step up here, son?” He finished and everyone started to mutter. 
“What the fucks going on?” You whispered to Pea. 
“I’m not really that sure. To be honest, I thought we were called here to get drunk and celebrate how far we’ve come.” He replied honestly and you laughed. Jughead made his way towards FP and the three of you looked at each other confused. 
“What are you doing?” He mumbled. 
“What I should have done a long time ago.” He muttered back. “I’m retiring from the Serpents.” He announced and the muttering got louder. “For real this time.” He added and you laughed. “Now, my boy has never stopped fighting for this crew. Hell. He almost died for it. Thats why I’m giving you the mantle.” He told Jughead and everyone cheered. Sweet Pea hit Fangs making him wince in pain from his gunshot wound. You then hit Sweet Pea in the arm to make up for it. “And now, as your first official duty as Serpent King...” He nodded to Toni who made her way towards the two of them and handed FP a red serpent jacket. “I think you know what to do with this.” He handed it to Jughead making him smile. 
“All right, all right.” He muttered. “All I can say is...I love you dad. And the serpents will not die out. Not on my watch.” He said and everyone cheered again. Cheryl made her way towards him and they smiled at each other as he gave her, her jacket. 
“Whoooo!” You cheered and clapped and she smiled at you. “Thank God, we’ve got another girl.” You smiled and she laughed, before making her way back to Toni and kissing her. 
“One more thing.” Jughead told you all. “We have a new Serpent Queen.” 
“Jughead! I told you I wasn’t ready for you tell everyone yet!” You shouted and everyone laughed. 
“Jughead! You told me I was the new Serpent Queen!” Sweet Pea joined. 
“And me!” Fangs added, just as upset as the two of you. 
“Shut up.” He smiled. “Betty’s the Serpent Queen, not any of you idiots.” 
“Very clever, insulting the serpents literally five minutes after being crowned king.” You teased and he laughed before ringing Betty to tell her the good news. 
“I love you so much.” Sweet Pea smiled at you and you grinned. 
“I love you too.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him towards you, connecting your lips quickly. 
“You’re my Serpent King.” You mumbled against his lips. 
“And you’ll always be my Serpent Queen.” He smiled and kissed you again. 
Permanent Taglist: @mayaslifeinabox​ @thoseawkwardturtless​ @we--are--infinite--2​ @serpentgirll​ @reblogserpent
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steviemae · 6 years
the vixen and the bulldog // rm
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requested by anonymous: Heyyy my fave Riverdale writer! Could I please request a imagine where it’s homecoming and ur a vixen (and dating Reggie) ans the bulldogs win and u guys kiss and hug and afterwards u guys go to homecoming together and r king and queen while u 2 r dancing together u tell him how proud u r of him for being a good captain and he acts a lil cocky like oh ofc I’m gr8 but u catch him blushing and u tease him. Thank youuu have a great day!
Screaming loudly as you jumped up and down with your pom poms waving, the final buzzer went off signalling that the game was over and the Bulldogs won their homecoming game. The crowd cheered loudly as well, as the bulldogs ran over to the bench, Reggie running right towards you, dropping his helmet before picking you up and spinning you around. You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You won, baby!” you said with a huge smile on your face. He smiled back, placing his lips on yours spinning you around one more time.
“I always win when you’re around.” he joked.
“That’s not true because you guys lost to Greendale that one day last year and i was there.” you joked.
“That was before we were dating you ass. Doesn’t count.” He playfully rolled his eyes at you, placing his lips on yours one more time.
“I’m staying at Cheryl’s tonight because the girls are getting ready together tomorrow for homecoming.” you said brushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“You mean i won’t see you until tomorrow afternoon?” his eyes grew wide and a slight pout made its way to his lips.
“Yes, that’s what i mean. But you can do without me for a night.” you kissed his pouting lips before letting him go, “now go celebrate. I’ll see you tomorrow, handsome.” you said as you turned and gathered your stuff to put in your bag. Reggie smacked your ass as he walked past sending you a wink when you looked up at him, shaking your head with a smile on your face.
The next morning, you and the girls sat around Cheryl’s dining table eating breakfast while brainstorming ideas for hair and makeup.
“I think i’m gonna keep it light. You know Reggie and how he’s a giant goofball which means lots of dancing tonight so i don’t want to keep running off to the bathroom to touch up. So glowy makeup for me tonight and a high pony to show off the open back of my dress.” the girls all looked at you very impressed that you of all people know what you want to do because you’ve always been the one to get ready last due to your indecisiveness.
“Mine will also take the least amount of time, so i can help you guys get ready too!” you said excitedly.
After breakfast, everyone went back upstairs to Cheryl’s room and began scrolling through pinterest for inspiration while you walked out on the balcony to call Reggie because, let’s face it, the two of you couldn’t spend this much time away from each other without going slightly crazy.
“I was wondering when you were going to sneak off and call me.” he said into the phone.
“Hello to you too. Don’t act like you weren’t planning on calling me soon if i hadn’t done it first.” you joked.
“I was indeed because i didn’t get my usual good morning kiss and im kind of upset about that.”
“Aw, baby. I’ll make it up to you tonight.”
You and Reggie chatted on the phone for a little bit longer, before Betty and Toni forced you to hang up and dragged you back inside where the music blasted and the makeovers ensued. You guys danced around singing the lyrics to every song at the top of your lung, into hair brushes and makeup brushes. Laughing and hanging out until everyone was put together and ready to go.
“Picture time ladies!” Veronica yelled once everyone was in their dresses and final touches were done. She set up her phone against the dresser and set the timer before running over and posing with the rest of you. Everyone smiled as the flash went off, Veronica jogging over and smiling at the photo.
“Not to toot our own horn, ladies, but we look fine as hell!” she said showing everyone. The group approved and Veronica posted it as you all headed down to your vehicles to meet the guys for more pictures.
At the dance, everyone was happy. Dancing like idiots all night until it was time to crown this years homecoming king and queen. Everyone gathered in front of the stage, Reggie threw his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side while placing a kiss on your temple.
“Okay, guys. Now for what you’ve all been waiting for. This years king and queen is, drum roll please,” everyone started smacking their hands against their thighs, “Reggie Mantle and Y/f/n.” the whole crowd cheered as you and Reggie walked up to the stage to be crowned.
“And now for the king and queen dance.”
The familiar tune of yours and Reggie’s song started playing making you give him a loving look, “you asked them to play our song?” you asked as his hands wrapped around your waist, and  your arms went around his neck.
“Of course, what else are we supposed to dance to on our final homecoming night as high school kids.” he joked. The two of you slow danced for a second before you looked up at Reggie.
“What’s that look for?” he asked.
“Nothing, i’m just really proud of you, you know that right?”
“Don’t get all sappy on my now, baby.” he joked, “yes i know. You tell me every day.” he said kissing the tip of your nose.
“You grew from the boy who put girls names in that stupid playbook and became the young man i get to call my boyfriend. You’re captain of the football team and you lead them to be undefeated this year, Reg. i’m so ridiculously proud of you and happy to call you mine.” you said as you played with the tufts of hair at the nape of his neck.
“I did do that, huh.” he said giving you his cocky smirk but you saw the blush creep onto his cheeks.
“Is The Reggie Mantle blushing right now?!” you fake gasped.
“Reggie the Magnificent never blushes, y/n. You know this.” he tried to play off.
“Uh huh, then what that pink tinge there on your cheeks?” you asked as you poked one of his cheeks.
“Alright you got me, okay. You melted my heart a little with what you said.” he pulled you closer.
“I love you, Reggie.” he pulled back, eyes wide with shock because that was the first time either of you had dropped the L word. But then a giant grin spread across his face, making him pick you up and spin you around.
“I love you!” he exclaimed when he put your feet back down on the ground. The two of you shared a kiss as the final chords rang through the room and everyone started clapping and cheering for their king and queen.
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thesecretfandom · 6 years
Wanderlust: Castle on the Hill -- Bughead (Chapter 9)
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Word Count: 6,322
Rated: E
A/N: Approaching the final few chapters, I really hope you enjoy this chapter because I know I enjoyed writing it! In another post I want to talk more about my time in Alnwick and post more pictures. I really felt a strong connection to this chapter. It’s also the longest chapter of the series! Enjoy! (Read on AO3)
(Previous Chapter) (Next Chapter Coming Soon)
Church bells chimed through Edinburgh when they stepped off the bus that Sunday morning. All six of the weary travelers shuffled along quietly toward yet another hostel. What's really only been a few weeks feels like a year after all of the planes and trains they've been on.
Veronica's phone was shouting out directions as they zigzagged through the hilly streets of the Scottish city. Finally they passed a row of blue residences, with a sign for the Cowgate Hostel hanging above the lobby. Again, Veronica handled checking in, offering up her passport as her ID.
"Okay, so you're in apartment ninety-two, just two doors down on your left when you go outside." The front deskperson pointed in that general direction. Flat number three is on the first floor and you are in room two. This code will get you into the apartment, the round key into your flat, and the square key will go directly to your room. How many keys?"
"Three will be fine." Veronica tucked her passport back into her purse.
"That will be thirty pounds deposit that will be returned upon the checkout when you turn in your keys."
"Shit, does anyone have cash?" Veronica looked helplessly back at Betty.
Betty rolled her eyes, but pulled the money from her purse and passed it along.
"I am going to sleep for hours. Might as well just write today off completely…" Jughead mumbled so only Betty could hear him. Veronica led them to the small room lined with six bunks. A few of them were occupied by various individuals. "You didn't have anything planned, right?"
"Just general wandering that can be squeezed in over the next day and a half after today. But I'm warning you, my Harry Potter tour starts here."
"Here, in this dingy hostel?"
"Here, as in, in Edinburgh. You know J.K. Rowling wrote the books here."
"Save the podcast lecture you're about to give me for tomorrow. I'm too tired to fully absorb the knowledge right now."
"Did you just imply that I lecture you?" Betty scowled as Jughead claimed the top bunk for his suitcase. He gestured for Betty's bags as well and set them up alongside his.
"Forgive me if my lack of sleep last night has made me grumpy."
Jughead sat heavily on the lower bunk and discarded his shoes almost immediately. He had tucked himself under the covers before Betty could even reach up to remove her ponytail.
"Are you gonna come cuddle me, or am I gonna have to beg?"
"Hold your horses, drama queen…" Betty tossed her shoes next to Jughead's and sat down. She pulled the curtain that hung across the bunk before letting Jughead pull her to his side.  She allowed her head to rest over his heart. His fingers found her hair, tugging slightly so her chin tipped up toward him.
"I love you." Jughead whispered against her lips.
"I love you, too."
"Goodnight." His lips moved to her hair when Betty cuddled against his shoulder.
"It's still morning."
"Semantics…" He yawned. He didn't elaborate and in only a few moments his breathing slowed and his grip relaxed. Betty found herself drifting off as well, falling into the rhythm of his breaths.
"So what's the significance of this café?" Cheryl asked. "I do love the color though."
The sign read "The Elephant Café" and was painted bright red.  On a Monday morning, there was a line of tourists and locals in front of the glass pastry cases, ordering up coffees for the start of the work week or a day of sightseeing.
"This is where J.K. Rowling wrote much of Harry Potter." Betty replied.
"Today isn't going to be some Harry Potter fangirl tour, is it?" Cheryl fixed Betty with a withering look.
"No, in fact this is the only Harry Potter related place that I know of in Edinburgh."
"Oh, thank God."
Betty bought their morning coffees with two crisp twenty pound notes. From the table they were given at the back of the café, they could see Edinburgh Castle perched precariously on top of a cliff.  Large and imposing, Jughead already had his camera out before they were even seated.
Betty laid out her phone with the notes screen open for her friends to see. Listed in bullet points, she showed them their tentative itinerary for the day. Elephant House, check. Next up, a walk up Princes Street to Edinburgh castle.
"And then we've got tickets for the theater tonight at seven and you'll be happy to know that we'll have time to go to the club across the street from the hostel when we get back."
"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Reggie exclaimed. "I mean I'm down for the play or whatever, but a club just a few steps from where I'm sleeping will be such a life saver."
"And we're lucky there are no canals for you to jump into this time, buddy." Jughead supplied, patting him on the back. "And damn I wish I'd been there to see that."
"Hey man, you were too busy getting frisky with Betty." Reggie punched his shoulder. "I can respect that."
"For your information, we only kissed that night. You and that dirty canal water passed more bases that night."
Reggie shrugged, but threw a wink in Betty's direction. Her cheeks flared up of their own accord, wondering what Reggie saw when he saw the two of them together. Then, Jughead put his hand on her knee and she realized that she didn't care what he thought.
"Somehow this conversation is both sappy and dirty."  Veronica set her empty mug on the table top and dabbed the whipped cream  from her lip. "Let's continue this conversation on the way to the castle. I want Jughead's magical camera on me when we get there."
"I think Betty's got that position taken." Archie nudged her, taking her hand as they made their way out of the café toward Princes Street.
"I don't mind sharing the camera if Jughead doesn't." Betty replied.
"Just answer me one thing, if the camera is magical does that make me a wizard?" Jughead teased.
Veronica glanced over her should at him as they passed a street performer. "I feel like if I say no you're going to revoke your agreement to be my personal photographer so I'm going to say yes. Grand Wizard Jughead Jones!"
"That's what I like to hear." Jughead grinned.
It was a sunny day, hardly a cloud in sight. Those that did cross the sky were like cotton balls, carefully placed there by a higher power. If there was one thing other than Betty that Jughead's camera was drawn to, it was a good set of fluffy clouds. In the foreground the Scottish flag and the Union Jack fluttered in the wind. Further on, a church steeple took the place of the flags, then finally… the castle itself at the top of the hill.
When they'd passed the ticket gate, Betty ran ahead. She was practically prancing when she reached the waist height wall separating them from a deadly drop. She threw her head back over her shoulder, her ponytail flying out. Jughead didn't see anything else. He saw nothing but the grin on her face. Click.
Overcome with a sudden urge, he reached out for her waist and pulled her into his chest. His lips found hers in a warm, wet, passionate kiss. He felt completely overwhelmed with the intense love he felt for this woman who, only a month ago, he hadn't even met yet.
"What was that for?" Betty asked, breathless, when he finally pulled away.
"I just love you…" He took her hand and brought it to his lips. "…like a lot. Yeah, I love you a lot."
Hours later, after exploring the cobblestone courtyards of the Edinburgh Castle and the Crown Jewels of Scotland locked up in a tower, they left the extravagant Festival Theatre. Betty was still humming along to "Chitty chitty bang bang" as they walked back to their hostel. Even on a Monday, the music from the club was still loud enough for them to hear in their room. They stayed only long enough to change out of their theater clothes and into more club appropriate garb.
Cheryl hiked up a red mini skirt before pulling off the black dress she'd been wearing that day. This left her with only a bandeau covering her chest.  Veronica's outfit had more fabric but was no less revealing. A lace crop over dark, purple bralette. Archie and Reggie, from their respective spots on their beds, watched the girls with interest.
Betty, however, pulled her hair out of its ponytail and ditched her light cardigan, knowing the heat and sweat that waited inside the club.
" Okay, Betty my darling…" Veronica slung her purse over her shoulder and snatched Betty's hand. "Tonight, we are getting you wasted."
"Oh, I don’t think…"
"And therein lies the problem." Cheryl took her other hand and all but yanked her out the door. "You think too much. Jughead, we're relying on you to get her to loosen up."
Jughead took over Cheryl and Veronica's spot, holding her waist as he walked close behind her. "We'll get something loosened up."
They could hardly hear their own voices when they entered the club. Jughead ordered something pink and bubbly for her, and a glass of dark liquor for himself. There was a large, cushioned booth in the corner where the girls dropped their purses. Cheryl and Veronica already on the dance floor. Betty dropped into the seat with her drink, taking a long sip.
The booze went down hot, the burn making her cough. "What is this?"
Jughead sat down next to her. "Vodka cran… double shot."
"You said order whatever." Jughead smirked. "And I may have been hoping you'd, how did Reggie put it… get a little frisky tonight."
Slowly, she let her hand move from his knee to his thigh. Lips moved to his so she could be sure that he would hear every word she said.
"You don't have to get me drunk to get me frisky." She slid her hand up further. "You just have to kiss me like you did this morning."
That was all the invitation he needed. Jughead pressed Betty back into the seat, his hands coming up to her neck. He loved the skin there, soft and smooth… he could feel her heartbeat quicken when he deepened the kiss.
Reluctantly, Jughead pulled back.
"Why?" Betty breathed.
"I just want to finish my drink… so we can dance and not worry about leaving them behind."
"And here I thought you didn't dance." Betty teased. She took a long swig of her drink, almost emptying the glass.
"With you, I'll dance."
Betty and Jughead both finished their drinks in record time and Jughead pulled her by the waist onto the dance floor.  Their bodies moved in sync to the music, pressed so close together that Betty could feel every part of her boyfriend pressed against her back.
Betty spun swiftly in his arms, wrapping hers around his torso. Her lips found his neck, sucking a mark on his salty skin. Hands exploring his toned back and fingers tangling with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Jughead's hand was at her lower back, the other reached to grab her hand. Suddenly, he was pulling her off the dance floor and toward the exit.  The night air was cool against her skin, but nothing else mattered except for Jughead pulling her into a dark corner at the front of the club.  
"I wish we had our own room." He growled, his hands dipping under the waistband of her skirt.
"Who says we need a room?" She wanted so badly to rip his shirt off right there, but was still vaguely aware of the few patrons still milling around the front of the building.
"What, you want to go back to the club bathroom?"
Betty hooked her fingers through his belt loops and started pulling him toward the crosswalk and the hostel.
"I have a better idea." Betty stopped just long enough outside their building to catch Jughead's lips once again. She whispered next right against his lips. "I bet there's no one using the showers right now."
"Good idea," Jughead grinned. "I am feeling a little dirty."
The next morning they sped across the countryside on the ten o'clock train. With the fields of sheep and crops, and not a mountain in sight, Jughead could almost pretend he was back in the small town where he grew up. The few stone towers built on the rolling hills were the only sign that they were, in fact, still roaming through a country where medieval castles still existed.
Betty stared out the window the for the entire hour that they were on the train. Jughead spent that hour looking at Betty. Occasionally through the lens of his camera, but mostly through the shaded lenses of his sunglasses.
Alnmouth station was small, in the middle of nowhere, but one of the workers pointed them to a nearby bus stop.
"Are we sure we're in the right place?" Archie asked as they stood under the cover of the plexiglass bus shelter.
"Yes, Archiekins." Veronica showed him the map on her phone for the third time. "The bus should be here within ten minutes or so."
"Okay, I get that, but I thought we were going to some huge British castle, but there isn't a city for miles. This place feels more like a village." He gestured to the few houses around them.
"Alnwick is just a few miles away." Betty supplied. "And the castle is the largest remaining castle in Northern England. It just so happens that it's a pretty rural area up here, but the castle really is a huge tourist attraction."
"Has anyone ever told you that you should be a teacher?" Reggie said. "I mean, that was actually kind of interesting for a minute."
"It was two sentences, Reg. Don't strain yourself." Jughead sighed. "Here's the bus."
Another short jaunt across the English countryside brought them right into the heart of Alnwick. The bus stop was set right in the shopping district, in front of a grocery store that was similarly sized to one he might see back home.
The Black Swan Inn was just down the block and quiet at this time of day. Downstairs was a traditional British pub with old woodwork and charming architecture where a few patrons sat eating lunch. The woman behind the bar was able to quickly check them in to their rooms. They were lucky in making their reservation that all of the three rooms provided by The Black Swan were vacant and available for them.
Jughead was quick to fall onto the bed in the small, but quaint room.
"Our own room, thank God." He groaned, sinking into the pillows.
"Don't get too comfy, Jug, I want to see the castle."
"But we have our own room…" Jughead said slowly. He said up long enough to grab her waist and pull her down on top of him. "Surely, we have some time to waste."
"Tempting…" She whispered, fingers grazing up his side. "But it can wait until tonight."
"You drive a hard bargain, Cooper… but I accept your deal on one condition."
"Yeah, what's that?"
"I'm gonna need the greatest kiss you can muster to tide me over."
"Now that, I can do."
They met their friends downstairs ten minutes later. The castle was situated just behind the pub, but they had to walk around the outer wall of the castle before the castle really came into view. Betty insisted they continue past the castle to the pasture covered the massive expanse of land on the other side of the castle.
The view literally knocked Betty off her feet, either that or it was the patch of mud that she slid on before falling on her ass.
"Shit, are you okay?" Jughead was trying to be serious, but couldn't help laughing at the splotch of mud on the back of her jeans.
"Fine…" She held her hand out for Jughead to lift her off the ground. "Just remind me to change when we get back."
"No need, I'll handle it." Jughead grinned and winked before he started to attempt to wipe the mud off the back of her pants.
"Very funny, Jug, but that's not helping." She pulled his hands off her ass and leaned in close. "You can have some quality time with my body later, but for now your hands are banned from boobs and butt, got it?"
"I like it when you're bossy." His body really had flushed with the implication, but he raised his hands in surrender when she scowled at him. "I mean, yes ma'am."
They decided to hit up the Alnwick garden next, opting to give the castle its own day. It was a massive expanse of trees, flowers, fountains and shrubbery. A huge water feature greeted them when they walked through the gate, and a full color map to show them each of the different gardens within the stone walls.  
They started at the right side of the garden, where the labyrinth led them through a tunnel of shrubs led them around to a cluster of modern, artistic fountains. Families with small children crowded around this area, with the kids in their bathing suits waiting for the fountain to spray. When the geyser finally shot a shower of cold water into the air, the kids squealed from the cold and excitement that Betty remembers feeling running through the sprinkler as a kid.
They continued on, through a long tunneled arch of ivy.
"I feel like I'm in a real fairytale, Jug." She spun in a circle ahead of him, willing him to pick her up and spin her himself.
"As well you should." He caught up and took her hand in his.
"Especially with that silly hat of yours…" She said, tugging on the fabric of his beanie.
"Excuse me, it is not silly. It's called fashion… you might've heard of it."
"Whatever you say, darling." Betty patted his cheek adoringly. "All I know is that it hides your perfect hair from me, but it does make you look like my prince charming."
"Aha, so you like it then." They emerged on into the rose garden, where other fairytale icons were immortalized in statue form.
"If I didn't like it, I would have tried before now to get you to take it off." Betty rolled her eyes and left the conversation at that when she saw the rose from Beauty and the Beast on a stone pedestal.  Then  Cinderella's shoe and the Frog Prince… it really was more of a fairytale garden than a rose garden.
A forest of cherry blossom trees covered another corner of the garden, rows and rows of bench swings lined up and perfect for photographing. Betty heard Jughead's camera click  three times before she'd even sat down in the swing.
The sun was beginning to set when they left the garden and began the walk back to their room. They planned to grab dinner downstairs and the head back to their room for an early night, but one pint of cider turned into three and Reggie throwing back beer like it was water. They all found the conversation with the locals to be more rewarding than a night of watching the BBC would be.
Veronica and Cheryl were talking to some of the locals bellied up to the bar, leaving Archie scowling jealously over his beer every time Veronica laughed at something the guy said.
"Poor sap." Jughead said, nodding in Archie's direction. "He's like a puppy… if he's not getting attention, he thinks he's done something wrong."
"He'll get over it." Betty drank down the last bit of her cider, feeling a bit sluggish if not craving Jughead's touch on her body. "You ready to head up?"
Jughead glanced to his drink, then at the look in Betty's eyes. He chugged down the last of his drink and pulled Betty from her seat and toward the stairs to their room.
As soon as the door shut behind them Jughead pressed her against it, his fingers going first under her shirt and unhooking her bra, then to the button of her jeans. All the while, his lips were against hers, tongues dancing blissfully together.
Betty did the same, pulling his jeans down before pushing him back onto the bed. She yanked off his beanie, finally being allowed to fully run her fingers through his hair. Jughead was  attempting to pull Betty's shirt over her head, but stopped suddenly when Betty's lips moved down… down… to the elastic of his boxers. She pulled the fabric between her teeth, letting it slap back down against his skin. Then her tongue was trailing up his stomach as she pushed his T-shirt toward his head.
And suddenly all of her warmth was gone, Betty stood up and turned her back to Jughead.
He whimpered, annoyed.
"You just get the rest of your clothes off, and I'll give you a little show." She kept her back to him as she pulled her blouse off and then the straps of her already unlatched bra. Jughead said nothing, even when she pulled down her jeans and turned back to face him.
Jughead was laying flat on his back, his shirt off but his jeans still stuck around his ankles where he hadn't yet managed to get his boots off his feet. Light snores snuck out between his lips.
"Jug?" Betty crawled over the bed until she was laying next to him. She rolled her eyes and sighed when she realized he wasn't faking it. She pecked him lightly on the lips. "Tomorrow then."
Jughead woke up with a half naked woman in his bed. That was a bit generous, he thought, when she was completely naked aside from the panties she wore. Jughead was in a similar position, his pants mysteriously missing when he distinctly remembered having them on when he fell asleep.
Betty stirred when Jughead stretched his free arm over his head, the other arm stuck snugly between Betty's shoulders and the bed. She nuzzled further into the crook of his shoulder, her legs sneaking through his. Jughead hissed when her cold toes hit his thigh.
"Sorry…" She grumbled, but Jughead could feel the curl of her smirk against his skin.
"Love you." She finally lifted her head and let her chin rest on his shoulder as she looked up into his eyes.
Jughead shook his head at her, a strand of hair falling over his eye as he did so. "Love you more."
"Impossible." Betty pressed an eager kiss to his lips before disentangling herself and walking to the en suite bathroom. She dropped her panties on the floor before she got there, but didn't turn to give Jughead the view. "You missed a fun time last night."
The night before came flooding back to him. Three beers, Betty was horny, warm lips and cold fingers… and the intoxication finally pulling him into sleep.
"Shit." He pulled Betty's pillow over his eyes to hide his shame. "I'm sorry… I blame the beer."
"No need to apologize to me… you were the one practically begging for it all day yesterday."
"I was not begging…" He argued. Jughead followed her into the bathroom to fix the nest of hair on his head.
"Keep telling yourself that, but you have to wait until tonight to try again."
"I'm literally never drinking again."
"That's a bold statement…" Betty finally stepped into the shower. "We'll see how you feel about that at the pub quiz tonight. Liquor makes the brain move quicker."
"I'm pretty sure that is one hundred person incorrect."
"Points for rhyming though?"
"I'd give it a solid eight of ten." The wet smack of a washcloth hit Jughead in the back of the head. He turned to see Betty  scowling, peeking from behind the shower curtain.
"It was at least eight and a half."
"I'll let you have that." He left the bathroom to wait at the small desk near the window. His laptop had been neglected for much of the trip, but now he had at least thirty minutes uninterrupted to continue his account of the trip so far.
He opened up the document aptly titled "Europe." He hadn't yet come up with some clever title, preferring to wait until the end. The last he'd written was during their time in Greece, so he had a few cities to catch up on. He pointed his cursor at the end of the last sentence he wrote, thinking back fondly to  only a few weeks ago.
/Golden blonde hair falls over her face, obscuring those features he's come to love. This sleeping beauty doesn't know it yet, but she will soon. He loves her, after only two weeks he found that he could not imagine life without her.  He would tell her soon, in Italy. Betty Cooper, the woman he loves./
He thought of all the time and moments that had passed between them. Exchanging 'I love yous', making love for the first time, and the second and the third… he had a lot to catch up on, but maybe he'd keep some of those personal moments in a private folder.
"Haven't seen you do any writing in a while, what's it about?" Betty emerged from the bathroom with her hair thrown up in a ponytail and lips glossed pink.
"I'll let you read it when it's finished, but until then it remains a secret."
"You sure know how to keep a girl in suspense." She grabbed her purse from where it hung on the corner of the footboard. "Ready to see another castle?"
They enjoyed another sunny day, the sun bouncing off the stone walls that surrounded the town. Jughead could see every single crack in the mortar, every detail of the stonework standing out in sharp lines. The grass lawn of the outer bailey within the castle grounds was as bright as that of a golf course.
He couldn't quite put into words the simplistic beauty of the castle in front of him. It wasn't as grand as Neuschwanstein, nor as intricate in detail as Prague Castle, but the simple beauty was enough. A court jester was finishing his set on the lawn to the right of the cobblestone path. Flaming batons flew through the air, coming to a final stop in his hands.
"We missed the show…" Betty pouted.
Jughead nudged her shoulder, pointing to a sign set up in front of the performer. Next show: 3:00.
"So only two hours to explore? I think we can make that work."
"Guys! Broomstick flying lessons!" Archie bounded up out of nowhere and grabbed Jughead around the shoulders.
"Oh yeah!" Betty followed along excitedly. "I forgot to mention they filmed some of Harry Potter here… the broomstick flying lessons in particular."
"Damn, this place has pizzazz." Jughead grinned, snatching his camera to get a picture of the twig brooms brought out by the actors playing the instructors. "Can't wait to see the rest of it… like the actual inside of the castle."
"We have plenty of time."
After prancing in the grass like a bunch of kids, with brooms held between their knees, they moved on to the sophistication waiting inside.  The state rooms were ornately furnished, gold accents on the walls, furniture, and doors. Cheryl walked around like she owned the place, only stopping herself from picking up a candelabra when Betty pulled her back.
"Cheryl, this isn't Thornhill… an actual Duke lives here with his family." Betty led her to the library, where most of the room was thankfully roped off. "No touching."
"I can't help that it reminds me of home."
Betty rolled her eyes, but trusted that Cheryl would keep her hands to herself and moved back to Jughead's side.
"What do you say we hit up the fish and chip shop?" She asked, already knowing what his answer would be. "By the time we're done eating we can see the jester and then the rest of the castle grounds."
He smirked, pulling her into his side with a kiss to her temple. "You are almost painfully organized, you know that?"
Betty shrugged. "You'll get used to it."
"I think I already am. Come on, I'm starving."
Betty ordered fish bites, while Jughead got a full serving of fish and chips, reluctantly allowing Betty to sneak a few chips off of his plate. They continued, hands intertwined, for the rest of the day… up until they were back at the pub for quiz night.
The pub was packed with locals and tourists alike from what Betty could tell. Groups of four and five were given quiz papers and a pencil, blank lines listed numbers one to thirty for the answers to be written. More than half the pub was already on the way to being drunk, so Betty thought they stood a decent chance.
"Well, we all know I have the lowest IQ in the group," Reggie said, returning to their table with two beers. "So I'll sit out on this one."
"Great job taking one for the team, Reg." Archie clapped him on the shoulder and took the second beer from him.
"Hey, those were both for me." He made a move to snatch it back from him.
"Chill, I got the next round."
Betty tucked her head against Jughead's shoulder with a happy sigh. Her two best friends, two new friends, her boyfriend… she couldn't be happier with where their adventure had taken them. It was nearing the end, though. There was only a week and a half left in their trip and they hadn't discussed what happened when they went home.
"Hey," Jughead whispered, close enough that only she could hear. "You want to head back to the room? We've already answered twenty of thirty questions… I think they can handle the rest. Plus, the award for winning is just another round of drinks."
Betty nodded. "Let's go."
Jughead moved purposefully through the crowd and up the stairs to their room. As soon as he'd stepped through the door he threw his beanie on the desk. Betty pulled out her ponytail, sighing gratefully when Jughead slipped his fingers through her hair.
His lips moved languidly over her own, taking his time. Every movement was slow but meaningful. Hands moved to her hips, teasing under her blouse and moving up. Their lips only parted for a moment when Jughead pulled her shirt off. He pushed her down on the bed, smoothly pushing down her short skirt.
"Juggie…" She breathed. Her head pressed back against the pillow when Jughead started to work on her neck, leaving bites all over. "I want to see more of you. Get your fucking shirt off."
Betty was already halfway there when Jughead decided to spare one hand to finish pulling his shirt off. His lips moved from her neck to her chest to her stomach to…
"Oh…" Her breath hitched when his fingers hooked under her panties. His lips moved as he pulled the fabric down, until his tongue met her wet center. Betty kicked off her panties and let her legs move over Jughead's shoulders, keeping him close.
She fisted her fingers in his hair and his eyes snapped up to meet hers. She could see the devilish smirk in his eyes. Betty was already flushed and writhing under his touch, and he hadn't even entered her yet. Jughead slipped two fingers in to where his tongue had just been, watching with a playful smirk when his girl's stomach clenched.
She wanted to hold on, wanted to see him come when she did, but he was doing too much. His thumb moved to rub her clit while his fingers pumped in and out. His lips moved to any bit of skin he could reach, licking the sheen of sweat forming on her skin.
As her climax drew closer she could hardly even feel the hickey Jughead was leaving inside her thigh. Waves of pleasure rolled over her as she came on Jughead's fingers. Her whole body reacted, eyes pinched closed and back arched. Jughead pulled his fingers back and climbed up to lay next to her as Betty came down from her high.
"Jug, that was…" She grinned, letting him decipher the rest.  She moved her hands to his jeans, which she hadn't even realized where still on until just now. She shifted down in the bed. "Can I return the favor?"
Jughead stopped her from crawling over his legs, instead pressing her back against the bed again. "Not tonight. Betts, I wanna make you come again."
"What are you waiting for?"
He moved faster now, discarding his jeans and pulling the duvet over their bodies. He captured her lips once more as he moved inside of her. She felt so over stimulated, having only just come down from her first orgasm, but soon she felt even better than the first time around. Jughead was moving in just the right way, his hips snapping against hers.
Betty would worship every part of him if she could, but for now she settle for his collarbone. She nipped at the skin around his neck, leaving marks that would match her own. She tried to distract herself from her own body by focusing on his. She was close to her second climax when Jughead hadn't come once.
"Oh fuck… Betty." He groaned particularly loudly when she bit down hard on his shoulder.
"Don't stop, Jug. Fuck, please don't stop." He was moving almost too slow, trying to hold on to the moment as long as possible. "Fuck me, Juggie… faster."
He did as he was told, his only goal to make Betty feel as good as possible. As he thrust faster, his orgasm crept up on him. Betty's fingernails scratched against his bare back. The sound of their skin slapping together finally making him come undone.
"Shit, oh my God…"
"Don't stop… just a little longer." Betty pulled his lips to her chest, allowing the stimulation to make her finally come.
Jughead rolled beside her, Betty's body fitting perfectly against his when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. She curled up against his side, one leg coming up to rest over his own.
They lay in silence for a while, listening to each other's heartbeats slow to their normal pace. Betty was the first to speak.
"We haven't talked about the future…" She said, her middle finger moving in circles on his chest.
"What about it?"
"This trip is almost over, so what does that mean when we have to go home? What happens?"
Jughead stared down into her eyes. "You're really worried about this, aren't you?"
She simply nodded.
"Well, what happens is… we decide where we want to live. I've got a studio apartment waiting in a shitty neighborhood in New York. I have this feeling you probably live somewhere too?"
"I live with my parents." She slapped a hand over her face, embarrassed. Jughead pulled it away.
"So it's settled. We move in to my apartment."
"Then what?"
Jughead pressed a kiss to her hand, holding it tight in his. "Well, we'll get a dog eventually, get some great jobs so we can move to a better place, get married, have a few wild little children."
"You've thought about this?" Betty sat up straight, pulling back a little so she could see him perfectly. Jughead groaned at the loss of contact.
"Of course I've thought about it, Betty. I love you. How could I not think about it?"
She shrugged. "You really want to marry me?"
"I'd marry you right now if I could."
Betty laughed, not because of how crazy that sounded, but because she agreed. She threw a leg over Jughead to straddle his waist. "I'd marry you right now too."
She leaned in, capturing his lips. When she pulled back, Jughead was staring into her eyes, his eyebrows tense in thought.
"Why don't we?"
"Why don't we what?" Betty's fingers were in his hair again.
"Why don't we get married now? Well, not right now, but this week. We can have a little ceremony with our friends on Saturday and make it official when we get back to New York."
"Are you proposing to me?"
"It feels like we proposed to each other… but yeah. Will you marry me?"
Her smile threatened to split open her cheeks. "Yes, Jughead. Yes, I'll marry you."
Their lips crashed together once more, passion flowing through their veins. Betty lifted her hips, lowering herself onto Jughead's cock.
"Can't get enough of me, can you?" Jughead teased, massaging her ass.
"Don’t pretend you don't want it too. Your dick is hard."
"Thanks, Captain Obvious."
Jughead let his hands rest on her hips as Betty fucked herself on his cock.
"Oh my God, I just thought of something." Betty stopped, eyes widened at Jughead. "My mom is going to disown me."
"You were thinking about your mom while riding me? Christ…"
"No! Oh my God, no. I was thinking about getting married and that led to thinking about how I'm going to tell my mom and how she is going to be so mad."
"Can we stop talking about your mom? Or wait until later?"
"Jug, pissing of my mom just makes this all even better." She started rocking against him again. "I'm being a very bad girl, don't you think?"
"With the likes of me?" He reached around again to grab her ass. "I'd say you are downright naughty."
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certifiedskywalker · 7 years
One Of Us - Jughead Jones
Anonymous said:
Can you do a Jughead imagine where you’re the serpent in charge and you’re all hot and badass and he comes in to take his dads place as a serpent. He meets you and y’all end up falling in love. Fluff definitely! Thanks so much. Love your writing (:
I tried my best! I hope you like it! (sorry for the snake puns)
Warnings : Cursing, you’re at a bar, hints of Sweet Pea flirting?
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The Southside of Riverdale acted as the untamed, wild West in old cowboy films. It’s people were hardened and wouldn’t take any kind of bullshit. It was the perfect environment for someone like you. The fast paced lifestyle of a Southside Serpent drew you into the the community of snakes and, now, you couldn’t imagine your life without the infamous gang.
Within the gang, you were able to climb the ranks. It helped that you befriended most of the younger Serpents like Toni and Sweet Pea. Their support led you to FP Jones. It was FP that tutored you in how to keep the peace while remaining firm to your stubborn Serpent convictions. Under his wing, you rose to be one of the Serpents leader next to FP himself and Tall Boy. Despite the time you spent with FP, the knowledge that he had a son your age never came to pass through your mind. So when FP was arrested, and his son moved to the Southside, you couldn’t help but feel a little on edge.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Y/N nervous like this,” Sweet Pea teased, watching as you scanned the crowd of the cafeteria for the tenth time that lunch period. Upon hearing his words, you shot him a startling glare. Once Sweet Pea got the message and backed down, Fangz laughing as his friend backed down, you looked back out into the crowd.
Your fingers pulled on the hem of your leather jacket as you looked out for FP’s son. Every lesson that FP had taught you was playing in your mind on repeat. Assert your dominance, hold you ground, and above all, protect your people.
It felt odd that you were going to have to use those lessons against your mentor’s son. The younger Jones was a threat to the position you had earned and the friendships you had built. You weren’t going to let some boy tear all of that down.
“Hey, Y/N,” you turned your head when you heard Toni’s voice. Her eyes were bright, her pinkish hair flowing over her shoulders.
“There you are,” you said with a soft smile, “where have you been?”
“I’ve been showing Jughead the ropes of Southside High,” toni said, moving to the side to reveal a lanky boy. He wore a flannel underneath his jacket and a tee-shirt underneath his flannel. A strange, crown-like beanie was perched on his raven-colored hair. This was Jughead Jones, FP’s only son. His blueish-green eyes locked on your gaze and you noted a pink blush that now dusted his soft cheeks.
“H-Hi,” he stammered out, his mouth slightly open as he took in your form. Down to your coal colored combat boots and up to the leather jacket that adorned your shoulders, Jughead had never seen anyone more attractive than you. Every thought of the perfectly pink Betty fled from his mind and all he saw was you, dressed in all black.
“Don’t worry, Jones, Y/N doesn’t bite. Not too hard at least,” Toni said, a teasing smile on her lips. You smirked at your friend and looked back at the boy before you. He resembled FP to an extent, but there was something about him that was all his own.
“You dad is a good man,” you said, holding Jughead’s gaze, “I can only hope you are too. I hope we’ll find you pledging your loyalty to the Serpents soon.” He seemed impressed by the air of authority you spoke with and the expression he wore made you smile a little wider. His soft features weren’t threatening and you sensed he wanted no part in stealing from anything you had built for yourself. He was a Northsider afterall.
“She’s normally not this smiley,” Fangz pointed out, “you got her in a good mood, Newbie.” Jughead glanced over at your friend and then back at you.
“He’s right,” you said smugly, your nervousness fading away. Jughead was no threat to you or your family of Serpents; if anything, he wanted to keep the peace as FP had done. “See ya around, Jughead Jones,” you could feel his eyes on you as you picked up your bag and started to saunter out of the cafeteria.
“She’s…” Jughead trailed off as he watched you leave. His breath had finally returned to him after he had first laid his eyes on you.
“A badass,” Sweet Pea and Toni said in unison. Jughead looked at the two of them and noticed that Sweet Pea was glaring at him. Apparently he had only gained Toni and Y/N’s trust, not the boy’s before him. He could only hope that he would see you again, and soon.
“Godammit,” Sweet Pea hissed as you sink your ball during your game of pool. He handed you a ten dollar bill and you took it from him with a pleased grin.
“Know who you’re betting against next time,” you teased and Sweet Pea rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” he groaned, picking up his drink to take a sip. He held yours out to you and you took it gratefully. “I would’ve won against the Jones kid, that pansy. He can’t even pick a side let alone start to plan a game.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?” You asked, squinting your eyes at Sweet Pea. The boy sighed and turned to hold your gaze.
“He’s a Serpent now, yeah? So, why isn’t he here with us, his family? He’s probably in the Northside with that blonde girlfriend of his. He’ll never be one of us, not really.” He took another sip of his drink and let his words hang in the air.
You couldn’t help but feel jealous at the idea of Jughead being with Betty on the Northside tonight. He had mentioned her to you in passing throughout the weeks since he had first moved to the Southside. She seemed perfect for him, but you felt that they wouldn’t last; but if they had, Sweet Pea was right. Jughead would never be a full Serpent; he would never be yours in the way you longed for him to be. You had to have hope.
“He will be,” you said soundly, not looking at Sweet Pea. The boy scoffed and the sound brought your attention to his face.
“Just because you want him doesn’t mean you’ll get him, Y/N. You’re a head Serpent and he’s trying to fill the void FP left behind. He’ll never be enough for you.”
“Are you implying that you are, Pea?” The boy glanced at you and you could see a glint in his eyes. You set your drink down and cleared your throat. “Well then, I’m going to go.”
“Y/N, I’m trying to help you from getting hurt. Northsiders like him will-”
“Jughead isn’t a Northsider! Not anymore!” Your shout echoed through the Whyte Wyrm, silencing the other Serpents that enjoying the entertainment. All eyes were on you, since everyone there knew who you were and they knew that you hardly lost your cool.
Without another word you walked out of the bar and into the chilled night air. Your eyes stung as you walked letting your strength and authority fall to the side to allow yourself a moment to be weak. The heat of embarrassment burned through your veins as you walked to your trailer. It was hard enough to be a leading Serpent without FP’s guiding hand, but having to deal with the fact you had feelings for his son complicated things.
Jughead had become a friend in his weeks at Southside High, even more so when he officially joined the Serpents. You had overseen his initiation, and had been the one to patch him up after Sweet Pea had decked him with brass knuckles.
It was that night you realized, when you were inches away from his lips, that you wanted him. Loved him, maybe. He had bravely endured the Serpent’s brutality and made it out to the other side. The way he had looked at you made you feel that, maybe, he had felt the same way.
It was rare when you felt a connection to someone. Ever since you had joined the Serpents, you had been a bit more cold. When FP trained you and you gained the respect of the gang, your position of leadership had demanded you put your community first; before anything of personal importance.
But now, your heart was pulling you in a different direction. It drove to you away from doing what was right for the Serpents. Jughead wanted to find peace between the North and South, but he didn’t realize he needed the Serpent’s support. And, with Sweet Pea acting how he is, that was support Jughead would never get.
You longed to aid him, but feared losing the community you had built around yourself, the community you adored. All because of some boy who had moved into the wrong side of town. You kicked at a stone in the street and felt a tear escape your eye.
As you wiped at it, you heard a loud bark. You turned to look down the street to your right and saw a very shaggy haired dog walking down the sidewalk.
“Hot Dog!” As the dog started to run towards you, you heard a familiar voice call out to it. Hot Dog, refusing to listen to who was shouting for him, ran up to you.
“Hey boy,” you said, bending down to give the pup a pat on the head. Footsteps approached and you looked up, your breath catching as you did.
“Hey, Y/N,” Jughead said, looking winded, “what are you doing out so late?” You stood up straight and met his gaze. His lips turned downwards when he noticed your red, puffy eyes. “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
“Nothing, Jughead,” you sniffled, “I’m just heading home.” You started to walk past him when he gently grabbed a hold of your arm. You turned to look at him, and he could see you were far from alright.
“Let me walk with you,” he pleaded, Hot Dog stepped towards you as well.
“Why? You don’t think I can handle myself?”
“Oh, I know you can handle yourself,” Jughead said with a soft smile, “but I want to walk home with you anyway.” You sighed and gave in. Jughead and Hot Dog soon fell into step beside you, although the dog seemed to dart a little ways ahead. The first few minutes of the walk were soaked in silence.
“Were you at the Whyte Wyrm?” Jughead asked suddenly.
“Yeah, it was pretty busy tonight,” you replied, not wanting to mention what had gone down in the Serpent hang out spot.
“I’ve been meaning to get over there,” Jughead said, “I haven’t been able to find the time.” With that, you felt your fears crawling up your spine. Sweet Pea was right.
“Have you been spending time with Betty?” You asked blatantly. Jughead seemed be caught off guard by your question, as he looked at you with a confused stare. You met his gaze and held it, silently begging for him to answer the question.
“I uh, I’ve-”
“It’s alright if you have,” you said, realizing you actually didn’t want to hear the answer. You weren’t ready for true heart break yet. “I’m not like the others, I won’t judge you for befriending the Northsiders. Hopefully it’ll be a step towards peace.” Jughead nodded and a silence fell over the two of you once again. As you neared the trailer park, Jughead spoke up once more.
“I haven’t.”
“What?” You asked, looking over at him with confusion set in your features.
“I haven’t talked to Betty,” he said, “we broke up after my initiation.”
“Oh,” you said, slightly glad, “I’m sorry.” Jughead sighed and shook his head.
“Don’t be. It’s actually a little bit of a relief. I can focus on the Serpents now, help you rebuild so that, if my dad-”
“When your dad,” you corrected with a slight smile. Jughead smiled too.
“So that, when my dad gets out, it’ll be like nothing ever happened. All we have to do is stop the Black Hood then.” You let out a chuckle and nodded. Silence again was wedged between you. The words that threatened to spill over your lips danced on your tongue, but nerves had overridden your sense of confidence.
You had never been like this before. Your confidence, your authority and the respect of the Serpents had slain your nervousness when you had joined. Yet, Jughead Jones managed to dig up every old feeling and make it feel like it never left. He made you feel nervous, indecisive, and, above all, overwhelmingly happy.
In the little time you had known him, Jughead had managed to worm his way into your heart like no one ever before. His wit and overly kind heart were attractive qualities that very few Serpents possessed; yet there he was. You let out a sniffle as you thought and Jughead turned towards you.
“You’re cold?” He asked and you nodded slightly. You pulled your leather jacket closer to your body, hoping to warm up. It wasn’t working. “Here,” Jughead said, pulling off his hat and tucking it over your head. It, surprisingly helped and you gave him a grateful smile. His dark tresses now spilled over his face, making him look even more attractive somehow.
“Thanks, Jughead,” you said softly. The boy only smiled, noting how cute you looked in his hat. It was like he was looking at a different version of you. While you still held onto to the air of badassery and confidence, you looked smaller than usual; like something had happened that had knocked you down a few pegs.
“You know if something is bothering you that you can tell me about it, right?” Jughead asked as you walked under a lamp post. You let out a shaky breath and stopped walking. Jughead followed your suite and Hot Dog rummaged through some ever-present trash bin.
“Do you ever feel like you’re split in half? Like, you have to do one thing because people need you to do it but you want to do something else. Something that could mean that the thing the people want you to do isn’t actually needed?”
“You’re very eloquent, you know that?” Jughead teased, and you gently punch his shoulder. “But yeah, I can understand that.”
“Then what do I do?” You asked, stepping closer to him. Under the lamp post, you and Jughead almost looked like you had a spotlight placed on you. And Hot Dog, but he could’ve cared less. As you waited, you thought over and over again about how the Serpents still distrusted Jughead’s methods of peace and how you wanted to be with him despite possibly losing the respect you had earned within the community. You could only hope that Jughead held some answer you had never thought of.
“I’d say, if you think what you want will help them in the long run, do it. It doesn’t matter what they say now, they’ll be thankful for it later. Even if it’s the Serpents you’re talking about, they’ll come around. They look up to you since my dad isn’t around, as I can only do so much to disappoint them.” You smiled a little and nodded.
You curled your bottom lip into your mouth in thought, not daring to look at Jughead yet. When you did, you felt your heart rate start to speed up. His eyes scanned yours and searched to see if he had helped in any way.
“Do you think they’ll forgive me if I do one selfish thing?” You asked timidly.
“I know they will, Y/N. They’d forgive you for just about anything.”
“Okay,” you said, taking another step towards him.
“Okay,” Jughead said, looking down into your face. His hat was still resting on your head and he felt his own heart beat like a drum in his chest. A moment passed again in silence as Hot Dog stopped his nosing through the trash. You were about to speak up when you felt something warm hit the back of your legs, pushing to against Jughead’s chest.
“Hot Dog!” You scolded, but the pup only huffed in a smug manner. You smiled and looked back up at Jughead, his face now inches from yours; like that night after the final step in his initiation, only this time, he was less bruised.
You were about to push away from him, in an attempt to break yourself out of your reverie when Jughead’s hand gripped your waist. His blue eyes scanned your own y/e/c ones, searching for the ‘okay’. Instead of getting one, you leaned up and, finally, pressed your lips to his. They moved insync, sweetly at first and then rushed; as if everything you had kept in was flowing out. The words you longed to say poured out into the kiss and matched Jughead’s own neediness. Your hands went to his hair, pulling on the dark locks gently.
The world seemed to slow around you as you kissed under the light of the lamp post. The chill in the air no longer made you feel cold, as the warmth of Jughead’s body surrounded yours better than the Serpent’s leather jacket ever could.
When you finally parted for breath, you rested your head against his shoulder. A smile formed on your lips and you hoped that it would never fade. You moved your head and looked up at him and saw that your smile was mirrored on his own features.
“Does this make me the selfish thing?” Jughead asked and your smile widened.
“Maybe,” you said, regaining your confidence, “I hope you don’t mind it.”
“Mind it?” Jughead asked with a grin, “I’m all for it.” You leaned up and pecked his lips again. Hot Dog barked softly and you broke the kiss.
“You started this,” you said to the dog, whose tail flicked in response. Jughead let out a true chuckle and he entangled your fingers with his own.
“C’mon, let’s get you home,” he said softly, “Hot Dog becomes a beast when he gets hungry.” You laughed and followed Jughead down the sidewalk. Your heart had never felt as light as it did in that moment. Sweet Pea was wrong; Jughead was one of you, he was a Serpent. He was simply his own type of snake and that quirk managed to slither it’s way into your heart.
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curlsandcrown · 7 years
That’s an Aphrodisiac, Too (Bughead, 18+)
Summary: A series of interrupted moments at Betty and Jughead’s wedding and their special wedding night. (Ao3) follow-up to It’s An Aphrodisiac Characters/Pairing: Betty x Jughead, appereances by others  Word Count: 8.1k Warnings: fluff, some language, smut (18+) teasing, semi-public sexual acts, sex
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Her hands smooth over the tulle skirt fabric covering the lower half of her body, looking at herself in the mirror of the makeshift tent that she’s spent the past two hours getting ready in. Betty’s fingers shake as they move up to straighten out the bead and jewel encrusted belt at her hips, green eyes catching on the shining diamond on her right ring finger. It’s hard to believe that the day has finally come; her wedding day. To Jughead. The corners of her pink lipstick covered mouth lift up in a smile as she looks over the lace on her shoulders and chest in an intricate scalloped pattern, small beads sewn into different places. As her fingers move up to make sure every piece of lace is in place at the small collar of her neck, a voice interrupts her inner musings.
“Are you nervous?”
Betty turns away from the mirror and looks to her best friend in her blush pink matron of honor dress, sheer fabric coming up over one shoulder to the back. She feels her cheeks warm but shakes her head. “Not at all, more so excited. Especially after delaying.”
Veronica nods and grins when the ‘delay’ comes squealing into the room with Polly following behind, fussing at the little boy.
“Alex! Be careful.”
She bends at the waist and picks up her son, kissing his cheek loudly before looking over at Polly who shrugs apologetically.
“He was with Jughead and the guys getting ready but now that he’s walking, he grabbed a croissant from their food tray then ran. Luckily I caught him before Archie or Jughead could follow him in here. You quick little rascal!” Her sister huffs, blowing a strand of hair out of her face before sitting on one of the chairs next to Veronica, who is trying to stifle her laughter at her godson.
“Alex, you naughty boy. You better behave for grandma tonight while daddy and I go away for the week, okay?”
“‘Kay, mama,” he says shortly before fingering a jewel on her dress.
Betty smiles and kisses the crown of his head before her mother moves into the tent, putting her hands on her hips and shaking her head. “Don’t mess up your mommy’s dress, Alexander Jones!”
Reluctantly, she hands her son over to her mother then smooths down her dress again. Remembering a slight detail from Polly, she looks over with her eyebrows furrowed. “Did you say that Alex took a croissant?”
The blonde nods. “Yeah, they have a whole tray of food and drinks. The guys were sipping on whisky and Jughead was going to town on the pomegranate seeds that they had. Lots of fruit for a room full of guys,” she says with a shrug.
Part of her wants to laugh and part of her wants to go chastise him a bit. However, her stomach makes Betty think otherwise. “Why do they have food yet I’ve been starving since breakfast this morning?”
This instantly gets everyone’s attention and they all spring up, asking her a thousand questions while Alexander squeals and begins to run out of the tent. Her motherly instincts has her running after him but they all tell her to stop, putting out their hands so Betty doesn’t leave the tent.
“No! Wait here. Polly will get Alex and I’ll go find you something to eat.” Veronica motions to the chair for her to sit then moves out of the room.
Betty sits down and faces the mirror once more, adjusting the curls on her half pinned up hair. She’s been left alone again and there’s nothing more she wants than to see Jughead right now.
Once the ceremony is over and they are officially Mr. and Mrs. Jones, they have an hour before the reception is set to begin. It’s cocktail hour and, while they’re not out in the reception hall enjoying it, Veronica makes sure to bring them them some of the hors d'oeuvres and drinks. This wedding wouldn’t have gone off without a hitch if Veronica Lodge wasn’t involved.
Betty just wants to be with her husband now. She couldn’t care less about the reception at this point and she’s sure that Jughead feels the same if the way he’s staring at her as they enter the room is any indication.
Betty smiles over at him and settles onto the chaise longue sitting in the room. It has been hours since she’s been able to sit. Her dress may get a little wrinkled in the back, but her legs and back are killing her.
“Did I tell you that you look beautiful?” Jug asks and Betty nods.
“You said it during the vows.”
He practically stuttered the words.
She pats a spot next to her as she eyes him take off his suit jacket and fling it onto a nearby chair. “There’s room for both of us, husband.”
The answering smile is enough to make her heart race and she sits up taller, waiting for him to join her. In true Jughead fashion, he grabs a bowl of fruit and brings it with him.
Be careful of your dress. Her mother drilled those words into her head the entire morning. Betty’s eyes drop to the bowl in his hands and suddenly gets an idea as he drops to the cushion next to her. “You going to share? I’ve barely eaten all day. ”
His eyes widen as if he can’t imagine not eating anything today which causes her to giggle a bit. “Why haven’t you eaten?” Jughead leans forward and kisses her briefly before nodding.
“No sense in feeling bloated before I have to fit into this dress. Do you like it?”
“You look so incredibly beautiful, Betts. You were right, it’s perfect.”
Betty blushes and ducks her head, looking at her wedding band and engagement ring resting along the fluffy tulle. It’s still hard to believe that they’re married after all this time together and right now, specifically, it all feels so new like when they first started dating. She feels shy but not looking at her husband sitting there in a black bow tie and black suspenders along his white button up shirt. He is devastatingly handsome.
Leaning on her right hand, she turns towards Jughead and smiles. “Feed me? So I don’t get my dress dirty.”
“Of course, Mrs. Jones.” He replies before dipping his fingers into the bowl and pulling out a couple of pomegranate seeds to bring to her lips.
Her mouth drops open as his hand moves closer and Betty closes her lips around his digits and the seeds, licking the juice off before pulling back with a pop. Chewing thoughtfully, she smiles and moves closer to him. After swallowing, she looks into his lust filled eyes and brings her hand up to rest on his cheek.
“You know, that’s an aphrodisiac, too.”
Jughead pulls back slightly in alarm, eyes darting down to the bowl in his lap. “What?”
A laugh bubbles out of her mouth as she looks up at him. “Yes. Baby, how do you keep getting into this?”
“Well, I didn’t know,” he says, placing another seed into her mouth before eating one himself. “They’re also good.”
“You just can’t help yourself when it comes to food, can you?”
She grins at him before leaning in to peck his lips.
“How did you know it was an aphrodisiac anyway?”
“I read it in a book,” she says simply, gazing into his eyes. They’re still heavily hooded and seeing him like this causes a shiver to run up her spine.
“What kind of book?” He murmurs, eyes falling to her lips as he helps her eat another seed. This time, he lets his fingers linger on her lips.
Betty turns her head and kisses his finger. “The trashy, romance kind.” She bites the appendage while keeping her eyes trained on his, watching as they turn into a stormy ocean blue.
“Betts,” he murmurs before moving the bowl to the side. His hands move to either side of her face and pulls her in for a kiss. Jughead moves his tongue along her lips and she moans, leaning towards him. “When did you start reading smut?”
“In college,” she gasps as his mouth presses feather light kisses along her jaw then down to the exposed part of her neck.
He pulls back and Betty whines in protest, moving her hands to his face. She tries to bring him back towards her but his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “How have I not known that you’ve been reading trashy novels.”
“Trust me, you’ve known just not the details of how. Now kiss me.”
Jug still looks a little surprised by her admission, but it doesn’t stop him from leaning down to capture her lips in a deep kiss. It’s much different from the one they shared in front of everyone else. This time, it’s not just love, there’s lust in the kiss as well.
She moans into his mouth.
“How many layers does this dress have, Betts?” Jughead asks against her lips, one of his hands trying to push the dress up and away from her legs.
The aphrodisiac is certainly doing its job on him. She wonders why she didn’t notice it during the ceremony.
To help him, Betty reaches down and gathers as much of the fabric as she can in both hands before pulling it up around her hips. There’s still a bit covering the lower half of her body, but it’s something. Jughead’s approval shows by a heavy groan and his hand immediately travelling from her knee and up her thigh.
She watches with rapt attention as his fingers trail dangerously close to the garter belt resting high on her thigh. The sight alone causes another moan to fall from her lips.
“Juggie,” she whispers, bringing his eyes to her face. “How long do we have?”
“About 45 minutes,” he says as he glances at the perfectly placed wall clock behind her. “We still have to take pictures, though.”
She shakes her head. “That's plenty of time. I know you can get me off in less than that, maybe a couple times.”
Jughead’s hand continues its path up her leg. “Is that a challenge, Mrs. Jones?” There's a glint in his eyes she rarely sees and she moans as she nods.
“I dare you.”
Without another word, Jughead pushes both of his hands up and underneath the dress to hook into the waistband of her panties. She's wearing a special set of lingerie just for the wedding night, but she's thankful that Veronica convinced her to pack an extra set for when they actually made it to their hotel.
When he lowers himself onto the floor to kneel in front of her, she takes in a sharp breath. She doesn't have time to ask what he's doing because he pulls her to the edge of the lounge before moving the fabric the rest of the way up until he can see her exposed center. The air from the room hits her skin, but Jughead quickly soothes the shock with his tongue.
Betty’s head falls back and she moans, bringing a hand down to run through his hair. His tongue flicks against her bundle of nerves, causing her to spread her legs further and roll her hips towards her husband’s mouth. It has been days since they’ve been able to be intimate, all of the last minute wedding details having left them collapsing into bed from exhaustion on top of having their toddler. But in this moment, with just the two of them, it’s all she’s wanted.
“God, baby, yes,” she moans.
His hands tighten around her thighs, fingers digging into the lace garter. Betty can feel the fire pooling in her abdomen, her release just seconds away. But just as her body is ready to let go, there’s a loud knocking at the door which causes her to jump and Jughead leans his head down on her thigh, groaning in frustration.
“Betty? Jug? Your son wanted to see you guys and wouldn’t take no for an answer.” Veronica’s voice softly comes through the door and Betty swears she feels her body trembling.
“Eat some of the fruit, Juggie. Since, well you know,” she motions to her lower half as she stands and adjusts her gown along with her panties.
Moving to the door, she notices Jughead adjusting himself before popping a handful of pomegranate seeds into his mouth. She smiles and opens the door, Alexander immediately clutching the bottom of her dress.
“I’m sorry, B. He was adamant.” Veronica blushes, looking back at Jughead. “They’re almost ready for photos so whenever you guys are ready, just meet us outside.”
Her friend turns to leave and Betty leans over, picking up their son and kisses his cheek. “Hi, baby. Are you having fun so far?”
He nods sleepily and leans his head down against her shoulder. She melts, resting her head against Alexander’s hair that matches Jughead’s so much, the Jones’ genes overpowering her own.
“Cockblocked by my own son.” Jughead moves over, his situation seeming to be temporarily gone.
Betty giggles and presses her lips to his head once again before Jughead embraces them both. “There will be plenty of time later, Jug. And I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”
After they take photos outside in the garden that they had the ceremony in, Betty follows the wedding party to the outdoor reception while the sun begins to set. Her fingers are interlaced with Jughead’s and it feels like her heart has temporarily sped up at the sight of her husband in his tuxedo again. It’s dark grey to go with the light pink and greenery that they picked out, making him look even more handsome.
This time, they only have a few minutes alone before they’re introduced for their first dance. She loops her arms around Jughead’s neck the best she can with her bouquet and sighs, bringing her lips to his.
“I can't wait for it to just be the two of us again,” she says.
“We do have some unfinished business.”
With a laugh, Betty presses her lips to his in a slow kiss.
“It will be worth the wait, I promise.” She's tired, but she's ready to officially be with Jughead as a married couple. And with the way he’s looking at her, she knows he can't wait until they're alone again.
“Oh, I know it will be,” he murmurs as his hands drift down her sides then down to her ass.
Betty whimpers as he pulls her up against his body and she can feel Jughead's arousal again. She wants enough time alone to undo his bow tie and show her husband how much she loves him, especially dressed up like this. But sadly there isn't enough time.
Jughead is leaning down to kiss her when she hears the unmistakable sound of Archie beginning to announce them. They smile at each other as their childhood friend talks about them in the other room.
“And the infamous Archie strikes again, forever cockblocking me.” He sighs and pecks her lips, giving her ass a playful slap before pulling away.
“Maybe I'll have to have another talk with him.”
Jughead raises his eyebrow at her, making Betty giggle as their friend announces them as Mr and Mrs Jones for the first time. “That'll have to be a story for another time, baby.”
She nods and kisses him one more time before entering the reception area. When Jughead raises her hand, she's absolutely giddy at the thought of being Elizabeth Jones now as she trails behind him in her wedding gown.
After their first dance, which was full of restraint on his part to keep his hands at a respectable spot on Betty's hips, he's been watching as she moves around the tent talking to guests. She looks ethereal with her blonde hair cascading in waves down her back, half of it up in a fancy hairdo with their son balanced on her hip. The little boy has his shoes off so he doesn't get her dress dirty but each time he squirms to get down, Betty seems to whisper something in his ear which makes him instantly calm down.
On top of her looking absolutely stunning in her dress, he finds it sexy how she acts with his son. Their son. How sweet and patient she is with him while he tries to learn things. And now they're swaying slightly to the song playing as they talk to FP, his dad laughing before motioning for Alex to come into his grandpa's lap.
Betty looks over and catches his eye, teeth digging into her pink painted lower lip. The blush on her cheeks instantly makes him hard and he glances to the side towards the area where the bathrooms are located. Emerald green eyes follow and she instantly excuses herself, politely, then heads in that direction.
He stands up and excuses himself from Archie, Veronica, and Reggie to move towards the building. Their reception is outside but the bar and facilities inside are readily available for everyone to use. Part of him cringes when people pass by and exclaim their drunken congratulations, patting Jughead on the back. Mostly, he wants to tell them all to scatter so he can see his blushing bride.
The hallway seem to be empty but he glances around until a door opens and Betty's head peeks out.
“Hurry, Jug. It wasn't easy to snag this dressing room.”
As soon as the door closes, his back is pressed up against the door and Betty is attacking his lips. A moan escaped him as her hands fumble with his belt, pushing them down quickly before dropping to her knees.
He instantly wants to pull Betty up, something about wanting to keep her dress pristine when she suddenly wraps her hand around his erection and strokes him a couple times. Jughead doesn't even want to touch her hair in case he ruins it and really gives them away once they step out of the dressing room. Soon her lips wrap around his cock and slides down, causing him to moan then rest his head back against the door. The sight of her dress billowed out on the floor and her pink lips around his erection is too much, making him want to cum instantly which would be a bit embarrassing.
“Your mouth feels so good, Betts,” he murmurs, anxious to touch to his wife.
She hums and the vibration makes his legs weak. As she licks and sucks her way to his release, Jughead's eyes close before he starts to hear someone coming down the hall. Suddenly his father and her mother's voices flit down the hallway and Betty pulls off him with a pop, almost making him cum.
“Fucking hell,” he mutters while Betty stands and adjusts everything while wiping her mouth.
“Later,” she whispers before kissing him and sneaking out of the room. Her voice fills the hallway and says that she had to sit in silence for a few minutes and take off her shoes since the attention was slightly overwhelming. Somehow, she steers them away from the room while he adjusts his pants again, for what seems like the 5th time that evening.
Jughead is ready for the entire wedding to be over with by the time dinner rolls around. Everyone from the dance floor is coming back to their tables while he and Betty settle at their own with all the fancy greenery centerpieces that Veronica had insisted on with geometric patterns holding different flowers. He relaxes a bit into his chair as their meals are brought over and placed in front of them. Yes, he's tired now and ready to go on their honeymoon, but he can't refuse food.
He's tucking into his steak when Jughead feels the first caress of Betty’s hand on his leg. At first, he doesn't think much of it because Betty is focused on her own meal when he glances over, but she does it a few more times as he takes bites of his food.
It's when he's halfway through the steak that her small fingers make their way to his crotch and begin undoing his belt.
“Betty,” he breathes out, simultaneously a warning and a plea for her to continue.
She leans over to whisper in his ear. “It's fine, Jug. Just relax.”
With a surprising smirk on his new wife's face, Betty does the best she can to get his belt out of the way so she can unzip his pants. He's hard in no time.
Jughead's also breathing quicker than he was moments before, so he reaches forward for his water while Betty gingerly takes his cock in her hand. He swallows roughly, causing the water to go down the wrong pipe, and he sputters. Thankfully that covers up the groan of pleasure trying to escape his mouth and prevents any further attention to their table.
Betty begins slowly stroking him and he has to bite down hard on his bottom lip. Looking down, Jughead stares at the food left on the plate. There's no possible way he can even try to eat while Betty continues her movements. But somehow she's sitting as demurely as ever, back straight and eyes focused on the party going on around him.
Somehow, that vision makes the entire situation even more erotic.
For a moment he allows his eyes to slip shut as Betty speeds up the pace of her hand. He moans softly, but the sound of the reception is loud enough to cover it up, and his hips tilt up to chase her hand as she slides it up.
It won't take him long and Jughead looks over at her.
“Betty,” he grits out. As much as he wants to cum, he needs to hold it together, even if it feels amazing to finally have the last few hours of interruptions coming to an end.
His hips jerk up again and nearly knocks the water off the table. He catches the glass before it can fall over and reaches beneath the table with his other to halt her strokes. A soft laugh sounds from next to him.
His wife is a tease.
“Betty,” he says again just as Kevin comes over. Her pace slows to a stop along with his heart at possibly getting caught.
“Are you lovebirds ready for the cake? Alex is getting antsy.”
“Absolutely!” Betty beams a smile to her best friend then stands up.
His jaw drops slightly in shock, watching as Kevin turns away and his wife is moving away from the table while he’s hanging out of his dress pants. Betty stops behind him and hugs him, her hands slipping down his chest while she kisses his cheek. To anyone else it would seem completely innocent, his bride giving her husband a sweet kiss to make everyone go ‘aw’ simultaneously. However, between the two of them, she’s gently tucking his semi-hard on into his underwear and fixing his belt so that he can stand from the table to go cut the cake that everyone's gathering around, including their child.
“I’m going to have blue balls by the time we leave for our honeymoon.”
“Soon, Jug. Then we can rest on the plane tomorrow to Dublin.”
Jughead drops his head back against her stomach and sighs, trying to get rid of his erection, yet again. “I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to handle the teasing.”
“We’re almost done. Cake, say goodnight to Alex, then our exit to stay the night at the hotel before driving to the airport tomorrow.”
Betty kisses his cheek softly then steps back so he can stand up and take her hand to the table that’s set up with the cake - which happened to be his favorite part of wedding planning along with picking out their meals. The beautiful elegant design was all Betty but underneath the marshmallow fondant (yes, he picked that out) is all him.
Alex is standing by the table with Kevin, holding onto his hand even while he bounces on his toes in excitement. If Alex inherited anything from him, it's his love of food.
Betty laughs when she sees their son and looks up at him and, once again, Jughead thinks about what a sweet and amazing mother she is to their boy. He's beyond lucky that she wanted to have a child with him and spend the rest of her life by his side.
Before he can say anything to his new bride, their photographer rushes over to get them into the perfect position so they can take pictures of them cutting the cake. That's almost takes the excitement out of the moment, but then he glances at the cake again and his mouth is practically watering.
Betty picks up the cake knife and motions for him to place his hand over hers. With a smile over to her, he wraps his fingers around her hand and helps her to cut the first slice of cake. She grabs a plate with her empty hand and they pull the piece out to lay it on the cake. With his own free hand, he picks up a fork but then sees the playful glint in Betty’s eyes. He drops it to instead tear off a piece in his fingers.
“That looks delicious,” she says quietly enough that only he should be able to hear her. The words are innocent if anyone else were to hear it, but the look in her eyes glitter with a naughtiness that he’s never seen. He loves this woman who is so full of surprises. He wants to say something in response, whisper to her that she’s the one who’s delicious, but as soon as he opens his mouth, Betty is pushing a large handful of the cake into it.
She giggles as he gives her a slight glare, chewing the chunk of strawberry cake before bringing the portion in his hand to her lips. Betty licks her lips then opens her mouth and he drops it delicately because he'd rather not feel the wrath of everyone if he dropped it on her dress. But her tongue brushes against his fingers and Jughead tries to think of a naked Archie so that he won't get hard in front of all their guests.
“Mama! I want.”
Jughead looks down to their son who has a slight pout on his face. His wife bends to pick him up and grabs the fork before feeding him a small piece. It makes him smile and while Alex is chewing his piece, she offers another to him.
“Thanks, baby. How is it, bud?”
Thankfully Alice has taken over and starts cutting pieces off for all the guests while they have a little family moment. He knows that they're going to have to say goodbye to Alexander soon so he can go to bed at a reasonable hour.
“Tasty,” the little boy murmurs and he grins. There's not much that he has absolutely hated yet and Jughead is thrilled that his son likes his choice of cake.
“We set up the room so you guys can have a moment with Alex before his grandma will take him so you guys can exit. The car is all set with your bags.”
He looks over at Veronica with what he hopes is a grateful smile. None of this would've gone so smoothly without her. “Thanks, Ronnie.”
Once they get into the room and have said their goodbyes to Alex, he can see the tears forming in her eyes. She hugged him tightly and told him to behave for grandma and Aunt V but Jughead knows how difficult this will be for both of them, this being the first time leaving their son since he was born.
Betty is turned away from him, her arms wrapped around her midsection.
“Betty,” he murmurs gently. She doesn't turn so he moves forward and kisses her neck. Her head automatically tilts to the side while he slides his hands over her arms. “It'll be okay. We'll be back before you know it. You deserve a break.”
She sighs and turns in his arms. “I know and I'm relieved we'll get a break, a week of being alone, just the two of us with no more interruptions,” Betty trails off while her hands move down to his belt.
“Let's get out of here. The car is ready and I'm ten seconds away from ripping off your dress and fucking you against the door.”
Betty’s eyes widen in both shock and lust.
“You wouldn’t,” she gasps out, to which he laughs softly.
“You’ll find out if we don’t leave right now.”
It’s obvious that Betty is still upset about leaving Alexander as they arrive at their hotel room for the night. She’s quiet and a little deflated, but still has a certain glow about her that he’s never seen before. If it comes from marrying him, he can’t wait to see it for the rest of his life.
Jughead opens the door and is just about to walk into the room before Betty stops him with a hand on his elbow.
“You’re forgetting something.”
When he turns to look at her, there’s a small smile on her lips while glancing to the door.
“You have to carry me over the threshold, Jug.”
With a nod, he steps back to stand next to her and lifts her up quickly, her arms going around his neck. A bright laugh leaves Betty’s lips and he can’t help but lean forward to press his lips gently to hers. Their lips are still attached as he steps into the room.
Betty smiles against his mouth and it causes him to tighten the hold on her waist as he walks as far as he can into the room, thankfully making it far enough to drop her gently onto the bed. She laughs again before tilting her head back so she can see him.
“Will you unzip my dress?” She asks before standing up and turning her back to him. “I love it, but I feel like I’ve been in it for days.”
Jughead doesn’t say anything as he gets to work, fumbling a bit to find the zipper. He drags it down the length of her back while she pulls her hair out of the way to the side and watches with bated breath as her skin and part of her lingerie is revealed to him. The white and light pink lace is absolutely angelic.
“This color is perfect on you, Betts.” He’s always loved her in pink, but this is something different from her usual skirts and dresses or the lingerie she typically chooses to wear. He drops his head and kisses the back of her neck.
“Thank you,” she sighs out and lets her head fall to the side so he can kiss along the expanse of her neck. The kisses are featherlight but he feels her shiver.
He barely notices it when Betty pushes the dress off of her hips. It’s only when she steps away from him to step out of it that his eyes move to scan down her body. Just like that, his cock is stirring in his slacks. He needs to get out of them and into her fast.
Betty bends down and picks up the dress. Once she lays it out on a nearby chair, she turns back to him with a smile. Her cheeks are covered in a light blush that perfectly complements the pink of her lingerie.
“You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. You know that, right?”
Her blush deepens as she moves towards him. Currently he’s standing by the bed, his hands tucked into his pockets so that he doesn’t rush Betty while putting her dress away. Soon her fingers are moving up his tuxedo jacket and up to his bow tie, gently pulling it until it comes undone.
“I’ve been wanting to do that all night.”
Jughead’s eyes meets hers before they trail over her body again. “What else have you been wanting to do, Betts?”
Instead of answering, her hands move to the lapels of his jacket then pushes them off his shoulders. Pulling his hands out of his pockets, the fabric drops to the ground before Betty’s up at his collar unbuttoning his shirt with deft fingers. Then she pulls the suspenders off his shoulders and steps back, biting her lip.
Her eyes are shining with what he assumes as pride when she says, “You are the most handsome, sexy man I have ever seen, Jug. How you can look so hot with hanging suspenders has always baffled me.”
Jughead walks towards her, shedding his shirt along with the suspenders and bow tie. When they’re close together again, he pulls off his undershirt while her fingers move to his belt. The suspense is killing him and he drops down to press his lips against hers. Instantly she moans and pauses her work on his belt buckle, leaning against his chest while he deepens the kiss.
Somehow her lipstick has stayed pristine all day, a thought that randomly enters his mind thinking back on all the times throughout their wedding that he’s waited for this moment. For when he can finally put his hands behind her thighs and pick her up, loving it when they automatically wrap around his hips.
“Juggie, bed.” Her words are whispered and it doesn’t take him long to obey his wife’s commands.
Jughead gently places her down on the bed, supporting himself on his hands on either side of her head. Pulling back, he glances at her swollen lips and blonde hair fanned out along the white comforter of their bed. His eyes track the movements of her hands while they return to his belt, quickly unbuckling it then tossing it onto the floor.
“Hopefully that won’t be difficult to find in the morning,” he teases.
“I’ll get on my hands and knees to search for it if need be.”
That image alone makes him groan as Betty unbuttons his pants and leans back to push them down with her feet. Jughead toes off his shoes and steps out of his slacks and socks to crawl over her body and claim her lips with his again. The whimper he hears encourages him to run a hand up the side of Betty’s body, the light pink lace slightly rough underneath his fingertips. His hand caress over her breast and she arches her back in response before threading his fingers through hers to bring up and over her head, pinning it down against the mattress.
Betty squeezes his hand, mirroring their joined hands with their other ones while spreading her legs for him to fit better against her. Just like two puzzle pieces trying to come together as one. Jughead moans and rolls his hips against hers, relishing the way she pulls away and gasps against his mouth.
“You’re so sexy, Betts.”
Jughead bites her lower lip and listens to her quiet moans as she arches up against him again. Taking advantage of her position, he pulls his hands away and underneath Betty’s back. His fingers move up the lace bustier to the top and he starts to unhook the eyelets holding it together. He makes quick work of undoing them all then rolls so that she’s straddling his hips.
“Jug?” Betty asks before he pulls the straps down then tosses the lingerie to the floor.
Her eyes immediately darken as he looks over her bare breasts, nipples puckering due to the exposure to the cool air in the hotel room. Jughead moves so that he's sitting up and captures her lips in a searing kiss while his hands move up her sides to her breasts. Betty moans as his thumbs brush over her nipples and arches into his hands. And now that they're finally alone, he brings a hand up to her hair and threads his fingers through the silky strands.
Tightening his grip, Jughead pulls her head back gently then latches his lips onto the pulse point of her neck, sucking the delicate skin there.
“Fuck, Jug. Yes,” she murmurs as her hips roll against his.
He takes the encouragement and bites along Betty's neck to her shoulder. His hand moves down her spine to her ass and she moves to balance on her knees, giving him the perfect window to slip a hand underneath the lingerie. One thing he's never been able to get over is how amazing Betty's legs are, all long and lean muscle. He groans against her lips and brings his hands behind her thighs again then stands up, turning them so that he can lay Betty back down on the bed - obviously undecided on what position he currently wants.
She's breathless when her body hits the comforter again and his fingers hook into the sides of her panties to pull down her long legs, tossing them somewhere in the room with the rest of her clothes. Jughead devours her with his eyes, watching as her teeth dig into her bottom lip. While their eyes meet, he kneels down then pulls Betty to the edge of the bed.
Bringing her left leg to his shoulder, he continues to watch her as his lips press feather light kisses along her calf then up her thigh. A shiver runs through her body and it makes Jughead grin as he scrapes his teeth up to the apex of her leg where it meets her hips.
Betty lets out a shuddering breath as his lips move over her core, his nose brushing up against her clit.
“Baby, please,” she whines out while rolling her hips towards his mouth.
Jughead brings a hand up and holds her pelvis down.
“Not so fast,” he says. “I want to finish what we started earlier, but I want to savor you, baby.”
The goosebumps that erupt on her skin are enough to tell him that she likes what she hears. He can’t help the chuckle that slips from between his lips as he lowers his head to kiss along one of her thighs. He applies light pressure onto her skin until he gets closer to her center, pressing harder and sucking at the skin at the crease of her leg.
She’s a moaning mess above him and he teasingly licks a stripe up one side of her before quickly moving to her other leg. He repeats the actions there before gazing up at Betty. She looks back at him with eyes blown out in arousal, bottom lip caught between her teeth. It looks like she’s holding herself back.
“You don’t have to be quiet.” He kisses her stomach. “I want to hear everything you feel.”
Betty nods and as he flicks his tongue out to touch her clit, a high pitched whine comes from her lips.
“That’s better,” he says, rewarding her by swirling his tongue around her clit and down to her entrance. Just like he had been all day, Jughead is hard and he can’t help but roll his hips once against the mattress. He’s determined to get her to come once, at least once, before he’s inside her.
She reaches down and threads both of her hands through his thick hair, tugging lightly and guiding him on her. His bossy wife. That’s enough to get him to moan against her, lips wrapped around her clit loosely. The vibrations have Betty’s hips coming off of the bed toward his mouth. And as her grip tightens on his hair, she begins to roll her hips against his tongue.
Jughead takes her right leg to spread his wife even wider then pins Betty’s hips down. At first she whimpers in protest, attempting to raise her pelvis up towards his lips again but he firmly presses her against the mattress. His cock is aching after all the teasing today and he’s ready to bury himself inside of her.
She moans and Jughead kisses her inner thigh again before slowly sliding two fingers into her heat. He gets his mouth back on her as he expertly moves his fingers in and out at a steady pace, curling them every other stroke. The sounds coming from her and the way she's holding his head firmly to her body signals that she's close. It feels like he's waited weeks to make her come again.
“Jug,” she gasps out, attempting to roll her hips again. This time, he loosens his grip on her and allows her to pump her hips up to meet his mouth and fingers.
He pulls away long enough to encourage her to keep going, to chase her release, before he firmly attaches his lips to her clit and speeds up his fingers. Betty rolls her hips towards his mouth once more before she stills then releases a high pitched moan as she clenches around his fingers. Jughead slows his ministrations and pulls out as she whimpers, her body shaking before he rests back on his knees.
“Oh, my God.” She’s talking in a raspy whisper as he licks his lips but then Betty is sitting up and pulling him over her. “Why do you still have underwear on? I need you.”
Her hands quickly push his boxers down and Jughead kicks them off before kissing up her torso, running the tip of his tongue along her nipples. Betty pulls him into a heated kiss while rolling her hips up against his erection. He’s almost painfully hard and at the point of some much needed friction.
As they kiss, it turns into a slow and lazy caress of their tongues. Betty’s hand returns to his hair while his hand moves down her side to her thigh, pulling it up and around his hip. Jughead slides his cock against her core, teasing her slightly before he hears a pleading whimper come from his wife.
The second that he slides into her, they both pull away with a gasp and a moan, finally coming together after a long day of teasing each other to their limits. Jughead bottoms out and he pulls away, resting his forehead against his bride’s.
“Fuck, you feel amazing. So worth waiting until we had the bed.”
Her free hand goes to his shoulders and slides down his spine to his ass. Betty urges him to move and it causes him to laugh a bit.
“I told you it would be, Juggie.”
Jughead pulls back and slides back in slowly, snapping his hips once he’s buried inside her again. It pulls a moan unlike anything he’s ever heard from Betty before. He repeats the movement a couple of times before rolling them and letting her settle onto his cock.
Betty anchors her hands on his chest and slowly rolls her hips forward, shivering as he presses deeper into her. She mutters something he can't make out as she begins moving. Jughead expects her to go fast, so he's surprised when she takes her time, lifting off of him and lowering herself a few times.
Gripping her hips with one hand, he groans out, “I need you to move, baby.”
The smile on her face is gorgeous and teasing, but she pushes the hair out of her eyes before beginning a quick, steady pace. Jughead slides the hand not on her hip up her stomach until it reaches her breasts. He teases her nipples with his fingers bringing a loud moan from her chest.
“That's it, Betts. Keep going,” he grunts, raising his hips up to cause more friction between them both.
He sits up and Betty immediately captures his lips in a kiss, teeth clashing and tongies caressing one another. It's messy and hot but Jughead doesn't care. His arms wrap around her body as she grinds along his cock, her walls starting to flutter around him.
Pulling away, he kisses across her jawline to his wife's ear. “Come for me, Betty. I want to feel you.”
Betty's head drops back as she grips his shoulders, moving quicker before she moans loudly and brings her forehead to rest against his own. Jughead thrusts up into her and pulls back to watch her release. And soon, with another snap of his hips, she clenches hard around him, nails digging into his skin.
“Jug, don't stop.” Her request more of a breathless demand.
Instead of replying, he begins to thrust harder as his own release builds up. Sweat is dripping down his temple and as he notices the sheen covering Betty's chest. His wife bends to whisper for him to come too in his ear, biting his earlobe which encourages his orgasm a bit quicker.
Jughead bottoms out inside of her, the relief of his release making him shake a bit. He rests his forehead along Betty's shoulder and presses a kiss to her collarbone as his hips still. She's panting next to his ear but he can feel her smile along his skin.
“That was amazing.”
All he can do is nod because his heart is racing and he's a bit breathless. Betty drapes her arms around his neck and gently collapses against his chest so Jughead lays back, keeping a hand against her back. He slips out of her and she instantly whines at the loss.
“Sorry, baby. Give me like an hour and you can have your way with me.”
Betty laughs and rests her chin on his sternum. “Oh, I plan on it. No aphrodisiacs needed?” She teases, pulling a laugh from him.
“I wouldn’t say no to some more pomegranate seeds.”
Jughead wraps an arm around her shoulders and looks at her, enjoying the flush of her skin. It’s amazing to him that she not only still loves him but wants to be with him for the rest of their lives. Betty’s gazing at her hands before she lifts her eyes to his.
“This ring feels so natural.” She kisses his neck. “I’m glad we waited until Alex was born.”
“It wouldn’t have been the same without him there.” Closing his eyes, he rubs her shoulder. “This was a great start to our honeymoon.”  
Betty hums in agreement and relaxes against him. Her breathing starts to even out and he suddenly feels the exhaustion of the day starting to catch up with him as well. It’s not long before he’s joining her in a half-asleep state of his own. But just as he’s almost completely asleep, the rumbling of his stomach jerks him awake. Betty groans and shakes her head, gripping onto him as if she’s refusing to wake up.
When his stomach makes another noise, she stretches out on top of him before rolling off and glaring at him. She’s still stretching out and he has to take a moment to take in the look of her naked body.
“Seriously? How can you possibly be hungry?”
He sends her a faux glare of his own.
“Someone didn’t let me finish my dinner.” Jughead cocks an eyebrow and turns to face her, lowering his voice. “Do you remember that you had my dick out at our reception?”
Betty’s breathing catches at his words, but she lets out a laugh before moving to press against him. “Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”
“I did,” he starts as he wraps an arm loosely around Betty’s waist. “But now I’m starving. You can sleep while I eat and then I’ll wake you up.”
His suggestion is obvious and she nods, but as she closes her eyes, a much softer growl comes from her stomach. Jughead lets out a laugh and rubs her hip.
“Now who’s hungry?”
“Hush. You find the room service menu while I go wash all this makeup off my face and do something with my sex hair.”
Jughead laughs and moves to find his underwear while she moves to the bathroom naked. Her left hand has come up to start undoing the bobby pins that are securing her hair and the engagement ring he got her along with the newly added wedding band shine in the dim lights of the room. His lips curl into a smile and he ducks his head, looking at the band adorning his ring finger. Looking back to Betty, she’s pulled them all out and her hair’s resting in waves along her back.
“I love you, Betty Jones.”
She turns and looks at him with a soft smile, her eyes flicking down to his ring. “I love you,too, Juggie.”
Here we are with more fluffy smut. This ended up much longer than we ever expected! Please let us know what you think. Written by J + R.
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‘Date with a Bulldog’ Auction
Or you can read it on Ao3
Pairing: Betty Cooper x Jughead Jones
Summary: In an effort to pay off Fred Andrews’ hospital bills from the recent traumatic shooting in Pop’s Diner, Archie Andrews decides to host the first ever Date with a Bulldog Auction at Riverdale High. 
Betty Cooper promises to bid on her “best friend” Jughead Jones, but her newfound feelings for her best friend are not the only surprise of the night.
AU: Everything is the same, except Betty and Jughead have only been 'best friends' this entire time. 
“$400 for our very own Jughead Jones! Can I get $425, ladies?”   
Betty is sitting a few rows back from the front of the stage, gripping the edge of her seat, her mouth hung open, eyes wide as she takes in the scene rapidly unfolding in front of her.
Jughead smiles sheepishly, running his fingers through his hair before shoving his hand in his pocket as the chorus to Kings of Leon’s “Sex on Fire” blares through the auditorium. His eyes travel to where Betty is sitting, biting his bottom lip playfully before glancing back to the girls at the foot of the stage.
 She knows he’s waiting to see if she’ll bid on him, but as Cheryl raises her paddle to bring the total up to $425, Betty knows she’s been beyond outbid.
3 hours before the auction…
“$200.” Betty sighs as she stares at the small stacks of $5 and $10 bills she had pulled from the lockbox that held her babysitting savings. She had no problem spending this kind of money for a good cause, especially when that cause was to help the Andrews pay for Fred’s hospital bills after the recent shooting. 
Archie had decided to host a fundraiser in an effort to raise the money once the Andrews had received the medical bills. The fundraiser, quickly dubbed the Date with a Bulldog Auction, was an auction for dates with any of the participating Riverdale High School males. Any Riverdale High student could bid and the person with the highest bid would win a date with whichever male candidate the student had bid on.
So, she was 100% using this money to help Fred Andrews.
It had absolutely nothing to do with Jughead Jones walking up to her in the hallway at school two weeks ago, his hand brushing against her lower back as he had murmured against her ear, “Promise me, Betty Cooper, that you’ll bid on me when no one else does.”   
She obviously wouldn’t be planning to bid on him if he hadn’t made her promise.
He was her best friend; he always had been.
However, in the month since Fred Andrews had been traumatically wounded in the middle of Pop’s diner, Jughead had become the Southside Serpents’ newest initiate. With his new responsibilities, he had been coming to school less often and Betty had hardly seen him at all.
But his name casually thrown in conversation had begun to stir a reaction in Betty Cooper that differed from the usual feelings of warm familiarity. Lately, her heart had begun to pound at the sound, her cheeks flushing, her hands wringing together.
She had written it off as a possible illness, a cold or something, but as she sat there, biting her lip and hoping that $200 would be enough to afford a date with the boy she’d known since they were little, she began to realize she wasn’t the same Betty Cooper from before the attempted murder of Fred Andrews.
And neither was her “best friend” Jughead Jones.
15 minutes before the auction…
Betty tugged on her short pink pastel skirt, cursing herself for allowing Veronica to push her into something so provocative. Well, provocative in comparison to her normal wear.
“Will you stop?” Veronica snapped, brushing Betty’s hand away, “you look amazing!”
“You really do,” Kevin confirmed, popping a handful of popcorn in his mouth. 
The Riverdale Rec Hall was buzzing with excitement as Riverdale High students flooded in and grabbed their seats for the auction, chatting about how much money they had brought and who they would be bidding on. The Rec Hall was decorated with blue and gold streamers and giant “Date with a Bulldog Auction!” posters. There was a makeshift stage at the front and a little DJ station set up where Archie was currently hooking up the stereo system.
“Wow, you really spared no expense, V,” Betty admired her best friend, taking in how beautiful the Rec Hall looked. Veronica flashed her an appreciative smile, before catching Archie’s eye and blowing him a kiss. 
“I think I’m going to go grab some popcorn too,” Betty says suddenly, standing as she felt the nerves start to hit her. Was she seriously going to bid on him? She hadn’t even seen him in the last week, he was probably joking about the promise. 
Veronica nodded as Kevin leaned in past Betty to gossip to Veronica about Moose’s planned performance tonight. Betty managed to squeeze around them, tugging her skirt down as she passed by several seats, headed towards the concession stand that was being manned by Fred Andrews and a few of his construction guys.
That was when she saw him.
He had just walked in, adjusting his crown beanie as he looked around the Rec Hall, a grimace flashing across his face when he noted the large crowd.
His eyes landed on her and the look of relief that crossed his face made Betty smile immediately. She quickly ran her fingers through her soft waves, wondering if she should have just stuck with her standard ponytail, she didn’t want to seem like she was trying too hard.
Trying too hard? He was her best friend for God’s sake, why was she acting like this. 
“Hey Betty,” he smiled at her once he had made his way through the crowd, but his eyes only lingered on hers for a second before they traveled down the length of her body, an eyebrow raising at her short skirt. 
“Hi Jughead,” she laughs nervously, quickly noting where his eyes had lingered, “Veronica made me wear it.”
“You look good, Betts,” he says, nodding appreciatively before sighing, “besides, just wait until you see what Archie is making me wear.”
She giggles, “is it going to be totally worth the $5.00 I brought to bid on you?”
He groans, his head tilting back, laughing lightly, before he looks at her and whispers darkly, “fuck, I miss you.”
Her cheeks burn and she looks away, knowing he means that he misses their friendship, but not being able to help the way she hopes he misses more. 
“Jones, come on man,” Reggie says, tugging Jughead by the strap on his duffel bag as the lights dim. Jughead shoots her a teasing “fuck my life” scowl as he heads towards backstage with Reggie. 
“Welcome, everyone, to Riverdale’s first ever Date with a Bulldog Auction!” Mary Andrews calls into the microphone at the front of the stage, the lights dimming as the spotlight illuminates where she stands, quickly receiving loud cheers and whistles from the students at Riverdale High.
“So we all know the rules of the game, but I am going to go over them one more time just so we’re clear!” 
Betty hustles back to her seat as the crowd playfully groans in response.
“Each participating male is going to come out on stage one at a time to a song chosen by my son, Archie Andrews, and the bidding will commence! Any student can bid, just raise your paddle, and once the highest bid has been made, that student will get to go on a date with their chosen Bulldog tonight!”
The crowd cheers and a few of the football players who aren’t participating whistle from the back of the Rec Hall.
“The Andrews family thanks you all so much for participating and donating, we cannot say it enough, especially to all of you who have worked so hard to put this event together,” Mary says, motioning to Fred who is standing off to the side of the stage, waving nervously.
“Let’s get this party started!”
The crowd explodes into cheers and Betty, Veronica, and Kevin stand to clap and show their support for the Andrews. As they sit back down, the spotlight fades, and blue and gold swirling lights replace it, lighting up the stage as The Weeknd’s “Starboy” pours into the Rec Hall.
Chuck Clayton steps onto the stage, immediately greeted by the screams and cheers of half the girls in the audience. He grins smugly, walking down the stage, winking and waving to girls as the bidding commences.
Halfway through, he peels his shirt off and the bidding jumps from $125 to $250.
“For Chuck? Really?” Veronica shakes her head in disgust and Betty nods in agreement. But inside, Betty is beginning to panic. She had only brought $200 and it was becoming clear to her that the girls of Riverdale High hadn’t come to play tonight. They meant business.
The highest bid for Chuck Clayton goes to one of the Riverdale Vixens at $300 and the auction has truly begun.
A couple more footballs players cross the stage, each pulling in a respectable $150.
Veronica shifts in her seat excitedly as Teammate’s “What You Got” fills the Rec Hall, signaling to Betty that Archie was next. Mary Andrews introduces her son, smiling proudly as he steps on the stage. 
Veronica’s paddle flies in the air immediately, starting the bid off at $100.
Archie smiles in her direction, walking the stage and nodding at his teammates’ section in the back of the Rec Hall. A couple of other Vixens join in the bidding, casting small bids. Even Ethel throws her paddle up to bring the bidding to $300.
She smiles playfully at Veronica who shakes her head and laughs at their friend. Everyone knows Veronica will outbid all of them for her boyfriend, but it was fun to tease her regardless.
“Are you bidding?” Kevin leans in and whispers to Betty as Archie raises his shirt up playfully, before taking it off in an attempt at seduction.
Veronica squeals next to them, waving her paddle, the total brought to $400. 
“I don’t know,” Betty whispers back, laughing as Archie turns around, shaking his butt at the crowd, “are you?”
“Uh, no,” Kevin laughs before shrugging, “what about Jughead?”
“What about Jughead?” Betty snaps too quickly, realizing she had overreacted when Kevin raises an eyebrow at her. 
“I was just assuming, you know, because he’s your best friend,” he says before smirking, “unless he’s something more now?”
Betty doesn’t say anything, using the dimming lights signaling the end of Archie’s performance as an excuse to turn to Veronica. 
“Damn those bitches,” Veronica says, shaking her head as she tucks her paddle back into her purse, “they just cost daddy $450!” 
Betty laughs as Veronica flashes a grin at her, knowing that she’s actually not at all bothered about having to bid that much on a date with her boyfriend. But a wave of panic has settled into Betty’s stomach.
“And now we have Riverdale High’s Jughead Jones!”
Betty’s head snaps to the stage as the opening guitar riffs to Kings of Leon’s “Sex on Fire” begin playing, but no one comes out. The makeshift curtains remain closed and the crowd breaks into a bustling chatter, obviously not interested in this portion of the auction.
Lay where you’re laying
Don’t make a sound
I know they’re watching
The curtain peels back slightly as a tentative Jughead Jones steps on the stage.
All the commotion
The kiddie like play
Has people talking
They’re talking
Betty’s mouth drops as she takes in the sight of a beanie-less Jughead Jones, his dark hair a mess of curls falling into his striking blue eyes. Silence falls across the Rec Hall as the lights hit him and all eyes turn to where he’s walking casually to the front of the stage.
Standard black jeans, not so standard Southside Serpents leather jacket, hanging open, revealing his toned taut stomach. No shirt. 
As the chorus rings out, the paddles begin to fly up. 
Ethel immediately bids $100 and the positive reaction from the crowd boosts Jughead’s confidence. He smirks at the girls shooting their paddles in the air, the bid for him increasing steadily as he heads to other side of the stage.
“Betty!” Kevin is looking at her in a state of panic, “how much money did you bring?! You have to bid on him!”
“Betty wants to bid on Jughead?” Veronica asks, tearing her eyes away from their friend’s open leather to look at her best friend, but Betty’s eyes are fixated on Jughead. When his eyes meet hers briefly, his head tilted back slightly, she knows that he knows she’s shook. 
“Betty!” Veronica says, as Kevin stares at her, both of them trying to figure out when exactly she’s planning to bid, if at all, as the bid increases to $275. 
“I can’t bid on him!” Betty says finally, still not tearing her eyes away as he watches her from the stage, raising his hand to rub the back of his neck coyly, effectively revealing more skin under that jacket and driving Betty crazy.
“Why in the hell not?!” Kevin asks, grabbing her paddle in an attempt to bid for her. 
“You want to go on a date with Jughead?!” Veronica attempts to shout over the rambunctious crowd, clearly still confused. 
“Yes!” Betty admits, realizing there’s no time to sort out her feelings. She knows she has to listen to her heart on this one as she anxiously takes in all of the girls thirsting after who used to be her best friend. 
Veronica watches her carefully and Kevin shoots her a hurry the hell up V! look before she grabs the paddle and raises it.
“$450?! Wow, fantastic! Can I get $475 for this guy ladies?!” Mary Andrews is beyond impressed, but Jughead has stopped walking, staring in Betty’s direction.
“Ohmygod no V,” Betty says, yanking the paddle from her hand, “I can’t afford this! I only have $200!”
“Daddy’s paying for it,” Veronica snaps, grabbing the paddle back and shoving it in the air.
“No! I don’t want your daddy paying for this!” Betty’s anxiety is causing her fists to clench, her nails begging to rip through the surface of her palms.
“Wow, sold for $475!” Mary Andrews giggles as the song comes to an end, “can we have the girl who just placed the highest bid of the night please rise? We need a round of applause!”
Kevin pushes Betty who’s shaking her head, refusing to stand, until her eyes meet Jughead’s.
He’s smiling the smallest realest smile she’s ever seen adorn his face, evidently surprised when she slowly stands, tugging her skirt self-consciously. 
“Ah, Betty Cooper! What a lucky guy you are, Jughead,” Mary smiles approvingly into the microphone and Jughead bites his lip, never taking his eyes off Betty. 
The lights come back on as the show ends and the participating Bulldogs come out to find their dates for the evening. Kevin gives Veronica and Betty a quick hug as he heads over to tell Moose how much he appreciated his performance.
“V,” Betty says, turning to a beaming Veronica, “I can’t let you pay for this. I am going to pay you back.”
“B,” Veronica says in the same tone, shaking her head, “I was going to pay Fred’s hospital bill off in its entirety originally, please don’t even think about paying this back.”
Betty eyes her best friend warily before Veronica adds, smiling mischievously, “although, $475 is a pretty pricey way to find out your best friend is in love with Jughead Jones.”
“I am not in love with him,” Betty says quickly, her cheeks burning as her best friend gives her a quick hug, whispering in Betty’s ear, “have fun tonight.” 
She skips off to where Archie is cleaning up the DJ station, planting a soft kiss against his cheek.   
“I never thought I would say this,” Jughead says behind Betty causing her to whip around, thankful to see he’s back in his crown beanie and flannel so she can actually look him in the eye, “but damn, I am an expensive date.”
She covers her face with her hands out of embarrassment, shaking her head, “Veronica is the one who raised the paddle, I-“
“Oh, was it Veronica?” Jughead laughs, looking over her head, “I guess I’ll just take her out tonight then.” 
“No, no,” Betty says quickly, rolling her eyes when she sees he’s only teasing, before his smile falters, his face growing more serious. 
“Betts,” he says softly as the Rec Hall begins to empty, the clean-up crew rolling in, “I should’ve told you. I shouldn’t have let this get to this point.”
Betty furrows her eyebrows, confused, “what do you-“
But then his lips press against hers, cutting her off, as his hands gently cup her face. She sighs into the kiss, surprised at the butterflies taking off in her stomach as her hand runs through his hair, knocking his beanie to one side.
“Gross, get a room!” Veronica calls out teasingly, causing them to jump apart, laughing nervously. 
Betty Cooper had successfully bid on a date (assisted tremendously by Veronica Lodge) with the only Bulldog she had ever wanted and she couldn’t have been happier.  
Hi babes! I hope you enjoy this one shot, I love date auction story lines and I thought it would be fun to have one in the Riverdale world. Let me know your thoughts xx hopefully this is enjoyable!
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Trading T-Shirts
After an unexpected one night stand, Betty isn't really sure how to return a certain person's shirt.
Based on @bettybettycooper‘s post about her predicament. She agreed that it was like something out of a college au and I just couldn’t help myself once the idea stuck!
Read on AO3
If Betty could have described the sensation emanating from the inside of her skull at that moment it would’ve been somewhere between a dull throb and an uncomfortably persistent humming. It wasn’t what she would consider a full blown hangover but she could already tell, even with only the light filtering through her closed eyelids, that opening her eyes was not going to be a perfectly pleasant experience.
She groaned quietly, burrowing further into the warmth of the sheets surrounding her. Luckily, Betty had never been a particularly heavy drinker; she was well aware of her limits and was loathe to exceed them. Wanting to remain in control of your facets at all times came with the territory when you had been dealing with anxiety for your entire life, and this was merely an extension of those well-practiced habits for Betty. Unfortunately, that also meant that when someone – Veronica, her brain supplied haughtily – managed to sneak a few extra unsavoury cocktails past your normally impenetrable barriers you definitely felt it.  
Betty was already planning a few choice words for her roommate when she got back from her early class later.
It was just as she was mustering up the courage to swing her legs out from beneath the cosy comforter and finally greet the day that two things happened simultaneously. Firstly, her final ditch attempt at soaking up some of the softness from her pillow by burying her nose in the down alerted her senses to the fact that the citrus and sandalwood scent she could smell wasn’t the usual lavender of her sleep-easy fabric softener. And secondly, something moved next to her.
Betty’s eyes flew open, all thoughts of her early onset headache vanishing immediately. There was someone in her room, and not only that but that someone was in her bed. At least, she thought so until she noticed the pillowcase beneath her head was navy blue instead of white with purple daisies. What the–
The someone shuffled again, letting out a soft hum that got lost to the sound of cotton on cotton rustling about the air, then everything was silent once again. Betty held her breath, not daring to contribute anything to making a noise while she gingerly turned over in the bed – clearly, not her bed, she’d come to determine – and peered over to her left, lower lip drawn anxiously between her teeth.
She was met with a smooth expanse of olive toned skin, leading up to a mess of dark waves that Betty had resurfacing memories of; more specifically, she was starting to remember what it felt like to run her hands through it while another pair of hands explored the length of her thighs…
Her eyes clenched shut as she swallowed thickly, embarrassment running through her body, and leaving a white hot trail in its wake that made it all the way down to the tips of her toes. She didn’t do this kind of thing! Oh god, what would her mother think? Not that she had any immediate plans for telling her mom of such events, but still, she couldn’t help but think it. A few weeks in and she was already a college cliché. Betty Cooper did not have one night stands with random strangers when she’d had too much to drink. In fact, it was one of the reasons why she didn’t have too much to drink. There was no way in hell she was going to be able to navigate her way out of this situation gracefully, already resigned to the fact that she was going to make an utter fool of herself in front of her ‘hook up’.
Worse than that, she was going to have to deal with Veronica’s teasing remarks and sly looks for who knows how long for not coming home last night. Perfect.
As her head continued to clear, the situation having acted like a rather large bucket of ice water down her spine, the memories began to focus in her mind, along with a name and a face to the guy still sleeping beside her.
Jughead Jones. Of course, she had to go and pick a guy in one of her classes – someone that she’d have to see frequently for the rest of the semester. He was in her Science Fiction elective, a relatively small group by the usual standards, so there was even less chance of avoiding him, Betty mused grimly.
They hadn’t spoken much – once or twice when they’d been sat close enough to one another to be put in the same discussion group – and he seemed like the kind of guy that kept to himself. Sure, she’d noticed him (how could you not notice someone with a name like Jughead?) because of the way he seemed to try and sink into the furniture while they were in class; dark clothes, a stoic expression, and a strangely endearing crown-shaped beanie were his usual choice of attire. He’d proven himself to be intelligent and very familiar with the content they were discussing, but apart from when he was specifically called upon for an answer he didn’t seem that interested in offering up a contribution. There was one time, Betty recalled, when he couldn’t help himself from interjecting on the matter of troublesome, straightforward definitions of humanity. She’d seen him twitching in frustration as they listened to some middle-class dude spew his public school opinion on the subject, her lips curling upwards at the corners when he’d finally finished internally sparring with himself and spoken out, just to get the guy to shut up.
It was one of the reasons why she’d been so surprised to see him at the party V had insisted she attend last night. He didn’t fit in, she noted upon first spotting him, nursing a red solo cup while leaning against a kitchen counter – the only edge that didn’t appear to be covered in some mysterious, sticky liquid.
“Jughead!” she’d called, taken aback by her own boldness. In all honesty she wasn’t one hundred percent sure what was in all the drinks Veronica had been plying her with; all she knew was that mid-terms were kicking her butt and she deserved a little break. He’d looked up in shock, not expecting to hear his name amongst the noise of drunken students and pounding bass.
“Err, hi, Betty,” he replied tentatively, watching her with cautious eyes as she weaved her way over to him, resting her hip against the counter next to him.
“You remember me?” she blurted out in reply, having expected to need to reintroduce herself to him outside of the classroom setting.
“Beautiful, opinionated blonde in the front row,” he said nodding, and if the light was better inside the dimly lit frat house Betty would almost be convinced he was blushing. “How could I not,” he finished, more to his shoes than to her. She felt a warmth spread through her stomach that was entirely non-alcohol related. She grinned at him, pleased when he returned the gesture with a shy smile of his own.
“So, what are you doing here? It doesn’t exactly seem like your type of ‘scene’,” Betty asked, quote marks evident in her voice. Her eyes darted over to where a raucous cheer had just erupted over by the keg. Jughead watched with barely concealed distaste as the guy who had just recently righted himself let out an impressive belch and high fived his buddies.
“How do you know what my ‘scene’ is?” he replied somewhat defiantly, grimace still in place. Betty giggled as she looked at him over the rim of her cup, raising a challenging eyebrow pointedly. Jughead huffed out a laugh and rubbed at the back of his neck.
“My roommate made me come,” he admitted, lifting a hand to gesture vaguely in one direction. Betty followed his finger and found a muscular redhead on the other end, surprised to find him leaning in close to Veronica as he whispered in her ear and she giggled flirtatiously. Betty rolled her eyes. Well, that part didn’t really surprise her much.
“Mine too!” she said, turning back to Jughead. He smiled again, and damn did he have a cute smile; it was all shyness and dimples, lighting something in the depths of his blue eyes that had a shiver travelling down Betty’s spine. “You want another drink?” Betty asked, nodding to his cup, by way of distraction from the intensifying flush in her cheeks.
Jughead hesitated, glancing at the almost empty cup in his hands for a second before meeting her eyes again, something steely cementing in his. “Sure,” he’d said.
Well, at least now she remembered that she only had herself to blame. She’d still try and pin as much of this as possible on Veronica, though. After all, without V making her go, giving her the first few drinks of the night, and then wandering off to do who knows what with Jughead’s roommate, leaving Betty with nothing to do but talk to the only person she recognised in the room, none of this would have happened. Or so she told herself.
Wincing as the springs popped beneath her shifting weight, Betty clambered slowly out of the bed, no longer as warm and inviting as she’d believed it to be when she woke up. A quick glance at her almost dead phone revealed it to be just before 9am – right in time for her walk of shame to collide with commuter traffic.
Goosebumps rose across her skin when her legs hit the cold air and she glanced down, noting her attire for the first time. She was clad in nothing save the t-shirt Jughead had been wearing the night before. It was a mottled grey in colour, with a large, black S printed on the front. An experimental shift revealed that she was also, indeed, sans panties.
Betty let out a string of curses beneath her breath as she began to search his room, locating her underwear and pants easily enough – thankful that Veronica had relented and let her wear simple, black skinny jeans instead of the ridiculous miniskirt she’d first suggested, on the condition that she wore the skimpy piece of lace her friend had insisted was a bralette suitable to be worn on its own as a top – but only one of her shoes.
She tripped her way into her jeans, cusses growing louder as she limped into one of the bedposts, a solid thud echoing into the room.
“Betty?” Jughead’s sleepy voice startled her, head whipping over her shoulder, tangled hair falling into her eyes. She wrangled her jeans over her hips and lunged for the second shoe she’d just located underneath his desk, hopping ungracefully into the nude heel.
“Jughead, hi. I mean, good morning,” she stammered, suddenly having of a vision of how much of a mess she must look. God knows how far down her face her mascara had slipped in the middle of the night. Still, the manners her mother had instilled in her from an early age refused to be forgotten.
“Yeah, morning,” Jughead mumbled, eyes darting around in a daze as he fumbled for his phone on the bedside table. He seemed to be having trouble meeting her eyes.
Betty sighed, realising the next question she was going to have to ask. She wasn’t exactly the type of girl that was able to so casually carry off the heels with jeans look on an everyday basis but, given the circumstances, that part of the morning could be far worse. If she was lucky, which she wasn’t so sure she was right now, her sunglasses would still be lurking at the bottom of her purse and she could pretend it was a look she was aiming for. Wearing nothing more than a simple bralette at this hour of the morning, however? Yeah, there was no way of working that in her favour.
“Um, Jughead?” she began, nervously twisting the hem of his shirt between her fingers. He looked up at her with clear reluctance, a few unruly curls falling over his eyes in such a way that had more pleasant memories drifting to the surface. Betty shook herself subtly. “Would it be okay if I wore this shirt back to my dorm? I just… my other alternative isn’t that appealing right now,” she explained through a grimace.
Jughead hesitated for such a moment that Betty thought he might actually refuse her, arguably very reasonable, request. Finally, he nodded.
“Yeah, of course, just… I’ll need it back. The shirt,” he murmured, again rubbing at the back of his neck. A nervous habit, she gathered. Betty’s brows furrowed but she nodded quickly out of politeness; if she thought about it, she did see him in this particular shirt a lot, it seemed to be a favourite. She could understand the apprehension of loaning out a much-loved possession to a perfect stranger. Not that they could really be considered complete strangers after the events that transpired last night, she mused with some chagrin.
“Right, of course. Well, I’ll just be…” she trailed off, motioning to the door. He nodded but didn’t say anything else as she slipped out into the hallway, heaving an exhausted sigh once she was leaning against the other side of the door.
This won’t be awkward.
“I don’t know how to… broach the subject,” Betty squirmed, prodding at her salad with a plastic fork while ignoring Veronica’s efforts to bite back her amused smile.
“Just take the shirt to class and hand it over. I know you’ve already washed it because you’re you, and it’s just sitting folded on your desk where you keep looking at it like some kind of bad omen,” Veronica quipped lightly, taking a sip of her coffee. Betty sighed, still mildly uncomfortable at the topic of conversation.
“It’s been three weeks though, and Jughead’s barely looked at me in class since. He even said specifically that he wanted the shirt back but he hasn’t said anything.” Betty set her lunch aside, fed up of picking at it aimlessly. “Also, I think the ten dollars that I put in my bra must have fallen out when we were… you know, and I didn’t see it before I left. Normally I’d just forget it but student debt and all,” she cringed. It was an awkward enough situation without adding a hand off of money into the mix. Betty groaned, flopping back dramatically onto her mattress.
“B, just text him or something. It’s honestly not that big of a deal,” Veronica told her with a roll of her eyes. “Unless you like him,” she teased, drawing out the word like they were still in elementary school. Betty slid her eyes over to glare at the confident, dark-haired girl.
“Maybe it’s not a big deal for someone like you. I’m just really bad at dealing with situations like this. It should never have happened in the first place,” Betty chastised herself, still shuddering with embarrassment at the memories. She’d been the one to get them more drinks, suggest they walked back together, leaned in for that first kiss…
No, she didn’t want to dwell on it anymore. Clearly, even Jughead was too shamed by the whole event to even prod her for the return of his favourite shirt. “Besides, I don’t even have his number.”
“Then we’ll go old school! A note under the door, how 80s teen rom-com,” Veronica announced gleefully, clasping her hands together, mirth clear in her sparkling eyes.
“You’re the worst,” Betty groaned into her pillow. Veronica let out a chiming laugh, finding far too much glee in Betty’s predicament for her own liking.
“Don’t worry, B. The key to confidence is pretending you have more than you do,” she said wisely. Easier said than done, Betty thought wearily.
Betty was not one for oversleeping. In fact, she didn’t think she’d ever overslept a single day in her life. But she’d been up so late finishing up a paper for a particularly stringent professor that she’d forgotten to set her alarm for the following morning, let alone lay out her outfit before she went to bed like she usually did.
She hurried around the room, leaving a path of destruction in her wake as she grabbed items haphazardly, pulling on the first clothes she could lay her hands on before sprinting out of the door; she was still tugging her unbrushed hair into a ponytail as she sped out of the dorms and began making her way over to class.
It was this uncharacteristic morning routine that had her paying no mind to what she looked like, least of which what she was wearing, as she skidded into her Science Fiction elective, a little more sweaty than she would have liked but still relatively on time, nonetheless.
Her frenzied heartrate and nervous panic began to subside as she waited for the class to begin, that was until her eyes met those of a rather startled looking Jughead Jones. And he wasn’t looking at her face either. Instead, his gaze was steadfastly focused on the shirt she was currently wearing.
Betty followed the direction of his gaze, wishing the ground would just open up and swallow her whole as she noticed the shirt she’d happened to grab off her desk during her mad dash was, in fact, his shirt – the one she’d still failed to return. That’s it, the world was definitely against her. She tried to summon up some of Veronica’s words of encouragement.
This is ridiculous, Betty thought with as much determination as she could muster, getting up and marching over to where Jughead sat before she could talk herself out of it.
“Jughead, look, I’ve been meaning to get your shirt back to you. I’ve had it washed and folded for weeks now, but when you didn’t say anything to me about it and we didn’t talk I didn’t really know how to bring it up. And I also left a ten dollar bill in your room that I didn’t know how to go about getting back because that would have just looked great considering… well, just considering.” Jughead just blinked at her blankly as the words spilled out of her mouth. “And I was up late last night, and forgot to set my alarm – which never happens to me normally – and your shirt was the first thing I grabbed when I was getting dressed. I’m sorry, I know it’s your favourite and you want it back–”
“I don’t.” His sudden interruption startled her into silence.
“You… don’t what?” she asked slowly, regarding him with caution. He swallowed nervously, his cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson, a colour that Betty noted travelled all the way down his neck and disappeared inside his collar. It was kind of cute.
“I don’t want the shirt back. It… looks really good on you,” he confessed, sneaking a glance up at her face, his voice lowering to a pleasing octave.
“Oh,” she said somewhat bashfully, tugging at the soft, worn fabric. “Thank you, I guess,” she mumbled, unable to stop the smile spreading across her lips. When she looked up at him again she found him mirroring her expression.
“As for the ten dollars, how about I… I could buy you dinner?” he asked, unable to hide the slight tremor in his voice. “I had a good time the other night, Betty,” he admitted softly. Betty must have looked really taken aback because he hurried to continue. “Or not, whatever. You probably just want your cash,” he rambled, reaching into his pocket for his wallet.
Betty laid a gentle hand on his wrist, stopping him in his tracks. He looked up at her hopefully.
“I had a really good time, too,” she replied, realising that it was more than true once she’d said it. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that night, about the way he’d made her laugh, or the taste of his tongue as it swept along her teeth…
Which was why when she said “Dinner sounds great,” there was no hesitation in her voice.
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beachbabywrites · 7 years
Bonfire // A Cheryl Blossom imagine
Cheryl stared in disbelief with her jaw clenched as the three girls she called her friends walked out without her. She leaned towards her drink, seething, already planning her revenge. The bell above the door rang, the redhead looked up from her bubbling coke, half expecting her friends to be back, crawling towards her, begging for forgiveness and mercy. But no, it wasn't the girls who looked like every woman on a commercial, it was Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge leading in a third girl towards a booth on the far side of the building by the window where the dork with the crown beanie had been sitting for the last hour, typing away like he had nothing else to do. (He probably didn't.) She deducted that it had to be the new girl, already roped in by the sad breakfast club. She was cute. Cheryl hoped she wasn't the basket case. Archie Andrews came jogging in not even a minute later and took a seat beside Betty. Our main protagonist watched silently, calculating every move, smile and hand motion the girl made. Her conclusion? She thought the new girl wasn't so bad. Something about the way the girl hid her face when she laughed made her heart beat loud in her ears. And if that isn't bad enough, she looked back at Cheryl, over her shoulder, and waved at the redhead. Cheryl blinked once in surprise, her heart had started galloping and dancing in her chest, a light warmth spread over her cheeks. With her dignity in mind, Cheryl stood up and made her way over to the group, cherry cola in hand. Archie looked almost reluctant to see her, but that's okay, she wasn't here for some mediocre dick. 
Before Cheryl could say anything, the group greeted her in unison. "Hello NSYNC. How are you all doing tonight?" She only half paid attention to their answers, instead she was focused on the girl sitting between Jughead and Veronica. "So, I heard there was a new girl, but she's not in any of my classes, I couldn't find her at lunch. No one seemed to know her name, or what she looked like." "Well, first of all, my name is (Y/N), I won't be enrolled until next week, so if your fingers are crossed tight enough we might have a class or two together." Cheryl started to smile, almost proud that the new girl were so confident when speaking to her. "So, (Y/N)," she started, with her hand she motioned for Archie to move over, when he did she sat down. "I'm having a bonfire this weekend, I usually have one once a month until January. You are more than welcome to come." The new girl smiled slightly, a blush on her cheeks. ______________________________________________
"Is she here yet?" Cheryl asked Archie. "I don't think so, she was coming with Betty and Kevin." Just as Andrews finished speaking, Cheryl spotted Betty. Without a word, she left Archie to his own devices and went to intercept the triad walking down the dirt path. She greeted (Y/N) with a kiss on each cheek and looped her arm around hers. "I saved you a seat with me by the fire. It's colder than I expected. Betty thank you for bringing her." Cheryl waved at a confused Betty and even more lost Kevin before dragging her back towards the fire. "So tell me," Cheryl started. "Are you seeing anyone?" "No I am not. I just moved here." "Nobody special back home?" Cheryl asked only playing dumb. "Nope." "How about here, has anyone caught your eye yet?" "Sorta, but doesn't seem likely." Cheryl frowned, the girl was looking over at Veronica. "Veronica Lodge?" "Huh?" (Y/N) turned back to Cheryl. "Oh, no, not Ronnie." "Will you excuse me for just a moment, I need to find somebody." As soon as Cheryl found Betty, she grabbed the girls arm and pulled her aside. "I need a favor." "Okay, shoot." "I need you to find out who new girl is into." "Um, Cheryl, normally I wouldn't ask questions-" "And I suggest you keep it that way."
Cheryl spent the rest of the night with Veronica and Jughead, watching (Y/N) from a distance, much to (Y/N)'s dismay. 
Betty caught up with Cheryl to tell her she couldn't get a straight answer from her. Cheryl huffed. "Fine, I have to do everything myself." Cheryl found her sitting by herself with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands, staring into the fire. "Miss me?" (Y/N) smiled. "A little." Cheryl sat close to her, laying her head over on her shoulder. "So what were we last talking about. Oh! That's right! You're love life." (Y/N) groaned. "It's me isn't it. Am I the apple of your eye, (Y/N)?" Cheryl asked teasingly. "You absolutely are, Cheryl." Cheryl sat up, a bright smile. "Are you serious?" "You're cute, that's for sure. Now, after all this week, your teasing and flirting, you better kiss me before I leave."
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tea-and-cardigans · 7 years
Movie Night - Bughead!College AU
Betty is sick of the substandard movies that are chosen to play at the makeshift college ‘drive in’ she decides she has had enough and on her mission to correct this injustice bumps into a beanie wearing student who is just as outraged.
Based on the following prompt:
You’re the only other one who voted for my favorite movie on movie night so do you just want to watch it in my room au
Author’s Note: I have been dying to do a college AU with these two and I came across this prompt and I couldn’t resist. This will basically just be a cute little two parter full of fluff. This is part one. Also I apologise to lovers of the film Twilight, it’s not my thing so it’s the movie I chose. The Lobster however is one of my favourite films and if you haven’t seen it I would highly recommend it (although I do feel like it needs a trigger warning for a certain scene). I was going to go with the classic Bughead film, Rebel Without a Cause but I have never seen it and would find it hard to have the two of them discussing it without seeing it myself.
As always sorry mobile users for the ‘Keep Reading’ cut.
Part One: The ‘Drive In’ Dilemma
“You have to be kidding me. Again! Everytime.” Betty threw the flyer that had been posted under her door in the wastepaper basket under her desk. Her roommate Veronica looked at her as if she had lost her mind, which wasn’t exactly a look she was unfamiliar with receiving.
Betty had braced herself for a year of pain when she first saw her roommate Veronica Lodge walk into their college dorm room with her pearls around her neck, designer dress and Louis Voitton suitcase. Not to mention the man who had arrived with her carrying another set of perfectly matched suitcases. He wore white gloves and was dressed in a uniform. The girl had servants for Christs Sake. But Betty being Betty had smiled politely and offered her first choice of the beds.
Veronica had not turned out to be anything like Betty had imagined. She was not stuck up, well she was, but not in an unkind way. She had been raised in privilege which had shaped her personality in some ways but she was still a good person, a kind person and the two of them had become fast friends.
“What did the piece of paper do to you?” Veronica asked as Betty only humphed in response sitting on her bed cross legged as Veronica continued to lay on her bed flipping through her magazine.
“The college drive in.” Betty spat out after she had tried to hold it in. She remembered her elation when she had first heard about the makeshift drive in that the student residences put on every month. Her older sister Polly had told her all about it t Betty’s eager ears. An old style projector, onto the side of the student hall, picnic blankets and cocktails in summer and everyone snuggled and cuddled together in warm blankets and hot toddies in winter. The idea of it had captured the imagination of the cinephile in her and she had bounded happily to her dorm room to let Veronica know. That was until she had received the slip of paper under their door the first time. You see they let the student population choose. And in Betty’s opinion they had no taste whatsoever.
“Who chooses Twilight?” She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air. “Twilight?” she repeated her face screwed up as she said the words.
“I chose Twilight.” Veronica admitted, casually looking up at Betty to see the plain horror on her face before returning to her magazine.
“It’s like I don’t even know you sometimes.” Betty said dramatically shaking her head.
“Come on Betty.” Veronica sat up on her bed, closing her magazine. “It’s not even about the movie. It’s about snuggling up to some college hottie with a multitude of blankets while sipping on mulled wine.”
“Maybe for you Veronica. But I take my cinema experience very seriously.” She glanced at the crumpled up piece of paper in her wastebasket and could feel her anger and frustration bubbling up again. She hopped up of her bed and stalked over to the basket pulling out the leaflet before smoothing it out. Veronica watched her cautiously.
“What are you doing B?” A hint of trepidation in her voice.
“I’m going to complain.” Betty announced as she started putting on her flats. She looked at herself briefly in her wardrobe mirror before smoothing down her sweater and pulling her ponytail that little bit tighter. She gave herself a reassuring nod before spinning around to face the door, Veronica who was still eyeing her as if she had lost it. “I’m taking this to the RA and demanding that they put something of quality on that screen.” Veronica sighed as she picked up her magazine again.
“Well let me know how it all goes.” She said as she started to look through her magazine again.
“Oh I will.” Betty said determinedly as she left the room slamming the door behind her. Veronica rolled her eyes as she left. She pitied the poor person who was about to encounter Betty’s wrath.
Betty stalked the hallway leading up to the RA’s residence. Her feet hitting the ground beneath her hard, her ponytail swinging side to side, her jaw set in determination. She could hear as she was approaching that the RA was not alone. She cursed under her breath as she waited outside the doorway as she tried to take deep breaths so she wouldn’t go barging in there. She didn’t have to wait too long until the door swung open and another student, male, was standing in the doorway. He was tall, taller than her and wore a woollen beanie on his head, which wasn’t unusual for the weather this time of year. It did seem to be shaped like a crown though which was somewhat more noteworthy.
“This is bullshit,” he shouted behind him before he turned to leave almost knocking into Betty on the way out. “Sorry,” he mumbled under his breath before he continued past her. An older red headed boy stuck his head out from the door, to catch sight of Betty, his features softening as he saw her. That was until he saw what she was clutching in her hand his eyes widening. Betty regained her composure before straightening herself and looking their RA, Jason Blossom in the eyes.
“I’m here to make a formal complaint about the drive in movie selection,” she announced.
“Oh God, another one.” Jason dragged his hand over his face. “Look,” he sighed. “I’ll tell you what I told Jughead. We live in a democracy, we put what movie is shown out to a vote by the students. Everyone votes and we show that movie.”
“But surely the movies that are shown in college should have some substance, some meaning to them. We are in a place of learning.” Betty argued.
“Listen….,” he paused realising that he hadn’t caught her name.
“Betty,” she supplied. “Betty Cooper.”
“Right, Betty. Yes we are in a place of learning but that usually means people want to have fun when they’re not learning. The drive in provides that.”
“But what about the sacredness of the cinematic experience.” Jason sighed again as he felt he was reliving the same argument he had just had with Jughead all over again.
“Did Jughead put you up to this?” He was getting frustrated now, he had had this argument with Jughead every time his suggested movie was not picked by the student population, it seemed he was now recruiting fellow students to make his life hell.
“I don’t know a Jughead.” Betty would remember meeting someone called that. “Wait was that the guy who just left. With the crown beanie.”
“Yeah he also came to share his disapproval with me, despite the fact, and I’m going to say it once again because maybe then it will sink in. I have no control over what plays.” Betty took a deep breath and was about to launch into another argument when the RA’s door was shut in her face and the click of a lock was heard. Betty stood fuming outside the door, her fists balled tightly as she tried to take deep calming breaths. She thought about raising her fist and banging on the door until it opened but thought better of it. Jason wasn’t going to budge. He’d made that clear, and if this Jughead had been trying for months then she was hardly going to sway his decision.
She slumped her shoulders in defeat before she started to walk back to her dorm room her feet dragging along.
“So how did it go?” Veronica asked as Betty came through the door. Betty glared at her before laying down on her bed face first. “That well hey.” Veronica teased as she came to sit next to Betty on the bed. She rubbed her friend’s shoulder gently and Betty turned to face her.
“He said there’s nothing he can do. Democracy.” Betty spat out. Veronica squeezed her shoulder sympathetically before smiling brightly at her.
“You should still come B. We can make it a girl’s night.”
“I thought you were going with Archie.” Betty sighed moving herself upright sitting up with her legs dangling over the side of her bed.
“I can tell him I need to spend some quality time cheering up my girl.” Veronica nudged her playfully and Betty couldn’t help the smile that was forming on her face. She felt so lucky to have found a friend like Veronica.
But then she remembered how happy and excited Veronica had been when she had burst through their door exclaiming that Archie had invited her to the drive in. They had gossiped all night that night. Veronica swooning over her new found love and Betty was happy for her although also wishing that she had someone of her own who could make her feel like that.
“No it’s okay.” Veronica’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. “ Really I’ll be fine.”
“You could come with us?” Veronica suggested. Betty balked at the suggestion.
“No, I don’t want to be a third wheel.”
“Please if anything Archie would be the third wheel.” Betty laughed and Veronica smiled proudly happy to see the smile return to Betty’s face.
“I’ll just watch my movie here. Sure my laptop and bed are no substitute for the drive in but I can make it work.”
“Okay. If you are sure.” Betty nodded. “Well can you help me choose something to wear for tomorrow night then?”
“Of course.”
Betty decided after trying to concentrate on her notes for a good half hour without being able to focus that she would take a walk around the campus. Veronica had gone to cheer practice, after they had picked out her dress, leaving Betty alone in their room. She walked down the path pulling her coat tighter around herself to protect herself from the cold biting wind. She thought about what Veronica had said about having someone to snuggle with. Betty hadn’t dated much. She had had one boyfriend in high school which had never really progressed further than some awkward kisses and hand holding. Betty was always so focussed on her future that sometimes she forgot to be in the present.
Veronica always encouraged her at the parties they attended together. Trying to get her to participate in the games they played but Betty felt she had transcended the game of Spin the Bottle since attending college. Veronica said she was just being a spoil sport. Veronica would try to get Betty to talk to boys, or boys to talk to Betty, but she found she couldn’t connect with them and they couldn’t with her. Although she didn’t actively pursue a love life it didn’t mean she didn’t yearn for one. She couldn’t deny that little pang of jealousy she felt when Veronica announced that Archie had invited her to a date at the drive in, not because she was interested in Archie or Veronica for that matter but she was jealous that they had been able to find a connection in each other.
It was while she wandered the grounds not quite sure of her destination that she saw the boy from earlier. Jughead Jason had called him. A strange name sure to have some deep and poignant meaning behind it. She hesitated whether she should approach him. To him she was a stranger coming up and chatting with him wouldn’t that seem odd, what if he thought she was a crazy stalker or something but she rationalised that people struck up conversations with each other everyday. She was good at talking to people, why couldn’t she talk to him especially if he was as passionate about film as she was.
She quickly pulled her ponytail a little tighter as she approached the table that he was sitting at hunched over the keyboard of his laptop and takeaway coffee cup to the side of it. She hovered near him, waiting for him to look up at her presence but he seemed too engrossed in his work to notice her.
“Hey Jug-Head?” She said softly the name sounding foreign on her tongue as she spoke it. He looked up at her hearing his name, and his eyes moved over her carefully before realisation seemed to strike.
“Hey, oh, you were outside Jason’s room today.” His face softening as he recognised her from their very brief encounter earlier that day.
“Yeah, you almost took me out. I'm Betty by the way. ” She joked as she nodded towards the spare seat next to him and he moved over with his laptop providing her more space so that she could sit.
“Sorry about that I was pretty pissed off.” His eyes flicking back towards his laptop before he minimised the document he had been working on.
“About the drive in.”
“Yeah, how did you know.” He eyed her curiously.
“Jason told me. I was kind of there to complain about it too.”
“Twilight.” The disgust in his voice was clear. “I mean, if you are going to choose a vampire movie at least make it a good one.” There was an edge to his tone. He obviously was still unhappy with the decision much like Betty herself.
“I mean Nosferatu would be classic.” Betty answered.
“Exactly.” He said as he turned his body to face her. His laptop forgotten and his focus now directed at her. “I am glad there is at least one person on campus who shares my opinion.” There was a gleam in his eye and a smile spreading across his face that did funny things to Betty’s insides. “I am trying to suggest films that will make us think about things not just blindly absorb what we are shown. To question the narrative, the story, the character’s motivations. But my suggestions only ever seem to garner a few measly votes.”
“Well I think The Lobster would have been a much better choice,” Betty said encouragingly, her hand itching to touch his hand in comfort. The need to be someone’s comfort was overwhelming at times.  “I saw it at the Bijou when it opened. On my own couldn’t convince anyone else to come with me.”
“Hey I work at the Bijou, although in the projection room so kind of out of sight.” She could imagine him in the projector room, it seemed right that he would be there, strange woolen cap, suspenders, those tight jeans, the light from the projector flickering across his face catching the angles of his cheekbones.
“You are so lucky,” she responded snapping herself out of her own thoughts. She would have loved to have worked part time or even casually at the Bijou but with her course load and other pressures she couldn’t commit the time. That and her parents had worked so hard so that she would have the time to solely focus on her course work and not be distracted by working. But the Bijou had still become a safe haven for her. But she couldn’t imagine sitting up there in that projection booth getting to see every movie, she was jealous.
“Yeah I guess I am.” He nodded, as he took a sip from his coffee cup.
“Well I think your choices are always inspired. I just wish one of them would win, just once.” She sighed wistfully. She wanted nothing more to go to the drive in and actually watch something that meant something to her. It wasn’t just about snuggling next to a cute boy for her, it was a far greater experience and besides she didn’t have a cute boy to snuggle up to. As she kept reminding Veronica.
“Well I think the track record shows that I do not have a popular opinion.” A self deprecating smile crossed his face.
“I was so looking forward to watching it again as well.” Betty bowed her head in disappointment.
“We could.” Betty looked up at him. Had he really just suggested? “I mean, I have a copy of the movie if you wanted to - ”  
“I would really like that.” She agreed without considering further. She yearned to watch the film with someone who was as interested in the narrative as she was. Maybe it would be better than watching it on her own in her dorm room as she had already planned to do.
“Well, my roommate is attending the travesty that will be the drive in tomorrow night so if you wanted to come over to my room. Or I can bring the copy to your room if that would make you more comfortable.” He was playing with the sleeve of his shirt, not quite meeting her eyes as he spoke.
“I don’t mind going to yours. I can bring snacks,” she said cheerfully.
“Good, ah, my roommate is leaving pretty early for his date so anytime after 5.00pm would work.”
“Great it’s a date,” she clasped her hand over her mouth immediately as the words left her lips. “I mean it’s not a date, date, but like a calendar date. It’s a time, a meeting point.” She was rambling and she knew it desperately trying to grasp at words and dig herself out of her own embarrassment. The widening of his eyes had not gone unnoticed as she started to get up. She almost tripped over the seat as she made her legs move in the direction of her dorm before she started to blush and further embarrass herself.
“It’s 42C Jameson Wing.” Betty stopped for a moment to look at him confused. “My room,” he clarified.
“Great 42C.” she repeated back to him as she swung her bag over her shoulder and gave a quick wave as she walked away from the table the blush she was sure now fully across her cheeks. She was flustered, her stomach feeling like it was doing cartwheels and flips and all kinds of things a stomach should not be doing. He was cute, he had great taste in movies, and she was going to his room, just to two of them to watching a movie. She couldn’t wait to tell Veronica.
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allskynostars · 7 years
Strong, Chapter 3; Birthday Blues
Thanks so much for all the support everyone! If you'd like to read on AO3 here you go x http://archiveofourown.org/works/11748321/chapters/26644179 (On mobile so sorry about the crappy links/no read break) * It was the Friday night before Jellybeans birthday party, and Betty was sitting with her at the dining table, trying to turn the young girls attention back to her English work. To no avail. "Do you think I'm too old to wear my hair in like, pigtails? Or maybe dutch braids?" JB was slumped back in her chair, her head thrown back as she watched the ceiling. The first dilemma was what she was going to wear, and once that had been settled she moved onto her hair. The pencil between her fingers was tapping against the table. Betty took in a deep sigh, closed the copy of Of Mice and Men that JB was supposed to be writing a chapter summary on and pushed it away. There was only so many times one could try to get JB's attention back before it was lost completely. Betty was aware she had lost. "How about," Betty turned to face JB in her seat, "I come a bit earlier tomorrow, and dutch braid your hair for you?" Betty smiled as JB straightened up in her own chair. "Oh, Betty, are you sure? I would love that." Jellybeans face broke out into a grin, showing nearly all her teeth, and with her eyes sparkling like that how could Betty say no. "Of course. I can give your Mum a hand with the set up as well. I do love a good party prep." She nudged Jellybean in the side with her elbow. "But, only if you finish this chapter summary." "Deal." Jellybean was smirking now, and in that moment the resemblance between her and Jughead was unfathomable, Betty was almost breathless. JB pulled her exersize book back towards her and started to read over her notes for what may have been the 4th time that afternoon. Betty picked up the copy of Of Mice and Men, flicking back through the pages to find the specific chapter Jellybean was writing about. Once she found the first page of the chapter, Betty pressed lightly on the spine to flatten it out. "Ouch, please, no book defacing under my roof Coop." Betty rolled her eyes before she even raised her head too look at him, leaning in the doorway from the hall, arms folded. He was a vision in all black, wearing that leather jacket like a cloak, beanie like a crown. Betty had only seen him without the beanie once, last week when he had been dressed in just a white towel. In stark contrast to the boy who was in the doorway now. She hadn't realised he was home. And now thinking about how low that towel had sat on his hips was making Betty blush. "No permanent damage, see?" She let the book go, watching it close with no issue. She shot him a sickly sweet smile. He just shook his head at her lightly, that damn smirk on his face. Even though it had been over a month since Betty had been coming here after school to tutor Jellybean, she still hadn't quite figured out Jughead Jones. He wasn't around an awful lot to begin with, although lately it seemed as though he was home more often. And apparently they knew each other well enough to be on a nickname basis. His eyes were still trained on Betty, even as he pushed himself from the doorway to walk behind the two girls. He reached a hand out to ruffle Jellybeans hair, which resulted in some squirming from her seat. "If you don't mind, Jones. JB is trying to finish this chapter summary." Betty snared, turning her head to glance up to where he stood behind them. And then, before even she even realised what was happening, Jugheads hand was out towards her and he was ruffling her hair. Jellybean erupted into giggles. "Hey!" Betty swatted his hands away, but she couldn't help but start to laugh herself at the sight of JB. Her hair was a mess, cheeks red, and her head thrown back in a giggle fit. And strangely enough, when Jughead took his hand back, she realised how warm she had felt when he touched her. Even if it was just her hair. She caught his gaze again, enjoying how his mouth was curved slightly in the corners. His eyes averted to Jellybeans open exercise book. "That quote is wrong, JB. It's 'A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody', not 'ain't got somebody.'" His eyes lazily trailed back to Bettys. "You're slacking, Coop." He teased. And there was that damn smirk again. Betty could feel her cheeks reddening. "Piss off, know all." Jellybean jested, poking him in the side. She picked up her pencil and began rubbing out the misquote. "Don't you have somewhere better to be?" "I do have somewhere to be, little Sister." Jughead remarked, before heading towards the front door, taking his keys from the hook. "But I don't know if it's better." He added, winking towards Betty. She quickly dropped his gaze in order not to burst into flames at the dining table. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jellybean pick up a spare pencil from the table and fling it at Jughead. "Go away, you're gross." She yelled at him as he closed the door, his laughter still booming through the wood. Jellybean didn't look up from writing in her school book before she spoke. "I think he quite likes you, you know." Betty was surprised at the comment, and equally as grateful that Jellybean wasn't looking at her right now. She could feel the heat in her cheeks, could hear her heart beating in her chest. Somehow she managed to compose herself in time to answer. "He's like that with all the girls, JB. I have seen it." She assured herself, trying to shake the very thought of Jughead liking her from her mind. Betty wasn't sure how he had such an affect on her, but she put it down to the fact that he knew what he was doing and that she was a fool. "Well, I haven't." Jellybean shrugged. Betty watched her face, it didn't falter. She wanted to pry a bit further, but knew she shouldn't. "What, he's never had a girl here before?" But her tongue got the better of her. Jellybean just shook her head. "Nope." Her mouth popped the 'p'. "Never had a girlfriend." "Huh." Betty was slightly shocked for two reasons. One being that she has seen it first hand at Pops plenty, girls fawn all over him. It seemed a lot of girls like that self-deprecation vibe he's got going on. Although, when she thought about it, he never really tried with any of them. Not that she had seen. And reason two being the warmth of excitement she felt rising in her chest. Of which didn't cool, not even when Gladys came home moaning about the length of her day, or when Archie came and picked her up to take to her to Veronicas for the night. Only did it fade when she chose to bring it up with her friends. "You know, I spoke to my Dad about them. He said he used to work with that kids Dad, a long time ago. Before he got himself locked up." Betty's head snapped up. She was perched on the chair at Veronicas vanity, facing the couple spread across the bed. Veronica mindlessly filed her nails while Archie tossed a football in the air, catching it every time. "What?" She hadn't know about their Father being in jail. "Do you know why?" Archie just shrugged. "Nope. But he was in the Serpents too, what more could you expect?" He said it with such conviction, Betty couldn't help but be annoyed. Archie knew nothing of who he was speaking about, how could he judge. "They aren't all bad, you know." Betty muttered. "Oh, please." Veronica sat up, rolling her eyes at Betty in the process. "Being a tad biased, are we not, my dearest Elizabeth?" Betty gave Veronica a puzzled look. "Just because you've got an eye for the Serpent prodigy, right? Your my best friend, I notice things" "Wh-what?" Betty stammered, not realising she had been quite so obvious. Veronica smirked at her, knowing she had been caught. She sunk back against the headboard smugly. "I've seen you at Pops, looking at him like he was the cherry on top of your very vanilla milkshake." Veronica shrugged, her attention focused once again on her nail file. "Can't say I blame you, he's definitely easy on the eye." "Hey!" Archies head flicked towards Veronica, dropping his attention from the football long enough for it to fall back down into his gut. Betty stifled a laugh as Veronica lent over and kissed Archie lightly on the mouth. "Don't worry, Archiekins. You're more than enough to keep me occupied." Now it was Bettys turn to roll her eyes. Once his girlfriend pulled back away, Archies eyes fell to Betty. "Just, be careful Betty. Okay?" She appreciated his concern, but it was misplaced. Yeah, she acknowledged that Jughead was gorgoeus. But it's not like it would ever happen. "Guys, please. I just tutor his sister, that's it. We're civil." She shrugged, and she was very thankful that her friends didn't approach the subject for the rest of the night. -//- Jellybean was squirming in her seat, struggling to stay still while Betty finished the braids in her hair. She was so excited. "Oh, god.." Jb sighed as she brought her hands up to her face. "I hope Jug doesn't embarrass me." Betty let out a light laugh as she tied the last band around the end of the braid. She braced her hands on JB's shoulders and caught her gaze in the mirror in front of them. "I'm sure he'll behave." Betty thought about it for a moment before adding. "At least for today." That earned a warm smile from JB. "Thank you so much for doing my hair, it looks so nice Betty." She rose form the chair and took Betty in a tight hug. "You're the best." Betty squeezed her back. "Happy Birthday, Jelly." When they pulled apart, Jellybean grabbed for the necklace that hung around her neck. It was Bettys gift, a simple silver chain with two 'J' charms. "I'm going to go and see if your Mum needs a hand." There was still an hour before any of JBs friends were due to start showing up, but they had made a head start on decorating and making food. As Betty reached the bottom of the stairs, she could hear raised voices from the kitchen. Which was nothing new, but as she got closer she could almost feel the tension in the air. "No! Absolutely not." Betty stopped in the doorway to the kitchen. From her vantage point she could see Gladys and Jughead, in a stand off, but they could not see her. "Jesus, Mum. It's his Daughters birthday. Of course he wants to speak with her." Jughead had his back to Betty, but she could see the anger in the way his shoulders were set. Gladys was sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen, the house phone in her hands. The way she was looking at Jughead made Bettys breath hitch in her throat. No Mother should look at her Son that way. "Did you know he was going to ring? Did you give him our number?" So it was Jellybeans phone she had in her hand. Betty knew Gladys monitored it. When Jughead didn't respond, she slammed her hand against the counter. "Did you give him our fucking number or not?" "He is still our Dad, he deserves to know-" "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking dare tell me what that man 'deserves'." Gladys' face was burning, her eyes boring into Jughead. Betty was half surprised he didn't burst into flames where he stood. "Don't ruin JB's day." "Me ruin it?" Jughead threw his arms in the air. "She should be allowed to speak to her Father on her fucking birthday. Just because he's the one locked up and you like to act like you never- " "OUT!" Gladys yelled, pointing towards the doorway where Betty was hiding. Her heart jumped into her throat for a moment, thinking she had been spotted. But when Jughead stomped in her direction she realised he was being dismissed. Right into her direction. Fuck. She tried to make it look like she hadn't been spying by ducking her head, acting surprised when Jughead brushed past her. The look on his face told her he wasn't fooled. Betty took a deep breath and plastered on a fake smile before breezing into the kitchen, asking Gladys if there was anything she needed a hand with. Betty made no comment when Gladys wiped the tears from under her eyes, or when she told Jellybean it was the neighbors when she had come downstairs to see who was yelling. And she tried to ignore the pained look on JBs face when she knew she was being lied too. Instead she busied herself with setting out the plates of food, and tried to distract Jellybean with making a music playlist. Just a little over 2 hours later, and the living room was full with young teenage girls. They were all lovely, but there was only so much high pitched giggling that Betty could handle in one sitting. She excused herself out of the patio doors in the lounge. The Jones' garden was very well kept, Gladys had obviously made gardening a bit of a habit. One side was lined with lilies of all different colours, and tucked in the corner was a wooden gazebo. And there, leaning forward with his elbows braced on his knees, was Jughead Jones. A cigarette hung from his mouth. He didn't raise his head as she walked in his direction, he just glanced at her from the side of his eye as she sat beside him. He took a drag of his cigarette before putting it out against the table, something his Mother would surely disapprove of. He flicked the butt over the fence. "Love thy neighbor." Betty muttered, reminding herself that he probably did put it out for her benefit, and made no further comment. He ignored her anyway. "You look nice." He remarked, without looking at her. Betty looked down at the yellow floral playsuit. She would be lying if she didn't admit that she had thought of him when she put it on. Even she would agree her legs looked good in this thing. "Thanks," She looked back towards him, taking him in. He wasn't dressed different from any other day, except today his shoulders were braced with a fleece lined collar denim jacket. "It's nice to see you without that straight jacket sometimes.." She was testing the waters, slightly relieved to see the smirk playing on his lips. She nudged his shoulder with hers. "Just kidding." "Sorry you had to see that." He nodded towards the house. "Sometimes she just.. She drives me up the fucking wall." He laughed, humorlessly. Betty was watching his face, she could see the pain he was trying to mask in his face, evident in the brush of purple that dressed the skin under his eyes. "I get it." She assured, wondering just what is was about him that made her feel comfortable. He looked up over his shoulder towards her raising a brow. "I'm a lifetime member of the Crazy Mum Club. I know one when I see one." She shrugged. Jughead sat up, leaning back against the bench table. He sighed. "Any tips?" He joked. "I'll let you know, if I ever figure it out." Jughead held her gaze for a moment before his eyes flicked back towards the house. Betty could only just make out the song the screaming girls were all trying to sing. The light trace of a smile that had adorned his face a moment ago disappeared. Somehow Betty knew what he was thinking before he could mutter a word. The complete and utter love he has for his sister is something she admired about him from day one. "She's okay, Jug. She's a strong girl." His eyes flicked back to hers. "The way your Mum is with her, I've seen it before. I experience it every day, still. The pressure. We just have to make sure JB knows she can stand up for herself." We, had she really just used the term we for her and Jughead? "You're really great with her, Betty. You're like the sister I never was." He laughed, his eyes wistful as he held Bettys gaze. "Someone to look up to." Betty gave him a warm smile. "For what it's worth, I'm on your side. She's old enough to make her own mind about her Dad." She fought the heat she could feel travelling up her neck at the way he was looking at her, the intensity of his gaze as he tilted his head made her want to run and hide. Saw swallowed hard. "You don't even know what he's done." He questioned, but his voice was light. Like he was surprised. Betty just shrugged. "That's still her Dad, you know? Everyone deserves a chance to explain themselves. Besides.." Her eyes raked down Jugheads form, trailing back to his eyes as she bit hard on her bottom lip. "Not everyone is how they seem." And certainly not him. The double headed snake of the Serpents was ironic, she thought. There was one version of him that seemed to come with the leather, and another without it. She had kind of seen them both now, unintentionally. Jughead had to clear his throat before speaking. "We're not talking about my Dad still, are we?" He queried, making Betty throw her head back in a laugh. "Well -" "Betty!" Jellybean had interrupted Betty, she was stood across the yard at the patio door, waving them over. "We're gonna do the cake. You too, Jug!" Betty looked back at Jughead, and was certain the disappointment at being interrupted she saw on flash across his face was mirrored in her own. He sighed and gave Betty a knowing smile. "Come on, Coop." He nudged her as he stood up, reaching his hand out for her own to pull her up. "We've been summoned." And even though Jughead dropped her hand as soon as she had stood, she could still feel the burn of where he had touch her as they sang Happy Birthday and watched JB blow out her candles, and still even when she lay in her bed that night. *
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mywritings-1 · 7 years
Leverage AU Part 1
Cheryl looked down at he glass in her hand, it was a familiar sight as the alcohol helped to cover up the pain. "Excuse me. Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom?" "Depends on whose asking," she said as she downed her glass welcoming the familiar burn. "Chuck Clayton. I know who you are. I've uh read all about you. I know that when you found all those tax irregularities you saved your fathers company millions. Then when uh found the uh guy that was giving away company secrets you saved the company then again too. I also know that what happened to your family is the kinda thing-" Cheryl cut the rambling man off, bringing up what happened to her family was one of the top ways to piss her off. "You know this is the part of the conversation where I knee you in the balls a few times." "I want to offer you a job," the man said quickly looking scared of the fierce red head in front of him. "What do you got?" "Do you know anything about boat design?" Cheryl rolled her eyes and examined her red nails, "I could give it a shot. Hand me a pencil and a ruler-" "Someone stole my designs." A look of annoyance crossed his features at her joke. "And you want me to find them. I get it." She gave him a patronizing smirk. "No, I know exactly where they are. I want you to steal them back for me." "I'm not a thief." "I don't need a thief, thieves I've got. I need an honest woman like yourself." "How sure are you that..." "Serpent" "Right. How sure are you that they stole your designs?" "Look my head engineer goes missing along with all my files and not even a week later Serpent announces an identical project, come on." "I don't know, stealing them back seems like a stupid risk to me. There's other ways." "Listen to me, at the end of the month I have a shareholders meeting, I've spent countless hours and dollars on this project. If I show up to that meeting with nothing, then I'm a goner." The man screamed desperation down to his slumped over posture. Cheryl sighed and started to get up, she had heard enough. "Look I'm serious. Look who I've hired." A manila folder was forced into Cheryl's hands and she glanced at the papers. "Do you recognize any of those names Ms.Blossom?" "Yeah I've chased them all at some point. Betty?! You have Betty?" "Is there somebody better?" "No, but Betty is insane." "That's why I need you. I need an honest woman like yourself to watch the thieves." Cheryl sat forward and thought about what it would take to pull off the job. "Are you in?" "It's not going to work. These people you hired are all notorious for working alone. There's no way they're going to work for you." "They will for $300,000 each." Cheryl took a breath, that was some serious money for a low risk heist. "If you run it you'll get double. It's all off the books. Please I'm desperate." Cheryl didn't care about the money and that seemed to show on her face. "That's just a salary, there is a bonus. Serpent is insured by your fathers company. It's a huge pay out on their part. Ms.Blossom, how badly do you want to screw over the company that cost you your brother?" That was that, Cheryl was sold. Cheryl analyzed the blueprints on the wall in front of her. A quiet you only get when you're up into the early hours of the morning hung in the air. "Ok," she spoke adjusting the ear piece, "comm check." Up on the roof of the adjacent building Jughead studied the outdated tech. "No, no, no, hell no. This equipment is the best of the 80's. Only good things left from the 80's are the movies. I've got something way nicer." Jughead bent down to grab a small box, his signature crown shaped beanie snug on his head "No surprises now." Cheryl cautioned not trusting the criminals. Jughead was quick with a sarcastic remark, "I've been doing this since high school. I'm captain discipline." Flashback. It was the night of the homecoming dance and every teen was at the school. All except Jughead who sat in an empty diner with a large strawberry milkshake in front of him, he took a gulp of it and cracked his knuckles: it was time to get to business. "Alright, Bank of Iceland, looks like you'll be paying for Jellybean's hospital bills." He gave a small laugh and started working on disabling the fire wall. Jughead smiled at the memory, "it's a bone conduction earpiece mike. It works off the vibrations in your jaw." He handed one to the silent red head behind him. The red head, Archie, adjusted it into his ear. "You're not as useless as you look," Archie said earning a glare from Jughead. "I don't even know what you do." Jughead said in a clipped tone, causing Archie to smirk. Flashback Archie walked confidently into the small music shop. Once inside he headed toward a man surrounded by guards in the back. "I'm here for the merchandise." Archie spoke glancing around the room seemingly casual. He knew the people in front of him recognized him, his fire red hair made it almost impossible to stay on the down low. The man chuckled and suddenly all the guards pointed their guns at him. Archie took a sip from his coffee and gun shots went off. When the smoke cleared, bodies littered the floor and Archie stood unaffected sipping his coffee. The man fearfully pulled out a football card, number 19, in a glass frame. Archie offered a smug smile. Archie and Jughead stood next to each other silence surrounding the two, until a small blonde hung upside down between the two boys; her pony tail and smile giving her an almost childish aura. "Can I have one?" Jughead's breath was taken away, the girl had the most striking green eyes. "You can have the whole box," he said offering them up to her. Betty grabbed one and held it up to observe it. After Jughead fixed it in her ear she left leaving the two boys alone again. "What are you going to do when she finds out you live with your mom?" Archie teased with a proud smile. Jughead laughed sarcastically not willing to tell the boy his past. "It's the age of the geek baby," he said and Archie pulled on a black beanie. "Hmm you keep telling yourself that," Archie walked off. Betty sat admiring the comm before placing it back into her ear. Flashback A young Betty watched emotionless as the man, her foster father, held up the stuffed bunny. It was the only thing she had left of her sister and she would raise hell if this man tried to take it. "Did you really think I wouldn't find this?" The mans wife stood in the back scared. Once upon a time Betty would've been scared too but that was a while ago, she had nothing left to loose. "You don't get bunny until I say that you do." He started to walk away but paused to say one more thing, "so be a good girl," he smirked,"or I don't know, a better thief." The man left and the woman called out after him. Betty's eyebrows raised taking his words as a challenge. Moments later Betty walked out of the quaint house holding the bunny close to her. Once she reached the sidewalk the house exploded behind her causing her to smile and pull the bunny in tighter. Betty smiled happily at the memory and continued to set up her ropes and the rest of her gear. Once she was all strapped in she recounted, "the last time I used this rig was Paris in 2003." Neither of the boys next to her paid her any mind. "You're sure this thing is safe?" Archie questioned weary of the small device in his ear, he wasn't the type of guy to trust without caution. "Are you talking about the Caravaggio? You stole that?" Cheryl's voice came over the comms, trying to figure out if Betty really stole the painting. "Yeah it's completely safe," Jughead answered Archie completely disregarding Cheryl. "You know you may experience nausea, weakness in your right side, stroke, strokieness..." Jughead led off, getting back at Archie for his living with his mom comment, which caused Archie to give him a dirty look. "You're exactly why I work alone," the red head growled at the black haired boys attempt to be funny. "Ok guys, we're going on my count and not a second sooner. Betty, no freelancing." Cheryl took a drink and observed the building with binoculars, the sooner this was over the sooner she could go back to her twisted way of mourning Jason. "Cheryl, relax we know what we're doing." Archie said knowing her past and trying to make this easy, he felt he owed her some respect for what she'd gone through. "On the count. Five, Four-" "Awe she doesn't want to be our friend," Jughead quipped. "On the count," Cheryl stated firmly ignoring the boys like they had moments ago, "five, four, three" Betty already started running, the pull of the rope sounding against Cheryl's voice. "She gone," Archie stated running after her. "Son of a-" Cheryl was cut off as Betty let out a joyful scream as she propelled her self off the side of the building. She felt the familiar rush and her body naturally calmed, her busy mind emptied. Both boys rushed to the edge to watch her. She stopped about half way down the building all the while Cheryl watched through the binoculars. "That's 20 lbs of crazy in a 5 lbs bag," Archie said walking away from the edge of the building. For the first time Jughead agreed with him. Betty was upside down staring at the glass window in front of her. She noticed a small white box with a green light. "Vibration detectors are on," she stated openly to the group. "Alright, no cutting Betty. Use the binary." Betty gave a small nod even though Cheryl couldn't see her. Meanwhile the boys rushed to grab the duffle bags next to an opening in the roof, the elevator shaft. Jughead opened the door to the opening and they let the bags down softly. Betty pulled out a small silver tube and got to work drawing a circle, the gel giving off a sizzling noise. The boys followed after their bags carefully using the ladder along the side. Betty attached a handle in the middle of the circle and slowly pulled it out. She let the glass fall to the ground outside, and she was left with her entrance to the office. She brought her hands through first planting them on the large wooden desk and disengaged her connection to the ropes. She pulled her body through into a handstand and then bought her legs down in front of her and then flipped off the desk, just because she could. As she landed she caught a pencil that had started rolling off and exited the room with a smug smile loving how easy the place was to break into. She carefully peaked around the corners before walking into a room marked danger: high voltage. The room was filled with wires and Betty got got to work on tricking one of the elevators to move down without saying it was moving. As Betty did that the two boys landed on top of an elevator. Both stood their in silence until the air was filled to the brim with tension. "You know Betty any time you want to-" Archie was cut off as the elevator abruptly moved down. "The boys are on their way," Betty stated focusing on hacking into the security cameras, her face completely serious. "What are you getting with security? You see security?" Cheryl asked Betty a little worried. "They don't see a thing," Betty smiled proudly looking at the small computer in front of her. The elevator finally came to a stop. "The doors are open," Betty says. "Alright guys, show time. Here we go." Cheryl looked at the blueprints in front of her once again. Jughead and Archie hurried to the server room. Jughead carefully placed a strip into the keypad that locked the room. Archie kept his eyes trained on the hall watching carefully. "Ok," came Cheryl's voice again, "you got any chatter on their frequency?" "No," Betty paused, "why?" "There's 8 listed on the duty roster and there's only four at the guard post." Betty stared at the screen confused, "I can't even tell how many guys are in the room," Betty couldn't believe Cheryl was able to see there was only four, "how can you tell whose who?" "Haircuts, Betty. Count the hair cuts." Cheryl studies the feed looking for a reason why there were only four out of eight in the room. Betty felt taken back, "I would've missed that," she whispered. "What?" "Nothing," Betty spoke quickly her eyes narrowing out of habit. She didn't need to go revealing her failure, she couldn't ever show anything other than perfection. "Is there a problem?" Archie questioned, turning away from watching the hallway. "Uh," Cheryl was deep in thought, "Maybe. Run the cameras." Jughead seemed to ignore what was going on around him. "A ten digit passcode. I salute you sir." "Really? Humor at this time?" Archie was annoyed with the antics of the lengthy boy. "It's my way of relating to the world," Jughead said with a shrug. Betty monitored the security cameras checking to see if she could find the four missing guards. "Got them!" Her voice called out, "they're doing their walk through early. Why the-" her words became rushed. Suddenly things clicked for Cheryl. "Because it's the playoffs," she zoomed in on the screen in the security room showing the basketball game, "yeah. Game five of the playoffs. They're doing their rounds an hour early so they can watch the playoffs." Cheryl took a breath and continued, "Alright where are they?" "They're on the stairwell," Betty's voice filled with urgency. "Ok," Cheryl spoke her mind working quickly, "here's what we gotta do, we have to crush them" Betty began to type furiously sending a high pitched ringing noise over the speakers so the security guards couldn't use the radio. "Archie, what I need you to do is clear the zone, and use Jughead as bait." Archie quickly unzipped his jacket and sprung into action rushing down the hallway. "Bait? Hold up. Wait a minute," Jughead's eyes were wide, this was not what he signed up for. He began mumbling to himself, "They better not be taking about me. I'm not anybody's bait." All the while his encryption tech worked on breaking the passcode. Jughead looked over his shoulder before Betty's sweet voice rang out, "Jughead they're almost there." His machine was barely on the fifth digit when he decided to leave it, this wasn't worth going to jail for, he grabbed his duffle bag and turned to leave only to be stopped by the four security guards all armed. "Hands up!" Jughead slowly raised his hands still holding onto the duffle. All the while Archie appeared behind the guards. Jughead began to let the bag fall and that's when Archie got to work. He was able to take out all four guards before the duffle bag hit the ground. Archie stood in the middle of the knocked out men and gave Jughead a condescending smile. "That's what I do." Jughead gave Archie a respectable nod; a loud beep sounded letting them know they hacked the encryption. The door slowly opened and Jughead laughed slowly at the glowing blue data room. "Guy's, you've got to talk to me ok," Cheryl tried to get them to confirm, needing to know everything if she was going to pull this off. "It's all good," Jughead spoke as Archie finished placing the tied up security guards side by side in the small server room. Jughead spoke again, "I'm stripping the drives right now," he paused letting the computer finish, "I got all the designs and all the back ups. We're leaving this cupboard bare." "Drop the spike," Cheryl said darkly, it was payback time. Jughead uploaded a virus and watched the blue lights go out in the server room. "Problem," Betty spoke, "those guards you took out, they reset all the alarms on the roof and all the floors above us. We can't go up." Archie laughed, "every man for himself dude," he patted Jughead's back and started to walk off. "Go ahead," Jughead said smugly, "Im the one with the merchandise." "Yeah? Well I'm the one with an exit," Betty spoke harshly. "And I'm the one with the plan," Cheryl spoke, "now I know you guys don't work well with others but I need you to hold it together for exactly 7 more minutes. Now get to the elevator and head down. We're going to the burn scam." With that the group kicked into gear. The two boys nodded at each other and headed to the elevator all the while Betty smiled understanding that they were resorting to their back up plan. Once in the elevator the two boys began to unzip their duffles and change. Both taking off their beanies only Jughead took a little more care placing his inside. "Going to plan B," Jughead said proudly. "Technically this is plan G," Cheryl replied her tone lighter than it had been all night. When the elevator opened onto Betty's floor the two boys were now dressed in business suits. Betty rushed in and without hesitation began to undress; the men quickly diverted their eyes after making eye contact. "How many plans do we have?" Jughead questioned, "is there a plan m?" "Yeah," Cheryl said packing up the room she was in, "Jughead dies in plan m." As Archie was fixing his tie he spoke, "I like plan m." Jughead shot his a disgruntled look over his shoulder. The boys quickly got Betty ready placing a leg brace on her and doing quick makeup, it was sloppy but it was all they had to work with. The trio exited the elevator, Betty pretending to walk with a limp, they were greeted by a blonde man his hand over his gun. Archie made eye contact with him and spoke in a Brooklyn accent, "nice. Why don't you stare more. You gotta be kidding me," "Sorry." The man said quickly adverting his eyes his hand leaving his gun. "No Tom, it's ok," Betty said playing her role trying to appear pathetic. "No, it's not," Jughead said looking at the guard with mock anger. The guard kept apologizing. "I understand," Betty spoke making her voice crack. "Look what you did," Archie said, "feel good about what you did?" While the trio neared the door Cheryl pulled up in her car waiting for them. Once the guard left they all hurried quickly to the car and hoped in. The four stood in a circle as Jughead held his computer sending the files. "Come on, come on it's only taking you all night," Cheryl complained the cold getting to her making her mood worsen. "I'm working with a couple of wifi networks that have some crappy bandwidth," the computer beeped, "there you go. The designs are sent." Cheryl looked at each of the criminals in front of her and let out a cold breath. "Alright the money will be in your accounts." "Anyone else notice how well we worked together?" Jughead smiled closing his laptop. "Yeah well this is a one time thing," Archie stated and started to walk away. Betty smirked, "I already forgot your names." Jughead glanced at the fiery red headed mastermind. "You know it was kinda cool to be on the same side for once." Cheryl felt herself become defensive, "we are not on the same side. I'm not a thief." "You are now," Betty taunted, "come on Cheryl, tell the truth. Didn't you have a little fun playing the black queen instead of the white knight? Just this once?" Instead of answering he turned to leave as did the rest of the group, each parting separate ways thinking they would never see each other again. They would see each other again, when they each checked their bank accounts later that day to find they weren't payed.
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annioe · 7 years
Crowns - Part 2
Part 1
“Elizabeth,” a faint voice came from outside her door. It was early in the morning and everything from last night seemed to be a blur.
She wished it was just a dream. The last thing she wanted was what happened last night to be a reality but it was.
She remembered meeting him vividly. His dark hair curled, she wanted to run her hands through it. His smile made her swoon in a way that never seemed to happen whenever she was around another guy and the kiss he left on her hand sent shocks up her arm and into her already uncontrollable heart.
His handsome face was burnt into her brain. She couldn’t get it out, nor did she want to. Betty wanted to keep that face in her memory for if possible.
Another knock came from outside, a bit louder this time. “Elizabeth Cooper, it’s your mother. May we speak?”
The name snapped her out of her daze and she ran over to open the golden doors.
Her room was furnished quite modern compared to the others in the castle. With pristine white walls, white furniture accented with gold. The marble floor was cold most of the season. Three other doors leading to her closet, bathroom and balcony.
Turning the doorknob to see her mum’s face, the lady kept her stern expression.
“Elizabeth,” Alice pulled apart each syllable. Betty knew exactly what was happening. She was going to give her a lecture. “It has been speculating that you had a little chat with the Jones’ son Forsythe.  Is this true?”
“Mum,” Betty quickly retaliated. The last thing she wanted to talk about with her mum was her newly formed relationship, “we talked for a second. It was nothing…”
“Nothing?” Alice couldn’t hold in her anger anymore. “Elizabeth we have a reputation to uphold. We cannot be seen talking to the rivals.”
“Why not?” Betty sat down on her oversized bed.
Alice followed behind her, sitting perfectly beside Betty. “Honey, our kingdom and their kingdom are on the verge of war. Your father and I have decided to keep things on the…”
“You just don’t want to solve your issues and not even talk to them about it. Very professional Mum.” Betty tried sounding confident. Usually when she spoke to her mum she ended up crying or angry that these markings on her hands would turn up.
Alice went silent, fidgeting with her fingers.
“Madam Alice,” a small brown maid came through Betty’s doorway holding two dresses. One in white and the other in blue. “May I ask you to leave so I can determine which dress will fit?”
“Yes Marie, just a moment.”
The maid closed the door again. “Elizabeth, today we are finalising the plans for your marriage.”
“Marriage?” Betty screamed, the voice echoing within her walls.
“Yes. Obviously not at your age. When you turn eighteen, you’ll marry Prince Archibald.”
“Archie? What… I thought…”
“Betty,” Alice placed a hand on Betty’s shaky shoulder to try and settle her down but it only tensed her up even more. Taking a deep breath in, she tried creating a smile. “The Andrew’s kingdom has got the recourses that this kingdom needs. I swear this has nothing to do with the Jones’.” Alice gave one of her fake reassuring smiles which Betty faked one back.
Slipping onto her balcony, she starred back over the hill.
Meeting Archie again was okay. They were good friends but Betty never saw anything more. She never pictured anything more. Archie was a good person, very attractive but he seemed more like the brother Betty never had.
Sighing one final time before her responsibilities flew away like the birds above her.
The big puffy skirt underneath her buried her hands in layers on white silk. It seemed more like a wedding dress than a gown. Her golden, curly hair flowed down to her shoulders.
The grey castle blocked in the setting sunlight again. How beautiful. Both the castle and the boy who lived there. Even with Archie, she thought about the dark-haired boy who haunted her thoughts. His ocean blue eyes appeared in her mind every time she looked at the cloudless sky. Somehow he had made his way into her dreams.
She knew it was cliché. She knew that love at first sight didn’t exist but maybe it did. Her obsession with the prince seem to make its way into her thoughts.
This might have sounded crazy but even at that moment, she thought he was standing in his garden, peering behind a that dragon topiary.
His marks on his cheeks, she wanted so badly to trace each one. His peach pink lips, soft and romantic. Betty was craving the feeling of his lips against hers. She wanted to know what it felt, what they tasted like. The thought could create a smile. A deep, genuine smile.
She sounded stupid. Betty shouldn’t obsess this much about a guy, especially Forsythe Jones.
The kiss he laid on her hand began to tingle. She wanted so much more than a kiss. Her mind went to places a princess should never speak of but in the back of her mind, she wanted more.
She stared back down at the figure in the hedge’s shadow. He graced that smirk that was permanently burnt into her brain. Her cheeks flushed a bright pink, knowing she was just imagining things. He wasn’t real. He was just part of his imagination.
But the shadow shifted. In a blink of an eye, his entire body moved closer to her. The same gracing smirk on his face but now his deep eyes fell upon hers, the eye contact being intense.
She stood up, still staring at him. He wasn’t real, was he?
Picking the shirt up and running down the hundreds of stairs into the garden, her dress trailing behind her, she was only metres away from the handsome prince.
He was now sitting down on the freshly cut grass, his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. She stood before him, trying not to get too close.
Forsythe looked up, seeing the beautiful blonde in her lace gown. He couldn't resist another smile.
“How… what…” were the only words she could muster out. It sounded more like a breath than words.
“Well, hello to you too princess,” he whispered, making Betty blush a bright pink.
“I’m sorry,” Betty tried laughing it off as a joke. “Just, how did you get here?”
“Your castle walls aren’t as hard to climb as you think. I’m surprised that your kingdom has low crime rates,” he adding in sarcastically.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, sitting down with him.
He lightly kissed her hand again, sending butterflies to her stomach, “well I needed to see Princess Cooper. Is that too much to ask?”
She giggled, biting her lip trying to make herself stop. The blush turned into a burning feeling she didn't want to stop. Her heart was pounding but she couldn’t resist his touch.
“Seriously, you might want to hide before the guards send to come for you,” Betty joked while giving him a playful grin.
“Oh crap, wouldn’t want to get arrested,” he replied pushing up to stand on his long legs. He reached his arm out for Betty to grab, pulling her up too. “Hey, I want to show you something…”
“I don't know if I should trust a guy who climbed over a wall to coincidently come see me. It’s romantic and all, don’t get me wrong,” she blabbed, trying not to get caught up on that, “but that’s also really creepy Jones.”
“Trust me I know,” and not a second later, he held her soft fingers in his own, slightly rubbing his thumb along the side. “Do you believe everything your parents tell you?”
The temperature seemed to raise. The simple gesture made Betty’s mind scatter, sending mixed signals to her mind.
It was just a friendly thing, not a big deal.
It’s a huge deal, he likes you.
She swallowed to try preventing her throat drying and finally exhaled the breath she kept in. “You know, you aren’t as cruel as my parents tell me you are.”
“Your parents talk about me? I’m greatly honoured,” he teased, tugging her towards the back of the garden. “I need to show you something.”
Betty thought about the possible options that could happen. He could be kidnapping her for all she cared, she just wanted to be in his grasp the entire time. Somehow, she felt safe in his arms.
“Okay prince charming, lead the way.”
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altarenelcielo · 7 years
Bughead News Roundup
Here’s what we can expect from Betty, Jughead and Bughead in season 2:
Are you looking at doing a time-jump at the start of season two or will it pick up where we left off? It's funny, I'm of two minds of time-jumps. Sometimes I really like them and sometimes I think they're a cheat. We end on such a big cliffhanger that I think time-jumping over the aftermath of that defeats the entire purpose of doing that kind of cliffhanger. We always try to explore the consequences of the actions and the vents of our series, so no, I don't think there's going to be too drastic a time-jump. I  think it might be minutes, if not seconds.
One of the other major moments in the finale was the reveal that there is another Cooper child out there, which is very big. We only got the hint about his age, so I am just going to say a potential theory I have and you can weigh in. There is another Agent Cooper coming to TV (on Twin Peaks), but I'm thinking the person that could come to investigate all the crime going on in Riverdale is Agent Chic Cooper... It's funny, in the comic books, it is true that just when you think things can't get any weirder, you're reading an old Archie comic book and it turns out Betty has an older brother named Chic Cooper and he's an FBI agent. And it's sort of like, wait a minute?! On Riverdale, we kind of have our cake and eat it, too. Sometimes we really honor what's in the comic books and sometimes we really subvert what's in the comic books, and it's like if that wasn't in the comic books, but we just knew that Betty had an older brother named Chic and he was in college or something, I think making him an FBI agent would be a great twist and a great Riverdaleinterpretation of that character. But since he's already an FBI agent, it's low-hanging fruit that's almost too low-hanging. But again, you're not wrong. There is an Agent Chic Cooper out there in the comic books, so the question is is that who is going to enter or someone else or are we not going to know who he is at first? Or have we already met Chic Cooper and we don't know it?
So what are you comfortable sharing about Chic Cooper? Let's just say that you can't raise the specter of a secret older brother without hopefully paying that off in some really good way in season two.
Source: http://www.eonline.com/news/850592/did-riverdale-really-just-kill-spoiler-boss-breaks-down-that-finale-twist
Looking at a happier moment, Jughead and Betty both said "I love you," which is huge for those characters — especially Jughead, who is buried in trust issues. What can you say about this big step for that couple?  Betty sort of wears her heart on her sleeve and you get the impression from the character we've gotten to know in Jughead that he's probably never said those words to anyone. They certainly don't come to him easily. They're still very much together in season two, but as we saw in the finale Jughead is setting off on a different path. He's going to a different school, living in a different area of town. Perhaps most significantly, it seems like he's joining the Southside Serpents. I think that will create obvious tension with Betty, assuming he tells her. There's a chance Jughead will be trying to live a double life, one with Betty and one with the Serpents. That is absolutely a big story we're telling with Betty and Jughead in season two.
The Serpents twist poses an interesting question, as he could legitimately view them as the family he's always yearned to have. Then again, it could all be part of a larger plan to help free his dad. I think that's the question Betty is asking in that moment as she's looking out the doorway and seeing Jughead put on the jacket. You can imagine that after the Serpents leave that night, probably Betty and Jughead are going to be doing a lot of talking and not much fooling around. 
We saw a moment of Jughead at Southside High and he seemed to fit there in a way he doesn't anywhere else. For once he's not the outsider. Does he feel a sense of belonging there? Absolutely. At Riverdale High, Jughead always slipped through the cracks and is considered a problem student. At Southside High, everything is the opposite. Jughead is not lost in the system — a teacher starts mentoring him, he discovers people who are a lot like him. He finds his tribe there, 100 percent. That will echo back with Betty and Archie and everything. A big thing happening in Riverdale, which we talk about in the finale, is the encroaching civil war between the Southside and the rest of the town. I think Jughead being at Southside High is going to play into that bigger, more contentious divide happening.
Source: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/riverdale-boss-finale-cliffhangers-season-2-1002422
Speaking of the Serpents, Jughead basically accepts membership. Is season 2 like Bad-Ass Jughead? Yeah, kind of. Referencing The Godfather, there’s that great shot of Diane Keaton looking at Al Pacino as the door closes. That’s kind of the last moment for Betty and Jughead. She’s looking out, and he’s put on this symbol. You think if FP was the king of the Serpents, is Jughead the crowned prince of the Serpents now?
Will we meet Jughead’s mom and sister next year? That’s a really good question. It’s definitely a possibility, and we’ve talked about it. But right now there’s nothing definitive. We’ve worked up through episode 3 or 4, and so far they haven’t shown up, but that doesn’t mean they won’t.
What about Betty? You’ve been teasing Dark Betty this whole season. Will that grow in season 2? Absolutely. I think a lot of season 1 was Betty trying to control or suppress her dark side or contain her dark side. A lot of season 2 is about her owning it and harnessing it. Without saying too much, the idea of Jughead joining the Serpents is very provocative. Even more of a Riverdale subversion would be the perfect girl-next-door joining the Serpents, so that’s something we’re going to play with as well!
That’s so Sandy in Grease! For sure!
Will we meet Betty’s secret brother next season? That’s out there for sure. Like a true student of Chekov, if you introduce something, you better pay it off. In a weird way, the Coopers’ story for the season always has to do with family. The first season obviously had to do with Polly. I think it’s safe to say that this mysterious son that Alice gave up might be coming to Riverdale, or Betty might be seeking him out.
Source: http://ew.com/tv/2017/05/11/riverdale-season-finale/
It was great to see Betty and Jughead exchange “I love you”s. But will Jughead being embraced by the Southside Serpents throw a wrench into their relationship? Oh, for sure! Obviously, in Riverdale, we love our homages. One of my favorite movie moments — and one of our wonderful director Lee Toland Krieger’s favorites — is the end of The Godfather, when Diane Keaton is looking at [Al Pacino], and the door is closed. We thought it’d be really cool to do an homage where Betty is looking at Jughead as he joins the ranks of the Serpents. And that is absolutely a big, big story that we’re telling in Season 2. It brings a lot of drama to “Bughead.”
We also learned that Betty has a secret brother she’s never met who was adopted. Will we meet him in Season 2? I wouldn’t be surprised, and that’s all I’ll say about that.
Source: http://tvline.com/2017/05/11/riverdale-finale-recap-season-1-episode-13-the-sweet-hereafter-fred-shot/
Jughead is now a Serpent! What implications does that have and what kind of barriers is that going to create between him and Betty as well as the rest of his friends? Aguirre-Sacasa: When I talked about it with the director I told him that this is really a Godfather-like moment for Jughead and Betty. It was like the end of The Godfather when Dianne Keaton is on one side of the door looking in at Michael as he joins his mafia family. That is what we feel the moment is like for Betty and Jughead. She's seeing Jughead take a step further into this gang that his father was a big mover and shaker [in]. I think absolutely that is going to create friction with Betty and with all of the kids. We've got a Jughead who is potentially going to a new school, potentially living in a new part of town and potentially joining the Serpents. The questions are: Is Jughead going to be honest about that? Does Jughead keep that apart from his friends? That's a big story for Betty and Jughead in Season 2, for sure.
We also found out that Betty has a mystery older brother. Can we expect that to come back up in Season 2? Aguirre-Sacasa: In a way, the great stories about the Coopers or the theme of the Coopers is the perfect family and what that family looks like. In Season 1, we sort of had Polly show a real crack in the perfection of the Coopers. I think there's a good chance that Betty's brother will do the same.
Source: http://www.tvguide.com/news/riverdale-season-1-finale-roberto-aguirre-sacasa-interview/
I think the saddest part of the finale for me was that Archie and Veronica got to get it on but Jughead and Betty get interrupted. Why is Archie the only one who can get laid? [Laughs.] That is a very good question. Going into the finale, for a long time we thought we were going to keep Veronica and Archie from getting together and that was to be Betty’s first time. But as we were working on the finale, things happened and the Serpents picked the worst time to knock on that trailer door. Yeah, Jughead has yet to be consummated.
Source: http://www.vulture.com/2017/05/riverdale-finale-season-one-roberto-aguirre-sacasa-interview.html
It was a little worrisome to see Jughead ultimately embracing his father’s legacy, the Southside Serpents, both for Betty and the viewers. Is he going to be headed down a dark path next season? You know, we love our homages on Riverdale, and the last beat for us is kind of like that moment at the end of the first Godfather movie, when Diane Keaton is looking at Michael Corleone, Al Pacino, in his study, being surrounded by his mafia family and they’re all there kissing the ring. For us, Betty being on the inside of the trailer, seeing Jughead put on that Serpents jacket, is sort of the same moment.
I think in season two, Betty and Jughead’s story is going to be Jughead sort of following in his father’s footsteps and perhaps distancing himself from Betty, and Betty struggling to hold on to Jughead. Betty [also has] her own dark side, which the Serpents sort of speak to, but it’s sort of the double life of Jughead: the life with his friends and with Betty, and then the darker side, which is being part of this gang, like his father. So that’s really going to be their central conflict.
Betty’s family drama also came to a head in the finale, when her mother (Mädchen Amick) revealed that she gave a son up for adoption in high school. Are we ever going to meet Big Brother Cooper? What’s to come for that family? For me, the big Coopers’ story of the series is family; their ancestors, being a perfect family, owning all of their flaws, and things like that. We really learned a lot about the Coopers through Polly (Tiera Skovbye) in season one. And I think in season two, you know, when you say there’s a secret, mystery brother out there, I think eventually you have to pay that off... I think he’s going to be a very different character than Polly, but again, it’s going to kind of put the Cooper family unit under the microscope and really yet again test it. That’s what I think that story and that family is about, truth-telling and secrets.
Have you started planning any season two storylines yet? Any hints of what’s to come? In the finale, Betty alludes to it with Jughead. She says, “I don’t want to let the civil war rip us apart.” I can tell you that there’s a civil war brewing between the north side of Riverdale and the south side. That’s something that will really be playing out and complicating our characters’ lives throughout the season.
Source: http://www.etonline.com/tv/217317_riverdale_finale_ep_dishes_on_who_got_shot_and_what_to_expect_season_2/
Discuss. And let me know if I’ve missed any!
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